
Defines functions matvec2scidb fwrite df2scidb lazyeval at_least noE raw2scidb .Matrix2scidb scidbquery POST SGET URI getSession tmpnam getuid make.unique_ make.names_ `.scidbeval` get_setting_items_str create_temp_array digest_auth scidb_unpack_to_dataframe

Documented in at_least df2scidb digest_auth fwrite scidb_unpack_to_dataframe

# Non-exported utility functions

#' Unpack and return a SciDB query expression as a data frame
#' @param db scidb database connection object
#' @param query A SciDB query expression or scidb object
#' @param ... optional extra arguments (see below)
#' @note option extra arguments
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{binary}{ optional logical value, if \code{FALSE} use iquery text transfer, otherwise binary transfer, defaults \code{TRUE}}
#'   \item{buffer}{ integer initial parse buffer size in bytes, adaptively resized as needed: larger buffers can be faster but comsume more memory, default size is 100000L.}
#'   \item{only_attributes}{ optional logical value, \code{TRUE} means don't retrieve dimension coordinates, only return attribute values; defaults to \code{FALSE}.}
#"   \item{schema}{ optional result schema string, only applies when \code{query} is not a SciDB object. Supplying this avois one extra metadata query to determine result schema. Defaults to \code{schema(query)}.}
#' }
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom curl new_handle handle_setheaders handle_setopt curl_fetch_memory handle_setform form_file
#' @importFrom data.table  data.table
#' @import bit64
scidb_unpack_to_dataframe = function(db, query, ...)
  INT64 = attr(db, "connection")$int64
  DEBUG = getOption("scidb.debug", FALSE)
  AIO = getOption("scidb.aio", FALSE)
  RESULT_SIZE_LIMIT = getOption("scidb.result_size_limit", 256)
  if (DEBUG) {
    if (is.null(attr(db, "connection")$session)) stop("[Shim session] unexpected in long running shim session")
  buffer = 100000L
  args = list(...)
  if (is.null(args$only_attributes)) args$only_attributes = FALSE
  if (is.null(args$binary)) args$binary = TRUE
  if (!is.null(args$buffer))
    argsbuf = tryCatch(as.integer(args$buffer), warning=function(e) NA)
    if (!is.na(argsbuf) && argsbuf <= 1e9) buffer = as.integer(argsbuf)
  if (!inherits(query, "scidb"))
# make a scidb object out of the query, optionally using a supplied schema to skip metadata query
    if (is.null(args$schema)) query = scidb(db, query)
    else query = scidb(db, query, schema=args$schema)
  attributes = schema(query, "attributes")
  dimensions = schema(query, "dimensions")
  query = query@name
  if(! args$binary) return(iquery(db, query, binary=FALSE, `return`=TRUE))
  if (args$only_attributes)
    internal_attributes = attributes
    internal_query = query
  } else
    dim_names = dimensions$name
    attr_names = attributes$name
    all_names = c(dim_names, attr_names)
    internal_query = query
    if (length(all_names) != length(unique(all_names)))
      # Cast to completeley unique names to be safe:
      cast_dim_names = make.names_(dim_names)
      cast_attr_names = make.unique_(cast_dim_names, make.names_(attributes$name))
      cast_schema = sprintf("<%s>[%s]", paste(paste(cast_attr_names, attributes$type, sep=":"), collapse=","), paste(cast_dim_names, collapse=","))
      internal_query = sprintf("cast(%s, %s)", internal_query, cast_schema)
      all_names = c(cast_dim_names, cast_attr_names)
      dim_names = cast_dim_names
    # Apply dimensions as attributes, using unique names. Manually construct the list of resulting attributes:
    dimensional_attributes = data.frame(name=dimensions$name, type="int64", nullable=FALSE) # original dimension names (used below)
    internal_attributes = rbind(attributes, dimensional_attributes)
    if (AIO == FALSE)
      dim_apply = paste(dim_names, dim_names, sep=",", collapse=",")
      internal_query = sprintf("apply(%s, %s)", internal_query, dim_apply)
  ns = rep("", length(internal_attributes$nullable))
  ns[internal_attributes$nullable] = "null"
  format_string = paste(paste(internal_attributes$type, ns), collapse=",")
  format_string = sprintf("(%s)", format_string)
  if (DEBUG) message("Data query ", internal_query)
  if (DEBUG) message("Format ", format_string)
  sessionid = scidbquery(
    atts_only=ifelse(args$only_attributes, TRUE, ifelse(AIO, FALSE, TRUE)))
  if (!is.null(attr(db, "connection")$session)) { # if session already exists
    release = 0
  } else { # need to get new session every time
    release = 1;
  if (release) on.exit( SGET(db, "/release_session", list(id=sessionid), err=FALSE), add=TRUE)

  dt2 = proc.time()
  uri = URI(db, "/read_bytes", list(id=sessionid, n=0))
  h = new_handle()
  handle_setheaders(h, .list=list(`Authorization`=digest_auth(db, "GET", uri)))
  handle_setopt(h, .list=list(ssl_verifyhost=as.integer(getOption("scidb.verifyhost", FALSE)),
  resp = curl_fetch_memory(uri, h)
  if (resp$status_code > 299) stop("HTTP error", resp$status_code)
  if (DEBUG) message("Data transfer time ", (proc.time() - dt2)[3])
  dt1 = proc.time()
  len = length(resp$content)
  p = 0
  ans = c()
  cnames = c(internal_attributes$name, "lines", "p")  # we are unpacking to a SciDB array, ignore dims
  n = nrow(internal_attributes)
  rnames = c()
  typediff = setdiff(internal_attributes$type, names(.scidbtypes))
  if(length(typediff) > 0)
    stop(typediff, " SciDB type not supported. Try converting to string in SciDB or use a binary=FALSE data transfer")
  while (p < len)
    dt2 = proc.time()
    tmp   = .Call(C_scidb_parse, as.integer(buffer), internal_attributes$type,
                  internal_attributes$nullable, resp$content, as.double(p), as.integer(INT64))
    names(tmp) = cnames
    lines = tmp[[n+1]]
    p_old = p
    p     = tmp[[n+2]]
    if (DEBUG) message("  R buffer ", p, "/", len, " bytes parsing time ", round( (proc.time() - dt2)[3], 4))
    dt2 = proc.time()
    if (lines > 0)
      if ("binary" %in% internal_attributes$type)
        if (DEBUG) message("  R rbind/df assembly time ", round( (proc.time() - dt2)[3], 4))
        ans = lapply(1:n, function(j) tmp[[j]][1:lines])
        names(ans) = internal_attributes$name
      len_out = length(tmp[[1]])
      if (lines < len_out) tmp = lapply(tmp[1:n], function(x) x[1:lines])
# adaptively re-estimate a buffer size
      avg_bytes_per_line = ceiling( (p - p_old) / lines)
      buffer = min(getOption("scidb.buffer_size"), ceiling(1.3 * (len - p) / avg_bytes_per_line)) # Engineering factors
# Assemble the data frame
      ans = data.table::rbindlist(list(ans, tmp[1:n]))
#      if (is.null(ans)) ans = data.table::data.table(data.frame(tmp[1:n], stringsAsFactors=FALSE, check.names=FALSE))
#      else ans = rbind(ans, data.table::data.table(data.frame(tmp[1:n], stringsAsFactors=FALSE, check.names=FALSE)))
    if (DEBUG) message("  R rbind/df assembly time ", round( (proc.time() - dt2)[3], 4))
  if (is.null(ans))
    xa = attributes$name
    xd = NULL
    classes = list()
    classes_dimensions = NULL
    if (!args$only_attributes) {
      xd = dimensions$name
      classes_dimensions = rep("numeric", length(xd))
    has_binary = FALSE
    for(i in 1:nrow(attributes)) {
      t = attributes$type[i]
      if(t == 'bool') {
        classes = c(classes, 'logical')
      } else if(t == 'binary') {
        classes = c(classes, 'list')
        has_binary = TRUE
      } else if(t == 'datetime') {
        classes[[length(classes) + 1]] = as.character(c('POSIXct', 'POSIXt'))
      } else if(t == 'string' || t == 'char') {
        classes = c(classes, 'character')
      } else if(t %in% c('int8', 'uint8', 'int16', 'uint16', 'int32')) {
        classes = c(classes, 'integer')
      } else {
        classes = c(classes, 'numeric')
    n = length(xd) + length(xa)
    ans = vector(mode="list", length=n)
    if (has_binary) {
      # C_scidb_parse leaves dimensions at the end,
      # for "binary" leave dimensions as they are
      classes = c(classes, classes_dimensions)
      names(ans) = make.names_(c(xa, xd))
      for(i in 1:length(ans))
        class(ans[[i]]) = classes[[i]]
    else {
      classes = c(classes_dimensions, classes)
      names(ans) = make.names_(c(xd, xa))
      class(ans) = "data.frame"
      for(i in 1:ncol(ans)) {
        # Workaround for POSIXct class
        if (length(classes[[i]]) == 2
            && all.equal(classes[[i]], as.character(c("POSIXct", "POSIXt"))))
          class(ans[, i]) = 'numeric'
        class(ans[, i]) = classes[[i]]
  if (DEBUG) message("Total R parsing time ", round( (proc.time() - dt1)[3], 4))
  ans = as.data.frame(ans, check.names=FALSE)
  if (INT64)
    for (i64 in which(internal_attributes$type %in% "int64")) oldClass(ans[, i64]) = "integer64"
  # Handle datetime (integer POSIX time)
  for (idx in which(internal_attributes$type %in% "datetime")) ans[, idx] = as.POSIXct(ans[, idx], origin="1970-1-1")
  if (args$only_attributes) # permute cols, see issue #125
    colnames(ans) = make.names_(attributes$name)
    nd = length(dimensions$name)
    i = ncol(ans) - nd
    ans = ans[, c( (i+1):ncol(ans), 1:i)]
    colnames(ans) = make.names_(c(dimensions$name, attributes$name))

#' Convenience function for digest authentication.
#' @param db a scidb database connection object
#' @param method digest method
#' @param uri uri
#' @param realm realm
#' @param nonce nonce
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom digest digest
digest_auth = function(db, method, uri, realm="", nonce="123456")
  .scidbenv = attr(db, "connection")
  if (!is.null(.scidbenv$authtype))
   if (.scidbenv$authtype != "digest") return("")
  uri = gsub(".*/", "/", uri)
  userpwd = .scidbenv$digest
  if (is.null(userpwd)) userpwd=":"
  up = strsplit(userpwd, ":")[[1]]
  user = up[1]
  pwd  = up[2]
  if (is.na(pwd)) pwd=""
  ha1=digest(sprintf("%s:%s:%s", user, realm, pwd, algo="md5"), serialize=FALSE)
  ha2=digest(sprintf("%s:%s", method,  uri, algo="md5"), serialize=FALSE)
  response=digest(sprintf("%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s", ha1, nonce, nc, cnonce, qop, ha2), algo="md5", serialize=FALSE)
  sprintf('Digest username="%s", realm=%s, nonce="%s", uri="%s", cnonce="%s", nc=%s, qop=%s, response="%s"', user, realm, nonce, uri, cnonce, nc, qop, response)

# Internal warning function
warnonce = (function() {
  state = list(
    count="Use the AFL op_count macro operator for an exact count of data rows.",
    nonum="Note: The R sparse Matrix package does not support certain value types like\ncharacter strings"
  function(warn) {
    if (!is.null(state[warn][[1]])) {
      s <<- state
      s[warn] = c()
      state <<- s
}) ()

# Some versions of RCurl seem to contain a broken URLencode function.
oldURLencode = function (URL, reserved = FALSE)
    OK = paste0("[^-ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789$_.+!*'(),",
        if (!reserved)
            ";/?:@=&", "]")
    x = strsplit(URL, "")[[1L]]
    z = grep(OK, x)
    if (length(z)) {
        y = sapply(x[z], function(x) paste0("%", as.character(charToRaw(x)),
            collapse = ""))
        x[z] = y
    paste(x, collapse = "")

# Internal function
create_temp_array = function(db, name, schema)
# SciDB temporary array syntax varies with SciDB version
  TEMP = "'TEMP'"
  if (at_least(attr(db, "connection")$scidb.version, "14.12")) TEMP="true"
  query   = sprintf("create_array(%s, %s, %s)", name, schema, TEMP)
  iquery(db, query, `return`=FALSE)

# Internal function
get_setting_items_str = function(db, settings, sep=',') {
  convert_single_item_v19 = function(key, value) {
      value = sprintf("'%s'", value)  # Quote string value(s)
    valueStr = if(length(value) > 1) sprintf("(%s)", paste(value, collapse = ',')) else value
    sprintf("%s:%s", key, valueStr)
  convert_single_item_pre_v19 = function(key, value) {
    valueStr = if(length(value) > 1) paste(value, collapse = ',') else value
    sprintf("'%s=%s'", key, valueStr)
  convert_single_item = if (at_least(attr(db, "connection")$scidb.version, "19.0")) 
    convert_single_item_v19 else convert_single_item_pre_v19
  items = mapply(convert_single_item, names(settings), settings)
  paste(items, collapse = sep)

#' An important internal convenience function that returns a scidb object.  If
#' eval=TRUE, a new SciDB array is created the returned scidb object refers to
#' that.  Otherwise, the returned scidb object represents a SciDB array promise.
#' @param db scidb connection object
#' @param expr (character) A SciDB expression or array name
#' @param eval (logical) If TRUE evaluate expression and assign to new SciDB array.
#'                 If FALSE, infer output schema but don't evaluate.
#' @param name (optional character) If supplied, name for stored array when eval=TRUE
#' @param gc (optional logical) If TRUE, tie SciDB object to  garbage collector.
#' @param depend (optional list) An optional list of other scidb objects
#'         that this expression depends on (preventing their garbage collection
#'         if other references to them go away).
#' @param schema (optional) used to create SciDB temp arrays
#'               (requires scidb >= 14.8)
#' @param temp (optional) used to create SciDB temp arrays
#'               (requires scidb >= 14.8)
#' @return A \code{scidb} array object
#' @note Only AFL supported.
`.scidbeval` = function(db, expr, eval=FALSE, name, gc=TRUE, depend, schema, temp)
  ans = c()
  if (missing(depend)) depend = c()
  if (missing(schema)) schema = ""
  if (missing(temp)) temp = FALSE
  if (!is.list(depend)) depend = list(depend)
# Address bug #45. Try to cheaply determine if expr refers to a named array
# or an AFL expression. If it's a named array, then eval must be set TRUE.
  if (!grepl("\\(", expr, perl=TRUE)) eval = TRUE
  if (`eval`)
    if (missing(name) || is.null(name))
      newarray = tmpnam(db)
      if (temp) create_temp_array(db, newarray, schema)
    else newarray = name
    query = sprintf("store(%s,%s)", expr, newarray)
    scidbquery(db, query, stream=0L)
    ans = scidb(db, newarray, gc=gc)
    if (temp) ans@meta$temp = TRUE
  } else
    ans = scidb(db, expr, gc=gc)
# Assign dependencies
    if (length(depend) > 0)
      assign("depend", depend, envir=ans@meta)

make.names_ = function(x)
  gsub("\\.", "_", make.names(x, unique=TRUE), perl=TRUE)

# x is vector of existing values
# y is vector of new values
# returns a set the same size as y with non-conflicting value names
make.unique_ = function(x, y)
  z = make.names(gsub("_", ".", c(x, y)), unique=TRUE)
  gsub("\\.", "_", utils::tail(z, length(y)))

# Make a name from a prefix and a unique SciDB identifier.
getuid = function(db)
  .scidbenv = attributes(db)$connection
  if (is.null(.scidbenv$id)) stop("Not connected...try scidbconnect")

tmpnam = function(db, prefix="R_array")
  stopifnot(inherits(db, "afl"))
  salt = basename(tempfile(pattern=prefix))
  paste(salt, getuid(db), sep="")

# Return a shim session ID or error
getSession = function(db)
  session = SGET(db, "/new_session")
  if (length(session)<1) stop("SciDB http session error; are you connecting to a valid SciDB host?")
  session = gsub("\r", "", session)
  session = gsub("\n", "", session)

# Supply the base SciDB URI from the global host, port and auth
# parameters stored in the "connection" environment in the db object
# Every function that needs to talk to the shim interface should use
# this function to supply the URI.
# Arguments:
# db scidb database connection object
# resource (string): A URI identifying the requested service
# args (list): A list of named query parameters
URI = function(db, resource="", args=list())
  .scidbenv = attr(db, "connection")
  if (is.null(.scidbenv$host)) stop("Not connected...try scidbconnect")
  if (!is.null(.scidbenv$auth))
    args = c(args, list(auth=.scidbenv$auth))
  if (!is.null(.scidbenv$password)) args = c(args, list(password=.scidbenv$password))
  if (!is.null(.scidbenv$username)) args = c(args, list(user=.scidbenv$username))
  if (!is.null(.scidbenv$admin) && .scidbenv$admin) args = c(args, list(admin=1))
  prot = paste(.scidbenv$protocol, "//", sep=":")
  if ("password" %in% names(args) || "auth" %in% names(args)) prot = "https://"
  if (!is.null(.scidbenv$port)) { # if port value is not NULL
    ans = paste(prot, .scidbenv$host, ":", .scidbenv$port, sep="")
  } else { # if port value is NULL, Shim port must have been forwarded to a URL
           # and only having the URL is sufficient
    ans = paste(prot, .scidbenv$host, sep = "")
  ans = paste(ans, resource, sep="/")
  if (length(args)>0)
    ans = paste(ans, paste(paste(names(args), args, sep="="), collapse="&"), sep="?")

SGET = function(db, resource, args=list(), err=TRUE, binary=FALSE)
  if (!(substr(resource, 1, 1)=="/")) resource = paste("/", resource, sep="")
  uri = URI(db, resource, args)
  uri = oldURLencode(uri)
  uri = gsub("\\+", "%2B", uri, perl=TRUE)
  h = new_handle()
  handle_setheaders(h, .list=list(Authorization=digest_auth(db, "GET", uri)))
  handle_setopt(h, .list=list(ssl_verifyhost=as.integer(getOption("scidb.verifyhost", FALSE)),
  ans = curl_fetch_memory(uri, h)
  if (ans$status_code > 299 && err)
    msg = sprintf("HTTP error %s", ans$status_code)
    if (ans$status_code >= 400) msg = sprintf("%s\n%s", msg, rawToChar(ans$content))
  if (binary) return(ans$content)

# Normally called with raw data and args=list(id=whatever)
POST = function(db, data, args=list(), err=TRUE)
# check for new shim simple post option (/upload), otherwise use
# multipart/file upload (/upload_file)
  shimspl = strsplit(attr(db, "connection")$scidb.version, "\\.")[[1]]
  shim_yr = tryCatch(as.integer(gsub("[A-z]", "", shimspl[1])), error=function(e) 16, warning=function(e) 8)
  shim_mo = tryCatch(as.integer(gsub("[A-z]", "", shimspl[2])), error=function(e) 16, warning=function(e) 8)
  if (is.na(shim_yr)) shim_yr = 16
  if (is.na(shim_mo)) shim_mo = 8
  simple = (shim_yr >= 15 && shim_mo >= 7) || shim_yr >= 16
  if (simple)
    uri = URI(db, "/upload", args)
    uri = oldURLencode(uri)
    uri = gsub("\\+", "%2B", uri, perl=TRUE)
    h = new_handle()
    handle_setheaders(h, .list=list(Authorization=digest_auth(db, "POST", uri)))
    handle_setopt(h, .list=list(ssl_verifyhost=as.integer(getOption("scidb.verifyhost", FALSE)),
                                ssl_verifypeer=0, post=TRUE, postfieldsize=length(data), postfields=data))
    ans = curl_fetch_memory(uri, h)
    if (ans$status_code > 299 && err) stop("HTTP error ", ans$status_code)
  uri = URI(db, "/upload_file", args)
  uri = oldURLencode(uri)
  uri = gsub("\\+", "%2B", uri, perl=TRUE)
  h = new_handle()
  handle_setheaders(h, .list=list(Authorization=digest_auth(db, "POST", uri)))
  handle_setopt(h, .list=list(ssl_verifyhost=as.integer(getOption("scidb.verifyhost", FALSE)),
  tmpf = tempfile()
  if (is.character(data)) data = charToRaw(data)
  writeBin(data, tmpf)
  handle_setform(h, file=form_file(tmpf))
  ans = curl_fetch_memory(uri, h)
  if (ans$status_code > 299 && err) stop("HTTP error", ans$status_code)

# Basic low-level query. Returns query id. This is an internal function.
# db: scidb database connection object
# query: a character query string
# save: Save format query string or NULL.
# session: if you already have a SciDB http session, set this to it, otherwise NULL
# resp(logical): return http response
# stream: Set to 0L or 1L to control streaming (NOT USED)
# prefix: optional AFL statement to prefix query in the same connection context.
# Example values of save: "dcsv", "csv+", "(double NULL, int32)"
# Returns the HTTP session in each case
scidbquery = function(db, query, save=NULL, result_size_limit=NULL, session=NULL, resp=FALSE, stream, prefix=attributes(db)$connection$prefix, atts_only=TRUE)
  DEBUG = getOption("scidb.debug", FALSE)
  if (missing(stream))
    STREAM = 0L
  } else STREAM = as.integer(stream)
  release = 0
  if (!is.null(attr(db, "connection")$session)) {
    session = attr(db, "connection")$session
  } else {
    if (DEBUG) cat("[Shim session] created new session\n")
  sessionid = session
  if (is.null(session))
    sessionid = getSession(db) # Obtain a session from shim
  if (is.null(save)) save=""
  if (is.null(result_size_limit)) result_size_limit=""
  if (DEBUG)
    message(query, "\n")
    t1 = proc.time()
  ans = tryCatch(
      args = list(id=sessionid, afl=0L, query=query, stream=0L)
      args$release = release
      args$prefix = c(getOption("scidb.prefix"), prefix)
      if (!is.null(args$prefix)) args$prefix = paste(args$prefix, collapse=";")
      args$save = save
      args$result_size_limit = result_size_limit
      if (!is.null(args$save)) args$atts_only=ifelse(atts_only, 1L, 0L)
      do.call("SGET", args=list(db=db, resource="/execute_query", args=args))
    }, error=function(e)
      SGET(db, "/cancel", list(id=sessionid), err=FALSE)
      if (release) SGET(db, "/release_session", list(id=sessionid), err=FALSE)
      e$call = NULL
    }, interrupt=function(e)
      SGET(db, "/cancel", list(id=sessionid), err=FALSE)
      if (release) SGET(db, "/release_session", list(id=sessionid), err=FALSE)
    }, warning=invisible)
  if (DEBUG) message("Query time ", round( (proc.time() - t1)[3], 4))
  if (resp) return(list(session=sessionid, response=ans))

.Matrix2scidb = function(db, X, name, rowChunkSize=1000, colChunkSize=1000, start=c(0, 0), gc=TRUE, ...)
  D = dim(X)
  rowOverlap = 0L
  colOverlap = 0L
  if (missing(start)) start=c(0, 0)
  if (length(start) < 1) stop ("Invalid starting coordinates")
  if (length(start) > 2) start = start[1:2]
  if (length(start) < 2) start = c(start, 0)
  start = as.integer(start)
  type = .scidbtypes[[typeof(X@x)]]
  if (is.null(type)) {
    stop(paste("Unupported data type. The package presently supports: ",
       paste(.scidbtypes, collapse=" "), ".", sep=""))
  if (type != "double") stop("Sorry, the package only supports double-precision sparse matrices right now.")
  schema = sprintf(
      "< val : %s null>  [i=%.0f:%.0f,%.0f,%.0f, j=%.0f:%.0f,%.0f,%.0f]", type, start[[1]],
      nrow(X)-1+start[[1]], min(nrow(X), rowChunkSize), rowOverlap, start[[2]], ncol(X)-1+start[[2]],
      min(ncol(X), colChunkSize), colOverlap)
  schema1d = sprintf("<i:int64 null, j:int64 null, val : %s null>[idx=0:*,100000,0]", type)

# Obtain a session from shim for the upload process
  if (!is.null(attr(db, "connection")$session)) { # if session already exists
    session = attr(db, "connection")$session
    release = 0
  } else { # need to get new session every time
    session = getSession(db)
    if (length(session)<1) stop("SciDB http session error")
    release = 1;
  if (release) on.exit( SGET(db, "/release_session", list(id=session), err=FALSE), add=TRUE)

# Compute the indices and assemble message to SciDB in the form
# double, double, double for indices i, j and data val.
  dp = diff(X@p)
  j  = rep(seq_along(dp), dp) - 1

# Upload the data
  bytes = .Call(C_scidb_raw, as.vector(t(matrix(c(X@i + start[[1]], j + start[[2]], X@x), length(X@x)))))
  ans = POST(db, bytes, list(id=session))
  ans = gsub("\n", "", gsub("\r", "", ans))

# redimension into a matrix
  query = sprintf("store(redimension(input(%s,'%s',-2,'(double null,double null,double null)'),%s),%s)", schema1d, ans, schema, name)
  iquery(db, query)
  scidb(db, name, gc=gc)

# raw value to special 1-element SciDB array
raw2scidb = function(db, X, name, gc=TRUE, ...)
  if (!is.raw(X)) stop("X must be a raw value")
  args = list(...)
# Obtain a session from shim for the upload process
  if (!is.null(attr(db, "connection")$session)) { # if session already exists
    session = attr(db, "connection")$session
    release = 0
  } else { # need to get new session every time
    session = getSession(db)
    if (length(session)<1) stop("SciDB http session error")
    release = 1;
  if (release) on.exit( SGET(db, "/release_session", list(id=session), err=FALSE), add=TRUE)

  bytes = .Call(C_scidb_raw, X)
  ans = POST(db, bytes, list(id=session))
  ans = gsub("\n", "", gsub("\r", "", ans))

  schema = "<val:binary null>[i=0:0,1,0]"
  if (!is.null(args$temp))
    if (args$temp) create_temp_array(db, name, schema)

  query = sprintf("store(input(%s,'%s',-2,'(binary null)'),%s)", schema, ans, name)
  iquery(db, query)
  scidb(db, name, gc=gc)

# Internal utility function used to format numbers
noE = function(w) sapply(w,
    if (is.infinite(x)) return("*")
    if (is.character(x)) return(x)
    sprintf("%.0f", x)

#' Returns TRUE if version string x is greater than or equal to than version y
#' @param x version string like "12.1", "15.12", etc. (non-numeric ignored)
#' @param y version string like "12.1", "15.12", etc. (non-numeric ignored)
#' @return logical TRUE if x is greater than or equal to y
at_least = function(x, y)
  b = as.numeric(gsub("-.*", "", gsub("[A-z].*", "", strsplit(sprintf("%s.0", x), "\\.")[[1]])))
  b = b[1] + b[2] / 100
  a = as.numeric(gsub("-.*", "", gsub("[A-z].*", "", strsplit(sprintf("%s.0", y), "\\.")[[1]])))
  a = a[1] + a[2] / 100
  b >= a

# Used in delayed assignment of scidb object schema
lazyeval = function(db, name)
  escape = gsub("'", "\\\\'", name, perl=TRUE)
  query = iquery(db, sprintf("show('filter(%s, true)', 'afl')", escape), `return`=TRUE, binary=FALSE)
  # NOTE that we need binary=FALSE here to avoid a terrible recursion
  list(schema = gsub("^.*<", "<", query$schema, perl=TRUE))

#' Internal function to upload an R data frame to SciDB
#' @param db scidb database connection
#' @param X a data frame
#' @param name SciDB array name
#' @param chunk_size optional value passed to the aio_input operator see https://github.com/Paradigm4/accelerated_io_tools
#' @param types SciDB attribute types
#' @param gc set to \code{TRUE} to connect SciDB array to R's garbage collector
#' @return a \code{\link{scidb}} object, or a character schema string if \code{schema_only=TRUE}.
#' @keywords internal
df2scidb = function(db, X,
                    gc, format, temp=FALSE)
  if (!is.data.frame(X)) stop("X must be a data frame")
  if (missing(gc)) gc = TRUE
  nullable = TRUE
  anames = make.names(names(X), unique=TRUE)
  anames = gsub("\\.", "_", anames, perl=TRUE)
  if (length(anames) != ncol(X)) anames = make.names(1:ncol(X))
  if (!all(anames == names(X))) warning("Attribute names have been changed")

# Default type is string
  typ = rep("string", ncol(X))
  dcast = anames
  if (!is.null(types)) {
    for (j in 1:ncol(X)) typ[j] = types[j]
  for (j in 1:ncol(X)) {
    if ((! grepl("^int", typ[j])) && "numeric" %in% class(X[, j]))
      if(is.null(types)) typ[j] = "double"
      X[, j] = gsub("NA", "null",
                            ifelse(X[, j] > 0 & X[, j] < .Machine$double.xmin, 0,
                                   ifelse(X[, j] < 0 & X[, j] > -.Machine$double.xmin, 0, X[, j]))))
    else if (grepl("^int", typ[j]) || "integer" %in% class(X[, j]))
      if(is.null(types)) typ[j] = "int32"
      X[, j] = gsub("NA", "null", sprintf("%d", X[, j]))
    else if (grepl("^int", typ[j]) || "integer64" %in% class(X[, j]))
      if(is.null(types)) typ[j] = "int64"
      X[, j] = gsub("NA", "null",  sprintf("%s", X[, j]))
    else if ("logical" %in% class(X[, j]))
      if(is.null(types)) typ[j] = "bool"
      X[, j] = gsub("na", "null", tolower(sprintf("%s", X[, j])))
    else if ("character" %in% class(X[, j]))
      if(is.null(types)) typ[j] = "string"
      X[is.na(X[, j]), j] = "null"
    else if ("factor" %in% class(X[, j]))
      if(is.null(types)) typ[j] = "string"
      isna = is.na(X[, j])
      X[, j] = sprintf("%s", X[, j])
      if (any(isna)) X[isna, j] = "null"
    else if ("Date" %in% class(X[, j]) || "POSIXct" %in% class(X[, j]))
      warning("Converting R Date/POSIXct to SciDB datetime as UTC time. Subsecond times rounded to seconds.")
      X[, j] = round(as.double(as.POSIXct(X[, j], tz="UTC")))
      X[, j] = gsub("NA", "null", sprintf("%d", X[, j]))
      if(is.null(types)) typ[j] = "datetime"
  for (j in 1:ncol(X))
    if (typ[j] == "datetime") dcast[j] = sprintf("%s, datetime(a%d)", anames[j], j - 1)
    else if (typ[j] == "string") dcast[j] = sprintf("%s, a%d", anames[j], j - 1)
    else dcast[j] = sprintf("%s, dcast(a%d, %s(null))", anames[j], j - 1, typ[j])
  args = sprintf("<%s>", paste(anames, ":", typ, " null", collapse=","))

# Obtain a session from the SciDB http service for the upload process
  if (!is.null(attr(db, "connection")$session)) { # if session already exists
    session = attr(db, "connection")$session
    release = 0
  } else { # need to get new session every time
    session = getSession(db)
    if (length(session)<1) stop("SciDB http session error")
    release = 1;
  if (release) on.exit( SGET(db, "/release_session", list(id=session), err=FALSE), add=TRUE)

  ncolX = ncol(X)
  nrowX = nrow(X)
  if(missing(format)) X = charToRaw(fwrite(X, file=return))
  else X = charToRaw(fwrite(X, file=return, format=format))
  tmp = POST(db, X, list(id=session))
  tmp = gsub("\n", "", gsub("\r", "", tmp))

# Generate a load_tools query
  aio = length(grep("aio_input", names(db))) > 0
  atts = paste(dcast, collapse=",")
  if (use_aio_input && aio)
    aioSettings = list(num_attributes = ncolX)
      aioSettings[['chunk_size']] = chunk_size
    LOAD = sprintf("project(apply(aio_input('%s', %s),%s),%s)", tmp,
                   get_setting_items_str(db, aioSettings), atts, paste(anames, collapse=","))
  } else
    if (missing(chunk_size))
      LOAD = sprintf("input(%s, '%s', -2, 'tsv')", dfschema(anames, typ, nrowX), tmp)
      LOAD = sprintf("input(%s, '%s', -2, 'tsv')", dfschema(anames, typ, nrowX, chunk_size), tmp)
  ## Create a temporary array 'name'
  if(temp){ # Use scidb temporary array instead of regular versioned array
    targetArraySchema = lazyeval(db, LOAD)$schema
    create_temp_array(db, name, schema = targetArraySchema)
  query = sprintf("store(%s,%s)", LOAD, name)
  scidbquery(db, query, session=session, stream=0L)
  scidb(db, name, gc=gc)

#' Fast write.table/textConnection substitute
#' Conversions are vectorized and the entire output is buffered in memory and written in
#' one shot. Great option for replacing writing to a textConnection (much much faster).
#' Not such a great option for writing to files, marginal difference from write.table and
#' obviously much greater memory use.
#' @param x a data frame
#' @param file a connection or \code{return} to return character output directly (fast)
#' @param sep column separator
#' @param format optional fprint-style column format specifyer
#' @return Use for the side effect of writing to the connection returning \code{NULL}, or
#' return a character value when \code{file=return}.
#' @importFrom utils write.table
#' @keywords internal
fwrite = function(x, file=stdout(), sep="\t", format=paste(rep("%s", ncol(x)), collapse=sep))
  if(length(format) > 1) format = paste(format, collapse=sep)
  foo = NULL
  rm(list="foo") # avoid package R CMD check warnings of undeclared variable
  if (!is.data.frame(x)) stop("x must be a data.frame")
  if (is.null(file) || ncol(x) > 97) # use slow write.table method
    tc = textConnection("foo", open="w")
    write.table(x, sep=sep, col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, file=tc, quote=FALSE)
    return(paste(foo, collapse="\n"))
  if (is.function(file)) return(paste(do.call("sprintf", args=c(format, as.list(x))), collapse="\n"))
  write(paste(do.call("sprintf", args=c(format, as.list(x))), collapse="\n"), file=file)

matvec2scidb = function(db, X,
                        gc=TRUE, ...)
# Check for a bunch of optional hidden arguments
  args = list(...)
  attr_name = "val"
  if (!is.null(args$attr)) attr_name = as.character(args$attr)      # attribute name
  do_reshape = TRUE
  if ("factor" %in% class(X)) X = as.character(X)
  type = force_type = .Rtypes[[typeof(X)]]
  if ("Date" %in% class(X))
    X = as.double(as.POSIXct(X, tz="UTC")) # XXX warn UTC?
    force_type = "datetime"
  if ("integer64" %in% class(X)) type = force_type = "int64"
  if (is.null(type)) {
    stop(paste("Unupported data type. The package supports: ",
       paste(unique(names(.Rtypes)), collapse=" "), ".", sep=""))
  if (!is.null(args$reshape)) do_reshape = as.logical(args$reshape) # control reshape
  if (!is.null(args$type)) force_type = as.character(args$type) # limited type conversion
  chunkSize = c(min(1000L, nrow(X)), min(1000L, ncol(X)))
  chunkSize = as.numeric(chunkSize)
  if (length(chunkSize) == 1) chunkSize = c(chunkSize, chunkSize)
  overlap = c(0, 0)
  if (missing(start)) start = c(0, 0)
  start     = as.numeric(start)
  if (length(start) ==1) start = c(start, start)
  D = dim(X)
  start = as.integer(start)
  overlap = as.integer(overlap)
  dimname = make.unique_(attr_name, "i")
  if (is.null(D))
# X is a vector
    do_reshape = FALSE
    chunkSize = min(chunkSize[[1]], length(X))
    X = as.matrix(X)
    schema = sprintf(
        "< %s : %s null>  [%s=%.0f:%.0f,%.0f,%.0f]", attr_name, force_type, dimname, start[[1]],
        nrow(X) - 1 + start[[1]], min(nrow(X), chunkSize), overlap[[1]])
    load_schema = schema
  } else if (length(D) > 2)
# X is a dense n-d array
    ndim = length(D)
    chunkSize = rep(floor(10e6 ^ (1 / ndim)), ndim)
    start = rep(0, ndim)
    end = D - 1
    dimNames = make.unique_(attr_name, paste("i", 1:length(D), sep=""))
    schema = sprintf("< %s : %s null >[%s]", attr_name, force_type, paste(sprintf( "%s=%.0f:%.0f,%.0f,0", dimNames, start, end, chunkSize), collapse=","))
    load_schema = sprintf("<%s:%s null>[__row=1:%.0f,1000000,0]", attr_name, force_type,  length(X))
  } else {
# X is a matrix
    schema = sprintf(
      "< %s : %s  null>  [i=%.0f:%.0f,%.0f,%.0f, j=%.0f:%.0f,%.0f,%.0f]", attr_name, force_type, start[[1]],
      nrow(X) - 1 + start[[1]], chunkSize[[1]], overlap[[1]], start[[2]], ncol(X) - 1 + start[[2]],
      chunkSize[[2]], overlap[[2]])
    load_schema = sprintf("<%s:%s null>[__row=1:%.0f,1000000,0]", attr_name, force_type,  length(X))
  if (!is.array(X)) stop ("X must be an array or vector")

  DEBUG = getOption("scidb.debug", FALSE)
  td1 = proc.time()
# Obtain a session from shim for the upload process
  if (!is.null(attr(db, "connection")$session)) { # if session already exists
    session = attr(db, "connection")$session
    release = 0
  } else { # need to get new session every time
    session = getSession(db)
    if (length(session)<1) stop("SciDB http session error")
    release = 1;
  if (release) on.exit( SGET(db, "/release_session", list(id=session), err=FALSE), add=TRUE)

# Upload the data
  bytes = .Call(C_scidb_raw, as.vector(aperm(X)))
  ans = POST(db, bytes, list(id=session))
  ans = gsub("\n", "", gsub("\r", "", ans))
  if (DEBUG)
    message("Data upload time ", (proc.time() - td1)[3], "\n")

# Load query
  if (do_reshape)
    query = sprintf("store(reshape(input(%s,'%s', -2, '(%s null)'),%s),%s)", load_schema, ans, type, schema, name)
  } else
    query = sprintf("store(input(%s,'%s', -2, '(%s null)'),%s)", load_schema, ans, type, name)
  iquery(db, query)
  scidb(db, name, gc=gc)

Try the scidb package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

scidb documentation built on Aug. 12, 2020, 5:08 p.m.