#' @title worker function for K-nearest points on network
#' @description The worker the K-nearest points for a set of points on a network.
#' @param points A feature collection of points, for each point, its k nearest
#' neighbours will be found on the network.
#' @param lines A feature collection of lines representing the network
#' @param k An integer indicating the number of neighbours to find..
#' @param direction Indicates a field providing information about authorized
#' travelling direction on lines. if NULL, then all lines can be used in both
#' directions. Must be the name of a column otherwise. The values of the
#' column must be "FT" (From - To), "TF" (To - From) or "Both".
#' @param use_dest A boolean indicating if the origins and separations are
#' separated (TRUE), FALSE if only origins are used.
#' @param verbose A Boolean indicating if the function should print its
#' progress
#' @param digits The number of digits to retain in the spatial coordinates (
#' simplification used to reduce risk of topological error)
#' @param tol A float indicating the spatial tolerance when points are
#' added as vertices to lines.
#' @return A list with two matrices, one with the index of the neighbours and
#' one with the distances.
#' @importFrom sf st_drop_geometry
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' #no example provided, this is an internal function
network_knn_worker <- function(points, lines, k, direction = NULL, use_dest = FALSE, verbose = verbose, digits = digits, tol=tol){
## step1 : adding the points to the lines
lines$worker_id <- 1:nrow(lines)
points$nearest_line_id <- as.numeric(as.character(points$nearest_line_id))
joined <- data.table(st_drop_geometry(points))
B <- data.table(st_drop_geometry(lines))
joined[B, on = c("nearest_line_id" = "tmpid"),
names(B) := mget(paste0("i.", names(B)))]
## step2 : adding the points to the lines
print("adding the points as vertices to nearest lines")
graph_lines <- split_lines_at_vertex(lines, points, joined$worker_id, 1)
graph_lines$lx_length <- as.numeric(st_length(graph_lines))
## step4 : building the graph
print("build the local graph")
graph_lines$lx_weight <- (graph_lines$lx_length / graph_lines$line_length) * graph_lines$line_weight
if (is.null(direction)){
result_graph <- build_graph(graph_lines, digits = digits,
attrs = TRUE, line_weight = "lx_weight")
#dir <- ifelse(graph_lines[[direction]]=="Both",0,1)
#graph_lines$direction <- graph_lines[[direction]]
result_graph <- build_graph_directed(graph_lines, digits = digits,
attrs = TRUE, line_weight='lx_weight',
direction = direction)
points$vertex <- closest_points(points,result_graph$spvertices)
if(use_dest) {
endV <- unique(subset(points, points$type == "destination")$vertex)
startV <- unique(subset(points, points$pttype == "start" & points$type == "origin")$vertex)
endV <- unique(points$vertex)
startV <- unique(subset(points, points$pttype == "start")$vertex)
## step4 : calculating the distances between each vertex
print("calculating the distances on the graph")
distmat <- igraph::distances(result_graph$graph,
mode = "out", v = startV, to = endV)
rownames(distmat) <- startV
colnames(distmat) <- endV
points$ch_vertex <- as.character(points$vertex)
## step5 find for each observation its n nearest neighbours
ok_points <- subset(points, points$type == "origin" & points$pttype == "start")
raiseWarning <- FALSE
ok_pt_data <- st_drop_geometry(ok_points)
values <- lapply(1:nrow(ok_points), function(i){
row <- ok_pt_data[i,]
vert <- row$ch_vertex
dists <- distmat[vert,]
bests <- sort(dists)[1:(k+1)]
sub <- subset(points, points$ch_vertex %in% names(bests) & points$oids != row$oids)
distsf <- bests[sub$ch_vertex]
fids <- sub$oids
fids <- fids[order(distsf)]
distsf <- distsf[order(distsf)]
n <- length(fids)
if(n == 0){
fids <- rep(NA,(k))
distsf <- rep(NA,(k))
if(n < k){
fids <- c(fids, rep(NA,(k-length(fids))))
distsf <- c(distsf, rep(NA,(k-length(distsf))))
raiseWarning <<- TRUE
fids <- fids[1:k]
distsf <- distsf[1:k]
return(list(fids, distsf))
warning("Several points share the exact same location, see details of the function network_knn for more information")
## creating matrices
matdists <-,lapply(values, function(l){
matoids <-,lapply(values, function(l){
rownames(matdists) <- ok_points$oids
rownames(matoids) <- ok_points$oids
return (list(matdists, matoids))
#' @title K-nearest points on network
#' @description Calculate the K-nearest points for a set of points on a network.
#' @template knn-args
#' @details The k nearest neighbours of each point are found by using the network distance.
#' The results could not be exact if some points share the exact same location. As an example,
#' consider the following case. If A and B are two points at the exact same location, and C is
#' a third point close to A and B. If the 1 nearest neighbour is requested for C, the function
#' could return either A or B but not both. When such situation happens, a warning is raised by
#' the function.
#' @return A list with two matrices, one with the index of the neighbours and
#' one with the distances.
#' @importFrom sf st_coordinates st_length st_buffer st_intersects
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar setTxtProgressBar
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data(main_network_mtl)
#' data(mtl_libraries)
#' results <- network_knn(mtl_libraries, main_network_mtl,
#' k = 3, maxdistance = 1000, line_weight = "length",
#' grid_shape=c(1,1), verbose = FALSE)
#' }
network_knn <- function(origins, lines, k, destinations = NULL, maxdistance = 0, snap_dist=Inf, line_weight = "length", direction=NULL, grid_shape=c(1,1), verbose = FALSE, digits = 3, tol=0.1){
## quick sanity check before starting
sanity_check_knn(origins = origins, destinations = destinations,
lines = lines, k = k, maxdistance = maxdistance,
snap_dist = snap_dist, line_weight = line_weight,
direction = direction, grid_shape = grid_shape,
verbose = verbose, digits = digits, tol = tol)
## step0 adjusting the weights of the lines
lines$tmpid <- 1:nrow(lines)
lines$line_length <- as.numeric(st_length(lines))
lines$line_weight <- as.numeric(st_length(lines))
}else {
lines$line_weight <- lines[[line_weight]]
stop("the weights of the lines must be superior to 0")
## step1 adjusting the directions of the lines
if(is.null(direction) == FALSE){
lines <- lines_direction(lines,direction)
## step2 snap points on the lines
use_dest <- FALSE
origins$type <- "origin"
origins$base_oid <- 1:nrow(origins)
comb_pts <- origins[c("base_oid","type")]
use_dest <- TRUE
destinations$base_oid <- 1:nrow(destinations)
destinations$type <- "destination"
origins$base_oid <- 1:nrow(origins)
origins$type <- "origin"
comb_pts <- rbind(origins[c("base_oid","type")], destinations[c("base_oid","type")])
print("snapping the points to the lines (only once)")
snapped_points <- snapPointsToLines2(comb_pts,lines, idField="tmpid")
## step 3 building grid
grid <- build_grid(grid_shape,list(comb_pts,lines))
print("preparing the data in the grid")
ids <- 1:nrow(grid)
list_elements <- prepare_elements_netlistw(ids,grid,snapped_points,lines,maxdistance)
## step7 iterating over the grid
listvalues <- lapply(1:nrow(grid),function(i){
quadra <- grid[i,]
print(paste("working on quadra : ",i,"/",nrow(grid),sep=""))
elements <- list_elements[[i]]
}else {
all_pts <- elements[[1]]
selected_lines <- elements[[2]]
#calculating the elements
values <- network_knn_worker(points = all_pts, lines = selected_lines, k = k, direction=direction,
use_dest = use_dest,
verbose = verbose, digits = digits, tol=tol)
## step8 combining the results in two global matrices
okvalues <- listvalues[lengths(listvalues) != 0]
matdists <-, lapply(okvalues, function(l){
matoids <-, lapply(okvalues, function(l){
matoids <- matoids[order(as.numeric(rownames(matoids))),]
matdists <- matdists[order(as.numeric(rownames(matdists))),]
## dealing with special cases
if(k == 1){
matoids <- matrix(matoids, ncol = 1)
matdists <- matrix(matdists, ncol = 1)
if (use_dest){
matoids <- matoids - (nrow(origins))
return(list("distances" = matdists,
"ids" = matoids))
#' @title K-nearest points on network (multicore version)
#' @description Calculate the K-nearest points for a set of points on a network with multicore support.
#'@template knn-args
#' @return A list with two matrices, one with the index of the neighbours and
#' one with the distances.
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar setTxtProgressBar
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data(main_network_mtl)
#' data(mtl_libraries)
#' future::plan(future::multisession(workers=1))
#' results <-, main_network_mtl,
#' k = 3, maxdistance = 1000, line_weight = "length",
#' grid_shape=c(1,1), verbose = FALSE)
#' ## make sure any open connections are closed afterward
#' if (!inherits(future::plan(), "sequential")) future::plan(future::sequential)
#' } <- function(origins, lines, k, destinations = NULL, maxdistance = 0, snap_dist = Inf, line_weight = "length", direction=NULL, grid_shape=c(1,1), verbose = FALSE, digits = 3, tol=0.1){
## quick sanity check before starting
sanity_check_knn(origins, destinations,
lines, k, maxdistance, snap_dist,
line_weight, direction, grid_shape,
verbose, digits, tol)
## step0 adjusting the weights of the lines
lines$tmpid <- 1:nrow(lines)
lines$line_length <- as.numeric(st_length(lines))
lines$line_weight <- as.numeric(st_length(lines))
}else {
lines$line_weight <- lines[[line_weight]]
stop("the weights of the lines must be superior to 0")
## step1 adjusting the directions of the lines
if(is.null(direction) == FALSE){
lines <- lines_direction(lines,direction)
## step2 snap points on the lines
use_dest <- FALSE
origins$type <- "origin"
origins$base_oid <- 1:nrow(origins)
comb_pts <- origins[c("base_oid","type")]
use_dest <- TRUE
destinations$base_oid <- 1:nrow(destinations)
destinations$type <- "destination"
origins$base_oid <- 1:nrow(origins)
origins$type <- "origin"
comb_pts <- rbind(origins[c("base_oid","type")], destinations[c("base_oid","type")])
print("snapping the points to the lines (only once)")
snapped_points <- snapPointsToLines2(comb_pts,lines, idField="tmpid")
## step 3 building grid
grid <- build_grid(grid_shape,list(comb_pts,lines))
print("preparing the data in the grid")
all_is <- 1:nrow(grid)
iseq <- list()
cnt <- 0
for(i in 1:grid_shape[[1]]){
start <- cnt*grid_shape[[2]]+1
iseq[[length(iseq)+1]] <- list(cnt+1,all_is[start:(start+grid_shape[[2]]-1)])
listelements <- future.apply::future_lapply(iseq,function(ii){
elements <- prepare_elements_netlistw(ii[[2]],grid,snapped_points,lines,maxdistance)
listelements <- unlist(listelements,recursive = FALSE)
## step7 iterating over the grid
listvalues <- future.apply::future_lapply(listelements,function(elements){
##step1 : preparing elements
}else {
all_pts <- elements[[1]]
selected_lines <- elements[[2]]
#calculating the elements
values <- network_knn_worker(all_pts, selected_lines, k, direction = direction,
use_dest = use_dest,
verbose = verbose, digits = digits, tol=tol)
## step8 combining the results in two global matrices
okvalues <- listvalues[lengths(listvalues) != 0]
matdists <-, lapply(okvalues, function(l){
matoids <-, lapply(okvalues, function(l){
matoids <- matoids[order(as.numeric(rownames(matoids))),]
matdists <- matdists[order(as.numeric(rownames(matdists))),]
## dealing with special cases
if(k == 1){
matoids <- matrix(matoids, ncol = 1)
matdists <- matrix(matdists, ncol = 1)
if (use_dest){
matoids <- matoids - (nrow(origins))
return(list("distances" = matdists,
"ids" = matoids))
#' @title Sanity check for the knn functions
#' @description Check if all the parameters are valid for the knn functions
#' @param origins A a feature collection of points, for each point, its k nearest
#' neighbours will be found on the network.
#' @param destinations A a feature collection of points, might be used if the neighbours
#' must be found in a separate dataset. NULL if the neighbours must be found in
#' origins.
#' @param lines A a feature collection of linestrings representing the network
#' @param k An integer indicating the number of neighbours to find..
#' @param maxdistance The maximum distance between two observations to
#' consider them as neighbours. It is useful only if a grid is used, a
#' lower value will reduce calculating time, but one must be sure that the
#' k nearest neighbours are within this radius. Otherwise NAs will be present
#' in the final matrices.
#' @param snap_dist The maximum distance to snap the start and end points on
#' the network.
#' @param line_weight The weighting to use for lines. Default is "length"
#' (the geographical length), but can be the name of a column. The value is
#' considered proportional to the geographical length of the lines.
#' @param direction Indicates a field providing information about authorized
#' travelling direction on lines. if NULL, then all lines can be used in both
#' directions. Must be the name of a column otherwise. The values of the
#' column must be "FT" (From - To), "TF" (To - From) or "Both".
#' @param grid_shape A vector of length 2 indicating the shape of the grid to
#' use for splitting the dataset. Default is c(1,1), so all the calculation is
#' done in one go. It might be necessary to split it if the dataset is large.
#' @param verbose A Boolean indicating if the function should print its
#' progress
#' @param digits The number of digits to retain in the spatial coordinates (
#' simplification used to reduce risk of topological error)
#' @param tol A float indicating the spatial tolerance when points are
#' added as vertices to lines.
#' @return A list with two matrices, one with the index of the neighbours and
#' one with the distances.
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar setTxtProgressBar
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' #no example provided, this is an internal function
sanity_check_knn <- function(origins, destinations, lines, k, maxdistance, snap_dist, line_weight, direction, grid_shape, verbose , digits, tol){ # nocov start
## check des types destinations, lines et origins
if(class(origins)[[1]] != "sf"){
stop("The origins must be a feature collection of points")
if(unique(st_geometry_type(origins)) != "POINT"){
stop("The origins must be a feature collection of points")
if(is.null(destinations) == FALSE){
if(class(destinations)[[1]] != "sf"){
stop("The destinations must be NULL or a feature collection of points")
if(unique(st_geometry_type(destinations)) != "POINT"){
stop("The destinations must be NULL or a feature collection of points")
if(class(lines)[[1]] != "sf"){
stop("The lines must be a feature collection of linestrings")
if(unique(st_geometry_type(lines)) != "LINESTRING"){
stop("The lines must be a feature collection of linestrings")
## check des types numerics
if((all.equal(k, as.integer(k))) == FALSE | k < 1){
stop("The k parameter must be an integer >=1 ")
if(is.numeric(maxdistance) == FALSE | maxdistance < 0){
stop("The maxdistance parameter must be a postive numeric")
if(is.numeric(snap_dist) == FALSE | snap_dist < 0){
stop("The snap_dist parameter must be a postive numeric")
if(line_weight != "length" & line_weight %in% names(lines) == FALSE){
stop("line_weight must be 'length' or a column in lines")
if(line_weight != "length"){
if(is.numeric(lines[[line_weight]]) == FALSE){
stop("line_weight must a numeric column in lines")
## check de directions
if(is.null(direction) == FALSE){
stop("direction must be the name of a column in lines")
vals <-lines[[direction]]
diffs <- union(unique(vals), c("TF","FT","Both"))
if(length(diffs) != 3){
stop("the values in the column direction must be in c('TF', 'FT', 'Both')")
## check grid shape
if(all(grid_shape == floor(grid_shape)) == FALSE){
stop("the values in grid shape must all be integers")
stop("grid_shape must be a vector with a length of 2")
if(sum(grid_shape) > 2 & maxdistance == 0){
stop("When a grid is used (grid_shape != c(1,1)), a maxdistance > 0 must be provided. It is used to ensure that neighbours under that distance are not missed even if the study area is split")
## check the final parameters
if(verbose %in% c(TRUE,FALSE) == FALSE){
stop("verbose must be a boolean")
if((all.equal(digits, as.integer(digits))) == FALSE){
stop("digits must be an integer")
if(is.numeric(tol) == FALSE){
stop("tol must be a numeric")
} # nocov end
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