#### Classes ####
#' S4 class containing clonal assignments and summary data
#' \code{ScoperClones} stores output from \link{identicalClones}, \link{hierarchicalClones} and
#' \link{spectralClones} functions.
#' @slot db \code{data.frame} of repertoire data including with clonal identifiers in
#' the column specified during processing.
#' @slot vjl_groups \code{data.frame} of clonal summary, including sequence count, V gene,
#' J gene, junction length, and clone counts.
#' @slot inter_intra \code{data.frame} containing minimum inter (between) and maximum intra
#' (within) clonal distances.
#' @slot eff_threshold effective cut-off separating the inter (between) and intra (within) clonal
#' distances.
#' @seealso \link{identicalClones}, \link{hierarchicalClones} and \link{spectralClones}
#' @name ScoperClones-class
#' @rdname ScoperClones-class
#' @aliases ScoperClones
#' @exportClass ScoperClones
#### Methods ####
#' @param x ScoperClones object
#' @rdname ScoperClones-class
#' @aliases ScoperClones-method
#' @export
setMethod("print", c(x="ScoperClones"), function(x) { print(x@eff_threshold) })
#' @param object ScoperClones object
#' @rdname ScoperClones-class
#' @aliases ScoperClones-method
#' @export
setMethod("summary", c(object="ScoperClones"),
function(object) { object@vjl_groups })
#' @param y ignored.
#' @param ... arguments to pass to \link{plotCloneSummary}.
#' @rdname ScoperClones-class
#' @aliases ScoperClones-method
#' @export
setMethod("plot", c(x="ScoperClones", y="missing"),
function(x, y, ...) { plotCloneSummary(x, ...) })
#' @rdname ScoperClones-class
#' @aliases ScoperClones-method
#' @export
setMethod("", c(x="ScoperClones"),
function(x) { })
#### Internal functions ####
# find density gap
findGapSmooth <- function(vec) {
# bandwidth <- kedd::h.ucv(vec, 4)$h
# bandwidth <- density(vec)$bw
# dens <- KernSmooth::bkde(vec, canonical=TRUE) #, bandwidth=bandwidth
# suppressWarnings(dens <- density(vec, kernel="gaussian", adjust=1, bw="ucv")) #"nrd0"
dens <- density(vec)
idy <- which(diff(sign(diff(dens$y))) == 2) + 1
idx <- idy[which.min(dens$y[idy])]
d <- ifelse(length(idx) != 0, dens$x[idx], NA)
error = function(e) {
warning('No minimum was found between two modes.')
return(NULL) })
# *****************************************************************************
# *****************************************************************************
# epsilon calculator by "infer"
infer <- function(vec) {
vec <- sort(vec)
# vec[1] <- vec[2]/2
n <- length(vec)
d <- NA
# upper level search
if (n > 2) {
d <- findGapSmooth(vec=vec)
if (! {
# d <- max(vec[vec <= d])
d <- ifelse(max(vec[vec <= d]) == 0, d, max(vec[vec <= d]))
# lower level search
if ( {
diffVec <- diff(vec)
if (length(unique(diffVec[diffVec > 0])) == 1) {
d <- ceiling(mean(vec))
} else {
x <- which.max(diffVec)
d <- ifelse(vec[x] == 0, mean(c(vec[x], vec[vec>0][1])), vec[x])
# *****************************************************************************
# *****************************************************************************
# kernel matrix calculator
krnlMtxGenerator <- function(mtx) {
# Radial basis function kernel: In the Gaussian Kernel if two points are
# close then K_ij≈1 and when two points are far apart then Kij≈0
n <- nrow(mtx)
# calculate epsilons
epsilon <- rep(0, length=n)
for (i in 1:n) {
epsilon[i] <- infer(vec=mtx[i,])
# calculate kernel matrix
krnl_mtx <- matrix(data=1, nrow=n, ncol=n)
for (i in 1:(n-1)) {
for (j in (i+1):n) {
krnl_mtx[i,j] <- exp(-mtx[i,j]^2/(epsilon[i]*epsilon[j])) #2*
krnl_mtx[j,i] <- krnl_mtx[i,j]
krnl_mtx[is.nan(krnl_mtx)] <- 1 # if mtx[i,j] and epsilon == 0
# krnl_mtx <- round(krnl_mtx, 6)
# krnl_mtx[krnl_mtx < 0.05] <- 0
# *****************************************************************************
# *****************************************************************************
# affinity matrix calculator
# Disconnect those edges with distance larger than threshold
makeAffinity <- function(mtx_o, mtx_k, thd) {
mtx_k[mtx_o > thd] <- 0
# *****************************************************************************
# *****************************************************************************
# laplacian matrix calculator
laplacianMtx <- function(entry) {
# Calculate unnormalised Laplacian matrix and its eigenfunctions
D <- diag(apply(entry, 1, sum))
L <- D - entry
# *****************************************************************************
# *****************************************************************************
# range a vector from a to b
rangeAtoB <- function(x, a, b){
return((b-a)*(x-min(x))/(max(x)-min(x)) + a)
# *****************************************************************************
# *****************************************************************************
# calculate likelihoods
likelihoods <- function(tot_mtx, sh_mtx, mutab_mtx) {
sigma_sh <- sd(sh_mtx[upper.tri(sh_mtx)])
sigma_tot <- sd(tot_mtx[upper.tri(tot_mtx)])
if (sigma_sh %in% c(NA, 0)) { # there is no any prefences among pairs of sequences, therefore all likelihoods are zero
z_mtx <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(sh_mtx), ncol=nrow(sh_mtx))
} else if (sigma_tot %in% c(NA, 0)) { # pairs with more shared mutations are more likly to belong to the same clone
x_mtx <- 1.0 - exp(-sh_mtx^2/(2.0*sigma_sh^2))
z_mtx <- mutab_mtx*x_mtx
} else {
x_mtx <- 1.0 - exp(-sh_mtx^2/(2.0*sigma_sh^2))
y_mtx <- exp(-(tot_mtx-sh_mtx)^2/(2.0*sigma_tot^2))
z_mtx <- mutab_mtx*x_mtx*y_mtx
diag(z_mtx) <- 1 # diagonals should have liklihoods equal to one
# *****************************************************************************
# *****************************************************************************
pairwiseMutions <- function(germ_imgt,
len_limit = NULL,
cdr3 = FALSE,
mutabs = NULL,
norm_fact = TRUE) {
##### get number of seqs
n <- unique(c(length(seq_imgt), length(germ_imgt)))
##### check number of sequences
if (length(n) > 1) stop("germ_imgt and seq_imgt number should be the same")
if (n == 1) stop("there should be at least two seqs")
# check consensus length
if (!is.null(len_limit)) {
lenConsensus <- len_limit@seqLength
seq_imgt <- substr(seq_imgt, start = 1, stop = lenConsensus)
germ_imgt <- substr(germ_imgt, start = 1, stop = lenConsensus)
eff_germ <- ifelse(length(unique(germ_imgt)) == 1,
consensusSequence(sequences = unique(germ_imgt),
muFreqColumn = NULL,
lenLimit = lenConsensus,
method = "catchAll",
minFreq = NULL,
includeAmbiguous = FALSE,
breakTiesStochastic = FALSE,
breakTiesByColumns = NULL,
db = NULL)$cons)
} else {
##### constants
lv <- ifelse(cdr3, shazam::IMGT_V@seqLength, shazam::IMGT_V@seqLength - 3)
trim_l <- junc_length
##### trim out junction/cdr3 segments from seq_imgt
seq_imgt <- sapply(1:length(seq_imgt), function(i){
x <- strsplit(seq_imgt[i], split="")[[1]]
x[(lv+1):(lv+trim_l)] <- "" # x[(lv+1):(lv+trim_l[i])] <- ""
return(paste(x, collapse=""))
##### Pads ragged ends
l <- unique(stringi::stri_length(seq_imgt))
if (length(l) > 1) {
seq_imgt <- padSeqEnds(seq = seq_imgt, len = NULL, start = FALSE, pad_char = "N")
##### trim out junction/cdr3 segments from germ_imgt
germ_imgt <- sapply(1:length(germ_imgt), function(i){
x <- strsplit(germ_imgt[i], split="")[[1]]
x[(lv+1):(lv+trim_l)] <- "" # x[(lv+1):(lv+trim_l[i])] <- ""
return(paste(x, collapse=""))
##### Pads ragged ends
l <- unique(stringi::stri_length(germ_imgt))
if (length(l) > 1) {
germ_imgt <- padSeqEnds(seq = germ_imgt, len = NULL, start = FALSE, pad_char = "N")
##### find consensus germline (allel level grouping)
# see arg "method" from shazam::collapseClones function
eff_germ <- ifelse(length(unique(germ_imgt)) == 1,
consensusSequence(sequences = unique(germ_imgt),
muFreqColumn = NULL,
lenLimit = NULL,
method = "catchAll",
minFreq = NULL,
includeAmbiguous = FALSE,
breakTiesStochastic = FALSE,
breakTiesByColumns = NULL,
db = NULL)$cons)
##### check germ and seqs lengths
seq_imgt_lent <- unique(stringi::stri_length(seq_imgt))
germ_imgt_lent <- unique(stringi::stri_length(germ_imgt))
eff_germ_lent <- stringi::stri_length(eff_germ)
lenConsensus <- min(seq_imgt_lent, germ_imgt_lent, eff_germ_lent)
##### trim extra characters
if ( seq_imgt_lent > lenConsensus) { seq_imgt <- substr( seq_imgt, start = 1, stop = lenConsensus) }
if (germ_imgt_lent > lenConsensus) { germ_imgt <- substr(germ_imgt, start = 1, stop = lenConsensus) }
if ( eff_germ_lent > lenConsensus) { eff_germ <- substr( eff_germ, start = 1, stop = lenConsensus) }
##### count informative positions
if (norm_fact) {
informative_pos <- sapply(1:n, function(x){ sum(stri_count(seq_imgt[x], fixed = c("A","C","G","T"))) })
} else {
informative_pos <- rep(1, n)
##### convert eff_germ and seq_imgt to matrices
seqsMtx <- matrix(NA, nrow=n, ncol=lenConsensus)
effMtx <- matrix(NA, nrow=n, ncol=lenConsensus)
for (i in 1:n) {
seqsMtx[i, ] <- strsplit(seq_imgt[i], split = "")[[1]][1:lenConsensus]
effMtx[i, ] <- strsplit(eff_germ, split = "")[[1]][1:lenConsensus]
##### make a distance matrix
dnaMtx <- getDNAMatrix(gap = 0)
mutMtx <- matrix(NA, nrow=n, ncol=lenConsensus)
for (i in 1:n) {
mutMtx[i, ] <- sapply(1:lenConsensus, function(j) {
return(dnaMtx[effMtx[i,j], seqsMtx[i,j]])
##### make a mutation matrix
mutMtx <- matrix(paste0(effMtx, mutMtx, seqsMtx), nrow=n, ncol=lenConsensus)
##### clean non-mutated elements
mutMtx[grepl(pattern="0", mutMtx)] <- NA
##### check mutabilities
##### make a motif matrix
motifMtx <- matrix(0, nrow=n, ncol=lenConsensus)
if (!is.null(mutabs)) {
for (i in 1:n) {
for (j in 3:(lenConsensus-2)) {
motifMtx[i, j] <- mutabs[substr(germ_imgt[i], start = j-2, stop = j+2)]
motifMtx[] <- 0
##### calculate mutation matrix
results <- pairwiseMutMatrix(informative_pos = informative_pos,
mutMtx = mutMtx,
motifMtx = motifMtx)
sh_mtx <- results$sh_mtx
tot_mtx <- results$tot_mtx
mutab_mtx <- results$mutab_mtx
##### make symmetric matrix
sh_mtx[lower.tri(sh_mtx)] <- t(sh_mtx)[lower.tri(sh_mtx)]
tot_mtx[lower.tri(tot_mtx)] <- t(tot_mtx)[lower.tri(tot_mtx)]
mutab_mtx[lower.tri(mutab_mtx)] <- t(mutab_mtx)[lower.tri(mutab_mtx)]
# return results
return_list <- list("pairWiseSharedMut" = sh_mtx,
"pairWiseTotalMut" = tot_mtx,
"pairWiseMutability" = mutab_mtx)
# *****************************************************************************
# *****************************************************************************
### make a dataframe of unique seqs in each clone
uniqueSeq <- function(seqs) {
# seqs_db <- data.frame(value = seqs, name = names(seqs), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
# dplyr::group_by(!!!rlang::syms(c("name", "value"))) %>% # alternatively: group_by(name) if name value pair is always unique
# dplyr::slice(1) %>%
# dplyr::ungroup()
# seqs <- seqs_db$value
# names(seqs) <- seqs_db$name
# return(seqs)
seqs_db <- data.frame(value = seqs, name = names(seqs), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
setNames(seqs_db$value, seqs_db$name)
# *****************************************************************************
# *****************************************************************************
# inter-clone-distance vs intra-clone-distance
calculateInterVsIntra <- function(db,
junction = "junction",
cdr3 = FALSE,
cdr3_col = NA,
nproc = 1,
verbose = FALSE) {
### Create cluster of nproc size and export namespaces
if(nproc == 1) {
# If needed to run on a single core/cpu then, register DoSEQ
# (needed for 'foreach' in non-parallel mode)
} else if( nproc > 1 ) {
cluster <- parallel::makeCluster(nproc, type="PSOCK")
} else {
stop('Nproc must be positive.')
### export function to clusters
DNAMatrix_gap0 <- getDNAMatrix(gap = 0)
if (nproc > 1) {
export_functions <- list("pairwiseDist", "DNAMatrix_gap0", "uniqueSeq", "stri_split_fixed")
parallel::clusterExport(cluster, export_functions, envir=environment())
n_groups <- nrow(vjl_gps)
### check the progress bar
if (verbose) {
pb <- progressBar(n_groups)
k <- NULL
# open dataframes
vec_ff <- foreach(k=1:n_groups,
.errorhandling='stop') %dopar% {
# *********************************************************************************
clones <- stri_split_fixed(vjl_gps$clone_id[k], ",")[[1]]
l <- vjl_gps$junction_length[k]
n_clones <- length(clones)
in_clones <- db[[clone]] %in% clones
seqs <- db[[ifelse(cdr3, cdr3_col, junction)]][in_clones]
names(seqs) <- db[[clone]][in_clones]
seqs <- uniqueSeq(seqs)
### calculate distance matrix among all seqs
dist_mtx <- pairwiseDist(seqs, dist_mat=DNAMatrix_gap0)
### prealoocate a vector = no. of max-dist in each clone (intra) + no. of min-dist between clones (inter)
nrow_f <- n_clones + n_clones*(n_clones-1)/2
vec_f <- rep(NA, nrow_f)
### calculate minimum and maximum distance in each clone
n <- 0
if (n_clones == 1) {
n <- n + 1
vec_f[n] <- max(dist_mtx)/l
names(vec_f)[n] <- paste(clones[1], "NA", "intra", sep="_")
} else {
for (i in 1:(n_clones-1)) {
xx <- dist_mtx[rownames(dist_mtx) == clones[i], colnames(dist_mtx) == clones[i]]
n <- n + 1
vec_f[n] <- max(xx)/l
names(vec_f)[n] <- paste(clones[i], "NA", "intra", sep="_")
for (j in (i+1):n_clones) {
xy <- dist_mtx[rownames(dist_mtx) == clones[i], colnames(dist_mtx) == clones[j]]
n <- n + 1
vec_f[n] <- min(xy)/l
names(vec_f)[n] <- paste(clones[i], clones[j], "inter", sep="_")
yy <- dist_mtx[rownames(dist_mtx) == clones[j], colnames(dist_mtx) == clones[j]]
n <- n + 1
vec_f[n] <- max(yy)/l
names(vec_f)[n] <- paste(clones[j], "NA", "intra", sep="_")
# update progress
if (verbose) { pb$tick() }
# *********************************************************************************
### stop the cluster
if (nproc > 1) { parallel::stopCluster(cluster) }
# convert to a data.frame
db_dff <- data.frame(keyName = names(vec_ff),
distance = vec_ff,
db_dff$label <- "intra"
db_dff$label[grepl("inter", db_dff$keyName)] <- "inter"
clones_xy <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(stri_split_fixed(db_dff$keyName, "_", n=3)),
db_dff <- cbind(clones_xy, db_dff)
db_dff$keyName <- NULL
colnames(db_dff)[colnames(db_dff) == "X1"] <- "clone_id_x"
colnames(db_dff)[colnames(db_dff) == "X2"] <- "clone_id_y"
db_dff$X3 <- NULL
# return results
# *****************************************************************************
### Define verbose reporting function
printVerbose <- function(n_groups, vjl_gp, model, method, linkage, cdr3,
gp_vcall, gp_jcall, gp_lent, gp_size, n_cluster) {
method <- ifelse(model == "hierarchical", paste(linkage, "linkage", method, sep="-"), method)
cat(" TOTAL_GROUPS> ", n_groups, "\n", sep=" ")
cat(" GROUP> ", vjl_gp, "\n", sep=" ")
cat(" SEQUENCE_COUNT> ", gp_size, "\n", sep=" ")
cat(" V_CALL> ", gp_vcall, "\n", sep=" ")
cat(" J_CALL> ", gp_jcall, "\n", sep=" ")
cat(" JUNCTION_LENGTH> ", gp_lent, "\n", sep=" ")
cat(" MODEL> ", model, "\n", sep=" ")
cat(" METHOD> ", method, "\n", sep=" ")
cat(" CDR3> ", cdr3, "\n", sep=" ")
cat(" CLONE> ", n_cluster, "\n", sep=" ")
cat("", "\n", sep=" ")
# *****************************************************************************
# *****************************************************************************
logVerbose <- function(out_dir, log_verbose_name,
n_groups, vjl_gp, model, method, linkage, cdr3,
gp_vcall, gp_jcall, gp_lent, gp_size, n_cluster) {
method <- ifelse(model == "hierarchical", paste(linkage, "linkage", method, sep="-"), method)
cat(" TOTAL_GROUPS> ", n_groups, "\n", sep=" ", file = file.path(out_dir, log_verbose_name), append=TRUE)
cat(" GROUP> ", vjl_gp, "\n", sep=" ", file = file.path(out_dir, log_verbose_name), append=TRUE)
cat(" SEQUENCE_COUNT> ", gp_size, "\n", sep=" ", file = file.path(out_dir, log_verbose_name), append=TRUE)
cat(" V_CALL> ", gp_vcall, "\n", sep=" ", file = file.path(out_dir, log_verbose_name), append=TRUE)
cat(" J_CALL> ", gp_jcall, "\n", sep=" ", file = file.path(out_dir, log_verbose_name), append=TRUE)
cat(" JUNCTION_LENGTH> ", gp_lent, "\n", sep=" ", file = file.path(out_dir, log_verbose_name), append=TRUE)
cat(" MODEL> ", model, "\n", sep=" ", file = file.path(out_dir, log_verbose_name), append=TRUE)
cat(" METHOD> ", method, "\n", sep=" ", file = file.path(out_dir, log_verbose_name), append=TRUE)
cat(" CDR3> ", cdr3, "\n", sep=" ", file = file.path(out_dir, log_verbose_name), append=TRUE)
cat(" CLONE> ", n_cluster, "\n", sep=" ", file=file.path(out_dir, log_verbose_name), append=TRUE)
cat("", "\n", sep=" ", file=file.path(out_dir, log_verbose_name), append=TRUE)
# *****************************************************************************
# *****************************************************************************
prepare_db <- function(db,
junction = "junction", v_call = "v_call", j_call = "j_call",
first = FALSE, cdr3 = FALSE, fields = NULL,
cell_id = NULL, locus = NULL, only_heavy = TRUE,
mod3 = FALSE, max_n = 0) {
# add junction length column
db$junction_l <- stringi::stri_length(db[[junction]])
junction_l <- "junction_l"
### check for mod3
# filter mod 3 junction lengths
if (mod3) {
n_rmv_mod3 <- sum(db[[junction_l]]%%3 != 0)
db <- db %>%
dplyr::filter(!!rlang::sym(junction_l)%%3 == 0)
} else {
n_rmv_mod3 <- 0
### check for cdr3
# filter junctions with length > 6
if (cdr3) {
n_rmv_cdr3 <- sum(db[[junction_l]] <= 6)
db <- db %>%
dplyr::filter(!!rlang::sym(junction_l) > 6)
# add cdr3 column
db$cdr3_col <- substr(db[[junction]], 4, db[[junction_l]]-3)
cdr3_col <- "cdr3_col"
} else {
n_rmv_cdr3 <- 0
cdr3_col <- NA
### check for degenerate characters (non-ATCG's)
# Count the number of non-ATCG's in junction
if (!is.null(max_n)) {
n_rmv_N <- sum(stri_count(db[[junction]], regex = "[^ATCG]") > max_n)
db <- db %>%
dplyr::filter(stri_count(!!rlang::sym(junction), regex = "[^ATCG]") <= max_n)
} else {
n_rmv_N <- 0
### Parse V and J columns to get gene
if (!is.null(fields)) {
. <- NULL
db <- db %>%
dplyr::group_by(!!!rlang::syms(fields)) %>%
v_call = v_call,
j_call = j_call,
junc_len = NULL,
cell_id = cell_id,
locus = locus,
only_heavy = only_heavy,
first = first))
} else {
db <- groupGenes(db,
v_call = v_call,
j_call = j_call,
junc_len = NULL,
cell_id = cell_id,
locus = locus,
only_heavy = only_heavy,
first = first)
### groups to use
groupBy <- c("vj_group", junction_l, fields)
### assign group ids to db
db$vjl_group <- db %>%
dplyr::group_by(!!!rlang::syms(groupBy)) %>%
### retrun results
return_list <- list("db" = db,
"n_rmv_mod3" = n_rmv_mod3,
"n_rmv_cdr3" = n_rmv_cdr3,
"n_rmv_N" = n_rmv_N,
"junction_l" = junction_l,
"cdr3_col" = cdr3_col)
# *****************************************************************************
# *****************************************************************************
# @export
pairwiseMutMatrix <- function(informative_pos, mutMtx, motifMtx) {
pairwiseMutMatrixRcpp(informative_pos, mutMtx, motifMtx)
# *****************************************************************************
#### plotCloneSummary ####
#' Plot clonal clustering summary
#' \code{plotCloneSummary} plots the results in a \code{ScoperClones} object returned
#' by \code{spectralClones}, \code{identicalClones} or \code{hierarchicalClones}.
#' Includes the minimum inter (between) and maximum intra (within) clonal distances
#' and the calculated efective threshold.
#' @param data \link{ScoperClones} object output by the \link{spectralClones},
#' \link{identicalClones} or \link{hierarchicalClones}.
#' @param xmin minimum limit for plotting the x-axis. If \code{NULL} the limit will
#' be set automatically.
#' @param xmax maximum limit for plotting the x-axis. If \code{NULL} the limit will
#' be set automatically.
#' @param breaks number of breaks to show on the x-axis. If \code{NULL} the breaks will
#' be set automatically.
#' @param binwidth binwidth for the histogram. If \code{NULL} the binwidth
#' will be set automatically.
#' @param title string defining the plot title.
#' @param size numeric value for lines in the plot.
#' @param silent if \code{TRUE} do not draw the plot and just return the ggplot2
#' object; if \code{FALSE} draw the plot.
#' @param ... additional arguments to pass to ggplot2::theme.
#' @return A ggplot object defining the plot.
#' @seealso See \link{ScoperClones} for the the input object definition.
#' See \link{spectralClones}, \link{identicalClones} and \link{hierarchicalClones}
#' for generating the input object.
#' @examples
#' # Find clones
#' results <- hierarchicalClones(ExampleDb, threshold=0.15)
#' # Plot clonal summaries
#' plot(results, binwidth=0.02)
#' @export
plotCloneSummary <- function(data, xmin=NULL, xmax=NULL, breaks=NULL,
binwidth=NULL, title=NULL, size=0.75, silent=FALSE,
...) {
eff_threshold <- data@eff_threshold
xdf <- select(data@inter_intra, c("distance", "label"))
data_intra <- xdf %>%
dplyr::filter(!!rlang::sym("label") == "intra", !!rlang::sym("distance") > 0)
data_inter <- xdf %>%
dplyr::filter(!!rlang::sym("label") == "inter", !!rlang::sym("distance") > 0)
# fill color
fill_manual <- c("intra"="grey30",
# ggplot workaround
if (is.null(xmin)) { xmin <- NA }
if (is.null(xmax)) { xmax <- NA }
### plot
p <- ggplot() +
baseTheme() +
theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 13, hjust = 0.5),
axis.title.x = element_blank(),
axis.title = element_text(size=13),
legend.position = "bottom",
legend.text=element_text(size=12)) +
xlab("Normalized hamming distance") +
ylab("Density") +
scale_y_continuous(labels = abs) +
labels=c("intra"="maximum-distance within clones ",
"inter"="minimum-distance between clones "))
# Plot within clonal distances
if (nrow(data_intra) > 0) {
p <- p +
geom_histogram(data = data_intra,
aes(x = !!rlang::sym("distance"),
y = after_stat(!!str2lang("density")),
fill = !!rlang::sym("label")),
binwidth = binwidth, color = "white", alpha = 0.85) +
geom_density(data = data_intra,
aes(x = !!rlang::sym("distance")),
size = size, color = "grey30")
# Plot between clonal distances
if (nrow(data_inter) > 0) {
p <- p +
geom_histogram(data = data_inter,
aes(x = !!rlang::sym("distance"),
y = after_stat(!!str2lang("density")),
fill = !!rlang::sym("label")),
binwidth = binwidth, color = "white", alpha = 0.75) +
geom_density(data = data_inter,
aes(x = !!rlang::sym("distance")),
size = size, color = "grey60")
} else {
warning("No inter clonal distance is detected. Each group of sequences with same V-gene, J-gene, and junction length may contain only one clone.")
# Plot vertical treshold line
if (! {
p <- p +
ggtitle(paste("Effective threshold=", eff_threshold)) +
geom_vline(xintercept=eff_threshold, color="grey30", linetype=2, size=size)
} else {
p <- p +
ggtitle(paste("Effective threshold not found"))
# Add x limits
if (is.null(breaks) & (! | ! {
p <- p + coord_cartesian(xlim = c(xmin, xmax))
# Set breaks
if (!is.null(breaks)) {
p <- p + scale_x_continuous(breaks=pretty_breaks(n=breaks),
limits=c(xmin, xmax))
# Add Title
if (!is.null(title)) {
p <- p + ggtitle(title)
# Add additional theme elements
p <- p +, list(...))
# Plot
if (!silent) {
} else {
#### identicalClones ####
#' Sequence identity method for clonal partitioning
#' \code{identicalClones} provides a simple sequence identity based partitioning
#' approach for inferring clonal relationships in high-throughput Adaptive Immune Receptor
#' Repertoire sequencing (AIRR-seq) data. This approach partitions B or T cell receptor
#' sequences into clonal groups based on junction region sequence identity within
#' partitions that share the same V gene, J gene, and junction length, allowing for
#' ambiguous V or J gene annotations.
#' @param db data.frame containing sequence data.
#' @param method one of the \code{"nt"} for nucleotide based clustering or
#' \code{"aa"} for amino acid based clustering.
#' @param junction character name of the column containing junction sequences.
#' Also used to determine sequence length for grouping.
#' @param v_call name of the column containing the V-segment allele calls.
#' @param j_call name of the column containing the J-segment allele calls.
#' @param clone output column name containing the clonal cluster identifiers.
#' @param fields character vector of additional columns to use for grouping.
#' Sequences with disjoint values in the specified fields will be classified
#' as separate clones.
#' @param cell_id name of the column containing cell identifiers or barcodes.
#' If specified, grouping will be performed in single-cell mode
#' with the behavior governed by the \code{locus} and
#' \code{only_heavy} arguments. If set to \code{NULL} then the
#' bulk sequencing data is assumed.
#' @param locus name of the column containing locus information.
#' Only applicable to single-cell data.
#' Ignored if \code{cell_id=NULL}.
#' @param only_heavy use only the IGH (BCR) or TRB/TRD (TCR) sequences
#' for grouping. Only applicable to single-cell data.
#' Ignored if \code{cell_id=NULL}.
#' @param split_light split clones by light chains. Ignored if \code{cell_id=NULL}.
#' @param first specifies how to handle multiple V(D)J assignments for initial grouping.
#' If \code{TRUE} only the first call of the gene assignments is used.
#' If \code{FALSE} the union of ambiguous gene assignments is used to
#' group all sequences with any overlapping gene calls.
#' @param cdr3 if \code{TRUE} removes 3 nucleotides from both ends of \code{"junction"}
#' prior to clustering (converts IMGT junction to CDR3 region).
#' If \code{TRUE} this will also remove records with a junction length
#' less than 7 nucleotides.
#' @param mod3 if \code{TRUE} removes records with a \code{junction} length that is not divisible by
#' 3 in nucleotide space.
#' @param max_n The maximum number of degenerate characters to permit in the junction sequence before excluding the
#' record from clonal assignment. Default is set to be zero. Set it as \code{"NULL"} for no
#' action.
#' @param nproc number of cores to distribute the function over.
#' @param verbose if \code{TRUE} prints out a summary of each step cloning process.
#' if \code{FALSE} (default) process cloning silently.
#' @param log output path and filename to save the \code{verbose} log.
#' The input file directory is used if path is not specified.
#' The default is \code{NULL} for no action.
#' @param summarize_clones if \code{TRUE} performs a series of analysis to assess the clonal landscape
#' and returns a \link{ScoperClones} object. If \code{FALSE} then
#' a modified input \code{db} is returned. When grouping by \code{fields},
#' \code{summarize_clones} should be \code{FALSE}.
#' @return
#' If \code{summarize_clones=TRUE} (default) a \link{ScoperClones} object is returned that includes the
#' clonal assignment summary information and a modified input \code{db} in the \code{db} slot that
#' contains clonal identifiers in the specified \code{clone} column.
#' If \code{summarize_clones=FALSE} modified \code{data.frame} is returned with clone identifiers in the
#' specified \code{clone} column.
#' @section Single-cell data:
#' To invoke single-cell mode the \code{cell_id} argument must be specified and the \code{locus}
#' column must be correct. Otherwise, clustering will be performed with bulk sequencing assumptions,
#' using all input sequences regardless of the values in the \code{locus} column.
#' Values in the \code{locus} column must be one of \code{c("IGH", "IGI", "IGK", "IGL")} for BCR
#' or \code{c("TRA", "TRB", "TRD", "TRG")} for TCR sequences. Otherwise, the operation will exit and
#' return an error message.
#' Under single-cell mode with paired-chain sequences, there is a choice of whether
#' grouping should be done by (a) using IGH (BCR) or TRB/TRD (TCR) sequences only or
#' (b) using IGH plus IGK/IGL (BCR) or TRB/TRD plus TRA/TRG (TCR) sequences.
#' This is governed by the \code{only_heavy} argument. There is also choice as to whether
#' inferred clones should be split by the light/short chain (IGK, IGL, TRA, TRG) following
#' heavy/long chain clustering, which is governed by the \code{split_light} argument.
#' In single-cell mode, clonal clustering will not be performed on data where cells are
#' assigned multiple heavy/long chain sequences (IGH, TRB, TRD). If observed, the operation
#' will exit and return an error message. Cells that lack a heavy/long chain sequence (i.e., cells with
#' light/short chains only) will be assigned a \code{clone_id} of \code{NA}.
#' @seealso See \link{plotCloneSummary} for plotting summary results. See \link[alakazam]{groupGenes} for
#' more details about grouping requirements.
#' @examples
#' # Find clonal groups
#' results <- identicalClones(ExampleDb)
#' # Retrieve modified input data with clonal clustering identifiers
#' df <-
#' # Plot clonal summaries
#' plot(results, binwidth=0.02)
#' @export
identicalClones <- function(db, method=c("nt", "aa"), junction="junction",
v_call="v_call", j_call="j_call", clone="clone_id", fields=NULL,
cell_id=NULL, locus="locus", only_heavy=TRUE, split_light=TRUE,
first=FALSE, cdr3=FALSE, mod3=FALSE, max_n=0, nproc=1,
verbose=FALSE, log=NULL,
summarize_clones=TRUE) {
results <- defineClonesScoper(db = db,
method = match.arg(method), model = "identical",
junction = junction, v_call = v_call, j_call = j_call, clone = clone, fields = fields,
cell_id = cell_id, locus = locus, only_heavy = only_heavy, split_light = split_light,
first = first, cdr3 = cdr3, mod3 = mod3, max_n = max_n, nproc = nproc,
verbose = verbose, log = log,
summarize_clones = summarize_clones)
### return results
if (summarize_clones) {
return_list <- new("ScoperClones",
db = results$db,
vjl_groups = results$vjl_gps,
inter_intra = results$inter_intra,
eff_threshold = results$eff_threshold)
} else {
#### hierarchicalClones ####
#' Hierarchical clustering method for clonal partitioning
#' \code{hierarchicalClones} provides a hierarchical agglomerative clustering
#' approach to infer clonal relationships in high-throughput Adaptive Immune Receptor
#' Repertoire sequencing (AIRR-seq) data. This approach clusters B or T cell receptor
#' sequences based on junction region sequence similarity within partitions that share the
#' same V gene, J gene, and junction length, allowing for ambiguous V or J gene annotations.
#' @param db data.frame containing sequence data.
#' @param threshold numeric scalar where the tree should be cut (the distance threshold for clonal grouping).
#' @param method one of the \code{"nt"} for nucleotide based clustering or
#' \code{"aa"} for amino acid based clustering.
#' @param linkage available linkage are \code{"single"}, \code{"average"}, and \code{"complete"}.
#' @param normalize method of normalization. The default is \code{"len"}, which divides the distance by the length
#' of the sequence group. If \code{"none"} then no normalization if performed.
#' @param junction character name of the column containing junction sequences.
#' Also used to determine sequence length for grouping.
#' @param v_call name of the column containing the V-segment allele calls.
#' @param j_call name of the column containing the J-segment allele calls.
#' @param clone output column name containing the clonal cluster identifiers.
#' @param fields character vector of additional columns to use for grouping.
#' Sequences with disjoint values in the specified fields will be classified
#' as separate clones.
#' @param cell_id name of the column containing cell identifiers or barcodes.
#' If specified, grouping will be performed in single-cell mode
#' with the behavior governed by the \code{locus} and
#' \code{only_heavy} arguments. If set to \code{NULL} then the
#' bulk sequencing data is assumed.
#' @param locus name of the column containing locus information.
#' Only applicable to single-cell data.
#' Ignored if \code{cell_id=NULL}.
#' @param only_heavy use only the IGH (BCR) or TRB/TRD (TCR) sequences
#' for grouping. Only applicable to single-cell data.
#' Ignored if \code{cell_id=NULL}.
#' @param split_light split clones by light chains. Ignored if \code{cell_id=NULL}.
#' @param first specifies how to handle multiple V(D)J assignments for initial grouping.
#' If \code{TRUE} only the first call of the gene assignments is used.
#' If \code{FALSE} the union of ambiguous gene assignments is used to
#' group all sequences with any overlapping gene calls.
#' @param cdr3 if \code{TRUE} removes 3 nucleotides from both ends of \code{"junction"}
#' prior to clustering (converts IMGT junction to CDR3 region).
#' If \code{TRUE} this will also remove records with a junction length
#' less than 7 nucleotides.
#' @param mod3 if \code{TRUE} removes records with a \code{junction} length that is not divisible by
#' 3 in nucleotide space.
#' @param max_n The maximum number of degenerate characters to permit in the junction sequence
#' before excluding the record from clonal assignment. Note, with
#' \code{linkage="single"} non-informative positions can create artifactual
#' links between unrelated sequences. Use with caution.
#' Default is set to be zero. Set it as \code{"NULL"} for no action.
#' @param nproc number of cores to distribute the function over.
#' @param verbose if \code{TRUE} prints out a summary of each step cloning process.
#' if \code{FALSE} (default) process cloning silently.
#' @param log output path and filename to save the \code{verbose} log.
#' The input file directory is used if path is not specified.
#' The default is \code{NULL} for no action.
#' @param summarize_clones if \code{TRUE} performs a series of analysis to assess the clonal landscape
#' and returns a \link{ScoperClones} object. If \code{FALSE} then
#' a modified input \code{db} is returned. When grouping by \code{fields},
#' \code{summarize_clones} should be \code{FALSE}.
#' @return
#' If \code{summarize_clones=TRUE} (default) a \link{ScoperClones} object is returned that includes the
#' clonal assignment summary information and a modified input \code{db} in the \code{db} slot that
#' contains clonal identifiers in the specified \code{clone} column.
#' If \code{summarize_clones=FALSE} modified \code{data.frame} is returned with clone identifiers in the
#' specified \code{clone} column.
#' @section Single-cell data:
#' To invoke single-cell mode the \code{cell_id} argument must be specified and the \code{locus}
#' column must be correct. Otherwise, clustering will be performed with bulk sequencing assumptions,
#' using all input sequences regardless of the values in the \code{locus} column.
#' Values in the \code{locus} column must be one of \code{c("IGH", "IGI", "IGK", "IGL")} for BCR
#' or \code{c("TRA", "TRB", "TRD", "TRG")} for TCR sequences. Otherwise, the operation will exit and
#' return an error message.
#' Under single-cell mode with paired-chain sequences, there is a choice of whether
#' grouping should be done by (a) using IGH (BCR) or TRB/TRD (TCR) sequences only or
#' (b) using IGH plus IGK/IGL (BCR) or TRB/TRD plus TRA/TRG (TCR) sequences.
#' This is governed by the \code{only_heavy} argument. There is also choice as to whether
#' inferred clones should be split by the light/short chain (IGK, IGL, TRA, TRG) following
#' heavy/long chain clustering, which is governed by the \code{split_light} argument.
#' In single-cell mode, clonal clustering will not be performed on data where cells are
#' assigned multiple heavy/long chain sequences (IGH, TRB, TRD). If observed, the operation
#' will exit and return an error message. Cells that lack a heavy/long chain sequence (i.e., cells with
#' light/short chains only) will be assigned a \code{clone_id} of \code{NA}.
#' @seealso
#' See \link{plotCloneSummary} for plotting summary results. See \link[alakazam]{groupGenes} for
#' more details about grouping requirements.
#' @examples
#' # Find clonal groups
#' results <- hierarchicalClones(ExampleDb, threshold=0.15)
#' # Retrieve modified input data with clonal clustering identifiers
#' df <-
#' # Plot clonal summaries
#' plot(results, binwidth=0.02)
#' @export
hierarchicalClones <- function(db, threshold, method=c("nt", "aa"), linkage=c("single", "average", "complete"),
normalize=c("len", "none"), junction="junction",
v_call="v_call", j_call="j_call", clone="clone_id", fields=NULL,
cell_id=NULL, locus="locus", only_heavy=TRUE, split_light=TRUE,
first=FALSE, cdr3=FALSE, mod3=FALSE, max_n=0, nproc=1,
verbose=FALSE, log=NULL,
summarize_clones=TRUE) {
results <- defineClonesScoper(db = db, threshold = threshold, model = "hierarchical",
method = match.arg(method), linkage = match.arg(linkage), normalize = match.arg(normalize),
junction = junction, v_call = v_call, j_call = j_call, clone = clone, fields = fields,
cell_id = cell_id, locus = locus, only_heavy = only_heavy, split_light = split_light,
first = first, cdr3 = cdr3, mod3 = mod3, max_n = max_n, nproc = nproc,
verbose = verbose, log = log,
summarize_clones = summarize_clones)
# return results
if (summarize_clones) {
return_list <- new("ScoperClones",
db = results$db,
vjl_groups = results$vjl_gps,
inter_intra = results$inter_intra,
eff_threshold = results$eff_threshold)
} else {
#### spectralClones ####
#' Spectral clustering method for clonal partitioning
#' \code{spectralClones} provides an unsupervised spectral clustering
#' approach to infer clonal relationships in high-throughput Adaptive Immune Receptor
#' Repertoire sequencing (AIRR-seq) data. This approach clusters B or T cell receptor
#' sequences based on junction region sequence similarity and shared mutations within
#' partitions that share the same V gene, J gene, and junction length, allowing for
#' ambiguous V or J gene annotations.
#' @param db data.frame containing sequence data.
#' @param method one of the \code{"novj"} or \code{"vj"}. See Details for description.
#' @param germline character name of the column containing the germline or reference sequence.
#' @param sequence character name of the column containing input sequences.
#' @param junction character name of the column containing junction sequences.
#' Also used to determine sequence length for grouping.
#' @param v_call name of the column containing the V-segment allele calls.
#' @param j_call name of the column containing the J-segment allele calls.
#' @param clone output column name containing the clonal cluster identifiers.
#' @param fields character vector of additional columns to use for grouping.
#' Sequences with disjoint values in the specified fields will be classified
#' as separate clones.
#' @param cell_id name of the column containing cell identifiers or barcodes.
#' If specified, grouping will be performed in single-cell mode
#' with the behavior governed by the \code{locus} and
#' \code{only_heavy} arguments. If set to \code{NULL} then the
#' bulk sequencing data is assumed.
#' @param locus name of the column containing locus information.
#' Only applicable to single-cell data.
#' Ignored if \code{cell_id=NULL}.
#' @param only_heavy use only the IGH (BCR) or TRB/TRD (TCR) sequences
#' for grouping. Only applicable to single-cell data.
#' Ignored if \code{cell_id=NULL}.
#' @param split_light split clones by light chains. Ignored if \code{cell_id=NULL}.
#' @param targeting_model \link[shazam]{TargetingModel} object. Only applicable if
#' \code{method="vj"}. See Details for description.
#' @param len_limit \link[shazam]{IMGT_V} object defining the regions and boundaries of the Ig
#' sequences. If NULL, mutations are counted for entire sequence. Only
#' applicable if \code{method} = \code{"vj"}.
#' @param first specifies how to handle multiple V(D)J assignments for initial grouping.
#' If \code{TRUE} only the first call of the gene assignments is used.
#' If \code{FALSE} the union of ambiguous gene assignments is used to
#' group all sequences with any overlapping gene calls.
#' @param cdr3 if \code{TRUE} removes 3 nucleotides from both ends of \code{"junction"}
#' prior to clustering (converts IMGT junction to CDR3 region).
#' If \code{TRUE} this will also remove records with a junction length
#' less than 7 nucleotides.
#' @param mod3 if \code{TRUE} removes records with a \code{junction} length that is not divisible by
#' 3 in nucleotide space.
#' @param max_n the maximum number of degenerate characters to permit in the junction sequence before excluding the
#' record from clonal assignment. Default is set to be zero. Set it as \code{"NULL"}
#' for no action.
#' @param threshold the supervising cut-off to enforce an upper-limit distance for clonal grouping.
#' A numeric value between (0,1).
#' @param base_sim required similarity cut-off for sequences in equal distances from each other.
#' @param iter_max the maximum number of iterations allowed for kmean clustering step.
#' @param nstart the number of random sets chosen for kmean clustering initialization.
#' @param nproc number of cores to distribute the function over.
#' @param verbose if \code{TRUE} prints out a summary of each step cloning process.
#' if \code{FALSE} (default) process cloning silently.
#' @param log output path and filename to save the \code{verbose} log.
#' The input file directory is used if path is not specified.
#' The default is \code{NULL} for no action.
#' @param summarize_clones if \code{TRUE} performs a series of analysis to assess the clonal landscape
#' and returns a \link{ScoperClones} object. If \code{FALSE} then
#' a modified input \code{db} is returned. When grouping by \code{fields},
#' \code{summarize_clones} should be \code{FALSE}.
#' @return
#' If \code{summarize_clones=TRUE} (default) a \link{ScoperClones} object is returned that includes the
#' clonal assignment summary information and a modified input \code{db} in the \code{db} slot that
#' contains clonal identifiers in the specified \code{clone} column.
#' If \code{summarize_clones=FALSE} modified \code{data.frame} is returned with clone identifiers in the
#' specified \code{clone} column.
#' @details
#' If \code{method="novj"}, then clonal relationships are inferred using an adaptive
#' threshold that indicates the level of similarity among junction sequences in a local neighborhood.
#' If \code{method="vj"}, then clonal relationships are inferred not only on
#' junction region homology, but also taking into account the mutation profiles in the V
#' and J segments. Mutation counts are determined by comparing the input sequences (in the
#' column specified by \code{sequence}) to the effective germline sequence (IUPAC representation
#' of sequences in the column specified by \code{germline}).
#' While not mandatory, the influence of SHM hot-/cold-spot biases in the clonal inference
#' process will be noted if a SHM targeting model is provided through the \code{targeting_model}
#' argument. See \link[shazam]{TargetingModel} for more technical details.
#' If the \code{threshold} argument is specified, then an upper limit for clonal grouping will
#' be imposed to prevent sequences with dissimilarity above the threshold from grouping together.
#' Any sequence with a distance greater than the \code{threshold} value from the other sequences,
#' will be assigned to a singleton group.
#' @section Single-cell data:
#' To invoke single-cell mode the \code{cell_id} argument must be specified and the \code{locus}
#' column must be correct. Otherwise, clustering will be performed with bulk sequencing assumptions,
#' using all input sequences regardless of the values in the \code{locus} column.
#' Values in the \code{locus} column must be one of \code{c("IGH", "IGI", "IGK", "IGL")} for BCR
#' or \code{c("TRA", "TRB", "TRD", "TRG")} for TCR sequences. Otherwise, the operation will exit and
#' return an error message.
#' Under single-cell mode with paired-chain sequences, there is a choice of whether
#' grouping should be done by (a) using IGH (BCR) or TRB/TRD (TCR) sequences only or
#' (b) using IGH plus IGK/IGL (BCR) or TRB/TRD plus TRA/TRG (TCR) sequences.
#' This is governed by the \code{only_heavy} argument. There is also choice as to whether
#' inferred clones should be split by the light/short chain (IGK, IGL, TRA, TRG) following
#' heavy/long chain clustering, which is governed by the \code{split_light} argument.
#' In single-cell mode, clonal clustering will not be performed on data were cells are
#' assigned multiple heavy/long chain sequences (IGH, TRB, TRD). If observed, the operation
#' will exit and return an error message. Cells that lack a heavy/long chain sequence (i.e., cells with
#' light/short chains only) will be assigned a \code{clone_id} of \code{NA}.
#' @seealso
#' See \link{plotCloneSummary} for plotting summary results. See \link[alakazam]{groupGenes} for
#' more details about grouping requirements.
#' @examples
#' # Subset example data
#' db <- subset(ExampleDb, c_call == "IGHG")
#' # Find clonal groups
#' results <- spectralClones(db, method="novj", germline="germline_alignment_d_mask")
#' # Retrieve modified input data with clonal clustering identifiers
#' df <-
#' # Plot clonal summaries
#' plot(results, binwidth=0.02)
#' @export
spectralClones <- function(db, method=c("novj", "vj"), germline="germline_alignment", sequence="sequence_alignment",
junction="junction", v_call="v_call", j_call="j_call", clone="clone_id", fields=NULL,
cell_id=NULL, locus="locus", only_heavy=TRUE, split_light=TRUE,
targeting_model=NULL, len_limit=NULL, first=FALSE, cdr3=FALSE, mod3=FALSE, max_n=0,
threshold=NULL, base_sim=0.95, iter_max=1000, nstart=1000, nproc=1,
verbose=FALSE, log=NULL,
summarize_clones=TRUE) {
results <- defineClonesScoper(db = db, method = match.arg(method), model = "spectral",
germline = germline, sequence = sequence,
junction = junction, v_call = v_call, j_call = j_call, clone = clone, fields = fields,
cell_id = cell_id, locus = locus, only_heavy = only_heavy, split_light = split_light,
targeting_model = targeting_model, len_limit = len_limit,
first = first, cdr3 = cdr3, mod3 = mod3, max_n = max_n,
threshold = threshold, base_sim = base_sim,
iter_max = iter_max, nstart = nstart, nproc = nproc,
verbose = verbose, log = log,
summarize_clones = summarize_clones)
# return results
if (summarize_clones) {
return_list <- new("ScoperClones",
db = results$db,
vjl_groups = results$vjl_gps,
inter_intra = results$inter_intra,
eff_threshold = results$eff_threshold)
} else {
#### defineClonesScoper ####
# *****************************************************************************
defineClonesScoper <- function(db,
model = c("identical", "hierarchical", "spectral"),
method = c("nt", "aa", "novj", "vj"),
linkage = c("single", "average", "complete"), normalize = c("len", "none"),
germline = "germline_alignment", sequence = "sequence_alignment",
junction = "junction", v_call = "v_call", j_call = "j_call", clone = "clone_id",
fields = NULL, cell_id = NULL, locus = NULL, only_heavy = TRUE, split_light = TRUE,
targeting_model = NULL, len_limit = NULL,
first = FALSE, cdr3 = FALSE, mod3 = FALSE, max_n = 0,
threshold = NULL, base_sim = 0.95,
iter_max = 1000, nstart = 1000, nproc = 1,
verbose = FALSE, log = NULL,
summarize_clones = TRUE) {
### get model
model <- match.arg(model)
### get method
method <- match.arg(method)
# Initial checks
if (! {
stop("'db' must be a data frame")
### check model and method
if (model == "identical") {
if (!(method %in% c("nt", "aa"))) {
stop(paste0("'method' should be one of 'nt' or 'aa' for model '", model, "'."))
} else if (model == "hierarchical") {
### get normalize
normalize <- match.arg(normalize)
if (!normalize %in% c("len", "none")) {
stop(paste0("'normalize' should be one of 'len' or 'none for model '", model, "'."))
### get linkage
linkage <- match.arg(linkage)
if (!linkage %in% c("single", "average", "complete")) {
stop(paste0("'linkage' should be one of 'single', 'average', or 'complete' for model '", model, "'."))
### check threshold
if (is.null(threshold) | threshold > 1) {
stop(paste0("'threshold' should be a positive value less than 1 for model '", model, "'."))
} else if (model == "spectral") {
if (!method %in% c("novj", "vj")) {
stop(paste0("'method' should be one of 'novj' or 'vj' for model '", model, "'."))
} else {
stop("model must be one of 'identical', 'hierarchical', or 'spectral'.")
### Check for invalid characters
valid_chars <- colnames(alakazam::getDNAMatrix(gap = 0))
.validateSeq <- function(x) { all(unique(strsplit(x, "")[[1]]) %in% valid_chars) }
valid_seq <- sapply(db[[junction]], .validateSeq)
not_valid_seq <- which(!valid_seq)
if (length(not_valid_seq) > 0) {
stop("invalid sequence characters in the ", junction, " column. ",
length(not_valid_seq)," sequence(s) found.", "\n Valid characters are: '", valid_chars, "'")
### temp columns
temp_cols <- c("vj_group", "vjl_group", "junction_l", "cdr3_col", "clone_temp", "cell_id_temp")
### check for invalid columns
invalid_cols <- c(clone, temp_cols)
if (any(invalid_cols %in% colnames(db))) {
stop("Column(s) '", paste(invalid_cols[invalid_cols %in% colnames(db)], collapse = "', '"), "' already exist.",
"\n Invalid column names are: '", paste(invalid_cols, collapse = "', '"), "'.")
### summarize_clones is not active for fields grouping
if (!is.null(fields) & summarize_clones) {
stop("when grouping by `fields`, 'summarize_clones' should be `FALSE`.")
### check general required columns
columns <- c(junction, v_call, j_call, fields)
check <- checkColumns(db, columns)
if (is.character(check)) {
### check required columns for method "vj"
if (model == "spectral" & method == "vj") {
columns <- c(germline, sequence)
check <- checkColumns(db, columns)
if (is.character(check)) {
### check single-cell mode
single_cell <- FALSE
if (!is.null(cell_id) & !is.null(locus)) {
# Check required columns for single-cell mode
columns <- c(cell_id, locus) #, fields
check <- checkColumns(db, columns)
if (check != TRUE) { stop(check) }
# make a temp cell_id column to keep cell_ids specific to each fields
if (!is.null(fields)) {
db$cell_id_temp <- db %>%
dplyr::group_by(!!!rlang::syms(fields)) %>%
db$cell_id_temp <- stri_join(db[[cell_id]], db$cell_id_temp, sep="_")
cell_id <- "cell_id_temp"
# check locus column
valid_loci <- c("IGH", "IGI", "IGK", "IGL", "TRA", "TRB", "TRD", "TRG")
check <- !all(unique(db[[locus]]) %in% valid_loci)
if (check) {
stop("The locus column contains invalid loci annotations.")
# check multiple heavy chains
x <- sum(table(db[[cell_id]][db[[locus]] == "IGH"]) > 1)
if (x > 0) {
stop(paste(x, "cell(s) with multiple heavy chains found. One heavy chain per cell is expected."))
# check multiple beta chains
x <- sum(table(db[[cell_id]][db[[locus]] == "TRB"]) > 1)
if (x > 0) {
stop(paste(x, "cell(s) with multiple beta chains found. One beta chain per cell is expected."))
# check multiple delta chains
x <- sum(table(db[[cell_id]][db[[locus]] == "TRD"]) > 1)
if (x > 0) {
stop(paste(x, "cell(s) with multiple delta chains found. One delta chain per cell is expected."))
# if passed
single_cell <- TRUE
### check verbose and log
verbose <- ifelse(verbose, 1, 0)
if (!is.null(log)) {
out_dir <- dirname(log)
if (!dir.exists(out_dir)) stop("out_dir '", out_dir, "' does not exist.")
log_verbose <- 1
log_verbose_name <- basename(log)
cat(file=file.path(out_dir, log_verbose_name), append=FALSE)
} else {
log_verbose <- 0
### prepare db
### Creates the initial vjl groups to identify clonally related sequences
### using the heavy chain.
### The vj group is created with groupGenes, using heavy chaing v and j calls only
### (only_heavy=T) or also considering the vj light chain call (only_heavy=F).
### Then an additional l group is added, based on the junction length, not
### using thegroupGenes. As only the heavy chain data is used for cloning,
### only the heavy chain sequences' junction length matters. At this point,
### single cell data has one heavy chain sequence per cell, and one cell can
### only belong to a v+j+heavy-chain-junction-length group.
results_prep <- prepare_db(db = db,
junction = junction, v_call = v_call, j_call = j_call,
first = first, cdr3 = cdr3, fields = fields,
cell_id = cell_id, locus = locus, only_heavy = only_heavy,
mod3 = mod3, max_n = max_n)
db <- results_prep$db
n_rmv_mod3 <- results_prep$n_rmv_mod3
n_rmv_cdr3 <- results_prep$n_rmv_cdr3
n_rmv_N <- results_prep$n_rmv_N
junction_l <- results_prep$junction_l
cdr3_col <- results_prep$cdr3_col
### for single-cell mode: separates heavy and light chain data frames
### performs cloning only on heavy chains
if (single_cell) {
message("Running defineClonesScoper in single cell mode")
db_l <- db[db[[locus]] %in% c("IGK", "IGL", "TRA", "TRG"), , drop=F]
db <- db[db[[locus]] %in% c("IGH", "TRB", "TRD"), , drop=F]
} else {
#message("Running defineClonesScoper in bulk mode")
# if in bulk mode, only keep heavy chains
message("Running defineClonesScoper in bulk mode and only keep heavy chains")
if (!locus %in% colnames(db)) {
message("... identifying heavy chains with getLocus(v_call).")
db[[locus]] <- getLocus(db[[v_call]])
db <- db[db[[locus]] %in% c("IGH", "TRB", "TRD"), ,drop=FALSE]
if (nrow(db) == 0 ) {
stop("Cloning requires heavy chain sequences.")
### groups to use
groupBy <- c("vjl_group", fields)
### summary of the groups
vjl_gps <- db %>%
dplyr::group_by(!!!rlang::syms(groupBy)) %>%
dplyr::summarise(group_v_call = stringi::stri_join(unique(!!rlang::sym(v_call)), collapse=","),
group_j_call = stringi::stri_join(unique(!!rlang::sym(j_call)), collapse=","),
group_junction_length = unique(!!rlang::sym(junction_l)),
group_size = n())
vjl_gps$group_v_call <- sapply(1:nrow(vjl_gps),
function(i){ stringi::stri_join(unique(stringi::stri_split_fixed(vjl_gps$group_v_call[i], ",")[[1]]), collapse=",") })
vjl_gps$group_j_call <- sapply(1:nrow(vjl_gps),
function(i){ stringi::stri_join(unique(stringi::stri_split_fixed(vjl_gps$group_j_call[i], ",")[[1]]), collapse=",") })
n_groups <- nrow(vjl_gps)
### create cluster of nproc size and export namespaces
if(nproc == 1) {
# If needed to run on a single core/cpu then, register DoSEQ
# (needed for 'foreach' in non-parallel mode)
} else if( nproc > 1 ) {
cluster <- parallel::makeCluster(nproc, type="PSOCK")
} else {
stop('Nproc must be positive.')
### export function to clusters
if (nproc > 1) {
export_functions <- list("passToClustering_lev1", "passToClustering_lev2", "passToClustering_lev3", "passToClustering_lev4",
"findGapSmooth", "infer", "krnlMtxGenerator", "makeAffinity", "laplacianMtx",
"rangeAtoB", "likelihoods", "pairwiseMutions", "pairwiseMutMatrix",
"printVerbose", "logVerbose","stri_join")
parallel::clusterExport(cluster, export_functions, envir=environment())
doParallel::registerDoParallel(cluster, cores=nproc)
### perform clustering for each group
gp <- NULL
db_cloned <- foreach::foreach(gp=1:n_groups,
.errorhandling='stop') %dopar% {
# *********************************************************************************
# filter each group
vjl_gp <- vjl_gps$vjl_group[gp]
gp_vcall <- vjl_gps$group_v_call[gp]
gp_jcall <- vjl_gps$group_j_call[gp]
gp_lent <- vjl_gps$group_junction_length[gp]
gp_size <- vjl_gps$group_size[gp]
db_gp <- dplyr::filter(db, !!rlang::sym("vjl_group") == vjl_gp)
# pass the group for clustering
# cat(paste(vjl_gp, "here"), sep="\n") # for tests
results <- passToClustering_lev1(db_gp,
model = model,
method = method,
linkage = ifelse(model == "hierarchical", linkage, NA),
normalize = ifelse(model == "hierarchical", normalize, NA),
germline = germline,
sequence = sequence,
junction = junction,
mutabs = targeting_model,
len_limit = len_limit,
cdr3 = cdr3,
cdr3_col = cdr3_col,
threshold = threshold,
base_sim = base_sim,
iter_max = iter_max,
nstart = nstart)
idCluster <- results$idCluster
n_cluster <- results$n_cluster
# cat(paste(vjl_gp), sep="\n") # for tests
if (length(idCluster) == 0 | any( {
stop(printVerbose(n_groups, gp, model, method, linkage, cdr3,
gp_vcall, gp_jcall, gp_lent, gp_size, n_cluster) )
# check verbose
if (verbose) { printVerbose(n_groups, gp, model, method, linkage, cdr3,
gp_vcall, gp_jcall, gp_lent, gp_size, n_cluster)
# check log verbose
if (log_verbose) { logVerbose(out_dir, log_verbose_name,
n_groups, gp, model, method, linkage, cdr3,
gp_vcall, gp_jcall, gp_lent, gp_size, n_cluster) }
# attache clones
db_gp[[clone]] <- stringi::stri_join(gp, idCluster, sep="_")
# return result from each proc
# *********************************************************************************
### stop the cluster
if (nproc > 1) { parallel::stopCluster(cluster) }
### sort clone ids
db_cloned$clone_temp <- db_cloned %>%
dplyr::group_by(!!rlang::sym(clone)) %>%
db_cloned[[clone]] <- db_cloned$clone_temp
db_cloned <- db_cloned[order(db_cloned[[clone]]), ]
db_cloned[[clone]] <- as.character(db_cloned[[clone]])
db_cloned$clone_temp <- NULL
### report removed sequences
if (mod3) {
if (verbose) {
cat(" MOD3_FILTER> ", n_rmv_mod3, "invalid junction length(s) (not mod3) in the", junction, "column removed.", "\n", sep=" ")
if (log_verbose) {
cat(" MOD3_FILTER> ", n_rmv_mod3, "invalid junction length(s) (not mod3) in the", junction, "column removed.", "\n", sep=" ",
file = file.path(out_dir, log_verbose_name), append=TRUE)
if (cdr3) {
if (verbose) {
cat(" CDR3_FILTER> ", n_rmv_cdr3, "invalid junction length(s) (< 7) in the", junction, "column removed.", "\n", sep=" ")
if (log_verbose) {
cat(" CDR3_FILTER> ", n_rmv_cdr3, "invalid junction length(s) (< 7) in the", junction, "column removed.", "\n", sep=" ",
file = file.path(out_dir, log_verbose_name), append=TRUE)
if (!is.null(max_n)) {
if (verbose) {
cat(" MAX_N_FILTER> ", n_rmv_N, "invalid junction(s) ( # of N >", max_n, ") in the", junction, "column removed.", "\n", sep=" ")
if (log_verbose) {
cat(" MAX_N_FILTER> ", n_rmv_N, "invalid junction(s) ( # of N >", max_n, ") in the", junction, "column removed.", "\n", sep=" ",
file = file.path(out_dir, log_verbose_name), append=TRUE)
### make summary
if (summarize_clones) {
### vjl group summary
vjl_gps <- db_cloned %>%
dplyr::group_by(!!rlang::sym("vjl_group")) %>%
dplyr::summarise(sequence_count = n(),
v_call = paste(unique(!!rlang::sym(v_call)), collapse=","),
j_call = paste(unique(!!rlang::sym(j_call)), collapse=","),
junction_length = unique(!!rlang::sym(junction_l)),
clone_count = length(unique(!!rlang::sym(clone))),
clone_id = paste(unique(!!rlang::sym(clone)), collapse = ","))
vjl_gps$v_call <- sapply(1:nrow(vjl_gps),
function(i){ stri_join(unique(stri_split_fixed(vjl_gps$v_call[i], ",")[[1]]), collapse=",") })
vjl_gps$j_call <- sapply(1:nrow(vjl_gps),
function(i){ stri_join(unique(stri_split_fixed(vjl_gps$j_call[i], ",")[[1]]), collapse=",") })
### calculate inter and intra distances
df_inter_intra <- calculateInterVsIntra(db = db_cloned,
clone = clone,
vjl_gps = vjl_gps,
junction = junction,
cdr3 = cdr3,
cdr3_col = cdr3_col,
nproc = nproc,
verbose = verbose)
### calculate effective threshold
data_eff <- select(df_inter_intra, c("distance", "label"))
data_intra <- data_eff %>%
dplyr::filter(!!rlang::sym("label") == "intra", !!rlang::sym("distance") > 0)
data_inter <- data_eff %>%
dplyr::filter(!!rlang::sym("label") == "inter", !!rlang::sym("distance") > 0)
eff_threshold <- as.numeric(NA)
if (nrow(data_intra) > 5 & nrow(data_inter) > 5) {
a <- data_intra$distance
b <- data_inter$distance
xlim = c(min(c(a,b)), max(c(a,b)))
df <- merge(, from = xlim[1], to = xlim[2])[c("x", "y")]),, from = xlim[1], to = xlim[2])[c("x", "y")]),
by = "x", suffixes = c(".a", ".b")
df$comp <- as.numeric(df$y.a > df$y.b)
df$cross <- c(NA, diff(df$comp))
df <- df[which(df$cross != 0), c("x", "y.a")]
if (nrow(df) > 0) {
eff_th <- df$x
eff_th <- eff_th[mean(a) - sd(a) < eff_th & eff_th < mean(b) + sd(b)]
if (length(eff_th) > 0) {
eff_threshold <- round(mean(eff_th), 2)
### remove extra columns
if (!is.null(fields) & single_cell) { temp_cols <- temp_cols[temp_cols != cell_id]}
db_cloned <- db_cloned[, !(names(db_cloned) %in% temp_cols)]
### single cell pipeline
if (single_cell) {
db_l <- db_l[, !(names(db_l) %in% temp_cols)]
db_l[[clone]] <- NA
# If there is light chain info
if (nrow(db_l) < 1) {
warning("Single cell mode requested, but `db` doesn't contain light chain data. Skipping.")
} else {
# copy clone ids from heavy chains into light chains
cell_ids_h <- unique(db_cloned[[cell_id]])
cell_ids_l <- unique(db_l[[cell_id]])
for (cellid in cell_ids_l) {
if (cellid %in% cell_ids_h) {
db_l[[clone]][db_l[[cell_id]] == cellid] <- unique(db_cloned[[clone]][db_cloned[[cell_id]] == cellid])
# bind heavy and light chain data.frames
stopifnot(all(names(db_cloned) == names(db_l)))
db_cloned <- bind_rows(db_cloned, db_l)
# split clones by light chains
if (split_light) {
clones <- unique(db_cloned[[clone]])
clones <- clones[!]
#TODO: parallelize this for loop
for (cloneid in clones) {
db_c <- dplyr::filter(db_cloned, !!rlang::sym(clone) == cloneid)
if (length(unique(db_c[[cell_id]])) == 1) next()
db_c[['junction_l']] <- stringi::stri_length(db_c[[junction]])
# Create temporary fake v_call and j_call, to avoid grouping
# again using heavy chain gene calls. This matters if first=FALSE
# and "linker" ambiguous calls were left out of the same cluster id
# because of the distance threshold. The goal now is to divide the
# heavy chain clones using light chain info only.
# TODO: this is probably inefficient. Test is groupGenes could handle
# v_call=NULL and j_call=NULL. Or maybe add an option only_light.
db_c[[v_call]][db_c[['locus']] %in% c("IGH", "TRB", "TRD")] <- "IGHV0"
db_c[[j_call]][db_c[['locus']] %in% c("IGH", "TRB", "TRD")] <- "IGHJ0"
db_c <- alakazam::groupGenes(data = db_c,
v_call = v_call,
j_call = j_call,
junc_len = 'junction_l',
cell_id = cell_id,
locus = locus,
only_heavy = FALSE,
first = FALSE)
if (length(unique(db_c$vj_group)) == 1) next()
db_c[[clone]] <- paste(db_c[[clone]], db_c$vj_group, sep="_") # TODO: IDs get connected with underscore, figure out when the underscore is removed
for (cellid in unique(db_c[[cell_id]])) {
db_cloned[[clone]][db_cloned[[clone]] == cloneid & db_cloned[[cell_id]] == cellid] <-
db_c[[clone]][db_c[[cell_id]] == cellid]
# sort clone ids
na.count <- sum([[clone]]))
if (na.count > 0) {
db_na <- db_cloned[[[clone]]), ]
db_cloned <- db_cloned[![[clone]]), ]
db_cloned$clone_temp <- db_cloned %>%
dplyr::group_by(!!rlang::sym(clone)) %>%
db_cloned[[clone]] <- db_cloned$clone_temp
db_cloned <- db_cloned[order(db_cloned[[clone]]), ] # Sorts them by clone_vj_group
db_cloned[[clone]] <- as.character(db_cloned[[clone]])
db_cloned$clone_temp <- NULL
if (na.count > 0) {
db_cloned <- bind_rows(db_cloned, db_na)
if (!is.null(fields) & single_cell) { db_cloned[[cell_id]] <- NULL}
# return results
if (summarize_clones) {
return_list <- list("db" = db_cloned,
"vjl_gps" = vjl_gps,
"inter_intra" = df_inter_intra,
"eff_threshold" = eff_threshold)
} else {
# *****************************************************************************
# *****************************************************************************
passToClustering_lev1 <- function (db_gp,
model = c("identical", "hierarchical", "spectral"),
method = c("nt", "aa", "novj", "vj"),
linkage = c("single", "average", "complete"),
normalize = c("len", "none"),
germline = "germline_alignment",
sequence = "sequence_alignment",
junction = "junction",
mutabs = NULL,
len_limit = NULL,
cdr3 = FALSE,
cdr3_col = NA,
threshold = NULL,
base_sim = 0.95,
iter_max = 1000,
nstart = 1000) {
### get model
model <- match.arg(model)
### begin clustering
if (model == "identical") {
clone_results <- identicalClones_helper(db_gp,
method = method,
junction = junction,
cdr3 = cdr3,
cdr3_col = cdr3_col)
} else if (model == "hierarchical") {
clone_results <- hierarchicalClones_helper(db_gp,
method = method,
linkage = linkage,
normalize = normalize,
junction = junction,
cdr3 = cdr3,
cdr3_col = cdr3_col,
threshold = threshold)
} else if (model == "spectral") {
clone_results <- spectralClones_helper(db_gp,
method = method,
germline = germline,
sequence = sequence,
junction = junction,
mutabs = mutabs,
len_limit = len_limit,
cdr3 = cdr3,
cdr3_col = cdr3_col,
threshold = threshold,
base_sim = base_sim,
iter_max = iter_max,
nstart = nstart)
### retrun results
return_list <- list("idCluster" = clone_results$idCluster,
"n_cluster" = clone_results$n_cluster,
"eigen_vals" = clone_results$eigen_vals)
# *****************************************************************************
# *****************************************************************************
identicalClones_helper <- function(db_gp,
method = c("nt", "aa"),
junction = "junction",
cdr3 = FALSE,
cdr3_col = NA) {
### get method
method <- match.arg(method)
### number of sequences
n <- nrow(db_gp)
### cloning
seq_col <- ifelse(cdr3, cdr3_col, junction)
if (method == "aa") {
db_gp[[seq_col]] <- translateDNA(db_gp[[seq_col]])
idCluster <- db_gp %>%
dplyr::group_by(!!rlang::sym(seq_col)) %>%
n_cluster <- length(unique(idCluster))
eigen_vals <- rep(0, n)
### retrun results
return_list <- list("idCluster" = idCluster,
"n_cluster" = n_cluster,
"eigen_vals" = eigen_vals)
# *****************************************************************************
# *****************************************************************************
hierarchicalClones_helper <- function(db_gp,
method = c("nt", "aa"),
linkage = c("single", "average", "complete"),
normalize = c("len", "none"),
junction = "junction",
cdr3 = FALSE,
cdr3_col = NA,
threshold = NULL) {
### get method
method <- match.arg(method)
# get linkage
linkage <- match.arg(linkage)
# get normalize
normalize <- match.arg(normalize)
### number of sequences
n <- nrow(db_gp)
# get sequences
if (method == "nt") {
seqs <- db_gp[[ifelse(cdr3, cdr3_col, junction)]]
} else if (method == "aa") {
# translate amino acid for method "aa"
seqs <- alakazam::translateDNA(db_gp[[ifelse(cdr3, cdr3_col, junction)]])
# find unique seqs
df <-[, list(list(.I)), by = seqs]
n_unq <- nrow(df)
ind_unq <- df$V1
seqs_unq <- df$seqs
if (n_unq == 1) {
return(list("idCluster" = rep(1, n),
"n_cluster" = 1,
"eigen_vals" = rep(0, n)))
# calculate distance matrix
if (method == "nt") {
dist_mtx <- alakazam::pairwiseDist(seq = seqs_unq,
dist_mat = getDNAMatrix(gap = 0))
} else if (method == "aa") {
dist_mtx <- alakazam::pairwiseDist(seq = seqs_unq,
dist_mat = getAAMatrix(gap = 0))
# perform hierarchical clustering
if (normalize == "len") {
# calculate normalization factor
junc_length <- unique(stringi::stri_length(seqs_unq))
hc <- hclust(as.dist(dist_mtx/junc_length), method = linkage)
} else if (normalize == "none") {
hc <- stats::hclust(as.dist(dist_mtx), method = linkage)
# cut the tree
idCluster_unq <- stats::cutree(hc, h = threshold)
# back to reality
idCluster <- rep(NA, n)
for (i in 1:n_unq) {
idCluster[ind_unq[[i]]] <- idCluster_unq[i]
n_cluster <- length(unique(idCluster))
eigen_vals <- rep(0, n)
### return results
return_list <- list("idCluster" = idCluster,
"n_cluster" = n_cluster,
"eigen_vals" = eigen_vals)
# *****************************************************************************
# *****************************************************************************
spectralClones_helper <- function(db_gp,
method = c("novj", "vj"),
germline = "germline_alignment",
sequence = "sequence_alignment",
junction = "junction",
mutabs = NULL,
len_limit = NULL,
cdr3 = FALSE,
cdr3_col = NA,
threshold = NULL,
base_sim = 0.95,
iter_max = 1000,
nstart = 1000) {
### get method
method <- match.arg(method)
### number of sequences
n <- nrow(db_gp)
### cloning
if (method == "vj") {
### check targeting model
if (!is.null(mutabs)) {
mutabs <- mutabs@mutability
} else {
mutabs <- NULL
# get required info based on the method
germs <- db_gp[[germline]]
seqs <- db_gp[[sequence]]
juncs <- db_gp[[ifelse(cdr3, cdr3_col, junction)]]
junc_length <- unique(stringi::stri_length(juncs))
# find unique seqs
seqs <- paste(seqs, juncs, germs, sep = "|")
df <-[, list(list(.I)), by=seqs] %>%
tidyr::separate(col = seqs, into = c("seqs_unq", "juncs_unq", "germs_unq"), sep = "\\|")
n_unq <- nrow(df)
ind_unq <- df$V1
if (n_unq == 1) {
return(list("idCluster" = rep(1, n),
"n_cluster" = 1,
"eigen_vals" = rep(0, n)))
# find corresponding unique germs and junctions
seqs_unq <- df$seqs_unq
germs_unq <- df$germs_unq
juncs_unq <- df$juncs_unq
# calculate unique junctions distance matrix
dist_mtx <- pairwiseDist(seq = juncs_unq,
dist_mat = getDNAMatrix(gap = 0))
# count mutations from unique sequence imgt
results <- pairwiseMutions(germ_imgt = germs_unq,
seq_imgt = seqs_unq,
junc_length = junc_length,
len_limit = len_limit,
cdr3 = cdr3,
mutabs = mutabs)
tot_mtx <- results$pairWiseTotalMut
sh_mtx <- results$pairWiseSharedMut
mutab_mtx <- results$pairWiseMutability
# calculate likelihhod matrix
lkl_mtx <- likelihoods(tot_mtx = tot_mtx,
sh_mtx = sh_mtx,
mutab_mtx = mutab_mtx)
# calculate weighted matrix
disim_mtx <- dist_mtx * (1.0 - lkl_mtx)
# check if vj method made any changes, otherwise go back to method "novj"
# check if one of the rows is all zeros, meaning vj mathod cannot decide (a highly rare case)
if (all(disim_mtx == dist_mtx) | any(rowSums(disim_mtx) == 0)) {
# get required info based on the method
seqs <- db_gp[[ifelse(cdr3, cdr3_col, junction)]]
junc_length <- unique(stringi::stri_length(seqs))
# find unique seqs
df <-[, list(list(.I)), by = seqs]
n_unq <- nrow(df)
ind_unq <- df$V1
seqs_unq <- df$seqs
if (n_unq == 1) {
return(list("idCluster" = rep(1, n),
"n_cluster" = 1,
"eigen_vals" = rep(0, n)))
# calculate unique seuences distance matrix
disim_mtx <- pairwiseDist(seq = seqs_unq,
dist_mat = getDNAMatrix(gap = 0))
} else if (method == "novj") {
# get required info based on the method
seqs <- db_gp[[ifelse(cdr3, cdr3_col, junction)]]
junc_length <- unique(stringi::stri_length(seqs))
# find unique seqs
df <-[, list(list(.I)), by = seqs]
n_unq <- nrow(df)
ind_unq <- df$V1
seqs_unq <- df$seqs
if (n_unq == 1) {
return(list("idCluster" = rep(1, n),
"n_cluster" = 1,
"eigen_vals" = rep(0, n)))
# calculate unique seuences distance matrix
disim_mtx <- pairwiseDist(seq = seqs_unq,
dist_mat = getDNAMatrix(gap = 0))
### pass to clustering pipeline
result <- passToClustering_lev2(mtx = disim_mtx,
junc_length = junc_length,
threshold = threshold,
base_sim = base_sim,
iter_max = iter_max,
nstart = nstart)
idCluster_unq <- result$idCluster
eigen_vals <- result$eigen_vals
### back to reality
idCluster <- rep(NA, n)
for (i in 1:n_unq) {
idCluster[ind_unq[[i]]] <- idCluster_unq[i]
n_cluster <- length(unique(idCluster))
### retrun results
return_list <- list("idCluster" = idCluster,
"n_cluster" = n_cluster,
"eigen_vals" = eigen_vals)
# *****************************************************************************
# *****************************************************************************
# check special case if all distances (off diagonal elements) are the same.
# (this also includes cases with only two sequences)
passToClustering_lev2 <- function(mtx,
junc_length = NULL,
threshold = NULL,
base_sim = 0.95,
iter_max = 1000,
nstart = 1000) {
### constants
n <- nrow(mtx)
bs <- (1 - base_sim)*junc_length
off_diags_nuq <- unique(mtx[row(mtx) != col(mtx)])
### check special cases
if (n == 1) {
idCluster <- 1 # all in same clone
eigen_vals <- 0
} else if (length(off_diags_nuq) == 1) { # seqs have equal-distances from each other
if (off_diags_nuq > bs) {
idCluster <- 1:n # all singletons
eigen_vals <- rep(0, n)
} else {
idCluster <- rep(1, n) # all in same clone
eigen_vals <- rep(0, n)
} else if (max(mtx) <= bs) {
idCluster <- rep(1, n) # all in same clone
eigen_vals <- rep(0, n)
} else {
results <- passToClustering_lev3(mtx = mtx,
junc_length = junc_length,
threshold = threshold,
iter_max = iter_max,
nstart = nstart)
idCluster <- results$idCluster
eigen_vals <- results$eigen_vals
### return list
return_list <- list("idCluster" = idCluster,
"eigen_vals" = eigen_vals)
# *****************************************************************************
# *****************************************************************************
passToClustering_lev3 <- function(mtx,
junc_length = NULL,
threshold = NULL,
iter_max = 1000,
nstart = 1000){
n <- nrow(mtx)
### set seed for reproducibility
### check the minimum number of data points requirement
if (n < 3) stop("SCOPer needs at least 3 unique data points")
### calculate the krnl matrix
krnl_mtx <- krnlMtxGenerator(mtx = mtx)
### calculate the affinity matrix
if (!is.null(threshold)) {
aff_mtx <- makeAffinity(mtx_o = mtx,
mtx_k = krnl_mtx,
thd = threshold*junc_length)
} else {
# aff_mtx <- round(krnl_mtx, 3)
nearest_dist <- apply(mtx, 2, function(x) {
gt0 <- which(x > 0)
if (length(gt0) != 0) { min(x[gt0]) } else { NA }
aff_mtx <- makeAffinity(mtx_o = mtx,
mtx_k = krnl_mtx,
thd = max(nearest_dist, na.rm = T))
### affinity matrix is diagonal. Each sequence belongs to a singlton clone.
if (all(aff_mtx[!diag(nrow(aff_mtx))] == 0)) {
return_list <- list("idCluster" = c(1:n),
"eigen_vals" = rep(0,n))
### calculate the laplacian matrix
L <- laplacianMtx(entry = aff_mtx)
### eigen-decomposition
eigens <- eigen(L, symmetric = TRUE)
eigen_vals <- rev(eigens$values)
eigen_vals <- rangeAtoB(eigen_vals, 0, 1)
if (all(eigen_vals == 0)) { # Each sequence belongs to a singlton clone.
return_list <- list("idCluster" = c(1:n),
"eigen_vals" = rep(0,n))
### k upper bound
eigenValDens <- density(eigen_vals)
k_up <- sum(eigen_vals < eigenValDens$x[which.max(eigenValDens$y)]) + 1
if ( | k_up %in% c(1,2)) k_up <- n
# determine the number of clusters using log distance
logEigenValsDiff <- sapply(2:k_up, function(x){ log10(eigen_vals[x]) - log10(eigen_vals[x-1]) })
nas <- sum(is.nan(logEigenValsDiff) | | is.infinite(logEigenValsDiff))
if (nas == length(logEigenValsDiff)) {
k <- nas + 1
} else {
k <- nas + ifelse(nas > 0, which.max(logEigenValsDiff[-(1:nas)]), which.max(logEigenValsDiff)) + 1
if (k == n) {
idCluster <- 1:n # all singletons
eigen_vals <- rep(0, n)
} else {
### pick k smalest eigenvectors
# The vectors are col-normalized to unit length
eigenVecs <- eigens$vectors
eigenVecs <- eigenVecs[, (n-k+1):(n)]
### kmeans clustering
# set.seed(12345)
# set.seed(12345, kind = "Mersenne-Twister", normal.kind = "Inversion")
idCluster <- kmeans(x=round(eigenVecs, 6),
### check if idclusters and affinity matrix agrees
idCluster <- passToClustering_lev4(aff_mtx = aff_mtx,
idCluster = idCluster)
### return results
return_list <- list("idCluster" = idCluster,
"eigen_vals" = eigen_vals)
# *****************************************************************************
# *****************************************************************************
# check affinity matrix and clusters id
# aff_mtx_sub[which(aff_id_sub %in% gr_ls[[4]]),]
passToClustering_lev4 <- function(aff_mtx, idCluster) {
n <- nrow(aff_mtx)
new_idCluster <- rep(NA, n)
new_k <- 0
id_unq <- unique(idCluster)
k <- length(unique(idCluster))
for (z in 1:k) {
aff_id_sub <- which(idCluster == id_unq[z])
if (length(aff_id_sub) == 1) {
new_k <- new_k + 1
new_idCluster[aff_id_sub] <- new_k
} else {
aff_mtx_sub <- aff_mtx[aff_id_sub, aff_id_sub]
n <- nrow(aff_mtx_sub)
rows_ls <- rep(list(NULL), n)
for (i in 1:n) {
rows_ls[[i]] <- aff_id_sub[aff_mtx_sub[, i] != 0]
gr_ls <- rep(list(NA), n)
for (y in 1:n) {
ids <- rows_ls[[y]]
l <- length(gr_ls[!])
for (x in 1:l) {
if (1 > l) break
if (length(base::intersect(ids, gr_ls[[x]])) > 0) {
ids <- base::union(ids, gr_ls[[x]])
gr_ls[[x]] <- NA
gr_ls[[y]] <- ids
gr_ls <- c(gr_ls[!], gr_ls[])
gr_ls <- gr_ls[!]
for (i in 1:length(gr_ls)) {
new_k <- new_k + 1
new_idCluster[gr_ls[[i]]] <- new_k
# TO CHECK USE aff_mtx_sub[, which(aff_id_sub == ???)]
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