#' Build a Sklar's Omega correlation matrix.
#' @details This function accepts a data matrix and uses its column names to build the appropriate block-diagonal correlation matrix. If gold-standard scores are included, they should be in the first column of the matrix, and that column should be named 'g'. For a given coder, the column name should begin with 'c', and then the coder number and score number should follow, separated by '.' (so that multi-digit numbers can be accommodated). For example, 'c.12.2' denotes the second score for coder 12.
#' Note that this function is called by \code{\link{}} and so is not a user-level
#' function, per se. We expose the function so that interested users can more easily carry out
#' simulation studies.
#' @param data a matrix of scores. Each row corresponds to a unit, each column a coder.
#' @return \code{build.R} returns a list comprising two elements.
#' \item{R}{the correlation matrix.}
#' \item{onames}{a character vector that contains names for the parameters of the correlation matrix.}
#' @seealso \code{\link{}}, \code{\link{check.colnames}}
#' @export
build.R = function(data)
cnames = colnames(data)
cols = ncol(data)
params = 1
coders = hash()
onames = NULL
if (cnames[1] == "g")
params = params + 1
coders[["g"]] = 1
onames = c(onames, "gold")
current = strsplit(cnames[1], ".", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][-1]
coders[["1"]] = 1
for (j in 2:cols)
current = strsplit(cnames[j], ".", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][-1]
if (is.null(coders[[current[1]]]))
coders[[current[1]]] = 1
coders[[current[1]]] = coders[[current[1]]] + 1
vals = values(coders)
for (j in 1:length(vals))
if (vals[j] > 1)
params = params + 1
omega = seq(0.1, 0.9, length = params)
block = diag(1, cols)
if (! is.null(coders[["g"]]))
block[1, 2:cols] = block[2:cols, 1] = omega[1]
block[block == 0] = omega[2]
if (params > 2 || length(vals) > 2)
onames = c(onames, "inter")
o = 3
k = 2
block[block != 1] = omega[1]
o = 2
k = 1
if (length(vals) > 1)
onames = c(onames, "inter")
if (length(vals) > 1)
for (j in 1:length(vals))
if (vals[j] > 1)
sub = matrix(omega[o], vals[j], vals[j])
diag(sub) = 1
block[k:(k + vals[j] - 1), k:(k + vals[j] - 1)] = sub
k = k + vals[j]
o = o + 1
onames = c(onames, "intra")
k = k + 1
onames = c(onames, "intra")
block.sizes = apply(data, 1, function(row) { sum(! })
dat = data[block.sizes > 1, ]
block.sizes = block.sizes[block.sizes > 1]
block.list = NULL
for (i in 1:nrow(dat))
present = which(![i, ]))
block.list[[i]] = block[present, present]
R = as.matrix(bdiag(block.list))
list(R = R, onames = onames)
#' Compute the cumulative distribution function for a categorical distribution.
#' @details This function uses \code{\link[LaplacesDemon]{dcat}} to compute the cdf for the categorical distribution with support \eqn{1, \dots , K} and probabilities \eqn{p = (p_1, \dots , p_K)'}.
#' @param q vector of quantiles.
#' @param p vector of probabilities.
#' @return \code{pcat} returns a probability or a vector of probabilities, depending on the dimension of \code{q}.
#' @export
pcat = function(q, p)
n = length(q)
pr = numeric(n)
for (j in 1:n)
if (q[j] > 0)
pr[j] = sum(LaplacesDemon::dcat(1:q[j], p = p))
#' Compute the quantile function for a categorical distribution.
#' @details This function computes quantiles for the categorical distribution with support \eqn{1, \dots , K} and probabilities \eqn{p = (p_1, \dots , p_K)'}.
#' @param pr vector of probabilities.
#' @param p vector of proabilities.
#' @param lower.tail logical; if TRUE (default), probabilities are \eqn{P(X \le x)}, otherwise, \eqn{P(X > x)}.
#' @param logical; if TRUE, probabilities \eqn{pr} are handled as log\eqn{(pr)}.
#' @return \code{qcat} returns a vector of quantiles.
#' @export
qcat = function (pr, p, lower.tail = TRUE, = FALSE)
if (! is.vector(pr))
pr = as.vector(pr)
if (! is.vector(p))
p = as.vector(p)
p = p / sum(p)
if ( == FALSE)
if (any(pr < 0) | any(pr > 1))
stop("pr must be in [0,1].")
else if (any(! is.finite(pr)) | any(pr > 0))
stop("pr, as a log, must be in (-Inf,0].")
if (sum(p) != 1)
stop("sum(p) must be 1.")
if (lower.tail == FALSE)
pr = 1 - pr
breaks = c(0, cumsum(p))
if ( == TRUE)
breaks = log(breaks)
breaks = matrix(breaks, length(pr), length(breaks), byrow = TRUE)
x = rowSums(pr > breaks)
objective.ML = function(theta, y, R, dist = c("gaussian", "laplace", "t", "beta", "gamma", "empirical", "kumaraswamy"), F.hat = NULL)
vals = sort(unique(R[R != 0 & R != 1]))
m = length(vals)
omega = theta[1:m]
for (j in 1:m)
R[R == vals[j]] = omega[j]
rest = theta[(m + 1):length(theta)]
R = as.spam(R)
Rinv = try(solve.spam(R), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(Rinv, "try-error"))
dist = match.arg(dist)
u = switch(dist,
gaussian = pnorm(y, mean = rest[1], sd = rest[2]),
laplace = plaplace(y, location = rest[1], scale = rest[2]),
t = pt(y, df = rest[1], ncp = rest[2]),
beta = pbeta(y, shape1 = rest[1], shape2 = rest[2]),
gamma = pgamma(y, shape = rest[1], rate = rest[2]),
kumaraswamy = pkumar(y, a = rest[1], b = rest[2]),
empirical = F.hat(y))
z = qnorm(u)
z = ifelse(z == -Inf, qnorm(0.0001), z)
z = ifelse(z == Inf, qnorm(0.9999), z)
qform = try(t(z) %*% Rinv %*% z, silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(qform, "try-error"))
if (dist == "empirical")
z = 0
logf = switch(dist,
gaussian = dnorm(y, mean = rest[1], sd = rest[2], log = TRUE),
laplace = dlaplace(y, location = rest[1], scale = rest[2], log = TRUE),
t = dt(y, df = rest[1], ncp = rest[2], log = TRUE),
beta = dbeta(y, shape1 = rest[1], shape2 = rest[2], log = TRUE),
gamma = dgamma(y, shape = rest[1], rate = rest[2], log = TRUE),
kumaraswamy = dkumar(y, a = rest[1], b = rest[2], log = TRUE),
empirical = 0)
obj = as.numeric(0.5 * (determinant(R, logarithm = TRUE)$modulus + qform - sum(z^2)) - sum(logf))
objective.DT = function(theta, y, R, dist = c("poisson", "negbinomial"))
vals = sort(unique(R[R != 0 & R != 1]))
m = length(vals)
omega = theta[1:m]
for (j in 1:m)
R[R == vals[j]] = omega[j]
rest = theta[(m + 1):length(theta)]
R = as.spam(R)
Rinv = try(solve.spam(R), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(Rinv, "try-error"))
dist = match.arg(dist)
u = switch(dist,
poisson = (ppois(y, lambda = rest[1]) + ppois(y - 1, lambda = rest[1])) / 2,
negbinomial = (pnbinom(y, size = rest[2], mu = rest[1]) + pnbinom(y - 1, size = rest[2], mu = rest[1])) / 2)
z = qnorm(u)
z = ifelse(z == -Inf, qnorm(0.0001), z)
z = ifelse(z == Inf, qnorm(0.9999), z)
qform = try(t(z) %*% Rinv %*% z, silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(qform, "try-error"))
logf = switch(dist,
poisson = dpois(y, lambda = rest[1], log = TRUE),
negbinomial = dnbinom(y, size = rest[2], mu = rest[1], log = TRUE))
as.numeric(0.5 * (determinant(R, logarithm = TRUE)$modulus + qform - sum(z^2)) - sum(logf))
pbivnormf = function (K, omega = 0)
correl = rep(omega, nrow(K))
lower = as.double(c(0, 0))
infin = as.integer(c(0, 0))
uppera = as.double(K[, 1])
upperb = as.double(K[, 2])
lt = as.integer(nrow(K))
prob = double(lt)
correl = as.double(correl)
ans = .Fortran("PBIVNORM", prob, lower, uppera, upperb, infin, correl, lt, PACKAGE = "sklarsomega")[[1]]
neighbor.list = function(R)
n = nrow(R)
N = vector("list", n)
for (i in 1:n)
temp = which(as.logical(R[i, ]))
N[[i]] = temp[temp > i]
objective.CML = function(theta, y, R, N, K)
vals = sort(unique(R[R != 0 & R != 1]))
m = length(vals)
omega = theta[1:m]
for (j in 1:m)
R[R == vals[j]] = omega[j]
p = theta[(m + 1):length(theta)]
p = p / sum(p)
u.0 = sklarsomega::pcat(y, p)
u.1 = sklarsomega::pcat(y - 1, p)
u.0 = ifelse(u.0 < 0, 0, u.0)
u.1 = ifelse(u.1 < 0, 0, u.1)
u.0 = ifelse(u.0 > 1, 1, u.0)
u.1 = ifelse(u.1 > 1, 1, u.1)
z.0 = qnorm(u.0)
z.1 = qnorm(u.1)
z.0 = ifelse(z.0 == -Inf, qnorm(0.0001), z.0)
z.1 = ifelse(z.1 == -Inf, qnorm(0.0001), z.1)
z.0 = ifelse(z.0 == Inf, qnorm(0.9999), z.0)
z.1 = ifelse(z.1 == Inf, qnorm(0.9999), z.1)
obj = 0
u = c(1, -1, -1, 1)
for (i in 1:length(N))
for (j in N[[i]])
K[, 1] = c(z.0[i], z.0[i], z.1[i], z.1[i])
K[, 2] = c(z.0[j], z.1[j], z.0[j], z.1[j])
s = pbivnormf(K, omega = R[i, j])
s = t(s) %*% u
if (! && s > 0)
obj = obj + log(s)
is.positiveinteger = function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5)
x = suppressWarnings(as.numeric(x))
if (
(x > 0 & abs(x - round(x)) < tol)
#' Check the column names of a Sklar's Omega data matrix for correctness.
#' @details This function performs a somewhat rudimentary validation of the column names. At most one column may be labeled 'g', and said column must be the first. The only other valid format is 'c.C.S', where 'C' denotes coder number and 'S' denotes the Sth score for coder C (both positive whole numbers). It is up to the user to ensure that the coder and score indices make sense and are ordered correctly, i.e., coders, and scores for a given coder, are numbered consecutively.
#' @param data a matrix of scores. Each row corresponds to a unit, each column a coder.
#' @return \code{check.colnames} returns a list comprising two elements.
#' \item{success}{logical; if TRUE, the column names passed the test.}
#' \item{cols}{if \code{success} is FALSE, vector \code{cols} contains the numbers of the problematic column names.}
#' @references
#' Krippendorff, K. (2013). Computing Krippendorff's alpha-reliability. Technical report, University of Pennsylvania.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # The following data were presented in Krippendorff (2013).
#' data.nom = matrix(c(1,2,3,3,2,1,4,1,2,NA,NA,NA,
#' 1,2,3,3,2,2,4,1,2,5,NA,3,
#' NA,3,3,3,2,3,4,2,2,5,1,NA,
#' 1,2,3,3,2,4,4,1,2,5,1,NA), 12, 4)
#' colnames(data.nom) = c("c.1.1", "c.2.1", "c.3.1", "c.4.1")
#' data.nom
#' (check.colnames(data.nom))
#' # Introduce errors for columns 1 and 4.
#' colnames(data.nom) = c("c.a.1", "c.2.1", "c.3.1", "C.4.1")
#' (check.colnames(data.nom))
#' # The following scenario passes the check but is illogical.
#' colnames(data.nom) = c("g", "c.2.1", "c.1.47", "c.2.1")
#' (check.colnames(data.nom))
check.colnames = function(data)
cnames = colnames(data)
m = ncol(data)
success = TRUE
cols = NULL
temp = strsplit(cnames, ".", fixed = TRUE)
j = 1
if (length(temp[[1]]) == 1)
if (temp[[1]] != "g")
success = FALSE
cols = c(cols, 1)
j = 2
while (j <= m)
current = temp[[j]]
if (length(current) != 3 |
current[1] != "c" |
! is.positiveinteger(current[2]) |
! is.positiveinteger(current[3]))
success = FALSE
cols = c(cols, j)
j = j + 1
obj = list(success = success, cols = cols)
sklarsomega.control = function(level, confint, verbose, control)
if (length(control) != 0)
nms = match.arg(names(control), c("bootit", "parallel", "type", "nodes", "dist"), several.ok = TRUE)
control = control[nms]
boot = FALSE
if (level == "balance")
dist = control$dist
if (is.null(dist) || length(dist) > 1 || ! dist %in% c("gaussian", "laplace", "t", "empirical"))
stop("\nControl parameter 'dist' must be \"gaussian\", \"laplace\", \"t\", or \"empirical\".")
if (confint == "bootstrap")
boot = TRUE
else if (level == "amount")
dist = control$dist
if (is.null(dist) || length(dist) > 1 || ! dist %in% c("gamma", "empirical"))
stop("\nControl parameter 'dist' must be \"gamma\", or \"empirical\".")
if (confint == "bootstrap")
boot = TRUE
else if (level == "percentage")
dist = control$dist
if (is.null(dist) || length(dist) > 1 || ! dist %in% c("beta", "kumaraswamy"))
stop("\nControl parameter 'dist' must be \"beta\" or \"kumaraswamy\".")
if (confint == "bootstrap")
boot = TRUE
else if (level == "count")
dist = control$dist
if (is.null(dist) || length(dist) > 1 || ! dist %in% c("poisson", "negbinomial"))
stop("\nControl parameter 'dist' must be \"poisson\" or \"negbinomial\".")
if (confint != "none")
boot = TRUE
else if (level %in% c("nominal", "ordinal"))
control$dist = "categorical"
if (confint != "none")
boot = TRUE
if (boot)
bootit = control$bootit
if (is.null(bootit) || ! is.numeric(bootit) || length(bootit) > 1 || bootit != as.integer(bootit) || bootit < 2)
if (verbose)
message("\nControl parameter 'bootit' must be a positive integer > 1. Setting it to the default value of 1,000.")
control$bootit = 1000
if (is.null(control$parallel) || ! is.logical(control$parallel) || length(control$parallel) > 1)
if (verbose)
message("\nControl parameter 'parallel' must be a logical value. Setting it to the default value of FALSE.")
control$parallel = FALSE
control$type = control$nodes = NULL
if (control$parallel)
if (requireNamespace("parallel", quietly = TRUE))
if (is.null(control$type) || length(control$type) > 1 || ! control$type %in% c("SOCK", "PVM", "MPI", "NWS"))
if (verbose)
message("\nControl parameter 'type' must be \"SOCK\", \"PVM\", \"MPI\", or \"NWS\". Setting it to \"SOCK\".")
control$type = "SOCK"
nodes = control$nodes
if (is.null(control$nodes) || ! is.numeric(nodes) || length(nodes) > 1 || nodes != as.integer(nodes) || nodes < 2)
stop("Control parameter 'nodes' must be a whole number greater than 1.")
if (verbose)
message("\nParallel computation requires package parallel. Setting control parameter 'parallel' to FALSE.")
control$parallel = FALSE
control$type = control$nodes = NULL
control$bootit = control$parallel = control$type = control$nodes = NULL
if (verbose)
bootstrap.helper = function(object)
boot.sample = matrix(NA, object$control$bootit, object$npar)
sim = simulate(object, object$control$bootit)
data = vector("list", object$control$bootit)
for (j in 1:object$control$bootit)
y = sim[, j]
dat = t(object$data)
dat[!] = y
dat = t(dat)
data[[j]] = dat
if (! object$control$parallel)
if (object$verbose && requireNamespace("pbapply", quietly = TRUE))
gathered = pbapply::pblapply(data,, level = object$level, confint = "none", control = object$control, cl = NULL)
for (j in 1:object$control$bootit)
fit = gathered[[j]]
if (inherits(fit, "try-error") || fit$convergence != 0)
boot.sample[j, ] = fit$coef
for (j in 1:object$control$bootit)
fit = try(suppressWarnings([[j]], level = object$level, confint = "none", control = object$control)), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(fit, "try-error") || fit$convergence != 0)
boot.sample[j, ] = fit$coef
cl = parallel::makeCluster(object$control$nodes, object$control$type)
parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl, library(sklarsomega))
if (object$verbose && requireNamespace("pbapply", quietly = TRUE))
gathered = pbapply::pblapply(data,, level = object$level, confint = "none", control = object$control, cl = cl)
gathered = parallel::clusterApplyLB(cl, data,, level = object$level, confint = "none", control = object$control)
for (j in 1:object$control$bootit)
fit = gathered[[j]]
if (inherits(fit, "try-error") || fit$convergence != 0)
boot.sample[j, ] = fit$coef
boot.sample = boot.sample[complete.cases(boot.sample), ]
if (is.vector(boot.sample))
boot.sample = as.matrix(boot.sample)
grad.helper = function(y, params, R, dist)
gr = try(-grad(objective.DT, x = params, y = y, R = R, dist = dist), silent = TRUE)
sandwich.helper = function(object)
sim = simulate(object, object$control$bootit)
data = vector("list", object$control$bootit)
for (j in 1:object$control$bootit)
data[[j]] = sim[, j]
meat = 0
if (! object$control$parallel)
if (object$verbose && requireNamespace("pbapply", quietly = TRUE))
gathered = pbapply::pblapply(data, grad.helper, params = object$coef, R = object$R, dist = object$control$dist)
b = 1
for (j in 1:object$control$bootit)
gr = gathered[[j]]
if (! inherits(gr, "try-error"))
meat = meat + gr %o% gr
b = b + 1
meat = meat / b
b = 1
for (j in 1:object$control$bootit)
gr = try(grad.helper(data[[j]], params = object$coef, R = object$R, dist = object$control$dist), silent = TRUE)
if (! inherits(gr, "try-error"))
meat = meat + gr %o% gr
b = b + 1
meat = meat / b
cl = parallel::makeCluster(object$control$nodes, object$control$type)
parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl, library(sklarsomega))
if (object$verbose && requireNamespace("pbapply", quietly = TRUE))
gathered = pbapply::pblapply(data, grad.helper, params = object$coef, R = object$R, dist = object$control$dist, cl = cl)
gathered = parallel::clusterApplyLB(cl, data, grad.helper, params = object$coef, R = object$R, dist = object$control$dist)
b = 1
for (j in 1:object$control$bootit)
gr = gathered[[j]]
if (! inherits(gr, "try-error"))
meat = meat + gr %o% gr
b = b + 1
meat = meat / b
#' Apply Sklar's Omega.
#' @details This is the package's flagship function. It applies the Sklar's Omega methodology to nominal, ordinal, count, amount, balance, or percentage outcomes, and, if desired, produces confidence intervals. Parallel computing is supported, when applicable, and other measures (e.g., sparse matrix operations) are taken in the interest of computational efficiency.
#' If the level of measurement is nominal or ordinal, the scores (which must take values in \eqn{1, \dots , K}) are assumed to share a common categorical marginal distribution. A composite marginal likelihood (CML) approach is used for categorical scores. Only parametric bootstrap intervals are supported for categorical outcomes since sandwich estimation tends to lead to inflated standard errors.
#' If the scores are counts, control parameter \code{dist} must be used to select a marginal distribution of \code{"poisson"} or \code{"negbinomial"}. For counts a distributional transform (DT) approximation of the likelihood is employed. Either bootstrap or sandwich intervals are available: \code{confint = "bootstrap"} or \code{confint = "asymptotic"}.
#' If the level of measurement is balance or amount or percentage, control parameter \code{dist} must be used to select a marginal distribution from among \code{"gaussian"}, \code{"laplace"}, \code{"t"}, and \code{"empirical"}; or from among \code{"gamma"} and \code{"empirical"}; or from among \code{"beta"} or \code{"kumaraswamy"}, respectively. The method of maximum likelihood (ML) is used unless \code{dist = "empirical"}, in which case conditional maximum likelihood is used, i.e., the copula parameters are estimated conditional on the sample distribution function of the scores. For the ML method, both bootstrap and asymptotic confidence intervals are available. When \code{dist = "empirical"}, only bootstrap intervals are available.
#' When applicable, functions of appropriate sample quantities are used as starting values for marginal parameters, regardless of the level of measurement.
#' @param data a matrix of scores. Each row corresponds to a unit, each column a coder. The columns must be named appropriately so that the correct copula correlation matrix can be constructed. See \code{\link{build.R}} for details regarding column naming.
#' @param level the level of measurement, one of \code{"nominal"}, \code{"ordinal"}, \code{"count"}, \code{"amount"}, \code{"balance"}, or \code{"percentage"}.
#' @param confint the method for computing confidence intervals, one of \code{"none"}, \code{"bootstrap"}, or \code{"asymptotic"}.
#' @param verbose logical; if TRUE, various messages may be printed to the console.
#' @param control a list of control parameters.
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{bootit}}{the size of the (parametric) bootstrap sample. This applies when \code{confint = "bootstrap"} or when \code{confint = "asymptotic"} and \code{level = "count"}. Defaults to 1,000.}
#' \item{dist}{when \code{level = "balance"}, one of \code{"gaussian"}, \code{"laplace"}, \code{"t"}, or \code{"empirical"}; when \code{level = "amount"}, one of \code{"gamma"} or \code{"empirical"}; when \code{level = "percentage"}, one of \code{"beta"} or \code{"kumaraswamy"}; when \code{level = "count"}, one of \code{"poisson"} or \code{"negbinomial"}.}
#' \item{nodes}{the desired number of nodes in the cluster.}
#' \item{parallel}{logical; if TRUE (the default is FALSE), bootstrapping is done in parallel.}
#' \item{type}{one of the supported cluster types for \code{\link[parallel]{makeCluster}}. Defaults to \code{"SOCK"}.}
#' }
#' @return Function \code{} returns an object of class \code{"sklarsomega"}, which is a list comprising the following elements.
#' \item{AIC}{the value of AIC for the fit, if \code{level = "amount"} or \code{level = "balance"} and \code{dist != "empirical"}, or if \code{level = "percentage"}.}
#' \item{BIC}{the value of BIC for the fit, if \code{level = "amount"} or \code{level = "balance"} and \code{dist != "empirical"}, or if \code{level = "percentage"}.}
#' \item{boot.sample}{when applicable, the bootstrap sample.}
#' \item{call}{the matched call.}
#' \item{coefficients}{a named vector of parameter estimates.}
#' \item{confint}{the value of argument \code{confint}.}
#' \item{control}{the list of control parameters.}
#' \item{convergence}{unless optimization failed, the value of \code{convergence} returned by \code{\link{optim}} or \code{\link{hjkb}}.}
#' \item{cov.hat}{if \code{confint = "asymptotic"}, the estimate of the covariance matrix of the parameter estimator.}
#' \item{data}{the matrix of scores, perhaps altered to remove rows (units) containing fewer than two scores.}
#' \item{iter}{if optimization converged, the number of iterations required to optimize the objective function.}
#' \item{level}{the level of measurement.}
#' \item{message}{if applicable, the value of \code{message} returned by \code{\link{optim}}.}
#' \item{method}{the approach to inference, one of \code{"CML"}, \code{"DT"}, \code{"ML"}, or \code{"SMP"} (semiparametric).}
#' \item{mpar}{the number of marginal parameters.}
#' \item{npar}{the total number of parameters.}
#' \item{optim.method}{the method used to optimize the objective function. The L-BFGS-B method is attempted first. If L-BFGS-B fails, a second attempt is made using the bounded Hooke-Jeeves algorithm.}
#' \item{R}{the initial value of the copula correlation matrix.}
#' \item{R.hat}{the estimated value of the copula correlation matrix.}
#' \item{residuals}{the residuals.}
#' \item{root.R.hat}{a square root of the estimated copula correlation matrix. This is used for simulation and to compute the residuals.}
#' \item{value}{the minimum of the log objective function.}
#' \item{verbose}{the value of argument \code{verbose}.}
#' \item{y}{the scores as a vector, perhaps altered to remove rows (units) containing only one score.}
#' @references
#' Hughes, J. (2018). Sklar's Omega: A Gaussian copula-based framework for assessing agreement. \emph{ArXiv e-prints}, March.
#' @references
#' Nissi, M. J., Mortazavi, S., Hughes, J., Morgan, P., and Ellermann, J. (2015). T2* relaxation time of acetabular and femoral cartilage with and without intra-articular Gd-DTPA2 in patients with femoroacetabular impingement. \emph{American Journal of Roentgenology}, \bold{204}(6), W695.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Fit a subset of the cartilage data, assuming a Laplace marginal distribution. Compute
#' # confidence intervals in the usual ML way (observed information matrix).
#' data(cartilage)
#' data.cart = as.matrix(cartilage)[1:100, ]
#' colnames(data.cart) = c("c.1.1", "c.2.1")
#' fit.lap =, level = "balance", confint = "asymptotic",
#' control = list(dist = "laplace"))
#' summary(fit.lap)
#' # Now assume a noncentral t marginal distribution.
#' fit.t =, level = "balance", confint = "asymptotic",
#' control = list(dist = "t"))
#' summary(fit.t) = function(data, level = c("nominal", "ordinal", "count", "percentage", "amount", "balance"), confint = c("none", "bootstrap", "asymptotic"),
verbose = FALSE, control = list())
call =
cnames = check.colnames(data)
if (missing(data) || ! is.matrix(data) || ! is.numeric(data))
stop("You must supply a numeric data matrix.")
if (! cnames$success)
stop("Your data matrix must have appropriately named columns. Check column(s) ", paste(cnames$cols, collapse = ", "), ".")
level = match.arg(level)
confint = match.arg(confint)
if (! is.logical(verbose) || length(verbose) > 1)
stop("'verbose' must be a logical value.")
if (! is.list(control))
stop("'control' must be a list.")
if (level %in% c("amount", "balance") && confint == "asymptotic" && ! is.null(control$dist) && control$dist == "empirical")
if (verbose)
message("\nParameter 'confint' may not be equal to \"asymptotic\" if control parameter 'dist' is equal to \"empirical\". Setting 'confint' equal to \"bootstrap\".")
confint = "bootstrap"
control = sklarsomega.control(level, confint, verbose, control)
temp = build.R(data)
R = temp$R
onames = temp$onames
block.sizes = apply(data, 1, function(row) { sum(! })
data = data[block.sizes > 1, ]
y = as.vector(t(data))
y = y[!]
if (level %in% c("nominal", "ordinal"))
if (length(unique(y)) < max(y))
stop("Empty categories are not permitted for nominal/ordinal data. Each of 1, . . . , max(data) must contain at least one score.")
method = "CML"
else if (level == "count")
method = "DT"
else if (level %in% c("amount", "balance"))
if (control$dist != "empirical")
method = "ML"
method = "SMP"
F.hat = ecdf(y)
else if (level == "percentage")
method = "ML"
result = list()
class(result) = "sklarsomega"
m = length(unique(R[R != 0 & R != 1]))
hessian = ifelse(confint == "asymptotic", TRUE, FALSE)
if (method == "CML")
C = length(unique(y))
p.init = table(y)
p.init = p.init / sum(p.init)
N = neighbor.list(R)
K = matrix(0, 4, 2)
fit = try(optim(par = c(rep(0.5, m), p.init), fn = objective.CML, y = y, R = R, N = N, K = K,
method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = c(rep(0.001, m), rep(0.001, C)), upper = c(rep(0.999, m), rep(0.999, C))), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(fit, "try-error") || fit$convergence != 0)
result$optim.method = "Hooke-Jeeves"
fit = try(hjkb(par = c(rep(0.5, m), p.init), fn = objective.CML, y = y, R = R, N = N, K = K,
lower = c(rep(0.001, m), rep(0.001, C)), upper = c(rep(0.999, m), rep(0.999, C))), silent = TRUE)
result$optim.method = "L-BFGS-B"
if (! inherits(fit, "try-error"))
p.hat = fit$par[-c(1:m)]
p.hat = p.hat / sum(p.hat)
fit$par[-c(1:m)] = p.hat
cnames = paste0("p", 1:C)
else if (method == "DT")
if (control$dist == "poisson")
init = mean(y)
lower = c(rep(0.001, m), 0.001)
upper = c(rep(0.999, m), Inf)
cnames = "lambda"
else # negative binomial
init = c(mean(y), 1)
lower = c(rep(0.001, m), rep(0.001, 2))
upper = c(rep(0.999, m), rep(Inf, 2))
cnames = c("mu", "r")
fit = try(optim(par = c(rep(0.5, m), init), fn = objective.DT, y = y, R = R, dist = control$dist, hessian = hessian,
method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = lower, upper = upper), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(fit, "try-error") || fit$convergence != 0)
result$optim.method = "Hooke-Jeeves"
fit = try(hjkb(par = c(rep(0.5, m), init), fn = objective.DT, y = y, R = R, dist = control$dist,
lower = lower, upper = upper), silent = TRUE)
if (hessian && ! inherits(fit, "try-error") && fit$convergence == 0)
fit$hessian = optimHess(fit$par, objective.DT, y = y, R = R, dist = control$dist)
result$optim.method = "L-BFGS-B"
else if (method == "ML")
if (control$dist == "beta")
temp1 = mean(y)
temp2 = var(y)
alpha0 = temp1 * ((temp1 * (1 - temp1)) / temp2 - 1)
beta0 = (1 - temp1) * ((temp1 * (1 - temp1)) / temp2 - 1)
init = c(alpha0, beta0)
lower = c(rep(0.001, m), rep(0.001, 2))
upper = c(rep(0.999, m), rep(Inf, 2))
cnames = c("alpha", "beta")
else if (control$dist == "kumaraswamy")
init = c(1, 1)
lower = c(rep(0.001, m), rep(0.001, 2))
upper = c(rep(0.999, m), rep(Inf, 2))
cnames = c("a", "b")
else if (control$dist == "t")
init = c(median(abs(y - median(y))), median(y))
lower = c(rep(0.001, m), 0.001, -Inf)
upper = c(rep(0.999, m), rep(Inf, 2))
cnames = c("nu", "mu")
else if (control$dist == "gamma")
temp1 = mean(y)
temp2 = var(y)
alpha0 = temp1^2 / temp2
beta0 = temp1 / temp2
init = c(alpha0, beta0)
lower = c(rep(0.001, m), rep(0.001, 2))
upper = c(rep(0.999, m), rep(Inf, 2))
cnames = c("alpha", "beta")
else # Gaussian or Laplace
init = c(mean(y), sd(y))
lower = c(rep(0.001, m), -Inf, 0.001)
upper = c(rep(0.999, m), rep(Inf, 2))
cnames = c("mu", "sigma")
fit = try(optim(par = c(rep(0.5, m), init), fn = objective.ML, y = y, R = R, dist = control$dist, hessian = hessian,
method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = lower, upper = upper), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(fit, "try-error") || fit$convergence != 0)
result$optim.method = "Hooke-Jeeves"
fit = try(hjkb(par = c(rep(0.5, m), init), fn = objective.ML, y = y, R = R, dist = control$dist,
lower = lower, upper = upper), silent = TRUE)
if (hessian && ! inherits(fit, "try-error") && fit$convergence == 0)
fit$hessian = optimHess(fit$par, objective.ML, y = y, R = R, dist = control$dist)
result$optim.method = "L-BFGS-B"
fit = try(optim(par = rep(0.5, m), fn = objective.ML, y = y, R = R, dist = control$dist, F.hat = F.hat, hessian = FALSE,
method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = rep(0.001, m), upper = rep(0.999, m)), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(fit, "try-error") || fit$convergence != 0)
result$optim.method = "Hooke-Jeeves"
fit = try(hjkb(par = rep(0.5, m), fn = objective.ML, y = y, R = R, dist = control$dist, F.hat = F.hat, hessian = FALSE,
lower = rep(0.001, m), upper = rep(0.999, m)), silent = TRUE)
result$optim.method = "L-BFGS-B"
cnames = NULL
if (inherits(fit, "try-error"))
warning("Optimization failed.")
result$message = fit[1]
result$call = call
class(result) = c(class(result), "try-error")
if (fit$convergence != 0)
warning("Optimization failed to converge.")
result$convergence = fit$convergence
result$message = fit$message
result$call = call
npar = length(fit$par)
result$level = level
result$verbose = verbose
result$npar = npar
result$coefficients = fit$par
names(result$coefficients) = c(onames, cnames)
result$mpar = length(cnames)
result$confint = confint
result$convergence = fit$convergence
result$message = fit$message
result$R = R
vals = sort(unique(R[R != 0 & R != 1]))
result$R.hat = R
for (j in 1:m)
result$R.hat[result$R == vals[j]] = result$coefficients[j]
temp = svd(result$R.hat)
result$root.R.hat = temp$u %*% diag(sqrt(temp$d), nrow(result$R))
result$value = fit$value
result$iter = ifelse(result$optim.method == "L-BFGS-B", fit$counts[1], fit$niter)
if ((level %in% c("amount", "balance") && method != "SMP") || level == "percentage")
result$AIC = 2 * result$value + 2 * npar
result$BIC = 2 * result$value + log(length(y)) * npar
result$data = data
result$y = y
rest = result$coefficients[(m + 1):npar]
u = switch(control$dist,
gaussian = pnorm(y, mean = rest[1], sd = rest[2]),
laplace = plaplace(y, location = rest[1], scale = rest[2]),
t = pt(y, df = rest[1], ncp = rest[2]),
beta = pbeta(y, shape1 = rest[1], shape2 = rest[2]),
gamma = pgamma(y, shape = rest[1], rate = rest[2]),
kumaraswamy = pkumar(y, a = rest[1], b = rest[2]),
empirical = F.hat(y),
categorical = (sklarsomega::pcat(y, rest) + sklarsomega::pcat(y - 1, rest)) / 2,
poisson = (ppois(y, lambda = rest[1]) + ppois(y - 1, lambda = rest[1])) / 2,
negbinomial = (pnbinom(y, mu = rest[1], size = rest[2]) + pnbinom(y - 1, mu = rest[1], size = rest[2])) / 2)
z = qnorm(u)
z = ifelse(z == -Inf, qnorm(0.0001), z)
z = ifelse(z == Inf, qnorm(0.9999), z)
residuals = try(solve(result$root.R.hat) %*% z, silent = TRUE)
if (! inherits(residuals, "try-error"))
result$residuals = as.vector(residuals)
result$method = method
result$call = call
result$control = control
if (confint != "none")
if (method == "CML" && confint == "asymptotic")
if (verbose)
message("\nParameter 'confint' may not be equal to \"asymptotic\" if the scores are categorical. Setting 'confint' equal to \"bootstrap\".")
confint = "bootstrap"
result$confint = "bootstrap"
if (confint == "bootstrap")
if (verbose)
result$boot.sample = bootstrap.helper(result)
colnames(result$boot.sample) = names(result$coef)
bread = try(solve(fit$hessian), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(bread, "try-error"))
warning("Inversion of the Hessian matrix failed.")
result$cov.hat = bread[1]
else if (method == "ML")
result$cov.hat = bread
if (verbose)
meat = sandwich.helper(result)
result$cov.hat = bread %*% meat %*% bread
rownames(result$cov.hat) = colnames(result$cov.hat) = names(result$coef)
sklarsomega.control.bayes = function(level, verbose, control, m)
if (length(control) != 0)
nms = match.arg(names(control), c("minit", "maxit", "tol", "dist", "sigma.1", "sigma.2", ""), several.ok = TRUE)
control = control[nms]
if (level == "amount")
dist = control$dist
if (is.null(dist) || length(dist) > 1 || ! dist == "gamma")
stop("\nControl parameter 'dist' must be \"gamma\".")
else if (level == "balance")
dist = control$dist
if (is.null(dist) || length(dist) > 1 || ! dist %in% c("gaussian", "laplace", "t"))
stop("\nControl parameter 'dist' must be \"gaussian\", \"laplace\", or \"t\".")
else # percentage
dist = control$dist
if (is.null(dist) || length(dist) > 1 || ! dist %in% c("beta", "kumaraswamy"))
stop("\nControl parameter 'dist' must be \"beta\" or \"kumaraswamy\".")
minit = control$minit
if (is.null(minit) || ! is.numeric(minit) || length(minit) > 1 || minit != as.integer(minit) || minit < 1000)
if (verbose)
message("\nControl parameter 'minit' must be a positive integer >= 1,000. Setting it to the default value of 1,000.")
control$minit = 1000
maxit = control$maxit
if (is.null(maxit) || ! is.numeric(maxit) || length(maxit) > 1 || maxit != as.integer(maxit) || maxit < control$minit)
if (verbose)
message("\nControl parameter 'maxit' must be a positive integer >= 'minit'. Setting it to the default value of max('minit', 10,000).")
control$maxit = max(control$minit, 10000)
tol = control$tol
if (! is.numeric(tol) || length(tol) > 1 || tol <= 0 || tol >= 1)
if (verbose)
message("\nControl parameter 'tol' must be a number between 0 and 1. Setting it to the default value of 0.1.")
control$tol = 0.1
sigma.1 = control$sigma.1
if (is.null(sigma.1) || ! is.numeric(sigma.1) || length(sigma.1) > 1 || sigma.1 <= 0)
if (verbose)
message("\nTuning parameter 'sigma.1' must be a positive number. Setting it to the default value of 0.1.")
control$sigma.1 = 0.1
sigma.2 = control$sigma.2
if (is.null(sigma.2) || ! is.numeric(sigma.2) || length(sigma.2) > 1 || sigma.2 <= 0)
if (verbose)
message("\nTuning parameter 'sigma.2' must be a positive number. Setting it to the default value of 0.1.")
control$sigma.2 = 0.1
} = control$
if (is.null( || ! is.numeric( || length( != m || any( <= 0))
if (verbose)
message("\nTuning parameter '' must be an ", m, "-vector of positive numbers. Setting them to the default value of 0.1.", sep = "")
control$ = rep(0.1, m)
quadratic.form = function(y, R, pfun, param1, param2)
Q = try(solve.spam(as.spam(R)), silent = TRUE)
if (any(class(Q) == "try-error"))
u = pfun(y, param1, param2)
z = qnorm(u)
z = ifelse(z == -Inf, qnorm(0.0001), z)
z = ifelse(z == Inf, qnorm(0.9999), z)
f = try(-0.5 * (t(z) %*% Q %*% z - sum(z^2)))
if (any(class(f) == "try-error"))
} = function(y, R, verbose, control)
minit = control$minit
maxit = control$maxit
tol = control$tol
m = length(unique(R[R != 0 & R != 1]))
vals = sort(unique(R[R != 0 & R != 1]))
R.old = R
if (control$dist == "gaussian")
pfun = pnorm
dfun = dnorm
else # Laplace
pfun = plaplace
dfun = dlaplace
init = c(mean(y), sd(y))
cnames = c("mu", "sigma")
iterations = minit
samples = matrix(0, iterations + 1, m + 2)
samples[1, ] = c(rep(0, m), init)
colnames(samples)[(m + 1):(m + 2)] = cnames = R.old
sigma.1 = control$sigma.1
sigma.2 = control$sigma.2 = control$
alpha = beta = 0.01
tau = 1000
start = 1
i = 1
if (verbose)
pb = pbapply::startpb(0, maxit)
for (j in (start + 1):(start + iterations))
if (verbose)
pbapply::setpb(pb, i)
i = i + 1
mu = samples[j - 1, m + 1]
sigma = samples[j - 1, m + 2]
eta = samples[j - 1, 1:m]
omega = exp(eta) / (1 + exp(eta))
for (k in 1:m)
R.old[R == vals[k]] = omega[k]
mu_ = mu + rnorm(1, sd = sigma.1)
log.epsilon = quadratic.form(y, R.old, pfun, mu_, sigma) - quadratic.form(y, R.old, pfun, mu, sigma)
log.epsilon = log.epsilon + sum(dfun(y, mu_, sigma, log = TRUE)) - sum(dfun(y, mu, sigma, log = TRUE))
log.epsilon = log.epsilon - 0.5 * (mu_^2 - mu^2) / tau^2
samples[j, m + 1] = ifelse(log(runif(1)) < log.epsilon, mu_, mu)
mu = samples[j, m + 1]
sigma_ = exp(log(sigma) + rnorm(1, sd = sigma.2))
log.epsilon = quadratic.form(y, R.old, pfun, mu, sigma_) - quadratic.form(y, R.old, pfun, mu, sigma)
log.epsilon = log.epsilon + sum(dfun(y, mu, sigma_, log = TRUE)) - sum(dfun(y, mu, sigma, log = TRUE))
log.epsilon = log.epsilon + (alpha - 1) * (log(sigma_) - log(sigma)) + beta * (sigma - sigma_)
log.epsilon = log.epsilon + dlnorm(sigma, log(sigma_), sigma.2, log = TRUE) - dlnorm(sigma_, log(sigma), sigma.2, log = TRUE)
samples[j, m + 2] = ifelse(log(runif(1)) < log.epsilon, sigma_, sigma)
sigma = samples[j, m + 2]
eta_ = eta + rnorm(m, sd =
omega_ = exp(eta_) / (1 + exp(eta_))
for (k in 1:m)[R == vals[k]] = omega_[k]
log.epsilon = quadratic.form(y,, pfun, mu, sigma) - quadratic.form(y, R.old, pfun, mu, sigma)
log.epsilon = log.epsilon - 0.5 * (determinant(, logarithm = TRUE)$modulus - determinant(R.old, logarithm = TRUE)$modulus)
log.epsilon = log.epsilon + sum(eta) - sum(eta_) - 2 * (sum(log(1 + exp(eta))) - sum(log(1 + exp(eta_))))
if (log(runif(1)) < log.epsilon)
samples[j, 1:m] = eta_
samples[j, 1:m] = eta
if (j == maxit)
if (j == maxit)
samples = samples[1:maxit, ]
done = TRUE
temp = mcse.mat(samples)
est = temp[, 1]
mcse = temp[, 2]
cv = mcse / abs(est)
if (any(cv > tol))
done = FALSE
if (done)
start = start + iterations
temp = matrix(0, iterations, m + 2)
samples = rbind(samples, temp)
samples[, 1:m] = apply(as.matrix(samples[, 1:m]), 2, function(x) { exp(x) / (1 + exp(x)) })
n = nrow(samples)
if (n %% 2 == 1)
samples = samples[1:(n - 1), ]
} = function(y, R, verbose, control)
minit = control$minit
maxit = control$maxit
tol = control$tol
m = length(unique(R[R != 0 & R != 1]))
vals = sort(unique(R[R != 0 & R != 1]))
R.old = R
init = c(median(abs(y - median(y))), median(y))
cnames = c("nu", "mu")
iterations = minit
samples = matrix(0, iterations + 1, m + 2)
samples[1, ] = c(rep(0, m), init)
colnames(samples)[(m + 1):(m + 2)] = cnames = R.old
sigma.1 = control$sigma.1
sigma.2 = control$sigma.2 = control$
alpha = beta = 0.01
tau = 1000
start = 1
i = 1
if (verbose)
pb = pbapply::startpb(0, maxit)
for (j in (start + 1):(start + iterations))
if (verbose)
pbapply::setpb(pb, i)
i = i + 1
nu = samples[j - 1, m + 1]
mu = samples[j - 1, m + 2]
eta = samples[j - 1, 1:m]
omega = exp(eta) / (1 + exp(eta))
for (k in 1:m)
R.old[R == vals[k]] = omega[k]
nu_ = exp(log(nu) + rnorm(1, sd = sigma.1))
log.epsilon = quadratic.form(y, R.old, pt, nu_, mu) - quadratic.form(y, R.old, pt, nu, mu)
log.epsilon = log.epsilon + sum(dt(y, nu_, mu, log = TRUE)) - sum(dt(y, nu, mu, log = TRUE))
log.epsilon = log.epsilon + (alpha - 1) * (log(nu_) - log(nu)) + beta * (nu - nu_)
log.epsilon = log.epsilon + dlnorm(nu, log(nu_), sigma.1, log = TRUE) - dlnorm(nu_, log(nu), sigma.1, log = TRUE)
samples[j, m + 1] = ifelse(log(runif(1)) < log.epsilon, nu_, nu)
nu = samples[j, m + 1]
mu_ = mu + rnorm(1, sd = sigma.2)
log.epsilon = quadratic.form(y, R.old, pt, nu, mu_) - quadratic.form(y, R.old, pt, nu, mu)
log.epsilon = log.epsilon + sum(dt(y, nu, mu_, log = TRUE)) - sum(dt(y, nu, mu, log = TRUE))
log.epsilon = log.epsilon - 0.5 * (mu_^2 - mu^2) / tau^2
samples[j, m + 2] = ifelse(log(runif(1)) < log.epsilon, mu_, mu)
mu = samples[j, m + 2]
eta_ = eta + rnorm(m, sd =
omega_ = exp(eta_) / (1 + exp(eta_))
for (k in 1:m)[R == vals[k]] = omega_[k]
log.epsilon = quadratic.form(y,, pt, nu, mu) - quadratic.form(y, R.old, pt, nu, mu)
log.epsilon = log.epsilon - 0.5 * (determinant(, logarithm = TRUE)$modulus - determinant(R.old, logarithm = TRUE)$modulus)
log.epsilon = log.epsilon + sum(eta) - sum(eta_) - 2 * (sum(log(1 + exp(eta))) - sum(log(1 + exp(eta_))))
if (log(runif(1)) < log.epsilon)
samples[j, 1:m] = eta_
samples[j, 1:m] = eta
if (j == maxit)
if (j == maxit)
samples = samples[1:maxit, ]
done = TRUE
temp = mcse.mat(samples)
est = temp[, 1]
mcse = temp[, 2]
cv = mcse / abs(est)
if (any(cv > tol))
done = FALSE
if (done)
start = start + iterations
temp = matrix(0, iterations, m + 2)
samples = rbind(samples, temp)
samples[, 1:m] = apply(as.matrix(samples[, 1:m]), 2, function(x) { exp(x) / (1 + exp(x)) })
n = nrow(samples)
if (n %% 2 == 1)
samples = samples[1:(n - 1), ]
} = function(y, R, verbose, control)
minit = control$minit
maxit = control$maxit
tol = control$tol
m = length(unique(R[R != 0 & R != 1]))
vals = sort(unique(R[R != 0 & R != 1]))
R.old = R
if (control$dist == "gamma")
pfun = pgamma
dfun = dgamma
temp1 = mean(y)
temp2 = var(y)
alpha0 = temp1^2 / temp2
beta0 = temp1 / temp2
init = c(alpha0, beta0)
cnames = c("alpha", "beta")
else if (control$dist == "beta")
pfun = pbeta
dfun = dbeta
temp1 = mean(y)
temp2 = var(y)
alpha0 = temp1 * ((temp1 * (1 - temp1)) / temp2 - 1)
beta0 = (1 - temp1) * ((temp1 * (1 - temp1)) / temp2 - 1)
init = c(alpha0, beta0)
cnames = c("alpha", "beta")
else # Kumaraswamy
pfun = pkumar
dfun = dkumar
init = c(1, 1)
cnames = c("a", "b")
iterations = minit
samples = matrix(0, iterations + 1, m + 2)
samples[1, ] = c(rep(0, m), init)
colnames(samples)[(m + 1):(m + 2)] = cnames = R.old
sigma.1 = control$sigma.1
sigma.2 = control$sigma.2 = control$
alpha = beta = gamma = delta = 0.01
start = 1
i = 1
if (verbose)
pb = pbapply::startpb(0, maxit)
for (j in (start + 1):(start + iterations))
if (verbose)
pbapply::setpb(pb, i)
i = i + 1
param1 = samples[j - 1, m + 1]
param2 = samples[j - 1, m + 2]
eta = samples[j - 1, 1:m]
omega = exp(eta) / (1 + exp(eta))
for (k in 1:m)
R.old[R == vals[k]] = omega[k]
param1_ = exp(log(param1) + rnorm(1, sd = sigma.1))
log.epsilon = quadratic.form(y, R.old, pfun, param1_, param2) - quadratic.form(y, R.old, pfun, param1, param2)
log.epsilon = log.epsilon + sum(dfun(y, param1_, param2, log = TRUE)) - sum(dfun(y, param1, param2, log = TRUE))
log.epsilon = log.epsilon + (alpha - 1) * (log(param1_) - log(param1)) + beta * (param1 - param1_)
log.epsilon = log.epsilon + dlnorm(param1, log(param1_), sigma.1, log = TRUE) - dlnorm(param1_, log(param1), sigma.1, log = TRUE)
samples[j, m + 1] = ifelse(log(runif(1)) < log.epsilon, param1_, param1)
param1 = samples[j, m + 1]
param2_ = exp(log(param2) + rnorm(1, sd = sigma.2))
log.epsilon = quadratic.form(y, R.old, pfun, param1, param2_) - quadratic.form(y, R.old, pfun, param1, param2)
log.epsilon = log.epsilon + sum(dfun(y, param1, param2_, log = TRUE)) - sum(dfun(y, param1, param2, log = TRUE))
log.epsilon = log.epsilon + (delta - 1) * (log(param2_) - log(param2)) + gamma * (param2 - param2_)
log.epsilon = log.epsilon + dlnorm(param2, log(param2_), sigma.2, log = TRUE) - dlnorm(param2_, log(param2), sigma.2, log = TRUE)
samples[j, m + 2] = ifelse(log(runif(1)) < log.epsilon, param2_, param2)
param2 = samples[j, m + 2]
eta_ = eta + rnorm(m, sd =
omega_ = exp(eta_) / (1 + exp(eta_))
for (k in 1:m)[R == vals[k]] = omega_[k]
log.epsilon = quadratic.form(y,, pfun, param1, param2) - quadratic.form(y, R.old, pfun, param1, param2)
log.epsilon = log.epsilon - 0.5 * (determinant(, logarithm = TRUE)$modulus - determinant(R.old, logarithm = TRUE)$modulus)
log.epsilon = log.epsilon + sum(eta) - sum(eta_) - 2 * (sum(log(1 + exp(eta))) - sum(log(1 + exp(eta_))))
if (log(runif(1)) < log.epsilon)
samples[j, 1:m] = eta_
samples[j, 1:m] = eta
if (j == maxit)
if (j == maxit)
samples = samples[1:maxit, ]
done = TRUE
temp = mcse.mat(samples)
est = temp[, 1]
mcse = temp[, 2]
cv = mcse / abs(est)
if (any(cv > tol))
done = FALSE
if (done)
start = start + iterations
temp = matrix(0, iterations, m + 2)
samples = rbind(samples, temp)
samples[, 1:m] = apply(as.matrix(samples[, 1:m]), 2, function(x) { exp(x) / (1 + exp(x)) })
n = nrow(samples)
if (n %% 2 == 1)
samples = samples[1:(n - 1), ]
DIC = function(samples, theta.hat, y, R, dist)
D.theta = 2 * objective.ML(theta.hat, y, R, dist) = 0
for (j in 1:nrow(samples)) = + 2 * objective.ML(samples[j, ], y, R, dist) = / nrow(samples)
DIC = 2 * - D.theta
#' Do Bayesian inference for Sklar's Omega.
#' @details This function does MCMC for Bayesian inference for continuous scores.
#' Control parameter \code{dist} must be used to select a marginal distribution from among \code{"gaussian"}, \code{"laplace"}, \code{"t"}, and \code{"gamma"} (for balances or amounts), or from among \code{"beta"} or \code{"kumaraswamy"} (for percentages).
#' Details regarding prior distributions and sampling are provided in the package vignette.
#' @param data a matrix of scores. Each row corresponds to a unit, each column a coder. The columns must be named appropriately so that the correct copula correlation matrix can be constructed. See \code{\link{build.R}} for details regarding column naming.
#' @param level the level of measurement, either \code{"amount"} or \code{"balance"} or \code{"percentage"}.
#' @param verbose logical; if TRUE, various messages are printed to the console.
#' @param control a list of control parameters.
#' \describe{
#' \item{dist}{when \code{level = "balance"}, one of \code{"gaussian"}, \code{"laplace"}, \code{"t"}; when \code{level = "amount"}, \code{"gamma"}; when \code{level = "percentage"}, one of \code{"beta"} or \code{"kumaraswamy"}.}
#' \item{minit}{the minimum sample size. This should be large enough to permit accurate estimation of Monte Carlo standard errors. The default is 1,000.}
#' \item{maxit}{the maximum sample size. Sampling from the posterior terminates when all estimated coefficients of variation are smaller than \code{tol} or when \code{maxit} samples have been drawn, whichever happens first. The default is 10,000.}
#' \item{sigma.1}{the proposal standard deviation for the first marginal parameter. Defaults to 0.1.}
#' \item{sigma.2}{the proposal standard deviation for the second marginal parameter. Defaults to 0.1.}
#' \item{}{a vector of proposal standard deviations for the parameters of the copula correlation matrix. These default to 0.1.}
#' \item{tol}{a tolerance. If all estimated coefficients of variation are smaller than \code{tol}, no more samples are drawn from the posterior. The default value is 0.1.}
#' }
#' @return Function \code{} returns an object of class \code{"sklarsomega"}, which is a list comprising the following elements.
#' \item{accept}{a vector of acceptance rates.}
#' \item{DIC}{the value of DIC for the fit.}
#' \item{call}{the matched call.}
#' \item{coefficients}{a named vector of parameter estimates.}
#' \item{control}{the list of control parameters.}
#' \item{data}{the matrix of scores, perhaps altered to remove rows (units) containing fewer than two scores.}
#' \item{iter}{the number of posterior samples that were drawn.}
#' \item{level}{the level of measurement.}
#' \item{mcse}{a vector of Monte Carlo standard errors.}
#' \item{method}{always equal to \code{"Bayesian"} for this function.}
#' \item{mpar}{the number of marginal parameters.}
#' \item{npar}{the total number of parameters.}
#' \item{R}{the initial value of the copula correlation matrix.}
#' \item{R.hat}{the estimated value of the copula correlation matrix.}
#' \item{residuals}{the residuals.}
#' \item{root.R.hat}{a square root of the estimated copula correlation matrix. This is used for simulation and to compute the residuals.}
#' \item{samples}{the posterior samples.}
#' \item{verbose}{the value of argument \code{verbose}.}
#' \item{y}{the scores as a vector, perhaps altered to remove rows (units) containing fewer than two scores.}
#' @references
#' Hughes, J. (2018). Sklar's Omega: A Gaussian copula-based framework for assessing agreement. \emph{ArXiv e-prints}, March.
#' @references
#' Nissi, M. J., Mortazavi, S., Hughes, J., Morgan, P., and Ellermann, J. (2015). T2* relaxation time of acetabular and femoral cartilage with and without intra-articular Gd-DTPA2 in patients with femoroacetabular impingement. \emph{American Journal of Roentgenology}, \bold{204}(6), W695.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Fit a subset of the cartilage data, assuming a Laplace marginal distribution. Compute
#' # 95% HPD intervals. Show the acceptance rates for the three parameters.
#' data(cartilage)
#' data = as.matrix(cartilage)[1:100, ]
#' colnames(data) = c("c.1.1", "c.2.1")
#' set.seed(111111)
#' fit1 =, level = "balance", verbose = FALSE,
#' control = list(dist = "laplace", minit = 1000, maxit = 5000, tol = 0.01,
#' sigma.1 = 1, sigma.2 = 0.1, = 0.2))
#' summary(fit1)
#' fit1$accept
#' # Now assume a noncentral t marginal distribution.
#' set.seed(4565)
#' fit2 =, level = "balance", verbose = FALSE,
#' control = list(dist = "t", minit = 1000, maxit = 5000, tol = 0.01,
#' sigma.1 = 0.2, sigma.2 = 2, = 0.2))
#' summary(fit2)
#' fit2$accept
#' } = function(data, level = c("amount", "balance", "percentage"), verbose = FALSE, control = list())
call =
cnames = check.colnames(data)
if (missing(data) || ! is.matrix(data) || ! is.numeric(data))
stop("You must supply a numeric data matrix.")
if (! cnames$success)
stop("Your data matrix must have appropriately named columns. Check column(s) ", paste(cnames$cols, collapse = ", "), ".")
level = match.arg(level)
if (! is.logical(verbose) || length(verbose) > 1)
stop("'verbose' must be a logical value.")
if (! is.list(control))
stop("'control' must be a list.")
temp = build.R(data)
R = temp$R
onames = temp$onames
m = length(unique(R[R != 0 & R != 1]))
control = sklarsomega.control.bayes(level, verbose, control, m)
block.sizes = apply(data, 1, function(row) { sum(! })
data = data[block.sizes > 1, ]
y = as.vector(t(data))
y = y[!]
result = list()
class(result) = "sklarsomega"
if (verbose)
if (control$dist == "t")
samples =, R, verbose, control)
else if (control$dist %in% c("gamma", "beta", "kumaraswamy"))
samples =, R, verbose, control)
samples =, R, verbose, control)
colnames(samples)[1:m] = onames
npar = m + 2
result$level = level
result$verbose = verbose
result$npar = npar
temp = mcse.mat(samples)
result$coefficients = temp[, 1]
result$mcse = temp[, 2]
names(result$coefficients) = colnames(samples)
result$accept = apply(samples, 2, function(col) { mean(diff(col) != 0) })
result$mpar = 2
result$R = R
vals = sort(unique(R[R != 0 & R != 1]))
result$R.hat = R
for (j in 1:m)
result$R.hat[result$R == vals[j]] = result$coefficients[j]
temp = svd(result$R.hat)
result$root.R.hat = temp$u %*% diag(sqrt(temp$d), nrow(result$R))
result$iter = nrow(samples)
result$DIC = DIC(samples, result$coef, y, R, control$dist)
result$data = data
result$y = y
rest = result$coefficients[(m + 1):npar]
u = switch(control$dist,
gaussian = pnorm(y, mean = rest[1], sd = rest[2]),
laplace = plaplace(y, location = rest[1], scale = rest[2]),
t = pt(y, df = rest[1], ncp = rest[2]),
beta = pbeta(y, shape1 = rest[1], shape2 = rest[2]),
gamma = pgamma(y, shape = rest[1], rate = rest[2]),
kumaraswamy = pkumar(y, a = rest[1], b = rest[2]))
z = qnorm(u)
z = ifelse(z == -Inf, qnorm(0.0001), z)
z = ifelse(z == Inf, qnorm(0.9999), z)
residuals = try(solve(result$root.R.hat) %*% z, silent = TRUE)
if (! inherits(residuals, "try-error"))
result$residuals = as.vector(residuals)
result$method = "Bayesian"
result$call = call
result$control = control
result$samples = samples
hpd = function(x, alpha = 0.05)
n = length(x)
m = round(n * alpha)
x = sort(x)
y = x[(n - m + 1):n] - x[1:m]
z = min(y)
k = which(y == z)[1]
c(x[k], x[n - m + k])
#' Print a summary of a Sklar's Omega fit.
#' @details Unless optimization of the objective function failed, this function prints a summary of the fit. First, the value of the objective function at its maximum is displayed, along with the number of iterations required to find the maximum. Then the values of the control parameters (defaults and/or values supplied in the call) are printed. Then a table of estimates is shown. If applicable, the table includes confidence intervals. Finally, the values of \code{\link{AIC}} and BIC are displayed (if the scores are continuous and inference is parametric).
#' @param object an object of class \code{sklarsomega}, the result of a call to \code{\link{}}.
#' @param alpha the significance level for the confidence intervals. The default is 0.05.
#' @param digits the number of significant digits to display. The default is 4.
#' @param \dots additional arguments.
#' @seealso \code{\link{}}
#' @method summary sklarsomega
#' @references
#' Nissi, M. J., Mortazavi, S., Hughes, J., Morgan, P., and Ellermann, J. (2015). T2* relaxation time of acetabular and femoral cartilage with and without intra-articular Gd-DTPA2 in patients with femoroacetabular impingement. \emph{American Journal of Roentgenology}, \bold{204}(6), W695.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Fit a subset of the cartilage data, assuming a Laplace marginal distribution. Compute
#' # confidence intervals in the usual ML way (observed information matrix). Note that
#' # using confint = bootstrap leads to bootstrap sampling and bootstrap intervals.
#' data(cartilage)
#' data.cart = as.matrix(cartilage)[1:100, ]
#' colnames(data.cart) = c("c.1.1", "c.2.1")
#' fit.lap =, level = "balance", confint = "asymptotic",
#' control = list(dist = "laplace"))
#' summary(fit.lap)
summary.sklarsomega = function(object, alpha = 0.05, digits = 4, ...)
if (object$method != "Bayesian")
if (is.null(object$convergence))
cat("\nOptimization failed.\n")
else if (object$convergence != 0)
cat("\nOptimization failed =>", object$message, "\n")
cat("\nOptimization converged at", signif(-object$value, digits = digits), "after", object$iter, "iterations.\n")
cat("\nNumber of posterior samples:", object$iter, "\n")
cat("\nControl parameters:\n")
if (length(object$control) > 0)
control.table = cbind(unlist(c(object$control, "")))
colnames(control.table) = ""
print(control.table, quote = FALSE)
print("\nNone specified.\n")
npar = object$npar
if (object$method != "Bayesian")
if (object$confint == "none")
confint = matrix(rep(NA, 2 * npar), ncol = 2)
boot.sample = object$boot.sample
if (! is.null(boot.sample))
#se = apply(boot.sample, 2, sd)
#scale = qnorm(1 - alpha / 2)
#coef = object$coef
#confint = cbind(coef - scale * se, coef + scale * se)
confint = t(apply(boot.sample, 2, quantile, c(alpha / 2, 1 - alpha / 2)))
cov.hat = object$cov.hat
if (! is.null(cov.hat))
se = sqrt(diag(cov.hat))
scale = qnorm(1 - alpha / 2)
coef = object$coef
confint = cbind(coef - scale * se, coef + scale * se)
confint = matrix(rep(NA, 2 * npar), ncol = 2)
coef.table = cbind(object$coef, confint)
colnames(coef.table) = c("Estimate", "Lower", "Upper")
confint = t(apply(object$samples, 2, hpd, alpha = alpha))
coef.table = cbind(object$coef, confint, object$mcse)
colnames(coef.table) = c("Estimate", "Lower", "Upper", "MCSE")
rownames(coef.table) = names(object$coef)
print(signif(coef.table, digits = digits))
if (! is.null(object$AIC))
cat("\nAIC:", signif(object$AIC, digits), "\nBIC:", signif(object$BIC, digits), "\n")
if (object$method == "Bayesian")
cat("\nDIC:", signif(object$DIC, digits), "\n")
#' Extract model residuals.
#' @details Although residuals may not be terribly useful in this context, we provide residuals nonetheless. Said residuals are computed by first applying the probability integral transform, then applying the inverse probability integral transform, then pre-multiplying by the inverse of the square root of the (fitted) copula correlation matrix. For nominal or ordinal scores, the distributional transform approximation is used.
#' @param object an object of class \code{sklarsomega}, typically the result of a call to \code{\link{}}.
#' @param \dots additional arguments.
#' @return A vector of residuals.
#' @seealso \code{\link{}}
#' @method residuals sklarsomega
#' @references
#' Nissi, M. J., Mortazavi, S., Hughes, J., Morgan, P., and Ellermann, J. (2015). T2* relaxation time of acetabular and femoral cartilage with and without intra-articular Gd-DTPA2 in patients with femoroacetabular impingement. \emph{American Journal of Roentgenology}, \bold{204}(6), W695.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Fit a subset of the cartilage data, assuming a Laplace marginal distribution.
#' # Produce a normal probability plot of the residuals, and overlay the line y = x.
#' data(cartilage)
#' data.cart = as.matrix(cartilage)[1:100, ]
#' colnames(data.cart) = c("c.1.1", "c.2.1")
#' fit.lap =, level = "balance", control = list(dist = "laplace"))
#' summary(fit.lap)
#' res = residuals(fit.lap)
#' qqnorm(res, pch = 20)
#' abline(0, 1, col = "blue", lwd = 2)
residuals.sklarsomega = function(object, ...)
if (! is.null(object$residuals))
stop("Fit object does not contain a vector of residuals.")
#' Compute an estimated covariance matrix for a Sklar's Omega fit.
#' @details See the package vignette for detailed information regarding covariance estimation for Sklar's Omega.
#' @param object a fitted model object.
#' @param ... additional arguments.
#' @return A matrix of estimated variances and covariances for the parameter estimator. This should have row and column names corresponding to the parameter names given by the \code{\link{coef}} method. Note that a call to this function will result in an error if \code{\link{}} was called with argument \code{confint} equal to \code{"none"}, or if optimization failed.
#' @method vcov sklarsomega
#' @references
#' Nissi, M. J., Mortazavi, S., Hughes, J., Morgan, P., and Ellermann, J. (2015). T2* relaxation time of acetabular and femoral cartilage with and without intra-articular Gd-DTPA2 in patients with femoroacetabular impingement. \emph{American Journal of Roentgenology}, \bold{204}(6), W695.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Fit a subset of the cartilage data, assuming a Laplace marginal distribution. Compute
#' # confidence intervals in the usual ML way (observed information matrix). Also display
#' # the observed information matrix. Note that using confint = bootstrap leads to bootstrap
#' # sampling, in which case vcov returns the sample covariance matrix for the bootstrap
#' # sample.
#' data(cartilage)
#' data.cart = as.matrix(cartilage)[1:100, ]
#' colnames(data.cart) = c("c.1.1", "c.2.1")
#' fit.lap =, level = "balance", confint = "asymptotic",
#' control = list(dist = "laplace"))
#' summary(fit.lap)
#' vcov(fit.lap)
vcov.sklarsomega = function(object, ...)
if (object$method != "Bayesian")
if (is.null(object$confint))
stop("Fit object does not contain field 'confint'\n.")
if (object$confint == "none")
stop("Function was called with 'confint' equal to \"none\".")
if (! is.null(object$cov.hat))
cov.hat = object$cov.hat
cov.hat = cov(object$boot.sample, use = "complete.obs")
cov.hat = cov(object$samples)
rownames(cov.hat) = colnames(cov.hat) = names(object$coef)
#' Simulate a Sklar's Omega dataset(s).
#' @details This function simulates one or more responses distributed according to the fitted model.
#' @param object a fitted model object.
#' @param nsim number of datasets to simulate. Defaults to 1.
#' @param seed either \code{NULL} or an integer that will be used in a call to \code{\link{set.seed}} before simulating the response vector(s). If set, the value is saved as the \code{"seed"} attribute of the returned value. The default (\code{NULL}) will not change the random generator state, and \code{\link{.Random.seed}} will be returned as the \code{"seed"} attribute.
#' @param ... additional arguments.
#' @return A data frame having \code{nsim} columns, each of which contains a simulated response vector. Said data frame has a \code{"seed"} attribute, which takes the value of the \code{seed} argument or the value of \code{\link{.Random.seed}}.
#' @method simulate sklarsomega
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Fit a subset of the cartilage data, assuming a Laplace marginal distribution.
#' data(cartilage)
#' data.cart = as.matrix(cartilage)[1:100, ]
#' colnames(data.cart) = c("c.1.1", "c.2.1")
#' fit.lap =, level = "balance", confint = "none",
#' control = list(dist = "laplace"))
#' summary(fit.lap)
#' # Simulate three datasets from the fitted model, and then display the
#' # head of the first dataset in matrix form.
#' sim = simulate(fit.lap, nsim = 3, seed = 42)
#' data.sim = t(fit.lap$data)
#' data.sim[!] = sim[, 1]
#' data.sim = t(data.sim)
#' head(data.sim)
simulate.sklarsomega = function(object, nsim = 1, seed = NULL, ...)
n = nrow(object$R)
psi = object$coef[(object$npar - object$mpar + 1):object$npar]
data = NULL
if (! is.null(seed))
seed = try(.Random.seed, silent = TRUE)
j = 1
while (j <= nsim)
z = as.numeric(object$root.R.hat %*% rnorm(n))
u = pnorm(z)
y = switch(object$control$dist,
gaussian = qnorm(u, mean = psi[1], sd = psi[2]),
laplace = qlaplace(u, location = psi[1], scale = psi[2]),
t = qt(u, df = psi[1], ncp = psi[2]),
beta = qbeta(u, shape1 = psi[1], shape2 = psi[2]),
gamma = qgamma(u, shape = psi[1], rate = psi[2]),
kumaraswamy = qkumar(u, a = psi[1], b = psi[2]),
empirical = quantile(object$y, u, type = 8),
categorical = sklarsomega::qcat(u, p = psi),
poisson = qpois(u, lambda = psi),
negbinomial = qnbinom(u, mu = psi[1], size = psi[2]))
if (object$control$dist != "categorical" ||
(object$control$dist == "categorical" && length(unique(y)) == object$mpar))
data = cbind(data, as.numeric(y))
j = j + 1
data =
colnames(data) = paste0("sim_", 1:ncol(data))
attr(data, "seed") = seed
#' Return the number of observations for a Sklar's Omega fit.
#' @details This function extracts the number of observations from a model fit, and is principally intended to be used in computing information criteria.
#' @param object a fitted model object.
#' @param ... additional arguments.
#' @return An integer.
#' @seealso \code{\link{AIC}}
#' @method nobs sklarsomega
#' @export
nobs.sklarsomega = function(object, ...)
#' Return the maximum of the Sklar's Omega log objective function.
#' @details This function extracts the maximum value of the log objective function from a model fit, and is principally intended to be used in computing information criteria.
#' @param object a fitted model object.
#' @param ... additional arguments.
#' @return This function returns an object of class \code{logLik}. This is a number with at least one attribute, \code{"df"} (degrees of freedom), giving the number of estimated parameters in the model.
#' @seealso \code{\link{AIC}}
#' @method logLik sklarsomega
#' @export
logLik.sklarsomega = function(object, ...)
result = -object$value
attr(result, "df") = object$npar
class(result) = "logLik"
#' Compute DFBETAs for units and/or coders.
#' @details This function computes DFBETAs for one or more units and/or one or more coders.
#' @param model a fitted model object.
#' @param units a vector of integers. A DFBETA will be computed for each of the corresponding units.
#' @param coders a vector of integers. A DFBETA will be computed for each of the corresponding coders.
#' @param ... additional arguments.
#' @return A list comprising at most two elements.
#' \item{dfbeta.units}{a matrix, the columns of which contain DFBETAs for the units specified via argument \code{units}.}
#' \item{dfbeta.coders}{a matrix, the columns of which contain DFBETAs for the coders specified via argument \code{coders}.}
#' @method influence sklarsomega
#' @references
#' Young, D. S. (2017). \emph{Handbook of Regression Methods}. CRC Press.
#' @references
#' Krippendorff, K. (2013). Computing Krippendorff's alpha-reliability. Technical report, University of Pennsylvania.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # The following data were presented in Krippendorff (2013). After
#' # analyzing the data and displaying a summary of the fit, compute
#' # and display DFBETAs for unit 11 and coders 2 and 3.
#' data.nom = matrix(c(1,2,3,3,2,1,4,1,2,NA,NA,NA,
#' 1,2,3,3,2,2,4,1,2,5,NA,3,
#' NA,3,3,3,2,3,4,2,2,5,1,NA,
#' 1,2,3,3,2,4,4,1,2,5,1,NA), 12, 4)
#' colnames(data.nom) = c("c.1.1", "c.2.1", "c.3.1", "c.4.1")
#' fit.nom =, level = "nominal", confint = "none")
#' summary(fit.nom)
#' (inf = influence(fit.nom, units = 11, coders = c(2, 3)))
#' }
influence.sklarsomega = function(model, units, coders, ...)
dfbeta.units = NULL
if (! missing(units))
dfbeta.units = matrix(NA, length(units), model$npar)
k = 1
for (j in units)
if (model$method != "Bayesian")
fit = try(suppressWarnings($data[-j, ], level = model$level, confint = "none", control = model$control)), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(fit, "try-error") || fit$convergence != 0)
dfbeta.units[k, ] = model$coef - fit$coef
fit =$data[-j, ], level = model$level, control = model$control)
dfbeta.units[k, ] = model$coef - fit$coef
k = k + 1
colnames(dfbeta.units) = names(model$coef)
rownames(dfbeta.units) = units
dfbeta.coders = NULL
if (! missing(coders))
dfbeta.coders = matrix(NA, length(coders), model$npar)
k = 1
for (j in coders)
if (model$method != "Bayesian")
fit = try(suppressWarnings($data[, -j], level = model$level, confint = "none", control = model$control)), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(fit, "try-error") || fit$convergence != 0)
dfbeta.coders[k, ] = model$coef - fit$coef
fit =$data[, -j], level = model$level, control = model$control)
dfbeta.coders[k, ] = model$coef - fit$coef
k = k + 1
colnames(dfbeta.coders) = names(model$coef)
rownames(dfbeta.coders) = coders
result = list()
if (! is.null(dfbeta.units))
result$dfbeta.units = dfbeta.units
if (! is.null(dfbeta.coders))
result$dfbeta.coders = dfbeta.coders
#' Produce a Bland-Altman plot.
#' @details This function produces rather customizable Bland-Altman plots, using the \code{\link{plot}} and \code{\link{abline}} functions. The former is used to create the scatter plot. The latter is used to display the confidence band.
#' @param x the first vector of outcomes.
#' @param y the second vector of outcomes.
#' @param pch the plotting character. Defaults to 20, a bullet.
#' @param col the foreground color. Defaults to black.
#' @param bg the background color. Defaults to black.
#' @param main a title for the plot. Defaults to no title, i.e., \code{""}.
#' @param xlab a title for the x axis. Defaults to \code{"Mean"}.
#' @param ylab a title for the y axis. Defaults to \code{"Difference"}.
#' @param lwd1 the line width for the scatter plot. Defaults to 1.
#' @param lwd2 the line width for the confidence band. Defaults to 1.
#' @param cex scaling factor for the scatter plot. Defaults to 1.
#' @param lcol line color for the confidence band. Defaults to black.
#' @references
#' Altman, D. G. and Bland, J. M. (1983). Measurement in medicine: The analysis of method comparison studies. \emph{The Statistician}, 307--317.
#' @references
#' Nissi, M. J., Mortazavi, S., Hughes, J., Morgan, P., and Ellermann, J. (2015). T2* relaxation time of acetabular and femoral cartilage with and without intra-articular Gd-DTPA2 in patients with femoroacetabular impingement. \emph{American Journal of Roentgenology}, \bold{204}(6), W695.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Produce a Bland-Altman plot for the cartilage dataset.
#' data(cartilage)
#' baplot(cartilage$pre, cartilage$post, pch = 21, col = "navy", bg = "darkorange", lwd1 = 2,
#' lwd2 = 2, lcol = "navy")
baplot = function(x, y, pch = 20, col = "black", bg = "black", main = "", xlab = "Mean",
ylab = "Difference", lwd1 = 1, lwd2 = 1, cex = 1, lcol = "black")
bamean = (x + y) / 2
badiff = y - x
plot(badiff ~ bamean, pch = pch, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, lwd = lwd1, main = main, col = col, bg = bg, cex = cex)
abline(h = c(mean(badiff), mean(badiff) + 2 * sd(badiff), mean(badiff) - 2 * sd(badiff)), lty = 2, lwd = lwd2, col = lcol)
#' Compute confidence/credible intervals for Sklar's Omega.
#' @details This function computes confidence/credible intervals for a Sklar's Omega fit.
#' @param object an object of class \code{"sklarsomega"}, the result of a call to \code{\link{}}.
#' @param parm a specification of which parameters are to be given confidence intervals, either a vector of numbers or a vector of names. If missing, all parameters are considered.
#' @param level the desired confidence level for the interval. The default value is 0.95.
#' @param \dots additional arguments. These are passed to \code{\link{quantile}} if \code{confint} is equal to \code{"bootstrap"}.
#' @return A vector with entries giving lower and upper confidence limits. These will be labelled as (1 - level) / 2 and 1 - (1 - level) / 2.
#' @seealso \code{\link{}}
#' @method confint sklarsomega
#' @references
#' Nissi, M. J., Mortazavi, S., Hughes, J., Morgan, P., and Ellermann, J. (2015). T2* relaxation time of acetabular and femoral cartilage with and without intra-articular Gd-DTPA2 in patients with femoroacetabular impingement. \emph{American Journal of Roentgenology}, \bold{204}(6), W695.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Fit a subset of the cartilage data, assuming a Laplace marginal distribution. Compute
#' # confidence intervals in the usual ML way (observed information matrix). Note that
#' # calling function with confint = bootstrap will lead to bootstrap sampling,
#' # in which case confidence intervals will be bootstrap intervals.
#' data(cartilage)
#' data.cart = as.matrix(cartilage)[1:100, ]
#' colnames(data.cart) = c("c.1.1", "c.2.1")
#' fit.lap =, level = "balance", confint = "asymptotic",
#' control = list(dist = "laplace"))
#' summary(fit.lap)
#' confint(fit.lap, level = 0.99)
confint.sklarsomega = function(object, parm, level = 0.95, ...)
lo = (1 - level) / 2
hi = 1 - lo
probs = c(lo, hi)
if (missing(parm))
pos = 1:length(object$coef)
else if (is.character(parm))
pos = match(parm, names(object$coef))
pos = parm
confint = matrix(NA, length(pos), 2)
if (object$method == "Bayesian")
samples = cbind(object$samples[, pos])
confint = t(apply(samples, 2, hpd, alpha = 1 - level))
else if (object$confint != "none")
boot.sample = cbind(object$boot.sample[, pos])
if (! is.null(boot.sample))
confint = t(apply(boot.sample, 2, quantile, probs, ...))
se = sqrt(diag(object$cov.hat))[pos]
scale = qnorm(hi)
lower = object$coef[pos] - scale * se
upper = object$coef[pos] + scale * se
confint = cbind(lower, upper)
colnames(confint) = probs
rownames(confint) = names(object$coef)[pos]
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