
# Tests for 'tablesgg' package

# 21 Nov 2020 / Richard Raubertas
# 27 Nov 2020 : Change list 'tablesggOpt' to function 'tablesggOpt()'.  (Now 
#               diverging from 'tests_1.r'.)
# 02 Feb 2021 : Replace 'grProps' with 'grSpecs'.
# 22 Feb 2021 : Run tests with 'allowMarkdown=FALSE'.  More 'tablesggOpt' tests.
# 04 Mar 2021 : Orthogonality of styles and scale.
# 25 Apr 2021 : More thorough test of 'scale'.
# 24 Jan 2024 : Change deprecated 'size' arg to 'element_rect' to 'linewidth'.

if (!get0("IS_PKG", ifnotfound=TRUE)) {
  pdf(paste0("tests_1n2.", Sys.Date(), ".pdf"))
HEADLESS <- (!interactive())

# 'as.dfObj(NULL, <class>)' creates empty objects of the specified class.


# Check consistency of 'element_*' functions and 'grSpecs'.

stopifnot(all(row.names(grSpecs("entry")) %in% 
              setdiff(names(element_entry()), "inherit.blank")))
stopifnot(all(row.names(grSpecs("block")) %in% 
              setdiff(names(element_block()), "inherit.blank")))
stopifnot(all(row.names(grSpecs("hvrule")) %in% 
              setdiff(names(element_hvrule()), "inherit.blank")))
# Setting/restoring package options.

oldopt <- tablesggOpt()
oldopt1 <- tablesggSetOpt(entryStyle=styles_pkg$entryStyle_pkg_2)
plt <- plot(iris2_tab, title="Changed default entry style")
stopifnot(identical(attr(entries(plt), "style"), styles_pkg$entryStyle_pkg_2))

# Change the values of multiple options.
oldopt2 <- tablesggSetOpt(list(hvruleStyle=styles_pkg$hvruleStyle_pkg_base, 
                               plot.margin=c(5, 5, 5, 5)))
stopifnot(identical(tablesggOpt("plot.margin"), c(5, 5, 5, 5)))

# Restore previous options, two ways.
stopifnot(identical(oldopt, tablesggOpt()))
tablesggSetOpt(c(oldopt2, oldopt1))
stopifnot(identical(oldopt, tablesggOpt()))

# Restore factory-fresh options.

tablesggSetOpt(allowMarkdown=FALSE)  # markdown tested in a different script

rm(oldopt, oldopt1, oldopt2, plt)

# Examples/tests based on iris data.

stopifnot(require(tables, quietly=TRUE))

tbl <- tabular(Species*Heading()*value*Format(digits=2)*(mean + sd) ~ 
               Heading("Flower part")*flower_part*Heading()*direction, 

ttbl <- textTable(tbl, title="The iris data")
stopifnot(identical(ttbl, textTable(ttbl)))

# Test 'tblEntries', 'rowheadInside', 'mergeRuns'.
etbl <- tblEntries(ttbl)
stopifnot(identical(etbl, as.tblEntries(etbl)))
etbl2 <- tblEntries(ttbl, rowheadInside=TRUE)
etbl3 <- tblEntries(ttbl, mergeRuns=FALSE)
etbl4 <- tblEntries(ttbl, mergeRuns=FALSE, rowheadInside=TRUE)
# Converting tblEntries back to textTable:
stopifnot(identical(etbl, tblEntries(textTable(etbl))))
stopifnot(identical(textTable(etbl), textTable(etbl3)))
#stopifnot(identical(textTable(etbl), textTable(etbl2)))   # FALSE
#  ('rowheadInside' changes rowhead entry text)
stopifnot(identical(textTable(etbl2), textTable(etbl4)))

# Test 'adim'.
stopifnot(identical(adim(ttbl), c(10, 6)))
stopifnot(identical(adim(ttbl), adim(etbl)), 
          identical(adim(ttbl), adim(etbl3)),
          # rowheadInside changes augmented row-col grid:
          identical(adim(ttbl) + c(3, -1), adim(etbl2)), 
          identical(adim(etbl) + c(3, -1), adim(etbl4)))

# Test 'arow', 'acol'.
plt <- plot(ttbl)
stopifnot(identical(arow(ttbl, "foot"), numeric(0)), 
          identical(arow(ttbl, "foot"), arow(plt, "foot")), 
          identical(acol(ttbl, "foot"), seq(1, 6, by=1)), 
          identical(acol(ttbl, "foot"), acol(plt, "foot")),
          identical(arow(ttbl, "rowhead")[3], 7),
          identical(acol(plt, "rowhead_right"), 2.5))

# Test subscripting a 'textTable'.
stopifnot(identical(ttbl, ttbl[, ]), 
          identical(ttbl, ttbl[TRUE, TRUE]), 
          adim(ttbl[FALSE, FALSE]) == c(0, 0), 
          adim(ttbl[0, 0]) == c(0, 0))
plt1 <- plot(ttbl)
plt2 <- plot(ttbl[-arow(ttbl, "colhead")[1], ])  # Remove 'Flower part' col layer
plt3 <- plot(ttbl[-arow(ttbl, "colhead")[1], 
                  c(1, 2, 5, 6, 3, 4)])  # Also switch order of sepal/petal cols
stopifnot(identical(adim(plt1), adim(ttbl)), 
          identical(adim(plt2), adim(plt1)-c(1,0)), 
          identical(adim(plt2), adim(plt3)))
if (!HEADLESS) {
print(plt1, position=c(0.5, 1))
print(plt2, position=c(0.5, 0.5), newpage=FALSE)
print(plt3, position=c(0.5, 0), newpage=FALSE)

# Check 'rowhead_inside', 'undo_rowhead_inside'.
chk <- c("id", "part", "headlayer", "level_in_layer", "type", "arow1", "arow2", 
         "acol1", "acol2", "enabled", "multirow", "multicolumn", "hjust")
# (Don't expect text to match, b/c group labels were modified.  Also row order 
# may change.)
etbl1b <- undo_rowhead_inside(etbl2)
stopifnot(sort(row.names(etbl)) == sort(row.names(etbl1b)), 
          isTRUE(all.equal(etbl[, chk], etbl1b[row.names(etbl), chk])))
etbl3b <- undo_rowhead_inside(etbl4)
stopifnot(sort(row.names(etbl3)) == sort(row.names(etbl3b)), 
          isTRUE(all.equal(etbl3[, chk], etbl3b[row.names(etbl3), chk])))

# Test 'tblParts'.  Result shouldn't depend on 'mergeRuns' or 'rowheadInside'.
parts <- tblParts(ttbl)
plt1 <- plot(ttbl)
plt2 <- plot(ttbl, rowheadInside=TRUE)
plt3 <- plot(ttbl, mergeRuns=FALSE)
plt4 <- plot(ttbl, rowheadInside=TRUE, mergeRuns=FALSE)
stopifnot(identical(parts, tblParts(plt1)), 
          identical(parts, tblParts(plt2)),
          identical(parts, tblParts(plt3)),
          identical(parts, tblParts(plt4)))
stopifnot(identical(parts, tblParts(etbl)))

# Test 'ids'.
stopifnot(identical(ids(ttbl), rownames(tblParts(ttbl))), 
          identical(ids(plt, type="block"), row.names(blocks(plt))), 
          identical(ids(plt, type="block", enabledOnly=FALSE), 
                    row.names(blocks(plt, enabledOnly=FALSE))), 
          identical(ids(plt, type="entry"), 
                    elements(plt, type="entry")[, "id"]))

# Test 'tblBlocks' (but not 'rowgroupSize' here).
blks <- tblBlocks(ttbl)
blks1 <- tblBlocks(etbl)
stopifnot(identical(blks, blks1))
stopifnot(identical(blks, as.tblBlocks(blks)))
blks2 <- tblBlocks(etbl2)
blks3 <- tblBlocks(etbl3)
blks4 <- tblBlocks(etbl4)
# 'tblBlocks' shouldn't depend on 'mergeRuns'.
stopifnot(identical(blks1, blks3), identical(blks2, blks4))
# 'rowheadInside' eliminates 3 standard blocks ('rowhead', 'body', 
# and 'rowhead_and_stub').
stopifnot((dim(blks1) - c(3, 0)) == dim(blks2))

# Test 'prHvrules'.  Result shouldn't depend on 'mergeRuns', since blocks don't.
hvr <- prHvrules(blks)
hvr2 <- prHvrules(blks2)
hvr3 <- prHvrules(blks3)
hvr4 <- prHvrules(blks4)
stopifnot(identical(hvr, hvr3), identical(hvr2, hvr4))
hvr <- prHvrules(blks, style=styles_pkg$hvruleStyle_pkg_null)  # all hvrules disabled
stopifnot(sum(hvr$enabled) == 0, identical(hvr, as.prHvrules(hvr)))

# Test plot creation.
pr <- prEntries(etbl)
prtbl <- prTable(pr)
plt <- plot(prtbl)
stopifnot(identical(prtbl, prTable(plt), 
          identical(prtbl, prTable(plot(ttbl)))))

# Manually adding hvrules.
plt <- plot(ttbl)
#-- Explicitly specify row and column numbers:
plt2 <- addHvrule(plt, id="test", direction="hrule", 
                  arows=1.5, acols=c(2, 5))
props(plt2, id="test") <- element_hvrule(color="blue", size=1)
#-- Or specify them relative to table parts, using helper functions:
plt2 <- addHvrule(plt2, id="test2", dir="vrule", 
                  acols=max(acol(plt, "body"))-0.5,  # btwn last two columns ...
                  arows=arow(plt, "body"),  # ... and spanning the table body
                  props=element_hvrule(color="red", linetype=1))
# Updating style should not change manually added hvrules:
plt3 <- update(plt2, hvruleStyle=styles_pkg$hvruleStyle_pkg_base)
stopifnot(identical(elements(plt2, type="hvrule")[c("test", "test2"), ], 
                    elements(plt3, type="hvrule")[c("test", "test2"), ]))
if (!HEADLESS) {
print(plt, vpx=0.25, vpy=0.75)
print(plt2, vpx=0.75, vpy=0.75, newpage=FALSE)
print(plt3, vpx=0.25, vpy=0.25, newpage=FALSE)

# Manually adding blocks.
plt4 <- addBlock(plt3, id="blktest", arows=arow(plt3, "rowblock/A/2/2"), 
                 acols=acol(plt3, "body"), props=element_block(fill="green1", 
                 border_color="orange", border_size=1, enabled=TRUE))
if (!HEADLESS) {
print(plt4, vpx=0.75, vpy=0.25, newpage=FALSE)

# Make sure 'pr*' functions can handle 0-row inputs.
temp1 <- as.prEntries(prEntries(etbl[0, , drop=FALSE]))
temp2 <- as.prEntries(prEntries(etbl[0, , drop=FALSE], 
temp3 <- as.prEntries(prEntries(etbl[0, , drop=FALSE], scale=0.8))
stopifnot(nrow(temp1) == 0, nrow(temp2) == 0, nrow(temp3) == 0)
temp1 <- as.prBlocks(prBlocks(blks[0, , drop=FALSE]))
temp2 <- as.prBlocks(prBlocks(blks[0, , drop=FALSE], 
temp3 <- as.prBlocks(prBlocks(blks[0, , drop=FALSE], scale=0.8))
stopifnot(nrow(temp1) == 0, nrow(temp2) == 0, nrow(temp3) == 0)
temp1 <- as.prHvrules(hvr[0, , drop=FALSE])
# To change hvrule style, need to provide blocks, not prHvrules:
tools::assertError(update.prObj(hvr[0, , drop=FALSE], 
temp2 <- as.prHvrules(prHvrules(blks[0, , drop=FALSE], 
temp3 <- update.prObj(hvr[0, , drop=FALSE], scale=0.8)
stopifnot(nrow(temp1) == 0, nrow(temp2) == 0, nrow(temp3) == 0)

if (!HEADLESS) {
plt1 <- plot(ttbl, subtitle="Default display")
plt2 <- plot(ttbl, rowheadInside=TRUE, subtitle="rowheadInside = TRUE")
plt3 <- plot(ttbl, mergeRuns=FALSE, subtitle="mergeRuns = FALSE")
plt4 <- plot(ttbl, mergeRuns=FALSE, rowheadInside=TRUE, 
             subtitle="mergeRuns = FALSE, rowheadInside = TRUE")
print(plt1, position=c("left", "top"))
print(plt2, position=c("right", "bottom"), newpage=FALSE)
print(plt3, position=c("left", "bottom"), newpage=FALSE)
print(plt4, position=c("right", "top"), newpage=FALSE)

# Changing styles.

# Start with session default from 'tablesggOpt':
stopifnot(identical(attr(entries(plt2), "style"), tablesggOpt("entryStyle")))

plt2b <- update(plt2, entryStyle=styles_pkg$entryStyle_pkg_base)
stopifnot(identical(attr(entries(plt2b), "style"), 
if (!HEADLESS) {
print(plt2, position=c("left", "top"))
print(plt2b, position=c("right", "top"), newpage=FALSE)

plt2b2 <- update(plt2b, entryStyle=tablesggOpt("entryStyle")) # reverse style change
stopifnot(identical(prTable(plt2b2), prTable(plt2)))
plt2d <- update(plt2, entryStyle=styles_pkg$entryStyle_pkg_null)
# 'entryStyle_pkg_null' matches nothing, so plot should have the base style ...
if (!HEADLESS) {
print(plt2d, position=c("left", "bottom"), newpage=FALSE)
# ... but 'style_row' is all NA.
# Default style should match some (but not necessarily all) elements.  Base 
# style should match all elements.  Null style should match no elements.
stopifnot(!all(is.na(entries(plt2, enabledOnly=FALSE)$style_row)))
stopifnot(!any(is.na(entries(plt2b, enabledOnly=FALSE)$style_row)))
stopifnot(all(is.na(entries(plt2d, enabledOnly=FALSE)$style_row)))

plt2c <- update(plt2, hvruleStyle=styles_pkg$hvruleStyle_pkg_base)
if (!HEADLESS) {
print(plt2c, position=c("right", "bottom"), newpage=FALSE)
plt2c2 <- update(plt2c, hvruleStyle=tablesggOpt("hvruleStyle")) # reverse style change
stopifnot(identical(prTable(plt2c2), prTable(plt2)))
plt2d <- update(plt2, hvruleStyle=styles_pkg$hvruleStyle_pkg_null)
# Default style should match some (but not necessarily all) elements.  Base 
# style should match all elements.  Null style should match no elements.
stopifnot(!all(is.na(hvrules(plt2, enabledOnly=FALSE)$style_row)))
stopifnot(!any(is.na(hvrules(plt2c, enabledOnly=FALSE)$style_row)))
stopifnot(all(is.na(hvrules(plt2d, enabledOnly=FALSE)$style_row)))

plt2c <- update(plt2, blockStyle=styles_pkg$blockStyle_pkg_base)
# blockStyle_pkg_base and default (blockStyle_pkg_1) are currently the same.
plt2d <- update(plt2, blockStyle=styles_pkg$blockStyle_pkg_null)
# Base style should match all blocks.  Null style should match no blocks.
stopifnot(!all(is.na(blocks(plt2, enabledOnly=FALSE)$style_row)))
stopifnot(!any(is.na(blocks(plt2c, enabledOnly=FALSE)$style_row)))
stopifnot(all(is.na(blocks(plt2d, enabledOnly=FALSE)$style_row)))

# Styles and scale should be orthogonal:  result shouldn't depend on 
# order of updating.

# Default 'update' args change nothing:
stopifnot(identical(prTable(plt2), prTable(update(plt2))))
# Different update paths should lead to the same result:
plt2b <- update(plt2, entryStyle=styles_pkg$entryStyle_pkg_base)
plt2c <- update(plt2, scale=0.7)
plt2bc <- update(plt2, entryStyle=styles_pkg$entryStyle_pkg_base, scale=0.7)
stopifnot(identical(prTable(plt2bc), prTable(update(plt2b, scale=0.7))))
stopifnot(identical(prTable(plt2bc), prTable(update(plt2c, 

# Test use of 'scale'.

plt <- plot(tbl, scale=1.0, title="Table at natural size (scale=1.0)")
plt2 <- plot(tbl, scale=0.8, title="Small version (scale=0.8)")
plt3 <- plot(tbl, scale=1.2, title="Large version (scale=1.2)")
# Make sure sizes reflect scaling.
pltmgn <- attr(plt, "plot.margin")
adj <- c(sum(pltmgn[c(2,4)]), sum(pltmgn[c(1,3)]))
sz <- pltdSize(plt) - adj
sz2 <- pltdSize(plt2) - adj
sz3 <- pltdSize(plt3) - adj
stopifnot(all(abs(sz2/sz - 0.8) < 0.02), all(abs(sz3/sz - 1.2) < 0.03))

# Multiple tables on a page, adjusting position.  Modify table display with 
# ggplot options.
if (!HEADLESS) {
print(plt, position=c("center", "top"))
plt2 <- plot(tbl, scale=0.8, 
             title=c("Small version (scale=0.8), with borders:", 
                     "panel (blue), plot (red)")) + 
        theme(panel.background=element_rect(color="blue", linewidth=1), 
              plot.background=element_rect(color="red"))  # add borders
print(plt2, position=c(0.03, 0.45), newpage=FALSE)
print(plt3, position=c(0.97, 0.0), newpage=FALSE)

rm(pltmgn, adj, sz, sz2, sz3)

# Add reference marks, using either 'addRefmark' or 'props<-'.

# Using text-based 'addRefmark' adds marks to all instances of "sd". 
ttbl2 <- textTable(tbl, title="The iris data", foot="sd = standard deviation")
plt2 <- plot(ttbl2)
ttbl2a <- addRefmark(ttbl2, mark="a", before="^sd =", after="^sd$")
ttbl2a <- update(ttbl2a, subtitle="'addRefmark' applied to textTable")
plt2a <- plot(ttbl2a)
# Unicode refmarks generate lots of grid warnings ("font metrics unknown for 
# Unicode character"), but seem to display properly
#plt2b <- plot(ttbl2, subtitle="'addRefmark' applied to pltdTable")
#plt2b <- addRefmark(plt2b, mark="\u2020", before="^sd =", after="^sd$")

# Using 'propsd<-' can be more selective:  only the first instance of "sd" in 
# the row header.
plt2c <- plot(ttbl2, 
              subtitle="Reference marks via 'propsd<-'")
propsd(plt2c, subset=(part == "rowhead" & partcol == 2 & partrow == 2)) <- 
  element_refmark(mark="*", side="after")
propsd(plt2c, subset=(part == "foot")) <- 
  element_refmark(mark="*", side="before")

# Or use 'propsa<-' with 'hpath' to specify the instance of "sd":
plt2d <- plot(ttbl2, 
              subtitle="Reference marks via 'propsa<-'")
propsa(plt2d, arows=arow(plt2d, hpath=c("setosa", "sd")), acols=2) <- 
  element_refmark(mark="**", side="after")
propsa(plt2d, arows=arow(plt2d, "foot")[1]) <- 
  element_refmark(mark="**", side="before")

if (!HEADLESS) {
print(plt2, position=c("left", "top"))
print(plt2a, position=c("right", "top"), newpage=FALSE)
#print(plt2b, position=c("left", "bottom"), newpage=FALSE)
print(plt2c, position=c("left", "bottom"), newpage=FALSE)
print(plt2d, position=c("right", "bottom"), newpage=FALSE)


rm(tbl, ttbl, etbl, etbl2, etbl3, etbl4, chk, etbl1b, etbl3b, 
   blks, blks1, blks2, blks3, blks4, temp1, temp2, temp3, parts, 
   hvr, hvr2, hvr3, hvr4, pr, prtbl, plt, plt1, plt2, plt3, plt4, 
   plt2b, plt2b2, plt2c, plt2d, plt2c2, 
   ttbl2, ttbl2a, plt2a)
#===== Taken from 'tests_2.r':

# Plot a listing of the iris data.

ttbl <- textTable(head(iris, 11), row.names="", title="Part of the iris data")

plt <- plot(ttbl)
stopifnot(identical(adim(ttbl), adim(plt)))


# Updating 'prTable' object (scale or styles only).
plt2 <- update(plt, scale=0.8)
temp <- update(plt2, scale=1.0)  # reverse previous step
stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(prTable(plt), prTable(temp))))
stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(pltdSize(plt), pltdSize(temp))))

# Test row groups, and display of blocks.
pltdtbl2 <- plot(ttbl, rowgroupSize=4, subtitle=c("Rows grouped by fours",
                 "Highlight the block containing the 2nd group"))
propsd(pltdtbl2, subset=(subtype == "G" & group_in_level == 2)) <- 

if (!HEADLESS) {
print(plt, position=c("center", "top"))
print(pltdtbl2, position=c("center", "bottom"), newpage=FALSE)

# Subscripting 'textTable's, edge cases (no body rows and/or no body columns):

arbody <- arow(ttbl, "body")
acbody <- acol(ttbl, "body")
# Make sure 'tblParts' can reconstruct part dimensions from just the 
# entries.
stopifnot(identical(tblParts(ttbl[-arbody,]), tblParts(tblEntries(ttbl[-arbody,]))))
stopifnot(identical(adim(ttbl[-arbody,]), adim(tblEntries(ttbl[-arbody,]))))
stopifnot(identical(tblParts(ttbl[,-acbody]), tblParts(tblEntries(ttbl[,-acbody]))))
stopifnot(identical(adim(ttbl[,-acbody]), adim(tblEntries(ttbl[,-acbody]))))
stopifnot(adim(ttbl[-arbody,-acbody]) == c(0, 0))
stopifnot(identical(tblParts(ttbl[-arbody,-acbody]), tblParts(tblEntries(ttbl[-arbody,-acbody]))))
stopifnot(identical(adim(ttbl[-arbody,-acbody]), adim(tblEntries(ttbl[-arbody,-acbody]))))
tools::assertWarning(plt0 <- plot(ttbl[-arbody,-acbody]))  # NULL, with warning

if (!HEADLESS) {
print(plot(ttbl[-arbody,], foot="(plotting ttbl[-arbody, ])"), 
      position=c("right", "top"))  # annotation, colhead only
print(plot(ttbl[,-acbody], foot="(plotting ttbl[, -acbody])"),
      position=c("left", "center"), newpage=FALSE)  # annotation, rowhead only

blks <- tblBlocks(ttbl[-arbody, -acbody])  # Full set of blocks, all empty
stopifnot(all(blks$nr == 0), all(blks$nc == 0), 
          all(is.na(blks$arow1)), all(is.na(blks$arow2)), 
          all(is.na(blks$acol1)), all(is.na(blks$acol2)))
hvr <- prHvrules(blks)  # 0-row prHvrules object
stopifnot(nrow(hvr) == 0, identical(hvr, as.prHvrules(hvr)))
hvr2 <- prHvrules(blks[-arbody, ])  # 0-row prHvrules object
stopifnot(nrow(hvr2) == 0, identical(hvr2, as.prHvrules(hvr2)))

# Now with row header labels.  (Now the table has a stub, so table without a 
# body is plot-able.)

ttbl <- textTable(head(iris, 11), row.names="Obs. #", 
                  title="Part of the iris data")
pltdtbl <- plot(ttbl)
# Test row groups.
pltdtbl2 <- plot(ttbl, rowgroupSize=4, subtitle="Rows grouped by fours")

if (!HEADLESS) {
print(pltdtbl, position=c("center", "top"))
print(pltdtbl2, position=c("center", "bottom"), newpage=FALSE)

# Edge case:
arbody <- arow(ttbl, "body")
acbody <- acol(ttbl, "body")
plt0 <- plot(ttbl[-arbody, -acbody], foot="(plotting ttbl[-arbody, -acbody])")

if (!HEADLESS) {
print(plot(ttbl[-arbody,], foot="(plotting ttbl[-arbody, ])"), 
      position=c("right", "top"))  # annotation, rowheadLabels, colhead only
print(plot(ttbl[, -acbody], foot="(plotting ttbl[, -acbody])"),
      position=c("left", "bottom"), newpage=FALSE) # annotation, rowheadLabels, rowhead only
print(plt0, position=c("left", "top"), newpage=FALSE)  # annotation, rowheadLabels

if (!get0("IS_PKG", ifnotfound=TRUE)) {

rm(ttbl, blks, hvr, hvr2, plt, plt0, plt2, temp, pltdtbl2, pltdtbl, 
   arbody, acbody)

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tablesgg documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:02 a.m.