
#' Write counts, metadata, taxonomy, and phylogeny to a biom file.
#' @param biom  The BIOM object to save to the file.
#' @param file  Path to the output file.
#' @param format  Options are \bold{\dQuote{tab}}, 
#'     \bold{\dQuote{json}}, and \bold{\dQuote{hdf5}}, 
#'     corresponding to classic tabular format, biom format version 1.0 and 
#'     biom version 2.1, respectively. Abbreviations are also accepted. See
#'     \url{http://biom-format.org/documentation/} for details. NOTE: to write
#'     HDF5 formatted BIOM files, the BioConductor R package \code{rhdf5} must
#'     be installed.
#' @return On success, returns \code{NULL} invisibly.
#' @export

write.biom <- function (biom, file, format="json") {
  # Sanity Checks
  if (!is(biom, "BIOM"))
      stop(simpleError("Invalid BIOM object."))
  if (file.exists(file))
      stop(simpleError(sprintf("Output file already exists: '%s'", file)))
  # Default values for required fields
  if (is.null(biom$info$type))     biom$info$type <- "OTU table"
  if (is.na(biom$info$type))       biom$info$type <- "OTU table"
  if (length(biom$info$type) != 1) biom$info$id   <- "OTU table"
  if (nchar(biom$info$type) == 0)  biom$info$type <- "OTU table"
  if (is.null(biom$info$id))       biom$info$id   <- "NA"
  if (is.na(biom$info$id))         biom$info$id   <- "NA"
  if (length(biom$info$id) != 1)   biom$info$id   <- "NA"
  if (nchar(biom$info$id) == 0)    biom$info$id   <- "NA"
  # Select the appropriate format engine
  opts   <- c("tab", "json", "hdf5")
  format <- tolower(head(format, 1))
  format <- c(opts, format)[pmatch(format, opts, nomatch=4)]
  switch (format, 
    "hdf5" = write.biom.2.1(biom, file),
    "json" = write.biom.1.0(biom, file),
    "tab"  = write.biom.tsv(biom, file),
    stop(simpleError(sprintf("unknown output format: '%s'", format)))

# BIOM Classic - Tabular

write.biom.tsv <- function (biom, file) {
  mtx <- {
        data = c("#OTU ID", colnames(biom$counts)),
        nrow = 1
          data = rownames(biom$counts),
          ncol = 1
          data = as.character(as.matrix(biom$counts)), 
          nrow = nrow(biom$counts)
  if (!is.null(biom$taxonomy)) {
    if (ncol(biom$taxonomy) > 0) {
      mtx <- {
            data = c("Taxonomy", apply(biom$taxonomy, 1L, paste, collapse="; ")),
            ncol = 1
  write.table(mtx, file, sep="\t", quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)
  return (invisible(NULL))

# BIOM v1.0 - JSON

write.biom.1.0 <- function (biom, file) {
  for (i in names(biom$metadata))
    if (is(biom$metadata[[i]], "factor"))
      biom$metadata[[i]] <- as.character(biom$metadata[[i]])
  json <- rjson::toJSON(list(
    # Attributes
    id                  = biom$info$id,
    type                = biom$info$type,
    format              = "1.0.0", 
    format_url          = "http://biom-format.org",
    generated_by        = paste("rbiom", utils::packageDescription('rbiom')$Version),
    date                = strftime(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", tz="UTC"),
    matrix_type         = "sparse",
    matrix_element_type = ifelse(sum(biom$counts$v %% 1) == 0, "int", "float"),
    shape               = c(biom$counts$nrow, biom$counts$ncol),
    comment             = biom$info$comment,
    # Phylogenetic Tree
    phylogeny = ifelse(is.null(biom$phylogeny), "", rbiom::write.tree(biom$phylogeny)),
    # Taxonomy
    rows = lapply(1:biom$counts$nrow, function (i) {
      TaxaID   <- biom$counts$dimnames[[1]][i]
      Metadata <- list(taxonomy=unname(biom$taxonomy[i,]))
      if (is(biom[['sequences']], "character"))
        Metadata[['sequence']] <- biom$sequences[[TaxaID]]
      list(id=TaxaID, metadata=Metadata)
    # Sample IDs and Metadata
    columns = lapply(1:biom$counts$ncol, function (j) list(
      id = biom$counts$dimnames[[2]][j],
      metadata = {
        md_fields <- names(biom$metadata)
        if (length(md_fields) > 0) {
          sapply(md_fields, function (k) biom$metadata[j,k])
        } else {
    # Read counts
    data = lapply(seq_along(biom$counts$v), function (k) 
      c(biom$counts$i[k] - 1, biom$counts$j[k] - 1, biom$counts$v[k])
  res <- try(writeChar(json, file, eos=NULL), silent = TRUE)
  if (is(res, "try-error"))
    stop(simpleError(sprintf("Can't save to '%s': %s", file, res)))
  return (invisible(NULL))

# BIOM v2.1 - HDF5

write.biom.2.1 <- function (biom, file) {
  if (!requireNamespace("rhdf5", quietly = TRUE)) {
      "Error: rbiom requires the R package 'rhdf5' to be installed\n",
      "in order to read and write HDF5 formatted BIOM files.\n\n",
      "Please run the following commands to install 'rhdf5':\n",
      "   install.packages('BiocManager')\n",
      "   BiocManager::install('rhdf5')\n\n" )))
  res <- try(rhdf5::h5createFile(file), silent = TRUE)
  if (!identical(res, TRUE))
    stop(simpleError(sprintf("Can't create file '%s': %s", file, as.character(res))))
  invisible(rhdf5::h5createGroup(file, '/observation'))
  invisible(rhdf5::h5createGroup(file, '/observation/matrix'))
  invisible(rhdf5::h5createGroup(file, '/observation/metadata'))
  invisible(rhdf5::h5createGroup(file, '/observation/group-metadata'))
  invisible(rhdf5::h5createGroup(file, '/sample'))
  invisible(rhdf5::h5createGroup(file, '/sample/matrix'))
  invisible(rhdf5::h5createGroup(file, '/sample/metadata'))
  invisible(rhdf5::h5createGroup(file, '/sample/group-metadata'))
  h5 <- try(rhdf5::H5Fopen(file), silent = TRUE)
  if (!is(h5, "H5IdComponent"))
    stop(simpleError(sprintf("Can't open file '%s': %s", file, as.character(h5))))
  # Attributes
  rhdf5::h5writeAttribute(as.character(biom$info$id      %||% ""),                    h5, 'id')
  rhdf5::h5writeAttribute(as.character(biom$info$type    %||% ""),                    h5, 'type')
  rhdf5::h5writeAttribute(as.character(biom$info$comment %||% ""),                    h5, 'comment')
  rhdf5::h5writeAttribute("http://biom-format.org",                                   h5, 'format-url')
  rhdf5::h5writeAttribute(as.integer(c(2,1,0)),                                       h5, 'format-version', 3)
  rhdf5::h5writeAttribute(paste("rbiom", utils::packageDescription('rbiom')$Version), h5, 'generated-by')
  rhdf5::h5writeAttribute(strftime(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", tz="UTC"),       h5, 'creation-date')
  rhdf5::h5writeAttribute(as.integer(c(biom$counts$nrow, biom$counts$ncol)),          h5, 'shape', 2)
  rhdf5::h5writeAttribute(as.integer(length(biom$counts$v)),                          h5, 'nnz')

  # Read counts by taxa (rows)
  x <- matrix(c(biom$counts$i - 1, biom$counts$j - 1, biom$counts$v), byrow=FALSE, ncol=3)
  x <- x[order(x[,1]),,drop=FALSE]
  rhdf5::h5writeDataset(as.character(biom$counts$dimnames[[1]]),                                h5, 'observation/ids')
  rhdf5::h5writeDataset(as.numeric(x[,3]),                                                      h5, 'observation/matrix/data')
  rhdf5::h5writeDataset(as.integer(x[,2]),                                                      h5, 'observation/matrix/indices')
  rhdf5::h5writeDataset(as.integer(cumsum(unname(table(factor(x[,1]+1, 0:biom$counts$nrow))))), h5, 'observation/matrix/indptr')
  # Read counts by sample (columns)
  x <- x[order(x[,2]),,drop=FALSE]
  rhdf5::h5writeDataset(as.character(biom$counts$dimnames[[2]]),                                h5, 'sample/ids')
  rhdf5::h5writeDataset(as.numeric(x[,3]),                                                      h5, 'sample/matrix/data')
  rhdf5::h5writeDataset(as.integer(x[,1]),                                                      h5, 'sample/matrix/indices')
  rhdf5::h5writeDataset(as.integer(cumsum(unname(table(factor(x[,2]+1, 0:biom$counts$ncol))))), h5, 'sample/matrix/indptr')
  # Sample Metadata
  if (is(biom[['metadata']], "data.frame")) {
    plyr::l_ply(setdiff(names(biom$metadata), 'SampleID'), function (field) {
      h5path <- sprintf("/sample/metadata/%s", field)
      values <- biom$metadata[biom$counts$dimnames[[2]], field]
      if (is.numeric(values)) {
        if (all(values %% 1 == 0, na.rm=TRUE))
          values <- as.integer(values)
      } else if (!is.logical(values)) {
        values <- as.character(values)
      rhdf5::h5writeDataset(values, h5, h5path)
  # Taxonomy
  if (is(biom[['taxonomy']], "matrix")) {
    h5path      <- 'observation/metadata/taxonomy'
    x           <- t(biom$taxonomy[biom$counts$dimnames[[1]],,drop=FALSE])
    dimnames(x) <- list(NULL, NULL)
    rhdf5::h5writeDataset(x, h5, h5path)
  # Sequences
  if (is(biom[['sequences']], "character")) {
    h5path <- 'observation/metadata/sequences'
    x      <- unname(biom$sequences[biom$counts$dimnames[[1]]])
    rhdf5::h5writeDataset(x, h5, h5path)
  # Phylogenetic Tree
  if (is(biom[['phylogeny']], "phylo")) {
    h5path <- '/observation/group-metadata/phylogeny'
    x      <- rbiom::write.tree(biom[['phylogeny']])
    rhdf5::h5writeDataset(x, h5, h5path)
    h5path <- h5&'observation'&'group-metadata'&'phylogeny'
    rhdf5::h5writeAttribute("newick", h5path, 'data_type')
  return (invisible(NULL))

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rbiom documentation built on Nov. 5, 2021, 9:11 a.m.