if (!isGeneric("show"))
setGeneric("show", function(object)
if (!isGeneric("summary"))
setGeneric("summary", function(object, ...)
if (!isGeneric("plot"))
setGeneric("plot", function(x, y, ...)
## ################## ##
## ################## ##
TAU2_MIN_CONST <- 0.01
## ######################## ##
## ######################## ##
runScampi <- function(peptides, proteins, edgespp, rescaling=TRUE,
method="all", quantifyPeptides=TRUE, numIter=10,
## Purpose: Estimate a protein abundance score for each protein in the
## dataset, based on the input peptide abundance scores and the
## connectivity information between peptides and proteins.
## Optionally, the peptide abundances can be estimated as well
## to compare the predicted values with the input measurements.
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments: peptides: Data frame with peptide information. The
## following columns are required: 'pepId'
## (unique identification number for each
## distinct peptide sequence, numbering from
## 1:n where n=number of distinct peptide
## sequences), 'pepSeq' (peptide sequence,
## optionally including modifications and
## charge states), and 'pepQty' (peptide
## abundance score). An additional column
## 'pepObs' (peptide observability or
## identification score) is used if provided.
## Each row in the data frame describes one
## observed distinct peptide sequence.
## proteins: Data frame with the protein information.
## The following columns are required:
## 'protId' (unique identification number for
## each distinct protein sequence, numbering
## from (n+1):(n+m) where m=number of distinct
## protein sequences), 'protName' (protein
## identifier or protein sequence). Each row
## describes a distinct protein sequence to
## which at least one of the observed peptides
## is matching.
## edgespp: Data frame with two mandatory columns:
## 'pepId' and 'protId'. Each row defines an
## edge of the bipartite graph.
## rescaling: If TRUE, the peptide abundance scores are
## logarithmized (log10). If this
## transformation has not yet been done during
## preprocessing, it is strongly recommended
## to stick to the default: 'rescaling=TRUE'.
## method: Describes which method should be used for
## the parameter estimation. Available:
## 'method="LSE"', 'method="MLE"' and
## 'method="all"' (default).
## quantifyPeptides: If 'TRUE' (default) do also re-quantify
## the peptides and assess the peptide
## abundance scores.
## numIter: Only used with 'method="MLE"', number of
## successful MLE optimizytion runs to
## perform.
## verbose: If 'TRUE', detailed output is provided.
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Sarah Gerster, Date: 15 Aug 2012, 08:30
cl <-
## generate object of class 'scampi'
dataIn <- scampi(peptides=peptides, proteins=proteins, edgespp=edgespp)
## check input data
dataChecked <- checkInputData(dataIn, rescaling=rescaling,
## preprocess input data
tmpPrepro <- preprocessInputData(dataChecked, verbose=verbose)
dataPrepro <- tmpPrepro[["dataPrepro"]]
ppGraph <- tmpPrepro[["ppGraph"]]
ccList <- tmpPrepro[["ccList"]]
## estimate model parameters
scampiParam <- estimateModelParameters(method=method, ccList,
## compute protein and peptide abundance scores
scampiRes <- quantifyProteins(dataPrepro, ccList, scampiParam,
## prepare output object
scampiOut <- scampiVal(call = cl,
peptides = scampiRes@peptides,
proteins = scampiRes@proteins,
edgespp = scampiRes@edgespp,
parameters = scampiParam,
ppGraph = ppGraph,
ccList = ccList)
iterateScampi <- function(peptides, proteins, edgespp, rescaling=TRUE,
method="LSE", numIter=2, numMLEIter=10,
thresh=2, verbose=FALSE)
## Purpose: Estimate a protein abundance score for each protein in the
## dataset, based on the input peptide abundance scores and the
## connectivity information between peptides and proteins. The
## expected values for the peptide abundances are computed as
## well. Comparing these values with the initial measurements
## allows to detect outliers in the input data. Several
## iterations of abundance estimation and outlier removal can
## then be performed.
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments: peptides: Data frame with peptide information. The
## following columns are required: 'pepId'
## (unique identification number for each
## distinct peptide sequence, numbering from
## 1:n where n=number of distinct peptide
## sequences), 'pepSeq' (peptide sequence,
## optionally including modifications and
## charge states), and 'pepQty' (peptide
## abundance score). An additional column
## 'pepObs' (peptide observability or
## identification score) is used if provided.
## Each row in the data frame describes one
## observed distinct peptide sequence.
## proteins: Data frame with the protein information.
## The following columns are required:
## 'protId' (unique identification number for
## each distinct protein sequence, numbering
## from (n+1):(n+m) where m=number of distinct
## protein sequences), 'protName' (protein
## identifier or protein sequence). Each row
## describes a distinct protein sequence to
## which at least one of the observed peptides
## is matching.
## edgespp: Data frame with two mandatory columns:
## 'pepId' and 'protId'. Each row defines an
## edge of the bipartite graph.
## rescaling: If TRUE, the peptide abundance scores are
## logarithmized (log10). If this
## transformation has not yet been done during
## preprocessing, it is strongly recommended
## to stick to the default: 'rescaling=TRUE'.
## method: Describes which method should be used for
## the parameter estimation. Available:
## 'method="LSE"', 'method="MLE"' and
## 'method="all"' (default).
## numIter: Number of estimation/outlier-removal
## iterations to be performed.
## numMLEIter: Only used with 'method="MLE"', number of
## successful MLE optimizytion runs to
## perform.
## thresh: Constant to tune the outlier selection
## process (IQR criterion).
## verbose: If 'TRUE', detailed output is provided.
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Sarah Gerster, Date: 16 Aug 2012, 14:10
scampiOut <-
list(iteration1 = list(scampiRes=runScampi(peptides, proteins, edgespp,
rescaling=rescaling, method=method,
quantifyPeptides=TRUE, numIter=numMLEIter,
iterCount <- 2
while (iterCount <= numIter) {
peptides <- scampiOut[[paste("iteration", iterCount-1,
proteins <- scampiOut[[paste("iteration", iterCount-1,
edgespp <- scampiOut[[paste("iteration", iterCount-1,
## select outlying peptides
peptides[,"resid"] <-
peptides[,"pepQty"] - peptides[,paste(method,"Score",sep="")]
qt1 <- quantile(peptides[,"resid"], 0.25)
qt3 <- quantile(peptides[,"resid"], 0.75)
iqr <- qt3 - qt1 <- which(sort(peptides[,"resid"], decreasing=TRUE) >
(qt3 + thresh*iqr)) <- which(sort(peptides[,"resid"]) < (qt1 - thresh*iqr))
if ((length( && (length( {
message("No outliers to remove after ", iterCount-1,
" iterations. Stopping now.")
peptides[,"outlier"] <- FALSE
if (!(length( {
peptides[order(peptides[,"resid"])[],"outlier"] <- TRUE
if (!(length( {
decreasing=TRUE)[],"outlier"] <- TRUE
## remove outliers from peptide dataframe
peptides.outlier <- peptides[peptides[,"outlier"],
c("pepSeq", "pepQty", "pepObs")] <- peptides[!peptides[,"outlier"],]
nPeptides <- nrow(
## get rid of surplus edges <- edgespp[edgespp[,"pepId"] %in%[,"pepId"],]
## get rid of surplus proteins <- proteins[proteins[,"protId"] %in%[,"protId"],]
nProteins <- nrow(
## renumber[,"newId"] <- 1:nPeptides[,"newId"] <- (nPeptides+1):(nPeptides+nProteins)[,"pepId"] <- sapply([,"pepId"], replacePepNumbers,[,"protId"] <- sapply([,"protId"], replaceProtNumbers,[,"pepId"] <-[,"newId"][,"protId"] <-[,"newId"]
peptides <-[,-ncol(]
proteins <-[,-ncol(]
edgespp <-
## re-run scampi
scampiOut[[paste("iteration", iterCount, sep="")]] <-
list(scampiRes=runScampi(peptides, proteins, edgespp,
rescaling=FALSE, method=method,
quantifyPeptides=TRUE, numIter=numMLEIter,
## increase counter to keep track of iterations
iterCount <- iterCount + 1
## ################## ##
## ################## ##
checkInputData <- function(scampiData, ...) UseMethod("checkInputData")
checkInputData.scampi <- function(scampiData, rescaling=TRUE,
verbose=FALSE, ...)
## Purpose: Perform some consistency checks on the input data to ensure
## that the protein quantification and, optionally, the peptide
## reassessment will work smoothly.
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments: scampiData: object of class 'scampi'
## rescaling: if TRUE, transform peptide abundance scores by
## log10()
## verbose: if not FALSE, provide minimal progress info
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Sarah Gerster, Date: 10 Aug 2012, 10:23
if (verbose)
message("*** 'checkInputData.scampi' checks input data frames for ",
"consistency ***")
peptides <- scampiData@peptides
proteins <- scampiData@proteins
edgespp <- scampiData@edgespp
## check if all required variables are present
stopifnot(all(c("pepId", "pepSeq", "pepQty") %in%
stopifnot(all(c("protId", "protName") %in% colnames(proteins)))
stopifnot(all(c("pepId", "protId") %in% colnames(edgespp)))
## peptides: additional specific checks
if(length(colnames(peptides)) >
(ifelse("pepObs" %in% colnames(peptides), 4, 3))){
message(" ** only the following variables of the peptides data ",
"frame are used for the computations: 'pepId', 'pepSeq', ",
"'pepObs' and 'pepQty'")
stopifnot(length(unique(peptides[,"pepSeq"])) ==
stopifnot(length(unique(peptides[,"pepId"])) ==
if (any(!is.finite(peptides[,"pepQty"])))
stop("check your peptide abundances, they hold NA, NaN, Inf or -Inf")
if ("pepObs" %in% colnames(peptides)) {
if (any(!is.finite(peptides[,"pepObs"])))
stop("check your peptide observabilities, ",
"they hold NA, NaN, Inf or -Inf")
} else {
peptides[,"pepObs"] <- 1
if (rescaling) {
if (any(peptides[,"pepQty"] <= 0))
stop("check your peptide abundances, they contain zero or values < 0")
peptides[,"pepQty"] <- log10(peptides[,"pepQty"])
nPeptides <- nrow(peptides)
## proteins: additional specific checks
if(length(colnames(proteins)) > 2 && verbose)
message(" ** only the following variables of the proteins data ",
"frame are used for the computations: 'protId' and 'protName'")
stopifnot(length(unique(proteins[,"protName"])) ==
stopifnot(length(unique(proteins[,"protId"])) ==
nProteins <- nrow(proteins)
## edgespp: additional specific checks
if(length(colnames(edgespp)) > 2 && verbose)
message(" ** only the following variables of the edgespp data ",
"frame are used for the computations: 'pepId' and 'protId'")
stopifnot(nrow(unique(edgespp)) == nrow(edgespp))
## check numbering of the peptides and proteins
if (sum(unique(as.numeric(edgespp[,"pepId"])) <= nPeptides) !=
stop("error in 'pepId'")
if (sum(unique(as.numeric(edgespp[,"protId"])) > (nPeptides) &
unique(as.numeric(edgespp[,"protId"])) <=
(nPeptides + nProteins))
!= nProteins)
stop("error in 'protId'")
## check that each peptide and each protein occurs in at least one edge
stopifnot(all(peptides[,"pepId"] %in% edgespp[,"pepId"]))
stopifnot(all(proteins[,"protId"] %in% edgespp[,"protId"]))
## check that all edge indicies are included in the peptides and
## proteins data frames, respectively
stopifnot(all(edgespp[,"pepId"] %in% peptides[,"pepId"]))
stopifnot(all(edgespp[,"protId"] %in% proteins[,"protId"]))
if (verbose)
message("--> consistency check completed successfully <--")
return(scampi(peptides=peptides, proteins=proteins, edgespp=edgespp))
preprocessInputData <- function(scampiData, ...) UseMethod("preprocessInputData")
preprocessInputData.scampi <- function(scampiData, verbose=FALSE, ...)
## Purpose: Preprocess the graph structure and connected components
## as much as possible to speed up computations for parameter
## estimation and peptide/protein abundance predictions.
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments: scampiData: object of class 'scampi'
## verbose: if not FALSE, provide minimal progress info
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Dependencies: package 'RBGL'
## function 'buildBipartiteGraph()'
## function 'preprocessCCs()'
## function 'getMyCCNr()'
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Sarah Gerster, Date: 10 Aug 2012, 10:23
if (verbose)
message("*** 'preprocessInputData.scampi' performs some pre-",
"calculations on the (sub-)graphs to speed up further ",
"computations ***")
peptides <- scampiData@peptides
proteins <- scampiData@proteins
edgespp <- scampiData@edgespp
nPeptides <- nrow(peptides) # nb peps in data set
nProteins <- nrow(proteins) # nb prots in data set
if (verbose)
message(" ** preprocess graph")
## build the bipartite graph
ppGraph <- buildBipartiteGraph(nPeptides, nProteins, edgespp, verbose)
## get a list of all the connected components
ccList <- connectedComp(ppGraph)
## preprocess some parameter independent values for each connected
## component
ccList <- lapply(ccList, preprocessCC, peptides,
edgespp, nPeptides, verbose)
if (verbose)
message(" ** preprocess proteins")
## preprocess some parameter independent values for each protein
proteins[,"ccInd"] <-
sapply(proteins[,"protId"], getMyCCNr,
group="proteins", ccList, verbose)
if (verbose)
message(" ** preprocess peptides")
## preprocess some parameter independent values for each peptide
peptides[,"ccInd"] <- # prepro peptides
sapply(peptides[,"pepId"], getMyCCNr, group="peptides",
ccList, verbose)
peptides[,"nrNeiProt"] <-
sapply(peptides[,"pepId"], getMyNeighborhoodSize,
group="peptides", edgespp, verbose)
if (verbose)
message("--> data preprocessing completed successfully <--")
return(list(dataPrepro = scampi(peptides=peptides, proteins=proteins,
ppGraph = ppGraph, ccList = ccList))
estimateModelParameters <- function(method="all", ccList,
peptides=NULL, numIter=10,
## Purpose: Estimate the model paramteres alpha, beta, mu and tau from
## the data
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments: method: method to be used for the parameter esti-
## mation; can be 'all' (MLE and LSE), 'LSE' or
## 'MLE'
## ccList: list of pre-processed connected components
## peptides: data frame with pre-processed peptide info
## (only used for LSE)
## numIter: number of successful munerical optimizations
## to perform (only used for MLE)
## verbose: if TRUE: print minimal progress info, if >1:
## print (much) more info for sub-processes
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Dependencies: function sampleInitialVector()
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Sarah Gerster, Date: 14 Aug 2012, 15:00
if (verbose)
message("*** 'estimateModelParameters.scampi' estimates the model ",
"parameter with the method(s) of choice (provided by the ",
" argument 'method') ***")
res <- list()
if (method %in% c("all", "LSE")) {
lseParam <- estimateLSEparam(peptides, ccList, verbose)
res[["LSE"]] <- lseParam
if (method %in% c("all", "MLE")) {
mleParamMat <- matrix(NA, ncol=5, nrow=numIter)
colnames(mleParamMat) <- c("alphaH","betaH","muH","tauH", "fnval")
runIter <- 1
if (method == "all") {
run <- try(estimateMLEparam(c(lseParam[1], lseParam[2], lseParam[3],
lseParam[4]), ccList, verbose),
## if run was successful, store it
if (length(run) == 5) {
mleParamMat[runIter,] <- run
runIter <- runIter + 1
while (runIter <= numIter) {
if (verbose)
message("--> next trial with new random starting values")
## run optimization process with a random start values
run <- try(estimateMLEparam(sampleInitialVector(), ccList,
verbose), TRUE)
## if run was successful, store it
if (length(run) == 5) {
mleParamMat[runIter,] <- run
if (verbose)
message(" (finished ", runIter, "successful optimization ",
runIter <- runIter + 1
## select run with minimal functrion value
mleParam <- mleParamMat[which.min(mleParamMat[,5]),]
res[["MLE"]] <- mleParam
if (verbose)
message("--> parameter estimated successfully <--")
quantifyProtein <- function(protInfo, ccList, param, verbose=FALSE)
## Purpose: compute the protein abundance score for the specified
## parameter values
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments: protInfo: vector with 2 elements: protId and index of
## connected component which contains protId
## ccList: list of pre-processed connected components
## param: vector with 4 elements: alpha, beta, mu and
## tau (model parameter estimates)
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Sarah Gerster, Date: 15 Aug 2012, 09:45
protID <- as.numeric(protInfo[1])
cc <- ccList[[as.numeric(protInfo[2])]]
if (verbose > 1)
message(" ** 'quantifyProtein' is computing expected abundance for ",
"protein ", protID)
## which peptides have a common edge with protein protID?
edgeToC <- as.numeric(cc$peptides) %in%
## compute covariance between abundance of protein 'protID' and
## peptide quantity: 'Gcu'
Gcu <- cc$pepObs * param["betaH"] * edgeToC
## return expected value for the abundance of protein 'protID'
if (is.matrix(cc$distance)){
res <- crossprod(cc$pepQty - param["alphaH"] -
solve(cc$covU)) %*% Gcu + param["muH"]
protVar <- 1 - Gcu %*% solve(cc$covU) %*% Gcu
} else {
res <- crossprod(cc$pepQty - param["alphaH"] -
solve(cc$covU)) %*% Gcu + param["muH"]
protVar <- 1 - Gcu %*% solve(cc$covU) %*% Gcu
if (verbose > 1)
message(" --> protein quantified successfully")
## return(res)
return(c(res, protVar))
quantifyProteins <- function(scampiData, ccList, paramList,
quantifyPeptides=FALSE, verbose=FALSE)
## Purpose: compute the protein (and optionally the peptide) abundance
## score for the specified parameter values
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments: scampiData: object of class scampi
## ccList: list of pre-processed connected
## components
## paramList named list of vectors with 4 elements:
## alpha, beta, mu and tau (model parameter
## estimates);
## name of element = parameter estimation
## method
## quantifyPeptides: if TRUE, also compute peptide abundance
## scores
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Dependencies: function getCovU()
## function quantifyProtein()
## function quantifyPeptide()
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Sarah Gerster, Date: 15 Aug 2012, 09:45
if (verbose)
message(" ** 'quantifyProteins' is computing expected abundance for ",
"all proteins in 'proteins'")
proteins <- scampiData@proteins
peptides <- scampiData@peptides
for (methIter in names(paramList)) {
ccList <- # precompute covU
lapply(ccList, getCovU, beta=paramList[[methIter]]["betaH"],
## proteins[,paste(methIter, "Score", sep="")] <- # compute prot ab.
## apply(proteins[, c("protId", "ccInd")], 1, quantifyProtein,
## ccList, param=paramList[[methIter]], verbose=verbose)
proteins[,c(paste(methIter, "Score", sep=""), # compute prot ab.
paste(methIter, "Var", sep=""))] <-
t(apply(proteins[, c("protId", "ccInd")], 1,
quantifyProtein, ccList,
param=paramList[[methIter]], verbose=verbose))
if (quantifyPeptides) {
peptides[,paste(methIter, "Score", sep="")] <- # compute pep ab.
apply(peptides[,c("pepId","ccInd")], 1, quantifyPeptide,
ccList, param=paramList[[methIter]], verbose=verbose)
peptides[,paste(methIter, "Resid", sep="")] <- # compute pep resid.
peptides[,"pepQty"] - peptides[,paste(methIter, "Score", sep="")]
if (verbose) {
if (quantifyPeptides) {
message("--> proteins and peptides quantified successfully <--")
} else {
message("--> proteins quantified successfully <--")
return(scampi(peptides = peptides,
proteins = proteins,
edgespp = scampiData@edgespp))
quantifyPeptide <- function(pepInfo, ccList, param, verbose=FALSE)
## Purpose: compute the peptide abundance score for the specified
## parameter values
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments: protInfo: vector with 2 elements: 'pepId' and index of
## connected component which contains 'pepId'
## ccList: list of pre-processed connected components
## param: vector with 4 elements: 'alphaH', 'betaH',
## 'muH' and 'tauH' (model parameter estimates)
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Sarah Gerster, Date: 15 Aug 2012, 09:45
pepID <- as.numeric(pepInfo[1])
cc <- ccList[[as.numeric(pepInfo[2])]]
if (verbose > 1)
message(" ** 'quantifyPeptide' is computing expected abundance for ",
"peptide ", pepID)
if (length(cc$peptides) > 1) {
pepInd <- which(as.numeric(cc$peptides)==pepID)
## estimate ProtConc without using pepID
protSum <- 0
covU <- cc$covU[-pepInd,-pepInd]
U <- cc$pepQty[-pepInd]
s <- cc$pepObs[-pepInd]
d <- cc$distance[-pepInd,-pepInd]
peps <- cc$peptides[-pepInd]
edgeToP <- as.numeric(cc$proteins) %in%
## if the protein is a neighbor of the peptide pepID, add its
## contribution to the peptide intensity
for (protID in cc$proteins[edgeToP]) {
edgeToC <- peps %in%
Gcu <- s * param["betaH"] * edgeToC
if (is.matrix(d)){
protSum <- protSum + crossprod(U - param["alphaH"] -
solve(covU)) %*% Gcu
} else {
protSum <- protSum + (U - param["alphaH"] -
res <- param["alphaH"] + cc$pepObs[pepInd]*param["betaH"]*param["muH"]*
cc$distance[pepInd,pepInd] + cc$pepObs[pepInd]*param["betaH"]*protSum
} else {
res <- param["alphaH"] + cc$pepObs*param["betaH"]*param["muH"]*cc$distance
names(res) <- NULL
if (verbose > 1)
message(" --> peptide quantified successfully")
## ################## ##
## ################## ##
buildBipartiteGraph <- function(nPeptides, nProteins, edgesPP,
## Purpose: Build a bipartite graph (with peptides and proteins). The
## graph holds 'nPeptides' peptides (labeled from 1:nPeptides)
## and 'nProteins' (labeled from (nPeptides+1):(nPeptides+
## nProteins)) connected according to the information in
## 'edgesPP'.
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments: nPeptides: Number of peptides in the dataset
## nProteins: Number of proteins in the dataset
## edgesPP: Data frame with 2 columns: 'pepId' and 'protId'.
## Each row defines an edge of the bipartite graph.
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Dependencies: package 'graph'
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Sarah Gerster, Date: 31 Aug 2011, 13:15
if (verbose)
message(" ** 'buildBipartiteGraph' sets up the input bipartite graph")
## prepare the edge list needed as input to 'graphNEL' based on the
## information in edgesPP
Vpp <- as.character(1:(nPeptides+nProteins))
edLpp <- vector("list", length=length(Vpp))
names(edLpp) <- Vpp
## first set edges from peptides to proteins ...
for (i in 1:nPeptides) {
ind.i <- edgesPP[,"pepId"] == i
edLpp[[i]] <- edgesPP[ind.i,"protId"]
## ... then from proteins to peptides (undirected graph)
for (j in (nPeptides+1):(nPeptides+nProteins)) {
ind.j <- edgesPP[,"protId"] == j
edLpp[[j]] <- edgesPP[ind.j,"pepId"]
return(new("graphNEL", nodes=Vpp, edgeL=edLpp, edgemode="undirected"))
preprocessCC <- function(cc, peptides, edgesPP, nPeptides, verbose=FALSE)
## Purpose: Prepare (parameter independent) data for the connected
## component 'cc' in order to save time during subsequent
## computations (parameter estimation and abundance prediction).
## [cc := connected component]
## -> in the output, each cc has:
## * elements (IDs of peptides & proteins)
## * peptides (IDs of peptides)
## * proteins (IDs of proteins)
## * corresponding peptide intensities
## * corresponding peptide scores
## * "distance matrix" between peptides and proteins
## * edges
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments: cc: connected component
## peptides: data frame with the peptide information:
## -> requires columns: 'pepId', 'pepSeq',
## 'pepObs' & 'pepQty'
## -> one row per observed peptide
## edgesPP: data frame with edge information
## -> requires columns: 'pepId' and 'protId'.
## Each row defines an edge of the bipartite graph.
## nPeptides: number of peptides in the dataset
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Dependencies: function 'getDmat()'
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Sarah Gerster, Date: 13 Aug 2012, 13:34
if (verbose > 1)
message(" ** 'preprocessCC' precomputes several values for 'cc'")
res <- list()
## IDs of all elements in the cc
res$elements <- as.numeric(cc)
## IDs of all proteins in the cc
ind.prot <- as.integer(cc) > nPeptides
res$proteins <- as.numeric(cc[ind.prot])
## IDs all the peptides in the cc
res$peptides <- as.numeric(cc[!ind.prot])
## peptide intensities of all peptides in the cc
## (same order as in res$peptides)
res$pepQty <- peptides[peptides[,"pepId"] %in% res$peptides,"pepQty"]
## peptide scores of all peptides in the cc
## (same order as in res$peptides)
res$pepObs <- peptides[peptides[,"pepId"] %in% res$peptides,"pepObs"]
## "distance matrix": number of connected proteins for each peptide pair
## -> d[i,i] = |Ne(i)|
## -> d[i,j] = |Ne(i) AND Ne(j)|
res$distance <- getDmat(res$peptides, edgesPP, verbose)
## prepare an element with the list of edges in 'cc'
res$edges <- edgesPP[edgesPP[,"protId"] %in% as.numeric(res$proteins),]
if (verbose > 1)
message(" --> connected component successfully preprocessed")
getDmat <- function(pepArr, edgesPP, verbose=FALSE)
## Purpose: compute the "distance/connectivity matrix" for all peptide
## pairs
## -> d[i,i] = |Ne(i)|
## -> d[i,j] = |Ne(i) AND Ne(j)|
## => symmetric matrix
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments: pepArr: IDs of the peptides
## edgesPP: data frame with edge information
## -> requires columns: 'pepId' and 'protId'.
## Each row defines an edge of the bipartite graph.
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Dependencies: function 'getMyProteins()'
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Sarah Gerster, Date: 13 Aug 2012, 14:02
if (verbose > 1)
message(" ** 'getDmat' sets up the connectivity/distance matrix")
if (length(pepArr) == 1) {
## if there is only one peptide in the CC, return its number of
## neighboring proteins
return(length(getMyProteins(pepArr, edgesPP)))
} else {
## if there are more peptides, set up a matrix
d <- matrix(0, nrow=length(pepArr), ncol=length(pepArr))
## compute entries for the upper triangular part
## -> d[i,j] = |Ne(i) AND Ne(j)|
for (i in 1:(length(pepArr)-1)) {
proti <- getMyProteins(pepArr[i],edgesPP)
for (j in (i+1):length(pepArr)) {
protj <- getMyProteins(pepArr[j],edgesPP)
d[i,j] <- sum(proti %in% protj)
## put together the whole matrix (transpose triangular part and
## add diagonal elements (d[i,i] = |Ne(i)|))
d <- d + t(d) +
diag(unlist(lapply(lapply(pepArr, getMyProteins, edgesPP), length)))
if (verbose > 1)
message(" --> connectivity matrix successfully set up")
getMyProteins <- function(pepID, edgesPP, verbose=FALSE)
## Purpose: Return the list of all proteins with an edge to peptide
## 'pepID'
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments: pepID: ID of the peptide for which the list of matching
## proteins is needed
## edgesPP: data frame with 2 columns: 'pepId' and 'protId'
## -> each row defines an edge of the bipartite graph
## verbose: ???
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Sarah Gerster, Date: 13 Aug 2012, 14:18
if (verbose > 1)
message(" ** 'getMyProteins' finds the IDs of the proteins having a ",
"common edge to peptide 'pepID'")
return(edgesPP[edgesPP[,"pepId"]==pepID, "protId"])
getMyCCNr <- function(elID, group, ccList, verbose=FALSE)
## Purpose: Find connected component with 'ID' in its element 'group'
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments: elId: index to look for (typically protein or
## peptide ID)
## group: element of 'connectedComp' in which we
## should look for 'elID'
## ccList: list of pre-processed connected components
## verbose: ???
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Dependencies: function isInCC()
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Sarah Gerster, Date: 13 Aout 2011, 17:40
if (verbose > 1)
message(" ** 'getMyCCNr' looks up the index of the connected ",
"component holding 'elID' in its element 'group'")
return(which(sapply(1:length(ccList), isInCC,
elID=elID, group=group, ccList)))
isInCC <- function(ccID, elID, group, ccList, verbose=FALSE)
## Purpose: Return TRUE if 'elID' belongs to element 'group' of
## 'ccList[[ccID]]'
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments: ccID: connected component index
## elID: index to look for (typically protein or
## peptide ID)
## group: element of 'ccList' in which we should
## look for 'elId'
## ccList: list of pre-processed connected component
## verbose: ???
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Sarah Gerster, Date: 13 Aug 2012, 17:43
if (verbose > 1)
message(" ** 'isInCC' returns TRUE/FALSE depending if the connected ",
"component holds 'elID' in its element 'group' or not.")
return(elID %in% unlist(ccList[[ccID]][group]))
getMyNeighborhoodSize <- function(elID, group="peptides", edgesPP,
## Purpose: Return nighborhood size of elID
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments: elID: index to look for (typically protein or peptide ID)
## group: type of element ("peptides" or "proteins") to
## which 'elID' belongs
## edgesPP: data frame with 2 columns: 'pepId' and 'protId'
## -> each row defines an edge of the bipartite graph
## verbose: if true, print detailed information
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Sarah Gerster, Date: 14 Aug 2012, 14:18
if (verbose > 1)
message(" ** 'getMyNeighborhoodSize' returns the number of ",
"neighboring peptides or proteins to 'elID'")
if (group == "peptides") {
myId <- "pepId"
neighId <- "protId"
} else if (group == "proteins") {
myId <- "protId"
neighId <- "pepId"
} else {
stop("unknown 'group'")
## return number of neighbors of element elID
return(length(edgesPP[edgesPP[,myId]==elID, neighId]))
getProtId <- function(protName, proteins)
## Purpose: Return identification number assigend to protein 'protName'
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments: protName: protein accession
## proteins: data frame holding all proteins in the bipartite
## graph.
## -> columns: 'protId', 'protName', ...
## -> one row per observed protein
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Sarah Gerster, Date: 5 Sep 2011, 09:13
if (protName %in% proteins[,"protName"]) {
} else {
plotCC <- function(cc, peptides, proteins) {
eds <- cc$edges
pepseqs <- peptides[as.numeric(cc$peptides),"pepSeq"]
protnames <- as.character(proteins[as.numeric(cc$proteins)-nrow(peptides),
nPeptides <- length(pepseqs)
nProteins <- length(protnames)
## renumber peptides and proteins
peps <- data.frame(pepId=as.numeric(cc$peptides), newId=1:nPeptides)
prots <- data.frame(protId=as.numeric(cc$proteins),
eds[,"pepId"] <- sapply(eds[,"pepId"], replacePepNumbers, peps)
eds[,"protId"] <- sapply(eds[,"protId"], replaceProtNumbers, prots)
ccplot <- buildBipartiteGraph(nPeptides, nProteins, eds)
nAttrs <- list()
#nAttrs$label <- c(pepseqs,protnames)
#nAttrs$label <- c(paste(pepseqs, cc$pepQty,sep="\n"), protnames)
nAttrs$label <- c(round(cc$pepQty,2), protnames)
names(nAttrs$label) <- 1:(nPeptides+nProteins)
plot(ccplot, nodeAttrs=nAttrs, lwd=3)
getTopNScore <- function(protID, peptides, edgesPP, n=3,
## Purpose: Compute the topN score (average over the n highest peptide
## matching intensities) for the protein 'protID'.
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments: protID: ID of protein for which the concentration should
## be estimated.
## peptides: Data frame with the peptide information:
## -> columns: 'pepId', 'pepSeq', 'pepObs' &
## 'pepQty'
## -> one row per observed peptide
## edgesPP: Data frame with 2 columns: 'pepId' and 'protId'.
## Each row defines an edge of the bipartite graph.
## n: Number of peptides used for the average.
## method: If strict, return NA when less than n peptides
## are available for a given protein. Else, return
## mean of whatever is available.
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Dependencies: function getMyPeptides()
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Sarah Gerster, Date: 15 Mar 2011, 12:09
## get peptides sharing an edges with 'protID'
pepIDs <- getMyPeptides(protID=protID, edgesPP=edgesPP)
## get intensities of the peptides
pepQty <- peptides[peptides[,"pepId"] %in% pepIDs, "pepQty"]
if (length(pepQty) >= n) {
return(mean(sort(pepQty, decreasing=TRUE)[1:n]))
} else {
if (method=="strict") {
## not able to quantify proteins with less than n matching peptides
} else {
## make exceptions for proteins identified by less peptides and
## quantify them anyway by averaging whatever we have
getMyPeptides <- function(protID, edgesPP, group="proteins", ccList=NULL)
## Purpose: Return the list of all peptides with an edge to protein
## 'protID'
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments: protID: ID of the protein for which the list of matching
## peptides is needed
## edgesPP: Data frame with 2 columns: 'pepId' and 'protId'.
## Each row defines an edge of the bipartite graph.
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Sarah Gerster, Date: 31 Aug 2011, 14:18
if (group=="proteins") {
## return list of peptides with an edge to protID
} else if (group=="ccs") {
} else {
stop("Unknown 'group'.")
estimateLSEparam <- function(peptides, ccList, verbose=FALSE)
## Purpose: Estimate the model paramteres alpha, beta, mu and tau from
## the input data with a least squared error approach on the
## elements of the covariance matrix
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments: peptides: dataframe with the peptide information:
## -> required columns: 'pepId', 'pepSeq',
## 'pepObs' & 'pepQty'
## -> one row per observed peptide
## ccList: list of pre-processed connected components
## verbose: If true, print information during function
## evaluation
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Dependencies: function getSampleCov()
## function getBetaContribLSE()
## function getTauContribLSE()
## global constant TAU2_MIN_CONST
## global constant BETA22_MIN_CONST
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Sarah Gerster, Date: 14 Aug 2011, 15:00
if (verbose)
message(" ** compute parameter estimates with LSE approach")
if((all(peptides[,"nrNeiProt"] == 1) &&
all(peptides[,"pepObs"] == mean(peptides[,"pepObs"])))) {
muHat <- 0
## mean of all peptide intensities
alphaHat <- mean(peptides[,"pepQty"])
meanVect <- rep(alphaHat, nrow(peptides))
} else {
## mean of all peptide intensities
if (verbose) message(" * Mean vector")
y.pepqty <- peptides[,"pepQty"]
x.pepobsnrnei <- peptides[,"pepObs"]*peptides[,"nrNeiProt"]
fit <- lm(y.pepqty ~ x.pepobsnrnei)
alphaHat <- fit$coefficients[1] # alphaHat is the intercept
# of the fit
betaMuHat <- fit$coefficients[2] # slope of the fit is the
# product of betaHat and
# muHat
meanVect <- alphaHat +
## estimate the covariance matrix for each CC from the data
if (verbose) message(" * Estimate sample covariance matrices")
ccList <- lapply(ccList, getSampleCov, myMean=meanVect)
## estimate beta from the off-diagonal elements of cov(U)
if (verbose) message(" * Compute beta2")
t.res <-, getBetaContribLSE))
betaHat2 <- max(sum(t.res[1,])/sum(t.res[2,]), BETA2_MIN_CONST)
## tau out of diagonal elements of cov(U)
if (verbose) message(" * Compute tau2")
t.res <- sum(unlist(lapply(ccList, getTauContribLSE, betaHat2)))
## tau2 is maximum between estimated value (might be a negative number...)
## and a preset minimal (positive) value
tauHat2 <- max(t.res/length(ccList), TAU2_MIN_CONST)
if(!(all(peptides[,"nrNeiProt"] == 1) &&
all(peptides[,"pepObs"] == mean(peptides[,"pepObs"])))) {
## mu is approximated with the slope of di vs Ui and betaHat
if (verbose) message(" * Compute mu")
muHat <- betaMuHat/sqrt(betaHat2)
if (verbose) cat(" => run finished: alpha =", alphaHat,"beta =",
sqrt(betaHat2), "mu = ", muHat, "and tau =",
sqrt(tauHat2), "\n")
## return parameter estimates
res <- c(alphaHat, sqrt(betaHat2), muHat, sqrt(tauHat2))
names(res) <- c("alphaH", "betaH", "muH", "tauH")
if (verbose)
message(" --> LSE parameter estimates computed successfully")
getSampleCov <- function(cc, myMean, verbose=FALSE)
## Purpose: Compute the sample covariance of the peptide abundances
## of all peptides in 'cc'
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments: cc: Pre-processed connected component: the sample
## covariance matrix should be added to the list
## myMean: Mean value of the peptide intensities
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Sarah Gerster, Date: 31 Aug 2011, 15:20
if (verbose>1)
message(" ** compute sample covariance matrix for the peptides in 'cc'")
## sample covariance matrix
cc$covU <- (cc$pepQty - myMean[as.numeric(cc$peptides)]) %*%
t(cc$pepQty - myMean[as.numeric(cc$peptides)])
getBetaContribLSE <- function(cc)
## Purpose: compute the contribution of the connected component 'cc'
## towards the estimate of beta
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments: cc: pre-processed connected component: the sample
## covariance matrix should be added to the list
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Sarah Gerster, Date: 1 Sep 2011, 10:35
resNum <- 0
resDen <- 0
if (length(cc$peptides)>1) {
## NOTE: only CCs with more than one peptide contribute!
for (i in 1:(ncol(cc$covU)-1)) {
for (j in (i+1):ncol(cc$covU)) {
## NOTE: Only summing over the upper triangular elements,
## since 'covU' and 'distance' are symmetric
xij <- cc$pepObs[i]*cc$pepObs[j]*cc$distance[i,j]
resNum <- resNum + cc$covU[i,j]*xij
resDen <- resDen + xij^2
getTauContribLSE <- function(cc, beta2)
## Purpose: compute the contribution of the connected component 'cc'
## towards the estimate of tau.
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments: cc: pre-processed connected component: the sample
## covariance matrix should be added to the list
## beta2: value of the parameter beta^2
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Sarah Gerster, Date: 1 Sep 2011, 11:33
resZi <- 0
for (i in 1:ncol(cc$covU)) {
## NOTE: all CCs contribute!
if (ncol(cc$covU) > 1) {
resZi <- resZi + cc$covU[i,i]-(cc$pepObs[i])^2*beta2*cc$distance[i,i]
} else {
resZi <- resZi + cc$covU[i,i]-(cc$pepObs[i])^2*beta2*cc$distance
estimateMLEparam <- function(paramStart, ccList, verbose=FALSE)
## Purpose: Compute estimates of the model paramteres alpha, beta, mu
## and tau with the MLE, assuming that the peptide intensities
## follow a multivariate normal distribution.
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments: paramStart: starting values used for alphaHat, betaHat,
## muHat and tauHat
## ccList: list of pre-processed connected components
## verbose: if true, print information during function
## evaluation
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Dependencies: function nlLtoMinimze()
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Sarah Gerster, Date: 14 Aug 2012, 15:00
if (verbose)
message(" ** compute parameter estimates with MLE approach")
if (verbose) {
cat(" - start parameters:\n")
cat(" alphaHs =", paramStart[1], ", betaHs =", paramStart[2],
", muHs =", paramStart[3], "and tauHs =", paramStart[4], "\n")
res <- optim(paramStart, fn=nlLtoMinimize, method = "L-BFGS-B",
lower = c(-Inf, 0, 0, 0),
#lower = c(-Inf, -Inf, -Inf, 0),
upper = c(Inf, Inf, Inf, Inf),
control = list(factr=1e12, trace=1),
ccList = ccList, verbose=verbose)
out <- c(res$par[1], res$par[2], res$par[3], res$par[4], res$value)
names(out) <- c("alphaH","betaH","muH","tauH", "fnval")
if (verbose) {
cat(" => run finished: alpha =", res$par[1], "beta =",
res$par[2], "mu =", res$par[3], "and tau =", res$par[4], "\n")
if (verbose)
message(" --> MLE parameter estimates computed successfully")
nlLtoMinimize <- function(paramAlphaBetaMuTau, ccList,
## Purpose: sum up the negative log-likelihood (nlL) of all connected
## components
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments: paramAlphaBetaMuTau: Values used for alphaHat, betaHat,
## muHat and tauHat
## ccList: list of pre-processed connected component
## verbose: if true, print information during function
## evaluation
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Dependencies: function getCCnlL()
## function getCovU()
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Sarah Gerster, Date: 14 Aug 2012, 15:00
## complete CC preprocessing with current parameter values
## --> covU
ccList <- lapply(ccList, getCovU,
ccVals <- unlist(lapply(ccList, getCCnlL, paramAlphaBetaMuTau))
res <- sum(ccVals)
if (verbose > 1) {
cat(" Call to the function nlLtoMinimize() just finished:\n" )
cat(" Negative log-likelihood =", res, "\n")
cat(" Parameters: alphaH =", paramAlphaBetaMuTau[1],", betaH =",
paramAlphaBetaMuTau[2],", muH =", paramAlphaBetaMuTau[3], "and tauH =",
paramAlphaBetaMuTau[4], "\n\n")
getCCnlL <- function(cc, paramAlphaBetaMuTau)
## Purpose: compute the contribution to the negative log-likelihood (nlL)
## of the connected component 'cc'
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments: cc: pre-processed connected component
## paramAlphaBetaMuTau: values used for alphaHat, betaHat,
## muHat and tauHat
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Dependencies: library(mvtnorm)
## global constant DENSITY_CONST
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Sarah Gerster, Date: 15 Aug 2012, 15:00
## compute the value of the probability density function
if (length(cc$pepQty) > 1) {
mean=paramAlphaBetaMuTau[1] + cc$pepObs*
} else {
getCovU <- function(cc, beta, tau)
## Purpose: compute the covariance matrix of the peptide intensities for
## a connected component for given parameter values
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments: cc: pre-processed connected component
## beta: parameter in modelChoice
## tau: parameter in modelChoice
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Sarah Gerster, Date: 2 Sep 2011, 15:00
## different handling depending if the cc holds 1 or more peptides
if (length(cc$pepObs) > 1) {
covU <- tcrossprod(cc$pepObs) * cc$distance * beta^2
diag(covU) <- diag(covU) + tau^2
cc$covU <- covU
} else {
cc$covU <- (cc$pepObs*beta)^2*cc$distance + tau^2
sampleInitialVector <- function(alphaMin=0, alphaMax=4,
betaMin=0, betaMax=4,
muMin=0, muMax=4,
tauMin=0, tauMax=4)
## Purpose: generate a random initial vector for alpha, beta, mu and tau
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments: *Min, *Max: min and max values between which each starting
## parameter should be sampled
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Sarah Gerster, Date: 03 May 2012, 08:30
return(c(runif(1,alphaMin, alphaMax), runif(1,betaMin, betaMax),
runif(1,muMin, muMax), runif(1,tauMin, tauMax)))
replacePepNumbers <- function(edPepID, pepList){
## Purpose: return new id for peptide with old id 'edPepID'
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments: edPepID: old peptide ID
## pepList: dataframe with peptides, must include columns
## named 'pepId' and 'newId'
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Sarah Gerster, Date: 16 Aug 2012, 16:43
replaceProtNumbers <- function(edProtID, protList){
## Purpose: return new id for protein with old id 'edProtID'
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments: edPepID: old protein ID
## pepList: dataframe with proteins, must include columns
## named 'protId' and 'newId'
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Sarah Gerster, Date: 16 Aug 2012, 16:43
plot.scampi <- function(x, ...) {
## histograms of measured peptide abundnace scores
xlab="measured peptide abundance",
main="measured peptide abundances",
plot.scampiVal <- function(x, ...) {
plotRows <- length(names(x@parameters))
if (all(paste(names(x@parameters), "Score", sep="") %in%
colnames(x@peptides))) {
plotCols <- 3
} else {
plotCols <- 1
op <- par(mfrow=c(plotRows, plotCols))
for (methIter in names(x@parameters)){
## histograms of protein abundnace scores
hist(x@proteins[,paste(methIter, "Score", sep="")],
xlab="protein abundance score",
main=paste("protein abundance SCAMPI(", methIter, ")",
sep=""), ...)
if (paste(methIter, "Score", sep="") %in%
colnames(x@peptides)) {
resid <- unlist(x@peptides[paste(methIter, "Resid", sep="")])
fitted <- unlist(x@peptides[paste(methIter, "Score", sep="")])
## Tukey-Anscombe plot
plot(fitted, resid,
main = paste("peptide reassessment - SCAMPI(",
methIter, ")", sep=""),
sub = "Tukey-Anscombe plot",
xlab = "fitted",
ylab = "residuals", ...)
abline(h = 0, lwd = 2)
## normal Q-Q plot
qqnorm(y = resid,
main = paste("peptide reassessment - SCAMPI(",
methIter, ")", sep=""),
sub = "Normal Q-Q Plot",
bty = "n",
xlab = "theoretical quantiles",
ylab = "residuals", ...)
qqline(resid, lwd = 2)
summary.scampi <- function(object, ...) {
cat("\nObject of class 'scampi'.\n")
cat("Data overview:\n",
cat("Number of proteins :", nrow(object@proteins), "\n")
cat("Number of peptides :", nrow(object@peptides), "\n")
cat("Number of pep-prot edges :", nrow(object@edgespp), "\n")
summary.scampiVal <- function(object, ...) {
cat("\nObject of class 'scampiVal', from Call: \n",
deparse(object@call), "\n")
cat("Input data:\n",
cat("Number of proteins :", nrow(object@proteins), "\n")
cat("Number of peptides :", nrow(object@peptides), "\n")
cat("Number of pep-prot edges :", nrow(object@edgespp), "\n")
cat("Percent. shared peptides :",
cat("Output data:\n",
for (methIter in names(object@parameters)){
cat("**", methIter, ":\n")
cat(" protein abundance scores:\n")
print(summary(object@proteins[,paste(methIter, "Score",
if (paste(methIter, "Score", sep="") %in%
colnames(object@peptides)) {
cat(" peptide abundance scores:\n")
print(summary(object@peptides[,paste(methIter, "Score",
cat(" peptide residuals:\n")
print(summary(object@peptides[,paste(methIter, "Resid",
show.scampi <- function(object) {
cat("Object of class 'scampi'.\n")
show.scampiVal <- function(object) {
cat("Object of class 'scampiVal', from Call: \n",
## ####################### ##
## ####################### ##
setMethod("show", "scampiVal", show.scampiVal)
setMethod("summary", "scampiVal", summary.scampiVal)
setMethod("plot", signature(x = "scampiVal", y = "missing"),
function(x, y, ...) plot.scampiVal(x,...))
setMethod("show", "scampi", show.scampi)
setMethod("summary", "scampi", summary.scampi)
setMethod("plot", signature(x = "scampi", y = "missing"),
function(x, y, ...) plot.scampi(x,...))
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