# This file is part of RStan
# Copyright (C) 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 Trustees of Columbia University
# RStan is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# RStan is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
setMethod("show", "stanfit",
function(object) {
print.stanfit(x = object, pars = object@sim$pars_oi)
print.stanfit <- function(x, pars = x@sim$pars_oi,
probs = c(0.025, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.975),
digits_summary = 2, include = TRUE, ...) {
if (x@mode == 1L) {
cat("Stan model '", x@model_name, "' is of mode 'test_grad';\n",
"sampling is not conducted.\n", sep = '')
} else if (x@mode == 2L) {
cat("Stan model '", x@model_name, "' does not contain samples.\n", sep = '')
if(!include) pars <- setdiff(x@sim$pars_oi, pars)
s <- summary(x, pars, probs, ...)
if (is.null(s)) return(invisible(NULL))
n_kept <- x@sim$n_save - x@sim$warmup2
cat("Inference for Stan model: ", x@model_name, '.\n', sep = '')
cat(x@sim$chains, " chains, each with iter=", x@sim$iter,
"; warmup=", x@sim$warmup, "; thin=", x@sim$thin, "; \n",
"post-warmup draws per chain=", n_kept[1], ", ",
"total post-warmup draws=", sum(n_kept), ".\n\n", sep = '')
# round n_eff to integers
s$summary[, 'n_eff'] <- round(s$summary[, 'n_eff'], 0)
print(round(s$summary, digits_summary), ...)
sampler <- attr(x@sim$samples[[1]], "args")$sampler_t
if (!is.null(x@stan_args[[1]]$method) &&
isTRUE(x@stan_args[[1]]$method == "variational")) {
if ("diagnostics" %in% names(x@sim)
& "ir_idx" %in% names(x@sim$diagnostics)
& !is.null(x@sim$diagnostics$ir_idx)) {
cat("\nApproximate samples were drawn using VB(", x@stan_args[[1]]$algorithm,
") + PSIS at ", x@date, ".\n", sep = '')
} else {
cat("\nApproximate samples were drawn using VB(", x@stan_args[[1]]$algorithm,
") at ", x@date, ".\n", sep = '')
message("We recommend genuine 'sampling' from the posterior distribution for final inferences!")
} else {
cat("\nSamples were drawn using ", sampler, " at ", x@date, ".\n",
"For each parameter, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,\n",
"and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at \n",
"convergence, Rhat=1).\n", sep = '')
setMethod("plot", signature(x = "stanfit", y = "missing"),
function(x, ..., plotfun) {
if (x@mode == 1L) {
cat("Stan model '", x@model_name, "' is of mode 'test_grad';\n",
"sampling is not conducted.\n", sep = '')
} else if (x@mode == 2L) {
cat("Stan model '", x@model_name,
"' does not contain samples.\n", sep = '')
if (isTRUE(all.equal(x@sim$n_save, x@sim$warmup2,
check.attributes = FALSE, check.names = FALSE))) {
cat("Stan model '", x@model_name,
"' does not contain samples after warmup.\n", sep = '')
if (missing(plotfun)) fun <- "stan_plot"
else {
plotters <- paste0("stan_", c("plot", "trace", "scat", "hist", "dens", "ac",
"diag", "rhat", "ess", "mcse", "par"))
fun <- grep(paste0(plotfun, "$"), plotters, value = TRUE)
if (!length(fun)) stop("Plotting function not found.")
else fun <-
}, list(object = x, ...))
setGeneric(name = "get_stancode",
def = function(object, ...) { standardGeneric("get_stancode")})
setGeneric(name = "get_cppo_mode",
def = function(object, ...) { standardGeneric("get_cppo_mode") })
setMethod('get_cppo_mode', signature = "stanfit",
function(object) {
cxxf <- get_cxxflags(object@stanmodel)
if (identical(cxxf, character(0))) return(NA)
l <- get_cxxo_level(cxxf)
if ("" == l) l <- "0"
p <- match(l, c("3", "2", "1", "0"))
c("fast", "presentation2", "presentation1", "debug")[p]
setMethod('get_stancode', signature = "stanfit",
function(object, print = FALSE) {
return(get_stancode(object@stanmodel, print))
setGeneric(name = 'get_stanmodel',
def = function(object, ...) { standardGeneric("get_stanmodel")})
setMethod("get_stanmodel", signature = "stanfit",
function(object) {
setGeneric(name = 'get_inits',
def = function(object, ...) { standardGeneric("get_inits")})
setMethod("get_inits", signature = "stanfit",
function(object, iter = NULL) {
if (is.null(iter)) return(object@inits)
stopifnot(is.numeric(iter), iter > 0,
iter <= length(object@sim$samples[[1]][[1]]))
inits <- object@inits
if (length(inits) == 0) {
inits <- lapply(1:ncol(object), FUN = function(c) {
sapply(object@par_dims, simplify = FALSE, FUN = function(p) {
if (length(p) == 0) return(NA_real_)
array(NA_real_, dim = p)
for (c in 1:ncol(object)) {
vec <- as.matrix($samples[[c]]))[iter,]
inits[[c]] <- relist(vec, skeleton = inits[[c]])
setGeneric(name = 'get_seed',
def = function(object, ...) { standardGeneric("get_seed")})
setMethod("get_seed", signature = "stanfit",
function(object) {
if (length(object@stan_args) < 1L) return(NULL)
object@stan_args[[1]]$seed })
setGeneric(name = 'get_seeds',
def = function(object, ...) { standardGeneric("get_seeds")})
setMethod("get_seeds", signature = "stanfit",
function(object) {
if (length(object@stan_args) < 1L) return(NULL)
sapply(object@stan_args, function(x) x$seed) })
get_kept_samples <- function(n, sim) {
# Args:
# sim: the sim slot in object stanfit
# n: the nth parameter (starting from 1)
# Note:
# samples from different chains are merged.
# get chain kept samples (gcks)
gcks <- function(s, nw, permutation) {
s <- s[[n]][-(1:nw)]
ss <- mapply(gcks, sim$samples, sim$warmup2, sim$permutation,
get_kept_samples2 <- function(n, sim) {
# a different implementation of get_kept_samples
# It seems this one is faster than get_kept_samples
# TODO: to understand why it is faster?
lst <- vector("list", sim$chains)
for (ic in 1:sim$chains) {
if (sim$warmup2[ic] > 0)
lst[[ic]] <- sim$samples[[ic]][[n]][-(1:sim$warmup2[ic])][sim$permutation[[ic]]]
lst[[ic]] <- sim$samples[[ic]][[n]][sim$permutation[[ic]]]
}, lst)
get_samples <- function(n, sim, inc_warmup = TRUE) {
# get chain samples
# Args:
# n: parameter index (integer)
# sim: the sim list in stanfit
# Returns:
# a list of chains for the nth parameter; each chain is an
# element of the list.
if (all(sim$warmup2 == 0)) inc_warmup <- TRUE # for the case warmup sample is discarded
gcs <- function(s, inc_warmup, nw) {
# Args:
# s: samples of all chains
# nw: number of warmup
if (inc_warmup) return(s[[n]])
else return(s[[n]][-(1:nw)])
ss <- mapply(gcs, sim$samples, inc_warmup, sim$warmup2,
get_samples2 <- function(n, sim, inc_warmup = TRUE) {
# serves the same purpose with get_samples, but with
# different implementation
# It seems that this one is fast.
if (all(sim$warmup2 == 0)) inc_warmup <- TRUE # for the case warmup sample is discarded
npar <- length(n)
lst <- vector("list", sim$chains)
for (ic in 1:sim$chains) {
lst[[ic]] <-
if (inc_warmup) sim$samples[[ic]][[n]] else sim$samples[[ic]][[n]][-(1:sim$warmup2[ic])]
par_traceplot <- function(sim, n, par_name, inc_warmup = TRUE, window = NULL, ...) {
# same thin, n_save, warmup2 for all the chains
thin <- sim$thin
warmup2 <- sim$warmup2[1]
warmup <- sim$warmup
main <- paste("Trace of ", par_name)
chain_cols <- rstan_options("rstan_chain_cols")
warmup_col <- rstan_options("rstan_warmup_bg_col")
start_i <- window[1]
window_size <- (window[2] - start_i) %/% thin
id <-, by = thin, length.out = window_size)
start_idx <- (if (warmup2 == 0) (start_i - warmup) else start_i) %/% thin
if (start_idx < 1) start_idx <- 1
idx <-, by = 1, length.out = window_size)
yrange <- NULL
for (i in 1:sim$chains)
yrange <- range(yrange, sim$samples[[i]][[n]][idx])
if (inc_warmup) {
plot(range(id), yrange, type = 'n', bty = 'l',
xlab = 'Iterations', ylab = "", main = main, ...)
rect(par("usr")[1], par("usr")[3], sim$warmup, par("usr")[4],
col = warmup_col, border = NA)
} else {
plot(range(id), yrange, type = 'n', bty = 'l',
xlab = 'Iterations (without warmup)', ylab = "", main = main, ...)
for (i in 1:sim$chains)
lines(id, sim$samples[[i]][[n]][idx],
xlab = '', ylab = '', col = chain_cols[(i-1) %% 6 + 1], ...)
setGeneric(name = 'get_adaptation_info',
def = function(object, ...) { standardGeneric("get_adaptation_info")})
definition = function(object) {
if (object@mode == 1L) {
cat("Stan model '", object@model_name, "' is of mode 'test_grad';\n",
"sampling is not conducted.\n", sep = '')
} else if (object@mode == 2L) {
cat("Stan model '", object@model_name, "' does not contain samples.\n", sep = '')
lai <- lapply(object@sim$samples, function(x) attr(x, "adaptation_info"))
is_empty <- function(x) {
if (is.null(x)) return(TRUE)
if (is.character(x) && all(nchar(x) == 0)) return(TRUE)
if (all(sapply(lai, FUN = is_empty))) return(invisible(NULL))
setGeneric(name = "get_logposterior",
def = function(object, ...) { standardGeneric("get_logposterior")})
setMethod("get_logposterior", "stanfit",
definition = function(object, inc_warmup = TRUE) {
if (object@mode == 1L) {
cat("Stan model '", object@model_name, "' is of mode 'test_grad';\n",
"sampling is not conducted.\n", sep = '')
} else if (object@mode == 2L) {
cat("Stan model '", object@model_name, "' does not contain samples.\n", sep = '')
llp <- lapply(object@sim$samples, function(x) x[['lp__']])
if (inc_warmup) return(llp)
if (all(object@sim$warmup2 == 0)) return(llp)
return(mapply(function(x, w) x[-(1:w)],
llp, object@sim$warmup2,
setGeneric(name = 'get_sampler_params',
def = function(object, ...) { standardGeneric("get_sampler_params")})
definition = function(object, inc_warmup = TRUE) {
if (object@mode == 1L) {
cat("Stan model '", object@model_name, "' is of mode 'test_grad';\n",
"sampling is not conducted.\n", sep = '')
} else if (object@mode == 2L) {
cat("Stan model '", object@model_name, "' does not contain samples.\n", sep = '')
if (isTRUE(object@stan_args[[1]]$method == "variational")) {
stop("'get_sampler_params' not available for ",
"meanfield or fullrank algorithms.")
ldf <- lapply(object@sim$samples,
function(x), attr(x, "sampler_params")))
if (all(sapply(ldf, is.null))) return(invisible(NULL))
if (inc_warmup) {
if (all(object@sim$warmup2 == 0))
warning("warmup samples not saved")
else if (all(object@sim$warmup2 == 0)) return(invisible(ldf))
return(mapply(function(x, w)
if (w > 0) x[-(1:w), , drop = FALSE] else x,
ldf, object@sim$warmup2,
setGeneric(name = 'get_elapsed_time',
def = function(object, ...) { standardGeneric("get_elapsed_time")})
definition = function(object, inc_warmup = TRUE) {
if (object@mode == 1L) {
cat("Stan model '", object@model_name, "' is of mode 'test_grad';\n",
"sampling is not conducted.\n", sep = '')
} else if (object@mode == 2L) {
cat("Stan model '", object@model_name, "' does not contain samples.\n", sep = '')
ltime <- lapply(object@sim$samples,
function(x) attr(x, "elapsed_time"))
t <-, ltime)
if (is.null(t)) return(t)
cids <- sapply(object@stan_args, function(x) x$chain_id)
rownames(t) <- paste0("chain:", cids)
setGeneric(name = 'get_posterior_mean',
def = function(object, ...) { standardGeneric("get_posterior_mean")})
setMethod("get_posterior_mean", signature = "stanfit",
definition = function(object, pars) {
if (object@mode == 1L) {
cat("Stan model '", object@model_name, "' is of mode 'test_grad';\n",
"sampling is not conducted.\n", sep = '')
} else if (object@mode == 2L) {
cat("Stan model '", object@model_name, "' does not contain samples.\n", sep = '')
fnames <- flatnames(object@model_pars, object@par_dims, col_major = TRUE)
if (!exists("posterior_mean_4all", envir = object@.MISC, inherits = FALSE)) {
mean_pars <- lapply(object@sim$samples, function(x) attr(x, "mean_pars"))
if (all(sapply(mean_pars, is.null)))
mean_pars <- list(rapply(object@sim$samples, mean))
mean_lp__ <- lapply(object@sim$samples, function(x) attr(x, "mean_lp__"))
if (all(sapply(mean_lp__, is.null)))
mean_lp__ <- as.list(rep(0, length(mean_lp__)))
m <- rbind(, mean_pars),, mean_lp__))
name_allchains <- NULL
if (ncol(m) > 1) {
m <- cbind(m, apply(m, 1, mean))
name_allchains <- "mean-all chains"
cids <- sapply(object@stan_args, function(x) x$chain_id)
colnames(m) <- c(paste0('mean-chain:', cids), name_allchains)
rownames(m) <- fnames
assign("posterior_mean_4all", m, envir = object@.MISC)
pars <- if (missing(pars)) object@model_pars else check_pars(c(object@model_pars, fnames), pars)
pars <- remove_empty_pars(pars, object@sim$dims_oi)
tidx <- pars_total_indexes(object@model_pars, object@par_dims, fnames, pars)
tidx <- lapply(tidx, function(x) attr(x, "row_major_idx"))
return(object@.MISC$posterior_mean_4all[unlist(tidx), , drop = FALSE])
setGeneric(name = "extract",
def = function(object, ...) { standardGeneric("extract") })
setMethod("extract", signature = "stanfit",
definition = function(object, pars, permuted = TRUE,
inc_warmup = FALSE, include = TRUE) {
# Extract the samples in different forms for different parameters.
# Args:
# object: the object of "stanfit" class
# pars: the names of parameters (including other quantiles)
# permuted: if TRUE, the returned samples are permuted without
# warming up. And all the chains are merged.
# inc_warmup: if TRUE, warmup samples are kept; otherwise,
# discarded. If permuted is TRUE, inc_warmup is ignored.
# include: if FALSE interpret pars as those to exclude
# Returns:
# If permuted is TRUE, return an array (matrix) of samples with each
# column being the samples for a parameter.
# If permuted is FALSE, return array with dimensions
# (# of iter (with or w.o. warmup), # of chains, # of flat parameters).
if (object@mode == 1L) {
cat("Stan model '", object@model_name, "' is of mode 'test_grad';\n",
"sampling is not conducted.\n", sep = '')
} else if (object@mode == 2L) {
cat("Stan model '", object@model_name, "' does not contain samples.\n", sep = '')
if(!include) pars <- setdiff(object@sim$pars_oi, pars)
pars <- if (missing(pars)) object@sim$pars_oi else check_pars_second(object@sim, pars)
pars <- remove_empty_pars(pars, object@sim$dims_oi)
tidx <- pars_total_indexes(object@sim$pars_oi,
n_kept <- object@sim$n_save - object@sim$warmup2
fun1 <- function(par_i) {
# sss <- sapply(tidx[[par_i]], get_kept_samples2, object@sim)
# if (is.list(sss)) sss <-, sss)
# the above two lines are slower than the following line of code
sss <-, lapply(tidx[[par_i]], get_kept_samples2, object@sim))
dim(sss) <- c(sum(n_kept), object@sim$dims_oi[[par_i]])
dimnames(sss) <- list(iterations = NULL)
if (permuted) {
slist <- lapply(pars, fun1)
names(slist) <- pars
tidx <- unlist(tidx, use.names = FALSE)
tidxnames <- object@sim$fnames_oi[tidx]
sss <- lapply(tidx, get_samples2, object@sim, inc_warmup)
sss2 <- lapply(sss, function(x), x)) # concatenate samples from different chains
sssf <- unlist(sss2, use.names = FALSE)
n2 <- object@sim$n_save[1] ## assuming all the chains have equal iter
if (!inc_warmup) n2 <- n2 - object@sim$warmup2[1]
dim(sssf) <- c(n2, object@sim$chains, length(tidx))
cids <- sapply(object@stan_args, function(x) x$chain_id)
dimnames(sssf) <- list(iterations = NULL, chains = paste0("chain:", cids), parameters = tidxnames)
setMethod("summary", signature = "stanfit",
function(object, pars,
probs = c(0.025, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 0.975), use_cache = TRUE, ...) {
# Summarize the samples (that is, compute the mean, SD, quantiles, for
# the samples in all chains and chains individually after removing
# warmup samples, and n_eff and split R hat for all the kept samples.)
# Returns:
# A list with elements:
# summary: the summary for all the kept samples
# c_summary: the summary for individual chains.
# Note:
# This function is not straight in terms of implementation as it
# saves some standard summaries including n_eff and Rhat in the
# environment of the object. The summaries and created upon
# the first time standard summary is called and resued later if possible.
# In addition, the indexes complicate the implementation as internally
# we use column major indexes for vector/array parameters. But it might
# be better to use row major indexes for the output such as print.
if (object@mode == 1L) {
cat("Stan model '", object@model_name, "' is of mode 'test_grad';\n",
"sampling is not conducted.\n", sep = '')
} else if (object@mode == 2L) {
cat("Stan model '", object@model_name, "' does not contain samples.\n", sep = '')
if (isTRUE(all.equal(object@sim$n_save, object@sim$warmup2,
check.attributes = FALSE, check.names = FALSE))) {
cat("Stan model '", object@model_name, "' does not contain samples after warmup.\n", sep = '')
if (!exists("summary", envir = object@.MISC, inherits = FALSE) && use_cache)
assign("summary", summary_sim(object@sim), envir = object@.MISC)
pars <- if (missing(pars)) object@sim$pars_oi else check_pars_second(object@sim, pars)
pars <- remove_empty_pars(pars, object@sim$dims_oi)
if (missing(probs))
probs <- c(0.025, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 0.975)
if (!use_cache) {
# not using the cached (and not create cache, which takes time for too many pars)
ss <- summary_sim(object@sim, pars, probs)
if (isTRUE(object@stan_args[[1]]$method == "variational")) {
s1 <- cbind(ss$msd[, 1, drop = FALSE], ss$sem, ss$msd[, 2, drop = FALSE],
ss$quan, ss$ess, ss$khat)
colnames(s1) <- c("mean", "se_mean", "sd", colnames(ss$quan), 'n_eff', 'khat')
} else {
s1 <- cbind(ss$msd[, 1, drop = FALSE], ss$sem, ss$msd[, 2, drop = FALSE],
ss$quan, ss$ess, ss$rhat)
colnames(s1) <- c("mean", "se_mean", "sd", colnames(ss$quan), 'n_eff', 'Rhat')
s2 <- combine_msd_quan(ss$c_msd, ss$c_quan)
idx2 <- match(attr(ss, "row_major_idx"), attr(ss, "col_major_idx"))
sf <- list(summary = s1[idx2, , drop = FALSE],
c_summary = s2[idx2, , , drop = FALSE])
m <- match(probs, default_summary_probs())
if (any( { # unordinary quantiles are requested
ss <- summary_sim_quan(object@sim, pars, probs)
col_idx <- attr(ss, "col_major_idx")
ss$ess <- object@.MISC$summary$ess[col_idx, drop = FALSE]
if (isTRUE(object@stan_args[[1]]$method == "variational")) {
ss$hat <- object@.MISC$summary$khat[col_idx, drop = FALSE]
hatstr <- "khat"
} else {
ss$hat <- object@.MISC$summary$rhat[col_idx, drop = FALSE]
hatstr <- "Rhat"
ss$mean <- object@.MISC$summary$msd[col_idx, 1, drop = FALSE]
ss$sd <- object@.MISC$summary$msd[col_idx, 2, drop = FALSE]
ss$sem <- object@.MISC$summary$sem[col_idx]
s1 <- cbind(ss$mean, ss$sem, ss$sd,
ss$quan, ss$ess, ss$hat)
colnames(s1) <- c("mean", "se_mean", "sd", colnames(ss$quan), 'n_eff', hatstr)
s2 <- combine_msd_quan(object@.MISC$summary$c_msd[col_idx, , , drop = FALSE], ss$c_quan)
idx2 <- match(attr(ss, "row_major_idx"), col_idx)
ss <- list(summary = s1[idx2, , drop = FALSE],
c_summary = s2[idx2, , , drop = FALSE])
tidx <- pars_total_indexes(object@sim$pars_oi,
tidx <- lapply(tidx, function(x) attr(x, "row_major_idx"))
tidx <- unlist(tidx, use.names = FALSE)
tidx_len <- length(tidx)
ss <- object@.MISC$summary
qnames <- colnames(ss$quan)[m]
if (!is.null(object@stan_args[[1]]$method) &&
isTRUE(object@stan_args[[1]]$method == "variational")) {
s1 <- cbind(ss$msd[tidx, 1, drop = FALSE],
ss$sem[tidx, drop = FALSE],
ss$msd[tidx, 2, drop = FALSE],
ss$quan[tidx, m, drop = FALSE],
ss$ess[tidx, drop = FALSE],
ss$khat[tidx, drop = FALSE])
dim(s1) <- c(length(tidx), length(m) + 5L)
colnames(s1) <- c("mean", "se_mean", "sd", qnames, 'n_eff', 'khat')
else {
s1 <- cbind(ss$msd[tidx, 1, drop = FALSE],
ss$sem[tidx, drop = FALSE],
ss$msd[tidx, 2, drop = FALSE],
ss$quan[tidx, m, drop = FALSE],
ss$ess[tidx, drop = FALSE],
ss$rhat[tidx, drop = FALSE])
dim(s1) <- c(length(tidx), length(m) + 5L)
colnames(s1) <- c("mean", "se_mean", "sd", qnames, 'n_eff', 'Rhat')
pars_names <- rownames(ss$msd)[tidx]
rownames(s1) <- pars_names
s2 <- combine_msd_quan(ss$c_msd[tidx, , , drop = FALSE], ss$c_quan[tidx, m, , drop = FALSE])
# dim(s2) <- c(tidx_len, length(m) + 2, object@sim$chains)
# dimnames(s2) <- list(parameter = pars_names,
# stats = c("mean", "sd", qnames), NULL)
ss <- list(summary = s1, c_summary = s2)
if (!isGeneric("traceplot")) {
setGeneric(name = "traceplot",
def = function(object, ...) { standardGeneric("traceplot") })
if (!isGeneric("log_prob")) {
setGeneric(name = "log_prob",
def = function(object, ...) { standardGeneric("log_prob") })
if (!isGeneric("unconstrain_pars")) {
setGeneric(name = "unconstrain_pars",
def = function(object, ...) { standardGeneric("unconstrain_pars") })
setMethod("unconstrain_pars", signature = "stanfit",
function(object, pars) {
# pars is a list as in specifying inits for a chain
if (!is_sfinstance_valid(object))
stop("the model object is not created or not valid")
if (!isGeneric("constrain_pars")) {
setGeneric(name = "constrain_pars",
def = function(object, ...) { standardGeneric("constrain_pars") })
setMethod("constrain_pars", signature = "stanfit",
function(object, upars) {
# upars is a vector on the unconstrained space (R^N*),
# where N* is the number of unconstrained parameters.
if (!is_sfinstance_valid(object))
stop("the model object is not created or not valid")
p <- object@.MISC$stan_fit_instance$constrain_pars(upars)
idx_wo_lp <- which(object@model_pars != 'lp__')
rstan_relist(p, create_skeleton(object@model_pars[idx_wo_lp], object@par_dims[idx_wo_lp]))
setMethod("log_prob", signature = "stanfit",
function(object, upars, adjust_transform = TRUE, gradient = FALSE) {
if (!is_sfinstance_valid(object))
stop("the model object is not created or not valid")
return(object@.MISC$stan_fit_instance$log_prob(upars, adjust_transform, gradient))
if (!isGeneric("get_num_upars")) {
setGeneric(name = "get_num_upars",
def = function(object, ...) { standardGeneric("get_num_upars") })
setMethod("get_num_upars", signature = "stanfit",
function(object) {
if (!is_sfinstance_valid(object))
stop("the model object is not created or not valid")
if (!isGeneric("grad_log_prob")) {
setGeneric(name = "grad_log_prob",
def = function(object, ...) { standardGeneric("grad_log_prob") })
setMethod("grad_log_prob", signature = "stanfit",
function(object, upars, adjust_transform = TRUE) {
if (!is_sfinstance_valid(object))
stop("the model object is not created or not valid")
object@.MISC$stan_fit_instance$grad_log_prob(upars, adjust_transform)
setMethod("traceplot", signature = "stanfit",
function(object, pars, include = TRUE, unconstrain = FALSE,
inc_warmup = FALSE, window = NULL, nrow = NULL, ncol = NULL,
...) {
if (object@mode == 1L) {
cat("Stan model '", object@model_name, "' is of mode 'test_grad';\n",
"sampling is not conducted.\n", sep = '')
} else if (object@mode == 2L) {
cat("Stan model '", object@model_name, "' does not contain samples.\n", sep = '')
args <- list(object = object, include = include,
unconstrain = unconstrain, inc_warmup = inc_warmup,
nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol, window = window, ...)
if (!missing(pars)) {
if ("log-posterior" %in% pars)
pars[which(pars == "log-posterior")] <- "lp__"
args$pars <- pars
}"stan_trace", args)
is_sf_valid <- function(sf) {
# Similar to is_sm_valid, this is only to test whether
# the compiled DSO is loaded
is_sfinstance_valid <- function(object) {
# Args
# object: an instance of S4 class stanfit
exists("stan_fit_instance", envir = object@.MISC, inherits = FALSE) &&
!(is_null_ptr(object@.MISC$stan_fit_instance@.xData$.pointer) ||
is_null_ptr(object@.MISC$stan_fit_instance@.xData$.module) ||
sflist2stanfit <- function(sflist) {
# merge a list of stanfit objects into one
# Args:
# sflist, a list of stanfit objects, each element of which
# should have equal length of `iter`, `warmup`, and `thin`.
# Returns:
# A new stanfit objects have all the chains in each element of sf_list.
# The date would be where the new object is created.
# Note:
# * method get_seed would not work well for this merged
# stanfit object in that it only returns the seed used
# for the first object. But all the information is still there.
# * When print function is called, the sampler info is obtained
# only from the first chain.
sf_len <- length(sflist)
if (sf_len == 0) stop("'sflist' should have at least 1 element")
if (!is.list(sflist) ||
any(sapply(sflist, function(x) !is(x, "stanfit")))) {
stop("'sflist' must be a list of 'stanfit' objects")
non_zero_modes_idx <- which(sapply(sflist, function(x) x@mode) > 0)
if (length(non_zero_modes_idx) > 0) {
stop("The following elements of 'sflist' do not contain samples: ",
paste(non_zero_modes_idx, collapse = ', '), ".")
if (sf_len == 1) return(sflist[[1]])
for (i in 2:sf_len) {
if (!identical(sflist[[i]]@sim$pars_oi, sflist[[1]]@sim$pars_oi) ||
!identical(sflist[[i]]@sim$dims_oi, sflist[[1]]@sim$dims_oi))
stop("parameters in element ", i, " (stanfit object) are different from in element 1")
if (sflist[[i]]@sim$n_save[1] != sflist[[1]]@sim$n_save[1] ||
sflist[[i]]@sim$warmup2[1] != sflist[[1]]@sim$warmup2[1])
stop("all 'stanfit' objects should have equal length of iterations and warmup")
n_chains = sum(sapply(sflist, function(x) x@sim$chains))
sim = list(samples =, lapply(sflist, function(x) x@sim$samples)),
chains = n_chains,
iter = sflist[[1]]@sim$iter,
thin = sflist[[1]]@sim$thin,
warmup = sflist[[1]]@sim$warmup,
n_save = rep(sflist[[1]]@sim$n_save[1], n_chains),
warmup2 = rep(sflist[[1]]@sim$warmup2[1], n_chains),
permutation =, lapply(sflist, function(x) x@sim$permutation)),
pars_oi = sflist[[1]]@sim$pars_oi,
dims_oi = sflist[[1]]@sim$dims_oi,
fnames_oi = sflist[[1]]@sim$fnames_oi,
n_flatnames = sflist[[1]]@sim$n_flatnames)
nfit <- new("stanfit",
model_name = sflist[[1]]@model_name,
model_pars = sflist[[1]]@model_pars,
par_dims = sflist[[1]]@par_dims,
mode = 0L,
sim = sim,
inits =, lapply(sflist, function(x) x@inits)),
stan_args =, lapply(sflist, function(x) x@stan_args)),
stanmodel = sflist[[1]]@stanmodel,
date = date(),
.MISC = new.env(parent = emptyenv()))
# sflist2stan(list(l1=ss1, l2=ss2))
names.stanfit <- function(x) dimnames(x)$parameters
`names<-.stanfit` <- function(x, value) {
value <- as.character(value)
len <- length(x@sim$fnames_oi)
if(length(value) != len)
stop(paste("parameter names must be of length", len))
x@sim$fnames_oi <- value
if(length(x@.MISC$summary)) {
x@.MISC$summary <- rapply(x@.MISC$summary, f = function(y) {
rownames(y) <- value
}, how = "replace")
as.array.stanfit <- function(x, ...) {
if (x@mode != 0) return(numeric(0))
out <- extract(x, permuted = FALSE, inc_warmup = FALSE, ...)
# dimnames(out) <- dimnames(x)
as.matrix.stanfit <- function(x, ...) {
if (x@mode != 0) return(numeric(0))
e <- extract(x, permuted = FALSE, inc_warmup = FALSE, ...)
if (is.null(e)) return(e)
enames <- dimnames(e)
edim <- dim(e)
dim(e) <- c(edim[1] * edim[2], edim[3])
dimnames(e) <- enames[-2]
} <- function(x, ...) {
return(, ...)) )
dim.stanfit <- function(x) {
if (x@mode != 0) return(numeric(0))
c(x@sim$n_save[1] - x@sim$warmup2[1], x@sim$chains, x@sim$n_flatnames)
setGeneric("as.mcmc.list", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("as.mcmc.list"))
as.mcmc.list.stanfit <- function(object, pars, ...) {
pars <- if (missing(pars)) object@sim$pars_oi else check_pars_second(object@sim, pars)
pars <- remove_empty_pars(pars, object@sim$dims_oi)
tidx <- pars_total_indexes(object@sim$pars_oi, object@sim$dims_oi, object@sim$fnames_oi, pars)
tidx <- lapply(tidx, function(x) attr(x, "row_major_idx"))
tidx <- unlist(tidx, use.names = FALSE)
lst <- vector("list", object@sim$chains)
for (ic in 1:object@sim$chains) {
x <-, object@sim$samples[[ic]])[,tidx,drop=FALSE]
warmup2 <- object@sim$warmup2[ic]
if (warmup2 > 0) x <- x[-(1:warmup2), ]
x <- as.matrix(x)
if (is.null(colnames(x))) colnames(x) <- pars
end <- object@sim$iter
thin <- object@sim$thin
start <- end - (nrow(x) - 1) * thin
class(x) <- 'mcmc'
attr(x, "mcpar") <- c(start, end, thin)
lst[[ic]] <- x
class(lst) <- "mcmc.list"
setMethod("as.mcmc.list", "stanfit", as.mcmc.list.stanfit)
As.mcmc.list <- function(object, pars, include = TRUE, ...) {
if (missing(pars)) pars <- object@sim$pars_oi
else if (!include) pars <- setdiff(object@sim$pars_oi, pars)
pars <- check_pars_second(object@sim, pars)
return(as.mcmc.list.stanfit(object, pars = pars))
dimnames.stanfit <- function(x) {
if (x@mode != 0) return(character(0))
cids <- sapply(x@stan_args, function(x) x$chain_id)
list(iterations = NULL, chains = paste0("chain:", cids), parameters = x@sim$fnames_oi)
is.array.stanfit <- function(x) return(x@mode == 0)
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