
Defines functions lav_test_diff_af_h1 lav_test_diff_A lav_test_diff_m10 lav_test_diff_SatorraBentler2010 lav_test_diff_SatorraBentler2001 lav_test_diff_Satorra2000

# various ways to compute a (scaled) difference chi-square test statistic

# - 0.6-13: fix multiple-group UG^2 bug in Satorra.2000 (reported by
#           Gronneberg, Foldnes and Moss) when Satterthwaite = TRUE and
#           ngroups > 1L (use old.approach = TRUE to get the old result)

lav_test_diff_Satorra2000 <- function(m1, m0, H1 = TRUE, A.method = "delta",
                                      A = NULL,
                                      Satterthwaite = FALSE,
                                      scaled.shifted = FALSE,
                                      old.approach = FALSE) {
  if (scaled.shifted) {
    Satterthwaite <- TRUE

  # extract information from m1 and m2
  T1 <- m1@test[[1]]$stat
  r1 <- m1@test[[1]]$df

  T0 <- m0@test[[1]]$stat
  r0 <- m0@test[[1]]$df

  # m = difference between the df's
  m <- r0 - r1

  # check for identical df setting
  if (m == 0L) {
      T.delta = (T0 - T1), scaling.factor = as.numeric(NA),
      df.delta = m, a = as.numeric(NA), b = as.numeric(NA)

  # bail out here, if m == 0 (but we should catch this earlier)
  # if(m < 1L) {
  #    txt <- paste("Can not compute (scaled) difference test when ",
  #                 "the degrees of freedom (df) are the same for both ",
  #                 "models:\n",
  #                 "Df model 1 = ", r1, ", and Df model 2 = ", r0, "\n",
  #                 sep = "")
  #            stop(lav_txt2message(txt, header = "lavaan ERROR:"))
  # }

  Gamma <- lavTech(m1, "Gamma") # the same for m1 and m0
  # check for NULL
  if (is.null(Gamma)) {
      "can not compute Gamma matrix; perhaps missing = \"ml\"?"))

  if (H1) {
    WLS.V <- lavTech(m1, "WLS.V")
    PI <- computeDelta(m1@Model)
    P <- lavTech(m1, "information")
    # needed? (yes, if H1 already has eq constraints)
    P.inv <- lav_model_information_augment_invert(m1@Model,
      information = P,
      inverted = TRUE
    # compute 'A' matrix
    # NOTE: order of parameters may change between H1 and H0, so be
    # careful!
    if (is.null(A)) {
      A <- lav_test_diff_A(m1, m0, method = A.method, reference = "H1")
      # take into account equality constraints m1
      if (A.method == "delta") {
        if (m1@Model@eq.constraints) {
          A <- A %*% t(m1@Model@eq.constraints.K)
        } else if (.hasSlot(m1@Model, "ceq.simple.only") &&
          m1@Model@ceq.simple.only) {
          A <- A %*% t(m1@Model@ceq.simple.K)
      if (lav_debug()) print(A)
  } else {
    lav_msg_stop(gettext("not ready yet"))

    WLS.V <- lavTech(m0, "WLS.V")
    PI <- computeDelta(m0@Model)
    P <- lavTech(m0, "information")
    # needed?
    P.inv <- lav_model_information_augment_invert(m0@Model,
      information = P,
      inverted = TRUE

    # compute 'A' matrix
    # NOTE: order of parameters may change between H1 and H0, so be
    # careful!
    if (is.null(A)) {
      # m1, m0 OR m0, m1 (works for delta, but not for exact)
      A <- lav_test_diff_A(m1, m0, method = A.method, reference = "H0")
      # take into account equality constraints m1
      if (m0@Model@eq.constraints) {
        A <- A %*% t(m0@Model@eq.constraints.K)
      } else if (.hasSlot(m0@Model, "ceq.simple.only") &&
        m0@Model@ceq.simple.only) {
        A <- A %*% t(m0@Model@ceq.simple.K)
      if (lav_debug()) print(A)

  # compute tr UG per group
  ngroups <- m1@SampleStats@ngroups
  UG.group <- vector("list", length = ngroups)

  # safety check: A %*% P.inv %*% t(A) should NOT contain all-zero
  # rows/columns
  # FIXME: is this really needed? As we use ginv later on
  APA <- A %*% P.inv %*% t(A)
  cSums <- colSums(APA)
  rSums <- rowSums(APA)
  empty.idx <- which(abs(cSums) < .Machine$double.eps^0.5 &
    abs(rSums) < .Machine$double.eps^0.5)
  if (length(empty.idx) > 0) {
    A <- A[-empty.idx, , drop = FALSE]

  PAAPAAP <- P.inv %*% t(A) %*% MASS::ginv(A %*% P.inv %*% t(A)) %*% A %*% P.inv

  # compute scaling factor
  fg <- unlist(m1@SampleStats@nobs) / m1@SampleStats@ntotal

  # this is what we did <0.6-13
  if (old.approach) {
    trace.UGamma <- numeric(ngroups)
    trace.UGamma2 <- numeric(ngroups)
    for (g in 1:ngroups) {
      UG.group <- WLS.V[[g]] %*% Gamma[[g]] %*% WLS.V[[g]] %*%
        PI[[g]] %*% PAAPAAP %*% t(PI[[g]])
      trace.UGamma[g] <- sum(diag(UG.group))
      if (Satterthwaite) {
        trace.UGamma2[g] <- sum(diag(UG.group %*% UG.group))

    trace.UGamma <- sum(fg * trace.UGamma)
    if (Satterthwaite) {
      trace.UGamma2 <- sum(fg * trace.UGamma2)
  } else {
    # for trace.UGamma, we can compute the trace per group
    # as in Satorra (2000) eq. 23
    trace.UGamma <- numeric(ngroups)
    for (g in 1:ngroups) {
      UG.group <- WLS.V[[g]] %*% Gamma[[g]] %*% WLS.V[[g]] %*%
        PI[[g]] %*% PAAPAAP %*% t(PI[[g]])
      trace.UGamma[g] <- sum(diag(UG.group))
    trace.UGamma <- sum(fg * trace.UGamma)

    # but for trace.UGamma2, we can no longer compute the trace per group
    trace.UGamma2 <- as.numeric(NA)
    if (Satterthwaite) {
      # global approach (not group-specific)
      Gamma.f <- Gamma
      for (g in seq_along(Gamma)) {
        Gamma.f[[g]] <- fg[g] * Gamma[[g]]
      Gamma.all <- lav_matrix_bdiag(Gamma.f)
      V.all <- lav_matrix_bdiag(WLS.V)
      PI.all <- do.call(rbind, PI)
      U.all <- V.all %*% PI.all %*% PAAPAAP %*% t(PI.all) %*% V.all
      UG.all <- U.all %*% Gamma.all
      UG.all2 <- UG.all %*% UG.all
      trace.UGamma2 <- sum(diag(UG.all2))

  if (Satterthwaite && !scaled.shifted) {
    cd <- trace.UGamma2 / trace.UGamma
    df.delta <- trace.UGamma^2 / trace.UGamma2
    T.delta <- (T0 - T1) / cd
    a <- as.numeric(NA)
    b <- as.numeric(NA)
  } else if (Satterthwaite && scaled.shifted) {
    a <- sqrt(m / trace.UGamma2)
    # b <- m - sqrt(m * trace.UGamma^2 / trace.UGamma2)
    b <- m - a * trace.UGamma
    df.delta <- m
    T.delta <- (T0 - T1) * a + b
    cd <- as.numeric(NA)
  } else {
    cd <- 1 / m * trace.UGamma
    df.delta <- m
    T.delta <- (T0 - T1) / cd
    a <- as.numeric(NA)
    b <- as.numeric(NA)

    T.delta = T.delta, scaling.factor = cd, df.delta = df.delta,
    trace.UGamma = trace.UGamma, trace.UGamma2 = trace.UGamma2,
    a = a, b = b

lav_test_diff_SatorraBentler2001 <- function(m1, m0, test = 2) {
  # extract information from m1 and m2
  T1 <- m1@test[[1]]$stat
  r1 <- m1@test[[1]]$df
  c1 <- m1@test[[test]]$scaling.factor
  if (r1 == 0) { # saturated model
    c1 <- 1

  T0 <- m0@test[[1]]$stat
  r0 <- m0@test[[1]]$df
  c0 <- m0@test[[test]]$scaling.factor

  # m = difference between the df's
  m <- r0 - r1

  # check for identical df setting
  if (m == 0L) {
      T.delta = (T0 - T1), scaling.factor = as.numeric(NA),
      df.delta = m

  # compute c_d
  cd <- (r0 * c0 - r1 * c1) / m

  # warn if cd is negative
  if (cd < 0) {
    lav_msg_warn(gettext("scaling factor is negative"))
    cd <- as.numeric(NA)

  # compute scaled difference test
  T.delta <- (T0 - T1) / cd

  list(T.delta = T.delta, scaling.factor = cd, df.delta = m)

lav_test_diff_SatorraBentler2010 <- function(m1, m0, test = 2,
                                             H1 = FALSE) {
  ### FIXME: check if models are nested at the parameter level!!!

  # extract information from m1 and m2
  T1 <- m1@test[[1]]$stat
  r1 <- m1@test[[1]]$df
  c1 <- m1@test[[test]]$scaling.factor
  if (r1 == 0) { # saturated model
    c1 <- 1

  T0 <- m0@test[[1]]$stat
  r0 <- m0@test[[1]]$df
  c0 <- m0@test[[test]]$scaling.factor
  if (r0 == 0) { # should never happen
    c0 <- 1

  # m = difference between the df's
  m <- r0 - r1

  # check for identical df setting
  if (m == 0L) {
      T.delta = (T0 - T1), scaling.factor = as.numeric(NA),
      df.delta = m

  # generate `M10' model
  if (H1) {
    # M0 with M1 parameters
    M01 <- lav_test_diff_m10(m0, m1, test = TRUE)
    c01 <- M01@test[[test]]$scaling.factor

    # check if vcov is positive definite (new in 0.6)
    # if not, we may get negative values
    eigvals <- eigen(lavTech(M01, "information"),
      symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE
    if (any(eigvals < -1 * .Machine$double.eps^(3 / 4))) {
        "information matrix of the M01 model is not positive definite."
      # "                  As a result, the scale-factor can not be computed.")
      # cd <- as.numeric(NA)
    } # else {
    # compute c_d
    # cd.01 <- (r0 * c01 - r1 * c0) / m ???
    cd <- (r0 * c0 - r1 * c01) / m
    # }
  } else {
    # M1 with M0 parameters (as in Satorra & Bentler 2010)
    M10 <- lav_test_diff_m10(m1, m0, test = TRUE)
    c10 <- M10@test[[test]]$scaling.factor

    # check if vcov is positive definite (new in 0.6)
    # if not, we may get negative values
    eigvals <- eigen(lavTech(M10, "information"),
      symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE
    if (any(eigvals < -1 * .Machine$double.eps^(3 / 4))) {
        "information matrix of the M10 model is not positive definite."
      # "                  As a result, the scale-factor can not be computed.")
      # cd <- as.numeric(NA)
    } # else {
    # compute c_d
    cd <- (r0 * c0 - r1 * c10) / m
    # }

  # compute scaled difference test
  T.delta <- (T0 - T1) / cd

    T.delta = T.delta, scaling.factor = cd, df.delta = m,
    T.delta.unscaled = (T0 - T1)

# create a new model 'm10', where we use model 'm1', but we
# inject it with the values of 'm0'
lav_test_diff_m10 <- function(m1, m0, test = FALSE) {
  # switch of verbose/se/test
  Options <- m1@Options
  # switch of optim.gradient check
  Options$check.gradient <- FALSE

  # should we compute se/test statistics?
  if (!test) {
    Options$se <- "none"
    Options$test <- "none"

  PT.M0 <- lav_partable_set_cache(m0@ParTable, m0@pta)
  PT.M1 <- lav_partable_set_cache(m1@ParTable, m1@pta)

  # `extend' PT.M1 partable to include all `fixed-to-zero parameters'
  PT.M1.FULL <- lav_partable_full(
    partable = PT.M1,
    free = TRUE, start = TRUE
  PT.M1.extended <- lav_partable_merge(PT.M1, PT.M1.FULL,
    remove.duplicated = TRUE, warn = FALSE

  # remove most columns
  PT.M1.extended$start <- NULL # new in 0.6-4! (otherwise, they are used)
  PT.M1.extended$est <- NULL
  PT.M1.extended$se <- NULL

  # in addition, use 'NA' for free parameters in ustart column
  free.par.idx <- which(PT.M1.extended$free > 0L)
  PT.M1.extended$ustart[free.par.idx] <- as.numeric(NA)

  # `extend' PT.M0 partable to include all `fixed-to-zero parameters'
  PT.M0.FULL <- lav_partable_full(
    partable = PT.M0,
    free = TRUE, start = TRUE
  PT.M0.extended <- lav_partable_merge(PT.M0, PT.M0.FULL,
    remove.duplicated = TRUE, warn = FALSE
  # remove most columns, but not 'est'
  PT.M0.extended$ustart <- NULL
  PT.M0.extended$start <- NULL
  PT.M0.extended$se <- NULL

  # FIXME:
  # - check if H0 does not contain additional parameters...

  Options$optim.method <- "none"
  Options$optim.force.converged <- TRUE
  Options$baseline <- FALSE
  Options$h1 <- TRUE # needed after all (yuan.benter.mplus)
  Options$start <- PT.M0.extended # new in 0.6!
  m10 <- lavaan(
    model = PT.M1.extended,
    slotOptions = Options,
    slotSampleStats = m1@SampleStats,
    slotData = m1@Data,
    slotCache = m1@Cache,
    verbose = FALSE


# compute the `A' matrix: the jacobian of the constraint function a(\delta)
# (see Satorra 2000)
lav_test_diff_A <- function(m1, m0, method = "delta", reference = "H1") {
  # FIXME!!!!

  if (method == "exact") {
    if (reference == "H1") {
      af <- lav_test_diff_af_h1(m1 = m1, m0 = m0)
      xx <- m1@optim$x
    } else { # evaluate under H0
      lav_msg_stop(gettext("not ready yet"))
      # af <- .test_compute_partable_A_diff_h0(m1 = m1, m0 = m0)
      xx <- m0@optim$x
    A <- try(lav_func_jacobian_complex(func = af, x = xx), silent = TRUE)
    if (inherits(A, "try-error")) {
      A <- lav_func_jacobian_simple(func = af, x = xx)
  } else if (method == "delta") {
    # use a numeric approximation of `A'
    Delta1.list <- computeDelta(m1@Model)
    Delta0.list <- computeDelta(m0@Model)
    Delta1 <- do.call(rbind, Delta1.list)
    Delta0 <- do.call(rbind, Delta0.list)

    # take into account equality constraints m0
    if (m0@Model@eq.constraints) {
      Delta0 <- Delta0 %*% m0@Model@eq.constraints.K
    } else if (.hasSlot(m0@Model, "ceq.simple.only") &&
      m0@Model@ceq.simple.only) {
      Delta0 <- Delta0 %*% t(m0@Model@ceq.simple.K)

    # take into account equality constraints m1
    if (m1@Model@eq.constraints) {
      Delta1 <- Delta1 %*% m1@Model@eq.constraints.K
    } else if (.hasSlot(m1@Model, "ceq.simple.only") &&
      m1@Model@ceq.simple.only) {
      Delta1 <- Delta1 %*% t(m1@Model@ceq.simple.K)

    # H <- solve(t(Delta1) %*% Delta1) %*% t(Delta1) %*% Delta0
    H <- MASS::ginv(Delta1) %*% Delta0
    A <- t(lav_matrix_orthogonal_complement(H))


# for each parameter in H1 (m1), see if we have somehow constrained
# this parameter under H0 (m0)
# since we work 'under H0', we need to use the labels/constraints/def
# as they appear in H0. Unfortunately, the order of the parameters, and
# even the (p)labels may be different in the two models...
# Therefore, we will attempt to:
#   - change the 'order' of the 'free' column in m0, so that they map to
#     to the 'x' that we will provide from H1
#   - the plabels used in "==" constraints must be renamed, if necessary
lav_test_diff_af_h1 <- function(m1, m0) {
  PT.M0 <- lav_partable_set_cache(parTable(m0), m0@pta)
  PT.M1 <- lav_partable_set_cache(parTable(m1), m1@pta)

  # select .p*. parameters only
  M0.p.idx <- which(grepl("\\.p", PT.M0$plabel))
  np0 <- length(M0.p.idx)
  M1.p.idx <- which(grepl("\\.p", PT.M1$plabel))
  np1 <- length(M1.p.idx)

  # check if parameter space is the same
  if (np0 != np1) {
      "unconstrained parameter set is not the same in m0 and m1"))

  # split partable in 'parameter' and 'constraints' section
  PT.M0.part1 <- PT.M0[M0.p.idx, ]
  PT.M0.part2 <- PT.M0[-M0.p.idx, ]

  PT.M1.part1 <- PT.M1[M1.p.idx, ]
  PT.M1.part2 <- PT.M1[-M1.p.idx, ]

  # figure out relationship between m0 and m1
  p1.id <- lav_partable_map_id_p1_in_p2(PT.M0.part1, PT.M1.part1)
  p0.free.idx <- which(PT.M0.part1$free > 0)

  # change 'free' order in m0
  # NOTE: this only works all the free parameters in h0 are also free
  # in h1 (and if not, they will become fixed in h0)
  PT.M0.part1$free[p0.free.idx] <-

  # paste back
  PT.M0 <- rbind(PT.M0.part1, PT.M0.part2)
  PT.M1 <- rbind(PT.M1.part1, PT.M1.part2)

  # `extend' PT.M1 partable to include all `fixed-to-zero parameters'
  PT.M1.FULL <- lav_partable_full(
    partable = PT.M1,
    free = TRUE, start = TRUE
  PT.M1.extended <- lav_partable_merge(PT.M1, PT.M1.FULL,
    remove.duplicated = TRUE, warn = FALSE

  # `extend' PT.M0 partable to include all `fixed-to-zero parameters'
  PT.M0.FULL <- lav_partable_full(
    partable = PT.M0,
    free = TRUE, start = TRUE
  PT.M0.extended <- lav_partable_merge(PT.M0, PT.M0.FULL,
    remove.duplicated = TRUE, warn = FALSE

  p1 <- PT.M1.extended
  np1 <- length(p1$lhs)
  p0 <- PT.M0.extended
  np0 <- length(p0$lhs)

  con.function <- function() NULL
  formals(con.function) <- alist(.x. = , ... = )
  BODY.txt <- paste("{\nout <- numeric(0L)\n", sep = "")

  # first handle def + == constraints
  # but FIRST, remove == constraints that also appear in H1!!!

  # remove equivalent eq constraints from p0
  P0 <- p0

  p0.eq.idx <- which(p0$op == "==")
  p1.eq.idx <- which(p1$op == "==")
  p0.remove.idx <- integer(0L)
  if (length(p0.eq.idx) > 0L) {
    for (i in seq_along(p0.eq.idx)) {
      # e0 in p0
      e0 <- p0.eq.idx[i]
      lhs <- p0$lhs[e0]
      rhs <- p0$rhs[e0]

      # do we have an equivalent constraint in H1?
      # NOTE!! the (p)labels may differ

      # SO, we will use an 'empirical' approach: if we fill in (random)
      # values, and work out the constraint, do we get identical values?
      # if yes, constraint is equivalent, and we should NOT add it here

      if (length(p1.eq.idx) > 0) {
        # generate random parameter values
        xx1 <- rnorm(length(M1.p.idx))
        xx0 <- xx1[p1.id]

        con.h0.value <- m0@Model@ceq.function(xx0)[i]
        con.h1.values <- m1@Model@ceq.function(xx1)

        if (con.h0.value %in% con.h1.values) {
          p0.remove.idx <- c(p0.remove.idx, e0)
  if (length(p0.remove.idx) > 0L) {
    P0 <- P0[-p0.remove.idx, ]

  # only for the UNIQUE equality constraints in H0, generate syntax
  DEFCON.txt <- lav_partable_constraints_ceq(P0, txtOnly = TRUE)
  BODY.txt <- paste(BODY.txt, DEFCON.txt, "\n", sep = "")

  # for each parameter in p1, we 'check' is it is fixed to a constant in p0
  ncon <- length(which(P0$op == "=="))
  for (i in seq_len(np1)) {
    # p in p1
    lhs <- p1$lhs[i]
    op <- p1$op[i]
    rhs <- p1$rhs[i]
    group <- p1$group[i]

    # ignore '==', '<', '>' and ':=' for now
    if (op == "==" || op == ">" || op == "<" || op == ":=") next

    # search for corresponding parameter in p0
    p0.idx <- which(p0$lhs == lhs & p0$op == op & p0$rhs == rhs &
      p0$group == group)
    if (length(p0.idx) == 0L) {
        gettextf("parameter in H1 not found in H0: %s",
        paste(lhs, op, rhs, "(group = ", group, ")", sep = " ")

    # 4 possibilities: p is free/fixed in p1, p is free/fixed in p0
    if (p1$free[i] == 0L) {
      if (p0$free[p0.idx] == 0L) {
        # match, nothing to do
      } else {
          gettextf("fixed parameter in H1 is free in H0: %s",
          paste("\"", lhs, " ", op, " ", rhs,
            "\" (group = ", group, ")",
            sep = ""
    } else {
      if (p0$free[p0.idx] == 0L) {
        # match, this is a contrained parameter in H0
        ncon <- ncon + 1L
        BODY.txt <- paste(BODY.txt,
          "out[", ncon, "] = .x.[", p1$free[i], "] - ",
          p0$ustart[p0.idx], "\n",
          sep = ""
      } else {
        # match, nothing to do

  # wrap function
  BODY.txt <- paste(BODY.txt, "return(out)\n}\n", sep = "")
  body(con.function) <- parse(file = "", text = BODY.txt)


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