
Defines functions read.adp.sontek.serial sontek.time read.adp.sontek

Documented in read.adp.sontek read.adp.sontek.serial

# vim: tw=80 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab:

#' Read an adp File in Sontek Format
#' Read a Sontek acoustic-Doppler profiler file (see reference 1).
#' @param despike if `TRUE`, [despike()] will be used to clean
#' anomalous spikes in heading, etc.
#' @param type A character string indicating the type of instrument.
#' @template adpTemplate
#' @template encodingIgnoredTemplate
#' @references
#' 1. Information about Sontek profilers is available at https://www.sontek.com.
#' @template adReadingMethodTemplate
#' @author Dan Kelley and Clark Richards
#' @family things related to adp data
#' @family functions that read adp data
read.adp.sontek <- function(
    file, from = 1, to, by = 1, tz = getOption("oceTz"),
    longitude = NA, latitude = NA, type = c("adp", "pcadp"), encoding = NA,
    monitor = FALSE, despike = FALSE, processingLog,
    debug = getOption("oceDebug"), ...) {
    if (missing(file)) {
        stop("must supply 'file'")
    if (is.character(file)) {
        if (!file.exists(file)) {
            stop("cannot find file \"", file, "\"")
        if (0L == file.info(file)$size) {
            stop("empty file \"", file, "\"")
    if (!interactive()) {
        monitor <- FALSE
    missing.to <- missing(to)
    # In this function, comments in [] refer to logical page number of ADPManual_v710.pd; add 14 for file page number
    profileStart <- NULL # prevent scope warning from rstudio; defined later anyway
    bisectSontekAdp <- function(buf, t.find, add = 0, debug = 0) {
        oceDebug(debug, "bisectSontekAdp(t.find=", format(t.find), ", add=", add, ", debug=", debug, ")\n")
        len <- length(profileStart)
        lower <- 1
        upper <- len
        passes <- floor(10 + log(len, 2)) # won't need this many; only do this to catch coding errors
        for (pass in 1:passes) {
            middle <- floor((upper + lower) / 2)
            oceDebug(debug - 1, "pass=", pass, "middle=", middle, "\n")
            oceDebug(debug - 1, "data=", buf[profileStart[middle] + seq(0, 100, 1)], "\n")
            # oceDebug(debug-1, "profileStart=", profileStart[1:5], "...; profileStart2=", profileStart2[1:5], "...\n")
            oceDebug(debug - 1, "profileStart=", profileStart[1:5], "\n")
            # year <- readBin(buf[profileStart2[middle]+18], "integer", size=2, signed=FALSE, endian="little")
            year <- readBin(buf[profileStart[middle] + 18:19], "integer", size = 2, signed = FALSE, endian = "little")
            day <- as.integer(buf[profileStart[middle] + 20])
            month <- as.integer(buf[profileStart[middle] + 21])
            min <- as.integer(buf[profileStart[middle] + 22])
            hour <- as.integer(buf[profileStart[middle] + 23])
            # SIG p82 C code suggests sec100 comes before second.
            sec100 <- as.integer(buf[profileStart[middle] + 24]) # FIXME: determine whether this is 1/100th second
            sec <- as.integer(buf[profileStart[middle] + 25])
            t <- ISOdatetime(year, month, day, hour, min, sec + sec100 / 100, tz = tz)
                debug, "t=", format(t),
                " [year=", year, " month=", month, " day=", day, " hour=", hour, " sec=", sec, "sec100=", sec100, "]\n"
            if (t.find < t) {
                upper <- middle
            } else {
                lower <- middle
            if (upper - lower < 2) {
            oceDebug(debug, "middle=", middle, " lower=", lower, " upper=", upper, " pass=", pass, " of max=", passes, "\n")
        middle <- middle + add # may use add to extend before and after window
        if (middle < 1) {
            middle <- 1
        if (middle > len) {
            middle <- len
        t <- ISOdatetime(readBin(buf[profileStart[middle] + 18:19], "integer", size = 2, signed = FALSE, endian = "little"), # year
            as.integer(buf[profileStart[middle] + 21]), # month
            as.integer(buf[profileStart[middle] + 20]), # day
            as.integer(buf[profileStart[middle] + 23]), # hour
            as.integer(buf[profileStart[middle] + 22]), # min
            as.integer(buf[profileStart[middle] + 25]), # sec
            tz = tz
        oceDebug(debug, "result: t=", format(t), " at profileStart[", middle, "]=", profileStart[middle], "\n")
        return(list(index = middle, time = t)) # index is within vsd
    oceDebug(debug, "read.adp.sontek(...,from=", from, ",to=", if (missing.to) "(missing)" else to, ",by=", by, "type=", type, "...)\n")
    # parameters <- list(profile.byte1 = 0xa5, profile.byte2=0x10, profile.headerLength=80)
    if (is.character(file)) {
        if (0 == file.info(file)$size) {
            stop("empty file")
        filename <- fullFilename(file)
        file <- file(file, "rb")
    if (!inherits(file, "connection")) {
        stop("argument `file' must be a character string or connection")
    if (!isOpen(file)) {
        filename <- "(connection)"
        open(file, "rb")
    type <- match.arg(type)
    res <- new("adp")
    seek(file, 0, "end")
    fileSize <- seek(file, 0, "start")
    oceDebug(debug, "file", filename, "has", fileSize, "bytes\n")
    buf <- readBin(file, what = "raw", n = fileSize, endian = "little")
    # See if there is a header here.  (May not be, since the file may have been chopped
    # into parts by a deck unit.)
    frequency <- NA
    if (buf[1] == 0x10 && buf[2] == 0x02 && 96 == readBin(buf[3:4], "integer", n = 1, size = 2, signed = FALSE, endian = "little")) {
        oceDebug(debug, "have a header, but ignoring it for now\n")
        # Comments like [p83] refer to logical page number of ADPManual_v710.pd; add 14 for file page number
        cpuSoftwareVerNum <- as.integer(buf[13]) / 10 # CPUSoftwareVerNum [p83]
        dspSoftwareVerNum <- as.integer(buf[14]) / 10 # DSPSoftwareVerNum [p83]
        boardRev <- readBin(buf[15], "character", n = 1, size = 1, signed = TRUE) # BoardRev [p83]
        serialNumber <- readBin(buf[16:25], "character")
        oceDebug(debug, "serialNumber=", serialNumber, "\n")
        adp.type <- readBin(buf[26], what = "integer", n = 1, size = 1) # 0-3; 1=1.5; 2-750; 3-500 [p83]
        oceDebug(debug, "adp.type=", adp.type, "\n")
        frequency <- switch(adp.type + 1,
        oceDebug(debug, "frequency=", frequency, "\n")
        nbeams <- as.integer(buf[27])
        oceDebug(debug, "nbeams=", nbeams, "\n")
        beam.geometry <- as.integer(buf[28])
            debug, "beam.geometry=", beam.geometry,
            "; 0 (2 beams); 1 (3 beams), 2 (4 beams with 1 vertical), 3 (4 beams, Janus)\n"
        slant.angle <- readBin(buf[29:30], "integer", n = 1, size = 2, signed = FALSE) / 10
        oceDebug(debug, "slant.angle=", slant.angle, "\n")
        orientation <- switch(as.integer(buf[31]) + 1,
        oceDebug(debug, "orientation=", orientation, "\n")
        compass.installed <- switch(as.integer(buf[32]) + 1,
        ) # nolint (variable not used)
        recorder.installed <- switch(as.integer(buf[33]) + 1,
        ) # nolint (variable not used)
        temp.installed <- switch(as.integer(buf[34]) + 1,
        ) # nolint (variable not used)
        press.installed <- switch(as.integer(buf[35]) + 1,
        ) # nolint (variable not used)
        # 36 = spare
        # 37 int[16], so I guess 2-byte ints, signed?
    } else {
        cpuSoftwareVerNum <- dspSoftwareVerNum <- boardRev <- "?"
        adp.type <- nbeams <- slant.angle <- orientation <- "?"
        compass.installed <- recorder.installed <- temp.installed <- press.installed <- "?"
    # profileStart <- .Call("match2bytes", buf, parameters$profile.byte1, parameters$profile.byte2, FALSE)
    # profileStart <- .Call("ldc_sontek_adp", buf, 0, 0, 0, 1, -1) # no ctd, no gps, no bottom-track; pcadp; all data
    profileStart <- do_ldc_sontek_adp(buf, 0, 0, 0, 1, -1) # no ctd, no gps, no bottom-track; pcadp; all data
    profileStart2 <- sort(c(profileStart, profileStart + 1)) # use this to subset for 2-byte reads
    oceDebug(debug, "first 10 profileStart:", profileStart[1:10], "\n")
    oceDebug(debug, "first 100 bytes of first profile:", paste(buf[profileStart[1]:(99 + profileStart[1])], collapse = " "), "\n")
    # Examine the first profile to get numberOfBeams, etc.
    headerLength <- 80 # FIXME: should this really be hard-wired??
    s <- profileStart[1]
    # Only read (important) things that don't change profile-by-profile
    numberOfBeams <- as.integer(buf[s + 26])
    oceDebug(debug, "numberOfBeams=", numberOfBeams, "\n")
    if (numberOfBeams != 3) {
        stop("there should be 3 beams, but the file indicates ", numberOfBeams)
    orientation <- as.integer(buf[s + 27])
    oceDebug(debug, "orientation=", orientation, "\n")
    temp.mode <- as.integer(buf[s + 28])
    oceDebug(debug, "temp.mode=", temp.mode, "\n")
    originalCoordinate <- as.integer(buf[s + 29])
    oceDebug(debug, "originalCoordinate=", originalCoordinate, "\n")
    numberOfCells <- readBin(buf[s + 30:31], "integer", n = 1, size = 2, endian = "little", signed = FALSE)
    oceDebug(debug, "numberOfCells=", numberOfCells, "\n")
    cellSize <- readBin(buf[s + 32:33], "integer", n = 1, size = 2, endian = "little", signed = FALSE) / 100 # metres
    oceDebug(debug, "cellSize=", cellSize, "m\n")
    blankingDistance <- readBin(buf[s + 34:35], "integer", n = 1, size = 2, endian = "little", signed = FALSE) / 100 # metres
    oceDebug(debug, "blankingDistance=", blankingDistance, "m\n")
    soundSpeed <- readBin(buf[s + 60:61], "integer", n = 1, size = 2, endian = "little", signed = FALSE) / 10
    oceDebug(debug, "soundSpeed=", soundSpeed, "m/s\n")
    profilesInFile <- length(profileStart)
    # id <- buf[profileStart]
    bytesPerProfile <- diff(profileStart[1:2])
    oceDebug(debug, "bytesPerProfile=", bytesPerProfile, "\n")
    # File time range and deltat
    measurementStart <- ISOdatetime(readBin(buf[profileStart[1] + 18:19], "integer", n = 1, size = 2, signed = FALSE, endian = "little"), # year
        as.integer(buf[profileStart[1] + 21]), # month
        as.integer(buf[profileStart[1] + 20]), # day
        as.integer(buf[profileStart[1] + 23]), # hour
        as.integer(buf[profileStart[1] + 22]), # min
        as.integer(buf[profileStart[1] + 25]) + 0.01 * as.integer(buf[profileStart[1] + 24]), # sec (decimal)
        tz = tz
    oceDebug(debug, "measurementStart=", format(measurementStart), "\n")
    oceDebug(debug, "length(profileStart)=", length(profileStart), " [FIXME: if to not given, use this??]\n")
    measurementEnd <- ISOdatetime(readBin(buf[profileStart[profilesInFile] + 18:19], "integer", n = 1, size = 2, signed = FALSE, endian = "little"), # year
        as.integer(buf[profileStart[profilesInFile] + 21]), # month
        as.integer(buf[profileStart[profilesInFile] + 20]), # day
        as.integer(buf[profileStart[profilesInFile] + 23]), # hour
        as.integer(buf[profileStart[profilesInFile] + 22]), # min
        as.integer(buf[profileStart[profilesInFile] + 25]) + 0.01 * as.integer(buf[profileStart[1] + 24]), # sec (decimal)
        tz = tz
    oceDebug(debug, "sampling.end=", format(measurementEnd), "\n")
    measurementDeltat <- as.numeric(ISOdatetime(readBin(buf[profileStart[2] + 18:19], "integer", n = 1, size = 2, signed = FALSE, endian = "little"), # year
        as.integer(buf[profileStart[2] + 21]), # month
        as.integer(buf[profileStart[2] + 20]), # day
        as.integer(buf[profileStart[2] + 23]), # hour
        as.integer(buf[profileStart[2] + 22]), # min
        as.integer(buf[profileStart[2] + 25]) + 0.01 * as.integer(buf[profileStart[1] + 24]), # sec
        tz = tz
    )) - as.numeric(measurementStart)
    oceDebug(debug, "sampling.deltat=", format(measurementDeltat), "\n")
    # Window data buffer, using bisection in case of a variable number of vd between sd pairs.
    if (inherits(from, "POSIXt")) {
        if (!inherits(to, "POSIXt")) {
            stop("if 'from' is POSIXt, then 'to' must be, also")
        fromPair <- bisectSontekAdp(buf, from, -1, debug - 1)
        from <- fromIndex <- fromPair$index
        toPair <- bisectSontekAdp(buf, to, 1, debug - 1)
        to <- to.index <- toPair$index
            debug, "  from=", format(fromPair$t), " yields profileStart[", fromIndex, "]\n",
            "  to  =", format(toPair$t), " yields profileStart[", to.index, "]\n",
            "  by=", by, "s\n",
            "profileStart[1:10]=", profileStart[1:10], "\n",
            "profileStart[", fromPair$index, "]=", profileStart[fromPair$index], "at time", format(fromPair$t), "\n",
            "profileStart[", toPair$index, "]=", profileStart[toPair$index], "at time", format(toPair$t), "\n"
        # FIXME next line reads year incorrectly
        two.times <- ISOdatetime(readBin(buf[profileStart[1:2] + 18:19], "integer", size = 2, signed = FALSE, endian = "little"), # year
            as.integer(buf[profileStart[1:2] + 21]), # month
            as.integer(buf[profileStart[1:2] + 20]), # day
            as.integer(buf[profileStart[1:2] + 23]), # hour
            as.integer(buf[profileStart[1:2] + 22]), # min
            as.integer(buf[profileStart[1:2] + 25]) + 0.01 * as.integer(buf[profileStart[1] + 24]), # sec
            tz = tz
        dt <- as.numeric(difftime(two.times[2], two.times[1], units = "secs"))
        oceDebug(debug, "dt=", dt, "s; at this stage, by=", by, "(not interpreted yet)\n")
        profileStart <- profileStart[profileStart[fromIndex] < profileStart & profileStart < profileStart[to.index]]
        if (is.character(by)) {
            by <- floor(0.5 + ctimeToSeconds(by) / dt)
        oceDebug(debug, "by=", by, "profiles (after change)\n")
        profileStart <- profileStart[seq(1, length(profileStart), by = by)]
        oceDebug(debug, "dt=", dt, "\n", "by=", by, "profileStart[1:10] after indexing:", profileStart[1:10], "\n")
    } else {
        fromIndex <- from
        if (missing.to) {
            to <- length(profileStart)
        to.index <- to
        if (to.index < 1 + fromIndex) {
            stop("need more separation between from and to")
        if (is.character(by)) {
            stop("cannot have string for 'by' if 'from' and 'to' are integers")
        profileStart <- profileStart[seq(from = from, to = to, by = by)]
        oceDebug(debug, "profileStart[1:10] after indexing:", profileStart[1:10], "\n")
    profilesToRead <- length(profileStart)
    oceDebug(debug, "profilesInFile=", profilesInFile, "; profilesToRead=", profilesToRead, "\n")
    profileStart2 <- sort(c(profileStart, profileStart + 1)) # use this to subset for 2-byte reads
    year <- readBin(buf[profileStart2 + 18], "integer", n = profilesToRead, size = 2, endian = "little", signed = FALSE)
    day <- as.integer(buf[profileStart + 20])
    month <- as.integer(buf[profileStart + 21])
    minute <- as.integer(buf[profileStart + 22])
    hour <- as.integer(buf[profileStart + 23])
    sec100 <- as.integer(buf[profileStart + 24])
    second <- as.integer(buf[profileStart + 25])
    time <- ISOdatetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second + sec100 / 100, tz = tz)
    rm(year, day, month, minute, hour, sec100, second)
    temperature <- readBin(buf[profileStart2 + 46], "integer", n = profilesToRead, size = 2, endian = "little", signed = TRUE) / 100
    oceDebug(debug, "temperature[1:10]=", temperature[1:10], "\n")
    pressure <- readBin(buf[profileStart2 + 48], "integer", n = profilesToRead, size = 2, endian = "little", signed = FALSE) / 100
    # FIXME: pressure (+else?) is wrong.  Need to count bytes on p84 of ADPManual to figure out where to look [UGLY]
    oceDebug(debug, "pressure[1:10]=", pressure[1:10], "\n")
    heading <- readBin(buf[profileStart2 + 40], "integer", n = profilesToRead, size = 2, endian = "little", signed = TRUE) / 10
    pitch <- readBin(buf[profileStart2 + 42], "integer", n = profilesToRead, size = 2, endian = "little", signed = TRUE) / 10
    roll <- readBin(buf[profileStart2 + 44], "integer", n = profilesToRead, size = 2, endian = "little", signed = TRUE) / 10
    oceDebug(debug, "time[1:10]=", format(time[1:10]), "\n")
    v <- array(numeric(), dim = c(profilesToRead, numberOfCells, numberOfBeams))
    a <- array(raw(), dim = c(profilesToRead, numberOfCells, numberOfBeams))
    q <- array(raw(), dim = c(profilesToRead, numberOfCells, numberOfBeams))
    nd <- numberOfCells * numberOfBeams
    oceDebug(debug, "nd=", nd, ";  headerLength=", headerLength, "\n")
    if (type == "pcadp") {
        nbeamMax <- 4 # Max numberOfBeams, not actual number
        headerLength <- headerLength + 2 * (8 + nbeamMax) + 2 * nbeamMax + nbeamMax
        # Below is C code from Sontek, for pulse-coherent adp (2-byte little-endian
        # integers).  FIXME: should perhaps read these things, but this is not a
        # high priority, since in the data file for which the code was originally
        # developed, all distances were set to 123 mm and all velocities to
        # 9999 mm/s, suggestive of insignificant, place-holder values.
        # typedef struct
        # {
        #  unsigned int  ResLag;             /* in mm     Used for single cell    */
        #  unsigned int  ResUa;              /* in mm/s   Ambiguity resolution    */
        #  unsigned int  ResStart;           /* in mm     Position of resolve     */
        #  unsigned int  ResLength;          /* in mm     cell                    */
        #  unsigned int  PrfLag;             /* in mm     Used for full profile   */
        #  unsigned int  PrfUa;              /* in mm/s                           */
        #  unsigned int  PrfStart;           /* in mm     Position/Length of first*/
        #  unsigned int  PrfLength;          /* in mm     cell in profile         */
        #  unsigned int  Range[MAX_BEAMS];   /* in mm     Range to boundary       */
        #           int  Ures[MAX_BEAMS];    /* in mm/s   Velocities from Resolve */
        #                                    /*           lag                     */
        #  unsigned char Cres[MAX_BEAMS];    /* in %      Correlations from       */
        #                                    /*           resolve lag             */
        # } PCrecordType;
    velocityScale <- 1e-3
    if (profilesToRead > 0) {
        for (i in 1:profilesToRead) {
            # nolint start object_usage_linter
            v_ <- velocityScale * matrix(
                readBin(buf[profileStart[i] + headerLength + seq(0, 2 * nd - 1)],
                    n = nd, size = 2, signed = TRUE, endian = "little"
                ncol = numberOfBeams, byrow = FALSE
            a_ <- matrix(buf[profileStart[i] + headerLength + 2 * nd + seq(0, nd - 1)], ncol = numberOfBeams, byrow = FALSE)
            q_ <- matrix(buf[profileStart[i] + headerLength + 3 * nd + seq(0, nd - 1)], ncol = numberOfBeams, byrow = FALSE)
            # nolint end object_usage_linter
            for (b in 1:numberOfBeams) {
                # FIXME: probably could be speeded up
                v[i, , b] <- v_[, b]
                a[i, , b] <- a_[, b]
                q[i, , b] <- q_[, b]
            if (monitor) {
                if (!(i %% 50)) {
                    cat(i, "\n")
        rm(v_, a_, q_)
        if (monitor) {
            cat("\nRead", profilesToRead, "of the", profilesInFile, "profiles in", filename, "\n")
        if (type == "pcadp") {
            v <- v / 10 # it seems pcadp is in 0.1mm/s
    } else {
        stop("please request to read *some* profiles")
    # interpolate headings (which may be less frequent than profiles ... FIXME: really???)
    nheading <- length(heading)
    nv <- dim(v)[1]
    if (nheading != nv) {
        warning("read.adp.sontek() interpolating ", nheading, " heading/pitch/roll values to the ", nv, " velocity profiles")
        oceDebug(debug, "BEFORE: length(heading)=", nheading, ", nv=", nv, "\n")
        # xout <- seq(1, nheading, length.out=nv)
        heading <- approx(1:nheading, heading, seq(1, nheading, length.out = nv))$y
        # print(data.frame(xout=xout, heading=heading))
        pitch <- approx(1:nheading, pitch, seq(1, nheading, length.out = nv))$y
        roll <- approx(1:nheading, roll, seq(1, nheading, length.out = nv))$y
        oceDebug(debug, "AFTER:  length(heading)=", length(heading), "\n")
    res@data <- list(
        v = v, a = a, q = q,
        distance = seq(blankingDistance, by = cellSize, length.out = numberOfCells),
        time = time,
        temperature = temperature,
        pressure = pressure,
        heading = heading, pitch = pitch, roll = roll
    oceDebug(debug, "slant.angle=", slant.angle, "; type=", type, "\n")
    beamAngle <- if (slant.angle == "?") 25 else slant.angle
    res@metadata$manufacturer <- "sontek"
    res@metadata$type <- type
    res@metadata$filename <- filename
    res@metadata$serialNumber <- if (exists("serialNumber")) serialNumber else "?"
    res@metadata$longitude <- longitude
    res@metadata$latitude <- latitude
    res@metadata$numberOfSamples <- dim(v)[1]
    res@metadata$numberOfCells <- dim(v)[2]
    res@metadata$numberOfBeams <- dim(v)[3]
    res@metadata$velocityResolution <- velocityScale
    res@metadata$velocityMaximum <- velocityScale * 2^15
    res@metadata$measurementStart <- measurementStart
    res@metadata$measurementEnd <- measurementEnd
    res@metadata$measurementDeltat <- measurementDeltat
    res@metadata$frequency <- frequency
    res@metadata$cpuSoftwareVerNum <- cpuSoftwareVerNum
    res@metadata$dspSoftwareVerNum <- dspSoftwareVerNum
    res@metadata$boardRev <- boardRev
    res@metadata$originalCoordinate <- c("beam", "xyz", "enu", "other")[originalCoordinate + 1]
    res@metadata$oceCoordinate <- c("beam", "xyz", "enu", "other")[originalCoordinate + 1]
    res@metadata$beamAngle <- beamAngle
    res@metadata$oceBeamUnspreaded <- FALSE
    res@metadata$orientation <- if (1 == orientation) "upward" else "downward"
    if (numberOfBeams == 3) {
        if (res@metadata$orientation == "upward") {
            # S  <- 1 / (3 * sin(25 * pi / 180))             # 0.7887339
            # CS <- 1 / cos(30*pi/180) / sin(25*pi/180) / 2  # 1.366127 (30deg from 3-beam pattern)
            # C  <- 1 / (3 * cos(25 * pi / 180))             # 0.3677926
            S <- 1 / (3 * sin(beamAngle * pi / 180)) # 0.7887339
            CS <- 1 / cos(30 * pi / 180) / sin(beamAngle * pi / 180) / 2 # 1.366127 (30deg from 3-beam pattern)
            C <- 1 / (3 * cos(beamAngle * pi / 180)) # 0.3677926
            # FIXME: check up and down; also read it and check
            res@metadata$transformationMatrix <- matrix(
                    2 * S, -S, -S,
                    0, -CS, CS,
                    C, C, C
                nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE
        } else {
            S <- 1 / (3 * sin(beamAngle * pi / 180)) # 0.7887339
            CS <- 1 / cos(30 * pi / 180) / sin(beamAngle * pi / 180) / 2 # 1.366127 (30deg from 3-beam pattern)
            C <- 1 / (3 * cos(beamAngle * pi / 180)) # 0.3677926
            # warning("*****FIXME: check up and down; also read it and check*****")
            res@metadata$transformationMatrix <- matrix(
                    2 * S, -S, -S,
                    0, CS, -CS,
                    -C, -C, -C
                nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE
        # For later use, RC says that the PC-ADP uses
        # T =  2.576  -1.288  -1.288
        #      0.000  -2.230   2.230
        #      0.345   0.345   0.345
        # and these are by the same formulae, with 25 switched to 15 (different beamAngle)
    } else {
        stop("can only handle 3-beam devices")
    res@metadata$units <- list(v = "m/s", distance = "m")
    if (missing(processingLog)) {
        pl <- processingLogItem(paste("read.adp.sontek(\"", filename, "\", from=", from, ", to=", to, ")", sep = ""))
    } else {
        pl <- processingLogAppend(
            paste("read.adp.sontek(\"", filename, "\", from=", from, ", to=", to, ")", sep = "")
    res@processingLog <- pl

sontek.time <- function(t, tz = getOption("oceTz")) {
    minute <- bcdToInteger(t[1])
    second <- bcdToInteger(t[2])
    day <- bcdToInteger(t[3])
    hour <- bcdToInteger(t[4])
    year <- bcdToInteger(t[5])
    year <- year + if (year >= 90) 1900 else 2000 # page 51 of System Integrator Guide
    month <- bcdToInteger(t[6])
    milliseconds <- readBin(t[7:8], "integer", n = 1, size = 2, endian = "little", signed = FALSE)
    ISOdatetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second + milliseconds / 1000, tz = tz)

#' Read an adp File in Serial Sontek Format
#' Read a Sontek acoustic-Doppler profiler file, in a serial form that
#' is possibly unique to Dalhousie University.
#' @param beamAngle angle between instrument axis and beams, in degrees.
#' @param type a character string indicating the type of instrument.
#' @param orientation optional character string specifying the orientation of the
#' sensor, provided for those cases in which it cannot be inferred from the
#' data file.  The valid choices are `"upward"`, `"downward"`, and
#' `"sideward"`.
#' @template adpTemplate
#' @template encodingIgnoredTemplate
#' @template adReadingMethodTemplate
#' @author Dan Kelley and Clark Richards
#' @family things related to adp data
#' @family functions that read adp data
read.adp.sontek.serial <- function(
    from = 1, to, by = 1, tz = getOption("oceTz"), longitude = NA, latitude = NA, type = c("adp", "pcadp"),
    beamAngle = 25, orientation, encoding = NA, monitor = FALSE, processingLog,
    debug = getOption("oceDebug"), ...) {
    if (missing(file)) {
        stop("must supply 'file'")
    if (is.character(file)) {
        if (!file.exists(file)) {
            stop("cannot find file \"", file, "\"")
        if (0L == file.info(file)$size) {
            stop("empty file \"", file, "\"")
    # Data format is described in
    #   SonTek/YSI
    #   ADPManual_v710.pdf
    # A3. Profile Header/CTD/GPS/Bottom Track,/SonWave/Profile Data Structures
    bisectAdpSontekSerial <- function(buf, t.find, add = 0, tz = "UTC", debug = 0) {
        oceDebug(debug, "bisectAdpSontekSerial(t.find=", format(t.find), ", add=", add, "\n")
        len <- length(p)
        lower <- 1
        upper <- len
        passes <- floor(10 + log(len, 2)) # won't need this many; only do this to catch coding errors
        for (pass in 1:passes) {
            middle <- floor((upper + lower) / 2)
            year <- readBin(buf[p[middle] + 18:19], what = "integer", n = 1, size = 2, signed = FALSE, endian = "little")
            day <- readBin(buf[p[middle] + 20], what = "integer", n = 1, size = 1, signed = FALSE)
            month <- readBin(buf[p[middle] + 21], what = "integer", n = 1, size = 1, signed = FALSE)
            min <- readBin(buf[p[middle] + 22], what = "integer", n = 1, size = 1, signed = FALSE)
            hour <- readBin(buf[p[middle] + 23], what = "integer", n = 1, size = 1, signed = FALSE)
            sec100 <- readBin(buf[p[middle] + 24], what = "integer", n = 1, size = 1, signed = FALSE)
            sec <- readBin(buf[p[middle] + 25], what = "integer", n = 1, size = 1, signed = FALSE)
            t <- ISOdatetime(year = year, month = month, day = day, hour = hour, min = min, sec = sec + sec100 / 100, tz = tz)
            oceDebug(debug, "t=", format(t), " y=", year, " m=", month, " d=", format(day, width = 2),
                " h=", format(hour, width = 2),
                " m=", format(min, width = 2),
                " s=", format(sec + sec100 / 100, width = 4),
                "| pass", format(pass, width = 2), "/", passes, "| middle=", middle,
                "(", format(middle / upper * 100, digits = 4), "%)\n",
                sep = ""
            if (t.find < t) {
                upper <- middle
            } else {
                lower <- middle
            if (upper - lower < 2) {
        middle <- middle + add # may use add to extend before and after window
        if (middle < 1) {
            middle <- 1
        if (middle > len) {
            middle <- len
        t <- ISOdatetime(readBin(buf[p[middle] + 18:19], "integer", size = 2, signed = FALSE, endian = "little"),
            as.integer(buf[p[middle] + 21]), # month
            as.integer(buf[p[middle] + 20]), # day
            as.integer(buf[p[middle] + 23]), # hour
            as.integer(buf[p[middle] + 22]), # min
            as.integer(buf[p[middle] + 25]) + 0.01 * as.integer(buf[p[middle] + 24]),
            tz = tz
        oceDebug(debug, "result: t=", format(t), " at d[", middle, "]=", p[middle], "\n")
        return(list(index = middle, time = t))
    oceDebug(debug, paste("read.adp.sontek.serial(file[1]=\"", file[1],
        "\", from=", from,
        if (missing(to)) "to," else sprintf(", to=%s, ", format(to)),
        ", by=", by,
        ", latitude=", latitude, ", longitude=", longitude,
        ", monitor=", monitor,
        ", processingLog=(not shown), debug=", debug, ") START\n",
        sep = ""
    ), unindent = 1)
    nfile <- length(file)
    if (nfile > 1) {
        # handle multiple files
        oceDebug(debug, "handling multiple files\n")
        buf <- NULL
        for (i in 1:nfile) {
            if (monitor) {
                cat("\"", file[i], "\" ", sep = "")
            thisFile <- file(file[i], "rb")
            seek(thisFile, 0, "end", rw = "read")
            fileSize <- seek(thisFile, 0, origin = "start", rw = "read")
            if (monitor) {
                cat(fileSize, "bytes\n")
            buf <- c(buf, readBin(thisFile, what = "raw", n = fileSize, endian = "little"))
        filename <- paste("(\"", file[i], "\", ...)", sep = "")
    } else {
        # handle single file (which might be a connection, etc)
        if (is.character(file)) {
            filename <- fullFilename(file)
            file <- file(file, "rb")
        if (!inherits(file, "connection")) {
            stop("argument `file' must be a character string or connection")
        if (!isOpen(file)) {
            filename <- "(connection)"
            open(file, "rb")
        # read whole file into buffer
        seek(file, 0, "end", rw = "read")
        fileSize <- seek(file, 0, origin = "start", rw = "read")
        oceDebug(debug, "filesize=", fileSize, "\n")
        buf <- readBin(file, what = "raw", n = fileSize, endian = "little")
    # p <- .Call("ldc_sontek_adp", buf, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1) # no ctd, no gps, no bottom-track; all data
    p <- do_ldc_sontek_adp(buf, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1) # no ctd, no gps, no bottom-track; all data
    # read some unchanging things from the first profile only
    serialNumber <- paste(readBin(buf[p[1] + 4:13], "character", n = 10, size = 1), collapse = "")
    numberOfBeams <- readBin(buf[p[1] + 26], "integer", n = 1, size = 1, signed = FALSE)
    if (missing(orientation)) {
        orientation <- readBin(buf[p[1] + 27], "integer", n = 1, size = 1, signed = FALSE)
        if (orientation == 0) {
            orientation <- "upward"
        } else if (orientation == 1) {
            orientation <- "downward"
        } else if (orientation == 2) {
            orientation <- "sideward"
        } else {
            stop("orientation=", orientation, "but must be 0 (upward), 1 (downward), or 2 (sideward)")
    } else {
        if (orientation != "upward" && orientation != "downward") {
            stop("orientation \"", orientation, " is not allowed; try \"upward\" or \"downward\"")
    # 28 is tempmode
    # coord.system 0=beam 1=XYZ 2=ENU
    originalCoordinate <- readBin(buf[p[1] + 29], "integer", n = 1, size = 1, signed = FALSE)
    if (originalCoordinate == 0) {
        originalCoordinate <- "beam"
    } else if (originalCoordinate == 1) {
        originalCoordinate <- "xyz"
    } else if (originalCoordinate == 2) {
        originalCoordinate <- "enu"
    } else {
        stop("originalCoordinate=", originalCoordinate, "but must be 0 (beam), 1 (xyz), or 2 (enu)")
    numberOfCells <- readBin(buf[p[1] + 30:31], "integer", n = 1, size = 2, signed = FALSE, endian = "little")
    cellSize <- 0.01 * readBin(buf[p[1] + 32:33], what = "integer", n = 1, size = 2, signed = FALSE, endian = "little")
    blankingDistance <- 0.01 * readBin(buf[p[1] + 34:35], what = "integer", n = 1, size = 2, signed = FALSE)
    distance <- blankingDistance + cellSize * seq(from = 0.5, by = cellSize, length.out = numberOfCells)
    # trim, if from and to are integers
    if (!missing(to)) {
        if (is.numeric(from) && is.numeric(to) && is.numeric(by)) {
            if (from < 1) {
                stop("from=", from, " but must exceed 1")
            if (to < 1) {
                stop("to=", to, " but must exceed 1")
            if (by < 1) {
                stop("by=", by, " but must exceed 1")
            if (to <= from) {
                stop("from=", from, " must exceed to=", to)
            p <- p[seq(from = from, to = to, by = by)]
        } else {
            if (inherits(from, "POSIXt")) {
                if (!inherits(to, "POSIXt")) {
                    stop("if 'from' is POSIXt, then 'to' must be, also")
                if (!is.numeric(by)) {
                    warning("'by' must be numeric")
                    by <- 1
                fromPair <- bisectAdpSontekSerial(buf, from, add = -1, tz = tz, debug = debug - 1)
                from <- fromIndex <- fromPair$index
                toPair <- bisectAdpSontekSerial(buf, to, add = 1, tz = tz, debug = debug - 1)
                to <- to.index <- toPair$index
                    debug, "from=", format(fromPair$t), " yields p[", fromIndex, "]\n",
                    "  to  =", format(toPair$t), "yields p[", to.index, "]\n",
                    "  by=", by, "(not yet decoded)\n",
                    vectorShow(p, "p:"),
                    "  p[", fromPair$index, "]=", p[fromPair$index], "at time", format(fromPair$t), "\n",
                    "  p[", toPair$index, "]=", p[toPair$index], "at time", format(toPair$t), "\n"
                p <- p[seq(from = from, to = to, by = by)]
    np <- length(p)
    pp <- sort(c(p, p + 1)) # for 2-byte addressing ("int" in the Sontek docs)
    # pppp <- sort(c(p, p+1, p+2, p+3)) # for 4-byte addressing ("long" in the Sontek docs)
    # read profile-specific things profile by profile
    # profile.number <- readBin(buf[pppp+14], "integer", n=np, size=4)
    # FIXME: should check that profile number is monotonic ... it may
    # help us with daily blank-outs, also!
    year <- readBin(buf[pp + 18], "integer", n = np, size = 2, signed = FALSE)
    day <- readBin(buf[p + 20], "integer", n = np, size = 1, signed = FALSE)
    month <- readBin(buf[p + 21], "integer", n = np, size = 1, signed = FALSE)
    min <- readBin(buf[p + 22], "integer", n = np, size = 1, signed = FALSE)
    hour <- readBin(buf[p + 23], "integer", n = np, size = 1, signed = FALSE)
    sec100 <- readBin(buf[p + 24], "integer", n = np, size = 1, signed = FALSE)
    sec <- readBin(buf[p + 25], "integer", n = np, size = 1, signed = FALSE)
    time <- ISOdatetime(year, month, day, hour, min, sec + 0.01 * sec100, tz = tz)
    rm(year, day, month, min, hour, sec100, sec) # possibly this space will come in handy
    heading <- 0.1 * readBin(buf[pp + 40], "integer", n = np, size = 2, signed = TRUE)
    pitch <- 0.1 * readBin(buf[pp + 42], "integer", n = np, size = 2, signed = TRUE)
    roll <- 0.1 * readBin(buf[pp + 44], "integer", n = np, size = 2, signed = TRUE)
    temperature <- 0.01 * readBin(buf[pp + 46], "integer", n = np, size = 2, signed = TRUE)
    v <- array(numeric(), dim = c(np, numberOfCells, numberOfBeams))
    a <- array(raw(), dim = c(np, numberOfCells, numberOfBeams))
    q <- array(raw(), dim = c(np, numberOfCells, numberOfBeams))
    ndata <- numberOfCells * numberOfBeams
    i1 <- seq(1, ndata)
    i2 <- seq(1, 2 * ndata)
    for (ip in 1:np) {
        p0 <- p[ip] + 79
        # nolint start object_usage_linter
        v_ <- matrix(0.001 * readBin(buf[p0 + i2], "integer", endian = "little", n = ndata, size = 2, signed = TRUE),
            ncol = numberOfBeams, byrow = FALSE
        p0 <- p0 + 2 * ndata
        # NOTE: q is std-dev; need to multiply by 0.001 to get in m/s
        q_ <- matrix(buf[p0 + i1], ncol = numberOfBeams, byrow = FALSE)
        p0 <- p0 + ndata
        a_ <- matrix(buf[p0 + i1], ncol = numberOfBeams, byrow = FALSE)
        # nolint end object_usage_linter
        for (b in seq_len(numberOfBeams)) {
            v[ip, , b] <- v[, b]
            a[ip, , b] <- a[, b]
            q[ip, , b] <- q[, b]
        if (monitor) {
            if (ip %% 50) {
            } else {
                cat(".", ip, "\n")
    if (monitor) {
        cat("\nRead", np, "of the", np, "profiles in", filename[1], "\n")
    S <- sin(beamAngle * pi / 180)
    C <- cos(beamAngle * pi / 180)
    # FIXME: use the transformation.matrix, if it has been discovered in a header
    if (orientation == "upward") {
        # OAR explains the method of determining the matrix.
        transformationMatrix <- rbind(
            c(2 / 3 / S, -1 / 3 / S, -1 / 3 / S),
            c(0, -1 / sqrt(3) / S, 1 / sqrt(3) / S),
            c(1 / 3 / C, 1 / 3 / C, 1 / 3 / C)
    } else {
        transformationMatrix <- rbind(
            c(2 / 3 / S, -1 / 3 / S, -1 / 3 / S),
            c(0, 1 / sqrt(3) / S, -1 / sqrt(3) / S),
            c(1 / 3 / C, -1 / 3 / C, -1 / 3 / C)
    res <- new("adp")
    res@metadata$manufacturer <- "sontek"
    res@metadata$instrumentType <- "adp"
    res@metadata$serialNumber <- serialNumber
    res@metadata$filename <- filename
    res@metadata$latitude <- latitude
    res@metadata$longitude <- longitude
    res@metadata$transformationMatrix <- transformationMatrix
    res@metadata$measurementStart <- 0 # FIXME: should fill in
    res@metadata$measurementEnd <- np # FIXME: should fill in
    res@metadata$measurementDeltat <- mean(diff(as.numeric(time)))
    res@metadata$subsampleStart <- 0 # FIXME: should fill in
    res@metadata$subsampleEnd <- np
    res@metadata$subsampleDeltat <- mean(diff(as.numeric(time)))
    res@metadata$frequency <- NA # FIXME
    res@metadata$numberOfSamples <- np
    res@metadata$numberOfBeams <- numberOfBeams
    res@metadata$originalCoordinate <- originalCoordinate
    res@metadata$oceCoordinate <- originalCoordinate
    res@metadata$beamAngle <- beamAngle
    res@metadata$oceBeamUnspreaded <- FALSE
    res@metadata$orientation <- orientation
    res@metadata$units <- list(v = "m/s", distance = "m")
    res@data <- list(
        v = v, a = a, q = q,
        distance = distance,
        time = time,
        heading = heading, pitch = pitch, roll = roll,
        temperature = temperature,
        pressure = rep(0, length(temperature)),
        distance = distance
    if (missing(processingLog)) {
        processingLog <- paste(deparse(match.call()), sep = "", collapse = "")
    hitem <- processingLogItem(processingLog)
    res@processingLog <- hitem

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