#' Visualise the results of a *steps* simulation
#' Visualising the results of a simulation is important to verify parameter assumptions
#' and quantitative model behaviour. Both linear graphs indicating trends and
#' spatial-explicit grids containing spatial arrangement of information can be generated
#' to illustrate changes through time and space for populations, carrying capacity,
#' and habitat suitability. The expected minimum populations (EMP) can also be compared
#' for several different simulations.
#' For plotting trends, see:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{\link[steps]{plot_pop_trend}} to examine population changes}
#' \item{\code{\link[steps]{plot_k_trend}} to examine carrying capacity changes}
#' }
#' For plotting spatial information, see:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{\link[steps]{plot_pop_spatial}} to examine population changes}
#' \item{\code{\link[steps]{plot_k_spatial}} to examine carrying capacity changes}
#' \item{\code{\link[steps]{plot_hab_spatial}} to examine habitat suitability changes}
#' }
#' For plotting and comparing expected minimum populations, see:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{\link[steps]{compare_emp}} to examine how different simulations compare}
#' }
#' @name visualisation
#' Plot population trend
#' Plot linear graphs to illustrate population changes through time.
#' @param x a simulation_results object
#' @param stages life-stages to plot - by default all life-stages will be shown.
#' Set to zero for totals (i.e. sums of all life-stages).
#' @param emp (TRUE/FALSE) add a dashed line indicating the expected minimum
#' population of the simulation (for multiple replicates only)
#' @param return_data (TRUE/FALSE) should the data used to create the plots be returned?
#' @param ... further arguments passed to/from other methods
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ls <- landscape(population = egk_pop, suitability = egk_hab, carrying_capacity = egk_k)
#' pd <- population_dynamics(change = growth(egk_mat),
#' dispersal = kernel_dispersal(max_distance = 2000,
#' dispersal_kernel = exponential_dispersal_kernel(
#' distance_decay = 1000)),
#' density_dependence = ceiling_density())
#' sim <- simulation(landscape = ls,
#' population_dynamics = pd,
#' habitat_dynamics = NULL,
#' timesteps = 20)
#' # Plot the population trajectories by life-stage
#' plot_pop_trend(sim)
#' # Plot the total population trajectory
#' plot_pop_trend(sim, stages = 0)
#' }
plot_pop_trend <- function (x,
stages = NULL,
emp = FALSE,
return_data = FALSE,
# avoid a persistent effect on the graphics device
op <- graphics::par(no.readonly = TRUE)
graph_pal <- c(
total_stages <- raster::nlayers(x[[1]][[1]]$population)
stage_names <- names(x[[1]][[1]]$population)
replicates <- length(x)
timesteps <- length(x[[1]])
pop <- get_pop_simulation(x)
pop_mn <- round(apply(pop, c(1,2), mean), 0)
if (is.null(stages)) {
stages <- seq_len(total_stages)
graphics::par(mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1), mfrow = c(1, length(stages)))
y_label <- paste0("Total Population: ", stage_names[stages])
y_range <- range(pretty(pop))
if (all(stages == 0)) {
stages <- 1
emp_0 <- TRUE
pop <- structure(sapply(seq_len(replicates), FUN = function(x) rowSums(pop[ , , x])),
dim = c(timesteps + 1, 1, replicates))
pop_mn <- data.frame(round(apply(pop, 1, mean), 0))
emp_value <- round(mean(apply(pop, 3, function(x) min(rowSums(x)))), 0)
graphics::par(mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1), mfrow = c(1, 1))
y_label <- "Total Population (all stages)"
y_range <- range(pretty(pop_mn[ , 1]))
graph_pal <- "black"
for (i in stages) {
graphics::plot(c(0, seq_len(timesteps)),
pop_mn[ , i],
type = 'l',
ylab = y_label[i],
xlab = "Timesteps",
#lwd = 3,
col = graph_pal[i],
ylim = y_range,
xaxt = 'n',
xlim = c(0, timesteps),
graphics::axis(side = 1, at = pretty(c(0, timesteps)))
if(replicates > 1){
for (j in seq_len(replicates)) {
graphics::lines(c(0, seq_len(timesteps)),
pop[ , i, j],
col = 'gray',
lwd = 0.5)
graphics::lines(c(0, seq_len(timesteps)),
pop_mn[ , i],
#lwd = 3,
col = graph_pal[i])
if (emp & exists("emp_0")) {
graphics::abline(h = emp_value, lwd = 1, lty = 2)
if (return_data == TRUE) return(pop)
# test <- plot_pop_trend(egk_results, emp = TRUE, return_data = TRUE)
# plot_pop_trend(egk_results, stages = c(1, 2), emp = TRUE)
# plot_pop_trend(egk_results, stages = 0, emp = TRUE)
# egk_results2 <- egk_results[1]
# attr(egk_results2, "initial_population") <- attr(egk_results, "initial_population")
# plot_pop_trend(egk_results2, emp = TRUE)
# plot_pop_trend(egk_results2, stages = c(1, 2), emp = TRUE)
# plot_pop_trend(egk_results2, stages = 0, emp = TRUE)
#' Plot carrying capacity (k) trend
#' Plot linear graphs to illustrate carrying capacity changes through time.
#' @param x a simulation_results object
#' @param summary_stat how to summarize the values across the landscape - "mean" (default)
#' or "sum"
#' @param return_data (TRUE/FALSE) should the data used to create the plots be returned?
#' @param ... further arguments passed to/from other methods
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ls <- landscape(population = egk_pop, suitability = egk_hab, carrying_capacity = egk_k)
#' pd <- population_dynamics(change = growth(egk_mat),
#' dispersal = kernel_dispersal(max_distance = 2000,
#' dispersal_kernel = exponential_dispersal_kernel(
#' distance_decay = 1000)),
#' density_dependence = ceiling_density())
#' sim <- simulation(landscape = ls,
#' population_dynamics = pd,
#' habitat_dynamics = NULL,
#' timesteps = 20)
#' # Plot the carrying capacity trajectories
#' plot_k_trend(sim)
#' }
plot_k_trend <- function (x,
summary_stat = "mean",
return_data = FALSE,
# avoid a persistent effect on the graphics device
op <- graphics::par(no.readonly = TRUE)
replicates <- length(x)
timesteps <- length(x[[1]])
init_k <- rep(round(mean(attr(x, "initial_carrying_capacity")[], na.rm = TRUE)), replicates)
k <- sapply(seq_len(replicates),
FUN = function(r) sapply(seq_len(timesteps),
FUN = function(t) round(mean(x[[r]][[t]][[3]][], na.rm = TRUE))))
if (summary_stat == "sum"){
init_k <- rep(round(sum(attr(x, "initial_carrying_capacity")[], na.rm = TRUE)), replicates)
k <- sapply(seq_len(replicates),
FUN = function(r) sapply(seq_len(timesteps),
FUN = function(t) round(sum(x[[r]][[t]][[3]][], na.rm = TRUE))))
all_k <- rbind(init_k, k)
all_k_mn <- round(apply(all_k, 1, mean), 0)
y_range <- range(pretty(all_k))
graphics::par(mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1), mfrow = c(1, 1))
graphics::plot(c(0, seq_len(timesteps)),
type = 'l',
ylab = paste0("Landscape Carrying Capacity (", summary_stat, ")"),
xlab = "Timesteps",
#lwd = 3,
ylim = y_range,
xaxt = 'n',
xlim = c(0, timesteps),
graphics::axis(side = 1, at = pretty(c(0, timesteps)))
if(replicates > 1){
for (j in seq_len(replicates)) {
graphics::lines(c(0, seq_len(timesteps)),
all_k[ , j],
col = 'gray',
lwd = 0.5)
graphics::lines(c(0, seq_len(timesteps)),
if (return_data == TRUE) return(all_k)
# test <- plot_k_trend(egk_results, return_data = TRUE)
# plot_k_trend(egk_results, summary_stat = "sum")
# attr(egk_results2, "initial_carrying_capacity") <- attr(egk_results, "initial_carrying_capacity")
# plot_k_trend(egk_results2)
# plot_k_trend(egk_results2, summary_stat = "sum")
#' Plot population spatial information
#' Plot spatial grids to illustrate population changes through time.
#' @param x a simulation_results object
#' @param stage life-stage to plot - defaults to totals of all life stages.
#' Set to zero for totals (i.e. sum of all life-stages).
#' @param replicate replicate to plot - note, only one replicate can be plotted
#' at a time. The default is to plot the first replicate
#' @param timesteps timesteps to plot
#' @param ... further arguments passed to/from other methods
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ls <- landscape(population = egk_pop, suitability = egk_hab, carrying_capacity = egk_k)
#' pd <- population_dynamics(change = growth(egk_mat),
#' dispersal = kernel_dispersal(max_distance = 2000,
#' dispersal_kernel = exponential_dispersal_kernel(
#' distance_decay = 1000)),
#' density_dependence = ceiling_density())
#' sim <- simulation(landscape = ls,
#' population_dynamics = pd,
#' habitat_dynamics = NULL,
#' timesteps = 20)
#' # Plot the population trajectories by life-stage
#' plot_pop_spatial(sim)
#' }
plot_pop_spatial <- function (x,
stage = 0,
replicate = 1,
timesteps = NULL,
total_stages <- raster::nlayers(x[[1]][[1]]$population)
stage_names <- names(x[[1]][[1]]$population)
total_timesteps <- length(x[[1]])
if (is.null(timesteps)){
timesteps <- seq_len(total_timesteps)
r <- lapply(seq_len(total_timesteps), FUN = function(t) raster::stack(lapply(seq_len(total_stages), FUN = function(s) extract_spatial(x,
replicate = replicate,
timestep = t,
stage = s))))
if(stage == 0){
r <- raster::stack(lapply(seq_len(total_timesteps), FUN = function(t) sum(r[[t]])))
names(r) <- paste0("total_", seq_len(total_timesteps))
r <- raster::stack(lapply(seq_len(total_timesteps), FUN = function(t) r[[t]][[stage]]))
names(r) <- paste0(stage_names[stage], "_", seq_len(total_timesteps))
r <- r[[timesteps]]
plot_spatial(raster_stack = r,
label = "Individuals",
#' Plot carrying capacity spatial information
#' Plot spatial grids to illustrate carrying capacity changes through time.
#' @param x a simulation_results object.
#' @param replicate replicate to plot - note, only one replicate can be plotted
#' at a time. The default is to plot the first replicate
#' @param timesteps timesteps to plot
#' @param ... further arguments passed to/from other methods
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ls <- landscape(population = egk_pop, suitability = egk_hab, carrying_capacity = egk_k)
#' pd <- population_dynamics(change = growth(egk_mat),
#' dispersal = kernel_dispersal(max_distance = 2000,
#' dispersal_kernel = exponential_dispersal_kernel(
#' distance_decay = 1000)),
#' density_dependence = ceiling_density())
#' sim <- simulation(landscape = ls,
#' population_dynamics = pd,
#' habitat_dynamics = NULL,
#' timesteps = 20)
#' # Plot the population trajectories by life-stage
#' plot_k_spatial(sim)
#' }
plot_k_spatial <- function (x,
replicate = 1,
timesteps = NULL,
total_timesteps <- length(x[[1]])
if (is.null(timesteps)){
timesteps <- seq_len(total_timesteps)
r <- raster::stack(lapply(seq_len(total_timesteps), FUN = function(t) extract_spatial(x,
replicate = replicate,
timestep = t,
landscape_object = "carrying_capacity")))
names(r) <- paste0("Timestep_", seq_len(total_timesteps))
r <- r[[timesteps]]
plot_spatial(raster_stack = r,
label = "Carrying Capacity",
#' Plot habitat suitability spatial information
#' Plot spatial grids to illustrate habitat suitability changes through time.
#' @param x a simulation_results object.
#' @param replicate replicate to plot - note, only one replicate can be plotted
#' at a time. The default is to plot the first replicate
#' @param timesteps timesteps to plot
#' @param ... further arguments passed to/from other methods
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ls <- landscape(population = egk_pop, suitability = egk_hab, carrying_capacity = egk_k)
#' pd <- population_dynamics(change = growth(egk_mat),
#' dispersal = kernel_dispersal(max_distance = 2000,
#' dispersal_kernel = exponential_dispersal_kernel(
#' distance_decay = 1000)),
#' density_dependence = ceiling_density())
#' sim <- simulation(landscape = ls,
#' population_dynamics = pd,
#' habitat_dynamics = NULL,
#' timesteps = 20)
#' # Plot the population trajectories by life-stage
#' plot_hab_spatial(sim)
#' }
plot_hab_spatial <- function (x,
replicate = 1,
timesteps = NULL,
total_timesteps <- length(x[[1]])
if (is.null(timesteps)){
timesteps <- seq_len(total_timesteps)
r <- raster::stack(lapply(seq_len(total_timesteps), FUN = function(t) extract_spatial(x,
replicate = replicate,
timestep = t,
landscape_object = "suitability")))
names(r) <- paste0("Timestep_", seq_len(total_timesteps))
r <- r[[timesteps]]
plot_spatial(raster_stack = r,
label = "Habitat Suitability",
#' Compare minimum expected populations
#' Compare minimum expected populations from two or more 'simulation_results' objects.
#' @param x a simulation_results object
#' @param ... additional simulation results objects
#' @param show_interval should the interval bars be shown on the plot? Default is TRUE.
#' @param interval the desired confidence interval representing the uncertainty around
#' the expected minimum population estimates from simulation comparisons; expressed as
#' a whole integer between 0 and 100 (default value is 95).
#' @param all_points should the expected minimum populations from all simulation
#' replicates be shown on the plot? Default is FALSE.
#' @param simulation_names an optional character vector of simulation names to override
#' the defaults
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ls <- landscape(population = egk_pop, suitability = egk_hab, carrying_capacity = egk_k)
#' # Create populations dynamics with and without ceiling density dependence
#' pd1 <- population_dynamics(change = growth(egk_mat),
#' dispersal = kernel_dispersal(max_distance = 1000,
#' dispersal_kernel = exponential_dispersal_kernel(distance_decay = 500)),
#' density_dependence = ceiling_density())
#' pd2 <- population_dynamics(change = growth(egk_mat),
#' dispersal = kernel_dispersal(max_distance = 3000,
#' dispersal_kernel = exponential_dispersal_kernel(distance_decay = 1500)))
#' # Run first simulation with ceiling density dependence and three replicates
#' sim1 <- simulation(landscape = ls,
#' population_dynamics = pd1,
#' habitat_dynamics = NULL,
#' timesteps = 20,
#' replicates = 3)
#' # Run second simulation without ceiling density dependence and three replicates
#' sim2 <- simulation(landscape = ls,
#' population_dynamics = pd2,
#' habitat_dynamics = NULL,
#' timesteps = 20,
#' replicates = 3)
#' compare_emp(sim1, sim2)
#' }
compare_emp <- function (x, ..., show_interval = TRUE, interval = 95, all_points = FALSE, simulation_names = NULL) {
# read in simulation objects to compare
sim_objects <- list(x, ...)
n_objects <- length(sim_objects)
# get names of simulations
sim_names <- as.character(substitute(list(x, ...)))[-1L]
interval_range <- c((100 - interval) / 2, 100 - (100 - interval) / 2) / 100
# initiate table of values
df <- data.frame("name" = sim_names,
"emp_mean" = NA,
"emp_lower" = NA,
"emp_upper" = NA)
if(is.null(simulation_names)) simulation_names <- sim_names
# populate table with emp mean and error values
for (i in seq_len(n_objects)){
pops <- get_pop_simulation(sim_objects[[i]])
min_total_pops <- apply(pops, 3, function(x) min(rowSums(x)))
emp_mean <- mean(min_total_pops)
emp_lower <- stats::quantile(min_total_pops, interval_range)[1]
emp_upper <- stats::quantile(min_total_pops, interval_range)[2]
df[i, -1] <- c(emp_mean, emp_lower, emp_upper)
graphics::par(mar=c(4, 4.5, 1.5, 1.5) + 0.1)
xlim = c(0.5, n_objects + 0.5),
xaxt = "n",
xlab = "Simulation Name",
ylim = range(c(df$emp_lower, df$emp_upper)),
yaxt = "n",
ylab = "",
main = "",
lwd = 0.5)
if (all_points == TRUE) {
for (i in seq_len(n_objects)){
pops <- get_pop_simulation(sim_objects[[i]])
min_total_pops <- apply(pops, 3, function(x) min(rowSums(x)))
graphics::points(jitter(rep(i, length(min_total_pops))),
col = "lightgrey",
pch = 19,
cex = 0.8)
pch = 19)
if (show_interval == TRUE) {
graphics::axis(1, at = seq_len(n_objects), labels = simulation_names)
graphics::axis(2, at = pretty(range(c(df$emp_lower, df$emp_upper)), 5))
graphics::mtext(paste0("Minimum Population (", interval, "% Interval)"),
side = 2,
line = 2.5)
### internal functions ###
plot_spatial <- function(raster_stack, label, ...){
# avoid a persistent effect on the graphics device
op <- graphics::par(no.readonly = TRUE)
scale_max <- ceiling(max(raster::cellStats(raster_stack, max)))
scale_min <- floor(min(raster::cellStats(raster_stack, min)))
breaks <- seq(scale_min, scale_max, (scale_max - scale_min) / 100)
ifelse(any(raster_stack[] == 0, na.rm = TRUE),
colour_range <- c("#bfbfbfff", viridisLite::viridis(length(breaks) - 1)),
colour_range <- viridisLite::viridis(length(breaks) - 1))
graphics::par(mar = c(2, 0, 0, 0), mfrow = c(1,1))
scales = list(draw = FALSE),
margin = list(draw = FALSE),
at = breaks,
col.regions = colour_range,
colorkey = list(space = "bottom",
width = 0.4),
par.settings = list(layout.heights = list(xlab.key.padding = 1),
strip.background = list(col = "#ffffff")),
xlab = label,
layout = c(3, 3),
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