
Defines functions has_family_extras has_dispersion extend_family_student_t extend_family_gamma extend_family_gaussian extend_family_poisson extend_family_binomial extend_family

Documented in extend_family

# Family-specific helper functions
# `extend_family(family)` returns a `family` object augmented with auxiliary
# functions that are needed for computing KL-divergence, log likelihood,
# dispersion projection, etc.
# Missing: Quasi-families are not implemented. If dis_gamma is the correct shape
# parameter for projected Gamma regression, everything should be OK for gamma.

#' Extend a family
#' This function adds some internally required elements to an object of class
#' `family` (see, e.g., [family()]). It is called internally by
#' [init_refmodel()], so you will rarely need to call it yourself.
#' @param family An object of class `family`.
#' @param latent A single logical value indicating whether to use the latent
#'   projection (`TRUE`) or not (`FALSE`). Note that setting `latent = TRUE`
#'   causes all arguments starting with `augdat_` to be ignored.
#' @param latent_y_unqs Only relevant for a latent projection where the original
#'   response space has finite support (i.e., the original response values may
#'   be regarded as categories), in which case this needs to be the character
#'   vector of unique response values (which will be assigned to `family$cats`
#'   internally) or may be left at `NULL` (so that \pkg{projpred} will try to
#'   infer it from `family$cats`). See also section "Latent projection" below.
#' @param latent_ilink Only relevant for the latent projection, in which case
#'   this needs to be the inverse-link function. If the original response family
#'   was the [binomial()] or the [poisson()] family, then `latent_ilink` can be
#'   `NULL`, in which case an internal default will be used. Can also be `NULL`
#'   in all other cases, but then an internal default based on `family$linkinv`
#'   will be used which might not work for all families. See also section
#'   "Latent projection" below.
#' @param latent_ll_oscale Only relevant for the latent projection, in which
#'   case this needs to be the function computing response-scale (not
#'   latent-scale) log-likelihood values. If `!is.null(family$cats)` (after
#'   taking `latent_y_unqs` into account) or if the original response family was
#'   the [binomial()] or the [poisson()] family, then `latent_ll_oscale` can be
#'   `NULL`, in which case an internal default will be used. Can also be `NULL`
#'   in all other cases, but then downstream functions will have limited
#'   functionality (a message thrown by [extend_family()] will state what
#'   exactly won't be available). See also section "Latent projection" below.
#' @param latent_ppd_oscale Only relevant for the latent projection, in which
#'   case this needs to be the function sampling response values given latent
#'   predictors that have been transformed to response scale using
#'   `latent_ilink`. If `!is.null(family$cats)` (after taking `latent_y_unqs`
#'   into account) or if the original response family was the [binomial()] or
#'   the [poisson()] family, then `latent_ppd_oscale` can be `NULL`, in which
#'   case an internal default will be used. Can also be `NULL` in all other
#'   cases, but then downstream functions will have limited functionality (a
#'   message thrown by [extend_family()] will state what exactly won't be
#'   available). See also section "Latent projection" below. Note that although
#'   this function has the abbreviation "PPD" in its name (which stands for
#'   "posterior predictive distribution"), \pkg{projpred} currently only uses it
#'   in [proj_predict()], i.e., for sampling from what would better be termed
#'   posterior-projection predictive distribution (PPPD).
#' @param augdat_y_unqs Only relevant for augmented-data projection, in which
#'   case this needs to be the character vector of unique response values (which
#'   will be assigned to `family$cats` internally) or may be left at `NULL` if
#'   `family$cats` is already non-`NULL`. See also section "Augmented-data
#'   projection" below.
#' @param augdat_link Only relevant for augmented-data projection, in which case
#'   this needs to be the link function. Use `NULL` for the traditional
#'   projection. See also section "Augmented-data projection" below.
#' @param augdat_ilink Only relevant for augmented-data projection, in which
#'   case this needs to be the inverse-link function. Use `NULL` for the
#'   traditional projection. See also section "Augmented-data projection" below.
#' @param augdat_args_link Only relevant for augmented-data projection, in which
#'   case this may be a named `list` of arguments to pass to the function
#'   supplied to `augdat_link`.
#' @param augdat_args_ilink Only relevant for augmented-data projection, in
#'   which case this may be a named `list` of arguments to pass to the function
#'   supplied to `augdat_ilink`.
#' @param ... Ignored (exists only to swallow up further arguments which might
#'   be passed to this function).
#' @details
#' In the following, \eqn{N}, \eqn{C_{\mathrm{cat}}}{C_cat},
#' \eqn{C_{\mathrm{lat}}}{C_lat}, \eqn{S_{\mathrm{ref}}}{S_ref}, and
#' \eqn{S_{\mathrm{prj}}}{S_prj} from help topic [refmodel-init-get] are used.
#' Note that \eqn{N} does not necessarily denote the number of original
#' observations; it can also refer to new observations. Furthermore, let \eqn{S}
#' denote either \eqn{S_{\mathrm{ref}}}{S_ref} or \eqn{S_{\mathrm{prj}}}{S_prj},
#' whichever is appropriate in the context where it is used.
#' # Augmented-data projection
#' As their first input, the functions supplied to arguments `augdat_link` and
#' `augdat_ilink` have to accept:
#' * For `augdat_link`: an \eqn{S \times N \times C_{\mathrm{cat}}}{S x N x
#' C_cat} array containing the probabilities for the response categories. The
#' order of the response categories is the same as in `family$cats` (see
#' argument `augdat_y_unqs`).
#' * For `augdat_ilink`: an \eqn{S \times N \times C_{\mathrm{lat}}}{S x N x
#' C_lat} array containing the linear predictors.
#' The return value of these functions needs to be:
#' * For `augdat_link`: an \eqn{S \times N \times C_{\mathrm{lat}}}{S x N x
#' C_lat} array containing the linear predictors.
#' * For `augdat_ilink`: an \eqn{S \times N \times C_{\mathrm{cat}}}{S x N x
#' C_cat} array containing the probabilities for the response categories. The
#' order of the response categories has to be the same as in `family$cats` (see
#' argument `augdat_y_unqs`).
#' For the augmented-data projection, the response vector resulting from
#' `extract_model_data` (see [init_refmodel()]) is coerced to a `factor` (using
#' [as.factor()]) at multiple places throughout this package. Inside of
#' [init_refmodel()], the levels of this `factor` have to be identical to
#' `family$cats` (*after* applying [extend_family()] inside of
#' [init_refmodel()]). Everywhere else, these levels have to be a subset of
#' `<refmodel>$family$cats` (where `<refmodel>` is an object resulting from
#' [init_refmodel()]). See argument `augdat_y_unqs` for how to control
#' `family$cats`.
#' For ordinal \pkg{brms} families, be aware that the submodels (onto which the
#' reference model is projected) currently have the following restrictions:
#' * The discrimination parameter `disc` is not supported (i.e., it is a
#' constant with value 1).
#' * The thresholds are `"flexible"` (see [brms::brmsfamily()]).
#' * The thresholds do not vary across the levels of a `factor`-like variable
#' (see argument `gr` of [brms::resp_thres()]).
#' * The `"probit_approx"` link is replaced by `"probit"`.
#' For the [brms::categorical()] family, be aware that:
#' * For multilevel submodels, the group-level effects are allowed to be
#' correlated between different response categories.
#' * For multilevel submodels, \pkg{mclogit} versions < 0.9.4 may throw the
#' error \code{'a' (<number> x 1) must be square}. Updating \pkg{mclogit} to a
#' version >= 0.9.4 should fix this.
#' # Latent projection
#' The function supplied to argument `latent_ilink` needs to have the prototype
#' ```{r, eval = FALSE}
#' latent_ilink(lpreds, cl_ref, wdraws_ref = rep(1, length(cl_ref)))
#' ```
#' where:
#' * `lpreds` accepts an \eqn{S \times N}{S x N} matrix containing the linear
#' predictors.
#' * `cl_ref` accepts a numeric vector of length \eqn{S_{\mathrm{ref}}}{S_ref},
#' containing \pkg{projpred}'s internal cluster indices for these draws.
#' * `wdraws_ref` accepts a numeric vector of length
#' \eqn{S_{\mathrm{ref}}}{S_ref}, containing weights for these draws. These
#' weights should be treated as not being normalized (i.e., they don't
#' necessarily sum to `1`).
#' The return value of `latent_ilink` needs to contain the linear predictors
#' transformed to the original response space, with the following structure:
#' * If `is.null(family$cats)` (after taking `latent_y_unqs` into account): an
#' \eqn{S \times N}{S x N} matrix.
#' * If `!is.null(family$cats)` (after taking `latent_y_unqs` into account): an
#' \eqn{S \times N \times C_{\mathrm{cat}}}{S x N x C_cat} array. In that case,
#' `latent_ilink` needs to return *probabilities* (for the response categories
#' given in `family$cats`, after taking `latent_y_unqs` into account).
#' The function supplied to argument `latent_ll_oscale` needs to have the
#' prototype
#' ```{r, eval = FALSE}
#' latent_ll_oscale(ilpreds, y_oscale, wobs = rep(1, length(y_oscale)), cl_ref,
#'                  wdraws_ref = rep(1, length(cl_ref)))
#' ```
#' where:
#' * `ilpreds` accepts the return value from `latent_ilink`.
#' * `y_oscale` accepts a vector of length \eqn{N} containing response values on
#' the original response scale.
#' * `wobs` accepts a numeric vector of length \eqn{N} containing observation
#' weights.
#' * `cl_ref` accepts the same input as argument `cl_ref` of `latent_ilink`.
#' * `wdraws_ref` accepts the same input as argument `wdraws_ref` of
#' `latent_ilink`.
#' The return value of `latent_ll_oscale` needs to be an \eqn{S \times N}{S x N}
#' matrix containing the response-scale (not latent-scale) log-likelihood values
#' for the \eqn{N} observations from its inputs.
#' The function supplied to argument `latent_ppd_oscale` needs to have the
#' prototype
#' ```{r, eval = FALSE}
#' latent_ppd_oscale(ilpreds_resamp, wobs, cl_ref,
#'                   wdraws_ref = rep(1, length(cl_ref)), idxs_prjdraws)
#' ```
#' where:
#' * `ilpreds_resamp` accepts the return value from `latent_ilink`, but possibly
#' with resampled (clustered) draws (see argument `nresample_clusters` of
#' [proj_predict()]).
#' * `wobs` accepts a numeric vector of length \eqn{N} containing observation
#' weights.
#' * `cl_ref` accepts the same input as argument `cl_ref` of `latent_ilink`.
#' * `wdraws_ref` accepts the same input as argument `wdraws_ref` of
#' `latent_ilink`.
#' * `idxs_prjdraws` accepts a numeric vector of length `dim(ilpreds_resamp)[1]`
#' containing the resampled indices of the projected draws (i.e., these indices
#' are values from the set \eqn{\{1, ..., \texttt{dim(ilpreds)[1]}\}}{{1, ...,
#' dim(ilpreds)[1]}} where `ilpreds` denotes the return value of
#' `latent_ilink`).
#' The return value of `latent_ppd_oscale` needs to be a
#' \eqn{\texttt{dim(ilpreds\_resamp)[1]} \times N}{dim(ilpreds_resamp)[1] x N}
#' matrix containing the response-scale (not latent-scale) draws from the
#' posterior(-projection) predictive distributions for the \eqn{N} observations
#' from its inputs.
#' If the bodies of these three functions involve parameter draws from the
#' reference model which have not been projected (e.g., for `latent_ilink`, the
#' thresholds in an ordinal model), [cl_agg()] is provided as a helper function
#' for aggregating these reference model draws in the same way as the draws have
#' been aggregated for the first argument of these functions (e.g., `lpreds` in
#' case of `latent_ilink`).
#' In fact, the weights passed to argument `wdraws_ref` are nonconstant only in
#' case of [cv_varsel()] with `cv_method = "LOO"` and `validate_search = TRUE`.
#' In that case, the weights passed to this argument are the PSIS-LOO CV weights
#' for one observation. Note that although argument `wdraws_ref` has the suffix
#' `_ref`, `wdraws_ref` does not necessarily obtain weights for the *initial*
#' reference model's posterior draws: In case of [cv_varsel()] with `cv_method =
#' "kfold"`, these weights may refer to one of the \eqn{K} reference model
#' refits (but in that case, they are constant anyway).
#' If `family$cats` is not `NULL` (after taking `latent_y_unqs` into account),
#' then the response vector resulting from `extract_model_data` (see
#' [init_refmodel()]) is coerced to a `factor` (using [as.factor()]) at multiple
#' places throughout this package. Inside of [init_refmodel()], the levels of
#' this `factor` have to be identical to `family$cats` (*after* applying
#' [extend_family()] inside of [init_refmodel()]). Everywhere else, these levels
#' have to be a subset of `<refmodel>$family$cats` (where `<refmodel>` is an
#' object resulting from [init_refmodel()]).
#' @return The `family` object extended in the way needed by \pkg{projpred}.
#' @export
extend_family <- function(family,
                          latent = FALSE,
                          latent_y_unqs = NULL,
                          latent_ilink = NULL,
                          latent_ll_oscale = NULL,
                          latent_ppd_oscale = NULL,
                          augdat_y_unqs = NULL,
                          augdat_link = NULL,
                          augdat_ilink = NULL,
                          augdat_args_link = list(),
                          augdat_args_ilink = list(),
                          ...) {
  if (has_family_extras(family)) {
    # If the family was already extended using this function, then return as-is:
  if (latent) {
    family_oscale_tmp <- family$family
    link_oscale_tmp <- family$link
    linkinv_oscale_tmp <- family$linkinv
    cats_oscale_tmp <- family$cats
    family <- gaussian()
    family$family_oscale <- family_oscale_tmp
    family$link_oscale <- link_oscale_tmp
  aug_data <- !is.null(augdat_link) && !is.null(augdat_ilink) && !latent
  if (!aug_data) {
    extend_family_specific <- paste0("extend_family_", tolower(family$family))
    if (!exists(extend_family_specific, mode = "function")) {
      stop("Family '", family$family, "' is not supported by projpred.")
    extend_family_specific <- get(extend_family_specific, mode = "function")
    family <- extend_family_specific(family)

    # If `family$cats` weren't `NULL`, then downstream code in projpred would
    # have to be adapted:

    if (latent) {
      if (!is.null(latent_y_unqs)) {
        family$cats <- latent_y_unqs
      } else {
        family$cats <- cats_oscale_tmp
      if (is.null(latent_ilink)) {
        if (family$family_oscale == "binomial") {
          latent_ilink <- function(lpreds, cl_ref,
                                   wdraws_ref = rep(1, length(cl_ref))) {
            ilpreds <- ilinkfun_raw(lpreds, link_nm = family$link_oscale)
            if (!is.null(family$cats)) {
              ilpreds <- abind::abind(1 - ilpreds, ilpreds, rev.along = 0)
        } else {
          if (family$family_oscale != "poisson") {
            message("Defining `latent_ilink` as a function which calls ",
                    "`family$linkinv`, but there is no guarantee that this ",
                    "will work for all families. If relying on ",
                    "`family$linkinv` is not appropriate or if this raises an ",
                    "error in downstream functions, supply a custom ",
                    "`latent_ilink` function (which is also allowed to return ",
                    "only `NA`s if response-scale post-processing is not ",
          latent_ilink <- function(lpreds, cl_ref,
                                   wdraws_ref = rep(1, length(cl_ref))) {
      if (is.null(latent_ll_oscale)) {
        if (!is.null(family$cats)) {
          latent_ll_oscale <- latent_ll_oscale_cats
        } else if (family$family_oscale == "binomial") {
          latent_ll_oscale <- latent_ll_oscale_binom_nocats
        } else if (family$family_oscale == "poisson") {
          latent_ll_oscale <- latent_ll_oscale_poiss
        } else {
          latent_ll_oscale <- latent_ll_oscale_NA
          message("`latent_ll_oscale` was `NULL` and a suitable internal ",
                  "default could not be found (other than a function ",
                  "returning only `NA`s). Thus, cv_varsel() with `cv_method = ",
                  "\"LOO\"` won't be usable. Furthermore, some features of ",
                  "predict.refmodel(), summary.vsel(), print.vsel(), ",
                  "plot.vsel(), suggest_size.vsel(), and proj_linpred() won't ",
                  "work on response scale (only on latent scale).")
      if (is.null(latent_ppd_oscale)) {
        if (!is.null(family$cats)) {
          latent_ppd_oscale <- latent_ppd_oscale_cats
        } else if (family$family_oscale == "binomial") {
          latent_ppd_oscale <- latent_ppd_oscale_binom_nocats
        } else if (family$family_oscale == "poisson") {
          latent_ppd_oscale <- latent_ppd_oscale_poiss
        } else {
          latent_ppd_oscale <- latent_ppd_oscale_NA
          message("`latent_ppd_oscale` was `NULL` and a suitable internal ",
                  "default could not be found (other than a function ",
                  "returning only `NA`s). Thus, proj_predict() won't work on ",
                  "response scale (only on latent scale).")
      family$latent_ilink <- latent_ilink
      family$latent_ll_oscale <- latent_ll_oscale
      family$latent_ppd_oscale <- latent_ppd_oscale
    family$for_latent <- latent
    family$for_augdat <- FALSE
  } else {
    if (!is.null(augdat_y_unqs)) {
      family$cats <- augdat_y_unqs
    } else if (is.null(family$cats)) {
      stop("Please supply argument `augdat_y_unqs` or ensure that ",
           "`family$cats` is not `NULL`.")

    # Checks for special 'brms' features (currently only necessary for argument
    # `refcat` of the brms::categorical() family):
    if (!(is.null(family$refcat) ||
          identical(family$refcat, utils::head(family$cats, 1)))) {
      stop("Currently, the first category must be the reference category.")

    family$linkfun <- function(mu) {
      mu_arr <- augmat2arr(mu, margin_draws = 1)
      eta_arr <- do.call(augdat_link, c(list(mu_arr), augdat_args_link))
      return(arr2augmat(eta_arr, margin_draws = 1))
    family$linkinv <- function(eta) {
      eta_arr <- augmat2arr(eta, margin_draws = 1)
      mu_arr <- do.call(augdat_ilink, c(list(eta_arr), augdat_args_ilink))
      return(arr2augmat(mu_arr, margin_draws = 1))
    family$ce_ptwise <- function(mu_ref, mu_sub, w_obs = 1) {
      mu_ref_arr <- augmat2arr(mu_ref)
      mu_sub_arr <- augmat2arr(mu_sub)
      stopifnot(identical(dim(mu_ref_arr), dim(mu_sub_arr)))
      n_obs <- dim(mu_ref_arr)[1]
      n_prjdraws <- dim(mu_ref_arr)[3]
      if (length(w_obs) == 0) {
        w_obs <- rep(1, n_obs)
      } else if (length(w_obs) == 1) {
        w_obs <- rep(w_obs, n_obs)
      } else if (length(w_obs) != n_obs) {
        stop("Argument `w_obs` needs to be of length 0, 1, or `n_obs`.")
      return(do.call(rbind, lapply(seq_len(n_obs), function(i_obs) {
        do.call(c, lapply(seq_len(n_prjdraws), function(i_prjdraws) {
          prbs_ref <- mu_ref_arr[i_obs, , i_prjdraws]
          prbs_sub <- mu_sub_arr[i_obs, , i_prjdraws]
          # Assign some nonzero value to have a finite log() value (the specific
          # value doesn't matter for `prbs_ref` because of the multiplication
          # with zero):
          prbs_ref[prbs_ref == 0] <- .Machine$double.eps
          # Assign some nonzero value to have a finite log() value (for
          # `prbs_sub`, the specific value matters, in contrast to `prbs_ref`):
          prbs_sub[prbs_sub == 0] <- .Machine$double.eps
          # In analogy to `extend_family(binomial())$ce()`,
          # `extend_family(poisson())$ce()`, and
          # `extend_family(gaussian())$ce()`, multiply by the observation
          # weight:
          return(w_obs[i_obs] * (-sum(prbs_ref * log(prbs_sub))))
    family$ce <- function(pref, data, psub) {
      ce_sums <- colSums(
        family$ce_ptwise(mu_ref = pref$mu,
                         mu_sub = psub$mu,
                         w_obs = data$weights)
      return(ce_sums / sum(data$weights))
    family$dis_fun <- function(pref, psub, wobs = 1) {
      return(rep(NA, ncol(pref$mu)))
    family$predvar <- function(mu, dis, wdraws = 1) {
      return(rep(NA, NROW(mu)))
    family$ll_fun <- function(mu, dis = NULL, y, weights = 1) {
      mu_arr <- augmat2arr(mu)
      return(ll_cats(mu_arr, y = y, wobs = weights))
    family$ppd <- function(mu, dis, weights = 1) {
      mu_arr <- augmat2arr(augvec2augmat(mu))
      return(ppd_cats(mu_arr, wobs = weights, return_vec = TRUE))
    family$for_latent <- FALSE
    family$for_augdat <- TRUE
  family$is_extended <- TRUE

extend_family_binomial <- function(family) {
  # Helper function for calculating the log PMF of the binomial distribution,
  # but (i) modified to be non-zero at `x` not contained in the support and (ii)
  # "reduced" in the sense of lacking the (additive) part
  # `log(choose(size, size * x))`:
  dbinom_log_reduced <- function(x, size, prob) {
    size * (x * log(prob) + (1 - x) * log(1 - prob))

  ce_binom <- function(pref, data, psub) {
    ce_sums <- -colSums(
      dbinom_log_reduced(x = pref$mu, size = data$weights, prob = psub$mu)
    return(ce_sums / sum(data$weights))
  dis_na <- function(pref, psub, wobs = 1) {
    rep(NA, ncol(pref$mu))
  predvar_na <- function(mu, dis, wdraws = 1) {
    rep(NA, NROW(mu))
  ll_binom <- function(mu, dis, y, weights = 1) {
    y <- as.matrix(y)
    dbinom(y, weights, mu, log = TRUE)
  dev_binom <- function(mu, y, weights = 1, dis = NULL) {
    if (NCOL(y) < NCOL(mu)) {
      y <- matrix(y, nrow = length(y), ncol = NCOL(mu))
    -2 * dbinom_log_reduced(x = y, size = weights, prob = mu)
  ppd_binom <- function(mu, dis, weights = 1) {
    rbinom(length(mu), weights, mu)
  initialize_binom <- expression({
    if (NCOL(y) == 1) {
      if (is.factor(y)) {
        y <- y != levels(y)[1L]
      n <- rep.int(1, nobs)
      y[weights == 0] <- 0
      if (any(y < 0 | y > 1)) {
        stop("y values must be 0 <= y <= 1")
      mustart <- (weights * y + 0.5) / (weights + 1)
      m <- weights * y
      if ("binomial" == "binomial" && any(abs(m - round(m)) >
                                          0.001)) {
        ### Deactivated because in general, this will be the case in 'projpred':
        # warning(gettextf("non-integer #successes in a %s glm!",
        #                  "binomial"), domain = NA)
    else if (NCOL(y) == 2) {
      if ("binomial" == "binomial" && any(abs(y - round(y)) >
                                          0.001)) {
        warning(gettextf("non-integer counts in a %s glm!",
                         "binomial"), domain = NA)
      n <- (y1 <- y[, 1L]) + y[, 2L]
      y <- y1 / n
      if (any(n0 <- n == 0)) {
        y[n0] <- 0
      weights <- weights * n
      mustart <- (n * y + 0.5) / (n + 1)
    } else {
      stop(gettextf(paste("for the '%s' family, y must be a vector of 0 and",
                          "1's\nor a 2 column matrix where col 1 is no.",
                          "successes and col 2 is no. failures"),
                    "binomial"), domain = NA)

  family$initialize <- initialize_binom
  family$ce <- ce_binom
  family$dis_fun <- dis_na
  family$predvar <- predvar_na
  family$ll_fun <- ll_binom
  family$deviance <- dev_binom
  family$ppd <- ppd_binom


extend_family_poisson <- function(family) {
  # Helper function for calculating the log PMF of the Poisson distribution,
  # but (i) modified to be non-zero at `x` not contained in the support and (ii)
  # "reduced" in the sense of lacking the (additive) part
  # `- wobs * log(factorial(x))`:
  dpois_log_reduced <- function(x, lamb, wobs) {
    wobs * (x * log(lamb) - lamb)

  ce_poiss <- function(pref, data, psub) {
    ce_sums <- -colSums(
      dpois_log_reduced(x = pref$mu, lamb = psub$mu, wobs = data$weights)
    return(ce_sums / sum(data$weights))
  dis_na <- function(pref, psub, wobs = 1) {
    rep(NA, ncol(pref$mu))
  predvar_na <- function(mu, dis, wdraws = 1) {
    rep(NA, NROW(mu))
  ll_poiss <- function(mu, dis, y, weights = 1) {
    y <- as.matrix(y)
    weights * dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE)
  dev_poiss <- function(mu, y, weights = 1, dis = NULL) {
    if (NCOL(y) < NCOL(mu)) {
      y <- matrix(y, nrow = length(y), ncol = NCOL(mu))
    -2 * dpois_log_reduced(x = y, lamb = mu, wobs = weights)
  ppd_poiss <- function(mu, dis, weights = 1) {
    weights <- parse_wobs_ppd(weights, n_obs = length(mu))
    rpois(length(mu), mu)

  family$ce <- ce_poiss
  family$dis_fun <- dis_na
  family$predvar <- predvar_na
  family$ll_fun <- ll_poiss
  family$deviance <- dev_poiss
  family$ppd <- ppd_poiss


extend_family_gaussian <- function(family) {
  # ce_gauss() does not give the actual cross-entropy (not even the one which
  # would result from dropping terms which would cancel out when calculating the
  # KL divergence) but a reasonable surrogate. This additional approximation was
  # already made back when this used to be the KL divergence, not the
  # cross-entropy.
  ce_gauss <- function(pref, data, psub) {
    ce_sums <- colSums(data$weights * (-2 * pref$mu * psub$mu + psub$mu^2))
    return(ce_sums / sum(data$weights))
  dis_gauss <- function(pref, psub, wobs = 1) {
    sqrt(colSums(wobs / sum(wobs) * (pref$var + (pref$mu - psub$mu)^2)))
  predvar_gauss <- function(mu, dis, wdraws = 1) {
    wdraws <- wdraws / sum(wdraws)
    mu_var <- do.call(rbind, lapply(seq_len(nrow(mu)), function(i) {
      sum(wdraws * (mu[i, ] - weighted.mean(mu[i, ], wdraws))^2)
    as.vector(sum(wdraws * dis^2) + mu_var)
  ll_gauss <- function(mu, dis, y, weights = 1) {
    y <- as.matrix(y)
    dis <- matrix(rep(dis, each = length(y)), ncol = NCOL(mu))
    weights * dnorm(y, mu, dis, log = TRUE)
  dev_gauss <- function(mu, y, weights = 1, dis = NULL) {
    if (is.null(dis)) {
      dis <- 1
    } else {
      dis <- matrix(rep(dis, each = length(y)), ncol = NCOL(mu))
    if (NCOL(y) < NCOL(mu)) {
      y <- matrix(y, nrow = length(y), ncol = NCOL(mu))
    -2 * weights * (-0.5 / dis^2 * (y - mu)^2 - log(dis))
  ppd_gauss <- function(mu, dis, weights = 1) {
    weights <- parse_wobs_ppd(weights, n_obs = length(mu))
    rnorm(length(mu), mu, dis)

  family$ce <- ce_gauss
  family$dis_fun <- dis_gauss
  family$predvar <- predvar_gauss
  family$ll_fun <- ll_gauss
  family$deviance <- dev_gauss
  family$ppd <- ppd_gauss


extend_family_gamma <- function(family) {
  ce_gamma <- function(pref, data, psub) {
    stop("Cross-entropy for the Gamma() family not implemented yet.")
    ### TODO (Gamma()): This commented code stems from a time when this was
    ### still the actual KL divergence and not the (possibly reduced)
    ### cross-entropy ("possibly reduced" means: possibly reduced to only those
    ### terms which would not cancel out when calculating the KL divergence):
    ## mean(data$weights*(
    ##   p_sub$dis*(log(pref$dis)-log(p_sub$dis)+log(psub$mu)-log(pref$mu)) +
    ##     digamma(pref$dis)*(pref$dis - p_sub$dis) - lgamma(pref$dis) +
    ##     lgamma(p_sub$dis) + pref$mu*p_sub$dis/p_sub$mu - pref$dis))
  dis_gamma <- function(pref, psub, wobs = 1) {
    ## TODO (Gamma()), IMPLEMENT THIS
    stop("Projection of dispersion parameter not yet implemented for family",
         " Gamma.")
    ## mean(wobs*((pref$mu - p_sub$mu)/
    ##                      family$mu.eta(family$linkfun(p_sub$mu))^2))
  predvar_gamma <- function(mu, dis, wdraws = 1) {
    stop("Family Gamma not implemented yet.")
  ll_gamma <- function(mu, dis, y, weights = 1) {
    y <- as.matrix(y)
    dis <- matrix(rep(dis, each = length(y)), ncol = NCOL(mu))
    weights * dgamma(y, dis, dis / matrix(mu), log = TRUE)
  dev_gamma <- function(mu, dis, y, weights = 1) {
    stop("Loss function not implemented for Gamma-family yet.")
    ## dis <- matrix(rep(dis, each=length(y)), ncol=NCOL(mu))
    ## weights*dgamma(y, dis, dis/matrix(mu), log= TRUE)
  ppd_gamma <- function(mu, dis, weights = 1) {
    weights <- parse_wobs_ppd(weights, n_obs = length(mu))
    rgamma(length(mu), dis, dis / mu)

  family$ce <- ce_gamma
  family$dis_fun <- dis_gamma
  family$predvar <- predvar_gamma
  family$ll_fun <- ll_gamma
  family$deviance <- dev_gamma
  family$ppd <- ppd_gamma


extend_family_student_t <- function(family) {
  ce_student_t <- function(pref, data, psub) {
    stop("Cross-entropy for the Student_t() family not implemented yet.")
    ### TODO (Student_t()): This commented code stems from a time when this was
    ### still the actual KL divergence and not the (possibly reduced)
    ### cross-entropy ("possibly reduced" means: possibly reduced to only those
    ### terms which would not cancel out when calculating the KL divergence):
    # log(psub$dis)
    ##- 0.5*log(pref$var) # FIX THIS, NOT CORRECT
  dis_student_t <- function(pref, psub, wobs = 1) {
    s2 <- colSums(psub$w / sum(wobs) *
                    (pref$var + (pref$mu - psub$mu)^2)) # CHECK THIS
    ## stop('Projection of dispersion not yet implemented for student-t')
  predvar_student_t <- function(mu, dis, wdraws = 1) {
    wdraws <- wdraws / sum(wdraws)
    mu_var <- do.call(rbind, lapply(seq_len(nrow(mu)), function(i) {
      sum(wdraws * (mu[i, ] - weighted.mean(mu[i, ], wdraws))^2)
    as.vector(family$nu / (family$nu - 2) * sum(wdraws * dis^2) + mu_var)
  ll_student_t <- function(mu, dis, y, weights = 1) {
    y <- as.matrix(y)
    dis <- matrix(rep(dis, each = length(y)), ncol = NCOL(mu))
    weights * (dt((y - mu) / dis, family$nu, log = TRUE) - log(dis))
  dev_student_t <- function(mu, y, weights = 1, dis = NULL) {
    if (is.null(dis)) {
      dis <- 1
    } else {
      dis <- matrix(rep(dis, each = length(y)), ncol = NCOL(mu))
    if (NCOL(y) < NCOL(mu)) {
      y <- matrix(y, nrow = length(y), ncol = NCOL(mu))
    (-2 * weights * (-0.5 * (family$nu + 1)
                     * log(1 + 1 / family$nu * ((y - mu) / dis)^2) - log(dis)))
  ppd_student_t <- function(mu, dis, weights = 1) {
    weights <- parse_wobs_ppd(weights, n_obs = length(mu))
    rt(length(mu), family$nu) * dis + mu

  family$ce <- ce_student_t
  family$dis_fun <- dis_student_t
  family$predvar <- predvar_student_t
  family$ll_fun <- ll_student_t
  family$deviance <- dev_student_t
  family$ppd <- ppd_student_t


has_dispersion <- function(family) {
  # a function for checking whether the family has a dispersion parameter
  family$family %in% c("gaussian", "Student_t", "Gamma")

# A function for checking whether a `family` object has the required extra
# functions, that is, whether it has already been extended (typically by a call
# to extend_family()):
has_family_extras <- function(family) {

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