# This file is part of RStan
# Copyright (C) 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 Trustees of Columbia University
# RStan is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# RStan is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
filename_ext <- function(x) {
# obtain the file extension
# copied from tools package
pos <- regexpr("\\.([[:alnum:]]+)$", x)
ifelse(pos > -1L, substring(x, pos + 1L), "")
filename_rm_ext <- function(x) {
# remove the filename's extension
sub("\\.[^.]*$", "", x)
real_is_integer <- function(x) {
if (length(x) < 1L) return(TRUE)
if (any(is.infinite(x)) || any(is.nan(x))) return(FALSE)
all(floor(x) == x)
list_as_integer_if_doable <- function(x) {
# change the storage mode from 'real' to 'integer'
# if applicable since by default R use real.
# Args:
# x: A list
# Note:
# Ignore non-numeric vectors since we ignore
# them in rlist_var_context
FUN = function(y) {
if (!is.numeric(y)) return(y)
if (is.integer(y)) return(y)
## this commented out is the idea in the function is.wholenumber in
## the help of is.integer
# if (isTRUE(all.equal(y, round(y), check.attributes = FALSE)))
if (real_is_integer(y)) storage.mode(y) <- "integer"
mklist <- function(names) {
# Make a list using names
# Args:
# names: character strings of names of objects
# Note:
# Only extracted are modes of numeric and list, which
# are enough for stan
names <- unique(names)
cenv <- environment()
for (fn in rev(sys.parents())) {
env1 <- sys.frame(fn)
if (identical(env1, cenv)) next
d1 <- mget(names, envir = env1, ifnotfound = NA, inherits = FALSE, mode = "numeric")
d2 <- mget(names, envir = env1, ifnotfound = NA, inherits = FALSE, mode = "list")
na_idx1 <-
na_idx2 <-
na_idx <- na_idx1 & na_idx2
numf <- sum(na_idx)
if (numf > 0 && numf < length(names))
stop(paste("objects ", paste("'", names[na_idx], "'", collapse = ', ', sep = ''),
" of mode numeric and list not found", sep = ''))
if (numf == length(names)) next
r <- c(d1[!na_idx1], d2[na_idx1])
names(r) <- c(names[!na_idx1], names[na_idx1])
stop(paste("objects ", paste("'", names, "'", collapse = ', ', sep = ''),
" of mode numeric and list not found", sep = ''))
stan_kw1 <- c('for', 'in', 'while', 'repeat', 'until', 'if', 'then', 'else',
'true', 'false')
stan_kw2 <- c('int', 'real', 'vector', 'simplex', 'ordered', 'positive_ordered',
'row_vector', 'matrix', 'corr_matrix', 'cov_matrix', 'lower', 'upper')
stan_kw3 <- c('model', 'data', 'parameters', 'quantities', 'transformed', 'generated')
cpp_kw <- c("alignas", "alignof", "and", "and_eq", "asm", "auto", "bitand", "bitor", "bool",
"break", "case", "catch", "char", "char16_t", "char32_t", "class", "compl",
"const", "constexpr", "const_cast", "continue", "decltype", "default", "delete",
"do", "double", "dynamic_cast", "else", "enum", "explicit", "export", "extern",
"false", "float", "for", "friend", "goto", "if", "inline", "int", "long", "mutable",
"namespace", "new", "noexcept", "not", "not_eq", "nullptr", "operator", "or", "or_eq",
"private", "protected", "public", "register", "reinterpret_cast", "return",
"short", "signed", "sizeof", "static", "static_assert", "static_cast", "struct",
"switch", "template", "this", "thread_local", "throw", "true", "try", "typedef",
"typeid", "typename", "union", "unsigned", "using", "virtual", "void", "volatile",
"wchar_t", "while", "xor", "xor_eq")
is_legal_stan_vname <- function(name) {
# Return:
# FALSE: not a lega variable name in Stan
# TRUE: maybe it is valid, but 100% sure
if (grepl('\\.', name)) return(FALSE)
if (grepl('^\\d', name)) return(FALSE)
if (grepl('__$', name)) return(FALSE)
if (name %in% stan_kw1) return(FALSE)
if (name %in% stan_kw2) return(FALSE)
if (name %in% stan_kw3) return(FALSE)
!name %in% cpp_kw
data_list2array <- function(x) {
# Turn a list of array to an array whose first dimension is the list
# and other dimensions being the dimensions of the array element.
# So this would allow data in Stan coded as `vector[J] y[I]`
# to read data in form a list that has I elements of vector of length J, say
# # I <- 4; J <- 5
# # y <- lapply(1:I, function(i) rnorm(J))
# Args:
# x: A list of numeric array with the same dimensions
# Returns:
# An array with the first dimension indexes the list;
# other dimensions being the dimensions of the list element (an array)
len <- length(x)
if (len == 0L) return(NULL)
dimx1 <- dim(x[[1]])
if (any(sapply(x, function(xi) !is.numeric(xi))))
stop("all elements of the list should be numeric")
if (is.null(dimx1)) dimx1 <- length(x[[1]])
lendimx1 <- length(dimx1)
if (len > 1) {
d <- sapply(x[-1],
function(xi) {
dimxi <- dim(xi)
if (is.null(dimxi)) dimxi <- length(xi)
identical(dimxi, dimx1)
if (!all(d)) stop("the dimensions for all elements (array) of the list are not same")
# TODO(?): check if x is numeric or array.
x <-, x)
dim(x) <- c(dimx1, len)
aperm(x, c(lendimx1 + 1L, seq_len(lendimx1)))
data_preprocess <- function(data) { # , varnames) {
# Preprocess the data (list or env) to list for stan
# Args:
# data: A list, an environment, or a vector of character strings for names
# of objects
# * stop if there is NA; no-name lists; duplicate names
# * stop if the objects given name is not found
# * remove NULL, non-numeric elements
# * change to integers when applicable
# if (is.environment(data)) {
# data <- mget(varnames, envir = data, mode = "numeric",
# ifnotfound = list(NULL))
# data <- data[!sapply(data, is.null)]
# }
if (is.environment(data)) {
data <- as.list(data)
} else if (is.list(data)) {
v <- names(data)
if (is.null(v))
stop("data must be a named list")
## Stan would report error if variable is not found
## from the list
# if (any(nchar(v) == 0))
# stop("unnamed variables in data list")
if (any(duplicated(v))) {
stop("duplicated names in data list: ",
paste(v[duplicated(v)], collapse = " "))
} else {
stop("data must be a list or an environment")
names <- names(data)
for (x in names) {
if (!is_legal_stan_vname(x))
stop(paste('data with name ', x, " is not allowed in Stan", sep = ''))
data <- lapply(names,
FUN = function(name) {
x <- data[[name]]
if ( {
x <- data.matrix(x) # change data.frame to array
} else if (is.list(x)) {
x <- data_list2array(x) # list to array
} else if (is.logical(x)) {
storage.mode(x) <- "integer"
## Now we stop whenever we have NA in the data
## since we do not know what variables are needed
## at this point.
if (any( {
stop("Stan does not support NA (in ", name, ") in data")
# remove those not numeric data
if (!is.numeric(x)) {
warning("data with name ", name, " is not numeric and not used")
if (is.integer(x)) return(x)
# change those integers stored as reals to integers
if (all(abs(x) < .Machine$integer.max) && real_is_integer(x))
storage.mode(x) <- "integer"
names(data) <- names
data[!sapply(data, is.null)]
read_model_from_con <- function(con) {
lines <- readLines(con, n = -1L, warn = FALSE)
paste(lines, collapse = '\n')
get_model_strcode <- function(file, model_code = '') {
# return the model code as a character string
# Args:
# file: a file or connection
# model_code: character string for one of the following
# * the name of an object of character string
# * the model code itself
# Returns:
# the model code with attribute model_name2,
# a name implied from file or object name,
# which can be used later when model_name is not
# specified for function stan.
if (!missing(file)) {
if (is.character(file)) {
fname <- file
model_name2 <- sub("\\.[^.]*$", "", filename_rm_ext(basename(fname)))
file <- try(file(fname, "rt"))
if (inherits(file, "try-error")) {
stop(paste("cannot open model file \"", fname, "\"", sep = ""))
} else if (!inherits(file, "connection")) {
stop("file must be a character string or connection")
model_code <- paste(readLines(file, warn = TRUE), collapse = '\n')
# the model name implied from file name, which
# will be used if model_name is not specified later
attr(model_code, "model_name2") <- model_name2
model_name2 <- attr(model_code, "model_name2")
if (is.null(model_name2))
model_name2 <- deparse(substitute(model_code))
if (model_code != '' && is.character(model_code)) {
if (!grepl("\\{", model_code)) {
# model_code points an object that includes the model
model_name2 <- model_code
if (exists(model_code, mode = 'character', envir = parent.frame()))
model_code <- get(model_code, mode = 'character', envir = parent.frame())
} else {
# model_code includes the code itself, two cases of passing:
# 1. using another object such as stan(mode_code = scode)`
# 2. providing the string directly such stan(model_code = "")
if (grepl("\\{", model_name2))
model_name2 <- 'anon_model'
attr(model_code, "model_name2") <- model_name2
stop("model file missing and empty model_code")
# FIXEME: implement more check on the arguments
check_args <- function(argss) {
if (FALSE) stop()
# model_code <- read_model_from_con('')
# cat(model_code)
append_id <- function(file, id, suffix = '.csv') {
fname <- basename(file)
fpath <- dirname(file)
fname2 <- gsub("\\.csv[[:space:]]*$",
paste("_", id, ".csv", sep = ''),
if (fname2 == fname)
fname2 <- paste(fname, "_", id, ".csv", sep = '')
file.path(fpath, fname2)
check_seed <- function(seed, warn = 0) {
if (is.character(seed) && grepl("[^0-9]", seed)) {
if (warn == 0) stop("seed needs to be string of digits")
else message("seed needs to be string of digits")
if (is.numeric(seed)) seed <- as.integer(seed)
if ( seed <-$integer.max, 1)
is_named_list <- function(x) {
# tell if list x is a named list
if (!is.list(x)) return(FALSE)
n <- names(x)
if (is.null(n) || "" %in% n) return(FALSE)
## from ../inst/include/rstan/stan_args.hpp
# enum sampling_algo_t { NUTS = 1, HMC = 2, Metroplos = 3};
# enum optim_algo_t { Newton = 1, BFGS = 3, LBFGS = 4};
# enum sampling_metric_t { UNIT_E = 1, DIAG_E = 2, DENSE_E = 3};
# enum stan_args_method_t { SAMPLING = 1, OPTIM = 2, TEST_GRADIENT = 3};
config_argss <- function(chains, iter, warmup, thin,
init, seed, sample_file, diagnostic_file, algorithm,
control, ...) {
iter <- as.integer(iter)
if (iter < 1)
stop("parameter 'iter' should be a positive integer")
thin <- as.integer(thin)
if (thin < 1 || thin > iter)
stop("parameter 'thin' should be a positive integer less than 'iter'")
warmup <- max(0, as.integer(warmup))
if (warmup >= iter)
stop("parameter 'warmup' should be an integer less than 'iter'")
chains <- as.integer(chains)
if (chains < 1)
stop("parameter 'chains' should be a positive integer")
iters <- rep(iter, chains)
thins <- rep(thin, chains)
warmups <- rep(warmup, chains)
inits_specified <- FALSE
if (is.numeric(init)) init <- as.character(init)
if (is.character(init)) {
if (init[1] %in% c("0", "random")) inits <- rep(init[1], chains)
else inits <- rep("random", chains)
inits_specified <- TRUE
dotlist <- list(...)
# use chain_id argument if specified
chain_ids <- seq_len(chains)
if (!is.null(dotlist$chain_id)) {
chain_id <- as.integer(dotlist$chain_id)
if (any(duplicated(chain_id))) stop("chain_id has duplicated elements")
chain_id_len <- length(chain_id)
chain_ids <- if (chain_id_len >= chains) chain_id else {
c(chain_id, max(chain_id) + seq_len(chains - chain_id_len))
dotlist$chain_id <- NULL
if (!inits_specified && is.function(init)) {
## the function can take an argument named by chain_id
if (any(names(formals(init)) == "chain_id")) {
inits <- lapply(chain_ids, function(id) init(chain_id = id))
} else {
inits <- lapply(chain_ids, function(id) init())
if (!is_named_list(inits[[1]]))
stop('the function for specifying initial values need return a named list')
inits_specified <- TRUE
if (!inits_specified && is.list(init)) {
if (length(init) != chains)
stop("initial value list mismatchs number of chains")
if (!any(sapply(init, is.list))) {
stop("initial value list is not a list of lists")
inits <- init;
for (i in 1:chains) {
if (!is_named_list(inits[[i]]))
stop('the list for specifying initial values need be a named list')
inits_specified <- TRUE
if (!inits_specified) stop("wrong specification of initial values")
## only one seed is needed by virtue of the RNG
seed <- if (missing(seed))$integer.max, 1) else check_seed(seed)
dotlist$method <- if (!is.null(dotlist$test_grad) && dotlist$test_grad) "test_grad" else "sampling"
all_metrics <- c("unit_e", "diag_e", "dense_e")
if (!is.null(control)) {
if (!is.list(control))
stop("'control' should be a named list")
c("adapt_engaged", "adapt_gamma",
"adapt_delta", "adapt_kappa", "adapt_t0",
"adapt_init_buffer", "adapt_term_buffer",
"adapt_window", "stepsize",
"stepsize_jitter", "metric", "int_time",
"epsilon", "error"),
pre_msg = "'control' list contains unknown members of names: ",
call. = FALSE)
metric <- control$metric
if (!is.null(metric) &&, all_metrics))) {
stop("metric should be one of ", paste0(paste0('"', all_metrics, '"'), collapse = ", "))
dotlist$control <- control
argss <- vector("list", chains)
## the name of arguments in the list need to
## match those in include/rstan/stan_args.hpp
for (i in 1:chains)
argss[[i]] <- list(chain_id = chain_ids[i],
iter = iters[i], thin = thins[i], seed = seed,
warmup = warmups[i], init = inits[[i]],
algorithm = algorithm)
if (!missing(sample_file) && !is.null(sample_file) && ! {
sample_file <- writable_sample_file(sample_file)
if (chains == 1)
argss[[1]]$sample_file <- sample_file
if (chains > 1) {
for (i in 1:chains)
argss[[i]]$sample_file <- append_id(sample_file, i)
if (!missing(diagnostic_file) && !is.null(diagnostic_file) && ! {
diagnostic_file <- writable_sample_file(diagnostic_file)
if (chains == 1)
argss[[1]]$diagnostic_file <- diagnostic_file
if (chains > 1) {
for (i in 1:chains)
argss[[i]]$diagnostic_file <- append_id(diagnostic_file, i)
for (i in 1:chains)
argss[[i]] <- c(argss[[i]], dotlist)
is_dir_writable <- function(path) {
(file.access(path, mode = 2) == 0) && (file.access(path, mode = 1) == 0)
writable_sample_file <-
function(file, warn = TRUE,
wfun = function(x, x2) {
paste('"', x, '" is not writable; use "', x2, '" instead', sep = '')
}) {
# Check if the path for file is writable, if not using tempdir()
# Args:
# file: The file interested.
# warning: TRUE give a warning.
# warningfun: A function that take two dirs for creating
# the warning message.
# Returns:
# If the specified file is writable, return itself.
# Otherwise, change the path to tempdir().
dir <- dirname(file)
if (is_dir_writable(dir)) return(file)
dir2 <- tempdir()
if (warn) warning(wfun(dir, dir2))
file.path(dir2, basename(file))
stan_rdump <- function(list, file = "", append = FALSE,
envir = parent.frame(),
width = options("width")$width, quiet = FALSE) {
# Dump an R list or environment for a model data
# to the R dump file that Stan supports.
# Args:
# list: a vector of character for all variables interested
# (the same as in R's dump function)
# file: the output file for dumping the variables.
# append: then TRUE, the file is opened with
# mode of appending; otherwise, a new file
# is created.
# quiet: no warning if TRUE
# Return:
if (is.character(file)) {
ex <- sapply(list, exists, envir = envir)
if (!all(ex)) {
notfound_list <- list[!ex]
if (!quiet)
warning(paste("objects not found: ", paste(notfound_list, collapse = ', '), sep = ''))
list <- list[ex]
if (!any(ex))
if (nzchar(file)) {
file <- file(file, ifelse(append, "a", "w"))
on.exit(close(file), add = TRUE)
} else {
file <- stdout()
for (x in list) {
if (!is_legal_stan_vname(x) & !quiet)
warning(paste("variable name ", x, " is not allowed in Stan", sep = ''))
l2 <- NULL
addnlpat <- paste0("(.{1,", width, "})(\\s|$)")
for (v in list) {
vv <- get(v, envir)
if ( {
vv <- data.matrix(vv)
} else if (is.list(vv)) {
vv <- data_list2array(vv)
} else if (is.logical(vv)) {
mode(vv) <- "integer"
} else if (is.factor(vv)) {
vv <- as.integer(vv)
if (!is.numeric(vv)) {
if (!quiet)
warning(paste0("variable ", v, " is not supported for dumping."))
if (!is.integer(vv) && max(abs(vv)) < .Machine$integer.max && real_is_integer(vv))
storage.mode(vv) <- "integer"
if (is.vector(vv)) {
if (length(vv) == 0) {
cat(v, " <- integer(0)\n", file = file, sep = '')
if (length(vv) == 1) {
cat(v, " <- ", as.character(vv), "\n", file = file, sep = '')
str <- paste0(v, " <- \nc(", paste(vv, collapse = ', '), ")")
str <- gsub(addnlpat, '\\1\n', str)
cat(str, file = file)
l2 <- c(l2, v)
if (is.matrix(vv) || is.array(vv)) {
l2 <- c(l2, v)
vvdim <- dim(vv)
cat(v, " <- \n", file = file, sep = '')
if (length(vv) == 0) {
str <- paste0("structure(integer(0), ")
} else {
str <- paste0("structure(c(", paste(as.vector(vv), collapse = ', '), "),")
str <- gsub(addnlpat, '\\1\n', str)
".Dim = c(", paste(vvdim, collapse = ', '), "))\n", file = file, sep = '')
get_rhat_cols <- function(rhats) {
# Args:
# rhats: a vector of rhats
rhat_nan_col <- rstan_options("plot_rhat_nan_col")
rhat_large_col <- rstan_options("plot_rhat_large_col")
rhat_breaks <- rstan_options("plot_rhat_breaks")
# print(rhat_breaks)
rhat_colors <- rstan_options("plot_rhat_cols")
FUN = function(x) {
if ( || is.nan(x) || is.infinite(x))
for (i in 1:length(rhat_breaks)) {
if (x >= rhat_breaks[i]) next
plot_rhat_legend <- function(x, y, cex = 1) {
# Args
# x, y: left, bottom corner coordinates
# cex: cex for the labels
rhat_breaks <- rstan_options("plot_rhat_breaks")
n_breaks <- length(rhat_breaks)
rhat_colors <- rstan_options("plot_rhat_cols")[1:n_breaks]
rhat_legend_labels <- c(paste("< ", rhat_breaks, " ", sep = ''),
paste(">= ", max(rhat_breaks), " ", sep = ''),
rhat_legend_cols <- c(rhat_colors, rstan_options('plot_rhat_large_col'),
rhat_legend_width <- strwidth(rhat_legend_labels, cex = cex)
rhat_rect_width <- strwidth("r-hat ", cex = cex)
text(x, y, label = 'Rhat: ', adj = c(0, 0), cex = cex)
s1 <- strwidth('Rhat: ', cex = cex)
starts <- x + c(s1, s1 + cumsum(rhat_rect_width + rhat_legend_width))
height <- strheight("0123456789<>=", cex = cex)
for (i in 1:length(rhat_legend_cols)) {
rect(starts[i], y, starts[i] + rhat_rect_width, y + height, col = rhat_legend_cols[i], border = NA)
text(starts[i] + rhat_rect_width, y, adj = c(0, 0), label = rhat_legend_labels[i], cex = cex)
read_rdump <- function(f, keep.source = FALSE, ...) {
# Read data defined in an R dump file to an R list
# Args:
# f: the file to be sourced
# keep.source: see doc of function source
# Returns:
# A list
if (missing(f))
stop("no file specified.")
e <- new.env()
source(file = f, local = e, keep.source = keep.source, ...)
idx_col2rowm <- function(d) {
# Suppose an iteration of samples for an array parameter is ordered by
# col-major. This function generates the indexes that can be used to change
# the sequences to row-major.
# Args:
# d: the dimension of the parameter
len <- length(d)
if (0 == len) return(1)
if (1 == len) return(1:d)
idx <- aperm(array(1:prod(d), dim = d))
idx_row2colm <- function(d) {
# What if it is row-major and we want col_major?
len <- length(d)
if (0 == len) return(1)
if (1 == len) return(1:d)
idx <- aperm(array(1:prod(d), dim = rev(d)))
multi_idx_row2colm <- function(dims) {
# Suppose we want to change a vector of parameter names (each of which is in
# row major) to col major. This function serves to get the indexes.
# Args:
# dims: a list of dimensions for all the parameters
## print(dims)
shifts <- calc_starts(dims) - 1
idx <- lapply(seq_along(shifts), function(i) shifts[i] + idx_row2colm(dims[[i]])), idx)
seq_array_ind <- function(d, col_major = FALSE) {
# Generate an array of indexes for an array parameter
# in order of major or column.
# Args:
# d: the dimensions of an array parameter, for example,
# c(2, 3).
# col_major: Determine what is the order of indexes.
# If col_major = TRUE, for d = c(2, 3), return
# [1, 1]
# [2, 1]
# [1, 2]
# [2, 2]
# [1, 3]
# [2, 3]
# If col_major = FALSE, for d = c(2, 3), return
# [1, 1]
# [1, 2]
# [1, 3]
# [2, 1]
# [2, 2]
# [2, 3]
# Returns:
# If length of d is 0, return empty vector.
# Otherwise, return an array of indexes, each
# row of which is an index.
# Note:
# R function arrayInd might be helpful sometimes.
if (length(d) == 0L)
total <- prod(d)
if (total == 0L)
return(array(0L, dim = 0L))
len <- length(d)
if (len == 1L)
return(array(1:total, dim = c(total, 1)))
res <- array(1L, dim = c(total, len))
# Handle cases like 1x1 matrices
if (total == 1)
jidx <- if (col_major) 1L:len else len:1L
for (i in 2L:total) {
res[i, ] <- res[i - 1, ]
for (j in jidx) {
if (res[i - 1, j] < d[j]) {
res[i, j] <- res[i - 1, j] + 1
res[i, j] <- 1
flat_one_par <- function(n, d, col_major = FALSE) {
# Return all the elemenetwise parameters for a vector/array
# parameter.
# Args:
# n: Name of the parameter. For example, n = "alpha"
# d: A vector indicates the dimensions of parameter n.
# For example, d = c(2, 3). d could be empty
# as well when n is a scalar.
if (0 == length(d)) return(n)
nameidx <- seq_array_ind(d, col_major)
names <- apply(nameidx, 1, function(x) paste(n, "[", paste(x, collapse = ','), "]", sep = ''))
flatnames <- function(names, dims, col_major = FALSE) {
if (length(names) == 1)
return(flat_one_par(names, dims[[1]], col_major = col_major))
nameslst <- mapply(flat_one_par, names, dims,
MoreArgs = list(col_major = col_major),
if (is.vector(nameslst, "character"))
return(nameslst), nameslst)
num_pars <- function(d) prod(d)
calc_starts <- function(dims) {
len <- length(dims)
s <- sapply(unname(dims), function(d) num_pars(d), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
cumsum(c(1, s))[1:len]
check_pars <- function(allpars, pars) {
pars_wo_ws <- gsub('\\s+', '', pars)
m <- which(match(pars_wo_ws, allpars, nomatch = 0) == 0)
if (length(m) > 0)
stop("no parameter ", paste(pars[m], collapse = ', '))
if (length(pars_wo_ws) == 0)
stop("no parameter specified (pars is empty)")
check_pars_first <- function(object, pars) {
# Check if all parameters in pars are valid parameters of the model
# Args:
# object: a stanfit object
# pars: a character vector of parameter names
# Returns:
# pars without white spaces, if any, if all are valid
# otherwise stop reporting error
allpars <- cbind(object@model_pars, flatnames(object@model_pars))
check_pars(allpars, pars)
check_pars_second <- function(sim, pars) {
# Check if all parameters in pars are parameters for which we saved
# their samples
# Args:
# sim: The sim slot of class stanfit
# pars: a character vector of parameter names
# Returns:
# pars without white spaces, if any, if all are valid
# otherwise stop reporting error
if (missing(pars)) return(sim$pars_oi)
allpars <- c(sim$pars_oi, sim$fnames_oi)
check_pars(allpars, pars)
remove_empty_pars <- function(pars, model_dims) {
# Remove parameters that are actually empty, which
# could happen when for exmample a user specify the
# following stan model code:
# transformed data { int n; n <- 0; }
# parameters { array[n] real y; }
# Args:
# pars: a character vector of parameters names
# model_dims: a named list of the parameter dimension
# Returns:
# A character vector of parameter names with empty parameter
# being removed.
ind <- rep(TRUE, length(pars))
model_pars <- names(model_dims)
if (is.null(model_pars)) stop("model_dims need be a named list")
for (i in seq_along(pars)) {
p <- pars[i]
m <- match(p, model_pars)
if (! && prod(model_dims[[p]]) == 0) ind[i] <- FALSE
pars_total_indexes <- function(names, dims, fnames, pars) {
# Obtain the total indexes for parameters (pars) in the
# whole sequences of names that is order by 'column major.'
# Args:
# names: all the parameters names specifying the sequence of parameters
# dims: the dimensions for all parameters, the order for all parameters
# should be the same with that in 'names'
# fnames: all the parameter names specified by names and dims
# pars: the parameters of interest. This function assumes that
# pars are in names.
# Note: inside each parameter (vector or array), the sequence is in terms of
# col-major. That means if we have parameter alpha and beta, the dims
# of which are [2,2] and [2,3] respectively. The whole parameter sequence
# are alpha[1,1], alpha[2,1], alpha[1,2], alpha[2,2], beta[1,1], beta[2,1],
# beta[1,2], beta[2,2], beta[1,3], beta[2,3]. In addition, for the col-majored
# sequence, an attribute named 'row_major_idx' is attached, which could
# be used when row major index is favored.
starts <- calc_starts(dims)
par_total_indexes <- function(par) {
# for just one parameter
p <- match(par, fnames)
# note that here when `par' is a scalar, it would
# match one of `fnames'
if (! {
names(p) <- par
attr(p, "row_major_idx") <- p
p <- match(par, names)
np <- num_pars(dims[[p]])
if (np == 0) return(NULL)
idx <- starts[p] + seq(0, by = 1, length.out = np)
names(idx) <- fnames[idx]
attr(idx, "row_major_idx") <- starts[p] + idx_col2rowm(dims[[p]]) - 1
idx <- lapply(pars, FUN = par_total_indexes)
nulls <- sapply(idx, is.null)
idx <- idx[!nulls]
names(idx) <- pars[!nulls]
rstancolgrey <- rgb(matrix(c(247, 247, 247, 204, 204, 204, 150, 150, 150, 82, 82, 82),
byrow = TRUE, ncol = 3),
alpha = 100,
names = paste(1:4), maxColorValue = 255)
# from, colorblind safe,
# 6 different colors, diverging
rstancolc <- rgb(matrix(c(230, 97, 1,
153, 142, 195,
84, 39, 136,
241, 163, 64,
216, 218, 235,
254, 224, 182),
byrow = TRUE, ncol = 3),
names = paste(1:6), maxColorValue = 255)
default_summary_probs <- function() c(0.025, 0.05, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 0.90, 0.95, 0.975)
## summarize the chains merged and individually
get_par_summary <- function(sim, n, probs = default_summary_probs()) {
ss <- lapply(1:sim$chains,
function(i) {
if (sim$warmup2[i] == 0) sim$samples[[i]][[n]]
else sim$samples[[i]][[n]][-(1:sim$warmup2[i])]
msdfun <- function(chain) c(mean(chain, na.rm = TRUE), sd(chain, na.rm = TRUE))
qfun <- function(chain) quantile(chain, probs = probs, na.rm = TRUE)
c_msd <- unlist(lapply(ss, msdfun), use.names = FALSE)
c_quan <- unlist(lapply(ss, qfun), use.names = FALSE)
ass <-, ss)
msd <- msdfun(ass)
quan <- qfun(ass)
list(msd = msdfun(ass), quan = qfun(ass), c_msd = c_msd, c_quan = c_quan)
# mean and sd
get_par_summary_msd <- function(sim, n) {
ss <- lapply(1:sim$chains,
function(i) {
if (sim$warmup2[i] == 0) sim$samples[[i]][[n]]
else sim$samples[[i]][[n]][-(1:sim$warmup2[i])]
sumfun <- function(chain) c(mean(chain), sd(chain))
cs <- lapply(ss, sumfun)
as <- sumfun(, ss))
list(msd = as, c_msd = unlist(cs, use.names = FALSE))
# quantiles
get_par_summary_quantile <- function(sim, n, probs = default_summary_probs()) {
ss <- lapply(1:sim$chains,
function(i) {
if (sim$warmup2[i] == 0) sim$samples[[i]][[n]]
else sim$samples[[i]][[n]][-(1:sim$warmup2[i])]
sumfun <- function(chain) quantile(chain, probs = probs, na.rm = TRUE)
cs <- lapply(ss, sumfun)
as <- sumfun(, ss))
list(quan = as, c_quan = unlist(cs, use.names = FALSE))
combine_msd_quan <- function(msd, quan) {
# Combine msd and quantiles for chain's summary
# Args:
# msd: the array for mean and sd with dim num.par * 2 * chains
# cquan: the array for quantiles with dim num.par * n.quan * chains
dim1 <- dim(msd)
dim2 <- dim(quan)
if (any(dim1[c(1, 3)] != dim2[c(1, 3)]))
stop("numers of parameter/chains differ in msd and quan")
chains <- dim1[3]
n_par <- dim1[1]
n_stat <- dim1[2] + dim2[2]
par_names <- dimnames(msd)[[1]]
stat_names <- c(dimnames(msd)[[2]], dimnames(quan)[[2]])
chain_id_names <- dimnames(msd)[[3]]
fun <- function(i) {
# This is a bit ugly; one reason is that we need to
# deal with the case that dim1[1] = 1, in which
# a1 is a vector.
a1 <- msd[, , i]
a2 <- quan[, , i]
dim(a1) <- dim1[1:2]
dim(a2) <- dim2[1:2]
cbind(a1, a2)
ll <- lapply(1:chains, fun)
twodnames <- dimnames(ll[[1]])
msdquan <- array(unlist(ll), dim = c(n_par, n_stat, chains))
dimnames(msdquan) <- list(parameter = par_names, stats = stat_names,
chains = chain_id_names)
summary_sim <- function(sim, pars, probs = default_summary_probs()) {
# cat("summary_sim is called.\n")
probs_len <- length(probs)
pars <- if (missing(pars)) sim$pars_oi else check_pars_second(sim, pars)
tidx <- pars_total_indexes(sim$pars_oi, sim$dims_oi, sim$fnames_oi, pars)
tidx_rowm <- lapply(tidx, function(x) attr(x, "row_major_idx"))
tidx <- unlist(tidx, use.names = FALSE)
tidx_len <- length(tidx)
tidx_rowm <- unlist(tidx_rowm, use.names = FALSE)
lmsdq <- lapply(tidx, function(n) get_par_summary(sim, n, probs))
msd <-, lapply(lmsdq, function(x) x$msd))
quan <-, lapply(lmsdq, function(x) x$quan))
probs_str <- colnames(quan)
dim(msd) <- c(tidx_len, 2)
dim(quan) <- c(tidx_len, probs_len)
rownames(msd) <- sim$fnames_oi[tidx]
rownames(quan) <- sim$fnames_oi[tidx]
colnames(msd) <- c("mean", "sd")
colnames(quan) <- probs_str
c_msd <-, lapply(lmsdq, function(x) x$c_msd))
c_quan <-, lapply(lmsdq, function(x) x$c_quan))
dim(c_msd) <- c(tidx_len, 2, sim$chains)
dim(c_quan) <- c(tidx_len, probs_len, sim$chains)
sim_attr_args <- attr(sim, "args")
cids <- if (is.null(sim_attr_args)) {
cids <- 1:sim$chains
} else {
sapply(attr(sim, "args"), function(x) x$chain_id)
dimnames(c_msd) <- list(parameters = sim$fnames_oi[tidx],
stats = c("mean", "sd"),
chains = paste0("chain:", cids))
dimnames(c_quan) <- list(parameters = sim$fnames_oi[tidx],
stats = probs_str,
chains = paste0("chains:", cids))
if ("diagnostics" %in% names(sim) & "n_eff" %in% names(sim$diagnostics)) {
ess <- array(sim$diagnostics$n_eff, dim = c(tidx_len, 1))
khat <- array(sim$diagnostics$theta_pareto_k, dim = c(tidx_len, 1))
mcse <- array(sim$diagnostics$mcse, dim = c(tidx_len, 1))
ss <- list(msd = msd, sem = mcse,
c_msd = c_msd, quan = quan, c_quan = c_quan,
ess = ess, khat = khat)
} else {
ess <- array(sapply(tidx, function(n) rstan_ess(sim, n)), dim = c(tidx_len, 1))
rhat <- array(sapply(tidx, function(n) rstan_splitrhat(sim, n)), dim = c(tidx_len, 1))
ss <- list(msd = msd, sem = msd[, 2] / sqrt(ess),
c_msd = c_msd, quan = quan, c_quan = c_quan,
ess = ess, rhat = rhat)
attr(ss, "row_major_idx") <- tidx_rowm
attr(ss, "col_major_idx") <- tidx
summary_sim_quan <- function(sim, pars, probs = default_summary_probs()) {
probs_len <- length(probs)
pars <- if (missing(pars)) sim$pars_oi else check_pars_second(sim, pars)
tidx <- pars_total_indexes(sim$pars_oi, sim$dims_oi, sim$fnames_oi, pars)
tidx_rowm <- lapply(tidx, function(x) attr(x, "row_major_idx"))
tidx <- unlist(tidx, use.names = FALSE)
tidx_len <- length(tidx)
tidx_rowm <- unlist(tidx_rowm, use.names = FALSE)
lquan <- lapply(tidx, function(n) get_par_summary_quantile(sim, n, probs))
quan <-, lapply(lquan, function(x) x$quan))
probs_str <- colnames(quan)
dim(quan) <- c(tidx_len, probs_len)
rownames(quan) <- sim$fnames_oi[tidx]
colnames(quan) <- probs_str
sim_attr_args <- attr(sim, "args")
cids <- if (is.null(sim_attr_args)) {
cids <- 1:sim$chains
} else {
sapply(attr(sim, "args"), function(x) x$chain_id)
c_quan <-, lapply(lquan, function(x) x$c_quan))
dim(c_quan) <- c(tidx_len, probs_len, sim$chains)
dimnames(c_quan) <- list(parameters = sim$fnames_oi[tidx],
stats = probs_str,
chains = paste0("chains:", cids))
ss <- list(quan = quan, c_quan = c_quan)
attr(ss, "row_major_idx") <- tidx_rowm
attr(ss, "col_major_idx") <- tidx
summary_sim_ess <- function(sim, pars) {
pars <- if (missing(pars)) sim$pars_oi else check_pars_second(sim, pars)
tidx <- pars_total_indexes(sim$pars_oi, sim$dims_oi, sim$fnames_oi, pars)
tidx_rowm <- lapply(tidx, function(x) attr(x, "row_major_idx"))
tidx <- unlist(tidx, use.names = FALSE)
tidx_rowm <- unlist(tidx_rowm, use.names = FALSE)
ess <- sapply(tidx, function(n) rstan_ess(sim, n))
names(ess) <- sim$fnames_oi[tidx]
attr(ess, "row_major_idx") <- tidx_rowm
attr(ess, "col_major_idx") <- tidx
summary_sim_rhat <- function(sim, pars) {
pars <- if (missing(pars)) sim$pars_oi else check_pars_second(sim, pars)
tidx <- pars_total_indexes(sim$pars_oi, sim$dims_oi, sim$fnames_oi, pars)
tidx_rowm <- lapply(tidx, function(x) attr(x, "row_major_idx"))
tidx <- unlist(tidx, use.names = FALSE)
tidx_rowm <- unlist(tidx_rowm, use.names = FALSE)
rhat <- sapply(tidx, function(n) rstan_splitrhat(sim, n))
names(rhat) <- sim$fnames_oi[tidx]
attr(rhat, "row_major_idx") <- tidx_rowm
attr(rhat, "col_major_idx") <- tidx
create_skeleton <- function(pars, dims) {
# for the purpose of using relist to convert
# vector to list
lst <- lapply(seq_along(pars),
function(i) {
len_dims <- length(dims[[i]])
if (len_dims < 1) return(0)
return(array(0, dim = dims[[i]]))
names(lst) <- pars
rstan_relist <- function(x, skeleton) {
lst <- relist(x, skeleton)
for (i in seq_along(skeleton))
dim(lst[[i]]) <- dim(skeleton[[i]])
# ported from bugs.plot.inferences in R2WinBUGS
stan_plot_inferences <- function(sim, summary, pars, model_info, display_parallel = FALSE, ...) {
# Args:
# sim: the sim list in stanfit object
# pars: parameters of interest
# model_info: names list with elements model_name and model_date
# display_parallel
alert_col <- rstan_options("rstan_alert_col")
chain_cols <- rstan_options("rstan_chain_cols")
chain_cols.len <- length(chain_cols)
if (.Device %in% c("windows", "X11cairo", 'quartz')) {
cex.points <- .7
min.width <- .02
} else {
cex.points <- .3
min.width <- .01
cex_names <- .7
cex.axis <- .6
cex_tiny <- .4
# the standard number of parameters in an array parameters.
# we have this so that even the # of parameters are less than
# 30, we still have equal space between parameters for
# the whole plot.
standard_width <- rstan_options('plot_standard_npar')
max_width <- rstan_options('plot_max_npar')
pars <- if (missing(pars)) sim$pars_oi else check_pars_second(sim, pars)
n_pars <- length(pars)
chains <- sim$chains
tidx <- pars_total_indexes(sim$pars_oi, sim$dims_oi, sim$fnames_oi, pars)
height <- .6
# mar: c(bottom, left, top, right)
par.old <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
par(mar = c(1, 0, 1, 0))
plot(c(0, 1), c(-n_pars - .5, -.4),
ann = FALSE, bty = "n", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", type = "n")
# plot the model general information
header <- paste("Stan model '", model_info$model_name, "' (", chains,
" chains: iter=", sim$iter, "; warmup=", sim$warmup,
"; thin=", sim$thin, ") fitted at ",
model_info$model_date, sep = '')
# side: (1=bottom, 2=left, 3=top, 4=right)
mtext(header, side = 3, outer = TRUE, line = -1, cex = .7)
W <- max(strwidth(pars, cex = cex_names))
# the max width of the variable names
# cex_names is defined at the beginning of this fun
B <- (1 - W) / 3.8
A <- 1 - 3.5 * B
title <- if (display_parallel) "80% interval for each chain" else "medians and 80% intervals"
text(A, -.4, title, adj = 0, cex = cex_names)
num_height <- strheight (1:9, cex = cex_tiny) * 1.2
truncated <- FALSE
for (k in 1:n_pars) {
text (0, -k, pars[k], adj = 0, cex = cex_names)
k_dim <- sim$dims_oi[[pars[k]]]
k_dim_len <- length(k_dim)
k_aidx <- seq_array_ind(k_dim, col_major = FALSE)
# the index for the parameters in the whole
# sequences of parameters
index <- attr(tidx[[k]], "row_major_idx")
# number of parameters we could plot for this
# particular vector/array parameter
k_num_p <- length(index)
# number of parameter we would plot
J <- min(k_num_p, max_width)
spacing <- 3.5 / max(J, standard_width)
# the medians for all the kept samples merged
sprobs = default_summary_probs()
mp <- match(0.5, sprobs)
i80p <- match(c(0.1, 0.9), sprobs)
med <- summary$quan[index, mp]
med <- array(med, dim = c(k_num_p, 1))
i80 <- summary$quan[index, i80p]
i80 <- array(i80, dim = c(k_num_p, 2))
rhats <- summary$rhat
rhats_cols <- get_rhat_cols(rhats)
med.chain <- summary$c_quan[index, mp, ]
med.chain <- array(med.chain, dim = c(k_num_p, sim$chains))
i80.chain <- summary$c_quan[index, i80p, ]
i80.chain <- array(i80.chain, dim = c(k_num_p, 2, sim$chains))
rng <- if (display_parallel) range(i80, i80.chain) else range(i80)
p.rng <- pretty(rng, n = 2)
b <- height / (max(p.rng) - min(p.rng))
a <- -(k + height / 2) - b * p.rng[1]
lines(A + c(0, 0), -k + 0.5 * height * c(-1, 1))
# plot a line at zero (if zero is in the range of the mini-plot)
if (min(p.rng) < 0 & max(p.rng) > 0) {
lines(A + B * spacing * c(0, J + 1),
rep(a, 2), lwd = .5, col = "gray")
# plot the breaks of the axis
for (x in p.rng){
text(A - B * .2, a + b * x, x, cex = cex.axis)
lines(A + B * c(-.05, 0), rep(a + b * x, 2))
for (j in 1:J){
if (display_parallel){
for (m in 1:chains){
interval <- a + b * i80.chain[j, , m]
# When the interval is too tiny, we use the min.width instead
# of the real one.
if (interval[2] - interval[1] < min.width)
interval <- mean(interval) + c(-.5, .5) * min.width
segments(x0 = A + B * spacing * (j + .6 *(m - (chains + 1) / 2) / chains),
y0 = interval[1], y1 = interval[2], lwd = .5,
col = chain_cols[(m-1) %% chain_cols.len + 1])
} else {
lines(A + B * spacing * rep(j, 2), a + b * i80[j,], lwd = .5)
for (m in 1:chains)
points(A + B * spacing * j, a + b * med.chain[j, m],
pch = 20, cex = cex.points,
col = chain_cols[(m-1) %% chain_cols.len + 1])
# draw an indicator for Rhat
# (xleft, ybottom, xright, ytop)
if (k_dim_len == 0)
rect(A + B * spacing * (j - .5), -k - height / 2 - 0.05 + num_height * .5,
A + B * spacing * (j + .5), -k - height / 2 - 0.05 - num_height * .5, col = rhats_cols[j], border = NA)
# plot the dimension indexes for this parameter
if (k_dim_len >= 1) {
rect(A + B * spacing * (j - .5), -k - height / 2 - 0.05 + num_height * .5,
A + B * spacing * (j + .5), -k - height / 2 - 0.05 - num_height * (k_dim_len - .5), col = rhats_cols[j], border = NA)
# k_dim: the dimension of parameter k
for (m in 1:k_dim_len) {
index0 <- k_aidx[j, m]
if (j == 1)
text(A+B*spacing*j, -k-height/2-.05-num_height*(m-1), index0, cex=cex_tiny)
else if (index0 != k_aidx[j - 1, m] & (index0 %% (floor(log10(index0) + 1)) == 0))
text(A+B*spacing*j, -k-height/2-.05-num_height*(m-1), index0, cex=cex_tiny)
# Note for `(index0 %% (floor(log10(index0) + 1)) == 0) in the above condition.
# When 10 <= index0 <= 99, floor(log10(index0) + 1) == 2,
# so that one index would be drawn out of two consecutive.
# That is, we would have 10, 12, 14, 16, etc.
# Similarly, when 100 <= index0 <= 999, we draw one out of three
# though in the case, we do not draw them at all since the max is
# 40.
if (J < k_num_p) {
text (-.015, -k, "*", cex = cex_names, col = alert_col)
truncated <- TRUE
plot_rhat_legend(0, -n_pars - .5, cex = cex_names)
if (truncated) {
text(0, -n_pars - .5 - num_height * 2.5, "* array truncated for lack of space",
adj = c(0, 0), cex = cex_names, col = alert_col)
legitimate_model_name <- function(name, obfuscate_name = TRUE) {
# To make model name be a valid name in C++.
# obfuscate_name
namep1 <- if (obfuscate_name) basename(tempfile('model', '')) else 'model'
name <- paste(namep1, '_', name, sep = '')
gsub('[^[:alnum:]]', '_', name)
# return("anon_model")
# Note: why using different (ideally unique) name?
# The name returned from this function is used
# as Rcpp module name and the name for the stan_fit class
# for each model. Actually we need a unique name. The reason
# is that it seems if the Rcpp modules have the same name, a newly
# created model created from compiling the C++ code would replace
# previous one though the DSO files are different. I guess
# that Rcpp implement the module by call the C++ function using .Call, we
# would always call the function with the same name loaded later. I am
# not sure the real reason, but experiments do show that
# later modules created would use previous one if the class name
# in the module is the same. So if obfuscate_name = TRUE, we try
# to generate a unique name, if FALSE, it is the user's responsibility
# to keep the name unique and in the case, users might be able to
# take advantage of tools such as ccache
boost_url <- function() {""}
makeconf_path <- function() {
RMU <- Sys.getenv("R_MAKEVARS_USER")
if (! && RMU != "") return(RMU)
arch <- .Platform$r_arch
if (arch == '')
return(file.path(R.home(component = 'etc'), 'Makeconf'))
return(file.path(R.home(component = 'etc'), arch, 'Makeconf'))
is_null_ptr <- function(ns) {
.Call(is_Null_NS, ns)
is_null_cxxfun <- function(cx) {
# Tell if the returned object from cxxfunction in package inline
# contains null pointer
add <- body(cx@.Data)[[2]]
# add is of class NativeSymbol
.Call(is_Null_NS, add)
obj_size_str <- function(x) {
if (x >= 1024^3) return(paste(round(x/1024^3, 1L), "Gb"))
else if (x >= 1024^2) return(paste(round(x/1024^2, 1L), "Mb"))
else if (x >= 1024) return(paste(round(x/1024, 1L), "Kb"))
return(paste(x, "bytes"))
system_info <- function() {
paste("OS: ", R.version$system,
"; rstan: ", packageVersion('rstan'),
"; Rcpp: ", packageVersion('Rcpp'),
"; inline: ", packageVersion('inline'), sep = '')
read_comments <- function(f, n = -1) {
# Read comments beginning with `#`
# Args:
# f: the filename
# n: max number of line; -1 means all
# Returns:
# a vector of strings
con <- file(f, 'r')
comments <- list()
iter <- 0
while (length(input <- readLines(con, n = 1)) > 0) {
if (n > 0 && n <= iter) break;
if (grepl("#", input)) {
comments <- c(comments, gsub("^.*#", "#", input))
iter <- iter + 1
close(con), comments)
sqrfnames_to_dotfnames <- function(fnames) {
# change names such as alpha[1,1] to alpha.1.1
gsub('\\]', '', gsub('\\[|,', '.', fnames))
dotfnames_to_sqrfnames <- function(fnames) {
fnames <- sapply(fnames,
function(i) {
if (!grepl("\\.", i)) return(i)
i <- sub("\\.", "[", i)
i <- sub("\\s*$", "]", i)
gsub("\\.\\s*", ",", fnames)
unique_par <- function(fnames) {
# obtain parameters from flat names in format of say alpha.1,
# alpha.2, beta.1.1, ..., beta.3.4, --- in this case, return
# c('alpha', 'beta')
unique(gsub('\\..*', '', fnames))
get_dims_from_fnames <- function(fnames, pname) {
# Get the dimension for a parameter from
# the flatnames such as "alpha.1.1", ..., "alpha.3.4", the
# format of names in the CSV files generated by Stan.
# Currently, this function assume fnames are correctly given.
# Args:
# fnames: a character of names for one (vector/array) parameter
# pname: the name for this vector/array parameter such as "alpha"
# for the above example
if (missing(pname)) pname <- gsub('\\..*', '', fnames[1])
if (length(fnames) == 1 && fnames == pname)
return(integer(0)) # a scalar
idxs <- sub(pname, '', fnames, fixed = TRUE)
lp <- gregexpr('\\d+', idxs)
tfun <- function(name, start, i) {
last <- attr(start, 'match.length')[i] + start[i]
# cat('name=', name, ', start=', start[i], ', last=', last, '.\n', sep = '')
as.integer(substr(name, start[i], last))
dim_len <- length(lp[[1]])
dims <- integer(dim_len)
for (i in 1:dim_len) {
dimi <- mapply(tfun, idxs, lp, MoreArgs = list(i = i), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
dims[i] <- max(dimi)
all_int_eq <- function(is) {
# tell if all integers in 'is' are the same
if (!all(is.integer(is)))
stop("not all are integers")
min(is) == max(is)
read_csv_header <- function(f, comment.char = '#') {
# Read the header of a csv file (the first line not beginning with
# comment.char). And the line number is return as attribute of name 'lineno'.
con <- file(f, 'r')
niter <- 0
iter.count <- NA
save.warmup <- FALSE
sample.count <- NA_integer_
thin <- NULL
while (length(input <- readLines(con, n = 1)) > 0) {
niter <- niter + 1
if (!grepl(comment.char, input)) break;
if (grepl("# iter=",input))
iter.count <- as.integer(gsub("# iter=","",input))
if (grepl("#.*num_samples",input)){
sample.count <- as.integer(gsub("[^0-9]*([0-9]*).*","\\1",input))
if (grepl("#.*num_warmup",input)){
warmup.count <- as.integer(gsub("[^0-9]*([0-9]*).*","\\1",input))
} else {
warmup.count <- 0L
if (grepl("#.*thin", input)){
thin <- as.integer(gsub("[^0-9]*([0-9]*).*","\\1",input))
if (grepl("#.*save_warmup",input)){
save.warmup <- !grepl("0",input)
if (grepl("#.*output_sample",input)){
iter.count <- as.numeric(gsub("[^0-9]*([0-9]*).*","\\1",input))
header <- input
iter.count <- warmup.count + sample.count
iter.count <- sample.count
iter.count <- iter.count %/% thin
attr(header, "iter.count") <- iter.count
attr(header, "lineno") <- niter
is_arg_recognizable <- function(x, y, pre_msg = '', post_msg = '', ...) {
# check if all elements of x are in y.
# x: a vector of characters
# y: a vector of characters
idx <- match(x, y)
na_idx <- which(
if (length(na_idx) > 0) {
stop(pre_msg, paste(x[na_idx], collapse = ', '), ".", post_msg, ...)
is_arg_deprecated <- function(x, y, pre_msg = '', post_msg = '', ...) {
# check if any elements of x are in y.
# x: a vector of characters
# y: a vector of characters
idx <- match(x, y)
found_idx <- which(!
if (length(found_idx) > 0) {
message(pre_msg, paste(x[found_idx], collapse = ', '), ".", post_msg, ...)
get_time_from_csv <- function(tlines) {
# get the warmup time and sample time from the commented lines
# about time in the CSV files
# Args:
# tlines: character vector of length 3 (or 2 since the last one is not used)
# from the CSV File. For example, it could be
# # Elapsed Time: 0.005308 seconds (Warm-up)
# 0.003964 seconds (Sampling)
# 0.009272 seconds (Total)
t <- rep(NA, 2)
names(t) <- c("warmup", "sample")
if (length(tlines) < 2) return(t)
warmupt <- gsub("[^0-9.]", "", tlines[1])
samplet <- gsub("[^0-9.]", "", tlines[2])
t[1] <- as.double(warmupt)
t[2] <- as.double(samplet)
parse_data <- function(cppcode) {
cppcode <- scan(what = character(), sep = "\n", quiet = TRUE,
text = cppcode)
private <- grep("^private:$", cppcode) + 1L
public <- grep("^public:$", cppcode) - 1L
# pull out object names from the data block
objects <- gsub("^.* ([0-9A-Za-z_]+).*;.*$", "\\1",
# Remove model internal name _data__ suffix for stanc3 v2.30+
objects <- gsub("_data__$", "", objects)
# Remove model internal name underscores in case of Eigen::Maps
objects <- gsub("__$", "\\1", objects)
# Remove any bad regex matches that found the end of an Eigen::Map.
objects <- gsub("^[[:digit:]]+", "\\1", objects)
# Remove empty characters and trim whitespaces
objects <- objects[nzchar(trimws(objects))]
# Get them from the calling environment
stuff <- list()
for (int in seq_along(objects)) {
stuff[[objects[int]]] <- dynGet(objects[int], inherits = FALSE, ifnotfound = NULL)
for (i in seq_along(stuff)) if (is.null(stuff[[i]])) {
if (exists(objects[i], envir = globalenv(), mode = "numeric"))
stuff[[i]] <- get(objects[i], envir = globalenv(), mode = "numeric")
else if (exists(objects[i], envir = globalenv(), mode = "logical"))
stuff[[i]] <- get(objects[i], envir = globalenv(), mode = "logical")
set_cppo <- function(...) {
warning("'set_cppo' is defunct; manually edit your Makevars file if necessary")
get_stan_param_names <- function(object) {
stopifnot(is(object, "stanfit"))
params <- grep("vals_r__ = context__.vals_r(", fixed = TRUE, value = TRUE,
x = strsplit(get_cppcode(get_stanmodel(object)), "\n")[[1]])
params <- sapply(strsplit(params, "\""), FUN = function(x) x[[2]])
params <- intersect(params, object@sim$pars_oi)
stopifnot(length(params) > 0)
create_progress_html_file <- function(htmlfname, textfname) {
# Args:
# htmlfname: the HTML file name
# textfname: the text file name
template_file <- file.path(system.file('misc', package = 'rstan'), 'stan_progress.html')
src <- paste(readLines(template_file), collapse = '\n')
src2 <- sub("%filename%", textfname, sub("%title%", textfname, src, fixed = TRUE), fixed = TRUE)
cat(src2, file = htmlfname)
get_CXX <- function(...) {
if (.Platform$OS.type != "windows")
return (system2(file.path(R.home(component = "bin"), "R"),
args = "CMD config CXX17", stdout = TRUE, stderr = FALSE))
ls_path <- Sys.which("ls")
if (ls_path == "") return(NULL)
install_path <- dirname(dirname(ls_path))
paste0('mingw_', Sys.getenv('WIN')), 'bin', 'g++')
is.sparc <- function() {
grepl("^sparc", R.version$platform)
avoid_crash <- function(mod) {
file.exists(get("packageName", envir = mod)[["path"]]) &&
as(get("packageName", envir = mod)["info"][1], "character") %in%
c("<pointer: (nil)>", "<pointer: 0x0>")
# @param x numeric vector
log_sum_exp <- function(x) {
max_x <- max(x)
max_x + log(sum(exp(x - max_x)))
sample_indices <- function(wts, n_draws) {
## Stratified resampling
## Kitagawa, G., Monte Carlo Filter and Smoother for Non-Gaussian
## Nonlinear State Space Models, Journal of Computational and
## Graphical Statistics, 5(1):1-25, 1996.
K <- length(wts)
w <- n_draws * wts # expected number of draws from each model
idx <- rep(NA, n_draws)
c <- 0
j <- 0
for (k in 1:K) {
c <- c + w[k]
if (c >= 1) {
a <- floor(c)
c <- c - a
idx[j + 1:a] <- k
j <- j + a
if (j < n_draws && c >= runif(1)) {
c <- c - 1
j <- j + 1
idx[j] <- k
test_221 <- function(cppcode) {
grepl("Code generated by Stan version 2.2", cppcode, fixed = TRUE) ||
grepl("Code generated by Stan version 3", cppcode, fixed = TRUE)
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