
Defines functions runScampi iterateScampi checkInputData checkInputData.scampi preprocessInputData preprocessInputData.scampi estimateModelParameters quantifyProtein quantifyProteins quantifyPeptide buildBipartiteGraph preprocessCC getDmat getMyProteins getMyCCNr isInCC getMyNeighborhoodSize getProtId plotCC getTopNScore getMyPeptides estimateLSEparam getSampleCov getBetaContribLSE getTauContribLSE estimateMLEparam nlLtoMinimize getCCnlL getCovU sampleInitialVector replacePepNumbers replaceProtNumbers plot.scampi plot.scampiVal summary.scampi summary.scampiVal show.scampi show.scampiVal

Documented in checkInputData checkInputData.scampi estimateModelParameters getCovU iterateScampi preprocessInputData preprocessInputData.scampi quantifyPeptide quantifyProtein quantifyProteins runScampi

if (!isGeneric("show"))
  setGeneric("show", function(object)
if (!isGeneric("summary"))
  setGeneric("summary", function(object, ...)
if (!isGeneric("plot"))
        setGeneric("plot", function(x, y, ...)

## ################## ##
## ################## ##

TAU2_MIN_CONST <- 0.01

## ######################## ##
## ######################## ##

runScampi <- function(peptides, proteins, edgespp, rescaling=TRUE,
                      method="all", quantifyPeptides=TRUE, numIter=10,
  ## Purpose: Estimate a protein abundance score for each protein in the
  ##          dataset, based on the input peptide abundance scores and the
  ##          connectivity information between peptides and proteins.
  ##          Optionally, the peptide abundances can be estimated as well
  ##          to compare the predicted values with the input measurements.
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments: peptides:         Data frame with peptide information. The
  ##                              following columns are required: 'pepId'
  ##                              (unique identification number for each
  ##                              distinct peptide sequence, numbering from
  ##                              1:n where n=number of distinct peptide
  ##                              sequences), 'pepSeq' (peptide sequence,
  ##                              optionally including modifications and
  ##                              charge states), and 'pepQty' (peptide
  ##                              abundance score). An additional column
  ##                              'pepObs' (peptide observability or
  ##                              identification score) is used if provided.
  ##                              Each row in the data frame describes one
  ##                              observed distinct peptide sequence.
  ##            proteins:         Data frame with the protein information.
  ##                              The following columns are required:
  ##                              'protId' (unique identification number for
  ##                              each distinct protein sequence, numbering
  ##                              from (n+1):(n+m) where m=number of distinct
  ##                              protein sequences), 'protName' (protein
  ##                              identifier or protein sequence). Each row
  ##                              describes a distinct protein sequence to
  ##                              which at least one of the observed peptides
  ##                              is matching.
  ##            edgespp:          Data frame with two mandatory columns:
  ##                              'pepId' and 'protId'. Each row defines an
  ##                              edge of the bipartite graph.
  ##            rescaling:        If TRUE, the peptide abundance scores are
  ##                              logarithmized (log10). If this
  ##                              transformation has not yet been done during
  ##                              preprocessing, it is strongly recommended
  ##                              to stick to the default: 'rescaling=TRUE'.
  ##            method:           Describes which method should be used for
  ##                              the parameter estimation. Available:
  ##                              'method="LSE"', 'method="MLE"' and
  ##                              'method="all"' (default).
  ##            quantifyPeptides: If 'TRUE' (default) do also re-quantify
  ##                              the peptides and assess the peptide
  ##                              abundance scores.
  ##            numIter:          Only used with 'method="MLE"', number of
  ##                              successful MLE optimizytion runs to
  ##                              perform.
  ##            verbose:          If 'TRUE', detailed output is provided.
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Sarah Gerster, Date: 15 Aug 2012, 08:30

  cl <- match.call()

  ## generate object of class 'scampi'
  dataIn <- scampi(peptides=peptides, proteins=proteins, edgespp=edgespp)

  ## check input data
  dataChecked <- checkInputData(dataIn, rescaling=rescaling,
  ## preprocess input data
  tmpPrepro <- preprocessInputData(dataChecked, verbose=verbose)
  dataPrepro <- tmpPrepro[["dataPrepro"]]
  ppGraph <- tmpPrepro[["ppGraph"]]
  ccList <- tmpPrepro[["ccList"]]

  ## estimate model parameters
  scampiParam <- estimateModelParameters(method=method, ccList,

  ## compute protein and peptide abundance scores
  scampiRes <- quantifyProteins(dataPrepro, ccList, scampiParam,

  ## prepare output object
  scampiOut <- scampiVal(call = cl,
                         peptides = scampiRes@peptides,
                         proteins = scampiRes@proteins,
                         edgespp = scampiRes@edgespp,
                         parameters = scampiParam,
                         ppGraph = ppGraph,
                         ccList = ccList)

iterateScampi <- function(peptides, proteins, edgespp, rescaling=TRUE,
                          method="LSE", numIter=2, numMLEIter=10,
                          thresh=2, verbose=FALSE)
  ## Purpose: Estimate a protein abundance score for each protein in the
  ##          dataset, based on the input peptide abundance scores and the
  ##          connectivity information between peptides and proteins. The
  ##          expected values for the peptide abundances are computed as
  ##          well. Comparing these values with the initial measurements
  ##          allows to detect outliers in the input data. Several
  ##          iterations of abundance estimation and outlier removal can
  ##          then be performed.
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments: peptides:         Data frame with peptide information. The
  ##                              following columns are required: 'pepId'
  ##                              (unique identification number for each
  ##                              distinct peptide sequence, numbering from
  ##                              1:n where n=number of distinct peptide
  ##                              sequences), 'pepSeq' (peptide sequence,
  ##                              optionally including modifications and
  ##                              charge states), and 'pepQty' (peptide
  ##                              abundance score). An additional column
  ##                              'pepObs' (peptide observability or
  ##                              identification score) is used if provided.
  ##                              Each row in the data frame describes one
  ##                              observed distinct peptide sequence.
  ##            proteins:         Data frame with the protein information.
  ##                              The following columns are required:
  ##                              'protId' (unique identification number for
  ##                              each distinct protein sequence, numbering
  ##                              from (n+1):(n+m) where m=number of distinct
  ##                              protein sequences), 'protName' (protein
  ##                              identifier or protein sequence). Each row
  ##                              describes a distinct protein sequence to
  ##                              which at least one of the observed peptides
  ##                              is matching.
  ##            edgespp:          Data frame with two mandatory columns:
  ##                              'pepId' and 'protId'. Each row defines an
  ##                              edge of the bipartite graph.
  ##            rescaling:        If TRUE, the peptide abundance scores are
  ##                              logarithmized (log10). If this
  ##                              transformation has not yet been done during
  ##                              preprocessing, it is strongly recommended
  ##                              to stick to the default: 'rescaling=TRUE'.
  ##            method:           Describes which method should be used for
  ##                              the parameter estimation. Available:
  ##                              'method="LSE"', 'method="MLE"' and
  ##                              'method="all"' (default).
  ##            numIter:          Number of estimation/outlier-removal
  ##                              iterations to be performed.
  ##            numMLEIter:       Only used with 'method="MLE"', number of
  ##                              successful MLE optimizytion runs to
  ##                              perform.
  ##            thresh:           Constant to tune the outlier selection
  ##                              process (IQR criterion).
  ##            verbose:          If 'TRUE', detailed output is provided.
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Sarah Gerster, Date: 16 Aug 2012, 14:10

  scampiOut <-
    list(iteration1 = list(scampiRes=runScampi(peptides, proteins, edgespp,
                             rescaling=rescaling, method=method,
                             quantifyPeptides=TRUE, numIter=numMLEIter,
  iterCount <- 2
  while (iterCount <= numIter) {
    peptides <- scampiOut[[paste("iteration", iterCount-1,
    proteins <- scampiOut[[paste("iteration", iterCount-1,
    edgespp <- scampiOut[[paste("iteration", iterCount-1,
    ## select outlying peptides
    peptides[,"resid"] <- 
      peptides[,"pepQty"] - peptides[,paste(method,"Score",sep="")]
    qt1 <- quantile(peptides[,"resid"], 0.25) 
    qt3 <- quantile(peptides[,"resid"], 0.75) 
    iqr <- qt3 - qt1
    ind.remove.top <-  which(sort(peptides[,"resid"], decreasing=TRUE) > 
                             (qt3 + thresh*iqr))
    ind.remove.bot <-  which(sort(peptides[,"resid"]) < (qt1 - thresh*iqr))

    if ((length(ind.remove.bot)==0) && (length(ind.remove.top)==0)) {
      message("No outliers to remove after ", iterCount-1,
              " iterations. Stopping now.")
    peptides[,"outlier"] <- FALSE
    if (!(length(ind.remove.bot)==0)) {
      peptides[order(peptides[,"resid"])[ind.remove.bot],"outlier"] <- TRUE
    if (!(length(ind.remove.top)==0)) {
                     decreasing=TRUE)[ind.remove.top],"outlier"] <- TRUE

    ## remove outliers from peptide dataframe
    peptides.outlier <- peptides[peptides[,"outlier"],
                                 c("pepSeq", "pepQty", "pepObs")]
    peptides.new <- peptides[!peptides[,"outlier"],]
    nPeptides <- nrow(peptides.new)
    ## get rid of surplus edges 
    edgespp.new <- edgespp[edgespp[,"pepId"] %in% peptides.new[,"pepId"],]
    ## get rid of surplus proteins
    proteins.new <- proteins[proteins[,"protId"] %in% edgespp.new[,"protId"],]
    nProteins <- nrow(proteins.new)
    ## renumber
    peptides.new[,"newId"] <- 1:nPeptides
    proteins.new[,"newId"] <- (nPeptides+1):(nPeptides+nProteins)
    edgespp.new[,"pepId"] <- sapply(edgespp.new[,"pepId"], replacePepNumbers,
    edgespp.new[,"protId"] <- sapply(edgespp.new[,"protId"], replaceProtNumbers,
    peptides.new[,"pepId"] <- peptides.new[,"newId"]
    proteins.new[,"protId"] <- proteins.new[,"newId"]
    peptides <- peptides.new[,-ncol(peptides.new)]
    proteins <- proteins.new[,-ncol(proteins.new)]
    edgespp <- edgespp.new

    ## re-run scampi
    scampiOut[[paste("iteration", iterCount, sep="")]] <-
              list(scampiRes=runScampi(peptides, proteins, edgespp,
                     rescaling=FALSE, method=method,
                     quantifyPeptides=TRUE, numIter=numMLEIter,
    ## increase counter to keep track of iterations
    iterCount <- iterCount + 1 


## ################## ##
## ################## ##

checkInputData <- function(scampiData, ...) UseMethod("checkInputData")

checkInputData.scampi <- function(scampiData, rescaling=TRUE,
                                  verbose=FALSE, ...) 
  ## Purpose: Perform some consistency checks on the input data to ensure
  ##          that the protein quantification and, optionally, the peptide
  ##          reassessment will work smoothly.
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments: scampiData: object of class 'scampi'
  ##            rescaling:  if TRUE, transform peptide abundance scores by
  ##                        log10()
  ##            verbose:    if not FALSE, provide minimal progress info  
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Sarah Gerster, Date: 10 Aug 2012, 10:23

  if (verbose)
    message("*** 'checkInputData.scampi' checks input data frames for ",
            "consistency ***")

  peptides <- scampiData@peptides
  proteins <- scampiData@proteins
  edgespp <- scampiData@edgespp

  ## check if all required variables are present
  stopifnot(all(c("pepId", "pepSeq", "pepQty") %in%
  stopifnot(all(c("protId", "protName") %in% colnames(proteins)))
  stopifnot(all(c("pepId", "protId") %in% colnames(edgespp)))
  ## peptides: additional specific checks
  if(length(colnames(peptides)) >
     (ifelse("pepObs" %in% colnames(peptides), 4, 3))){
    message("  ** only the following variables of the peptides data ",
            "frame are used for the computations: 'pepId', 'pepSeq', ",
            "'pepObs' and 'pepQty'")
  stopifnot(length(unique(peptides[,"pepSeq"])) ==
  stopifnot(length(unique(peptides[,"pepId"])) ==
  if (any(!is.finite(peptides[,"pepQty"])))
    stop("check your peptide abundances, they hold NA, NaN, Inf or -Inf")
  if ("pepObs" %in% colnames(peptides)) {
    if (any(!is.finite(peptides[,"pepObs"])))
      stop("check your peptide observabilities, ",
           "they hold NA, NaN, Inf or -Inf")
  } else {
    peptides[,"pepObs"] <- 1
  if (rescaling) {
    if (any(peptides[,"pepQty"] <= 0))
      stop("check your peptide abundances, they contain zero or values < 0")
    peptides[,"pepQty"] <- log10(peptides[,"pepQty"])
  nPeptides <- nrow(peptides)
  ## proteins: additional specific checks
  if(length(colnames(proteins)) > 2 && verbose) 
    message("  ** only the following variables of the proteins data ",
            "frame are used for the computations: 'protId' and 'protName'")
  stopifnot(length(unique(proteins[,"protName"])) ==
  stopifnot(length(unique(proteins[,"protId"])) ==
  nProteins <- nrow(proteins)

  ## edgespp: additional specific checks 
  if(length(colnames(edgespp)) > 2 && verbose) 
    message("  ** only the following variables of the edgespp data ",
            "frame are used for the computations: 'pepId' and 'protId'")
  stopifnot(nrow(unique(edgespp)) == nrow(edgespp))

  ## check numbering of the peptides and proteins
  if (sum(unique(as.numeric(edgespp[,"pepId"])) <= nPeptides) !=
    stop("error in 'pepId'")
  if (sum(unique(as.numeric(edgespp[,"protId"])) > (nPeptides) &
          unique(as.numeric(edgespp[,"protId"])) <=
          (nPeptides + nProteins))
      != nProteins)
    stop("error in 'protId'")

  ## check that each peptide and each protein occurs in at least one edge
  stopifnot(all(peptides[,"pepId"] %in% edgespp[,"pepId"]))
  stopifnot(all(proteins[,"protId"] %in% edgespp[,"protId"]))

  ## check that all edge indicies are included in the peptides and
  ## proteins data frames, respectively
  stopifnot(all(edgespp[,"pepId"] %in% peptides[,"pepId"]))
  stopifnot(all(edgespp[,"protId"] %in% proteins[,"protId"]))

  if (verbose)
    message("--> consistency check completed successfully <--")
  return(scampi(peptides=peptides, proteins=proteins, edgespp=edgespp))
preprocessInputData <- function(scampiData, ...) UseMethod("preprocessInputData")

preprocessInputData.scampi <- function(scampiData, verbose=FALSE, ...) 
  ## Purpose: Preprocess the graph structure and connected components
  ##          as much as possible to speed up computations for parameter
  ##          estimation and peptide/protein abundance predictions.
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments: scampiData: object of class 'scampi'
  ##            verbose:    if not FALSE, provide minimal progress info  
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Dependencies: package  'RBGL'
  ##               function 'buildBipartiteGraph()'
  ##               function 'preprocessCCs()'
  ##               function 'getMyCCNr()'
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Sarah Gerster, Date: 10 Aug 2012, 10:23

  if (verbose)
    message("*** 'preprocessInputData.scampi' performs some pre-",
            "calculations on the (sub-)graphs to speed up further ",
            "computations ***")
  peptides <- scampiData@peptides
  proteins <- scampiData@proteins
  edgespp <- scampiData@edgespp
  nPeptides <- nrow(peptides)             # nb peps in data set
  nProteins <- nrow(proteins)             # nb prots in data set

  if (verbose)
    message("  ** preprocess graph")
  ## build the bipartite graph
  ppGraph <- buildBipartiteGraph(nPeptides, nProteins, edgespp, verbose)
  ## get a list of all the connected components
  ccList <- connectedComp(ppGraph)
  ## preprocess some parameter independent values for each connected
  ## component
  ccList <- lapply(ccList, preprocessCC, peptides,
                          edgespp, nPeptides, verbose)
  if (verbose)
    message("  ** preprocess proteins")
  ## preprocess some parameter independent values for each protein
  proteins[,"ccInd"] <-                   
    sapply(proteins[,"protId"], getMyCCNr,
           group="proteins", ccList, verbose)
  if (verbose)
    message("  ** preprocess peptides")
  ## preprocess some parameter independent values for each peptide  
  peptides[,"ccInd"] <-                   # prepro peptides
    sapply(peptides[,"pepId"], getMyCCNr, group="peptides", 
           ccList, verbose)
  peptides[,"nrNeiProt"] <- 
    sapply(peptides[,"pepId"], getMyNeighborhoodSize, 
           group="peptides", edgespp, verbose)

  if (verbose)
    message("--> data preprocessing completed successfully <--")
  return(list(dataPrepro = scampi(peptides=peptides, proteins=proteins,
              ppGraph = ppGraph, ccList = ccList))

estimateModelParameters <- function(method="all", ccList,
                                    peptides=NULL, numIter=10,
  ## Purpose: Estimate the model paramteres alpha, beta, mu and tau from
  ##          the data
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments: method:       method to be used for the parameter esti-
  ##                          mation; can be 'all' (MLE and LSE), 'LSE' or
  ##                          'MLE'
  ##            ccList: list of pre-processed connected components
  ##            peptides:     data frame with pre-processed peptide info
  ##                          (only used for LSE)
  ##            numIter:      number of successful munerical optimizations
  ##                          to perform (only used for MLE)
  ##            verbose:      if TRUE: print minimal progress info, if >1:
  ##                          print (much) more info for sub-processes
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Dependencies: function sampleInitialVector()
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Sarah Gerster, Date: 14 Aug 2012, 15:00

  if (verbose)
    message("*** 'estimateModelParameters.scampi' estimates the model ",
            "parameter with the method(s) of choice (provided by the ",
            " argument 'method') ***")

  res <- list()
  if (method %in% c("all", "LSE")) {
    lseParam <- estimateLSEparam(peptides, ccList, verbose)
    res[["LSE"]] <- lseParam

  if (method %in% c("all", "MLE")) {
    mleParamMat <- matrix(NA, ncol=5, nrow=numIter)
    colnames(mleParamMat) <- c("alphaH","betaH","muH","tauH", "fnval")
    runIter <- 1

    if (method == "all") {
      run <- try(estimateMLEparam(c(lseParam[1], lseParam[2], lseParam[3],
                                    lseParam[4]), ccList, verbose),
      ## if run was successful, store it
      if (length(run) == 5) {
        mleParamMat[runIter,] <- run
        runIter <- runIter + 1
    while (runIter <= numIter) {
      if (verbose)
        message("--> next trial with new random starting values")
      ## run optimization process with a random start values
      run <- try(estimateMLEparam(sampleInitialVector(), ccList,
                                  verbose), TRUE)
      ## if run was successful, store it
      if (length(run) == 5) {
        mleParamMat[runIter,] <- run
        if (verbose)
          message("      (finished ", runIter, "successful optimization ",
        runIter <- runIter + 1

    ## select run with minimal functrion value
    mleParam <- mleParamMat[which.min(mleParamMat[,5]),]
    res[["MLE"]] <- mleParam
  if (verbose)
    message("--> parameter estimated successfully <--")

quantifyProtein <- function(protInfo, ccList, param, verbose=FALSE)
  ## Purpose: compute the protein abundance score for the specified
  ##          parameter values
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments: protInfo:     vector with 2 elements: protId and index of 
  ##                          connected component which contains protId
  ##            ccList: list of pre-processed connected components
  ##            param:        vector with 4 elements: alpha, beta, mu and
  ##                          tau (model parameter estimates)
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Sarah Gerster, Date: 15 Aug 2012, 09:45

  protID <- as.numeric(protInfo[1])
  cc <- ccList[[as.numeric(protInfo[2])]]
  if (verbose > 1)
    message("  ** 'quantifyProtein' is computing expected abundance for ",
            "protein ", protID)
  ## which peptides have a common edge with protein protID?
  edgeToC <- as.numeric(cc$peptides) %in%
  ## compute covariance between abundance of protein 'protID' and
  ## peptide quantity: 'Gcu'
  Gcu <- cc$pepObs * param["betaH"] * edgeToC

  ## return expected value for the abundance of protein 'protID'
  if (is.matrix(cc$distance)){
    res <- crossprod(cc$pepQty - param["alphaH"] -
                     solve(cc$covU)) %*% Gcu + param["muH"]
    protVar <- 1 - Gcu %*% solve(cc$covU) %*% Gcu
  } else {
    res <- crossprod(cc$pepQty - param["alphaH"] -
                     solve(cc$covU)) %*% Gcu + param["muH"]
    protVar <- 1 - Gcu %*% solve(cc$covU) %*% Gcu
  if (verbose > 1)
    message("  --> protein quantified successfully")
  ## return(res)
  return(c(res, protVar))

quantifyProteins <- function(scampiData, ccList, paramList,
                             quantifyPeptides=FALSE, verbose=FALSE)
  ## Purpose: compute the protein (and optionally the peptide) abundance
  ##          score for the specified parameter values
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments: scampiData:       object of class scampi 
  ##            ccList:     list of pre-processed connected
  ##                              components
  ##            paramList         named list of vectors with 4 elements:
  ##                              alpha, beta, mu and tau (model parameter
  ##                              estimates);
  ##                              name of element = parameter estimation
  ##                              method
  ##            quantifyPeptides: if TRUE, also compute peptide abundance
  ##                              scores
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Dependencies: function getCovU()
  ##               function quantifyProtein()
  ##               function quantifyPeptide()
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Sarah Gerster, Date: 15 Aug 2012, 09:45
  if (verbose)
    message("  ** 'quantifyProteins' is computing expected abundance for ",
            "all proteins in 'proteins'")

  proteins <- scampiData@proteins
  peptides <- scampiData@peptides
  for (methIter in names(paramList)) {
    ccList <-                                  # precompute covU
      lapply(ccList, getCovU, beta=paramList[[methIter]]["betaH"],
    ## proteins[,paste(methIter, "Score", sep="")] <- # compute prot ab.
    ##   apply(proteins[, c("protId", "ccInd")], 1, quantifyProtein,
    ##         ccList, param=paramList[[methIter]], verbose=verbose)
    proteins[,c(paste(methIter, "Score", sep=""),    # compute prot ab.
                paste(methIter, "Var", sep=""))] <-   
                  t(apply(proteins[, c("protId", "ccInd")], 1,
                          quantifyProtein, ccList,
                          param=paramList[[methIter]], verbose=verbose))

    if (quantifyPeptides) {
      peptides[,paste(methIter, "Score", sep="")] <- # compute pep ab.
        apply(peptides[,c("pepId","ccInd")], 1, quantifyPeptide,
              ccList, param=paramList[[methIter]], verbose=verbose)
      peptides[,paste(methIter, "Resid", sep="")] <- # compute pep resid.
        peptides[,"pepQty"] - peptides[,paste(methIter, "Score", sep="")]
  if (verbose) {
    if (quantifyPeptides) {
      message("--> proteins and peptides quantified successfully <--")
    } else {
      message("--> proteins quantified successfully <--")
  return(scampi(peptides = peptides,
                proteins = proteins,
                edgespp = scampiData@edgespp))

quantifyPeptide <- function(pepInfo, ccList, param, verbose=FALSE)
  ## Purpose: compute the peptide abundance score for the specified
  ##          parameter values
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments: protInfo:     vector with 2 elements: 'pepId' and index of 
  ##                          connected component which contains 'pepId'
  ##            ccList: list of pre-processed connected components
  ##            param:        vector with 4 elements: 'alphaH', 'betaH', 
  ##                          'muH' and 'tauH' (model parameter estimates)
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Sarah Gerster, Date: 15 Aug 2012, 09:45
  pepID <- as.numeric(pepInfo[1])
  cc <- ccList[[as.numeric(pepInfo[2])]]
  if (verbose > 1)
    message("  ** 'quantifyPeptide' is computing expected abundance for ",
            "peptide ", pepID)
  if (length(cc$peptides) > 1) {
    pepInd <- which(as.numeric(cc$peptides)==pepID)
    ## estimate ProtConc without using pepID
    protSum <- 0
    covU <- cc$covU[-pepInd,-pepInd]
    U <- cc$pepQty[-pepInd]
    s <- cc$pepObs[-pepInd]
    d <- cc$distance[-pepInd,-pepInd]
    peps <- cc$peptides[-pepInd]
    edgeToP <- as.numeric(cc$proteins) %in%
    ## if the protein is a neighbor of the peptide pepID, add its
    ## contribution to the peptide intensity
    for (protID in cc$proteins[edgeToP]) {
      edgeToC <- peps %in%
        Gcu <- s * param["betaH"] * edgeToC
        if (is.matrix(d)){
          protSum <- protSum + crossprod(U - param["alphaH"] -
                                         solve(covU)) %*% Gcu
        } else {
          protSum <- protSum + (U - param["alphaH"] -
    res <- param["alphaH"] + cc$pepObs[pepInd]*param["betaH"]*param["muH"]*
      cc$distance[pepInd,pepInd] + cc$pepObs[pepInd]*param["betaH"]*protSum
  } else {
    res <- param["alphaH"] + cc$pepObs*param["betaH"]*param["muH"]*cc$distance

  names(res) <- NULL
  if (verbose > 1)
    message("  --> peptide quantified successfully")

## ################## ##
## ################## ##

buildBipartiteGraph <- function(nPeptides, nProteins, edgesPP,
  ## Purpose: Build a bipartite graph (with peptides and proteins). The
  ##          graph holds 'nPeptides' peptides (labeled from 1:nPeptides) 
  ##          and 'nProteins' (labeled from (nPeptides+1):(nPeptides+
  ##          nProteins)) connected according to the information in
  ##          'edgesPP'.
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments: nPeptides: Number of peptides in the dataset
  ##            nProteins: Number of proteins in the dataset
  ##            edgesPP:   Data frame with 2 columns: 'pepId' and 'protId'.
  ##                       Each row defines an edge of the bipartite graph.
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Dependencies: package  'graph'
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Sarah Gerster, Date: 31 Aug 2011, 13:15

  if (verbose)
    message("  ** 'buildBipartiteGraph' sets up the input bipartite graph")
  ## prepare the edge list needed as input to 'graphNEL' based on the
  ## information in edgesPP
  Vpp <- as.character(1:(nPeptides+nProteins))
  edLpp <- vector("list", length=length(Vpp))
  names(edLpp) <- Vpp
  ## first set edges from peptides to proteins ...
  for (i in 1:nPeptides) {
    ind.i <- edgesPP[,"pepId"] == i
    edLpp[[i]] <- edgesPP[ind.i,"protId"]
  ## ... then from proteins to peptides (undirected graph)
  for (j in (nPeptides+1):(nPeptides+nProteins)) {
    ind.j <- edgesPP[,"protId"] == j
    edLpp[[j]] <- edgesPP[ind.j,"pepId"]

  return(new("graphNEL", nodes=Vpp, edgeL=edLpp, edgemode="undirected"))

preprocessCC <- function(cc, peptides, edgesPP, nPeptides, verbose=FALSE)
  ## Purpose: Prepare (parameter independent) data for the connected
  ##          component 'cc' in order to save time during subsequent
  ##          computations (parameter estimation and abundance prediction).
  ##          [cc := connected component]   
  ##          -> in the output, each cc has:
  ##             * elements (IDs of peptides & proteins)
  ##             * peptides (IDs of peptides)
  ##             * proteins (IDs of proteins)
  ##             * corresponding peptide intensities
  ##             * corresponding peptide scores
  ##             * "distance matrix" between peptides and proteins
  ##             * edges
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments: cc:        connected component
  ##            peptides:  data frame with the peptide information:
  ##                       -> requires columns: 'pepId', 'pepSeq',
  ##                          'pepObs' & 'pepQty'
  ##                       -> one row per observed peptide
  ##            edgesPP:   data frame with edge information
  ##                       -> requires columns: 'pepId' and 'protId'.
  ##                       Each row defines an edge of the bipartite graph.
  ##            nPeptides: number of peptides in the dataset
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Dependencies: function 'getDmat()'
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Sarah Gerster, Date: 13 Aug 2012, 13:34

  if (verbose > 1)
    message("  ** 'preprocessCC' precomputes several values for 'cc'")
  res <- list()

  ## IDs of all elements in the cc
  res$elements <- as.numeric(cc)
  ## IDs of all proteins in the cc
  ind.prot <- as.integer(cc) > nPeptides
  res$proteins <- as.numeric(cc[ind.prot])
  ## IDs all the peptides in the cc
  res$peptides <- as.numeric(cc[!ind.prot])

  ## peptide intensities of all peptides in the cc
  ## (same order as in res$peptides)
  res$pepQty <- peptides[peptides[,"pepId"] %in% res$peptides,"pepQty"]
  ## peptide scores of all peptides in the cc
  ## (same order as in res$peptides)
  res$pepObs <- peptides[peptides[,"pepId"] %in% res$peptides,"pepObs"]
  ## "distance matrix": number of connected proteins for each peptide pair
  ## -> d[i,i] = |Ne(i)|
  ## -> d[i,j] = |Ne(i) AND Ne(j)|
  res$distance <- getDmat(res$peptides, edgesPP, verbose)

  ## prepare an element with the list of edges in 'cc'
  res$edges <- edgesPP[edgesPP[,"protId"] %in% as.numeric(res$proteins),]
  if (verbose > 1)
    message("  --> connected component successfully preprocessed")

getDmat <- function(pepArr, edgesPP, verbose=FALSE)
  ## Purpose: compute the "distance/connectivity matrix" for all peptide
  ##          pairs
  ##          -> d[i,i] = |Ne(i)|
  ##          -> d[i,j] = |Ne(i) AND Ne(j)|
  ##          => symmetric matrix
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments: pepArr:  IDs of the peptides
  ##            edgesPP: data frame with edge information
  ##                     -> requires columns: 'pepId' and 'protId'.
  ##                     Each row defines an edge of the bipartite graph.
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Dependencies: function 'getMyProteins()'
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Sarah Gerster, Date: 13 Aug 2012, 14:02

  if (verbose > 1)
    message("    ** 'getDmat' sets up the connectivity/distance matrix")
  if (length(pepArr) == 1) {
    ## if there is only one peptide in the CC, return its number of
    ## neighboring proteins
    return(length(getMyProteins(pepArr, edgesPP)))
  } else {
    ## if there are more peptides, set up a matrix
    d <- matrix(0, nrow=length(pepArr), ncol=length(pepArr))
    ## compute entries for the upper triangular part
    ## -> d[i,j] = |Ne(i) AND Ne(j)|
    for (i in 1:(length(pepArr)-1)) {
      proti <- getMyProteins(pepArr[i],edgesPP)
      for (j in (i+1):length(pepArr)) {
        protj <- getMyProteins(pepArr[j],edgesPP)
        d[i,j] <- sum(proti %in% protj)
    ## put together the whole matrix (transpose triangular part and
    ## add diagonal elements (d[i,i] = |Ne(i)|))
    d <- d + t(d) +
      diag(unlist(lapply(lapply(pepArr, getMyProteins, edgesPP), length)))
  if (verbose > 1)
    message("    --> connectivity matrix successfully set up")

getMyProteins <- function(pepID, edgesPP, verbose=FALSE)
  ## Purpose: Return the list of all proteins with an edge to peptide
  ##          'pepID'
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments: pepID:   ID of the peptide for which the list of matching
  ##                     proteins is needed
  ##            edgesPP: data frame with 2 columns: 'pepId' and 'protId'
  ##                     -> each row defines an edge of the bipartite graph
  ##            verbose: ???
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Sarah Gerster, Date: 13 Aug 2012, 14:18

  if (verbose > 1)
    message("    ** 'getMyProteins' finds the IDs of the proteins having a ",
            "common edge to peptide 'pepID'")
  return(edgesPP[edgesPP[,"pepId"]==pepID, "protId"])

getMyCCNr <- function(elID, group, ccList, verbose=FALSE)
  ## Purpose: Find connected component with 'ID' in its element 'group'
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments: elId:         index to look for (typically protein or
  ##                          peptide ID)
  ##            group:        element of 'connectedComp' in which we
  ##                          should look for 'elID'
  ##            ccList: list of pre-processed connected components
  ##            verbose:      ???
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Dependencies: function isInCC()
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Sarah Gerster, Date:  13 Aout 2011, 17:40

  if (verbose > 1)
    message("    ** 'getMyCCNr' looks up the index of the connected ",
            "component holding 'elID' in its element 'group'")
  return(which(sapply(1:length(ccList), isInCC,
                      elID=elID, group=group, ccList)))

isInCC <- function(ccID, elID, group, ccList, verbose=FALSE)
  ## Purpose: Return TRUE if 'elID' belongs to element 'group' of
  ##          'ccList[[ccID]]'
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments: ccID:          connected component index 
  ##            elID:          index to look for (typically protein or
  ##                           peptide ID)
  ##            group:         element of 'ccList' in which we should
  ##                           look for 'elId'
  ##            ccList:  list of pre-processed connected component
  ##            verbose:       ???
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Sarah Gerster, Date:  13 Aug 2012, 17:43

  if (verbose > 1)
    message("    ** 'isInCC' returns TRUE/FALSE depending if the connected ",
            "component holds 'elID' in its element 'group' or not.")
  return(elID %in% unlist(ccList[[ccID]][group]))

getMyNeighborhoodSize <- function(elID, group="peptides", edgesPP,
  ## Purpose: Return nighborhood size of elID
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments: elID:    index to look for (typically protein or peptide ID)
  ##            group:   type of element ("peptides" or "proteins") to
  ##                     which 'elID' belongs
  ##            edgesPP: data frame with 2 columns: 'pepId' and 'protId'
  ##                     -> each row defines an edge of the bipartite graph
  ##            verbose: if true, print detailed information
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Sarah Gerster, Date: 14 Aug 2012, 14:18

  if (verbose > 1)
    message("    ** 'getMyNeighborhoodSize' returns the number of ",
            "neighboring peptides or proteins to 'elID'")
  if (group == "peptides") {
    myId <- "pepId"
    neighId <- "protId"
  } else if (group == "proteins") {
    myId <- "protId"
    neighId <- "pepId"
  } else {
    stop("unknown 'group'")
  ## return number of neighbors of element elID
  return(length(edgesPP[edgesPP[,myId]==elID, neighId]))

getProtId <- function(protName, proteins)
  ## Purpose: Return identification number assigend to protein 'protName'
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments: protName: protein accession
  ##            proteins: data frame holding all proteins in the bipartite
  ##                      graph.
  ##                      -> columns: 'protId', 'protName', ...
  ##                      -> one row per observed protein
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Sarah Gerster, Date:  5 Sep 2011, 09:13
  if (protName %in% proteins[,"protName"]) {
  } else {

plotCC <- function(cc, peptides, proteins) {
  eds <- cc$edges
  pepseqs <- peptides[as.numeric(cc$peptides),"pepSeq"]
  protnames <- as.character(proteins[as.numeric(cc$proteins)-nrow(peptides),
  nPeptides <- length(pepseqs)
  nProteins <- length(protnames)

  ## renumber peptides and proteins
  peps <- data.frame(pepId=as.numeric(cc$peptides), newId=1:nPeptides)
  prots <- data.frame(protId=as.numeric(cc$proteins),
  eds[,"pepId"] <- sapply(eds[,"pepId"], replacePepNumbers, peps)
  eds[,"protId"] <- sapply(eds[,"protId"], replaceProtNumbers, prots)
  ccplot <- buildBipartiteGraph(nPeptides, nProteins, eds)
  nAttrs <- list()
  #nAttrs$label <- c(pepseqs,protnames)
  #nAttrs$label <- c(paste(pepseqs, cc$pepQty,sep="\n"), protnames)
  nAttrs$label <- c(round(cc$pepQty,2), protnames)
  names(nAttrs$label) <- 1:(nPeptides+nProteins)
  plot(ccplot, nodeAttrs=nAttrs, lwd=3)  

getTopNScore <- function(protID, peptides, edgesPP, n=3,
  ## Purpose: Compute the topN score (average over the n highest peptide
  ##          matching intensities) for the protein 'protID'.
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments: protID:   ID of protein for which the concentration should
  ##                      be estimated.
  ##            peptides: Data frame with the peptide information:
  ##                      -> columns: 'pepId', 'pepSeq', 'pepObs' &
  ##                         'pepQty'
  ##                      -> one row per observed peptide
  ##            edgesPP:  Data frame with 2 columns: 'pepId' and 'protId'.
  ##                      Each row defines an edge of the bipartite graph.
  ##            n:        Number of peptides used for the average.
  ##            method:   If strict, return NA when less than n peptides
  ##                      are available for a given protein. Else, return
  ##                      mean of whatever is available.
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Dependencies: function getMyPeptides()
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Sarah Gerster, Date: 15 Mar 2011, 12:09

  ## get peptides sharing an edges with 'protID'
  pepIDs <- getMyPeptides(protID=protID, edgesPP=edgesPP)

  ## get intensities of the peptides
  pepQty <- peptides[peptides[,"pepId"] %in% pepIDs, "pepQty"]

  if (length(pepQty) >= n) {
    return(mean(sort(pepQty, decreasing=TRUE)[1:n]))
  } else {
    if (method=="strict") {
      ## not able to quantify proteins with less than n matching peptides
    } else {
      ## make exceptions for proteins identified by less peptides and
      ## quantify them anyway by averaging whatever we have

getMyPeptides <- function(protID, edgesPP, group="proteins", ccList=NULL)
  ## Purpose: Return the list of all peptides with an edge to protein
  ##          'protID'
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments: protID:  ID of the protein for which the list of matching
  ##                     peptides is needed
  ##            edgesPP: Data frame with 2 columns: 'pepId' and 'protId'.
  ##                     Each row defines an edge of the bipartite graph.
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Sarah Gerster, Date: 31 Aug 2011, 14:18

  if (group=="proteins") {
    ## return list of peptides with an edge to protID
  } else if (group=="ccs") {
  } else {
    stop("Unknown 'group'.")

estimateLSEparam <- function(peptides, ccList, verbose=FALSE)
  ## Purpose: Estimate the model paramteres alpha, beta, mu and tau from 
  ##          the input data with a least squared error approach on the
  ##          elements of the covariance matrix
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments: peptides:      dataframe with the peptide information:
  ##                           -> required columns: 'pepId', 'pepSeq',
  ##                              'pepObs' & 'pepQty'
  ##                           -> one row per observed peptide
  ##            ccList:  list of pre-processed connected components
  ##            verbose:       If true, print information during function
  ##                           evaluation
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Dependencies: function getSampleCov()
  ##               function getBetaContribLSE()
  ##               function getTauContribLSE()
  ##               global constant TAU2_MIN_CONST
  ##               global constant BETA22_MIN_CONST
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Sarah Gerster, Date: 14 Aug 2011, 15:00

  if (verbose)
    message("  ** compute parameter estimates with LSE approach")

  if((all(peptides[,"nrNeiProt"] == 1) &&
      all(peptides[,"pepObs"] == mean(peptides[,"pepObs"])))) {
    muHat <- 0
    ## mean of all peptide intensities
    alphaHat <- mean(peptides[,"pepQty"])
    meanVect <- rep(alphaHat, nrow(peptides))
  } else {
    ## mean of all peptide intensities
    if (verbose) message("    * Mean vector")
    y.pepqty <- peptides[,"pepQty"]
    x.pepobsnrnei <- peptides[,"pepObs"]*peptides[,"nrNeiProt"]
    fit <- lm(y.pepqty ~ x.pepobsnrnei)
    alphaHat <- fit$coefficients[1]     # alphaHat is the intercept
                                        # of the fit
    betaMuHat <- fit$coefficients[2]    # slope of the fit is the
                                        # product of betaHat and
                                        # muHat
    meanVect <- alphaHat +
  ## estimate the covariance matrix for each CC from the data
  if (verbose) message("    * Estimate sample covariance matrices")
  ccList <- lapply(ccList, getSampleCov, myMean=meanVect)
  ## estimate beta from the off-diagonal elements of cov(U)
  if (verbose) message("    * Compute beta2")
  t.res <- as.data.frame(lapply(ccList, getBetaContribLSE))
  betaHat2 <- max(sum(t.res[1,])/sum(t.res[2,]), BETA2_MIN_CONST)
  ## tau out of diagonal elements of cov(U)
  if (verbose) message("    * Compute tau2")
  t.res <- sum(unlist(lapply(ccList, getTauContribLSE, betaHat2)))
  ## tau2 is maximum between estimated value (might be a negative number...)
  ## and a preset minimal (positive) value
  tauHat2 <- max(t.res/length(ccList), TAU2_MIN_CONST)

  if(!(all(peptides[,"nrNeiProt"] == 1) &&
      all(peptides[,"pepObs"] == mean(peptides[,"pepObs"])))) {
    ## mu is approximated with the slope of di vs Ui and betaHat
    if (verbose) message("    * Compute mu")
    muHat <- betaMuHat/sqrt(betaHat2)
  if (verbose) cat("  => run finished: alpha =", alphaHat,"beta =",
                   sqrt(betaHat2), "mu = ", muHat, "and tau =",
                   sqrt(tauHat2), "\n")
  ## return parameter estimates
  res <- c(alphaHat, sqrt(betaHat2), muHat, sqrt(tauHat2))
  names(res) <- c("alphaH", "betaH", "muH", "tauH")
  if (verbose)
    message("  --> LSE parameter estimates computed successfully")


getSampleCov <- function(cc, myMean, verbose=FALSE)
  ## Purpose: Compute the sample covariance of the peptide abundances
  ##          of all peptides in 'cc'
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments: cc:     Pre-processed connected component: the sample
  ##                    covariance matrix should be added to the list
  ##            myMean: Mean value of the peptide intensities
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Sarah Gerster, Date: 31 Aug 2011, 15:20

  if (verbose>1)
    message("  ** compute sample covariance matrix for the peptides in 'cc'")
  ## sample covariance matrix
  cc$covU <- (cc$pepQty - myMean[as.numeric(cc$peptides)]) %*%
    t(cc$pepQty - myMean[as.numeric(cc$peptides)])

getBetaContribLSE <- function(cc)
  ## Purpose: compute the contribution of the connected component 'cc'
  ##          towards the estimate of beta
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments: cc:          pre-processed connected component: the sample
  ##                         covariance matrix should be added to the list
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Sarah Gerster, Date:  1 Sep 2011, 10:35

  resNum <- 0
  resDen <- 0

  if (length(cc$peptides)>1) {
    ## NOTE: only CCs with more than one peptide contribute!
    for (i in 1:(ncol(cc$covU)-1)) {
      for (j in (i+1):ncol(cc$covU)) {
        ## NOTE: Only summing over the upper triangular elements,
        ##       since 'covU' and 'distance' are symmetric
        xij <- cc$pepObs[i]*cc$pepObs[j]*cc$distance[i,j]
        resNum <- resNum + cc$covU[i,j]*xij
        resDen <- resDen + xij^2


getTauContribLSE <- function(cc, beta2)
  ## Purpose: compute the contribution of the connected component 'cc'
  ##          towards the estimate of tau.
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments: cc:          pre-processed connected component: the sample
  ##                         covariance matrix should be added to the list
  ##            beta2:       value of the parameter beta^2
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Sarah Gerster, Date:  1 Sep 2011, 11:33

  resZi <- 0
  for (i in 1:ncol(cc$covU)) {
    ## NOTE: all CCs contribute!
    if (ncol(cc$covU) > 1) {
      resZi <- resZi + cc$covU[i,i]-(cc$pepObs[i])^2*beta2*cc$distance[i,i]
    } else {
      resZi <- resZi + cc$covU[i,i]-(cc$pepObs[i])^2*beta2*cc$distance

estimateMLEparam <- function(paramStart, ccList, verbose=FALSE)
  ## Purpose: Compute estimates of the model paramteres alpha, beta, mu 
  ##          and tau with the MLE, assuming that the peptide intensities
  ##          follow a multivariate normal distribution.
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments: paramStart:  starting values used for alphaHat, betaHat,
  ##                         muHat and tauHat
  ##            ccList:      list of pre-processed connected components
  ##            verbose:     if true, print information during function
  ##                         evaluation
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Dependencies: function nlLtoMinimze()
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Sarah Gerster, Date: 14 Aug 2012, 15:00

  if (verbose)
    message("  ** compute parameter estimates with MLE approach")
  if (verbose) {
    cat("     - start parameters:\n")
    cat("       alphaHs =", paramStart[1], ", betaHs =", paramStart[2],
        ", muHs =", paramStart[3], "and tauHs =", paramStart[4], "\n")
  res <- optim(paramStart, fn=nlLtoMinimize, method = "L-BFGS-B",
               lower = c(-Inf, 0, 0, 0),
               #lower = c(-Inf, -Inf, -Inf, 0),
               upper = c(Inf, Inf, Inf, Inf),
               control = list(factr=1e12, trace=1),
               ccList = ccList, verbose=verbose)
  out <- c(res$par[1], res$par[2], res$par[3], res$par[4], res$value)
  names(out) <- c("alphaH","betaH","muH","tauH", "fnval")
  if (verbose) {
    cat("  => run finished: alpha =", res$par[1], "beta =",
        res$par[2], "mu =", res$par[3], "and tau =", res$par[4], "\n")

  if (verbose)
    message("  --> MLE parameter estimates computed successfully")

nlLtoMinimize <- function(paramAlphaBetaMuTau, ccList,
  ## Purpose: sum up the negative log-likelihood (nlL) of all connected
  ##          components
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments: paramAlphaBetaMuTau: Values used for alphaHat, betaHat,
  ##                                 muHat and tauHat
  ##            ccList:   list of pre-processed connected component
  ##            verbose:        if true, print information during function
  ##                            evaluation
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Dependencies: function getCCnlL()
  ##               function getCovU()
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Sarah Gerster, Date: 14 Aug 2012, 15:00

  ## complete CC preprocessing with current parameter values
  ## --> covU
  ccList <- lapply(ccList, getCovU,
  ccVals <- unlist(lapply(ccList, getCCnlL, paramAlphaBetaMuTau))
  res <- sum(ccVals)

  if (verbose > 1) {
    cat("       Call to the function nlLtoMinimize() just finished:\n" )
    cat("       Negative log-likelihood =", res, "\n")
    cat("       Parameters: alphaH =", paramAlphaBetaMuTau[1],", betaH =",
        paramAlphaBetaMuTau[2],", muH =", paramAlphaBetaMuTau[3], "and tauH =",
        paramAlphaBetaMuTau[4], "\n\n")


getCCnlL <- function(cc, paramAlphaBetaMuTau)
  ## Purpose: compute the contribution to the negative log-likelihood (nlL)
  ##          of the connected component 'cc'
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments: cc:                  pre-processed connected component 
  ##            paramAlphaBetaMuTau: values used for alphaHat, betaHat,
  ##                                 muHat and tauHat
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Dependencies: library(mvtnorm)
  ##               global constant DENSITY_CONST
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Sarah Gerster, Date: 15 Aug 2012, 15:00
  ## compute the value of the probability density function
  if (length(cc$pepQty) > 1) {
                              mean=paramAlphaBetaMuTau[1] + cc$pepObs*
  } else {

getCovU <- function(cc, beta, tau)
  ## Purpose: compute the covariance matrix of the peptide intensities for
  ##          a connected component for given parameter values
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments: cc:          pre-processed connected component
  ##            beta:        parameter in modelChoice
  ##            tau:         parameter in modelChoice
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Sarah Gerster, Date: 2 Sep 2011, 15:00
  ## different handling depending if the cc holds 1 or more peptides
  if (length(cc$pepObs) > 1) {
    covU <- tcrossprod(cc$pepObs) * cc$distance * beta^2
    diag(covU) <- diag(covU) + tau^2
    cc$covU <- covU
  } else {
    cc$covU <- (cc$pepObs*beta)^2*cc$distance + tau^2

sampleInitialVector <- function(alphaMin=0, alphaMax=4,
                                betaMin=0, betaMax=4,
                                muMin=0, muMax=4,
                                tauMin=0, tauMax=4)
  ## Purpose: generate a random initial vector for alpha, beta, mu and tau
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments: *Min, *Max: min and max values between which each starting
  ##                        parameter should be sampled
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Sarah Gerster, Date: 03 May 2012, 08:30

  return(c(runif(1,alphaMin, alphaMax), runif(1,betaMin, betaMax),
           runif(1,muMin, muMax), runif(1,tauMin, tauMax)))

replacePepNumbers <- function(edPepID, pepList){
  ## Purpose: return new id for peptide with old id 'edPepID'
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments: edPepID: old peptide ID
  ##            pepList: dataframe with peptides, must include columns
  ##                     named 'pepId' and 'newId'
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Sarah Gerster, Date: 16 Aug 2012, 16:43

replaceProtNumbers <- function(edProtID, protList){
  ## Purpose: return new id for protein with old id 'edProtID'
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments: edPepID: old protein ID
  ##            pepList: dataframe with proteins, must include columns
  ##                     named 'protId' and 'newId'
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Sarah Gerster, Date: 16 Aug 2012, 16:43

plot.scampi <- function(x, ...) {
  ## histograms of measured peptide abundnace scores
       xlab="measured peptide abundance",
       main="measured peptide abundances",

plot.scampiVal <- function(x, ...) {
  plotRows <- length(names(x@parameters))
  if (all(paste(names(x@parameters), "Score", sep="") %in%
          colnames(x@peptides))) {
    plotCols <- 3
  } else {
    plotCols <- 1
  op <- par(mfrow=c(plotRows, plotCols))
  for (methIter in names(x@parameters)){
    ## histograms of protein abundnace scores
    hist(x@proteins[,paste(methIter, "Score", sep="")],
         xlab="protein abundance score",
         main=paste("protein abundance SCAMPI(", methIter, ")",
           sep=""), ...)
    if (paste(methIter, "Score", sep="") %in%
        colnames(x@peptides)) {
      resid <- unlist(x@peptides[paste(methIter, "Resid", sep="")])
      fitted <- unlist(x@peptides[paste(methIter, "Score", sep="")])

      ## Tukey-Anscombe plot
      plot(fitted, resid, 
           main = paste("peptide reassessment - SCAMPI(",
             methIter, ")", sep=""),
           sub = "Tukey-Anscombe plot",
           xlab = "fitted",
           ylab = "residuals", ...)
      abline(h = 0, lwd = 2)
      ## normal Q-Q plot
      qqnorm(y = resid,
             main = paste("peptide reassessment - SCAMPI(",
               methIter, ")", sep=""),
             sub = "Normal Q-Q Plot",
             bty = "n",
             xlab = "theoretical quantiles",
             ylab = "residuals", ...)
      qqline(resid, lwd = 2)

summary.scampi <- function(object, ...) {
  cat("\nObject of class 'scampi'.\n")
  cat("Data overview:\n",
  cat("Number of proteins       :", nrow(object@proteins), "\n")
  cat("Number of peptides       :", nrow(object@peptides), "\n")
  cat("Number of pep-prot edges :", nrow(object@edgespp), "\n")

summary.scampiVal <- function(object, ...) {
  cat("\nObject of class 'scampiVal', from Call: \n",
      deparse(object@call), "\n")
  cat("Input data:\n",
  cat("Number of proteins       :", nrow(object@proteins), "\n")
  cat("Number of peptides       :", nrow(object@peptides), "\n")
  cat("Number of pep-prot edges :", nrow(object@edgespp), "\n")
  cat("Percent. shared peptides :",
  cat("Output data:\n",
  for (methIter in names(object@parameters)){
    cat("**", methIter, ":\n")
    cat("   protein abundance scores:\n")
    print(summary(object@proteins[,paste(methIter, "Score",
    if (paste(methIter, "Score", sep="") %in%
        colnames(object@peptides)) {
      cat("   peptide abundance scores:\n")
      print(summary(object@peptides[,paste(methIter, "Score",
      cat("   peptide residuals:\n")
      print(summary(object@peptides[,paste(methIter, "Resid",

show.scampi <- function(object) {
  cat("Object of class 'scampi'.\n")

show.scampiVal <- function(object) {
  cat("Object of class 'scampiVal', from Call: \n",

## ####################### ##
## ####################### ##
setMethod("show", "scampiVal", show.scampiVal)

setMethod("summary", "scampiVal", summary.scampiVal)

setMethod("plot", signature(x = "scampiVal", y = "missing"),
          function(x, y, ...) plot.scampiVal(x,...))

setMethod("show", "scampi", show.scampi)

setMethod("summary", "scampi", summary.scampi)

setMethod("plot", signature(x = "scampi", y = "missing"),
          function(x, y, ...) plot.scampi(x,...))

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protiq documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:06 a.m.