
Defines functions loglik1GivenDelta loglik1 solveForCGivenABD resetSP23Design performInterimLook loglik2.repar0 loglik2 hessian generateInterimData generateClinicalTrialData exploreSP23Design generateSP23Design executeSP23Design computeResponseSummary computeGammaSubT computeDGivenXi mHP.c mHP.b analyzeSP23Design

Documented in analyzeSP23Design computeDGivenXi computeGammaSubT computeResponseSummary executeSP23Design exploreSP23Design generateClinicalTrialData generateInterimData generateSP23Design hessian loglik1 loglik1GivenDelta loglik2 loglik2.repar0 mHP.b mHP.c performInterimLook resetSP23Design solveForCGivenABD

### code chunk number 19: Analyze-Design
analyzeSP23Design <- function(sp23Design, trialHistory = NULL, data = NULL,
                              col=c("red", "red", "brown", "brown"),
                              lty=c(1,2,1,2)) {
  result <- list(responseSummary=NA, designSummary= NA)
  trialParameters <- sp23Design$trialParameters
  numLooks <- length(trialParameters$interimLookTime)
  trialExitTime <- function(historyDF) {
    j <- which(historyDF$acceptH0R > 0)
    if (length(j) <= 0) { ## we did not accept H_0^R
      j <- which(historyDF$rejectH0S > 0)
      if (length(j) <= 0) { ## H_0^S and hence null was NOT rejected
        j <- which(historyDF$acceptH0S > 0) ## H_0^S was accepted somewhere
    trialParameters$interimLookTime[j] ## there should only be 1 such entry
  trialExitLook <- function(historyDF) {
    j <- which(historyDF$acceptH0R > 0)
    if (length(j) <= 0) { ## we did not accept H_0^R
      j <- which(historyDF$rejectH0S > 0)
      if (length(j) <= 0) { ## H_0^S and hence null was NOT rejected
        j <- which(historyDF$acceptH0S > 0) ## H_0^S was accepted somewhere

  if (is.data.frame(trialHistory)) {
    if (is.null(data)) stop("Expect clinical trial data as parameter!")
    exitTime <- trialExitTime(trialHistory)
    interimData <- generateInterimData(data,
    m <- nrow(interimData)
    arm <- factor(ifelse(interimData$treatmentIndicator == 1, "treatment", "control"))
    responder <- factor(ifelse(interimData$responseIndicator == 1, "responder", "non-responder"))
    interimData$arm <- arm
    interimData$responder <- responder
    sFit <- survfit(Surv(timeToEvent, delta) ~ arm + responder, data = interimData)
    plot(sFit, col=col, lty=lty, lwd=2, xlab="Time to Event (yrs)", ylab="Survival",
         xlim=c(0, trialParameters$adminCensoringTime))
    legend <- c(paste(levels(arm)[1], "-", levels(responder)), paste(levels(arm)[2], "-", levels(responder)))
    legend(0.5, 0.2, legend, text.col=col, pt.lwd=2, lty=lty, col=col)
    result$responseSummary<- computeResponseSummary(interimData)
  } else {
    ## Report on the statistics
    numberOfTimesH0RIsRejectedAtFirstLook <- sum(sapply(trialHistory, function(x) x$rejectH0R[1]))
    numberOfTimesH0RIsRejected <- sum(sapply(trialHistory, function(x) (sum(x$rejectH0R) > 0)))
    numberOfTimesStoppedForFutility <- sum(sapply(trialHistory, function(x) sum(x$acceptH0R | x$acceptH0S)))
    numberOfTimesH0SIsRejected <- sum(sapply(trialHistory, function(x) (sum(x$rejectH0S) > 0)))
    numberOfTimesH0SIsAccepted <- sum(sapply(trialHistory, function(x) (sum(x$acceptH0S) > 0)))
    numberOfTimesFutilityDecidedAtLastLook <- sum(sapply(trialHistory, function(x) x$acceptH0S[numLooks]))
    numberOfTimesTrialEndedAtLook <- sapply(1:numLooks,
                                            function(j) sum(sapply(trialHistory, function(x) x$acceptH0R[j] || x$acceptH0S[j] || x$rejectH0S[j])))
    names(numberOfTimesTrialEndedAtLook) <- as.character(trialParameters$interimLookTime)
    trialExitTimes <- sapply(trialHistory, trialExitTime)
    avgExitTime <- mean(trialExitTimes)
    designSummary <- list(numberOfTimesH0RIsRejectedAtFirstLook = numberOfTimesH0RIsRejectedAtFirstLook,
                          numberOfTimesH0RIsRejected = numberOfTimesH0RIsRejected,
                          numberOfTimesStoppedForFutility = numberOfTimesStoppedForFutility,
                          numberOfTimesH0SIsAccepted = numberOfTimesH0SIsAccepted,
                          numberOfTimesH0SIsRejected = numberOfTimesH0SIsRejected,
                          numberOfTimesFutilityDecidedAtLastLook = numberOfTimesFutilityDecidedAtLastLook,
                          numberOfTimesTrialEndedAtLook = numberOfTimesTrialEndedAtLook,
    result$designSummary <- designSummary

### code chunk number 12: Boundary-Function-for-b
mHP.b <- function(mu=c(0,0), v=c(1,2), alpha=0.05, eps=1/2, side=c("one", "two")) {
  side <- match.arg(side)
  vsq = sqrt(v)
  v0 = diag(v)
  if (k > 1) {
  for (i in 1:(k-1))
    for (j in (i+1):k)
      v0[i,j] = v0[j,i] = v[i];

  alphaEps <- alpha * eps
  ## Calculate the prob of stopping at interim looks
  crossingProbDiff <- function(b=3.0) {
    if (length(v) == 1) {
      if (side == "one")
        pnorm(-b * vsq, mean=mu, sd=vsq) - alphaEps
        2 * pnorm(-b * vsq, mean=mu, sd=vsq) - alphaEps
    } else {
      bound <- b * vsq
      if (side == "one")
        1 - pmvnorm(lower = -Inf, upper=bound, mean=mu, sigma=v0, algorithm=Miwa()) - alphaEps
        1 - pmvnorm(lower = -bound, upper=bound, mean=mu, sigma=v0, algorithm=Miwa()) - alphaEps

  if (k==1) {
    if (side=="one")
      list(alpha=alpha, eps=eps, mu=mu, v=v, b=qnorm(1-alphaEps), alpha.spent=alphaEps)
    else if(side=="two")
      list(alpha=alpha, eps=eps, mu=mu, v=v, b=qnorm(1-alphaEps/2), alpha.spent=alphaEps)
  } else {
    w <- uniroot(f=crossingProbDiff,
                 lower=qnorm(1 - alphaEps/2),
                 upper=qnorm(1 - alphaEps / length(mu)/2))
    ##   cat("b=",w$root,"\n")
    list(alpha=alpha, eps=eps, mu=mu, v=v, b=w$root, alpha.spent=w$f.root + alphaEps)

### code chunk number 13: Boundary-Function-for-c
mHP.c <- function(mu=c(0, 0, 0), v=c(1, 2, 3), b=3.0, alpha=0.05, eps=1/2, side=c("one", "two")) {
  side = match.arg(side)
  vsq = sqrt(v)
  bVsq = b * vsq
  for(i in 1:(k-1))
    for(j in (i+1):k)

  crossingProbDiff <- function(c1=3.0) {
    bound <- c(bVsq[1:(k-1)], c1*sqrt(v[k]))
    if (side == "one")
      1-pmvnorm(lower=-Inf, upper=bound, mean=mu, sigma=v0, algorithm=Miwa()) - alpha
      1-pmvnorm(lower=-bound, upper=bound, mean=mu, sigma=v0, algorithm=Miwa()) - alpha

  w <- uniroot(f=crossingProbDiff,
               lower=qnorm(1 - alpha),
  list(alpha=alpha, eps=eps, mu=mu, v=v, b=b, c=w$root,

### code chunk number 5: ComputeDGivenXi
computeDGivenXi <- function(piVec, xiVec) {
  pi0 <- piVec[1]; pi1 <- piVec[2]
  (pi0 * xiVec[1] + 1 - pi0) - (pi1 * xiVec[1] * xiVec[3] + 1 - pi1) * xiVec[2]

### code chunk number 10: ComputeGammaSubT
computeGammaSubT <- function(thetaHat, pi, interimData) {
  hes = hessian(thetaHat, pi, interimData)
  hes[3, 3] - t(hes[3, 1:2]) %*% solve(hes[1:2, 1:2]) %*% hes[1:2, 3]

### code chunk number 3: ComputeResponseSummary-Function
computeResponseSummary <- function(interimData) {
  m = nrow(interimData)
  interimNumberOfEvents = sum(interimData$delta)
  control <- which(interimData$treatmentIndicator == 0)  ## indices of those on control
  treatment <- which(interimData$treatmentIndicator == 1)  ## indices of those on treatment
  m0 <- length(control)  ## number on control
  m1 <- length(treatment)  ## number on treatment
  y0 <- sum(interimData$responseIndicator[control]) ## number of responses in control
  y1 <- sum(interimData$responseIndicator[treatment]) ## number of responses in treatment
  c(m = m, m0 = m0, y0 = y0, m1 = m1, y1 = y1, numberOfTotalResponses = y0 + y1,
    controlRespProp = y0 / m0, treatmentRespProp = y1 / m1, pooledProp = (y0 + y1) / (m0 + m1))

### code chunk number 17: Design-Execution-Function
executeSP23Design <- function(sp23DesignObject, data, currentCalendarTime) {
  ##Find the largest interim look time smaller than calendarTime
  interimLookTime <- sp23DesignObject$trialParameters$interimLookTime
  l <- which(interimLookTime <= currentCalendarTime)
  llen <- length(l)
  if (llen > 0) {
    k <- l[llen] # the last index
    trialParameters <- sp23DesignObject$trialParameters
    glrBoundary <- sp23DesignObject$glrBoundary
    interimLookHistoryDF = sp23DesignObject$interimLookHistoryDF
    interimData <- generateInterimData(data,
    ## this ordering is important for the computation of the
    ## likelihood functions. The ordering is by time to event.
    interimData <- interimData[order(interimData$timeToEvent), ]

    performInterimLook(k, sp23DesignObject$trueParameters, trialParameters, glrBoundary,
                       interimData, interimLookHistoryDF,
                       argRejectH0R = ifelse(k == 1, FALSE, interimLookHistoryDF$rejectH0R[k-1]))
  } else {
    stop(cat("Trial design does not permit an interim look at time", currentCalendarTime, "!\n"))

### code chunk number 15: Design-Generator-function
generateSP23Design <- function(trueParameters, trialParameters) {
  interimLookTime <- trialParameters$interimLookTime
  ## Some sanity checks
  ## Interim look times must be ordered
  if (sum(abs(sort(interimLookTime) - interimLookTime)) > 0) {
    stop(cat("Trial interim Look times", interimLookTime, "must be ordered\n"))
  numLooks <- length(interimLookTime)
  N = sum(trialParameters$numberRecruitedEachYear) ## total no of subjects

  ## Compute the boundaries for efficacy for response
  test1 = mHP.b(mu = numeric(numLooks - 2),
    v = cumsum(trialParameters$numberRecruitedEachYear[1:(numLooks - 2)]),  ## why 1:3???
    alpha = trialParameters$type1ErrorForResponse,
    eps = trialParameters$epsType1,
    side = trialParameters$glrBoundarySidedness)

  test2 = mHP.c(mu = numeric(numLooks - 1),
    v = cumsum(trialParameters$numberRecruitedEachYear),  ## why 1:3???,
    b = test1$b,
    alpha = trialParameters$type1ErrorForResponse,
    eps = trialParameters$epsType1,
    side = trialParameters$glrBoundarySidedness)

  b.resp = c(rep(test1$b, numLooks - 2), test2$c, Inf) ## efficacy boundary

  if (is.na(trialParameters$type2ErrorForResponse)) {
    b.tilde.resp <- rep(Inf, numLooks)
  } else {
    test3 = mHP.b(mu = numeric(numLooks - 2),
      v = cumsum(trialParameters$numberRecruitedEachYear[1:(numLooks - 2)]),
      alpha = trialParameters$type2ErrorForResponse,
      eps = trialParameters$epsType2,
      side = trialParameters$glrBoundarySidedness)
    b.tilde.resp = c(rep(test3$b, numLooks - 2), Inf, Inf) ## futility boundary

  test1 = mHP.b(mu = numeric(numLooks - 1),
    v = 1:(numLooks - 1),
    alpha = trialParameters$type1Error,
    eps = trialParameters$epsType1,
    side = trialParameters$glrBoundarySidedness)
  b.metas = c(rep(test1$b, numLooks - 1), Inf)  ## efficacy boundary

  if (is.na(trialParameters$type2Error)) {
    b.tilde.metas <- rep(Inf, numLooks)
  } else {
    test2 = mHP.b(mu = rep(0, 4),
      v = 1:(numLooks - 1),
      alpha = trialParameters$type2Error,
      eps = trialParameters$epsType2,
      side = trialParameters$glrBoundarySidedness)
    b.tilde.metas = c(rep(test2$b, numLooks - 1), Inf)  ## futility boundary

##  cat("b.resp=",b.resp,"\n")
##  cat("b.tilde.resp=",b.tilde.resp,"\n")
##  cat("b.metas=",b.metas,"\n")
##  cat("b.tilde.metas=",b.tilde.metas,"\n\n")
  glrBoundary <- matrix(c(b.resp, b.tilde.resp, b.metas, b.tilde.metas), ncol=4)
  colnames(glrBoundary) <- c("RespEfficacy", "RespFutility", "SurvEfficacy", "SurvFutility")

  naVector <- rep(NA, numLooks) # a qty we reuse
  logicalVector <- logical(numLooks) # another qty we reuse.
  interimLookHistoryDF <- data.frame(m0 = naVector,
                                     m1 = naVector,
                                     y0 = naVector,
                                     y1 = naVector,
                                     pi0Hat = naVector,
                                     pi1Hat = naVector,
                                     pi0HatH0 = naVector,
                                     pi1HatH0 = naVector,
                                     pi0HatH1 = naVector,
                                     pi1HatH1 = naVector,
                                     glrRespH0 = naVector,
                                     glrRespH1 = naVector,
                                     hazard = naVector,
                                     alphaHat = naVector,
                                     betaHat = naVector,
                                     gammaHat = naVector,
                                     alphaHatH0 = naVector,
                                     betaHatH0 = naVector,
                                     gammaHatH0 = naVector,
                                     alphaHatH1 = naVector,
                                     betaHatH1 = naVector,
                                     gammaHatH1 = naVector,
                                     glrSurvH0 = naVector,
                                     glrSurvH1 = naVector,
                                     v = naVector,
                                     usedV = naVector,
                                     rejectH0R = logicalVector,
                                     acceptH0R = logicalVector,
                                     rejectH0S = logicalVector,
                                     acceptH0S = logicalVector
  list(trueParameters = trueParameters, trialParameters=trialParameters,
       glrBoundary=glrBoundary, interimLookHistoryDF=interimLookHistoryDF)

### code chunk number 18: Explore-Design-Function
exploreSP23Design <- function(sp23Design, numberOfSimulations = 25,
                              rngSeed = 12345, showProgress=TRUE) {
  trialHistory <-  vector(mode="list", length=numberOfSimulations)
  if (showProgress) pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = numberOfSimulations, style = 3)
  for (i in 1:numberOfSimulations) {
    sp23DesignObj <- resetSP23Design(sp23Design) ## reset statistics
    trialParameters <- sp23DesignObj$trialParameters
    trueParameters <- sp23DesignObj$trueParameters
    d <- generateClinicalTrialData(nRec = trialParameters$numberRecruitedEachYear,
                                   nFUp = trialParameters$followupTime,
                                   pi0 = trueParameters$p0,
                                   pi1 = trueParameters$p1,
                                   theta = trueParameters$theta,
                                   lambda0 = trueParameters$baselineLambda)
    interimLookTime <- sp23DesignObj$trialParameters$interimLookTime
    numLooks <- length(interimLookTime)
    for (k in 1:numLooks) {
      result <- executeSP23Design(sp23DesignObj, d, interimLookTime[k])
      ## We gather the data for the interim history for the next look
      for (x in names(sp23DesignObj$interimLookHistoryDF)) {
        sp23DesignObj$interimLookHistoryDF[k, x] <- result[x]
      ## Need to also store the last beta if calculated, but easier to store it any way
      if (k == numLooks) {
        sp23DesignObj$glrBoundary[k, "SurvEfficacy"] <- result["b.metas.Last"]
        sp23DesignObj$glrBoundary[k, "SurvFutility"] <- result["b.metas.Last"]
      if (result["acceptH0R"] || result["acceptH0S"] ||
          (result["rejectH0R"] && result["rejectH0S"]) ) {
        ## we accepted H_0^R, or accepted H_0^S or rejected the composite null of (H_0^R & H_0^S)
        ## So we are done
    trialHistory[[i]] <- sp23DesignObj$interimLookHistoryDF
    if (showProgress) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
  if (showProgress) close(pb)

### code chunk number 1: Generate-Clinical-Trial-Data-Function
generateClinicalTrialData <- function(nRec, nFUp, pi0, pi1,
                                      theta, lambda0, blockSize = 10) {
  ## nRec       is the number of patients recruited every year. Length(nRec) is the
  ##            number of years of recruitment
  ## nFUp       is the number of additional years of followup
  ## pi0         the probability of response under control arm
  ## pi1         the probability of response under treatment arm
  ## theta      the three dimensional parameter (alpha, beta, gamma) of the joint response/survival model
  ## lambda0    the baseline hazard rate
  ## blockSize  the size of the blocks for randomization of the treatment/control
  ## Returns a data frame with rows in order of patient entry

  N <- sum(nRec) # Total number recruited
  ## Check that blockSize is even and that blockSize divides N
  nBlocks <- N / blockSize
  if (trunc(blockSize / 2) * 2 != blockSize
      || trunc(nBlocks) * blockSize != N) {
    stop("Improper blocksize or number of subjects recruited")

  ## Generate uniform entry times in each recruitment year
  entryTime <- sort(unlist(lapply(1:length(nRec), function(j) runif(nRec[j], j-1, j))))

  ## Generate treatment indicators (1 = treatment, 0 = control)
  treatmentIndicator <-
    unlist(lapply(1:nBlocks, function(x) sample(c(rep(0, blockSize / 2), rep(1, blockSize / 2)))))

  ## Generate Bernoulli responses with appropriate probabilities
  responseIndicator <- integer(N)
  responseIndicator[treatmentIndicator == 1] <- rbinom(sum(treatmentIndicator), 1, pi1)
  responseIndicator[treatmentIndicator == 0] <- rbinom(N-sum(treatmentIndicator), 1, pi0)

  ## Compute hazard rate per model
  rate = lambda0 *
    exp(theta$alpha * responseIndicator +
        theta$beta *  treatmentIndicator +
        theta$gamma * responseIndicator * treatmentIndicator)
  ## Generate time to event
  timeToEvent <- rexp(N, rate = rate)

  ## Construct data frame of result, name variables appropriately
  result <- data.frame(entryTime=entryTime, responseIndicator=responseIndicator,
                       treatmentIndicator=treatmentIndicator, timeToEvent=timeToEvent)
  rownames(result) <- paste("Pat", 1:N, sep=".")

### code chunk number 2: Generate-Interim-Data-Function
generateInterimData <- function(clinicalTrialDF, interimTime, administrativeCensoringTime) {
  ## Given a clinical trial data frame (with variables
  ## entryTime, responseIndicator, treatmentIndicator, timeToEvent)
  ## and a calendar interimTime, generate a data frame that represents the interim
  ## data at the interimTime.
  ## administrativeCensoringTime is the time when the study ends
  ## Return data frame with timeToEvent calculated as if we at interimTime,
  ## and add a variable called eventTime, which is calendar time of event,
  ## that is, timeToEvent + entryTime
  ## Narrow to data of interest
  ##d <- clinicalTrialDF[clinicalTrialDF$entryTime <= interimTime, ]
  ##N <- nrow(d)
  d <- clinicalTrialDF
  ## perform a parallel minimum
  interimTimeToEvent <- pmin(d$timeToEvent,
                             pmax(0, interimTime - d$entryTime))  ## T_i(t)
  d$delta <- ifelse(interimTimeToEvent == d$timeToEvent, 1, 0) ## delta_i(t)
  d$timeToEvent <- interimTimeToEvent
  d$eventTime <- d$timeToEvent + d$entryTime ## calendar event time
  d[d$timeToEvent > 0, ] ##restrict to patients seen up to time t

### code chunk number 11: Hessian
hessian <- function(theta, pi, interimData) {
  m = nrow(interimData)
  x <- cbind(interimData$responseIndicator,
             interimData$responseIndicator * interimData$treatmentIndicator)

  w1 <- theta[1] * x[, 1] + theta[2] * x[, 2] + theta[3] * x[, 3]
  expW1 <- exp(w1)
  w2 <- rev(cumsum(rev(expW1)))
  u <- matrix(0, nrow=m, ncol=3)
  for (jj in 1:3)
    for (ii in 1:m)
      u[ii, jj] <- sum(x[ii:m, jj] * expW1[ii:m]) / w2[ii]

  likdot <- t(interimData$delta) %*% (x - u)

  likddot <- matrix(0, nrow=3 ,ncol=3)
  u2 <- matrix(0, nrow=3, ncol=3)
  for (ii in 1:m) {
    u2[1:3 , 1:3] <- 0  ## zero out u2
    for (jj in ii:m) {
      u2 <- u2 + (x[jj, ] %*% t(x[jj, ])) * expW1[jj]
    likddot <- likddot + interimData$delta[ii] * (u2 / w2[ii] - u[ii,] %*% t(u[ii,]))
  likddot = -likddot

  pi0 <- pi[1]; pi1 <- pi[2];
  xi <- exp(theta)
  d0 <- (pi0*xi[1]+1-pi0)-(pi1*xi[1]*xi[3]+1-pi1)*xi[2]

  B <- (pi0 * xi[1] + 1-pi0) - (1 - pi1) * xi[2] - d0

  A1 <- pi0 * xi[1] / B - 1
  A2 <- -(1 - pi1) * xi[2] / B - 1
  A3 <- -1 / B
  D2 <- rbind(c(1, 0, 0), c(0, 1, 0), c(A1, A2, A3))

  D <- matrix(0, 3, 3)
  D[1, 1] <- -A1 * (A1 + 1)
  D[2, 2] <- -A2 * (A2 + 1)
  D[1, 2] <- D[2, 1] <- -(A1 + 1) * (A2 + 1)
  D[2, 3] <- D[3, 2] <- -A3 * (A2 + 1)
  D[1, 3] <- D[3, 1] <- -A3 * (A1 + 1)
  D[3, 3] <- -A3^2
  - (likdot[3] * D + t(D2) %*% likddot %*% D2)

### code chunk number 8: Partial-Likelihood
loglik2 <- function(theta, interimData) {
  w <- theta[1] * interimData$responseIndicator + theta[2] * interimData$treatmentIndicator +
    theta[3] * interimData$responseIndicator * interimData$treatmentIndicator ## alpha*Y + beta * Z + gamma * Y * Z
  w1 = rev(cumsum(rev(exp(w))))
  sum(interimData$delta * (w - log(w1)))

### code chunk number 9: Partial-Likelihood
loglik2.repar0 <- function(xi, interimData, pi0, pi1, eta.hyp = 0) {
  theta <- c(log(xi[1]), log(xi[2]),
  log((pi0 * xi[1] + 1 - pi0 - (1 - pi1) * xi[2] - eta.hyp) / (pi1 * xi[1] * xi[2])))
  w <- theta[1] * interimData$responseIndicator + theta[2] * interimData$treatmentIndicator +
    theta[3] * interimData$responseIndicator * interimData$treatmentIndicator ## alpha*Y + beta * Z + gamma * Y * Z
  w1 = rev(cumsum(rev(exp(w))))
  sum(interimData$delta * (w - log(w1)))

### code chunk number 14: PerformInterimLookFunction
performInterimLook <-
function(k, trueParameters, trialParameters, glrBoundary,
                               interimData, interimLookHistoryDF, argRejectH0R) {
#  cat("k = ", k, "\n")
  result <- c(rep(NA, ncol(interimLookHistoryDF)-4), FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, NA)
  names(result) <- c(names(interimLookHistoryDF), "b.metas.Last")
  numLooks <- length(trialParameters$interimLookTime)
  pdiff.hyp <- trueParameters$pdiffHyp
  m <- nrow(interimData)
  interimNumberOfEvents = sum(interimData$delta)
  ## Compute some quantities
  responseSummary <- computeResponseSummary(interimData)
  piHat <- responseSummary[c("controlRespProp", "treatmentRespProp")]
  pi0Hat <- piHat[1] ; pi1Hat <- piHat[2]
  piHatH0 <- rep(responseSummary["pooledProp"], 2)
  w1 <- loglik1(piVec = piHat, responseSummary)
  ## Compute GLR for Response
  glrRespH0 <- w1 - loglik1(piVec = piHatH0, responseSummary)
  ## Record values
  result["m0"] <- responseSummary["m0"]; result["m1"] <- responseSummary["m1"]
  result["y0"] <- responseSummary["y0"]; result["y1"] <- responseSummary["y1"]
  result["pi0Hat"] <- pi0Hat; result["pi1Hat"] <- pi1Hat
  result["pi0HatH0"] <- piHatH0[1]; result["pi1HatH0"] <- piHatH0[2]
  result["glrRespH0"] <- glrRespH0

  rejectH0R <- argRejectH0R ## Make a current copy

  ## Skip if you have already rejected H_0^R
  if (!rejectH0R) { # This comes from previous interim look!
    rejectH0R <- ((2 * glrRespH0 >= glrBoundary[k, "RespEfficacy"]^2) && (pi0Hat < pi1Hat)) ## Response efficacy
    ##result["rejectH0R"] <- rejectH0R
    ## Now you have not rejected H_0^R, check for futility
    if (!rejectH0R) { ## This comes from current interim look
      initialPStart <- max(piHat[1] - responseSummary["m1"] * pdiff.hyp / responseSummary["m"], 0.01)
      test <- optim(par = initialPStart,
                    fn = loglik1GivenDelta,
                    respSummary = responseSummary, delta = pdiff.hyp,
                    lower = 0.001, upper = 0.999 - pdiff.hyp,
      piHatH1 <- c(test$par, test$par + pdiff.hyp)
      glrRespH1 <- w1 - loglik1(piVec = piHatH1, responseSummary)
      ## record values
      result["pi0HatH1"] <- piHatH1[1]; result["pi1HatH1"] <- piHatH1[2]; result["glrRespH1"] <- glrRespH1
      ##futility test equation 19 of paper
      acceptH0R <- ((2 * glrRespH1 >= glrBoundary[k, "RespFutility"]^2) && (pi1Hat < pi0Hat + pdiff.hyp))
      result["acceptH0R"] <- acceptH0R
  result["rejectH0R"] <- rejectH0R
  ## If, by the penultimate look H_0^R is not rejected, give up
  if ((k == (numLooks - 1)) && !rejectH0R) {
    acceptH0R <- TRUE
    result["acceptH0R"] <- acceptH0R
  } else {
    ## You might have rejected H_0^R in a previous look OR in the current look
    ## so you have test on the flag again!
    if (rejectH0R) {
      rejectH0S <- acceptH0S <- FALSE ## initially false
      if (k < numLooks) { # for all but final looks
        test <- optim(par=c(0,0,0), fn=loglik2,
                      interimData=interimData, control=list(fnscale=-1))
        ## Store the MLE theta.hat
        thetaHat <- test$par
        xiHat <- exp(thetaHat)
        hazard = computeDGivenXi(piHat, xiHat)
##        cat("thetaHat=", thetaHat, "\n")
        test <- constrOptim(theta=c(1.5, 0.5),
                            ui=rbind(c(1, 0), c(0, 1), c(pi0Hat, pi1Hat - 1)),
                            ci=c(0, 0, pi0Hat - 1 + 0),
                            interimData=interimData, pi0=pi0Hat, pi1=pi1Hat)
        ## Now compute the c back (= w)
        w <- solveForCGivenABD(piHat, test$par[1], test$par[2], d=0)
        thetaHatH0 <- log(c(test$par, w))
        w1 = loglik2(theta = thetaHat, interimData)
        glrSurvH0 = w1 - loglik2(theta = thetaHatH0, interimData)
        if (hazard < trueParameters$etaHyp) {
          test <- constrOptim(theta=c(3.0, 0.2),
                              ui=rbind(c(1,0), c(0,1), c(pi0Hat, pi1Hat-1)),
                              ci=c(0, 0, trueParameters$etaHyp - (1 - pi0Hat) + 0),
                              interimData=interimData, pi0=pi0Hat, pi1=pi1Hat,
          w = solveForCGivenABD(piHat, test$par[1], test$par[2], trueParameters$etaHyp)
          glrSurvH1 = w1 - loglik2(theta = thetaHatH1, interimData)
        } else {
          thetaHatH1 <- rep(NA, 3)
          glrSurvH1 = NA
        ## Record quantities
        result["glrSurvH0"] <- glrSurvH0; result["glrSurvH1"] <- glrSurvH1
        result["alphaHat"] <- thetaHat[1]; result["betaHat"] <- thetaHat[2]; result["gammaHat"] <- thetaHat[3];
        result["hazard"] <- hazard
        result["alphaHatH0"] <- thetaHatH0[1]; result["betaHatH0"] <- thetaHatH0[2]; result["gammaHatH0"] <- thetaHatH0[3];
        result["alphaHatH1"] <- thetaHatH1[1]; result["betaHatH1"] <- thetaHatH1[2]; result["gammaHatH1"] <- thetaHatH1[3];

        ## Start test for efficacy
        ## Now have to take into account that we may have too few events
        ## TO BE > any interim # of events
        if (interimNumberOfEvents >= trialParameters$minimumNumberOfEvents) {
          ## CHECK CHECK CHECK for proper args theta and pi
          v <- computeGammaSubT(thetaHat = thetaHatH0, pi = piHat, interimData)
          result["v"] <- v
          if (v > 0) {
            usedVIndices <- which(interimLookHistoryDF$usedV > 0)
            nUV <- length(usedVIndices)
            if (nUV > 0) {
              ## Only record if it is large enough compared to the previous recorded value
              if (v >= interimLookHistoryDF$usedV[usedVIndices[nUV]] * (1 + trialParameters$minimumIncreaseInV))
                result["usedV"] <- v
            } else {
              result["usedV"] <- v
          rejectH0S <- ((2 * glrSurvH0 >= glrBoundary[k, "SurvEfficacy"]^2) && (hazard > 0))
          result["rejectH0S"] <- rejectH0S
        ## End test for efficacy
        ## Start test for futility
        acceptH0S <- ((2 * glrSurvH1 >= glrBoundary[k, "SurvFutility"]^2) && (hazard < trueParameters$etaHyp))
        result["acceptH0S"] <- acceptH0S
        ## End test for futility
      } else { ## final look
        test <- optim(par=c(0,0,0), fn=loglik2,
                      interimData=interimData, control=list(fnscale=-1))
        ## Store the MLE theta.hat
        thetaHat <- test$par
        xiHat <- exp(thetaHat)
        hazard = computeDGivenXi(piHat, xiHat)
##        cat("thetaHat=", thetaHat, "\n")
        test <- constrOptim(theta=c(1.5,0.5),
                            ui=rbind(c(1, 0), c(0, 1), c(pi0Hat, pi1Hat - 1)),
                            ci=c(0, 0, pi0Hat - 1 + 0),
                            interimData=interimData, pi0=pi0Hat, pi1=pi1Hat)
        ## Now compute the c back (= w)
        w <- solveForCGivenABD(piHat, test$par[1], test$par[2], d=0)
        thetaHatH0 <- log(c(test$par, w))
        w1 = loglik2(theta = thetaHat, interimData)
        glrSurvH0 = w1 - loglik2(theta = thetaHatH0, interimData)
        ## Record quantities
        result["glrSurvH0"] <- glrSurvH0
        result["alphaHat"] <- thetaHat[1]; result["betaHat"] <- thetaHat[2]; result["gammaHat"] <- thetaHat[3];
        result["hazard"] <- hazard
        result["alphaHatH0"] <- thetaHatH0[1]; result["betaHatH0"] <- thetaHatH0[2]; result["gammaHatH0"] <- thetaHatH0[3];
        v <- computeGammaSubT(thetaHat = thetaHatH0, pi = piHat, interimData)
        result["v"] <- result["usedV"] <- v
        usedVIndices <- which(interimLookHistoryDF$usedV > 0)
        nUV <- length(usedVIndices)
##        cat("before nUV", nUV, "nonZeroVIndices", nonZeroVIndices, "\n")
##        cat("V So far", interimLookHistoryDF$v, "\n")
        usedV <- { if (nUV > 0) c(interimLookHistoryDF$usedV[usedVIndices], v) else v }
        nUV <- length(usedV)
##        cat("after nUV", nUV, "usedV", usedV, "\n")
        if (nUV == 1) {
          b.metas.Last <- qnorm(1 - trialParameters$type1Error)
        } else if (nUV >= 2) {
          if (usedV[nUV] < usedV[nUV-1]){
            b.metas.Last <- Inf
          } else {
            test <- mHP.c(mu=numeric(nUV),
                          b=glrBoundary[1, "SurvEfficacy"], alpha=trialParameters$type1Error,
            b.metas.Last <- test$c
        result["b.metas.Last"] <- b.metas.Last
        ##        cat("c=", b.metas.Last,"\n")
        ##        cat("k=5 (final look): UsedV=",usedV,"\n")
        ## Check boundary crossing for c=b.metas[k]
        rejectH0S <- ((2 * glrSurvH0 >= b.metas.Last^2) && (hazard > 0))
        acceptH0S <- !rejectH0S
        result["rejectH0S"] <- rejectH0S
        result["acceptH0S"] <- acceptH0S
  ## Return result vector

### code chunk number 16: Reset-Design-Function
resetSP23Design <- function(sp23Design) {
  numLooks <- length(sp23Design$trialParameters$interimLookTime)
  naVector <- rep(NA, numLooks) # a qty we reuse
  logicalVector <- logical(numLooks) # another qty we reuse.

  interimLookHistoryDF <- data.frame(m0 = naVector,
                                     m1 = naVector,
                                     y0 = naVector,
                                     y1 = naVector,
                                     pi0Hat = naVector,
                                     pi1Hat = naVector,
                                     pi0HatH0 = naVector,
                                     pi1HatH0 = naVector,
                                     pi0HatH1 = naVector,
                                     pi1HatH1 = naVector,
                                     glrRespH0 = naVector,
                                     glrRespH1 = naVector,
                                     hazard = naVector,
                                     alphaHat = naVector,
                                     betaHat = naVector,
                                     gammaHat = naVector,
                                     alphaHatH0 = naVector,
                                     betaHatH0 = naVector,
                                     gammaHatH0 = naVector,
                                     alphaHatH1 = naVector,
                                     betaHatH1 = naVector,
                                     gammaHatH1 = naVector,
                                     glrSurvH0 = naVector,
                                     glrSurvH1 = naVector,
                                     v = naVector,
                                     usedV = naVector,
                                     rejectH0R =  logicalVector,
                                     acceptH0R =  logicalVector,
                                     rejectH0S =  logicalVector,
                                     acceptH0S =  logicalVector
  list(trueParameters = sp23Design$trueParameters, trialParameters=sp23Design$trialParameters,
       glrBoundary=sp23Design$glrBoundary, interimLookHistoryDF=interimLookHistoryDF)

### code chunk number 4: SolveForCGivenABD
solveForCGivenABD <- function(piVec, a, b, d) {
  pi0 <- piVec[1]; pi1 <- piVec[2]
  ((pi0 * a + 1 - pi0) - (1 - pi1) * b - d) / (pi1 * a *b)

### code chunk number 6: likelihood1
loglik1 <- function(piVec, respSummary) {
  y0 <- respSummary["y0"]
  y1 <- respSummary["y1"]
  m0 <- respSummary["m0"]
  m1 <- respSummary["m1"]
  pi0 <- piVec[1]
  pi1 <- piVec[2]

  if ( ( (pi0 <= 0) && (y0 == 0) ) || ( (m0 == y0) && (pi0 >= 1) ) ) {
    term1PlusTerm2 <- 0
  } else {
    term1PlusTerm2 <- y0 * log(pi0) + (m0 - y0) * log(1 - pi0)

  if ( ( (pi1 <= 0) && (y1 == 0) ) || ( (m1 == y1) && (pi1 >= 1) ) ) {
    term3PlusTerm4 <- 0
  } else {
    term3PlusTerm4 <- y1 * log(pi1) + (m1 - y1) * log(1 - pi1)
  term1PlusTerm2 + term3PlusTerm4

### code chunk number 7: maxlikelihood1
loglik1GivenDelta <- function(p, respSummary, delta=0) {
  y0 <- respSummary["y0"]
  y1 <- respSummary["y1"]
  m0 <- respSummary["m0"]
  m1 <- respSummary["m1"]
  p1 <- p + delta

  if ( ( (p <= 0) && (y0 == 0) ) || ( (m0 == y0) && (p >= 1) ) ) {
    term1PlusTerm2 <- 0
  } else {
    term1PlusTerm2 <- -y0 * log(p) - (m0 - y0) * log(1 - p)

  if ( ( (p1 <= 0) && (y1 == 0) ) || ( (m1 == y1) && (p1 >= 1) ) ) {
    term3PlusTerm4 <- 0
  } else {
    term3PlusTerm4 <- -y1 * log(p1) - (m1 - y1) * log(1 - p1)
  term1PlusTerm2 + term3PlusTerm4

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