
source(system.file(file.path('tests', 'testthat', 'test_utils.R'), package = 'nimble'))

RwarnLevel <- options('warn')$warn
options(warn = 1)

## verbose: set to FALSE
nimbleVerboseSetting <- nimbleOptions('verbose')
nimbleOptions(verbose = FALSE)

## MCMC progress bar: set to FALSE
nimbleProgressBarSetting <- nimbleOptions('MCMCprogressBar')
nimbleOptions(MCMCprogressBar = FALSE)

## MCMC orderSamplersPosteriorPredictiveLast - save current setting
nimbleReorderPPsamplersSetting <- getNimbleOption('MCMCorderPosteriorPredictiveSamplersLast')

## MCMC use usePosteriorPredictiveSampler - save current setting
nimbleUsePosteriorPredictiveSamplerSetting <- getNimbleOption('MCMCusePosteriorPredictiveSampler')

## MCMC calculation include predictive dependencies - save current setting
nimbleUsePredictiveDependenciesSetting <- nimbleOptions('MCMCusePredictiveDependenciesInCalculations')

## MCMC warn about unsampled nodes - save current setting
nimbleWarnUnsampledNodesSetting <- nimbleOptions('MCMCwarnUnsampledStochasticNodes')

## If you do *not* want to write to results files
##    comment out the sink() call below.  And consider setting verbose = FALSE 
## To record a new gold file, nimbleOptions('generateGoldFileForMCMCtesting') should contain the path to the directory where you want to put it
## e.g. nimbleOptions(generateGoldFileForMCMCtesting = getwd())
## Comparison to the gold file won't work until it is installed with the package.

goldFileName <- 'mcmcTestLog_Correct.Rout'
tempFileName <- 'mcmcTestLog.Rout'
generatingGoldFile <- !is.null(nimbleOptions('generateGoldFileForMCMCtesting'))
outputFile <- if(generatingGoldFile) file.path(nimbleOptions('generateGoldFileForMCMCtesting'), goldFileName) else tempFileName

## capture warnings

## tests of classic BUGS examples
test_mcmc('blocker', numItsC = 1000, resampleData = TRUE)
# 100% coverage; looks fine

nimbleOptions(MCMCusePredictiveDependenciesInCalculations = TRUE)
test_mcmc('bones', numItsC = 10000, resampleData = TRUE)
# 100% coverage; looks fine
nimbleOptions(MCMCusePredictiveDependenciesInCalculations = nimbleUsePredictiveDependenciesSetting)

test_mcmc('dyes', numItsC = 1000, resampleData = TRUE)
# 100% coverage; looks fine

test_mcmc('equiv', numItsC = 1000, resampleData = TRUE)
# looks good
# testing: tau[2]=97.95, 198.8 ; tau[1]=102.2,55
# phi = -.008,.052; pi = -.1805,.052

test_mcmc('line', numItsC = 1000, resampleData = TRUE)
# 100% coverage; looks fine

test_mcmc('oxford', numItsC = 1000, resampleData = TRUE)
# probably ok; seems to overcover for 'b', but 'b' in this
# parameteriz'n is a top-level node and the multiplic'n
# by sigma seems to lead to frequentist overcoverage
# similar results in JAGS

test_mcmc('pump', numItsC = 1000, resampleData = TRUE)
# 100% coverage; looks fine

test_mcmc('rats', numItsC = 1000, resampleData = TRUE)
# 93.8% coverage; looks fine and compares well to JAGS
# however in resampleData, one of the taus wildly misses

test_mcmc('seeds', numItsC = 1000, resampleData = TRUE)
# fine

test_mcmc('dugongs', numItsC = 1000, resampleData = TRUE)
# 100% coverage; looks fine

test_mcmc('epil', model = 'epil2.bug', inits = 'epil-inits.R',
              data = 'epil-data.R', numItsC = 1000, resampleData = TRUE)
# looks ok

test_mcmc('epil', model = 'epil3.bug', inits = 'epil-inits.R',
              data = 'epil-data.R', numItsC = 1000, resampleData = TRUE)
# looks ok

test_mcmc('seeds', model = 'seedsuni.bug', inits = 'seeds-init.R',
              data = 'seeds-data.R', numItsC = 1000, resampleData = TRUE)
# looks fine - intervals for b's seem a bit large but probably ok
# particularly since default seeds.bug seems fine
# results compared to JAGS look fine
test_mcmc('seeds', model = 'seedssig.bug', inits = 'seeds-init.R',
              data = 'seeds-data.R', numItsC = 1000, resampleData = TRUE)
# looks fine - intervals for b's seem a bit large but probably ok

test_mcmc('birats', model = 'birats1.bug', inits = 'birats-inits.R',
              data = 'birats-data.R', numItsC = 1000, resampleData = TRUE)
# seems fine

test_mcmc('birats', model = 'birats3.bug', inits = 'birats-inits.R',
              data = 'birats-data.R', numItsC = 1000, resampleData = TRUE)
# seems fine

test_mcmc('birats', model = 'birats2.bug', inits = 'birats-inits.R',
            data = 'birats-data.R', numItsC = 1000, resampleData = TRUE)
# looks fine now that values() returns in order
# result changes as of v0.4 because in v0.3-1 'omega.beta' was found
# as both topNode and nontopNode and was being simulated into
# incorrectly in resampleData - this affected values further downstream

test_mcmc('ice', model = 'icear.bug', inits = 'ice-inits.R',
          data = 'ice-data.R', numItsC = 1000, resampleData = TRUE,
          knownFailures = list('coverage' = 'KNOWN ISSUE: coverage is low'))
# resampleData gives very large magnitude betas because beta[1],beta[2] are not
# actually topNodes because of (weak) dependence on tau, and
# are simulated from their priors to have large magnitude values

test_that('ice example reworked', {
                                        # rework ice example so that beta[1] and beta[2] will be top nodes
    system.in.dir(paste("sed 's/tau\\*1.0E-6/1.0E-6/g' icear.bug > ", file.path(tempdir(), "icear.bug")), dir = system.file('classic-bugs','vol2','ice', package = 'nimble'))
    test_mcmc(model = file.path(tempdir(), "icear.bug"), inits = system.file('classic-bugs', 'vol2', 'ice','ice-inits.R', package = 'nimble'), data = system.file('classic-bugs', 'vol2', 'ice','ice-data.R', package = 'nimble'), numItsC = 1000, resampleData = TRUE, avoidNestedTest = TRUE)
                                        # looks fine, but alpha and beta values shifted a bit (systematically) relative to JAGS results - on further inspection this is because mixing for this model is poor in both NIMBLE and JAGS - with longer runs they seem to agree (as best as one can tell given the mixing without doing a super long run)

test_mcmc('beetles', model = 'beetles-logit.bug', inits = 'beetles-inits.R',
          data = 'beetles-data.R', numItsC = 1000, resampleData = TRUE)
                                        # getting warning; deterministic model node is NA or NaN in model initialization
                                        # weirdness with llike.sat[8] being NaN on init (actually that makes sense), and with weird lifting of RHS of llike.sat

test_that('leuk example setup', {
    writeLines(c("var","Y[N,T],","dN[N,T];"), con = file.path(tempdir(), "leuk.bug")) ## echo doesn't seem to work on Windows
                                        # need nimStep in data block as we no longer have step
    system.in.dir(paste("cat leuk.bug >> ", file.path(tempdir(), "leuk.bug")), dir = system.file('classic-bugs','vol1','leuk',package = 'nimble'))
                                        # need nimStep in data block as we no longer have step
    system.in.dir(paste("sed -i -e 's/step/nimStep/g'", file.path(tempdir(), "leuk.bug")))
    test_mcmc(model = file.path(tempdir(), "leuk.bug"), name = 'leuk', inits = system.file('classic-bugs', 'vol1', 'leuk','leuk-init.R', package = 'nimble'), data = system.file('classic-bugs', 'vol1', 'leuk','leuk-data.R', package = 'nimble'), numItsC = 1000,
              results = list(mean = list(beta = 1.58), sd = list(beta = 0.43)),
              resultsTolerance = list(mean = list(beta = 0.02), sd = list(beta = 0.02)), avoidNestedTest = TRUE)

test_that('salm example setup', {
    writeLines(paste("var","logx[doses];"), con = file.path(tempdir(), "salm.bug"))
    system.in.dir(paste("cat salm.bug >>", file.path(tempdir(), "salm.bug")), dir = system.file('classic-bugs','vol1','salm', package = 'nimble'))
    test_mcmc(model = file.path(tempdir(), "salm.bug"), name = 'salm', inits = system.file('classic-bugs', 'vol1', 'salm','salm-init.R', package = 'nimble'), data = system.file('classic-bugs', 'vol1', 'salm','salm-data.R', package = 'nimble'), numItsC = 1000, avoidNestedTest = TRUE)
                                        # looks good compared to JAGS

test_that('air example setup', {
    file.copy(system.file('classic-bugs','vol2','air','air.bug', package = 'nimble'), file.path(tempdir(), "air.bug"), overwrite=TRUE)
    system.in.dir(paste("sed -i -e 's/mean(X)/mean(X\\[\\])/g'", file.path(tempdir(), "air.bug")))
    test_mcmc(model = file.path(tempdir(), "air.bug"), name = 'air', inits = system.file('classic-bugs', 'vol2', 'air','air-inits.R', package = 'nimble'), data = system.file('classic-bugs', 'vol2', 'air','air-data.R', package = 'nimble'), numItsC = 1000, avoidNestedTest = TRUE)
                                        # theta[2] posterior is a bit off from JAGS - would be worth more investigation

test_that('jaw-linear setup', {
    system.in.dir(paste("sed 's/mean(age)/mean(age\\[1:M\\])/g' jaw-linear.bug > ", file.path(tempdir(), "jaw-linear.bug")), dir = system.file('classic-bugs','vol2','jaw', package = 'nimble')) # alternative way to get size info in there
    test_mcmc(model = file.path(tempdir(), "jaw-linear.bug"), name = 'jaw-linear', inits = system.file('classic-bugs', 'vol2', 'jaw','jaw-inits.R', package = 'nimble'), data = system.file('classic-bugs', 'vol2', 'jaw','jaw-data.R', package = 'nimble'), numItsC = 1000, avoidNestedTest = TRUE) # , knownFailures = list('R MCMC' = 'Cholesky of NA matrix fails in R 3.4.2 in calculate(model) of initializeModel() but not in R 3.4.1'))
## note R MCMC used to fail when tried to do Cholesky of 0 matrix in 2-point method, but no longer doing multiplicative link for Wishart targets
          resampleData = TRUE,
          results = list(mean = list(
                             "theta[1]" = 0.06,
                             "theta[2]" = 0.10,
                             "theta[9]" = 1.58,
                             "theta[10]" = 1.97,
                             alpha = 0.73,
                             beta = 0.98)),
          resultsTolerance = list(mean = list(
                                      "theta[1]" = 0.01,
                                      "theta[2]" = 0.01,
                                      "theta[9]" = 0.05,
                                      "theta[10]" = 0.05,
                                      alpha = 0.1,
                                      beta = 0.1)))

test_that('gap setup', {
    ## LogProb gap: bug fixed in after v0.3
    ## Problem that occurred in v0.3: because of gap in logProb_a (i.e. logProb_a[2]
    ## is defined but logProb_a[1] is not)
    ## Because logProbs get scrambled, the random walk sampler would always accept,
    ## meaning the sd of proposal steps approaches Inf
    gapCode <- nimbleCode({
	a[1] <- 1
	a[2] ~ dnorm(0,1)
    test_mcmc(model = gapCode, seed = 0, numItsC = 100000,
              results = list(mean = list(`a[2]` = 0) ),
              resultsTolerance = list(mean = list(`a[2]` = 0.1)),
              samplers = list(list(type = 'RW', target = 'a[2]')),
              avoidNestedTest = TRUE

if(.Platform$OS.type == 'windows') {
    message("Stopping tests now in Windows to avoid crashing until we can unload compiled projects")
    message("To continue testing use 'mcmc2' tests")

### Daniel's world's simplest MCMC demo

test_that('very simple example setup', {
    code <- nimbleCode({
        x ~ dnorm(0, 2)
        y ~ dnorm(x+1, 3)
        z ~ dnorm(y+2, 4)
    data = list(y = 3)
    test_mcmc(model = code,
              name = 'very simple example',
              data = data,
              resampleData = FALSE,
              results = list(
                  mean = list(x = 6/5, z = 5),
                  sd = list(x = 1/sqrt(5), z = 1/2)),
              resultsTolerance = list(mean = list(x = .1, z = .1),
                                      sd = list(x = .05, z = .05)),
              avoidNestedTest = TRUE)

### linear Gaussian state-space model (of length 5)

test_that('linear Gaussian state-space model MCMC works', {
  n <- 5
  a <- 6
  b <- 0.8
  sigmaPN <- 2
  sigmaOE <- 4
  x <- numeric(n)
  y <- numeric(n)
  x[1] <- 1
  y[1] <- rnorm(1, x[1], sigmaOE)
  for(i in 2:n) {
    x[i] <- rnorm(1, a+b*x[i-1], sigmaPN)
    y[i] <- rnorm(1, x[i], sigmaOE)
  code <- nimbleCode({
    a ~ dnorm(0, sd = 10000)
    b ~ dnorm(0, sd = 10000)
    sigmaPN ~ dunif(0, 10000)
    sigmaOE ~ dunif(0, 10000)
    x[1] ~ dnorm(0, sd = 10000)
    y[1] ~ dnorm(x[1], sd = sigmaOE)
    for(t in 2:N) {
      x[t] ~ dnorm(a + b*x[t-1], sd = sigmaPN)
      y[t] ~ dnorm(x[t], sd = sigmaOE)
  constants <- list(N = length(y))
  data <- list(y = y)
  inits <- list(a=6, b=0.8, sigmaOE=4, sigmaPN=2, x=y+rnorm(length(y)))

  test_mcmc(model = code,
            name = 'linear Gaussian state-space model',
            data = c(data, constants),
            inits = inits,
            seed = 123,
            resampleData = FALSE,
            results = list(
              mean = list(a = 37.36, b = -2.26, sigmaPN = 5.27, sigmaOE = 5.08),
              sd = list(a = 30.14, b = 2.60, sigmaPN = 6.54, sigmaOE = 2.96)),
            ## The expected results come from exactly these run conditions,
            ## so they are essentially exact MCMC chain replication results.
            ## For that reason, tolerances are all set to the precision with
            ## which the numbers were entered, to nearest 0.01.
            resultsTolerance = list(mean = list(a = .01, b = .01, sigmaPN=0.01, sigmaOE=0.01),
                                    sd = list(a = .01, b = .01, sigmaPN=0.01, sigmaOE=0.01)),
            avoidNestedTest = TRUE)

### basic block sampler example

test_that('basic no-block sampler setup', {
    code <- nimbleCode({
        for(i in 1:3) {
            x[i] ~ dnorm(0, 1)
            y[i] ~ dnorm(x[i], 2)
    data = list(y = -1:1)
    test_mcmc(model = code,
              name = 'basic no-block sampler',
              data = data,
              resampleData = FALSE,
              results = list(
                  mean = list(x = c(-2/3,0,2/3)),
                  var = list(x = rep(1/3,3))),
              resultsTolerance = list(mean = list(x = rep(.1,3)),
                                      var = list(x = rep(.05,3))),
              avoidNestedTest = TRUE)
    test_mcmc(model = code,
              name = 'basic block sampler on scalars',
              data = data, resampleData = FALSE,
              results = list(
                  mean = list(x = c(-2/3,0,2/3)),
                  var = list(x = rep(1/3,3))),
              resultsTolerance = list(mean = list(x = rep(.1,3)),
                                      var = list(x = rep(.05,3))),
              samplers = list(
                  list(type = 'RW_block', target = 'x[1]'),
                  list(type = 'RW_block', target = 'x[2]'),
                  list(type = 'RW_block', target = 'x[3]')
              ), removeAllDefaultSamplers = TRUE, numItsC = 10000,
              avoidNestedTest = TRUE)
    test_mcmc(model = code,
              name = 'basic block sampler on vector',
              data = data,
              resampleData = FALSE,
              results = list(
                  mean = list(x = c(-2/3,0,2/3)),
                  var = list(x = rep(1/3,3))),
              resultsTolerance = list(mean = list(x = rep(.1,3)),
                                      var = list(x = rep(.05,3))),
              samplers = list(
                  list(type = 'RW_block', target = 'x', control = list(adaptInterval = 500))
              ), numItsC = 10000, avoidNestedTest = TRUE)  

### slice sampler example

test_that('slice sampler example setup', {
    nimbleOptions(MCMCusePredictiveDependenciesInCalculations = TRUE)
    code <- nimbleCode({
        z ~ dnorm(0, 1)
        normal5_10 ~ dnorm(5, sd = 10)
        beta1_1 ~ dbeta(1, 1)
        beta3_5 ~ dbeta(3, 5)
        binom10_p5 ~ dbin(size=10, prob=0.5)
        binom20_p3 ~ dbin(size=20, prob=0.3)
    test_mcmc(model = code,
              name = "slice sampler example",
              resampleData = FALSE,
              results = list(
                  mean = list(z = 0, "beta1_1" = 0.5, "beta3_5" = 3/(3+5),
                              "binom10_p5" = 10*.5, "binom20_p3" = 20*.3),
                  sd = list(z = 1, "beta1_1" = sqrt(1/12),
                            "beta3_5" = sqrt(3*5/((3+5)^2*(3+5+1))),
                            "binom10_p5" = sqrt(10*.5*.5),
                            "binom20_p3" = sqrt(20*.3*.7))),
              resultsTolerance = list(
                  mean = list(z = 0.1, "beta1_1" = 0.5, "beta3_5" = .2,
                              "binom10_p5" = .25, "binom20_p3" = .25),
                  sd = list(z = .1, "beta1_1" = .05, "beta3_5" = .03,
                            "binom10_p5" = .2, "binom20_p3" = .25)),
              samplers = list(list(type = 'slice', target = 'z', control = list(adaptInterval = 10)),
                              list(type = 'slice', target = 'normal5_10', control = list(adaptInterval = 10)),
                              list(type = 'slice', target = 'beta1_1', control = list(adaptInterval = 10)),
                              list(type = 'slice', target = 'beta3_5', control = list(adaptInterval = 10)),
                              list(type = 'slice', target = 'binom10_p5', control = list(adaptInterval = 10)),
                              list(type = 'slice', target = 'binom20_p3', control = list(adaptInterval = 10))),
              avoidNestedTest = TRUE)
    nimbleOptions(MCMCusePredictiveDependenciesInCalculations = nimbleUsePredictiveDependenciesSetting)

### elliptical slice sampler 'ess'

test_that('elliptical slice sampler setup', {
    ESScode <- quote({
        x[1:d] ~ dmnorm(mu_x[1:d], prec = prec_x[1:d, 1:d])
        y[1:d] ~ dmnorm(x[1:d], prec = prec_y[1:d, 1:d])
    d <- 3
    mu_x <- rnorm(d)
    temp <- array(rnorm(d^2), c(d,d))
    prec_x <- solve(temp %*% t(temp))
    temp <- array(rnorm(d^2), c(d,d))
    prec_y <- solve(temp %*% t(temp))
    y <- rnorm(d)
    ESSconstants <- list(d = d, mu_x = mu_x, prec_x = prec_x, prec_y = prec_y)
    ESSdata <- list(y = y)
    ESSinits <- list(x = rep(0, d))
    test_mcmc(model = ESScode, data = c(ESSconstants, ESSdata), inits = ESSinits,
              name = 'exact values of elliptical slice sampler',
              seed = 0,
              exactSample = list(`x[1]` = c(-0.492880566939352, -0.214539223107114, 1.79345037297218, 1.17324496091208, 2.14095077672555, 1.60417482445964, 1.94196916651627, 2.66737323347255, 2.66744178776022, 0.253966883192744), `x[2]` = c(-0.161210109217102, -0.0726534676226932, 0.338308532423757, -0.823652445515156, -0.344130712698579, -0.132642244861469, -0.0253168895009594, 0.0701624130921676, 0.0796842215444978, -0.66369112443311), `x[3]` = c(0.278627475932455, 0.0661336950029345, 0.407055002920732, 1.98761228946318, 1.0839897275519, 1.00262648370199, 0.459841485268785, 2.59229443025387, 1.83769567435409, 1.92954706515119)),
              samplers = list(list(type = 'ess', target = 'x')))
    test_mcmc(model = ESScode, data = c(ESSconstants, ESSdata), inits = ESSinits,
              name = 'results to tolerance of elliptical slice sampler',
              results = list(mean = list(x = c(1.0216463, -0.4007247, 1.1416904))),
              resultsTolerance = list(mean = list(x = c(0.01, 0.01, 0.01))),
              numItsC = 100000,
              samplers = list(list(type = 'ess', target = 'x')), avoidNestedTest = TRUE)

### demo2 of check conjugacy

test_that('beta-binom conjugacy setup', {
    code <- nimbleCode({
        x ~ dbeta(3, 13)
        y[1] ~ dbin(x, 10)
        y[2] ~ dbin(x, 20)
    data = list(y = c(3,4))
    test_mcmc(model = code, name = 'check of beta-binom conjugacy', data = data, exactSample = list(x = c(0.195510839527966, 0.332847482503424,0.247768152764931, 0.121748195439553, 0.157842271774841, 0.197566496350904, 0.216991517500577, 0.276609942874852, 0.165733872345582, 0.144695512780252)), seed = 0, avoidNestedTest = TRUE)
### checkConjugacy_demo3_run.R - various conjugacies

test_that('various conjugacies setup', {
    nimbleOptions(MCMCorderPosteriorPredictiveSamplersLast = FALSE)
    nimbleOptions(MCMCusePosteriorPredictiveSampler = FALSE)
    nimbleOptions(MCMCusePredictiveDependenciesInCalculations = TRUE)
    code <- nimbleCode({
        x ~ dgamma(1, 1)       # should satisfy 'gamma' conjugacy class
        a  ~ dnorm(0, x)     # should satisfy 'norm' conjugacy class
        a2 ~ dnorm(0, tau = 3*x)
        b  ~ dpois(5*x)
        b2 ~ dpois(1*x*1)
        c ~ dgamma(1, 7*x*5)
        for(i in 2:3) {
            jTau[i] <- 1
            jNorm[i] ~ dnorm(c * (a+3) - i, var = jTau[i])
            kTauSd[i] <- 2
            kLogNorm[i] ~ dlnorm(0 - a - 6*i, kTauSd[i])
        jNorm[1] <- 0
        kLogNorm[1] <- 0

    sampleVals = list(x = c(3.9505561655, 2.0475815875, 1.6434823847, 1.3639509750, 1.2026040395, 0.7809965060, 1.0238211270, 0.9245529610, 0.7592556898, 0.4670729702),
                      c = c(0.015855585146, 0.010426702596, 0.010426702596, 0.014013991556, 0.001477657554, 0.001477657554, 0.001477657554, 0.001477657554, 0.001477657554, 0.006195021298))

    test_mcmc(model = code, name = 'check various conjugacies', exactSample = sampleVals, seed = 0, mcmcControl = list(scale=0.01), avoidNestedTest = TRUE)
    ## with fixing of jNorm[1] and kLogNorm[1] we no longer have: knownFailures = list('R C samples match' = "KNOWN ISSUE: R and C posterior samples are not equal for 'various conjugacies'"))
    nimbleOptions(MCMCorderPosteriorPredictiveSamplersLast = nimbleReorderPPsamplersSetting)
    nimbleOptions(MCMCusePosteriorPredictiveSampler = nimbleUsePosteriorPredictiveSamplerSetting)
    nimbleOptions(MCMCusePredictiveDependenciesInCalculations = nimbleUsePredictiveDependenciesSetting)

### Weibull-gamma conjugacy
test_that('Weibull-gamma conjugacy setup', {
    y <- 3; depShape <- 2; c <- 2; shape <- 1; rate <- 2
    code <- nimbleCode({
        y ~ dweib(shape = depShape, lambda = c*theta)
        theta ~ dgamma(shape, rate = rate)
    m <- nimbleModel(code, data = list(y = y), inits = list(c = c, theta = 1),
                     constants = list(depShape = depShape, shape = shape, rate = rate))
    conf <- configureMCMC(m)
    samplers <- conf$getSamplers()
    expect_identical(samplers[[1]]$name, 'conjugate_dgamma_dweib_multiplicative',
                                   info = "dweibull-dgamma conjugacy with dependency using lambda not detected")
    mcmc <- buildMCMC(conf)
    comp <- compileNimble(m, mcmc)
    smp <- as.matrix(comp$mcmc$mvSamples)

    manualSampler <- function(n, y, depShape, c, shape, rate) {
        out <- rep(0, n)
        shape = shape + 1
        rate = rate + c*y^depShape
        out <- rgamma(n, shape, rate = rate)
    smpMan <- manualSampler(10, y, depShape, c, shape, rate)

    expect_identical(smp[,1], smpMan,
                                   info = "NIMBLE gamma-Weibull conjugate sampler and manual sampler results differ")

test_that('Dirichlet-multinomial conjugacy setup', {
### Dirichlet-multinomial conjugacy

# as of v0.4, exact numerical results here have changed because
# ddirch now sometimes returns NaN rather than -Inf (when an
# alpha is proposed to be negative) -- this changes the RNG
# sequence because NaN values result in no runif() call in decide()

# single multinomial
    n <- 100
    alpha <- c(10, 30, 15, 60, 1)
    K <- length(alpha)
    p <- c(.12, .24, .09, .54, .01)
    y <- rmulti(1, n, p)
    code <- function() {
        y[1:K] ~ dmulti(p[1:K], n);
        p[1:K] ~ ddirch(alpha[1:K]);
        for(i in 1:K) {
            alpha[i] ~ dgamma(.001, .001);
    inits <- list(p = rep(1/K, K), alpha = rep(K, K))
    data <- list(n = n, K = K, y = y)
    test_mcmc(model = code, name = 'Dirichlet-multinomial example', data= data, seed = 0, numItsC = 10000,
              inits = inits,
              results = list(mean = list(p = p)),
              resultsTolerance = list(mean = list(p = rep(.06, K))), avoidNestedTest = TRUE)
## bad mixing for alphas; probably explains why posterior estimates for alphas changed so much as of v 0.4
## with replication
test_that('Dirichlet-multinomial with replication setup', {
    n <- 100
    m <- 20
    alpha <- c(10, 30, 15, 60, 1)
    K <- length(alpha)
    y <- p <- matrix(0, m, K)
    for(i in 1:m) {
        p[i, ] <- rdirch(1, alpha)
        y[i, ] <- rmulti(1, n, p[i, ])
    code <- function() {
        for(i in 1:m) {
            y[i, 1:K] ~ dmulti(p[i, 1:K], n);
            p[i, 1:K] ~ ddirch(alpha[1:K]);
        for(i in 1:K) {
            alpha[i] ~ dgamma(.001, .001);
    inits <- list(p = matrix(1/K, m, K), alpha = rep(1/K, K))
    data <- list(n = n, K = K, m = m, y = y)

    ## two tolerance failures are known, for p[39] and p[76]
    test_mcmc(model = code, name = 'Dirichlet-multinomial with replication', data= data,
              seed = 0, numItsC = 1000,
              inits = inits, numItsC_results = 100000,
              results = list(mean = list(p = p, alpha = alpha)),
              resultsTolerance = list(mean = list(p = matrix(.05, m, K),
                                                  alpha = c(5,10,10,20,.5))),
              knownFailures = list('MCMC match to known posterior: p mean 39' = 'KNOWN ISSUE: two samples outside resultsTolerance',
                                  'MCMC match to known posterior: p mean 76' = 'KNOWN ISSUE: two samples outside resultsTolerance'), avoidNestedTest = TRUE)
# note alphas mix poorly (and are highly correlated),
# presumably because of cross-level dependence between
# p's and alphas.  cross-level sampler would probably work well here,
# or, of course, integrating over the p's

test_that('Dirichlet-categorical conjugacy setup', {
### Dirichlet-categorical conjugacy

# single multinomial represented as categorical
    n <- 100
    alpha <- c(10, 30, 15, 60, 1)
    K <- length(alpha)
    p <- c(.12, .24, .09, .54, .01)
    y <- rmulti(1, n, p)
    y <- rep(seq_along(y), times = y)
    code <- function() {
        for(i in 1:n)
          y[i] ~ dcat(p[1:K])
        p[1:K] ~ ddirch(alpha[1:K])
        for(i in 1:K) {
            alpha[i] ~ dgamma(.001, .001);
    inits <- list(p = rep(1/K, K), alpha = rep(K, K))
    data <- list(n = n, K = K, y = y)
    test_mcmc(model = code, name = 'Dirichlet-categorical example', data= data, seed = 0, numItsC = 10000,
              inits = inits,
              results = list(mean = list(p = p)),
              resultsTolerance = list(mean = list(p = rep(.06, K))), avoidNestedTest = TRUE)

## also note that MCMC results here should be identical to those from
## Dirichlet-multinomial case two tests up from this

### block sampler on MVN node
test_that('block sampler on MVN node setup', {
    code <- nimbleCode({
        mu[1] <- 10
        mu[2] <- 20
        mu[3] <- 30
        x[1:3] ~ dmnorm(mu[1:3], prec = Q[1:3,1:3])
    Q = matrix(c(1.0,0.2,-1.0,0.2,4.04,1.6,-1.0,1.6,10.81), nrow=3)
    data = list(Q = Q)
    inits = list(x = c(10, 20, 30))
    test_mcmc(model = code, name = 'block sampler on multivariate node', data = data, seed = 0, numItsC = 10000,
              results = list(mean = list(x = c(10,20,30)),
                             var = list(x = diag(solve(Q)))),
              resultsTolerance = list(mean = list(x = rep(1,3)),
                                      var = list(x = c(.1, .03, .01))),
              samplers = list(
                  list(type = 'RW_block', target = 'x[1:3]')), avoidNestedTest = TRUE)
                                        # caution: setting targetNodes='x' works but the initial end sampler is not removed because x[1:3] in targetNode in default sampler != 'x' in targetNodes passed in
    if(FALSE) {
        Rmodel <- nimbleModel(code, constants = list(Q=Q))
        mcmcspec <- MCMCspec(Rmodel, nodes = NULL)
        mcmcspec$addSampler(type = 'RW_block', target = 'x', control = list(adaptInterval=500))
        Rmcmc <- buildMCMC(mcmcspec)
        Cmodel <- compileNimble(Rmodel)
        Cmcmc <- compileNimble(Rmcmc, project = Rmodel)
        Cmcmc(200000)    ## this runs nearly instantaneously on my computer -DT
        samples <- as.matrix(nfVar(Cmcmc, 'mvSamples'))
        samples <- samples[50001:200000,]
        apply(samples, 2, mean)
        propCov <- nfVar(Cmcmc, 'samplerFunctions')[[1]]$propCov
        scale <- nfVar(Cmcmc, 'samplerFunctions')[[1]]$scale
        propCov * scale^2
        nfVar(Cmcmc, 'samplerFunctions')[[1]]$scaleHistory
        nfVar(Cmcmc, 'samplerFunctions')[[1]]$acceptanceRateHistory
        nfVar(Cmcmc, 'samplerFunctions')[[1]]$scale
        nfVar(Cmcmc, 'samplerFunctions')[[1]]$propCov
        ## why is the proposal cov w/ .99 cross-corrs?
        ## also MCMC in C takes a surprisingly long time - this might be threaded lin alg behaving badly on small matrices

test_that('second block sampler on multivariate node', {
### DT's model
    mu <- c(1,2,3)
    corr <- matrix(c(1,.8,0.3,.8,1,0,0.3,0,1), nrow=3)
    varr <- c(1,2,3)
    Sig <- diag(sqrt(varr))
    Q <- Sig %*% corr %*% Sig
    P <- solve(Q)
    code <- nimbleCode({
        x[1:3] ~ dmnorm(mu[1:3], prec = P[1:3,1:3])
    data = list(P = P, mu = mu)
    test_mcmc(model = code, name = 'second block sampler on multivariate node', data = data, seed = 0, numItsC = 100000,
              results = list(mean = list(x = mu),
                             var = list(x = varr)),
              resultsTolerance = list(mean = list(x = rep(.1,3)),
                                      var = list(x = c(.1,.1,.1))),
              samplers = list(
                  list(type = 'RW_block', target = 'x[1:3]')), avoidNestedTest = TRUE)

test_that('MVN conjugate setup', {
### MVN conjugate update
    mu0 = 1:3
    Q0 = matrix(c(1, .2, .8, .2, 2, 1, .8, 1, 2), nrow = 3)
    Q = solve(matrix(c(3, 1.7, .9, 1.7, 2, .6, .9, .6, 1), nrow = 3))
    a = c(-2, .5, 1)
    B = matrix(rnorm(9), 3)
##### not currently working - see Perry's email of ~ 10/6/14
    ## code <- nimbleCode({
    ##   mu[1:3] ~ dmnorm(mu0[1:3], Q0[1:3, 1:3])
    ##   y[1:3] ~ dmnorm(asCol(a[1:3]) + B[1:3, 1:3] %*% asCol(mu[1:3]), Q[1:3, 1:3])
    ## })
    code <- nimbleCode({
        mu[1:3] ~ dmnorm(mu0[1:3], Q0[1:3, 1:3])
        y_mean[1:3] <- asCol(a[1:3]) + B[1:3, 1:3] %*% asCol(mu[1:3])
        y[1:3] ~ dmnorm(y_mean[1:3], Q[1:3, 1:3])
    mu <- mu0 + chol(solve(Q0)) %*% rnorm(3)
                                        # make sure y is a vec not a 1-col matrix or get a dimensionality error
    y <- c(a + B%*%mu + chol(solve(Q)) %*% rnorm(3))
    data = list(mu0 = mu0, Q0 = Q0, Q = Q, a = a, B = B, y = y)
    muQtrue = t(B) %*% Q%*%B + Q0
    muMeanTrue = c(solve(muQtrue, crossprod(B, Q%*%(y-a)) + Q0%*%mu0))
    test_mcmc(model = code, name = 'two-level multivariate normal', data = data, seed = 0, numItsC = 10000,
              results = list(mean = list(mu = muMeanTrue),
                             cov = list(mu = solve(muQtrue))),
              resultsTolerance = list(mean = list(mu = rep(.02,3)),
                                      cov = list(mu = matrix(.01, 3, 3))), avoidNestedTest = TRUE)

### scalar RW updates in place of conjugate mv update

    test_mcmc(model = code, name = 'two-level multivariate normal with scalar updaters', data = data, seed = 0, numItsC = 100000,
              results = list(mean = list(mu = muMeanTrue),
                             cov = list(mu = solve(muQtrue))),
              resultsTolerance = list(mean = list(mu = rep(.03,3)),
                                      cov = list(mu = matrix(.03, 3, 3))),
              samplers = list(list(type = 'RW', target = 'mu[1]'),
                              list(type = 'RW', target = 'mu[2]'),
                              list(type = 'RW', target = 'mu[3]')),
              removeAllDefaultSamplers = TRUE, avoidNestedTest = TRUE)

## another example of MVN conjugate sampler, for test-mcmc.R
## using both cov and prec parametrizaions of MVN,
## and various linear links
test_that('another MVN conjugate sampler setup', {
    prior_mean <- rep(0,5)
    tmp <- array(rnorm(25), c(5,5))
    tmp <- tmp + t(tmp) + 5*diag(5)
    prior_cov <- tmp
    a <- array(rnorm(20), c(4,5))
    B <- array(NA, c(4,5,5))
    for(i in c(2,4))   B[i,,] <- array(rnorm(25), c(5,5))
    B[1,,] <- diag(5)
    B[3,,] <- diag(5)
    M_y <- array(NA, c(4,5,5))
    for(i in 1:4) {
        tmp <- array(rnorm(25,i), c(5,5))
        tmp <- tmp + t(tmp) + 5*i*diag(5)
        M_y[i,,] <- tmp
    x <- rep(0, 5)
    y <- array(rnorm(20), c(4,5))
    code <- nimbleCode({
        x[1:5] ~ dmnorm(mean = prior_mean[1:5], cov = prior_cov[1:5,1:5])
        for(i in 1:4)
            mu_y[i,1:5] <- asCol(a[i,1:5]) + B[i,1:5,1:5] %*% asCol(x[1:5])
        y[1,1:5] ~ dmnorm(mu_y[1,1:5], prec = M_y[1,1:5,1:5])
        y[2,1:5] ~ dmnorm(mu_y[2,1:5], cov  = M_y[2,1:5,1:5])
        y[3,1:5] ~ dmnorm(mu_y[3,1:5], prec = M_y[3,1:5,1:5])
        y[4,1:5] ~ dmnorm(mu_y[4,1:5], cov  = M_y[4,1:5,1:5])
    constants <- list(prior_mean=prior_mean, prior_cov=prior_cov, a=a, B=B, M_y=M_y)
    data <- list(y=y)
    inits <- list(x=x)
    Rmodel <- nimbleModel(code, constants, data, inits)
    spec <- configureMCMC(Rmodel)
    Rmcmc <- buildMCMC(spec)
    Cmodel <- compileNimble(Rmodel)
    Cmcmc <- compileNimble(Rmcmc, project = Rmodel)
    Rsamples <- as.matrix(Rmcmc$mvSamples)
    Csamples <- as.matrix(Cmcmc$mvSamples)

    expect_equal(round(as.numeric(Rsamples), 8),
                 c(0.97473128, 0.50438666, 1.1251132, 0.83830666, 0.74077066, 0.92935482, 0.83758372, 0.98708273, 1.24199937, 0.67348127, -0.54387714, -0.60713969, -0.51392796, -0.3176801, -0.34416529, -0.08530564, -0.47160157, -0.21996584, -0.20504917, -0.77287122, 0.78462584, 0.46103509, 0.43862813, 0.49343096, 0.61020864, 0.55088287, 0.53887202, 0.49863894, 0.62691318, 0.80142839, 0.34941152, 0.06623608, 0.05624477, 0.21369178, 0.26585415, -0.1439989, -0.03133488, 0.3544062, -0.03518959, 0.27415746, 0.40977, 0.8351078, 0.25719293, 0.05663917, 0.30894028, 0.33113315, 0.47647909, 0.26143962, 0.07180759, 0.27255767),
                 info = 'R sample not correct compared to known result')
    dif <- as.numeric(Rsamples - Csamples)
    expect_true(max(abs(dif)) < 1E-15, info = 'R and C equiv')
    y_prec <- array(NA, c(4,5,5))
    y_prec[1,,] <-       M_y[1,,]
    y_prec[2,,] <- solve(M_y[2,,])
    y_prec[3,,] <-       M_y[3,,]
    y_prec[4,,] <- solve(M_y[4,,])
    contribution_mean <- array(NA, c(4,5))
    for(i in 1:4)   contribution_mean[i,] <- t(B[i,,]) %*% y_prec[i,,] %*% (y[i,] - a[i,])
    contribution_prec <- array(NA, c(4,5,5))
    for(i in 1:4)   contribution_prec[i,,] <- t(B[i,,]) %*% y_prec[i,,] %*% B[i,,]
    prior_prec <- solve(prior_cov)
    post_prec <- prior_prec + apply(contribution_prec, c(2,3), sum)
    post_cov <- solve(post_prec)
    post_mean <- (post_cov %*% (prior_prec %*% prior_mean + apply(contribution_mean, 2, sum)))[,1]
    Csamples <- as.matrix(Cmcmc$mvSamples)
    dif_mean <- as.numeric(apply(Csamples, 2, mean)) - post_mean
    expect_true(max(abs(dif_mean)) < 0.001, info = 'posterior mean')
    dif_cov <- as.numeric(cov(Csamples) - post_cov)
    expect_true(max(abs(dif_cov)) < 0.001, info = 'posterior cov')

### test of conjugate Wishart
test_that('conjugate Wishart setup', {
    trueCor <- matrix(c(1, .3, .7, .3, 1, -0.2, .7, -0.2, 1), 3)
    covs <- c(3, 2, .5)
    trueCov = diag(sqrt(covs)) %*% trueCor %*% diag(sqrt(covs))
    Omega = solve(trueCov)
    n = 20
    R = diag(rep(1,3))
    mu = 1:3
    Y = mu + t(chol(trueCov)) %*% matrix(rnorm(3*n), ncol = n)
    M = 3
    data <- list(Y = t(Y), n = n, M = M, mu = mu, R = R)
    code <- nimbleCode( {
        for(i in 1:n) {
            Y[i, 1:M] ~ dmnorm(mu[1:M], Omega[1:M,1:M]);
        Omega[1:M,1:M] ~ dwish(R[1:M,1:M], 4);
    newDf = 4 + n
    newR = R + tcrossprod(Y- mu)
    OmegaTrueMean = newDf * solve(newR)
    wishRV <- array(0, c(M, M, 10000))
    for(i in 1:10000) {
        z <- t(chol(solve(newR))) %*% matrix(rnorm(3*newDf), ncol = newDf)
        wishRV[ , , i] <- tcrossprod(z)
    OmegaSimTrueSDs = apply(wishRV, c(1,2), sd)
    test_mcmc(model = code, name = 'conjugate Wishart', data = data, seed = 0, numItsC = 1000, inits = list(Omega = OmegaTrueMean),
              results = list(mean = list(Omega = OmegaTrueMean ),
                             sd = list(Omega = OmegaSimTrueSDs)),
              resultsTolerance = list(mean = list(Omega = matrix(.05, M,M)),
                                      sd = list(Omega = matrix(0.06, M, M))), avoidNestedTest = TRUE)
                                        # issue with Chol in R MCMC - probably same issue as in jaw-linear

test_that('conjugate Wishart setup with scaling', {
    trueCor <- matrix(c(1, .3, .7, .3, 1, -0.2, .7, -0.2, 1), 3)
    covs <- c(3, 2, .5)
    tau <- 4
    trueCov = diag(sqrt(covs)) %*% trueCor %*% diag(sqrt(covs))
    Omega = solve(trueCov) / tau
    n = 20
    R = diag(rep(1,3))
    mu = 1:3
    Y = mu + t(chol(trueCov)) %*% matrix(rnorm(3*n), ncol = n)
    M = 3
    data <- list(Y = t(Y), n = n, M = M, mu = mu, R = R)
    code <- nimbleCode( {
        for(i in 1:n) {
            Y[i, 1:M] ~ dmnorm(mu[1:M], tmp[1:M,1:M])
        tmp[1:M,1:M] <- tau * Omega[1:M,1:M]
        Omega[1:M,1:M] ~ dwish(R[1:M,1:M], 4);
    newDf = 4 + n
    newR = R + tcrossprod(Y - mu)*tau
    OmegaTrueMean = newDf * solve(newR)
    wishRV <- array(0, c(M, M, 10000))
    for(i in 1:10000) {
        z <- t(chol(solve(newR))) %*% matrix(rnorm(3*newDf), ncol = newDf)
        wishRV[ , , i] <- tcrossprod(z)
    OmegaSimTrueSDs = apply(wishRV, c(1,2), sd)

    m <- nimbleModel(code, data = data[1],constants=data[2:5],inits = list(Omega = OmegaTrueMean, tau = tau))
    conf <- configureMCMC(m)
    expect_equal(conf$getSamplers()[[1]]$name, "conjugate_dwish_dmnorm_multiplicativeScalar",
                 info = "conjugate dmnorm-dwish with scaling not detected")
    test_mcmc(model = code, name = 'conjugate Wishart, scaled', data = data, seed = 0, numItsC = 1000, inits = list(Omega = OmegaTrueMean, tau = tau),
              results = list(mean = list(Omega = OmegaTrueMean ),
                             sd = list(Omega = OmegaSimTrueSDs)),
              resultsTolerance = list(mean = list(Omega = matrix(.05, M,M)),
                                      sd = list(Omega = matrix(0.06, M, M))), avoidNestedTest = TRUE)
                                        # issue with Chol in R MCMC - probably same issue as in jaw-linear

test_that('using RW_wishart sampler on non-conjugate Wishart node', {
    trueCor <- matrix(c(1, .3, .7, .3, 1, -0.2, .7, -0.2, 1), 3)
    covs <- c(3, 2, .5)
    trueCov = diag(sqrt(covs)) %*% trueCor %*% diag(sqrt(covs))
    Omega = solve(trueCov)
    n = 20
    R = diag(rep(1,3))
    mu = 1:3
    Y = mu + t(chol(trueCov)) %*% matrix(rnorm(3*n), ncol = n)
    M = 3
    data <- list(Y = t(Y), n = n, M = M, mu = mu, R = R)
    code <- nimbleCode( {
        for(i in 1:n) {
            Y[i, 1:M] ~ dmnorm(mu[1:M], Omega[1:M,1:M])
        Omega[1:M,1:M] ~ dwish(R[1:M,1:M], 4)
    newDf = 4 + n
    newR = R + tcrossprod(Y- mu)
    OmegaTrueMean = newDf * solve(newR)
    wishRV <- array(0, c(M, M, 10000))
    for(i in 1:10000) {
        z <- t(chol(solve(newR))) %*% matrix(rnorm(3*newDf), ncol = newDf)
        wishRV[ , , i] <- tcrossprod(z)
    OmegaSimTrueSDs = apply(wishRV, c(1,2), sd)
    allData <- data
    constants <- list(n = allData$n, M = allData$M, mu = allData$mu, R = allData$R)
    data <- list(Y = allData$Y)
    inits <- list(Omega = OmegaTrueMean)

    Rmodel <- nimbleModel(code, constants, data, inits)
    conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel, nodes = NULL)
    conf$addSampler('Omega', 'RW_wishart')
    Rmcmc <- buildMCMC(conf)
    compiledList <- compileNimble(list(model=Rmodel, mcmc=Rmcmc))
    Cmodel <- compiledList$model; Cmcmc <- compiledList$mcmc
    samples <- runMCMC(Cmcmc, 10000)
    d1 <- as.numeric(apply(samples, 2, mean)) - as.numeric(OmegaTrueMean)
    difference <- sum(round(d1,9) - c(0.024469145, -0.011872571, -0.045035297, -0.011872571, -0.003443918, 0.009363410, -0.045035297,  0.009363410,  0.049971420))
    expect_true(difference == 0)

test_that('using RW_wishart sampler on inverse-Wishart distribution', {
    code <- nimbleCode( {
        for(i in 1:n) {
            Y[i, 1:M] ~ dmnorm(mu[1:M], cov = C[1:M,1:M])
        C[1:M,1:M] ~ dinvwish(R[1:M,1:M], 4)
    trueCor <- matrix(c(1, .3, .7, .3, 1, -0.2, .7, -0.2, 1), 3)
    covs <- c(3, 2, .5)
    trueCov = diag(sqrt(covs)) %*% trueCor %*% diag(sqrt(covs))
    n = 20
    R = diag(rep(1,3))
    mu = 1:3
    Y = mu + t(chol(trueCov)) %*% matrix(rnorm(3*n), ncol = n)
    M = 3
    data <- list(Y = t(Y), n = n, M = M, mu = mu, R = R)

    newDf = 4 + n
    newR = R + tcrossprod(Y- mu)
    CTrueMean <- newR / newDf
    CTrueMeanVec <- as.numeric(CTrueMean)
    allData <- data
    constants <- list(n = allData$n, M = allData$M, mu = allData$mu, R = allData$R)
    data <- list(Y = allData$Y)
    inits <- list(C = CTrueMean)
    niter <- 50000

    Rmodel <- nimbleModel(code, constants, data, inits)
    conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel)
    Rmcmc <- buildMCMC(conf)
    compiledList <- compileNimble(list(model=Rmodel, mcmc=Rmcmc))
    Cmodel <- compiledList$model; Cmcmc <- compiledList$mcmc
    samples <- runMCMC(Cmcmc, niter)
    conjMean <- as.numeric(apply(samples, 2, mean))
    conjSD <- as.numeric(apply(samples, 2, sd))

    Rmodel <- nimbleModel(code, constants, data, inits)
    conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel, nodes = NULL)
    conf$addSampler('C', 'RW_wishart')
    Rmcmc <- buildMCMC(conf)
    compiledList <- compileNimble(list(model=Rmodel, mcmc=Rmcmc))
    Cmodel <- compiledList$model; Cmcmc <- compiledList$mcmc
    samples <- runMCMC(Cmcmc, niter)
    RWMean <- as.numeric(apply(samples, 2, mean))
    RWSD <- as.numeric(apply(samples, 2, sd))

    expect_true(all(round(as.numeric(RWMean - conjMean), 9) == c(-0.001651758, -0.009675571, 0.004894809, -0.009675571, 0.015533882, -0.008256095, 0.004894809, -0.008256095, 0.002119615)))
    expect_true(all(round(as.numeric(RWSD - conjSD), 9) == c(0.022803503, -0.010107015, 0.012342044, -0.010107015, 0.006191412, -0.000091101, 0.012342044, -0.000091101, 0.001340032)))

test_that('detect conjugacy when scaling Wishart, inverse Wishart cases', {
    code <- nimbleCode({
        mycov[1:p, 1:p]  <- lambda * Sigma[1:p,1:p] / eta
        y[1:p] ~ dmnorm(z[1:p], cov = mycov[1:p, 1:p])
        Sigma[1:p,1:p] ~ dinvwish(S[1:p,1:p], nu)
    m  <- nimbleModel(code, constants = list(p = 3))
    expect_identical(length(m$checkConjugacy('Sigma')), 1L, 'inverse-Wishart case')

    code <- nimbleCode({
        mycov[1:p, 1:p]  <- lambda * Sigma[1:p,1:p] / eta
        y[1:p] ~ dmnorm(z[1:p], prec = mycov[1:p, 1:p])
        Sigma[1:p,1:p] ~ dwish(S[1:p,1:p], nu)
    m  <- nimbleModel(code, constants = list(p = 3))
    expect_identical(length(m$checkConjugacy('Sigma')), 1L, 'Wishart case')

    code <- nimbleCode({
        mycov[1:p, 1:p]  <- lambda * Sigma[1:p,1:p] / eta
        y[1:p] ~ dmnorm(z[1:p], cov = mycov[1:p, 1:p])
        Sigma[1:p,1:p] ~ dwish(S[1:p,1:p], nu)
    m  <- nimbleModel(code, constants = list(p = 3))
    expect_identical(length(m$checkConjugacy('Sigma')), 0L, 'inverse-Wishart not-conj case')

    code <- nimbleCode({
        mycov[1:p, 1:p]  <- lambda * Sigma[1:p,1:p] / eta
        y[1:p] ~ dmnorm(z[1:p], prec = mycov[1:p, 1:p])
        Sigma[1:p,1:p] ~ dinvwish(S[1:p,1:p], nu)
    m  <- nimbleModel(code, constants = list(p = 3))
    expect_identical(length(m$checkConjugacy('Sigma')), 0L, 'Wishart not-conj case')

    code <- nimbleCode({
        mycov[1:p, 1:p]  <- lambda[1:p,1:p] * Sigma[1:p,1:p]
        y[1:p] ~ dmnorm(z[1:p], cov = mycov[1:p, 1:p])
        Sigma[1:p,1:p] ~ dinvwish(S[1:p,1:p], nu)
    m  <- nimbleModel(code, constants = list(p = 3))
    expect_identical(length(m$checkConjugacy('Sigma')), 0L, 'Wishart case')

    code <- nimbleCode({
        mycov[1:p, 1:p]  <- lambda[1:p,1:p] %*% Sigma[1:p,1:p]
        y[1:p] ~ dmnorm(z[1:p], cov = mycov[1:p, 1:p])
        Sigma[1:p,1:p] ~ dinvwish(S[1:p,1:p], nu)
    m  <- nimbleModel(code, constants = list(p = 3))
    expect_identical(length(m$checkConjugacy('Sigma')), 0L, 'Wishart case')

test_that('using LKJ randomw walk samplers', {
    opt <- nimbleOptions('buildInterfacesForCompiledNestedNimbleFunctions')
    nimbleOptions('buildInterfacesForCompiledNestedNimbleFunctions' = TRUE)
    R <- matrix(c(
        1, 0.9, .3, -.5, .1,
        0.9, 1, .15, -.3, .1,
        .3, .15, 1, .3, .1,
        -.5, -.3, .3, 1, .1,
        .1,.1,.1,.1, 1)
      , 5, 5)

    U <- chol(R)

    sds <- c(5,4, 3, 2, 1)

    ## Remaining length of columns of U
    PS <- matrix(0, 5, 5)
    PS[1,] <- 1
    PS[2, 2:5] <- 1-U[1, 2:5]^2
    PS[3, 3] <- 1 - sum(U[1:2, 3]^2)
    PS[3, 4] <- 1-U[1,4]^2-U[2,4]^2
    PS[4,4] <- 1 - sum(U[1:3, 4]^2)
    PS[3, 5] <- 1-U[1,5]^2-U[2,5]^2
    PS[4, 5]<- 1-U[1,5]^2-U[2,5]^2-U[3,5]^2
    PS[5, 5]<- 1 - sum(U[1:4, 5]^2)

    ## Canonical partial correlations
    Z <- diag(5)
    Z[1,2:5] <- U[1, 2:5]
    Z[2,3] <- U[2,3]/sqrt(PS[2,3])
    Z[2,4] <- U[2,4]/sqrt(PS[2,4])
    Z[3,4] <- U[3,4]/sqrt(PS[3,4])
    Z[2,5] <- U[2,5]/sqrt(PS[2,5])
    Z[3,5] <- U[3,5]/sqrt(PS[3,5])
    Z[4,5] <- U[4,5]/sqrt(PS[4,5])

    ## transformed parameter
    yt <- atanh(Z)
    diag(yt) <- 0
    yt <- yt[yt!=0]

    ## Log determinant of Jacobian of transformation from U to y via Z
    logDetJac <- 0.5*(log(PS[2,3])+log(PS[2,4])+log(PS[3,4])+log(PS[2,5]) +
                      log(PS[3,5]) + log(PS[4,5])) - 2*sum(log(cosh(yt)))
    Sigma <- diag(sds)%*%R%*%diag(sds)

    n <- 100
    p <- 5
    y <- t(t(chol(Sigma))%*%matrix(rnorm(p*n),p,n))

    uppertri_mult_diag <- nimbleFunction(
        run = function(mat = double(2), vec = double(1)) {
            p <- length(vec)
            out <- matrix(nrow = p, ncol = p, init = FALSE)
            for(i in 1:p)
                out[ , i] <- mat[ , i] * vec[i]

    thin <- 10
    code <- nimbleCode({
        for(i in 1:n)
            y[i, 1:p] ~ dmnorm(mu[1:p], cholesky = U[1:p, 1:p], prec_param = 0)
        U[1:p,1:p] <- uppertri_mult_diag(Ustar[1:p, 1:p], sds[1:p])
        Ustar[1:p,1:p] ~ dlkj_corr_cholesky(1.3, p)
    m <- nimbleModel(code, constants = list(n = n, p = p, mu = rep(0, p)),
                     data = list(y = y), inits = list(sds = sds, Ustar = U))
    cm <- compileNimble(m)

    conf <- configureMCMC(m, nodes = NULL, thin = thin)
    conf$addSampler('Ustar', 'RW_block_lkj_corr_cholesky',
                    control = list(adaptInterval = 50, adaptFactorExponent = .25, scale = 0.1))
    mcmc <- buildMCMC(conf)
    cmcmc <- compileNimble(mcmc, project = m)

    expect_identical(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[1]]$y, yt)
    expect_equal(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[1]]$partialSums, PS)  # not sure why off by double precision f.p. error
    expect_identical(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[1]]$z, Z)
    expect_equal(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[1]]$logDetJac, logDetJac)

    expect_identical(cmcmc$samplerFunctions[[1]]$y, yt)
    expect_equal(cmcmc$samplerFunctions[[1]]$partialSums, PS)
    expect_identical(cmcmc$samplerFunctions[[1]]$z, Z)
    expect_equal(cmcmc$samplerFunctions[[1]]$logDetJac, logDetJac)

    nIts <- 50000
    out <- runMCMC(cmcmc, 50000)
    outSigma <- matrix(0, nrow(out), p*p)
    for(i in 1:nrow(outSigma))
        outSigma[i,] <- t(matrix(out[i,], p, p)) %*% matrix(out[i,],p,p)
    conf <- configureMCMC(m, nodes = NULL, thin = 10)
    conf$addSampler('Ustar', 'RW_lkj_corr_cholesky', control = list(scale = .1))
    mcmc <- buildMCMC(conf)
    cm <- compileNimble(m)
    cmcmc <- compileNimble(mcmc,project = m)

    expect_equal(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[1]]$partialSums, PS)
    expect_identical(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[1]]$z, Z)

    expect_equal(cmcmc$samplerFunctions[[1]]$partialSums, PS)
    expect_identical(cmcmc$samplerFunctions[[1]]$z, Z)

    out2 <- runMCMC(cmcmc, nIts)
    outSigma2 <- matrix(0, nrow(out), p*p)
    for(i in 1:nrow(outSigma2))
        outSigma2[i,] <- t(matrix(out2[i,], p, p)) %*% matrix(out2[i,],p,p)
    ## Compare sampler output to Stan results (see code in paciorek's lkj_testing.R file)
    stan_means <- c(1.00000000, 0.87580832, 0.41032781, -0.56213296, 0.09006483, 0.87580832,
                    1.00000000, 0.18682787, -0.33699708, 0.12656145, 0.41032781, 0.18682787,
                    1.00000000, 0.11984278, 0.10919301, -0.56213296, -0.33699708, 0.11984278,
                    1.00000000, 0.10392069, 0.09006483, 0.12656145, 0.10919301, 0.10392069,
    stan_sds <- c(0.000000e+00, 1.789045e-02, 6.244945e-02, 5.393811e-02, 7.928870e-02,
                  1.789045e-02, 0.000000e+00, 8.376820e-02, 7.448420e-02, 8.411652e-02,
                  6.244945e-02, 8.376820e-02, 8.600611e-17, 8.132228e-02, 9.242809e-02,
                  5.393811e-02, 7.448420e-02, 8.132228e-02, 8.711701e-17, 8.605078e-02,
                  7.928870e-02, 8.411652e-02, 9.242809e-02, 8.605078e-02, 1.227811e-16)

    nim_means_block <- apply(outSigma[1001:nrow(out), ], 2, mean)
    nim_sds_block <- apply(outSigma[1001:nrow(out), ], 2, sd)
    nim_means_uni <- apply(outSigma2[1001:nrow(out), ], 2, mean)
    nim_sds_uni <- apply(outSigma2[1001:nrow(out), ], 2, sd)

    cols <- matrix(1:(p*p), p, p)
    cols <- cols[upper.tri(cols)]

    expect_lt(max(abs(stan_means[cols] - nim_means_block[cols])),  0.005)
    expect_lt(max(abs(stan_means[cols] - nim_means_uni[cols])), 0.005)
    expect_lt(max(abs(stan_sds[cols] - nim_sds_block[cols])), 0.005)
    expect_lt(max(abs(stan_sds[cols] - nim_sds_uni[cols])), 0.005)
    ## Compare sampler output to truth for another (simple) model.
    code <- nimbleCode({
        for(i in 1:n) {
            y[i, 1:J] ~ dmnorm(mu[1:J], cov = R[1:J, 1:J])
        R[1:J, 1:J] <- t(U[1:J, 1:J]) %*% U[1:J, 1:J]
        U[1:J, 1:J] ~ dlkj_corr_cholesky(eta, J)
    J <- 5
    n <- 2000
    eta <- 1.3
    mat <- rlkj_corr_cholesky(1, eta, J)
    y <- t(t(mat) %*% matrix(rnorm(n*J), J, n))
    m <- nimbleModel(code, data = list(y = y), constants = list(n = n, J = J),
                     inits = list(eta = 1, mu = rep(0, J), U = diag(J)))

    conf <- configureMCMC(m)
    samplers <- conf$getSamplers()
    expect_equal(samplers[[1]]$name, 'RW_block_lkj_corr_cholesky')
    mcmc <- buildMCMC(conf)
    cm <- compileNimble(m)
    cmcmc <- compileNimble(mcmc, project = m)
    samples <- runMCMC(cmcmc, niter = 2500, nburnin = 500)
    postMean <- colMeans(samples)
    names(postMean) <- NULL
    expect_lt(max(abs(postMean - c(mat))), 0.07, label = "RW_block_lkj posterior not close to truth")

    conf <- configureMCMC(m, nodes = NULL)
    conf$addSampler('U', 'RW_lkj_corr_cholesky')
    mcmc <- buildMCMC(conf)
    cm <- compileNimble(m)
    cmcmc <- compileNimble(mcmc, project = m)
    samples <- runMCMC(cmcmc, niter = 2500, nburnin = 500)
    postMean <- colMeans(samples)
    names(postMean) <- NULL
    expect_lt(max(abs(postMean - c(mat))), 0.07, label = "RW_lkj posterior not close to truth")

    ## 2x2 case

    code <- nimbleCode({
        for(i in 1:n) {
            y[i, 1:J] ~ dmnorm(mu[1:J], cov = R[1:J, 1:J])
        R[1:J, 1:J] <- t(U[1:J, 1:J]) %*% U[1:J, 1:J]
        U[1:J, 1:J] ~ dlkj_corr_cholesky(eta, J)
    J <- 2
    n <- 2000
    eta <- 1.3   
    mat <- rlkj_corr_cholesky(1, eta, J)
    y <- t(t(mat) %*% matrix(rnorm(n*J), J, n))
    m <- nimbleModel(code, data = list(y = y), constants = list(n = n, J = J),
                     inits = list(eta = 1.3, mu = rep(0, J), U = diag(J)))

    conf <- configureMCMC(m, nodes = 'U')
    expect_identical(conf$getSamplers('U')[[1]]$name, "RW_lkj_corr_cholesky")
    mcmc <- buildMCMC(conf)
    cm <- compileNimble(m)
    cmcmc <- compileNimble(mcmc, project = m)
    samples <- runMCMC(cmcmc, niter = 5500, nburnin = 500)
    postMean <- mean(samples[ , 'U[1, 2]'])
    expect_lt(abs(postMean - mat[1,2]), 0.04, label = "RW_lkj posterior not close to truth for 2x2 case")

    ## Now compare for eta=1 prior (uniform prior case)
    m <- nimbleModel(code, data = list(y = y), constants = list(n = n, J = J),
                     inits = list(eta = 1, mu = rep(0, J), U = diag(J)))

    conf <- configureMCMC(m, nodes = 'U')
    mcmc <- buildMCMC(conf)
    cm <- compileNimble(m)
    cmcmc <- compileNimble(mcmc, project = m)
    samples <- runMCMC(cmcmc, niter = 5500, nburnin = 500)
    postMean <- mean(samples[ , 'U[1, 2]'])
    postSD <- sd(samples[ , 'U[1, 2]'])

    code <- nimbleCode({
        for(i in 1:n) {
            y[i, 1:J] ~ dmnorm(mu[1:J], cov = R[1:J, 1:J])
        R[1,2] <- rho
        R[2,1] <- rho
        rho ~ dunif(-1,1)
    m <- nimbleModel(code, data = list(y = y), constants = list(n = n, J = J),
                     inits = list(rho = 0, mu = rep(0, J), R = diag(J)))

    conf <- configureMCMC(m, nodes = NULL)
    mcmc <- buildMCMC(conf)
    cm <- compileNimble(m)
    cmcmc <- compileNimble(mcmc, project = m)
    samples <- runMCMC(cmcmc, niter = 1000, nburnin = 100)
    postMeanAlt <- mean(samples)
    postSDAlt <- sd(samples)
    expect_lt(abs(postMean - postMeanAlt), 0.0005, label = "RW_lkj posterior not close to slice-based MCMC")
    expect_lt(abs(postSD - postSDAlt), 0.001, label = "RW_lkj posterior not close to slice-based MCMC")

    nimbleOptions('buildInterfacesForCompiledNestedNimbleFunctions' = opt)

## testing conjugate MVN updating with ragged dependencies;
## that is, dmnorm dependents of different lengths from the target node
test_that('conjugate MVN with ragged dependencies', {
    cat('===== Starting MCMC test for conjugate MVN with ragged dependencies. =====')
    code <- nimbleCode({
        x[1:3] ~ dmnorm(mu0[1:3], prec = ident[1:3,1:3])
        mu_y2[1:2] <- asCol(a[1:2]) + B[1:2,1:3] %*% asCol(x[1:3])
        mu_y3[1:3] <- asCol(a[1:3]) + B[1:3,1:3] %*% asCol(x[1:3])
        mu_y5[1:5] <- asCol(a[1:5]) + B[1:5,1:3] %*% asCol(x[1:3])
        y2[1:2] ~ dmnorm(mu_y2[1:2], prec = prec_y[1:2,1:2])
        y3[1:3] ~ dmnorm(mu_y3[1:3], prec = prec_y[1:3,1:3])
        y5[1:5] ~ dmnorm(mu_y5[1:5], prec = prec_y[1:5,1:5])
    mu0 <- rep(0,3)
    ident <- diag(3)
    a <- 11:15
    B <- matrix(1:15, nrow=5, ncol=3, byrow=TRUE)
    prec_y <- diag(1:5)
    constants <- list(mu0=mu0, ident=ident, a=a, B=B, prec_y=prec_y)
    data <- list(y2=1:2, y3=1:3, y5=1:5)
    inits <- list(x=rep(0,3))
    Rmodel <- nimbleModel(code, constants, data, inits)
    spec <- configureMCMC(Rmodel)
    Rmcmc <- buildMCMC(spec)
    Cmodel <- compileNimble(Rmodel)
    Cmcmc <- compileNimble(Rmcmc, project = Rmodel)
    Rsamples <- as.matrix(Rmcmc$mvSamples)
    Csamples <- as.matrix(Cmcmc$mvSamples)

    expect_true(all(abs(as.numeric(Rsamples[,]) - c(4.96686874, 3.94112676, 4.55975130, 4.01930176, 4.47744412, 4.12927167, 4.91242131, 4.62837537, 4.54227859, 4.97237602, -1.12524733, 1.24545265, -0.13454814, 0.82755276, 0.08252775, 0.71187071, -0.31322184, -0.57462284, -0.64800963, -0.52885823, -3.92276916, -5.23904995, -4.53535941, -4.89919931, -4.66995650, -4.94181562, -4.63558011, -4.16385294, -4.03469945, -4.51128205)) < 1E-8),
                info = 'correct samples for ragged dmnorm conjugate update')

    dif <- Rsamples - Csamples
    ## At some point, diffs crept above 2e-13; not sure why, but things still look fine, so
    ## just adjust tolerance.
    expect_true(all(abs(dif) < 5E-13), info = 'R and C samples same for ragged dmnorm conjugate update')
    Csamples <- as.matrix(Cmcmc$mvSamples)
    obsmean <- apply(Csamples, 2, mean)
    obsprec <- inverse(cov(Csamples))
    pprec <- ident +
        t(B[1:2,1:3]) %*% prec_y[1:2,1:2] %*% B[1:2,1:3] +
        t(B[1:3,1:3]) %*% prec_y[1:3,1:3] %*% B[1:3,1:3] +
        t(B[1:5,1:3]) %*% prec_y[1:5,1:5] %*% B[1:5,1:3]
    pmean <- inverse(pprec) %*% (ident %*% mu0 +
                                 t(B[1:2,1:3]) %*% prec_y[1:2,1:2] %*% (1:2 - a[1:2]) +
                                 t(B[1:3,1:3]) %*% prec_y[1:3,1:3] %*% (1:3 - a[1:3]) +
                                 t(B[1:5,1:3]) %*% prec_y[1:5,1:5] %*% (1:5 - a[1:5])   )

    expect_true(all(abs(pmean - obsmean) / pmean < 0.01), info = 'ragged dmnorm conjugate posterior mean')
    expect_true(all(abs(pprec - obsprec) / pprec < 0.005), info = 'ragged dmnorm conjugate posterior precision')    
## testing binary sampler
test_that('binary sampler setup', {
    cat('===== Starting MCMC test for binary sampler. =====')
    code <- nimbleCode({
        a ~ dbern(0.5)
        b ~ dbern(0.6)
        c ~ dbern(0.05)
        d ~ dbin(prob=0.2, size=1)
        e ~ dbinom(prob=0.9, size=1)
        f ~ dbern(0.5)
        g ~ dbern(0.5)
        h ~ dbern(0.5)
        for(i in 1:10)
            yf[i] ~ dnorm(f, sd = 1)
        for(i in 1:10)
            yg[i] ~ dnorm(g, sd = 1)
        for(i in 1:10)
            yh[i] ~ dnorm(h, sd = 1)
    constants <- list()
    data <- list(yf = c(rep(0,2), rep(1,8)), yg = c(rep(0,8), rep(1,2)), yh = c(rep(0,5), rep(1,5)))
    inits <- list(a=0, b=0, c=0, d=0, e=0, f=0, g=0, h=0)
    Rmodel <- nimbleModel(code, constants, data, inits)
    expect_true(Rmodel$isBinary('a'), info = 'model$isBinary')
    expect_true(Rmodel$isBinary('b'), info = 'model$isBinary')
    expect_true(Rmodel$isBinary('c'), info = 'model$isBinary')
    expect_true(Rmodel$isBinary('d'), info = 'model$isBinary')
    expect_true(Rmodel$isBinary('e'), info = 'model$isBinary')
    expect_true(Rmodel$isBinary('f'), info = 'model$isBinary')
    expect_true(Rmodel$isBinary('g'), info = 'model$isBinary')
    expect_true(Rmodel$isBinary('h'), info = 'model$isBinary')
    spec <- configureMCMC(Rmodel, nodes = NULL)
    spec$addSampler('a', 'binary', print=FALSE)
    spec$addSampler('b', 'binary', print=FALSE)
    spec$addSampler('c', 'binary', print=FALSE)
    spec$addSampler('d', 'binary', print=FALSE)
    spec$addSampler('e', 'binary', print=FALSE)
    spec$addSampler('f', 'binary', print=FALSE)
    spec$addSampler('g', 'binary', print=FALSE)
    spec$addSampler('h', 'binary', print=FALSE)
    Rmcmc <- buildMCMC(spec)
    Cmodel <- compileNimble(Rmodel)
    Cmcmc <- compileNimble(Rmcmc, project = Rmodel)
    samples <- as.matrix(Cmcmc$mvSamples)
    means <- apply(samples, 2, mean)
    tol <- 0.0025
    expect_lt(abs(means[['a']] - 0.5), tol)
    expect_lt(abs(means[['b']] - 0.6), tol)
    expect_lt(abs(means[['c']] - 0.05), tol)
    expect_lt(abs(means[['d']] - 0.2), tol)
    expect_lt(abs(means[['e']] - 0.9), tol)
    expect_lt(abs(means[['f']] - 0.9525), tol)
    expect_lt(abs(means[['g']] - 0.0475), tol)
    expect_lt(abs(means[['h']] - 0.5), tol)
    ## testing the binary sampler handles 'out of bounds' ok
test_that('binary sampler handles out of bounds', {
    cat('===== Starting MCMC test for binary sampler handles out of bounds. =====')
    code <- nimbleCode({
        px ~ dbern(0.5)
        py ~ dbern(0.5)
        x ~ dnorm(0, sd = px - 0.5)
        y ~ dnorm(0, tau = py)
    constants <- list()
    data <- list(x = 0, y = 0)
    inits <- list(px = 1, py = 1)
    Rmodel <- nimbleModel(code, constants, data, inits)
    spec <- configureMCMC(Rmodel)
    if(nimbleOptions('verbose')) spec$printSamplers()
    Rmcmc <- buildMCMC(spec)
    Cmodel <- compileNimble(Rmodel)
    Cmcmc <- compileNimble(Rmcmc, project = Rmodel)
    Csamples <- as.matrix(Cmcmc$mvSamples)
    expect_true(all(as.numeric(Csamples) == 1))

test_that('RW_multinomial sampler gives correct results - test 1', {
    code <- nimbleCode({
        p[1:4] <- c(.05, .15, .3, .5)
        x[1:4] ~ dmulti(size = 10, prob = p[1:4])
    Rmodel <- nimbleModel(code, inits = list(x = c(1,2,3,4)))
    conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel)
    conf$replaceSampler('x', 'RW_multinomial')
    Rmcmc <- buildMCMC(conf)

    Cmodel <- compileNimble(Rmodel)
    Cmcmc <- compileNimble(Rmcmc, project = Rmodel)

    samples <- runMCMC(Cmcmc, 200000)

    post_true <- 10 * c(.05, .15, .3, .5)
    post_mcmc <- apply(samples, 2, mean)

    ## less than 1% error
    expect_true(all(abs(post_true - post_mcmc) / post_true < 0.01))


test_that('RW_multinomial sampler gives correct results - test 2', {
    code <- nimbleCode({
        p[1:4] <- c(.1, .2, 0, .7)
        x[1:4] ~ dmulti(size = 1, prob = p[1:4])
        y ~ dnorm(mean = inprod(x[1:4], 1:4), sd = 1)

    Rmodel <- nimbleModel(code, data = list(y = 3), inits=list(x=c(1,0,0,0)))
    Rmcmc <- buildMCMC(Rmodel)

    Cmodel <- compileNimble(Rmodel)
    Cmcmc <- compileNimble(Rmcmc, project = Rmodel)

    niter <- 3000000
    samples <- runMCMC(Cmcmc, niter)

    post_true <- c(.1, .2, 0, .7) * dnorm(3, 1:4, 1)
    post_true <- post_true / sum(post_true)
    post_true <- post_true[-3]    ## remove the 0-valued 3rd element
    post_mcmc <- table(samples %*% 1:4) / niter
    ## less than 1% error
    expect_true(all(abs(post_true - post_mcmc) / post_true < 0.01))

test_that('RW_multinomial sampler gives correct results - test 3', {
    code <- nimbleCode({
        p[1:7] <- c(.02, .05, .10, .15, .18, .21, 0.29)
        x[1:7] ~ dmulti(size = 101, prob = p[1:7])
    Rmodel <- nimbleModel(code, inits = list(x = c(0,0,0,0,0,0,101)))
    conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel)
    conf$replaceSampler('x', 'RW_multinomial')
    Rmcmc <- buildMCMC(conf)

    Cmodel <- compileNimble(Rmodel)
    Cmcmc <- compileNimble(Rmcmc, project = Rmodel)

    samples <- runMCMC(Cmcmc, 200000)

    post_true <- 101 * c(.02, .05, .10, .15, .18, .21, 0.29)
    post_mcmc <- apply(samples, 2, mean)

    ## less than 0.5 % error
    expect_true(all(abs(post_true - post_mcmc) / post_true < 0.005))


## testing RW_dirichlet sampler
## consistent with conjugate multinomial sampler
test_that('RW_dirichlet sampler consistent with conjugate multinomial sampler', {
    cat('===== Starting MCMC test if RW_dirichlet sampler consistent with conjugate multinomial sampler. =====')
    n <- 100
    alpha <- c(10, 30, 15)
    K <- length(alpha)
    p <- c(.12, .24, .09)
    y <- c(23, 67, 10)
    code <- quote({
        p[1:K]  ~ ddirch(alpha[1:K])
        p2[1:K] ~ ddirch(alpha[1:K])
        y[1:K]  ~ dmulti(p[1:K], n)
        y2[1:K] ~ dmulti(p2[1:K], n)
    inits <- list(p = rep(1/K, K), alpha = alpha, p2 = rep(1/K,K))
    constants <- list(n=n, K=K)
    data <- list(y = y, y2 = y)
    Rmodel <- nimbleModel(code, constants, data, inits)
    Cmodel <- compileNimble(Rmodel)
    conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel, nodes=NULL)
    conf$addSampler('p[1:3]',  'RW_dirichlet')
    conf$addSampler('p2[1:3]', 'conjugate')
    Rmcmc <- buildMCMC(conf)
    Cmcmc <- compileNimble(Rmcmc, project = Rmodel)
    niter <- 30
    Rsamples <- as.matrix(Rmcmc$mvSamples)
    Csamples <- as.matrix(Cmcmc$mvSamples)
    nodes <- c('p[1]','p[2]','p[3]')
    ans <- c(0.12812261, 0.6728109, 0.19906652)
    tol <- 1e-6
    expect_lt(max(abs(as.numeric(Rsamples[30, nodes])-ans)), tol, label = 'correct R RW_dirichlet samples')
    expect_lt(max(abs(as.numeric(Csamples[30, nodes])-ans)), tol, label = 'correct C RW_dirichlet samples')
    Csamples <- as.matrix(Cmcmc$mvSamples)
    means <- apply(Csamples, 2, mean)

    expect_lt(max(abs(means[c('p[1]','p[2]','p[3]')] - means[c('p2[1]','p2[2]','p2[3]')])), 0.001,
                label = 'agreement between RW_dirichlet and conjugate dirichlet sampling' )
## testing RW_dirichlet sampler
## more complicated -- intermediate deterministic nodes, and non-conjugate
## test agreement between RW_dirichlet sampler, and writing model with component gammas
test_that('RW_dirichlet sampler more complicated', {
    cat('===== Starting MCMC test RW_dirichlet sampler more complicated. =====')
    code <- nimbleCode({
        alpha[1] <- 4
        alpha[2] ~ dgamma(1,1)
        alpha[3] ~ dgamma(0.1, 0.1)
        alpha[4] <- alpha[2] + alpha[3]
        p1[1:4] ~ ddirch(alpha[1:4])
        q1[1] <- p1[1]
        q1[2] <- p1[2]
        q1[3] <- p1[3]/2
        q1[4] <- p1[3]/2
        q1[5] <- p1[4]
        y1[1:5] ~ dmulti(q1[1:5], n)
        for(i in 1:4) {
            theta[i] ~ dgamma(alpha[i], 1)
            p2[i] <- theta[i] / V
        V <- sum(theta[1:4])
        q2[1] <- p2[1]
        q2[2] <- p2[2]
        q2[3] <- p2[3]/2
        q2[4] <- p2[3]/2
        q2[5] <- p2[4]
        y2[1:5] ~ dmulti(q2[1:5], n)
    y <- c(50, 10, 5, 5, 30)
    constants <- list(n=100)
    data <- list(y1=y, y2=y)
    inits <- list(alpha=c(4,1,1,2), p1=rep(0.25,4), p2=rep(0.25,4), theta=rep(1,4))
    Rmodel <- nimbleModel(code, constants, data, inits)
    conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel)
    if(nimbleOptions('verbose')) conf$printSamplers()
    Rmcmc <- buildMCMC(conf)
    Cmodel <- compileNimble(Rmodel)
    Cmcmc <- compileNimble(Rmcmc, project = Rmodel)
    samples <- as.matrix(Cmcmc$mvSamples)
    means <- apply(samples, 2, mean)
    sds <- apply(samples, 2, sd)

    expect_true(all(abs(means[c('p1[1]','p1[2]','p1[3]','p1[4]')] - means[c('p2[1]','p2[2]','p2[3]','p2[4]')]) < 0.01),
                info = 'non-conjugate agreement between RW_dirichlet and component gamma sampling: mean')
    expect_true(all(abs(sds[c('p1[1]','p1[2]','p1[3]','p1[4]')] - sds[c('p2[1]','p2[2]','p2[3]','p2[4]')]) < 0.01),
                info = 'non-conjugate agreement between RW_dirichlet and component gamma sampling: sd')

## testing dmnorm-dnorm conjugacies we don't detect

test_that('dnorm-dmnorm conjugacies NIMBLE fails to detect', {
    code = nimbleCode({
        y[1:3] ~ dmnorm(mu[1:3], pr[1:3,1:3])
        for(i in 1:3)
            mu[i] ~ dnorm(0,1)
        pr[1:3,1:3] ~ dwish(pr0[1:3,1:3], 5)
    m = nimbleModel(code, inits = list(pr0 = diag(3), pr = diag(3)))
    conf <- configureMCMC(m)
    expect_failure(expect_match(conf$getSamplers()[[1]]$name, "conjugate_dmnorm_dnorm",
         info = "failed to detect dmnorm-dnorm conjugacy"),
         info = "EXPECTED FAILURE NOT FAILING: this known failure should occur because of limitations in conjugacy detection with dmnorm dependents of dnorm target")

    code = nimbleCode({
        for(i in 1:3)
            y[i] ~ dnorm(mu[i], var = s0)
        mu[1:3] ~ dmnorm(z[1:3],pr[1:3,1:3])
        s0 ~ dinvgamma(1,1)
    m = nimbleModel(code, inits = list(z = rep(0,3), pr = diag(3)))
    conf <- configureMCMC(m)
    expect_failure(expect_match(conf$getSamplers()[[2]]$name, "conjugate_dnorm_dmnorm",
         info = "failed to detect dmnorm-dnorm conjugacy"),
         info = "EXPECTED FAILURE NOT FAILING: this known failure should occur because of limitations in conjugacy detection with dnorm dependents of dmnorm target")

## dnorm prior in vectorized regression mean (inprod, matrix multiplication)

test_that('NIMBLE detects dnorm-dnorm conjugacy via inprod() or %*%', {

    code <- nimbleCode({
        for(i in 1:n) 
            y[i] ~ dnorm(b0 + inprod(beta[1:p], X[i, 1:p]), 1)
        for(i in 1:p) 
            beta[i] ~ dnorm(0, 1)
        b0 ~ dnorm(0, 1)
    constants <- list(n = 5, p = 3)
    data <- list(y = rnorm(constants$n),
                 X = matrix(rnorm(constants$n * constants$p), constants$n))
    inits <- list(b0 = 1, beta = rnorm(constants$p))
    m <- nimbleModel(code, data = data, constants = constants)
    conf <- configureMCMC(m)
    expect_identical(conf$getSamplers()[[1]]$name, 'conjugate_dnorm_dnorm_linear',
                                   info = "conjugacy with inprod not detected")

    code <- nimbleCode({
        for(i in 1:n) 
            y[i] ~ dnorm(b0 + sum(beta[1:p]*X[i, 1:p]), 1)
        for(i in 1:p) 
            beta[i] ~ dnorm(0, 1)
        b0 ~ dnorm(0, 1)
    constants <- list(n = 5, p = 3)
    data <- list(y = rnorm(constants$n),
                 X = matrix(rnorm(constants$n * constants$p), constants$n))
    m <- nimbleModel(code, data = data, constants = constants)
    conf <- configureMCMC(m)
    expect_identical(conf$getSamplers()[[1]]$name, 'conjugate_dnorm_dnorm_linear',
                                   info = "conjugacy with inprod not detected")

    ## compare to conjugate sampler using summed contributions
    mcmc <- buildMCMC(conf)
    cm <- compileNimble(m)
    cmcmc <- compileNimble(mcmc, project = m)
    smp1 <- runMCMC(cmcmc, 50, setSeed = 1)

    code <- nimbleCode({
        for(i in 1:n) 
            y[i] ~ dnorm(b0 + sum(beta[1:p]*X[i, 1:p]), 1)
        for(i in 1:p) 
            beta[i] ~ dnorm(0, 1)
        b0 ~ dnorm(0, 1)
    m <- nimbleModel(code, data = data, constants = constants)
    conf <- configureMCMC(m)
    expect_identical(conf$getSamplers()[[1]]$name, 'conjugate_dnorm_dnorm_linear',
                                   info = "conjugacy with sum not detected")

    ## compare to conjugate sampler using summed contributions
    mcmc <- buildMCMC(conf)
    cm <- compileNimble(m)
    cmcmc <- compileNimble(mcmc, project = m)
    smp2 <- runMCMC(cmcmc, 50, setSeed = 1)

    code <- nimbleCode({
        for(i in 1:n) 
            y[i] ~ dnorm(b0 + beta[1]*X[i,1] + beta[2]*X[i,2] + beta[3]*X[i,3], 1)
        for(i in 1:p) 
            beta[i] ~ dnorm(0, 1)
        b0 ~ dnorm(0, 1)
    m <- nimbleModel(code, data = data, constants = constants)
    conf <- configureMCMC(m)
    mcmc <- buildMCMC(conf)
    cm <- compileNimble(m)
    cmcmc <- compileNimble(mcmc, project = m)
    smp3 <- runMCMC(cmcmc, 50, setSeed = 1)
    expect_equal(smp1, smp3, info = 'conjugate sampler with inprod does not match summation')
    expect_equal(smp2, smp3, info = 'conjugate sampler with sum does not match summation')
    code <- nimbleCode({
        for(i in 1:n) 
            y[i] ~ dnorm(b0 + inprod(exp(beta[1:p]), X[i, 1:p]), 1)
        for(i in 1:p) 
            beta[i] ~ dnorm(0, 1)
        b0 ~ dnorm(0, 1)
    m <- nimbleModel(code, data = data, constants = constants)
    conf <- configureMCMC(m)
    expect_identical(conf$getSamplers()[[1]]$name, 'RW',
                                   info = "conjugacy with inprod improperly detected")

    code <- nimbleCode({
        for(i in 1:n) 
            y[i] ~ dnorm(b0 + exp(inprod(beta[1:p], X[i, 1:p])), 1)
        for(i in 1:p) 
            beta[i] ~ dnorm(0, 1)
        b0 ~ dnorm(0, 1)
    m <- nimbleModel(code, data = data, constants = constants)
    conf <- configureMCMC(m)
    expect_identical(conf$getSamplers()[[1]]$name, 'RW',
                                   info = "conjugacy with inprod improperly detected")

    code <- nimbleCode({
        for(i in 1:n) 
            y[i] ~ dnorm(b0 + sum(exp(beta[1:p])*X[i, 1:p]), 1)
        for(i in 1:p) 
            beta[i] ~ dnorm(0, 1)
        b0 ~ dnorm(0, 1)
    m <- nimbleModel(code, data = data, constants = constants)
    conf <- configureMCMC(m)
    expect_identical(conf$getSamplers()[[1]]$name, 'RW',
                                   info = "conjugacy with sum improperly detected")

    code <- nimbleCode({
        for(i in 1:n) 
            y[i] ~ dnorm(b0 + (X[i, 1:p] %*% beta[1:p])[1,1], 1)
        for(i in 1:p) 
            beta[i] ~ dnorm(0, 1)
        b0 ~ dnorm(0, 1)
    m <- nimbleModel(code, data = data, constants = constants)
    conf <- configureMCMC(m)
    expect_identical(conf$getSamplers()[[1]]$name, 'conjugate_dnorm_dnorm_linear',
                                   info = "conjugacy with matrix multiplication not detected")
    mcmc <- buildMCMC(conf)
    cm <- compileNimble(m)
    cmcmc <- compileNimble(mcmc, project = m)
    smp3 <- runMCMC(cmcmc, 50, setSeed = 1)
    expect_equal(smp1, smp3, info = 'conjugate sampler with matrix mult. does not match summation')

    check <- nimble:::cc_checkLinearity(quote(b0 + (X[1, 1:3] %*% structureExpr(beta[1], beta[2], beta[3]))[1,1]), 'beta[1]')
    expect_identical(deparse(check$offset), "b0 + X[1+1i, (1+1i):3] * structureExpr(beta[1], beta[2], beta[3])")
    expect_identical(deparse(check$scale), "X[1+1i, (1+1i):3]")

    check <- nimble:::cc_checkLinearity(quote(b0 + inprod(structureExpr(beta[1], beta[2], beta[3]), X[1, 1:3])), 'beta[1]')
    expect_identical(deparse(check$offset), "b0 + structureExpr(beta[1], beta[2], beta[3]) * X[1+1i, (1+1i):3]")
    expect_identical(deparse(check$scale), "X[1+1i, (1+1i):3]")

    ## check nested specifications
    code <- nimbleCode({
        for(i in 1:n) 
            y[i] ~ dnorm(b0 + inprod(zbeta[1:p], X[i, 1:p]), 1)
        for(i in 1:p) {
            beta[i] ~ dnorm(0, 1)
            zbeta[i] <- z[i] * beta[i]
        b0 ~ dnorm(0, 1)
    constants <- list(n = 5, p = 3)
    data <- list(y = rnorm(constants$n),
                 X = matrix(rnorm(constants$n * constants$p), constants$n))
    inits <- list(b0 = 1, beta = rnorm(constants$p))
    m <- nimbleModel(code, data = data, constants = constants)
    conf <- configureMCMC(m)
    expect_identical(conf$getSamplers()[[1]]$name, 'conjugate_dnorm_dnorm_linear',
                                   info = "conjugacy with inprod not detected")
    code <- nimbleCode({
        for(i in 1:n) 
            y[i] ~ dnorm(b0 + inprod(zbeta[1:p], X[i, 1:p]), 1)
        for(i in 1:p) {
            beta[i] ~ dnorm(0, 1)
            wbeta[i] <- a + w * beta[i]
            zbeta[i] <- z[i] * wbeta[i]
        b0 ~ dnorm(0, 1)
    constants <- list(n = 5, p = 3)
    data <- list(y = rnorm(constants$n),
                 X = matrix(rnorm(constants$n * constants$p), constants$n))
    inits <- list(b0 = 1, beta = rnorm(constants$p))
    m <- nimbleModel(code, data = data, constants = constants)
    conf <- configureMCMC(m)
    expect_identical(conf$getSamplers()[[1]]$name, 'conjugate_dnorm_dnorm_linear',
                                   info = "conjugacy with inprod not detected")

    code <- nimbleCode({
        for(i in 1:n) 
            y[i] ~ dnorm((X[i, 1:p] %*% zbeta[1:p])[1], 1)
        for(i in 1:p) {
            beta[i] ~ dnorm(0, 1)
            zbeta[i] <- z[i] * beta[i]
    constants <- list(n = 5, p = 3)
    data <- list(y = rnorm(constants$n),
                 X = matrix(rnorm(constants$n * constants$p), constants$n))
    inits <- list(b0 = 1, beta = rnorm(constants$p))
    m <- nimbleModel(code, data = data, constants = constants)
    conf <- configureMCMC(m)
    expect_identical(conf$getSamplers()[[1]]$name, 'conjugate_dnorm_dnorm_linear',
                     info = "conjugacy with inprod not detected")

   code <- nimbleCode({
        for(i in 1:n) 
            y[i] ~ dnorm(b0 + inprod(zbeta[1:p], X[i, 1:p]), 1)
        for(i in 1:p) {
            beta[i] ~ dnorm(0, 1)
            wbeta[i] <- exp(w * beta[i])
            zbeta[i] <- z[i] * wbeta[i]
        b0 ~ dnorm(0, 1)
    constants <- list(n = 5, p = 3)
    data <- list(y = rnorm(constants$n),
                 X = matrix(rnorm(constants$n * constants$p), constants$n))
    inits <- list(b0 = 1, beta = rnorm(constants$p))
    m <- nimbleModel(code, data = data, constants = constants)
    conf <- configureMCMC(m)
    expect_identical(conf$getSamplers()[[1]]$name, 'RW',
                     info = "conjugacy with inprod mistakenly detected")

        quote(structureExpr(z[1] * exp(w * beta[1]), z[2] * exp(w * beta[2]))),
        'beta[2]'), NULL)
    output <- nimble:::cc_checkLinearity(
        quote(structureExpr(z[1] * exp(w * beta[1]), a + z[2] * (d + w * beta[2]))),
    expect_identical(is.list(output), TRUE)  ## should be a list with scale/offset

test_that('MCMC with logProb variable being monitored builds and compiles.', {
    cat('===== Starting MCMC test of logProb variable monitoring =====')
    code <- nimbleCode({
        prob[1] <- p
        prob[2] <- 1-p
        x[1:2] ~ dmultinom(size = N, prob = prob[1:2])
        y      ~ dbinom(   size = N, prob = p)
    N <- 100
    p <- 0.3
    x1 <- rbinom(1, size=N, prob=p)
    x2 <- N - x1
    inits <- list(N = N, p = p, x = c(x1, x2), y = x1)
    Rmodel <- nimbleModel(code, constants=list(), data=list(), inits=inits)
    Cmodel <- compileNimble(Rmodel)
    expect_silent(conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel, monitors = 'logProb_y'))
    expect_silent(Rmcmc  <- buildMCMC(conf))
    expect_silent(Cmcmc <- compileNimble(Rmcmc, project = Rmodel))

test_that('slice sampler bails out of loop', {
    code <- nimbleCode({
        y ~ dnorm(0, sd = sigma)
        sigma ~ dunif(0.5-1e-15, 0.5+1e-15)
    Rmodel <- nimbleModel(code, data = list(y = 0), inits = list(sigma = 0.5))
    Cmodel <- compileNimble(Rmodel)
    conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel, monitors = 'logProb_y', onlySlice = TRUE)
    Rmcmc  <- buildMCMC(conf)
    Cmcmc <- compileNimble(Rmcmc, project = Rmodel)

    conf$addSampler('sigma','slice', control = list(maxContractions = 10))
    Rmcmc  <- buildMCMC(conf)
    Cmcmc <- compileNimble(Rmcmc, project = Rmodel, resetFunctions = TRUE)
    expect_output(Cmcmc$run(1), "slice sampler reached maximum number of contractions")

test_that('checkConjugacy corner case when linear scale is identically zero', {
    targetNode <- 'beta[4]'
    linearityCheckExpr <- quote(beta[4] * 0 * alpha.smrcent[3])
    conjugacyCheck <- nimble:::cc_checkLinearity(linearityCheckExpr, targetNode)
    expect_identical(conjugacyCheck$offset, 0)
    expect_identical(deparse(conjugacyCheck$scale), "(0+1i) * alpha.smrcent[3]")
    targetNode <- 'beta[4]'
    linearityCheckExpr <- quote(beta[1] + beta[2] * 0 + beta[3] * alpha.smrcent[3] + beta[4] * 0 * alpha.smrcent[3] + alpha.stream[1] + alpha.family[3, 1])
    conjugacyCheck <- nimble:::cc_checkLinearity(linearityCheckExpr, targetNode)
    expect_identical(deparse(conjugacyCheck$offset, width.cutoff = 500L), "beta[1+1i] + beta[2] * (0+1i) + beta[3] * alpha.smrcent[3] + alpha.stream[1+1i] + alpha.family[3, 1+1i]")
    expect_identical(deparse(conjugacyCheck$scale), "(0+1i) * alpha.smrcent[3]")               

test_that('cc_checkScalar operates correctly', {



    ## Ideally this case would evaluate to TRUE, but we would
    ## have to handle knowing output dims of user-defined fxns.


test_that('cc_stripExpr operates correctly', {
    expr <- 'coeff * (log(value) - offset) * taulog'
    expect_identical(deparse(nimble:::cc_stripExpr(parse(text = 'coeff^2 * tau')[[1]], TRUE, TRUE)),
                 '1 * tau')
    expect_identical(deparse(nimble:::cc_stripExpr(parse(text = expr)[[1]], TRUE, TRUE)),
                 '(log(value)) * taulog')
    expect_identical(deparse(nimble:::cc_stripExpr(parse(text = expr)[[1]], TRUE, FALSE)),
                 'coeff * (log(value)) * taulog')
    expect_identical(deparse(nimble:::cc_stripExpr(parse(text = expr)[[1]], FALSE, TRUE)),
                 '(log(value) - offset) * taulog')
    expect_identical(deparse(nimble:::cc_stripExpr(parse(text = expr)[[1]], FALSE, FALSE)),

test_that("realized conjugacy links are working", {

    ## dnorm cases
    code <- nimbleCode({
        for(i in 1:2)
            y1[i] ~ dnorm(mu[2], 1)
        for(i in 1:2)
            y2[i] ~ dnorm(a + mu[2], 1)
        for(i in 1:2)
            y3[i] ~ dnorm(b*mu[2], 1)
        for(i in 1:2)
            y4[i] ~ dnorm(a + b*mu[2], 1)
        for(i in 1:2)
            y5[i] ~ dnorm(inprod(mu[1:2],x[i,1:2]), 1)
        mu[2] ~ dnorm(0,1)
    m <- nimbleModel(code, data = list (y1 = rnorm(2),
                               y2=rnorm(2), y3=rnorm(2), y4= rnorm(2), y5 = rnorm(2)),
                     inits = list(mu = rnorm(2), x = matrix(rnorm(4), 2)))
    conf <- configureMCMC(m)
    mcmc <- buildMCMC(conf)

    expect_identical(conf$getSamplers()[[1]]$name, "conjugate_dnorm_dnorm_additive_dnorm_identity_dnorm_linear_dnorm_multiplicative")
    expect_identical(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[1]]$N_dep_dnorm_identity, 2L)
    expect_identical(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[1]]$N_dep_dnorm_additive, 2L)
    expect_identical(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[1]]$N_dep_dnorm_multiplicative, 2L)
    expect_identical(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[1]]$N_dep_dnorm_linear, 4L)

    expect_identical(c('dep_dnorm_identity_coeff', 'dep_dnorm_additive_coeff') %in%
                ls(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[1]]), rep(FALSE, 2))
    expect_identical(c('dep_dnorm_multiplicative_coeff', 'dep_dnorm_linear_coeff') %in%
                ls(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[1]]), rep(TRUE, 2))
    expect_identical(c('dep_dnorm_identity_offset', 'dep_dnorm_multiplicative_offset') %in%
                ls(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[1]]), rep(FALSE, 2))
    expect_identical(c('dep_dnorm_additive_offset', 'dep_dnorm_linear_offset') %in%
                ls(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[1]]), rep(TRUE, 2))

    expect_identical(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[1]]$dep_dnorm_identity_nodeNames, c('y1[1]', 'y1[2]'))
    expect_identical(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[1]]$dep_dnorm_additive_nodeNames, c('y2[1]', 'y2[2]'))
    expect_identical(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[1]]$dep_dnorm_multiplicative_nodeNames, c('y3[1]', 'y3[2]'))
    expect_identical(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[1]]$dep_dnorm_linear_nodeNames, c('y4[1]', 'y4[2]', 'y5[1]', 'y5[2]'))

    ## dgamma cases
    code <- nimbleCode({
        for(i in 1:2)
            y1[i] ~ dnorm(mu, tau)
        for(i in 1:2)
            y2[i] ~ dnorm(mu, tau/d)
        for(i in 1:2)
            y3[i] ~ dpois(tau)
        for(i in 1:2)
            y4[i] ~ dpois(tau/d)
        tau ~ dgamma(1, 1)
    m <- nimbleModel(code, data = list (y1 = rnorm(2),
                               y2=rnorm(2), y3= rpois(2, 1), y4 = rpois(2, 1)),
                     inits = list(mu = rnorm(1), tau = 1))
    conf <- configureMCMC(m)
    mcmc <- buildMCMC(conf)

    expect_identical(conf$getSamplers()[[1]]$name, "conjugate_dgamma_dnorm_identity_dnorm_multiplicative_dpois_identity_dpois_multiplicative")
    expect_identical(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[1]]$N_dep_dnorm_identity, 2L)
    expect_identical(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[1]]$N_dep_dnorm_multiplicative, 2L)
    expect_identical(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[1]]$N_dep_dpois_identity, 2L)
    expect_identical(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[1]]$N_dep_dpois_multiplicative, 2L)

    expect_identical(c('dep_dnorm_identity_offset', 'dep_dnorm_multiplicative_offset', 'dep_dnorm_additive_offset', 'dep_dnorm_linear_offset') %in%
                ls(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[1]]), rep(FALSE, 4))
    expect_identical(c('dep_dnorm_identity_coeff', 'dep_dnorm_multiplicative_coeff', 'dep_dnorm_additive_coeff', 'dep_dnorm_linear_coeff') %in%
                ls(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[1]]), c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE))
    expect_identical(c('dep_dpois_identity_offset', 'dep_dpois_multiplicative_offset', 'dep_dpois_additive_offset', 'dep_dpois_linear_offset') %in%
                ls(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[1]]), rep(FALSE, 4))
    expect_identical(c('dep_dpois_identity_coeff', 'dep_dpois_multiplicative_coeff', 'dep_dpois_additive_coeff', 'dep_dpois_linear_coeff') %in%
                ls(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[1]]), c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE))

    expect_identical(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[1]]$dep_dnorm_identity_nodeNames, c('y1[1]', 'y1[2]'))
    expect_identical(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[1]]$dep_dnorm_multiplicative_nodeNames, c('y2[1]', 'y2[2]'))
    expect_identical(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[1]]$dep_dpois_identity_nodeNames, c('y3[1]', 'y3[2]'))
    expect_identical(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[1]]$dep_dpois_multiplicative_nodeNames, c('y4[1]', 'y4[2]'))

    ## dmnorm cases
    code <- nimbleCode({
        mu[1:3] ~ dmnorm(z[1:3], pr[1:3,1:3])
        for(i in 1:2)
            y1[i, 1:3] ~ dmnorm(mu[1:3], pr[1:3,1:3])
        mn2[1:3] <- b0[1:3] + mu[1:3]
        for(i in 1:2) {
            y2[i, 1:3] ~ dmnorm(mn2[1:3], pr[1:3,1:3])
        mn3[1:3] <- A[1:3,1:3]%*%mu[1:3]
        for(i in 1:2) {
            y3[i, 1:3] ~ dmnorm(mn3[1:3], pr[1:3,1:3])
        mn4[1:3] <- b0[1:3] + A[1:3,1:3]%*%mu[1:3]
        for(i in 1:2) {
            y4[i, 1:3] ~ dmnorm(mn4[1:3], pr[1:3,1:3])
    m <- nimbleModel(code, data = list (y1 = matrix(rnorm(6),2),
                               y2 = matrix(rnorm(6),2),
                               y3 = matrix(rnorm(6),2),
                               y4 = matrix(rnorm(6),2)),
                     inits = list(b0 = rnorm(3), A=matrix(1:9, 3), pr = diag(3)))
    conf <- configureMCMC(m)
    mcmc <- buildMCMC(conf)

    expect_identical(conf$getSamplers()[[1]]$name, "conjugate_dmnorm_dmnorm_additive_dmnorm_identity_dmnorm_linear_dmnorm_multiplicative")
    expect_identical(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[1]]$N_dep_dmnorm_identity, 2L)
    expect_identical(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[1]]$N_dep_dmnorm_additive, 2L)
    expect_identical(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[1]]$N_dep_dmnorm_multiplicative, 2L)
    expect_identical(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[1]]$N_dep_dmnorm_linear, 2L)

    expect_identical(c('dep_dmnorm_identity_coeff', 'dep_dmnorm_additive_coeff') %in%
                ls(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[1]]), rep(FALSE, 2))
    expect_identical(c('dep_dmnorm_multiplicative_coeff', 'dep_dmnorm_linear_coeff') %in%
                ls(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[1]]), rep(TRUE, 2))
    expect_identical(c('dep_dmnorm_identity_offset', 'dep_dmnorm_multiplicative_offset') %in%
                ls(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[1]]), rep(FALSE, 2))
    expect_identical(c('dep_dmnorm_additive_offset', 'dep_dmnorm_linear_offset') %in%
                ls(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[1]]), rep(TRUE, 2))

    expect_identical(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[1]]$dep_dmnorm_identity_nodeNames, c('y1[1, 1:3]', 'y1[2, 1:3]'))
    expect_identical(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[1]]$dep_dmnorm_additive_nodeNames, c('y2[1, 1:3]', 'y2[2, 1:3]'))
    expect_identical(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[1]]$dep_dmnorm_multiplicative_nodeNames, c('y3[1, 1:3]', 'y3[2, 1:3]'))
    expect_identical(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[1]]$dep_dmnorm_linear_nodeNames, c('y4[1, 1:3]', 'y4[2, 1:3]'))

    ## dwish case
    code <- nimbleCode({
        for(i in 1:2) {
            y1[i, 1:3] ~ dmnorm(mu[1:3], pr[1:3,1:3])
        pr2[1:3,1:3] <- d*pr[1:3,1:3]
        for(i in 1:2) {
            y2[i, 1:3] ~ dmnorm(mu[1:3], pr2[1:3,1:3])
        pr[1:3,1:3] ~ dwish(R[1:3,1:3], 8)
    m <- nimbleModel(code, data = list (y1 = matrix(rnorm(6),2),
                               y2 = matrix(rnorm(6),2)),
                     inits = list(pr = diag(3), R = diag(3)))
    conf <- configureMCMC(m)
    mcmc <- buildMCMC(conf)

    expect_identical(conf$getSamplers()[[1]]$name, "conjugate_dwish_dmnorm_identity_dmnorm_multiplicativeScalar")
    expect_identical(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[1]]$N_dep_dmnorm_identity, 2L)
    expect_identical(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[1]]$N_dep_dmnorm_multiplicativeScalar, 2L)

    expect_identical('dep_dmnorm_identity_coeff' %in%
                ls(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[1]]), FALSE)
    expect_identical('dep_dmnorm_multiplicativeScalar_coeff' %in%
                ls(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[1]]), TRUE)
    expect_identical(c('dep_dmnorm_identity_offset', 'dep_dmnorm_multiplicativeScalar_offset') %in%
                ls(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[1]]), rep(FALSE, 2))

    expect_identical(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[1]]$dep_dmnorm_identity_nodeNames, c('y1[1, 1:3]', 'y1[2, 1:3]'))
    expect_identical(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[1]]$dep_dmnorm_multiplicativeScalar_nodeNames, c('y2[1, 1:3]', 'y2[2, 1:3]'))

test_that('cc_checkLinearity and cc_replace01 unit tests', {
    target <- 'b'
    code <- quote(b)
    expect_identical(nimble:::cc_checkLinearity(code, target),
                     list(offset = 0, scale = 1))

    code <- quote(0+b)
    expect_identical(nimble:::cc_checkLinearity(code, target),
                     list(offset = 0+1i, scale = 1))
    code <- quote(1*b)
    expect_identical(nimble:::cc_checkLinearity(code, target),
                     list(offset = 0, scale = 1+1i))
    code <- quote(b+a)
    expect_identical(nimble:::cc_checkLinearity(code, target),
                     list(offset = quote(a), scale = 1))
    code <- quote(b*3)
    expect_identical(nimble:::cc_checkLinearity(code, target),
                     list(offset = 0, scale = 3))
    code <- quote(a+phi*b)
    expect_identical(nimble:::cc_checkLinearity(code, target),
                     list(offset = quote(a), scale = quote(phi)))

    code <- quote(a+phi*(3+b))
    expect_identical(nimble:::cc_checkLinearity(code, target),
                     list(offset = quote(a+phi*3), scale = quote(phi)))

    code <- quote(b/phi)
    expect_identical(nimble:::cc_checkLinearity(code, target),
                     list(offset = 0, scale = quote(1/phi)))

    code <- quote((b+a)/phi)
    expect_identical(nimble:::cc_checkLinearity(code, target),
                     list(offset = quote(a/phi), scale = quote(1/phi)))

    code <- quote((phi+a)/b)
    expect_identical(nimble:::cc_checkLinearity(code, target), NULL)

    code <- quote(b+b)
    expect_identical(nimble:::cc_checkLinearity(code, target),
                     list(offset = 0, scale = 2))

    code <- quote(a+d)
    expect_identical(nimble:::cc_checkLinearity(code, target),
                     list(offset = quote(a+d), scale = 0))

    code <- quote(b*(2*b))
    expect_identical(nimble:::cc_checkLinearity(code, target), NULL)

    code <- quote(-b)
    expect_identical(nimble:::cc_checkLinearity(code, target),
                     list(offset = 0, scale = -1))
    code <- quote(b-(a-b))
    expect_identical(nimble:::cc_checkLinearity(code, target),
                     list(offset = quote(-a), scale = 2))

    code <- quote(0+1*b)
    ## quote((0+1i)+(1+1i)*b) doesn't work so need deparse().
    codeReplaced <- nimble:::cc_replace01(code)
    expect_identical(codeReplaced[[2]], 0+1i)
    expect_identical(codeReplaced[[3]][[2]], 1+1i)
                     "0+1i + (1+1i) * b")
    code <- quote(d/(0+1*b[3*a+0]))
    ## quote((0+1i)+(1+1i)*b) doesn't work so need deparse().
                     "d/(0+1i + (1+1i) * b[3 * a + (0+1i)])")

test_that('cc_checkLinearity behaves correctly with constants', {
    code <- nimbleCode( {
        beta ~ dnorm(0,0.001)
        for (i in 1:n) 
            y[i] ~ dnorm(alpha+beta*x[i], tau) 
    m <- nimbleModel(code, constants = list(n = 4, x = 1:4), data = list(y = rnorm(4)))
    conf <- configureMCMC(m)
    expect_identical(conf$getSamplers()[[1]]$name, 'conjugate_dnorm_dnorm_linear')

    code <- nimbleCode( {
        beta ~ dnorm(0,0.001)
        for (i in 1:n) 
            y[i] ~ dnorm(alpha[i]+beta, tau) 
    m <- nimbleModel(code, constants = list(n = 4, alpha = 0:3), data = list(y = rnorm(4)))
    conf <- configureMCMC(m)
    expect_identical(conf$getSamplers()[[1]]$name, 'conjugate_dnorm_dnorm_additive')
    code <- nimbleCode( {
        beta ~ dnorm(0,0.001)
        for (i in 1:n) 
            y[i] ~ dnorm(alpha[i]+beta*x[i], tau) 
    m <- nimbleModel(code, constants = list(n = 4, alpha = 0:3, x = 1:4), data = list(y = rnorm(4)))
    conf <- configureMCMC(m)
    expect_identical(conf$getSamplers()[[1]]$name, 'conjugate_dnorm_dnorm_linear')

    code <- nimbleCode( {
        beta ~ dgamma(1, 1)
        for (i in 1:n) 
            y[i] ~ dpois(beta*x[i])
    m <- nimbleModel(code, constants = list(n = 4, x = 1:4), data = list(y = rpois(4, 1)))
    conf <- configureMCMC(m)
    expect_identical(conf$getSamplers()[[1]]$name, 'conjugate_dgamma_dpois_multiplicative')

    code <- nimbleCode( {
        beta[1:3] ~ dmnorm(z[1:3], pr[1:3, 1:3])
        for (i in 1:n) {
            mn[i, 1:3] <- x[i]*beta[1:3]
            y[i, 1:3] ~ dmnorm(mn[i,1:3], pr[1:3,1:3])
    m <- nimbleModel(code, constants = list(n = 4, x = 1:4), data = list(y = matrix(rnorm(12), 4)))
    conf <- configureMCMC(m)
    expect_identical(conf$getSamplers()[[1]]$name, 'conjugate_dmnorm_dmnorm_multiplicative')

    ## note that vector constants not baked in so this should never have had problems
    code <- nimbleCode( {
        beta[1:3] ~ dmnorm(z[1:3], pr[1:3, 1:3])
        for (i in 1:n) {
            mn[i, 1:3] <- x[i,1:3] * beta[1:3]
            y[i, 1:3] ~ dmnorm(mn[i, 1:3], pr[1:3, 1:3])
    m <- nimbleModel(code, constants = list(n = 4, x = matrix(1:12, 4)), data = list(y = matrix(rnorm(12), 4)))
    conf <- configureMCMC(m)
    expect_identical(conf$getSamplers()[[1]]$name, 'conjugate_dmnorm_dmnorm_multiplicative')

test_that('MCMC assigns posterior_predictive sampler correctly', {
    nimbleOptions(MCMCusePosteriorPredictiveSampler = TRUE)
    code <- nimbleCode({
        tau ~ dgamma(0.1, 0.1)
        x[1] ~ dnorm(0, tau)
        for(t in 1:N) { y[t] ~ dnorm(2*x[t], 1) }
        for(t in 2:N) { x[t] ~ dnorm(x[t-1], tau) }
    N <-  10
    constants <- list(N = N)
    inits <- list(tau = 1)
    y <- 1:N
    data <- list(y = y)
    Rmodel <- nimbleModel(code, constants, data, inits)
    conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel, print = FALSE)
    expect_true(all(sapply(conf$getSamplers(), function(x) x$name) == c('conjugate_dgamma_dnorm_identity',
                                                                        rep('conjugate_dnorm_dnorm_identity_dnorm_multiplicative', 9),
    y <- c(1, 2, 3, NA, 5, 6, 7, 8, NA, NA)
    data <- list(y = y)
    Rmodel <- nimbleModel(code, constants, data, inits)
    conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel, print = FALSE)
    expect_true(all(sapply(conf$getSamplers(), function(x) x$name) ==
                      rep('conjugate_dnorm_dnorm_identity_dnorm_multiplicative', 8),
                      rep('posterior_predictive', 2))))
    y <- c(1:(N/2), rep(NA, N/2))
    data <- list(y = y)
    Rmodel <- nimbleModel(code, constants, data, inits)
    conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel, print = FALSE)
    expect_true(all(sapply(conf$getSamplers(), function(x) x$name) ==
                      rep('conjugate_dnorm_dnorm_identity_dnorm_multiplicative', 5),
    y <- rep(NA, N)
    data <- list(y = y)
    Rmodel <- nimbleModel(code, constants, data, inits)
    conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel, print = FALSE)
    expect_true(all(sapply(conf$getSamplers(), function(x) x$name) ==
    y <- c(NA, NA, NA, NA, 4, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA)
    data <- list(y = y)
    Rmodel <- nimbleModel(code, constants, data, inits)
    conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel, print = FALSE)
    expect_true(all(sapply(conf$getSamplers(), function(x) x$name) ==
                      rep('conjugate_dnorm_dnorm_identity_dnorm_multiplicative', 5),
                      rep('posterior_predictive', 5))))
    code <- nimbleCode({
        a ~ dnorm(0, 1)
        y ~ dnorm(a, 1)
        b[1] ~ dnorm(a, 1)
        b[2] ~ dnorm(a, 1)
        c ~ dnorm(b[1] + b[2], 1)
    Rmodel <- nimbleModel(code)
    conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel, print = FALSE)
    expect_true(sapply(conf$getSamplers(), function(x) x$name) == 'posterior_predictive')
    Rmodel <- nimbleModel(code, data = list(y = 1))
    conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel, print = FALSE)
    expect_true(all(sapply(conf$getSamplers(), function(x) x$name) ==
                      rep('posterior_predictive', 2))))
    Rmodel <- nimbleModel(code, data = list(y = 1))
    conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel, nodes = c('a', 'b[1]', 'c'), print = FALSE)
    expect_true(all(sapply(conf$getSamplers(), function(x) x$name) ==
    Rmodel <- nimbleModel(code, data = list(y = 1))
    conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel, nodes = c('a', 'b[1]', 'b[2]'), print = FALSE)
    expect_true(all(sapply(conf$getSamplers(), function(x) x$name) ==
                      rep('conjugate_dnorm_dnorm_additive', 2))))
    nimbleOptions(MCMCusePosteriorPredictiveSampler = nimbleUsePosteriorPredictiveSamplerSetting)

test_that('posterior_predictive sampler updates model logProbs', {
    code <- nimbleCode({
        a ~ dnorm(0, 1)
        y ~ dexp(a^2+1)
        b ~ dnorm(a, 1)
        c ~ dnorm(b, 1)
    constants <- list()
    data <- list(y = 3)
    inits <- list(a = 0, b = 1, c = 1)
    Rmodel <- nimbleModel(code, constants, data, inits)
    nimbleOptions(MCMCusePosteriorPredictiveSampler = FALSE)
    conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel)
    Rmcmc <- buildMCMC(conf)
    expect_true(conf$getSamplers('a')[[1]]$name == 'RW')
    expect_true(conf$getSamplers('b')[[1]]$name == 'conjugate_dnorm_dnorm_identity')
    expect_true(conf$getSamplers('c')[[1]]$name == 'RW')
    nimbleOptions(MCMCusePosteriorPredictiveSampler = TRUE)
    conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel)
    Rmcmc <- buildMCMC(conf)
    expect_true(conf$getSamplers('a')[[1]]$name == 'RW')
    expect_true(conf$getSamplers('b')[[1]]$name == 'posterior_predictive')
    expect_true(all(Rmcmc$samplerFunctions[[2]]$calcNodes == c('b', 'c')))
    compiledList <- compileNimble(list(model=Rmodel, mcmc=Rmcmc))
    Cmodel <- compiledList$model
    Cmcmc <- compiledList$mcmc
    for(node in Rmodel$getNodeNames(stochOnly = TRUE)) {
        rLP <- Rmodel$getLogProb(node)
        cLP <- Cmodel$getLogProb(node)
        expect_equal(rLP, Rmodel$calculate(node))
        expect_equal(cLP, Cmodel$calculate(node))
        expect_equal(rLP, cLP)
    nimbleOptions(MCMCusePosteriorPredictiveSampler = nimbleUsePosteriorPredictiveSamplerSetting)

test_that('asymptotic agreement of samplers, using MCMCusePredictiveDependenciesInCalculations option', {
    niter <- 200000
    nburnin <- 50000
    code <- nimbleCode({
        ## binary sampler:
        x[1] ~ dbern(0.4)
        ## categorical sampler:
        x[2] ~ dcat(p[1:5])
        ## RW sampler:
        x[3] ~ dgamma(1, 1)
        ## RW_block sampler:
        x[4:5] ~ dmnorm(mu[1:2], Sigma[1:2,1:2])
        ## slice sampler:
        x[6] ~ dbinom(size = 4, prob = 0.5)
        ## ess sampler:
        x[7:8] ~ dmnorm(mu[1:2], Sigma[1:2,1:2])
        ## AF_slice sampler:
        x[9:10] ~ dmnorm(mu[1:2], Sigma[1:2,1:2])
        ## RW_dirichlet sampler:
        x[11:13] ~ ddirch(a[1:3])
        ## RW_wishart sampler:
        w[1:2,1:2] ~ dwish(Sigma[1:2,1:2], 2)
        ## data and predictive nodes:
        for(i in 1:N) {
            y[i] ~ dnorm(x[i], 1)
            yp[i] ~ dnorm(x[i], 1)
        for(i in 1:2) {
            w_data[i] ~ dnorm(w[1,i], 1)
            wp_data[i] ~ dnorm(w[1,i], 1)
    N <- 13
    constants <- list(N = N,
                      p = rep(0.2, 5),
                      mu = c(0,0),
                      Sigma = diag(2),
                      a = c(1,2,3))
    data <- list(y = rep(0, N), w_data = rep(0,2))
    inits <- list(x = c(0,1,1, 0,0, 0, 0,0, 0,0, 1/3,1/3,1/3),
                  w = diag(2),
                  yp = rep(0, N),
                  wp_data = rep(0,2))
    ## include PP nodes in all sampler calculations:
    nimbleOptions(MCMCusePredictiveDependenciesInCalculations = TRUE)
    Rmodel <- nimbleModel(code, constants, data, inits)
    conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel)
    conf$replaceSampler('x[7:8]', 'ess')
    conf$replaceSampler('x[9:10]', 'AF_slice')
    Rmcmc <- buildMCMC(conf)
    compiledList <- compileNimble(list(model=Rmodel, mcmc=Rmcmc))
    Cmcmc <- compiledList$mcmc
    samplesT <- runMCMC(Cmcmc, niter, nburnin)
    ## now exclude all PP nodes:
    nimbleOptions(MCMCusePredictiveDependenciesInCalculations = FALSE)
    Rmodel <- nimbleModel(code, constants, data, inits)
    conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel)
    conf$replaceSampler('x[7:8]', 'ess')
    conf$replaceSampler('x[9:10]', 'AF_slice')
    Rmcmc <- buildMCMC(conf)
    compiledList <- compileNimble(list(model=Rmodel, mcmc=Rmcmc))
    Cmcmc <- compiledList$mcmc
    samplesF <- runMCMC(Cmcmc, niter, nburnin)
    expect_true(all(abs(as.numeric(apply(samplesT, 2, mean)) - as.numeric(apply(samplesF, 2, mean))) < 0.037))
    expect_true(all(abs(as.numeric(apply(samplesT, 2, sd  )) - as.numeric(apply(samplesF, 2, sd  ))) < 0.05))
    nimbleOptions(MCMCusePredictiveDependenciesInCalculations = nimbleUsePredictiveDependenciesSetting)

test_that('reordering of posterior_predictive samplers to the end', {
    nimbleOptions(MCMCusePosteriorPredictiveSampler = TRUE)
    code <- nimbleCode({
        mu ~ dnorm(0, 1)
        pp ~ dnorm(mu, 1)
        for(i in 1:5)
            x[i] ~ dexp(mu^2+1)
        for(i in 1:4)
            y[i] ~ dnorm(x[i], 1)
    constants <- list()
    data <- list(y = c(1, 2, 3, NA))
    inits <- list(mu = 0, x = rep(1, 5), y = c(NA, NA, NA, 4), pp = 0)
    Rmodel <- nimbleModel(code, constants, data, inits)
    conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel)
    ## configureMCMC should already have reordered PP samplers last (expect_true):
    samplerNames <- sapply(conf$samplerConfs, `[[`, 'name')
    ppSamplerInd <- which(samplerNames == 'posterior_predictive')
    otherSamplerInd <- which(!grepl('^posterior_predictive', samplerNames))
    expect_true(all(sapply(ppSamplerInd, function(ind) all(ind > otherSamplerInd))))
    conf$addSampler('mu', 'slice')
    conf$addSampler('x[1]', 'slice')
    ## now, there are PP samplers that are not last (expect_false):
    samplerNames <- sapply(conf$samplerConfs, `[[`, 'name')
    ppSamplerInd <- which(samplerNames == 'posterior_predictive')
    otherSamplerInd <- which(!grepl('^posterior_predictive', samplerNames))
    expect_false(all(sapply(ppSamplerInd, function(ind) all(ind > otherSamplerInd))))
    if(!getNimbleOption('MCMCusePredictiveDependenciesInCalculations')) {
        ## should issue a message, about reordering samplers:
        nimbleVerboseSetting_current <- nimbleOptions('verbose')
        nimbleOptions(verbose = TRUE)
        expect_message(Rmcmc <- buildMCMC(conf))
        nimbleOptions(verbose = nimbleVerboseSetting_current)
        ## now, all PP samplers should be last (expect_true):
        samplerNames <- sapply(conf$samplerConfs, `[[`, 'name')
        ppSamplerInd <- which(samplerNames == 'posterior_predictive')
        otherSamplerInd <- which(!grepl('^posterior_predictive', samplerNames))
        expect_true(all(sapply(ppSamplerInd, function(ind) all(ind > otherSamplerInd))))
    nimbleOptions(MCMCusePosteriorPredictiveSampler = nimbleUsePosteriorPredictiveSamplerSetting)

test_that('mcmc_determineCalcAndCopyNodes works correctly in different situations', {
    code <- nimbleCode({
        a ~ dnorm(0, 1)
        b ~ dnorm(a, 1)
        y ~ dnorm(b, 1)
        ppb ~ dnorm(y, 1)
        pp1 ~ dnorm(ppb, 1)
        pp2 ~ dnorm(pp1, 1)
    constants <- list()
    data <- list(y = 0)
    inits <- list(a = 0, b = 0, ppb = 0, pp1 = 0, pp2 = 0)
    Rmodel <- nimbleModel(code, constants, data, inits)
    nimbleOptions(MCMCusePredictiveDependenciesInCalculations = FALSE)
    conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel)
    Rmcmc <- buildMCMC(conf)
    expect_true(all(sapply(conf$samplerConfs, `[[`, 'name') == c(rep('conjugate_dnorm_dnorm_identity', 2), 'posterior_predictive')))
    expect_true(all(sapply(conf$samplerConfs, `[[`, 'target') == c('a', 'b', 'ppb')))
    expect_true(all(Rmcmc$samplerFunctions[[1]]$calcNodes == c('a', 'b')))
    expect_true(all(Rmcmc$samplerFunctions[[2]]$calcNodes == c('b', 'y')))
    conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel)
    conf$addSampler('a', 'posterior_predictive')
    expect_error(Rmcmc <- buildMCMC(conf))
    nimbleOptions(MCMCusePredictiveDependenciesInCalculations = TRUE)
    conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel, nodes = NULL)
    conf$addSampler('pp1', 'RW')
    conf$addSampler('pp1', 'RW_block')
    conf$addSampler('pp2', 'RW')
    conf$addSampler('pp2', 'RW_block')
    Rmcmc <- buildMCMC(conf)
    expect_identical(Rmcmc$samplerFunctions[[1]]$calcNodesNoSelf, 'pp2')
    expect_identical(Rmcmc$samplerFunctions[[2]]$calcNodesProposalStage, 'pp1')
    expect_identical(Rmcmc$samplerFunctions[[2]]$calcNodesDepStage, 'pp2')
    expect_identical(Rmcmc$samplerFunctions[[3]]$calcNodesNoSelf, character())
    expect_identical(Rmcmc$samplerFunctions[[4]]$calcNodesProposalStage, 'pp2')
    expect_identical(Rmcmc$samplerFunctions[[4]]$calcNodesDepStage, character())
    nimbleOptions(MCMCusePredictiveDependenciesInCalculations = FALSE)
    conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel, nodes = NULL)
    conf$addSampler('pp1', 'RW')
    conf$addSampler('pp1', 'RW_block')
    conf$addSampler('pp2', 'RW')
    conf$addSampler('pp2', 'RW_block')
    Rmcmc <- buildMCMC(conf)
    expect_identical(Rmcmc$samplerFunctions[[1]]$calcNodesNoSelf, 'pp2')
    expect_identical(Rmcmc$samplerFunctions[[2]]$calcNodesProposalStage, 'pp1')
    expect_identical(Rmcmc$samplerFunctions[[2]]$calcNodesDepStage, 'pp2')
    expect_identical(Rmcmc$samplerFunctions[[3]]$calcNodesNoSelf, character())
    expect_identical(Rmcmc$samplerFunctions[[4]]$calcNodesProposalStage, 'pp2')
    expect_identical(Rmcmc$samplerFunctions[[4]]$calcNodesDepStage, character())
    nimbleOptions(MCMCusePredictiveDependenciesInCalculations = TRUE)
    conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel, nodes = NULL)
    conf$addSampler(c('a', 'b', 'pp1'), 'RW_block')
    expect_no_error(Rmcmc <- buildMCMC(conf))
    nimbleOptions(MCMCusePredictiveDependenciesInCalculations = FALSE)
    conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel, nodes = NULL)
    conf$addSampler(c('a', 'b', 'pp1'), 'RW_block')
    expect_error(Rmcmc <- buildMCMC(conf))
    nimbleOptions(MCMCusePredictiveDependenciesInCalculations = nimbleUsePredictiveDependenciesSetting)

test_that('mcmc_determineCalcAndCopyNodes works correctly in different situations', {
    nimbleOptions(MCMCusePosteriorPredictiveSampler = TRUE)
    code <- nimbleCode({
        x[1] ~ dnorm(0, 1)
        for(i in 2:10) x[i] ~ dnorm(x[i-1], 1)
    Rmodel <- nimbleModel(code)
    conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel)
    expect_identical(conf$getUnsampledNodes(), character())
    expect_identical(conf$getUnsampledNodes(), paste0('x[', 1:10, ']'))
    conf$addSampler('x[3]', 'posterior_predictive')
    expect_identical(conf$getUnsampledNodes(), paste0('x[', 1:2, ']'))
    conf$addSampler('x[1]', 'RW')
    expect_identical(conf$getUnsampledNodes(), 'x[2]')
    conf$addSampler('x[1]', 'posterior_predictive')
    expect_identical(conf$getUnsampledNodes(), character())
    Rmodel$setData(x = c(rep(NA,5), rep(0,5)))
    expect_identical(conf$getUnsampledNodes(), paste0('x[', 1:5, ']'))
    conf$addSampler(c('x[1]', 'x[3]'), 'RW_block')
    expect_identical(conf$getUnsampledNodes(), paste0('x[', c(2,4,5), ']'))

test_that('cannot assign sampler jointly to PP and non-PP nodes', {
    code <- nimbleCode({
        a ~ dnorm(0, 1)
        y ~ dexp(a^2+1)
        b ~ dnorm(a, 1)
        c ~ dnorm(b, 1)
    Rmodel <- nimbleModel(code, data = list(y = 3))
    nimbleOptions(MCMCusePredictiveDependenciesInCalculations = FALSE)
    conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel, nodes = NULL)
    conf$addSampler(c('a', 'b'), type = 'RW_block')
    expect_error(Rmcmc <- buildMCMC(conf))
    Rmodel$setData(list(y = 3, c = 3))
    expect_no_error(Rmcmc <- buildMCMC(conf))
    nimbleOptions(MCMCusePredictiveDependenciesInCalculations = TRUE)
    Rmodel$setData(list(y = 3))
    expect_no_error(Rmcmc <- buildMCMC(conf))
    nimbleOptions(MCMCusePredictiveDependenciesInCalculations = nimbleUsePredictiveDependenciesSetting)

test_that('Check MCMC sampler dependencies with and without predictive nodes included', {
    ## scalar case
    code <- nimbleCode({
        for(i in 1:n) {
            y[i] ~ dnorm(mu[i], sd = sigma)
            mu[i] ~ dnorm(0, 1)
            z[i] ~ dnorm(y[i], 1)
            w[i] ~ dnorm(mu[i], sd = sigma)
        sigma ~ dunif(0, 10)
        wdet <- w[1] + 2
        u ~ dnorm(wdet, 1)

    n <- 4
    m <- nimbleModel(code, data = list(y = rnorm(n)), constants = list(n = n))

    conf <- configureMCMC(m)
    mcmc <- buildMCMC(conf)

    targets <- sapply(conf$getSamplers(), function(x) x$target)

    expect_identical(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[which(targets == 'mu[1]')]]$calcNodes,
    expect_identical(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[which(targets == 'mu[3]')]]$calcNodes,
    expect_identical(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[which(targets == 'sigma')]]$calcNodesNoSelf, paste0('y[', 1:n, ']'))
    expect_identical(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[which(targets == 'w[1]')]]$simNodes,
                     c('w[1]', 'wdet', 'u'))
    expect_identical(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[which(targets == 'w[3]')]]$simNodes,
    expect_identical(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[which(targets == 'z[3]')]]$simNodes,

    nimbleOptions(MCMCusePredictiveDependenciesInCalculations = TRUE)
    conf <- configureMCMC(m)
    mcmc <- buildMCMC(conf)

    targets <- sapply(conf$getSamplers(), function(x) x$target)

    expect_identical(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[which(targets == 'mu[1]')]]$calcNodes,
    expect_identical(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[which(targets == 'mu[3]')]]$calcNodes,
    expect_identical(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[which(targets == 'sigma')]]$calcNodesNoSelf,
                     c(paste0('y[', 1:n, ']'), paste0('w[', 1:n, ']')))
    expect_identical(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[which(targets == 'w[1]')]]$simNodes,
                     c('w[1]', 'wdet', 'u'))
    expect_identical(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[which(targets == 'w[3]')]]$simNodes,
    expect_identical(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[which(targets == 'z[3]')]]$simNodes,
    ## mixed case

    code <- nimbleCode({
        pr[1:2,1:2] <- tau*pr0[1:2,1:2]
        for(i in 1:n) {
            y[i,1:2] ~ dmnorm(mu[i,1:2], pr[1:2,1:2])
            mu[i,1:2] ~ dmnorm(zeros[1:2], pr0[1:2,1:2])
            z[i,1:2] ~ dmnorm(y[i,1:2], pr0[1:2,1:2])
            zs[i] ~ dnorm(y[i,1], 1)
            w[i,1:2] ~ dmnorm(mu[i,1:2], pr[1:2,1:2])
            ws[i] ~ dnorm(mu[i,1], 1)
        tau ~ dunif(0, 10)
        wdet[1:2] <- w[1,1:2] + 2
        u[1:2] ~ dmnorm(wdet[1:2], pr[1:2,1:2])
        us ~ dnorm(wdet[1], 1)    

    n <- 4
    m <- nimbleModel(code, data = list(y = matrix(rnorm(n*2), n, 2)), constants = list(n = n))

    nimbleOptions(MCMCusePredictiveDependenciesInCalculations = FALSE)

    conf <- configureMCMC(m)
    mcmc <- buildMCMC(conf)

    targets <- sapply(conf$getSamplers(), function(x) x$target)

    expect_identical(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[which(targets == 'tau')]]$calcNodesNoSelf,
                     c("pr[1:2, 1:2]","lifted_chol_oPpr_oB1to2_comma_1to2_cB_cP[1:2, 1:2]",
                       paste0("y[", 1:n, ", 1:2]")))
    expect_identical(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[which(targets == 'mu[3, 1:2]')]]$calcNodesDepStage,
                     c("y[3, 1:2]"))
    expect_identical(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[which(targets == 'w[1, 1:2]')]]$simNodes,
                     c('w[1, 1:2]','wdet[1:2]','us','u[1:2]'))
    expect_identical(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[which(targets == 'ws[1]')]]$simNodes,
    expect_identical(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[which(targets == 'z[3, 1:2]')]]$simNodes,
                     c('z[3, 1:2]'))
    expect_identical(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[which(targets == 'zs[3]')]]$simNodes,

    nimbleOptions(MCMCusePredictiveDependenciesInCalculations = TRUE)

    conf <- configureMCMC(m)
    mcmc <- buildMCMC(conf)

    targets <- sapply(conf$getSamplers(), function(x) x$target)

    expect_identical(sort(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[which(targets == 'tau')]]$calcNodesNoSelf),
                     c("lifted_chol_oPpr_oB1to2_comma_1to2_cB_cP[1:2, 1:2]","pr[1:2, 1:2]", "u[1:2]",
                       paste0("w[", 1:n, ", 1:2]"), paste0("y[", 1:n, ", 1:2]")))
    expect_identical(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[which(targets == 'mu[3, 1:2]')]]$calcNodesDepStage,
                     c("ws[3]", "y[3, 1:2]", "w[3, 1:2]"))
    expect_identical(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[which(targets == 'w[1, 1:2]')]]$simNodes,
                     c('w[1, 1:2]','wdet[1:2]','us','u[1:2]'))
    expect_identical(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[which(targets == 'ws[1]')]]$simNodes,
    expect_identical(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[which(targets == 'z[3, 1:2]')]]$simNodes,
                     c('z[3, 1:2]'))
    expect_identical(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[which(targets == 'zs[3]')]]$simNodes,

    nimbleOptions(MCMCusePredictiveDependenciesInCalculations = FALSE)


test_that('Check MCMC sampler dependencies with and without predictive nodes included', {
    code <- nimbleCode({
        for(i in 1:N)
            x[i] ~ dnorm(0, 1)
        z2[1:2] ~ dmnorm(mu[1:2], Q[1:2,1:2])
        z3[1:3] ~ dmnorm(mu[1:3], Q[1:3,1:3])
        y ~ dnorm(sum(x[1:N]) + z2[1] + z3[1], 1)
    N <- 10
    Rmodel <- nimbleModel(code = code, constants = list(N=N), data = list(y=0), inits = list(x=rep(0,N), z2=c(0,0), z3=c(0,0,0), mu=c(0,0,0), Q=diag(3)))
    conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel, nodes = NULL, print = FALSE)
    conf$addSampler(c('x', 'z2', 'z3'), default = TRUE, print = FALSE)
    expect_true(length(conf$getSamplers('x')) == N)
    expect_true(conf$getSamplers('x[1]')[[1]]$name == 'RW')
    expect_true(conf$getSamplers('z2')[[1]]$name == 'RW_block')
    expect_true(conf$getSamplers('z3')[[1]]$name == 'RW_block')
    conf$addSampler(c('x', 'z2', 'z3'), type = 'AF_slice', print = FALSE)
    expect_true(length(conf$getSamplers()) == 1)
    expect_identical(conf$getSamplers()[[1]]$target, c('x', 'z2', 'z3'))
    expect_identical(conf$getSamplers()[[1]]$name, 'AF_slice')
    conf$addSampler(c('x', 'z2', 'z3'), type = 'AF_slice', multivariateNodesAsScalars = TRUE, print = FALSE)
    expect_true(length(conf$getSamplers()) == 1)
    expect_identical(conf$getSamplers()[[1]]$target, c('x', 'z2', 'z3'))
    expect_identical(conf$getSamplers()[[1]]$name, 'AF_slice')
    conf$addSampler(c('x', 'z2', 'z3'), type = 'AF_slice', targetByNode = TRUE, print = FALSE)
    expect_true(length(conf$getSamplers()) == 12)
    conf$addSampler(c('x', 'z2', 'z3'), type = 'AF_slice', targetByNode = TRUE, multivariateNodesAsScalars = TRUE, print = FALSE)
    expect_true(length(conf$getSamplers()) == 15)
    expect_identical(sapply(conf$getSamplers(), `[[`, 'target'), Rmodel$expandNodeNames(c('x', 'z2', 'z3'), returnScalarComponents = TRUE))
    expect_identical(sapply(conf$getSamplers(), `[[`, 'name'), rep('AF_slice', 15))

test_that('Conjugacy checking does not return conjugate for subsets (or supersets) of multivariate nodes', {
    ## the changes unerlying this test have to do with the handling of structureExprs
    code <- nimbleCode({
        mu[1:2] ~ dmnorm(mu0[1:2], Q[1:2,1:2])
        y[1:3] ~ dmnorm(mu[1:3], Q[1:3,1:3])
    Rmodel <- nimbleModel(code, data=list(y=rep(0,3)), inits=list(mu=rep(0,3), Q=diag(3)))
    conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel)
    expect_identical(conf$samplerConfs[[1]]$target, 'mu[1:2]')
    expect_identical(conf$samplerConfs[[1]]$name, 'RW_block')
    code <- nimbleCode({
        mu[1:4] ~ dmnorm(mu0[1:4], Q[1:4,1:4])
        y[1:3] ~ dmnorm(mu[1:3], Q[1:3,1:3])
    Rmodel <- nimbleModel(code, data=list(y=rep(0,3)), inits=list(mu=rep(0,4), Q=diag(4)))
    conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel)
    expect_identical(conf$samplerConfs[[1]]$target, 'mu[1:4]')
    expect_identical(conf$samplerConfs[[1]]$name, 'RW_block')
    code <- nimbleCode({
        mu[1:3] ~ dmnorm(mu0[1:3], Q[1:3,1:3])
        y[1:3] ~ dmnorm(mu[2:4], Q[1:3,1:3])
    Rmodel <- nimbleModel(code, data=list(y=rep(0,3)), inits=list(mu=rep(0,4), Q=diag(3)))
    conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel)
    expect_identical(conf$samplerConfs[[1]]$target, 'mu[1:3]')
    expect_identical(conf$samplerConfs[[1]]$name, 'RW_block')
    code <- nimbleCode({
        mu[1:5] ~ dmnorm(mu0[1:5], Q[1:5,1:5])
        y[1:3] ~ dmnorm(mu[2:4], Q[1:3,1:3])
    Rmodel <- nimbleModel(code, data=list(y=rep(0,3)), inits=list(mu=rep(0,5), Q=diag(5)))
    conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel)
    expect_identical(conf$samplerConfs[[1]]$target, 'mu[1:5]')
    expect_identical(conf$samplerConfs[[1]]$name, 'RW_block')

test_that('Categorical sampler issues a warning for invalid model likelihood values', {
    code <- nimbleCode({
        x ~ dcat(prob = a[1:3])
        y[1:3] ~ ddirch(alpha = A[x,1:3])
    constants <- list(a = c(1, 1, 0))
    data <- list(y = c(0, 1/2, 1/2))
    inits <- list(x = 2, A = array(1/3, c(3,3)))
    Rmodel <- nimbleModel(code, constants, data, inits)
    expect_identical(Rmodel$calculate(), Inf)
    conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel)
    expect_true(length(conf$getSamplers()) == 1)
    expect_true(conf$getSamplers()[[1]]$name == 'categorical')
    Rmcmc <- buildMCMC(conf)
    expect_output(samples <- runMCMC(Rmcmc, 10), 'encountered an invalid model density, and sampling results are likely invalid')
    expect_true(all(samples == 2))
    code <- nimbleCode({
        x ~ dcat(prob = a[1:3])
        y ~ dnorm(x, y_prec)
    constants <- list(a = c(1, 1, 0))
    data <- list(y = 0)
    inits <- list(x = 2, y_prec = 1)
    Rmodel <- nimbleModel(code, constants, data, inits)
    Rmodel$y_prec <- -1
    expect_identical(suppressWarnings(Rmodel$calculate()), NaN)
    conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel)
    expect_true(length(conf$getSamplers()) == 1)
    expect_true(conf$getSamplers()[[1]]$name == 'categorical')
    Rmcmc <- buildMCMC(conf)
    expect_output(suppressWarnings(samples <- runMCMC(Rmcmc, 10)), 'encountered an invalid model density, and sampling results are likely invalid')
    expect_true(all(samples == 2))

test_that('prior_samples sampler operates correctly', {
    code <- nimbleCode({
        a ~ dnorm(0, 1)
        b ~ dnorm(0, 1)
        for(i in 1:4) {
            y[i] <- c[i]^2
    Rmodel <- nimbleModel(code, inits = list(a=0, b=0, c=rep(0,4)))
    conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel)
    conf$addSampler('a', 'prior_samples')
    expect_error(Rmcmc <- buildMCMC(conf))
    conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel)
    conf$addSampler('a', 'prior_samples', samples = array(1, c(10,2)))
    expect_error(Rmcmc <- buildMCMC(conf))
    conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel)
    conf$addSampler(c('a','b'), 'prior_samples', samples = 1:10)
    expect_error(Rmcmc <- buildMCMC(conf))
    conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel)
    conf$addSampler('a', 'prior_samples', samples = 1:10)
    conf$addSampler('b', 'prior_samples', samples = 1:10)
    Rmcmc <- buildMCMC(conf)
    expect_true(all(sapply(Rmcmc$samplerFunctions$contentsList, class)[1:2] == 'sampler_prior_samples'))
    nimbleOptions(MCMCorderPriorSamplesSamplersFirst = FALSE)
    nimbleOptions(MCMCorderPosteriorPredictiveSamplersLast = FALSE)
    conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel)
    conf$addSampler('a', 'prior_samples', samples = 1:10)
    conf$addSampler('b', 'prior_samples', samples = 1:10)
    Rmcmc <- buildMCMC(conf)
    expect_true(all(sapply(Rmcmc$samplerFunctions$contentsList, class)[3:4] == 'sampler_prior_samples'))
    nimbleOptions(MCMCorderPriorSamplesSamplersFirst = TRUE)
    nimbleOptions(MCMCorderPosteriorPredictiveSamplersLast = TRUE)
    conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel, nodes = NULL, monitors = c('a', 'c', 'y'))
    conf$addSampler('a', 'prior_samples', samples = 1:10)
    conf$addSampler('c', 'prior_samples', samples = array(1:12, c(3,4)))
    expect_no_error(Rmcmc <- buildMCMC(conf))
    samples <- runMCMC(Rmcmc, 11)
    expect_true(all(samples[,'a'] == c(1:10, 1)))
    expect_true(all(samples[,'c[2]'] == c(rep(4:6, 3), 4, 5)))
    expect_true(all(samples[,'y[2]'] == c(rep(4:6, 3), 4, 5)^2))
    conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel, nodes = NULL, monitors = c('a', 'c', 'y'))
    conf$addSampler('a', 'prior_samples', samples = 1:10, randomDraws = TRUE)
    conf$addSampler('c', 'prior_samples', samples = array(1:12, c(3,4)), randomDraws = TRUE)
    expect_no_error(Rmcmc <- buildMCMC(conf))
    samples <- runMCMC(Rmcmc, 100)
    expect_true(all(samples[,'a'] %in% 1:10))
    expect_true(all(range(samples[,'a']) == c(1,10)))
    expect_true(all(samples[,'c[3]'] %in% 7:9))
    expect_true(all(samples[,'y[3]'] %in% c(49,64,81)))

test_that('assigning samplers to data and allowData argument', {
    code <- nimbleCode({
        a ~ dnorm(0, 1)
        b ~ dnorm(0, 1)
        y[1] ~ dnorm(a, 1)
        y[2] ~ dnorm(y[1], 1)
        y[3] ~ dnorm(b^2, 1)
        y[4] ~ dnorm(b^2, 1)
    Rmodel <- nimbleModel(code, inits = list(a=0, b=0), data = list(y = c(0,0,0,NA)))
    conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel)
    samps <- conf$getSamplers()
    expect_true(length(samps) == 3)
    conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel, nodes = c('a', 'y'))
    samps <- conf$getSamplers()
    expect_true(length(samps) == 2)
    expect_true(samps[[1]]$target == 'a')
    expect_true(samps[[1]]$name == 'conjugate_dnorm_dnorm_identity')
    expect_true(samps[[2]]$target == 'y[4]')
    expect_true(samps[[2]]$name == 'posterior_predictive')
    conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel, nodes = c('y[2]', 'b', 'y[3]'))
    samps <- conf$getSamplers()
    expect_true(length(samps) == 1)
    expect_true(samps[[1]]$target == 'b')
    conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel, nodes = 'y')
    samps <- conf$getSamplers()
    expect_true(length(samps) == 1)
    expect_true(samps[[1]]$name == 'posterior_predictive')
    conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel, nodes = NULL)
    conf$addSampler('y', type = 'AF_slice')
    samps <- conf$getSamplers()
    expect_true(length(samps) == 1)
    expect_true(samps[[1]]$target == 'y[4]')
    conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel, nodes = NULL)
    conf$addSampler('y', type = 'AF_slice', allowData = TRUE)
    samps <- conf$getSamplers()
    expect_true(length(samps) == 1)
    expect_true(samps[[1]]$target == 'y')
    conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel, nodes = NULL)
    conf$addSampler('y', type = 'slice', targetByNode = TRUE)
    samps <- conf$getSamplers()
    expect_true(length(samps) == 1)
    expect_true(samps[[1]]$target == 'y[4]')
    conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel, nodes = NULL)
    conf$addSampler('y', type = 'slice', targetByNode = TRUE, allowData = TRUE)
    samps <- conf$getSamplers()
    expect_true(length(samps) == 4)
    conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel, nodes = NULL)
    conf$addSampler('y', default = TRUE)
    samps <- conf$getSamplers()
    expect_true(length(samps) == 1)
    expect_true(samps[[1]]$target == 'y[4]')
    expect_true(samps[[1]]$name == 'posterior_predictive')
    conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel, nodes = NULL)
    conf$addSampler('y', default = TRUE, allowData = TRUE)
    samps <- conf$getSamplers()
    expect_true(length(samps) == 4)
    expect_true(samps[[1]]$target == 'y[1]')
    expect_true(samps[[1]]$name == 'conjugate_dnorm_dnorm_identity')
    expect_true(samps[[2]]$target == 'y[2]')
    expect_true(samps[[2]]$name == 'RW')
    expect_true(samps[[3]]$target == 'y[3]')
    expect_true(samps[[3]]$name == 'RW')
    expect_true(samps[[4]]$target == 'y[4]')
    expect_true(samps[[4]]$name == 'posterior_predictive')


if(!generatingGoldFile) {
    test_that("Log file matches gold file", {
        trialResults <- readLines(tempFileName)
        trialResults <- trialResults[grep('Error in x$.self$finalize() : attempt to apply non-function', trialResults, invert = TRUE, fixed = TRUE)]
        correctResults <- readLines(system.file(file.path('tests', 'testthat', goldFileName), package = 'nimble'))
        compareFilesByLine(trialResults, correctResults)

options(warn = RwarnLevel)
nimbleOptions(verbose = nimbleVerboseSetting)
nimbleOptions(MCMCprogressBar = nimbleProgressBarSetting)

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