
#' R6 Class for Alpha Complex
#' @description AlphaComplex is a simplicial complex constructed from the finite
#'   cells of a Delaunay Triangulation.
#' @details The filtration value of each simplex is computed as the square of
#'   the circumradius of the simplex if the circumsphere is empty (the simplex
#'   is then said to be Gabriel), and as the minimum of the filtration values of
#'   the codimension 1 cofaces that make it not Gabriel otherwise. All simplices
#'   that have a filtration value strictly greater than a given alpha squared
#'   value are not inserted into the complex.
#' @author Vincent Rouvreau
#' @family filtrations and reconstructions
#' @export
AlphaComplex <- R6::R6Class(
  classname = "AlphaComplex",
  inherit = PythonClass,
  public = list(
    #' @description `AlphaComplex` constructor.
    #' @param points Either a `n x d` matrix or a length-`n` list of
    #'   `d`-dimensional vectors or a file with extension `.off`.
    #' @param precision A string specifying the alpha complex precision. Can be
    #'   one of `"fast"`, `"safe"` or `"exact"`. Defaults to `"safe"`.
    #' @return A \code{\link{AlphaComplex}} object storing the Alpha complex.
    #' @examplesIf reticulate::py_module_available("gudhi")
    #' Xl <- seq_circle(10)
    #' Xm <- Reduce(rbind, Xl, init = numeric())
    #' acm <- AlphaComplex$new(points = Xm)
    #' acl <- AlphaComplex$new(points = Xl)
    #' acl
    initialize = function(points, precision = "safe") {
      if (inherits(points, "matrix") || inherits(points, "list"))
            points = points
      else if (is.character(points) && fs::path_ext(points) == "off") {
        points <- read_off_file(points)
        self$initialize(points = points, precision = precision)
        cli::cli_abort("{.code points} must be either a matrix or a list or an OFF file.")

    #' @description Generates a simplex tree from the Delaunay triangulation.
    #' @param max_alpha_square A numeric value specifying the maximum alpha
    #'   square threshold the simplices shall not exceed. Default is set to
    #'   `Inf`, and there is very little point using anything else since it does
    #'   not save time.
    #' @param default_filtration_value A boolean specifying whether filtration
    #'   values should not be computed and will be set to `NaN`
    #'   (`default_filtration_value = TRUE`). Defaults to `FALSE` (which means
    #'   compute the filtration values).
    #' @return A \code{\link{SimplexTree}} object storing the computed simplex
    #'   tree.
    #' @examplesIf reticulate::py_module_available("gudhi")
    #' X <- seq_circle(10)
    #' ac <- AlphaComplex$new(points = X)
    #' st <- ac$create_simplex_tree()
    create_simplex_tree = function(max_alpha_square = Inf,
                                   default_filtration_value = FALSE) {
      py_st <- super$get_python_class()$create_simplex_tree(
        max_alpha_square = max_alpha_square,
        default_filtration_value = default_filtration_value
      private$m_ComputedSimplexTree <- TRUE
      SimplexTree$new(py_class = py_st)

    #' @description This function returns the point corresponding to a given
    #'   vertex from the SimplexTree.
    #' @param vertex An integer value specifying the desired vertex.
    #' @return A numeric vector storing the point corresponding to the input
    #'   vertex.
    #' @examplesIf reticulate::py_module_available("gudhi")
    #' X <- seq_circle(10)
    #' ac <- AlphaComplex$new(points = X)
    #' st <- ac$create_simplex_tree()
    #' ac$get_point(1)
    get_point = function(vertex) {
      if (!private$m_ComputedSimplexTree)
        cli::cli_abort("You first need to generate the simplex tree by calling the {.code $create_simplex_tree()} method.")
  private = list(
    m_ComputedSimplexTree = FALSE

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rgudhi documentation built on March 31, 2023, 11:38 p.m.