#' Run a simulation
#' A simulation changes landscape objects based on selected dynamics over a
#' specified number of timesteps.
#' @rdname simulation
#' @param landscape a \link[steps]{landscape} object representing the initial habitat and
#' population
#' @param population_dynamics a \link[steps]{population_dynamics} object describing how
#' population changes over time
#' @param habitat_dynamics optional list of functions to modify the landscape at
#' each timestep - see \link[steps]{habitat_dynamics_functions}
#' @param demo_stochasticity how should population rounding occur, if at all -
#' "full" uses a multinomial draw to return rounded cell populations (default)
#' whilst "none" returns non-integer cell populations (no rounding). Note, this
#' parameter specification is used consistently throughout all functions in a
#' simulation.
#' @param timesteps number of timesteps used in one simulation
#' @param replicates number of simulations to perform
#' @param verbose print messages and progress to console? (default is TRUE)
#' @param future.globals a list of custom functions, and objects called by the functions,
#' that a user has created in the global environment for use in a simulation. Note this
#' is only required when running simulations in parallel (e.g. plan(multisession)).
#' @return An object of class \code{simulation_results}
#' @export
#' @importFrom future plan multisession future value
#' @importFrom raster animate
#' @importFrom viridisLite viridis
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ls <- landscape(population = egk_pop, suitability = egk_hab, carrying_capacity = egk_k)
#' pd <- population_dynamics(change = growth(egk_mat),
#' dispersal = kernel_dispersal(max_distance = 2000,
#' dispersal_kernel = exponential_dispersal_kernel(
#' distance_decay = 1000)),
#' density_dependence = ceiling_density())
#' # Run a simulation with full demographic stochasticity and without any habitat
#' # dynamics for tewnty timesteps.
#' sim <- simulation(landscape = ls,
#' population_dynamics = pd,
#' habitat_dynamics = NULL,
#' timesteps = 20)
#' }
simulation <- function(landscape,
habitat_dynamics = list(),
demo_stochasticity = c("full", "none"),
timesteps = 3,
replicates = 1,
verbose = TRUE,
future.globals = list()){
# gather globals in future.apply call
future_lapply_wrapper <- function (...) {
future.apply::future_lapply(..., future.globals = future.globals, future.seed = TRUE)
# clear out the stash every time we begin a simulation
steps_stash$demo_stochasticity <- match.arg(demo_stochasticity)
in_parallel <- !inherits(future::plan(), "sequential")
is_multisession <- inherits(future::plan(), "multisession")
lapply_fun <- ifelse(in_parallel,
landscape_names <- names(landscape)
# loop through names of objects and check for layer counts
for (name in landscape_names) {
if (name != "population" && !is.function(landscape[[name]]) &&
!is.null(landscape[[name]]) && raster::nlayers(landscape[[name]]) > 1) {
if (raster::nlayers(landscape[[name]]) < timesteps) {
stop("A spatial object exists in the landscape that has less layers than specified ",
"number timesteps. All spatial objects must have either one layer or a number of ",
"layers equal to the intended number of timesteps in a simulation. Please check the ",
"landscape object and re-run the simulation.")
# store intitial population, habitat, and carrying capacity objects
initial_population <- landscape$population
initial_suitability <- landscape$suitability
initial_carrying_capacity <- get_carrying_capacity(landscape, 1)
simulation_results <- tryCatch(lapply_fun(seq_len(replicates),
FUN = simulate,
landscape = landscape,
population_dynamics = population_dynamics,
habitat_dynamics = habitat_dynamics,
timesteps = timesteps,
verbose = verbose,
stash = steps_stash,
is_multisession = is_multisession),
error = global_object_error)
# add the initial population, habitat, and carrying capacity objects as attributes
attr(simulation_results, "initial_population") <- initial_population
attr(simulation_results, "initial_suitability") <- initial_suitability
attr(simulation_results, "initial_carrying_capacity") <- initial_carrying_capacity
#' @export
#' @noRd
`[.simulation_results` <- function(x, ..., drop = TRUE) {
structure(NextMethod(), class=class(x))
is.simulation_results <- function (x) {
inherits(x, 'simulation_results')
# #' @rdname simulation
# #'
# #' @export
# #'
# #' @examples
# #'
# #' print(results)
# print.simulation_results <- function (x, ...) {
# cat("This is an simulation results object, for", length(x), "replicates")
# }
#' Plot the results of a simulation
#' Methods to visually inspect the results of a simulation. Both linear graphs
#' and spatial-explicit grids are generated for all timesteps to illustrate
#' population changes through time and space. Note, this function can be wrapped
#' in a *png()* call to write several images to disk for creating animations.
#' @param x a simulation_results object
#' @param replicates which replicates to plot (default is one, or the first)
#' @param ... further arguments passed to/from other methods
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ls <- landscape(population = egk_pop, suitability = egk_hab, carrying_capacity = egk_k)
#' pd <- population_dynamics(change = growth(egk_mat),
#' dispersal = kernel_dispersal(max_distance = 2000,
#' dispersal_kernel = exponential_dispersal_kernel(
#' distance_decay = 1000)),
#' density_dependence = ceiling_density())
#' sim <- simulation(landscape = ls,
#' population_dynamics = pd,
#' habitat_dynamics = NULL,
#' timesteps = 20)
#' # Plot the spatial distributions of total cell populations
#' plot(sim)
#' }
plot.simulation_results <- function (x,
replicates = 1,
# avoid a persistent effect on the graphics device
op <- graphics::par(no.readonly = TRUE)
pop_data_stages <- get_pop_simulation(x)
pop_data_totals <- apply(pop_data_stages, 3, function(x) rowSums(x))
timesteps <- seq_len(length(x[[1]]))
pop_spatial <- lapply(replicates,
function(r) lapply(timesteps,
function(t) sum(x[[r]][[t]][[1]])))
max_ind <- max(sapply(replicates,
function(r) sapply(timesteps,
function(t) max(pop_spatial[[r]][[t]][],
na.rm = TRUE))))
# rounded_max_ind <- 50 * ceiling(max_ind / 50)
# cuts <- seq(0, rounded_max_ind, 50)
if (max_ind < 5) {
cuts <- pretty(seq_len(max_ind), 2)
cuts <- pretty(seq_len(max_ind), 5)
# cols <- c("lightgray", viridis(length(cuts) - 1))
cols <- c("lightgray", viridis(max_ind - 1))
layer_names <- paste0("Population in year ", timesteps)
for (i in replicates){
for (j in timesteps) {
graphics::layout(matrix(c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3), ncol = 2), width = c(1, 1, 1), height = c(3, 2, 1))
graphics::par(mar = c(4, 3, 3, 0), mgp = c(2, 0.7, 0))
graphics::plot(x = 0:j, y = c(pop_data_totals[1, i], pop_data_totals[-1, i][1:j]),
type = 'l',
ylab = 'Population size',
ylim = c(0, max(pop_data_totals) * 1.1),
xlab = "Year",
xlim = c(0, max(timesteps)),
main = paste0("Simulation replicate ", i),
font.main = 1,
cex.main = 0.9)
mat <- t(apply(raster::as.matrix(pop_spatial[[i]][[j]]), 2, rev))
graphics::par(mar = c(2, 2, 1.2, 1.2))
col = cols,
axes = FALSE,
asp = 1,
zlim = c(0, max_ind))
line = -0.7,
font.main = 1,
cex.main = 0.9)
legend_image <- raster::as.raster(matrix(cols, nrow = 1))
graphics::par(mar = c(2, 2, 1.2, 0.8))
graphics::rasterImage(legend_image, 0, 0.8, 0.9, 1)
graphics::text(x = (cuts / max_ind) * 0.9, y = 0.4, labels = cuts)
#' Extract spatial object from a 'simulation_results' object
#' The simulation results object is a list of lists containing spatial (and other) objects and
#' is organised by the following tree diagram:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{Replicate}
#' \itemize{
#' \item{Timestep}
#' \itemize{
#' \item{Population Raster Stack}
#' \itemize{
#' \item{Life-Stage Raster}
#' }
#' \item{Habitat Suitability Raster (or Stack)}
#' \itemize{
#' \item{Habitat Raster (if stack is used)}
#' }
#' \item{Carrying Capacity Raster}
#' \item{Other Raster Stack}
#' \itemize{
#' \item{Raster}
#' }
#' \item{...}
#' }
#' }
#' }
#' @param x a simulation_results object
#' @param replicate which replicate to extract from a \code{simulation_results}
#' object
#' @param timestep which timestep to extract from a \code{simulation_results}
#' @param landscape_object which landscape object to extract from a
#' \code{simulation_results} object - can be specified by name
#' (e.g. "suitability") or index number
#' @param stage which life-stage to extract from a \code{simulation_results}
#' object - only used for 'population' components of the landscape object
#' @param misc which misc object to extract from a \code{simulation_results}
#' object - only used for additional spatial objects added to a landscape
#' (e.g. disturbance layers)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ls <- landscape(population = egk_pop, suitability = egk_hab, carrying_capacity = egk_k)
#' pd <- population_dynamics(change = growth(egk_mat),
#' dispersal = kernel_dispersal(max_distance = 2000,
#' dispersal_kernel = exponential_dispersal_kernel(
#' distance_decay = 1000)),
#' density_dependence = ceiling_density())
#' sim <- simulation(landscape = ls,
#' population_dynamics = pd,
#' habitat_dynamics = NULL,
#' timesteps = 20)
#' # Extract the population raster for the second life-stage in the first
#' # replicate and ninth timestep
#' extract_spatial(sim, replicate = 1, timestep = 9, stage = 2)
#' }
extract_spatial <- function (x,
replicate = 1,
timestep = 1,
landscape_object = "population",
stage = 1,
misc = 1) {
if (landscape_object == 1 | landscape_object == "population") {
if (landscape_object > 3 |
!landscape_object == "population" |
!landscape_object == "suitability" |
!landscape_object == "carrying_capacity") {
# #' @rdname simulation
# #'
# #' @export
# #'
# #' @examples
# #'
# #' # Extract data summaries from a 'simulation_results' object
# #'
# #' extract_dispersal_info(results)
# extract_dispersal_info <- function (x,
# replicate = 1,
# timestep = 1,
# info_object = "dispersal_failure_rate",
# stage = 1) {
# om <- attr(x[[replicate]], "output_metrics")
# om[[info_object]][[timestep]][[]]
# }
### internal functions ###
as.simulation_results <- function (simulation_results) {
as_class(simulation_results, "simulation_results", "list")
simulate <- function (i, landscape, population_dynamics, habitat_dynamics, timesteps, verbose, stash, is_multisession) {
# if we are running in parallel, make sure the steps stash is the one from the calling session
if (is_multisession) {
timesteps <- seq_len(timesteps)
if (verbose == TRUE && inherits(future::plan(), "sequential")) pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = max(timesteps), style = 3)
output_landscapes <- list()
output_metrics <- list()
output_metrics$dispersal_failure_rate <- list()
for (timestep in timesteps) {
for (dynamic_function in habitat_dynamics) {
landscape <- dynamic_function(landscape, timestep)
# 22.01.20 - store carrying capacity function
is_k_function <- is.function(landscape$carrying_capacity)
if (is_k_function) {
k_fun <- landscape$carrying_capacity
# 22.01.20 - Added to only transform carrying capacity raster once at each timestep
landscape$carrying_capacity <- get_carrying_capacity(landscape, timestep)
landscape <- population_dynamics(landscape, timestep)
landscape_out <- landscape
# get names of objects within the landscape object
landscape_names <- names(landscape_out)
# loop through names of objects and check if not null and greater than length one
for (name in landscape_names) {
# 22.01.20 - # if (name == "carrying_capacity" && !is.null(landscape_out[[name]]) && is.function(landscape_out[[name]])) {
# 22.01.20 - # landscape_out$carrying_capacity <- get_carrying_capacity(landscape, timestep)
# 22.01.20 - # } else {
if (name != "population" && !is.function(landscape_out[[name]]) &&
!is.null(landscape_out[[name]]) && raster::nlayers(landscape_out[[name]]) > 1) {
landscape_out[[name]] <- landscape_out[[name]][[timestep]]
# 22.01.20 - # }
# if (!is.null(landscape_out$suitability) && raster::nlayers(landscape_out$suitability) > 1) {
# landscape_out$suitability <- landscape_out$suitability[[timestep]]
# }
# if (!is.null(landscape_out$carrying_capacity) && is.function(landscape_out$carrying_capacity)) {
# landscape_out$carrying_capacity <- get_carrying_capacity(landscape, timestep)
# }
output_landscapes[[timestep]] <- landscape_out
# 22.01.20 - return carrying capacity function
if (is_k_function) {
landscape$carrying_capacity <- k_fun
if (!is.null(steps_stash$dispersal_stats)) {
n_stages <- length(steps_stash$dispersal_stats)
n_stages_disperse <- which(unlist(lapply(steps_stash$dispersal_stats, function(x) !is.null(x))) == TRUE)
dispersal_failure_rate <- replicate(n_stages, landscape$population[[1]] * 0)
for (i in n_stages_disperse) {
dispersal_failure_rate[[i]][] <- steps_stash$dispersal_stats[[i]]
output_metrics$dispersal_failure_rate[[timestep]] <- dispersal_failure_rate
if (verbose == TRUE && inherits(future::plan(), "sequential")) utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, timestep)
if (verbose == TRUE && inherits(future::plan(), "sequential")) close(pb)
as_class(output_landscapes, "replicate", "list")
attr(output_landscapes, "output_metrics") <- output_metrics
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