
Defines functions sp_weights

Documented in sp_weights

#'Non parametric local heteroscedasticity weights
#'Computes precision weights that account for heteroscedasticity in RNA-seq count data
#'based on non-parametric local linear regression estimates.
#'@param y a numeric matrix of size \code{G x n} containing the raw RNA-seq counts or
#'preprocessed expression from \code{n} samples for \code{G} genes.
#'@param x a numeric matrix of size \code{n x p} containing the model covariate(s) from
#'\code{n} samples (design matrix).
#'@param phi a numeric design matrix of size \code{n x K} containing the K
#'variable(s) of interest( e.g. bases of time).
#'@param use_phi a logical flag indicating whether conditional means should be conditioned
#'on \code{phi} and on covariate(s) \code{x}, or on \code{x} alone. Default is
#'\code{TRUE} in which case conditional means are estimated conditionally on both
#'\code{x} and \code{phi}.
#'@param preprocessed a logical flag indicating whether the expression data have
#'already been preprocessed (e.g. log2 transformed). Default is \code{FALSE}, in
#'which case \code{y} is assumed to contain raw counts and is normalized into
#'log(counts) per million.
#'@param doPlot a logical flag indicating whether the mean-variance plot should be drawn.
#' Default is \code{FALSE}.
#'@param gene_based a logical flag indicating whether to estimate weights at the gene-level.
#' Default is \code{FALSE}, when weights will be estimated at the observation-level.
#'@param bw a character string indicating the smoothing bandwidth selection method to use. See
#'\code{\link[stats]{bandwidth}} for details. Possible values are \code{"ucv"}, \code{"SJ"},
#'\code{"bcv"}, \code{"nrd"} or \code{"nrd0"}. Default is \code{"nrd"}.
#'@param kernel a character string indicating which kernel should be used.
#'Possibilities are \code{"gaussian"}, \code{"epanechnikov"}, \code{"rectangular"},
#'\code{"triangular"}, \code{"biweight"}, \code{"tricube"}, \code{"cosine"},
#'\code{"optcosine"}. Default is \code{"gaussian"} (NB: \code{"tricube"} kernel
#'corresponds to the loess method).
#'@param exact a logical flag indicating whether the non-parametric weights accounting
#'for the mean-variance relationship should be computed exactly or extrapolated
#'from the interpolation of local regression of the mean against the
#'variance. Default is \code{FALSE}, which uses interpolation (faster).
#'@param transform a logical flag indicating whether values should be transformed to uniform
#'for the purpose of local linear smoothing. This may be helpful if tail observations are sparse and
#'the specified bandwidth gives suboptimal performance there. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#'@param verbose a logical flag indicating whether informative messages are printed
#'during the computation. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#'@param na.rm logical: should missing values (including \code{NA} and \code{NaN})
#'be omitted from the calculations? Default is \code{FALSE}.
#'@return a \code{n x G} matrix containing the computed precision weights.
#'@seealso \code{\link[stats]{bandwidth}} \code{\link{density}}
#'#rm(list = ls())
#'G <- 10000
#'n <- 12
#'p <- 2
#'y <- sapply(1:G, FUN = function(x){rnbinom(n = n, size = 0.07, mu = 200)})
#'x <- sapply(1:p, FUN = function(x){rnorm(n = n, mean = n, sd = 1)})
#'@import ggplot2
#'@importFrom stats bw.bcv bw.nrd0 bw.nrd bw.SJ bw.ucv dnorm approx
#'@importFrom KernSmooth locpoly

sp_weights <- function(y, x, phi, use_phi=TRUE, preprocessed = FALSE, doPlot = FALSE,
                       gene_based = FALSE,
                       bw = c("nrd", "ucv", "SJ", "nrd0", "bcv"),
                       kernel = c("gaussian", "epanechnikov", "rectangular", "triangular", "biweight", "tricube", "cosine", "optcosine"),
                       exact = FALSE, transform = TRUE,
                       verbose = TRUE,
                       na.rm = FALSE

  ## dimensions & validity checks


  g <- nrow(y) # the number of genes measured
  n <- ncol(y) # the number of samples measured
  qq <- ncol(x) # the number of covariates
  n.t <- ncol(phi) # the number of time bases
  stopifnot(nrow(x) == n)
  stopifnot(nrow(phi) == n)

  observed <- which(rowSums(y, na.rm = TRUE) != 0) #removing genes never observed
  nb_g_sum0 <- length(observed) - g
  if(nb_g_sum0 > 0){
    warning(paste(nb_g_sum0, " y rows sum to 0 (i.e. are never observed) and have been removed"))

  kernel <- match.arg(kernel)
    y_lcpm <- t(y[observed, ])
    # transforming raw counts to log-counts per million (lcpm)
    y_lcpm <- t(apply(y[observed, ], MARGIN = 2, function(v){log2((v+0.5)/(sum(v)+1)*10^6)}))
  N <- length(y_lcpm)
  p <- ncol(y_lcpm)

  # fitting OLS to the lcpm
  xphi <- if(use_phi){cbind(x, phi)}else{x}
    y_lcpm0 <- y_lcpm
    y_lcpm0[is.na(y_lcpm0)] <- 0
    B_ols <- solve(crossprod(xphi))%*%t(xphi)%*%y_lcpm0
    B_ols <- solve(crossprod(xphi))%*%t(xphi)%*%y_lcpm
  mu <- xphi%*%B_ols

  sq_err <- (y_lcpm - mu)^2
  lse <- log(sq_err)
  v <- colMeans(sq_err, na.rm = na.rm)
  mu_avg <- colMeans(mu, na.rm = na.rm)

  if (gene_based) {
    mu_x <- mu_avg
  } else {
    mu_x <- mu
    mu_x[is.na(y_lcpm)] <- NA
  # transforming if necessary
  if (transform) {
    sd_mu <- sd(mu_x, na.rm = na.rm)
    mean_mu <- mean(mu_x, na.rm = na.rm)
    mu_x <- pnorm((mu_x-mean_mu)/sd_mu)
    reverse_trans <- function(x){qnorm(x)*sd_mu + mean_mu}
  } else {
    reverse_trans <- identity

      bw <- bw[1]
    if (N < 2){stop("need at least 2 points to select a bandwidth automatically")}
    if(!exact & gene_based){
      bw <- switch(bw,
                   nrd0 = stats::bw.nrd0(as.vector(mu_avg)),
                   nrd = stats::bw.nrd(as.vector(mu_avg)),
                   ucv = stats::bw.ucv(as.vector(mu_avg)),
                   bcv = stats::bw.bcv(as.vector(mu_avg)),
                   SJ = stats::bw.SJ(as.vector(mu_avg), method = "ste"),
                   stop("unknown bandwidth rule: 'bw' argument must be among 'nrd0', 'nrd', 'ucv', 'bcv', 'SJ'"))
      bw <- switch(bw,
                   nrd0 = stats::bw.nrd0(as.vector(mu_x)),
                   nrd = stats::bw.nrd(as.vector(mu_x)),
                   ucv = stats::bw.ucv(as.vector(mu_x)),
                   bcv = stats::bw.bcv(as.vector(mu_x)),
                   SJ = stats::bw.SJ(as.vector(mu_x), method = "ste"),
                   stop("unknown bandwidth rule: 'bw' argument must be among 'nrd0', 'nrd', 'ucv', 'bcv', 'SJ'"))
      message("\nBandwith computed.\n")

    stop("non-finite 'bw'")
  if(bw <= 0){
    stop("'bw' is not positive")

  # choose kernel
  if(kernel == "gaussian"){
    kern_func <- function(x, bw){
      stats::dnorm(x, sd = bw)
  }else if(kernel == "rectangular"){
    kern_func2 <- function(x, bw){
      a <- bw * sqrt(3)
      (abs(x) < a)*0.5/a#ifelse(abs(x) < a, 0.5/a, 0)

  }else if(kernel == "triangular"){
    kern_func <- function(x, bw){
      h <- bw * sqrt(6)
      ax <- abs(x)
      (ax < h)*((1 - ax/h)/h)
  }else if(kernel == "tricube"){
    kern_func <- function(x, bw){
      h <- bw * sqrt(243/35)
      ax <- abs(x)
      (ax < h)*(70/81*(1 - (ax/h)^3)^3)/h
  }else if(kernel == "epanechnikov"){
    kern_func <- function(x, bw){
      h <- bw * sqrt(5)
      ax <- abs(x)
      (ax < h)*(3/4*(1 - (ax/h)^2)/h)
  }else if(kernel == "biweight"){
    kern_func <- function(x, bw){
      h <- bw * sqrt(7)
      ax <- abs(x)
      (ax < h)*(15/16*(1 - (ax/h)^2)^2/h)
  }else if(kernel == "cosine"){
    kern_func <- function(x, bw){
      h <- bw/sqrt(1/3 - 2/pi^2)
      (abs(x) < h)*((1 + cos(pi*x/h))/(2*h))
  }else if(kernel == "optcosine"){
    kern_func <- function(x, bw){
      h <- bw/sqrt(1 - 8/pi^2)
      (abs(x) < h)*(pi/4 * cos(pi*x/(2*h))/h)
    stop("unknown kernel: 'kernel' argument must be among 'gaussian', 'rectangular', 'triangular', 'epanechnikov', 'biweight', 'cosine', 'optcosine'")

  # compute the weights

    w <- function(x){
      x_ctr <- (mu_avg-x)
      kernx <- kern_func(x_ctr, bw)
      Sn1 <- kernx*x_ctr
      b <- kernx*(sum(Sn1*x_ctr) - x_ctr*sum(Sn1))
      l <- b/sum(b)

    kern_fit <- NULL

      message("'exact' is TRUE: the computation may take up to a couple minutes...", "\n",
          "Set 'exact = FALSE' for quicker computation of the weights\n")

      weights <- t(matrix(1/unlist(lapply(as.vector(mu_x), w)), ncol = n, nrow = p, byrow = FALSE))
        warning("At least 1 non finite weight. Try to increase the bandwith")
      kern_fit <- sapply(mu_avg, w)
      weights <- 1/matrix(kern_fit, nrow = n, ncol = p, byrow = TRUE)
      #f_interp <- stats::approxfun(x = mu_avg, kern_fit, rule = 2)
      #weights <- 1/apply(mu, 2, f_interp)
    #kern_fit <- sapply(mu_avg, w)
    #weights <- matrix(rep(1/kern_fit), ncol = ncol(y_lcpm), nrow = nrow(y_lcpm), byrow = TRUE)
      stop("Cannot compute the weights without ignoring NA/NaN values...
           Try setting 'na.rm' or na.rm_tcgsaseq' to 'TRUE' to ignore NA/NaN values, but think carefully about where does those NA/NaN come from...")
    }else if(sum(is.na(mu_x))>1){
      mu_x <- mu_x[-which(is.na(mu_x))]
      sq_err <- sq_err[-which(is.na(sq_err))]
      lse <- lse[-which(is.na(lse))]
    smth <- KernSmooth::locpoly(x = c(mu_x), y = c(lse),
                                degree = 2, kernel = kernel, bandwidth = bw)
    w <- (1/exp(stats::approx(x = reverse_trans(smth$x), y = smth$y,
                              xout = reverse_trans(mu_x), rule = 2)$y))
    weights <- matrix(w, nrow(mu_x), ncol(mu_x))
      stop("negative variance weights estimated: please contact the authors of the package")

    inds <- list()
    if (gene_based) {
      o <- order(mu_avg, na.last = NA)
      plot_df <- data.frame("m_o" = mu_avg[o], "v_o" = v[o])
        kern_fit <- sapply(mu_avg[o], w)
        kern_fit <- kern_fit[o]
      plot_df_lo <- data.frame("lo.x" = mu_avg[o], "lo.y" = kern_fit)
    } else {
      grid <- seq(from=min(mu_x), to= max(mu_x), length.out = 20)
      n_mu_x <- length(mu_x)
      for (i in 2:length(grid)){
        possibles <- which(mu_x>=grid[i-1] & mu_x<=grid[i])
        n.points <- max(2000, min(length(possibles)/20, 5000))
          n.points <- length(possibles)
        inds[[i]] <- sample(possibles, size = n.points)
      inds <- unique(unlist(inds))
      #inds <- mu_x#sample(1:length(mu_x), size = 1000)
      mu_s <- reverse_trans(mu_x)[inds]
      ep_s <- lse[inds]
      plot_df <- data.frame("m_o" = mu_s, "v_o" = ep_s)
      plot_df_lo <- data.frame("lo.x" = reverse_trans(smth$x), "lo.y" = smth$y)

    #plot_df_lo_temp <- data.frame("lo.x" = mu_avg[o], "lo.y" = f_interp(mu_avg[o]))
    ggp <- (ggplot(data = plot_df) +
            geom_point(aes_string(x = "m_o", y = "v_o"), alpha = 0.4, color = "grey25", size = 0.6) +
            theme_bw() +
            xlab("Observed (transformed) counts") +
            ylab("log squared-error") +
            ggtitle("Mean-variance local regression non-parametric fit") +
            geom_line(data = plot_df_lo, aes_string(x = "lo.x", y = "lo.y"), color = "blue", lwd = 1.4, lty = "solid", alpha = 0.5)
            #+ geom_line(data = plot_df_lo_temp, aes(x = lo.x, y = lo.y), color = "red", lwd = 1, lty = 2)
      ggp <- ggp +
        ylim(range(lse)) +
        xlim(range(reverse_trans(mu_x))) +
        labs(subtitle = paste(length(inds), "subsampled points"))

  colnames(weights) <- colnames(y_lcpm)
  rownames(weights) <- rownames(y_lcpm)


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tcgsaseq documentation built on Sept. 13, 2020, 5:13 p.m.