Man pages for mappoly
Genetic Linkage Maps in Autopolyploids

add_markerAdd a single marker to a map
add_md_markersAdd markers to a pre-existing sequence using HMM analysis and...
add_mrk_at_tail_ph_listadd a single marker at the tail of a linkage phase list
aggregate_matrixAggregate matrix cells (lower the resolution by a factor)
cache_counts_twoptFrequency of genotypes for two-point recombination fraction...
calc_genoprobCompute conditional probabilities of the genotypes
calc_genoprob_distCompute conditional probabilities of the genotypes using...
calc_genoprob_errorCompute conditional probabilities of the genotypes using...
calc_genoprob_haploCompute conditional probabilities of the genotypes given a...
calc_genoprob_single_parentCompute conditional probabilities of the genotype (one...
calc_homologprobHomolog probabilities
calc_prefpair_profilesPreferential pairing profiles
cat_phasecat for phase information
check_data_dist_sanityChecks the consistency of dataset (probability distribution)
check_data_dose_sanityChecks the consistency of dataset (dosage)
check_data_sanityData sanity check
check_if_rf_is_possibleCheck if it is possible to estimate the recombination...
check_ls_phaseCompare a list of linkage phases and return the markers for...
check_pairwiseCheck if all pairwise combinations of elements of 'input.seq'...
compare_haplotypesCompare two polyploid haplotypes stored in list format
compare_mapsCompare a list of maps
concatenate_new_markerConcatenate new marker
concatenate_ph_listconcatenate two linkage phase lists
create_mapCreate a map with pseudomarkers at a given step
cross_simulateSimulate an autopolyploid full-sib population
detect_info_parDetects which parent is informative
dist_prob_to_classReturns the class with the highest probability in a genotype...
draw_crossDraw simple parental linkage phase configurations
draw_phasesPlot the linkage phase configuration given a list of...
drop_markerRemove markers from a map
edit_orderEdit sequence ordered by reference genome positions comparing...
elim_conf_using_two_ptsEliminate configurations using two-point information
elim_equivEliminates equivalent linkage phase configurations
elim_redundantEliminate redundant markers
est_full_hmm_with_global_errorRe-estimate genetic map given a global genotyping error
est_full_hmm_with_prior_probRe-estimate genetic map using dosage prior probability...
est_haplo_hmmEstimate a genetic map given a sequence of block markers
est_map_haplo_given_genoprobEstimate a genetic map given a sequence of block markers...
est_pairwise_rfPairwise two-point analysis
est_pairwise_rf2Pairwise two-point analysis - RcppParallel version
est_rf_hmmMultipoint analysis using Hidden Markov Models in...
est_rf_hmm_sequentialMultipoint analysis using Hidden Markov Models: Sequential...
est_rf_hmm_single_phaseMultipoint analysis using Hidden Markov Models (single phase)
est_rf_hmm_single_phase_single_parentMultilocus analysis using Hidden Markov Models (single...
export_data_to_polymapRExport data to 'polymapR'
export_map_listExport a genetic map to a CSV file
export_qtlpolyExport to QTLpoly
extract_mapExtract the maker position from an object of class...
filter_aneuploidFilter aneuploid chromosomes from progeny individuals
filter_individualsFilter out individuals
filter_map_at_hmm_thresFilter MAPpoly Map Configurations by Loglikelihood Threshold
filter_missingFilter missing genotypes
filter_missing_indFilter individuals based on missing genotypes
filter_missing_mrkFilter markers based on missing genotypes
filter_non_conforming_classesFilter non-conforming classes in F1, non double reduced...
filter_segregationFilter markers based on chi-square test
find_blocksAllocate markers into linkage blocks
format_rfFormat results from pairwise two-point estimation in C++
framework_mapDesign linkage map framework in two steps: i) estimating the...
generate_all_link_phase_elim_equivalentGenerate all possible linkage phases in matrix form given the...
generate_all_link_phases_elim_equivalent_haploEliminate equivalent linkage phases
genetic-mapping-functionsGenetic Mapping Functions
genotyping_global_errorPrior probability for genotyping error
get_cache_two_pts_from_webAccess a remote server to get Counts for recombinant classes
get_countsCounts for recombinant classes
get_counts_all_phasesCounts for recombinant classes
get_counts_single_parentCounts for recombinant classes in a polyploid parent.
get_counts_two_parentsCounts for recombinant classes
get_dosage_typeGet Dosage Type in a Sequence
get_full_info_tailGet the tail of a marker sequence up to the point where the...
get_genomic_orderGet the genomic position of markers in a sequence
get_ijGiven a pair of character indicating the numbers i and j :...
get_indices_from_selected_phasesGet the indices of selected linkage phases given a threshold
get_LODExtract the LOD Scores in a "" object
get_ols_mapGet weighted ordinary least squared map give a sequence and...
get_ph_conf_ret_shGiven a homology group in matrix form, it returns the number...
get_ph_list_subsetsubset of a linkage phase list
get_rf_from_listGet the recombination fraction for a sequence of markers...
get_rf_from_matGet recombination fraction from a matrix
get_states_and_emission_single_parentGet states and emission in one informative parent
get_submapExtract sub-map from map
get_tab_mrksGet table of dosage combinations
get_w_mGet the number of bivalent configurations
gg_color_hueColor pallet ggplot-like
group_mappolyAssign markers to linkage groups
hexafakeSimulated autohexaploid dataset.
hexafake.geno.distSimulated autohexaploid dataset with genotype probabilities.
import_data_from_polymapRImport data from polymapR
import_from_updogImport from updog
import_phased_maplist_from_polymapRImport phased map list from polymapR
is.prob.dataCheck if Object is a Probability Dataset in MAPpoly
loglike_hmmMultipoint log-likelihood computation
ls_linkage_phasesList of linkage phases
make_mat_mappolySubset recombination fraction matrices
make_pairs_mappolySubset pairwise recombination fractions
make_seq_mappolyCreate a Sequence of Markers
mappoly-color-palettesMAPpoly Color Palettes
maps.hexafakeResulting maps from 'hexafake'
mds_mappolyEstimates loci position using Multidimensional Scaling
merge_datasetsMerge datasets
merge_mapsMerge two maps
merge_parental_mapsBuild merged parental maps
mrk_chisq_testChi-square test
msgMsg function
paralell_pairwise_discreteParallel Pairwise Discrete Estimation
paralell_pairwise_discrete_rcppWrapper function to discrete-based pairwise two-point...
paralell_pairwise_probabilityParallel Pairwise Probability Estimation
parallel_blockAuxiliary function to estimate a map in a block of markers...
perm_parsN!/2 combination
perm_totN! combination
ph_list_to_matrixLinkage phase format conversion: list to matrix
ph_matrix_to_listLinkage phase format conversion: matrix to list
plot_compare_haplotypesPlot Two Overlapped Haplotypes
plot_genome_vs_mapPhysical versus genetic distance
plot_GICGenotypic information content
plot_map_listPlot a genetic map
plot.mappoly.homoprobPlots mappoly.homoprob
plot_mappoly.map2Plot object mappoly.map2
plot.mappoly.prefpair.profilesPlots mappoly.prefpair.profiles
plot_mrk_infoPlot marker information
plot_one_mapplot a single linkage group with no phase
plot_progeny_dosage_changeDisplay genotypes imputed or changed by the HMM chain given a...
poly_hmm_estEstimate genetic map using as input the probability...
prepare_mapprepare maps for plot
print_mrkSummary of a set of markers
print_phcat for graphical representation of the phases
read_fitpolyData Input in fitPoly format
read_genoData Input
read_geno_csvData Input in CSV format
read_geno_probData Input
read_vcfData Input VCF
reest_rfRe-estimate the recombination fractions in a genetic map
rev_mapReverse map
rf_list_to_matrixRecombination fraction list to matrix
rf_snp_filterRemove markers that do not meet a LOD criteria
sample_dataRandom sampling of dataset
segreg_polyPolysomic segregation frequency
select_rfSelect rf and lod based on thresholds
sim_cross_one_informative_parentSimulate mapping population (one parent)
sim_cross_two_informative_parentsSimulate mapping population (tow parents)
sim_homologousSimulate homology groups
solcap.dose.mapResulting maps from 'tetra.solcap'
solcap.err.mapResulting maps from 'tetra.solcap'
solcap.mds.mapResulting maps from 'tetra.solcap'
solcap.prior.mapResulting maps from 'tetra.solcap.geno.dist'
split_and_rephaseDivides map in sub-maps and re-phase them
split_mappolySplit map into sub maps given a gap threshold
summary_mapsSummary maps
table_to_mappolyConversion of data.frame to
tetra.solcapAutotetraploid potato dataset.
tetra.solcap.geno.distAutotetraploid potato dataset with genotype probabilities.
update_framework_mapAdd markers that are informative in both parents using HMM...
update_mapUpdate map
update_missingUpdate missing information
update_ph_list_at_hmm_thresmakes a phase list from map, selecting only configurations...
v_2_mConversion: vector to matrix
mappoly documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:05 a.m.