
Defines functions rowProds2 .rowMins2cpp.bundle .rowMins2.bundle .rowProds2.bundle .rowProds.bundle person.parameter.rasch.copula .likelihood.rasch.copula .ll.rasch.copula20 .update.ll.rasch.copula20 .update.ll.rasch.copula21 .calc.copula.itemcluster2 .calc.copula.itemcluster

Documented in person.parameter.rasch.copula

## File Name: rasch.copula2_aux.R
## File Version: 1.345

# Function calculates necessary patterns for copula IRT models (Braeken, 2011)
.calc.copula.itemcluster <- function(D){
    res <- sirt_permutations(r=D, v=0:1)
    rownames(res) <- apply( res, 1, FUN=function(ll){ paste("P", paste( ll,collapse=""),sep="") } )
    RR <- nrow(res)
    matr <- matrix( 0, RR, RR )
    rownames(matr) <- colnames(matr) <- rownames(res)
    colnames(matr) <- gsub( "P", "F", colnames(matr) )
    vec <- 1:RR
    for (rr in vec){
        res.rr <- outer( rep(1,nrow(res)), res[rr,] ) - res
        a1.rr <- apply( res.rr, 1, FUN=function(ll){ paste("F", paste( ll,collapse=""),sep="") } )
        g1.rr <- ( (-1)^rowSums( res ))
        ind.rr <- which( apply( res.rr, 1, min ) > -1 )
        a1.rr <- a1.rr[ind.rr]
        g1.rr <- g1.rr[ind.rr]
        matr[ rr, a1.rr ]  <- g1.rr
    res1 <- list( "patt"=res, "calc"=matr )

# Function calculates necessary patterns for copula IRT models (Braeken, 2011)
.calc.copula.itemcluster2 <- function(D){
    res <- sirt_permutations(r=D, v=0:1)
    rownames(res) <- apply( res, 1, FUN=function(ll){ paste("P", paste( ll,collapse=""),sep="") } )
    RR <- nrow(res)
    matr <- matrix( 0, RR, RR )
    rownames(matr) <- colnames(matr) <- rownames(res)
    colnames(matr) <- gsub( "P", "F", colnames(matr) )
    matr <-  calc_copula_itemcluster_C( D, res )$matr
    res1 <- list( "patt"=res, "calc"=matr )

.update.ll.rasch.copula21 <- function( theta.k, b, alpha1, alpha2, a, dat2.li, itemcluster0,
        CC, dp.ld, dat2.ld, dat3.ld, dat2.ld.resp, dat2.li.resp, delta, wgt.theta, I,
        bdat2.li, bdat2.li.resp, rescopula, itemcluster, pattern, GG, copula.type, ... ){
        # use this function for log likelihood calculation
        # look for items which change parameters for necessary update
        G <- GG
        # calculation of terms of independent itemclusters?
        calc.ind <- length(itemcluster0) > 0
        eps1 <- 1E-14
        # calculate necessary updates
        ind.b <- which( b !=rescopula$b )
        ind.a <- which( a !=rescopula$a )
        ind.delta <- which( delta !=rescopula$delta )
        ind.alpha1 <- ( alpha1 !=rescopula$alpha1 )    + ( alpha2 !=rescopula$alpha2 )
        if (ind.alpha1 > 0){ ind.alpha <- seq(1, ncol(dat2.ld) ) } else { ind.alpha <- NULL }
        itemset <- union( ind.b, ind.a )
        itemset <- union( itemset, ind.alpha )
        # update term local independence
        li.update <- 1 * ( sum( itemcluster0 %in% itemset ) > 0 )
        # update terms item dependence parameters
        ld.update <- sapply( 1:CC, FUN=function(cc){
                g1 <- intersect( which( itemcluster==cc ), itemset )
                if ( length(g1)){ v1 <- cc } else { v1 <- NULL }
                    } )
        ld.update <- unique( union( ind.delta, unlist( ld.update) ) )
# cat("    ---- ld.update") ; vv1 <- Sys.time(); print(vv1-vv0) ; vv0 <- vv1
        ndat2 <- nrow(dat2.ld)
        M1 <- rep(1,ndat2)
        ntheta <- length(theta.k)
        M2 <- rep( 1, ntheta)
        pjk.theta.k <- .prob.raschtype.genlogis( theta.k, b, alpha1, alpha2, a)
        pjk.theta.k01 <- cbind( pjk.theta.k, 1 - pjk.theta.k, 1  )
        # probabilities for indepedent items
        if ( calc.ind ){
            pjk.theta.k0 <- pjk.theta.k01[, c( itemcluster0, itemcluster0 + I ) ]
                                } else  {
            pjk.theta.k0 <- NULL
# cat("    ---- probs independence") ; vv1 <- Sys.time(); print(vv1-vv0) ; vv0 <- vv1
        # probabilities for dependent items
        pjk.theta.kCC <- rescopula$pjk.theta.kCC
        for (cc in ld.update){
# cat("     ***", 'cc=', cc )
# hh0 <- Sys.time()
            # cc <- 2    # itemcluster cc
            dp.ld.cc <- dp.ld[[cc]]
            m1.cc <- pjk.theta.k01[, dp.ld.cc$independent$items ]
            v1.cc <- dp.ld.cc$independent$N.Index1
# cat("    ---- cc begin probs") ; hh1 <- Sys.time(); print(hh1-hh0) ; hh0 <- hh1
            # Boundary Mixture Copula (Braeken, 2011)
            if (copula.type[cc]=="bound.mixt" ){
                # likelihood under independence
                F0pjk.cc <- .rowProds2.bundle( m1=m1.cc, v1=v1.cc)
                # likelihood under dependence
                m1.cc <- pjk.theta.k01[, dp.ld.cc$dependent$items ]
                v1.cc <- dp.ld.cc$dependent$N.Index1

#cat("    ---- cc before bundle") ; hh1 <- Sys.time(); print(hh1-hh0) ; hh0 <- hh1

                pjk.cc <- .rowMins2cpp.bundle( m1=m1.cc, v1=v1.cc)
#cat("    ---- cc after bundle") ; hh1 <- Sys.time(); print(hh1-hh0) ; hh0 <- hh1

# This function is most time consuming!!!!
#                F1pjk.cc <- t( dp.ld.cc$calc %*% t( pjk.cc ) )
                # t( A * t(B) )=B * t(A)
                F1pjk.cc <- tcrossprod(  pjk.cc,  dp.ld.cc$calc  )
                pjk.theta.kCC[[cc]] <- ( 1 - delta[cc] ) * F0pjk.cc + delta[cc] * F1pjk.cc
# cat("    ---- cc clac pjk.theta.kCC") ; hh1 <- Sys.time(); print(hh1-hh0) ; hh0 <- hh1

            # Cook-Johnson Copula
            if (copula.type[cc]=="cook.johnson" ){
                F.Xr <-  1- pjk.theta.k[, dp.ld.cc$items ]
                R <- ncol(F.Xr)
                delta.cc <- delta[cc]
                patt.cc <- dp.ld.cc$patt
                pjk.cc  <- matrix( 0, nrow=ntheta, ncol=nrow(patt.cc) )
                for (pp in 1:( nrow(patt.cc) ) ){
                    ppcc <- 1 - patt.cc[pp,]
                    pjk.cc[, pp ] <- ( rowSums(
                        ( F.Xr^(-delta.cc))^( outer( rep(1,ntheta), ppcc )) )     - R + 1 )^(-1/delta.cc)
        #            temp1 <- t( dp.ld.cc$calc %*% t( pjk.cc ) )
                    temp1 <- tcrossprod( pjk.cc, dp.ld.cc$calc )
                    temp1[ temp1 < 0 ] <- eps1
                    pjk.theta.kCC[[cc]]    <- temp1

            # Frank copula
            if (copula.type[cc]=="frank" ){
                F.Xr <-  1- pjk.theta.k[, dp.ld.cc$items ]
                R <- ncol(F.Xr)
                delta.cc <- delta[cc]
                prod.delta <- ( 1 - exp( - delta.cc ) )^(R-1)
                patt.cc <- dp.ld.cc$patt
                pjk.cc  <- matrix( 0, nrow=ntheta, ncol=nrow(patt.cc) )
                for (pp in 1:( nrow(patt.cc) ) ){
                    ppcc <- 1 - patt.cc[pp,]
                    g1 <- rowProds2( ( 1 - exp( - delta.cc * F.Xr^( outer( rep(1,ntheta), ppcc ))  ) ) )
                    pjk.cc[,pp] <- - log( 1 - g1 / prod.delta ) / delta.cc
#                    temp1 <- t( dp.ld.cc$calc %*% t( pjk.cc ) )
                    temp1 <- tcrossprod( pjk.cc, dp.ld.cc$calc )
                    temp1[ temp1 < 0 ] <- eps1
                    pjk.theta.kCC[[cc]]    <- temp1
                            } # end Frank copula
# cat("    ---- probs dependence") ; vv1 <- Sys.time(); print(vv1-vv0) ; vv0 <- vv1

        # rearrange output
                res <- list( "pjk.theta.kCC"=pjk.theta.kCC, "pjk.theta.k0"=pjk.theta.k0  )

.update.ll.rasch.copula20 <- function( theta.k, b, alpha1, alpha2, a, dat2.li, itemcluster0,
        CC, dp.ld, dat2.ld, dat3.ld, dat2.ld.resp, dat2.li.resp, delta, wgt.theta, I,
        bdat2.li, bdat2.li.resp, rescopula, itemcluster, pattern, GG, copula.type, ... ){
        # use this function for log likelihood calculation
        # look for items which change parameters for necessary update
        G <- GG
        # calculation of terms of independent itemclusters?
        calc.ind <- length(itemcluster0) > 0
        eps1 <- 10^(-14)
        # calculate necessary updates
        ind.b <- which( b !=rescopula$b )
        ind.a <- which( a !=rescopula$a )
        ind.delta <- which( delta !=rescopula$delta )
        ind.alpha1 <- ( alpha1 !=rescopula$alpha1 )    + ( alpha2 !=rescopula$alpha2 )
        if (ind.alpha1 > 0){ ind.alpha <- seq(1, ncol(dat2.ld) ) } else { ind.alpha <- NULL }
        itemset <- union( ind.b, ind.a )
        itemset <- union( itemset, ind.alpha )
        # update term local independence
        li.update <- 1 * ( sum( itemcluster0 %in% itemset ) > 0 )
        # update terms item dependence parameters
        ld.update <- sapply( 1:CC, FUN=function(cc){
                g1 <- intersect( which( itemcluster==cc ), itemset )
                if ( length(g1)){ v1 <- cc } else { v1 <- NULL }
                    } )
        ld.update <- unique( union( ind.delta, unlist( ld.update) ) )
        ndat2 <- nrow(dat2.ld)
        M1 <- rep(1,ndat2)
        ntheta <- length(theta.k)
        M2 <- rep( 1, ntheta)
        pjk.theta.k <- .prob.raschtype.genlogis( theta.k, b, alpha1, alpha2, a)
        pjk.theta.k01 <- cbind( pjk.theta.k, 1 - pjk.theta.k, 1  )
        # probabilities for indepedent items
        if ( calc.ind ){
            pjk.theta.k0 <- pjk.theta.k01[, c( itemcluster0, itemcluster0 + I ) ]
                                } else  {
            pjk.theta.k0 <- NULL
        # probabilities for dependent items
        pjk.theta.kCC <- rescopula$pjk.theta.kCC
        for (cc in ld.update){
            # cc <- 2    # itemcluster cc
            dp.ld.cc <- dp.ld[[cc]]
            m1.cc <- pjk.theta.k01[, dp.ld.cc$independent$items ]
            v1.cc <- dp.ld.cc$independent$N.Index1
            # Boundary Mixture Copula (Braeken, 2011)
            if (copula.type[cc]=="bound.mixt" ){
                # likelihood under independence
                F0pjk.cc <- .rowProds2.bundle( m1=m1.cc, v1=v1.cc)
                # likelihood under dependence
                m1.cc <- pjk.theta.k01[, dp.ld.cc$dependent$items ]
                v1.cc <- dp.ld.cc$dependent$N.Index1
                pjk.cc <- .rowMins2cpp.bundle( m1=m1.cc, v1=v1.cc)
#                F1pjk.cc <- t( dp.ld.cc$calc %*% t( pjk.cc ) )
                F1pjk.cc <- tcrossprod(  pjk.cc,  dp.ld.cc$calc  )
                pjk.theta.kCC[[cc]] <- ( 1 - delta[cc] ) * F0pjk.cc + delta[cc] * F1pjk.cc
            # Cook-Johnson Copula
            if (copula.type[cc]=="cook.johnson" ){
                F.Xr <-  1- pjk.theta.k[, dp.ld.cc$items ]
                R <- ncol(F.Xr)
                delta.cc <- delta[cc]
                patt.cc <- dp.ld.cc$patt
                pjk.cc  <- matrix( 0, nrow=ntheta, ncol=nrow(patt.cc) )
                for (pp in 1:( nrow(patt.cc) ) ){
                    ppcc <- 1 - patt.cc[pp,]
                    pjk.cc[, pp ] <- ( rowSums( ( F.Xr^(-delta.cc))^( outer( rep(1,ntheta), ppcc )) )
                                                    - R + 1 )^(-1/delta.cc)
#                    temp1 <- t( dp.ld.cc$calc %*% t( pjk.cc ) )
                    temp1 <- tcrossprod( pjk.cc, dp.ld.cc$calc )
                    temp1[ temp1 < 0 ] <- eps1
                    pjk.theta.kCC[[cc]]    <- temp1

            # Frank copula
            if (copula.type[cc]=="frank" ){
                F.Xr <-  1- pjk.theta.k[, dp.ld.cc$items ]
                R <- ncol(F.Xr)
                delta.cc <- delta[cc]
                prod.delta <- ( 1 - exp( - delta.cc ) )^(R-1)
                patt.cc <- dp.ld.cc$patt
                pjk.cc  <- matrix( 0, nrow=ntheta, ncol=nrow(patt.cc) )
                for (pp in 1:( nrow(patt.cc) ) ){
                    ppcc <- 1 - patt.cc[pp,]
                    g1 <- rowProds2( ( 1 - exp( - delta.cc * F.Xr^( outer( rep(1,ntheta), ppcc ))  ) ) )
                    pjk.cc[,pp] <- - log( 1 - g1 / prod.delta ) / delta.cc
#                    temp1 <- t( dp.ld.cc$calc %*% t( pjk.cc ) )
                    temp1 <- tcrossprod( pjk.cc, dp.ld.cc$calc )
                    temp1[ temp1 < 0 ] <- eps1
                    pjk.theta.kCC[[cc]]    <- temp1
                            } # end Frank copula
        # calculate log likelihood
        rjk0.1 <- rescopula$rjk0.1
        rjk0.0 <- rescopula$rjk0.0
        rjkCC <- rescopula$rjkCC
        # one group
        if (G==1){
            ll0 <-     sum( rescopula$nk * log(rescopula$pik) )
             # likelihood part from independent items
             if ( calc.ind ){
                if ( nrow( rjk0.1)==1 ){
                    rjk.temp <- cbind( t( rjk0.1), t(rjk0.0) )
                            } else {
                    rjk.temp <- cbind( rjk0.1, rjk0.0 )
                    ll0 <- ll0 + sum( log(pjk.theta.k0) * rjk.temp )
             # likelihood part from dependent items
            for (cc in 1:CC){
                ll0 <- ll0 + sum( rjkCC[[cc]] * log( pjk.theta.kCC[[cc]] + 10^(-15) ) )

#                    }
        # multiple groups
        #    ... to do    ...
            lli <- ll0

        # rearrange output
                res <- list( "ll"=ll0, "lli"=lli )

.ll.rasch.copula20 <- function( theta.k, b, alpha1, alpha2, a, dat2.li, itemcluster0,
        CC, dp.ld, dat2.ld, dat3.ld, dat2.ld.resp, dat2.li.resp, delta, wgt.theta, I,
        bdat2.li, bdat2.li.resp, pattern, GG, copula.type, Ncat.ld, ... ){
        # use this function for log likelihood calculation
        # calculation of terms of independent itemclusters?
        calc.ind <- length(itemcluster0) > 0
        G <- GG            # number of groups
        eps1 <- 10^(-14)
        ndat2 <- nrow(dat2.ld)
        M1 <- rep(1,ndat2)
        ntheta <- length(theta.k)
        M2 <- rep( 1, ntheta)
         pjk.theta.k <- .prob.raschtype.genlogis( theta.k, b, alpha1, alpha2, a)
        pjk.theta.k01 <- cbind( pjk.theta.k, 1 - pjk.theta.k, 1  )

        # E step
        # probabilities for indepedent items
        if ( calc.ind ){
            pjk.theta.k0 <- pjk.theta.k01[, c( itemcluster0, itemcluster0 + I ) ]
                                } else  {
            pjk.theta.k0 <- NULL
        # probabilities for dependent items
        pjk.theta.kCC <- as.list( 1:CC )

        for (cc in 1:CC){
            # cc <- 2    # itemcluster cc
            dp.ld.cc <- dp.ld[[cc]]
            m1.cc <- pjk.theta.k01[, dp.ld.cc$independent$items ]
            v1.cc <- dp.ld.cc$independent$N.Index1
            # Boundary Mixture Copula (Braeken, 2011)
            if (copula.type[cc]=="bound.mixt" ){
                # likelihood under independence
                F0pjk.cc <- .rowProds2.bundle( m1=m1.cc, v1=v1.cc)
                # likelihood under dependence
                m1.cc <- pjk.theta.k01[, dp.ld.cc$dependent$items ]
                v1.cc <- dp.ld.cc$dependent$N.Index1
                pjk.cc <- .rowMins2cpp.bundle( m1=m1.cc, v1=v1.cc)
#                F1pjk.cc <- t( dp.ld.cc$calc %*% t( pjk.cc ) )
                F1pjk.cc <- tcrossprod(  pjk.cc,  dp.ld.cc$calc  )
                pjk.theta.kCC[[cc]] <- ( 1 - delta[cc] ) * F0pjk.cc + delta[cc] * F1pjk.cc
            # include other Copula models here
            # Cook-Johnson copula (Braeken et al., 2007)
            if (copula.type[cc]=="cook.johnson" ){
                F.Xr <-  1- pjk.theta.k[, dp.ld.cc$items ]
                R <- ncol(F.Xr)
                delta.cc <- delta[cc]
                patt.cc <- dp.ld.cc$patt
                pjk.cc  <- matrix( 0, nrow=ntheta, ncol=nrow(patt.cc) )
                for (pp in 1:( nrow(patt.cc) ) ){
                    ppcc <- 1 - patt.cc[pp,]
                    pjk.cc[, pp ] <- ( rowSums( ( F.Xr^(-delta.cc))^( outer( rep(1,ntheta), ppcc )) )
                                                    - R + 1 )^(-1/delta.cc)
#                    pjk.theta.kCC[[cc]] <- t( dp.ld.cc$calc %*% t( pjk.cc ) )
#                    temp1 <- t( dp.ld.cc$calc %*% t( pjk.cc ) )
                    temp1 <- tcrossprod( pjk.cc, dp.ld.cc$calc )
                    temp1[ temp1 < 0 ] <- eps1
                    pjk.theta.kCC[[cc]]    <- temp1
            # Frank copula
            if (copula.type[cc]=="frank" ){
                F.Xr <-  1- pjk.theta.k[, dp.ld.cc$items ]
                R <- ncol(F.Xr)
                delta.cc <- delta[cc]
                prod.delta <- ( 1 - exp( - delta.cc ) )^(R-1)
                patt.cc <- dp.ld.cc$patt
                pjk.cc  <- matrix( 0, nrow=ntheta, ncol=nrow(patt.cc) )
                for (pp in 1:( nrow(patt.cc) ) ){
                    ppcc <- 1 - patt.cc[pp,]
                    g1 <- rowProds2( ( 1 - exp( - delta.cc * F.Xr^( outer( rep(1,ntheta), ppcc ))  ) ) )
                    pjk.cc[,pp] <- - log( 1 - g1 / prod.delta ) / delta.cc
#                    pjk.theta.kCC[[cc]] <- t( dp.ld.cc$calc %*% t( pjk.cc ) )
#                    temp1 <- t( dp.ld.cc$calc %*% t( pjk.cc ) )
                    temp1 <- tcrossprod( pjk.cc, dp.ld.cc$calc )
                    temp1[ temp1 < 0 ] <- eps1
                    pjk.theta.kCC[[cc]]    <- temp1
                            }  # end Frank copula

#print( str(pjk.theta.kCC))
# cat( "\n probabilities \n" ) ; aa1 <- Sys.time() ; print(aa1-aa0) ; aa0 <- aa1

        # Calculate posterior distribution
#        post0 <- matrix( 1, nrow=ndat2, ncol=ntheta )
        # posterior distribution independent items
#        if ( length(itemcluster0) > 0){
#            post0 <- sapply( 1:ntheta, FUN=function(tt){
#                    # tt <- 11
#                    g1 <- outer( M1, pjk.theta.k0[ tt, ] )
#                    rowProds2( g1^( bdat2.li * bdat2.li.resp ) )
#                        } )
#                            }

        post0 <- matrix( 1, nrow=ndat2, ncol=ntheta )
        I0 <- length(itemcluster0)
        if ( calc.ind ){
            pjkL <- array( NA, dim=c(2, length(theta.k), I0 ) )
            # pjkL: [ #categories, #thetagrid, #items ]
            pjkL[1,,] <- 1 - pjk.theta.k0[,1:I0]
            pjkL[2,,] <- pjk.theta.k0[,1:I0]
            for (ii in 1:I0 ){
                ind.ii <- which( bdat2.li.resp[,ii]==1 )
                post0[ind.ii,] <- post0[ind.ii,] * pjkL[ bdat2.li[ind.ii,ii]+1,,ii]

        # posterior distribution dependent items
#        post2 <- sapply( 1:ntheta, FUN=function(tt){
                # tt <- 11
#                h1 <- 1
#                for (cc in 1:CC){
                    # cc <- 1
#                    pcc <- pjk.theta.kCC[[cc]]
#                    h1 <- h1 * ( (pcc[tt,])[ dat2.ld[,cc] ] )^( dat2.ld.resp[,cc] )
#                                }
#                    h1
#                            } )
        post2 <- matrix( 1, nrow=ndat2, ncol=ntheta )
        pjkL <- array( NA, dim=c(Ncat.ld, length(theta.k), CC ) )
        for (cc in 1:CC){
            #    cc <- 1
            p1.cc <- t( pjk.theta.kCC[[cc]] )
            pjkL[ seq( 1, nrow(p1.cc) ),, cc ] <- p1.cc
        for (cc in 1:CC ){
            ind.ii <- which( dat2.ld.resp[,cc]==1 )
            post2[ind.ii,] <- post2[ind.ii,] * pjkL[ dat2.ld[ind.ii,cc],,cc]

        post <- post0 * post2        # product of independent and dependent parts
        post.unnorm <-  post
        post <- post * outer( M1, wgt.theta )
        post <- post / rowSums( post)    # standardization of posterior distribution

# cat( "\n posterior\n" ) ; aa1 <- Sys.time() ; print(aa1-aa0) ; aa0 <- aa1

        # Calculate expected counts
        # expected counts independent item responses
        njk0 <- rjk0.0 <- rjk0.1 <- NULL
        # pattern[,gg+1] is the frequency weight of a response pattern in group gg
        gg <- 1
        if ( calc.ind ){
#            FW1 <- outer( pattern[,gg+1], rep( 1, ncol(dat2.li.resp) ) )
            # students at items
#            njk0 <- t( sapply( 1:ntheta, FUN=function(tt){
#                        colSums( FW1 * dat2.li.resp * outer( post[,tt], rep( 1, ncol(dat2.li.resp) ) ) )
#                            } )    )
#            njk0 <- t( post ) %*% ( pattern[,gg+1] * dat2.li.resp )
            njk0 <- crossprod( post, pattern[,gg+1] * dat2.li.resp )

            # how many students solved correctly items
#            rjk0.1 <- t( sapply( 1:ntheta, FUN=function(tt){
#                        colSums( dat2.li * FW1 * dat2.li.resp * outer( post[,tt], rep( 1, ncol(dat2.li.resp) ) ) )
#                            } )    )
#            rjk0.1 <- t( post ) %*% ( pattern[,gg+1] * dat2.li.resp * dat2.li )
            rjk0.1 <- crossprod( post,  pattern[,gg+1] * dat2.li.resp * dat2.li )
            rjk0.0 <- njk0 - rjk0.1
        # use loops in case of multiple groups !!!

        # expected counts dependent items
        rjkCC <- as.list( 1:CC )
        gg <- 1
        for ( cc in 1:CC){
            #    cc <- 1
#            rjkCC[[cc]] <- t(post) %*% ( pattern[,gg+1] * dat3.ld[[cc]] * dat2.ld.resp[,cc] )
            rjkCC[[cc]] <- crossprod( post,  pattern[,gg+1] * dat3.ld[[cc]] * dat2.ld.resp[,cc] )

        # total counts
        gg <- 1
        tc <- outer( pattern[,gg+1], rep( 1, ntheta ) )
        nk <- colSums( tc * post)
        pik <- nk / sum(nk)

# cat( "\n expected counts \n" ) ; aa1 <- Sys.time() ; print(aa1-aa0) ; aa0 <- aa1

        # calculate log likelihood
        # one group
        if (G==1){
             ll0 <- sum( nk * log(pik) )
#             ll0 <- sum( nk * log(wgt.theta) )
             # likelihood part from independent items
             if ( calc.ind ){
                if ( nrow( rjk0.1)==1 ){
                    rjk.temp <- cbind( t( rjk0.1), t(rjk0.0) )
                            } else {
                    rjk.temp <- cbind( rjk0.1, rjk0.0 )
                    ll0 <- ll0 + sum( log(pjk.theta.k0) * rjk.temp )
             # likelihood part from dependent items
            for (cc in 1:CC){
                ll0 <- ll0 + sum( rjkCC[[cc]] * log( pjk.theta.kCC[[cc]] + 10^(-15) ) )

# cat( "\n Likelihood \n" ) ; aa1 <- Sys.time() ; print(aa1-aa0) ; aa0 <- aa1

        # multiple groups
        #    ... to do    ...

            lli <- ll0
        # arrange output
        res <- list( "ll"=ll0,  "b"=b, "a"=a, "delta"=delta,
                        "alpha1"=alpha1, "alpha2"=alpha2, "lli"=lli,
                        "post"=post, "post.unnorm"=post.unnorm,
                        "rjk0.0"=rjk0.0, "rjkCC"=rjkCC,
                        "nk"=nk, "pik"=pik,"calc.ind"=calc.ind
        # Output Version < 1.0
        #                res <- list( "ll"=ll1, "g1"=res, "b"=b, "a"=a, "delta"=delta,
        #                                    "alpha1"=alpha1, "alpha2"=alpha2, "lli"=lli,
        #                                    "ll.theta.post"=ll.theta.post,
        #                                    "exp.theta.post"=exp.theta.post
        #                                            )

# auxiliary function: person parameter estimation
.likelihood.rasch.copula <- function( theta.k, b, alpha1, alpha2, a, dat2.li, itemcluster0,
        CC, dp.ld, dat2.ld, dat3.ld, dat2.ld.resp, dat2.li.resp, delta, I,
        bdat2.li, bdat2.li.resp, eps=10^(-20), ... ){
        pjk.theta.k.tt <- .prob.raschtype.genlogis( theta.k, b, alpha1, alpha2, a)
        g1 <- matrix( 0, nrow(pjk.theta.k.tt), CC + 1 )
        ndat2 <- nrow(dat2.ld)
        M1 <- rep(1,ndat2)
        pqjk.theta.k.tt <- cbind( pjk.theta.k.tt, 1 - pjk.theta.k.tt, 1 )
                    if ( length(itemcluster0) > 0 ){
                pqjk.theta.k.tt0 <- pqjk.theta.k.tt[, c( itemcluster0, itemcluster0+I) ]
                # likelihood for independent items at theta tt
                ll.tt <- ( pqjk.theta.k.tt0 ^ bdat2.li )^bdat2.li.resp
                g1[,1] <- rowProds2( ll.tt )        } else { g1[,1] <- 1 }

            g1i <- g1
            # likelihood for dependent items
            for (cc in 1:CC){
                #                cc <- 2
                dat3.ld.cc <- dat3.ld[[cc]]
                dp.ld.cc <- dp.ld[[cc]]
                m1.cc <- pqjk.theta.k.tt[, dp.ld.cc$independent$items ]
                v1.cc <- dp.ld.cc$independent$N.Index1
                # product under independence
                Fpjk.cc <- .rowProds2.bundle( m1=m1.cc, v1=v1.cc)
                # evaluate likelihood
                g1i[,cc+1] <- g1.tt <- ( rowSums(Fpjk.cc * dat3.ld.cc ) )^dat2.ld.resp[,cc]
                # product under dependence
                m1.cc <-  pqjk.theta.k.tt[, dp.ld.cc$dependent$items ]
                v1.cc <- dp.ld.cc$dependent$N.Index1
                F0pjk.cc <- .rowMins2cpp.bundle( m1=m1.cc, v1=v1.cc)
#                F1pjk.cc <- F0pjk.cc %*% t(dp.ld.cc$calc)
                F1pjk.cc <- tcrossprod( F0pjk.cc, dp.ld.cc$calc )
                g2.tt <- ( rowSums(F1pjk.cc * dat3.ld.cc) )^dat2.ld.resp[,cc]
                g3.tt <- ( 1 - delta[cc] ) * g1.tt + delta[cc] * g2.tt
                g1[,cc+1] <- g3.tt
                res <- g1
                g1 <- rowProds2( g1 )
                g1i <- rowProds2( g1i )
                # calculate log likelihood
                g1[ g1 < eps] <- eps
                g1i[ g1i < eps] <- eps
                g1 <- log( g1 )
                g1i <- log( g1i )
                res <- list( "loglike.dep"=g1, "loglike.ind"=g1i )

# function for person parameter estimation in rasch copula models
person.parameter.rasch.copula <- function( raschcopula.object, numdiff.parm=.001,
                    conv.parm=.001, maxiter=20, stepwidth=1,
                    print.summary=TRUE,                     ... ){
        dat2.li <- NULL
        dat2 <- raschcopula.object$datalist$dat2
        dat2.resp <- raschcopula.object$datalist$dat2.resp
        dat2.ld <- raschcopula.object$datalist$dat2.ld
        dat2.ld.resp <- raschcopula.object$datalist$dat2.ld.resp
        dat2.li.resp <- raschcopula.object$datalist$dat2.li.resp
        dat3.ld <- raschcopula.object$datalist$dat3.ld
        bdat2.li <- raschcopula.object$datalist$bdat2.li
        bdat2.li.resp <- raschcopula.object$datalist$bdat2.li.resp
        CC <- raschcopula.object$datalist$CC
        dp.ld <- raschcopula.object$datalist$dp.ld
        itemcluster0 <- raschcopula.object$datalist$itemcluster0
        b <- raschcopula.object$b
        a <- raschcopula.object$a
        alpha1 <- raschcopula.object$alpha1
        alpha2 <- raschcopula.object$alpha2
        delta <- raschcopula.object$delta
        pattern <- raschcopula.object$pattern
        ndat2 <- nrow(dat2)
        ntheta <- nrow(dat2)
        I <- ncol(dat2)
        # missing response pattern
        mp <- paste("R", dat2.resp[,1], sep="")
        for (vv in seq( 2, ncol(dat2) ) ){
            mp <- paste( mp, dat2.resp[,vv], sep="")
        # initial estimate of theta
#        theta0 <- rowMeans( dat2 * dat2.resp  )
        dat20 <- dat2 * dat2.resp
        dat20[ dat2.resp==0 ] <- NA
        theta0 <- rowMeans( dat20, na.rm=T )
        theta0 <- stats::qlogis( theta0 )
        # theta0[1:2] <- c(0,1)
        theta0[ theta0==- Inf] <- -9999
        theta0[ theta0==Inf] <- 9999
        theta.init <- theta0i <- theta0
        ii <- 0
        h <- numdiff.parm
        a1m <- 990
        while( a1m > conv.parm & ii < maxiter ){
            # evaluation of likelihood at theta0
            rescop0 <- .likelihood.rasch.copula( theta.k=theta0, b, alpha1, alpha2, a, dat2.li, itemcluster0,
                        CC, dp.ld, dat2.ld, dat3.ld, dat2.ld.resp, dat2.li.resp, delta, I,
                        bdat2.li, bdat2.li.resp  )
            rescop1 <- .likelihood.rasch.copula( theta.k=theta0 + h, b, alpha1, alpha2, a, dat2.li, itemcluster0,
                        CC, dp.ld, dat2.ld, dat3.ld, dat2.ld.resp, dat2.li.resp, delta, I,
                        bdat2.li, bdat2.li.resp  )
            rescop2 <- .likelihood.rasch.copula( theta.k=theta0 - h, b, alpha1, alpha2, a, dat2.li, itemcluster0,
                        CC, dp.ld, dat2.ld, dat3.ld, dat2.ld.resp, dat2.li.resp, delta, I,
                        bdat2.li, bdat2.li.resp  )
            rescop0i <- .likelihood.rasch.copula( theta.k=theta0i, b, alpha1, alpha2, a, dat2.li, itemcluster0,
                        CC, dp.ld, dat2.ld, dat3.ld, dat2.ld.resp, dat2.li.resp, delta, I,
                        bdat2.li, bdat2.li.resp  )
            rescop1i <- .likelihood.rasch.copula( theta.k=theta0i + h, b, alpha1, alpha2, a, dat2.li, itemcluster0,
                        CC, dp.ld, dat2.ld, dat3.ld, dat2.ld.resp, dat2.li.resp, delta, I,
                        bdat2.li, bdat2.li.resp  )
            rescop2i <- .likelihood.rasch.copula( theta.k=theta0i - h, b, alpha1, alpha2, a, dat2.li, itemcluster0,
                        CC, dp.ld, dat2.ld, dat3.ld, dat2.ld.resp, dat2.li.resp, delta, I,
                        bdat2.li, bdat2.li.resp  )
            # estimation assuming dependence
            ll1 <- rescop1$loglike.dep
            ll2 <- rescop2$loglike.dep
            ll0 <- rescop0$loglike.dep
            d1 <- ( ll1 - ll2  ) / ( 2 * h )
            # second order derivative
            # f(x+h)+f(x-h)=2*f(x) + f''(x)*h^2
            d2d <- d2 <- ( ll1 + ll2 - 2*ll0 ) / h^2
            theta.change <- - d1 / d2
            theta.change[ abs( theta.init )==9999 ] <- 0
            theta.change[ is.na( theta.change ) ] <- 0
            a1t1 <- theta.change <- ifelse( abs( theta.change ) > stepwidth, stepwidth*sign(theta.change), theta.change )
            theta0 <- theta0 + theta.change
            ind1 <- ( abs( theta.change ) < conv.parm )

            # estimation assuming independence
            ll1 <- rescop1i$loglike.ind
            ll2 <- rescop2i$loglike.ind
            ll0 <- rescop0i$loglike.ind
            d1 <- ( ll1 - ll2  ) / ( 2 * h )
            # second order derivative
            # f(x+h)+f(x-h)=2*f(x) + f''(x)*h^2
            d2i <- d2 <- ( ll1 + ll2 - 2*ll0 ) / h^2
            theta.change <- - d1 / d2
            theta.change[ abs( theta.init )==9999 ] <- 0
            theta.change[ is.na( theta.change ) ] <- 0
            a1t2 <- theta.change <- ifelse( abs( theta.change ) > stepwidth, stepwidth*sign(theta.change), theta.change )
            theta0i <- theta0i + theta.change
            a1m <- max( abs(a1t1), abs(a1t2) )
            ii <- ii+1
            cat("Iteration", ii, ":   max. parm. change", round( a1m, 5))
            cat("   |", sum(ind1), "out of", ndat2, "cases converged")
            cat(" (", round(100*sum(ind1)/length(ind1),1), "%)\n")
        theta0[ abs( theta.init  )==9999 ] <- NA
        theta0i[ abs( theta.init  )==9999 ] <- NA
        res <- data.frame( "pattern"=pattern[,1],
                    "missing.pattern"=match( mp, unique(mp) ),
                "score"=rowSums(dat2), "max"=rowSums( dat2.resp),
                 "theta.dep"=theta0, "theta.ind"=theta0i )
        eps <- 1E-7
        res$setheta.dep <- sqrt( - 1 / abs(d2d+eps) )
        res$setheta.ind <- sqrt( - 1 / abs(d2i+eps) )
        res$setheta.dep[ is.na(theta0i) ] <- NA
        res$setheta.ind[ is.na(theta0i) ] <- NA
        res$seinflat <- res$setheta.dep / res$setheta.ind
        res[ is.na(res$theta.dep), "converged" ] <- NA
        x1 <- seq( grep( "theta", colnames(res) )[1], ncol(res) )
        for (vv in x1){
                res[ paste(res$converged)==0, vv] <- NA
        res0 <- res <- res[ order( paste( 10000+ res$missing.pattern, 10000+ res$score)), ]
        # calculate a summary
        index <- rep( seq(1,nrow(res0)), res$freqwgt )
        res <- res[ index, ]
        a1 <- stats::aggregate( res[, c("theta.dep", "theta.ind")], list( res$missing.pattern,  res$score, res$max), mean, na.rm=T )
        colnames(a1) <- c("missing.pattern", "score", "max", "M.theta.dep", "M.theta.ind" )
        a1$N <- stats::aggregate( 1+0*res[, c("theta.dep")], list( res$missing.pattern,res$score, res$max), sum, na.rm=T )[,4]
        a1 <- a1[, c(1:3,6,4,5) ]
        a1$SD.theta.dep <- stats::aggregate( res[, c("theta.dep")],
                list( res$missing.pattern,res$score, res$max), stats::sd, na.rm=T)[,4]
        a1$Min.theta.dep <- stats::aggregate( res[, c("theta.dep")],
                list( res$missing.pattern,res$score, res$max), min, na.rm=T)[,4]
        a1$Max.theta.dep <- stats::aggregate( res[, c("theta.dep" )],
                list( res$missing.pattern,res$score, res$max), max, na.rm=T )[,4]
        if ( abs(alpha1) + abs( alpha2) > 0 ){
            a1$SD.theta.ind <- stats::aggregate( res[, c("theta.ind")],
                    list( res$missing.pattern,res$score, res$max), stats::sd, na.rm=T)[,4]
            a1$Min.theta.ind <- stats::aggregate( res[, c("theta.ind")],
                        list( res$missing.pattern,res$score, res$max), min, na.rm=T )[,4]
            a1$Max.theta.ind <- stats::aggregate( res[, c("theta.ind" )],
                        list( res$missing.pattern,res$score, res$max), max, na.rm=T)[,4]
        a1$M.seinflat <- stats::aggregate( res[, c("seinflat")],
                list( res$missing.pattern,res$score, res$max), mean, na.rm=T)[,4]
        a1$M.setheta.dep <- stats::aggregate( res[, c("setheta.dep" )],
                    list( res$missing.pattern,res$score, res$max), mean, na.rm=T )[,4]
        a1$M.setheta.ind <- stats::aggregate( res[, c("setheta.ind" )],
                    list( res$missing.pattern,res$score, res$max), mean, na.rm=T)[,4]
        if (print.summary){
            cat("Mean percentage standard error inflation\n\n")
            a4 <- stats::aggregate( res[,"seinflat"], list( res$missing.pattern), mean, na.rm=T)
            a4[,2] <- round( 100*(a4[,2] - 1), 2 )
            colnames(a4) <- c("missing.pattern", "Mperc.seinflat")
            cat("Summary theta estimation\n\n")
            a1b <- a1
            a1b[,seq(5,ncol(a1))] <- round( a1[, seq(5,ncol(a1)) ], 4 )
        # person parameter estimates

        ind <- match( raschcopula.object$datalist$pattern.in.data, res0$pattern )

        # results
        res <- list( "person"=res0[ ind, ], "se.inflat"=a4,
                        "theta.table"=res0, "pattern.in.data"=raschcopula.object$datalist$pattern.in.data,

# product of rows in a matrix m1 | bundlewise calculated by a vector v1
.rowProds.bundle <- function( m1, v1 ){
    L1 <- length(v1)
    m1prod <- matrix( 0, nrow=nrow(m1), ncol=L1 )
    v1min <- c(1, cumsum(v1)[ - L1 ]+1 )
    v1max <- cumsum(v1)
    for (ll in 1:L1){
        if (v1[ll] > 1 ){
                m1prod[,ll] <- rowProds( m1[, v1min[ll]:v1max[ll] ] )
                    } else { m1prod[ll] <- m1[, v1min[ll] ] }
.rowProds2.bundle <- function( m1, v1 ){
    L1 <- length(v1)
    m1prod <- matrix( 0, nrow=nrow(m1), ncol=L1 )
    v1min <- c(1, cumsum(v1)[ - L1 ]+1 )
    v1max <- cumsum(v1)
    for (ll in 1:L1){
        if (v1[ll] > 1 ){
                m1prod[,ll] <- rowProds2( m1[, v1min[ll]:v1max[ll] ] )
                    } else { m1prod[ll] <- m1[, v1min[ll] ] }
# product of rows in a matrix m1 | bundlewise calculated by a vector v1
.rowMins2.bundle <- function( m1, v1 ){
    L1 <- length(v1)
    m1min <- matrix( 0, nrow=nrow(m1), ncol=L1 )
    v1min <- c(1, cumsum(v1)[ - L1 ]+1 )
    v1max <- cumsum(v1)
    m1min[, which(v1==1)] <- m1[, v1min[ v1==1 ] ]
    for (ll in (1:L1)[ v1 > 1] ){
                m1min[,ll] <- rowMins2( m1[, v1min[ll]:v1max[ll] ] )

.rowMins2cpp.bundle <- function( m1, v1 ){
    m1min <- rowmins2_bundle_C( m1, v1 )

# Function rowProds2
rowProds2 <- function(matr){
    y <- matr[,1]
    for (ii in 2:dim(matr)[2]){
        y <- y * matr[,ii] }

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