#' Define a ternary composition
#' Create an object of class \code{ternary}
#' @param X an object of class \code{compositional} OR a matrix or
#' data frame with numerical data
#' @param x string/number or a vector of strings/numbers indicating the
#' variables/indices making up the first subcomposition of the ternary system.
#' @param y second (set of) variables
#' @param z third (set of) variables
#' @return an object of class \code{ternary}, i.e. a list containing:
#' x: a three column matrix (or vector) of ternary compositions.
#' and (if X is of class \code{SRDcorrected})
#' restoration: a list of intermediate ternary compositions inherited
#' from the SRD correction
#' @seealso restore
#' @examples
#' data(Namib)
#' tern <- ternary(Namib$PT,c('Q'),c('KF','P'),c('Lm','Lv','Ls'))
#' plot(tern,type="QFL")
#' @export
ternary <- function(X,x=1,y=2,z=3){
out <- list()
if (any(class(X) %in% c("compositional","counts"))){
dat <- X$x
nms <- names(X)
class(out) <- class(X)
} else {
dat <- X
nms <- rownames(X)
if (ndim(dat)>1){
cnames <- colnames(dat)
if (all(is.null(cnames))) cnames <- 1:ncol(dat)
} else {
cnames <- names(dat)
if (all(is.null(cnames))) cnames <- 1:length(dat)
if (is.numeric(x)) x <- cnames[x]
if (is.numeric(y)) y <- cnames[y]
if (is.numeric(z)) z <- cnames[z]
out$raw <- ternary.amalgamate(dat,x,y,z)
if (nrow(out$raw)>1) rownames(out$raw) <- nms
class(out) <- append("ternary",class(out))
out$x <- ternaryclosure(out$raw)
if (methods::is(X,"SRDcorrected")){
out$restoration <- list()
snames <- names(X$restoration)
for (sname in snames){
ternary_restoration <-
out$restoration[[sname]] <-
class(out) <- append("SRDcorrected",class(out))
ternary.amalgamate <- function(dat,x,y,z){
out <- cbind(sumcols(dat,x),sumcols(dat,y),sumcols(dat,z))
xlab <- paste(x,collapse='+')
ylab <- paste(y,collapse='+')
zlab <- paste(z,collapse='+')
colnames(out) <- c(xlab,ylab,zlab)
# X is a 3-column matrix or vector
ternaryclosure <- function(X){
den <- rowSums(X)
out <- apply(X,2,'/',den)
if (methods::is(out,"matrix")) {
colnames(out) <- colnames(X)
} else {
names(out) <- names(X)
#' Plot a ternary diagram
#' Plots triplets of compositional data on a ternary diagram
#' @param x an object of class \code{ternary}, or a three-column data
#' frame or matrix
#' @param type adds annotations to the ternary diagram, one of either
#' \code{empty}, \code{grid}, \code{QFL.descriptive},
#' \code{QFL.folk} or \code{QFL.dickinson}
#' @param pch plot character, see \code{?par} for details (may be a
#' vector)
#' @param pos position of the sample labels relative to the plot
#' symbols if pch != NA
#' @param labels vector of strings to be added to the plot symbols
#' @param showpath if \code{x} has class \code{SRDcorrected}, and
#' \code{showpath}==TRUE, the intermediate values of the SRD
#' correction will be plotted on the ternary diagram as well as
#' the final composition
#' @param col colour to be used for the background lines (if
#' applicable)
#' @param ticks vector of tick values between 0 and 1
#' @param ticklength number between 0 and 1 to mark the length of the
#' ticks
#' @param lty line type for the annotations (see \code{type})
#' @param lwd line thickness for the annotations
#' @param bg background colour for the plot symbols (may be a vector)
#' @param ... optional arguments to the generic \code{points} function
#' @examples
#' data(Namib)
#' tern <- ternary(Namib$PT,'Q',c('KF','P'),c('Lm','Lv','Ls'))
#' plot(tern,type='QFL.descriptive',pch=21,bg='red',labels=NULL)
#' @seealso ternary
#' @method plot ternary
#' @export
plot.ternary <- function(x,type='grid',pch=NA,pos=NULL,
oldpar <- graphics::par(mar=c(3,2,2,0),oma=rep(0,4))
if (type!='empty')
if (type=='empty'){
cornerlabels <- colnames(x$x)
} else if (type=='grid'){
cornerlabels <- colnames(x$x)
} else {
cornerlabels <- ternary.lines(type=type,col=col,lty=lty,lwd=lwd)
corners <- xyz2xy(c(1,0,0),c(0,1,0),c(0,0,1),c(1,0,0))
xy <- xyz2xy(x$x)
if (all(is.null(pch))) return()
if (all( && all(is.null(labels))){ pch <- 1 }
if (!all( && all(is.null(pos))){ pos <- 1 }
if (all( && all(is.null(pos)) &&
showpath && methods::is(x,'SRDcorrected')){ pos <- 1 }
if (!all( graphics::points(xy,pch=pch,bg=bg,...)
if (!all(is.null(labels))){ graphics::text(xy,labels=labels,pos=pos) }
if (showpath & methods::is(x,'SRDcorrected')) plotpath(x)
#' Ternary point plotting
#' Add points to an existing ternary diagram
#' @param x an object of class \code{ternary}, or a three-column data
#' frame or matrix
#' @param ... optional arguments to the generic \code{points} function
#' @aliases lines text
#' @examples
#' tern <- ternary(Namib$PT,'Q',c('KF','P'),c('Lm','Lv','Ls'))
#' plot(tern,pch=21,bg='red',labels=NULL)
#' # add the geometric mean composition as a yellow square:
#' gmean <- ternary(exp(colMeans(log(tern$x))))
#' points(gmean,pch=22,bg='yellow')
#' @method points ternary
#' @export
points.ternary <- function(x,...){
xy <- xyz2xy(x$x)
#' Ternary line plotting
#' Add lines to an existing ternary diagram
#' @param x an object of class \code{ternary}, or a three-column data
#' frame or matrix
#' @param ... optional arguments to the generic \code{lines} function
#' @examples
#' tern <- ternary(Namib$PT,'Q',c('KF','P'),c('Lm','Lv','Ls'))
#' plot(tern,pch=21,bg='red',labels=NULL)
#' middle <- matrix(c(0.01,0.49,0.01,0.49,0.98,0.02),2,3)
#' lines(ternary(middle))
#' @method lines ternary
#' @export
lines.ternary <- function(x,...){
xy <- xyz2xy(x$x)
#' Ternary text plotting
#' Add text an existing ternary diagram
#' @param x an object of class \code{ternary}, or a three-column data
#' frame or matrix
#' @param labels a character vector or expression specifying the text
#' to be written
#' @param ... optional arguments to the generic \code{text} function
#' @examples
#' data(Namib)
#' tern <- ternary(Namib$Major,'CaO','Na2O','K2O')
#' plot(tern,pch=21,bg='red',labels=NULL)
#' # add the geometric mean composition as a text label:
#' gmean <- ternary(exp(colMeans(log(tern$x))))
#' text(gmean,labels='geometric mean')
#' @method text ternary
#' @export
text.ternary <- function(x,labels=1:nrow(x$x),...){
xy <- xyz2xy(x$x)
#' Ternary confidence ellipse
#' plot a \eqn{100(1-\alpha)\%} confidence region around the data or
#' around its mean.
#' @param x an object of class \code{ternary}
#' @rdname ternary.ellipse
#' @export
ternary.ellipse <- function(x,...){ UseMethod("ternary.ellipse",x) }
#' @param alpha cutoff level for the confidence ellipse
#' @param population show the standard deviation of the entire
#' population or the standard error of the mean?
#' @param ... optional formatting arguments
#' @rdname ternary.ellipse
#' @export
ternary.ellipse.default <- function(x,alpha=0.05,population=TRUE,...){
uv <- ALR(x)
u <- subset(uv,select=1)
v <- subset(uv,select=2)
E <- stats::cov(uv)
ell <- errellipse(n=nrow(x$x),mu=c(mean(u),mean(v)),Sigma=E,
XYZ <- ALR(ell,inverse=TRUE)
xy <- xyz2xy(XYZ$x)
#' @examples
#' data(Namib)
#' tern <- ternary(Namib$Major,'CaO','Na2O','K2O')
#' plot(tern)
#' ternary.ellipse(tern)
#' @rdname ternary.ellipse
#' @export
ternary.ellipse.compositional <- function(x,alpha=0.05,population=TRUE,...){
#' @rdname ternary.ellipse
#' @export
ternary.ellipse.counts <- function(x,alpha=0.05,population=TRUE,...){
pars <- rep(0,5)
fit <- central_multivariate(x)
pars[1] <- log(fit['theta',1]) - log(1-fit['theta',1]) # mu[1]
pars[2] <- log(fit['theta',2]) - log(1-fit['theta',2]) # mu[2]
pars[3] <- fit['sigma',1]
pars[4] <- fit['sigma',2]
if (abs(pars[3])>0.01 & abs(pars[4])>0.01){ # draw ellipse
if (TRUE){ # approximate but fast
rho <- stats::cor(log(x$raw[,1:2]+0.5)-
} else { # accurate but slow and unstable
init <- cor(log(x$raw[,1:2]+0.5)-log(x$raw[,3]+0.5))[1,2]
message(paste0('Warning: calculating an error ellipse for \n',
'point-counting data may take a minute ...'))
rho <- stats::optim(init,LL.ternary.random.effects.cor,
covariance <- rho*pars[3]*pars[4]
b1 <- pars[1]
b2 <- pars[2]
E <- matrix(0,2,2)
E[1,1] <- pars[3]^2
E[2,2] <- pars[4]^2
E[1,2] <- covariance
E[2,1] <- E[1,2]
pars[5] <- E[1,2]
ell <- errellipse(n=nrow(x$x),mu=c(b1,b2),Sigma=E,
XYZ <- ALR(ell,inverse=TRUE)
} else if (pars[3]<0.01 & pars[4]<0.01){ # draw point
pars[3:4] <- 0
XYZ <- ALR(pars[1:2],inverse=TRUE)
} else { # draw line
np <- 20 # number of points
if (pars[3]>0.01){
pars[4] <- 0
if (population) sigma <- pars[3]
else sigma <- fit['err',1]/(pars[1]*(1-pars[1]))
m1 <- stats::qnorm(alpha/2,mean=pars[1],sd=sigma)
M1 <- stats::qnorm(1-alpha/2,mean=pars[1],sd=sigma)
u <- seq(m1,M1,length.out=np)
v <- rep(pars[2],np)
} else if (pars[4]>0.01){
pars[3] <- 0
if (population) sigma <- pars[4]
else sigma <- fit['err',2]/(pars[2]*(1-pars[2]))
m2 <- stats::qnorm(alpha/2,mean=pars[2],sd=sigma)
M2 <- stats::qnorm(1-alpha/2,mean=pars[2],sd=sigma)
u <- rep(pars[1],np)
v <- seq(m2,M2,length.out=np)
uv <- cbind(u,v)
XYZ <- ALR(uv,inverse=TRUE)
xy <- xyz2xy(XYZ$x)
errellipse <- function(n,mu,Sigma,alpha=0.05,population=TRUE){
m <- 2
df1 <- m
df2 <- n-m
if (population) k <- n+1
else k <- 1
hk <- k*m*(n-1)*stats::qf(1-alpha,df1,df2)/(n*(n-m))
VW2VT <- svd(Sigma)
V <- VW2VT$u
W2 <- diag(VW2VT$d)
w1 <- sqrt(VW2VT$d[1])
w2 <- sqrt(VW2VT$d[2])
res <- 100
g1 <- w1*sqrt(hk)*cos(seq(from=0,to=2*pi,length.out=res))
g2 <- w2*sqrt(hk)*sin(seq(from=0,to=2*pi,length.out=res))
G <- rbind(g1,g2)
ell <- list()
class(ell) <- 'compositional'
ell$x <- t(V%*%G + rbind(rep(mu[1],res),rep(mu[2],res)))
# pars = mu1, mu2, var1, var2, cov12
# dat = [n x 3] matrix of counts
LL.ternary.random.effects.cor <- function(rho,pars,dat){
pars[5] <- rho*pars[3]*pars[4]
LL.ternary.random.effects <- function(pars,dat){
mu <- pars[1:2]
E <- matrix(0,2,2)
E[1,1] <- pars[3]^2
E[2,2] <- pars[4]^2
E[1,2] <- pars[5]
E[2,1] <- E[1,2]
LL <- 0
for (i in 1:nrow(dat)){
LL <- LL + get.LL.sample(dat[i,],mu,E)
get.LL.sample <- function(nn,mu,E){
lnfact <- sum(1:sum(nn)) - sum(1:nn[1]) - sum(1:nn[2]) - sum(1:nn[3]) <-
stats::integrate(function(b2) {
sapply(b2, function(b2) {
stats::integrate(function(b1) get.p.sample(b1,b2,nn,mu,E),
-Inf, Inf)$value
}, -Inf, Inf)$value
if ( <- -1000
else <- log(
- lnfact -
get.p.sample <- function(b1,b2,nn,mu,E){
logbfact <- b1*nn[1] + b2*nn[2] - sum(nn) *
log( exp(b1) + exp(b2) + 1 )
mfact <- dmvnorm(cbind(b1,b2),mean=mu,sigma=E,log=TRUE)
exp(logbfact + mfact)
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