
Defines functions .cfn_set_helper make_ref_value vil_collapse .set_cinfo_kids spl_ref_group is_labrow n_leaves .no_na_str .check_if_nest

## XXX Do we want add.labrows here or no?
## we have to choose one and stick to it.

#' @name internal_methods
#' @title Internal Generics and Methods
#' @rdname int_methods
#' @description These are internal methods that are documented only to satisfy
#' `R CMD check`. End users should pay no attention to this documentation.
#' @inheritParams gen_args
#' @inheritParams constr_args
#' @inheritParams lyt_args
#' @param x The object.
#' @param obj The object.

#' @rdname dimensions
#' @return the number of rows (`nrow`), columns (`ncol`) or both (`dim`) of the object.
#' @exportMethod nrow
setMethod("nrow", "VTableTree",
          function(x) length(collect_leaves(x, TRUE, TRUE)))

#' @rdname int_methods
#' @exportMethod nrow
setMethod("nrow", "TableRow",
          function(x) 1L)

#' Table Dimensions
#' @rdname dimensions
#' @exportMethod ncol
#' @param x `TableTree` or `ElementaryTable` object
#' @examples
#' lyt <- basic_table() %>%
#'   split_cols_by("ARM") %>%
#'   analyze(c("SEX", "AGE"))
#' tbl <- build_table(lyt, ex_adsl)
#' dim(tbl)
#' nrow(tbl)
#' ncol(tbl)
#' NROW(tbl)
#' NCOL(tbl)
setMethod("ncol", "VTableNodeInfo",
          function(x) {

#' @rdname int_methods
#' @exportMethod ncol
setMethod("ncol", "TableRow",
          function(x) {

#' @rdname int_methods
#' @exportMethod ncol
setMethod("ncol", "LabelRow",
          function(x) {

#' @rdname int_methods
#' @exportMethod ncol
setMethod("ncol", "InstantiatedColumnInfo",
          function(x) {

#' @rdname dimensions
#' @exportMethod dim
setMethod("dim", "VTableNodeInfo",
          function(x) c(nrow(x), ncol(x)))

#' Retrieve or set the direct children of a Tree-style object
#' @param x An object with a Tree structure
#' @param value New list of children.
#' @return List of direct children of \code{x}
#' @export
#' @rdname tree_children
setGeneric("tree_children", function(x) standardGeneric("tree_children"))
#' @exportMethod tree_children
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("tree_children", c(x = "VTree"),
          function(x) x@children)
#' @exportMethod tree_children
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("tree_children", c(x = "VTableTree"),
          function(x) x@children)

## this includes VLeaf but also allows for general methods
## needed for table_inset being carried around by rows and
## such.
#' @exportMethod tree_children
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("tree_children", c(x = "ANY"), ##"VLeaf"),
          function(x) list())

#' @export
#' @rdname tree_children
setGeneric("tree_children<-", function(x, value) standardGeneric("tree_children<-"))
#' @exportMethod tree_children<-
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("tree_children<-", c(x = "VTree"),
          function(x, value) {
    x@children <- value
#' @exportMethod tree_children<-
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("tree_children<-", c(x = "VTableTree"),
          function(x, value) {
    x@children <- value

#' Retrieve or set Content Table from a `TableTree`
#' Returns the content table of \code{obj} if it is a \code{TableTree} object, or \code{NULL} otherwise
#' @param obj `TableTree`. The `TableTree`
#' @return the \code{ElementaryTable} containing the (top level) \emph{content rows} of \code{obj} ( or \code{NULL}
#' if \code{obj} is not a formal table object).
#' @export
#' @rdname content_table
setGeneric("content_table", function(obj) standardGeneric("content_table"))
#' @exportMethod content_table
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("content_table", "TableTree",
          function(obj) obj@content)
#' @exportMethod content_table
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("content_table", "ANY",
          function(obj) NULL)

#' @export
#' @param value `ElementaryTable`. The new content table for \code{obj}.
#' @rdname content_table
setGeneric("content_table<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("content_table<-"))
#' @exportMethod "content_table<-"
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("content_table<-", c("TableTree", "ElementaryTable"),
          function(obj, value) {
    obj@content <- value

#' @rdname int_methods
#' @param for_analyze logical(1).
setGeneric("next_rpos", function(obj, nested = TRUE, for_analyze = FALSE) standardGeneric("next_rpos"))

#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("next_rpos", "PreDataTableLayouts",
          function(obj, nested, for_analyze = FALSE) next_rpos(rlayout(obj), nested, for_analyze = for_analyze))

.check_if_nest <- function(obj, nested, for_analyze) {
        ## can always nest analyze splits (almost? what about colvars noncolvars mixing? prolly ok?)
        for_analyze ||
            ## If its not an analyze split it can't go under an analyze split
            !(is(last_rowsplit(obj), "VAnalyzeSplit") ||
              is(last_rowsplit(obj), "AnalyzeMultiVars")) ## should this be CompoundSplit?
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("next_rpos", "PreDataRowLayout",
          function(obj, nested, for_analyze) {
    l <- length(obj)
    if(length(obj[[l]]) > 0L &&
       !.check_if_nest(obj, nested, for_analyze)) {
        l <- l + 1L

#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("next_rpos", "ANY", function(obj, nested) 1L)
#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("next_cpos", function(obj, nested = TRUE) standardGeneric("next_cpos"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("next_cpos", "PreDataTableLayouts",
          function(obj, nested) next_cpos(clayout(obj), nested))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("next_cpos", "PreDataColLayout",
          function(obj, nested) {
    if(nested || length(obj[[length(obj)]]) == 0)
        length(obj) + 1L
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("next_cpos", "ANY", function(obj, nested) 1L)

#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("last_rowsplit", function(obj) standardGeneric("last_rowsplit"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("last_rowsplit", "NULL",
          function(obj) NULL)
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("last_rowsplit", "SplitVector",
          function(obj) {
    if(length(obj) == 0)
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("last_rowsplit", "PreDataRowLayout",
          function(obj) {
    if(length(obj) == 0)
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("last_rowsplit", "PreDataTableLayouts",
          function(obj) last_rowsplit(rlayout(obj)))

## TODO maybe export these?
#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("rlayout", function(obj) standardGeneric("rlayout"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("rlayout", "PreDataTableLayouts",
          function(obj) obj@row_layout)
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("rlayout", "ANY", function(obj) PreDataRowLayout())
#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("rlayout<-", function(object, value) standardGeneric("rlayout<-"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("rlayout<-", "PreDataTableLayouts",
          function(object, value) {
    object@row_layout <- value

#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("tree_pos", function(obj) standardGeneric("tree_pos"))
## setMethod("tree_pos", "VNodeInfo",
##           function(obj) obj@pos_in_tree)
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("tree_pos", "VLayoutNode",
          function(obj) obj@pos_in_tree)

#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("pos_subset", function(obj) standardGeneric("pos_subset"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("pos_subset", "TreePos",
          function(obj) obj@subset)
## setMethod("pos_subset", "VNodeInfo",
##           function(obj) pos_subset(tree_pos(obj)))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("pos_subset", "VLayoutNode",
          function(obj) pos_subset(tree_pos(obj)))
#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("pos_splits", function(obj) standardGeneric("pos_splits"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("pos_splits", "TreePos",
          function(obj) obj@splits)
## setMethod("pos_splits", "VNodeInfo",
##           function(obj) pos_splits(tree_pos(obj)))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("pos_splits", "VLayoutNode",
          function(obj) pos_splits(tree_pos(obj)))

#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("pos_splvals", function(obj) standardGeneric("pos_splvals"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("pos_splvals", "TreePos",
          function(obj) obj@s_values)

## setMethod("pos_splvals", "VNodeInfo",
##           function(obj) pos_splvals(tree_pos(obj)))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("pos_splvals", "VLayoutNode",
          function(obj) pos_splvals(tree_pos(obj)))

#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("pos_splval_labels", function(obj) standardGeneric("pos_splval_labels"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("pos_splval_labels", "TreePos",
          function(obj) obj@sval_labels)
## no longer used

## setMethod("pos_splval_labels", "VNodeInfo",
##            function(obj) pos_splval_labels(tree_pos(obj)))
## #' @rdname int_methods
## setMethod("pos_splval_labels", "VLayoutNode",
##            function(obj) pos_splval_labels(tree_pos(obj)))

#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("spl_payload", function(obj) standardGeneric("spl_payload"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("spl_payload", "Split", function(obj) obj@payload)

#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("spl_payload<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("spl_payload<-"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("spl_payload<-", "Split", function(obj, value) {
    obj@payload <- value

#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("spl_label_var", function(obj) standardGeneric("spl_label_var"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("spl_label_var", "VarLevelSplit", function(obj) obj@value_label_var)
## TODO revisit. do we want to do this? used in vars_in_layout, but only
## for convenience.
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("spl_label_var", "Split", function(obj) NULL)

### name related things
                                        # #' @inherit formatters::formatter_methods
#' Methods for generics in the `formatters` package
#' See the `formatters` documentation for descriptions of these generics.
#' @inheritParams gen_args
#' @return for getters, the current value of the component being accessed
#' on `obj`, for setters, a modified copy of `obj` with the new value.
#' @rdname formatters_methods
#' @exportMethod obj_name
setMethod("obj_name", "VNodeInfo",
          function(obj) obj@name)

#' @rdname formatters_methods
#' @exportMethod obj_name
setMethod("obj_name", "Split",
          function(obj) obj@name)
#' @rdname formatters_methods
#' @exportMethod obj_name<-
setMethod("obj_name<-", "VNodeInfo",
          function(obj, value) {
    obj@name <- value
#' @rdname formatters_methods
#' @exportMethod obj_name<-
setMethod("obj_name<-", "Split",
          function(obj, value) {
    obj@name <- value

### Label related things
#' @rdname formatters_methods
#' @exportMethod obj_label
setMethod("obj_label", "Split", function(obj) obj@split_label)

#' @rdname formatters_methods
#' @exportMethod obj_label
setMethod("obj_label", "TableRow", function(obj) obj@label)
## XXX Do we want a convenience for VTableTree that
## grabs the label from the LabelRow or will
## that just muddy the waters?
#' @rdname formatters_methods
#' @exportMethod obj_label
setMethod("obj_label", "VTableTree",
          function(obj) obj_label(tt_labelrow(obj)))

#' @rdname formatters_methods
#' @exportMethod obj_label
setMethod("obj_label", "ValueWrapper", function(obj) obj@label)

#' @rdname formatters_methods
#' @exportMethod obj_label<-
setMethod("obj_label<-", "Split",
          function(obj, value) {
    obj@split_label <- value

#' @rdname formatters_methods
#' @exportMethod obj_label<-
setMethod("obj_label<-", "TableRow",
          function(obj, value) {
    obj@label <- value

#' @rdname formatters_methods
#' @exportMethod obj_label<-
setMethod("obj_label<-", "ValueWrapper",
          function(obj, value) {
    obj@label <- value

#' @rdname formatters_methods
#' @exportMethod obj_label<-
setMethod("obj_label<-", "VTableTree",
          function(obj, value) {
    lr <- tt_labelrow(obj)
    obj_label(lr) <- value
    if(!is.na(value) && nzchar(value))
        labelrow_visible(lr) <- TRUE
    else if(is.na(value))
        labelrow_visible(lr) <- FALSE
    tt_labelrow(obj) <- lr

### Label rows.
#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("tt_labelrow", function(obj) standardGeneric("tt_labelrow"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("tt_labelrow", "VTableTree",
          function(obj) obj@labelrow)

#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("tt_labelrow<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("tt_labelrow<-"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("tt_labelrow<-", c("VTableTree", "LabelRow"),
          function(obj, value) {
        col_info(value) <- col_info(obj)
    obj@labelrow <- value

#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("labelrow_visible", function(obj) standardGeneric("labelrow_visible"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("labelrow_visible", "VTableTree",
          function(obj) {

#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("labelrow_visible", "LabelRow",
          function(obj) obj@visible)
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("labelrow_visible", "VAnalyzeSplit",
          function(obj) .labelkids_helper(obj@var_label_position))

#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("labelrow_visible<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("labelrow_visible<-"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("labelrow_visible<-", "VTableTree",
          function(obj, value) {
    lr <- tt_labelrow(obj)
    labelrow_visible(lr) <- value
    tt_labelrow(obj) <- lr

#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("labelrow_visible<-", "LabelRow",
          function(obj, value) {
    obj@visible <- value

#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("labelrow_visible<-", "VAnalyzeSplit",
          function(obj, value) {
    obj@var_label_position <- value

## TRUE is always, FALSE is never, NA is only when no
## content function (or rows in an instantiated table) is present
#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("label_kids", function(spl) standardGeneric("label_kids"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("label_kids", "Split", function(spl) spl@label_children)

#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("label_kids<-", function(spl, value) standardGeneric("label_kids<-"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("label_kids<-", c("Split", "character"), function(spl, value) {
    label_kids(spl) <- .labelkids_helper(value)
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("label_kids<-", c("Split", "logical"), function(spl, value) {
    spl@label_children <- value

#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("vis_label", function(spl) standardGeneric("vis_label"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("vis_label", "Split", function(spl) {

## #' @rdname int_methods
## setGeneric("vis_label<-", function(spl, value) standardGeneric("vis_label<-"))
## #' @rdname int_methods
## setMethod("vis_label<-", "Split", function(spl, value) {
##     stop("defunct")
##     if(is.na(value))
##         stop("split label visibility must be TRUE or FALSE, got NA")
## #    spl@split_label_visible <- value
##     spl
## })

#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("label_position", function(spl) standardGeneric("label_position"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("label_position", "Split", function(spl) spl@split_label_position)

#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("label_position", "VAnalyzeSplit", function(spl) spl@var_label_position) ##split_label_position)

#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("label_position<-", function(spl, value) standardGeneric("label_position<-"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("label_position<-", "Split", function(spl, value) {
    value <- match.arg(value, valid_lbl_pos)
    spl@split_label_position <- value

### Function acessors (summary, tabulation and split)
#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("content_fun", function(obj) standardGeneric("content_fun"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("content_fun", "Split", function(obj) obj@content_fun)

#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("content_fun<-", function(object, value) standardGeneric("content_fun<-"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("content_fun<-", "Split", function(object, value) {
    object@content_fun <- value

#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("analysis_fun", function(obj) standardGeneric("analysis_fun"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("analysis_fun", "AnalyzeVarSplit", function(obj) obj@analysis_fun)
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("analysis_fun", "AnalyzeColVarSplit", function(obj) obj@analysis_fun)

## not used and probably not needed
## #' @rdname int_methods
## setGeneric("analysis_fun<-", function(object, value) standardGeneric("analysis_fun<-"))

## #' @rdname int_methods
## setMethod("analysis_fun<-", "AnalyzeVarSplit", function(object, value) {
##     object@analysis_fun <- value
##     object
## })
## #' @rdname int_methods
## setMethod("analysis_fun<-", "AnalyzeColVarSplit", function(object, value) {
##     if(is(value, "function"))
##         value <- list(value)
##     object@analysis_fun <- value
##     object
## })

#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("split_fun", function(obj) standardGeneric("split_fun"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("split_fun", "CustomizableSplit", function(obj) obj@split_fun)

## Only that type of split currently has the slot
## this should probably change? for now  define
## an accessor that just returns NULL
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("split_fun", "Split", function(obj) NULL)

#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("split_fun<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("split_fun<-"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("split_fun<-", "CustomizableSplit", function(obj, value) {
    obj@split_fun <- value

# nocov start
## Only that type of split currently has the slot
## this should probably change? for now  define
## an accessor that just returns NULL
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("split_fun<-", "Split",
          function(obj, value) {
    stop("Attempted to set a custom split function on a non-customizable split.",
         "This should not happen, please contact the maintainers.")
# nocov end

## Content specification related accessors
#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("content_extra_args", function(obj) standardGeneric("content_extra_args"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("content_extra_args", "Split", function(obj) obj@content_extra_args)

#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("content_extra_args<-", function(object, value) standardGeneric("content_extra_args<-"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("content_extra_args<-", "Split", function(object, value) {
    object@content_extra_args <- value

#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("content_var", function(obj) standardGeneric("content_var"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("content_var", "Split", function(obj) obj@content_var)

#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("content_var<-", function(object, value) standardGeneric("content_var<-"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("content_var<-", "Split", function(object, value) {
    object@content_var <- value

### Miscelaneous accessors
#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("avar_inclNAs", function(obj) standardGeneric("avar_inclNAs"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("avar_inclNAs", "VAnalyzeSplit",
          function(obj) obj@include_NAs)

#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("avar_inclNAs<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("avar_inclNAs<-"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("avar_inclNAs<-", "VAnalyzeSplit",
          function(obj, value) {
    obj@include_NAs <- value

#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("spl_labelvar", function(obj) standardGeneric("spl_labelvar"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("spl_labelvar", "VarLevelSplit", function(obj) obj@value_label_var)

#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("spl_child_order", function(obj) standardGeneric("spl_child_order"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("spl_child_order", "VarLevelSplit", function(obj) obj@value_order)

#' @rdname int_methods
           function(obj, value) standardGeneric("spl_child_order<-"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("spl_child_order<-", "VarLevelSplit",
          function(obj, value) {
    obj@value_order <- value

#' @rdname int_methods
          function(obj) obj@levels)
#' @rdname int_methods
          function(obj) spl_varnames(obj))
#' @rdname int_methods
          function(obj) character())
#' @rdname int_methods
          function(obj) spl_cutlabels(obj))

#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("root_spl", function(obj) standardGeneric("root_spl"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("root_spl", "PreDataAxisLayout",
          function(obj) obj@root_split)

#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("root_spl<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("root_spl<-"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("root_spl<-", "PreDataAxisLayout",
          function(obj, value) {
    obj@root_split <- value

#' Row attribute accessors
#' @inheritParams gen_args
#' @return various, depending on the accessor called.
#' @rdname row_accessors
#' @export
setGeneric("obj_avar", function(obj) standardGeneric("obj_avar"))
#'@rdname row_accessors
#' @exportMethod obj_avar
setMethod("obj_avar", "TableRow", function(obj) obj@var_analyzed)

#'@rdname row_accessors
#' @exportMethod obj_avar
setMethod("obj_avar", "ElementaryTable", function(obj) obj@var_analyzed)

#' @export
#' @rdname row_accessors
setGeneric("row_cells", function(obj) standardGeneric("row_cells"))
#' @rdname row_accessors
#' @exportMethod row_cells
setMethod("row_cells", "TableRow", function(obj) obj@leaf_value)

#' @rdname row_accessors
setGeneric("row_cells<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("row_cells<-"))
#' @rdname row_accessors
#' @exportMethod row_cells
setMethod("row_cells<-", "TableRow", function(obj, value) {
    obj@leaf_value <- value

#' @export
#' @rdname row_accessors
setGeneric("row_values", function(obj) standardGeneric("row_values"))
#' @rdname row_accessors
#' @exportMethod row_values
setMethod("row_values", "TableRow", function(obj) rawvalues(obj@leaf_value))

#' @rdname row_accessors
#' @exportMethod row_values<-
setGeneric("row_values<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("row_values<-"))
#' @rdname row_accessors
#' @exportMethod row_values<-
setMethod("row_values<-", "TableRow",
          function(obj, value) {
    obj@leaf_value <- lapply(value, rcell)
#' @rdname row_accessors
#' @exportMethod row_values<-
setMethod("row_values<-", "LabelRow",
          function(obj, value) {
    stop("LabelRows cannot have row values.")

#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("spanned_values", function(obj) standardGeneric("spanned_values"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("spanned_values", "TableRow",
          function(obj) {

#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("spanned_values", "LabelRow",
          function(obj) {
    rep(list(NULL), ncol(obj))

#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("spanned_cells", function(obj) standardGeneric("spanned_cells"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("spanned_cells", "TableRow",
          function(obj) {
    sp <- row_cspans(obj)
    rvals <- row_cells(obj)
    unlist(mapply(function(v, s) rep(list(v), times = s),
                  v = rvals, s = sp),
           recursive = FALSE)
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("spanned_cells", "LabelRow",
          function(obj) {
    rep(list(NULL), ncol(obj))

#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("spanned_values<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("spanned_values<-"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("spanned_values<-", "TableRow",
          function(obj, value) {
    sp <- row_cspans(obj)
    ## this is 3 times too clever!!!
    valindices <- unlist(lapply(sp, function(x) c(TRUE, rep(FALSE, x - 1))))

    splvec <- cumsum(valindices)
    lapply(split(value, splvec),
           function(v) {
               if(length(unique(v)) > 1) {
                   stop("Got more than one unique value within a span, ",
                        "new spanned values do not appear to match the ",
                        "existing spanning pattern of the row (",
                        paste(sp, collapse = " "), ")")
    rvals <- value[valindices]

    ## rvals = lapply(split(value, splvec),
    ##                function(v) {
    ##     if(length(v) == 1)
    ##         return(v)
    ##     stopifnot(length(unique(v)) == 1L)
    ##     rcell(unique(v), colspan<- length(v))
    ## })
    ## if(any(splvec > 1))
    ##     rvals <- lapply(rvals, function(x) x[[1]])
    row_values(obj) <- rvals
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("spanned_values<-", "LabelRow",
          function(obj, value) {
        stop("Label rows can't have non-null cell values, got", value)

### Format manipulation
### obj_format<- is not recursive
## TODO export these?
#' @rdname formatters_methods
#' @export
setMethod("obj_format", "VTableNodeInfo", function(obj) obj@format)
#' @rdname formatters_methods
#' @export
setMethod("obj_format", "CellValue", function(obj) attr(obj, "format", exact = TRUE))
#' @rdname formatters_methods
#' @export
setMethod("obj_format", "Split", function(obj) obj@split_format)

#' @rdname formatters_methods
#' @export
setMethod("obj_format<-", "VTableNodeInfo", function(obj, value) {
    obj@format <- value
#' @rdname formatters_methods
#' @export
setMethod("obj_format<-", "Split", function(obj, value) {
    obj@split_format <- value
#' @rdname formatters_methods
#' @export
setMethod("obj_format<-", "CellValue", function(obj, value) {
    attr(obj, "format") <- value

#' @rdname int_methods
#' @export
setMethod("obj_na_str<-", "CellValue", function(obj, value) {
    attr(obj, "format_na_str") <- value

#' @rdname int_methods
#' @export
setMethod("obj_na_str<-", "VTableNodeInfo", function(obj, value) {
    obj@na_str <- value

#' @rdname int_methods
#' @export
setMethod("obj_na_str<-", "Split", function(obj, value) {
    obj@split_na_str <- value

#' @rdname int_methods
#' @export
setMethod("obj_na_str", "VTableNodeInfo", function(obj) obj@na_str)

#' @rdname formatters_methods
#' @export
setMethod("obj_na_str", "Split", function(obj) obj@split_na_str)

.no_na_str <- function(x) {
        x <- obj_na_str(x)
    length(x) == 0 || all(is.na(x))

#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("set_format_recursive", function(obj, format, na_str, override = FALSE) standardGeneric("set_format_recursive"))
#' @rdname int_methods
#' @param override logical(1).
setMethod("set_format_recursive", "TableRow",
          function(obj, format, na_str, override = FALSE) {
    if(is.null(format) && .no_na_str(na_str))

    if((is.null(obj_format(obj)) && !is.null(format)) || override)
        obj_format(obj) <- format
    if((.no_na_str(obj) && !.no_na_str(na_str)) || override)
        obj_na_str(obj) <- na_str
    lcells <- row_cells(obj)
    lvals <- lapply(lcells, function(x) {
        if(!is.null(x) && (override || is.null(obj_format(x)))) {
            obj_format(x) <- obj_format(obj)
        if(!is.null(x) && (override || .no_na_str(x))) {
            obj_na_str(x) <- obj_na_str(obj)
    row_values(obj) <- lvals
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("set_format_recursive", "LabelRow",
          function(obj, format, override = FALSE) obj)
setMethod("set_format_recursive", "VTableTree",
          function(obj, format, na_str, override = FALSE) {
    if(is.null(format) && .no_na_str(na_str))

    if((is.null(obj_format(obj)) && !is.null(format)) || override)
        obj_format(obj) <- format
    if((.no_na_str(obj) && !.no_na_str(na_str)) || override)
        obj_na_str(obj) <- na_str

    kids <- tree_children(obj)
    kids <- lapply(kids, function(x, format2, na_str2,  oride) {
                             format = format2, na_str = na_str2, override = oride)
        format2 = obj_format(obj), na_str2  = obj_na_str(obj), oride = override)
    tree_children(obj) <- kids

#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("content_format", function(obj) standardGeneric("content_format"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("content_format", "Split", function(obj) obj@content_format)

#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("content_format<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("content_format<-"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("content_format<-", "Split", function(obj, value) {
    obj@content_format <- value

#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("content_na_str", function(obj) standardGeneric("content_na_str"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("content_na_str", "Split", function(obj) obj@content_na_str)

#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("content_na_str<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("content_na_str<-"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("content_na_str<-", "Split", function(obj, value) {
    obj@content_na_str <- value

#' Value Formats
#' Returns a matrix of formats for the cells in a table
#' @param obj A table or row object.
#' @param default `FormatSpec`.
#' @export
#' @return Matrix (storage mode list) containing the effective format for each
#' cell position in the table (including 'virtual' cells implied by label rows,
#' whose formats are always `NULL`)
#' @examples
#' lyt <- basic_table() %>%
#' split_rows_by("RACE", split_fun = keep_split_levels(c("ASIAN", "WHITE"))) %>%
#' analyze("AGE")
#' tbl <- build_table(lyt, DM)
#' value_formats(tbl)

setGeneric("value_formats", function(obj, default = obj_format(obj)) standardGeneric("value_formats"))
#' @rdname value_formats
setMethod("value_formats", "ANY",
          function(obj, default) {
    obj_format(obj) %||% default

#' @rdname value_formats
setMethod("value_formats", "TableRow",
          function(obj, default) {
        default <- obj_format(obj)
    formats <- lapply(row_cells(obj), function(x)
        value_formats(x) %||% default)
#' @rdname value_formats
setMethod("value_formats", "LabelRow",
          function(obj, default) {
    rep(list(NULL), ncol(obj))
#' @rdname value_formats
setMethod("value_formats", "VTableTree",
          function(obj, default) {
        default <- obj_format(obj)
    rws <- collect_leaves(obj, TRUE, TRUE)
    formatrws <- lapply(rws, value_formats, default = default)
    mat <- do.call(rbind, formatrws)
    row.names(mat) <- row.names(obj)

### Collect all leaves of a current tree
### This is a workhorse function in various
### places
### NB this is written generally enought o
### be used on all tree-based structures in the
### framework.

#' Collect leaves of a table tree
#' @inheritParams gen_args
#' @param incl.cont logical. Include rows from content tables within the tree. Defaults to \code{TRUE}
#' @param add.labrows logical. Include label rows. Defaults to \code{FALSE}
#' @return A list of \code{TableRow} objects for all rows in the table
#' @name collect_leaves
#' @export
           function(tt, incl.cont = TRUE, add.labrows = FALSE)
    standardGeneric("collect_leaves"), signature = "tt")

#' @rdname int_methods
#' @inheritParams collect_leaves
#' @exportMethod collect_leaves

setMethod("collect_leaves", "TableTree",
          function(tt, incl.cont = TRUE, add.labrows = FALSE) {
    ret <- c(
        if(add.labrows && labelrow_visible(tt)) {
        if(incl.cont) {
               collect_leaves, incl.cont = incl.cont, add.labrows = add.labrows))
    unlist(ret, recursive = TRUE)

#' @rdname int_methods
#' @exportMethod collect_leaves

setMethod("collect_leaves", "ElementaryTable",
          function(tt, incl.cont = TRUE, add.labrows = FALSE) {
    ret <- tree_children(tt)
    if(add.labrows && labelrow_visible(tt)) {
        ret <- c(tt_labelrow(tt), ret)

#' @rdname int_methods
#' @exportMethod collect_leaves

setMethod("collect_leaves", "VTree",
          function(tt, incl.cont, add.labrows) {
    ret <- lapply(tree_children(tt),
    unlist(ret, recursive = TRUE)

#' @rdname int_methods
#' @exportMethod collect_leaves
setMethod("collect_leaves", "VLeaf",
          function(tt, incl.cont, add.labrows) {

#' @rdname int_methods
#' @exportMethod collect_leaves
setMethod("collect_leaves", "NULL",
          function(tt, incl.cont, add.labrows) {

#' @rdname int_methods
#' @exportMethod collect_leaves
setMethod("collect_leaves", "ANY",
          function(tt, incl.cont, add.labrows)
    stop("class ", class(tt), " does not inherit from VTree or VLeaf"))

n_leaves <- function(tt, ...) {
    length(collect_leaves(tt, ...))
### Spanning information
#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("row_cspans", function(obj) standardGeneric("row_cspans"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("row_cspans", "TableRow", function(obj) obj@colspans)
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("row_cspans", "LabelRow",
          function(obj) rep(1L, ncol(obj)))

#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("row_cspans<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("row_cspans<-"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("row_cspans<-", "TableRow", function(obj, value) {
    obj@colspans <- value
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("row_cspans<-", "LabelRow", function(obj, value) {
    stop("attempted to set colspans for LabelRow") # nocov

## XXX TODO colapse with above?
#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("cell_cspan", function(obj) standardGeneric("cell_cspan"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("cell_cspan", "CellValue",
          function(obj) attr(obj, "colspan", exact = TRUE)) ##obj@colspan)

#' @rdname int_methods
           function(obj, value) standardGeneric("cell_cspan<-"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("cell_cspan<-", "CellValue", function(obj, value) {
    ##  obj@colspan <- value
    attr(obj, "colspan") <- value

#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("cell_align", function(obj) standardGeneric("cell_align"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("cell_align", "CellValue",
          function(obj) attr(obj, "align", exact = TRUE) %||% "center") ##obj@colspan)

#' @rdname int_methods
           function(obj, value) standardGeneric("cell_align<-"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("cell_align<-", "CellValue", function(obj, value) {
    ##  obj@colspan <- value
    if(is.null(value)) {
        value <- "center"
    } else {
        value <- tolower(value)
    attr(obj, "align") <- value

### Level (indent) in tree structure
#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("tt_level", function(obj) standardGeneric("tt_level"))
## this will hit everything via inheritence
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("tt_level", "VNodeInfo", function(obj) obj@level)

#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("tt_level<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("tt_level<-"))
## this will hit everyhing via inheritence
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("tt_level<-", "VNodeInfo", function(obj, value) {
    obj@level <- as.integer(value)
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("tt_level<-", "VTableTree",
          function(obj, value) {
    obj@level <- as.integer(value)
    tree_children(obj) <- lapply(tree_children(obj),
                                `tt_level<-`, value = as.integer(value) + 1L)

#' @rdname int_methods
#' @export
setGeneric("indent_mod", function(obj) standardGeneric("indent_mod"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("indent_mod", "Split",
          function(obj) obj@indent_modifier)
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("indent_mod", "VTableNodeInfo",
          function(obj) obj@indent_modifier)
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("indent_mod", "ANY",
          function(obj) attr(obj, "indent_mod", exact = TRUE) %||% 0L)
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("indent_mod", "RowsVerticalSection",
          ##          function(obj) setNames(obj@indent_mods,names(obj)))
          function(obj) {
    val <- attr(obj, "indent_mods", exact = TRUE) %||%
        vapply(obj, indent_mod, 1L) ##rep(0L, length(obj))
    setNames(val, names(obj))

#' @rdname int_methods
#' @export
#' @examples
#' indent_mod(tbl)
#' indent_mod(tbl) <- 1L
#' tbl
setGeneric("indent_mod<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("indent_mod<-"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("indent_mod<-", "Split",
          function(obj, value) {
    obj@indent_modifier <- as.integer(value)
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("indent_mod<-", "VTableNodeInfo",
          function(obj, value) {
    obj@indent_modifier <- as.integer(value)
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("indent_mod<-", "CellValue",
          function(obj, value) {
    attr(obj, "indent_mod") <- as.integer(value)
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("indent_mod<-", "RowsVerticalSection",
          function(obj, value) {
    if(length(value) != 1 && length(value) != length(obj))
        stop("When setting indent mods on a RowsVerticalSection the value ",
             "must have length 1 or the number of rows")
    attr(obj, "indent_mods") <- as.integer(value)

    ## obj@indent_mods <- value
    ## obj

#' @rdname int_methods
           function(obj) standardGeneric("content_indent_mod"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("content_indent_mod", "Split",
          function(obj) obj@content_indent_modifier)
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("content_indent_mod", "VTableNodeInfo",
          function(obj) obj@content_indent_modifier)

#' @rdname int_methods
           function(obj, value) standardGeneric("content_indent_mod<-"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("content_indent_mod<-", "Split",
          function(obj, value) {
    obj@content_indent_modifier <- as.integer(value)
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("content_indent_mod<-", "VTableNodeInfo",
          function(obj, value) {
    obj@content_indent_modifier <- as.integer(value)

## TODO export these?
#' @rdname int_methods
#' @export
setGeneric("rawvalues", function(obj) standardGeneric("rawvalues"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("rawvalues", "ValueWrapper",  function(obj) obj@value)
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("rawvalues",  "LevelComboSplitValue",  function(obj) obj@combolevels)
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("rawvalues", "list", function(obj) lapply(obj, rawvalues))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("rawvalues", "ANY", function(obj) obj)
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("rawvalues", "CellValue", function(obj) obj[[1]])
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("rawvalues", "TreePos",
          function(obj) rawvalues(pos_splvals(obj)))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("rawvalues", "RowsVerticalSection",
          function(obj) unlist(obj, recursive = FALSE))

#' @rdname int_methods
#' @export
setGeneric("value_names", function(obj) standardGeneric("value_names"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("value_names", "ANY",
          function(obj) as.character(rawvalues(obj)))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("value_names", "TreePos",
          function(obj) value_names(pos_splvals(obj)))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("value_names", "list",
          function(obj) lapply(obj, value_names))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("value_names", "ValueWrapper",
          function(obj) rawvalues(obj))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("value_names", "LevelComboSplitValue",
          function(obj) obj@value) ##obj@comboname)
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("value_names", "RowsVerticalSection",
          function(obj) attr(obj, "row_names", exact = TRUE)) ##obj@row_names)

## not sure if I need these anywhere
## XXX
#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("value_labels", function(obj) standardGeneric("value_labels"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("value_labels", "ANY", function(obj) as.character(obj_label(obj)))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("value_labels", "TreePos",
          function(obj) sapply(pos_splvals(obj), obj_label))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("value_labels", "list", function(obj) {
    ret <- lapply(obj, obj_label)
    if(!is.null(names(obj))) {
        inds <- vapply(ret, function(x) length(x) == 0, NA)
        ret[inds] <- names(obj)[inds]

#' @rdname int_methods
          function(obj) setNames(attr(obj, "row_labels", exact = TRUE), value_names(obj)))

#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("value_labels", "ValueWrapper",  function(obj) obj_label(obj))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("value_labels", "LevelComboSplitValue",
          function(obj) obj_label(obj))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("value_labels", "MultiVarSplit", function(obj) obj@var_labels)

#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("spl_varlabels", function(obj) standardGeneric("spl_varlabels"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("spl_varlabels", "MultiVarSplit", function(obj) obj@var_labels)

#' @rdname int_methods
           function(object, value) standardGeneric("spl_varlabels<-"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("spl_varlabels<-", "MultiVarSplit", function(object, value) {
    object@var_labels <- value

## These two are similar enough we could probably combine
## them but conceptually they are pretty different
## split_exargs is a list of extra arguments that apply
## to *all the chidlren*,
## while splv_extra is for *child-specific* extra arguments,
## associated with specific values of the split
#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("splv_extra", function(obj) standardGeneric("splv_extra"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("splv_extra", "SplitValue",
          function(obj) obj@extra)

#' @rdname int_methods
           function(obj, value) standardGeneric("splv_extra<-"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("splv_extra<-", "SplitValue",
          function(obj, value) {
    obj@extra <- value

#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("split_exargs", function(obj) standardGeneric("split_exargs"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("split_exargs", "Split",
          function(obj) obj@extra_args)

#' @rdname int_methods
           function(obj, value) standardGeneric("split_exargs<-"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("split_exargs<-", "Split",
          function(obj, value) {
    obj@extra_args <- value

is_labrow <- function(obj) is(obj, "LabelRow")

spl_ref_group <- function(obj) {
    stopifnot(is(obj, "VarLevWBaselineSplit"))

### column info

#' Column information/structure accessors
#' @inheritParams gen_args
#' @param df data.frame/NULL. Data to use if the column information is being
#'   generated from a  Pre-Data layout object
#' @param path character or NULL. `col_counts` getter and setter only.
#'   Path (in column structure).
#' @param rtpos `TreePos`. Root position.
#' @return A \code{LayoutColTree} object.
#' @rdname col_accessors
#' @export
setGeneric("clayout", function(obj) standardGeneric("clayout"))
#'@rdname col_accessors
#' @exportMethod clayout
setMethod("clayout", "VTableNodeInfo",
          function(obj) coltree(col_info(obj)))

#'@rdname col_accessors
#' @exportMethod clayout
setMethod("clayout", "PreDataTableLayouts",
          function(obj) obj@col_layout)

## useful convenience for the cascading methods in colby_constructors
#'@rdname col_accessors
#' @exportMethod clayout
setMethod("clayout", "ANY", function(obj) PreDataColLayout())

#'@rdname col_accessors
#' @export
setGeneric("clayout<-", function(object, value) standardGeneric("clayout<-"))

#'@rdname col_accessors
#' @exportMethod clayout<-
setMethod("clayout<-", "PreDataTableLayouts",
          function(object, value) {
    object@col_layout <- value

#'@rdname col_accessors
#' @export
setGeneric("col_info", function(obj) standardGeneric("col_info"))

#'@rdname col_accessors
#' @exportMethod col_info
setMethod("col_info", "VTableNodeInfo",
          function(obj) obj@col_info)

### XXX I've made this recursive. Do we ALWAYS want it to be?
### I think we do.
#'@rdname col_accessors
#' @export
setGeneric("col_info<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("col_info<-"))
#'@rdname col_accessors
#' @return Various column information, depending on the accessor used.
#' @exportMethod col_info<-
setMethod("col_info<-", "TableRow",
          function(obj, value) {
    obj@col_info <- value

.set_cinfo_kids <- function(obj) {
    kids <- lapply(tree_children(obj),
                  function(x) {
        col_info(x) <- col_info(obj)
    tree_children(obj) <- kids

#'@rdname col_accessors
#' @exportMethod col_info<-
setMethod("col_info<-", "ElementaryTable",
          function(obj, value) {
    obj@col_info <- value


#'@rdname col_accessors
#' @exportMethod col_info<-
setMethod("col_info<-", "TableTree",
          function(obj, value) {
    obj@col_info <- value
    if(nrow(content_table(obj))) {
        ct <- content_table(obj)
        col_info(ct) <- value
        content_table(obj) <- ct

#' @rdname col_accessors
#' @export
           function(obj, df = NULL, rtpos = TreePos()) standardGeneric("coltree"))

#' @rdname col_accessors
#' @exportMethod coltree
setMethod("coltree", "InstantiatedColumnInfo",
          function(obj, df = NULL, rtpos = TreePos()) {
        warning("Ignoring df argument and retrieving already-computed LayoutColTree")

#' @rdname col_accessors
#' @export coltree

setMethod("coltree", "PreDataTableLayouts",
          function(obj, df, rtpos) coltree(clayout(obj), df, rtpos))

#' @rdname col_accessors
#' @export coltree
setMethod("coltree", "PreDataColLayout",
          function(obj, df, rtpos) {
    obj <- set_def_child_ord(obj, df)
    kids <- lapply(obj,
                   function(x) {
                       splitvec_to_coltree(df = df,
                                           splvec = x,
                                           pos = rtpos)
    if(length(kids) == 1)
        res <- kids[[1]]
        res <- LayoutColTree(lev = 0L,
                  kids = kids,
                  tpos = rtpos,
                  spl = RootSplit())
    disp_ccounts(res) <- disp_ccounts(obj)

#' @rdname col_accessors
#' @export coltree
setMethod("coltree", "LayoutColTree",
          function(obj, df, rtpos) obj)

#' @rdname col_accessors
#' @export coltree
setMethod("coltree", "VTableTree",
          function(obj, df, rtpos) coltree(col_info(obj)))

#' @rdname col_accessors
#' @export coltree
setMethod("coltree", "TableRow",
          function(obj, df, rtpos) coltree(col_info(obj)))

setGeneric("coltree<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("coltree<-"))
setMethod("coltree<-", c("InstantiatedColumnInfo", "LayoutColTree"),
          function(obj, value) {
    obj@tree_layout <- value

setMethod("coltree<-", c("VTableTree", "LayoutColTree"),
          function(obj, value) {
    cinfo <- col_info(obj)
    coltree(cinfo) <- value
    col_info(obj) <- cinfo

#' @rdname col_accessors
#' @export
setGeneric("col_exprs", function(obj, df = NULL) standardGeneric("col_exprs"))

#' @rdname col_accessors
#' @export col_exprs
setMethod("col_exprs", "PreDataTableLayouts",
          function(obj, df = NULL) col_exprs(clayout(obj), df))

#' @rdname col_accessors
#' @export col_exprs
setMethod("col_exprs", "PreDataColLayout",
          function(obj, df = NULL) {
        stop("can't determine col_exprs without data")
    ct <- coltree(obj, df = df)
    make_col_subsets(ct, df = df)

#' @rdname col_accessors
#' @export col_exprs
setMethod("col_exprs", "InstantiatedColumnInfo",
          function(obj, df = NULL) {
        warning("Ignoring df method when extracted precomputed column subsetting expressions.")

#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("col_extra_args", function(obj, df = NULL) standardGeneric("col_extra_args"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("col_extra_args", "InstantiatedColumnInfo",
          function(obj, df) {
        warning("Ignorning df when retrieving already-computed column extra arguments.")
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("col_extra_args", "PreDataTableLayouts",
          function(obj, df) col_extra_args(clayout(obj), df))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("col_extra_args", "PreDataColLayout",
          function(obj, df) {
    col_extra_args(coltree(obj, df), NULL)
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("col_extra_args", "LayoutColTree",
          function(obj, df) {
        warning("Ignoring df argument and returning already calculated extra arguments")
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("col_extra_args", "LayoutColLeaf",
          function(obj, df) {
        warning("Ignoring df argument and returning already calculated extra arguments")

    get_pos_extra(pos = tree_pos(obj))

#' @export
#' @rdname col_accessors
setGeneric("col_counts", function(obj, path = NULL) standardGeneric("col_counts"))

#' @export
#' @rdname col_accessors
setMethod("col_counts",  "InstantiatedColumnInfo",
          function(obj, path = NULL)
              obj@counts[.path_to_pos(path, obj, cols = TRUE)])

#' @export
#' @rdname col_accessors
setMethod("col_counts", "VTableNodeInfo",
          function(obj, path = NULL) col_counts(col_info(obj), path = path))

#' @export
#' @rdname col_accessors
setGeneric("col_counts<-", function(obj, path = NULL, value) standardGeneric("col_counts<-"))

#' @export
#' @rdname col_accessors
setMethod("col_counts<-",  "InstantiatedColumnInfo",
          function(obj, path = NULL, value) {
    obj@counts[.path_to_pos(path, obj, cols = TRUE)] <- value

#' @export
#' @rdname col_accessors
setMethod("col_counts<-", "VTableNodeInfo",
          function(obj, path = NULL, value) {
    cinfo <- col_info(obj)
    col_counts(cinfo, path = path) <- value
    col_info(obj) <- cinfo


#' @export
#' @rdname col_accessors
setGeneric("col_total", function(obj) standardGeneric("col_total"))

#' @export
#' @rdname col_accessors
setMethod("col_total",  "InstantiatedColumnInfo",
          function(obj) obj@total_count)

#' @export
#' @rdname col_accessors
setMethod("col_total", "VTableNodeInfo",
          function(obj) col_total(col_info(obj)))

#' @export
#' @rdname col_accessors
setGeneric("col_total<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("col_total<-"))

#' @export
#' @rdname col_accessors
setMethod("col_total<-",  "InstantiatedColumnInfo",
          function(obj, value) {
    obj@total_count <- value

#' @export
#' @rdname col_accessors
setMethod("col_total<-", "VTableNodeInfo",
          function(obj, value) {
    cinfo <- col_info(obj)
    col_total(cinfo) <- value
    col_info(obj) <- cinfo


#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("disp_ccounts", function(obj) standardGeneric("disp_ccounts"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("disp_ccounts", "VTableTree",
          function(obj) disp_ccounts(col_info(obj)))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("disp_ccounts", "InstantiatedColumnInfo",
          function(obj) obj@display_columncounts)
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("disp_ccounts", "PreDataTableLayouts",
          function(obj) disp_ccounts(clayout(obj)))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("disp_ccounts", "PreDataColLayout",
          function(obj) obj@display_columncounts)

#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("disp_ccounts<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("disp_ccounts<-"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("disp_ccounts<-", "VTableTree",
          function(obj, value) {
    cinfo <- col_info(obj)
    disp_ccounts(cinfo) <- value
    col_info(obj) <- cinfo
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("disp_ccounts<-", "InstantiatedColumnInfo",
          function(obj, value) {
    obj@display_columncounts <- value
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("disp_ccounts<-", "PreDataColLayout",
          function(obj, value) {
    obj@display_columncounts <- value
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("disp_ccounts<-", "LayoutColTree",
          function(obj, value) {
    obj@display_columncounts <- value
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("disp_ccounts<-", "PreDataTableLayouts",
          function(obj, value) {
    clyt <- clayout(obj)
    disp_ccounts(clyt) <- value
    clayout(obj) <- clyt

#' @rdname int_methods
#' @export
setGeneric("colcount_format", function(obj) standardGeneric("colcount_format"))
#' @rdname int_methods
#' @export
setMethod("colcount_format", "InstantiatedColumnInfo",
          function(obj) obj@columncount_format)
#' @rdname int_methods
#' @export
setMethod("colcount_format", "VTableNodeInfo",
          function(obj) colcount_format(col_info(obj)))
#' @rdname int_methods
#' @export
setMethod("colcount_format", "PreDataColLayout",
          function(obj) obj@columncount_format)
#' @rdname int_methods
#' @export
setMethod("colcount_format", "PreDataTableLayouts",
          function(obj) colcount_format(clayout(obj)))

#' @rdname int_methods
#' @export
           function(obj, value) standardGeneric("colcount_format<-"))
#' @export
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("colcount_format<-", "InstantiatedColumnInfo",
          function(obj, value) {
    obj@columncount_format <- value
#' @rdname int_methods
#' @export
setMethod("colcount_format<-", "VTableNodeInfo",
          function(obj, value) {
    cinfo <- col_info(obj)
    colcount_format(cinfo) <- value
    col_info(obj) <- cinfo
#' @rdname int_methods
#' @export
setMethod("colcount_format<-", "PreDataColLayout",
          function(obj, value) {
    obj@columncount_format <- value
#' @rdname int_methods
#' @export
setMethod("colcount_format<-", "PreDataTableLayouts",
          function(obj, value) {
    clyt <- clayout(obj)
    colcount_format(clyt) <- value
    clayout(obj) <- clyt

#' Exported for use in tern
#' Does the `table`/`row`/`InstantiatedColumnInfo` object contain no column structure information?
#' @inheritParams gen_args
#' @rdname no_info
#' @return \code{TRUE} if the object has no/empty instantiated column information,
#' \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @export
setGeneric("no_colinfo", function(obj) standardGeneric("no_colinfo"))

#' @exportMethod no_colinfo
#' @rdname no_info
setMethod("no_colinfo", "VTableNodeInfo",
          function(obj) no_colinfo(col_info(obj)))

#' @exportMethod no_colinfo
#' @rdname no_info
setMethod("no_colinfo", "InstantiatedColumnInfo",
           function(obj) length(obj@subset_exprs) == 0) ##identical(obj, EmptyColInfo))

#' Names of a `TableTree`
#' @param x the object.
#' @details For `TableTrees` with more than one level of splitting in columns, the names are defined to be the top-level
#'   split values repped out across the columns that they span.
#' @rdname names
#' @return The column names of \code{x}, as defined in the details above.
#' @exportMethod names
setMethod("names", "VTableNodeInfo",
          function(x) names(col_info(x)))

#' @rdname names
#' @exportMethod names

setMethod("names", "InstantiatedColumnInfo",
          function(x) names(coltree(x)))
#' @rdname names
#' @exportMethod names
setMethod("names", "LayoutColTree",
          function(x) {
                  function(obj) {
        nm <- obj_name(obj)
        rep(nm, n_leaves(obj))

#' @rdname names
#' @exportMethod row.names
setMethod("row.names", "VTableTree",
          function(x) {
    unname(sapply(collect_leaves(x, add.labrows = TRUE),
           obj_label, USE.NAMES = FALSE)) ## XXXX this should probably be obj_name???


#' convert to a vector
#' Convert an `rtables` framework object into a vector, if possible.
#' This is unlikely to be useful in realistic scenarios.
#' @note  This only works for a table with a single row or a row object.
#' @name asvec
#' @param x ANY. The object to be converted to a vector
#' @param mode character(1). Passed on to \code{\link[base]{as.vector}}
#' @return a vector of the chosen mode (or an error is raised if more than one row was present).
#' @exportMethod as.vector
#' @aliases as.vector,VTableTree-method
setMethod("as.vector", "VTableTree", function(x, mode) {
    stopifnot(nrow(x) == 1L)
    if(nrow(content_table(x)) == 1L)
        tab <- content_table(x)
        tab <- x
    as.vector(tree_children(tab)[[1]], mode = mode)

#' @exportMethod as.vector
#' @inheritParams asvec
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("as.vector", "TableRow", function(x, mode) as.vector(unlist(row_values(x)), mode = mode))
#' @rdname int_methods
#' @exportMethod as.vector
setMethod("as.vector", "ElementaryTable", function(x, mode) {
    stopifnot(nrow(x) == 1L)
    as.vector(tree_children(x)[[1]], mode = mode)

## cuts
#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("spl_cuts", function(obj) standardGeneric("spl_cuts"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("spl_cuts", "VarStaticCutSplit",
          function(obj) obj@cuts)

#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("spl_cutlabels", function(obj) standardGeneric("spl_cutlabels"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("spl_cutlabels", "VarStaticCutSplit",
          function(obj) obj@cut_labels)

#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("spl_cutfun", function(obj) standardGeneric("spl_cutfun"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("spl_cutfun", "VarDynCutSplit",
          function(obj) obj@cut_fun)

#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("spl_cutlabelfun", function(obj) standardGeneric("spl_cutlabelfun"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("spl_cutlabelfun", "VarDynCutSplit",
          function(obj) obj@cut_label_fun)

#' @rdname int_methods
setGeneric("spl_is_cmlcuts", function(obj) standardGeneric("spl_is_cmlcuts"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("spl_is_cmlcuts", "VarDynCutSplit",
          function(obj) obj@cumulative_cuts)

#' @rdname int_methods
           function(obj) standardGeneric("spl_varnames"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("spl_varnames", "MultiVarSplit",
          function(obj) obj@var_names)

#' @rdname int_methods
           function(object, value) standardGeneric("spl_varnames<-"))
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("spl_varnames<-", "MultiVarSplit",
          function(object, value) {
    oldvnms <- spl_varnames(object)
    oldvlbls <- spl_varlabels(object)
    object@var_names <- value
    if(identical(oldvnms, oldvlbls))
        spl_varlabels(object) <- value

#' Top Left Material (Experimental)
#' @inheritParams gen_args
#' @description A `TableTree` object can have \emph{top left material} which is a sequence
#' of strings which are printed in the area of the table between the column header display
#' and the label of the first row.  These functions access and modify that material.
#' @return A character vector representing the top-left material of \code{obj} (or
#' \code{obj} after modification, in the case of the setter).
#' @export
#' @rdname top_left
setGeneric("top_left", function(obj) standardGeneric("top_left"))
#' @export
#' @rdname top_left
setMethod("top_left", "VTableTree", function(obj) top_left(col_info(obj)))
#' @export
#' @rdname top_left
setMethod("top_left", "InstantiatedColumnInfo", function(obj) obj@top_left)
#' @export
#' @rdname top_left
setMethod("top_left", "PreDataTableLayouts", function(obj) obj@top_left)

#' @export
#' @rdname top_left
setGeneric("top_left<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("top_left<-"))
#' @export
#' @rdname top_left
setMethod("top_left<-", "VTableTree", function(obj, value) {
    cinfo <- col_info(obj)
    top_left(cinfo) <- value
    col_info(obj) <- cinfo
#' @export
#' @rdname top_left
setMethod("top_left<-", "InstantiatedColumnInfo", function(obj, value) {
    obj@top_left <- value

#' @export
#' @rdname top_left
setMethod("top_left<-", "PreDataTableLayouts", function(obj, value) {
    obj@top_left <- value

vil_collapse <- function(x) {
    x <- unlist(x)
    x <- x[!is.na(x)]
    x <- unique(x)

#' List Variables required by a pre-data table layout
#' @param lyt The Layout (or a component thereof)
#' @details This will walk the  layout declaration and return a vector
#'     of the  names of the unique  variables that are used  in any of
#'     the following ways:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{Variable being split on (directly or via cuts)}
#' \item{Element of a Multi-variable column split}
#' \item{Content variable}
#' \item{Value-label variable}
#' }
#' @note This function will not detect dependencies implicit in
#' analysis or summary functions which accept \code{x} or \code{df} and then
#' rely on the existence of particular variables not being split on/
#' analyzed.
#' @note The order these variable names appear within the return vector
#' is undefined and should not be relied upon.
#' @return A character vector containing the unique variables explicitly used in the layout (see Notes).
#' @examples
#' lyt <- basic_table() %>%
#'     split_cols_by("ARM") %>%
#'     split_cols_by("SEX") %>%
#'     summarize_row_groups(label_fstr = "Overall (N)") %>%
#'     split_rows_by("RACE", split_label = "Ethnicity", labels_var = "ethn_lab",
#'                   split_fun = drop_split_levels) %>%
#'     summarize_row_groups("RACE", label_fstr = "%s (n)") %>%
#'     analyze("AGE", var_labels = "Age", afun = mean, format = "xx.xx")
#' vars_in_layout(lyt)
#' @export
#' @rdname vil
setGeneric("vars_in_layout", function(lyt) standardGeneric("vars_in_layout"))

#' @rdname vil
setMethod("vars_in_layout", "PreDataTableLayouts",
          function(lyt) {

#' @rdname vil
setMethod("vars_in_layout", "PreDataAxisLayout",
          function(lyt) {
    vil_collapse(lapply(lyt, vars_in_layout))

#' @rdname vil
setMethod("vars_in_layout", "SplitVector",
          function(lyt) {
    vil_collapse(lapply(lyt, vars_in_layout))

#' @rdname vil
setMethod("vars_in_layout", "Split",
          function(lyt) vil_collapse(c(spl_payload(lyt),
                                       ## for an AllSplit/RootSplit
                                       ## doesn't have to be same as payload

#' @rdname vil
setMethod("vars_in_layout", "CompoundSplit",
          function(lyt) vil_collapse(lapply(spl_payload(lyt), vars_in_layout)))

#' @rdname vil
setMethod("vars_in_layout", "ManualSplit",
          function(lyt) character())

## Titles and footers
# ##' Titles and Footers
# ##'
# ##' Get or set the titles and footers on an object
# ##'
# ##' @inheritParams gen_args
# ##'
# ##' @rdname title_footer
# ##' @export
#' @rdname formatters_methods
#' @export
setMethod("main_title", "VTitleFooter",
          function(obj) obj@main_title)

##' @rdname formatters_methods
##' @export
setMethod("main_title<-", "VTitleFooter",
          function(obj, value) {
              stopifnot(length(value) == 1)
              obj@main_title <- value

# Getters for TableRow is here for convenience for binding (no need of setters)
#' @rdname formatters_methods
#' @export
setMethod("main_title", "TableRow",
          function(obj) "")

##' @rdname formatters_methods
##' @export
setMethod("subtitles", "VTitleFooter",
          function(obj) obj@subtitles)

##' @rdname formatters_methods
##' @export
setMethod("subtitles<-", "VTitleFooter",
          function(obj, value) {
              obj@subtitles <- value

##' @rdname formatters_methods
##' @export
setMethod("subtitles", "TableRow", # Only getter: see main_title for TableRow
          function(obj) character())

##' @rdname formatters_methods
##' @export
setMethod("main_footer", "VTitleFooter",
          function(obj) obj@main_footer)

##' @rdname formatters_methods
##' @export
setMethod("main_footer<-", "VTitleFooter",
          function(obj, value) {
              obj@main_footer <- value

##' @rdname formatters_methods
##' @export
setMethod("main_footer", "TableRow", # Only getter: see main_title for TableRow
          function(obj) character())

##' @rdname formatters_methods
##' @export
setMethod("prov_footer", "VTitleFooter",
          function(obj) obj@provenance_footer)

##' @rdname formatters_methods
##' @export
setMethod("prov_footer<-", "VTitleFooter",
          function(obj, value) {
              obj@provenance_footer <- value

##' @rdname formatters_methods
##' @export
setMethod("prov_footer", "TableRow", # Only getter: see main_title for TableRow
          function(obj) character())

make_ref_value <-  function(value) {
    if(is(value, "RefFootnote"))
        value <- list(value)
    else if (!is.list(value) || any(!sapply(value, is, "RefFootnote")))
        value <- lapply(value, RefFootnote)

#' Referential Footnote Accessors
#' Get and set referential footnotes on aspects of a built table
#' @inheritParams gen_args
#' @export
#' @rdname ref_fnotes

setGeneric("row_footnotes", function(obj) standardGeneric("row_footnotes"))
#' @export
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("row_footnotes", "TableRow",
          function(obj) obj@row_footnotes)
#' @export
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("row_footnotes", "RowsVerticalSection",
          function(obj) attr(obj, "row_footnotes", exact = TRUE) %||% list())

#' @export
#' @rdname ref_fnotes
setGeneric("row_footnotes<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("row_footnotes<-"))
#' @export
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("row_footnotes<-", "TableRow",
          function(obj, value) {
    obj@row_footnotes <- make_ref_value(value)

#' @export
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("row_footnotes", "VTableTree",
          function(obj) {
    rws <- collect_leaves(obj, TRUE, TRUE)
    cells <- lapply(rws, row_footnotes)

#' @export
#' @rdname ref_fnotes
setGeneric("cell_footnotes", function(obj) standardGeneric("cell_footnotes"))
#' @export
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("cell_footnotes", "CellValue",
          function(obj) attr(obj, "footnotes", exact = TRUE) %||% list())
#' @export
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("cell_footnotes", "TableRow",
          function(obj) {
    ret <- lapply(row_cells(obj), cell_footnotes)
    if(length(ret) != ncol(obj)) {
        ret <- rep(ret, row_cspans(obj))

#' @export
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("cell_footnotes", "LabelRow",
          function(obj) {
    rep(list(list()), ncol(obj))

#' @export
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("cell_footnotes", "VTableTree",
          function(obj) {
    rws <- collect_leaves(obj, TRUE, TRUE)
    cells <- lapply(rws, cell_footnotes)
    do.call(rbind, cells)

#' @export
#' @rdname ref_fnotes
setGeneric("cell_footnotes<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("cell_footnotes<-"))
#' @export
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("cell_footnotes<-", "CellValue",
          function(obj, value) {
    attr(obj, "footnotes") <- make_ref_value(value)

.cfn_set_helper <- function(obj, value) {
    if(length(value) != ncol(obj))
        stop("Did not get the right number of footnote ref values for cell_footnotes<- on a full row.")

    row_cells(obj) <- mapply(function(cell, fns) {
            cell_footnotes(cell) <- lapply(fns, RefFootnote)
            cell_footnotes(cell) <- list(RefFootnote(fns))
    cell = row_cells(obj),
    fns = value, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

#' @export
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("cell_footnotes<-", "DataRow",
          definition = .cfn_set_helper)

#' @export
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("cell_footnotes<-", "ContentRow",
          definition = .cfn_set_helper)

#' @export
#' @rdname ref_fnotes
setGeneric("col_fnotes_here", function(obj) standardGeneric("col_fnotes_here"))
#' @export
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("col_fnotes_here", c("LayoutColTree"), function(obj) obj@col_footnotes)
#' @export
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("col_fnotes_here", c("LayoutColLeaf"), function(obj) obj@col_footnotes)

#' @export
#' @rdname ref_fnotes
setGeneric("col_fnotes_here<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("col_fnotes_here<-"))
#' @export
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("col_fnotes_here<-", "LayoutColTree", function(obj, value) {
    obj@col_footnotes <- make_ref_value(value)

#' @export
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("col_fnotes_here<-", "LayoutColLeaf", function(obj, value) {
    obj@col_footnotes <- make_ref_value(value)

#' @export
#' @rdname ref_fnotes
setGeneric("ref_index", function(obj) standardGeneric("ref_index"))
#' @export
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("ref_index", "RefFootnote",
          function(obj) obj@index)

#' @export
#' @rdname ref_fnotes
setGeneric("ref_index<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("ref_index<-"))
#' @export
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("ref_index<-", "RefFootnote",
          function(obj, value) {
    obj@index <- value

#' @export
#' @rdname ref_fnotes
setGeneric("ref_symbol", function(obj) standardGeneric("ref_symbol"))
#' @export
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("ref_symbol", "RefFootnote",
          function(obj) obj@symbol)

#' @export
#' @rdname ref_fnotes
setGeneric("ref_symbol<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("ref_symbol<-"))
#' @export
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("ref_symbol<-", "RefFootnote",
          function(obj, value) {
    obj@symbol <- value

#' @export
#' @rdname ref_fnotes
setGeneric("ref_msg", function(obj) standardGeneric("ref_msg"))
#' @export
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("ref_msg", "RefFootnote",
          function(obj) obj@value)

setGeneric(".fnote_set_inner<-", function(ttrp, colpath, value) standardGeneric(".fnote_set_inner<-"))

setMethod(".fnote_set_inner<-", c("TableRow", "NULL"),
          function(ttrp, colpath, value) {
    row_footnotes(ttrp) <- value

setMethod(".fnote_set_inner<-", c("TableRow", "character"),
          function(ttrp, colpath, value) {
    ind <- .path_to_pos(path = colpath, tt = ttrp, cols = TRUE)
    cfns <- cell_footnotes(ttrp)
    cfns[[ind]] <- value
    cell_footnotes(ttrp) <- cfns

setMethod(".fnote_set_inner<-", c("InstantiatedColumnInfo", "character"),
          function(ttrp, colpath, value) {
    ctree <- col_fnotes_at_path(coltree(ttrp), colpath, fnotes = value)
    coltree(ttrp) <- ctree

setMethod(".fnote_set_inner<-", c("VTableTree", "ANY"),
          function(ttrp, colpath, value) {
      if(labelrow_visible(ttrp) && !is.null(value)) {
          lblrw <- tt_labelrow(ttrp)
          row_footnotes(lblrw) <- value
          tt_labelrow(ttrp) <- lblrw
      } else if(NROW(content_table(ttrp)) == 1L) {
          ctbl <- content_table(ttrp)
          pth <- make_row_df(ctbl)$path[[1]]
          fnotes_at_path(ctbl, pth, colpath) <- value
          content_table(ttrp) <- ctbl
      } else {
          stop("an error occurred. this shouldn't happen. please contact the maintainer") # nocov

#' @param rowpath character or NULL. Path within row structure. \code{NULL}
#'   indicates the footnote should go on the column rather than cell.
#' @param colpath character or NULL. Path within column structure. \code{NULL}
#'   indicates footnote should go on the row rather than cell
#' @param reset_idx logical(1). Should the numbering for referential footnotes
#'   be immediately recalculated. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @examples
#' # How to add referencial footnotes after having created a table
#' lyt <- basic_table() %>%
#'     split_rows_by("SEX", page_by = TRUE) %>%
#'     analyze("AGE")
#' tbl <- build_table(lyt, DM)
#' tbl <- trim_rows(tbl)
#' # Check the row and col structure to add precise references
#' # row_paths(tbl)
#' # col_paths(t)
#' # row_paths_summary(tbl)
#' # col_paths_summary(tbl)
#' # Add the citation numbers on the table and relative references in the footnotes
#' fnotes_at_path(tbl, rowpath = c("SEX", "F", "AGE", "Mean")) <- "Famous paper 1"
#' fnotes_at_path(tbl, rowpath = c("SEX", "UNDIFFERENTIATED")) <- "Unfamous paper 2"
#' # tbl
#' @seealso [row_paths()], [col_paths()],
#'   [row_paths_summary()], [col_paths_summary()]
#' @export
#' @rdname ref_fnotes
setGeneric("fnotes_at_path<-", function(obj,
                                        rowpath = NULL,
                                        colpath = NULL,
                                        reset_idx = TRUE,

## non-null rowpath, null or non-null colpath
#' @inheritParams fnotes_at_path<-
#' @export
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("fnotes_at_path<-", c("VTableTree", "character"),
                   rowpath = NULL,
                   colpath = NULL,
                   reset_idx = TRUE,
                   value) {
              rw <- tt_at_path(obj, rowpath)
    .fnote_set_inner(rw, colpath) <- value
    tt_at_path(obj, rowpath) <- rw
        obj <- update_ref_indexing(obj)

#' @export
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("fnotes_at_path<-", c("VTableTree", "NULL"),
          function(obj, rowpath = NULL, colpath = NULL, reset_idx = TRUE, value) {
    cinfo <- col_info(obj)
    .fnote_set_inner(cinfo, colpath) <- value
    col_info(obj) <- cinfo
        obj <- update_ref_indexing(obj)


setGeneric("has_force_pag", function(obj) standardGeneric("has_force_pag"))

setMethod("has_force_pag", "TableTree", function(obj) !is.na(ptitle_prefix(obj)))
setMethod("has_force_pag", "Split", function(obj) !is.na(ptitle_prefix(obj)))

setMethod("has_force_pag", "VTableNodeInfo", function(obj) FALSE)

setGeneric("ptitle_prefix", function(obj) standardGeneric("ptitle_prefix"))

setMethod("ptitle_prefix", "TableTree", function(obj) obj@page_title_prefix)
setMethod("ptitle_prefix", "Split", function(obj) obj@page_title_prefix)

setMethod("ptitle_prefix", "ANY", function(obj) NULL)

setMethod("page_titles", "VTableTree", function(obj) obj@page_titles)

setMethod("page_titles<-", "VTableTree", function(obj, value) {
    obj@page_titles <- value

#' Access or recursively set header-body separator for tables
#' @inheritParams gen_args
#' @param value character(1). String to use as new header/body separator.
#' @return for `horizontal_sep` the string acting as the header separator.
#' for `horizontal_sep<-`, the `obj`, with the new header separator
#' applied recursively to it and all its subtables.
#' @export
setGeneric("horizontal_sep", function(obj) standardGeneric("horizontal_sep"))

#' @rdname horizontal_sep
#' @export
setMethod("horizontal_sep", "VTableTree",
          function(obj) obj@horizontal_sep)

#' @rdname horizontal_sep
#' @export
setGeneric("horizontal_sep<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("horizontal_sep<-"))

#' @rdname horizontal_sep
#' @export
setMethod("horizontal_sep<-", "VTableTree",
          function(obj, value) {
    cont <- content_table(obj)
    if(NROW(cont) > 0) {
        horizontal_sep(cont) <- value
        content_table(obj) <- cont

    kids <- lapply(tree_children(obj),
                   value = value)

    tree_children(obj) <- kids
    obj@horizontal_sep <- value

#' @rdname horizontal_sep
#' @export
setMethod("horizontal_sep<-", "TableRow",
          function(obj, value) obj)

setGeneric("spl_section_div", function(obj) standardGeneric("spl_section_div"))

setMethod("spl_section_div", "Split",
          function(obj) obj@child_section_div)

           function(obj, value) standardGeneric("spl_section_div<-"))

setMethod("spl_section_div<-", "Split",
          function(obj, value) {
    obj@child_section_div <- value

#' @rdname formatters_methods
#' @export
setMethod("table_inset", "VTableNodeInfo", ##VTableTree",
          function(obj) obj@table_inset)

#' @rdname formatters_methods
#' @export
setMethod("table_inset", "PreDataTableLayouts",
          function(obj) obj@table_inset)

## #' @rdname formatters_methods
## #' @export
## setMethod("table_inset", "InstantiatedColumnInfo",
##           function(obj) obj@table_inset)

#' @rdname formatters_methods
#' @export
setMethod("table_inset<-", "VTableNodeInfo", ##"VTableTree",
          function(obj, value) {
        value <- as.integer(value)
    if(is.na(value) || value < 0)
        stop("Got invalid table_inset value, must be an integer > 0")
    cont <- content_table(obj)
    if(NROW(cont) > 0) {
        table_inset(cont) <- value
        content_table(obj) <- cont

    if(length(tree_children(obj)) > 0) {

        kids <- lapply(tree_children(obj),
                       value = value)
        tree_children(obj) <- kids
    obj@table_inset <- value

#' @rdname formatters_methods
#' @export
setMethod("table_inset<-", "PreDataTableLayouts",
          function(obj, value) {
        value <- as.integer(value)
    if(is.na(value) || value < 0)
        stop("Got invalid table_inset value, must be an integer > 0")

    obj@table_inset <- value

## covered now by VTableNodeInfo method

## #' @rdname formatters_methods
## #' @export
## setMethod("table_inset<-", "TableRow",
##           function(obj, value) {
##     obj@table_inset <- value
##     obj
## })

#' @rdname formatters_methods
#' @export
setMethod("table_inset<-", "InstantiatedColumnInfo",
          function(obj, value) {
        value <- as.integer(value)
    if(is.na(value) || value < 0)
        stop("Got invalid table_inset value, must be an integer > 0")
    obj@table_inset <- value

setGeneric("spl_section_div", function(obj) standardGeneric("spl_section_div"))

setMethod("spl_section_div", "Split",
          function(obj) obj@child_section_div)

           function(obj, value) standardGeneric("spl_section_div<-"))

setMethod("spl_section_div<-", "Split",
          function(obj, value) {
    obj@child_section_div <- value

setGeneric("trailing_sep", function(obj) standardGeneric("trailing_sep"))

setMethod("trailing_sep", "VTableTree", function(obj) obj@trailing_section_div)

setGeneric("trailing_sep<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("trailing_sep<-"))

setMethod("trailing_sep<-", "VTableTree", function(obj, value) {
    obj@trailing_section_div <- value

## setGeneric("apply_kids_section_sep",
##            function(tbl, sep) standardGeneric("apply_kids_section_sep"))

## ## eleemntary tables can only have rows and they can't have
## ## trailing separators
## setMethod("apply_kids_section_sep", "ElementaryTable",
##           function(tbl, sep) tbl)
## setMethod("apply_kids_section_sep", "TableTree",
##           function(tbl, sep) {
##    kds <- lapply(tree_children(tbl),
##                   function(kid) {
##         if(is(kid, "VTableTree"))
##             trailing_sep(kid) <- sep
##         kid
##     })

##     tree_children(tbl) <- kds
##     tbl
## })

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rtables documentation built on Aug. 30, 2023, 5:07 p.m.