
Defines functions change_f

Documented in change_f

#' Alter fishing mortality (\emph{F}) using the SS control file
#' Alter fishing mortality (\emph{F}) for a Stock Synthesis simulation
#' via changes to the control file. The argument \code{years} is the only
#' argument that must be a vector, where other vectors, e.g., \code{fisheries},
#' will be repeated if a single value is provided.
#' Using the control file depends on
#' (1) the starter file is set up to read parameters from the control file
#' rather than the par file and
#' (2) the data file having a dummy catch entry for every year, fishery
#' combination that will be specified in the control file.
#' \emph{F} values currently in the control file will be removed and
#' the newly specified values will replace them.
#' Users do not need to specify values for years in which there
#' will be zero fishing because SS will be parameterized to assume
#' no fishing in missing years.
#' The control file is currently read in using \code{readLines} but will
#' eventually shift to using code specific to Stock Synthesis to alter
#' a structured list.
#' If used with \code{\link{run_ss3sim}}, the case file should be named
#' \code{F}. A suggested (default) case letter is \code{F}.
#' @author Kelli Faye Johnson
#' @param years *Vector of integers that will map to each \code{fvals}
#' specifying which year the fishing level pertains to.
#' @param fisheries *Vector of integers that will map to each \code{fvals}
#' specifying which fleet the fishing level pertains to.
#' A single value will be repeated for every value in \code{years} or
#' \code{length(years) == length(fisheries)} must be true.
#' @param fvals *Vector of \emph{F} values to be entered into the
#' SS control file. A single value will be repeated for every value in \code{years} or
#' \code{length(years) == length(fvals)} must be true.
#' @param seasons Vector of seasons to be entered into the
#' SS control file. A single value will be repeated for every value in \code{years} or
#' \code{length(years) == length(ses)} must be true.
#' The default is 1, which will be applied to all fisheries in all years.
#' @param ses Vector of fishing level standard errors (ses) to be entered into the
#' SS control file. A single value will be repeated for every value in \code{years} or
#' \code{length(years) == length(ses)} must be true.
#' The default is 0.005, which will be applied to all fisheries in all years.
#' @template ctl_file_in
#' @template ctl_file_out
#' @return Modified SS control file.
#' @family change functions
#' @template casefile-footnote
#' @export
#' @examples
#' d <- system.file(file.path("extdata", "models"), package = "ss3sim")
#' change_f(years = 1:50, fisheries = 1, fvals = 0.2,
#'   ctl_file_in = file.path(d, "cod-om", "codOM.ctl"),
#'   ctl_file_out = file.path(tempdir(), "control_fishing.ss"))

change_f <- function(years, fisheries, fvals, seasons = 1, ses = 0.005,
  ctl_file_in, ctl_file_out = "control_fishing.ss") {

  # check inputs
  input_list <- list(fisheries = fisheries, fvals = fvals, seasons = seasons, ses = ses)
  is_invalid <-  mapply(function(input, n.years) {
                  #if(!is.vector(input)){stop("expected vector")}
                        val <- length(input)!= 1 & length(input) != n.years
                  input = input_list,
                  MoreArgs = list(n.years=length(years)),
                  SIMPLIFY = FALSE
   if(any(is_invalid == TRUE)){
       stop("The length of variable(s) ", paste0(names(which(is_invalid == TRUE)), collapse = ", "), " is/are invalid. Please change ",
            "so that there is/are either 1 value or ", length(years), " values.")
  # change f by finding location and inserting values.
  newdata <- data.frame(
    "Fleet" = fisheries,
    "Yr" = years,
    "Seas" = seasons,
    "F_value" = fvals,
    "se" = ses,
    "phase" = 1)
  ctl <- readLines(ctl_file_in)
  locations <- grep("F_Method", ctl, ignore.case = TRUE)
  if (length(locations) < 2) {
    #Note: this check is not robust against all situations of using non-standard
    #SS comments.
    stop("Phrase 'F_Method' should be found at least 2 times in the control ",
         "file, but was found ", length(locations), " times. Please make sure ",
         "a control file with standard SS comments is being used.")
  # Check that F method = 2 b/c will not work with ctl files with Fmethod = 1 or 3.
  F_method <- as.numeric(trimws(strsplit(ctl[locations[1]], "#", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][1]))
  if(F_method != 2) {
    stop("change_F only works with F_method = 2, not 1 or 3. The F_method ",
         "found is ", F_method)
  locations <- locations[c(1, length(locations))]
  location_terminal <- grep("Q_setup", ctl, ignore.case = FALSE)
  if (length(location_terminal) == 0) {
    stop("Q_setup was not found in the ctl_file_in")
  ctl[locations[1]] <- gsub("^[1-4]\\s*", "2 ", trimws(ctl[locations[1]]))
  location_middle <- (locations[1] + 1):(locations[2] - 1)
  ctl[location_middle] <- c(
    paste(ifelse(max(fvals) < 4, 4, max(fvals) * 2),
      " # max F or harvest rate, depends on F_Method"),
    rep("#", length(location_middle) - 2),
    paste(0, 1, length(years), "# overall start F value; overall phase; N detailed inputs to read"))
  ctl <- ctl[-((locations[2] + 1):(location_terminal-1))]
  ctl <- append(ctl,
    values = apply(newdata, 1, paste, collapse = " "),
    after = locations[2])

  # Write new control file
  if (!is.null(ctl_file_out)) {
    writeLines(ctl, con = ctl_file_out)

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ss3sim documentation built on Nov. 9, 2019, 1:06 a.m.