
Defines functions default_template_directory rand_string load_first_file add_to_digest_file digest_file get_digest_header fill_blanks read_fs_labels safe_write_csv file_move read_fs_mgh_mgz read_fs_m3z read_fs_asc from_json to_json2 to_json json_cache filename cat2 stopifnot2 get2 dir_create

Documented in default_template_directory get_digest_header read_fs_asc read_fs_labels read_fs_m3z read_fs_mgh_mgz

dir_create <- function(path, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE, ...){
    dir.create(path = path, showWarnings = showWarnings, recursive = recursive, ...)

get2 <- function(x, from, ifnotfound = NULL, ...){
  if(x %in% names(from)){

stopifnot2 <- function(..., msg = 'Condition not satisfied'){

# data_uri <- function(file, ...){
#   base64enc::dataURI(file = file, ...)
# }

htmlDependency <- function (
  name, version, src, meta = NULL, script = NULL, stylesheet = NULL,
  head = NULL, attachment = NULL, package = NULL, all_files = TRUE) {

  version <- as.character(version)
  srcNames <- names(src)
  if (is.null(srcNames)){ srcNames <- rep.int("", length(src)) }
  srcNames[!nzchar(srcNames)] <- "file"
  names(src) <- srcNames
  src <- as.list(src)
  structure(class = "html_dependency", list(
    name = name, version = as.character(version),
    src = src, meta = meta, script = script, stylesheet = stylesheet,
    head = head, attachment = attachment, package = package,
    all_files = all_files))

# TODO: Remove dependency
cat2 <- function(
  ..., level = 'DEBUG', print_level = FALSE,
  file = "", sep = " ", fill = FALSE, labels = NULL,
  append = FALSE, end = '\n', pal = list(
    'DEBUG' = 'grey60',
    'INFO' = '#1d9f34',
    'WARNING' = '#ec942c',
    'ERROR' = '#f02c2c',
    'FATAL' = '#763053',
    'DEFAULT' = 'grey60'
  level <- toupper(level)
  if(!level %in% names(pal)){
    level <- 'DEFAULT'
  .col <- pal[[level]]
    .col <- 'grey60'

  # check if interactive
  if(rs_avail() && !nzchar(file)){
      base::cat('[', level, ']: ', sep = '')

    # level to color prefix
    prefix <- list(
      "DEBUG" = "\033[38;5;246m",
      'INFO' = '\033[38;5;35m',
      'WARNING' = '\033[38;5;215m',
      'ERROR' = '\033[38;5;203m',
      'FATAL' = '\033[38;5;95m',
      'DEFAULT' = '\033[38;5;246m'
      prefix <- '\033[38;5;246m'
    s <- paste(..., sep = sep)
    base::cat(prefix, s, "\033[39m", end, file = file, fill = fill, labels = labels, append = append, sep = '')

    # Just use cat
    base::cat(..., end, file = file, fill = fill, labels = labels, append = append)

  if(level == 'FATAL'){
    # stop!


filename <- function(path){
  sapply(stringr::str_split(path, '\\\\|/'), function(x){

json_cache <- function(path, data, recache=FALSE, digest = TRUE, digest_header = NULL, quiet = getOption('threeBrain.quiet', FALSE), ...){
  digest_path <- paste0(path, '.digest')

  if( digest ){
    digest_content <- as.list(digest_header)
    digest_content$digest <- digest::digest(data)
    digest_content$header_digest <- digest::digest(digest_content)

  cached_digest <- list()

  if(recache && !quiet){

  if(!recache && file.exists(path) && digest){
    # Check digest
      recache <- TRUE
      recache <- tryCatch({
        cached_digest <- from_json(digest_path)
        !isTRUE(cached_digest$digest == digest_content$digest)
      }, error = function(e){
    if( recache && !quiet ){
      cat2('Digest not match, re-cache...')

  is_new_cache <- FALSE

  if(recache || !file.exists(path)){
    if( !quiet ){
      cat2('Creating cache data to -', path)

    s <- to_json(data, ...)

    dir <- dirname(path)

    writeLines(s, path)
    is_new_cache <- TRUE

    if( digest ){
      # also check digest_content is changed?
      rewrite_digest <- tryCatch({
        !isTRUE(cached_digest$header_digest == digest_content$header_digest)
      }, error = function(e){
      if( rewrite_digest ){
        to_json(digest_content, to_file = digest_path)

    path = path,
    absolute_path = normalizePath(path),
    file_name = filename(path),
    is_new_cache = is_new_cache,
    is_cache = TRUE


# Define a package-verse standard to serialize and de-seialize jsons
to_json <- function(x, dataframe = 'rows', matrix = 'rowmajor', null = 'null', na = 'null', ..., to_file = NULL){
  s <- jsonlite::toJSON(x, dataframe = dataframe, matrix = matrix, null = null, na = na, ...)
  if(length(to_file) == 1){
    writeLines(s, con = to_file)

to_json2 <- function(...){
  toJSON <- asNamespace('htmlwidgets')$toJSON

from_json <- function(txt, simplifyVector = TRUE, simplifyDataFrame = simplifyVector,
                      simplifyMatrix = simplifyVector, flatten = FALSE, ..., from_file = NULL){
  if(length(from_file) == 1){
    stopifnot2(missing(txt) && file.exists(from_file), msg = 'If you want to load json from a file, do not specify txt, and make sure from_file exists')
    txt <- readLines(from_file)
  jsonlite::fromJSON(txt, simplifyVector = simplifyVector, simplifyDataFrame = simplifyDataFrame,
                     simplifyMatrix = simplifyMatrix, flatten = flatten, ...,)

#' Read `FreeSurfer` ascii file
#' @param file file location
#' @return a list of vertices and face indices
#' @export
read_fs_asc <- function(file){
  src <- readLines(file)
  src <- src[!stringr::str_detect(src, '^[\\ ]*#')]

  # header
  header <- as.integer(stringr::str_split_fixed(src[1], '\\ ', 2)) # The first element is vertex and the second one is faces

  # Vertices
  vertices <- stringr::str_split(src[1 + seq_len(header[1])], '[\\ ]+', simplify = TRUE)
  dim <- dim(vertices)
  vertices <- as.numeric(vertices)
  dim(vertices) <- dim

  # faces
  faces <- stringr::str_split(src[1 + header[1] + seq_len(header[2])], '[\\ ]+', simplify = TRUE)
  dim <- dim(faces)
  faces <- as.integer(faces)
  dim(faces) <- dim

    header = header,
    vertices = vertices,
    faces = faces

#' Read `FreeSurfer` m3z file
#' @param filename file location, usually located at `mri/transforms/talairach.m3z`
#' @return registration data
#' @details An `m3z` file is a `gzip` binary file containing a dense vector
#' field that describes a 3D registration between two volumes/images.
#' This implementation follows the `Matlab` implementation from the `FreeSurfer`.
#' This function is released under the `FreeSurfer` license:
#' \url{https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/FreeSurferSoftwareLicense}.
#' @export
read_fs_m3z <- function(filename){
  fp <- gzfile(filename, open = 'rb')

  # fdata = readBin(fp, 'raw', 24, endian = 'big')
  version <- readBin(fp, 'numeric', 1, size = 4, endian = 'big')

  if( version != 1 ){
    stop( 'm3z veresion is not 1.' )

  width <- readBin(fp, 'integer', 1, endian = 'big')
  height <- readBin(fp, 'integer', 1, endian = 'big')
  depth <- readBin(fp, 'integer', 1, endian = 'big')
  spacing <- readBin(fp, 'integer', 1, endian = 'big')
  exp_k <- readBin(fp, 'numeric', 1, size = 4, endian = 'big')


  # vectorized data read. read all data into a buffer that can be
  # typecast into the appropriate data type all at once.

  # read all the data (9 numbers per voxel, each at 32 bits, unsigned)
  buf <- readBin(fp, 'integer', width * height * depth * 9 * 4, size = 1, signed = FALSE, endian = 'big')

  inds <- outer(c(4:1, 8:5, 12:9), 9 * 4 * (seq_len(width * height * depth) - 1), '+')

  # extract the three interleaved volumes and permute the result to match the
  # original looped read. the double conversion isn't necessary, but is
  # included to maintain backward compatibility.

  con <- rawConnection(raw(0), "r+")
  writeBin(as.raw(as.vector(buf[inds])), con)
  vol_orig <- readBin(con, "numeric", n = prod(c(3, width, height, depth)), size = 4)
  dim(vol_orig) <- c(3, depth, height, width)
  vol_orig <- aperm(vol_orig, c(4,3,2,1))

  inds <- inds + 12
  writeBin(as.raw(as.vector(buf[inds])), con)
  vol_dest <- readBin(con, "numeric", n = prod(c(3, width, height, depth)), size = 4)
  dim(vol_dest) <- c(3, depth, height, width)
  vol_dest <- aperm(vol_dest, c(4,3,2,1))

  inds <- inds + 12
  writeBin(as.raw(as.vector(buf[inds])), con)
  vol_ind0 <- readBin(con, "integer", n = prod(c(3, width, height, depth)), size = 4)
  dim(vol_ind0) <- c(3, depth, height, width)
  vol_ind0 <- aperm(vol_ind0, c(4,3,2,1))

  fpos_dataend <- seek(fp, NA)

  tag <- readBin(fp, 'integer', 1, endian = 'big')


    version = version,
    dimension = c(width, height, depth, 3),
    spacing = spacing,
    exp_k = exp_k,
    vol_orig = vol_orig,
    vol_dest = vol_dest,
    vol_ind0 = vol_ind0,
    morph_tag = tag

#' Read `FreeSurfer` `mgz/mgh` file
#' @param filename file location
#' @return list contains coordinate transforms and volume data
read_fs_mgh_mgz <- function(filename) {
  # filename = '~/rave_data/others/three_brain/N27/mri/T1.mgz'
  # filename = '/Volumes/data/UT/YCQ/iELVis_Localization/YCQ/mri/T1.mgz'

  get_conn <- function(){
    extension <- stringr::str_extract(filename, '[^.]+$')
    extension <- stringr::str_to_upper(extension)
    if( extension == 'MGZ' ){
      con <- gzfile(filename , "rb")
      con <- file(filename , "rb")
  con <- get_conn()

  # con = file(filename , "rb")
  on.exit({ close(con) })

  version <- readBin(con, integer(), endian = "big")
  ndim1 <- readBin(con, integer(), endian = "big")
  ndim2 <- readBin(con, integer(), endian = "big")
  ndim3 <- readBin(con, integer(), endian = "big")
  nframes <- readBin(con, integer(), endian = "big")
  type <- readBin(con, integer(), endian = "big")
  dof <- readBin(con, integer(), endian = "big")

  USED_SPACE_SIZE <- (3*4+4*3*4)  # space for ras transform
  unused_space_size <- UNUSED_SPACE_SIZE-2

  # seek(con, where = 28)

  #fread(fid, 1, 'short') ;
  ras_good_flag <- readBin(con, integer(), endian = "big", size = 2)

  delta <- c(1,1,1)
  Mdc <- matrix(c(-1,0,0,0,0,-1,0,1,0),3)
  Pxyz_c <- c(0,0,0)
  D <- diag(delta)
  Pcrs_c <- c(128,128,128)
  Pxyz_0 <- Pxyz_c - Mdc %*% D %*% Pcrs_c
  M <- rbind( cbind( Mdc %*% D, Pxyz_0), c(0, 0, 0, 1))
  ras_xform <- rbind(cbind(Mdc, Pxyz_c), c(0, 0, 0, 1))

  if (ras_good_flag){
    # fread(fid, 3, 'float32') ;
    delta  <- readBin(con, 'numeric', endian = "big", size = 4, n = 3)

    # fread(fid, 9, 'float32') ;
    Mdc    <- readBin(con, 'numeric', endian = "big", size = 4, n = 9)
    Mdc    <- matrix(Mdc, 3, byrow = FALSE)

    # fread(fid, 3, 'float32') ;
    Pxyz_c <- readBin(con, 'numeric', endian = "big", size = 4, n = 3)

    D <- diag(delta)

    Pcrs_c <- c( ndim1, ndim2, ndim3 ) / 2

    Pxyz_0 <- Pxyz_c - Mdc %*% D %*% Pcrs_c

    M <- rbind( cbind( Mdc %*% D, Pxyz_0), c(0, 0, 0, 1))

    ras_xform <- rbind(cbind(Mdc, Pxyz_c), c(0, 0, 0, 1))

    unused_space_size <- unused_space_size - USED_SPACE_SIZE

  # fseek(fid, unused_space_size, 'cof') ;
  # seek(con, where = unused_space_size, origin = 'current')
  readBin( con, 'raw', n = unused_space_size, size = 1)

  nv <- ndim1 * ndim2 * ndim3 * nframes
  volsz <- c( ndim1, ndim2, ndim3, nframes )

  MRI_UCHAR <-  0
  MRI_INT <-    1
  MRI_LONG <-   2
  MRI_FLOAT <-  3
  MRI_SHORT <-  4

  # Determine number of bytes per voxel
  # MRI_UCHAR (1), MRI_INT (4), MRI_LONG (??), MRI_FLOAT (4), MRI_SHORT (2), MRI_BITMAP (??)
  read_param <- list(
    MRI_UCHAR = list( nbytespervox = 1, dtype = 'int', signed = FALSE ),
    MRI_INT = list( nbytespervox = 4, dtype = 'int', signed = TRUE ),
    MRI_FLOAT = list( nbytespervox = 4, dtype = 'numeric', signed = TRUE ),
    MRI_SHORT = list( nbytespervox = 2, dtype = 'int', signed = TRUE )
  data_type <- c('MRI_UCHAR', 'MRI_INT', 'MRI_LONG', 'MRI_FLOAT', 'MRI_SHORT', 'MRI_BITMAP')[type + 1]
  rparam <- read_param[[data_type]]

  # Read header
  # fseek(fid,nv*nbytespervox,'cof');
  # seek( con, nv * rparam$nbytespervox, origin = 'current')
  # mr_parms = readBin( con, 'numeric', n = 4, size = 4)

  # %------------------ Read in the entire volume ----------------%

  # skip
  # mr_parms = readBin( con, 'numeric', n = 4, size = 4)
  # nread = prod(dim(vol));

  header <- list(
    # Norig = brain_finalsurf$header$get_vox2ras()
    get_vox2ras = function(){ M },

    # Torig = brain_finalsurf$header$get_vox2ras_tkr()
    get_vox2ras_tkr = function(){
      rbind(cbind(Mdc, - Mdc %*% Pcrs_c), c(0,0,0,1))

    header = header,
    get_shape = function(){
      if( nframes == 1 ){
        return(list(ndim1, ndim2, ndim3))
        return(list(ndim1, ndim2, ndim3, nframes))
    get_data = function(){
      con <- get_conn()
      readBin( con, n = 284, size = 1, what = 'raw')
      vol <- readBin( con, n = nv, what = rparam$dtype, size = rparam$nbytespervox, signed = rparam$signed )

      if( nframes == 1 ){
        dim( vol ) <- c(ndim1, ndim2, ndim3)
        dim( vol ) <- c(ndim1, ndim2, ndim3, nframes)


file_move <- function(from, to, clean = TRUE, show_warnings = FALSE, overwrite = TRUE,
                      copy_mode = TRUE, copy_date = TRUE, all_files = TRUE,
                      force_clean = FALSE){
      warning('from not exists.')
  from <- normalizePath(from, mustWork = TRUE)
  to <- normalizePath(to, mustWork = FALSE)
  if(from == to){
      warning('Nothing done, from is to.')

    # from is a file
      dir_create(dirname(to), showWarnings = show_warnings)

    file.copy(from = from, to = to, overwrite = overwrite, recursive = FALSE,
              copy.mode = copy_mode, copy.date = copy_date)

    # clean
      # remove original file
      unlink(from, recursive = FALSE, force = force_clean)

    # is a dir, move recursively
    dir_create(to, showWarnings = show_warnings)

    to <- normalizePath(to, mustWork = TRUE)
    if(from == to){
        warning('Nothing done, from is to.')

    # Copy file by file
    files <- list.files(from, all.files = all_files, full.names = FALSE,
                       recursive = TRUE, include.dirs = FALSE, no.. = TRUE)

    for(f in files){
      file_move(file.path(from, f), file.path(to, f), clean = clean,
                show_warnings = FALSE, overwrite = overwrite,
                copy_mode = copy_mode, copy_date = copy_date)


      # everything should be moved, check if folder needs to be removed
      from_vec <- stringr::str_split(from, '/|\\\\')[[1]]
      from_vec <- from_vec[from_vec != '']
      to <- stringr::str_split(to, '/|\\\\')[[1]]
      to <- to[to != '']

      remove_from <- FALSE
      if(length(from_vec) <= length(to)){
        for(ii in seq_along(from_vec)){
          if(from_vec[[ii]] != to[[ii]]){
            remove_from <- TRUE
        remove_from <- TRUE

        unlink(from, recursive = TRUE, force = FALSE)



safe_write_csv <- function(data, file, ..., quiet = getOption('threeBrain.quiet', FALSE)){
    oldfile <- stringr::str_replace(file, '\\.[cC][sS][vV]$', strftime(Sys.time(), '_[%Y%m%d_%H%M%S].csv'))
      cat2('Renaming file ', file, ' >> ', oldfile)
    file.rename(file, oldfile)
  utils::write.csv(data, file, ...)

#' Read FreeSurfer Annotations
#' @param path label path
#' @param vertex_number force to reset vertex number if raw file is incorrect
read_fs_labels <- function(path, vertex_number){
  # path = '~/rave_data/data_dir/demo/YAB/fs/label/lh.aparc.annot'

  con <- file(path, 'rb')
  on.exit({ close(con) })

  vtxct <- readBin(con, 'integer', 1, size = 4, endian = 'big'); vtxct
  if( !missing(vertex_number) ){
    vtxct <- vertex_number

  # (B * 256^2) + (G * 256) + (R)
  vno <- readBin(con, 'integer', vtxct * 2, size = 4, endian = 'big')
  vno <- matrix(vno, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
  vno <- as.data.frame(vno, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  names(vno) <- c('Vertex', 'Label')

  tag <- readBin(con, 'integer', 1, size = 4, endian = 'big'); tag
  ctabversion <- readBin(con, 'integer', 1, size = 4, endian = 'big'); ctabversion
  maxstruc <- readBin(con, 'integer', 1, size = 4, endian = 'big'); maxstruc
  len <- readBin(con, 'integer', 1, size = 4, endian = 'big'); len
  fname <- readBin(con, 'character', n = 1, size = len, endian = 'big'); fname
  num_entries <- readBin(con, 'integer', n = 1, size = 4, endian = 'big'); num_entries

  entries <- list(
      label = 0,
      name = 'unknown',
      rgba = c(25,5,25,255),
      color = "#190519",
      color_label = 1639705

    for( ii in seq_len(num_entries) ){
      struct_label <- readBin(con, 'integer', 1, size = 4, endian = 'big')
      len <- readBin(con, 'integer', 1, size = 4, endian = 'big')
      struct_name <- readBin(con, 'character', n = 1, size = len, endian = 'big')
      struct_rgba <- readBin(con, 'integer', 4, size = 4, endian = 'big')
      struct_rgba[4] <- 255 - struct_rgba[4]
      entries[[ii]] <- list(
        label = struct_label,
        name = struct_name,
        rgba = struct_rgba,
        color = grDevices::rgb(struct_rgba[1], struct_rgba[2], struct_rgba[3], maxColorValue = 255),
        color_label = sum(struct_rgba * c(1, 256, 256^2, 0))

  ctab <- do.call(rbind, lapply(entries, function(x){
    data.frame(x[c('label', 'name', 'color_label', 'color')], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  tmp <- merge(vno, ctab, by.x = 'Label', by.y = 'color_label', all.x = TRUE)

  # Check if the first label is unknown
  if( entries[[1]]$name == 'unknown' ){
    sel <- is.na(tmp$name)
    tmp$label[sel] <- 0
    tmp$name[sel] <- 'unknown'
    tmp$Label[sel] <- entries[[1]]$color_label

  tmp$R <- tmp$Label %% 256
  tmp$G <- ((tmp$Label - tmp$R)/256) %% 256
  tmp$B <- ((tmp$Label - tmp$R - tmp$G * 256)/256^2) %% 256

  names(tmp) <- c('Collabel', 'Vertex', 'AnnotIdx', 'Name', 'hex', 'R', 'G', 'B')
  tmp <- tmp[order(tmp$Vertex), ]

    vertex_count = vtxct,
    tag = tag,
    colortab_version = ctabversion,
    n_structure = num_entries,
    maxstruc = maxstruc,
    ctab_path = fname,
    entries = entries,
    data = tmp


fill_blanks <- function(volume, replace = 1, threshold = 0, niter=1){
  if( niter <= 0 ){
  # find 0 value voxels within brain
  dim <- dim(volume)

  mask <- volume > threshold

  mask1 <- (mask[-1,-1,-1] + mask[-dim[1], -1, -1] + mask[-1, -dim[2], -1] + mask[-1, -1, -dim[3]] +
    mask[-dim[1], -dim[2], -1] + mask[-1, -dim[2], -dim[3]] + mask[-dim[1], -1, -dim[3]] +
    mask[-dim[1], -dim[2], -dim[3]]) > 0

  mask[-dim[1], -dim[2], -dim[3]] <- mask1
  mask[-1,-1,-1] <- mask[-1,-1,-1] | mask1

  volume[(volume <= threshold) & mask] <- replace

  fill_blanks(volume, replace, threshold, niter-1)

#' Function to read digest header
#' @param file file path to a `JSON` file
#' @param key character, key to extract
#' @param if_error value to return if key not found or read error occurs
#' @param .list alternative list to supply if file is missing
get_digest_header <- function(file, key, if_error = NULL, .list = NULL){
  if( !missing(file) ){
    .list <- list()
      .list <- from_json(from_file = file)
    }, silent = TRUE)
  .list <- as.list(.list)

  if( key %in% names(.list) && !is.null(.list[[key]]) ){
    re <- .list[[key]]
    re <- if_error


digest_file <- function(file){
  digest::digest(file, file = TRUE)

add_to_digest_file <- function(file, ..., .list = NULL, .append = FALSE){
  .list <- c(.list, list(...))
  if( !length(.list) ){
  if( file.exists(file) ){
    digest <- from_json(from_file = file)
    digest <- list()

  digest$header_digest <- NULL
  for(nm in names(.list)){
    if(nm != ''){
        digest[[nm]] <- c(digest[[nm]], .list[[nm]])
        digest[[nm]] <- .list[[nm]]

  digest$header_digest <- digest::digest(digest)

  to_json(digest, to_file = file)

load_first_file <- function(files, fun, ..., if_not_found = NULL){
  if_not_found <- substitute(if_not_found)
  fe <- file.exists(files)
  if( !any(fe) ){
    parent_env <- parent.frame()
    re <- eval(if_not_found, envir = parent_env)

  f <- files[fe][[1]]

  fun(f, ...)


rand_string <- function(length = 50){
  paste(sample(c(letters, LETTERS, 0:9), length, replace = TRUE), collapse = '')

R_user_dir <- function (package, which = c("data", "config", "cache")) {
  stopifnot(is.character(package), length(package) == 1L)
  which <- match.arg(which)
  home <- normalizePath("~")
  path <- switch(
    which, data = {
      p <- Sys.getenv("R_USER_DATA_DIR")
      if (!nzchar(p)) {
        p <- Sys.getenv("XDG_DATA_HOME")
        if( !nzchar(p) ){
          if( .Platform$OS.type == "windows" ){
            p <- file.path(Sys.getenv("APPDATA"), "R", "data")
          } else if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Darwin") {
            p <- file.path(home, "Library", "Application Support", "org.R-project.R")
          } else {
            p <- file.path(home, ".local", "share" )
  }, config = {
    p <- Sys.getenv("R_USER_CONFIG_DIR")
    if (!nzchar(p)) {
      p <- Sys.getenv("R_USER_CONFIG_DIR")
      if (!nzchar(p)) {
        p <- Sys.getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME")
        if (!nzchar(p)) {
          if( .Platform$OS.type == "windows" ){
            p <- file.path(Sys.getenv("APPDATA"), "R", "config")
          } else if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Darwin") {
            p <- file.path(home, "Library", "Preferences", "org.R-project.R")
          } else {
            p <- file.path(home, ".config")
  }, cache = {
    p <- Sys.getenv("R_USER_CACHE_DIR")
    if (!nzchar(p)) {
      p <- Sys.getenv("XDG_CACHE_HOME")
      if (!nzchar(p)) {
        if( .Platform$OS.type == "windows" ){
          p <- file.path(Sys.getenv("LOCALAPPDATA"), "R", "cache")
        } else if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Darwin") {
          p <- file.path(home, "Library", "Caches", "org.R-project.R")
        } else {
          p <- file.path(home, ".cache")
  file.path(path, "R", package)

#' @title Default Directory to Store Template Brain
#' @param check logical, check if the folder is missing, is so,
#' create one. This option ensures the folder is always created.
#' @return A directory path where template brain is stored at; see also
#' \code{\link{download_N27}}
#' @details When \code{threeBrain.template_dir} is not set or invalid, the
#' function checks 'RAVE' (R Analysis and Visualization for 'iEEG',
#' \url{https://openwetware.org/wiki/RAVE}) folder at home directory. If
#' this folder is missing, then returns results from
#' \code{R_user_dir('threeBrain', 'data')}. To override the default behavior,
#' use \code{options(threeBrain.template_dir=...)}.
#' @examples
#' default_template_directory()
#' @export
default_template_directory <- function(check = FALSE){

  re <- unname(getOption('threeBrain.template_dir', NULL), force = TRUE)
  if(length(re) != 1 || !isTRUE(dir.exists(re))){
    # If rave data dir exists, use rave directory
      re <- '~/rave_data/others/three_brain'
    } else {
      re <- R_user_dir('threeBrain', 'data')
      re <- file.path(re, 'templates')
      if(check && !dir.exists(re)){

  normalizePath(re, mustWork = FALSE)


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threeBrain documentation built on July 9, 2023, 6:32 p.m.