MclustDA <- function(data, class, G = NULL, modelNames = NULL,
modelType = c("MclustDA", "EDDA"),
prior = NULL, control = emControl(),
initialization = NULL, warn = mclust.options("warn"),
verbose = interactive(), ...)
call <-
mc <- = TRUE)
stop("no training data provided!")
data <- data.matrix(data)
n <- nrow(data)
p <- ncol(data)
oneD <- if(p==1) TRUE else FALSE
stop("class labels for training data must be provided!")
class <- as.factor(class)
classLabel <- levels(class)
ncl <- nlevels(class)
if(ncl == 1) G <- 1
prop <- as.vector(table(class))/n
names(prop) <- classLabel
modelType <- match.arg(modelType,
choices = eval(formals(MclustDA)$modelType),
several.ok = FALSE)
{ G <- rep(list(1:5), ncl) }
else if(is.list(G))
{ G <- lapply(G, sort) }
{ G <- rep(list(sort(G)), ncl) }
if(any(unlist(G) <= 0))
stop("G must be positive")
if(oneD) modelNames <- c("E", "V")
else modelNames <- mclust.options("emModelNames")
{ modelNames <- rep(list(modelNames), ncl) }
for(k in 1:ncl)
if(n*prop[k] <= p)
m <- match(modelNames[[k]],
c("EII", "VII", "EEI", "VEI", "EVI", "VVI"),
nomatch = 0)
modelNames[[k]] <- modelNames[[k]][m]
if(modelType == "EDDA")
mc[[1]] <-"mstep")
mc$class <- mc$G <- mc$modelNames <- mc$modelType <- NULL
mc$warn <- FALSE
mc$z <- unmap(as.numeric(class))
G <- 1
modelNames <- unique(unlist(modelNames))
BIC <- rep(NA, length(modelNames))
Model <- NULL
{ cat("fitting ...\n")
pbar <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(modelNames), style = 3)
ipbar <- 0
for(i in seq(modelNames))
{ mc$modelName <- as.character(modelNames[i])
mStep <- eval(mc, parent.frame())
eStep <-"estep", c(mStep, list(data = data, warn = FALSE)))
BIC[i] <-"bic", c(eStep, list(equalPro = TRUE)))
if(![i]) && BIC[i] >= max(BIC, na.rm = TRUE))
Model <- eStep
{ ipbar <- ipbar+1; setTxtProgressBar(pbar, ipbar) }
{ warning("No model(s) can be estimated!!")
return() }
names(BIC) <- modelNames
# bic <- max(BIC, na.rm = TRUE)
# loglik <- Model$loglik
# df <- (2*loglik - bic)/log(Model$n)
# Model <- c(Model, list("BIC" = BIC))
bic <- loglik <- df <- NULL
Models <- rep(list(Model), ncl)
names(Models) <- classLabel
for(l in 1:ncl)
{ I <- (class == classLabel[l])
Models[[l]]$n <- sum(I)
Models[[l]]$G <- 1
Models[[l]]$bic <- Models[[l]]$loglik <- NULL
par <- Models[[l]]$parameters
par$pro <- 1
par$mean <- if(oneD) par$mean[l] else par$mean[,l,drop=FALSE]
par$variance$G <- 1
{ # par$variance$sigma <- par$variance$sigma[l]
if(length(par$variance$sigmasq) > 1)
par$variance$sigmasq <- par$variance$sigmasq[l]
par$variance$sigmasq <- par$variance$sigmasq
{ par$variance$sigma <- par$variance$sigma[,,l,drop=FALSE]
if(length(par$variance$sigmasq) > 1)
par$variance$sigmasq <- par$variance$sigmasq[l]
if(length(par$variance$scale) > 1)
par$variance$scale <- par$variance$scale[l]
if(length(dim(par$variance$shape)) > 1)
par$variance$shape <- par$variance$shape[,l]
if(length(dim(par$variance$orientation)) > 2) # LS was > 1
par$variance$orientation <-
if(length(dim(par$variance$cholSigma)) > 2)
par$variance$cholSigma <-
if(length(dim(par$variance$cholsigma)) > 2)
par$variance$cholsigma <-
Models[[l]]$parameters <- par
Models[[l]]$z <- NULL # z[I,,drop=FALSE]
Models[[l]]$classification <- rep(1, sum(I)) # apply(z[I,,drop=FALSE], 1, which.max)
Models[[l]]$uncertainty <- NULL # 1 - apply(z[I,], 1, max)
Models[[l]]$observations <- which(I)
{ # modelType == "MclustDA" i.e. different covariance structures for each class
Models <- rep(list(NULL), ncl)
mc[[1]] <-"mclustBIC")
mc$class <- NULL
# noise <- eval(mc$initialization$noise, parent.frame())
for(l in 1:ncl)
{ I <- (class == classLabel[l])
mc[[2]] <- data[I,]
mc$G <- G[[l]]
mc$modelNames <- as.character(modelNames[[l]])
# if(!is.null(noise))
# mc$initialization$noise <- noise[I]
if(verbose) cat(paste0("Class ", classLabel[l], ": "))
BIC <- eval(mc, parent.frame())
# slightly adjust parameters if none of the models can be fitted
{ if(length(mc$modelNames) == 1)
{ j <- which(mc$modelNames == mclust.options("emModelNames"))
if(j == 1) mc$G <- mc$G - 1
else mc$modelNames <- mclust.options("emModelNames")[j-1]
{ mc$G <- mc$G - 1 }
BIC <- eval(mc, parent.frame())
SUMMARY <- summary(BIC, data[I,])
names(SUMMARY)[which(names(SUMMARY) == "bic")] <- "BIC"
Models[[l]] <- c(SUMMARY, list(observations = which(I)))
bic <- loglik <- df <- NULL
Models$Vinv <- NULL
names(Models) <- classLabel
out <- list(call = call, data = data, class = class,
type = modelType, n = n, d = p, prop = prop,
models = Models, bic = bic, loglik = loglik, df = df)
out <- structure(out, prior = prior,
control = control,
class = "MclustDA")
l <- logLik.MclustDA(out, data)
out$loglik <- as.numeric(l)
out$df <- attr(l, "df")
out$bic <- 2*out$loglik - log(n)*out$df
print.MclustDA <- function(x, ...)
cat("\'", class(x)[1], "\' model object:\n", sep = "")
models <- x$models
nclass <- length(models)
n <- sapply(1:nclass, function(i) models[[i]]$n)
M <- sapply(1:nclass, function(i) models[[i]]$modelName)
G <- sapply(1:nclass, function(i) models[[i]]$G)
out <- data.frame(n = n, Model = M, G = G)
rownames(out) <- names(models)
out <- as.matrix(out)
names(dimnames(out)) <- c("Classes", "")
print(out, quote = FALSE, right = TRUE)
catwrap("\nAvailable components:\n")
# str(x, max.level = 2, give.attr = FALSE, strict.width = "wrap")
summary.MclustDA <- function(object, parameters = FALSE, newdata, newclass, ...)
# collect info
models <- object$models
nclass <- length(models)
classes <- names(models)
n <- sapply(1:nclass, function(i) models[[i]]$n)
G <- sapply(1:nclass, function(i) models[[i]]$G)
modelName <- sapply(1:nclass, function(i) models[[i]]$modelName)
prior <- attr(object, "prior")
printParameters <- parameters
par <- getParameters.MclustDA(object)
class <- object$class
data <- object$data
pred <- predict(object, newdata = data, ...)
ce <- mean(class != pred$classification)
brier <- BrierScore(pred$z, class)
tab <- try(table(class, pred$classification))
if(inherits(tab, "try-error"))
{ ce <- tab <- NA }
{ names(dimnames(tab)) <- c("Class", "Predicted") }
tab.newdata <- ce.newdata <- brier.newdata <- NULL
if(!missing(newdata) & !missing(newclass))
pred.newdata <- predict(object, newdata = newdata, ...)
{ tab.newdata <- table(pred.newdata$classification)
names(dimnames(tab.newdata)) <- "Predicted"
{ tab.newdata <- table(newclass, pred.newdata$classification)
names(dimnames(tab.newdata)) <- c("Class", "Predicted")
ce.newdata <- mean(newclass != pred.newdata$classification)
brier.newdata <- BrierScore(pred.newdata$z, newclass)
obj <- list(type = object$type, n = n, d = object$d,
loglik = object$loglik, df = object$df, bic = object$bic,
nclass = nclass, classes = classes,
G = G, modelName = modelName,
prop = object$prop, parameters = par, prior = prior,
tab = tab, ce = ce, brier = brier,
tab.newdata = tab.newdata,
ce.newdata = ce.newdata, brier.newdata = brier.newdata,
printParameters = printParameters)
class(obj) <- "summary.MclustDA"
print.summary.MclustDA <- function(x, digits = getOption("digits"), ...)
title <- paste("Gaussian finite mixture model for classification")
txt <- paste(rep("-", min(nchar(title), getOption("width"))), collapse = "")
catwrap(paste(x$type, "model summary:"))
tab <- data.frame("log-likelihood" = x$loglik,
"n" = sum(x$n), "df" = x$df,
"BIC" = x$bic,
row.names = "", check.names = FALSE)
print(tab, digits = digits)
tab <- data.frame("n" = x$n, "%" = round(x$n/sum(x$n)*100,2),
"Model" = x$modelName, "G" = x$G,
check.names = FALSE,
row.names = x$classes)
tab <- as.matrix(tab)
names(dimnames(tab)) <- c("Classes", "")
print(tab, digits = digits, quote = FALSE, right = TRUE)
{ cat("\nPrior: ")
cat(x$prior$functionName, "(",
paste(names(x$prior[-1]), x$prior[-1], sep = " = ", collapse = ", "),
")", sep = "")
cat("\nClass prior probabilities:\n")
print(x$prop, digits = digits)
for(i in seq(x$nclass))
{ cat("\nClass = ", x$class[i], "\n", sep = "")
par <- x$parameters[[i]]
if(x$type == "MclustDA")
cat("\nMixing probabilities: ")
cat(round(par$pro, digits = digits), "\n")
print(par$mean, digits = digits)
if(x$d > 1)
{ for(g in seq(x$G[i]))
{ cat("[,,", g, "]\n", sep = "")
print(par$variance[,,g], digits = digits) }
else print(par$variance, digits = digits)
cat("\nTraining confusion matrix:\n")
cat("Classification error =", round(x$ce, min(digits,4)), "\n")
cat("Brier score =", round(x$brier, min(digits,4)), "\n")
cat("\nTest confusion matrix:\n")
{ cat("Classification error =", round(x$ce.newdata, min(digits,4)), "\n")
cat("Brier score =", round(x$brier.newdata, min(digits,4)), "\n")
getParameters.MclustDA <- function(object)
# collect info
models <- object$models
nclass <- length(models)
classes <- names(models)
n <- sapply(1:nclass, function(i) models[[i]]$n)
G <- sapply(1:nclass, function(i) models[[i]]$G)
modelName <- sapply(1:nclass, function(i) models[[i]]$modelName)
# prior <- attr(object, "prior")
par <- vector(mode = "list", length = nclass)
for(i in seq(nclass))
par[[i]] <- models[[i]]$parameters
if(is.null(par[[i]]$pro)) par$pro <- 1
if(par[[i]]$variance$d < 2)
sigma <- rep(par[[i]]$variance$sigma,
names(sigma) <- names(par[[i]]$mean)
par[[i]]$variance$sigma <- sigma
par[[i]]$variance <- par[[i]]$variance$sigma
logLik.MclustDA <- function (object, data, ...)
data <- object$data
n <- object$n
d <- object$d
par <- getParameters.MclustDA(object)
prop <- object$prop
nclass <- length(prop)
df <- if(object$type == "EDDA")
d * nclass + nVarParams(object$models[[1]]$modelName,
d = d, G = nclass)
} else
sum(sapply(object$models, function(mod)
with(mod, (G - 1) + G * d + nVarParams(modelName, d = d, G = G))))
df <- df + nclass-1
ll <- sapply(object$models, function(mod)
{"dens", c(list(data = data, logarithm = TRUE), mod)) })
# logcden <- cdens(data = data,
# modelName = object$models[[1]]$modelName,
# parameters = object$models[[1]]$parameters,
# logarithm = TRUE)
ll <- sum(logsumexp(ll, log(prop)))
attr(ll, "nobs") <- n
attr(ll, "df") <- df
class(ll) <- "logLik"
predict.MclustDA <- function(object, newdata, prop = object$prop, ...)
if(!inherits(object, "MclustDA"))
stop("object not of class 'MclustDA'")
models <- object$models
nclass <- length(models)
classNames <- if(is.null(object$class)) names(models)
else levels(object$class)
n <- sapply(1:nclass, function(i) models[[i]]$n)
{ newdata <- object$data }
# if(object$d == 1) newdata <- as.vector(newdata)
if(any(prop < 0))
stop("'prop' must be nonnegative")
if(length(prop) != nclass)
stop("'prop' is of incorrect length")
prop <- prop/sum(prop)
} else
prop <- n/sum(n)
# class density computed on log scale
densfun <- function(mod, data)
{"dens", c(list(data = data, logarithm = TRUE), mod))
z <- matrix(as.double(NA), nrow = NROW(newdata), ncol = nclass)
for(j in 1:nclass)
z[,j] <- densfun(models[[j]], data = newdata)
# TODO: to be removed at a certain point
# z <- sweep(z, MARGIN = 2, FUN = "+", STATS = log(prop))
# z <- sweep(z, MARGIN = 1, FUN = "-", STATS = apply(z, 1, logsumexp_old))
# z <- exp(z)
z <- softmax(z, log(prop))
colnames(z) <- classNames
cl <- apply(z, 1, which.max)
class <- factor(classNames[cl], levels = classNames)
out <- list(classification = class, z = z)
plot.MclustDA <- function(x, what = c("scatterplot", "classification", "train&test", "error"),
newdata, newclass,
dimens = NULL,
symbols, colors,
main = NULL,
object <- x # Argh. Really want to use object anyway
if(!inherits(object, "MclustDA"))
stop("object not of class 'MclustDA'")
data <- object$data
if(object$d > 1) dataNames <- colnames(data)
else dataNames <- deparse(object$call$data)
n <- nrow(data)
p <- ncol(data)
dimens <- if(is.null(dimens)) seq(p) else dimens[dimens <= p]
d <- length(dimens)
if(d == 0)
warning("dimens larger than data dimensionality...")
{ newdata <- matrix(as.double(NA), 0, p) }
{ newdata <- as.matrix(newdata) }
if(ncol(newdata) != p)
stop("incompatible newdata dimensionality")
{ newclass <- vector(length = 0) }
{ if(nrow(newdata) != length(newclass))
stop("incompatible newdata and newclass") }
if(object$d > 1) newdataNames <- colnames(newdata)
else newdataNames <- deparse($newdata)
what <- match.arg(what, several.ok = TRUE)
models <- object$models
M <- length(models)
if(missing(dimens)) dimens <- seq_len(p)
trainClass <- object$class
nclass <- length(unique(trainClass))
Data <- rbind(data, newdata)
predClass <- predict(object, Data)$classification
{ if(M <= length(mclust.options("classPlotSymbols")))
{ symbols <- mclust.options("classPlotSymbols") }
else if(M <= 26)
{ symbols <- LETTERS }
if(length(symbols) == 1) symbols <- rep(symbols,M)
if(length(symbols) < M & !any(what == "train&test"))
{ warning("more symbols needed to show classification")
symbols <- rep(16, M) }
{ colors <- mclust.options("classPlotColors") }
if(length(colors) == 1) colors <- rep(colors,M)
if(length(colors) < M & !any(what == "train&test"))
{ warning("more colors needed to show classification")
colors <- rep("black", M) }
oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
plot.MclustDA.scatterplot <- function(...)
if(d == 1)
mclust1Dplot(data = if(nrow(newdata) == 0) data[,dimens[1],drop=FALSE]
else newdata[,dimens[1],drop=FALSE],
what = "classification",
classification = if(nrow(newdata) == 0) trainClass
else newclass,
xlab = if(nrow(newdata) == 0) dataNames[dimens]
else newdataNames[dimens],
ylab = "Classes",
main = NULL, ...)
title(if(is.character(main)) main
else if(as.logical(main))
if(nrow(newdata) == 0) "Training data" else "Test data"
else NULL,
cex.main = oldpar$cex.lab)
scatellipses <- function(data, dimens, nclass, symbols, colors, ...)
m <- lapply(models, function(m)
{ m$parameters$mean <- array(m$parameters$mean[dimens,], c(2,m$G))
m$parameters$variance$sigma <-
array(m$parameters$variance$sigma[dimens,dimens,], c(2,2,m$G))
plot(data[,dimens], type = "n", ...)
for(l in 1:nclass)
I <- m[[l]]$observations
points(data[I,dimens[1]], data[I,dimens[2]],
pch = symbols[l], col = colors[l])
for(g in 1:(m[[l]]$G))
mvn2plot(mu = m[[l]]$parameters$mean[,g],
sigma = m[[l]]$parameters$variance$sigma[,,g],
k = 15,
fillEllipse = mclust.options("fillEllipses"),
col = if(mclust.options("fillEllipses"))
colors[l] else rep("grey30",3))
if(d == 2)
scatellipses(if(nrow(newdata) == 0) data else newdata,
dimens = dimens[1:2],
nclass = nclass,
symbols = symbols, colors = colors,
xlab = if(nrow(newdata) == 0) dataNames[dimens[1]]
else newdataNames[dimens[1]],
ylab = if(nrow(newdata) == 0) dataNames[dimens[2]]
else newdataNames[dimens[2]],
title(if(is.character(main)) main
else if(as.logical(main))
if(nrow(newdata) == 0) "Training data" else "Test data"
else NULL,
cex.main = oldpar$cex.lab)
if(d > 2)
par(mfrow = c(d, d),
mar = rep(0.2/2,4),
oma = rep(4,4)+c(0,0,1*(!is.null(main)),0))
for(i in seq(d))
for(j in seq(d))
if(i == j)
plot(if(nrow(newdata) == 0) data[,dimens[c(i,j)]]
else newdata[,dimens[c(i,j)]],
type="n", xlab = "", ylab = "", axes=FALSE)
text(mean(par("usr")[1:2]), mean(par("usr")[3:4]),
labels = if(nrow(newdata) == 0) dataNames[dimens][i]
else newdataNames[dimens][i],
cex = 1.5, adj = 0.5)
} else
scatellipses(if(nrow(newdata) == 0) data else newdata,
dimens = dimens[c(j,i)],
nclass = nclass,
symbols = symbols, colors = colors,
xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n")
if(i == 1 && (!(j%%2))) axis(3)
if(i == d && (j%%2)) axis(1)
if(j == 1 && (!(i%%2))) axis(2)
if(j == d && (i%%2)) axis(4)
title(if(is.character(main)) main
else if(as.logical(main))
if(nrow(newdata) == 0) "Training data" else "Test data"
else NULL,
cex.main = 1.2*oldpar$cex.main,
outer = TRUE, line = 3)
plot.MclustDA.classification <- function(...)
if(nrow(newdata) == 0 && d == 1)
mclust1Dplot(data = data[,dimens[1],drop=FALSE],
what = "classification",
classification = predClass[1:n],
colors = colors[1:nclass],
xlab = dataNames[dimens],
main = FALSE, ...)
title(if(is.character(main)) main
else if(as.logical(main)) "Training data classification"
else NULL,
cex.main = oldpar$cex.lab)
if(nrow(newdata) == 0 && d == 2)
coordProj(data = data[,dimens], what = "classification",
classification = predClass[1:n],
main = FALSE,
colors = colors[1:nclass],
symbols = symbols[1:nclass], ...)
title(if(is.character(main)) main
else if(as.logical(main)) "Training data classification"
else NULL,
cex.main = oldpar$cex.lab)
if(nrow(newdata) == 0 && d > 2)
classification = predClass[1:n],
colors = colors[1:nclass],
symbols = symbols[1:nclass],
cex.labels = 1.5,
main = if(!is.null(main))
if(is.character(main)) main
else if(as.logical(main)) "Training data classification"
else NULL,
cex.main = oldpar$cex.lab)
if(nrow(newdata) > 0 && d == 1)
mclust1Dplot(data = newdata[,dimens],
what = "classification",
classification = predClass[-(1:n)],
xlab = newdataNames[dimens],
main = FALSE, ...)
title(if(is.character(main)) main
else if(as.logical(main)) "Test data classification"
else NULL,
cex.main = oldpar$cex.lab)
if(nrow(newdata) > 0 && d == 2)
coordProj(data = newdata[,dimens], what ="classification",
classification = predClass[-(1:n)],
colors = colors[1:nclass],
symbols = symbols[1:nclass],
main = FALSE, ...)
title(if(is.character(main)) main
else if(as.logical(main)) "Test data classification"
else NULL,
cex.main = oldpar$cex.lab)
if(nrow(newdata) > 0 & length(dimens) > 2)
# par(oma = c(0,0,10,0))
clPairs(data = newdata[,dimens],
classification = predClass[-(1:n)],
colors = colors[1:nclass],
symbols = symbols[1:nclass],
cex.labels = 1.5,
main = if(!is.null(main))
if(is.character(main)) main
else if(as.logical(main)) "Test data classification"
else NULL,
cex.main = oldpar$cex.lab)
plot.MclustDA.traintest <- function(...)
cl <- factor(rep(c("Train","Test"),
times = c(nrow(data), nrow(newdata))),
levels = c("Train", "Test"))
if(d == 1)
mclust1Dplot(data = Data[,dimens], what = "classification",
classification = cl,
xlab = dataNames[dimens], ylab = "",
colors = c("grey20", "grey80"),
main = FALSE, ...)
title(if(is.character(main)) main
else if(as.logical(main)) "Training and Test data"
else NULL,
cex.main = oldpar$cex.lab)
if(d == 2)
coordProj(Data, dimens = dimens[1:2], what = "classification",
classification = cl, cex = 0.8,
symbols = c(19,3), colors = c("grey80", "grey20"),
main = FALSE, ...)
title(if(is.character(main)) main
else if(as.logical(main)) "Training (o) and Test (+) data"
else NULL,
cex.main = oldpar$cex.lab)
if(d > 2)
clPairs(Data[,dimens], classification = cl,
symbols = c(19,3), colors = c("grey80", "grey20"),
main = if(!is.null(main))
if(is.character(main)) main
else if(as.logical(main)) "Training (o) and Test (+) data"
else NULL,
cex.main = oldpar$cex.lab)
plot.MclustDA.error <- function(...)
if(nrow(newdata) == 0 && d == 1)
mclust1Dplot(data = data[,dimens], what = "error",
classification = predClass[1:n],
truth = trainClass,
xlab = dataNames[dimens],
main = FALSE, ...)
title(if(is.character(main)) main
else if(as.logical(main)) "Training data error"
else NULL,
cex.main = oldpar$cex.lab)
if(nrow(newdata) == 0 && d == 2)
coordProj(data = data[,dimens[1:2]], what = "error",
classification = predClass[1:n],
truth = trainClass, main = FALSE, ...)
title(if(is.character(main)) main
else if(as.logical(main)) "Training data error"
else NULL,
cex.main = oldpar$cex.lab)
if(nrow(newdata) == 0 && d > 2)
par(mfrow = c(d, d),
mar = rep(0.2/2,4),
oma = rep(4,4)+c(0,0,1*(!is.null(main)),0))
for(i in seq(d))
for(j in seq(d))
if(i == j)
plot(data[,dimens[c(i,j)]], type="n",
xlab = "", ylab = "", axes=FALSE)
text(mean(par("usr")[1:2]), mean(par("usr")[3:4]),
dataNames[dimens][i], cex = 1.5, adj = 0.5)
} else
coordProj(data = data[,dimens[c(j,i)]], what = "error",
classification = predClass[1:n],
truth = trainClass, main = FALSE,
xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n")
if(i == 1 && (!(j%%2))) axis(3)
if(i == d && (j%%2)) axis(1)
if(j == 1 && (!(i%%2))) axis(2)
if(j == d && (i%%2)) axis(4)
title(if(is.character(main)) main
else if(as.logical(main)) "Training data error"
else NULL,
cex.main = 1.2*oldpar$cex.main,
outer = TRUE, line = 3)
if(nrow(newdata) > 0 && d == 1)
mclust1Dplot(data = newdata[,dimens], what = "error",
classification = predClass[-(1:n)],
truth = newclass,
xlab = newdataNames[dimens],
main = FALSE, ...)
title(if(is.character(main)) main
else if(as.logical(main)) "Test data error"
else NULL,
cex.main = oldpar$cex.lab)
if(nrow(newdata) > 0 && d == 2)
coordProj(data = newdata[,dimens[1:2]], what = "error",
classification = predClass[-(1:n)],
truth = newclass, main = FALSE, ...)
title(if(is.character(main)) main
else if(as.logical(main)) "Test data error"
else NULL,
cex.main = oldpar$cex.lab)
if(nrow(newdata) > 0 && d > 2)
par(mfrow = c(d, d),
mar = rep(0.2/2,4),
oma = rep(4,4)+c(0,0,1*(!is.null(main)),0))
for(i in seq(d))
for(j in seq(d))
if(i == j)
plot(newdata[,dimens[c(i,j)]], type="n",
xlab = "", ylab = "", axes=FALSE)
text(mean(par("usr")[1:2]), mean(par("usr")[3:4]),
newdataNames[dimens][i], cex = 1.5, adj = 0.5)
} else
coordProj(data = newdata[,dimens[c(j,i)]], what = "error",
classification = predClass[-(1:n)],
truth = newclass, main = FALSE,
xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n")
if(i == 1 && (!(j%%2))) axis(3)
if(i == d && (j%%2)) axis(1)
if(j == 1 && (!(i%%2))) axis(2)
if(j == d && (i%%2)) axis(4)
title(if(is.character(main)) main
else if(as.logical(main)) "Test data error"
else NULL,
cex.main = 1.2*oldpar$cex.main,
outer = TRUE, line = 3)
if(interactive() & length(what) > 1)
{ title <- "Model-based discriminant analysis plots:"
# present menu waiting user choice
choice <- menu(what, graphics = FALSE, title = title)
while(choice != 0)
{ if(what[choice] == "scatterplot") plot.MclustDA.scatterplot(...)
if(what[choice] == "classification") plot.MclustDA.classification(...)
if(what[choice] == "train&test") plot.MclustDA.traintest(...)
if(what[choice] == "error") plot.MclustDA.error(...)
# re-present menu waiting user choice
choice <- menu(what, graphics = FALSE, title = title)
{ if(any(what == "scatterplot")) plot.MclustDA.scatterplot(...)
if(any(what == "classification")) plot.MclustDA.classification(...)
if(any(what == "train&test")) plot.MclustDA.traintest(...)
if(any(what == "error")) plot.MclustDA.error(...)
cvMclustDA <- function(object, nfold = 10,
prop = object$prop,
verbose = interactive(),
if(!is.null( = TRUE)$metric))
warning("'metric' argument is deprecated! Ignored.")
call <- object$call
nfold <- as.numeric(nfold)
data <- object$data
class <- as.factor(object$class)
n <- length(class)
G <- lapply(object$models, function(mod) mod$G)
modelName <- lapply(object$models, function(mod) mod$modelName)
ce <- function(pred, class)
1 - sum(class == pred, na.rm = TRUE)/length(class)
folds <- if(nfold == n) lapply(1:n, function(x) x)
else balancedFolds(class, nfolds = nfold)
nfold <- length(folds)
folds.size <- sapply(folds, length)
# <- matrix(as.double(NA), nrow = nfold, ncol = 2) <- factor(rep(NA, n), levels = levels(class)) <- matrix(as.double(NA), nrow = n, ncol = nlevels(class),
dimnames = list(NULL, levels(class)))
cat("cross-validating ...\n")
pbar <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nfold, style = 3)
for(i in seq(nfold))
x <- data[-folds[[i]],,drop=FALSE]
y <- class[-folds[[i]]]
call$data <- x
call$class <- y
call$G <- G
call$modelNames <- modelName
call$verbose <- FALSE
mod <- eval(call, parent.frame())
predTest <- predict(mod, data[folds[[i]],,drop=FALSE], prop = prop)[i,1] <- ce(predTest$classification, class[folds[[i]]])[i,2] <- BrierScore(predTest$z, class[folds[[i]]])[folds[[i]]] <- predTest$classification[folds[[i]],] <- predTest$z
setTxtProgressBar(pbar, i)
cv <- sapply(1:2, function(m) sum([,m]*folds.size)/sum(folds.size))
# se <- apply(, 2, function(m) sqrt(var(m)/nfold))
se <- sapply(1:2, function(m)
sqrt( ( sum( ([,m] - cv[m])^2 * folds.size) /
(sum(folds.size)*(nfold-1)/nfold)) /
out <- list(classification =,
z =,
ce = cv[1], se.ce = se[1],
brier = cv[2], se.brier = se[2])
balancedFolds <- function(y, nfolds = min(min(table(y)), 10))
# Create 'nfolds' balanced folds conditional on grouping variable 'y'.
# Function useful in evaluating a classifier by balanced cross-validation.
# Returns a list with 'nfolds' elements containing indexes of each fold.
# Based on balanced.folds() in package 'pamr' by T. Hastie, R. Tibshirani,
# Balasubramanian Narasimhan, Gil Chu.
totals <- table(y)
fmax <- max(totals)
nfolds <- min(nfolds, fmax) # ensure number of folds not larger than the max class size
folds <- as.list(seq(nfolds))
yids <- split(seq(y), y) # get the ids in a list, split by class
## create a big matrix, with enough rows to get in all the folds per class
bigmat <- matrix(as.double(NA),
nrow = ceiling(fmax/nfolds) * nfolds,
ncol = length(totals))
for(i in seq(totals))
bigmat[seq(totals[i]), i] <-
if (totals[i]==1) yids[[i]] else sample(yids[[i]])
smallmat <- matrix(bigmat, nrow = nfolds) # reshape the matrix
## clever sort to mix up the NAs
smallmat <- permuteRows(t(smallmat))
res <-vector("list", nfolds)
for(j in 1:nfolds)
jj <- ![, j])
res[[j]] <- smallmat[jj, j]
permuteRows <- function(x)
dd <- dim(x)
n <- dd[1]
p <- dd[2]
mm <- runif(length(x)) + rep(seq(n) * 10, rep(p, n))
matrix(t(x)[order(mm)], n, p, byrow = TRUE)
# Deprecated functions
cv1EMtrain <- function(data, labels, modelNames=NULL)
.Deprecated("cvMclustDA", package = "mclust")
z <- unmap(as.numeric(labels))
G <- ncol(z)
dimDataset <- dim(data)
oneD <- is.null(dimDataset) || length(dimDataset[dimDataset > 1]) == 1
if (oneD || length(dimDataset) != 2) {
if (is.null(modelNames))
modelNames <- c("E", "V")
if (any(!match(modelNames, c("E", "V"), nomatch = 0)))
stop("modelNames E or V for one-dimensional data")
n <- length(data)
cv <- matrix(1, nrow = n, ncol = length(modelNames))
dimnames(cv) <- list(NULL, modelNames)
for (m in modelNames) {
for (i in 1:n) {
mStep <- mstep(modelName = m, data = data[-i],
z = z[-i,], warn = FALSE)
eStep <-"estep", c(mStep, list(data = data[i],
warn = FALSE)))
if (is.null(attr(eStep, "warn"))) {
k <- (1:G)[eStep$z == max(eStep$z)]
l <- (1:G)[z[i,] == max(z[i,])]
cv[i, m] <- as.numeric(!any(k == l))
else {
if (is.null(modelNames))
modelNames <- mclust.options("emModelNames")
n <- nrow(data)
cv <- matrix(1, nrow = n, ncol = length(modelNames))
dimnames(cv) <- list(NULL, modelNames)
for (m in modelNames) {
for (i in 1:n) {
mStep <- mstep(modelName = m, data = data[-i,],
z = z[-i,], warn = FALSE)
eStep <-"estep", c(mStep, list(data = data[i,
, drop = FALSE], warn = FALSE)))
if (is.null(attr(eStep, "warn"))) {
k <- (1:G)[eStep$z == max(eStep$z)]
l <- (1:G)[z[i,] == max(z[i,])]
cv[i, m] <- as.numeric(!any(k == l))
errorRate <- apply(cv, 2, sum)
bicEMtrain <- function(data, labels, modelNames=NULL)
.Deprecated("MclustDA", package = "mclust")
z <- unmap(as.numeric(labels))
G <- ncol(z)
dimData <- dim(data)
oneD <- is.null(dimData) || length(dimData[dimData > 1]) ==
if (oneD || length(dimData) != 2) {
if (is.null(modelNames))
modelNames <- c("E", "V")
if (any(!match(modelNames, c("E", "V"), nomatch = 0)))
stop("modelNames E or V for one-dimensional data")
else {
if (is.null(modelNames))
modelNames <- mclust.options("emModelNames")
BIC <- rep(NA, length(modelNames))
names(BIC) <- modelNames
for (m in modelNames) {
mStep <- mstep(modelName = m, data = data, z = z, warn = FALSE)
eStep <-"estep", c(mStep, list(data=data, warn=FALSE)))
if (is.null(attr(eStep, "warn")))
BIC[m] <-"bic", eStep)
cv.MclustDA <- function(...)
.Deprecated("cvMclustDA", package = "mclust")
# "[.mclustDAtest" <- function (x, i, j, drop = FALSE)
# {
# clx <- oldClass(x)
# oldClass(x) <- NULL
# NextMethod("[")
# }
classPriorProbs <- function(object, newdata = object$data,
itmax = 1e3, eps = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
if(!inherits(object, "MclustDA"))
stop("object not of class 'MclustDA'")
z <- predict(object, newdata = newdata)$z
prop <- object$prop
p <- colMeans(z)
p0 <- p+1
it <- 0
# while(max(abs(p-p0)/abs(p)) > eps & it < itmax)
while(any(abs(p-p0) > eps*(1+abs(p))) & it < itmax)
it <- it+1
p0 <- p
# z_upd <- t(apply(z, 1, function(z) { z <- z*p/prop; z/sum(z) }))
z_upd <- sweep(z, 2, FUN = "*", STATS = p/prop)
z_upd <- sweep(z_upd, MARGIN = 1, FUN = "/", STATS = rowSums(z_upd))
p <- colMeans(z_upd)
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