
Defines functions ErM2V ErV2M shrinkEM ErrToM

Documented in ErrToM

#' @title Generate Genotyping Error Matrix
#' @description Generate a matrix with the probabilities of observed genotypes
#'   (columns) conditional on actual genotypes (rows), or return a function to
#'   generate such matrices (using a single value Err as input to that
#'  function).
#' @details By default (\code{flavour} = "version2.0"), \code{Err} is
#'   interpreted as a locus-level error rate (rather than allele-level), and
#'   equals the probability that an actual heterozygote is observed as either
#'   homozygote (i.e., the probability that it is observed as AA = probability
#'   that observed as aa = \code{Err}/2). The probability that one homozygote is
#'   observed as the other is (\code{Err}/2\eqn{)^2}.
#' The inbuilt 'flavours' correspond to the presumed and simulated error
#' structures, which have changed with sequoia versions. The most appropriate
#' error structure will depend on the genotyping platform; 'version0.9' and
#' 'version1.1' were inspired by SNP array genotyping while 'version1.3' and
#' 'version2.0' are intended to be more general.
#' Pr(observed genotype (columns) | actual genotype (rows)):
#' \emph{version2.0:}
#' \tabular{lccc}{
#'     \tab \strong{0} \tab \strong{1} \tab \strong{2} \cr
#'  \strong{0}  \tab \eqn{(1-E/2)^2} \tab \eqn{E(1-E/2)} \tab \eqn{(E/2)^2} \cr
#'  \strong{1}  \tab \eqn{E/2}       \tab \eqn{1-E}      \tab \eqn{E/2}    \cr
#'  \strong{2}  \tab \eqn{(E/2)^2}   \tab \eqn{E(1-E/2)} \tab \eqn{(1-E/2)^2} \cr
#' }
#' \emph{version1.3}
#' \tabular{lccc}{
#'     \tab \strong{0} \tab \strong{1} \tab \strong{2} \cr
#'  \strong{0}  \tab \eqn{1-E-(E/2)^2} \tab \eqn{E} \tab \eqn{(E/2)^2} \cr
#'  \strong{1}  \tab \eqn{E/2}       \tab \eqn{1-E}      \tab \eqn{E/2}    \cr
#'  \strong{2}  \tab \eqn{(E/2)^2}   \tab \eqn{E} \tab \eqn{1-E-(E/2)^2} \cr
#' }
#' \emph{version1.1}
#' \tabular{lccc}{
#'     \tab \strong{0} \tab \strong{1} \tab \strong{2} \cr
#'  \strong{0}  \tab \eqn{1-E} \tab \eqn{E/2} \tab \eqn{E/2} \cr
#'  \strong{1}  \tab \eqn{E/2}       \tab \eqn{1-E}      \tab \eqn{E/2}    \cr
#'  \strong{2}  \tab \eqn{E/2}   \tab \eqn{E/2} \tab \eqn{1-E} \cr
#' }
#' \emph{version0.9} (not recommended)
#' \tabular{lccc}{
#'     \tab \strong{0} \tab \strong{1} \tab \strong{2} \cr
#'  \strong{0}  \tab \eqn{1-E} \tab \eqn{E} \tab \eqn{0} \cr
#'  \strong{1}  \tab \eqn{E/2}       \tab \eqn{1-E}      \tab \eqn{E/2}    \cr
#'  \strong{2}  \tab \eqn{0}   \tab \eqn{E} \tab \eqn{1-E} \cr
#' }
#' When \code{Err} is a length 3 vector, or if \code{Return = 'vector'} these
#'  are the following probabilities:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item hom|hom: an actual homozygote is observed as the other homozygote
#'  \item het|hom: an actual homozygote is observed as heterozygote
#'  \item hom|het: an actual heterozygote is observed as homozygote
#'  }
#'  and Pr(observed genotype (columns) | actual genotype (rows)) is then:
#' \tabular{lccc}{
#'             \tab \strong{0}       \tab \strong{1}   \tab \strong{2}  \cr
#'  \strong{0} \tab \eqn{1-E_1-E_2} \tab \eqn{E_2}    \tab \eqn{E_1} \cr
#'  \strong{1} \tab \eqn{E_3}        \tab \eqn{1-2E_3} \tab \eqn{E_3}   \cr
#'  \strong{2} \tab \eqn{E_1}       \tab \eqn{E_2}    \tab \eqn{1-E_1-E_2} \cr
#' }
#'  The only assumption made is that the two alleles can be treated equally,
#'  i.e. observing actual allele $A$ as $a$ is as likely as observing actual $a$
#'  as $A$, and so e.g. P(obs=1|act=0) = P(obs=1|act=2).
#'  When the SNPs are scored via sequencing (e.g. RADseq or DArTseq), the 3rd
#'  error rate (hom|het) is typically considerably higher than the other two,
#'  while for SNP arrays it tends to be similar to P(het|hom).
#' @param Err estimated genotyping error rate, as a single number, or 3x3 or 4x4
#'   matrix, or length 3 vector. If a single number, an error model is used that
#'   aims to deal with scoring errors typical for SNP arrays. If a matrix, this
#'   should be the probability of observed genotype (columns) conditional on
#'   actual genotype (rows). Each row must therefore sum to 1. If
#'   \code{Return='function'}, this may be \code{NA}. If a vector, these are the
#'   probabilities (observed given actual) hom|other hom, het|hom, and hom|het.
#' @param flavour matrix-generating function, or one of 'version2.0',
#'   'version1.3' (='SNPchip'), 'version1.1' (='version111'), referring to the
#'   sequoia version in which it was used as default. Only used if \code{Err} is
#'   a single number.
#' @param Return output, 'matrix' (default), 'function', or 'vector'
#' @return Depending on \code{Return}, either:
#'  \itemize{
#'    \item \code{'matrix'}: a 3x3 matrix, with probabilities of observed genotypes
#'    (columns) conditional on actual (rows)
#'    \item \code{'function'}: a function taking a single value \code{Err} as input, and
#'    generating a 3x3 matrix
#'    \item \code{'vector'}: a length 3 vector, with the probabilities (observed given
#'      actual) hom|other hom, het|hom, and hom|het.
#'  }
#' @seealso \code{\link{EstEr}} to estimate genotyping error rate as a length 3
#'  vector.
#' @examples
#' ErM <- ErrToM(Err = 0.05)
#' ErM
#' ErrToM(ErM, Return = 'vector')
#' # use error matrix from Whalen, Gorjanc & Hickey 2018
#' funE <- function(E) {
#'  matrix(c(1-E*3/4, E/2, E/4,
#'           E/4, 1-2*E/4, E/4,
#'           E/4, E/2, 1-E*3/4),
#'           3,3, byrow=TRUE)  }
#' ErrToM(Err = 0.05, flavour = funE)
#' # equivalent to:
#' ErrToM(Err = c(0.05/4, 0.05/2, 0.05/4))
#' @export

ErrToM <- function(Err = NA,
                   flavour = "version2.0",
                   Return = "matrix")
  if (length(Err)==1 && is.na(Err) && Return == "function")  Err <- 0.1   # only used for testing
  if (!is.atomic(Err) || !length(Err) %in% c(1,3,9,16))  stop("'Err' must be a single number, length 3 vector, or 3x3 matrix")
  if (any(Err<0 | Err>1) || !is.double(Err)) stop("'Err' must be (a) number(s) between 0 and 1")
  # ErrM: observed (columns) conditional on actual (rows)
  ErrM <- NULL
  ErFunc <- NULL
  if (is.matrix(Err)) {

    if (nrow(Err)==3 & ncol(Err)==3) {
      ErrM <- Err
    } else if (nrow(Err)==4 & ncol(Err)==4) {
      ErrM <- shrinkEM(Err)
    } else {
      stop("Error matrix should be a 3x3 or 4x4 matrix")

  } else if (length(Err)==3) {

    ErrM <- ErV2M(Err)

  } else {

    if (is.function(flavour)) {

      ErrM <- flavour(Err)
      if (!is.matrix(ErrM))  stop("ErFunc(E) should return a 3x3 or 4x4 matrix")
      if (!(all(dim(ErrM)==4) | all(dim(ErrM)==3)) )  stop("ErFunc(E) should return a 4x4 or 3x3 matrix")
      ErrM.B <- flavour(Err+0.1)
      if (all(ErrM.B == ErrM))  stop("ErFunc(E) is not a function of error rate E")
      ErFunc <- flavour

    } else if (flavour %in% c("version2.0", "2.0")) {
      ErFunc <- function(E) {
        matrix(c((1-E/2)^2, E*(1-E/2), (E/2)^2,
                 E/2, 1-E, E/2,
                 (E/2)^2, E*(1-E/2), (1-E/2)^2),
               3,3, byrow=TRUE)
    } else if (flavour %in% c("version1.3", "SNPchip", "1.3")) {
      ErFunc <- function(E) {
        matrix(c(1-E-(E/2)^2, E, (E/2)^2,
                 E/2, 1-E, E/2,
                 (E/2)^2, E, 1-E-(E/2)^2),
               3,3, byrow=TRUE)
    } else if (flavour %in% c("version111", "version1.1", "1.1")) {
      ErFunc <- function(E) {
        matrix(c(1-E, E/2, E/2,
                 E/2, 1-E, E/2,
                 E/2, E/2, 1-E),
               3,3, byrow=TRUE)
    } else if (flavour %in% c("version0.9", "version0.7", "0.7", "0.9")) {
      ErFunc <- function(E) {
        matrix(c(1-E, E, 0,
                 E/2, 1-E, E/2,
                 0, E, 1-E),
               3,3, byrow=TRUE)
    } else {
      stop("Unknown ErrFlavour, choose 'version2.0', 'version1.3', 'version1.1', \n",
           "or specify vector or matrix(-generating function) via 'Err'")

    ErrM <- ErFunc(Err)

  if (!is.double(ErrM) || any(ErrM<0 | ErrM>1)) {
    stop("Error matrix values must be between 0 and 1")

  if (!all(abs(rowSums(ErrM) - 1) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))) {
    stop("Error matrix rows must sum to 1")

  if (Return == "matrix") {
    dimnames(ErrM) <- list(paste0("act-", 0:2), paste0("obs-", 0:2, "|act"))
    return( ErrM )

  } else if (Return == 'vector') {
    ErrV <- ErM2V(ErrM)
    return( ErrV )

  } else if (Return == "function") {
    if (!is.null(ErFunc)) {
      return( ErFunc )
    } else {
      stop("Don't know how to make error function from error matrix")

  } else {
    stop("Unknown Return format")


# 4x4 matrix (aa, aA, Aa, AA) to 3x3 matrix
shrinkEM <- function(EM4) {
  EM3 <- matrix(NA, 3,3)
  EM3[c(1,3), c(1,3)] <- EM4[c(1,4), c(1,4)]
  EM3[2, c(1,3)] <- EM4[2, c(1,4)]+EM4[3, c(1,4)]
  EM3[c(1,3), 2] <- EM4[c(1,4), 2] + EM4[c(1,4), 2]
  EM3[2, 2] <- sum(EM4[2:3, 2:3])
  return( EM3 )

# vector -> matrix Pr(observed genotype (columns) | actual genotype (rows)):
ErV2M <- function(ErV)
  ErrM <- matrix(NA, 3,3, dimnames = list(act=0:2, obs=0:2))
  ErrM['0', c('0','1','2')] <- c(1-ErV[1]-ErV[2],  ErV[2],  ErV[1])
  ErrM['1', c('0','1','2')] <- c(ErV[3],  1-2*ErV[3],  ErV[3])
  ErrM['2', c('0','1','2')] <- c(ErV[1],  ErV[2],  1-ErV[1]-ErV[2])
  return( ErrM )

# matrix --> vector: hom -> other hom, hom -> het, het -> hom
ErM2V <- function(ErrM) {
  ErV <- setNames(rep(NA,3), c('hom|hom', 'het|hom', 'hom|het'))
  ErV['hom|hom'] <- (ErrM[1,3] + ErrM[3,1])/2
  ErV['het|hom'] <- (ErrM[1,2] + ErrM[3,2])/2
  ErV['hom|het'] <- (ErrM[2,1] + ErrM[2,3])/2
  return( ErV )

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sequoia documentation built on Sept. 8, 2023, 5:29 p.m.