
Defines functions units.dimension drop_units.dimension as.POSIXct.stars `dimnames<-.stars` dimnames.stars `[<-.dimensions` `[.dimension` seq.dimension combine_dimensions all.equal.dimensions identical_dimensions print.dimensions as.data.frame.dimensions dim.dimensions expand_dimensions.dimensions expand_dimensions.stars expand_dimensions parse_gdal_meta try_as_units parse_netcdf_meta get_pcict get_val print.stars_raster get_raster create_dimensions_from_gdal_meta get_crs create_dimensions create_dimension regular_intervals st_get_dimension_values st_set_dimensions st_dimensions.default st_dimensions.array `st_dimensions<-.list` `st_dimensions<-.stars_proxy` `st_dimensions<-.stars` `st_dimensions<-` st_dimensions.dimensions st_dimensions.stars st_dimensions

Documented in as.data.frame.dimensions expand_dimensions expand_dimensions.dimensions print.dimensions st_dimensions st_dimensions.array st_dimensions.default st_dimensions.stars st_get_dimension_values st_set_dimensions

#' get dimensions from stars object
#' @name st_dimensions
#' @export
#' @param .x object to retrieve dimensions information from 
#' @param ... further arguments
#' @param value new object of class \code{dimensions}, with matching dimensions
#' @return the \code{dimensions} attribute of \code{x}, of class \code{dimensions}
st_dimensions = function(.x, ...) UseMethod("st_dimensions")

#' @export
#' @name st_dimensions
st_dimensions.stars = function(.x, ...) attr(.x, "dimensions")

#' @export
st_dimensions.dimensions = function(.x, ...) .x

#' @export
#' @name st_dimensions
`st_dimensions<-` = function(x, value) UseMethod("st_dimensions<-")

#' @export
#' @name st_dimensions
#' @param x object of class \code{dimensions}
`st_dimensions<-.stars` = function(x, value) {
	stopifnot(inherits(value, "dimensions"), length(x) && all(dim(x[[1]]) == dim(value)))
	st_stars(x, value)

#' @export
#' @name st_dimensions
`st_dimensions<-.stars_proxy` = function(x, value) {
	if (!is.null(attr(x, "call_list")))
		stop("st_dimensions<- on a stars_proxy object only works if there is no call list")
	structure(NextMethod(), class = class(x))

#' @export
#' @name st_dimensions
`st_dimensions<-.list` = function(x, value) {
	st_as_stars(x, dimensions = value)

#' @export
#' @name st_dimensions
st_dimensions.array = function(.x, ...) {
	if (length(list(...)) > 0)
		stop("only one argument expected")
	dn = dimnames(.x)

	# raster?
	r = if (all(c("x", "y") %in% names(dn)))
			get_raster(affine = c(0.0, 0.0), dimensions = c("x", "y"), curvilinear = FALSE)
			get_raster(affine = c(0.0, 0.0), dimensions = rep(NA_character_, 2), curvilinear = FALSE)

	ret = if (is.null(dn))
			st_dimensions(list(.x)) # default
		else # try to get dimension names and default values from dimnames(.x):
			create_dimensions(lapply(dn, function(y) create_dimension(values = y)), r)

	if (is.null(names(ret)) || any(names(ret) == ""))
		names(ret) = make.names(seq_along(ret))


#' @export
st_dimensions.matrix = st_dimensions.array

#' @export
#' @name st_dimensions
#' @param .raster length 2 character array with names (if any) of the raster dimensions
#' @param affine numeric; specify parameters of the affine transformation
#' @param cell_midpoints logical; if \code{TRUE} AND the dimension values are strictly regular, the values are interpreted as the cell midpoint values rather than the cell offset values when calculating offset (i.e., the half-cell-size correction is applied); can have a value for each dimension, or else is recycled
#' @param point logical; does the pixel value (measure) refer to a point (location) value or to an pixel (area) summary value?
#' @details dimensions can be specified in two ways. The simplest is to pass a vector with numeric values for a numeric dimension, or character values for a categorical dimension. Parameter \code{cell_midpoints} is used to specify whether numeric values refer to the offset (start) of a dimension interval (default), or to the center; the center case is only available for regular dimensions. For rectilinear numeric dimensions, one can specify either a vector with cell borders (start values), or a data.frame with two columns named "start" and "end", with the respective interval start and end values. In the first case, the end values are computed from the start values by assuming the last two intervals have equal width.
st_dimensions.default = function(.x, ..., .raster, affine = c(0, 0), 
		cell_midpoints = FALSE, point = FALSE) {
	d = list(...)
	if (! missing(.x))
		d = append(list(.x), d)
	if (missing(.raster)) { 
		.raster = if (all(c("x", "y") %in% names(d)) && is.numeric(d$x) && is.numeric(d$y))
				c("x", "y") 
				rep(NA_character_, 2)
	create_dimensions(mapply(create_dimension, values = d, is_raster = cell_midpoints, point = point, SIMPLIFY = FALSE),
		raster = get_raster(dimensions = .raster, affine = affine))

#' @name st_dimensions
#' @param which integer or character; index or name of the dimension to be changed
#' @param values values for this dimension (e.g. \code{sfc} list-column), or length-1 \code{dimensions} object; setting special value \code{NULL} removes dimension values, for instance to remove curvilinear raster coordinates
#' @param names character; vector with new names for all dimensions, or with the single new name for the dimension indicated by \code{which}
#' @param xy length-2 character vector; (new) names for the \code{x} and \code{y} raster dimensions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x = read_stars(system.file("tif/L7_ETMs.tif", package = "stars"))
#' # Landsat 7 ETM+ band semantics: https://landsat.gsfc.nasa.gov/the-enhanced-thematic-mapper-plus/
#' # set bands to values 1,2,3,4,5,7:
#' (x1 = st_set_dimensions(x, "band", values = c(1,2,3,4,5,7), names = "band_number", point = TRUE))
#' # set band values as bandwidth
#' rbind(c(0.45,0.515), c(0.525,0.605), c(0.63,0.69), c(0.775,0.90), c(1.55,1.75), c(2.08,2.35)) %>%
#'   units::set_units("um") -> bw # or: units::set_units(µm) -> bw
#' # set bandwidth midpoint:
#' (x2 = st_set_dimensions(x, "band", values = 0.5 * (bw[,1]+bw[,2]), 
#'    names = "bandwidth_midpoint", point = TRUE))
#' # set bandwidth intervals:
#' (x3 = st_set_dimensions(x, "band", values = make_intervals(bw), names = "bandwidth"))
st_set_dimensions = function(.x, which, values = NULL, point = NULL, names = NULL, xy, ...) {
	d = st_dimensions(.x)
	if (!missing(which) && is.character(which))
		which = match(which, base::names(d))
	if (! missing(values)) {
		if (is.na(which))
			stop("which should be a name or index of an existing dimensions")
		if (inherits(values, "units") && names(d)[which] %in% attr(d, "raster")$xy 
				&& !is.na(st_crs(.x)))
			stop("units in x/y dimension values only allowed if object has no CRS")
		if (inherits(values, "dimensions")) {
			if (is.null(names))
				names <- names(values)
			values <- values[[1]]$values
		if (!is.null(values) && !inherits(values, "intervals") && dim(.x)[which] != length(values)) {
			if (dim(.x)[which] == length(values) - 1) # create intervals:
				values = as_intervals(values)
				stop(paste("length of values (", length(values), 
					") does not match length of dimension", which, "(", dim(.x)[which], ")"))
		if (is.null(values))
			d[[which]]["values"] = list(NULL) # avoid removing element values
			d[[which]] = create_dimension(values = values, point = point %||% d[[which]]$point, ...)
		r = attr(d, "raster")
		if (isTRUE(r$curvilinear)) {
			# FIXME: there's much more that should be checked for curvilinear grids...
			# https://github.com/r-spatial/stars/issues/460
			if (base::names(d)[which] %in% r$dimensions && !any(sapply(d, function(v) is.matrix(v$values)))) {
				attr(d, "raster")$curvilinear = FALSE 
				st_crs(d) = NA
#		else if (inherits(values, "sfc"))
#			base::names(d)[which] = "sfc"
	if (!is.null(point) && is.logical(point)) {
		d[[which]]$point = point
	if (! missing(xy)) {
		if (is.null(xy) || (length(xy) == 1 && is.na(xy)))
			xy = c(NA, NA)
		stopifnot(length(xy) == 2)
		r = attr(d, "raster")
		r$dimensions = as.character(xy)
		attr(d, "raster") = r
	if (!missing(names)) {
		if (length(d) != length(names) && length(names) != 1)
			stop("length of names should match number of dimensions")
		r = attr(d, "raster")
		if (length(d) == length(names)) {
			# handle names in raster attribute, #46
			# problematic again in #379
			if (any(!is.na(r$dimensions)))
				r$dimensions = names[match(r$dimensions, names(d))]
			new_names = names
		} else { # replace the name of dimension `which`, #354
			if (names(d)[which] %in% r$dimensions)
				r$dimensions[match(names(d)[which], r$dimensions)] = names
			new_names = names(d)
			new_names[which] = names
		attr(d, "raster") = r
		base::names(d) = new_names
	if (length(list(...)))
		d[[which]] = create_dimension(from = 1, to = dim(.x)[which], ...)

	if (inherits(.x, "stars_proxy"))
		structure(.x, dimensions = d)
		st_as_stars(unclass(.x), dimensions = d)

#' @name st_dimensions
#' @param where character, one of 'start', 'center' or 'end'. Set to NA (default) to ignore and use \code{max} and \code{center} explictly.  This argument provides a convenient alternative to setting \code{max} and \code{center}.
#' @param max logical; if \code{TRUE} return the end, rather than the beginning of an interval
#' @param center logical; if \code{TRUE} return the center of an interval; if \code{NA} return the center for raster dimensions, and the start of intervals in other cases
#' @export
#' @examples
#' m = matrix(1:20, nrow = 5, ncol = 4)
#' dim(m) = c(x = 5, y = 4) # named dim
#' (s = st_as_stars(m))
#' st_get_dimension_values(s, 'x', where = "start")
#' st_get_dimension_values(s, 'x', center = FALSE)
#' st_get_dimension_values(s, 'x', where = "center")
#' st_get_dimension_values(s, 'x', center = TRUE)
#' st_get_dimension_values(s, 'x', where = "end")
#' st_get_dimension_values(s, 'x', max = TRUE)
st_get_dimension_values = function(.x, which, ..., where = NA, max = FALSE, center = NA) {
	if ((!is.numeric(which) && !is.character(which)) || length(which) != 1)
		stop("argument which should be a length 1 dimension index or name") # nocov
  if (!is.na(where)){
    w = tolower(where[1])
    if (w == 'center'){
      max = FALSE
      center = TRUE
    } else if (w == 'start'){
      max = FALSE
      center = FALSE
    } else if (w == 'end'){
      max = TRUE
      center = NA
    } else {
      stop("where, if not NA, must be 'start', 'center' or 'end': ", where)
  expand_dimensions(.x, ..., max = max, center = center)[[which]]

#' @export
"[.dimensions" = function(x, i, j,..., drop = FALSE) {
	raster = attr(x, "raster")
	ret = unclass(x)[i]
	if (isTRUE(all(raster$dimensions %in% names(ret))))
		create_dimensions(ret, raster)
		create_dimensions(ret) # drop raster

regular_intervals = function(x, epsilon = 1e-10) {
	if (length(x) <= 1)
	else {
		ud = if (is.atomic(x) && (is.numeric(x) || inherits(x, c("POSIXt", "Date", "PCICt"))))
			else {
				if (inherits(x, "intervals") && identical(tail(x$end, -1), head(x$start, -1)))
					x$end - x$start
		isTRUE(as.numeric(abs(diff(range(ud)) / mean(ud))) < epsilon)

create_dimension = function(from = 1, to, offset = NA_real_, delta = NA_real_, 
		refsys = NA_character_, point = NA, values = NULL, is_raster = FALSE)  {

	example = NA

	if (! is.null(values)) { # figure out from values whether we have sth regular:
		from = 1
		to = length(values)
		if (!(is.character(values) || is.factor(values)) && is.atomic(values)) { 
			if (! all(is.finite(values)))
				warning("dimension value(s) non-finite")
			else {
				if (regular_intervals(values)) {
					offset = values[1]
					if (length(values) > 1) {
						delta = diff(values[1:2])
					# shift half grid cell size if x or y raster dim cell midpoints:
						if (is_raster)
							offset = offset - 0.5 * delta
					values = NULL
					example = offset
				} else
					example = values
		if (inherits(values, "intervals"))
			example = values$start

		# refsys:
		if (inherits(example, "POSIXct"))
			refsys = "POSIXct"
		else if (inherits(example, "Date"))
			refsys = "Date"
		else if (inherits(example, "PCICt"))
			refsys = paste0("PCICt_", attr(example, "cal"))
		else if (inherits(example, "units"))
			refsys = "udunits"

		if (inherits(values, "sfc")) {
			point = inherits(values, c("sfc_POINT", "sfc_MULTIPOINT"))
			if (!is.na(st_crs(values)) && is.na(refsys)) # inherit:
				refsys = st_crs(values)
		if (is.numeric(values) && (is.na(point) || !point)) {
			values = if (is_raster)
					set_dimension_values(centers = values)
					set_dimension_values(start = values)
	structure(list(from = unname(from), to = unname(to), offset = unname(offset), 
		delta = unname(delta), refsys = refsys, point = unname(point), values = values), 
		class = "dimension")

create_dimensions = function(lst, raster = NULL) {
	if (is.numeric(lst)) # when called with a dim(array) argument:
		lst = setNames(lapply(seq_along(lst), function(i) create_dimension(from = 1, to = lst[i])), 
	if (is.null(names(lst)))
		names(lst) = make.names(seq_along(lst))
	if (any(names(lst) == "")) {
		sel = which(names(lst) == "")
		names(lst)[sel] = make.names(seq_along(sel))
	if (is.null(raster))
		structure(lst, raster = get_raster(dimensions = c(NA_character_, NA_character_)), class = "dimensions")
	else { 
		d = structure(lst, raster = raster, class = "dimensions")
		rd = raster$dimensions
		if (identical(d[[rd[1]]]$refsys, "udunits") && identical(d[[rd[2]]]$refsys, "udunits")) {
			deg = units(as_units("degree"))
			ux = units(d[[rd[1]]])
			uy = units(d[[rd[2]]])
			u1 = units(units::as_units("1"))
			if (inherits(ux, "symbolic_units") && inherits(uy, "symbolic_units") &&
					(!identical(ux, u1) && !identical(uy, u1)) &&
					units::ud_are_convertible(ux, deg) && units::ud_are_convertible(uy, deg)) {
				d[[rd[1]]] = drop_units(d[[rd[1]]])
				d[[rd[2]]] = drop_units(d[[rd[2]]])
				d[[rd[1]]]$refsys = d[[rd[2]]]$refsys = st_crs('OGC:CRS84') # specifies units

get_crs = function(pr) {
	if (!is.null(pr$crs))
	else if (!is.null(pr$wkt)) # newer sf, but GDAL < 3.0.0
	else if (!is.null(pr$proj_wkt))

create_dimensions_from_gdal_meta = function(dims, pr) {
	#if (all(is.na(pr$geotransform)))
	#	pr$geotransform = c(0.0,  1.0,  0.0,  0.0,  0.0, -1.0) # some GTiffs...
	lst = vector("list", length(dims))
	names(lst) = names(dims)
	for (i in names(lst)) {
		lst[[i]] = switch(i,
			x = create_dimension(from = pr$cols[1], to = pr$cols[2], 
				offset = pr$geotransform[1], 
				delta = pr$geotransform[2],
				point = pr$point,
				refsys = get_crs(pr)),
			y = create_dimension(from = pr$rows[1], to = pr$rows[2], 
				offset = pr$geotransform[4],
				delta = pr$geotransform[6],
				point = pr$point,
				refsys = get_crs(pr)),
			# default:
			create_dimension(from = 1, to = dims[i]) # time? depth+units? To be filled in later...
	if (! is.null(pr$dim_extra)) { # netcdf...
		for (d in names(pr$dim_extra)) {
			refsys = if (inherits(pr$dim_extra[[d]], "POSIXct")) 
				else if (inherits(pr$dim_extra[[d]], "PCICt"))
			de = pr$dim_extra[[d]]
			diff.de = diff(de)
			lst[[d]] = if (length(unique(diff.de)) <= 1) {
					delta = if (length(diff.de)) diff.de[1] else NA_real_
					create_dimension(from = 1, to = length(de), offset = de[1], delta = delta, refsys = refsys)
				} else
					create_dimension(from = 1, to = length(de), values = de, refsys = refsys)
		lst[["band"]] = NULL
	# handle band descriptions, if present:
	if (!is.null(lst$band) && !is.null(pr$descriptions) && all(pr$descriptions != ""))
		lst$band$values = pr$descriptions
	else if (!is.null(pr$band_meta)) {
		bm = unlist(pr$band_meta)
		if (any(a <- grepl("DESCRIPTION=", bm)) && length(which(a)) > 1)
			lst$band$values = substring(bm[a], 13)
	# set up raster:
	raster = get_raster(affine = pr$geotransform[c(3,5)],
						dimensions = c("x", "y"),
						curvilinear = FALSE, 
						blocksizes = pr$blocksizes)
	create_dimensions(lst, raster)

get_raster = function(affine = rep(0, 2), dimensions = c("x", "y"),
					  curvilinear = FALSE, blocksizes = NULL) {
	if (any(is.na(affine)))
		affine = c(0, 0)
	if (!is.null(blocksizes))
		colnames(blocksizes) = dimensions # columns, rows!
	structure(list(affine = affine,
				   dimensions = dimensions,
				   curvilinear = curvilinear,
				   blocksizes = blocksizes), 
		  class = "stars_raster")

#' @export
print.stars_raster = function(x, ...) {
	if (any(is.na(x$affine)))
		cat(paste("affine parameters:", x$affine[1], x$affine[2], "\n"))
	else if (any(x$affine != 0.0))
		cat(paste("sheared raster with parameters:", format(x$affine[1], ...), format(x$affine[2], ...), "\n"))
	if (x$curvilinear)
		cat("curvilinear grid\n")

get_val = function(pattern, meta) {
	i = grep(pattern, meta)
	if (length(i))
		strsplit(meta[i], "=")[[1]][2]

get_pcict = function(values, unts, calendar) {
	stopifnot(calendar %in% c("360_day", "365_day", "noleap"))
	if (!requireNamespace("PCICt", quietly = TRUE))
		stop("package PCICt required, please install it first") # nocov
	origin = 0:1
	units(origin) = try_as_units(unts)
	delta = if (grepl("months", unts)) { # for these calendars, length of months are different from udunits representation
			if (calendar == "360_day")
				set_units(30 * 24 * 3600, "s", mode = "standard")
				set_units((365./12) * 24 * 3600, "s", mode = "standard")
		} else
			set_units(as_units(diff(as.POSIXct(origin))), "s", mode = "standard")
	origin_txt = as.character(as.POSIXct(origin[1]))
	PCICt::as.PCICt(values * as.numeric(delta), calendar, origin_txt)

parse_netcdf_meta = function(pr, name) {
	meta = pr$meta
	spl = strsplit(name, ":")[[1]] # "C:\..." results in length 2:
	name = if (length(spl) < 3) # name is not the variable, but the file name; FIXME: how to make it the variable?
			"zzzzz40163a99980" # bogus string, to avoid match
			tail(spl, 1) # last one contains 
	# longname:
	pr$long_name = get_val(paste0(get_val("NC_GLOBAL#variable_id", meta), "#long_name"), meta)
	# unit:
	pr$units = get_val(paste0(name, "#units"), meta)
	# extra dims: NETCDF_DIM_EXTRA={time,zlev}
	val = get_val("NETCDF_DIM_EXTRA", meta)
	if (! is.na(val)) {
		val = substr(val, 2, nchar(val)-1) # e.g. "{time,depth}" removes { }
		val = strsplit(val, ",")[[1]]
		if (length(val)) {
			pr$dim_extra = vector("list", length(val))
			names(pr$dim_extra) = val
			for (v in val) {
				rhs = get_val(paste0("NETCDF_DIM_", v, "_VALUES"), meta)
				if (!is.na(rhs)) {
					rhs = strsplit(gsub("[\\{\\}]" , "", rhs), ",")
					pr$dim_extra[[v]] = as.numeric(rhs[[1]])
				} else {
					rhs = get_val(paste0("NETCDF_DIM_", v), meta) # nocov # FIXME: find example?
					pr$dim_extra[[v]] = as.numeric(rhs)           # nocov
				cal = get_val(paste0(v, "#calendar"), meta)
				u =   get_val(paste0(v, "#units"), meta)
				if (! is.na(u)) {
					if (v %in% c("t", "time") && !is.na(cal) && cal %in% c("360_day", "365_day", "noleap"))
						pr$dim_extra[[v]] = get_pcict(pr$dim_extra[[v]], u, cal)
					else {
						units(pr$dim_extra[[v]]) = try_as_units(u)
						if (v %in% c("t", "time") && !inherits(try(as.POSIXct(pr$dim_extra[[v]]), silent = TRUE),
							pr$dim_extra[[v]] = as.POSIXct(pr$dim_extra[[v]])
			pr$dim_extra = rev(pr$dim_extra)

try_as_units = function(u) {
	un = try(suppressWarnings(as_units(u)), silent = TRUE)
	if (inherits(un, "try-error")) # try without ^:
		un = try(suppressWarnings(as_units(gsub("^", "", u, fixed = TRUE))), silent = TRUE)
	if (inherits(un, "try-error")) # try without **
		un = try(suppressWarnings(as_units(gsub("**", "", u, fixed = TRUE))), silent = TRUE)
	if (inherits(un, "try-error")) {
		warning(paste("ignoring unrecognized unit:", u), call. = FALSE)
	} else

parse_gdal_meta = function(properties) {
	point = get_val("AREA_OR_POINT", properties$meta)
	properties$point = switch(point,

#' expand the dimension values into a list
#' expand the dimension values into a list
#' @param x object of class `stars` or `dimensions`
#' @param ... ignored
#' @export
expand_dimensions = function(x, ...) UseMethod("expand_dimensions")

#' @export
expand_dimensions.stars = function(x, ...) {
	expand_dimensions(st_dimensions(x), ...)

#' @export
#' @name expand_dimensions
#' @param max logical; if `TRUE` return the max (end) values of the dimensions intervals
#' @param center logical; if `TRUE` return the center values of intervals, otherwise return offset (start) of intervals; if `NA` (default) return centers for x/y dimensions, offsets for all others
expand_dimensions.dimensions = function(x, ..., max = FALSE, center = NA) {
# returns, in case of numeric dimensions:
# 	center = TRUE: return center values for x and y coordinates, interval start values otherwise
# 	center = FALSE: return start values
#   center = NA: return centers for x/y raster, otherwise start values
#   add_max = TRUE: add in addition to x and y start values an x_max and y_max end values

	if (length(center) == 1)
		center = setNames(rep(center, length(x)), names(x))
	if (length(max) == 1)
		max = setNames(rep(max, length(x)), names(x))

	if (is.list(max))
		max = unlist(max)
	if (is.list(center))
		center = unlist(center)

	if (any(max & center, na.rm = TRUE))
		stop("only one of max and center can be TRUE, not both")

	where = setNames(rep(0.0, length(x)), names(x)) # offset
	for (i in seq_along(x)) {
		if (max[i])
			where[i] = 1.0
		if (isTRUE(center[i]))
			where[i] = 0.5

	dimensions = x
	xy = attr(x, "raster")$dimensions
	gt = st_geotransform(x)
	lst = vector("list", length(dimensions))
	names(lst) = names(dimensions)
	if (! is.null(xy) && all(!is.na(xy))) { # we have raster: where defaulting to 0.5
		where[xy] = ifelse(!max[xy] & (is.na(center[xy]) | center[xy]), 0.5, where[xy])
		if (xy[1] %in% names(lst)) # x
			lst[[ xy[1] ]] = get_dimension_values(dimensions[[ xy[1] ]], where[[ xy[1] ]], gt, "x")
		if (xy[2] %in% names(lst))  # y
			lst[[ xy[2] ]] = get_dimension_values(dimensions[[ xy[2] ]], where[[ xy[2] ]], gt, "y")

	if ("crs" %in% names(lst))
		lst[[ "crs" ]] = dimensions[[ "crs" ]]$values

	for (nm in setdiff(names(lst), c(xy, "crs"))) # non-xy, non-crs dimensions
		lst[[ nm ]] = get_dimension_values(dimensions[[ nm ]], where[[nm]], NA, NA)


#' @export
dim.dimensions = function(x) {
	if (is_curvilinear(x))
		setNames(sapply(x, function(x) { x$to - x$from + 1 } ), names(x))
		lengths(expand_dimensions(x)) # FIXME: optimise?

#' @name print_stars
#' @param digits number of digits to print numbers
#' @param usetz logical; used to format \code{PCICt} or \code{POSIXct} values
#' @param stars_crs maximum width of string for CRS objects
#' @param all logical; if \code{TRUE} print also fields entirely filled with \code{NA} or \code{NULL}
#' @export
as.data.frame.dimensions = function(x, ..., digits = max(3, getOption("digits")-3), usetz = TRUE, stars_crs = getOption("stars.crs") %||% 28, all = FALSE) {
	mformat = function(x, ..., digits) {
		if (inherits(x, c("PCICt", "POSIXct")))
			format(x, ..., usetz = usetz)
			format(x, digits = digits, ...) 
	abbrev_dim = function(y) {
		if (length(y$values) > 3 || (inherits(y$values, "sfc") && length(y$values) > 2)) {
			y$values = if (is.array(y$values))
					paste0("[", paste(dim(y$values), collapse = "x"), "] ", 
						mformat(min(y$values), digits = digits), ",...,", 
						mformat(max(y$values), digits = digits))
				else if (inherits(y$values[[1]], "crs"))
					paste0(format(y$values[[1]]), ",...,", format(y$values[[length(y$values)]]))
				else if (inherits(y$values, "sfc"))
					paste0(format(y$values[[1]], width = stars_crs), ",...,", 
						   format(y$values[[length(y$values)]], width = stars_crs))
					paste0(format(head(y$values, 1)), ",...,", 
						format(tail(y$values, 1)))
		if (is.na(y$refsys))
			y$refsys = NA_character_
		else if (nchar(tail(format(y$refsys), 1)) > stars_crs)
			y$refsys = paste0(substr(tail(format(y$refsys), 1), 1L, stars_crs - 3), "...")
	lst = lapply(x, abbrev_dim)
	lst = lapply(lst, function(x) sapply(x, mformat, digits = digits))
	ret = data.frame(do.call(rbind, lst), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
	if (! all) { # remove fields entirely NA or NULL:
		if (all(ret$offset == "NA"))
			ret$offset = NULL
		if (all(ret$delta == "NA"))
			ret$delta = NULL
		if (all(ret$refsys == "NA"))
			ret$refsys = NULL
		if (all(ret$point == "NA"))
			ret$point = NULL
		if (all(ret$values == "NULL"))
			ret$values = NULL
	r = attr(x, "raster")
	if (! any(is.na(r$dimensions))) {
		ret$raster = rep("", nrow(ret))
		ret[r$dimensions[1], "raster"] = "[x]"
		ret[r$dimensions[2], "raster"] = "[y]"
		names(ret)[ncol(ret)] = "x/y"

#' @name print_stars
#' @export
print.dimensions = function(x, ...) {
	ret = as.data.frame(x, ...)
	print(attr(x, "raster"))

identical_dimensions = function(lst, ignore_resolution = FALSE, tolerance = 0) {
	if (length(lst) > 1) {
		d1 = attr(lst[[1]], "dimensions")
		for (i in 2:length(lst)) {
			di = attr(lst[[i]], "dimensions")
			if (ignore_resolution) {
				for (j in seq_along(d1))
					d1[[j]]$delta = d1[[j]]$to = NA_real_
				for (j in seq_along(di))
					di[[j]]$delta = di[[j]]$to = NA_real_
				attr(d1, "raster")$blocksizes = NULL
				attr(di, "raster")$blocksizes = NULL
			if (! isTRUE(all.equal(d1, di, tolerance = tolerance, check.attributes = FALSE)))

#' @export
all.equal.dimensions = function(target, current, ..., ignore_blocksizes = TRUE) {
	if (ignore_blocksizes) {
		attr(target, "raster")$blocksizes = NULL
		attr(current, "raster")$blocksizes = NULL

combine_dimensions = function(dots, along, check_dims_identical = TRUE) {
	dims = st_dimensions(dots[[1]])
	if (along > length(dims)) {
		if (length(dots) > 1 && check_dims_identical) {
			for (i in 2:length(dots))
				if (! isTRUE(all.equal(dims, st_dimensions(dots[[i]]))))
					stop(paste("dimensions of element", 1, "and", i, "are not identical"))
		dims[[along]] = create_dimension(from = 1, to = length(dots), values = names(dots))
	} else {
		offset = lapply(dots, function(x) attr(x, "dimensions")[[along]]$offset)
		if (any(is.na(offset))) { # concatenate values if non-NULL:
			dims[[along]]$from = 1
			dims[[along]]$to = sum(sapply(dots, function(x) { d = st_dimensions(x)[[along]]; d$to - d$from + 1} ))
			if (!is.null(dims[[along]]$values))
				dims[[along]]$values = do.call(c, lapply(dots, function(x) attr(x, "dimensions")[[along]]$values))
		} else {
			values = do.call(c, lapply(dots, function(y) st_get_dimension_values(y, along)))
			dims[[along]] = create_dimension(values = values)

#' @export
seq.dimension = function(from, ..., center = FALSE) { # does what expand_dimensions also does, for single dimension
	get_dimension_values(from, where = ifelse(center, 0.5, 0.0), NA, what = NA_character_)

#' @export
`[.dimension` = function(x, i, ...) {
	if (!missing(i)) {
		if (!is.null(x$values) && !is.matrix(x$values))
			x$values = x$values[i]
		if (!is.na(x$from)) {
			rang = x$from:x$to # valid range
			if (!all(is.na(i)) && max(i, na.rm = TRUE) > -1 && min(i, na.rm = TRUE) < 0)
				stop("cannot mix positive and negative indexes")
			if (is.logical(i))
				i = which(i)
			else if (all(i < 0))
				i = setdiff(rang, abs(i)) # subtract
			if (!any(is.na(i)) && all(diff(i) == 1)) {
				if (max(i) > length(rang))
					stop("invalid range selected")
				sel = rang[i]
				x$from = min(sel)
				x$to = max(sel)
			} else { # invalidate offset & delta
				x$delta = x$offset = NA
				x$from = 1
				x$to = length(i)

#' @export
`[<-.dimensions` = function(x, i, value) {
	# stopifnot(length(i) == length(value))
	if (!is.null(value))
		create_dimensions(NextMethod(), raster = attr(x, "raster"))

#' @export
dimnames.stars = function(x) {

#' @export
`dimnames<-.stars` = function(x, value) {
	for (i in seq_along(x))
		names(dim(x[[i]])) = value
	names(attr(x, "dimensions")) = value

#' @export
as.POSIXct.stars = function(x, ...) {
	d = st_dimensions(x)
	e = expand_dimensions(d)
	for (i in seq_along(d)) {
		p = try(as.POSIXct(e[[i]]), silent = TRUE)
		if (!inherits(p, "try-error"))
			d[[i]] = create_dimension(values = p)
	structure(x, dimensions = d)

#' @export
drop_units.dimension = function(x) {
	du = function(y) {
		if (inherits(y, "units"))
		else if (inherits(y, "intervals")) {
			y$start = du(y$start)
			y$end = du(y$end)
		} else
	if (!is.null(x$offset))
		x$offset = du(x$offset)
	if (!is.null(x$delta))
		x$delta  = du(x$delta)
	if (!is.null(x$values))
		x$values = du(x$values)

#' @export
units.dimension = function(x) {
	if (inherits(x$offset, "units"))
	else if (inherits(x$delta, "units"))
	else if (inherits(x$values, "units"))
	else if (inherits(x$values$start, "units"))

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stars documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:59 a.m.