
Defines functions get_FUPtimes get_wtsummary getSE_table_d_by_d get_MSM_RDs get_TMLE_RDs defineMONITORvars defineIntervedTRT makeFreqTable make.table.m0

Documented in defineIntervedTRT defineMONITORvars get_FUPtimes get_MSM_RDs get_TMLE_RDs get_wtsummary

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# (OLD) Helper routine to obtain the follow-up time -> Needs to be re-written
# # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# @export
# OLD_get.T.tilde <- function(data,IDname,Yname,Cname,tname){
#   T.tilde <- unlist(as.list(by(data,data[,IDname],function(x){
#     return( min( x[x[,Yname]==1 & x[,tname]>0, tname]-1, x[x[,Cname]==1,tname] ,na.rm=TRUE) )
#   })))
#   return(T.tilde)
# }
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# makeSumFreqTable <- function(x.freq, cutoffs, varName){
#   if(class(cutoffs)=="Date"){
#     x.values <- as.Date(names(x.freq))
#   }else{
#     x.values <- names(x.freq)
#   }
#   # na.yes <- as.logical(sum(is.na(as.numeric(x.values))))
#   na.yes <- any(is.na(as.numeric(x.values)))

#   # x.freq.sum <- rep(NA, length(cutoffs) + 1 + as.numeric(na.yes))
#   x.freq.sum <- rep.int(NA, (length(cutoffs) + 1 + as.integer(na.yes)))

#   x.freq.sum[1] <- sum(x.freq[ as.numeric(x.values) < cutoffs[1] ], na.rm = TRUE)
#   for(i in 1:(length(cutoffs)-1)) {
#     x.freq.sum[1+i] <- sum(x.freq[ as.numeric(x.values) >= cutoffs[i] & as.numeric(x.values) < cutoffs[i+1] ], na.rm=TRUE)
#   }
#   x.freq.sum[length(cutoffs) + 1] <- sum(x.freq[ as.numeric(x.values) >= cutoffs[length(cutoffs)] ], na.rm=TRUE)
#   if (na.yes) {
#     x.freq.sum[length(cutoffs)+2] <- x.freq[ is.na(as.numeric(x.values)) ]
#   }

#   catNames <- rep.int(NA, (length(cutoffs) + 1 + as.integer(na.yes)))
#   catNames[1] <- paste("<", cutoffs[1], sep="")
#   for(i in 1:(length(cutoffs)-1)){
#     catNames[i+1] <- paste("[",cutoffs[i],", ",cutoffs[i+1],"[",sep="")
#   }
#   catNames[length(cutoffs)+1] <- paste(">=",cutoffs[length(cutoffs)],sep="")
#   if(na.yes) catNames[length(cutoffs)+2] <- "Missing"
#   names(x.freq.sum) <- catNames
#   x.freq.sum <- makeFreqTable(x.freq.sum)
#   colnames(x.freq.sum)[1] <- varName
#   x.freq.sum[length(cutoffs)+1,1] <- paste("$\\geq$ ",cutoffs[length(cutoffs)],sep="")
#   return(x.freq.sum)
# }

#' Follow-up times by regimen
#' Subject specific follow-up times for each regimen in \code{wts_data}.
#' @param wts_data Either a list of data.table containing weights (one for each separate regimen/intervention) or a single data.table with
#' weights for one regimen / intervention.
#' @param IDnode Name of the column containing subject-specific identifier in the input data.
#' @param tnode Name of the column containing the time/period variable in the input data.
#' @return A \code{data.table} of subject specific follow-up times for each regimen in \code{wts_data}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{getIPWeights}} for evaluation of IP-weights.
#' @export
get_FUPtimes <- function(wts_data, IDnode, tnode) {
  wts_data <- format_wts_data(wts_data)
  t.name.col <- tnode
  ID.name.col <- IDnode
  follow_up_rule_ID <- wts_data[cum.IPAW > 0, list(max.t = max(get(t.name.col), na.rm = TRUE)), by = list(get(ID.name.col), get("rule.name"))]
  data.table::setnames(follow_up_rule_ID, c(IDnode, "rule.name", "max.t"))
  data.table::setkeyv(follow_up_rule_ID, cols = IDnode)
  # rules <- unique(follow_up_rule_ID[["rule.name"]])
  # # for (T.rule in rules) {
  # #   one_ruleID <- follow_up_rule_ID[(rule.name %in% eval(T.rule)), max.t]
  # #   hist(one_ruleID, main = "Maximum follow-up period for TRT/MONITOR rule: " %+% T.rule)
  # # }
  # T.rule <- rules[1]
  # one_ruleID <- follow_up_rule_ID[(rule.name %in% eval(T.rule)), max.t]
  # hist(one_ruleID, main = "Maximum follow-up period for TRT/MONITOR rule: " %+% T.rule, plot = FALSE)
  # summary(one_ruleID)

#' IP-Weights Summary Tables
#' Produces various table summaries of IP-Weights.
#' @param wts_data Either a list of data.table containing weights (one for each separate regimen/intervention) or a single data.table with
#' weights for one regimen / intervention.
#' @param cutoffs Weight cut off points for summary tables.
#' @param varname Character string describing the type of the weights
#' @param by.rule Can optionally evaluate the same summary tables separately for each regimen / rule.
#' @return A list with various IP-weights summary tables.
#' @seealso \code{\link{getIPWeights}} for evaluation of IP-weights.
#' @export
get_wtsummary <- function(wts_data, cutoffs = c(0, 0.5, 1, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 150), varname = "Stabilized IPAW", by.rule = FALSE) {
  wts_data <- format_wts_data(wts_data)
  # get the counts for each category (bin) + missing count:
  na.count <- sum(is.na(wts_data[["cum.IPAW"]]))
  na.yes <- (na.count > 0L)
  # define a list of intervals:
  cutoffs2 <- c(-Inf, cutoffs, Inf)
  idx <- seq_along(cutoffs2); idx <- idx[-length(idx)]
  intervals_list <- lapply(idx, function(i) c(cutoffs2[i], cutoffs2[i+1]))
  x.freq.counts.DT <- wts_data[, lapply(intervals_list, function(int) sum((cum.IPAW >= int[1]) & (cum.IPAW < int[2]), na.rm = TRUE))]
  x.freq.counts <- as.integer(x.freq.counts.DT[1,])
  if (na.yes) {
    x.freq.counts <- c(x.freq.counts, na.count)
    x.freq.counts.DT <- cbind(x.freq.counts.DT, wts_data[, sum(is.na(cum.IPAW), na.rm = TRUE)])
  # create labels:
  catNames <- rep.int(NA, (length(cutoffs) + 1 + as.integer(na.yes)))
  catNames[1] <- paste("<", cutoffs[1], sep="")
  for(i in 1:(length(cutoffs)-1)){
    catNames[i+1] <- paste("[",cutoffs[i],", ",cutoffs[i+1],"[",sep="")
  catNames[length(cutoffs)+1] <- paste(">=",cutoffs[length(cutoffs)],sep="")
  if (na.yes) catNames[length(cutoffs) + 2] <- "Missing"
  names(x.freq.counts) <- catNames
  colnames(x.freq.counts.DT) <- catNames
  # make a table:
  x.freq.counts.tab <- makeFreqTable(x.freq.counts)
  colnames(x.freq.counts.tab)[1] <- varname
  x.freq.counts.tab[length(cutoffs)+1,1] <- paste("$\\geq$ ",cutoffs[length(cutoffs)],sep="")
  # do the same by separately for each rule:
  if (by.rule) {
    x.freq.counts.byrule.DT <- wts_data[, lapply(intervals_list, function(int) sum((cum.IPAW >= int[1]) & (cum.IPAW < int[2]), na.rm = TRUE)), by = rule.name]
    if (na.yes) {
      x.freq.counts.byrule.DT <- x.freq.counts.byrule.DT[wts_data[, sum(is.na(cum.IPAW), na.rm = TRUE), by = rule.name], on = c("rule.name")]
    colnames(x.freq.counts.byrule.DT)[-1] <- catNames
  } else {
    x.freq.counts.byrule.DT <- NULL
  return(list(summary.table = x.freq.counts.tab, summary.DT = x.freq.counts.DT, summary.DT.byrule = x.freq.counts.byrule.DT))

## RD:
getSE_table_d_by_d <- function(S2.IPAW, IC.Var.S.d, nID, t.period.val.idx, getSEs) {
  se.RDscale.Sdt.K <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(S2.IPAW), ncol = length(S2.IPAW))
  colnames(se.RDscale.Sdt.K) <- names(S2.IPAW)
  rownames(se.RDscale.Sdt.K) <- names(S2.IPAW)
  for (d1.idx in seq_along(names(S2.IPAW))) {
    for (d2.idx in seq_along(names(S2.IPAW))) {
      #### GET SE FOR RD(t)=Sd1(t) - Sd2(t)
      if (getSEs) {
        se.RDscale.Sdt.K[d1.idx, d2.idx] <- getSE.RD.d1.minus.d2(nID = nID,
                                                                 IC.S.d1 = IC.Var.S.d[[d1.idx]][["IC.S"]],
                                                                 IC.S.d2 = IC.Var.S.d[[d2.idx]][["IC.S"]])[t.period.val.idx]


#' Risk Difference Estimates and SEs for IPW-MSM
#' Produces table(s) with pair-wise risk differences for all regimens that were used for fitting IPW-MSM.
#' The corresponding SEs are evaluated based on the estimated influence curves (IC).
#' @param MSM Object returned by \code{\link{survMSM}}.
#' @param t.periods.RDs Vector of time-points for evaluation of pairwise risk differences.
#' @param getSEs Evaluate the influence curve based RD estimates of standard errors (SEs) along with point estimates?
#' @return A list with RD tables. One table for each time-point in \code{t.periods.RDs}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{survMSM}} for estimation with MSM.
#' @export
get_MSM_RDs <- function(MSM, t.periods.RDs, getSEs = TRUE) {
  RDs.IPAW.tperiods <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(t.periods.RDs))
  periods_idx <- seq_along(MSM$periods)
  names(RDs.IPAW.tperiods) <- "RDs_for_t" %+% t.periods.RDs
  for (t.idx in seq_along(t.periods.RDs)) {
    t.period.val.idx <- periods_idx[MSM$periods %in% t.periods.RDs[t.idx]]
    se.RDscale.Sdt.K <- getSE_table_d_by_d(MSM$St, MSM$IC.Var.S.d, MSM$nID, t.period.val.idx, getSEs)
    RDs.IPAW.tperiods[[t.idx]] <- make.table.m0(MSM$St,
                                                RDscale = TRUE,
                                                t.period = t.period.val.idx,
                                                nobs = MSM$nobs,
                                                # nobs = nrow(MSM$wts_data),
                                                esti = MSM$est_name,
                                                se.RDscale.Sdt.K = se.RDscale.Sdt.K)

#' Risk Difference Estimates and SEs for a list of TMLE outputs
#' Produces table(s) with pair-wise risk differences for all regimens that were used for fitting TMLE.
#' The corresponding SEs are evaluated based on the estimated influence curves (IC).
#' @param TMLE_list A list of objects returned by \code{\link{fitIterTMLE}}, \code{\link{fitTMLE}} or \code{\link{fitSeqGcomp}}.
#' @param t.periods.RDs Vector of time-points for evaluation of pairwise risk differences.
#' @return A list with RD tables. One table for each time-point in \code{t.periods.RDs}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{survMSM}} for estimation with MSM.
#' @export
get_TMLE_RDs <- function(TMLE_list, t.periods.RDs) {
  rule_names <- lapply(TMLE_list, "[[", "rule_name")
  names(TMLE_list) <- rule_names
  new_TMLE_list <- list()
  new_TMLE_list$St <- lapply(lapply(TMLE_list, "[[", "estimates"), '[[', "surv")
  new_TMLE_list$IC.Var.S.d <- lapply(TMLE_list, "[[", "IC.Var.S.d")
  new_TMLE_list$periods <- TMLE_list[[1]]$periods
  new_TMLE_list$est_name <- TMLE_list[[1]]$est_name
  new_TMLE_list$wts_data <- rbindlist(lapply(TMLE_list, "[[", "wts_data"))
  new_TMLE_list$nID <- TMLE_list[[1]]$nID

  RDs.TMLE.tperiods <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(t.periods.RDs))
  periods_idx <- seq_along(new_TMLE_list$periods)
  names(RDs.TMLE.tperiods) <- "RDs_for_t" %+% t.periods.RDs
  for (t.idx in seq_along(t.periods.RDs)) {
    t.period.val.idx <- periods_idx[new_TMLE_list$periods %in% t.periods.RDs[t.idx]]
    se.RDscale.Sdt.K <- getSE_table_d_by_d(new_TMLE_list$St, new_TMLE_list$IC.Var.S.d, new_TMLE_list$nID, t.period.val.idx, getSEs = TRUE)
    RDs.TMLE.tperiods[[t.idx]] <- make.table.m0(new_TMLE_list$St,
                                                RDscale = TRUE,
                                                t.period = t.period.val.idx,
                                                nobs = nrow(new_TMLE_list$wts_data),
                                                esti = new_TMLE_list$est_name,
                                                se.RDscale.Sdt.K = se.RDscale.Sdt.K,
                                                TMLE = TRUE)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Helper routine to define the monitoring indicator and time since last visit
#' @param data Input \code{data.table} or \code{data.frame}
#' @param ID The name of the unique subject identifier (character, numeric or factor).
#' @param t The name of the time/period variable in \code{data}.
#' @param I The name of the numeric biomarker value which determines the dynamic treatment rule at each time point t.
#' @param imp.I The name of the binary indicator of missingness or imputation for I at time point t. This is used for coding MONITOR(t-1):=1-imp.I(t).
#'  When imp.I(t)=1 it means that the patient was not observed (no office visit) at time-point t and hence no biomarker was measured.
#' @param MONITOR.name The name of the new column that represents for each row t the indicator of being MONITORed (having a visit) at time points t+1.
#' This variable is added as a new column to the output dataset.
#' The column MONITOR(t) is set to 1 when the indicator imp.I (imputed biomarker) is 0 at time-point t+1 and vice versa.
#' @param tsinceNis1 The name of the future column (created by this routine) that counts number of periods since last monitoring event at t-1. More precisely,
#' it is a function of the past \code{N(t-1)}, where 0 means that N(t-1)=1; 1 means that N(t-2)=1 and N(t-1)=0; etc.
#' @section Details:
#' Convert the input long format data with the time ordering: (I(t), imp.I(t), C(t), A(t))
#' into the data format required by the stremr input functions: (I(t), C(t), A(t), N(t):=1-imp.I(t+1)).
#' N(t) at time-point t is defined as the indicator of being observed (having an office visit) at time point t+1 (next timepoint after t)
#' The very first value of I(t) (at the first time-cycle) is ALWAYS ASSUMED observed/measured (hence I.imp=0 for each first subject-time observation).
#' @section Data Format:
#' The input data.frame data needs to be in long format.
#' The format of the specified columns needs to be as follows.
#' The time ordering of the input data at each t is as follows: (I, imp.I, CENS, TRT)
#' The time ordering of the output data at each t is as follows: (I, CENS, TRT, MONITOR), where MONITOR(t)=1-imp.I(t+1).
#' In output data.table, MONITOR(t-1)=1 indicates that the biomarker I(t) at t is observed and vice versa.
#' In addition the output data.table will contain a column 'tsinceNis1', where:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item tsinceNis1(t) = 0 means that the person was monitored at time-point t-1.
#'   \item tsinceNis1(t) > 0 is the count of the number of cycles since last monitoring event.
#' }
#' @return A \code{data.table} in long format with ordering (I, CENS, TRT, MONITOR)
#' @export
defineMONITORvars <- function(data, ID, t, imp.I, MONITOR.name = 'N', tsinceNis1 = 'last.Nt'){
  ID.expression <- as.name(ID)
  indx <- as.name("indx")
  if (is.data.table(data)) {
    DT <- data.table(data, key=c(ID, t))
  } else if (is.data.frame(data)) {
    DT <- data.table(data, key=c(ID, t))
  } else {
    stop("input data must be either a data.table or a data.frame")
  CheckVarNameExists(DT, ID)
  CheckVarNameExists(DT, t)
  CheckVarNameExists(DT, imp.I)
  # "Leading" (shifting up) and inverting indicator of observing I, renaming it to MONITOR value;
  # N(t-1)=1 indicates that I(t) is observed. Note that the very first I(t) is assumed to be always observed.
  DT[, (MONITOR.name) := shift(.SD, n=1L, fill=NA, type="lead"), by = eval(ID.expression), .SDcols = (imp.I)]
  DT[, (MONITOR.name) := 1L - get(MONITOR.name)]
  # Create "indx" vector that goes up by 1 every time MONITOR.name(t-1) shifts from 1 to 0 or from 0 to 1
  DT[, ("indx") := cumsum(c(FALSE, get(MONITOR.name)!=0L))[-.N], by = eval(ID.expression)]
  DT[, (tsinceNis1) := seq(.N)-1, by = list(eval(ID.expression), eval(indx))]
  DT[is.na(DT[["indx"]]), (tsinceNis1) := NA]
  DT[, ("indx") := NULL]

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Define counterfactual dynamic treatment
#' Defines a new column that contains the counterfactual dynamic treatment values.
#' Subject is switched to treatment when the biomarker \code{I} crosses the threshold \code{theta} while being monitored \code{MONITOR(t-1)=1}.
#' @param data Input data.frame or data.table in long format, see below for the description of the assumed format.
#' @param theta The vector of continuous cutoff values that index each dynamic treatment rule
#' @param ID The name of the unique subject identifier
#' @param t The name of the variable indicating time-period
#' @param I Continuous biomarker variable used for determining the treatmet decision rule
#' @param CENS Binary indicator of being censored at t;
#' @param TRT Binary indicator of the treatment (exposure) at t;
#' @param MONITOR The indicator of having a visit and having measured or observed biomarker I(t+1) (the biomarker value at THE NEXT TIME CYCLE).
#'  In other words the value of MONITOR(t-1) (at t-1) being 1 indicates that I(t) at time point t was observed/measured.
#'  The very first value of I(t) (at the first time-cycle) is ALWAYS ASSUMED observed/measured.
#' @param tsinceNis1 Character vector for the column in data, same meaning as described in convertdata(), must be already defined
#' @param new.TRT.names Vector with names which will be assigned to new columns generated by this routine(must be the same dimension as theta).
#'  When not supplied the following convention is adopted for naming these columns: \code{paste0(TRT,".gstar.","d",theta)}.
#' @param return.allcolumns Set to \code{TRUE} to return the original data columns along with new columns that define each rule
#' (can be useful when employing piping/sequencing operators).
#' @section Details:
#' * This function takes an input \code{data.frame} or \code{data.table}
#'   and produces an output data.table with counterfactual treatment assignment based on a rule defined by values of input column \code{I} and an input scalar \code{theta}.
#' * Evaluates which observations should have received (switched to) treatment based on dynamic-decision rule defined by the measured biomarker \code{I}
#'   and pre-defined cutoffs supplied in the vector \code{theta}.
#' * Produces a separate column for each value in \code{theta}:
#' \item (1) By default no one is treated (TRT assigned to 0)
#' \item (2) Subject may switch to treatment the first time \code{I} goes over the threshold \code{theta} (while having been monitored, i.e, MONITOR(t-1)==1)
#' \item (3) Once the subject switches to treatment he or she has to continue receiving treatment until the end of the follow-up
#' * The format (time-ordering) of data is the same as required by the stremr() function: (I(t), CENS(t), TRT(t), MONITOR(t)).
#'   MONITOR(t) at time-point t is defined as the indicator of being observed (having an office visit) at time point t+1 (next timepoint after t)
#'   It is assumed that MONITOR(t) is always 0 for the very first time-point.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' theta <- seq(7,8.5,by=0.5)
#' FOLLOW.D.DT <- defineIntervedTRT(data = data, theta = theta,
#'                  ID = "StudyID", t = "X_intnum", I = "X_a1c",
#'                  TRT = "X_exposure", CENS = "X_censor", MONITOR = "N.t",
#'                  new.TRT.names = paste0("gstar",theta))
#' }
#' @example tests/examples/0_defineIntervention.R
#' @return A data.table with a separate column for each value in \code{theta}. Each column consists of indicators of following/not-following
#'  each rule indexed by a value form \code{theta}. In addition, the returned data.table contains \code{ID} and \code{t} columns for easy merging
#'  with the original data.
#' @export
defineIntervedTRT <- function(data, theta, ID, t, I, CENS, TRT, MONITOR, tsinceNis1, new.TRT.names = NULL, return.allcolumns = FALSE){
  ID.expression <- as.name(ID)
  chgTRT <- as.name("chgTRT")
  if (return.allcolumns) {
    DT <- data.table(data, key=c(ID,t))
  } else if (is.data.table(data)) {
    DT <- data.table(data[,c(ID, t, TRT, CENS, I, MONITOR, tsinceNis1), with = FALSE], key=c(ID,t))
  } else if (is.data.frame(data)) {
    DT <- data.table(data[,c(ID, t, TRT, CENS, I, MONITOR, tsinceNis1)], key=c(ID,t))
  } else {
    stop("input data must be either a data.table or a data.frame")
  CheckVarNameExists(DT, ID)
  CheckVarNameExists(DT, t)
  CheckVarNameExists(DT, I)
  CheckVarNameExists(DT, TRT)
  CheckVarNameExists(DT, MONITOR)
  CheckVarNameExists(DT, tsinceNis1)
  if (!is.null(new.TRT.names)) {
  } else {
    new.TRT.names <- paste0(TRT,".gstar.","d",theta)
  for (dtheta.i in seq_along(theta)) {
    dtheta <- theta[dtheta.i]
    # 1. By default, nobody is treated
    DT[, "new.TRT.gstar" :=  NA_integer_]
    # 2. The person can switch to treatment the earliest time 'I' goes over the threshold (while being monitored)
    # NOTE: ****** (tsinceNis1 > 0) is equivalent to (N(t-1)==0) ******
    DT[(get(tsinceNis1) == 0L) & (get(I) >= eval(dtheta)), "new.TRT.gstar" :=  1L]
    # 3. Once the person goes on treatment he/she has to stay on it until the end of the follow-up (using carry-forward)

    DT[, ("new.TRT.gstar") := zoo::na.locf(new.TRT.gstar, na.rm = FALSE), by = eval(ID.expression)]
    # DT[, new.TRT.gstar := zoo::na.locf(new.TRT.gstar, na.rm = FALSE), by = eval(ID.expression)]

    # 4. all remaining NA's must be the ones that occurred prior to treatment switch -> all must be 0 (not-treated)
    DT[is.na(new.TRT.gstar), ("new.TRT.gstar") := 0]

    # DT[is.na(new.TRT.gstar), new.TRT.gstar := 0]
    setnames(DT, old = "new.TRT.gstar", new = new.TRT.names[dtheta.i])
  if (!return.allcolumns) {
    DT <- DT[, c(ID, t, new.TRT.names), with = FALSE]

# # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# #' Define the indicators of following/not-following specific dynamic treatment rules indexed by theta.
# #'
# #' @param data Input data.frame or data.table in long format, see below for the description of the assumed format.
# #' @param theta The vector of continuous cutoff values that index each dynamic treatment rule
# #' @param ID The name of the unique subject identifier
# #' @param t The name of the variable indicating time-period
# #' @param I Continuous biomarker variable used for determining the treatmet decision rule
# #' @param CENS Binary indicator of being censored at t;
# #' @param TRT Binary indicator of the treatment (exposure) at t;
# #' @param MONITOR The indicator of having a visit and having measured or observed biomarker I(t+1) (the biomarker value at THE NEXT TIME CYCLE).
# #'  In other words the value of MONITOR(t-1) (at t-1) being 1 indicates that I(t) at time point t was observed/measured.
# #'  The very first value of I(t) (at the first time-cycle) is ALWAYS ASSUMED observed/measured.
# #' @param tsinceNis1 Character vector for the column in data, same meaning as described in convertdata(), must be already defined
# #' @param rule.names Vector of column names for indicators of following/not following each rule (must be the same dimension as theta).
# #'  When not supplied the following convention is adopted for naming these columns: paste0("d",theta).
# #' @param return.allcolumns Set to \code{TRUE} to return the original data columns along with new columns that define each rule
# #' (can be useful when employing piping/sequencing operators).
# #'
# #' @section Details:
# #'
# #' * This function takes an input data.frame or data.table data
# #'   and produces an output data.table with indicators/probabilities of following not following a specific treatment rule.
# #'   The resulting data.table is used internally by the stremr() function to determine which observation is following each specific rule at each time point t.
# #'
# #' * Evaluates which observations were following the dynamic-decision treatment rule defined by the measured biomarker I
# #'   and pre-defined cutoffs of the input vector theta.
# #'
# #' * Produces a separate rule indicator column for each value in the input vector theta based on the following dynamic rule at t:
# #'\itemize{
# #' \item (1) Follow rule at t if uncensored (C(t)=0) and remaining on treatment (A(t-1)=A(t)=1)
# #' \item (2) Follow rule at t if uncensored (C(t)=0), haven't changed treatment and wasn't monitored (MONITOR(t-1)=0)
# #' \item (3) Follow rule at t if uncensored (C(t)=0), was monitored (MONITOR(t-1)=0) and either of the two:
# #'     (A) (I(t) >= d.theta) and switched to treatment at t; or (B) (I(t) < d.theta) and haven't changed treatment
# #'}
# #'
# #' * The format (time-ordering) of data is the same as required by the stremr() function: (I(t), CENS(t), TRT(t), MONITOR(t)).
# #'   MONITOR(t) at time-point t is defined as the indicator of being observed (having an office visit) at time point t+1 (next timepoint after t)
# #'   It is assumed that imp.I(t) is always 0 for the very first time-point.
# #'
# #' @examples
# #'
# #' \dontrun{
# #' theta <- seq(7,8.5,by=0.5)
# #' FOLLOW.D.DT <- defineTRTrules(data = data, theta = theta,
# #'                  ID = "StudyID", t = "X_intnum", I = "X_a1c",
# #'                  TRT = "X_exposure", CENS = "X_censor", MONITOR = "N.t",
# #'                  rule.names = paste0("new.d",theta))
# #' }
# #' @return A data.table with a separate column for each value in \code{theta}. Each column consists of indicators of following/not-following
# #'  each rule indexed by a value form \code{theta}. In addition, the returned data.table contains \code{ID} and \code{t} columns for easy merging
# #'  with the original data.
# # @export
# defineTRTrules <- function(data, theta, ID, t, I, CENS, TRT, MONITOR, tsinceNis1, rule.names = NULL, return.allcolumns = FALSE){
#   ID.expression <- as.name(ID)
#   chgTRT <- as.name("chgTRT")
#   if (return.allcolumns) {
#     DT <- data.table(data, key=c(ID,t))
#   } else if (is.data.table(data)) {
#     DT <- data.table(data[,c(ID, t, TRT, CENS, I, MONITOR, tsinceNis1), with = FALSE], key=c(ID,t))
#   } else if (is.data.frame(data)) {
#     DT <- data.table(data[,c(ID, t, TRT, CENS, I, MONITOR, tsinceNis1)], key=c(ID,t))
#   } else {
#     stop("input data must be either a data.table or a data.frame")
#   }
#   CheckVarNameExists(DT, ID)
#   CheckVarNameExists(DT, t)
#   CheckVarNameExists(DT, I)
#   CheckVarNameExists(DT, CENS)
#   CheckVarNameExists(DT, TRT)
#   CheckVarNameExists(DT, MONITOR)
#   CheckVarNameExists(DT, tsinceNis1)
#   # Define chgTRT=TRT(t)-TRT(t-1), switching to treatment (+1), not changing treatment (0), going off treatment (-1). Assume people were off treatment prior to t=0.
#   DT[, "chgTRT" := diff(c(0L, .SD[[1]])), by = eval(ID.expression), .SDcols=(TRT)]
#   # (1) Follow rule at t if uncensored and remaining on treatment (TRT(t-1)=TRT(t)=1):
#   # rule1: (C[t] == 0L) & (A[t-1] == 1L) & (A[t] == 1)
#   DT[, "d.follow_r1" := (get(CENS)==0L) & (get(TRT)==1L) & (eval(chgTRT)==0L)]
#   # (2) Follow rule at t if uncensored, haven't changed treatment and wasn't monitored (MONITOR(t-1)=0)
#   # rule2: (C[t] == 0L) & (N[t-1] == 0) & (A[t-1] == A[t])
#   # NOTE: ****** testing tsinceNis1 > 0 is equivalent to testing N(t-1)==0 ******
#   DT[, "d.follow_r2" := (get(CENS)==0L) & (get(tsinceNis1) > 0L) & (eval(chgTRT)==0L)]
#   # (3) Follow rule at t if uncensored, was monitored (MONITOR(t-1)=0) and either:
#   # (A) (I(t) >= d.theta) and switched to treatment at t; or (B) (I(t) < d.theta) and haven't changed treatment
#   for (dtheta in theta) {
#     # rule3: (C[t] == 0L) & (N[t-1] == 1) & ((I[t] >= d.theta & A[t] == 1L & A[t-1] == 0L) | (I[t] < d.theta & A[t] == 0L & A[t-1] == 0L))
#     # NOTE: ****** testing tsinceNis1 > 0 is equivalent to testing N(t-1)==0 ******
#     DT[, "d.follow_r3" := (get(CENS)==0L) & (get(tsinceNis1) == 0L) & (((get(I) >= eval(dtheta)) & (eval(chgTRT)==1L)) | ((get(I) < eval(dtheta)) & (eval(chgTRT)==0L)))]
#     DT[, "d.follow_allr" := d.follow_r1 | d.follow_r2 | d.follow_r3]
#     DT[, paste0("d",dtheta) := as.logical(cumprod(d.follow_allr)), by = eval(ID.expression)]
#   }
#   DT[, "chgTRT" := NULL]; DT[, "d.follow_r1" := NULL]; DT[, "d.follow_r2" := NULL]; DT[, "d.follow_r3" := NULL]; DT[, "d.follow_allr" := NULL]
#   if (!is.null(rule.names)) {
#     stopifnot(length(rule.names)==length(theta))
#     setnames(DT, old = paste0("d",theta), new = rule.names)
#   } else {
#     rule.names <- paste0("d",theta)
#   }
#   if (!return.allcolumns) {
#     DT <- DT[, c(ID, t, rule.names), with=FALSE]
#   }
#   return(DT)
# }

# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
makeFreqTable <- function(rawFreq){
  ntot <- sum(rawFreq)
  rawFreqPercent <- rawFreq / ntot * 100
  fineFreq <- cbind("Frequency"=rawFreq,"\\%"=round(rawFreqPercent,2),"Cumulative Frequency"=cumsum(rawFreq),"Cumulative \\%"=round(cumsum(rawFreqPercent),2))
  fineFreq <- as.data.frame(fineFreq)
  eval(parse(text=paste('fineFreq <- cbind(',deparse(substitute(rawFreq)),'=factor(c("',paste(names(rawFreq),collapse='","'),'")),fineFreq)',sep="")))
  rownames(fineFreq) <- 1:nrow(fineFreq)
  fineFreq <- as.matrix(fineFreq)

make.table.m0 <- function(S.IPAW, RDscale = "-" , nobs = 0, esti = "IPW", t.period, se.RDscale.Sdt.K, TMLE = FALSE){
  if (missing(se.RDscale.Sdt.K)) {
    se.RDscale.Sdt.K <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(S.IPAW), ncol = length(S.IPAW))
    colnames(se.RDscale.Sdt.K) <- names(S.IPAW)
    rownames(se.RDscale.Sdt.K) <- names(S.IPAW)
  dtheta <- names(S.IPAW)
  RDtable <- matrix(NA, nrow = (length(dtheta)-1)*2, ncol = length(dtheta)-1)
  # RDtable <- matrix(NA,nrow=2*3,ncol=3)

  ContrastScale <- ifelse(RDscale,"-","/")

  H0val <- ifelse(RDscale,0,1)
  ## Compare mean bootstrap to point estimates - should be similar
  PYK1.IPAW <- allRDtable <- vector("list",length(S.IPAW))
  names(PYK1.IPAW) <- names(allRDtable) <- names(S.IPAW)
  PYK1.IPAW <- lapply(S.IPAW,function(x,y)return(1-x[y]),y=t.period)

  rownames(RDtable) <- rep(rev(dtheta)[-length(dtheta)],each=2)
  colnames(RDtable) <- dtheta[-length(dtheta)]

  for(rule1 in rev(dtheta)[-length(dtheta)]) {
    for(rule2 in dtheta[ 1:(which(dtheta==rule1)-1) ]){
      RD <- mapply(ContrastScale,PYK1.IPAW[[rule1]],PYK1.IPAW[[rule2]])
      (pt <- round(RD,4))
      (CI <- round(RD+c(qnorm(0.025),-qnorm(0.025))*se.RDscale.Sdt.K[rule1,rule2],4))
      (ptCI <- paste(pt," [",CI[1],";",CI[2],"]",sep=""))
      (pval <- paste("SE=",round(se.RDscale.Sdt.K[rule1,rule2],4),", p=", round(2*pnorm( abs((RD-H0val)/se.RDscale.Sdt.K[rule1, rule2]), lower.tail=FALSE ),2) ,sep=""))
      RDtable[ rownames(RDtable)%in%rule1,rule2] <- c(ptCI,pval)
  RDtable[is.na(RDtable)] <- ""
  RDtable <- cbind("d1 (row) | d2 (col)"=rep(rev(dtheta)[-length(dtheta)],each=2) , RDtable)
  fileText <- paste(esti,ifelse(RDscale,"RD","RR"),sep="")
  captionText2 <- ifelse(RDscale,"differences","ratios")
  captionText3 <- ifelse(RDscale,"$-$","$/$")

  if (esti %in% c("IPAW", "IPW")) {
    estimates <- "Stabilized inverse weighting"
  } else if(esti %in% c("IPAWtrunc","IPWtrunc")){
    estimates <- "Stabilized, truncated inverse weighting"
  } else if (esti %in% "crude") {
    estimates <- "Crude"
  } else {
    estimates <- esti

  model <- "MSM"
  if (esti %in% "crude") model <- "model"

  MSM_text <- paste0("The risk contrasts are derived from a logistic ", model, " for the discrete-time hazards fitted based on ", nobs, " observations. ")
  caption <- paste0(estimates, " estimates of the (cumulative) risk ",
                    captionText2,", $d_1$", captionText3,"$d_2$, over ", t.period," periods. ",
                    ifelse(!TMLE, MSM_text, ""),
                    "Variance estimates are derived based on the influence curve of the estimator.")
  rownames(RDtable) <- NULL
  return(list(RDtable = RDtable, caption = caption))

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stremr documentation built on May 30, 2017, 6:35 a.m.