
Defines functions matrix_compare vertex_mahalanobis_dist plot.diffnet_adopters as.data.frame.diffnet_adopters ftable.diffnet_adopters classify_adopters.default classify_adopters.diffnet classify_adopters threshold plot.diffnet_hr plot_hazard hazard_rate cumulative_adopt_count exposure_for exposure.list exposure check_lags .exposure dgr.array dgr.list dgr.dgCMatrix dgr.matrix plot.diffnet_degSeq .dgr dgr

Documented in as.data.frame.diffnet_adopters classify_adopters classify_adopters.default classify_adopters.diffnet cumulative_adopt_count dgr exposure ftable.diffnet_adopters hazard_rate matrix_compare plot.diffnet_adopters plot.diffnet_degSeq plot.diffnet_hr plot_hazard threshold vertex_mahalanobis_dist

#' Indegree, outdegree and degree of the vertices
#' Computes the requested degree measure for each node in the graph.
#' @templateVar undirected TRUE
#' @templateVar self TRUE
#' @templateVar valued TRUE
#' @template graph_template
#' @param cmode Character scalar. Either "indegree", "outdegree" or "degree".
#' @return A numeric matrix of size \eqn{n\times T}{n * T}. In the case of \code{plot},
#'  returns an object of class \code{\link[graphics:hist]{histogram}}.
#' @export
#' @family statistics
#' @family visualizations
#' @keywords univar
#' @aliases degree indegree outdegree
#' @examples
#' # Comparing degree measurements ---------------------------------------------
#' # Creating an undirected graph
#' graph <- rgraph_ba()
#' graph
#' data.frame(
#'    In=dgr(graph, "indegree", undirected = FALSE),
#'    Out=dgr(graph, "outdegree", undirected = FALSE),
#'    Degree=dgr(graph, "degree", undirected = FALSE)
#'  )
#' # Testing on Korean Family Planning (weighted graph) ------------------------
#' data(kfamilyDiffNet)
#' d_unvalued <- dgr(kfamilyDiffNet, valued=FALSE)
#' d_valued   <- dgr(kfamilyDiffNet, valued=TRUE)
#' any(d_valued!=d_unvalued)
#' # Classic Scale-free plot ---------------------------------------------------
#' set.seed(1122)
#' g <- rgraph_ba(t=1e3-1)
#' hist(dgr(g))
#' # Since by default uses logscale, here we suppress the warnings
#' # on points been discarded for <=0.
#' suppressWarnings(plot(dgr(g)))
#' @author George G. Vega Yon
dgr <- function(graph, cmode="degree",
                undirected=getOption("diffnet.undirected", FALSE),
                valued=getOption("diffnet.valued", FALSE)) {

  cls <- class(graph)
  ans <- if ("matrix" %in% cls) {
    dgr.matrix(graph, cmode, undirected, self, valued)
  } else if ("array" %in% cls) {
    dgr.array(graph, cmode, undirected, self, valued)
  } else if ("dgCMatrix" %in% cls) {
    dgr.dgCMatrix(graph, cmode, undirected, self, valued)
  } else if ("list" %in% cls) {
    dgr.list(graph, cmode, undirected, self, valued)
  } else if ("diffnet" %in% cls) {
    dgr.list(graph$graph, cmode, undirected = graph$meta$undirected, self, valued)
  } else if ("igraph" %in% cls) {
    graph <- as_generic_graph.igraph(graph)
    dgr.dgCMatrix(graph$graph[[1]], cmode, graph$meta$undirected, self, valued)
  } else if ("network" %in% cls) {
    graph <- as_generic_graph.network(graph)
    dgr.dgCMatrix(graph$graph[[1]], cmode, graph$meta$undirected, self, valued)
  } else if ("matrix.csc" %in% cls) {
    dgr.dgCMatrix(methods::as(graph, "dgCMatrix"))
  } else

  return(structure(ans, class=c("diffnet_degSeq", class(ans))))

# cmode:
#  0: in
#  1: out
#  2: total
.dgr <- function(graph, cmode, undirected, self, valued) {

  if (cmode < 0 || cmode > 2) stop("Invalid degree.")

  # Checking if it is valued or not
  n <- nrow(graph)
  if (ncol(graph) != n)
    stop("-graph- should be a square matrix.")

  if (!valued)
    graph@x <- rep(1, length(graph@x))

  # Computing sums
  ans <- if (cmode == 2) {
    if (undirected)  Matrix::rowSums(graph)
    else (Matrix::rowSums(graph) + Matrix::colSums(graph))
  } else if (cmode == 0) {
  } else {

  # Checking if self or not
  ans <- if (!self) {
    if (cmode == 2) {
      if (!undirected) ans - Matrix::diag(graph)*2
      else ans - Matrix::diag(graph)
    } else {
      ans - Matrix::diag(graph)
  } else ans

  return(matrix(ans, ncol=1))

#' @export
#' @rdname dgr
#' @param x An \code{diffnet_degSeq object}
#' @param breaks Passed to \code{\link{hist}}.
#' @param log Passed to \code{\link{plot}} (see \code{\link{par}}).
#' @param hist.args Arguments passed to \code{\link{hist}}.
#' @param xlab Character scalar. Passed to \code{\link{plot}}.
#' @param ylab Character scalar. Passed to \code{\link{plot}}.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to \code{\link{plot}}.
#' @param slice Integer scalar. In the case of dynamic graphs, number of time
#'  point to plot.
#' @param y Ignored
#' @param freq Logical scalar. When \code{TRUE} the y-axis will reflex counts,
#'  otherwise densities.
plot.diffnet_degSeq <- function(
  breaks = min(100L, nrow(x)/5),
  ) {

  ans <- do.call(hist, c(hist.args, list(x=x[,slice], breaks = breaks, plot=FALSE)))
  with(ans, plot(x=mids,y=if (freq) counts else density,log=log, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab,...))


# @rdname dgr
# @export
dgr.matrix <- function(
  graph, cmode, undirected, self, valued) {

  # Checking dimensions
  dm <- dim(graph)
  if (dm[1] != dm[2]) stop("-graph- must be a square matrix.")

  # Retrieving the number
  if      (cmode=="indegree")  cmode <- 0
  else if (cmode=="outdegree") cmode <- 1
  else if (cmode=="degree")    cmode <- 2
  else stop('Invalid -cmode- ',cmode,'. Should be either ',
            '"indegree", "outdegree" or "degree".')

  # Computing degree
  output <- .dgr(methods::as(graph, "dgCMatrix"), cmode, undirected, self,

  # Naming
  rn <- rownames(graph)
  if (!length(rn)) rn <- 1:nrow(graph)
  rownames(output) <- rn


# @rdname dgr
# @export
dgr.dgCMatrix <- function(graph, cmode, undirected, self, valued) {

  # Checking dimensions
  dm <- dim(graph)
  if (dm[1] != dm[2]) stop("-graph- must be a square matrix.")

  # Retrieving the number
  if      (cmode=="indegree")  cmode <- 0
  else if (cmode=="outdegree") cmode <- 1
  else if (cmode=="degree")    cmode <- 2
  else stop('Invalid -cmode- ',cmode,'. Should be either ',
            '"indegree", "outdegree" or "degree".')

  # Computing degree
  output <- .dgr(graph, cmode, undirected, self, valued)

  # Naming
  rn <- rownames(graph)
  if (!length(rn)) rn <- 1:nrow(graph)
  rownames(output) <- rn


# @rdname dgr
# @export
dgr.list <- function(graph, cmode, undirected, self, valued) {
  n <- ncol(graph[[1]])
  t <- length(graph)
  output <- matrix(ncol=t, nrow=n)

  for(i in 1:t)
    output[,i] <- dgr(graph[[i]], cmode, undirected, self, valued)

  # Adding names
  cn <- names(graph)
  if (!length(cn)) cn <- 1:length(graph)
  colnames(output) <- cn

  # Naming
  rn <- rownames(graph[[1]])
  if (!length(rn)) rn <- 1:nrow(graph[[1]])
  rownames(output) <- rn


# @rdname dgr
# @export
dgr.array <- function(graph, cmode, undirected, self, valued) {
  n <- dim(graph)[1]
  t <- dim(graph)[3]
  output <- matrix(ncol=t, nrow=n)

  for(i in 1:t)
    output[,i] <- dgr(methods::as(graph[,,i], "dgCMatrix"), cmode, undirected, self, valued)

  # Adding names
  cn <- dimnames(graph)[[3]]
  if (!length(cn)) cn <- 1:dim(graph)[3]
  colnames(output) <- cn

  # Naming
  rn <- dimnames(graph)[[1]]
  if (!length(rn)) rn <- 1:nrow(graph)
  rownames(output) <- rn


#' Ego exposure
#' Calculates exposure to adoption over time via multiple different types of weight
#' matrices.  The basic  model is exposure to adoption by immediate neighbors
#' (outdegree) at the time period prior to ego’s adoption. This exposure can also be
#' based on (1) incoming ties, (2) structural equivalence, (3) indirect ties, (4)
#' attribute weighted (5) network-metric weighted (e.g., central nodes have more
#' influence), and attribute-weighted (e.g., based on homophily or tie strength).
#' @templateVar valued TRUE
#' @templateVar dynamic TRUE
#' @templateVar self TRUE
#' @template graph_template
#' @param cumadopt \eqn{n\times T}{n * T} matrix. Cumulative adoption matrix obtained from
#' \code{\link{toa_mat}}
#' @param attrs Either a character scalar (if \code{graph} is diffnet),
#' or a numeric matrix of size \eqn{n\times T}{n * T}. Weighting for each time, period (see details).
#' @param alt.graph Either a graph that should be used instead of \code{graph},
#' or \code{"se"} (see details).
#' @param outgoing Logical scalar. When \code{TRUE}, computed using outgoing ties.
#' @param normalized Logical scalar. When \code{TRUE}, the exposure will be between zero
#' and one (see details).
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to \code{\link{struct_equiv}} (only used when
#' \code{alt.graph="se"}).
#' @param groupvar Passed to \code{\link{struct_equiv}}.
#' @param lags Integer scalar. When different from 0, the resulting exposure
#' matrix will be the lagged exposure as specified (see examples).
#' @details
#' Exposure is calculated as follows:
#' \deqn{ %
#' E_t = \left(S_t \times \left[x_t \circ A_t\right]\right) / (S_t \times x_t) %
#' }{%
#' E(t) = (S(t) \%*\% [x(t) * A(t)]) / [S(t) \%*\% x(t)]
#' }
#' Where \eqn{S_t}{S(t)} is the graph in time \eqn{t}, \eqn{x_t}{x(t)} is an attribute
#' vector of size \eqn{n} at time \eqn{t}, \eqn{A_t}{A(t)} is the t-th column of
#' the cumulative adopters matrix (a vector of length \eqn{n} with \eqn{a_{ti}=1}{a(t,i)=1}
#' if \eqn{i} has adopted at or prior to \eqn{t}), \eqn{\circ}{*} is the kronecker
#' product (element-wise), and \eqn{\times}{\%*\%} is the matrix product.
#' By default the graph used for this calculation, \eqn{S}, is the social network. Alternatively,
#' in the case of \code{diffnet} objects, the user can provide an alternative
#' graph using \code{alt.graph}. An example of this would be using \eqn{1/SE},
#' the element-wise inverse of the structural equivalence matrix (see example below).
#' Furthermore, if \code{alt.graph="se"}, the inverse of the structural equivalence
#' is computed via \code{\link{struct_equiv}} and used instead of the provided
#' graph. Notice that when using a valued graph the option \code{valued} should
#' be equal to \code{TRUE}, this check is run automatically when running the
#' model using structural equivalence.
#' If the \code{alt.graph} is static, then the function will warn about it
#' and will recycle the graph to compute exposure at each time point.
#' \bold{An important remark} is that when calculating \bold{structural equivalence} the
#' function \bold{assumes that this is to be done to the entire graph} regardless of
#' disconnected communities (as in the case of the medical innovations
#' data set). Hence, structural equivalence for individuals for two different
#' communites may not be zero. If the user wants to calculate structural
#' equivalence separately by community, he should create different diffnet
#' objects and do so (see example below). Alternatively, for the case of
#' diffnet objects, by using the option \code{groupvar} (see \code{\link{struct_equiv}}), the user can provide
#' the function with the name of a grouping variable--which should one in the
#' set of static vertex attributes--so that the algorithm is done by group
#' (or community) instead of in an aggregated way.
#' If the user does not specifies a particular weighting attribute in \code{attrs},
#' the function sets this as a matrix of ones. Otherwise the function will return
#' an attribute weighted exposure. When \code{graph} is of class \code{diffnet},
#' \code{attrs} can be a character scalar specifying the name of any of the graph's
#' attributes, both dynamic and static. See the examples section for a demonstration using
#' degree.
#' When \code{outgoing=FALSE}, \eqn{S} is replaced by its transposed, so in the
#' case of a social network exposure will be computed based on the incoming ties.
#' If \code{normalize=FALSE} then denominator, \eqn{S_t \times x_t}{S(t) \%*\% x(t)},
#' is not included. This can be useful when, for example, exposure needs to be
#' computed as a count instead of a proportion. A good example of this can be
#' found at the examples section of the function \code{\link{rdiffnet}}.
#' @references
#' Burt, R. S. (1987). "Social Contagion and Innovation: Cohesion versus Structural
#' Equivalence". American Journal of Sociology, 92(6), 1287.
#' \doi{10.1086/228667}
#' Valente, T. W. (1995). "Network models of the diffusion of innovations"
#'  (2nd ed.). Cresskill N.J.: Hampton Press.
#' @examples
#' # Calculating lagged exposure -----------------------------------------------
#' set.seed(8)
#' graph <- rdiffnet(20, 4)
#' expo0 <- exposure(graph)
#' expo1 <- exposure(graph, lags = 1)
#' # These should be equivalent
#' stopifnot(all(expo0[, -4] == expo1[, -1])) # No stop!
#' # Calculating the exposure based on Structural Equivalence ------------------
#' set.seed(113132)
#' graph <- rdiffnet(100, 4)
#' SE <- lapply(struct_equiv(graph), "[[", "SE")
#' SE <- lapply(SE, function(x) {
#'    x <- 1/x
#'    x[!is.finite(x)] <- 0
#'    x
#' })
#' # These three lines are equivalent to:
#' expo_se2 <- exposure(graph, alt.graph="se", valued=TRUE)
#' # Notice that we are setting valued=TRUE, but this is not necesary since when
#' # alt.graph = "se" the function checks this to be setted equal to TRUE
#' # Weighted Exposure using degree --------------------------------------------
#' eDE <- exposure(graph, attrs=dgr(graph))
#' # Which is equivalent to
#' graph[["deg"]] <- dgr(graph)
#' eDE2 <- exposure(graph, attrs="deg")
#' # Comparing using incoming edges -------------------------------------------
#' eIN <- exposure(graph, outgoing=FALSE)
#' # Structral equivalence for different communities ---------------------------
#' data(medInnovationsDiffNet)
#' # Only using 4 time slides, this is for convenience
#' medInnovationsDiffNet <- medInnovationsDiffNet[, , 1:4]
#' # METHOD 1: Using the c.diffnet method:
#' # Creating subsets by city
#' cities <- unique(medInnovationsDiffNet[["city"]])
#' diffnet <- medInnovationsDiffNet[medInnovationsDiffNet[["city"]] == cities[1]]
#' diffnet[["expo_se"]] <- exposure(diffnet, alt.graph="se", valued=TRUE)
#' for (v in cities[-1]) {
#'    diffnet_v <- medInnovationsDiffNet[medInnovationsDiffNet[["city"]] == v]
#'    diffnet_v[["expo_se"]] <- exposure(diffnet_v, alt.graph="se", valued=TRUE)
#'    diffnet <- c(diffnet, diffnet_v)
#' }
#' # We can set the original order (just in case) of the data
#' diffnet <- diffnet[medInnovationsDiffNet$meta$ids]
#' diffnet
#' # Checking everything is equal
#' test <- summary(medInnovationsDiffNet, no.print=TRUE) ==
#'    summary(diffnet, no.print=TRUE)
#' stopifnot(all(test[!is.na(test)]))
#' # METHOD 2: Using the 'groupvar' argument
#' # Further, we can compare this with using the groupvar
#' diffnet[["expo_se2"]] <- exposure(diffnet, alt.graph="se",
#'    groupvar="city", valued=TRUE)
#' # These should be equivalent
#' test <- diffnet[["expo_se", as.df=TRUE]] == diffnet[["expo_se2", as.df=TRUE]]
#' stopifnot(all(test[!is.na(test)]))
#' # METHOD 3: Computing exposure, rbind and then adding it to the diffnet object
#' expo_se3 <- NULL
#' for (v in unique(cities))
#'    expo_se3 <- rbind(
#'      expo_se3,
#'      exposure(
#'        diffnet[diffnet[["city"]] == v],
#'        alt.graph = "se", valued=TRUE
#'      ))
#' # Just to make sure, we sort the rows
#' expo_se3 <- expo_se3[diffnet$meta$ids,]
#' diffnet[["expo_se3"]] <- expo_se3
#' test <- diffnet[["expo_se", as.df=TRUE]] == diffnet[["expo_se3", as.df=TRUE]]
#' stopifnot(all(test[!is.na(test)]))
#' # METHOD 4: Using the groupvar in struct_equiv
#' se <- struct_equiv(diffnet, groupvar="city")
#' se <- lapply(se, "[[", "SE")
#' se <- lapply(se, function(x) {
#'    x <- 1/x
#'    x[!is.finite(x)] <- 0
#'    x
#' })
#' diffnet[["expo_se4"]] <- exposure(diffnet, alt.graph=se, valued=TRUE)
#' test <- diffnet[["expo_se", as.df=TRUE]] == diffnet[["expo_se4", as.df=TRUE]]
#' stopifnot(all(test[!is.na(test)]))
#' @family statistics
#' @keywords univar
#' @return A matrix of size \eqn{n\times T}{n * T} with exposure for each node.
#' @export
#' @author George G. Vega Yon & Thomas W. Valente
#' @name exposure

# Workhorse of exposure plotting
.exposure <- function(graph, cumadopt, attrs, outgoing, valued, normalized, self) {

  # Getting the parameters
  n <- nrow(graph)
  if (n!=ncol(graph))
    stop("-graph- is not squared.")

  # Checking values
  if (!valued)
    graph@x <- rep(1, length(graph@x))

  # Direction of the exposure
  if (!outgoing)
    graph <- t(graph)

  # Checking self
  if (!self) graph <- sp_diag(graph, rep(0, nnodes(graph)))

  ans <- ( graph %*% (attrs * cumadopt) )

  if (normalized) as.vector(ans/( graph %*% attrs + 1e-20 ))
  else as.vector(ans)

# library(microbenchmark)
# microbenchmark(.exposure, netdiffuseR:::exposure_cpp)

check_lags <- function(npers, lags) {

  # Checking length
  if (length(lags) != 1L)
    stop("-lags- should be a scalar (length 1). Right now it has lenght ",

  # Checking class
  lags <- as.integer(lags)
  if (is.na(lags))
    stop("-lags- cannot be NA. It should be an integer scalar.")

  # Should fit the range of data. A lag cannot be greater than npers.
  # it has to be strictly smaller
  if (abs(lags) >= npers)
    stop("-abs(lags)- cannot be greater than ",npers-1L,". Right now lags=",lags,".")



#' @export
#' @rdname exposure
exposure <- function(
  attrs      = NULL,
  alt.graph  = NULL,
  outgoing   = getOption("diffnet.outgoing", TRUE),
  valued     = getOption("diffnet.valued", FALSE),
  normalized = TRUE,
  groupvar   = NULL,
  self       = getOption("diffnet.self"),
  lags       = 0L,
  ) {

  # Checking diffnet attributes
  if (length(attrs) == 1 && inherits(attrs, "character")) {
    if (!inherits(graph, "diffnet"))
      stop("Specifying -attrs- as a character scalar is only valid for -diffnet- objects.")

    # Retrieving attribute
    attrs <- graph[[attrs]]

    # Coercing into a matrix
    attrs <- if (inherits(attrs, "list")) do.call(cbind, attrs)
    else matrix(attrs, ncol=nslices(graph), nrow=nvertices(graph))

  # Checking groupvar
  if (length(groupvar) == 1 && inherits(graph, "diffnet"))
    groupvar <- graph[[groupvar]]

  # Checking cumadopt mat
  if (missing(cumadopt))
    if (!inherits(graph, "diffnet")) {
      stop("-cumadopt- should be provided when -graph- is not of class 'diffnet'")
    } else {
      cumadopt <- toa_mat(graph)$cumadopt

  # Checking diffnet graph
  if (inherits(graph, "diffnet")) graph <- graph$graph

  # Checking attrs
  if (!length(attrs)) {
    attrs <- matrix(1, ncol=ncol(cumadopt), nrow=nrow(cumadopt))

  # Checking alt graph
  if (length(alt.graph)) {
    graph <- if (inherits(alt.graph, "character")) {
      if (alt.graph != "se") stop("Only character -alt.graph- value allowed is \"se\".")

      se <- lapply(struct_equiv(graph, groupvar=groupvar, ...), "[[", "SE")
      se <- lapply(se, function(x) {
        x <- 1/x
        x[!is.finite(x)] <- 0

      # Changing valued
      if (!valued) {
        warning("To use alt.graph=\"se\" -valued- has been switched to TRUE.")
        valued <- TRUE


    } else {
      # In the case of static nets
      if (inherits(alt.graph, "matrix"))
        alt.graph <- methods::as(alt.graph, "dgCMatrix")

      if (inherits(alt.graph, "dgCMatrix")) {
        warning("When -alt.graph- is static, will be repeated \"t\" times to fit the data.")
        alt.graph <- replicate(nslices(graph), alt.graph)

      if (!valued)
        warning("The -alt.graph- will be treated as 0/1 graph (value=FALSE).")


  # Checking lags
  lags <- check_lags(nslices(graph), lags)

  if ((is.array(graph) & !inherits(graph, "matrix")) | is.list(graph)) {
    exposure.list(as_spmat(graph), cumadopt, attrs, outgoing, valued, normalized,
                  self, lags)
  } else stopifnot_graph(graph)

# @rdname exposure
# @export
exposure.list <- function(
  graph, cumadopt, attrs,
  outgoing, valued, normalized, self, lags) {

  # attrs can be either
  #  degree, indegree, outdegree, or a user defined vector.
  #  by default is user equal to 1
  da <- dim(attrs)
  if (!length(da)) stop("-attrs- must be a matrix of size n by T.")
  if (any(da != dim(cumadopt))) stop("Incorrect size for -attrs-. ",
                                     "It must be of size that -cumadopt-.")


  output <- exposure_for(graph, cumadopt, attrs, outgoing, valued, normalized,
                         self, lags)

  dimnames(output) <- dimnames(cumadopt)


exposure_for <- function(
  ) {

  out <- matrix(nrow = nrow(cumadopt), ncol = ncol(cumadopt))

  if (lags >= 0L) {
    for (i in 1:(nslices(graph) - lags))
      out[,i+lags]<- .exposure(graph[[i]], cumadopt[,i,drop=FALSE], attrs[,i,drop=FALSE],
                               outgoing, valued, normalized, self)
  } else {
    for (i in (1-lags):nslices(graph))
      out[,i+lags]<- .exposure(graph[[i]], cumadopt[,i,drop=FALSE], attrs[,i,drop=FALSE],
                               outgoing, valued, normalized, self)

#' Cummulative count of adopters
#' For each time period, calculates the number of adopters, the proportion of adopters,
#' and the adoption rate.
#' @param obj A \eqn{n\times T}{n * T} matrix (Cumulative adoption matrix obtained from
#' \code{\link{toa_mat}}) or a \code{\link{diffnet}} object.
#' @details
#' The rate of adoption--returned in the 3rd row out the resulting
#' matrix--is calculated as
#' \deqn{\frac{q_t - q_{t-1}}{q_{t-1}}}{[q(t) - q(t-1)]/q(t-1)}
#' where \eqn{q_i}{q(i)} is the number of adopters in time \eqn{t}. Note that
#' it is only calculated fot \eqn{t>1}.
#' @return A \eqn{3\times T}{3 * T} matrix, where its rows contain the number of adoptes, the proportion of
#' adopters and the rate of adoption respectively, for earch period of time.
#' @family statistics
#' @keywords univar
#' @export
#' @author George G. Vega Yon & Thomas W. Valente
cumulative_adopt_count <- function(obj) {

  if (inherits(obj, "diffnet")) x <- obj$cumadopt
  else x <- obj

  # Checking colnames
  cn <- if (inherits(obj, "diffnet")) obj$meta$pers
  else colnames(obj)
  if (length(cn) == 0) cn <- as.character(1:ncol(obj))

  q <- colSums(x)
  t <- length(q)
      c(0,(q[-1] - q[-t])/(q[-t] + 1e-15))
    ), dimnames = list(c("num", "prop", "rate"), cn)

#' Network Hazard Rate
#' The hazard rate is the instantaneous probability of adoption at each time
#' representing the likelihood members will adopt at that time (Allison 1984).
#' The shape of the hazard rate indicates the pattern of new adopters over time.
#' Rapid diffusion with convex cumulative adoption curves will have hazard functions
#' that peak early and decay over time whereas slow concave cumulative adoption
#' curves will have hazard functions that are low early and rise over time.
#' Smooth hazard curves indicate constant adoption whereas those that oscillate
#' indicate variability in adoption behavior over time.
#' @aliases plot_hazarrate
#' @param obj A \eqn{n\times T}{n * T} matrix (Cumulative adoption matrix obtained from
#' \code{\link{toa_mat}}) or a \code{\link{diffnet}} object.
#' @param x An object of class \code{diffnet_hr}.
#' @param y ignored.
#' @param main Character scalar. Title of the plot
#' @param xlab Character scalar. x-axis label.
#' @param ylab Character scalar. y-axis label.
#' @param include.grid Logical scalar. When TRUE includes a grid on the plot.
#' @param bg Character scalar. Color of the points.
#' @param pch Integer scalar. See \code{\link{par}}.
#' @param type Character scalar. See \code{\link{par}}.
#' @param no.plot Logical scalar. When TRUE, suppress plotting (only returns hazard rates).
#' @param add Logical scalar. When TRUE it adds the hazard rate to the current plot.
#' @param ylim Numeric vector. See \code{\link{plot}}.
#' @param ... further arguments to be passed to the method.
#' @details
#' This function computes hazard rate, plots it and returns the hazard rate vector
#' invisible (so is not printed on the console). For \eqn{t>1}, hazard rate is calculated as
#' \deqn{\frac{q_t - q_{t-1}}{n - q_{t-1}}}{[q(t) - q(t-1)]/[n - q(t-1)]}
#' where \eqn{q_i}{q(i)} is the number of adopters in time \eqn{t}, and \eqn{n} is
#' the number of vertices in the graph.
#' In survival analysis, hazard rate is defined formally as
#' \deqn{%
#' \lambda(t)=\lim_{h\to +0}\frac{F(t+h)-F(t)}{h}\frac{1}{1-F(t)} %
#' }{%
#' \lambda(t-1)= lim (t -> +0) [F(t+h)-F(t)]/h * 1/[1-F(t)] %
#' }
#' Then, by approximating \eqn{h=1}, we can rewrite the equation as
#' \deqn{%
#' \lambda(t)=\frac{F(t+1)-F(t)}{1-F(t)} %
#' }{%
#' \lambda(t-1)= [F(t+1)-F(t)]/[1-F(t)] %
#' }
#' Furthermore, we can estimate \eqn{F(t)}, the probability of not having adopted
#' the innovation in time \eqn{t}, as the proportion of adopters in that time, this
#' is \eqn{F(t) \sim q_t/n}{F(t) ~ q(t)/n}, so now we have
#' \deqn{%
#' \lambda(t)=\frac{q_{t+1}/n-q_t/n}{1-q_t/n} = \frac{q_{t+1} - q_t}{n - q_t} %
#' }{%
#' \lambda(t-1)= [q(t+1)/n-q(t)/n]/[1-q(t)/n] = [q(t+1) - q(t)]/[n - q(t)] %
#' }
#' As showed above.
#' The \code{plot_hazard} function is an alias for the \code{plot.diffnet_hr} method.
#' @return A row vector of size \eqn{T} with hazard rates for \eqn{t>1} of class \code{diffnet_hr}.
#' The class of the object is only used by the S3 plot method.
#' @family statistics
#' @family visualizations
#' @keywords univar
#' @examples
#' # Creating a random vector of times of adoption
#' toa <- sample(2000:2005, 20, TRUE)
#' # Computing cumulative adoption matrix
#' cumadopt <- toa_mat(toa)$cumadopt
#' # Visualizing the hazard rate
#' hazard_rate(cumadopt)
#' @references
#' Allison, P. (1984). Event history analysis regression for longitudinal event
#' data. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications.
#' Wooldridge, J. M. (2010). Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data
#' (2nd ed.). Cambridge: MIT Press.
#' @export
#' @author George G. Vega Yon & Thomas W. Valente
hazard_rate <- function(obj, no.plot=FALSE, include.grid=TRUE, ...) {
  if (inherits(obj, "diffnet")) {
    dn  <- with(obj$meta, list(ids, pers))
    obj <- obj$cumadopt
    dimnames(obj) <- dn
  } else {
    if (!length(colnames(obj)))
      colnames(obj) <- seq_len(ncol(obj))

  q <- colSums(obj)
  t <- length(q)

  x <- structure(
    rbind(c(0,(q[-1] - q[-t])/(nrow(obj) - q[-t] + 1e-15)))
    , dimnames = list("hazard", colnames(obj)),
    class=c("diffnet_hr", "matrix")

  if (!no.plot) plot.diffnet_hr(x, include.grid=include.grid, ...)


#' @rdname hazard_rate
#' @export
plot_hazard <- function(x, ...) {
  hr <- hazard_rate(x, no.plot = TRUE)

  dots <- list(...)
  do.call(plot.diffnet_hr, c(list(x=hr), dots))

#' @rdname hazard_rate
#' @export
plot.diffnet_hr <- function(x,y=NULL, main="Hazard Rate", xlab="Time",
                            ylab="Hazard Rate", type="b",
                            include.grid=TRUE, bg="lightblue", pch=21, add=FALSE, ylim=c(0,1),
                            ...) {

  if (add) {
    lines(y=t(x), x=colnames(x), type=type, bg=bg, pch=pch, ...)
  } else {
    plot(y=t(x), x=colnames(x), type=type, main=main, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab,
         ylim=ylim, bg=bg, pch=pch,...)
    if (include.grid) grid()


#' Retrive threshold levels from the exposure matrix
#' Thresholds are each vertexes exposure at the time of adoption.
#' Substantively it is the proportion of adopters required for each ego to adopt. (see \code{\link{exposure}}).
#' @param obj Either a \eqn{n\times T}{n * T} matrix (eposure to the innovation obtained from
#' \code{\link{exposure}}) or a \code{diffnet} object.
#' @param toa Integer vector. Indicating the time of adoption of the innovation.
#' @param t0 Integer scalar. See \code{\link{toa_mat}}.
#' @param include_censored Logical scalar. When \code{TRUE} (default), threshold
#' @param lags Integer scalar. Number of lags to consider when computing thresholds. \code{lags=1}
#'  defines threshold as exposure at \eqn{T-1}, where \code{T} is time of adoption.
#' levels are not reported for observations adopting in the first time period.
#' @param ... Further arguments to be passed to \code{\link{exposure}}.
#' @return A vector of size \eqn{n} indicating the threshold for each node.
#' @family statistics
#' @seealso Threshold can be visualized using \code{\link{plot_threshold}}
#' @keywords univar
#' @details By default exposure is not computed for vertices adopting at the
#' first time period, \code{include_censored=FALSE}, as estimating threshold for
#' left censored data may yield biased outcomes.
#' @examples
#' # Generating a random graph with random Times of Adoption
#' set.seed(783)
#' toa <- sample.int(4, 5, TRUE)
#' graph <- rgraph_er(n=5, t=max(toa) - min(toa) + 1)
#' # Computing exposure using Structural Equivalnece
#' adopt <- toa_mat(toa)
#' se <- struct_equiv(graph)
#' se <- lapply(se, function(x) methods::as((x$SE)^(-1), "dgCMatrix"))
#' expo <- exposure(graph, adopt$cumadopt, alt.graph=se)
#' # Retrieving threshold
#' threshold(expo, toa)
#' # We can do the same by creating a diffnet object
#' diffnet <- as_diffnet(graph, toa)
#' threshold(diffnet, alt.graph=se)
#' @export
#' @author George G. Vega Yon & Thomas W. Valente
threshold <- function(obj, toa, t0=min(toa, na.rm = TRUE), include_censored=FALSE,
                       lags=0L, ...) {

  if (inherits(obj, "diffnet")) {
    t0 <- min(obj$meta$pers)
    toa <- obj$toa
    obj <- exposure(obj, ...)
  } else {
    if (missing(toa))
      stop("-toa- should be provided when -obj- is not of class 'diffnet'")

  toa <- toa - t0 + 1L

  # If lags are included
  toa <- toa - lags
  toa[(toa < 1) | (toa > ncol(obj))] <- NA

  ans <- structure(obj[cbind(1:length(toa),toa)], dim=c(length(toa),1),
            dimnames=list(rownames(obj), "threshold"))

  # Checking if whether to included censored or not
  if (include_censored) return(ans)
  else {
    ans[which(is.na(toa))] <- NA

#' Classify adopters accordingly to Time of Adoption and Threshold levels.
#' Adopters are classified as in Valente (1995). In general, this is done
#' depending on the distance in terms of standard deviations from the mean of
#' Time of Adoption and Threshold.
#' @param graph A dynamic graph.
#' @param toa Integer vector of length \eqn{n} with times of adoption.
#' @param t0 Integer scalar passed to \code{\link{threshold}} and \code{\link{toa_mat}}.
#' @param t1 Integer scalar passed to \code{\link{toa_mat}}.
#' @param expo Numeric matrix of size \eqn{n\times T}{n*T} with network exposures.
#' @param include_censored Logical scalar, passed to \code{\link{threshold}}.
#' @param x A \code{diffnet_adopters} class object.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to the method.
#' @export
#' @details
#' Classifies (only) adopters according to time of adoption and threshold as
#' described in Valente (1995). In particular, the categories are defined as follow:
#' For Time of Adoption, with \code{toa} as the vector of times of adoption:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item \emph{Early Adopters}: \code{toa[i] <= mean(toa) - sd(toa)},
#'  \item \emph{Early Majority}: \code{mean(toa) - sd(toa) < toa[i] <= mean(toa) },
#'  \item \emph{Late Majority}: \code{mean(toa) < toa[i] <= mean(toa) + sd(toa) }, and
#'  \item \emph{Laggards}: \code{mean(toa) + sd(toa) < toa[i] }.
#' }
#' For Threshold levels, with \code{thr} as the vector of threshold levels:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item \emph{Very Low Thresh.}: \code{thr[i] <= mean(thr) - sd(thr)},
#'  \item \emph{Low Thresh.}: \code{mean(thr) - sd(thr) < thr[i] <= mean(thr) },
#'  \item \emph{High Thresh.}: \code{mean(thr) < thr[i] <= mean(thr) + sd(thr) }, and
#'  \item \emph{Very High. Thresh.}: \code{mean(thr) + sd(thr) < thr[i] }.
#' }
#' By default threshold levels are not computed for left censored data. These
#' will have a \code{NA} value in the \code{thr} vector.
#' The plot method, \code{plot.diffnet_adopters}, is a wrapper for the
#' \code{\link[graphics:plot.table]{plot.table}} method. This generates a
#' \code{\link[graphics:mosaicplot]{mosaicplot}} plot.
#' @return A list of class \code{diffnet_adopters} with the following elements:
#' \item{toa}{A factor vector of length \eqn{n} with 4 levels:
#'  "Early Adopters", "Early Majority", "Late Majority", and "Laggards"}
#' \item{thr}{A factor vector of length \eqn{n} with 4 levels:
#'  "Very Low Thresh.", "Low Thresh.", "High Thresh.", and "Very High Thresh."}
#' @examples
#' # Classifying brfarmers -----------------------------------------------------
#' x <- brfarmersDiffNet
#' diffnet.toa(x)[x$toa==max(x$toa, na.rm = TRUE)] <- NA
#' out <- classify_adopters(x)
#' # This is one way
#' round(
#' with(out, ftable(toa, thr, dnn=c("Time of Adoption", "Threshold")))/
#'   nnodes(x[!is.na(x$toa)])*100, digits=2)
#' # This is other
#' ftable(out)
#' # Can be coerced into a data.frame, e.g. ------------------------------------
#'  str(classify(brfarmersDiffNet))
#'  ans <- cbind(
#'  as.data.frame(classify(brfarmersDiffNet)), brfarmersDiffNet$toa
#'  )
#'  head(ans)
#' # Creating a mosaic plot with the medical innovations -----------------------
#' x <- classify(medInnovationsDiffNet)
#' plot(x)
#' @family statistics
#' @references
#' Valente, T. W. (1995). "Network models of the diffusion of innovations"
#'  (2nd ed.). Cresskill N.J.: Hampton Press.
#' @author George G. Vega Yon
classify_adopters <- function(...) UseMethod("classify_adopters")

#' @export
#' @rdname classify_adopters
classify <- classify_adopters

#' @export
#' @rdname classify_adopters
classify_adopters.diffnet <- function(graph, include_censored=FALSE, ...) {
  classify_adopters.default(graph$graph, graph$toa,
                            t0=graph$meta$pers[1], t1=NULL,
                            expo=exposure(graph, ...),

#' @export
#' @rdname classify_adopters
classify_adopters.default <- function(
  ) {

  # Computing ranges
  ran_toa <- mean(toa, na.rm = TRUE) + sd(toa, na.rm = TRUE)*c(-1,0,1)

  # Getting threshold
  if (!length(expo)) expo <- exposure(graph, toa_mat(toa, t0=t0, t1=t1), ...)
  thr <- threshold(expo, toa, t0, include_censored)
  ran_thr <- mean(thr, na.rm = TRUE) + sd(thr, na.rm = TRUE)*c(-1,0,1)

  # Classifying
  c_toa <- c("Non-Adopters", "Early Adopters", "Early Majority", "Late Majority", "Laggards")
  c_toa <- factor(findInterval(toa, ran_toa), c(NA,0:3), c_toa, exclude=NULL)

  c_thr <- c("Non-Adopters", "Very Low Thresh.", "Low Thresh.", "High Thresh.", "Very High Thresh.")
  c_thr <- factor(findInterval(thr, ran_thr), c(NA,0:3), c_thr, exclude=NULL)

    cutoffs=list(toa=ran_toa, thr=ran_thr)
    ), class="diffnet_adopters")


#' @export
#' @param as.pcent Logical scalar. When \code{TRUE} returns a table with percentages
#' instead.
#' @param digits Integer scalar. Passed to \code{\link[base:round]{round}}.
#' @rdname classify_adopters
ftable.diffnet_adopters <- function(x, as.pcent=TRUE, digits=2, ...) {

  out <- with(x, stats::ftable(toa, thr, ...))

  if (as.pcent) round(out/sum(out)*100, digits)
  else out

#' @export
#' @param row.names Passed to \code{\link[base:as.data.frame]{as.data.frame}}.
#' @param optional Passed to \code{\link[base:as.data.frame]{as.data.frame}}.
#' @rdname classify_adopters
as.data.frame.diffnet_adopters <- function(x, row.names=NULL, optional=FALSE, ...) {
  as.data.frame(x[1:2], row.names, optional, ...)

#' @export
#' @param y Ignored.
#' @param ftable.args List of arguments passed to \code{\link[stats:ftable]{ftable}}.
#' @param table.args List of arguments passed to \code{\link{table}}.
#' @rdname classify_adopters
plot.diffnet_adopters <- function(x, y = NULL,
                                  ftable.args = list(),
                                  table.args=list(),...) {
  y <- do.call(ftable.diffnet_adopters, c(ftable.args, list(x=x)))
  y <- do.call(as.table, c(table.args, list(x=y)))
  plot(y, ...)

#' Computes covariate distance between connected vertices
#' @param graph A square matrix of size \eqn{n} of class dgCMatrix.
#' @param X A numeric matrix of size \eqn{n \times K}{n * K}. Vertices attributes
#' @param p Numeric scalar. Norm to compute
#' @param S Square matrix of size \code{ncol(x)}. Usually the var-covar matrix.
#' @details
#' Faster than \code{\link{dist}}, these functions compute distance metrics
#' between pairs of vertices that are connected (otherwise skip).
#' The function \code{vertex_covariate_dist} is the simil of \code{\link{dist}}
#' and returns p-norms (Minkowski distance). It is implemented as follows (for
#' each pair of vertices):
#' \deqn{%
#' D_{ij} = \left(\sum_{k=1}^K \left|X_{ik} - X_{jk}\right|^{p} \right)^{1/p}\mbox{ if }graph_{i,j}\neq 0
#' }{%
#' D(i,j) = [\sum_k abs(X(i,k) - X(j,k))^p]^(1/p)  if graph(i,j) != 0
#' }
#' In the case of mahalanobis distance, for each pair of vertex \eqn{(i,j)}, the
#' distance is computed as follows:
#' \deqn{%
#' D_{ij} = \left( (X_i - X_j)\times S \times (X_i - X_j)' \right)^{1/2}\mbox{ if }graph_{i,j}\neq 0
#' }{%
#' D(i,j) = sqrt[(X(i) - X(j)) \%*\% S  \%*\% t(X(i) - X(j))]  if graph(i,j) != 0
#' }
#' @return A matrix of size \eqn{n\times n}{n * n} of class \code{dgCMatrix}. Will
#' be symmetric only if \code{graph} is symmetric.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Distance (aka p norm) -----------------------------------------------------
#' set.seed(123)
#' G <- rgraph_ws(20, 4, .1)
#' X <- matrix(runif(40), ncol=2)
#' vertex_covariate_dist(G, X)[1:5, 1:5]
#' # Mahalanobis distance ------------------------------------------------------
#' S <- var(X)
#' M <- vertex_mahalanobis_dist(G, X, S)
#' # Example with diffnet objects ----------------------------------------------
#' data(medInnovationsDiffNet)
#' X <- cbind(
#'   medInnovationsDiffNet[["proage"]],
#'   medInnovationsDiffNet[["attend"]]
#' )
#' S <- var(X, na.rm=TRUE)
#' ans <- vertex_mahalanobis_dist(medInnovationsDiffNet, X, S)
#' @name vertex_covariate_dist
#' @references
#' Mahalanobis distance. (2016, September 27). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.
#' Retrieved 20:31, September 27, 2016, from
#' \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Mahalanobis_distance&oldid=741488252}
#' @author George G. Vega Yon
#' @aliases p-norm mahalanobis minkowski
#' @family statistics
#' @family dyadic-level comparison functions
#' @seealso \code{\link[stats:mahalanobis]{mahalanobis}} in the stats package.

#' @export
#' @rdname vertex_covariate_dist
vertex_mahalanobis_dist <- function(graph, X, S) {

  # Analyzing
  cls <- class(graph)
  ans <- if ("matrix" %in% cls) {
    vertex_mahalanobis_dist_cpp(methods::as(graph, "dgCMatrix"), X, S)
  } else if ("dgCMatrix" %in% cls) {
    vertex_mahalanobis_dist_cpp(graph, X, S)
  } else if ("diffnet" %in% cls) {

    # Checking sizes
    if (!inherits(S, "list")) S <- lapply(1:nslices(graph), function(x) S)
    if (inherits(X, "character")) {
      X <- lapply(1:nslices(graph), function(x) cbind(as.matrix(graph[[X]])))
    if (!inherits(X, c("list"))) {
      X <- lapply(1:nslices(graph), function(x) as.matrix(X))

    with(graph, Map(function(g, x, s) vertex_mahalanobis_dist(g,x,s), g=graph, x=X, s=S))


#' Non-zero element-wise comparison between two sparse matrices
#' Taking advantage of matrix sparseness, the function only evaluates
#' \code{fun} between pairs of elements of \code{A} and \code{B} where
#' either \code{A} or \code{B} have non-zero values. This can be helpful
#' to implement other binary operators between sparse matrices that may
#' not be implemented in the \pkg{Matrix} package.
#' @param A A matrix of size \code{n*m} of class \code{\link[Matrix:dgCMatrix-class]{dgCMatrix}}.
#' @param B A matrix of size \code{n*m} of class \code{\link[Matrix:dgCMatrix-class]{dgCMatrix}}.
#' @param fun A function that receives 2 arguments and returns a scalar.
#' @details Instead of comparing element by element, the function
#' loops through each matrix non-zero elements to make the comparisons, which
#' in the case of sparse matrices can be more efficient (faster). Algorithmically
#' it can be described as follows:
#' \preformatted{
#' # Matrix initialization
#' init ans[n,m];
#' # Looping through non-zero elements of A
#' for e_A in E_A:
#'   ans[e_A] = fun(A[e_A], B[e_A])
#' # Looping through non-zero elements of B and applying the function
#' # in e_B only if it was not applied while looping in E_A.
#' for e_B in E_B:
#'   if (ans[e_B] == Empty)
#'     ans[e_B] = fun(A[e_B], B[e_B])
#' }
#' \code{compare_matrix} is just an alias for \code{matrix_compare}.
#' @return An object of class \code{dgCMatrix} of size \code{n*m}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # These two should yield the same results -----------------------------------
#' # Creating two random matrices
#' set.seed(89)
#' A <- rgraph_ba(t = 9, m = 4)
#' B <- rgraph_ba(t = 9, m = 4)
#' A;B
#' # Comparing
#' ans0 <- matrix_compare(A,B, function(a,b) (a+b)/2)
#' ans1 <- matrix(0, ncol=10, nrow=10)
#' for (i in 1:10)
#'   for (j in 1:10)
#'     ans1[i,j] <- mean(c(A[i,j], B[i,j]))
#' # Are these equal?
#' all(ans0[] == ans1[]) # Should yield TRUE
# # More elaborated example (speed) -------------------------------------------
# set.seed(123123123)
# A <- rgraph_ba(t = 5e3, m = 2)
# B <- rgraph_ba(t = 5e3, m = 2)
# Am <- as.matrix(A)
# Bm <- as.matrix(B)
# compfun <- function(a,b) {
#   ifelse(a > b, a, b)
# }
# t0 <- system.time(matrix_compare(A, B, compfun))
# t1 <- system.time(matrix(ifelse(Am > Bm, Am, Bm), ncol=ncol(Am)))
# t1/t0
#' @aliases binary-functions
#' @family dyadic-level comparison functions
matrix_compare <- function(A, B, fun) {

  # Checking objects class
  if (!inherits(A, c("dgCMatrix")))
    stop("-A- must be a dgCMatrix.")

  if (!inherits(B, c("dgCMatrix")))
    stop("-B- must be a dgCMatrix.")

  if (any(dim(A) != dim(B)))
    stop("-A- and -B- must have the same dimension.")

  matrix_compareCpp(A, B, fun)

#' @rdname matrix_compare
#' @export
compare_matrix <- matrix_compare

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