
### twinstim's spatial interaction function as a step function
### Copyright (C) 2014,2018,2022 Sebastian Meyer
### This file is part of the R package "surveillance",
### free software under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2,
### a copy of which is available at https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/.

siaf.step <- function (knots, maxRange = Inf, nTypes = 1, validpars = NULL)
    knots <- sort(unique(as.vector(knots,mode="numeric")))
    stopifnot(knots > 0, is.finite(knots), isScalar(maxRange), maxRange > knots)
    nknots <- length(knots)             # = number of parameters (per type)
    allknots <- c(0, knots, unique(c(maxRange,Inf)))
    allknotsPos <- c(0,knots,maxRange)  # pos. domain, =allknots if maxRange=Inf

    nTypes <- as.integer(nTypes)
    stopifnot(length(nTypes) == 1L, nTypes > 0L)
    ## for the moment we don't make this type-specific
    if (nTypes != 1) stop("type-specific shapes are not yet implemented")
    npars <- nknots * nTypes

    ## ## auxiliary function to get the type-specific values (heights) from logvals
    ## logvals4type <- function (logvals, type)
    ##     logvals[(type-1)*nknots + seq_len(nknots)]

    ## auxiliary function calculating the areas of the "rings" of the
    ## two-dimensional step function intersected with a polydomain.
    ## Returns a numeric vector of length
    ## length(allknotsPos)-1 == nknots+1 (i.e. not appending the area of the
    ## 0-height ring from maxRange to Inf in case maxRange < Inf)
    .ringAreas <- function (polydomain, npoly = 256) {
        polyvertices <- vertices(polydomain)
        polyarea <- area.owin(polydomain)
        bdist <- bdist(cbind(0,0), polydomain)
        ## distance to farthest vertex (-> later steps not relevant)
        R <- sqrt(max(polyvertices[["x"]]^2 + polyvertices[["y"]]^2))
        sliceAreas <- vapply(X = allknotsPos[-1L], FUN = function (r) {
            if (r <= bdist) pi * r^2 else if (r >= R) polyarea else
        }, FUN.VALUE = 0, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
    ## since this is the most cumbersome task, use memoization (result does not
    ## depend on the parameters being optimized, but on influenceRegions only)
    ringAreas <- if (requireNamespace("memoise")) {
    } else {
        warning("siaf.step() is much slower without memoisation",

    f <- function (s, logvals, types = NULL) {
        sLength <- sqrt(.rowSums(s^2, length(s)/2, 2L))
        ## step function is right-continuous, intervals are [a,b)
        c(1, exp(logvals), 0)[.bincode(sLength, allknots, right=FALSE)]

    F <- function (polydomain, f, logvals, type = NULL, npoly = 256) {
        ## sum of the volumes of the intersections of "rings" with 'polydomain'
        sum(c(1, exp(logvals)) * ringAreas(polydomain, npoly=npoly))

    Fcircle <- function (r, logvals, type = NULL) { # exact integration on disc
        ## this is just the sum of the "ring" volumes
        sum(c(1, exp(logvals)) * pi * diff(pmin.int(allknotsPos, r)^2))

    deriv <- function (s, logvals, types = NULL) {
        sLength <- sqrt(.rowSums(s^2, L <- length(s)/2, 2L))
        whichvals <- .bincode(sLength, allknots, right=FALSE) - 1L
        ## NOTE: sLength >= maxRange => whichvals > nknots (=> f=0)
        ## we do a bare-bone implementation of relevant parts of
        ## deriv <- outer(whichvals, seq_len(nknots), "==")
        Y <- rep.int(seq_len(nknots), rep.int(L,nknots)) # column index
        Z <- rep.int(exp(logvals), rep.int(L,nknots))   # value
        ##<- 6x faster than rep(..., each=L)
        #X <- rep.int(whichvals, nknots)
        deriv <- (Y == whichvals) * Z
        dim(deriv) <- c(L, nknots)

    Deriv <- function (polydomain, deriv, logvals, type = NULL, npoly = 256) {
        ringAreas <- ringAreas(polydomain, npoly=npoly)
        exp(logvals) * ringAreas[-1L]

    simulate <- function (n, logvals, type = NULL, ub) {
        upper <- min(maxRange, ub)
        knots2upper <- c(knots[knots < upper], upper)
        heights <- c(1,exp(logvals))[seq_along(knots2upper)]
        ## first, sample the "rings" of the points
        rings <- sample.int(length(heights), size=n, replace=TRUE,
        ## sample points from these rings
        runifdisc(n, knots2upper[rings], c(0,knots2upper)[rings])

    ## Done
    structure(list(f = f, F = F, Fcircle = Fcircle,
                   deriv = deriv, Deriv = Deriv,
                   simulate = simulate,
                   npars = npars, validpars = validpars),
              "knots" = knots,
              "maxRange" = maxRange)

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