
Defines functions plot.gls nobs.gls logLik.gls intervals.gls getResponse.gls getGroupsFormula.gls getGroups.gls formula.gls fitted.gls comparePred.gls coef.gls augPred.gls anova.gls ACF.gls glsEstimate glsApVar glsApVar.fullGlsLogLik

Documented in ACF.gls anova.gls augPred.gls comparePred.gls getGroupsFormula.gls getGroups.gls glsApVar glsEstimate intervals.gls logLik.gls plot.gls

###  Fit a linear model with correlated errors and/or heteroscedasticity
### Copyright 2005-2022  The R Core team
### Copyright 1997-2003  Jose C. Pinheiro,
###                      Douglas M. Bates <bates@stat.wisc.edu>
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
#  http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/

gls <-
    ## fits linear model with serial correlation and variance functions,
    ## by maximum likelihood using a Newton-Raphson algorithm.
             data = sys.frame(sys.parent()),
             correlation = NULL,
             weights = NULL,
             method = c("REML", "ML"),
             na.action = na.fail,
             control = list(),
             verbose = FALSE)
    Call <- match.call()
    ## control parameters
    controlvals <- glsControl()
    if (!missing(control)) controlvals[names(control)] <- control

    ## checking arguments
    if (!inherits(model, "formula") || length(model) != 3L) {
        stop("model must be a formula of the form \"resp ~ pred\"")
    method <- match.arg(method)
    REML <- method == "REML"
    ## check if correlation is present and has groups
    groups <- if (!is.null(correlation)) getGroupsFormula(correlation) ## else NULL
    ## create a gls structure containing the plug-ins
    glsSt <-
        glsStruct(corStruct = correlation, varStruct = varFunc(weights))

    ## we need to resolve '.' in the formula here
    model <- terms(model, data=data)
    ## extract a data frame with enough information to evaluate
    ## formula, groups, corStruct, and varStruct
    mfArgs <- list(formula = asOneFormula(formula(glsSt), model, groups),
                   data = data, na.action = na.action)
    if (!missing(subset)) {
        mfArgs[["subset"]] <- asOneSidedFormula(Call[["subset"]])[[2L]]
    mfArgs$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
    dataMod <- do.call(model.frame, mfArgs)
    origOrder <- row.names(dataMod)	# preserve the original order
    if (!is.null(groups)) {
        ## sort the model.frame by groups and get the matrices and parameters
        ## used in the estimation procedures
        ## always use innermost level of grouping
        groups <- eval(substitute(~ 1 | GR, list(GR = groups[[2L]])))
        grps <- getGroups(dataMod, groups,
                          level = length(getGroupsFormula(groups, asList = TRUE)))
        ## ordering data by groups
        ord <- order(grps)
        grps <- grps[ord]
        dataMod <- dataMod[ord, ,drop = FALSE]
        revOrder <- match(origOrder, row.names(dataMod)) # putting in orig. order
    } else grps <- NULL

    ## obtaining basic model matrices
    X <- model.frame(model, dataMod)
    Terms <- attr(X, "terms")
    if (length(attr(Terms, "offset")))
        stop("offset() terms are not supported")
    ## keeping the contrasts for later use in predict
    contr <- lapply(X, function(el)
                    if (inherits(el, "factor")) contrasts(el))
    contr <- contr[!unlist(lapply(contr, is.null))]
    X <- model.matrix(model, X)
    if(ncol(X) == 0L) stop("no coefficients to fit")
    y <- eval(model[[2L]], dataMod)
    N <- nrow(X)
    p <- ncol(X)				# number of coefficients
    parAssign <- attr(X, "assign")
    namTerms <- attr(Terms, "term.labels")
    if (attr(Terms, "intercept") > 0) {
        namTerms <- c("(Intercept)", namTerms)
    namTerms <- factor(parAssign, labels = namTerms)
    parAssign <- split(order(parAssign), namTerms)
    fixedSigma <- (controlvals$sigma > 0) ## 17-11-2015; Fixed sigma patch
    ## creating the condensed linear model
    attr(glsSt, "conLin") <-
        list(Xy = array(c(X, y), c(N, ncol(X) + 1L), list(row.names(dataMod),
	     c(colnames(X), deparse(model[[2]])))),
             dims = list(N = N, p = p, REML = as.integer(REML)), logLik = 0,
             ## 17-11-2015; Fixed sigma patch; SH Heisterkamp; Quantitative Solutions
             sigma = controlvals$sigma, fixedSigma = fixedSigma)

    ## initialization
    glsEstControl <- controlvals["singular.ok"]
    glsSt <- Initialize(glsSt, dataMod, glsEstControl)
    parMap <- attr(glsSt, "pmap")

    ## getting the fitted object, possibly iterating for variance functions
    numIter <- numIter0 <- 0L
    repeat {
        oldPars <- c(attr(glsSt, "glsFit")[["beta"]], coef(glsSt))
        if (length(coef(glsSt))) {		# needs ms()
            optRes <- if (controlvals$opt == "nlminb") {
                       function(glsPars) -logLik(glsSt, glsPars),
                       control = list(trace = controlvals$msVerbose,
                       iter.max = controlvals$msMaxIter))
            } else {
                      function(glsPars) -logLik(glsSt, glsPars),
                      method = controlvals$optimMethod,
                      control = list(trace = controlvals$msVerbose,
                      maxit = controlvals$msMaxIter,
                      reltol = if(numIter == 0L) controlvals$msTol
                      else 100*.Machine$double.eps))
            coef(glsSt) <- optRes$par
        } else {
            optRes <- list(convergence = 0)
        attr(glsSt, "glsFit") <- glsEstimate(glsSt, control = glsEstControl)
        ## checking if any updating is needed
        if (!needUpdate(glsSt)) {
            if (optRes$convergence)
        ## updating the fit information
        numIter <- numIter + 1L
        glsSt <- update(glsSt, dataMod)
        ## calculating the convergence criterion
        aConv <- c(attr(glsSt, "glsFit")[["beta"]], coef(glsSt))
        conv <- abs((oldPars - aConv)/ifelse(aConv == 0, 1, aConv))
        aConv <- c("beta" = max(conv[1:p]))
        conv <- conv[-(1:p)]
        for(i in names(glsSt)) {
            if (any(parMap[,i])) {
                aConv <- c(aConv, max(conv[parMap[,i]]))
                names(aConv)[length(aConv)] <- i
        if (verbose) {
            cat("\nObjective:", format(optRes$value), "\n")
        if (max(aConv) <= controlvals$tolerance) {
        if (numIter > controlvals$maxIter) {
            stop("maximum number of iterations reached without convergence")
    ## wrapping up
    glsFit <- attr(glsSt, "glsFit")
    namBeta <- names(glsFit$beta)
    ## 17-11-2015; Fixed sigma patch; SH Heisterkamp; Quantitative Solutions
    attr(glsSt, "fixedSigma") <- fixedSigma
    attr(parAssign, "varBetaFact") <- varBeta <-
        glsFit$sigma * glsFit$varBeta * sqrt((N - REML * p)/(N - p))
    varBeta <- crossprod(varBeta)
    dimnames(varBeta) <- list(namBeta, namBeta)
    ## fitted.values and residuals (in original order)
    Fitted <- fitted(glsSt)
    ## putting groups back in original order, if present
    if (!is.null(grps)) {
        grps <- grps[revOrder]
        Fitted <- Fitted[revOrder]
        Resid <- y[revOrder] - Fitted
        attr(Resid, "std") <- glsFit$sigma/varWeights(glsSt)[revOrder]
    } else {
        Resid <- y - Fitted
        attr(Resid, "std") <- glsFit$sigma/varWeights(glsSt)
    names(Resid) <- names(Fitted) <- origOrder

    ## getting the approximate var-cov of the parameters
    apVar <-
        if (controlvals$apVar)
            glsApVar(glsSt, glsFit$sigma,
                     .relStep = controlvals[[".relStep"]],
                     minAbsPar = controlvals[["minAbsParApVar"]],
                     natural = controlvals[["natural"]])
            "Approximate variance-covariance matrix not available"
    ## getting rid of condensed linear model and fit
    dims <- attr(glsSt, "conLin")[["dims"]]
    dims[["p"]] <- p
    attr(glsSt, "conLin") <- NULL
    attr(glsSt, "glsFit") <- NULL
    attr(glsSt, "fixedSigma") <- fixedSigma ## 17-11-2015; Fixed sigma patch; ..
    grpDta <- inherits(data, "groupedData")
    ## creating the  gls object
    structure(class = "gls",
              list(modelStruct = glsSt,
                   dims = dims,
                   contrasts = contr,
                   coefficients = glsFit[["beta"]],
                   varBeta = varBeta,
	## 17-11-2015; Fixed sigma patch; SH Heisterkamp; Quantitative Solutions
                   sigma = if(fixedSigma) controlvals$sigma else glsFit$sigma,
                   apVar = apVar,
                   logLik = glsFit$logLik,
                   numIter = if (needUpdate(glsSt)) numIter else numIter0,
                   groups = grps,
                   call = Call,
                   terms = Terms,
                   method = method,
                   fitted = Fitted,
                   residuals = Resid,
                   parAssign = parAssign,
		   na.action = attr(dataMod, "na.action")),
	      namBetaFull = colnames(X),
	      ## saving labels and units for plots
	      units = if(grpDta) attr(data, "units"),
	      labels= if(grpDta) attr(data, "labels"))

### Auxiliary functions used internally in gls and its methods

glsApVar.fullGlsLogLik <- function(Pars, object, conLin, dims, N)
    fixedSigma <- attr(object, "fixedSigma")
    ## logLik as a function of sigma and coef(glsSt)
    npar <- length(Pars)
    if (!fixedSigma) {
        lsigma <- Pars[npar]              # within-group std. dev.
        Pars <- Pars[-npar]
        sigma <- 0
    } else {
        sigma <- conLin$sigma
    coef(object) <- Pars
    conLin <- recalc(object, conLin)
    val <- .C(gls_loglik,
              logLik = double(1L),
              lRSS = double(1L), sigma = as.double(sigma), NAOK = TRUE)[c("logLik", "lRSS")]
    if (!fixedSigma) {
        aux <- 2 * (val[["lRSS"]] - lsigma)
        conLin[["logLik"]] + val[["logLik"]] + (N * aux - exp(aux))/2
    } else {

glsApVar <-
    function(glsSt, sigma, conLin = attr(glsSt, "conLin"),
             .relStep = .Machine$double.eps^(1/3), minAbsPar = 0,
             natural = TRUE)
    fixedSigma <- attr(glsSt, "fixedSigma")
    ## calculate approximate variance-covariance matrix of all parameters
    ## except the coefficients
    if (length(glsCoef <- coef(glsSt)) > 0L) {
        cSt <- glsSt[["corStruct"]]
        if (natural && !is.null(cSt) && inherits(cSt, "corSymm")) {
            cStNatPar <- coef(cSt, unconstrained = FALSE)
            class(cSt) <- c("corNatural", "corStruct")
            coef(cSt) <- log((1 + cStNatPar)/(1 - cStNatPar))
            glsSt[["corStruct"]] <- cSt
            glsCoef <- coef(glsSt)
        dims <- conLin$dims
        N <- dims$N - dims$REML * dims$p
        conLin[["logLik"]] <- 0               # making sure
        Pars <- if(fixedSigma) glsCoef else c(glsCoef, lSigma = log(sigma))
        val <- fdHess(Pars, glsApVar.fullGlsLogLik, glsSt, conLin, dims, N,
                      .relStep = .relStep, minAbsPar = minAbsPar)[["Hessian"]]
        if (all(eigen(val, only.values=TRUE)$values < 0)) {
            ## negative definite - OK
            val <- solve(-val)
            nP <- names(Pars)
            dimnames(val) <- list(nP, nP)
            attr(val, "Pars") <- Pars
            attr(val, "natural") <- natural
        } else {
            ## problem - solution is not a maximum
            "Non-positive definite approximate variance-covariance"
    } # else NULL

glsEstimate <-
    function(object, conLin = attr(object, "conLin"),
             control = list(singular.ok = FALSE))
    dd <- conLin$dims
    p <- dd$p
    oXy <- conLin$Xy
    fixSig <- conLin$fixedSigma ## 17-11-2015; Fixed sigma patch; ..
    sigma <- conLin$sigma
    conLin <- recalc(object, conLin)	# updating for corStruct and varFunc
    val <- .C(gls_estimate,
              beta = double(p),
              sigma = as.double(sigma), ## 17-11-2015; Fixed sigma patch; ..
              logLik = double(1L),
              varBeta = double(p * p),
              rank = integer(1),
              pivot = as.integer(1:(p + 1L)),
              NAOK = TRUE)[c("beta","sigma","logLik","varBeta", "rank", "pivot")]
    rnk <- val[["rank"]]
    rnkm1 <- rnk - 1
    if (!control$singular.ok && rnkm1 < p) {
        stop(gettextf("computed \"gls\" fit is singular, rank %s", rnk),
             domain = NA)
    N <- dd$N - dd$REML * p
    namCoef <- colnames(oXy)[val[["pivot"]][1:rnkm1] + 1L]	# coef names
    varBeta <- t(array(val[["varBeta"]], c(rnkm1, rnkm1),
                       list(namCoef, namCoef)))
    beta <- val[["beta"]][1:rnkm1]
    names(beta) <- namCoef
    fitted <- c(oXy[, namCoef, drop = FALSE] %*% beta)
    resid <- oXy[, p + 1] - fitted
    ll <- conLin$logLik + val[["logLik"]]
    logLik <-
        if (!fixSig) {
            (N * (logb(N) - (1 + logb(2 * pi))))/2 + ll
            ## formula 2.21 on page 70  if sigma is estimated ML formula or 2.23 page 76 with REML
        } else {
            (-N/2) * logb(2*pi)  + ll
    list(logLik = logLik, beta = beta,
         sigma = val[["sigma"]], varBeta = varBeta, fitted = fitted,
         resid = resid, auxSigma = sqrt(sum((resid)^2))/sqrt(N))

### Methods for standard generics

ACF.gls <-
    function(object, maxLag, resType = c("pearson", "response", "normalized"),
             form = ~1, na.action = na.fail, ...)
    resType <- match.arg(resType)
    res <- resid(object, type = resType)
    wchRows <- NULL
    if (is.null(grps <- getGroups(object))) {
        ## check if formula defines groups
        if (!is.null(grpsF <- getGroupsFormula(form))) {
            if (is.null(data <- getData(object))) {
                ## will try to construct
                allV <- all.vars(grpsF)
                if (length(allV) > 0L) {
                    alist <- lapply(as.list(allV), as.name)
                    names(alist) <- allV
                    alist <- c(as.list(quote(data.frame)), alist)
                    mode(alist) <- "call"
                    data <- eval(alist, sys.parent(1))
            grps <- model.frame(grpsF, data, na.action = na.action)
            wchRows <- !is.na(match(row.names(data), row.names(grps)))
            grps <- getGroups(grps, grpsF)
    if (!is.null(grps)) {
        if (!is.null(wchRows)) {
            res <- res[wchRows]
        res <- split(res, grps)
    } else {
        res <- list(res)
    if(missing(maxLag)) {
        maxLag <- min(c(maxL <- max(lengths(res)) - 1L,
                        as.integer(10 * log10(maxL + 1))))
    val <- lapply(res,
                  function(el, maxLag) {
                      N <- maxLag + 1L
                      tt <- double(N)
                      nn <- integer(N)
                      N <- min(c(N, n <- length(el)))
                      nn[1:N] <- n + 1L - 1:N
                      ## el <- el - mean(el)
                      for(i in 1:N) {
                          el1 <- el[1:(n-i+1L)]
                          el2 <- el[i:n]
                          tt[i] <- sum(el1 * el2)
                      array(c(tt,nn), c(length(tt), 2L))
                  }, maxLag = maxLag)
    val0 <- apply(sapply(val, function(x) x[,2L]), 1, sum)
    val1 <- apply(sapply(val, function(x) x[,1L]), 1, sum)/val0
    val2 <- val1/val1[1L]
    structure(data.frame(lag = 0:maxLag, ACF = val2),
	      n.used = val0,
	      class = c("ACF", "data.frame"))

anova.gls <-
    function(object, ..., test = TRUE, type = c("sequential", "marginal"),
             adjustSigma = NA, Terms, L, verbose = FALSE)
    fixSig <- attr(object$modelStruct, "fixedSigma")
    fixSig <- !is.null(fixSig) && fixSig
    Lmiss <- missing(L)
    ## returns the likelihood ratio statistics, the AIC, and the BIC
    dots <- list(...)
    if ((rt <- length(dots) + 1L) == 1L) {    ## just one object
        if (!inherits(object,"gls"))
            stop("object must inherit from class \"gls\"")
	    ## REML correction already applied to gnls objects
	    adjustSigma <- inherits(object, "gnls")
        dims <- object$dims
        N <- dims$N
        p <- dims$p
        REML <- dims$REML
        assign <- object$parAssign
        vBeta <- attr(assign, "varBetaFact")
	if (!REML && adjustSigma)
	    ## using REML-like estimate of sigma under ML
	    vBeta <- sqrt((N - p)/N) * vBeta
        c0 <- solve(t(vBeta), coef(object))
        nTerms <- length(assign)
        dDF <- N - p
        lab <- paste("Denom. DF:", dDF,"\n")
        if (missing(Terms) && Lmiss) {
            ## returns the F.table (Wald) for the fixed effects
            type <- match.arg(type)
            Fval <- Pval <- double(nTerms)
            nDF <- integer(nTerms)
            for(i in 1:nTerms) {
                nDF[i] <- length(assign[[i]])
		c0i <-
		    if (type == "sequential") # type I SS
		    else ## "marginal"
			qr.qty(qr(vBeta[, assign[[i]], drop = FALSE]), c0)[1:nDF[i]]
                Fval[i] <- sum(c0i^2)/nDF[i]
                Pval[i] <- pf(Fval[i], nDF[i], dDF, lower.tail=FALSE)
            ## fixed effects F-values, df, and p-values
	    aod <- data.frame(numDF = nDF, "F-value" = Fval, "p-value" = Pval,
            rownames(aod) <- names(assign)
        } else {
            if (Lmiss) {                 # terms is given
                if (is.numeric(Terms) && all(Terms == as.integer(Terms))) {
                    if (min(Terms) < 1 || max(Terms) > nTerms) {
                        stop(gettextf("'Terms' must be between 1 and %d",
                                      nTerms), domain = NA)
                } else {
                    if (is.character(Terms)) {
                        if (any(noMatch <- is.na(match(Terms, names(assign))))) {
                                                  "term %s not matched",
                                                  "terms %s not matched"),
                                         paste(Terms[noMatch], collapse = ", ")),
                                 domain = NA)
                    } else {
                        stop("terms can only be integers or characters")
                lab <-
                    paste(lab, "F-test for:",
                          paste(names(assign[Terms]),collapse=", "),"\n")
                L <- diag(p)[unlist(assign[Terms]),,drop=FALSE]
            } else {
                L <- as.matrix(L)
                if (ncol(L) == 1L) L <- t(L)     # single linear combination
                nrowL <- nrow(L)
                ncolL <- ncol(L)
                if (ncol(L) > p) {
                                          "'L' must have at most %d column",
                                          "'L' must have at most %d columns"),
                                 ncol(L)), domain = NA)
                dmsL1 <- rownames(L)
                L0 <- array(0, c(nrowL, p), list(NULL, names(coef(object))))
                if (is.null(dmsL2 <- colnames(L))) {
                    ## assume same order as effects
                    L0[, 1:ncolL] <- L
                } else {
                    if (any(noMatch <- is.na(match(dmsL2, colnames(L0))))) {
                                              "effect %s not matched",
                                              "effects %s not matched"),
                                     paste(dmsL2[noMatch],collapse=", ")),
                             domain = NA)
                    L0[, dmsL2] <- L
                L <- L0[noZeroRowL <- as.logical((L0 != 0) %*% rep(1, p)), , drop = FALSE]
                nrowL <- nrow(L)
                noZeroColL <- as.logical(c(rep(1,nrowL) %*% (L != 0)))
                rownames(L) <- if(is.null(dmsL1)) 1:nrowL else dmsL1[noZeroRowL]
                lab <- paste(lab, "F-test for linear combination(s)\n")
            nDF <- sum(svd.d(L) > 0)
            c0 <- c(qr.qty(qr(vBeta %*% t(L)), c0))[1:nDF]
            Fval <- sum(c0^2)/nDF
            Pval <- pf(Fval, nDF, dDF, lower.tail=FALSE)
            aod <- data.frame(numDF = nDF, "F-value" = Fval, "p-value" = Pval,
            if (!Lmiss) {
                attr(aod, "L") <-
                    if(nrow(L) > 1) L[, noZeroColL, drop = FALSE] else L[, noZeroColL]
        attr(aod, "label") <- lab
        attr(aod,"rt") <- rt
        class(aod) <- c("anova.lme", "data.frame")
    ## Otherwise construct the likelihood ratio and information table
    ## objects in ... may inherit from gls, lm, lmList, and lme (for now)
    else {
        Call <- match.call()
        Call[[1]] <- quote(nlme::anova.lme)

## (This is "cut'n'paste" similar to augPred.lme() in ./lme.R -- keep in sync!)
augPred.gls <-
    function(object, primary = NULL, minimum = min(primary),
             maximum = max(primary), length.out = 51L, ...)
    data <- eval.parent(object$call$data)
    if (!inherits(data, "data.frame")) {
        stop(gettextf("data in %s call must evaluate to a data frame",
                      sQuote(substitute(object))), domain = NA)
    if(is.null(primary)) {
        if (!inherits(data, "groupedData")) {
            stop(gettextf("%s without \"primary\" can only be used with fits of \"groupedData\" objects",
                          sys.call()[[1L]]), domain = NA)
        primary <- getCovariate(data)
        pr.var <- getCovariateFormula(data)[[2L]]
    } else {
        pr.var <- asOneSidedFormula(primary)[[2L]]
        primary <- eval(pr.var, data)
    prName <- c_deparse(pr.var)
    newprimary <- seq(from = minimum, to = maximum, length.out = length.out)
    groups <- getGroups(object) # much simpler here than in augPred.lme
    grName <- ".groups"
    value <- if (noGrp <- is.null(groups)) {		# no groups used
		 groups <- rep("1", length(primary))
		 data.frame(newprimary, rep("1", length(newprimary)))
	     } else {
		 ugroups <- unique(groups)
		 data.frame(rep(newprimary, length(ugroups)),
			    rep(ugroups, rep(length(newprimary), length(ugroups))))
    names(value) <- c(prName, grName)
    ## recovering other variables in data that may be needed for predictions
    ## varying variables will be replaced by their means
    summData <- gsummary(data, groups = groups)
    if (any(toAdd <- is.na(match(names(summData), names(value))))) {
        summData <- summData[, toAdd, drop = FALSE]
    value[, names(summData)] <- summData[value[, 2L], ]
    pred <- predict(object, value)
    newvals <- cbind(value[, 1:2], pred)
    names(newvals)[3] <- respName <-
        deparse(resp.var <- getResponseFormula(object)[[2L]])
    orig <- data.frame(primary, groups, getResponse(object))
    names(orig) <- names(newvals)
    value <- rbind(orig, newvals)
    attributes(value[, 2]) <- attributes(groups)
    value[, ".type"] <- ordered(c(rep("original", nrow(data)),
                                  rep("predicted", nrow(newvals))),
                                levels = c("predicted", "original"))
    labs <- list(x = prName, y = respName)
    unts <- list(x = "", y = "")
    if(inherits(data, "groupedData")) {
	labs[names(attr(data, "labels"))] <- attr(data, "labels")
	unts[names(attr(data, "units"))] <- attr(data, "units")
    subL <- list(Y = resp.var, X = pr.var, G = as.name(grName))
    structure(value, class = c("augPred", class(value)),
	      labels = labs,
	      units  = unts,
	      formula= if(noGrp)
			   eval (substitute(Y ~ X,     subL))
		       else eval(substitute(Y ~ X | G, subL)))

coef.gls <-
    function(object, allCoef = FALSE, ...)
    val <- object$coefficients
    if (allCoef) {
        namFull <- attr(object, "namBetaFull")
        if (length(val) != (lF <- length(namFull))) {
            aux <- rep(NA, lF)
            names(aux) <- namFull
            aux[names(val)] <- val
            val <- aux

comparePred.gls <-
    function(object1, object2, primary = NULL,
             minimum = min(primary), maximum = max(primary),
             length.out = 51L, level = NULL, ...)
    if (length(level) > 1L) {
        stop("only one level allowed for predictions")
    args <- list(object = object1,
                 primary = primary,
                 level = level,
                 length.out = length.out)
    if (!is.null(primary)) {
	  ## need to do this before forcing the evaluations
	  primary <- eval(asOneSidedFormula(primary)[[2]],
        args[["minimum"]] <- minimum
        args[["maximum"]] <- maximum
    val1 <- do.call(augPred, args)
    dm1 <- dim(val1)
    c1 <- deparse(substitute(object1))
    levels(val1[,4])[1] <- c1
    args[["object"]] <- object2
    val2 <- do.call(augPred, args)
    dm2 <- dim(val2)
    c2 <- deparse(substitute(object2))
    levels(val2[, 4L])[1] <- c2
    val2 <- val2[val2[, 4L] != "original", , drop = FALSE]
    names(val2) <- names(val1)

    if (dm1[1L] == dm2[1L]) {
        lv1 <- sort(levels(val1[, 2L]))
        lv2 <- sort(levels(val2[, 2L]))
        if ((length(lv1) != length(lv2)) || any(lv1 != lv2)) {
            stop(gettextf("%s and %s must have the same group levels", c1, c2),
                 domain = NA)
        val <- rbind(val1[, -4L], val2[, -4L])
        val[, ".type"] <-
            ordered(c(as.character(val1[,4L]), as.character(val2[,4L])),
                    levels = c(c1, c2, "original"))
        attr(val, "formula") <- attr(val1, "formula")
    } else {				# one may have just "fixed"
        if (dm1[1L] > dm2[1L]) {
            mult <- dm1[1L] %/% dm2[1L]
            if ((length(levels(val2[, 2])) != 1L) ||
                (length(levels(val1[, 2])) != mult))
                stop("wrong group levels")
            val <-
                data.frame(c(val1[,1L], rep(val2[,1L], mult)), rep(val1[,1L], 2L),
                           c(val1[,3L], rep(val2[,3L], mult)),
                                     rep(as.character(val2[,4L]), mult)),
                                   levels = c(c1, c2, "original")))
            attr(val, "formula") <- attr(val1, "formula")
        } else {
            mult <- dm2[1L] %/% dm1[1L]
            if ((length(levels(val1[, 2])) != 1L) ||
                (length(levels(val2[, 2])) != mult))
                stop("wrong group levels")
            val <-
                data.frame(c(rep(val1[,1L], mult), val2[,1L]), rep(val2[,1L], 2L),
                           c(rep(val1[,3L], mult), val2[,3L]),
                           ordered(c(rep(as.character(val1[,4L]), mult),
                                   levels = c(c1, c2, "original")))
            attr(val, "formula") <- attr(val2, "formula")
    class(val) <- c("comparePred", "augPred", class(val))
    attr(val, "labels") <- attr(val1, "labels")
    attr(val, "units") <- attr(val1, "units")

fitted.gls <-
    function(object, ...)
    val <- napredict(object$na.action, object$fitted)
    lab <- "Fitted values"
    if (!is.null(aux <- attr(object, "units")$y)) {
        lab <- paste(lab, aux)
    attr(val, "label") <- lab

formula.gls <- function(x, ...)
    if (is.null(x$terms)) { # gls objects from nlme <= 3.1-155
    } else formula(x$terms)

getGroups.gls <- function(object, form, level, data, sep) object$groups

getGroupsFormula.gls <- function(object, asList = FALSE, sep)
    if (!is.null(cSt <- object$modelStruct$corStruct))
        getGroupsFormula(cSt, asList)
    ## else NULL

getResponse.gls <-
    function(object, form)
    val <- resid(object) + fitted(object)
    if (is.null(lab <- attr(object, "labels")$y)) {
        lab <- deparse(getResponseFormula(object)[[2]])
    if (!is.null(aux <- attr(object, "units")$y)) {
        lab <- paste(lab, aux)
    attr(val, "label") <- lab

intervals.gls <-
    function(object, level = 0.95, which = c("all", "var-cov", "coef"), ...)
    which <- match.arg(which)
    val <- list()
    dims <- object$dims
    ## 17-11-2015; Fixed sigma patch; SH Heisterkamp; Quantitative Solutions
    fixSig <- attr(object$modelStruct, "fixedSigma")
    fixSig <- !is.null(fixSig) && fixSig

    if (which != "var-cov") {		# coefficients included
        len <- -qt((1-level)/2, dims$N - dims$p) * sqrt(diag(object$varBeta))
        est <- coef(object)
        val[["coef"]] <-
            array(c(est - len, est, est + len), c(length(est), 3L),
                  list(names(est), c("lower", "est.", "upper")))
        attr(val[["coef"]], "label") <- "Coefficients:"

    if (which != "coef") {		# variance-covariance included
        if (is.null(aV <- object$apVar)) {	# only sigma
            Nr <- if (inherits(object, "gnls")) {   #always REML-like sigma
                      dims$N - dims$p
                  } else {
                      dims$N - dims$REML * dims$p
            ## 17-11-2015; Fixed sigma patch; SH Heisterkamp; Quantitative Solutions
            if(!fixSig) {
                est <- object$sigma * sqrt(Nr)
                val[["sigma"]] <-
                    structure(c(lower = est/sqrt(qchisq((1+level)/2, Nr)),
                                "est."= object$sigma,
                                upper = est/sqrt(qchisq((1-level)/2, Nr))),
                              label = "Residual standard error:")
            } else {
                est <- 1
		val[["sigma"]] <- structure(setNames(rep(object$sigma, 3),
                                                     c("lower", "est.", "upper")),
                                            label = "Fixed Residual standard error:")
        } else {
            if (is.character(aV)) {
                stop(gettextf("cannot get confidence intervals on var-cov components: %s",
                              aV), domain = NA)
            len <- -qnorm((1-level)/2) * sqrt(diag(aV))
            est <- attr(aV, "Pars")
            nP <- length(est)
            glsSt <- object[["modelStruct"]]
            pmap <- attr(glsSt, "pmap")
            if (!all(whichKeep <- apply(pmap, 2, any))) {
                ## need to deleted components with fixed coefficients
                aux <- glsSt[whichKeep]
                class(aux) <- class(glsSt)
                attr(aux, "settings") <- attr(glsSt, "settings")
                attr(aux, "pmap") <- pmap[, whichKeep, drop = FALSE]
                glsSt <- aux
            cSt <- glsSt[["corStruct"]]
            if (!is.null(cSt) && inherits(cSt, "corSymm") && attr(aV, "natural")) {
                ## converting to corNatural
                class(cSt) <- c("corNatural", "corStruct")
                glsSt[["corStruct"]] <- cSt
            namG <- names(glsSt)
            auxVal <- vector("list", length(namG) + 1L)
            names(auxVal) <- c(namG, "sigma")
            aux <-
                array(c(est - len, est, est + len),
                      c(nP, 3), list(NULL, c("lower", "est.", "upper")))
	    auxVal[["sigma"]] <-
		structure(if(!fixSig) { # last param. = log(sigma)
			      s <- exp(aux[nP, ])
			      aux <- aux[-nP,, drop = FALSE]
			  } else
			      c(object$sigma, object$sigma, object$sigma),
			  label = "Residual standard error:")
            rownames(aux) <- names(coef(glsSt, FALSE))
            for(i in 1:3) {
                coef(glsSt) <- aux[,i]
                aux[,i] <- coef(glsSt, unconstrained = FALSE)
            for(i in namG) {
                au.i <- aux[pmap[,i], , drop = FALSE]
                dimnames(au.i)[[1]] <- substring(dimnames(au.i)[[1]], nchar(i, "c") + 2L)
                attr(au.i, "label") <-
                           corStruct = "Correlation structure:",
                           varStruct = "Variance function:",
                           paste0(i, ":"))
                auxVal[[i]] <- au.i
            val <- c(val, auxVal)
    structure(val, level = level, class = "intervals.gls")

logLik.gls <-
    function(object, REML, ...)
    ## 17-11-2015; Fixed sigma patch; SH Heisterkamp; Quantitative Solutions
    fixSig <- attr(object[["modelStruct"]], "fixedSigma")
    fixSig <- !is.null(fixSig) && fixSig
    p <- object$dims$p
    N <- object$dims$N
    Np <- N - p
    estM <- object$method
    if (missing(REML)) REML <- estM == "REML"
    val <- object[["logLik"]]
    if (REML && estM == "ML") { # have to correct logLik
        val <- val + (p * (log(2 * pi) + 1) + Np * log(1 - p/N) +
                      sum(log(abs(svd.d(object$varBeta))))) / 2
    else if (!REML && (estM == "REML")) { # have to correct logLik
        val <- val - (p * (log(2*pi) + 1) + N * log(1 - p/N) +
                      sum(log(abs(svd.d(object$varBeta))))) / 2
              nall = N,
              nobs = N - REML * p,
              ## 17-11-2015; Fixed sigma patch; SH Heisterkamp; Quantitative Solutions
              df = p + length(coef(object[["modelStruct"]])) + as.integer(!fixSig),
              class = "logLik")

nobs.gls <- function(object, ...) object$dims$N

plot.gls <-
    function(x, form = resid(., type = "pearson") ~ fitted(.), abline,
             id = NULL, idLabels = NULL, idResType = c("pearson", "normalized"),
             grid, ...)
    ## Diagnostic plots based on residuals and/or fitted values
    plot.lme(x, form=form, abline=abline, id=id, idLabels=idLabels, idResType=idResType, grid=grid, ...)

predict.gls <-
    function(object, newdata, na.action = na.fail, ...)
    ## method for predict() designed for objects inheriting from class gls
    if (missing(newdata)) {		# will return fitted values
    form <- delete.response(object[["terms"]])
    ## making sure factor levels are the same as in contrasts
    ## and supporting character-type 'newdata' for factors (all via xlev)
    contr <- object$contrasts           # these are in matrix form
    dataMod <- model.frame(formula = form, data = newdata,
                           na.action = na.action, drop.unused.levels = TRUE,
                           xlev = lapply(contr, rownames))
    N <- nrow(dataMod)
    if (length(all.vars(form)) > 0) {
        X <- model.matrix(form, dataMod, contr)
    } else {
        X <- array(1, c(N, 1), list(row.names(dataMod), "(Intercept)"))
    cf <- coef(object)
    val <- c(X[, names(cf), drop = FALSE] %*% cf)
    lab <- "Predicted values"
    if (!is.null(aux <- attr(object, "units")$y)) {
        lab <- paste(lab, aux)
    structure(val, label = lab)

print.intervals.gls <-
    function(x, ...)
    cat(paste0("Approximate ", attr(x, "level") * 100,
               "% confidence intervals\n"))
    for(i in names(x)) {
        aux <- x[[i]]
        cat("\n ",attr(aux, "label"), "\n", sep = "")
        attr(aux, "label") <- NULL
        print(if(i == "sigma") c(aux) else as.matrix(aux), ...)

print.gls <-
    ## method for print() used for gls objects
    function(x, ...)
    ## 17-11-2015; Fixed sigma patch; SH Heisterkamp; Quantitative Solutions
    fixSig <- attr(x[["modelStruct"]], "fixedSigma")
    fixSig <- !is.null(fixSig) && fixSig
    dd <- x$dims
    mCall <- x$call
    if (inherits(x, "gnls")) {
        cat("Generalized nonlinear least squares fit\n")
    } else {
        cat("Generalized least squares fit by ")
        cat(if(x$method == "REML") "REML\n" else "maximum likelihood\n")
    cat("  Model:", deparse(mCall$model), "\n")
    cat("  Data:", deparse( mCall$data ), "\n")
    if (!is.null(mCall$subset)) {
        cat("  Subset:", deparse(asOneSidedFormula(mCall$subset)[[2]]),"\n")
    if (inherits(x, "gnls")) {
        cat("  Log-likelihood: ", format(x$logLik), "\n", sep = "")
    } else {
        cat("  Log-", if(x$method == "REML") "restricted-" else "",
            "likelihood: ", format(x$logLik), "\n", sep = "")
    print(coef(x), ...)
    if (length(x$modelStruct) > 0L) {
        print(summary(x$modelStruct), ...)
    cat("Degrees of freedom:", dd[["N"]],"total;",dd[["N"]] - dd[["p"]],
    cat("Residual standard error:", format(x$sigma),"\n")

print.summary.gls <-
    function(x, verbose = FALSE, digits = .Options$digits, ...)
    dd <- x$dims
    fixSig <- attr(x[["modelStruct"]], "fixedSigma")
    fixSig <- !is.null(fixSig) && fixSig
    verbose <- verbose || attr(x, "verbose")
    mCall <- x$call
    if (inherits(x, "gnls")) {
        cat("Generalized nonlinear least squares fit\n")
    } else {
        cat("Generalized least squares fit by ")
        cat(if(x$method == "REML") "REML\n" else "maximum likelihood\n")
    cat("  Model:", deparse(mCall$model), "\n")
    cat("  Data:", deparse( mCall$data ), "\n")
    if (!is.null(mCall$subset)) {
        cat("  Subset:", deparse(asOneSidedFormula(mCall$subset)[[2]]),"\n")
    print(data.frame(AIC=x$AIC, BIC=x$BIC, logLik=as.vector(x$logLik),
		     row.names = " "),
    if (verbose) { cat("Convergence at iteration:",x$numIter,"\n") }
    if (length(x$modelStruct)) {
        print(summary(x$modelStruct), ...)
    xtTab <- as.data.frame(x$tTable)
    wchPval <- match("p-value", names(xtTab))
    for(i in names(xtTab)[-wchPval]) {
        xtTab[, i] <- format(zapsmall(xtTab[, i]))
    xtTab[,wchPval] <- format(round(xtTab[,wchPval], 4L))
    if (any(wchLv <- (as.double(levels(xtTab[, wchPval])) == 0))) {
        levels(xtTab[, wchPval])[wchLv] <- "<.0001"
    row.names(xtTab) <- dimnames(x$tTable)[[1]]
    print(xtTab, ...)
    if (nrow(x$tTable) > 1L) {
        corr <- x$corBeta
        class(corr) <- "correlation"
        print(corr, title = "\n Correlation:", ...)
    cat("\nStandardized residuals:\n")
    print(x$residuals, ...)
    cat("Residual standard error:", format(x$sigma),"\n")
    cat("Degrees of freedom:", dd[["N"]],"total;", dd[["N"]] - dd[["p"]],

residuals.gls <-
    function(object, type = c("response", "pearson", "normalized"), ...)
    type <- match.arg(type)
    val <- object$residuals
    if (type != "response") {
        val <- val/attr(val, "std")
        lab <- "Standardized residuals"
        if (type == "normalized") {
            if (!is.null(cSt <- object$modelStruct$corStruct)) {
                ## normalize according to inv-trans factor
                val <- recalc(cSt, list(Xy = as.matrix(val)))$Xy[, 1]
                lab <- "Normalized residuals"
    } else {
        lab <- "Residuals"
        if (!is.null(aux <- attr(object, "units")$y))
            lab <- paste(lab, aux)
    attr(val, "label") <- lab
    if (!is.null(object$na.action)) {
        res <- naresid(object$na.action, val)
        attr(res, "std") <- naresid(object$na.action, attr(val, "std"))
        attr(res, "label") <- attr(val, "label")
    } else val

summary.gls <- function(object, verbose = FALSE, ...) {
    ## 17-11-2015; Fixed sigma patch; SH Heisterkamp; Quantitative Solutions
    fixSig <- attr(object[["modelStruct"]], "fixedSigma")
    fixSig <- !is.null(fixSig) && fixSig
    ## generates an object used in the print.summary method for lme
    ##  variance-covariance estimates for coefficients
    stdBeta <- sqrt(diag(as.matrix(object$varBeta)))
    corBeta <- t(object$varBeta/stdBeta)/stdBeta
    ## coefficients, std. deviations and z-ratios
    beta <- coef(object)
    dims <- object$dims
    dimnames(corBeta) <- list(names(beta),names(beta))
    object$corBeta <- corBeta
    tTable <- data.frame(beta, stdBeta, beta/stdBeta, beta)
    tTable[, "p-value"] <- 2 * pt(-abs(tTable[,"t-value"]), dims$N - dims$p)
    object$tTable <- as.matrix(tTable)
    ## residuals
    resd <- resid(object, type = "pearson")
    if (length(resd) > 5) {
        resd <- quantile(resd, na.rm = TRUE)
        names(resd) <- c("Min","Q1","Med","Q3","Max")
    object$residuals <- resd
    ## generating the final object
    aux <- logLik(object)
    structure(c(object, list(BIC = BIC(aux), AIC = AIC(aux))),
	      verbose = verbose,
	      class = c("summary.gls", class(object)))

update.gls <-
    function (object, model., ..., evaluate = TRUE)
    call <- object$call
    if (is.null(call))
	stop("need an object with call component")
    extras <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)$...
    if (!missing(model.))
	call$model <- update.formula(formula(object), model.)
    if(length(extras) > 0L) {
        ## the next two lines allow partial matching of argument names
        ## in the update.  This is nonstandard but required for examples
        ## in chapter 5 of Pinheiro and Bates (2000).
        glsa <- names(as.list(args(gls)))
        names(extras) <- glsa[pmatch(names(extras), glsa[-length(glsa)])]
	existing <- !is.na(match(names(extras), names(call)))
	## do these individually to allow NULL to remove entries.
	for (a in names(extras)[existing]) call[[a]] <- extras[[a]]
	if(any(!existing)) {
	    call <- c(as.list(call), extras[!existing])
	    call <- as.call(call)
    if(evaluate) eval(call, parent.frame())
    else call

Variogram.gls <-
    function(object, distance, form = ~1,
             resType = c("pearson", "response", "normalized"),
             data, na.action = na.fail, maxDist, length.out = 50,
             collapse = c("quantiles", "fixed", "none"), nint = 20, breaks,
             robust = FALSE, metric = c("euclidean", "maximum", "manhattan"),
    resType <- match.arg(resType)
    ## checking if object has a corSpatial element
    csT <- object$modelStruct$corStruct
    wchRows <- NULL
    if (missing(distance)) {
        if (missing(form) && inherits(csT, "corSpatial")) {
            distance <- getCovariate(csT)
            grps <- getGroups(object)
        } else {
            metric <- match.arg(metric)
            if (missing(data)) {
                data <- getData(object)
            if (is.null(data)) {			# will try to construct
                allV <- all.vars(form)
                if (length(allV) > 0L) {
                    alist <- lapply(as.list(allV), as.name)
                    names(alist) <- allV
                    alist <- c(as.list(quote(data.frame)), alist)
                    mode(alist) <- "call"
                    data <- eval(alist, sys.parent(1))
            grpsF <- getGroupsFormula(form)
            grps <- NULL
            if (is.null(grpsF) || is.null(grps <- getGroups(data, grpsF))) {
                ## try to get from object
                grps <- getGroups(object)
            covForm <- getCovariateFormula(form)
            covar <-
                if (length(all.vars(covForm)) > 0L) {
                    if (attr(terms(covForm), "intercept") == 1L) {
                        covForm <- eval(substitute(~ CV - 1, list(CV = covForm[[2]])))
                    covar <- model.frame(covForm, data, na.action = na.action)
                    ## making sure grps is consistent
                    wchRows <- !is.na(match(row.names(data), row.names(covar)))
                    if (!is.null(grps)) {
                        grps <- grps[wchRows, drop = TRUE]
                    as.data.frame(unclass(model.matrix(covForm, covar)))
                } else if (is.null(grps))
                    data.frame(dist = unlist(tapply(rep(1, nrow(data)), grps, cumsum)))

            distance <-
                if (is.null(grps))
                    dist(as.matrix(covar), method = metric)
                else {
                    covar <- split(covar, grps)
                    ## getting rid of 1-observation groups
                    covar <- covar[sapply(covar, function(el) nrow(as.matrix(el))) > 1]
                           function(el, metric) dist(as.matrix(el), method=metric),
                           metric = metric)
    res <- resid(object, type = resType)
    if (!is.null(wchRows)) {
        res <- res[wchRows]
    if (is.null(grps)) {
        val <- Variogram(res, distance)
    } else {
        res <- split(res, grps)
        res <- res[lengths(res) > 1L] # no 1-observation groups
        levGrps <- levels(grps)
        val <- structure(vector("list", length(levGrps)), names = levGrps)
        for(i in levGrps) {
            val[[i]] <- Variogram(res[[i]], distance[[i]])
        val <- do.call(rbind, val)
    if (!missing(maxDist)) {
        val <- val[val$dist <= maxDist, ]
    collapse <- match.arg(collapse)
    if (collapse != "none") {             # will collapse values
        dst <- val$dist
        udist <- sort(unique(dst))
        ludist <- length(udist)
        if (!missing(breaks)) {
            if (min(breaks) > udist[1L]) {
                breaks <- c(udist[1L], breaks)
            if (max(breaks) < udist[2L]) {
                breaks <- c(breaks, udist[2L])
            if (!missing(nint) && nint != (length(breaks) - 1L)) {
                stop("'nint' is not consistent with 'breaks'")
            nint <- length(breaks) - 1L
        if (nint < ludist) {
            if (missing(breaks)) {
                if (collapse == "quantiles") {    # break into equal groups
                    breaks <- unique(quantile(dst, seq(0, 1, 1/nint)))
                } else {                          # fixed length intervals
                    breaks <- seq(udist[1L], udist[length(udist)], length = nint + 1)
            cutDist <- cut(dst, breaks)
        } else {
            cutDist <- dst
        val <- lapply(split(val, cutDist),
                      function(el, robust) {
                          nh <- nrow(el)
                          vrg <- el$variog
                          if (robust) {
                              vrg <- ((mean(vrg^0.25))^4)/(0.457+0.494/nh)
                          } else {
                              vrg <- mean(vrg)
                          dst <- median(el$dist)
                          data.frame(variog = vrg, dist = dst)
                      }, robust = robust)
        val <- do.call(rbind, as.list(val))
        val$n.pairs <- unclass(table(na.omit(cutDist)))
    row.names(val) <- 1:nrow(val)
    if (inherits(csT, "corSpatial") && resType != "normalized") {
        ## will keep model variogram
        sig2 <- if (resType == "pearson") 1 else object$sigma^2
        attr(val, "modelVariog") <-
            Variogram(csT, sig2 = sig2, length.out = length.out)
    structure(val, collapse = collapse != "none",
	      class = c("Variogram", "data.frame"))

###*### glsStruct - a model structure for gls fits

glsStruct <-
    ## constructor for glsStruct objects
    function(corStruct = NULL, varStruct = NULL)
    val <- list(corStruct = corStruct, varStruct = varStruct)
    val <- val[!vapply(val, is.null, NA)] # removing NULL components
    class(val) <- c("glsStruct", "modelStruct")

##*## glsStruct methods for standard generics

fitted.glsStruct <-
    function(object, glsFit = attr(object, "glsFit"), ...)

Initialize.glsStruct <-
    function(object, data, control = list(singular.ok = FALSE), ...)
    if (length(object)) {
        object[] <- lapply(object, Initialize, data)
        theta <- lapply(object, coef)
        len <- lengths(theta)
        num <- seq_along(len)
        pmap <-
            if (sum(len) > 0)
                outer(rep(num, len), num, "==")
                array(FALSE, c(1, length(len)))
        dimnames(pmap) <- list(NULL, names(object))
        attr(object, "pmap") <- pmap
        attr(object, "glsFit") <-
            glsEstimate(object, control = control)
        if (needUpdate(object)) {
            object <- update(object, data)

logLik.glsStruct <-
    function(object, Pars, conLin = attr(object, "conLin"), ...)
    coef(object) <- Pars			# updating parameter values
    conLin <- recalc(object, conLin)	# updating conLin
    val <- .C(gls_loglik,
              logLik = as.double(conLin[["logLik"]]),
              ## 17-11-2015; Fixed sigma patch; SH Heisterkamp; Quantitative Solutions
              double(1L), as.double(conLin$sigma), NAOK = TRUE)

residuals.glsStruct <-
    function(object, glsFit = attr(object, "glsFit"), ...)

varWeights.glsStruct <-
    if (is.null(object$varStruct)) rep(1, attr(object, "conLin")$dims$N)
    else varWeights(object$varStruct)

## Auxiliary control functions

glsControl <-
    ## Control parameters for gls
    function(maxIter = 50L, msMaxIter = 200L, tolerance = 1e-6, msTol = 1e-7,
             msVerbose = FALSE, singular.ok = FALSE,
             returnObject = FALSE,
             apVar = TRUE, .relStep = .Machine$double.eps^(1/3),
	     opt = c("nlminb", "optim"),  optimMethod = "BFGS",
             minAbsParApVar = 0.05, natural = TRUE, sigma = NULL)
    ## 17-11-2015; Fixed sigma patch; SH Heisterkamp; Quantitative Solutions
	sigma <- 0
    else {
	if(!is.finite(sigma) || length(sigma) != 1 || sigma < 0)
	    stop("Within-group std. dev. must be a positive numeric value")
	## if(missing(apVar)) apVar <- FALSE # not yet implemented
    list(maxIter = maxIter, msMaxIter = msMaxIter, tolerance = tolerance,
         msTol = msTol, msVerbose = msVerbose,
         singular.ok = singular.ok,
         returnObject = returnObject, apVar = apVar,
         minAbsParApVar = minAbsParApVar, .relStep = .relStep,
         opt = match.arg(opt),
	 optimMethod = optimMethod, natural = natural, sigma = sigma)

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nlme documentation built on Nov. 27, 2023, 5:09 p.m.