
Defines functions encodingReduce getCounts getChoices generateCustomProbs generateCustomLib generateCustomNei generateCustom

Documented in encodingReduce generateCustom generateCustomLib generateCustomNei generateCustomProbs getChoices getCounts

#' Reduce the regular encoding to an easier/faster format
#' @param class The peptide class
#' @param libscheme The scheme to use
#' @return Vector of reduced peptide encodings
encodingReduce <- function(class, libscheme) {
    sapply(class, function(x) { 
        splitted <- strsplit(x, split = "")[[1]]
        lvls <- libscheme$info$scheme$class
        myTbl <- table(factor(splitted, levels = lvls[lvls != "Z"]))
        return(paste(myTbl, collapse = ","))

#' Get the counts possible for each scheme and k
#' @param libscheme The scheme to use
#' @param k Peptide length
#' @return Character vector of possible counts for each class
getCounts <- function(libscheme, k) {
    scheme.levels <- length(libscheme$info$scheme$class) - 1
    str.func <- paste("expand.grid(", paste(rep(paste("0:", k, sep = ""), times = scheme.levels), collapse = ", "), ")")
    grid.df <- eval(parse(text = str.func))
    grid.sub <- subset(grid.df, apply(grid.df, 1, sum) == k)
    grid.str <- apply(grid.sub, 1, paste, collapse = ",")

#' Get the number of peptides that reduce to a particular reduced encoding
#' @param str The reduced encoding string
#' @return An integer of the possible number of peptides reducing to this encoding
getChoices <- function(str) {
    test <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(str, split = ",")))
    left <- sum(test)
    total <- 1
    for (i in 1:length(test)) {
        val <- choose(left, test[i])
        left <- left - test[i]
        total <- total * val

#' For a given scheme, generate a dataset with the peptide probabilities
#' @param scheme_def definition of the custom scheme
#' @param k peptide lengths to include
#' @import plyr
#' @return A data frame of peptide probabilities
generateCustomProbs <- function(scheme_def, k = 1:20) {
    cat("Getting possible peptide encodings...\n")
    lib.probs.tmp <- ldply(k, function(y) {
        ## Generate scheme
        df <- libscheme(scheme_def, y)$data
        df$k <- y
    lib.probs.tmp$scheme <- "Custom"


#' For a given scheme, generate a dataset with the library information
#' @param scheme_def definition of the custom scheme
#' @param k peptide lengths to include
#' @param n exponents of the library size to include
#' @import plyr
#' @return A data frame of library information
generateCustomLib <- function(scheme_def, k = 1:20, n = 1:25) {
    ## Library sizes
    n <- as.vector(sapply(10^n, `*`, seq(1.0, 9.9, by = 0.1)))
    cat("Generating library properties...\n")
    lib.stats <- ldply(k, function(k1) {
        cat("Processing for k =", k1, "\n")
        lib <- libscheme(scheme_def, k = k1)
        lib.stats <- ldply(n, .progress = "text", function(n1) {  
            # cat("Processing for n =", n1, "\n")
            cov = coverage(k=k1, libscheme=scheme_def, N=n1, lib=lib)
            eff = efficiency(k=k1, libscheme=scheme_def, N=n1, lib=lib)
            c(k=k1, N=n1, coverage=cov, efficiency=eff)
        cat("Generating library diversity...\n")
        lib.stats$diversity = makowski(k=k1, libscheme=scheme_def)
        lib.stats$scheme <- "Custom"

#' For a given scheme, generate a dataset with the neighborhood information
#' @param scheme_def definition of the custom scheme
#' @param k peptide lengths to include
#' @param n exponents of the library size to include
#' @import plyr
#' @return A data frame of neighborhood information
generateCustomNei <- function(scheme_def, k = 1:20, n = 1:25) {
    ## Library sizes
    n <- as.vector(sapply(10^n, `*`, seq(1.0, 9.9, by = 0.1)))
    nei.dat <- ldply(k, function(x) {
        worst.aa <- strsplit(as.character(scheme_def$aacid)[which.min(scheme_def$c[scheme_def$c > 0])], "")[[1]]
        best.aa <- strsplit(as.character(scheme_def$aacid)[which.max(scheme_def$c)], "")[[1]]
        peps.worst <- sapply(worst.aa, function(aa){paste(rep(aa, x), collapse = "")})
        peps.best <- sapply(best.aa, function(aa){paste(rep(aa, x), collapse = "")})
        worst.tmp <- sapply(peps.worst, function(pep){
            ppeptide(getNeighbors(pep), scheme_def, n)
        worst <- apply(worst.tmp, 1, min)
        worst.which <- which.min(worst.tmp[1,])
        worst2 <- ppeptide(unique(unlist(getNeighbors(getNeighbors(peps.worst[worst.which])))), scheme_def, n)
        best.tmp <- sapply(peps.best, function(pep){
            ppeptide(getNeighbors(pep), scheme_def, n)
        best <- apply(best.tmp, 1, max)
        best.which <- which.max(best.tmp[1,])
        best2 <- ppeptide(unique(unlist(getNeighbors(getNeighbors(peps.best[best.which])))), scheme_def, n)
        data.frame(scheme = "Custom", k = x, N = rep(n, times = 2), degree = rep(1:2, each = length(n)), worst = c(worst, worst2), best = c(best, best2))

#' Generate peptide and library information for a given scheme
#' This function will generate library properties for a custom scheme.  It is primarily intended to be used on http://www.pelica.org.
#' @param scheme_name The name of the resulting encoding scheme
#' @param scheme_def A data frame containing encoding information for the scheme
#' @param k peptide lengths to include
#' @param n exponents of the library size to include
#' @param savefile if true, save the results to an RData file
#' @return TRUE upon completion of the script and output of the CSV files
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils read.csv
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' generateCustom()
#' generateCustom(scheme_name = "NNN", scheme_def = scheme("NNN"))
#' }
generateCustom <- function(scheme_name = "custom", scheme_def = read.csv(file.choose()), k = 1:20, n = 1:25, savefile = TRUE) {
    custom.probs <- generateCustomProbs(scheme_def, k)
    custom.lib <- generateCustomLib(scheme_def, k, n)
    custom.nei <- generateCustomNei(scheme_def, k, n)
    custom.data <- list(custom.probs = custom.probs, custom.lib = custom.lib, custom.nei = custom.nei, scheme_def = scheme_def)
    if (savefile) save(list = c("custom.probs", "custom.lib", "custom.nei", "scheme_def"), file = "peptider_custom.RData")

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peptider documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:43 a.m.