
Defines functions lav_model_estimate

# model estimation
lav_model_estimate <- function(lavmodel       = NULL,
                               lavpartable    = NULL, # for parscale = "stand"
                               lavh1          = NULL, # for multilevel + parsc
                               lavsamplestats = NULL,
                               lavdata        = NULL,
                               lavoptions     = NULL,
                               lavcache       = list(),
                               start          = "model",
                               do.fit         = TRUE) {

    estimator     <- lavoptions$estimator
    verbose       <- lavoptions$verbose
    debug         <- lavoptions$debug
    ngroups       <- lavsamplestats@ngroups

    if(lavsamplestats@missing.flag || estimator == "PML") {
        group.weight <- FALSE
    } else {
        group.weight <- TRUE

    # backwards compatibility < 0.6-11
    if(is.null(lavoptions$optim.partrace)) {
        lavoptions$optim.partrace <- FALSE

    if(lavoptions$optim.partrace) {
        # fx + parameter values
        PENV <- new.env()
        PENV$PARTRACE <- matrix(NA, nrow=0, ncol=lavmodel@nx.free + 1L)

    # starting values (ignoring equality constraints)
    x.unpack <- lav_model_get_parameters(lavmodel)

    # override? use simple instead? (new in 0.6-7)
    if(start == "simple") {
        START <- numeric(length(lavpartable$lhs))
        # set loadings to 0.7
        loadings.idx <- which(lavpartable$free > 0L &
                              lavpartable$op == "=~")
        if(length(loadings.idx) > 0L) {
            START[loadings.idx] <- 0.7
        # set (only) variances to 1
        var.idx <- which(lavpartable$free > 0L &
                         lavpartable$op == "~~" &
                         lavpartable$lhs == lavpartable$rhs)
        if(length(var.idx) > 0L) {
            START[var.idx] <- 1

        if(lavmodel@ceq.simple.only) {
            x.unpack <- START[ lavpartable$free > 0L &
                               !duplicated(lavpartable$free) ]
        } else {
            x.unpack <- START[ lavpartable$free > 0L ]

    # 1. parameter scaling (to handle data scaling, not parameter scaling)
    parscale <- rep(1.0, length(x.unpack))

    # for < 0.6 compatibility
    if(is.null(lavoptions$optim.parscale)) {
        lavoptions$optim.parscale <- "none"

    if(lavoptions$optim.parscale == "none") {
        # do nothing, but still set SCALE, as before
    } else if(lavoptions$optim.parscale %in% c("stand", "st", "standardize",
                                               "standarized", "stand.all")) {
        # rescale parameters as if the data was standardized
        # new in 0.6-2
        # FIXME: this works well, as long as the variances of the
        #        latent variables (which we do not know) are more or less
        #        equal to 1.0 (eg std.lv = TRUE)
        #        Once we have better estimates of those variances, we could
        #        use them to set the scale

        if(lavdata@nlevels > 1L) {
            if(length(lavh1) > 0L) {
                OV.VAR <- lapply(lavh1$implied$cov, diag)
            } else {
                OV.VAR <- lapply(do.call(c, lapply(lavdata@Lp, "[[", "ov.idx")),
                                     function(x) rep(1, length(x) ))
        } else {
            if(lavoptions$conditional.x) {
                OV.VAR <- lavsamplestats@res.var
            } else {
                OV.VAR <- lavsamplestats@var

        if(lavoptions$std.lv) {
            parscale <- lav_standardize_all(lavobject = NULL,
                            est = rep(1, length(lavpartable$lhs)),
                            est.std = rep(1, length(lavpartable$lhs)),
                            cov.std = FALSE, ov.var = OV.VAR,
                            lavmodel = lavmodel, lavpartable = lavpartable,
                            cov.x = lavsamplestats@cov.x)
        } else {
            # needs good estimates for lv variances!
            # if there is a single 'marker' indicator, we could use
            # its observed variance as an upper bound

            # for the moment, set them to 1.0 (instead of 0.05)

            # TODO: USE Bentler's 1982 approach to get an estimate of
            # VETA; use those diagonal elements...
            # but only if we have 'marker' indicators for each LV
            LV.VAR <- vector("list", lavmodel@ngroups)
            for(g in seq_len(lavmodel@ngroups)) {
                mm.in.group <- 1:lavmodel@nmat[g] + cumsum(c(0,lavmodel@nmat))[g]
                MLIST     <- lavmodel@GLIST[ mm.in.group ]
                LAMBDA <- MLIST$lambda
                n.lv <- ncol(LAMBDA)
                LV.VAR[[g]] <- rep(1.0, n.lv)

            parscale <- lav_standardize_all(lavobject = NULL,
                            est = rep(1, length(lavpartable$lhs)),
                            #est.std = rep(1, length(lavpartable$lhs)),
                            # here, we use whatever the starting values are
                            # for the latent variances...
                            cov.std = FALSE, ov.var = OV.VAR,
                            lv.var = LV.VAR,
                            lavmodel = lavmodel, lavpartable = lavpartable,
                            cov.x = lavsamplestats@cov.x)

        # in addition, take sqrt for variance parameters
        var.idx <- which(lavpartable$op == "~~" &
                         lavpartable$lhs == lavpartable$rhs)
        if(length(var.idx) > 0L) {
            parscale[var.idx] <- sqrt(abs(parscale[var.idx]))

        if(lavmodel@ceq.simple.only) {
            parscale <- parscale[ lavpartable$free > 0 &
                                  !duplicated(lavpartable$free) ]
        } else {
            parscale <- parscale[ lavpartable$free > 0 ]
    # parscale should obey the equality constraints
    if(lavmodel@eq.constraints && lavoptions$optim.parscale != "none") {
        # pack
        p.pack <- as.numeric( (parscale - lavmodel@eq.constraints.k0) %*%
                               lavmodel@eq.constraints.K )
        # unpack
        parscale <- as.numeric(lavmodel@eq.constraints.K %*% p.pack) +
    if(debug) {
        cat("parscale = ", parscale, "\n")
    z.unpack <- x.unpack * parscale

    # 2. pack (apply equality constraints)
    if(lavmodel@eq.constraints) {
        z.pack <- as.numeric( (z.unpack - lavmodel@eq.constraints.k0) %*%
                              lavmodel@eq.constraints.K )
    } else {
        z.pack <- z.unpack

    # 3. transform (already constrained) variances to standard deviations?
    # TODO
    #if(lavoptions$optim.var.transform == "sqrt" &&
    #       length(lavmodel@x.free.var.idx) > 0L) {
    #    # transforming variances using atan (or another sigmoid function?)
    #    # FIXME: better approach?
    #    #start.x[lavmodel@x.free.var.idx] <-
    #    #    atan(start.x[lavmodel@x.free.var.idx])
    #    start.x[lavmodel@x.free.var.idx] <-
    #        sqrt(start.x[lavmodel@x.free.var.idx]) # assuming positive var

    # final starting values for optimizer
    start.x <- z.pack
    if(debug) {
        cat("start.x = ", start.x, "\n")

    # user-specified bounds? (new in 0.6-2)
    if(is.null(lavpartable$lower)) {
        lower <- -Inf
    } else {
        if(lavmodel@ceq.simple.only) {
            free.idx <- which(lavpartable$free > 0L &
            lower <- lavpartable$lower[free.idx]
        } else if(lavmodel@eq.constraints) {
            # bounds have no effect any longer....
            warning("lavaan warning: bounds have no effect in the presence of linear equality constraints")
            lower <- -Inf
        } else {
            lower <- lavpartable$lower[ lavpartable$free > 0L ]
    if(is.null(lavpartable$upper)) {
        upper <- +Inf
    } else {
        if(lavmodel@ceq.simple.only) {
            free.idx <- which(lavpartable$free > 0L &
            upper <- lavpartable$upper[free.idx]
        } else if(lavmodel@eq.constraints) {
            # bounds have no effect any longer....
            if(is.null(lavpartable$lower)) {
                # bounds have no effect any longer....
                warning("lavaan warning: bounds have no effect in the presence of linear equality constraints")
            upper <- +Inf
        } else {
            upper <- lavpartable$upper[ lavpartable$free > 0L ]

    # check for inconsistent lower/upper bounds
    # this may happen if we have equality constraints; qr() may switch
    # the sign...
    bad.idx <- which(lower > upper)
    if(length(bad.idx) > 0L) {
        # switch
        #tmp <- lower[bad.idx]
        #lower[bad.idx] <- upper[bad.idx]
        #upper[bad.idx] <- tmp
        lower[bad.idx] <- -Inf
        upper[bad.idx] <- +Inf

    # function to be minimized
    objective_function <- function(x, verbose = FALSE, infToMax = FALSE,
                                   debug = FALSE) {

        # 3. standard deviations to variances
        # WARNING: x is still packed here!
        #if(lavoptions$optim.var.transform == "sqrt" &&
        #   length(lavmodel@x.free.var.idx) > 0L) {
        #    #x[lavmodel@x.free.var.idx] <- tan(x[lavmodel@x.free.var.idx])
        #    x.var <- x[lavmodel@x.free.var.idx]
        #    x.var.sign <- sign(x.var)
        #    x[lavmodel@x.free.var.idx] <- x.var.sign * (x.var * x.var) # square!

        # 2. unpack
        if(lavmodel@eq.constraints) {
            x <- as.numeric(lavmodel@eq.constraints.K %*% x) +

        # 1. unscale
        x <- x / parscale

        # update GLIST (change `state') and make a COPY!
        GLIST <- lav_model_x2GLIST(lavmodel, x = x)

        fx <- lav_model_objective(lavmodel       = lavmodel,
                                  GLIST          = GLIST,
                                  lavsamplestats = lavsamplestats,
                                  lavdata        = lavdata,
                                  lavcache       = lavcache,
                                  verbose        = verbose)

        # only for PML: divide by N (to speed up convergence)
        if(estimator == "PML") {
            fx <- fx / lavsamplestats@ntotal

        if(debug || verbose) {
            cat("  objective function  = ",
                sprintf("%18.16f", fx), "\n", sep="")
        if(debug) {
            #cat("Current unconstrained parameter values =\n")
            #tmp.x <- lav_model_get_parameters(lavmodel, GLIST=GLIST, type="unco")
            #print(tmp.x); cat("\n")
            cat("Current free parameter values =\n"); print(x); cat("\n")

        if(lavoptions$optim.partrace) {
            PENV$PARTRACE <- rbind(PENV$PARTRACE, c(fx, x))

        # for L-BFGS-B
        #if(infToMax && is.infinite(fx)) fx <- 1e20
        if(!is.finite(fx)) {
            fx.group <- attr(fx, "fx.group")
            fx <- 1e20
            attr(fx, "fx.group") <- fx.group # only for lav_model_fit()


    gradient_function <- function(x, verbose = FALSE, infToMax = FALSE,
                                  debug = FALSE) {

        # transform variances back
        #if(lavoptions$optim.var.transform == "sqrt" &&
        #   length(lavmodel@x.free.var.idx) > 0L) {
        #    #x[lavmodel@x.free.var.idx] <- tan(x[lavmodel@x.free.var.idx])
        #    x.var <- x[lavmodel@x.free.var.idx]
        #    x.var.sign <- sign(x.var)
        #    x[lavmodel@x.free.var.idx] <- x.var.sign * (x.var * x.var) # square!

        # 2. unpack
        if(lavmodel@eq.constraints) {
            x <- as.numeric(lavmodel@eq.constraints.K %*% x) +

        # 1. unscale
        x <- x / parscale

        # update GLIST (change `state') and make a COPY!
        GLIST <- lav_model_x2GLIST(lavmodel, x = x)

        dx <- lav_model_gradient(lavmodel       = lavmodel,
                                 GLIST          = GLIST,
                                 lavsamplestats = lavsamplestats,
                                 lavdata        = lavdata,
                                 lavcache       = lavcache,
                                 type           = "free",
                                 group.weight   = group.weight, ### check me!!
                                 verbose        = verbose,
                                 ceq.simple     = lavmodel@ceq.simple.only)

        if(debug) {
            cat("Gradient function (analytical) =\n"); print(dx); cat("\n")

        # 1. scale (note: divide, not multiply!)
        dx <- dx / parscale

        # 2. pack
        if(lavmodel@eq.constraints) {
            dx <- as.numeric( dx %*% lavmodel@eq.constraints.K )

        # 3. transform variances back
        #if(lavoptions$optim.var.transform == "sqrt" &&
        #   length(lavmodel@x.free.var.idx) > 0L) {
        #    x.var <- x[lavmodel@x.free.var.idx] # here in 'var' metric
        #    x.var.sign <- sign(x.var)
        #    x.var <- abs(x.var)
        #    x.sd <- sqrt(x.var)
        #    dx[lavmodel@x.free.var.idx] <-
        #        ( 2 * x.var.sign * dx[lavmodel@x.free.var.idx] * x.sd )

        # only for PML: divide by N (to speed up convergence)
        if(estimator == "PML") {
            dx <- dx / lavsamplestats@ntotal

        if(debug) {
            cat("Gradient function (analytical, after eq.constraints.K) =\n"); print(dx); cat("\n")


    gradient_function_numerical <- function(x, verbose=FALSE, debug = FALSE) {

        # NOTE: no need to 'tranform' anything here (var/eq)
        # this is done anyway in objective_function

        # numerical approximation using the Richardson method
        npar <- length(x)
        h <- 10e-6
        dx <- numeric( npar )

        ## FIXME: call lav_model_objective directly!!
        for(i in 1:npar) {
            x.left <- x.left2 <- x.right <- x.right2 <- x
            x.left[i]  <- x[i] - h; x.left2[i]  <- x[i] - 2*h
            x.right[i] <- x[i] + h; x.right2[i] <- x[i] + 2*h
            fx.left   <- objective_function(x.left,   verbose = FALSE, debug = FALSE)
            fx.left2  <- objective_function(x.left2,  verbose = FALSE, debug = FALSE)
            fx.right  <- objective_function(x.right,  verbose = FALSE, debug = FALSE)
            fx.right2 <- objective_function(x.right2, verbose = FALSE, debug = FALSE)
            dx[i] <- (fx.left2 - 8*fx.left + 8*fx.right - fx.right2)/(12*h)

        #dx <- lavGradientC(func=objective_function, x=x)
        # does not work if pnorm is involved... (eg PML)

        if(debug) {
            cat("Gradient function (numerical) =\n"); print(dx); cat("\n")


    gradient_function_numerical_complex <- function(x, verbose=FALSE, debug = FALSE) {

        dx <- Re(lav_func_gradient_complex(func = objective_function, x = x,
                                        h = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)))
        # does not work if pnorm is involved... (eg PML)

        if(debug) {
            cat("Gradient function (numerical complex) =\n"); print(dx); cat("\n")


    # check if the initial values produce a positive definite Sigma
    # to begin with -- but only for estimator="ML"
    if(estimator %in% c("ML","FML","MML")) {
        Sigma.hat <- computeSigmaHat(lavmodel, extra=TRUE, debug=lavoptions$debug)
        for(g in 1:ngroups) {
            if(!attr(Sigma.hat[[g]], "po")) {
                group.txt <- ifelse(ngroups > 1,
                                    paste(" in group ",g,".",sep=""), ".")
                if(debug) {
                warning("lavaan ERROR: initial model-implied matrix (Sigma) is not positive definite;\n  check your model and/or starting parameters", group.txt)
                x <- start.x
                fx <- as.numeric(NA)
                attr(fx, "fx.group") <- rep(as.numeric(NA), ngroups)
                attr(x, "converged")  <- FALSE
                attr(x, "iterations") <- 0L
                attr(x, "control")    <- lavoptions@control
                attr(x, "fx")         <- fx

    # parameter scaling
    # FIXME: what is the best way to set the scale??
    # current strategy: if startx > 1.0, we rescale by using
    # 1/startx
    SCALE <- rep(1.0, length(start.x))
    if(lavoptions$optim.parscale == "none") {
        idx <- which(abs(start.x) > 1.0)
        if(length(idx) > 0L) {
            SCALE[idx] <- abs(1.0/start.x[idx])
    if(debug) {
        cat("SCALE = ", SCALE, "\n")

    # first try: check if starting values return a finite value
    fx <- objective_function(start.x, verbose = verbose, debug = debug)
    if(!is.finite(fx)) {
        # emergency change of start.x
        start.x <- start.x / 10

    # first some nelder mead steps? (default = FALSE)
    INIT_NELDER_MEAD <- lavoptions$optim.init_nelder_mead

    # gradient: analytic, numerical or NULL?
    if(is.character(lavoptions$optim.gradient)) {
        if(lavoptions$optim.gradient %in% c("analytic","analytical")) {
            GRADIENT <- gradient_function
        } else if(lavoptions$optim.gradient %in% c("numerical", "numeric")) {
            GRADIENT <- gradient_function_numerical
        } else if(lavoptions$optim.gradient %in% c("numeric.complex", "complex")){
            GRADIENT <- gradient_function_numerical_complex
        } else if(lavoptions$optim.gradient %in% c("NULL", "null")) {
            GRADIENT <- NULL
        } else {
            warning("lavaan WARNING: gradient should be analytic, numerical or NULL")
    } else if(is.logical(lavoptions$optim.gradient)) {
        if(lavoptions$optim.gradient) {
            GRADIENT <- gradient_function
        } else {
            GRADIENT <- NULL
    } else if(is.null(lavoptions$optim.gradient)) {
        GRADIENT <- gradient_function

    # default optimizer
    if(length(lavmodel@ceq.nonlinear.idx) == 0L &&
       length(lavmodel@cin.linear.idx)    == 0L &&
       length(lavmodel@cin.nonlinear.idx) == 0L) {
        if(is.null(lavoptions$optim.method)) {
            OPTIMIZER <- "NLMINB"
            #OPTIMIZER <- "BFGS"  # slightly slower, no bounds; better scaling!
            #OPTIMIZER <- "L-BFGS-B"  # trouble with Inf values for fx!
        } else {
            OPTIMIZER <- toupper(lavoptions$optim.method)
            stopifnot(OPTIMIZER %in% c("NLMINB0", "NLMINB1", "NLMINB2",
                      "NLMINB", "BFGS", "L-BFGS-B", "NONE"))
            if(OPTIMIZER == "NLMINB1") {
                OPTIMIZER <- "NLMINB"
    } else {
        if(is.null(lavoptions$optim.method)) {
        } else {
            OPTIMIZER <- toupper(lavoptions$optim.method)
            stopifnot(OPTIMIZER %in% c("NLMINB.CONSTR", "NLMINB", "NONE"))
        if(OPTIMIZER == "NLMINB") {

        if(verbose) cat("  initial Nelder-Mead step:\n")
        trace <- 0L; if(verbose) trace <- 1L
        optim.out <- optim(par=start.x,
                           #             parscale=SCALE,
                           #             trace=trace),
                           verbose=verbose, debug=debug)
        start.x <- optim.out$par

    if(OPTIMIZER == "NLMINB0") {
        if(verbose) cat("  quasi-Newton steps using NLMINB0 (no analytic gradient):\n")
        #if(debug) control$trace <- 1L;
        control.nlminb <- list(eval.max=20000L,
                               #abs.tol=1e-20, ### important!! fx never negative
                               abs.tol=(.Machine$double.eps * 10),
                               #step.min=2.2e-14, # in =< 0.5-12
                               step.min=1.0, # 1.0 in < 0.5-21
        control.nlminb <- modifyList(control.nlminb, lavoptions$control)
        control <- control.nlminb[c("eval.max", "iter.max", "trace",
                                    "step.min", "step.max",
                                    "abs.tol", "rel.tol", "x.tol", "xf.tol")]
        #cat("DEBUG: control = "); print(str(control.nlminb)); cat("\n")
        optim.out <- nlminb(start=start.x,
                            verbose=verbose, debug=debug)
        if(verbose) {
            cat("  convergence status (0=ok): ", optim.out$convergence, "\n")
            cat("  nlminb message says: ", optim.out$message, "\n")
            cat("  number of iterations: ", optim.out$iterations, "\n")
            cat("  number of function evaluations [objective, gradient]: ",
                optim.out$evaluations, "\n")

        # try again
        if(optim.out$convergence != 0L) {
             optim.out <- nlminb(start=start.x,
                            verbose=verbose, debug=debug)

        iterations <- optim.out$iterations
        x          <- optim.out$par
        if(optim.out$convergence == 0L) {
            converged <- TRUE
        } else {
            converged <- FALSE

    } else if(OPTIMIZER == "NLMINB") {
        if(verbose) cat("  quasi-Newton steps using NLMINB:\n")
        #if(debug) control$trace <- 1L;
        control.nlminb <- list(eval.max=20000L,
                               #abs.tol=1e-20, ### important!! fx never negative
                               abs.tol=(.Machine$double.eps * 10),
                               #step.min=2.2e-14, # in =< 0.5-12
                               step.min=1.0, # 1.0 in < 0.5-21
        control.nlminb <- modifyList(control.nlminb, lavoptions$control)
        control <- control.nlminb[c("eval.max", "iter.max", "trace",
                                    "step.min", "step.max",
                                    "abs.tol", "rel.tol", "x.tol", "xf.tol")]
        #cat("DEBUG: control = "); print(str(control.nlminb)); cat("\n")
        optim.out <- nlminb(start=start.x,
                            verbose=verbose, debug=debug)
        if(verbose) {
            cat("  convergence status (0=ok): ", optim.out$convergence, "\n")
            cat("  nlminb message says: ", optim.out$message, "\n")
            cat("  number of iterations: ", optim.out$iterations, "\n")
            cat("  number of function evaluations [objective, gradient]: ",
                optim.out$evaluations, "\n")

        iterations <- optim.out$iterations
        x          <- optim.out$par
        if(optim.out$convergence == 0L) {
            converged <- TRUE
        } else {
            converged <- FALSE

    } else if(OPTIMIZER == "BFGS") {

        # warning: Bollen example with estimator=GLS does NOT converge!
        # (but WLS works!)
        # - BB.ML works too

        control.bfgs <- list(trace=0L, fnscale=1,
                             parscale=SCALE, ## or not?
        control.bfgs <- modifyList(control.bfgs, lavoptions$control)
        control <- control.bfgs[c("trace", "fnscale", "parscale", "ndeps",
                                  "maxit", "abstol", "reltol", "REPORT")]
        #trace <- 0L; if(verbose) trace <- 1L
        optim.out <- optim(par=start.x,
                           verbose=verbose, debug=debug)
        if(verbose) {
            cat("  convergence status (0=ok): ", optim.out$convergence, "\n")
            cat("  optim BFGS message says: ", optim.out$message, "\n")
            #cat("number of iterations: ", optim.out$iterations, "\n")
            cat("  number of function evaluations [objective, gradient]: ",
                optim.out$counts, "\n")

        #iterations <- optim.out$iterations
        iterations <- optim.out$counts[1]
        x          <- optim.out$par
        if(optim.out$convergence == 0L) {
            converged <- TRUE
        } else {
            converged <- FALSE
    } else if(OPTIMIZER == "L-BFGS-B") {

        # warning, does not cope with Inf values!!

        control.lbfgsb <- list(trace=0L, fnscale=1,
                               parscale=SCALE, ## or not?
        control.lbfgsb <- modifyList(control.lbfgsb, lavoptions$control)
        control <- control.lbfgsb[c("trace", "fnscale", "parscale",
                                    "ndeps", "maxit", "REPORT", "lmm",
                                    "factr", "pgtol")]
        optim.out <- optim(par=start.x,
                           verbose=verbose, debug=debug,
        if(verbose) {
            cat("  convergence status (0=ok): ", optim.out$convergence, "\n")
            cat("  optim L-BFGS-B message says: ", optim.out$message, "\n")
            #cat("number of iterations: ", optim.out$iterations, "\n")
            cat("  number of function evaluations [objective, gradient]: ",
                optim.out$counts, "\n")

        #iterations <- optim.out$iterations
        iterations <- optim.out$counts[1]
        x          <- optim.out$par
        if(optim.out$convergence == 0L) {
            converged <- TRUE
        } else {
            converged <- FALSE
    } else if(OPTIMIZER == "NLMINB.CONSTR") {

        ocontrol <- list(verbose=verbose)
        if(!is.null(lavoptions$control$control.outer)) {
            ocontrol <- c(lavoptions$control$control.outer, verbose=verbose)
        control.nlminb <- list(eval.max=20000L,
                               abs.tol=(.Machine$double.eps * 10),
                               rel.tol=1e-9, # 1e-10 seems 'too strict'
                               step.min=1.0, # 1.0 in < 0.5-21
        control.nlminb <- modifyList(control.nlminb, lavoptions$control)
        control <- control.nlminb[c("eval.max", "iter.max", "trace",
                                    "abs.tol", "rel.tol")]
        cin <- cin.jac <- ceq <- ceq.jac <- NULL
        if(!is.null(body(lavmodel@cin.function))) cin     <- lavmodel@cin.function
        if(!is.null(body(lavmodel@cin.jacobian))) cin.jac <- lavmodel@cin.jacobian
        if(!is.null(body(lavmodel@ceq.function))) ceq     <- lavmodel@ceq.function
        if(!is.null(body(lavmodel@ceq.jacobian))) ceq.jac <- lavmodel@ceq.jacobian
        trace <- FALSE; if(verbose) trace <- TRUE
        optim.out <- nlminb.constr(start = start.x,
                                   verbose=verbose, debug=debug,
                                   cin = cin, cin.jac = cin.jac,
                                   ceq = ceq, ceq.jac = ceq.jac,
                                   control.outer = ocontrol
        if(verbose) {
            cat("  convergence status (0=ok): ", optim.out$convergence, "\n")
            cat("  nlminb.constr message says: ", optim.out$message, "\n")
            cat("  number of outer iterations: ", optim.out$outer.iterations, "\n")
            cat("  number of inner iterations: ", optim.out$iterations, "\n")
            cat("  number of function evaluations [objective, gradient]: ",
                optim.out$evaluations, "\n")

        iterations <- optim.out$iterations
        x          <- optim.out$par
        if(optim.out$convergence == 0) {
            converged <- TRUE
        } else {
            converged <- FALSE
    } else if(OPTIMIZER == "NONE") {
        x <- start.x
        iterations <- 0L
        converged <- TRUE
        control <- list()

        # if inequality constraints, add con.jac/lambda
        # needed for df!
        if(length(lavmodel@ceq.nonlinear.idx) == 0L &&
           length(lavmodel@cin.linear.idx)    == 0L &&
           length(lavmodel@cin.nonlinear.idx) == 0L) {
            optim.out <- list()
        } else {
            # if inequality constraints, add con.jac/lambda
            # needed for df!

            optim.out <- list()
            if(is.null(body(lavmodel@ceq.function))) {
                 ceq <- function(x, ...) { return( numeric(0) ) }
            } else {
                 ceq <- lavmodel@ceq.function
            if(is.null(body(lavmodel@cin.function))) {
                 cin <- function(x, ...) { return( numeric(0) ) }
            } else {
                 cin <- lavmodel@cin.function
            ceq0 <- ceq(start.x)
            cin0 <- cin(start.x)
            con0 <- c(ceq0, cin0)
            JAC <- rbind(numDeriv::jacobian(ceq, x = start.x),
                         numDeriv::jacobian(cin, x = start.x))
            nceq <- length( ceq(start.x) )
            ncin <- length( cin(start.x) )
            ncon <- nceq + ncin
            ceq.idx <- cin.idx <- integer(0)
            if(nceq > 0L) ceq.idx <- 1:nceq
            if(ncin > 0L) cin.idx <- nceq + 1:ncin
            cin.flag <- rep(FALSE, length(ncon))
            if(ncin > 0L) cin.flag[cin.idx] <- TRUE

            inactive.idx <- integer(0L)
            cin.idx <- which(cin.flag)
            if(ncin > 0L) {
                slack <- 1e-05
                inactive.idx <- which(cin.flag & con0 > slack)
            attr(JAC, "inactive.idx") <- inactive.idx
            attr(JAC, "cin.idx") <- cin.idx
            attr(JAC, "ceq.idx") <- ceq.idx

            optim.out$con.jac <- JAC
            optim.out$lambda <- rep(0, ncon)

    fx <- objective_function(x) # to get "fx.group" attribute

    # check convergence
    warn.txt <- ""
    if(converged) {
        # check.gradient
        if(!is.null(GRADIENT) &&
           OPTIMIZER %in% c("NLMINB", "BFGS", "L-BFGS-B")) {

            # compute unscaled gradient
            dx <- GRADIENT(x)

            # NOTE: unscaled gradient!!!
            if(converged && lavoptions$check.gradient &&
               any(abs(dx) > lavoptions$optim.dx.tol)) {

                # ok, identify the non-zero elements
                non.zero <- which(abs(dx) > lavoptions$optim.dx.tol)

                # which ones are 'boundary' points, defined by lower/upper?
                bound.idx <- integer(0L)
                if(!is.null(lavpartable$lower)) {
                    bound.idx <- c(bound.idx, which(lower == x))
                if(!is.null(lavpartable$upper)) {
                    bound.idx <- c(bound.idx, which(upper == x))
                if(length(bound.idx) > 0L) {
                    non.zero <- non.zero[- which(non.zero %in% bound.idx) ]

                # this has many implications ... so should be careful to
                # avoid false alarm
                if(length(non.zero) > 0L) {
                    converged <- FALSE
                    warn.txt <- paste("the optimizer (", OPTIMIZER, ") ",
                       "claimed the model converged,\n",
"                      but not all elements of the gradient are (near) zero;\n",
"                      the optimizer may not have found a local solution\n",
"                      use check.gradient = FALSE to skip this check.",
                       sep = "")
        } else {
            dx <- numeric(0L)
    } else {
       dx <- numeric(0L)
       warn.txt <- "the optimizer warns that a solution has NOT been found!"

    # transform back
    # 3.
    #if(lavoptions$optim.var.transform == "sqrt" &&
    #       length(lavmodel@x.free.var.idx) > 0L) {
    #    #x[lavmodel@x.free.var.idx] <- tan(x[lavmodel@x.free.var.idx])
    #    x.var <- x[lavmodel@x.free.var.idx]
    #    x.var.sign <- sign(x.var)
    #    x[lavmodel@x.free.var.idx] <- x.var.sign * (x.var * x.var) # square!

    # 2. unpack
    if(lavmodel@eq.constraints) {
        x <- as.numeric(lavmodel@eq.constraints.K %*% x) +

    # 1. unscale
    x <- x / parscale

    attr(x, "converged")  <- converged
    attr(x, "warn.txt")   <- warn.txt
    attr(x, "iterations") <- iterations
    attr(x, "control")    <- control
    attr(x, "fx")         <- fx
    attr(x, "dx")         <- dx
    attr(x, "parscale")   <- parscale
    if(!is.null(optim.out$con.jac)) attr(x, "con.jac")    <- optim.out$con.jac
    if(!is.null(optim.out$lambda))  attr(x, "con.lambda") <- optim.out$lambda
    if(lavoptions$optim.partrace) {
        attr(x, "partrace") <- PENV$PARTRACE


# backwards compatibility
# estimateModel <- lav_model_estimate

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lavaan documentation built on July 26, 2023, 5:08 p.m.