
Defines functions colrow_from_xy xy_from_colrow st_as_stars.bbox pretty_cut st_as_stars.stars st_as_stars.default st_stars st_as_stars.list st_as_stars .array split_strings

Documented in st_as_stars st_as_stars.bbox st_as_stars.default st_as_stars.list st_as_stars.stars

split_strings = function(md, split = "=") {
	splt = strsplit(md, split)
	lst = lapply(splt, function(x) if (length(x) <= 1) NA_character_ else x[[2]])
	structure(lst, names = sapply(splt, function(x) x[[1]]), class = "gdal_metadata")

.array = function(x, dim) {
	structure(rep_len(x, prod(dim)), dim = dim)

#' convert objects into a stars object
#' convert objects into a stars object
#' @export
#' @param .x object to convert
#' @param ... in case \code{.x} is of class \code{bbox}, arguments passed on to 
#' \link{pretty}. In case \code{.x} is of class \code{nc_proxy}, arguments
#' passed on to \code{\link{read_ncdf}}.
st_as_stars = function(.x, ...) UseMethod("st_as_stars")

#' @name st_as_stars
#' @param dimensions object of class dimensions
#' @export
st_as_stars.list = function(.x, ..., dimensions = NULL) {
	if (length(.x)) {
		if (is.null(names(.x)))
			stop("list should have named elements")
		for (i in seq_along(.x)[-1])
			if (!all(dim(.x[[1]]) == dim(.x[[i]])))
				stop("dim attributes not identical")
		if (!is.null(n <- names(.x)) && (any(n == "") || length(n) != length(unique(n))))
			names(.x) = make.names(names(.x), unique = TRUE)

		# check dimensions, if set:
		if (!is.null(dimensions)) {
			dx = dim(.x[[1]])
			dd = dim(dimensions)
			stopifnot(!is.null(dx), !is.null(dd))
			for (i in seq_along(dimensions)) {
				if (dx[i] < dd[i]) { # create_dimension was called with $values one longer than corresponding array dim,
					v = dimensions[[i]]$values
					if (is.null(v)) # regularly spaced, meaning offset/delta have replaced $values:
						dimensions[[i]]$to = dimensions[[i]]$to - 1
					else if (length(v) == dx[i] + 1) { # convert the one-too-long values into an intervals object:
						dimensions[[i]]$values = head(v, -1)
						dimensions[[i]]$to = dimensions[[i]]$to - 1
					} else
						stop(paste("incorrect length of dimensions values for dimension", i))
					dimensions[[i]]$point = FALSE
		} else
			dimensions = create_dimensions(dim(.x[[1]]))
		if (is.null(names(dim(.x[[1]]))))
			for (i in seq_along(.x))
				names(dim(.x[[i]])) = names(dimensions)
	st_stars(.x, dimensions)

st_stars = function(x, dimensions, class = "stars") {
	# sanity checks:
	stopifnot(inherits(dimensions, "dimensions"))
	stopifnot(!is.null(attr(dimensions, "raster")))
# 	for (i in seq_along(x))
# 		names(dim(x[[i]])) = names(dimensions)
	structure(x, dimensions = dimensions, class = class)

#' @name st_as_stars
#' @export
#' @param raster character; the names of the dimensions that denote raster dimensions
st_as_stars.default = function(.x = NULL, ..., raster = NULL) {
	args = if (is.null(.x))
			append(list(.x), list(...))

	if (length(args) == 0)

	isdim = sapply(args, inherits, what = "dimensions")
	dimensions = if (! any(isdim)) {
			if (is.array(args[[1]]) && !is.null(dimnames(args[[1]])))
				do.call(st_dimensions, lapply(dim(args[[1]]), function(x) seq_len(x) - 1))
		} else {
			d = args[[ which(isdim)[1] ]]
			if (is.null(raster))
				raster = attr(d, "raster")

	if (is.null(raster) && !has_sfc(dimensions)) {
		w = which(sapply(dimensions, function(x) is.null(x$values)))
		raster = get_raster(dimensions = names(dimensions)[w[1:2]])
	dimensions = create_dimensions(dimensions, raster)
	if (any(isdim))
		args = args[-which(isdim)]
	if (is.null(names(args)))
		names(args) = paste0("A", seq_along(args))
	for (i in seq_along(args))
		names(dim(args[[i]])) = names(dimensions)
	st_as_stars.list(args, dimensions = dimensions)

#' @param curvilinear only for creating curvilinear grids: named length 2 list holding longitude and latitude matrices or stars arrays, or the names of the corresponding attributes in \code{.x}; the names of this vector should correspond to raster dimensions the matrices are associated with; see Details.
#' @param crs object of class \code{crs} with the coordinate reference system of the values in \code{curvilinear}; see details
#' @details if \code{curvilinear} is a list with \code{stars} objects with longitude and latitude values, its coordinate reference system is typically not that of the latitude and longitude values. If \code{curvilinear} contains the names of two arrays in \code{.x}, then these are removed from the returned object.
#' @export
#' @name st_as_stars
st_as_stars.stars = function(.x, ..., curvilinear = NULL, crs = st_crs('OGC:CRS84')) {
	if (is.null(curvilinear))
	else {
		stopifnot(names(curvilinear) %in% names(dim(.x)))
		if (all(sapply(curvilinear, is.character)))
			curvilinear = unlist(curvilinear)
		if (is.character(cl <- curvilinear)) {
			if (!cl[1] %in% names(.x) || !cl[2] %in% names(.x))
				stop("curvilinear arrays not present in object")
			curvilinear = setNames(vector("list", 2), names(curvilinear))
			curvilinear[[1]] = .x[ cl[1] ]
			curvilinear[[2]] = .x[ cl[2] ]
			.x[[ cl[1] ]] = NULL
			.x[[ cl[2] ]] = NULL
		if (inherits(curvilinear[[1]], "stars"))
			curvilinear[[1]] = curvilinear[[1]][[1]]
		if (inherits(curvilinear[[2]], "stars"))
			curvilinear[[2]] = curvilinear[[2]][[1]]
		dimensions = st_dimensions(.x)
		xy = names(curvilinear)
		dimensions[[ xy[1] ]]$values = structure(curvilinear[[1]], dim = setNames(dim(curvilinear[[1]])[1:2], xy))
		dimensions[[ xy[2] ]]$values = structure(curvilinear[[2]], dim = setNames(dim(curvilinear[[1]])[1:2], xy))
		# erase regular grid coefficients $offset and $delta:
		dimensions[[ xy[1] ]]$offset = dimensions[[ xy[1] ]]$delta = NA_real_
		dimensions[[ xy[2] ]]$offset = dimensions[[ xy[2] ]]$delta = NA_real_
		raster = get_raster(dimensions = names(curvilinear), curvilinear = TRUE)
		st_set_crs(st_stars(.x, create_dimensions(dimensions, raster)), crs)

pretty_cut = function(lim, n, inside = FALSE, ...) {
	stopifnot(n > 2)
	p = pretty(x = lim, n = n, ...)
	d = diff(p[1:2])
	if (! inside)
		lim = c(lim[1] - 0.5 * d, lim[2] + 0.5 * d) # extended limits half a cell
	p[p >= lim[1] & p <= lim[2]]

#' @param nx integer; number of cells in x direction; see details
#' @param ny integer; number of cells in y direction; see details
#' @param nz integer; number of cells in z direction; if missing no z-dimension is created.
#' @param dx numeric or object of class units; cell size in x direction; see details
#' @param dy numeric or object of class units; cell size in y direction; see details
#' @param xlim length 2 numeric vector with extent (min, max) in x direction
#' @param ylim length 2 numeric vector with extent (min, max) in y direction
#' @param values value(s) to populate the raster values with
#' @param n the (approximate) target number of grid cells
#' @param pretty logical; should cell coordinates have \link{pretty} values?
#' @param inside logical; should all cells entirely fall inside the bbox, potentially not covering it completely (\code{TRUE}), or always cover the bbox (\code{FALSE}), or find a good approximation (\code{NA}, default)?
#' @param proxy logical; should a \code{stars_proxy} object be created? (requires gdal_create binary when sf < 1.0-6)
#' @details For the \code{bbox} method: if \code{pretty} is \code{TRUE}, raster cells may extend the coordinate range of \code{.x} on all sides. If in addition to \code{nx} and \code{ny}, \code{dx} and \code{dy} are also missing, these are set to a single value computed as \code{sqrt(diff(xlim)*diff(ylim)/n)}. 
#' If \code{nx} and \code{ny} are missing and \code{values} is a matrix, the number of columns and rows of the matrix are taken.
#' Otherwise, if \code{nx} and \code{ny} are missing, they are computed as the (ceiling, floor, or rounded to integer value) of the ratio of the (x or y) range divided by (dx or dy), depending on the value of \code{inside}. Positive \code{dy} will be made negative. Further named arguments (\code{...}) are passed on to \code{pretty}. If \code{dx} or \code{dy} are \code{units} objects, their value is converted to the units of \code{st_crs(.x)} (only when sf >= 1.0-7). 
#' @export
#' @name st_as_stars
st_as_stars.bbox = function(.x, ..., nx, ny, dx = dy, dy = dx,
		xlim = .x[c("xmin", "xmax")], ylim = .x[c("ymin", "ymax")], 
		values = 0., n = 64800, pretty = FALSE, inside = FALSE, nz, 
		proxy = FALSE) {

	if (xor(missing(nx), missing(ny)))
		stop("either specify both nx and ny, or none of them")

	adx = abs(diff(xlim))
	ady = abs(diff(ylim))

	if (is.matrix(values) && missing(nx) && missing(ny)) {
		nx = ncol(values)
		ny = nrow(values)

	if (missing(dx) && missing(dy)) {
		if (missing(nx))
			dx = dy = sqrt(adx * ady / n)
		else {
			dx = diff(xlim)/nx
			dy = -diff(ylim)/ny
	} else { 
		u <- st_crs(.x)$ud_unit
		if (inherits(u, "units")) {
			if (inherits(dx, "units"))
				units(dx) = u # might convert value
			if (inherits(dy, "units"))
				units(dy) = u # might convert value
		dx = as.numeric(dx) # drop units if present
		dy = as.numeric(dy) # drop units if present

	consider_inside = function(x, inside) {
		if (is.na(inside))
		else if (inside)

	if (missing(nx))
		nx = consider_inside(diff(xlim) / dx, inside)

	if (missing(ny)) {
		if (dy > 0)
			dy = -dy
		ny = consider_inside(-diff(ylim) / dy, inside)

	if (pretty) {
		vx = pretty_cut(xlim, nx, inside, ...)
		nx = length(vx)
		x = create_dimension(values = vx, refsys = st_crs(.x))
		vy = pretty_cut(ylim, ny, inside, ...)
		ny = length(vy)
		y = create_dimension(values = vy, refsys = st_crs(.x))
	} else {
		x = create_dimension(from = 1, to = nx, offset = unname(xlim[1]), 
			delta = unname(dx), refsys = st_crs(.x))
		y = create_dimension(from = 1, to = ny, offset = unname(ylim[2]),
			delta = unname(dy), refsys = st_crs(.x))
	if (missing(nz)) { # 2D:
		if (proxy) {
			f = tempfile(fileext = ".tif")
			sf::gdal_create(f, c(nx, ny), values, st_crs(.x), xlim, ylim)
			read_stars(f, proxy = TRUE)
		} else
			st_as_stars(values = .array(values, c(x = nx[[1L]], y = ny[[1L]])),
						dims = create_dimensions(list(x = x, y = y), get_raster()))
	} else {
		stopifnot(proxy == FALSE)
		z = create_dimension(from = 1, to = nz[[1]])
		st_as_stars(values = .array(values, c(x = nx[[1L]], y = ny[[1L]], z = nz[[1]])), 
					dims = create_dimensions(list(x = x, y = y, z = z), get_raster()))

## @param x two-column matrix with columns and rows, as understood by GDAL; 0.5 refers to the first cell's centre; 
xy_from_colrow = function(x, geotransform) {
# http://www.gdal.org/classGDALDataset.html , search for geotransform:
# 0-based indices:
# Xp = geotransform[0] + P*geotransform[1] + L*geotransform[2];
# Yp = geotransform[3] + P*geotransform[4] + L*geotransform[5];
	stopifnot(ncol(x) == 2, length(geotransform) == 6, !any(is.na(geotransform)))
	matrix(geotransform[c(1, 4)], nrow(x), 2, byrow = TRUE) + 
		x %*% matrix(geotransform[c(2, 3, 5, 6)], nrow = 2, ncol = 2)

colrow_from_xy = function(x, obj, NA_outside = FALSE) {
	if (inherits(obj, "stars"))
		obj = st_dimensions(obj)
	xy = attr(obj, "raster")$dimensions
	if (inherits(obj, "dimensions"))
		gt = st_geotransform(obj)

	if (isTRUE(st_is_longlat(st_crs(obj)))) {
		bb = st_bbox(obj)
# see https://github.com/r-spatial/stars/issues/519 where this is problematic;
# not sure whether this introduces new problems.
#		sign = ifelse(x[,1] < bb["xmin"], 1., ifelse(x[,1] > bb["xmax"], -1., 0.))
#		x[,1] = x[,1] + sign * 360.
		# one more try: https://github.com/r-spatial/stars/issues/563
		ix = x[,1] > bb["xmax"] & !is.na(x[,1])
		x[ix,1] = x[ix,1] - 360.
		ix = x[,1] < bb["xmin"] & !is.na(x[,1])
		x[ix,1] = x[ix,1] + 360.
	if (!any(is.na(gt))) { # have geotransform
		inv_gt = gdal_inv_geotransform(gt)
		if (any(is.na(inv_gt)))
			stop("geotransform not invertible")
		ret = floor(xy_from_colrow(x, inv_gt) + 1.) # will return floating point col/row numbers!!
		if (NA_outside)
			ret[ ret[,1] < 1 | ret[,1] > obj[[ xy[1] ]]$to | ret[,2] < 1 | ret[,2] > obj[[ xy[2] ]]$to, ] = NA
	} else if (is_rectilinear(obj)) {
		ix = obj[[ xy[1] ]]$values 
		if (!inherits(ix, "intervals"))
			ix = as_intervals(ix, add_last = length(ix) == dim(obj)[ xy[1] ])
		cols = find_interval(x[,1], ix)
		iy = obj[[ xy[2] ]]$values 
		if (!inherits(iy, "intervals"))
			iy = as_intervals(iy, add_last = length(iy) == dim(obj)[ xy[2] ])
		rows = find_interval(x[,2], iy) # always NA_outside
		cbind(cols, rows)
	} else if (is_curvilinear(obj)) {
		stop("colrow_from_xy not supported for curvilinear objects")
	} else
		stop("colrow_from_xy not supported for this object")

st_cells_from_row_col = function(x, rows, cols) {
	nc = dim(x)[1] # ncols
	(rows - 1) * nc + cols

st_cells_from_xy = function(x, xy) {
	x = st_upfront(x)
	cr = colrow_from_xy(xy, x, NA_outside = TRUE)
	st_cells_from_row_col(x, cr[,2], cr[,1])

#' return the cell index corresponding to the location of a set of points
#' return the cell index corresponding to the location of a set of points
#' @param x object of class \code{stars}
#' @param sf object of class \code{sf} or \code{sfc}
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1345)
#' st_bbox(L7_ETMs) |> 
#'   st_as_sfc() |> 
#'   st_sample(10) -> pts 
#' (x <- st_cells(L7_ETMs, pts))
#' # get the pixel values (first band only):
#' st_as_stars(L7_ETMs)[[1]][x]
#' # get pixel values for all bands:
#' st_as_stars(L7_ETMs) |> split() |> sapply(`[`, x)
#' # compare with st_extract():
#' st_as_stars(L7_ETMs) |> split() |> st_extract(pts)
#' @export
st_cells = function(x, sf) {
	stopifnot(inherits(x, "stars"), inherits(sf, c("sf", "sfc")), st_crs(x) == st_crs(sf))
	st_cells_from_xy(x, st_coordinates(sf))

has_rotate_or_shear = function(x) {
	dimensions = st_dimensions(x)
	if (has_raster(x)) {
		r = attr(dimensions, "raster")
		!any(is.na(r$affine)) && any(r$affine != 0.0)
	} else

has_raster = function(x) {
	if (inherits(x, "stars"))
		x = st_dimensions(x)
	!is.null(r <- attr(x, "raster")) && all(r$dimensions %in% names(x))

is_regular_grid = function(x) {
	has_raster(x) && !(has_rotate_or_shear(x) || is_rectilinear(x) || is_curvilinear(x))

is_rectilinear = function(x) {
	d = st_dimensions(x)
	if (has_raster(x) && !is_curvilinear(x)) {
		xy = attr(d, "raster")$dimensions
		dimx = d[[ xy[1] ]]
		dimy = d[[ xy[2] ]]
		(is.na(dimx$delta) || is.na(dimy$delta)) && (!regular_intervals(dimx$values) || !regular_intervals(dimy$values))
	} else

is_curvilinear = function(x) {
	d = st_dimensions(x)
	has_raster(x) && isTRUE(attr(d, "raster")$curvilinear)

which_sfc = function(x) {
	if (inherits(x, "stars"))
		x = st_dimensions(x)
	which(sapply(x, function(i) inherits(i$values, "sfc")))

which_time = function(x) {
	if (inherits(x, "stars"))
		x = st_dimensions(x)
	which(sapply(x, function(i) 
		inherits(i$values, c("POSIXct", "Date", "PCICt")) ||
		(is.character(i$refsys) && (i$refsys %in% c("POSIXct", "Date", "PCICt") ||
									grepl("PCICt", i$refsys)))))

#' @export
time.stars = function(x, ..., which = 1) {
	w = which_time(x)
	if (length(w) > 1 && missing(which))
		warning(paste("using the first of", length(w), "time dimensions"))
	if (length(w) == 0)
		stop("object does not have a time dimensions")
	stopifnot(length(which) == 1)
	expand_dimensions(x)[[ w[which] ]]

has_sfc = function(x) {
	length(which_sfc(x)) > 0

#' retrieve coordinates for raster or vector cube cells
#' retrieve coordinates for raster or vector cube cells
#' @param x object of class \code{stars}
#' @param add_max logical; if \code{TRUE}, dimensions are given with a min (x) and max (x_max) value
#' @param center logical; (only if \code{add_max} is FALSE): should grid cell center coordinates be returned (TRUE) or offset values (FALSE)? \code{center} can be a named logical vector or list to specify values for each dimension.
#' @name st_coordinates
#' @param ... ignored
#' @export
st_coordinates.stars = function(x, ..., add_max = FALSE, center = TRUE) {
	dims = st_dimensions(x)
	xy = attr(dims, "raster")$dimensions
	if (is_curvilinear(x)) {
		x = st_upfront(x) # x and y first...
		cc = setNames(data.frame(as.vector(dims[[ xy[1] ]]$values), as.vector(dims[[ xy[2] ]]$values)), xy)
		dims[ xy ] = NULL # remove
		out = do.call(expand.grid, append(list(ix = seq_len(nrow(cc))), expand_dimensions(dims, center = center))) 
			# cell offsets
		ix = out$ix
		out$ix = NULL
		out = cbind(cc[[1]][ix], cc[[2]][ix], out)
		names(out)[1:2] = xy
	} else if (has_rotate_or_shear(x)) {
		if (add_max)
			stop("add_max will not work for rotated/shared rasters")
		if (isTRUE(!center)) # center = FALSE
			warning("center values are given for spatial coordinates")
		d = dim(x)
		nx = d[ xy[1] ]
		ny = d[ xy[2] ]
		setNames(as.data.frame(xy_from_colrow(as.matrix(expand.grid(seq_len(nx), seq_len(ny))) - 0.5,
			st_geotransform(x))), xy) # gives cell centers
	} else {
		if (add_max) {
				do.call(expand.grid, expand_dimensions(x, center = FALSE)), # cell offsets
				setNames(do.call(expand.grid, expand_dimensions(dims[xy], max = TRUE)),
					paste0(xy, "_max"))
		} else {
			ed = expand_dimensions(x, center = center) # cell centers for x/y if raster
			if (length(ed) > 1)
				do.call(expand.grid, ed)

#' @export
st_coordinates.dimensions = function(x, ...) {
	st_coordinates(st_as_stars(list(), dimensions = x), ...)

#' @name st_coordinates
#' @export
#' @param add_coordinates logical; if `TRUE`, columns with dimension values preceed the array values, 
#' otherwise they are omitted
as.data.frame.stars = function(x, ..., add_max = FALSE, center = NA, add_coordinates = TRUE) {
	if (add_coordinates)
		data.frame(st_coordinates(x, add_max = add_max, center = center, ...), 
			lapply(x, function(y) structure(y, dim = NULL)))
		as.data.frame(lapply(x, function(y) structure(y, dim = NULL)))

add_units = function(x) {
	f = function(obj) if (inherits(obj, "units")) paste0("[", enc2utf8(as.character(units(obj))), "]") else ""
	paste(names(x), sapply(x, f))

#' print stars or dimensions object
#' print stars or dimensions object
#' @name print_stars
#' @param x object of class stars or of class dimensions
#' @param n when prod(dim(x)) > 10 * n, the first n cells are used for attribute summary statistics
#' @param abbrev number of characters to abbreviate attribute names to
#' @param ... passed on to \code{as.data.frame.dimensions}
#' @export
print.stars = function(x, ..., n = 1e5, abbrev = 30) {
	shorten = function(s) {
		if (nchar(s) > abbrev)
			paste0(substr(s, 1, abbrev - 3), "...")
	cat("stars object with", length(dim(x)), "dimensions and", 
		length(x), if (length(x) != 1) "attributes\n" else "attribute\n")
	if (length(x)) {
		names(x) = sapply(names(x), shorten)
		df = if (prod(dim(x)) > 10 * n) {
			cat(paste0(", summary of first ", n, " cells:\n"))                       # nocov
			as.data.frame(lapply(x, function(y) structure(y, dim = NULL)[1:n]), optional = TRUE) # nocov
		} else {
			as.data.frame(lapply(x, function(y) structure(y, dim = NULL)), optional = TRUE)
		names(df) = add_units(x)
		if (all(sapply(x, is.numeric))) {
			m_summary = function(x) { s = summary(x); if (!"NA's" %in% names(s)) s["NA's"] = 0; s }
			sums = lapply(df, summary)
			if (length(unique(lengths(sums))) > 1)
				sums = lapply(df, m_summary)
			print(do.call(rbind, sums))
		} else
	print(st_dimensions(x), ...)

#' @export
aperm.stars = function(a, perm = NULL, ...) {
	if (is.null(perm))
		perm = rev(seq_along(dim(a)))
	if (all(perm == seq_along(dim(a))) || isTRUE(all(match(perm, names(dim(a))) == seq_along(dim(a)))))
	d = st_dimensions(a)
	if (is.character(perm))
		perm = match(perm, names(d))
	st_stars(lapply(a, aperm, perm = perm, ...), d[perm])

#' @export
dim.stars = function(x) {
	d = st_dimensions(x)
	if (length(x) == 0)
	else {
		stopifnot(length(d) == length(dim(x[[1]])))
		structure(dim(x[[1]]), names = names(d))

propagate_units = function(new, old) {
	for (i in seq_along(new))
		if (inherits(old[[i]], "units"))
			units(new[[i]]) <- units(old[[i]])

setNamesIfnn = function(x, nms) { # set names if not NULL
	stopifnot(is.character(nms) || is.null(nms))
	if (is.null(nms) || length(nms) != length(x))
		setNames(x, nms)

#' combine multiple stars objects, or combine multiple attributes in a single stars object into a single array
#' combine multiple stars objects, or combine multiple attributes in a single stars object into a single array
#' @param ... object(s) of class \code{star}: in case of multiple arguments, these are combined into a single stars object, in case of a single argument, its attributes are combined into a single attribute. In case of multiple objects, all objects should have the same dimensionality.
#' @param along integer; see \link{read_stars}
#' @param try_hard logical; if \code{TRUE} and some arrays have different dimensions, combine those that dimensions matching to the first array
#' @param tolerance numeric; values used in \link{all.equal} to compare dimension values
#' combine those that dimensions matching to the first array
#' @param nms character; vector with array names
#' @returns a single \code{stars} object with merged (binded) arrays.
#' @details An error is raised when attempting to combine arrays with different
#' measurement units into a single array. If this was intentded, \code{drop_units} 
#' can be used to remove units of a \code{stars} object before merging.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' tif = system.file("tif/L7_ETMs.tif", package = "stars")
#' x = read_stars(tif)
#' (new = c(x, x))
#' c(new) # collapses two arrays into one with an additional dimension
#' c(x, x, along = 3)
c.stars = function(..., along = NA_integer_, try_hard = FALSE, nms = names(list(...)), tolerance = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) {
	dots = list(...)
	if (!all(sapply(dots, inherits, "stars")))
		stop("all arguments to c() should be stars objects")
	if (any(sapply(dots, inherits, "stars_proxy")))
		stop("convert stars_proxy objects to stars first using st_as_stars()")

	if (length(dots) == 1 && length(along) == 1 && missing(along))
	else if (length(along) == 1 && is.na(along)) { 
		# Case 1: merge attributes of several objects by simply putting them together in a single stars object;
		# dim does not change:
		if (identical_dimensions(dots, tolerance = tolerance))
			st_as_stars(setNamesIfnn(do.call(c, lapply(dots, unclass)), nms),
						dimensions = st_dimensions(dots[[1]]))
		else {
			# currently catches only the special case of ... being a broken up time series:
			along = sort_out_along(dots)
			if (!is.na(along))
				do.call(c, c(dots, along = along))
			else if (!try_hard)
				stop("don't know how to merge arrays: please specify parameter along")
			else {
				d = lapply(dots, st_dimensions)
				ident = c(TRUE, sapply(d[-1], identical, d[[1]]))
				if (!all(ident)) {
					"ignored subdataset(s) with dimensions different from first subdataset:", 
					paste(which(!ident), collapse = ", "), 
					"\nuse gdal_subdatasets() to find all subdataset names"))
					if (!is.null(nms))
						nms = nms[ident]
				st_as_stars(setNamesIfnn(do.call(c, lapply(dots[ident], unclass)), nms),
							dimensions = st_dimensions(dots[[1]]))
	} else {
		if (is.list(along)) { # custom ordering of ... over dimension(s) with values specified
			if (prod(lengths(along)) != length(dots))
				stop("number of objects does not match the product of lenghts of the along argument", call. = FALSE)
			# abind all:
			d = st_dimensions(dots[[1]])
			ret = mapply(abind, ..., along = length(d) + 1, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
			# make dims:
			newdim = c(dim(dots[[1]]), lengths(along))
			ret = lapply(ret, function(x) { dim(x) = newdim; x })
			ret = propagate_units(ret, dots[[1]])
			# make dimensions:
			for (i in seq_along(along))
				d[[ names(along)[i] ]] = create_dimension(values = along[[i]])
			st_as_stars(ret, dimensions = d)
		} else { # loop over attributes, abind them:
			# along_dim: the number of the dimension along which we merge arrays
			d = st_dimensions(dots[[1]])
			along_dim = if (is.character(along)) {
				along_dim = which(along == names(d))
				if (length(along_dim) == 0)
					length(d) + 1
			} else
			ret = propagate_units(mapply(abind, ..., along = along_dim, SIMPLIFY = FALSE), dots[[1]])
			dims = combine_dimensions(dots, along_dim)
			if (along_dim == length(d) + 1)
				names(dims)[along_dim] = if (is.character(along)) along else "new_dim"
			st_as_stars(ret, dimensions = dims)

stopifnot_identical_units = function(lst) {
	a1 = lst[[1]][[1]]
	for (i in seq_along(lst[-1])) {
		ai = lst[[i+1]][[1]]
		if (inherits(a1, "units") && !identical(units(a1), units(ai)))
			stop("cannot merge subarrays with different units")

#' @export
adrop.stars = function(x, drop = which(dim(x) == 1), ..., drop_xy = FALSE) {
	if (missing(drop) && !drop_xy) { # hanlde drop_xy: by default, don't drop x/y
		d = st_dimensions(x)
		xy = attr(d, "raster")$dimensions
		drop = setdiff(drop, match(xy, names(d)))
	if (is.logical(drop))
		drop = which(drop)
	if (any(dim(x) > 1) && length(drop) > 0) {
		l = vector("list", length = length(x))
		f = sapply(x, is.factor)
		l[!f] = lapply(x[!f], adrop, drop = drop, one.d.array = TRUE, ...)
		l[f] = lapply(x[f], function(x) structure(x, dim = dim(x)[-drop]))
		st_as_stars(setNames(l, names(x)), dimensions = st_dimensions(x)[-drop])
	} else 

#' @export
st_bbox.default = function(obj, ...) {
	if (!missing(obj))
		stop(paste("no st_bbox method available for object of class", class(obj)))
	obj = st_sfc(st_point(c(-180,-90)), st_point(c(180, 90)), crs = st_crs('OGC:CRS84'))

#' @export
st_bbox.dimensions = function(obj, ...) {
	if (has_raster(obj)) { # raster
		r = attr(obj, "raster")
		x = obj[[ r$dimensions[1] ]]
		y = obj[[ r$dimensions[2] ]]
		bb = if (is.null(x$values) && is.null(y$values)) {
				gt = st_geotransform(obj)
				if (length(gt) == 6 && !any(is.na(gt))) {
					bb = rbind(c(x$from - 1, y$from - 1), c(x$to, y$from - 1), c(x$to, y$to), c(x$from - 1, y$to))
					xy = xy_from_colrow(bb, gt)
					c(xmin = min(xy[,1]), ymin = min(xy[,2]), xmax = max(xy[,1]), ymax = max(xy[,2]))
				} else
					c(xmin = x$from - 0.5, ymin = y$from - 0.5, xmax = x$to + 0.5, ymax = y$to + 0.5)
			} else {
				if (is_curvilinear(obj))
					c(xmin = min(x$values, na.rm = TRUE),
						ymin = min(y$values, na.rm = TRUE),
						xmax = max(x$values, na.rm = TRUE),
						ymax = max(y$values, na.rm = TRUE))
				else {
					rx = range(x) # dispatches into range.dimension
					ry = range(y)
					c(xmin = rx[1], ymin = ry[1], xmax = rx[2], ymax = ry[2])
		structure(bb, crs = st_crs(x$refsys), class = "bbox")
	} else {
		if (! has_sfc(obj))
			stop("dimensions table does not have x & y, nor an sfc dimension") # nocov
		ix = which_sfc(obj)
		if (length(ix) > 1)
			warning("returning the bounding box of the first geometry dimension")
		st_bbox(obj[[ ix[1] ]]$values)

#' @export
st_bbox.stars = function(obj, ...) {
	st_bbox(st_dimensions(obj), ...)

#' set bounding box parameters of regular grid
#' @param x object of class dimensions, stars or stars_proxy
#' @param value object of class bbox
#' @param ... ignored
#' @export
st_set_bbox = function(x, value, ...) UseMethod("st_set_bbox")

#' @export
st_set_bbox.dimensions = function(x, value, ...) {
	stopifnot(inherits(value, "bbox"), is_regular_grid(x))
	xy = attr(x, "raster")$dimensions
	if (x[[ xy[1] ]]$from != 1 || x[[ xy[2] ]]$from != 1)
		stop("use st_normalize first so that dimensions start at index 1")
	d = dim(x)
	xsign = sign(x[[ xy[1] ]]$delta)
	ysign = sign(x[[ xy[2] ]]$delta)
	x[[ xy[1] ]]$offset = ifelse(xsign < 0, value[["xmax"]], value[["xmin"]])
	x[[ xy[2] ]]$offset = ifelse(ysign < 0, value[["ymax"]], value[["ymin"]])
	x[[ xy[1] ]]$delta = xsign * (value[["xmax"]] - value[["xmin"]]) / d[[ xy[1] ]]
	x[[ xy[2] ]]$delta = ysign * (value[["ymax"]] - value[["ymin"]]) / d[[ xy[2] ]]
	if (!is.na(st_crs(value)))
		st_crs(x) = st_crs(value)

#' @export
st_set_bbox.stars = function(x, value, ...) {
	structure(x, dimensions = st_set_bbox(st_dimensions(x), value))

#' @export
st_set_bbox.stars_proxy = function(x, value, ...) {
	structure(x, dimensions = st_set_bbox(st_dimensions(x), value))

#' @export
st_crs.stars = function(x, ...) {
	st_crs(st_dimensions(x), ...)

#' @export
st_crs.dimensions = function(x, ...) {
	xy = attr(x, "raster")$dimensions
	if (!all(is.na(xy)))
		st_crs(x[[ xy[1] ]]$refsys)
	else if (has_sfc(x)) # search for simple features:
		st_crs(x[[ which_sfc(x)[1] ]]$values)

#' @export
`st_crs<-.stars` = function(x, value) {
	structure(x, dimensions = st_set_crs(st_dimensions(x), value))

#' @export
`st_crs<-.dimensions` = function(x, value) {
	value = if (is.na(value))
		else if (is.numeric(value) || is.character(value))
		else if (inherits(value, "crs"))
			stop(paste("crs of class", class(value), "not recognized"))

	# set CRS in dimensions:
	xy = attr(x, "raster")$dimensions
	if (!all(is.na(xy))) { # has x/y spatial dimensions:
		x[[ xy[1] ]]$refsys = value
		x[[ xy[2] ]]$refsys = value

	if (!all(is.na(xy)) && !is.na(x[[ xy[1] ]]$refsys) && !is.na(value) && st_crs(x) != value)
		warning("replacing CRS does not reproject data: use st_transform, or st_warp to warp to a new CRS")

	# set crs of sfc's, if any:
	for (j in which_sfc(x)) {
		x[[ j ]]$refsys = value
		st_crs(x[[ j ]]$values) = value

#' @export
st_geometry.stars = function(obj,...) {
	if (!has_sfc(obj))
		stop("stars object does not have a simple feature dimension")
	d = st_dimensions(obj)
	d[[ which_sfc(obj) ]]$values

# make sure asub works for factor too:
#' @export
asub.factor = function(x, idx, dims, drop = NULL, ...) {
	l = levels(x)
	x = unclass(x)
	ret = NextMethod()
	structure(ret, class = class(x), levels = l)

#' @name merge
#' @aliases split
#' @param f the name or index of the dimension to split; by default the last dimension
#' @param drop ignored
#' @details split.stars works on the first attribute, and will give an error when more than one attribute is present
#' @export
split.stars = function(x, f = length(dim(x)), drop = TRUE, ...) {
	if (length(x) > 1) {
		l = lapply(seq_along(x), function(i) split(x[i], f, drop = drop, ...))
  		do.call(c, setNames(l, names(x)))
	} else {
		d = st_dimensions(x)
		if (is.character(f))
			f = which(names(d) == f)
		ret = lapply(seq_len(dim(x)[f]), function(y) asub(x[[1]], y, f, drop = TRUE))
		nm = if (!is.null(d[[f]]$values))
		st_as_stars(setNames(ret, nm), dimensions = d[-f])

#' merge or split stars object
#' merge attributes into a dimension, or split a dimension over attributes
#' @param x object of class \code{stars}
#' @param y needs to be missing
#' @param name name for the new dimension
#' @param ... if defined, the first unnamed argument is used for dimension values, if not defined, attribute names are used for dimension values
#' @returns merge merges attributes of a stars object into a new dimension; split splits a dimension over attributes
#' @name merge
#' @export
merge.stars = function(x, y, ..., name = "attributes") {
	dots = list(...)
	if (!missing(y))
		stop("argument y needs to be missing: merging attributes of x")
	old_dim = st_dimensions(x)
	out = st_redimension(x, name = name)
	new_dim = if (length(dots))
			create_dimension(values = dots[[1]])
			create_dimension(values = names(x))
	dims = setNames(c(old_dim, list(new_dim)), make.unique(c(names(old_dim), name)))
	d = create_dimensions(dims, raster = attr(old_dim, "raster"))
	if (!is.null(names(dots)))
		names(d)[length(d)] = names(dots)
	st_stars(out, dimensions = d) # overwrite dimensions of out

sort_out_along = function(ret) { 
	d1 = st_dimensions(ret[[1]])
	d2 = st_dimensions(ret[[2]])
	if ("time" %in% names(d1) && (isTRUE(d1$time$offset != d2$time$offset) || 
			!any(d1$time$values %in% d2$time$values)))

#' @export
is.na.stars = function(x, ...) {
	st_as_stars(lapply(x, is.na), dimensions = st_dimensions(x))

#' redimension array, or collapse attributes into a new dimension
#' redimension array, or collapse attributes into a new dimension
#' @name redimension
#' @export
st_redimension = function(x, new_dims, along, ...) UseMethod("st_redimension")

#' @export
#' @name redimension
#' @param x object of class \code{stars}
#' @param new_dims target dimensions: either a `dimensions` object or an integer vector with the dimensions' sizes
#' @param along named list with new dimension name and values
#' @param name character name of the new dimension
#' @param ... ignored
st_redimension.stars = function(x, new_dims = st_dimensions(x), 
		along = setNames(list(names(x)), name), ..., name = "new_dim") {

	d = st_dimensions(x)
	if (inherits(new_dims, "dimensions")) {
		di = dim(new_dims)
	} else {
		di = new_dims
		new_dims = create_dimensions(di)
	if (!isTRUE(all.equal(di, dim(x), check.attributes = FALSE))) {
		if (prod(dim(x)) != prod(di))
			stop("product of dim(new_dim) does not match that of x")
		for (i in seq_len(min(length(di), length(dim(x)))))
			if (di[i] == dim(x)[i]) {
				new_dims[[i]] = d[[i]]
				names(new_dims)[i] = names(d[i])
		x = unclass(x)
		raster = attr(d, "raster")
		if (all(raster$dimensions %in% names(new_dims)))
			attr(new_dims, "raster") = raster
		for (i in seq_along(x))
			dim(x[[i]]) = di
		st_stars(x, dimensions = new_dims)
	} else { # collapse attributes into dimension
		if (length(x) == 1) # only one attribute: do nothing
		else {
			new_dim = create_dimension(values = along[[1]])
			dims = create_dimensions(c(d, new_dim = list(new_dim)), attr(d, "raster"))
			if (length(names(along)) == 1)
				names(dims)[names(dims) == "new_dim"] = names(along)
			ret = structure(do.call(c, x), dim = dim(dims))
			st_stars(setNames(list(ret), paste(names(x), collapse = ".")), dimensions = dims)

#' @export
"$<-.stars" = function(x, i, value) {
	x[[i]] = value

#' @export
"[[<-.stars" = function(x, i, value) {
	if (!is.null(value)) {
		if (prod(dim(x)) %% length(value) != 0) { # error:
			if (is.null(dim(value)))
				stop(paste("replacement has length", length(value), ", data has dim", paste(dim(x), collapse = ", ")))
				stop(paste("replacement has dim", paste(dim(value), collapse = ", "), ", data has dim", paste(dim(x), collapse = ", ")))
		if (inherits(value, "stars")) {
			stopifnot(length(value) == 1)
			value = value[[1]]
		value = if (inherits(value, c("factor", "POSIXct")))
				structure(rep(value, length.out = prod(dim(x))), dim = dim(x), colors = attr(value, "colors"),
					rgba = attr(value, "rgba"), exclude = attr(value, "exclude"))
			else if (!is.array(value) || !isTRUE(all.equal(dim(value), dim(x), check.attributes = FALSE)))
				array(value, dim(x))

st_upfront = function(x, first = attr(st_dimensions(x), "raster")$dimensions) {
	if (!is.character(first))
		first = names(st_dimensions(x))[first]
	if (!any(is.na(first)))
		aperm(x, c(first, setdiff(names(st_dimensions(x)), first)))

#' @export
st_area.stars = function(x, ...) {
	crs = st_crs(x)
	if (is.na(crs))
		message("Missing coordinate reference system: assuming Cartesian coordinates")
	d = st_dimensions(st_upfront(x))[1:2]
	a = if (isTRUE(st_is_longlat(x)) || is_curvilinear(x))
			st_area(st_as_sfc(x, as_points = FALSE)) # has units
		else { 
			a = if (is_regular_grid(x))
					d[[1]]$delta * d[[2]]$delta
				else { # rectilinear:
					x = if (inherits(d[[1]]$values, "intervals"))
					y = if (inherits(d[[2]]$values, "intervals"))
					apply(do.call(cbind, x), 1, diff) %o% apply(do.call(cbind, y), 1, diff)
			if (!is.na(crs))
				units::set_units(abs(a), paste0(crs$units, "^2"), mode = "standard")
	lst = if (inherits(a, "units"))
			list(area = `units<-`(array(a, dim(d)), units(a)))
			list(area = array(a, dim(d)))
	st_stars(lst, dimensions = d)

#' @export
drop_units.stars = function(x) {
	try_drop_units = function(x) {
		if (inherits(x, "units"))
	st_stars(lapply(x, try_drop_units), dimensions = st_dimensions(x))

#' Predict values, given a model object, for a stars or stars_proxy object
#' @export
#' @name predict.stars
#' @param object object of class `stars`
#' @param model model object of a class that has a predict method; check with `methods(class = class(object))`
#' @param drop_dimensions logical; if `TRUE`, remove dimensions (coordinates etc) from `data.frame` with predictors
#' @param ... arguments passed on to this predict method
#' @details separate predictors in object need to be separate attributes in object; 
#' in case they are e.g. in a band dimension, use `split(object)`
predict.stars = function(object, model, ..., drop_dimensions = FALSE) {
	obj_df = as.data.frame(st_as_stars(object))
	if (drop_dimensions)
		obj_df = obj_df[-seq_along(dim(object))]
	na_ids = which(is.na(obj_df), arr.ind = TRUE) # identify rows with NA's in the predictors
	obj_df[na_ids] = 0  # fill with something valid (e.g. 0)
	pr = try(predict(model, obj_df, ...), silent = TRUE)
	has_method = function(generic, cls) {
		m = row.names(attr(methods(generic), "info"))
		cls %in% substring(m, nchar(generic) + 2, 1e4)
	if (inherits(pr, "try-error") && !has_method("predict", class(model)))
		stop(paste("No predict method found for objects of class", class(model)))
	if (inherits(pr, "try-error")) { # https://github.com/r-spatial/stars/issues/448
		m = paste0("prediction on array(s) `", paste(names(object), collapse = ","), "' failed; will try to split() dimension `", tail(names(dim(object)), 1), "' over attributes")
		predict(split(object), model, ..., drop_dimensions = drop_dimensions) # returns
	} else {
		if (!inherits(pr, "data.frame"))
			pr = if (is.null(colnames(pr)))
					data.frame(prediction = pr)
		pr[unique(data.frame(na_ids)[,1]), ] = NA # Mask with original NA's
		st_stars(lapply(pr, function(y) structure(y, dim = dim(object))), st_dimensions(object))

#' create an array with dimension values
#' create an array with dimension values
#' @param x object of class \code{stars}
#' @param which integer; indices of the dimensions to address (default: all)
#' @return \code{stars} object with dimension values as attributes
#' @export
#' @examples
#' tif = system.file("tif/L7_ETMs.tif", package = "stars")
#' x1 = read_stars(tif)
#' (x = st_dim_to_attr(x1))
#' plot(x)
#' (x = st_dim_to_attr(x1, 2:3))
#' plot(x)
#' (x= st_dim_to_attr(x1, 3))
#' plot(x)
st_dim_to_attr = function(x, which = seq_along(dim(x))) {
	d = dim(x)
	l = vector("list", length = length(which))
	e = expand_dimensions(x)
	for (i in seq_along(which)) {
		l [[i]] = if (is.null(dim(e[[i]]))) {
				dp = c(which[i], setdiff(seq_along(dim(x)), which[i]))
				aperm(array(e[[ which[i] ]], d[dp]), order(dp))
			} else # curvilinear:
				array(e[[i]], d)
	st_stars(setNames(l, names(d)[which]), st_dimensions(x))

#' @export
st_interpolate_aw.stars = function(x, to, extensive, ...) {
	ret = sf::st_interpolate_aw(st_as_sf(x), to, extensive, ...)
	geom = attr(ret, "sf_column")
	dx = dim(x)
	if (length(dx) > 2 && length(x) == 1 && length(ret) > 2) {
		ret = merge(st_as_stars(ret))
		nd = names(st_dimensions(x))
		ret = st_set_dimensions(ret, seq_along(dx), 
								names = c(geom, paste0(nd[-(1:2)], collapse = ".")))
		setNames(ret, names(x))
	} else

#' get the raster type (if any) of a stars object
#' @param x object of class \code{stars}
#' @param dimension optional: numbers or names of dimension(s) to get per-dimension type
#' @return if \code{dimension} is not specified, return the spatial raster type: 
#' one of \code{NA} (if the object does not have raster dimensions), 
#' \code{"curvilinear"}, \code{"rectilinear"}, \code{"affine"}, or \code{"regular"}.
#' In case dimension(s) are specified, return one of \code{"regular"}, \code{"rectilinear"}
#' (irregular but numeric), or \code{"discrete"} (anything else).
#' @details categories \code{"curvilinear"} and \code{"affine"} only refer to
#' the relationship between a pair of spatial (raster) dimensions.
#' @examples
#' tif = system.file("tif/L7_ETMs.tif", package = "stars")
#' x = read_stars(tif)
#' st_raster_type(x)
#' st_raster_type(x, 1:3)
#' @export
st_raster_type = function(x, dimension = character(0)) {
	stopifnot(inherits(x, "stars"))
	if (!missing(dimension))
		stopifnot(all(dimension >= 1), all(dimension <= length(dim(x))))
	dimension_type = function(d) {
		if (!any(is.na(c(d$offset, d$delta))))
		else if (!is.null(d$values) && is.numeric(d$values) && is.matrix(d$values))
		else if (!is.null(d$values) && is.numeric(d$values))
	if (length(dimension))
		sapply(st_dimensions(x)[dimension], dimension_type)
	else if (!has_raster(x))
	else if (is_curvilinear(x))
	else if (is_rectilinear(x))
	else if (has_rotate_or_shear(x))

#' obtain (spatial) resolution of a stars object
#' obtain resolution(s) of a stars object: by default only the (absolute) x/y raster dimensions, optionally all \code{delta} dimension parameters 
#' @param x an object of class \code{stars}
#' @param all logical; if FALSE return a vector with the x/y raster resolution
#' @param absolute logical; only works when \code{all = FALSE}; if TRUE return absolute resolution values, if FALSE return \code{delta} values
#' @returns if \code{all = FALSE} a vector with x/y raster resolutions, otherwise a list with delta values
#' @examples
#' st_res(L7_ETMs)
#' st_res(L7_ETMs, absolute = FALSE)
#' st_res(L7_ETMs, all = TRUE)
#' if (require(starsdata)) {
#'   paste0("netcdf/", c("avhrr-only-v2.19810901.nc", 
#'     "avhrr-only-v2.19810902.nc",
#'     "avhrr-only-v2.19810903.nc",
#'     "avhrr-only-v2.19810904.nc")) |>
#'   system.file(package = "starsdata") |>
#'   read_stars(quiet = TRUE) -> x
#'   st_res(x) |> print()
#'   st_res(x, all = TRUE) |> print()
#' }
#' @export
st_res = function(x, all = FALSE, absolute = !all) {
	stopifnot(inherits(x, "stars"))
	d = st_dimensions(x)
	l = lapply(d, `[[`, "delta")
	if (!all) {
		xy = attr(d, "raster")$dimensions
		l = unlist(l[xy])
		if (absolute)
			l = abs(l)

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stars documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:59 a.m.