
Defines functions plot.equivalence_test_lm print.equivalence_test_lm format.equivalence_test_lm .add_p_to_equitest .rope_coverage .sgpv .equivalence_test_numeric .equivalence_test_frequentist_random .equivalence_test_frequentist .check_rope_range equivalence_test.ggeffects equivalence_test.parameters_simulate_model equivalence_test.merMod equivalence_test.lm

Documented in equivalence_test.ggeffects equivalence_test.lm equivalence_test.merMod

#' @importFrom bayestestR equivalence_test
#' @export

#' @title Equivalence test
#' @description Compute the (conditional) equivalence test for frequentist models.
#' @param x A statistical model.
#' @param range The range of practical equivalence of an effect. May be
#'   `"default"`, to automatically define this range based on properties of the
#'   model's data.
#' @param ci Confidence Interval (CI) level. Default to `0.95` (`95%`).
#' @param rule Character, indicating the rules when testing for practical
#'   equivalence. Can be `"bayes"`, `"classic"` or `"cet"`. See
#'   'Details'.
#' @param test Hypothesis test for computing contrasts or pairwise comparisons.
#'   See [`?ggeffects::test_predictions`](https://strengejacke.github.io/ggeffects/reference/test_predictions.html)
#'   for details.
#' @param verbose Toggle warnings and messages.
#' @param ... Arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @inheritParams model_parameters.merMod
#' @inheritParams p_value
#' @seealso For more details, see [bayestestR::equivalence_test()].
#'   Further readings can be found in the references.
#' @details
#' In classical null hypothesis significance testing (NHST) within a frequentist
#' framework, it is not possible to accept the null hypothesis, H0 - unlike
#' in Bayesian statistics, where such probability statements are possible.
#' "[...] one can only reject the null hypothesis if the test
#' statistics falls into the critical region(s), or fail to reject this
#' hypothesis. In the latter case, all we can say is that no significant effect
#' was observed, but one cannot conclude that the null hypothesis is true."
#' (_Pernet 2017_). One way to address this issues without Bayesian methods
#' is *Equivalence Testing*, as implemented in `equivalence_test()`.
#' While you either can reject the null hypothesis or claim an inconclusive result
#' in NHST, the equivalence test - according to _Pernet_ - adds a third category,
#' *"accept"*. Roughly speaking, the idea behind equivalence testing in a
#' frequentist framework is to check whether an estimate and its uncertainty
#' (i.e. confidence interval) falls within a region of "practical equivalence".
#' Depending on the rule for this test (see below), statistical significance
#' does not necessarily indicate whether the null hypothesis can be rejected or
#' not, i.e. the classical interpretation of the p-value may differ from the
#' results returned from the equivalence test.
#' ## Calculation of equivalence testing
#' - "bayes" - Bayesian rule (Kruschke 2018)
#'   This rule follows the "HDI+ROPE decision rule" (_Kruschke, 2014, 2018_) used
#'   for the [`Bayesian counterpart()`][bayestestR::equivalence_test]. This
#'   means, if the confidence intervals are completely outside the ROPE, the
#'   "null hypothesis" for this parameter is "rejected". If the ROPE
#'   completely covers the CI, the null hypothesis is accepted. Else, it's
#'   undecided whether to accept or reject the null hypothesis. Desirable
#'   results are low proportions inside the ROPE (the closer to zero the
#'   better).
#' - "classic" - The TOST rule (Lakens 2017)
#'   This rule follows the "TOST rule", i.e. a two one-sided test procedure
#'   (_Lakens 2017_). Following this rule, practical equivalence of an effect
#'   (i.e. H0) is *rejected*, when the coefficient is statistically significant
#'   *and* the narrow confidence intervals (i.e. `1-2*alpha`) *include* or
#'   *exceed* the ROPE boundaries. Practical equivalence is assumed
#'   (i.e. H0 "accepted") when the narrow confidence intervals are completely
#'   inside the ROPE, no matter if the effect is statistically significant
#'   or not. Else, the decision whether to accept or reject practical
#'   equivalence is undecided.
#' - "cet" - Conditional Equivalence Testing (Campbell/Gustafson 2018)
#'   The Conditional Equivalence Testing as described by _Campbell and
#'   Gustafson 2018_. According to this rule, practical equivalence is
#'   rejected when the coefficient is statistically significant. When the
#'   effect is *not* significant and the narrow confidence intervals are
#'   completely inside the ROPE, we accept (i.e. assume) practical equivalence,
#'   else it is undecided.
#' ## Levels of Confidence Intervals used for Equivalence Testing
#' For `rule = "classic"`, "narrow" confidence intervals are used for
#' equivalence testing. "Narrow" means, the the intervals is not 1 - alpha,
#' but 1 - 2 * alpha. Thus, if `ci = .95`, alpha is assumed to be 0.05
#' and internally a ci-level of 0.90 is used. `rule = "cet"` uses
#' both regular and narrow confidence intervals, while `rule = "bayes"`
#' only uses the regular intervals.
#' ## p-Values
#' The equivalence p-value is the area of the (cumulative) confidence
#' distribution that is outside of the region of equivalence. It can be
#' interpreted as p-value for *rejecting* the alternative hypothesis
#' and *accepting* the "null hypothesis" (i.e. assuming practical
#' equivalence). That is, a high p-value means we reject the assumption of
#' practical equivalence and accept the alternative hypothesis.
#' ## Second Generation p-Value (SGPV)
#' Second generation p-values (SGPV) were proposed as a statistic that
#' represents _the proportion of data-supported hypotheses that are also null
#' hypotheses_ _(Blume et al. 2018, Lakens and Delacre 2020)_. It represents the
#' proportion of the confidence interval range that is inside the ROPE.
#' ## ROPE range
#' Some attention is required for finding suitable values for the ROPE limits
#' (argument `range`). See 'Details' in [bayestestR::rope_range()]
#' for further information.
#' @note There is also a [`plot()`-method](https://easystats.github.io/see/articles/parameters.html)
#' implemented in the [**see**-package](https://easystats.github.io/see/).
#' @references
#'   - Blume, J. D., D'Agostino McGowan, L., Dupont, W. D., & Greevy, R. A.
#'   (2018). Second-generation p-values: Improved rigor, reproducibility, &
#'   transparency in statistical analyses. PLOS ONE, 13(3), e0188299.
#'   https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0188299
#'   - Campbell, H., & Gustafson, P. (2018). Conditional equivalence
#'   testing: An alternative remedy for publication bias. PLOS ONE, 13(4),
#'   e0195145. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0195145
#'   - Kruschke, J. K. (2014). Doing Bayesian data analysis: A tutorial with
#'   R, JAGS, and Stan. Academic Press
#'   - Kruschke, J. K. (2018). Rejecting or accepting parameter values in
#'   Bayesian estimation. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological
#'   Science, 1(2), 270-280. doi: 10.1177/2515245918771304
#'   - Lakens, D. (2017). Equivalence Tests: A Practical Primer for t Tests,
#'   Correlations, and Meta-Analyses. Social Psychological and Personality
#'   Science, 8(4), 355–362. doi: 10.1177/1948550617697177
#'   - Lakens, D., & Delacre, M. (2020). Equivalence Testing and the Second
#'   Generation P-Value. Meta-Psychology, 4.
#'   https://doi.org/10.15626/MP.2018.933
#'   - Pernet, C. (2017). Null hypothesis significance testing: A guide to
#'   commonly misunderstood concepts and recommendations for good practice.
#'   F1000Research, 4, 621. doi: 10.12688/f1000research.6963.5
#' @return A data frame.
#' @examples
#' data(qol_cancer)
#' model <- lm(QoL ~ time + age + education, data = qol_cancer)
#' # default rule
#' equivalence_test(model)
#' # conditional equivalence test
#' equivalence_test(model, rule = "cet")
#' # plot method
#' if (require("see", quietly = TRUE)) {
#'   result <- equivalence_test(model)
#'   plot(result)
#' }
#' @export
equivalence_test.lm <- function(x,
                                range = "default",
                                ci = 0.95,
                                rule = "classic",
                                verbose = TRUE,
                                ...) {
  rule <- match.arg(tolower(rule), choices = c("bayes", "classic", "cet"))
  out <- .equivalence_test_frequentist(x, range, ci, rule, verbose, ...)

  if (is.null(attr(out, "pretty_names", exact = TRUE))) {
    attr(out, "pretty_names") <- format_parameters(x)
  attr(out, "object_name") <- insight::safe_deparse_symbol(substitute(x))
  attr(out, "rule") <- rule
  class(out) <- c("equivalence_test_lm", "see_equivalence_test_lm", class(out))

# standard models, only fixed effects ----------------------

#' @export
equivalence_test.glm <- equivalence_test.lm

#' @export
equivalence_test.wbm <- equivalence_test.lm

#' @export
equivalence_test.lme <- equivalence_test.lm

#' @export
equivalence_test.gee <- equivalence_test.lm

#' @export
equivalence_test.gls <- equivalence_test.lm

#' @export
equivalence_test.feis <- equivalence_test.lm

#' @export
equivalence_test.felm <- equivalence_test.lm

#' @export
equivalence_test.mixed <- equivalence_test.lm

#' @export
equivalence_test.hurdle <- equivalence_test.lm

#' @export
equivalence_test.zeroinfl <- equivalence_test.lm

#' @export
equivalence_test.rma <- equivalence_test.lm

# mixed models, also random effects ----------------------

#' @rdname equivalence_test.lm
#' @export
equivalence_test.merMod <- function(x,
                                    range = "default",
                                    ci = 0.95,
                                    rule = "classic",
                                    effects = c("fixed", "random"),
                                    verbose = TRUE,
                                    ...) {
  # ==== argument matching ====

  rule <- match.arg(tolower(rule), choices = c("bayes", "classic", "cet"))
  effects <- match.arg(effects)

  # ==== equivalent testing for fixed or random effects ====

  if (effects == "fixed") {
    out <- .equivalence_test_frequentist(x, range, ci, rule, verbose, ...)
  } else {
    out <- .equivalence_test_frequentist_random(x, range, ci, rule, verbose, ...)

  # ==== result ====

  if (is.null(attr(out, "pretty_names", exact = TRUE))) {
    attr(out, "pretty_names") <- format_parameters(x)
  attr(out, "object_name") <- insight::safe_deparse_symbol(substitute(x))
  attr(out, "rule") <- rule
  class(out) <- c("equivalence_test_lm", "see_equivalence_test_lm", class(out))

#' @export
equivalence_test.glmmTMB <- equivalence_test.merMod

#' @export
equivalence_test.MixMod <- equivalence_test.merMod

# Special classes -------------------------

#' @export
equivalence_test.parameters_simulate_model <- function(x,
                                                       range = "default",
                                                       ci = 0.95,
                                                       verbose = TRUE,
                                                       ...) {
  # ==== retrieve model, to define rope range for simulated model parameters ====

  model <- .get_object(x)

  if (all(range == "default") && !is.null(model)) {
    range <- bayestestR::rope_range(model, verbose = verbose)
  } else if (!all(is.numeric(range)) || length(range) != 2) {
      "`range` should be \"default\" or a vector of 2 numeric values (e.g., `c(-0.1, 0.1)`)."

  # ==== classical equivalent testing for data frames ====

  out <- equivalence_test(as.data.frame(x), range = range, ci = ci, verbose = verbose, ...)

  if (is.null(attr(out, "pretty_names", exact = TRUE))) {
    attr(out, "pretty_names") <- format_parameters(x)
  attr(out, "object_name") <- attr(x, "object_name")
  attr(out, "data") <- x
  class(out) <- unique(c("equivalence_test", "see_equivalence_test", "equivalence_test_simulate_model", class(out)))

#' @rdname equivalence_test.lm
#' @export
equivalence_test.ggeffects <- function(x,
                                       range = "default",
                                       rule = "classic",
                                       test = "pairwise",
                                       verbose = TRUE,
                                       ...) {

  # get attributes from ggeffects objects, so we have the original model and terms
  focal <- attributes(x)$original.terms
  obj_name <- attributes(x)$model.name
  ci <- attributes(x)$ci.lvl

  x <- .get_ggeffects_model(x)

  # validation check rope range
  rule <- match.arg(tolower(rule), choices = c("bayes", "classic", "cet"))
  range <- .check_rope_range(x, range, verbose)

  out <- ggeffects::test_predictions(
    terms = focal,
    test = test,
    equivalence = range,
    verbose = verbose,

  out <- insight::standardize_names(out)

  # we only have one type of CIs
  conf_int <- conf_int2 <- as.data.frame(t(out[c("CI_low", "CI_high")]))

  l <- Map(
    function(ci_wide, ci_narrow) {
        range_rope = range,
        rule = rule,
        verbose = verbose
    }, conf_int, conf_int2

  # bind to data frame
  dat <- do.call(rbind, l)

  # remove old CIs, bind results from equivalence test
  out$CI_low <- out$CI_high <- NULL
  out$CI <- ci
  out <- cbind(out, dat)

  # standardize column order
  cols <- c(
    "Estimate", "Contrast", "Slope", "Predicted", "CI", "CI_low", "CI_high",
    "SGPV", "ROPE_low", "ROPE_high", "ROPE_Percentage", "ROPE_Equivalence", "p"

  # order of shared columns
  shared_order <- intersect(cols, colnames(out))
  parameter_columns <- setdiff(colnames(out), shared_order)
  # add remaining columns, sort
  out <- out[c(parameter_columns, shared_order)]

  attr(out, "object_name") <- obj_name
  attr(out, "parameter_columns") <- parameter_columns
  attr(out, "rule") <- rule
  attr(out, "rope") <- range
  class(out) <- c("equivalence_test_lm", "see_equivalence_test_ggeffects", "data.frame")

# helper -------------------

#' @keywords internal
.check_rope_range <- function(x, range, verbose) {
  if (all(range == "default")) {
    range <- bayestestR::rope_range(x, verbose = verbose)
    if (is.list(range)) {
      range <- range[[which.max(sapply(range, diff))]]
  } else if (!all(is.numeric(range)) || length(range) != 2) {
      "`range` should be \"default\" or a vector of 2 numeric values (e.g., `c(-0.1, 0.1)`)."

#' @keywords internal
.equivalence_test_frequentist <- function(x,
                                          range = "default",
                                          ci = 0.95,
                                          rule = "classic",
                                          verbose = TRUE,
                                          ...) {
  # ==== define rope range ====

  range <- .check_rope_range(x, range, verbose)

  if (length(ci) > 1) {
    insight::format_alert("`ci` may only be of length 1. Using first ci-value now.")
    ci <- ci[1]

  # ==== requested confidence intervals ====

  params <- conf_int <- .ci_generic(x, ci = ci)
  conf_int <- as.data.frame(t(conf_int[, c("CI_low", "CI_high")]))

  # ==== the "narrower" intervals (1-2*alpha) for CET-rules. ====

  alpha <- 1 - ci
  conf_int2 <- .ci_generic(x, ci = (ci - alpha))
  conf_int2 <- as.data.frame(t(conf_int2[, c("CI_low", "CI_high")]))

  # ==== equivalence test for each parameter ====

  l <- Map(
    function(ci_wide, ci_narrow) {
        range_rope = range,
        rule = rule,
        ci = ci,
        verbose = verbose
    }, conf_int, conf_int2

  dat <- do.call(rbind, l)
  if ("Component" %in% colnames(params)) dat$Component <- params$Component

  out <- data.frame(
    Parameter = params$Parameter,
    CI = ifelse(rule == "bayes", ci, ci - alpha),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE

  # ==== (adjusted) p-values for tests ====

  out$p <- .add_p_to_equitest(x, ci, range)

  attr(out, "rope") <- range

#' @keywords internal
.equivalence_test_frequentist_random <- function(x,
                                                 range = "default",
                                                 ci = 0.95,
                                                 rule = "classic",
                                                 verbose = TRUE,
                                                 ...) {
  if (all(range == "default")) {
    range <- bayestestR::rope_range(x, verbose = verbose)
  } else if (!all(is.numeric(range)) || length(range) != 2) {
      "`range` should be \"default\" or a vector of 2 numeric values (e.g., `c(-0.1, 0.1)`)."

  if (length(ci) > 1) {
    if (isTRUE(verbose)) {
      insight::format_alert("`ci` may only be of length 1. Using first ci-value now.")
    ci <- ci[1]

  params <- insight::get_parameters(x, effects = "random", component = "conditional", verbose = FALSE)
  se <- standard_error(x, effects = "random", component = "conditional")

  alpha <- (1 + ci) / 2
  fac <- stats::qnorm(alpha)

  alpha_narrow <- (1 + ci - (1 - ci)) / 2
  fac_narrow <- stats::qnorm(alpha_narrow)

  out <- do.call(rbind, lapply(names(params), function(np) {
    est <- params[[np]][, "(Intercept)"]
    std_err <- se[[np]][, "(Intercept)"]

    d <- data.frame(
      Parameter = rownames(params[[np]]),
      Estimate = est,
      CI = ifelse(rule == "bayes", ci, ci - (1 - ci)),
      Group = np,
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE

    conf_int <- as.data.frame(t(data.frame(
      CI_low = est - std_err * fac,
      CI_high = est + std_err * fac

    conf_int2 <- as.data.frame(t(data.frame(
      CI_low = est - std_err * fac_narrow,
      CI_high = est + std_err * fac_narrow

    l <- Map(
      function(ci_wide, ci_narrow) {
          range_rope = range,
          rule = rule,
          ci = ci,
          verbose = verbose
      }, conf_int, conf_int2

    dat <- do.call(rbind, l)
    cbind(d, dat)

  attr(out, "rope") <- range

#' @keywords internal
.equivalence_test_numeric <- function(ci_wide, ci_narrow, range_rope, rule, ci = 0.95, verbose) {
  final_ci <- NULL

  # ==== HDI+ROPE decision rule, by Kruschke ====

  if (rule == "bayes") {
    final_ci <- ci_wide
    if (min(ci_wide) > max(range_rope) || max(ci_wide) < min(range_rope)) {
      decision <- "Rejected"
    } else if (max(ci_wide) <= max(range_rope) && min(ci_wide) >= min(range_rope)) {
      decision <- "Accepted"
    } else {
      decision <- "Undecided"

  # ==== Lakens' rule ====

  if (rule == "classic") {
    final_ci <- ci_narrow
    # significant result?
    if (min(ci_narrow) > 0 || max(ci_narrow) < 0) {
      # check if CI are entirely inside ROPE. If CI crosses ROPE, reject H0, else accept
      if (min(abs(ci_narrow)) < max(abs(range_rope)) && max(abs(ci_narrow)) < max(abs(range_rope))) {
        decision <- "Accepted"
      } else {
        decision <- "Rejected"
      # non-significant results
    } else if (min(abs(ci_narrow)) < max(abs(range_rope)) && max(abs(ci_narrow)) < max(abs(range_rope))) {
      # check if CI are entirely inside ROPE. If CI crosses ROPE, reject H0, else accept
      decision <- "Accepted"
    } else {
      decision <- "Undecided"

  # ==== CET rule ====

  if (rule == "cet") {
    final_ci <- ci_narrow
    # significant result?
    if (min(ci_wide) > 0 || max(ci_wide) < 0) {
      decision <- "Rejected"
      # non-significant results, all narrow CI inside ROPE
    } else if (min(abs(ci_narrow)) < max(abs(range_rope)) && max(abs(ci_narrow)) < max(abs(range_rope))) {
      decision <- "Accepted"
    } else {
      decision <- "Undecided"

    CI_low = final_ci[1],
    CI_high = final_ci[2],
    SGPV = .sgpv(range_rope, final_ci),
    ROPE_low = range_rope[1],
    ROPE_high = range_rope[2],
    # ROPE_Percentage = .rope_coverage(range_rope, final_ci),
    ROPE_Equivalence = decision,
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE

# helper ---------------------

.sgpv <- function(rope, ci) {
  diff_rope <- abs(diff(rope))
  diff_ci <- abs(diff(ci))

  # inside?
  if (min(ci) >= min(rope) && max(ci) <= max(rope)) {
    coverage <- 1

    # outside?
  } else if (max(ci) < min(rope) || min(ci) > max(rope)) {
    coverage <- 0

    # CI covers completely rope?
  } else if (max(ci) > max(rope) && min(ci) < min(rope)) {
    coverage <- diff_rope / diff_ci

    # CI inside rope and outside max rope?
  } else if (min(ci) >= min(rope) && max(ci) > max(rope)) {
    diff_in_rope <- max(rope) - min(ci)
    coverage <- diff_in_rope / diff_ci

    # CI inside rope and outside min rope?
  } else if (max(ci) <= max(rope) && min(ci) < min(rope)) {
    diff_in_rope <- max(ci) - min(rope)
    coverage <- diff_in_rope / diff_ci


## FIXME make sure this works for different CI levels
.rope_coverage <- function(rope, ci_range, ci) {
  diff_ci <- abs(diff(ci_range))
  out <- bayestestR::distribution_normal(
    n = 1000,
    mean = ci_range[2] - (diff_ci / 2),
    sd = diff_ci / 3.28

  rc <- bayestestR::rope(out, range = rope, ci = ci)

.add_p_to_equitest <- function(model, ci, range) {
      params <- insight::get_parameters(model)

      # degrees of freedom
      dof <- degrees_of_freedom(model, method = "any")

      # mu
      params$mu <- params$Estimate * -1

      # se
      se <- standard_error(model)

      stats::pt((range[1] - params$mu) / se$SE, df = dof, lower.tail = TRUE) +
        stats::pt((range[2] - params$mu) / se$SE, df = dof, lower.tail = FALSE)
    error = function(e) {

# methods ----------------

#' @export
format.equivalence_test_lm <- function(x,
                                       digits = 2,
                                       ci_digits = digits,
                                       p_digits = 3,
                                       ci_width = NULL,
                                       ci_brackets = NULL,
                                       format = "text",
                                       zap_small = FALSE,
                                       ...) {
  # default brackets are parenthesis for HTML / MD
  if ((is.null(ci_brackets) || isTRUE(ci_brackets)) && (identical(format, "html") || identical(format, "markdown"))) {
    ci_brackets <- c("(", ")")
  } else if (is.null(ci_brackets) || isTRUE(ci_brackets)) {
    ci_brackets <- c("[", "]")

  # main formatting
  out <- insight::format_table(
    digits = digits,
    ci_digits = ci_digits,
    p_digits = p_digits,
    ci_width = ci_width,
    ci_brackets = ci_brackets,
    zap_small = zap_small,

  # format column names
  colnames(out)[which(colnames(out) == "Equivalence (ROPE)")] <- "Equivalence"
  out$ROPE <- NULL

  # only show supported components
  if ("Component" %in% colnames(out)) {
    out <- out[out$Component %in% c("conditional", "count"), ]


#' @export
print.equivalence_test_lm <- function(x,
                                      digits = 2,
                                      ci_digits = digits,
                                      p_digits = 3,
                                      ci_brackets = NULL,
                                      zap_small = FALSE,
                                      ...) {
  orig_x <- x

  rule <- attributes(x)$rule
  if (!is.null(rule)) {
    if (rule == "cet") {
      insight::print_color("# Conditional Equivalence Testing\n\n", "blue")
    } else if (rule == "classic") {
      insight::print_color("# TOST-test for Practical Equivalence\n\n", "blue")
    } else {
      insight::print_color("# Test for Practical Equivalence\n\n", "blue")
  } else {
    insight::print_color("# Test for Practical Equivalence\n\n", "blue")

  .rope <- attr(x, "rope", exact = TRUE)
  cat(sprintf("  ROPE: [%.*f %.*f]\n\n", digits, .rope[1], digits, .rope[2]))

  # formatting
  x <- format(x,
    digits = digits,
    ci_digits = ci_digits,
    p_digits = p_digits,
    ci_width = "auto",
    ci_brackets = ci_brackets,
    format = "text",
    zap_small = zap_small,

  if ("Group" %in% colnames(x)) {
    out <- split(x, x$Group)
    for (i in names(out)) {
      insight::print_color(sprintf("Group: %s\n\n", i), "red")
  } else {

#' @export
plot.equivalence_test_lm <- function(x, ...) {

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