
Defines functions case_comp case_index case_tv case_fishing case_deparse

Documented in case_comp case_deparse case_fishing case_index case_tv

#' Write a case file for length- or age-composition data
#' Use \R code to write arguments to the disk, which
#' will later be used in a \pkg{ss3sim} simulation.
#' @param fleets Vector of fleet numbers, where the order of
#'   \code{fleets} will dictate the order of all remaining arguments.
#' @param Nsamp A list of length \code{length(fleets)},
#'   where each element of the list contains a vector of
#'   sample sizes for each year for that given fleet.
#' @param years A list of length \code{length(fleets)},
#'   where each element of the list contains a vector of
#'   years for the given fleet.
#' @param cpar A vector of cpar for each fleet.
#' @param type A character value of \code{"agecomp"} or \code{"lcomp"},
#'   to write age- or length-composition specifications, respectively.
#'   Argument can be a vector (e.g., \code{c("agecomp", "lcomp")}) if you want
#'   the case files to be the same for length and age compositions.
#' @param case The casenumber you want to write to.
#'   If \code{case = 1} and \code{type = "agecomp"},
#'   then the result will be \code{'agecomp1'}.
#' @param spp A vector of character values argument specifying the species.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' case_comp(fleets = 1:2, case = 30, spp = "cod",
#'   Nsamp = list(rep(10, 40), rep(10, 25)),
#'   years = list(61:100, 76:100), cpar = 2:1, type = "agecomp")
#' done <- file.remove("agecomp30-cod.txt")
case_comp <- function(fleets = 1, Nsamp = NULL, years = NULL, cpar = 2,
  type, case, spp) {

  old <- options()$"deparse.cutoff"
  options(deparse.cutoff = 500L)
  on.exit(options(deparse.cutoff = old))

  for (ind in seq_along(spp)){
    filename <- paste0(type, case, "-", spp[ind], ".txt")
    mapply(write, file = filename, MoreArgs = list(ncolumns = 2,
      x = c("fleets;", case_deparse(fleets))))
    mapply(write, file = filename, MoreArgs = list(ncolumns = 2, append = TRUE,
      x = c("Nsamp;", case_deparse(Nsamp))))
    mapply(write, file = filename, MoreArgs = list(ncolumns = 2, append = TRUE,
      x = c("years;", case_deparse(years))))
    mapply(write, file = filename, MoreArgs = list(ncolumns = 2, append = TRUE,
      x = c("cpar;", case_deparse(cpar))))

#' Write a case file for index data to the disk.
#' Use \R code to write arguments to the disk, which
#' will later be used in a \pkg{ss3sim} simulation.
#' @param fleets Vector of fleet numbers, where the order of
#'   \code{fleets} will dictate the order of all remaining arguments.
#' @param years A list of length \code{length(fleets)},
#'   where each element of the list contains a vector of
#'   years for the given fleet.
#' @param sd A list of standard deviations for each fleet.
#' @param case The case number you want to write to.
#'   If \code{case = 1}, then the result will be \code{'index1'}.
#' @param spp A vector of character values argument specifying the species.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' case_index(fleets = 2, case = 1, spp = "cod", years = list(7:10), sd = 0.1)
#' done <- file.remove("index1-cod.txt")

case_index <- function(fleets = 1, years = NULL, sd = 2, case, spp) {

  old <- options()$"deparse.cutoff"
  options(deparse.cutoff = 500L)
  on.exit(options(deparse.cutoff = old))

  for (ind in seq_along(spp)){
    filename <- paste0("index", case, "-", spp[ind], ".txt")
    mapply(write, file = filename, MoreArgs = list(ncolumns = 2,
      x = c("fleets;", case_deparse(fleets))))
    mapply(write, file = filename, MoreArgs = list(ncolumns = 2, append = TRUE,
      x = c("years;", case_deparse(years))))
    mapply(write, file = filename, MoreArgs = list(ncolumns = 2, append = TRUE,
      x = c("sds_obs;", case_deparse(sd))))

#' Write time varying casefiles to the disk
#' Use \R code to write arguments to the disk, which
#' will later be used in a \pkg{ss3sim} simulation.
#' @param species A vector of species, for which a unique case file will be
#'   generated.
#' @param parameter A character value specifying the parameter to add deviates
#'   to. The argument must match the parameter name exactly.
#' @param perc_change A vector of percents, which will be used to add deviates
#'   to the parameter specified in \code{parameter}. A percentage must be supplied
#'   for every year in the model.
#' @param outfile A character value specifying the case letter and number used
#'   to save the file.
#' @param dir_out A character value specifying the directory to save the
#'   \code{outfile} to.
#' @param dir_models The path where the models are stored, such that
#'   \code{file.path(dir_models, species, "om", "ss3.ctl")} leads to valid
#'   \code{ss3.ctl} operating model files.
#' @param nyears The length time-series included in the model. The length of
#'   \code{perc_change} must equal \code{nyears}.
#' @param verbose Useful for debugging to print output to screen. Default is
#'   \code{FALSE}.
#' @importFrom r4ss SS_parlines
#' @author Peter Kuriyama
#' @export
#' @examples
#' temp_path <- file.path(tempdir(), "cod")
#' dir.create(temp_path, showWarnings = FALSE)
#' d <- system.file("extdata", package = "ss3sim")
#' om <- file.path(d, "models", "cod-om")
#' ig <- file.copy(om, temp_path, recursive = TRUE)
#' ig <- file.rename(file.path(temp_path, "cod-om"), file.path(temp_path, "om"))
#' filenames <- dir(file.path(temp_path, "om"), full.names = TRUE)
#' ig <- file.rename(filenames, gsub("codOM\\.|ss\\.", "ss3.", filenames))
#' verify_input(file.path(temp_path, "om"), type = "om")
#' ig <- file.rename(file.path(temp_path, "om", "om.ctl"),
#'   file.path(temp_path, "om", "ss3.ctl"))
#' case_tv(species = "cod", parameter = "NatM_p_1_Fem_GP_1",
#' perc_change = rep(0.5, 100), outfile = "G1",
#' dir_out = temp_path, dir_models = gsub("/cod", "", temp_path),
#' nyears = 100, verbose = TRUE)
#' unlink(temp_path, recursive = TRUE)
case_tv <- function(species, parameter, perc_change, outfile,
  dir_out = "cases", dir_models = system.file("models", package = "ss3models"),
  nyears = 100, verbose = FALSE) {

  if (! file.exists(dir_out)) {
    stop(paste("The directory", dir_out, "does not exist."))
  if (!any(species %in% dir(dir_models))) {
    stop(paste("One of the species does not exist as specified in the folder",
      system.file("models", package = "ss3models")))
  if (!grepl("[0-9]$", outfile)) {
    stop(paste("The outfile must end in a numeric character."))

  #Modify by percentage
  ctl <- file.path(dir_models, species, "om", "ss3.ctl")
  pars <- lapply(ctl, SS_parlines, version = "3.24")
  val <- lapply(pars, function(x) x[grep(parameter, x$Label), "INIT"])

  if (length(perc_change) != nyears) {
    stop(paste("perc_change must have length of", nyears))

  if (verbose) {
  message(paste("OM parameter value(s) are:",
    paste(paste(species, unlist(val)), collapse = ", ")))

  #Create vector of deviates
  dev <- lapply(val, function(x) x * perc_change)

  #Prep output for file
  dev <- lapply(dev, paste0, collapse = ", ")
  header <- c("dev; c(")
  for (ind in seq_along(species)) {
    out <- paste0(header, dev[[ind]], ")", collapse = "")
    towrite <- c("function_type; change_tv", paste0("param; ", parameter), out)
    con = file.path(dir_out, paste0(outfile, "-", species[ind], ".txt")))

#' Write a case file for fishing data to the disk.
#' Use \R code to write arguments to the disk, which
#' will later be used in a \pkg{ss3sim} simulation.
#' @param years Vector of years for which \emph{F} values are specified,
#' if there is more than one fleet or season the catches must be ordered by
#' season:year:fishery (e.g., season1year1fishery1, season2year1fishery1,
#' season1year2fishery1). The actual vector does not have to correspond to
#' true years but must be the correct length (e.g., instead of
#' \code{2000:2004} you can use \code{1:5}). Use this argument to create
#' an index to old values. \code{years_alter} will use values in this vector.
#' For example, with two seasons and one fishery that operates for 4 years
#' you could use the following: \code{1:8}.
#' @param years_alter Vector of years for the which \emph{F} values will be altered.
#' If there is more than one fishery or season, use the mapping system
#' created in \code{years} because actual year values cannot be recycled.
#' For example, to change the second season of the second year in the
#' example above, use: \code{4}.
#' @param fvals Vector of \emph{F} values to be entered into \code{ss.par} file,
#' where \code{length(fvals) == length(years_alter)} must be true.
#' @param case The case number you want to write to.
#'   If \code{case = 1}, then the result will be \code{'F1'}.
#' @param spp A vector of character values argument specifying the species.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' case_fishing(1:100, 1:100, seq(0, 0.4, length.out = 100), 2, "cod")
#' done <- file.remove("F2-cod.txt")
case_fishing <- function(years = 1, years_alter = NULL, fvals = 2, case, spp) {

  old <- options()$"deparse.cutoff"
  options(deparse.cutoff = 500L)
  on.exit(options(deparse.cutoff = old))

  for (ind in seq_along(spp)){
    filename <- paste0("F", case, "-", spp[ind], ".txt")
    mapply(write, file = filename, MoreArgs = list(ncolumns = 2,
      x = c("years;", case_deparse(years))))
    mapply(write, file = filename, MoreArgs = list(ncolumns = 2, append = TRUE,
      x = c("years_alter;", case_deparse(years_alter))))
    mapply(write, file = filename, MoreArgs = list(ncolumns = 2, append = TRUE,
      x = c("fvals;", case_deparse(fvals))))

#' Turn an argument describing an object into a character.
#' @details Includes checks to make sure multiple lines will not be created.
#' @param x The argument you would like to \code{deparse}.
#'   \code{"M1-F1-D1-R1"}
#' @return A single character value.
case_deparse <- function(x) {
  temp <- deparse(x, control = c("keepInteger", "keepNA"))
  if (length(temp) > 1) {
    temp <- paste(temp, collapse = "")
    temp <- gsub(" ", "", temp)
    temp <- gsub("\"", "", deparse(temp))
    if (length(temp) > 1) {
      stop(paste("Number of characters of", x, "was greater than",
        "500, which is not allowed in the case writing functions",
        "for ss3sim."))
    } else return(temp)

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ss3sim documentation built on Nov. 9, 2019, 1:06 a.m.