# Copyright 2001-6 by Roger Bivand, bugfix large n Ronnie Babigumira
joincount <- function(dums, listw) {
nc <- which(colSums(dums) > 1)
# n <- length(listw$neighbours)
cardnb <- card(listw$neighbours)
res <- as.numeric(rep(0, ncol(dums)))
for (lev in nc) {
res[lev] <- .Call("jcintern", listw$neighbours,
listw$weights, as.integer(dums[,lev]),
as.integer(cardnb), PACKAGE="spdep")
joincount.test <- function(fx, listw, zero.policy=attr(listw, "zero.policy"),
alternative="greater", sampling="nonfree",
spChk=NULL, adjust.n=TRUE) {
if (is.null(zero.policy))
zero.policy <- get("zeroPolicy", envir = .spdepOptions)
alternative <- match.arg(alternative, c("greater", "less", "two.sided"))
sampling <- match.arg(sampling, c("nonfree", "free"))
if (!inherits(listw, "listw")) stop(paste(deparse(substitute(listw)),
"is not a listw object"))
if (!is.factor(fx)) stop(paste(deparse(substitute(x)),
"is not a factor"))
if (any( stop("NA in factor")
n <- length(listw$neighbours)
if (n != length(fx)) stop("objects of different length")
cards <- card(listw$neighbours)
if (!zero.policy && any(cards == 0))
stop("regions with no neighbours found")
if (is.null(spChk)) spChk <- get.spChkOption()
if (spChk && !chkIDs(fx, listw))
stop("Check of data and weights ID integrity failed")
wc <- spweights.constants(listw, zero.policy=zero.policy,
S02 <- wc$S0*wc$S0
ff <- ~ fx - 1
dums <- model.matrix(ff, model.frame(ff))
BB <- joincount(dums, listw)
nBB <- length(BB)
if (nBB < 1) stop("non-positive BB length")
res <- vector(mode="list", length=nBB)
tab <- table(fx)
BB5 <- 0.5 * BB
ntab <- as.numeric(as.vector(tab))
# comment and bug report by Tomoki NAKAYA about no-neighbour observations
# if (adjust.n) {
N <- wc$n
# } else {
# N <- n
# wc$n1 <- N-1
# wc$n2 <- N-2
# wc$n3 <- N-3
# }
if (sampling == "nonfree") {
Ejc <- (wc$S0*(ntab*(ntab-1))) / (2*N*wc$n1) # CO 1981 p. 20 (1.31)
Vjc <- (wc$S1*(ntab*(ntab-1))) / (N*wc$n1)
Vjc <- Vjc + (((wc$S2 - 2*wc$S1)*ntab*(ntab-1)*(ntab-2)) /
Vjc <- Vjc + (((S02 + wc$S1 - wc$S2)*ntab*(ntab-1)*(ntab-2)*
(ntab-3)) / (N*wc$n1*wc$n2*wc$n3))
Vjc <- (0.25 * Vjc) - Ejc^2 # CO 1981 p. 20 (1.32)
} else if (sampling == "free") {
p <- ntab/n
Ejc <- (wc$S0*(p^2))/2 # CO 1981 p. 20 (1.25)
Vjc <- ((wc$S1*(p^2)) +
((wc$S2-2*wc$S1)*(p^3)) +
((wc$S1-wc$S2)*(p^4)))/4 # CO 1981 p. 20 (1.26)
} else stop("sampling must be nonfree or free")
for (i in 1:nBB) {
estimate <- c(BB5[i], Ejc[i], Vjc[i])
names(estimate) <- c("Same colour statistic",
"Expectation", "Variance")
statistic <- (BB5[i] - Ejc[i]) / sqrt(Vjc[i])
names(statistic) <- paste("Std. deviate for", names(tab)[i])
p.value <- NA
if (is.finite(statistic)) {
if (alternative == "two.sided")
p.value <- 2 * pnorm(abs(statistic), lower.tail=FALSE)
else if (alternative == "greater")
p.value <- pnorm(statistic, lower.tail=FALSE)
else p.value <- pnorm(statistic)
if (!is.finite(p.value) || p.value < 0 || p.value > 1)
warning("Out-of-range p-value: reconsider test arguments")
method <- paste0("Join count test under ", sampling,
" sampling") <- paste(deparse(substitute(fx)), "\nweights:",
deparse(substitute(listw)), "\n")
res[[i]] <- list(statistic=statistic, p.value=p.value,
estimate=estimate, method=method,
class(res[[i]]) <- "htest"
class(res) <- "jclist"
print.jclist <- function(x, ...) {
for (i in seq(along=x)) print(x[[i]], ...)
} <- function(fx, listw, nsim, zero.policy=attr(listw, "zero.policy"),
alternative="greater", spChk=NULL) {
alternative <- match.arg(alternative, c("greater", "less", "two.sided"))
if(!inherits(listw, "listw")) stop(paste(deparse(substitute(listw)),
"is not a listw object"))
if (is.null(zero.policy))
zero.policy <- get("zeroPolicy", envir = .spdepOptions)
if(!is.factor(fx)) stop(paste(deparse(substitute(fx)),
"is not a factor"))
if(missing(nsim)) stop("nsim must be given")
if (any( stop("NA in factor")
n <- length(listw$neighbours)
if (n != length(fx)) stop("objects of different length")
cards <- card(listw$neighbours)
if (!zero.policy && any(cards == 0))
stop("regions with no neighbours found")
if (is.null(spChk)) spChk <- get.spChkOption()
if (spChk && !chkIDs(fx, listw))
stop("Check of data and weights ID integrity failed")
gamres <- suppressWarnings(nsim > gamma(n + 1))
if (gamres) stop("nsim too large for this number of observations")
ff <- ~ fx - 1
dums <- model.matrix(ff, model.frame(ff))
nc <- ncol(dums)
if (nc < 1) stop("non-positive nc")
if (nsim < 1) stop("non-positive nsim")
res <- matrix(0, nrow=nsim+1, ncol=nc)
res[nsim+1,] <- 0.5 * joincount(dums, listw)
tab <- table(fx)
for (i in 1:nsim) {
fxi <- sample(fx)
ff <- ~ fxi - 1
dums <- model.matrix(ff, model.frame(ff))
res[i,] <- 0.5 * joincount(dums, listw)
rankres <- apply(res, 2, rank)
xrank <- rankres[nrow(rankres),]
lres <- vector(mode="list", length=nc)
for (i in 1:nc) {
statistic <- res[nrow(res), i]
names(statistic) <- paste("Join-count statistic for",
parameter <- xrank[i]
names(parameter) <- "rank of observed statistic"
diff <- nsim - xrank[i]
diff <- ifelse(diff > 0, diff, 0)
if (alternative == "less")
pval <- punif((diff + 1)/(nsim + 1), lower.tail=FALSE)
else if (alternative == "greater")
pval <- punif((diff + 1)/(nsim + 1))
else pval <- punif(abs(xrank[i] - (nsim+1)/2)/(nsim + 1),
0, 0.5, lower.tail=FALSE)
if (!is.finite(pval) || pval < 0 || pval > 1)
warning("Out-of-range p-value: reconsider test arguments")
method <- "Monte-Carlo simulation of join-count statistic" <- paste(deparse(substitute(fx)), "\nweights:",
"\nnumber of simulations + 1:", nsim+1, "\n")
estimate <- c(mean(res[-(nrow(res)), i]),
var(res[-(nrow(res)), i]))
names(estimate) <- c("mean of simulation",
"variance of simulation")
lres[[i]] <- list(statistic=statistic, parameter=parameter,
method=method,, p.value=pval,
alternative=alternative, estimate=estimate, res=res[,i])
class(lres[[i]]) <- c("htest", "mc.sim")
class(lres) <- "jclist"
joincount.multi <- function(fx, listw, zero.policy=attr(listw, "zero.policy"), #adjust.n=TRUE,
spChk=NULL, adjust.n=TRUE) {
if(!inherits(listw, "listw")) stop(paste(deparse(substitute(listw)),
"is not a listw object"))
if(!is.factor(fx)) stop(paste(deparse(substitute(fx)),
"is not a factor"))
if (any( stop("NA in factor")
if (is.null(zero.policy))
zero.policy <- get("zeroPolicy", envir = .spdepOptions)
n <- length(listw$neighbours)
if (n != length(fx)) stop("objects of different length")
cards <- card(listw$neighbours)
if (!zero.policy && any(cards == 0))
stop("regions with no neighbours found")
if (is.null(spChk)) spChk <- get.spChkOption()
if (spChk && !chkIDs(fx, listw))
stop("Check of data and weights ID integrity failed")
ifx <- as.integer(fx)
k <- length(levels(fx))
if (k < 2) stop("must be at least two levels in factor")
sn <- listw2sn(listw)
y <- factor(paste(ifx[sn[,1]], ":", ifx[sn[,2]], sep=""),
levels=as.vector(outer(1:k, 1:k,
FUN=function(X,Y) paste(X,Y,sep=":"))))
res <- matrix(tapply(sn[,3], y, sum), ncol=k)/2
res[] <- 0
rownames(res) <- colnames(res) <- levels(fx)
tab <- table(fx)
ntab <- as.numeric(as.vector(tab))
wc <- spweights.constants(listw, zero.policy=zero.policy,
# comment and bug report by Tomoki NAKAYA about no-neighbour observations
# if (adjust.n) {
N <- wc$n
# } else {
# N <- n
# wc$n1 <- N-1
# wc$n2 <- N-2
# wc$n3 <- N-3
# }
S02 <- wc$S0*wc$S0
Ejc <- (wc$S0*(ntab*(ntab-1))) / (2*N*wc$n1)
Vjc <- (wc$S1*(ntab*(ntab-1))) / (N*wc$n1)
Vjc <- Vjc + (((wc$S2 - 2*wc$S1)*ntab*(ntab-1)*(ntab-2)) /
Vjc <- Vjc + (((S02 + wc$S1 - wc$S2)*ntab*(ntab-1)*(ntab-2)*
(ntab-3)) / (N*wc$n1*wc$n2*wc$n3))
Vjc <- (0.25 * Vjc) - Ejc^2
nrns <- function(x, op="*") {
k <- length(x)
res <- numeric(((k^2) - k)/2)
ii <- 1
for (i in 2:k) {
for (j in 1:(i-1)) {
if (is.character(op) && op == "*") {
res[ii] <- x[i]*x[j]
} else if (is.character(op) && op == "+") {
res[ii] <- x[i]+x[j]
ii <- ii+1
ldiag <- numeric(((k^2) - k)/2)
diffcolnames <- character(((k^2) - k)/2)
ii <- 1
for (i in 2:k) {
for (j in 1:(i-1)) {
ldiag[ii] <- res[i,j] + res[j,i]
diffcolnames[ii] <- paste(levels(fx)[i],
levels(fx)[j], sep=":")
ii <- ii+1
Exp <- (wc$S0*(nrns(ntab, op="*"))) / (N*wc$n1)
Var <- (2*wc$S1*nrns(ntab, op="*"))/(N*wc$n1)
Var <- Var + (((wc$S2 - 2*wc$S1)*nrns(ntab, op="*")*
(nrns(ntab, op="+")-2))/(N*wc$n1*wc$n2))
Var <- Var + ((4*(S02 + wc$S1 - wc$S2)*nrns((ntab*(ntab-1)), op="*")) /
Var <- (0.25 * Var) - Exp^2
Jtot <- sum(ldiag)
JtotExp <- sum(Exp)
Jvar <- ((wc$S2/(N*wc$n1))-((4*(S02 + wc$S1 - wc$S2)*wc$n1) /
(N*wc$n1*wc$n2*wc$n3)))*sum(nrns(ntab, op="*"))
Jvar <- Jvar + 4*(((wc$S1 - wc$S2)/(N*wc$n1*wc$n2*wc$n3)) +
sum(nrns(ntab^2, op="*"))
if(k>2) {
ntnsnr <- as.numeric(0)
for (r in 1:(k-2)) {
for (s in (r+1):(k-1)) {
for (t in (s+1):(k)) {
ntnsnr <- ntnsnr +
Jvar <- Jvar + (((2*wc$S1 - 5*wc$S2)/(N*wc$n1*wc$n2))+
((12*(S02 + wc$S1 - wc$S2))/(N*wc$n1*wc$n2*wc$n3))+
if(k>3) {
nuntnsnr <- as.numeric(0)
for (r in 1:(k-3)) {
for (s in (r+1):(k-2)) {
for (t in (s+1):(k-1)) {
for (u in (t+1):(k)) {
nuntnsnr <- nuntnsnr +
Jvar <- Jvar - 8*(((wc$S1 - wc$S2)/(N*wc$n1*wc$n2*wc$n3))+
Jvar <- (0.25 * Jvar)
statistic <- (c(diag(res), ldiag, Jtot) - c(Ejc, Exp, JtotExp)) /
sqrt(c(Vjc, Var, Jvar))
lres <- cbind(c(diag(res), ldiag, Jtot), c(Ejc, Exp, JtotExp),
c(Vjc, Var, Jvar), statistic)
colnames(lres) <- c("Joincount", "Expected", "Variance",
rownames(lres) <- c(paste(levels(fx), ":", levels(fx), sep=""),
diffcolnames, "Jtot")
class(lres) <- c("jcmulti", "matrix")
print.jcmulti <- function(x, ...) {
printCoefmat(x, ...)
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