
Defines functions correlations_test correlation_test heatmap_correlations correlations_dataset volcano_plot_fc_tt plot_ttests tTests_dataset tTests_pvalue plot_kstest ksTest_dataset plot_fold_change fold_change fold_change_var plot_anova trim multifactor_aov_varexp_table multifactor_aov_pvalues_table plot_kruskaltest kruskalTest_dataset

Documented in correlations_dataset correlations_test correlation_test fold_change fold_change_var heatmap_correlations kruskalTest_dataset ksTest_dataset multifactor_aov_pvalues_table multifactor_aov_varexp_table plot_anova plot_fold_change plot_kruskaltest plot_kstest plot_ttests tTests_dataset volcano_plot_fc_tt

# univariate tests
# type: "anova", "ttest", "foldchange" or "correlation" analysis
# column.class: which column of metadata will be used (index or name)
# ref.class: reference value of metadata variable that will be used in fold change
# method: method used in correlation analysis

"univariate_analysis" = function(dataset, type = "anova", column.class, ref.class, 
                                 method = "pearson"){
	if (type == "anova"){
		result = aov_all_vars(dataset, column.class)
  else if (type == "ttest"){
		result = tTests_dataset(dataset, column.class)
  else if (type == "foldchange"){
		result = fold_change(dataset, column.class, ref.class)
  else if (type == "correlation"){
		result = correlations_dataset(dataset, method)
  else stop("Type of univariate analysis not defined")


####################### Kruskal-Wallis #######################

kruskalTest_dataset = function(dataset, metadata.var, threshold = NULL, write.file = FALSE, file.out = "kruskal.csv"){
	classes = dataset$metadata[,metadata.var]
	kruskal.results = c()
	for (i in 1:length(rownames(dataset$data))){
		kruskal.result = kruskal.test(dataset$data[i,], classes)
		kruskal.results = c(kruskal.results, kruskal.result$p.value)
	p.log = -log10(kruskal.results)
	fdr.p = p.adjust(kruskal.results, "fdr")
	kr.table = data.frame(cbind(kruskal.results, p.log, fdr.p))
	colnames(kr.table) = c("p.value","-log10","fdr")
	rownames(kr.table) = rownames(dataset$data)
	if (!is.null(threshold)) {
	    kr.table = kr.table[kr.table$p.value <= threshold,]    
	kr.order = order(kr.table[,1])
	kr.table = kr.table[kr.order,,drop=FALSE]
	if (write.file) write.csv(kr.table, file=file.out)

plot_kruskaltest = function(dataset, kr.results, kr.threshold = 0.01) {
  orig.ord = intersect (get_x_values_as_text(dataset), rownames(kr.results))
  kr.orig = kr.results[orig.ord,]
  kr.lower = which(kr.orig$p.value < kr.threshold)

  cols = vector("character", nrow(kr.orig))
  for(i in 1:nrow(kr.orig))
    if (i %in% kr.lower) cols[i] = "blue"
    else cols[i] = "gray"
  plot(kr.orig$"-log10", xlab = get_x_label(dataset), ylab = "-log10(p)", col = cols, pch = 19, xaxt="n")
  axis(1, at = 1:length(rownames(kr.orig)),labels = rownames(kr.orig))
  abline(h = -log10(kr.threshold), col = "lightblue")

"aov_one_var" = function(dataset, x.val, groups, doTukey= TRUE)
  values = get_data_values(dataset, x.val)
  resaov = aov(values ~ groups)
  res = list()
  res$pvalue = summary(resaov)[[1]]$'Pr(>F)'[1]
  res$log = -1*log10(res$pvalue)
  res$fdr = p.adjust(res$pvalue, "fdr")
  if (doTukey) {
    resTukey = TukeyHSD(resaov)
    inx <- resTukey$groups[,"p adj"] <= 0.05
    res$tukey = paste(rownames(resTukey$groups)[inx], collapse="; ")

"aov_all_vars" = function(dataset, column.class, doTukey= TRUE, 
                          write.file = FALSE, file.out = "anova-res.csv" )
  groups = dataset$metadata[,column.class]
  pvalues = c()
  logs = c()
  fdr = c()
  if (doTukey) tukeys = c()
  for(i in 1:nrow(dataset$data))
    resi = aov_one_var(dataset, rownames(dataset$data)[i], groups, doTukey)
    pvalues[i] = resi$pvalue
    logs[i] = resi$log
    if (doTukey) tukeys[i] = resi$tukey
  fdr = p.adjust(pvalues,"fdr")
  res = data.frame(pvalues, logs, fdr)
  if (doTukey) res$tukey = tukeys
  rownames(res) = rownames(dataset$data)
  aov.table = res[order(pvalues),]
  if (write.file) write.csv(aov.table, file=file.out)

"multifactor_aov_onevar" = function(dataset, x.val, metadata.vars, combination) {
  values = get_data_values(dataset, x.val)
  sub.df = dataset$metadata[,metadata.vars]
  sub.df = cbind(values,sub.df)
  terms = names(sub.df)[2:ncol(sub.df)]
  terms = cbind(terms, combination)
  resaov = aov(reformulate(terms, "values"), data = sub.df)
  aov.summary = summary(resaov)[[1]]

"multifactor_aov_all_vars" = function(dataset, metadata.vars, combination)
  #m = matrix(NA, nrow(dataset$data), length(metadata.vars))
  #rownames(m) = rownames(dataset$data)
  m = vector("list",nrow(dataset$data))

  for(i in 1:nrow(dataset$data))
    m[[i]] = multifactor_aov_onevar(dataset, rownames(dataset$data)[i], metadata.vars, combination)
  names(m) = rownames(dataset$data)

  #aov.table = as.data.frame(m)
  #if (is.numeric(metadata.vars)) colnames(aov.table) = colnames(dataset$metadata)[metadata.vars]
  #else colnames(aov.table) = metadata.vars
  #if (write.file) write.csv(aov.table, file=file.out)

multifactor_aov_pvalues_table = function(multifactor.aov.results, write.file = FALSE, file.out = "multi-anova-pvalues.csv"){
	num_vars = length(multifactor.aov.results[[1]]$'Pr(>F)') - 1
	m = matrix(NA, length(multifactor.aov.results), num_vars)
	rownames(m) = names(multifactor.aov.results)
	for (i in 1:length(multifactor.aov.results)){
		m[i,] = multifactor.aov.results[[i]]$'Pr(>F'[1:num_vars]
	aov.table = as.data.frame(m)
	colnames(aov.table) = trim(head(rownames(multifactor.aov.results[[1]]),-1))
	if (write.file) write.csv(aov.table, file = file.out)

multifactor_aov_varexp_table = function(multifactor.aov.results, write.file = FALSE, file.out = "multi-anova-varexp.csv"){
  num_vars = length(multifactor.aov.results[[1]]$'Sum Sq') # - 1
  m = matrix(NA, length(multifactor.aov.results), num_vars)
  rownames(m) = names(multifactor.aov.results)
  for (i in 1:length(multifactor.aov.results)){
    ssq = sum(multifactor.aov.results[[i]]$'Sum Sq')
    m[i,] = multifactor.aov.results[[i]]$'Sum Sq'[1:num_vars] /ssq
  aov.table = as.data.frame(m)
  colnames(aov.table) = trim(rownames(multifactor.aov.results[[1]]))
  if (write.file) write.csv(aov.table, file = file.out)

trim <- function( x ) {
  gsub("(^[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]+$)", "", x)

plot_anova = function(dataset, anova.results, anova.threshold = 0.01, reverse.x = FALSE) {
  orig.ord = intersect (specmine::get_x_values_as_text(dataset), rownames(anova.results))
  anova.orig = anova.results[orig.ord,]
  anova.lower = which(anova.orig$pvalues < anova.threshold)
  cols = vector("character", nrow(anova.orig))
  for(i in 1:nrow(anova.orig)){
    if (i %in% anova.lower) cols[i]="blue"
    else cols[i] = "gray"
  vars = rownames(anova.orig)
  if(dataset$type%in%c("lcms-spectra", "gcms-spectra", "lcms-peaks", "gcms-peaks")){
    vars=gsub("/.*", "", (vars))
    plot(anova.orig$"logs", xlab = "", ylab = "-log10(p)", col = cols, pch = 19, xaxt="n")
    axis(1, at=1:length(vars), labels=vars, las=2, cex.axis = 0.6)
    if (reverse.x){
      xlim = c(max(as.numeric(vars)), min(as.numeric(vars)))
    } else {
      xlim = range(as.numeric(vars))
    plot(vars,anova.orig$"logs", xlab = specmine::get_x_label(dataset), ylab = "-log10(p)", col = cols, pch = 19, xlim = xlim)
  abline(h = -log10(anova.threshold), col = "lightblue")

##################### FOLD CHANGE ############################
fold_change_var = function(dataset, metadata.var, variables, threshold.min.fc = NULL, 
								write.file = FALSE, file.out = "fold_change_reverse.csv"){
	samp.classes = dataset$metadata[,metadata.var]
	datamat = t(dataset$data)
	means = matrix(ncol = 2, nrow = length(levels(samp.classes)))
	for (i in 1:length(levels(samp.classes))){
		means[i,1] = mean(datamat[which(samp.classes == levels(samp.classes)[i]), variables[1]])
		means[i,2] = mean(datamat[which(samp.classes == levels(samp.classes)[i]), variables[2]])
	#indexes = as.integer(samp.classes)
	#dataset = aggregate.samples(dataset, indexes, aggreg.fn = "mean")
	#datamat = t(dataset$data)
	#mean1 = rowMeans(datamat)
	fc.all = means[,1] / means[,2]
	fc.log = log2(fc.all)
	fc.res = data.frame(fc.all, fc.log)
	rownames(fc.res) = levels(samp.classes)
	colnames(fc.res) = c("FoldChange", "log2(FC)")
	  if (!is.null(threshold.min.fc)) {
	      fc.res = fc.res[fc.res$FoldChange > threshold.min.fc | fc.res$FoldChange < 1/threshold.min.fc,]
	  fold.order = order(abs(fc.res[,2]), decreasing = TRUE)
	  fc.res = fc.res[fold.order,,drop=FALSE]
	if (write.file) write.csv(fc.res, file = file.out)

fold_change = function(dataset, metadata.var, ref.value, threshold.min.fc = NULL,
                       write.file = FALSE, file.out = "fold_change.csv" ) {
  datamat = dataset$data
  samp.classes = dataset$metadata[,metadata.var]
	mean1 = rowMeans(datamat[,which(samp.classes == ref.value)])
	mean2 = rowMeans(datamat[,which(samp.classes != ref.value)])
	fc.all = mean2/mean1
	fc.log = log2(fc.all)
	fc.res = data.frame(fc.all, fc.log)
	rownames(fc.res) = rownames(datamat)
	colnames(fc.res) = c("FoldChange", "log2(FC)")
  if (!is.null(threshold.min.fc)) {
    fc.res = fc.res[fc.res$FoldChange > threshold.min.fc | fc.res$FoldChange < 1/threshold.min.fc,]
  fold.order = order(abs(fc.res[,2]), decreasing = TRUE)
  fc.res = fc.res[fold.order,,drop=FALSE]
  if (write.file) write.csv(fc.res, file = file.out)

plot_fold_change = function(dataset, fc.results, fc.threshold, plot.log = TRUE, var = FALSE, xlab = "") {
  if (var == FALSE){
	orig.ord = intersect (get_x_values_as_text(dataset), rownames(fc.results))
	fc.orig = fc.results[orig.ord,]
	xlabel = get_x_label(dataset)
  } else {
	fc.orig = fc.results
	xlabel = xlab
  fc.higher = which(fc.orig$FoldChange > fc.threshold | 
                    fc.orig$FoldChange < 1/fc.threshold)
  cols = vector("character", nrow(fc.orig))
  for(i in 1:nrow(fc.orig))
    if (i %in% fc.higher) cols[i] = "blue"
    else cols[i] = "gray"
  if (plot.log) {
    max = max ( max(abs(fc.orig$"log2(FC)")), abs(log2(fc.threshold)) )
    plot(fc.orig$"log2(FC)", xlab = xlabel, ylab = "Log2FoldChange", 
         col = cols, pch = 19, ylim = c(-max,max), xaxt="n")
    axis(1, at = 1:length(rownames(fc.orig)),labels = rownames(fc.orig))
    abline(h = log2(fc.threshold), col = "lightblue")
    abline(h = -log2(fc.threshold), col = "lightblue")
    abline(h = 0)
  else {
    max = max ( max(fc.orig$FoldChange), fc.threshold )
    min = min ( min(fc.orig$FoldChange), 1/fc.threshold) 
    plot(fc.orig$FoldChange, xlab = xlabel, ylab = "FoldChange", 
         col = cols, pch = 19, ylim = c(min,max), xaxt="n")
    axis(1, at = 1:length(rownames(fc.orig)),labels = rownames(fc.orig))
    abline(h = fc.threshold, col = "lightblue")
    abline(h = 1/fc.threshold, col = "lightblue")
    abline(h = 1)

####################### Kolmogorov-Smirnov #######################

ksTest_dataset = function(dataset, metadata.var, threshold = NULL, write.file = FALSE, file.out = "ks.csv"){
	classes = dataset$metadata[,metadata.var]
	class.levels = levels(classes)
	sub.ds1 = subset_samples_by_metadata_values(dataset, metadata.var, class.levels[1])
	sub.ds2 = subset_samples_by_metadata_values(dataset, metadata.var, class.levels[2])
	ks.results = c()
	for (i in rownames(dataset$data)){
		ks.result = ks.test(sub.ds1$data[i,], sub.ds2$data[i,])
		ks.results = c(ks.results, ks.result$p.value)
	p.log = -log10(ks.results)
	fdr.p = p.adjust(ks.results, "fdr")
	ks.table = data.frame(cbind(ks.results, p.log, fdr.p))
	colnames(ks.table) = c("p.value","-log10","fdr")
	rownames(ks.table) = rownames(dataset$data)
	if (!is.null(threshold)) {
	    ks.table = ks.table[ks.table$p.value <= threshold,]    
	ks.order = order(ks.table[,1])
	ks.table = ks.table[ks.order,,drop=FALSE]
	if (write.file) write.csv(ks.table, file=file.out)

plot_kstest = function(dataset, ks.results, ks.threshold = 0.01) {
  orig.ord = intersect (get_x_values_as_text(dataset), rownames(ks.results))
  ks.orig = ks.results[orig.ord,]
  ks.lower = which(ks.orig$p.value < ks.threshold)

  cols = vector("character", nrow(ks.orig))
  for(i in 1:nrow(ks.orig))
    if (i %in% ks.lower) cols[i] = "blue"
    else cols[i] = "gray"
  plot(ks.orig$"-log10", xlab = get_x_label(dataset), ylab = "-log10(p)", col = cols, pch = 19, xaxt="n")
  axis(1, at = 1:length(rownames(ks.orig)),labels = rownames(ks.orig))
  abline(h = -log10(ks.threshold), col = "lightblue")

####################### T-TESTS ##################################

tTests_pvalue = function(datamat, samp.classes) {
	p.value = try(genefilter::rowttests(datamat, samp.classes)$p.value);
	if (class(p.value) == "try-error"){
		p.value = NA
	} else {
		names(p.value) = rownames(datamat)
	res = data.frame(p.value)
  rownames(res) = names(p.value)

tTests_dataset = function(dataset, metadata.var, threshold = NULL,
                          write.file= FALSE, file.out = "ttests.csv") {
	datamat = dataset$data
  samp.classes = dataset$metadata[,metadata.var]
  res.p.values = tTests_pvalue (datamat, samp.classes)
	p.log = -log10(res.p.values$p.value)
  fdr.p = p.adjust(res.p.values$p.value, "fdr")
	ttests.table = cbind(res.p.values, p.log, fdr.p)
	colnames(ttests.table) = c("p.value","-log10","fdr")
	if (!is.null(threshold)) {
    ttests.table = ttests.table[ttests.table$p.value <= threshold,]
	ttests.order = order(ttests.table[,1])
	ttests.table = ttests.table[ttests.order,,drop=FALSE]
	if (write.file) write.csv(ttests.table, file=file.out)

plot_ttests = function(dataset, tt.results, tt.threshold = 0.01) {
  orig.ord = intersect (get_x_values_as_text(dataset), rownames(tt.results))
  tt.orig = tt.results[orig.ord,]
  tt.lower = which(tt.orig$p.value < tt.threshold)

  cols = vector("character", nrow(tt.orig))
  for(i in 1:nrow(tt.orig))
    if (i %in% tt.lower) cols[i] = "blue"
    else cols[i] = "gray"
  plot(tt.orig$"-log10", xlab = get_x_label(dataset), ylab = "-log10(p)", col = cols, pch = 19, xaxt="n")
  axis(1, at = 1:length(rownames(tt.orig)),labels = rownames(tt.orig))
  abline(h = -log10(tt.threshold), col = "lightblue")

####################### VOLCANO PLOT FOR T-TESTS & FOLD CHANGES #######

volcano_plot_fc_tt = function(dataset, fc.results, tt.results, 
                              fc.threshold = 2, tt.threshold = 0.01) 
  ## test if compatible
  if (nrow(fc.results) != nrow(tt.results))
    stop("Fold change and ttest results are not compatible")
  int = intersect(rownames(fc.results), rownames(tt.results))
  if (length(int) != nrow(fc.results))
    stop("Fold change and ttest results are not compatible")
  orig.ord = intersect (get_x_values_as_text(dataset), rownames(tt.results))
  tt.orig = tt.results[orig.ord,]
  fc.orig = fc.results[orig.ord,]
  fc.new.values = sapply(fc.orig$FoldChange, function(x){ if (x < 1) return (1/x) else return (x) })
  to.color = which(tt.orig$p.value < tt.threshold & 
                  fc.new.values > fc.threshold)
  cols = vector("character", nrow(tt.orig))
  texts = vector("character", nrow(tt.orig))
  for(i in 1:nrow(tt.orig))
    if (i %in% to.color) {
      cols[i] = "blue"
      texts[i] = orig.ord[i]
  else {
    cols[i] = "gray"
    texts[i] = ""
  plot(fc.orig$"log2(FC)", tt.orig$"-log10", xlab = "log2(FC)", ylab = "-log10(p)", 
       col = cols, pch = 19)
  text(fc.orig$"log2(FC)", tt.orig$"-log10", texts, cex = 0.6, col = "blue", srt = -30, pos = 1)
  abline(h = -log10(tt.threshold), col = "lightblue")
  abline(v = log2(fc.threshold), , col = "lightblue")
  abline(v = -(log2(fc.threshold)), , col = 'lightblue') 

####################### CORRELATIONS ############################
# method: pearson, kendall or spearman
# by.var - if T, correlations of variables (rows); if F, correlations of samples (columns)
correlations_dataset = function(dataset, method = "pearson", by.var = TRUE) {
  if (by.var) data.to.cor = t(dataset$data)
  else data.to.cor = dataset$data
	cor.matrix = cor(data.to.cor, method = method)

heatmap_correlations = function(correlations, col = NULL, ...) {
  if (is.null(col)) colors = rev(colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(10, "RdBu"))(256))
  else colors = col
  heatmap(correlations, col = colors, ...)

correlation_test = function(dataset, x,y, method = "pearson", alternative = "two.sided", by.var = TRUE){
	if (by.var) {
        data.to.cor = data.frame(t(dataset$data))
        names(data.to.cor) = rownames(dataset$data)
    else {
        data.to.cor = data.frame(dataset$data)
        names(data.to.cor) = colnames(dataset$data)
	result.cor = with(data.to.cor, cor.test(eval(as.name(x)),eval(as.name(y)),method = method,alternative = alternative))


correlations_test = function(dataset, method = "pearson", by.var = TRUE, alternative = "two.sided") {
	if (by.var) data.to.cor = t(dataset$data)
    else data.to.cor = dataset$data
	data.names = colnames(data.to.cor)
	cor.matrix = matrix(nrow=length(data.names)^2, ncol = 4)
	i = 1
	for (name in data.names){
		for (name2 in data.names){
			result.cor = with(data.frame(data.to.cor), correlation_test(dataset, as.name(name), as.name(name2), method = method, alternative = alternative, by.var = by.var))
			cor.estimate = result.cor$estimate
			cor.pvalue = result.cor$p.value
			cor.matrix[i,] = c(name, name2, cor.estimate, cor.pvalue)
			i = i+1
	colnames(cor.matrix) = c("i","j","cor","p.value")

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