
#' GLMM-based Repeatability Estimation for Proportion Data
#' Estimates repeatability from a generalized linear mixed-effects models fitted by restricted maximum likelihood (REML).
#' @inheritParams rpt
#' @param link Link function. \code{logit} and \code{probit} are allowed, defaults to \code{logit}.
#' @return 
#' Returns an object of class \code{rpt} that is a a list with the following elements: 
#' \item{call}{Function call}
#' \item{datatype}{Response distribution (here: 'Proportion').}
#' \item{CI}{Width of the confidence interval.}
#' \item{R}{\code{data.frame} with point estimates for repeatabilities. Columns
#'      represent grouping factors of interest. Rows show original and link scale repeatabilites 
#'      (in this order).}
#' \item{se}{\code{data.frame} with approximate standard errors (\emph{se}) for repeatabilities. Columns
#'      are groups of interest. Rows are original and link scale (in this order).
#'      Note that the distribution might not be symmetrical, in which case the \emph{se} is less informative.}
#' \item{CI_emp}{\code{list} of two elements containing the confidence intervals for repeatabilities 
#'      on the link and original scale, respectively. Within each list element, lower and upper CI
#'      are columns and each row for each grouping factor of interest.}
#' \item{P}{\code{data.frame} with p-values from a significance test based on likelihood-ratios
#'      in the first column and significance test based on permutation of residuals for 
#'      both the original and link scale in the second and third column. Each row represents a grouping
#'      factor of interest.}
#' \item{R_boot_link}{Parametric bootstrap samples for \emph{R} on the link scale. Each \code{list}
#'       element is a grouping factor.}
#' \item{R_boot_org}{Parametric bootstrap samples for \emph{R} on the original scale. Each \code{list}
#'       element is a grouping factor.}
#' \item{R_permut_link}{Permutation samples for \emph{R} on the link scale. Each \code{list}
#'       element is a grouping factor.}
#' \item{R_permut_org}{Permutation samples for \emph{R} on the original scale. Each \code{list}
#'       element is a grouping factor.}
#' \item{LRT}{List of two elements. \emph{LRT_mod} is the likelihood for the full model and (2) \emph{LRT_table} is a data.frame 
#'      for the reduced model(s) including columns for the likelihood \emph{logl_red}, the likelihood ratio(s) \emph{LR_D}, 
#'      p-value(s)\emph{LR_P} and degrees of freedom for the likelihood-ratio test(s) \emph{LR_df}.} 
#' \item{ngroups}{Number of groups for each grouping level.}
#' \item{nobs}{Number of observations.}
#' \item{overdisp}{Overdispersion parameter. Equals the variance in the observational factor random effect}
#' \item{mod}{Fitted model.}
#' \item{ratio}{Boolean. TRUE, if ratios have been estimated, FALSE, if variances have been estimated}
#' \item{adjusted}{Boolean. TRUE, if estimates are adjusted}
#' \item{all_warnings}{\code{list} with two elements. 'warnings_boot' and 'warnings_permut' contain
#'      warnings from the lme4 model fitting of bootstrap and permutation samples, respectively.}
#' @details 
#' see details section of \code{\link{rpt}} for details on parametric bootstrapping,
#' permutation and likelihood-ratio tests.
#' @references 
#' Carrasco, J. L. & Jover, L.  (2003) \emph{Estimating the generalized 
#' concordance correlation coefficient through variance components}. Biometrics 59: 849-858.
#' Faraway, J. J. (2006) \emph{Extending the linear model with R}. Boca Raton, FL, Chapman & Hall/CRC.
#' Nakagawa, S. & Schielzeth, H. (2010) \emph{Repeatability for Gaussian and 
#' non-Gaussian data: a practical guide for biologists}. Biological Reviews 85: 935-956
#' @author Holger Schielzeth  (holger.schielzeth@@uni-jena.de),
#'         Shinichi Nakagawa (s.nakagawa@unsw.edu.au) &
#'         Martin Stoffel (martin.adam.stoffel@@gmail.com)
#' @seealso \link{rpt}
#' @examples 
#' data(BeetlesMale)
#' # prepare proportion data
#' BeetlesMale$Dark <- BeetlesMale$Colour
#' BeetlesMale$Reddish <- (BeetlesMale$Colour-1)*-1
#' BeetlesColour <- aggregate(cbind(Dark, Reddish) ~ Treatment + Population + Container, 
#'      data=BeetlesMale, FUN=sum)
#' # Note: nboot and npermut are set to 0 for speed reasons. 
#' # repeatability with one grouping level
#' rptProportion(cbind(Dark, Reddish) ~ (1|Population), 
#'      grname=c("Population"), data=BeetlesColour, nboot=3, npermut=3)
#' # unadjusted repeatabilities with  fixed effects and 
#' # estimation of the fixed effect variance
#' rptProportion(cbind(Dark, Reddish) ~ Treatment + (1|Container) + (1|Population), 
#'      grname=c("Population", "Fixed"), 
#'      data=BeetlesColour, nboot=0, npermut=0, adjusted=FALSE)
#' # variance estimation of random effects, residual and overdispersion 
#' rptProportion(cbind(Dark, Reddish) ~ Treatment + (1|Container) + (1|Population), 
#'      grname=c("Container","Population","Residual", "Overdispersion"), 
#'      data = BeetlesColour, nboot=0, npermut=0, ratio = FALSE)
#' @export

rptProportion <- function(formula, grname, data, link = c("logit", "probit"), CI = 0.95, nboot = 1000, 
        npermut = 0, parallel = FALSE, ncores = NULL, ratio = TRUE, adjusted = TRUE, expect="meanobs",
        rptObj = NULL, update = FALSE) {
        # missing values
        no_NA_vals <- stats::complete.cases(data[all.vars(formula)])
        if (sum(!no_NA_vals ) > 0 ){
                warning(paste0(sum(!no_NA_vals), " rows containing missing values were removed"))
                data <- data[no_NA_vals, ]
        # check whether grnames just contain "Residual" or "Overdispersion"
        if (!any((grname != "Residual") & (grname != "Fixed"))) stop("Specify at least one grouping factor in grname")
        # check whether expect is either "meanobs" or "latent" or "liability"
        if (expect != "meanobs" & expect != "latent" & expect != "liability") stop("The argument expect has to be either 'meanobs' (the default), 'latent' or 'liability'")
        # link
        if (length(link) > 1) link <- "logit"
        if (!(link %in% c("logit", "probit"))) stop("Link function has to be 'logit' or 'probit'")
        # observational level random effect
        Overdispersion <- factor(1:nrow(data))
        data <- cbind(data, Overdispersion)
        formula <- stats::update(formula,  ~ . + (1|Overdispersion))
        mod <- lme4::glmer(formula, data = data, family = stats::binomial(link = link))
        if (nboot < 0) nboot <- 0
        if (npermut < 1) npermut <- 1
        e1 <- environment()
        # save the original grname
        grname_org <- grname
        output_resid <- FALSE
        output_fixed <- FALSE
        # Helper functions
        # inverf based on posting by sundar on R-help
        # https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2006-June/108153.html
        inverf <- function(x) stats::qnorm((x + 1)/2)/sqrt(2)
        # check whether Residual, Overdispersion or Fixed is selected and if so, remove it
        # from grname vector
        for (component in c("Residual", "Fixed")) {
                if (any(grname == component)){
                        grname <- grname[-which(grname == component)]
                        if (component == "Residual") output_resid <- TRUE
                        if (component == "Fixed") output_fixed <- TRUE
        # this is just a check: the following code changed position as we test 
        # whether grname appears in more than one random effect.
        terms <- attr(terms(formula), "term.labels")
        randterms <- terms[which(regexpr(" | ", terms, perl = TRUE) > 0)]
        # at the moment its not possible to fit the same grouping factor in more than one random effect
        check_modelspecs <- sapply(grname, function(x) sum(grepl(paste0("\\b", x, "\\b"), randterms)))
        if (any(check_modelspecs > 1)){
                stop("Fitting the same grouping factor in more than one random 
                      effect term is not possible at the moment")  
        # point estimates of R
        R_pe <- function(formula, data, grname, peYN = FALSE) {
                mod <- lme4::glmer(formula = formula, data = data, family = stats::binomial(link = link))
                # random effect variance data.frame
                VarComps <- lme4::VarCorr(mod)
                # group variances (group_vars is now an internal function in internal.R)
                var_a <- unlist(lapply(grname, group_vars, VarComps, mod))
                names(var_a) <- grname
                # variance of all VarComps
                var_VarComps <- unlist(lapply(names(VarComps), group_vars, VarComps, mod))
                names(var_VarComps) <- names(VarComps)
                # olre variance
                var_o <- var_VarComps["Overdispersion"]
                # intercept on link scale
                beta0 <- unname(lme4::fixef(mod)[1])
                # Distribution-specific and Residual variance
                # Fixed effect variance
                var_f <- stats::var(stats::predict(mod, re.form=NA))
                if (link == "logit") {
                        if(expect=="latent") Ep <- stats::plogis(beta0*sqrt(1+((16*sqrt(3))/(15*pi))^2*(sum(var_VarComps)+var_f))^-1)
                        if(expect=="meanobs") Ep <- mean(mod@resp$y, na.rm=TRUE)
                        if(expect=="liability") Ep <- exp(beta0) / (1 + exp(beta0))
                        if(expect=="latent") estdv_link <- 1 / (Ep*(1-Ep))
                        if(expect=="meanobs") estdv_link <- 1 / (Ep*(1-Ep))
                        if(expect=="liability") estdv_link <- pi^2/3
                        var_r <-  var_VarComps["Overdispersion"] + estdv_link
                if (link == "probit") {
                        if(expect=="latent") Ep <- stats::pnorm(beta0*sqrt(1+sum(var_VarComps)+var_f)^-1)
                        if(expect=="meanobs") Ep <- mean(mod@resp$y, na.rm=TRUE)
                        if(expect=="latent") estdv_link <- 2*pi*Ep*(1-Ep) * (exp(inverf(2*Ep-1)^2))^2
                        if(expect=="meanobs") estdv_link <- 2*pi*Ep*(1-Ep) * (exp(inverf(2*Ep-1)^2))^2
                        if(expect=="liability") estdv_link <- 1
                        var_r <-  var_VarComps["Overdispersion"] + estdv_link
                if (ratio == FALSE) {
                        R_link <- var_a
                        R_org <- NA
                        R <- as.data.frame(rbind(R_org, R_link))
                        # if residual is selected, add residual variation to the output
                        if (output_resid){
                                R[,"Residual"] <- c(NA, var_r) # add NA for R_org
                        if (output_fixed){
                                R[,"Fixed"] <- c(NA, var_f) # add NA for R_org
                if (ratio == TRUE) {
                        if (link == "logit") {
                                # link scale
                                var_p_link <- sum(var_VarComps) + estdv_link
                                if(!adjusted) var_p_link <- var_p_link + var_f
                                R_link <- var_a/ var_p_link
                                R_r <- var_r / var_p_link
                                R_f_link <- var_f / var_p_link                                
                                # origial scale
                                if(adjusted) var_p_org <- (sum(var_VarComps) * Ep^2) / ((1 + exp(beta0))^2)+Ep*(1-Ep)
                                if(!adjusted) var_p_org <- ((sum(var_VarComps)+var_f) * Ep^2) / ((1 + exp(beta0))^2)+Ep*(1-Ep)
                                R_org <- ( var_a * Ep^2 / ((1 + exp(stats::qlogis(Ep)))^2)) / var_p_org
                                R_f_org <- ( var_f * Ep^2/ ((1 + exp(stats::qlogis(Ep)))^2)) / var_p_org
                        if (link == "probit") {
                                # link scale
                                var_p_link <- sum(var_VarComps) + estdv_link
                                if(!adjusted) var_p_link <- var_p_link + var_f
                                R_link <- var_a / var_p_link
                                R_r <- var_r / var_p_link
                                R_f_link <- var_f / var_p_link                                
                                # origial scale
                                R_org <- NA
                                R_f_org <- NA
                        # check whether that works for any number of var
                        R <- as.data.frame(rbind(R_org, R_link))
                        # check whether to give out non-repeatability and overdispersion repeatability
                        if (output_resid){
                                R[,"Residual"] <- c(NA, R_r) # add NA for R_org
                        if (output_fixed){
                                R[,"Fixed"] <- c(R_f_org, R_f_link)
        R <- R_pe(formula, data, grname, peYN = FALSE)
        ### parametric bootstrapping ###
        # simulation of data.frame with responses
        if (nboot > 0){
                # every column contains a list with successes and failures, data.frame
                Ysim <- stats::simulate(mod, nsim = nboot) 
        # main bootstrap function
        bootstr <- function(y, mod, formula, data, grname) {
                data[, colnames(y)] <- y
                R_pe(formula, data, grname)
        # run all bootstraps
        bootstraps <- bootstrap_nongaussian(bootstr, R_pe, formula, data, Ysim, mod, grname, 
                grname_org, nboot, parallel, ncores, CI, rptObj, update)
        # load everything (elegant solution)
        # list2env(bootstraps, envir = e1)
        # load everything (bad solution to assure global binding and satisfy cran check) 
        se_org <- bootstraps$se_org
        se_link <- bootstraps$se_link
        CI_org <- bootstraps$CI_org
        CI_link <- bootstraps$CI_link
        boot_link <- bootstraps$boot_link
        boot_org <- bootstraps$boot_org
        warnings_boot <- bootstraps$warnings_boot
        ### permutation of residuals ###
        # response matrix for permutation test
        dep_var_expr <- as.character(formula)[2]
        dep_var <- as.data.frame(with(data, eval(parse(text=dep_var_expr))))
        # defining main permutation function
        if (link == "logit") inv_fun <- stats::plogis
        if (link == "probit") inv_fun <- stats::pnorm
        permut <- function(nperm, formula, mod_red, dep_var, grname, data) {
                # for binom it will be logit 
                y_perm <- stats::rbinom(nrow(data), rowSums(dep_var), 
                        prob = inv_fun(stats::predict(mod_red, type="link") + 
                data_perm <- data
                data_perm[names(dep_var)[1]] <- y_perm
                data_perm[names(dep_var)[2]] <- rowSums(dep_var) - y_perm
                out <- R_pe(formula, data_perm, grname)
        family <- "binomial"
        permutations <- permut_nongaussian(permut, R_pe, formula, data, dep_var, 
                grname, npermut, parallel, ncores, link, family, R, rptObj, update)
        P_permut <- permutations$P_permut
        permut_org <- permutations$permut_org
        permut_link <- permutations$permut_link
        warnings_permut <- permutations$warnings_permut
        ### likelihood-ratio-test ###
        LRTs <- LRT_nongaussian(formula, data, grname, mod, link, family)
        LRT_mod <- LRTs$LRT_mod
        LRT_table <- LRTs$LRT_table
        LRT_P <- LRT_table$LRT_P
        P <- cbind(LRT_P, t(P_permut))
        row.names(P) <- grname
        # add Residual = NA for S3 functions to work
        for (component in c("Residual", "Fixed")) {
                if(any(grname_org == component)){
                        # grname <- grname_org
                        P <- rbind(P, as.numeric(NA))
                        row.names(P)[nrow(P)] <- component
                        permut_link[component] <- NA
                        permut_org[component] <- NA
                        LRT_table <- rbind(LRT_table, as.numeric(NA))
                        row.names(LRT_table)[nrow(LRT_table)] <- component
        # delete overdispersion from ngroups
        ngroups <-  unlist(lapply(data[grname], function(x) length(unique(x))))
        ngroups <- ngroups[!names(ngroups) == "Overdispersion"]
        res <- list(call = match.call(), 
                datatype = "Binary", 
                link = link,
                CI = CI, 
                R = R, 
                se = as.data.frame(t(cbind(se_org,se_link))), 
                CI_emp = list(CI_org = CI_org, CI_link = CI_link), 
                P = as.data.frame(P),
                R_boot_link = boot_link, 
                R_boot_org = boot_org,
                R_permut_link = permut_link, 
                R_permut_org = permut_org,
                LRT = list(LRT_mod = LRT_mod, LRT_table = LRT_table), 
                ngroups =  ngroups, 
                nobs = nrow(data),  mod = mod, ratio = ratio, adjusted = adjusted,
                all_warnings = list(warnings_boot = warnings_boot, warnings_permut = warnings_permut))
        class(res) <- "rpt"

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