
Defines functions network

Documented in network

# Authors:
#   Ignacio Gonzalez, Genopole Toulouse Midi-Pyrenees, France
#   Francois Bartolo, Institut National des Sciences Appliquees et Institut de Mathematiques, Universite de Toulouse et CNRS (UMR 5219), France
#   Kim-Anh Le Cao, The University of Queensland, The University of Queensland Diamantina Institute, Translational Research Institute, Brisbane, QLD
#   Florian Rohart, The University of Queensland, The University of Queensland Diamantina Institute, Translational Research Institute, Brisbane, QLD
# created: 2009
# last modified: 13-04-2016
# Copyright (C) 2009
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

network =
comp = NULL,
blocks = c(1,2),
cutoff = NULL,
row.names = TRUE,
col.names = TRUE,
block.var.names = TRUE,
color.node = NULL,
shape.node = NULL,
cex.node.name = 1,
color.edge = color.GreenRed(100),
lty.edge = "solid",
lwd.edge = 1,
show.edge.labels = FALSE,
cex.edge.label = 1,
show.color.key = TRUE,
symkey = TRUE,
keysize = c(1, 1),
keysize.label = 1,
interactive = FALSE,
layout.fun = NULL,
save = NULL,
name.save = NULL)
    #-- checking general input parameters --------------------------------------#
    #-- check that the user did not enter extra arguments
    arg.call = match.call()
    user.arg = names(arg.call)[-1]
    err = tryCatch(mget(names(formals()), sys.frame(sys.nframe())),
    error = function(e) e)
    if ("simpleError" %in% class(err))
    stop(err[[1]], ".", call. = FALSE)
    function.arg = names(mget(names(formals()), sys.frame(sys.nframe())))
    not.arg = !(user.arg %in% function.arg)
    if (any(not.arg))
        unused.arg = user.arg[not.arg]
        not.arg = which(not.arg) + 1
        output = rep("", length(not.arg))
        for (i in 1:length(not.arg))
            output[i] = paste0(unused.arg[i], " = ", arg.call[[not.arg[i]]])
        output = paste0("(", paste(output, collapse = ", "), ").")
        msg = "unused argument "
        if (length(not.arg) > 1) msg = "unused arguments "
        stop(msg, output, call. = FALSE)
#    #-- check blocks
#    if(length(blocks) != 2)
#    stop("We can only display 2 blocks",call.=FALSE)
    #-- save
    if (!is.null(save))
        if (! save %in% c("jpeg","tiff","png","pdf"))
        stop("'save' must be one of 'jpeg', 'png', 'tiff' or 'pdf'.", call. = FALSE)
    #-- name.save
    if (!is.null(name.save))
        if (! is.character(name.save) || length(name.save) > 1)
        stop("'name.save' must be a character.", call. = FALSE)
    } else {
        if (!is.null(save))
        name.save = paste0("network_",gsub(".", "_", deparse(substitute(mat)) ,fixed = T))
    if (!is.null(save)){
        while (dev.cur()>1)
        if (save == "jpeg")
        jpeg(filename = paste0(name.save,".jpeg"), res = 600, width = 4000, height = 4000)
        if (save == "png")
        jpeg(filename = paste0(name.save,".png"), res = 600, width = 4000, height = 4000)
        if (save == "tiff")
        tiff(filename = paste0(name.save,".tiff"), res = 600, width = 4000, height = 4000)
        if (save == "pdf")
        pdf(file = paste0(name.save,".pdf"))
    class.object = class(mat)
    if (! any(class.object %in% c(object.pls,object.rcc,object.blocks, "matrix")))
    stop( " 'network' is only implemented for the following objects: matrix, pls, plsda, spls, splsda, rcc, sgcca, rgcca, sgccda", call.=FALSE)
    if(any(class.object %in% c(object.rcc,object.pls)))
        p = ncol(mat$X)
        if(any(class.object == "DA")) # object is DA
        mat$Y = mat$ind.mat

        q = ncol(mat$Y)
        n = nrow(mat$X)
        ncomp = mat$ncomp
        #-- comp
        if (length(comp) == 1)
                stop("the elements of 'comp' must be smaller than or equal to ", ncomp, ".",
                call. = FALSE)
            } else if ( !is.numeric(comp) || comp <= 0) {
                stop("invalid value for 'comp'.", call. = FALSE)
        if (length(comp) > 1)
            if(length(comp) > ncomp)
            stop("the length of 'comp' must be smaller than or equal to ", ncomp, ".",
            call. = FALSE)
            if (!is.numeric(comp) || any(comp < 1))
            stop("invalid vector for 'comp'.", call. = FALSE)
            if (any(comp > ncomp))
            stop("the elements of 'comp' must be smaller or equal than ", ncomp, ".",
            call. = FALSE)
        comp = round(comp)
        #-- row.names
        row.names.plot = TRUE # whether to plot the label in the graph
        if (is.logical(row.names))
                row.names.plot = FALSE
            row.names = mat$names$colnames$X
        } else {
            row.names = as.vector(row.names)
            if (length(unique(row.names)) != p)
            stop("'row.names' must be a character vector of ", p, " unique entries.",
            call. = FALSE)
        if(row.names.plot == TRUE)
            row.names.plot = row.names
            row.names.plot = rep("",p)
        #-- col.names
        col.names.plot = TRUE # whether to plot the label in the graph
        if (is.logical(col.names))
                col.names.plot = FALSE
            col.names = mat$names$colnames$Y
        } else {
            col.names = as.vector(col.names)
            if (length(col.names) != q)
            stop("'col.names' must be a character vector of ", q, " unique entries.",
            call. = FALSE)
        if(col.names.plot == TRUE)
            col.names.plot = col.names
            col.names.plot = rep("",q)
        #-- end checking --#
        #-- network ----------------------------------------------------------------#
        if(any(class.object %in% object.rcc))
            #-- similarity matrix --#
            bisect = mat$variates$X[, comp] + mat$variates$Y[, comp]
            cord.X = cor(mat$X, bisect, use = "pairwise")
            cord.Y = cor(mat$Y, bisect, use = "pairwise")
            mat = cord.X %*% t(cord.Y)
        } else if(any(class.object %in% object.pls)) {
            #-- variable selection --#
            if (all(class(mat) %in% "pls"))
                keep.X = rep(TRUE,p)
                keep.Y = rep(TRUE,q)
            } else {
                keep.X = apply(abs(mat$loadings$X[, comp, drop=FALSE]), 1, sum) > 0
                keep.Y = apply(abs(mat$loadings$Y[, comp, drop=FALSE]), 1, sum) > 0
                row.names = row.names[keep.X]
                col.names = col.names[keep.Y]
            #-- similarity matrix --#
            if (mat$mode == "canonical")
                cord.X = cor(mat$X[, keep.X], mat$variates$X[, comp], use = "pairwise")
                cord.Y = cor(mat$Y[, keep.Y], mat$variates$Y[, comp], use = "pairwise")
            } else {
                cord.X = cor(mat$X[, keep.X], mat$variates$X[, comp], use = "pairwise")
                cord.Y = cor(mat$Y[, keep.Y], mat$variates$X[, comp], use = "pairwise")
            mat = cord.X %*% t(cord.Y)
    } else if(any(class.object %in% object.blocks)) {
        # remove Y from the list of blocks for DA objects
        if(any(class.object == "DA"))
            mat$names$blocks = mat$names$blocks [-mat$indY]
            mat$names$colnames = mat$names$colnames [-mat$indY]
            mat$ncomp = mat$ncomp [-mat$indY]
        if (is.null(blocks))
            if (any(mat$ncomp > 1))
                blocks = mat$names$blocks[ which(mat$ncomp > 1)]
            } else {
                stop(("The number of components for each block is 1. The number of components must be superior or equal to 2."), call. = FALSE)
        } else if (is.numeric(blocks) & min(blocks) > 0 &  max(blocks) <= length(mat$names$blocks)) {
            blocks = mat$names$blocks[blocks]
        } else if (is.character(blocks)) {
            if (!all(blocks %in% mat$names$blocks))
            stop("One element of 'blocks' does not match with the names of the blocks")
        } else {
            stop("Incorrect value for 'blocks", call. = FALSE)
        #-- comp
        if (is.null(comp))
            comp = vector("list", length(blocks))
            names(comp) = blocks
            for (i in blocks)
            comp[[i]] = 1:mat$ncomp[i]
        if (is.list(comp))
            if (length(comp) != length(blocks))
            stop("'comp' must be either NULL a list of length ", length(blocks), ".",
            call. = FALSE)
            if (!all(blocks %in% names(comp)))
            stop("names of 'comp' must be from {",
            paste(blocks, collapse = ", "), "}.", call. = FALSE)
            for (i in blocks)
                if (any(!is.finite(comp[[i]])))
                stop("invalid value for 'comp' of the block '", i, "'.", call. = FALSE)
                if (any(comp[[i]] > mat$ncomp[i]))
                stop("the elements of 'comp' for block '", i, "' must be smaller or equal than ",
                mat$ncomp[i], ".", call. = FALSE)
                if (any(comp[[i]] < 1))
                stop("invalid value for 'comp' of the block '", i, "'.", call. = FALSE)
        } else {
            stop("'comp' must be either NULL or a list of length ", length(blocks), ".",
            call. = FALSE)
        #-- block.var.names
        num.var = unlist(lapply(mat$X[blocks], ncol))
        if (is.logical(block.var.names))
            if (length(block.var.names)==1)
            if (length(block.var.names) != length(blocks))
            stop("'block.var.names' must be a logical vector of length 1 or ",  length(blocks),", or a list of length ",  length(blocks), ".",
            call. = FALSE)
            block.var.names = mat$names$colnames
            for (i in 1:length(blocks))
                if (i %in% vec)
                block.var.names[[blocks[i]]] = rep(" ",length(mat$names$colnames[[blocks[i]]]))
        } else {
            if (is.list(block.var.names))
                if (length(block.var.names) != length(blocks))
                    stop("'block.var.names' must be a logical vector or a list of length ",  length(blocks), ".",
                    call. = FALSE)
                } else {
                    if (!all(unlist(lapply(block.var.names, is.vector))))
                    stop("each component of 'block.var.names' must be a vector.", call. = FALSE)
                    block.var.names.length = unlist(lapply(block.var.names, length))
                    if (any(block.var.names.length != num.var))
                    stop("components of 'block.var.names' must be vectors of length ",
                    paste(num.var, collapse = ", "), ".", call. = FALSE)
            } else {
                stop("'block.var.names' must be either a logical value or a list of length ",
                length(blocks), ".", call. = FALSE)
        #-- network approach -------------------------------------------------------#
        #-- calculation of the similarity matrix for each block --#
        coord = M_block = list()
        j = 1
        if (any(class(mat) == "sgcca"))
            for (k in blocks)
                if (length(comp[[k]]) > 1)
                    keep = (apply(abs(mat$loadings[[k]][, comp[[k]]]), 1, sum) > 0)
                } else {
                    keep = abs(mat$loadings[[k]][, comp[[k]]]) > 0
                coord[[j]] = cor(mat$X[[k]][, keep], mat$variates[[k]][, comp[[k]]], use = "pairwise")
                j = j + 1
        } else {
            for(k in blocks)
                coord[[j]] = cor(mat$X[[k]], mat$variates[[k]][, comp[[k]]], use = "pairwise")
                j = j + 1
        node.X = node.Y = w = NULL
        l = 1
        for (j in 1:(length(blocks) - 1))
            for (k in (j + 1):length(blocks))
                if(!any(comp[[blocks[j]]] %in% comp[[blocks[k]]]))
                stop("comp of block ",blocks[j], " is ",  comp[[blocks[j]]], " but comp of block ", blocks[k]," is ",comp[[blocks[k]]],
                call. = FALSE)
                int.comp = intersect(comp[[blocks[j]]], comp[[blocks[k]]])
                object = coord[[j]][, comp[[blocks[j]]] %in% int.comp] %*% t(coord[[k]][, comp[[blocks[k]]] %in% int.comp])
                M_block[[l]] = object
                l = l + 1
                X = rownames(coord[[j]])
                Y = rownames(coord[[k]])
                rep.X = rep(X, each = length(Y))
                rep.Y = rep(Y, length(X))
                node.X = c(node.X, rep.X)
                node.Y = c(node.Y, rep.Y)
                w = c(w, as.vector(t(object)))
    } else {
        #-- mat
        if (!is.matrix(mat))
        stop("'mat' must be a numeric matrix.", call. = FALSE)
        if (length(dim(mat)) != 2)
        stop("'mat' must be a numeric matrix.")
        if (!is.numeric(mat))
        stop("'mat' must be a numeric matrix.")
        p = nrow(mat)
        q = ncol(mat)
        #-- row.names
        row.names.plot = TRUE # whether to plot the label in the graph
        if (is.logical(row.names))
                row.names.plot = FALSE
            row.names = rownames(mat)
        } else {
            row.names = as.vector(row.names)
            if (length(row.names) != p)
            stop("'row.names' must be a character vector of ", p, " unique entries.",
            call. = FALSE)
        if(row.names.plot == TRUE)
            row.names.plot = row.names
            row.names.plot = rep("",p)
        #-- col.names
        col.names.plot = TRUE # whether to plot the label in the graph
        if (is.logical(col.names))
                col.names.plot = FALSE
            col.names = colnames(mat)
        } else {
            col.names = as.vector(col.names)
            if (length(col.names) != q)
            stop("'col.names' must be a character vector of ", q, " unique entries.",
            call. = FALSE)
        if(col.names.plot == TRUE)
            col.names.plot = col.names
            col.names.plot = rep("",q)
    #-- color.node
    if(any(class.object %in% object.blocks))
        if (is.null(color.node))
            color.node = c("#FBB4AE", "#B3CDE3", "#CCEBC5", "#DECBE4", "#FED9A6",
            "#FFFFCC", "#E5D8BD", "#FDDAEC", "#F2F2F2")[1:length(blocks)]
            names(color.node) = blocks
        } else {
            if (!is.vector(color.node) || length(color.node) != length(blocks))
            stop("'color.node' must be a vector of length ", length(blocks), ".", call. = FALSE)
    } else {
        color.node=c("white", "white")
        if (!is.list(color.node))
            if (!is.vector(color.node) || length(color.node) != 2)
            stop("'color.node' must be a vector of length 2.", call. = FALSE)
        } else {
            stop("'color.node' must be a vector of length 2.", call. = FALSE)
    if (any(!sapply(color.node, function(x){tryCatch(is.matrix(col2rgb(x)), error = function(e) FALSE) })))
    stop("'color.node' must be a character vector of recognized colors.",
    call. = FALSE)
    #-- shape.node
    if(any(class.object%in% object.blocks))
        if (is.null(shape.node))
        shape.node = "circle"
        if (is.vector(shape.node))
            if (length(shape.node) == 1)
            shape.node = rep(shape.node, length(blocks))
        if (!is.list(shape.node))
            if (!is.vector(shape.node) || length(shape.node) != length(blocks))
                stop("'shape.node' must be a character vector of length ", length(blocks), ".",
                call. = FALSE)
        } else {
            stop("'shape.node' must be a numeric vector of length ", length(blocks), ".",
            call. = FALSE)
        if (!all(shape.node %in% c("none", "circle", "rectangle")))
        stop("elements of 'shape.node' must be from {'none', 'circle', 'rectangle'}.",
        call. = FALSE)
        if (is.null(names(shape.node)))
        names(shape.node) = blocks
    } else {
        shape.node=c("circle", "rectangle")
        if (!is.list(shape.node))
            if (!is.vector(shape.node) || length(shape.node) != 2)
                stop("'shape.node' must be a vector of length 2.", call. = FALSE)
        } else {
            stop("'shape.node' must be a vector of length 2.", call. = FALSE)
        if (!all(shape.node %in% c("none", "circle", "rectangle")))
        stop("elements of 'shape.node' must be from {'none', 'circle', 'rectangle'}.",
        call. = FALSE)
    #-- cex.node.name
    if (!is.finite(cex.node.name) || cex.node.name < 0 || length(cex.node.name)>1)
    stop("'cex.node.name' must be a non-negative numerical value.", call. = FALSE)
    #-- color.edge
    if (length(color.edge) < 2 && (class(color.edge) != "function"))
    stop("'color.edge' must be a vector of length larger than or equal to 2.", call. = FALSE)
    if ((length(color.edge) %% 2) != 0 && (class(color.edge) != "function") && isTRUE(symkey))
    stop("'color.edge' must be a vector of length an even number if 'symkey = TRUE'.", call. = FALSE)
    if (any(!sapply(color.edge, function(x) {tryCatch(is.matrix(col2rgb(x)), error = function(e) FALSE) })))
    stop("'color.edge' must be a character vector of recognized colors.", call. = FALSE)
    #-- lty.edge
    if (length(lty.edge)>1)
    stop("\"lty.edge\" must a single character value of 'solid', 'dashed', 'dotted', 'dotdash', 'longdash', twodash' or 'blank'.",
    choices = c("solid", "dashed", "dotted", "dotdash", "longdash", "twodash", "blank")
    lty.edge = choices[pmatch(lty.edge, choices)]
    if (is.na(lty.edge))
    stop("'lty.edge' should be one of 'solid', 'dashed', 'dotted', 'dotdash', 'longdash', twodash' or 'blank'.",
    call. = FALSE)
    #-- lwd.edge
    if (length(lwd.edge) != 1 || !is.finite(lwd.edge) || lwd.edge <= 0)
    stop("'lwd.edge' must be a positive number.")
    #-- show.edge.labels
    if (!is.logical(show.edge.labels))
    stop("'show.edge.labels' must be a logical constant (TRUE or FALSE).",
    call. = FALSE)
    #-- cex.edge.label
    if (!is.finite(cex.edge.label) || cex.edge.label < 0 || length(cex.edge.label)>1)
    stop("'cex.edge.label' must be a non-negative numerical value.", call. = FALSE)
    #-- show.color.key
    if (!is.logical(show.color.key))
    stop("'show.color.key' must be a logical constant (TRUE or FALSE).",
    call. = FALSE)
    #-- symkey
    if (!is.logical(symkey))
    stop("'symkey' must be a logical constant (TRUE or FALSE).",
    call. = FALSE)
    #-- keysize
    if (length(keysize) != 2 || any(!is.finite(keysize)))
    stop("'keysize' must be a numeric vector of length 2.",
    call. = FALSE)
    #-- keysize.label
    if (length(keysize.label) != 1 || any(!is.finite(keysize)))
    stop("'keysize' must be a numeric vector of length 1.",
    call. = FALSE)
    #-- interactive
    if (!is.logical(interactive))
    stop("'interactive' must be a logical constant (TRUE or FALSE).",
    call. = FALSE)
    #-- layout.fun
    if (!is.null(layout.fun) && class(layout.fun) != "function")
    stop("'layout.fun' must be a valid layout function.", call. = FALSE)
    #-- end checking --#
    #-- network approach -------------------------------------------------------#
    if (!(any(class.object %in% object.blocks)))
    w = as.vector(t(mat))
    #-- check cutoff
    if (round(max(abs(w)), 2) == 0)
    stop("There is no correlation between these blocks whith these components. Try a different value of 'comp'.", call. = FALSE)
    if (is.null(cutoff))
        if (interactive)
            cutoff = 0
        } else {
            if (length(w)<=20)
                cutoff = 0
            } else if (length(w)>20 & length(w)<=40) {
                cutoff = unname(quantile(abs(w))[3])
            } else {
                cutoff = unname(quantile(abs(w))[4])
    if (!is.finite(cutoff) || cutoff < 0 )
    stop("invalid value for 'cutoff', it must be a positive numeric value >= ",
    0, call. = FALSE)
    if(cutoff > max(abs(w)))
    stop("invalid value for 'cutoff'", cutoff, " > ",
    round(max(abs(w)), 2), call. = FALSE)
    # Definition of nodes #
    if(any(class.object %in% object.blocks))
        group = NULL
        temp = lapply(mat$X, function(x) colnames(x))
        for (i in 1:length(temp))
            group = c(group, rep(names(temp)[i], length(temp[[i]])))
        nodes = data.frame(name = unlist(temp), group = group)
    } else if(any(class.object %in% object.pls)) {
        w = as.vector(t(mat))
        Xn=sum(keep.X) #number of non-zero parameters in X (over all comp)
        Yn=sum(keep.Y) #number of non-zero parameters in Y (over all comp)
        node.X = row.names#[keep.X]#paste0("X", 1:Xn)
        node.Y = col.names#[keep.Y]#paste0("Y", 1:Yn)
        row.names.plot = row.names.plot[keep.X]
        col.names.plot = col.names.plot[keep.Y]

        nodes = data.frame(name = c(node.X, node.Y),
        group = c(rep("x", Xn), rep("y", Yn)))
        node.X = rep(node.X, each = Yn)
        node.Y = rep(node.Y, Xn)
    } else {
        node.X = row.names # paste0("X", 1:p)
        node.Y = col.names # paste0("Y", 1:q)
        nodes = data.frame(name = c(node.X, node.Y),
        group = c(rep("x", p), rep("y", q)))
        node.X = rep(node.X, each = q)
        node.Y = rep(node.Y, p)
    # Definition of edges #
    relations = data.frame(from = node.X, to = node.Y, weight = w)
    # edges colors #
    id = bin.color(w, cutoff = cutoff, breaks = breaks,
    col = color.edge, symkey = symkey)
    col.id = id$bin
    color.edge = id$col[col.id]
    # selection of the edges to incluir in the network #
    idx = (abs(w) >= cutoff)
    relations = relations[idx, ]
    color.edge = color.edge[idx]
    # Generation of the graph with all the significant edges #
    gR = graph.data.frame(relations, directed = FALSE, vertices = nodes)
    # nodes attributes #
    V(gR)$label.color = "black"
    V(gR)$label.family = "sans"
    if(any(class.object %in% object.blocks))
        V(gR)$label = unlist(block.var.names)
        j = 1
        for (i in blocks)
            V(gR)$color[V(gR)$group == i] = color.node[j]
            V(gR)$shape[V(gR)$group == i] = shape.node[j]
            j = j + 1
    } else {
        V(gR)$label = c(row.names.plot, col.names.plot)
        V(gR)$color = color.node[1]
        V(gR)$color[V(gR)$group == "y"] = color.node[2]
        V(gR)$shape = shape.node[1]
        V(gR)$shape[V(gR)$group == "y"] = shape.node[2]
    # edges attributes #
    if (show.edge.labels)
    E(gR)$label = round(E(gR)$weight, 2)
    E(gR)$label.color = "black"
    E(gR)$color = color.edge
    E(gR)$lty = lty.edge
    E(gR)$width = lwd.edge
    gR = delete.vertices(gR, which(degree(gR) == 0))
    # plot attributes #
    lwid = c(keysize[1], 4)
    lhei = c(keysize[2], 4)
    lmat = matrix(c(1, 2, 3, 4), 2, 2, byrow = TRUE)
    nc = length(id$col)
    x = seq(0, 1, length = nc + 2)
    z.mat = seq(0, 1, length = nc + 1)
    z.mat = matrix(z.mat, ncol = 1)
    if ((id$lim[1] < -cutoff) & (id$lim[2] < cutoff))
        xv = c(0, x[nc + 1])
        lv = round(c(id$lim[1], -cutoff), 2)
        col = c(id$col, "white")
    if ((id$lim[1] > -cutoff) & (id$lim[2] > cutoff))
        xv = c(x[2], 1)
        lv = round(c(cutoff, id$lim[2]), 2)
        col = c("white", id$col)
    if ((id$lim[1] < -cutoff) & (id$lim[2] > cutoff))
        idn = max(which(id$breaks < 0))
        idp = min(which(id$breaks > 0))
        xv = c(0, x[idn + 1], x[idp], 1)
        lv = round(c(id$lim[1], -cutoff, cutoff, id$lim[2]), 2)
        col = c(id$col[1:idn], "white", id$col[(idn + 1):nc])
    # construction of the initial graph #
    nn = vcount(gR)
    V(gR)$label.cex = min(2.5 * cex.node.name/log(nn), 1)
    E(gR)$label.cex = min(2.25 * cex.edge.label/log(nn), 1)
    cex0 = 2 * V(gR)$label.cex
    def.par = par(no.readonly = TRUE)
    par(pty = "s", mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0),mfrow=c(1,1))
    plot(1:100, 1:100, type = "n", axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "")
    cha = V(gR)$label
    cha = paste("", cha, "")
    xh = strwidth(cha, cex = cex0) * 1.5
    yh = strheight(cha, cex = cex0) * 3
    V(gR)$size = xh
    V(gR)$size2 = yh
    if (is.null(layout.fun))
        l = layout.fruchterman.reingold(gR, weights = (1 - abs(E(gR)$weight)))
    } else {
        l = layout.fun(gR)
    if (isTRUE(!interactive))
        if (isTRUE(show.color.key))
            layout(lmat, widths = lwid, heights = lhei, respect = FALSE)
            par(mar = c(5, 4, 2, 1), cex = 0.75)
            image(z.mat, col = col, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n")
            par(usr = c(0, 1, 0, 1))
            axis(1, at = xv, labels = lv, cex.axis = keysize.label)
            title("Color key", font.main = 1, cex.main = keysize.label)
            par(new = TRUE)
        par(pty = "s", mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0),mfrow=c(1,1))
        plot(gR, layout = l)
    # procedure interactive #
    gE.none = FALSE
    if (isTRUE(interactive))
        # cutoff control bar #
        min.cut = cutoff
        max.cut = max(abs(w))
        cutoff.old = cutoff
        dev.new("width" = 5, "height" = 2.7, xpos = -1)
        def.par = par(no.readonly = TRUE)
        cuts = seq(0, 1, length = 21)
        par(mai = c(0.25, 0.15, 0.3, 0.15), bg = gray(0.95))
        layout(matrix(c(0, 1, 0), ncol = 1, nrow = 3),
        widths = 1, heights = c(0.25, 1, 0.25))
        plot(cuts, type = "n", rep(0, 21), xlab = "", ylab = "",
        xlim = c(-0.10, 1.10), axes = FALSE)
        title("cutoff control", cex.main = 1.9, font.main = 1)
        text(0.5, -0.6, "value", cex = 1.5)
        text(0, -0.6, round(min.cut, 2), cex = 1.4)
        text(1, -0.6, round(max.cut, 2), cex = 1.4)
        mtext(min.cut, side = 1, line = -1, outer = FALSE, cex = 0.95)
        rect(-0.1, -0.3, -0.02, 0.3, col = "white")
        rect(1.02, -0.3, 1.1, 0.3, col = "white")
        points(1.06, 0, pch = 3, cex = 2.4)
        lines(c(-0.085, -0.035), c(0, 0))
        for (i in seq(0, 1, length = 21))
        lines(c(i, i), c(-0.22, 0.2))
        x = pos = 0
        rect(-0.01, -0.045, x, 0.04, col = "red")
        rect(x, -0.045, 1.01, 0.04, col = "white")
        bar.dev = dev.cur()
        # construction of the initial graph #
        net.dev = dev.cur()
        if (isTRUE(show.color.key))
            layout(lmat, widths = lwid, heights = lhei, respect = FALSE)
            par(mar = c(5, 4, 2, 1), cex = 0.75)
            image(z.mat, col = col, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n")
            par(usr = c(0, 1, 0, 1))
            axis(1, at = xv, labels = lv, cex.axis = keysize.label)
            title("Color key", font.main = 1, cex.main = keysize.label)
            par(new = TRUE)
        par(pty = "s", mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
        plot(gR, layout = l)
        old.pos = -1
        repeat {
            z = locator(1, type = "n")
            x = z[[1]]
            y = z[[2]]
            if (is.null(z)) break
            if (0 <= x & x <= 1 & -0.22 <= y & y <= 0.22)
                rect(0, -0.045, x, 0.04, col = "red")
                rect(x, -0.045, 1.01, 0.04, col = "white")
                pos = x
            if (1.02 <= x & x <= 1.1 & -0.3 <= y & y <= 0.3)
                x = pos + 0.05
                idx = which.min(abs(cuts - x))
                x = cuts[idx]
                pos = x
                rect(0, -0.045, x, 0.04, col = "red")
                rect(x, -0.045, 1.01, 0.04, col = "white")
            if (-0.1 <= x & x <= -0.02 & -0.3 <= y & y <= 0.3)
                x = pos - 0.05
                idx = which.min(abs(cuts - x))
                x = cuts[idx]
                pos = x
                rect(0, -0.045, x, 0.04, col = "red")
                rect(x, -0.045, 1.01, 0.04, col = "white")
            if (old.pos != pos)
                old.pos = pos
                rect(0.4, -0.8, 0.6, -1.5, col = gray(0.95), border = NA)
                cutoff = (max.cut - min.cut) * pos + min.cut
                mtext(round(cutoff, 3), side = 1, line = -1, cex = 0.9)
                # new graph plot #
                if (cutoff >= cutoff.old)
                    # selection of the edges to remove of the network #
                    supp.edge = E(gR)[abs(E(gR)$weight) < cutoff]
                    # Generation of the graph with all the significant edges #
                    gE = delete.edges(gR, supp.edge)
                    gE = delete.vertices(gE, which(degree(gE) == 0))
                    # graph plot #
                    nn = vcount(gE)
                    V(gR)$label.cex = min(2.5 * cex.node.name/log(nn), 1)
                    E(gR)$label.cex = min(2.25 * cex.edge.label/log(nn), 1)
                    cex0 = 2 * V(gE)$label.cex
                    def.par = par(no.readonly = TRUE)
                    par(pty = "s", mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
                    plot(1:100, 1:100, type = "n", xaxt = "n")
                    cha = V(gE)$label
                    cha = paste("", cha, "")
                    xh = strwidth(cha, cex = cex0) * 1.5
                    yh = strheight(cha, cex = cex0) * 3
                    V(gE)$size = xh
                    V(gE)$size2 = yh
                    if (is.null(layout.fun))
                        l = layout.fruchterman.reingold(gE, weights = (1 - abs(E(gE)$weight)))
                    } else {
                        l = layout.fun(gE)
                    if (isTRUE(show.color.key))
                        layout(lmat, widths = lwid, heights = lhei, respect = FALSE)
                        par(mar = c(5, 4, 2, 1), cex = 0.75)
                        image(z.mat, col = col, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n")
                        par(usr = c(0, 1, 0, 1))
                        axis(1, at = xv, labels = lv, cex.axis = keysize.label)
                        title("Color key", font.main = 1, cex.main = keysize.label)
                        par(new = TRUE)
                    par(pty = "s", mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
                    plot(gE, layout = l)
                    cutoff.old = cutoff
                } else {
                    # selection of the edges to incluir in the network #
                    supp.edge = E(gR)[abs(E(gR)$weight) < cutoff]
                    # generation of the graph with all the significant edges #
                    gE = delete.edges(gR, supp.edge)
                    gE = delete.vertices(gE, which(degree(gE) == 0))
                    # graph plot #
                    nn = vcount(gE)
                    V(gR)$label.cex = min(2.5 * cex.node.name/log(nn), 1)
                    E(gR)$label.cex = min(2.25 * cex.edge.label/log(nn), 1)
                    cex0 = 2 * V(gE)$label.cex
                    def.par = par(no.readonly = TRUE)
                    par(pty = "s", mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
                    plot(1:100, 1:100, type = "n", xaxt = "n")
                    cha = V(gE)$label
                    cha = paste("", cha, "")
                    xh = strwidth(cha, cex = cex0) * 1.5
                    yh = strheight(cha, cex = cex0) * 3
                    V(gE)$size = xh
                    V(gE)$size2 = yh
                    if (is.null(layout.fun))
                        l = layout.fruchterman.reingold(gE, weights = (1 - abs(E(gE)$weight)))
                    } else {
                        l = layout.fun(gE)
                    if (isTRUE(show.color.key))
                        layout(lmat, widths = lwid, heights = lhei, respect = FALSE)
                        par(mar = c(5, 4, 2, 1), cex = 0.75)
                        image(z.mat, col = col, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n")
                        par(usr = c(0, 1, 0, 1))						
                        axis(1, at = xv, labels = lv, cex.axis = keysize.label)
                        title("Color key", font.main = 1, cex.main = keysize.label)
                        par(new = TRUE)
                    par(pty = "s", mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
                    plot(gE, layout = l)
                    cutoff.old = cutoff
                gE.none = TRUE
        } # end loop
        if (gE.none != FALSE)
        gR = gE
    res=list(gR = gR)
    if(any(class.object %in% object.blocks))
        l = 1
        for (i in 1:(length(blocks)-1))
            for (j in (i + 1):length(blocks))
                M_block[[l]][abs(M_block[[l]]) < cutoff] = 0
                res[paste("M",blocks[i],blocks[j],sep="_")] = list(M_block[[l]])
                l = l + 1
    } else {
        mat[abs(mat) < cutoff] = 0
    res$cutoff = cutoff
    if (!is.null(save))

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mixOmics documentation built on June 1, 2018, 5:06 p.m.