## R package reda by Wenjie Wang, Haoda Fu, and Jun Yan
## Copyright (C) 2015-2022
## This file is part of the R package reda.
## The R package reda is free software: You can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later
## version (at your option). See the GNU General Public License at
## <> for details.
## The R package reda is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY without even the implied warranty of
## collation after class.R
##' @include class.R
##' Recurrent Events Regression Based on Counts and Rate Function
##' This function fits recurrent event data (event counts) by gamma frailty
##' model with spline rate function. The default model is the gamma frailty
##' model with one piece constant baseline rate function, which is equivalent to
##' negative binomial regression with the same shape and rate parameter in the
##' gamma prior. Spline (including piecewise constant) baseline hazard rate
##' function can be specified for the model fitting.
##' Function \code{\link{Recur}} in the formula response by default first checks
##' the dataset and will report an error if the dataset does not fall into
##' recurrent event data framework. Subject's ID will be pinpointed if its
##' observation violates any checking rule. See \code{\link{Recur}} for all the
##' checking rules.
##' Function \code{rateReg} first constructs the design matrix from
##' the specified arguments: \code{formula}, \code{data}, \code{subset},
##' \code{na.action} and \code{constrasts} before model fitting.
##' The constructed design matrix will be checked again to
##' fit the recurrent event data framework
##' if any observation with missing covariates is removed.
##' The model fitting process involves minimization of negative log
##' likelihood function, which calls function \code{\link[stats]{constrOptim}}
##' internally. \code{help(constrOptim)} for more details.
##' The argument \code{start} is an optional list
##' that allows users to specify the initial guess for
##' the parameter values for the minimization of
##' negative log likelihood function.
##' The available numeric vector elements in the list include
##' \itemize{
##' \item \code{beta}: Coefficient(s) of covariates,
##' set to be all 0.1 by default.
##' \item \code{theta}: Parameter in Gamma(theta, 1 / theta) for
##' frailty random effect, set to be 0.5 by default.
##' \item \code{alpha}: Coefficient(s) of baseline rate function,
##' set to be all 0.05 by default.
##' }
##' The argument \code{control} allows users to control the process of
##' minimization of negative log likelihood function passed to
##' \code{constrOptim} and specify the boundary knots of baseline rate function.
##' @param formula \code{Recur} object produced by function \code{\link{Recur}}.
##' The terminal events and risk-free episodes specified in \code{Recur}
##' will be ignored since the model does not support them.
##' @param data An optional data frame, list or environment containing the
##' variables in the model. If not found in data, the variables are taken
##' from \code{environment(formula)}, usually the environment from which
##' function \code{\link{rateReg}} is called.
##' @param subset An optional vector specifying a subset of observations to be
##' used in the fitting process.
##' @param na.action A function that indicates what should the procedure do if
##' the data contains \code{NA}s. The default is set by the na.action
##' setting of \code{options}. The "factory-fresh" default is
##' \code{na.omit}. Other possible values inlcude \code{},
##' \code{na.exclude}, and \code{na.pass}. See \code{help(} for
##' details.
##' @param start An optional list of starting values for the parameters to be
##' estimated in the model. See more in Section details.
##' @param control An optional list of parameters to control the maximization
##' process of negative log likelihood function and adjust the baseline rate
##' function. See more in Section details.
##' @param contrasts An optional list, whose entries are values (numeric
##' matrices or character strings naming functions) to be used as
##' replacement values for the contrasts replacement function and whose
##' names are the names of columns of data containing factors. See
##' \code{contrasts.arg} of \code{model.matrix.default} for details.
##' @param ... Other arguments passed to \code{rateReg.control()} and
##' \code{stats::constrOptim()}.
##' @return A \code{rateReg} object, whose slots include
##' \itemize{
##' \item \code{call}: Function call of \code{rateReg}.
##' \item \code{formula}: Formula used in the model fitting.
##' \item \code{nObs}: Number of observations.
##' \item \code{spline}: A list contains
##' \itemize{
##' \item \code{spline}: The name of splines used.
##' \item \code{knots}: Internal knots specified for the baseline
##' rate function.
##' \item \code{Boundary.knots}: Boundary knots specified for the
##' baseline rate function.
##' \item \code{degree}: Degree of spline bases specified in
##' baseline rate function.
##' \item \code{df}: Degree of freedom of the model specified.
##' }
##' \item \code{estimates}: Estimated coefficients of covariates and
##' baseline rate function, and estimated rate parameter of
##' gamma frailty variable.
##' \item \code{control}: The control list specified for model fitting.
##' \item \code{start}: The initial guess specified for the parameters
##' to be estimated.
##' \item \code{na.action}: The procedure specified to deal with
##' missing values in the covariate.
##' \item \code{xlevels}: A list that records the levels in
##' each factor variable.
##' \item \code{contrasts}: Contrasts specified and used for each
##' factor variable.
##' \item \code{convergCode}: \code{code} returned by function
##' \code{\link[stats]{optim}}, which is an integer indicating why the
##' optimization process terminated. \code{help(optim)} for details.
##' \item \code{logL}: Log likelihood of the fitted model.
##' \item \code{fisher}: Observed Fisher information matrix.
##' }
##' @references
##' Fu, H., Luo, J., & Qu, Y. (2016).
##' Hypoglycemic events analysis via recurrent time-to-event (HEART) models.
##' \emph{Journal Of Biopharmaceutical Statistics}, 26(2), 280--298.
##' @example inst/examples/ex_rateReg.R
##' @seealso
##' \code{\link{summary,rateReg-method}} for summary of fitted model;
##' \code{\link{coef,rateReg-method}} for estimated covariate coefficients;
##' \code{\link{confint,rateReg-method}} for confidence interval of
##' covariate coefficients;
##' \code{\link{baseRate,rateReg-method}} for estimated coefficients of baseline
##' rate function;
##' \code{\link{mcf,rateReg-method}} for estimated MCF from a fitted model;
##' \code{\link{plot,mcf.rateReg-method}} for plotting estimated MCF.
##' @importFrom splines2 iSpline mSpline
##' @importFrom stats .getXlevels constrOptim model.extract na.omit
##' na.exclude na.pass predict deriv
##' @export
rateReg <- function(formula, data, subset, na.action,
start = list(),
control = list(),
contrasts = NULL,
## record the function call to return
Call <-
if (missing(formula))
stop("Argument 'formula' is required.")
if (missing(data))
data <- environment(formula)
## take care of subset individual for possible non-numeric ID
if (! missing(subset)) {
sSubset <- substitute(subset)
subIdx <- eval(sSubset, data, parent.frame())
if (! is.logical(subIdx))
stop("'subset' must be logical")
subIdx <- subIdx & !
data <- data[subIdx, ]
## Prepare data: ID, time, event ~ X(s)
mcall <- = FALSE)
mmcall <- match(c("formula", "data", "na.action"), names(mcall), 0L)
mcall <- mcall[c(1L, mmcall)]
## re-define data
## mcall$data <- substitute(data)
mcall$data <- data
## drop unused levels in factors
mcall$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
mcall[[1L]] <- quote(stats::model.frame)
mf <- eval(mcall, parent.frame())
mt <- attr(mf, "terms")
mm <- stats::model.matrix(formula, data = mf, contrasts.arg = contrasts)
## check response constructed from Recur
resp <- stats::model.extract(mf, "response")
if (! (is.Recur(resp) || is.Survr(resp)))
stop("Response in the formula must be an 'Recur' object.")
## number of covariates excluding intercept
nBeta <- ncol(mm) - 1L
## if (nBeta == 0L)
## warning("No covariate was specified in formula.")
## covariates' names
covar_names <- colnames(mm)[- 1L]
## 'control' for optimization and splines' boundary knots
dot_list <- list(...)
control <-, modify_list(control, dot_list))
## for possible missing values in covaraites
if (length(na.action <- attr(mf, "na.action"))) {
## check data for possible error caused by removal of missing values
if (control$verbose)
message("Observations with missing value in covariates ",
"are removed.\nChecking the new dataset again...\n",
appendLF = FALSE)
if (is.Recur(resp)) {
resp <- check_Recur(resp, check = "hard")
} else {
## update if there is missing value removed
attr(resp, "ID") <- attr(resp, "ID")[- na.action]
resp <- check_Survr(resp, check = TRUE)
if (control$verbose)
## sorted data by ID, time, and event
ord <- attr(resp, "ord")
## data matrix processed
xMat <- mm[ord, - 1L, drop = FALSE]
dat <- if (is.Recur(resp)) {
resp[ord, c("id", "time2", "event", "origin")], xMat
} else {
resp[ord, ], xMat
colnames(dat) <- c("ID", "time", "event", "origin", covar_names)
nObs <- nrow(dat)
## set up boundary knots
Boundary.knots <- if (is.null(control$Boundary.knots)) {
with(dat, c(min(origin, na.rm = TRUE),
max(time, na.rm = TRUE)))
} else {
## generate knots if knots is unspecified
iMat <- splines2::mSpline(x = dat$time,
df = control$df,
knots = control$knots,
degree = control$degree,
intercept = TRUE,
integral = TRUE,
periodic = control$periodic,
Boundary.knots = Boundary.knots)
bMat <- deriv(iMat)
iMat0 <- predict(iMat, dat$origin)
iMat <- iMat - iMat0
## update df, knots, degree, and Boundary.knots
knots <- as.numeric(attr(iMat, "knots"))
degree <- as.integer(attr(iMat, "degree"))
df <- if (control$periodic) {
length(knots) + 1L
} else {
degree + length(knots) + 1L
Boundary.knots <- attr(iMat, "Boundary.knots")
## name each basis for alpha output
alphaName <- nameBases(df)
## start' values
startlist <- c(start, list(nBeta_ = nBeta, nAlpha_ = df))
start <-"rateReg_start", startlist)
ini <-"c", start)
length_par <- length(ini)
## check whether the knots are reasonable
if (any(colSums(bMat[dat$event > 0, , drop = FALSE]) == 0)) {
"Some spline basis does not capture any event time",
"and thus is possibly redundent.",
"Please adjust spline knots or degree."
## prepare anything needed in LogL_rateReg but free from parameters
## index for event and censoring
ind_event <- dat$event > 0
ind_cens <- ! ind_event
## basis matrix at event times
bMat_event <- bMat[ind_event, , drop = FALSE]
## n_ij: number of event for each subject
## the following code makes sure the order will not change
## if the patient ID is not ordered
## not needed if data are already sorted by ID
## n_ij <- table(dat$ID)[order(unique(dat$ID))] - 1L
n_ij <- table(dat$ID) - 1L
seq_n_ij <- sequence(n_ij)
nSub <- length(n_ij)
dmu0_dalpha <- iMat[ind_cens, , drop = FALSE]
xMat_i <- xMat[ind_cens, , drop = FALSE]
## log likelihood
## theta > 0 and alph >= 0
spline_controls <- c("df", "degree", "knots", "Boundary.knots",
"periodic", "verbose")
control4optim <- control[! names(control) %in% spline_controls]
fit <- stats::constrOptim(ini, f = logL_rateReg, grad = logL_rateReg_grad,
ui = cbind(matrix(0, length_par - nBeta, nBeta),
diag(length_par - nBeta)),
ci = c(sqrt(.Machine$double.eps),
rep(0, length_par - nBeta - 1)),
hessian = TRUE,
nBeta = nBeta,
nSub = nSub,
xMat = xMat,
ind_event = ind_event,
ind_cens = ind_cens,
bMat_event = bMat_event,
n_ij = n_ij,
seq_n_ij = seq_n_ij,
dmu0_dalpha = dmu0_dalpha,
xMat_i = xMat_i,
control = control4optim)
## estimates for beta
est_beta <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = nBeta, ncol = 5L)
colnames(est_beta) <- c("coef", "exp(coef)", "se(coef)", "z", "Pr(>|z|)")
rownames(est_beta) <- covar_names
se_vec <- sqrt(diag(solve(fit$hessian)))
est_beta[, 1L] <- fit$par[seq_len(nBeta)]
est_beta[, 2L] <- exp(est_beta[, 1L])
est_beta[, 3L] <- se_vec[seq_len(nBeta)]
est_beta[, 4L] <- est_beta[, 1L] / est_beta[, 3L]
est_beta[, 5L] <- 2 * stats::pnorm(- abs(est_beta[, 4L]))
## estimates for theta
est_theta <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = 1L, ncol = 2L)
colnames(est_theta) <- c("parameter", "se")
rownames(est_theta) <- "Frailty"
est_theta[1L, ] <- c(fit$par[nBeta + 1L], se_vec[nBeta + 1L])
## estimates for alpha
est_alpha <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = df, ncol = 2)
colnames(est_alpha) <- c("coef", "se(coef)")
rownames(est_alpha) <- alphaName
est_alpha[, 1L] <- fit$par[(tmpIdx <- (nBeta + 2L) : length_par)]
est_alpha[, 2L] <- se_vec[tmpIdx]
## output: na.action
na.action <- if (is.null(na.action)) {
} else {
paste0("na.", class(attr(mf, "na.action")))
## output: contrasts
contrasts <- if (is.null(contrasts)) {
list(contrasts = NULL)
} else {
attr(mm, "contrasts")
## output: df, degree of freefom, including beta and theta
df <- list(beta = nBeta, theta = 1L, alpha = df)
## output: xlevels
xlevels <- .getXlevels(mt, mf)
if (is.null(xlevels)) xlevels <- list()
## return
call = Call,
formula = formula,
nObs = nObs,
spline = list(
spline = "mSplines",
df = df,
knots = knots,
degree = degree,
periodic = control$periodic,
Boundary.knots = Boundary.knots
estimates = list(beta = est_beta,
theta = est_theta,
alpha = est_alpha),
control = control,
start = start,
na.action = na.action,
xlevels = xlevels,
contrasts = contrasts,
convergCode = fit$convergence,
logL = - fit$value,
fisher = fit$hessian)
##' @rdname rateReg
##' @param df A nonnegative integer to specify the degree of freedom of baseline
##' rate function. If argument \code{knots} or \code{degree} are specified,
##' \code{df} will be neglected whether it is specified or not.
##' @param degree A nonnegative integer to specify the degree of spline bases.
##' @param knots A numeric vector that represents all the internal knots of
##' baseline rate function. The default is \code{NULL}, representing no any
##' internal knots.
##' @param Boundary.knots A length-two numeric vector to specify the boundary
##' knots for baseline rate funtion. By default, the left boundary knot is
##' the smallest origin time and the right one takes the largest censoring
##' time from data.
##' @param periodic A logical value indicating if periodic splines should be
##' used.
##' @param verbose A logical value with default \code{TRUE}. Set it to
##' \code{FALSE} to supress messages from this function.
##' @export
rateReg.control <- function(df = NULL,
degree = 0L,
knots = NULL,
Boundary.knots = NULL,
periodic = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE,
if (! isLogicalOne(verbose))
stop("The option 'verbose' must be a logical value.", call. = FALSE)
## available control parameters for optim
optim_controls <- c("trace", "fnscale", "parscale", "ndeps", "maxit",
"abstol", "reltol", "alpha", "REPORT", "type", "lmm",
"factr", "pgtol", "temp", "tmax")
dot_list <- list(...)
dot_list <- dot_list[names(dot_list) %in% optim_controls]
## return
out <- list(df = df,
degree = degree,
knots = knots,
Boundary.knots = Boundary.knots,
periodic = periodic,
verbose = verbose)
c(out, dot_list)
### internal functions =========================================================
## compute negative log likelihood
logL_rateReg <- function(par, nBeta, nSub, xMat, ind_event, ind_cens,
bMat_event, n_ij, seq_n_ij, dmu0_dalpha, xMat_i)
## par = \THETA in the paper
par_theta <- max(par[nBeta + 1L], .Machine$double.eps)
par_alpha <- par[(nBeta + 2L) : length(par)]
expXBeta <-
if (nBeta) {
as.numeric(exp(xMat %*% as.matrix(par[seq_len(nBeta)])))
} else {
rep(1, nrow(xMat))
## baseline rate function
rho_0_ij <- pmax(as.numeric(bMat_event %*% par_alpha), .Machine$double.eps)
rho_i <- pmax(expXBeta[ind_event] * rho_0_ij, .Machine$double.eps)
sum_log_rho_i <- sum(log(rho_i))
theta_j_1 <- par_theta + seq_n_ij - 1
sum_log_theta_j_1 <- sum(log(theta_j_1))
## baseline mcf, integral of rho_0 that involves censoring time tau
mu0i <- as.numeric(dmu0_dalpha %*% par_alpha)
mui <- mu0i * expXBeta[ind_cens]
mui_theta <- pmax(par_theta + mui, .Machine$double.eps)
sum_log_theta_mui <- sum((n_ij_theta <- n_ij + par_theta) * log(mui_theta))
## log likelihood function
logLH <- nSub * par_theta * log(par_theta) + sum_log_rho_i +
sum_log_theta_j_1 - sum_log_theta_mui
## return negative log likelihood
negLH <- - logLH
## ## Calculate the gradient
## ## on beta, vector
## dl_dbeta_i <- sweep(x = as.matrix(xMat_i), MARGIN = 1, FUN = "*",
## STATS = par_theta * (n_ij - mui) / (par_theta + mui))
## dl_dbeta <- colSums(dl_dbeta_i)
## ## on theta
## dl_dtheta <- nSub + nSub * log(par_theta) +
## sum(1 / (par_theta + seq_n_ij - 1)) -
## sum((n_ij + par_theta) / (par_theta + mui)) - sum(log(mui_theta))
## ## on alpha
## part1 <- crossprod(1 / rho_0_ij, bMat_event)
## dl_dalpha_part2 <- sweep(dmu0_dalpha, MARGIN = 1, FUN = "*",
## STATS = expXBeta[ind_cens] * n_ij_theta /
## mui_theta)
## part2 <- colSums(dl_dalpha_part2)
## dl_dalpha <- part1 - part2
## ## return gradient as one attribute
## attr(negLH, "gradient") <- - c(dl_dbeta, dl_dtheta, dl_dalpha)
## compute negative log likelihood
logL_rateReg_grad <- function(par, nBeta, nSub, xMat, ind_event, ind_cens,
bMat_event, n_ij, seq_n_ij, dmu0_dalpha, xMat_i)
## par = \THETA in the paper
par_theta <- max(par[nBeta + 1L], .Machine$double.eps)
n_ij_theta <- n_ij + par_theta
par_alpha <- par[(nBeta + 2L) : length(par)]
expXBeta <- as.numeric(exp(xMat %*% as.matrix(par[seq_len(nBeta)])))
## baseline rate function
rho_0_ij <- pmax(as.numeric(bMat_event %*% par_alpha), .Machine$double.eps)
## baseline mcf, integral of rho_0 that involves censoring time tau
mu0i <- as.numeric(dmu0_dalpha %*% par_alpha)
mui <- mu0i * expXBeta[ind_cens]
mui_theta <- pmax(par_theta + mui, .Machine$double.eps)
## Calculate the gradient
## on beta, vector
dl_dbeta_i <- sweep(x = as.matrix(xMat_i), MARGIN = 1, FUN = "*",
STATS = par_theta * (n_ij - mui) / (par_theta + mui))
dl_dbeta <- colSums(dl_dbeta_i)
## on theta
dl_dtheta <- nSub + nSub * log(par_theta) +
sum(1 / (par_theta + seq_n_ij - 1)) -
sum((n_ij + par_theta) / (par_theta + mui)) - sum(log(mui_theta))
## on alpha
part1 <- crossprod(1 / rho_0_ij, bMat_event)
dl_dalpha_part2 <- sweep(dmu0_dalpha, MARGIN = 1, FUN = "*",
STATS = expXBeta[ind_cens] * n_ij_theta /
part2 <- colSums(dl_dalpha_part2)
dl_dalpha <- part1 - part2
## return gradient
- c(dl_dbeta, dl_dtheta, dl_dalpha)
rateReg_start <- function (beta, theta = 0.5, alpha, ..., nBeta_, nAlpha_)
## beta = starting value(s) for coefficients of covariates
## theta = starting value for random effects
## alpha = starting values for coefficients of baseline rate bases
if (missing(beta)) {
beta <- rep(0.1, nBeta_)
} else if (length(beta) != nBeta_) {
"The Number of starting values for covariate coefficients",
"does not match with the specified formula."
), call. = FALSE)
if (! isNumOne(theta) || theta <= 0)
stop("The parameter for gamma frailty must be a positive number.",
call. = FALSE)
if (missing(alpha))
alpha <- rep(0.05, nAlpha_)
## return
list(beta = beta, theta = theta, alpha = alpha)
## generate intervals from specified baseline pieces
nameBases <- function(df)
paste0("M-spline", seq_len(df))
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