
Defines functions qtable qtable_layout n_cells_res .quick_afun guess_format count .afun_cfun_switch splitvec_to_coltree fix_split_vars_inner fix_split_vars fix_one_split_var build_table recursive_applysplit context_df_row .set_kids_sect_sep .make_analyzed_tab .make_ctab .make_caller .make_tablerows .strip_lst_rvals gen_rowvalues strip_multivar_suffix gen_onerv match_extra_args

Documented in build_table qtable qtable_layout

match_extra_args <- function(f,
                            .ref_group = NULL,
                            .alt_df_row = NULL,
                            .alt_df = NULL,
                            .ref_full = NULL,
                            .in_ref_col = NULL,
                            .spl_context = NULL,
                            extras) {
    # This list is always present
    possargs <- c(list(
        .N_col = .N_col,
        .N_total = .N_total,
        .N_row = .N_row,
        .df_row = .df_row,
        .all_col_exprs = .all_col_exprs, 
        .all_col_counts = .all_col_counts

    ## specialized arguments that must be named in formals, cannot go
    ## anonymously into ...
    if(!is.null(.var) && nzchar(.var))
        possargs <- c(possargs, list(.var = .var))
        possargs <- c(possargs, list(.ref_group = .ref_group))
        possargs <- c(possargs, list(.alt_df_row = .alt_df_row))
        possargs <- c(possargs, list(.alt_df = .alt_df))
        possargs <- c(possargs, list(.ref_full = .ref_full))
        possargs <- c(possargs, list(.in_ref_col = .in_ref_col))
    # Special case: .spl_context
    if(!is.null(.spl_context) && !(".spl_context" %in% names(possargs)))
        possargs <- c(possargs, list(.spl_context = .spl_context))
        possargs$.spl_context <- NULL

    # Extra args handling
    formargs <- formals(f)
    formnms <- names(formargs)
    exnms <- names(extras)
    else if("..." %in% names(formargs))
        formnms <- c(formnms, exnms[nzchar(exnms)])
    possargs[names(possargs) %in% formnms]

#' @noRd
#' @return a RowsVerticalSection object representing the k x 1 section of the
#'   table being generated, with k the number of rows the analysis function
#'   generates
gen_onerv <- function(csub, col, count, cextr, cpath,
                     dfpart, func, totcount, splextra,
                     takesdf = .takes_df(func),
                     spl_context) {
    if (NROW(spl_context) > 0) {
        spl_context$cur_col_id <- paste(cpath[seq(2, length(cpath), 2)], collapse = ".")
        spl_context$cur_col_subset <- col_parent_inds
        spl_context$cur_col_expr <- list(csub)
        spl_context$cur_col_n <- vapply(col_parent_inds, sum, 1L)
        spl_context$cur_col_split <- list(cpath[seq(1, length(cpath), 2)])
        spl_context$cur_col_split_val <- list(cpath[seq(2, length(cpath), 2)])
    # Making .alt_df from alt_dfpart (i.e. .alt_df_row)
    if (NROW(alt_dfpart) > 0) {
        alt_dfpart_fil <- alt_dfpart[eval(csub, envir = alt_dfpart), , drop = FALSE]
        if (!is.null(col) && col %in% names(alt_dfpart_fil) && !inclNAs) {
            alt_dfpart_fil <- alt_dfpart_fil[!is.na(alt_dfpart_fil[[col]]), ,
                                             drop = FALSE]
    } else {
        alt_dfpart_fil <- alt_dfpart
    ## workaround for https://github.com/insightsengineering/rtables/issues/159
    if(NROW(dfpart) > 0) {
        inds <- eval(csub, envir = dfpart)
        dat <- dfpart[inds, , drop = FALSE]
    } else {
        dat <- dfpart
    if(!is.null(col) && !inclNAs)
        dat <- dat[!is.na(dat[[col]]), , drop = FALSE]

    fullrefcoldat <- cextr$.ref_full
        cextr$.ref_full <- NULL
    inrefcol <- cextr$.in_ref_col
        cextr$.in_ref_col <- NULL

    exargs <- c(cextr, splextra)

    ## behavior for x/df and ref-data (full and group)
    ## match
    if(!is.null(col) && !takesdf) {
        dat <- dat[[col]]
        fullrefcoldat <- fullrefcoldat[[col]]
        baselinedf <- baselinedf[[col]]
    args <- list(dat)
    names(all_col_counts) <- names(all_col_exprs)
    exargs <- match_extra_args(func,
                              .N_col = count,
                              .N_total = totcount,
                              .all_col_exprs = all_col_exprs, 
                              .all_col_counts = all_col_counts,
                              .var = col,
                              .ref_group = baselinedf,
                              .alt_df_row = alt_dfpart,
                              .alt_df = alt_dfpart_fil,
                              .ref_full = fullrefcoldat,
                                  .in_ref_col = inrefcol,
                              .N_row = NROW(dfpart),
                              .df_row = dfpart,
                              .spl_context = spl_context,
                              extras = c(cextr,

    args <- c(args, exargs)

    val <- do.call(func, args)
    if(!is(val, "RowsVerticalSection")) {
        if(!is(val, "list"))
            val <- list(val)
        ret <- in_rows(
                .list = val,
                .labels = unlist(value_labels(val)),
                .names = names(val)

    } else {
            ret <- val

strip_multivar_suffix <- function(x) {
    gsub("\\._\\[\\[[0-9]\\]\\]_\\.$", "", x)

## Generate all values (one for each column) for one or more rows
## by calling func once per column (as defined by cinfo)
#' @noRd
#' @return A list of m RowsVerticalSection objects, one for each
#' (leaf) column in the table.
gen_rowvalues <- function(dfpart,
                         takesdf = NULL,
                         spl_context = spl_context) {
    colexprs <- col_exprs(cinfo)
    colcounts <- col_counts(cinfo)
    colextras <- col_extra_args(cinfo, NULL)
    cpaths <- col_paths(cinfo)
    ## XXX I don't think this is used anywhere???
    ##splextra = c(splextra, list(.spl_context = spl_context))
    totcount <- col_total(cinfo)

    colleaves <-  collect_leaves(cinfo@tree_layout)

    gotflist <- is.list(func)

    ## one set of named args to be applied to all columns
        splextra <- list(splextra)
        length(splextra) <- ncol(cinfo)

    if(!gotflist) {
        func <- list(func)
    } else  if(length(splextra) == 1) {
        splextra <- rep(splextra, length.out = length(func))
    ## if(length(func)) == 1 && names(spl)
    ##     splextra = list(splextra)

    ## we are in analyze_colvars, so we have to match
    ## the exargs value by position for each column repeatedly
    ## across the higher level col splits.
    if(!is.null(datcol) && is.na(datcol)) {
        datcol <- character(length(colleaves))
        exargs <- vector("list", length(colleaves))
        for(i in seq_along(colleaves)) {
            x <- colleaves[[i]]

            pos <- tree_pos(x)
            spls <- pos_splits(pos)
            ## values have the suffix but we are populating datacol
            ## so it has to match var numbers so strip the suffixes back off
            splvals <- strip_multivar_suffix(rawvalues(pos))
            n <- length(spls)
            datcol[i] <- if(is(spls[[n]], "MultiVarSplit"))
            argpos <- match(datcol[i], spl_payload(spls[[n]]))
            ## single bracket here because assigning NULL into a list removes
            ## the position entirely
            exargs[i] <- if(argpos <= length(splextra))
                splextra[argpos] else list(NULL)
        ## })
            datcol <- list(NULL)
        else if(any(is.na(datcol)))
            stop("mix of var and non-var columns with NA analysis rowvara")
    } else {
        exargs <- splextra
            datcol <- list(NULL)
        datcol <- rep(datcol, length(colexprs))
        ## if(gotflist)
        ##     length(exargs) <- length(func) ## func is a list
        exargs <- rep(exargs, length.out = length(colexprs))

    allfuncs <- rep(func, length.out = length(colexprs))

        takesdf <- .takes_df(allfuncs)
    rawvals <- mapply(gen_onerv,
                     csub = colexprs,
                     col = datcol,
                     count = colcounts,
                     cextr = colextras,
                     cpath = cpaths,
                     baselinedf = baselines,
                     alt_dfpart = list(alt_dfpart),
                     func = allfuncs,
                     takesdf = takesdf,
                     col_parent_inds = spl_context[, names(colexprs),
                                                   drop = FALSE],
                     all_col_exprs = list(colexprs),
                     all_col_counts = list(colcounts),
                     splextra = exargs,
                     MoreArgs = list(dfpart = dfpart,
                                     totcount = totcount,
                                     inclNAs = inclNAs,
                                     spl_context = spl_context),
                     SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

    names(rawvals) <- names(colexprs)

.strip_lst_rvals <- function(lst) {
    lapply(lst, rawvalues)

#' @noRd
#' @return a list of table rows, even when only one is generated
.make_tablerows <- function(dfpart,
                           datcol = NULL,
                           lev = 1L,
                           rvlab = NA_character_,
                           format = NULL,
                           defrowlabs = NULL,
                           rowconstr = DataRow,
                           splextra = list(),
                           takesdf = NULL,
                           baselines = replicate(length(col_exprs(cinfo)),
                                                 list(dfpart[0, ])),
                           spl_context = context_df_row(cinfo = cinfo)) {
    if(is.null(datcol) && !is.na(rvlab))
        stop("NULL datcol but non-na rowvar label")
    if(!is.null(datcol) && !is.na(datcol)) {
        if(! all(datcol %in% names(dfpart)))
            stop("specified analysis variable (", datcol,
                 ") not present in data")

        rowvar <- datcol
    } else {
        rowvar  <- NA_character_

    rawvals <- gen_rowvalues(dfpart,
                            alt_dfpart = alt_dfpart,
                            datcol = datcol,
                            cinfo = cinfo,
                            func = func,
                            splextra =  splextra,
                            takesdf = takesdf,
                            baselines = baselines,
                            inclNAs = inclNAs,
                            spl_context = spl_context)

    ## if(is.null(rvtypes))
    ##     rvtypes = rep(NA_character_, length(rawvals))
    lens <- vapply(rawvals, length, NA_integer_)
    unqlens <- unique(lens)
    ## length 0 returns are ok to not match cause they are
    ## just empty space we can fill in as needed.
    if(length(unqlens[unqlens > 0]) != 1L) {## length(unqlens) != 1 &&
       ## (0 %in% unqlens && length(unqlens) != 2)) {
        stop("Number of rows generated by analysis function do not match ",
             "across all columns. ",
             if(!is.na(datcol) && is.character(dfpart[[datcol]]))
                 paste("\nPerhaps convert analysis variable", datcol,
                       "to a factor?"))
    maxind <- match(max(unqlens), lens)

    ## look if we got labels, if not apply the
    ## default row labels
    ## this is guaranteed to be a RowsVerticalSection object.
    rv1col <- rawvals[[maxind]]
    if(!is(rv1col, "RowsVerticalSection"))
        ## nocov start
        stop("gen_rowvalues appears to have generated something that was not ",
        "a RowsVerticalSection object. Please contact the maintainer.")
    # nocov end
    labels <- value_labels(rv1col)

    ncrows <- max(unqlens)
    if(ncrows == 0)
    stopifnot(ncrows > 0)

    if(is.null(labels)) {
        if(length(rawvals[[maxind]]) == length(defrowlabs))
            labels <- defrowlabs
            labels <- rep("", ncrows)

    rfootnotes <- rep(list(list(), length(rv1col)))
    nms <- value_names(rv1col)
    rfootnotes <- row_footnotes(rv1col)

    imods <- indent_mod(rv1col) ##rv1col@indent_mods
    unwrapped_vals <- lapply(rawvals, as, Class = "list", strict = TRUE)

    formatvec <- NULL
    if(!is.null(format)) {
            format <- list(format)
        formatvec <- rep(format, length.out = ncrows)

    trows <- lapply(1:ncrows, function(i) {
        rowvals <- lapply(unwrapped_vals, function(colvals) {
        imod <- unique(vapply(rowvals, indent_mod, 0L))
        if(length(imod) != 1)
            stop("Different cells in the same row appear to have been given ",
            "different indent_mod values")
        rowconstr(vals = rowvals,
                  cinfo = cinfo,
                  lev = lev,
                  label = labels[i],
                  name = nms[i], ##labels[i], ## XXX this is probably wrong?!
                  var = rowvar,
                  format = formatvec[[i]],
                  indent_mod = imods[[i]] %||% 0L,
                  footnotes = rfootnotes[[i]] ## one bracket so list


.make_caller <- function(parent_cfun, clabelstr = "") {

    formalnms <- names(formals(parent_cfun))
    ## note the <- here
    if(!is.na(dotspos <- match("...", formalnms))) {
        toremove <- dotspos
    } else {
         toremove <- NULL

    labelstrpos <- match("labelstr", names(formals(parent_cfun)))
    if(is.na(labelstrpos)) {
             stop("content function does not appear to accept the labelstr",
    toremove <- c(toremove, labelstrpos)
    formalnms <- formalnms[-1 * toremove]

    caller <- eval(parser_helper(text = paste("function() { parent_cfun(",
                                      paste(formalnms, "=",
                                            formalnms, collapse = ", "),
                                      ", labelstr = clabelstr, ...)}")))
    formals(caller) <- c(formals(parent_cfun)[-labelstrpos],
                         alist("..." =)) # nolint


# Makes content table xxx renaming
.make_ctab <- function(df, lvl, ##treepos,
                      parent_cfun = NULL,
                      format = NULL,
                      na_str = NA_character_,
                      indent_mod = 0L,
                      cvar = NULL,
                      spl_context = context_df_row(cinfo = cinfo)) {

    if(length(cvar) == 0 || is.na(cvar) || identical(nchar(cvar), 0L))
        cvar <- NULL
    if(!is.null(parent_cfun)) {
        ##cfunc <- .make_caller(parent_cfun, label)
        cfunc <- lapply(parent_cfun, .make_caller, clabelstr = label)
        contkids <- tryCatch(.make_tablerows(df,
                                   lev = lvl,
                                   func = cfunc,
                                   cinfo = cinfo,
                                   rowconstr = ContentRow,
                                   datcol = cvar,
                                   takesdf = rep(.takes_df(cfunc),
                                                 length.out = ncol(cinfo)),
                                   inclNAs = FALSE,
                                   alt_dfpart = alt_df,
                                   splextra = extra_args,
                                   spl_context = spl_context),
                             error = function(e) e)
        if(is(contkids, "error")) {
            stop("Error in content (summary) function: ", contkids$message,
                 "\n\toccured at path: ",
                 call. = FALSE)
    } else {
        contkids <- list()
    ctab <- ElementaryTable(kids = contkids,
                           name = paste0(name, "@content"),
                           lev = lvl,
                           labelrow = LabelRow(),
                           cinfo = cinfo,
                           iscontent = TRUE,
                           format = format,
                           indent_mod = indent_mod,
                           na_str = na_str)

.make_analyzed_tab <- function(df,
                              partlabel = "",
                              dolab = TRUE,
                              section_sep = NA_character_) {
    stopifnot(is(spl, "VAnalyzeSplit"))
    check_validsplit(spl, df)
    defrlabel <- spl@default_rowlabel
    if(nchar(defrlabel) == 0 && !missing(partlabel) && nchar(partlabel) > 0) {
        defrlabel <- partlabel
    kids <- tryCatch(.make_tablerows(df,
                                     func = analysis_fun(spl),
                                     defrowlabs = defrlabel, # XXX
                                     cinfo = cinfo,
                                     datcol = spl_payload(spl),
                                     lev = lvl + 1L,
                                     format = obj_format(spl),
                                     splextra = split_exargs(spl),
                                     baselines = baselines,
                                     alt_dfpart = alt_df,
                                     inclNAs = avar_inclNAs(spl),
                                     spl_context = spl_context),
                     error = function(e) e)
    if(is(kids, "error")) {
        stop("Error applying analysis function (var - ",
             spl_payload(spl) %||% "colvars", "): ", kids$message,
             "\n\toccured at (row) path: ",
             call. = FALSE)
    lab <- obj_label(spl)
    ret <- TableTree(kids = kids,
              name = obj_name(spl),
              label = lab,
              lev = lvl,
              cinfo = cinfo,
              format = obj_format(spl),
              na_str = obj_na_str(spl),
              indent_mod = indent_mod(spl),
              trailing_sep = section_sep)

    labelrow_visible(ret) <- dolab

#' @noRd
#' @param \dots ALL arguments to recurse_applysplit, methods may only use some
#'   of them.
#' @return list of children to place at this level
setGeneric(".make_split_kids", function(spl, have_controws, make_lrow,  ...) {

## single AnalyzeSplit
setMethod(".make_split_kids", "VAnalyzeSplit",
                   have_controws, ## unused here
                   make_lrow, ## unused here
                   nsibs = 0
                   ) {
    spvis <- labelrow_visible(spl)
        spvis <- nsibs > 0

    ret <- .make_analyzed_tab(df = df,
                             spl = spl,
                             cinfo = cinfo,
                             lvl = lvl + 1L,
                             dolab = spvis,
                             partlabel = obj_label(spl),
                             baselines = baselines,
                             spl_context = spl_context)
    indent_mod(ret) <- indent_mod(spl)

    kids <- list(ret)
    names(kids) <- obj_name(ret)

.set_kids_sect_sep <- function(lst, spl) {
    sect_sep <- spl_section_div(spl)
    if(!is.na(sect_sep)) {
        lst <- lapply(lst,
                      function(k) {
            if(is(k, "VTableTree"))
                trailing_sep(k) <- sect_sep

## 1 or more AnalyzeSplits
setMethod(".make_split_kids", "AnalyzeMultiVars",
                   make_lrow, ## used here
                   ... ## all passed directly down to VAnalyzeSplit method
                   ) {
    avspls <- spl_payload(spl)

    nspl <- length(avspls)

    kids <- unlist(lapply(avspls,
                  nsibs = nspl - 1,
                  have_controws = have_controws,
                  make_lrow = make_lrow,
                  spl_context = spl_context,
                  section_sep = spl_section_div(spl)))

    ## XXX this seems like it should be identical not !identical
    if(!identical(make_lrow, FALSE) &&
       !have_controws &&
       length(kids) == 1) {
        ## we only analyzed one var so
        ## we don't need an extra wrapper table
        ## in the structure
    ## this will be the variables
    ##nms = sapply(spl_payload(spl), spl_payload)

    nms <- vapply(kids, obj_name, "")
    labs <- vapply(kids, obj_label, "")
    if(length(unique(nms))  != length(nms) &&
       length(unique(nms))  != length(nms)) {
        warning("Non-unique sibling analysis table names. Using Labels ",
                "instead. Use the table_names argument to analyze to avoid ",
                "this when analyzing the same variable multiple times.",
                "\n\toccured at (row) path: ",
                call. = FALSE)
        kids <- mapply(function(k, nm) {
            obj_name(k) <- nm
        }, k = kids, nm = labs, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
        nms <- labs
    kids <- .set_kids_sect_sep(kids, spl)

    nms[is.na(nms)] <- ""

    names(kids) <- nms

setMethod(".make_split_kids", "Split",
                   splvec, ## passed to recursive_applysplit
                   df, ## used to apply split
                   alt_df, ## used to apply split for alternative df
                   lvl,  ## used to calculate innerlev
                   cinfo, ## used for sanity check
                   baselines, ## used to calc new baselines
                   spl_context) {
    ## do the core splitting of data into children for this split
    rawpart <- do_split(spl, df, spl_context = spl_context)
    dataspl <- rawpart[["datasplit"]]
    ## these are SplitValue objects
    splvals <- rawpart[["values"]]
    partlabels <- rawpart[["labels"]]
        partlabels <- as.character(partlabels)
    nms <- unlist(value_names(splvals))
        nms <- as.character(nms)

    ## Get new baseline values
    ## XXX this is a lot of data churn, if it proves too slow
    ## we can
    ## a) check if any of the analyses (i.e. the afuns) need the baseline in this
    ##    splitvec and not do any of this if not, or
    ## b) refactor row splitting to behave like column splitting
    ## (b) seems the better design but is a major reworking of the guts of how
    ## rtables tabulation works
    ## (a) will only help if analyses that use baseline
    ## info are mixed with those who don't.
    newbl_raw <- lapply(baselines, function(dat) {
        # If no ref_group is specified
        if(is.null(dat)) return(NULL)
        ## apply the same splitting on the
        bldataspl <- tryCatch(do_split(spl, dat, spl_context = spl_context)[["datasplit"]],
                              error = function(e) e)
        # Error localization
        if (is(bldataspl, "error")) {
            stop("Following error encountered in splitting .ref_group (baselines): ", 
                 call. = FALSE)
        ## we only keep the ones corresponding with actual data splits
        res <- lapply(names(dataspl),
                    function(nm) {
            if(nm %in% names(bldataspl))
                dataspl[[1]][0, ]

        names(res) <- names(dataspl)
    newbaselines <- lapply(names(dataspl), function(nm) {
        lapply(newbl_raw, function(rawdat) {
            if(nm %in% names(rawdat))
                rawdat[[1]][0, ]
    if (length(newbaselines) != length(dataspl)) {
        stop("Baselines (ref_group) after row split does not have",
             " the same number of levels of input data split. ",
             "Contact the maintainer.") # nocov
    if (!(length(newbaselines) == 0 ||	
        identical(unique(sapply(newbaselines, length)),	
                  length(col_exprs(cinfo))))) {
        stop("Baselines (ref_group) do not have the same number of columns",
             " in each split. Contact the maintainer.") # nocov
    # If params are not present do not do the calculation
    acdf_param <- check_afun_cfun_params(SplitVector(spl, splvec), 
                                          c(".alt_df", ".alt_df_row"))
    # Apply same split for alt_counts_df
    if (!is.null(alt_df) && any(acdf_param)) {
        alt_dfpart <- tryCatch(do_split(spl, alt_df, 
                                        spl_context = spl_context)[["datasplit"]],
                               error = function(e) e)
        # Removing NA rows - to explore why this happens at all in a split
        # This would be a fix but it is done in post-processing instead of pre-proc -> xxx
        # x alt_dfpart <- lapply(alt_dfpart, function(data) {
        # x    data[!apply(is.na(data), 1, all), ]
        # x })

        # Error localization
        if (is(alt_dfpart, "error")) {
            stop("Following error encountered in splitting alt_counts_df: ", 
                 call. = FALSE)
        # Error if split does not have the same values in the alt_df (and order)
        # The following breaks if there are different levels (do_split returns empty list)
        # or if there are different number of the same levels. Added handling of NAs
        # in the values of the factor when is all only NAs
        is_all_na <- all(is.na(alt_df[[spl_payload(spl)]]))
        if (!all(names(dataspl) %in% names(alt_dfpart)) ||
            length(alt_dfpart) != length(dataspl) ||
            is_all_na) {
            alt_df_spl_vals <- unique(alt_df[[spl_payload(spl)]])
            end_part <- ""
            if (!all(alt_df_spl_vals %in% levels(alt_df_spl_vals))) {
                end_part <- paste0(" and following levels: ",
            if (is_all_na) {
                end_part <- ". Found only NAs in alt_counts_df split"
            stop("alt_counts_df split variable(s) [", spl_payload(spl), 
                 "] (in split ", as.character(class(spl)), 
                 ") does not have the same factor levels of df.\ndf has c(", '"', 
                 paste(names(dataspl), collapse = '", "'), '"', ") levels while alt_counts_df has ", 
                 ifelse(length(alt_df_spl_vals) > 0, paste_vec(alt_df_spl_vals), ""), 
                 " unique values", end_part)
    } else {
        alt_dfpart <- setNames(rep(list(NULL), length(dataspl)), names(dataspl))

    innerlev <- lvl + (have_controws || is.na(make_lrow) || make_lrow)
    ## do full recursive_applysplit on each part of the split defined by spl
    inner <- unlist(mapply(function(dfpart, alt_dfpart, nm, label, baselines, splval) {

        rsplval <- context_df_row(split = obj_name(spl),
                                  value = value_names(splval),
                                  full_parent_df = list(dfpart),
                                  cinfo = cinfo)

        ## if(length(rsplval) > 0)
        ##     rsplval <- setNames(rsplval, obj_name(spl))
        recursive_applysplit(df = dfpart,
                             alt_df = alt_dfpart,
                             name = nm,
                             lvl = innerlev,
                             splvec = splvec,
                             cinfo = cinfo,
                             make_lrow = label_kids(spl),
                             parent_cfun = content_fun(spl),
                             cformat = content_format(spl),
                             cna_str = content_na_str(spl),
                             partlabel = label,
                             cindent_mod = content_indent_mod(spl),
                             cvar = content_var(spl),
                             baselines = baselines,
                             cextra_args = content_extra_args(spl),
                             ##splval should still be retaining its name
                             spl_context = rbind(spl_context, rsplval))
    }, dfpart = dataspl,
    alt_dfpart = alt_dfpart,
    label = partlabels,
    nm = nms,
    baselines = newbaselines,
    splval = splvals,

    inner <- .set_kids_sect_sep(inner, spl)
    ## This is where we need to build the structural tables
    ## even if they are invisible becasue their labels are not
    ## not shown.
    innertab <- TableTree(kids = inner,
                         name = obj_name(spl),
                         labelrow = LabelRow(label = obj_label(spl),
                                             vis = isTRUE(vis_label(spl))),
                         cinfo = cinfo,
                         iscontent = FALSE,
                         indent_mod = indent_mod(spl),
                         page_title = ptitle_prefix(spl)
    ##kids = inner
    kids <- list(innertab)

context_df_row <- function(split = character(),
             value = character(),
             full_parent_df = list(),
             cinfo = NULL) {
        ret <- data.frame(
                split = split,
                value = value,
                full_parent_df = I(full_parent_df),
                #     parent_cold_inds = I(parent_col_inds),
                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    if(nrow(ret) > 0) {
        ret$all_cols_n <- nrow(full_parent_df[[1]])
    } else {
        ret$all_cols_n <- integer() ## should this be numeric??? This never happens

    if(!is.null(cinfo)) {
        if(nrow(ret) > 0)
            colcols <- as.data.frame(lapply(col_exprs(cinfo), function(e) {
                vals <- eval(e, envir = full_parent_df[[1]])
                if(identical(vals, TRUE))
                    vals <- rep(vals, length.out = nrow(full_parent_df[[1]]))
            colcols <- as.data.frame(rep(list(logical()), ncol(cinfo)))
        names(colcols) <- names(col_exprs(cinfo))
        ret <- cbind(ret, colcols)

recursive_applysplit <- function(df,
                                lvl = 0L,
                       #         label,
                                make_lrow = NA,
                                partlabel = "",
                                parent_cfun = NULL,
                                cformat = NULL,
                                cna_str = NA_character_,
                                cindent_mod = 0L,
                                cextra_args = list(),
                                cvar = NULL,
                                baselines = lapply(col_extra_args(cinfo),
                                                   function(x) x$.ref_full),
                                spl_context = context_df_row(cinfo = cinfo),
                                no_outer_tbl = FALSE,
                                parent_sect_split = NA_character_
                                ) {
    ## pre-existing table was added to the layout
    if(length(splvec) == 1L && is(splvec[[1]], "VTableNodeInfo"))

    ## the content function is the one from the PREVIOUS
    ## split, i.e. the one whose children we are now constructing
    ## this is a bit annoying but makes the semantics for
    ## declaring layouts much more sane.
    ctab <- .make_ctab(df,
                      lvl = lvl,
                      name = name,
                      label = partlabel,
                      cinfo = cinfo,
                      parent_cfun = parent_cfun,
                      format = cformat,
                      na_str = cna_str,
                      indent_mod = cindent_mod,
                      cvar = cvar,
                      alt_df = alt_df,
                      extra_args = cextra_args,
                      spl_context = spl_context)

    nonroot <- lvl != 0L

        make_lrow <- if(nrow(ctab) > 0 || !nzchar(partlabel)) FALSE else TRUE
    ## never print an empty row label for root.
    if(make_lrow && partlabel == "" && !nonroot)
        make_lrow <- FALSE

    if(length(splvec) == 0L) {
        kids <- list()
        imod <- 0L
        spl <- NULL
    } else {
        spl <- splvec[[1]]
        splvec <- splvec[-1]

        ## we pass this everything recursive_applysplit received and
        ## it all gets passed around through ... as needed
        ## to the various methods of .make_split_kids
        kids <- .make_split_kids(spl = spl,
                                df = df,
                                alt_df = alt_df,
                                lvl = lvl,
                                splvec = splvec,
                                name = name,
                                make_lrow = make_lrow,
                                partlabel = partlabel,
                                cinfo = cinfo,
                                parent_cfun = parent_cfun,
                                cformat = cformat,
                                cindent_mod = cindent_mod,
                                cextra_args = cextra_args, cvar = cvar,
                                baselines = baselines,
                                spl_context = spl_context,
                                have_controws = nrow(ctab) > 0)
        imod <- 0L
    } ## end length(splvec)

        make_lrow <- if(nrow(ctab) > 0 || !nzchar(partlabel)) FALSE else TRUE
    ## never print an empty row label for root.
    if(make_lrow && partlabel == "" && !nonroot)
        make_lrow <- FALSE

    ## this is only true when called from build_table and the first split
    ## in (one of the) SplitVector is NOT an AnalyzeMultiVars split.
    ## in that case we would be "double creating" the structural
    ## subtable
    if(no_outer_tbl) {
        ret <- kids[[1]]
        indent_mod(ret) <- indent_mod(spl)
    } else if(nrow(ctab) > 0L || length(kids) > 0L) {
         ## previously we checked if the child had an identical label
         ## but I don't think thats needed anymore.
         tlabel <- partlabel

         ret <- TableTree(cont = ctab,
                         kids = kids,
                         name = name,
                         label = tlabel, #partlabel,
                         lev = lvl,
                         iscontent = FALSE,
                         labelrow = LabelRow(lev = lvl,
                                             label = tlabel,
                                             cinfo = cinfo,
                                             vis = make_lrow),
                         cinfo = cinfo,
                         indent_mod = imod)
     } else {
         ret <- NULL

    ## if(!is.null(spl) && !is.na(spl_section_sep(spl)))
    ##     ret <- apply_kids_section_sep(ret, spl_section_sep(spl))
    ## ## message(sprintf("indent modifier: %d", indentmod))
    ## if(!is.null(ret))
    ##     indent_mod(ret) = indentmod

#' Create a table from a layout and data
#' Layouts are used to describe a table pre-data. `build_table` is used to
#' create a table using a layout and a dataset.
#' @inheritParams gen_args
#' @inheritParams lyt_args
#' @param col_counts numeric (or `NULL`). Deprecated. If non-null, column counts
#'   which override those calculated automatically during tabulation. Must
#'   specify "counts" for \emph{all} resulting columns if non-NULL. \code{NA}
#'   elements will be replaced with the automatically calculated counts.
#' @param col_total integer(1). The total observations across all columns.
#'   Defaults to \code{nrow(df)}.
#' @param \dots currently ignored.
#' @details
#' When \code{alt_counts_df} is specified, column counts are calculated by
#' applying the exact column subsetting expressions determined when applying
#' column splitting to the main data (\code{df}) to \code{alt_counts_df} and
#' counting the observations in each resulting subset.
#' In particular, this means that in the case of splitting based on cuts of the
#' data, any dynamic cuts will have been calculated based on \code{df} and
#' simply re-used for the count calculation.
#' @note When overriding the column counts or totals care must be taken that,
#'   e.g., `length()` or `nrow()` are not called within tabulation functions,
#'   because those will NOT give the overridden counts. Writing/using tabulation
#'   functions which accept \code{.N_col} and \code{.N_total} or do not rely on
#'   column counts at all (even implicitly) is the only way to ensure overridden
#'   counts are fully respected.
#' @export
#' @return A \code{TableTree} or \code{ElementaryTable} object representing the
#'   table created by performing the tabulations declared in \code{lyt} to the
#'   data \code{df}.
#' @author Gabriel Becker
#' @examples
#' lyt <- basic_table() %>%
#'   split_cols_by("Species") %>%
#'   analyze("Sepal.Length", afun = function(x) {
#'   list(
#'     "mean (sd)" = rcell(c(mean(x), sd(x)), format = "xx.xx (xx.xx)"),
#'     "range" = diff(range(x))
#'   )
#' })
#' lyt
#' tbl <- build_table(lyt, iris)
#' tbl
#' # analyze multiple variables
#' lyt2 <- basic_table() %>%
#'   split_cols_by("Species") %>%
#'   analyze(c("Sepal.Length", "Petal.Width"), afun = function(x) {
#'   list(
#'     "mean (sd)" = rcell(c(mean(x), sd(x)), format = "xx.xx (xx.xx)"),
#'     "range" = diff(range(x))
#'   )
#' })
#' tbl2 <- build_table(lyt2, iris)
#' tbl2
#' # an example more relevant for clinical trials with column counts
#' lyt3 <- basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>%
#'     split_cols_by("ARM") %>%
#'     analyze("AGE", afun = function(x) {
#'       setNames(as.list(fivenum(x)), c("minimum", "lower-hinge", "median",
#'                                       "upper-hinge", "maximum"))
#'     })
#' tbl3 <- build_table(lyt3, DM)
#' tbl3
#' tbl4 <- build_table(lyt3, subset(DM, AGE > 40))
#' tbl4
#' # with column counts calculated based on different data
#' miniDM <- DM[sample(1:NROW(DM), 100),]
#' tbl5 <- build_table(lyt3, DM, alt_counts_df = miniDM)
#' tbl5
#' tbl6 <- build_table(lyt3, DM, col_counts = 1:3)
#' tbl6
build_table <- function(lyt, df,
                       alt_counts_df = NULL,
                       col_counts = NULL,
                       col_total = if(is.null(alt_counts_df)) nrow(df) else nrow(alt_counts_df),
                       topleft = NULL,
                       hsep = default_hsep(),
                       ...) {
    if(!is(lyt, "PreDataTableLayouts")) {
        stop("lyt must be a PreDataTableLayouts object. Got object of class ",

    ## if no columns are defined (e.g. because lyt is NULL)
    ## add a single overall column as the "most basic"
    ## table column structure that makes sense
    clyt <- clayout(lyt)
    if(length(clyt) == 1 && length(clyt[[1]]) == 0) {
        clyt[[1]] <- add_overall_col(clyt[[1]], "")
        clayout(lyt) <- clyt

    ## do checks and defensive programming now that we have the data
    lyt <- fix_dyncuts(lyt, df)
    lyt <- set_def_child_ord(lyt, df)
    lyt <- fix_analyze_vis(lyt)
    df <- fix_split_vars(lyt, df, char_ok = is.null(col_counts))
    alt_params <- check_afun_cfun_params(lyt, c(".alt_df", ".alt_df_row")) 
    if (any(alt_params) && is.null(alt_counts_df)) {
        stop("Layout contains afun/cfun functions that have optional parameters ",
             ".alt_df and/or .alt_df_row, but no alt_count_df was provided in ",
    rtpos <- TreePos()
    cinfo <- create_colinfo(lyt, df, rtpos,
                           counts = col_counts,
                           alt_counts_df = alt_counts_df,
                           total = col_total,
        disp_ccounts(cinfo) <- TRUE
    rlyt <- rlayout(lyt)
    rtspl <- root_spl(rlyt)
    ctab <- .make_ctab(df, 0L,
                      alt_df = NULL,
                      name = "root",
                      label = "",
                      cinfo = cinfo, ##cexprs, ctree,
                      parent_cfun = content_fun(rtspl),
                      format = content_format(rtspl),
                      na_str = content_na_str(rtspl),
                      indent_mod = 0L,
                      cvar = content_var(rtspl),
                      extra_args = content_extra_args(rtspl))
    kids <- lapply(seq_along(rlyt), function(i) {
        splvec <- rlyt[[i]]
        if(length(splvec) == 0)
        firstspl <- splvec[[1]]
        nm <- obj_name(firstspl)
        ## XXX unused, probably shouldn't be?
        ## this seems to be covered by grabbing the partlabel
        ## TODO confirm this
        ## lab <- obj_label(firstspl)
        recursive_applysplit(df = df, lvl = 0L,
                             alt_df = alt_counts_df,
                             name = nm,
                             splvec = splvec,
                             cinfo = cinfo,
                             ## XXX are these ALWAYS right?
                             make_lrow = label_kids(firstspl),
                             parent_cfun = NULL,
                             cformat = content_format(firstspl),
                             cna_str = content_na_str(firstspl),
                             cvar = content_var(firstspl),
                             cextra_args = content_extra_args(firstspl),
                             spl_context = context_df_row(split = "root", value = "root", 
                                                          full_parent_df = list(df), 
                                                          cinfo = cinfo),
                             ## we DO want the 'outer table' if the first
                             ## one is a multi-analyze
                             no_outer_tbl = !is(firstspl, "AnalyzeMultiVars"))
    kids <- kids[!sapply(kids, is.null)]
    if(length(kids) > 0)
        names(kids) <- sapply(kids, obj_name)

    if(nrow(ctab) == 0L &&
       length(kids) == 1L &&
       is(kids[[1]], "VTableTree")) {
        tab <- kids[[1]]
        main_title(tab) <- main_title(lyt)
        subtitles(tab) <- subtitles(lyt)
        main_footer(tab) <- main_footer(lyt)
        prov_footer(tab) <- prov_footer(lyt)
    } else {
        tab <- TableTree(cont = ctab,
                        kids = kids,
                        lev = 0L,
                        name = "root",
                        label = "",
                        iscontent = FALSE,
                        cinfo = cinfo,
                        format = obj_format(rtspl),
                        na_str = obj_na_str(rtspl),
                        title = main_title(lyt),
                        subtitles = subtitles(lyt),
                        main_footer = main_footer(lyt),
                        prov_footer = prov_footer(lyt))

    ## This seems to be unneeded, not clear what 'top_left' check it refers to
    ## but both top_left taller than column headers and very long topleft are now
    ## allowed, so this is just wasted computation.

    ## ## this is where the top_left check lives right now. refactor later maybe
    ## ## but now just call it so the error gets thrown when I want it to
    ## unused <- matrix_form(tab)
    tab <- update_ref_indexing(tab)
    horizontal_sep(tab) <- hsep
    if(table_inset(lyt) > 0)
        table_inset(tab) <- table_inset(lyt)

# fix_split_vars ----
# These checks guarantee that all the split variables are present in the data. 
# No generic is needed because it is not dependent on the input layout but 
# on the df.
fix_one_split_var <- function(spl, df, char_ok = TRUE) {
    var <- spl_payload(spl)
    if(!(var %in% names(df)))
        stop("Split variable [", var, "] not found in data being tabulated.")
    varvec <- df[[var]]
    if(!is(varvec, "character") && !is.factor(varvec)) {
        message(sprintf(paste("Split var [%s] was not character or factor.",
                              "Converting to factor"),
        varvec <- factor(varvec)
        df[[var]] <- varvec
    } else if (is(varvec, "character") && !char_ok) {
        stop("Overriding column counts is not supported when splitting on ",
        "character variables.\n Please convert all column split variables to ",

        levs <- levels(varvec)
        levs <- unique(varvec)
    if(!all(nzchar(levs))) {
        stop("Got empty string level in splitting variable ", var,
             " This is not supported.\nIf display as an empty level is ",
             "desired use a value-labeling variable.")

    ## handle label var
    lblvar <- spl_label_var(spl)
    have_lblvar <- !identical(var, lblvar)
    if(have_lblvar) {
        if(!(lblvar %in% names(df)))
            stop("Value label variable [", lblvar,
                 "] not found in data being tabulated.")
        lblvec <- df[[lblvar]]
        tab <- table(varvec, lblvec)

        if(any(rowSums(tab > 0) > 1) ||
           any(colSums(tab > 0) > 1))
            stop(sprintf(paste("There does not appear to be a 1-1",
                               "correspondence between values in split var",
                               "[%s] and label var [%s]"),
                         var, lblvar))

        if(!is(lblvec, "character") && !is.factor(lblvec)) {
            message(sprintf(paste("Split label var [%s] was not character or",
                                  "factor. Converting to factor"),
            lblvec <- factor(lblvec)
            df[[lblvar]] <- lblvec


fix_split_vars <- function(lyt, df, char_ok) {
    df <- fix_split_vars_inner(clayout(lyt), df, char_ok = char_ok)
    df <- fix_split_vars_inner(rlayout(lyt), df, char_ok = TRUE)

    ## clyt <- clayout(lyt)
    ## rlyt <- rlayout(lyt)

    ## allspls <- unlist(list(clyt, rlyt))
    ## VarLevelSplit includes sublclass VarLevWBaselineSplit


fix_split_vars_inner <- function(lyt, df, char_ok) {
    stopifnot(is(lyt, "PreDataAxisLayout"))
    allspls <- unlist(lyt)
    varspls <- allspls[sapply(allspls, is, "VarLevelSplit")]
    unqvarinds <- !duplicated(sapply(varspls, spl_payload))
    unqvarspls <- varspls[unqvarinds]
    for(spl in unqvarspls)
        df <- fix_one_split_var(spl, df, char_ok = char_ok)


# set_def_child_ord ----
## the table is built by recursively splitting the data and doing things to each
## piece. The order (or even values) of unique(df[[col]]) is not guaranteed to
## be the same in all the different partitions. This addresses that.
           function(lyt, df) standardGeneric("set_def_child_ord"))

setMethod("set_def_child_ord", "PreDataTableLayouts",
          function(lyt, df) {
    clayout(lyt) <- set_def_child_ord(clayout(lyt), df)
    rlayout(lyt) <- set_def_child_ord(rlayout(lyt), df)

setMethod("set_def_child_ord", "PreDataAxisLayout",
          function(lyt, df) {
    lyt@.Data <- lapply(lyt, set_def_child_ord, df = df)

setMethod("set_def_child_ord", "SplitVector",
          function(lyt, df) {
    lyt[] <- lapply(lyt, set_def_child_ord, df = df)

## for most split types, don't do anything
## becuause their ordering already isn't data-based
setMethod("set_def_child_ord", "ANY",
          function(lyt, df) lyt)

setMethod("set_def_child_ord", "VarLevelSplit",
          function(lyt, df) {

    vec <- df[[spl_payload(lyt)]]
    vals <- if(is.factor(vec))
    spl_child_order(lyt) <- vals

setMethod("set_def_child_ord", "VarLevWBaselineSplit",
          function(lyt, df) {
    bline <- spl_ref_group(lyt)
    if(!is.null(spl_child_order(lyt)) &&
       match(bline, spl_child_order(lyt), nomatch = -1) == 1L)

    if(!is.null(split_fun(lyt))) {
        ## expensive but sadly necessary, I think
        pinfo <- do_split(lyt, df, spl_context = context_df_row())
        vals <- sort(unlist(value_names(pinfo$values)))
    } else {
        vec <- df[[spl_payload(lyt)]]
        vals <- if(is.factor(vec))

        if(is.factor(vals)) {
            ## this sorts the levels
            vals <- levels(relevel(droplevels(vals), bline))
    if (!bline %in% vals) {
            'Reference group "', bline, '"', ' was not present in the levels of ', spl_payload(lyt), ' in the data.'
    pos <- match(bline, vals)
    ## same order except ref_group always first
    vals <- c(bline, vals[-pos])
    spl_child_order(lyt) <- vals

splitvec_to_coltree <- function(df, splvec, pos = NULL,
                               lvl = 1L, label = "",
                               spl_context = context_df_row(cinfo = NULL)) {
    stopifnot(lvl <= length(splvec) + 1L,
              is(splvec, "SplitVector"))

    if(lvl == length(splvec) + 1L) {
        ## XXX this should be a LayoutColree I Think.
        nm <- unlist(tail(value_names(pos), 1)) %||% ""
        LayoutColLeaf(lev = lvl - 1L,
                      label = label,
                      tpos = pos,
                      name = nm
    } else {
        spl <- splvec[[lvl]]
        nm <- if(is.null(pos)) obj_name(spl) else unlist(tail(value_names(pos),
        rawpart <- do_split(spl, df, trim = FALSE,
                           spl_context = spl_context)
        datparts <- rawpart[["datasplit"]]
        vals <- rawpart[["values"]]
        labs <- rawpart[["labels"]]

        kids <- mapply(function(dfpart, value, partlab) {
            newprev <- context_df_row(split = obj_name(spl),
                                      value = value_names(value),
                                      full_parent_df = list(dfpart),
                                      cinfo = NULL)
            newpos <- make_child_pos(pos, spl, value, partlab)
            splitvec_to_coltree(dfpart, splvec, newpos,
                                lvl + 1L, partlab,
                                spl_context = rbind(spl_context, newprev))
        }, dfpart = datparts, value = vals,
        partlab = labs, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
        names(kids) <- value_names(vals)
        LayoutColTree(lev = lvl, label = label,
                      spl = spl,
                      kids = kids, tpos = pos,
                      name = nm,
                      summary_function = content_fun(spl))

# fix_analyze_vis ----
## now that we know for sure the number of siblings
## collaplse NAs to TRUE/FALSE for whether
## labelrows should be visible for ElementaryTables
## generatead from analyzing a single variable
setGeneric("fix_analyze_vis", function(lyt) standardGeneric("fix_analyze_vis"))
setMethod("fix_analyze_vis", "PreDataTableLayouts",
          function(lyt) {
    rlayout(lyt) <- fix_analyze_vis(rlayout(lyt))
setMethod("fix_analyze_vis", "PreDataRowLayout",
          function(lyt) {
    splvecs <- lapply(lyt, fix_analyze_vis)
    PreDataRowLayout(root = root_spl(lyt),
                     lst = splvecs)

setMethod("fix_analyze_vis", "SplitVector",
          function(lyt) {
    len <- length(lyt)
    if(len == 0)
    lastspl <- lyt[[len]]
    if(!(is(lastspl, "VAnalyzeSplit") ||
         is(lastspl, "AnalyzeMultivar")))

    if(is(lastspl, "VAnalyzeSplit") && is.na(labelrow_visible(lastspl))) {
        ##  labelrow_visible(lastspl) = FALSE
        labelrow_visible(lastspl) <- "hidden"
    } else if (is(lastspl, "AnalyzeMultiVar")) {
        pld <- spl_payload(lastspl)
        newpld <- lapply(pld, function(sp, havesibs) {
                labelrow_visible(sp) <- havesibs
        }, havesibs = len > 1)
        spl_payload(lastspl) <- newpld
        ## pretty sure this isn't needed...
            label_kids(lastspl) <- len > 1
    lyt[[len]] <- lastspl

# check_afun_cfun_params ----
# This checks if the input params are used anywhere in cfun/afun
setGeneric("check_afun_cfun_params", function(lyt, params) 

setMethod("check_afun_cfun_params", "PreDataTableLayouts",
          function(lyt, params) {
              # clayout does not have analysis functions
              check_afun_cfun_params(rlayout(lyt), params)

setMethod("check_afun_cfun_params", "PreDataRowLayout",
          function(lyt, params) {
              ro_spl_parm_l <- check_afun_cfun_params(root_spl(lyt), params)
              r_spl_parm_l <- lapply(lyt, check_afun_cfun_params, params = params)
              Reduce(`|`, c(list(ro_spl_parm_l), r_spl_parm_l))

# Main function for checking parameters
setMethod("check_afun_cfun_params", "SplitVector", 
          function(lyt, params) {
              param_l <- lapply(lyt, check_afun_cfun_params, params = params)
              Reduce(`|`, param_l)

# Helper function for check_afun_cfun_params
.afun_cfun_switch <- function(spl_i) {
    if (is(spl_i, "VAnalyzeSplit")) {
    } else {

# Extreme case that happens only when using add_existing_table
setMethod("check_afun_cfun_params", "VTableTree",
          function(lyt, params) {
              setNames(logical(length(params)), params) # All FALSE

setMethod("check_afun_cfun_params", "Split",
          function(lyt, params) {
              # Extract function in the split
              fnc <- .afun_cfun_switch(lyt)
              # For each parameter, check if it is called
              sapply(params, function(pai) any(unlist(func_takes(fnc, pai))))

# Helper fnc ----
count <- function(df, ...) NROW(df)

guess_format <- function(val) {
    if(length(val) == 1) {
        if(is.integer(val) || !is.numeric(val))
    } else if(length(val) == 2) {
        "xx.x / xx.x"
    } else if (length(val) == 3) {
        "xx.x (xx.x - xx.x)"
    } else {
        stop("got value of length > 3")

.quick_afun <- function(afun, lbls) {

    if(.takes_df(afun)) {
        function(df, .spl_context, ...) {
           if(!is.null(lbls) && length(lbls) == 1 && is.na(lbls))
                lbls <- tail(.spl_context$value, 1)
            if(".spl_context" %in% names(formals(afun)))
                res <- afun(df = df, .spl_context = .spl_context, ...)
                res <- afun(df = df, ...)
            if(is(res, "RowsVerticalSection")) {
                ret <- res
            } else {
                if(!is.list(res)) {
                    ret <- rcell(res, label = lbls, format = guess_format(res))
                } else {
                    if(!is.null(lbls) && length(lbls) == length(res) && all(!is.na(lbls)))
                        names(res) <- lbls
                    ret <- in_rows(.list = res, .labels = names(res), .formats = vapply(res, guess_format, ""))
    } else {
        function(x, .spl_context, ...) {
            if(!is.null(lbls) && length(lbls) == 1 && is.na(lbls))
                lbls <- tail(.spl_context$value, 1)
            if(".spl_context" %in% names(formals(afun)))
                res <- afun(x = x, .spl_context = .spl_context, ...)
                res <- afun(x = x, ...)
            if(is(res, "RowsVerticalSection")) {
                ret <- res
            } else {
                if(!is.list(res)) {
                    ret <- rcell(res, label = lbls, format = guess_format(res))
                } else {
                    if(!is.null(lbls) && length(lbls) == length(res) && all(!is.na(lbls)))
                        names(res) <- lbls
                    ret <- in_rows(.list = res, .labels = names(res), .formats = vapply(res, guess_format, ""))

# qtable ----

n_cells_res <- function(res) {
    ans <- 1L
        ans <- length(res)
    else if(is(res, "RowsVerticalSection"))
        ans <- length(res$values) # XXX penetrating the abstraction

#' Generalized Frequency Table
#' @description This function provides a convenience interface for
#' generating generalizations of a 2-way frequency table. Row and column
#' space can be facetted by variables, and an analysis function can be specified.
#' The function then builds a layout with the specified layout and applies it to
#' the data provided.
#' @param row_vars character. The names of variables to be used in row facetting.
#' @param col_vars character. The names of variables to be used in column facetting.
#' @param data data.frame. The data to tabulate.
#' @param avar character(1). The variable to be analyzed. Defaults to the first variable in `data`.
#' @param row_labels character or NULL. Row label(s) which should be applied to the analysis rows. length must match the number of rows generated by `afun`. See details.
#' @param afun function. The function to generate the analysis row cell values. This can be a proper analysis function, or a function which returns a vector or list. Vectors are taken as multi-valued single cells, whereas lists are interpreted as multiple cells.
#' @param drop_levels logical(1). Should unobserved factor levels be dropped during facetting. Defaults to `TRUE`.
#' @param summarize_groups logical(1). Should each level of nesting include marginal summary rows. Defaults to `FALSE`
#' @param ... passed to `afun`, if specified. Otherwise ignored.
#' @param .default_rlabel character(1). This is an implementation detail that should not be set by end users.
#' @inheritParams constr_args
#' @inheritParams basic_table
#' @details
#' This function creates a table  with a single top-level structure in
#' both row and column dimensions  involving faceting by 0 or more
#' variables in each.
#' The display  of the table depends on certain
#' details  of the  tabulation.   In  the case  of  an `afun` which
#' returns a single  cell's contents (either a scalar  or a vector
#' of 2 or 3 elements), the  label rows for the deepest-nested row
#' facets will be hidden and the labels used there will be used as
#' the analysis row labels. In the case of an `afun` which returns a
#' list (corresponding to  multiple cells), the names  of the list
#' will be used as the analysis  row labels and the deepest-nested
#' facet row labels will be visible.
#' The  table  will  be  annotated   in  the  top-left  area  with  an
#' informative  label displaying  the analysis  variable (`avar`),  if
#' set,  and  the  function   used  (captured  via  substitute)  where
#' possible, or 'count' if not. One exception where the user may 
#' directly modify the top-left area (via `row_labels`) is the case of
#' a table with row facets and an `afun` which returns a single row. 
#' @return for `qtable` a built TableTree object representing the desired table,
#' for `qtable_layout`, a `PreDataTableLayouts` object declaring the structure of
#' the desired table, suitable for passing to `build_table`.
#' @examples
#' qtable(ex_adsl)
#' qtable(ex_adsl, row_vars = "ARM")
#' qtable(ex_adsl, col_vars = "ARM")
#' qtable(ex_adsl, row_vars = "SEX", col_vars = "ARM")
#' qtable(ex_adsl, row_vars = c("COUNTRY", "SEX"), col_vars = c("ARM", "STRATA1"))
#' qtable(ex_adsl, row_vars = c("COUNTRY", "SEX"),
#'        col_vars = c("ARM", "STRATA1"), avar = "AGE", afun = mean)
#' summary_list <- function(x, ...) as.list(summary(x))
#' qtable(ex_adsl, row_vars = "SEX", col_vars = "ARM", avar = "AGE", afun = summary_list)
#' suppressWarnings(qtable(ex_adsl, row_vars = "SEX",
#'                  col_vars = "ARM", avar = "AGE", afun = range))
#' @export
qtable_layout <- function(data,
                   row_vars = character(),
                   col_vars = character(),
                   avar = NULL,
                   row_labels = NULL,
                   afun = NULL,
                   summarize_groups = FALSE,
                   title = "",
                   subtitles = character(),
                   main_footer = character(),
                   prov_footer = character(),
                   show_colcounts = TRUE,
                   drop_levels = TRUE,
                   .default_rlabel = NULL) {

    subafun <- substitute(afun)
    if(!is.null(.default_rlabel)) {
        dflt_row_lbl <- .default_rlabel
    } else if (is.name(subafun) &&
               is.function(afun) &&
       ## this is gross. basically testing
       ## if the symbol we have corresponds
       ## in some meaningful way to the function
       ## we will be calling.
                      mode = "function",
                      envir = parent.frame(1),
                      ifnotfound = list(NULL),
                      inherits = TRUE
                      )[[1]], afun)) {
        dflt_row_lbl <- paste(avar, as.character(subafun), sep = " - ")
    } else {
        dflt_row_lbl <- if(is.null(avar)) "count" else avar

        afun <- count

        avar <- names(data)[1]
    fakeres <- afun(data[[avar]], ...)
    multirow <- is.list(fakeres) || is(fakeres, "RowsVerticalSection") || summarize_groups
    ## this is before we plug in the default so if not specified by the user
    ## explicitly, row_labels is NULL at this point.
    if(!is.null(row_labels) &&
       length(row_labels) != n_cells_res(fakeres))
        stop("Length of row_labels (",
             ") does not agree with number of rows generated by analysis function (",

        row_labels <- dflt_row_lbl

    lyt <- basic_table(title = title,
                       subtitles = subtitles,
                       main_footer = main_footer,
                       prov_footer = prov_footer,
                       show_colcounts = show_colcounts)

    for(var in col_vars)
        lyt <- split_cols_by(lyt, var)

    for(var in head(row_vars, -1)) {
        lyt <- split_rows_by(lyt, var, split_fun = if(drop_levels) drop_split_levels else NULL)
            lyt <- summarize_row_groups(lyt)

    tleft <- if(multirow || length(row_vars) > 0) dflt_row_lbl else character()
    if(length(row_vars) > 0 ) {
        if(!multirow) {
            ## in the single row in splitting case, we use the row label as the topleft
            ## and the split values as the row labels for a more compact apeparance
            tleft <- row_labels
            row_labels <- NA_character_
            lyt <- split_rows_by(lyt, tail(row_vars, 1), split_fun = if(drop_levels) drop_split_levels else NULL, child_labels = "hidden")
        } else {
            lyt <- split_rows_by(lyt, tail(row_vars, 1), split_fun = if(drop_levels) drop_split_levels else NULL)
            lyt <- summarize_row_groups(lyt)
    inner_afun <- .quick_afun(afun, row_labels)
    lyt <- analyze(lyt, avar, afun = inner_afun, extra_args = list(...))
    lyt <- append_topleft(lyt, tleft)

#' @rdname qtable_layout
#' @export
qtable <- function(data,
                   row_vars = character(),
                   col_vars = character(),
                   avar = NULL,
                   row_labels = NULL,
                   afun = NULL,
                   summarize_groups = FALSE,
                   title = "",
                   subtitles = character(),
                   main_footer = character(),
                   prov_footer = character(),
                   show_colcounts = TRUE,
                   drop_levels = TRUE,
                   ...) {
    ## this involves substitution so it needs to appear in both functions. Gross but true.
    subafun <- substitute(afun)
    if (is.name(subafun) &&
        is.function(afun) &&
        ## this is gross. basically testing
        ## if the symbol we have corresponds
        ## in some meaningful way to the function
        ## we will be calling.
                      mode = "function",
                      envir = parent.frame(1),
                      ifnotfound = list(NULL),
                      inherits = TRUE
                      )[[1]], afun)) {
        dflt_row_lbl <- paste(avar, as.character(subafun), sep = " - ")
    } else {
        dflt_row_lbl <- if(is.null(avar)) "count" else avar

    lyt <- qtable_layout(data = data,
                         row_vars = row_vars,
                         col_vars = col_vars,
                         avar = avar,
                         row_labels = row_labels,
                         afun = afun,
                         summarize_groups = summarize_groups,
                         title = title,
                         subtitles = subtitles,
                         main_footer = main_footer,
                         prov_footer = prov_footer,
                         show_colcounts = show_colcounts,
                         drop_levels = drop_levels,
                         .default_rlabel = dflt_row_lbl)
    build_table(lyt, data)

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rtables documentation built on Aug. 30, 2023, 5:07 p.m.