## An not-exported environment used to hold list of frequencies
.tiEnv <- new.env()
## Date representations:
## A ymd is always an integer: year*10000 + month *100 + day
## For jul, c(julianDay, hour, minute, second) is encoded as
## day + (3600*hour + 60*minute + second)/86400
## For ti (Time Index), c(tif, period) is encoded as tif*1e10 + period
## TIFs (Time Index Frequency)
## A tif can be a number between 1001 and 4900, or a string giving the
## frequency name. tifList() returns a list of the non-intraday frequencies.
## Non-intraday frequency numbers are in the 1001 - 1050 range.
## Intraday frequencies like hourly(3) (every third hour) or secondly(15)
## (every 15'th second) can also be used. They are encoded as follows:
## hourly(n) --> 2000 + n
## minutely(n) --> 3000 + n
## secondly(n) --> 4000 + n
asTi <- function(x) structure(x, class = "ti")
asJul <- function(x) structure(x, class = "jul")
as.jul <- function(x, ...) jul(x, ...)
as.ti <- function(x, ...) ti(x, ...)
year <- function(x, ...) ymd(x, ...) %/% 10000
month <- function(x, ...) (ymd(x, ...) %/% 100) %% 100
day <- function(x, ...) floor(ymd(x, ...) %% 100)
quarter <- function(x, ...) (month(x, ...) + 2) %/% 3
##From julian date to others
jul2ti <- function(jul, tif,...){
tifLen <- length(tif)
if(tifLen > 1 && length(uniq <- unique(tif)) > 1){
n <- max(length(jul), tifLen)
juln <- rep(jul, length.out = n)
tifn <- rep(tif, length.out = n)
ans <- asTi(unclass(juln))
for(u in uniq){
index <- tifn == u
ans[index] <- julToTi(juln[index], u,...)
else return(julToTi(jul, tif[1],...))
jul2ymd <- function(jul){
jul <- unclass(jul)
rjul <- jul %/% 1
j <- as.vector(rjul) - 1721119
y <- (4*j - 1) %/% 146097
j <- 4*j - 1 - 146097*y
d <- j %/% 4
j <- (4*d + 3) %/% 1461
d <- 4*d + 3 - 1461*j
d <- (d + 4) %/% 4
m <- (5*d - 3) %/% 153
d <- 5*d - 3 - 153*m
d <- (d + 5) %/% 5
y <- 100*y + j
y <- y + as.numeric(m > 9)
m <- m + ifelse(m < 10, 3, -9)
ans <- 10000*y + 100*m + d
attributes(ans) <- attributes(jul)
## From ti to others
ti2jul <- function(ti){
tif <- tif(ti)
if(length(uniq <- unique(tif)) > 1 || any({
ans <- asJul(unclass(ti))
for(u in uniq){
index <- tif == u & !
ans[index] <- tiToJul(ti[index])
else return(tiToJul(ti))
ti2ymd <- function(ti){
tif <- tif(ti)
if(length(uniq <- unique(tif)) > 1 || any({
ans <- unclass(ti)
for(u in uniq){
index <- tif == u & !
ans[index] <- tiToYmd(ti[index])
else return(tiToYmd(ti))
##From ymd to others
ymd2jul <- function(ymd){
ucymd <- unclass(ymd)
seconds <- round(86400 * (ucymd %% 1))
rYmd <- floor(ucymd + 0.5/86400)
y <- rYmd %/% 10000
m <- (rYmd - y*10000) %/% 100
d <- rYmd %% 100
y <- y + (y < 0)
jy <- y - (m <= 2)
jm <- m + 1 + 12*(m <= 2)
jul <- floor(365.25*jy) + floor(30.6001*jm) + d + 1720995;
addfac <- (2 - floor(0.01*jy) + floor(0.0025*jy))
i <- (( + 31*(m + 12*y)) >= 588829) & (!
jul[i] <- jul[i] + addfac[i]
return(jul + seconds/86400)
ymd2ti <- function(ymd, tif){
tifLen <- length(tif)
if(length(uniq <- unique(tif)) > 1){
n <- max(length(ymd), tifLen)
ymdn <- rep(ymd, length.out = n)
tifn <- rep(tif, length.out = n)
ans <- asTi(unclass(ymdn))
for(u in uniq){
index <- tifn == u
ans[index] <- ymdToTi(ymdn[index], u)
else return(ymdToTi(ymd, tif[1]))
## Object oriented wrappers
## constructors for class 'jul'
is.jul <- function(x) inherits(x, "jul")
jul <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("jul")
jul.jul <- function(x, ...) x
jul.POSIXct <- function(x, ...) jul(POSIXlt(x), ...)
jul.POSIXlt <- function(x, ...){
j <- (jul(10000*(x$year + 1900) + 100*(x$mon + 1) + x$mday) +
(x$hour/24) + (x$min/1440) + (x$sec/86400))
class(j) <- "jul"
jul.ssDate <- function(x, ...) jul(18991230) + unclass(x)
jul.ti <- function(x, offset = 1, ...){
z <- stripClass(x, "ti")
rx <- x
oneSecond <- 1/86400
j1 <- unclass(ti2jul(rx))
if(!between(offset, 0, 1)) stop("offset must be in [0,1]")
if(offset == 1)
z[] <- j1
else {
j0 <- unclass(ti2jul(rx - 1))
if(offset < oneSecond)
z[] <- j0 + oneSecond
z[] <- round((offset*j1 + (1 - offset)*j0)*86400)/86400
class(z) <- c("jul", oldClass(z))
jul.Date <- function(x, ...)
asJul(unclass(as.vector(x + 2440588)))
jul.IDate <- function(x, ...)
asJul(unclass(as.vector(x + 2440588)))
jul.default <- function(x, ...){
if(missing(x)) return(jul.Date(Sys.Date()))
if(is.character(x)) return(jul.Date(as.Date(x, ...)))
if(couldBeTi(x)) return(jul(asTi(x), ...))
if(is.ymd(x)) return(asJul(ymd2jul(x)))
if(is.time(x)) return(asJul(time2jul(x)))
else return(jul.Date(as.Date(x, ...)))
as.character.jul <- function (x, ...) format(x, ...)
as.list.jul <- function(x, ...){
asClassyList(x, ...)
c.jul <- function(..., recursive = F)
structure(c(unlist(lapply(list(...), unclass))), class = "jul")
diff.jul <- function(x, ...) diff(stripClass(x, "jul"), ...)
min.jul <- function(..., na.rm = F)
structure(min(unlist(lapply(list(...), unclass)), na.rm = na.rm), class = "jul")
max.jul <- function(..., na.rm = F)
structure(max(unlist(lapply(list(...), unclass)), na.rm = na.rm), class = "jul")
format.jul <- function(x, ...) format(POSIXlt(x), ...)
print.jul <- function(x, ...){
ymds <- as.character(floor(ymd(x)))
hmsList <- hms(x)
if(sum(unlist(hmsList), na.rm = T) > 0){
ymds <- paste(ymds,
substr(format(100 + hmsList$hour), 2, 3),
substr(format(100 + hmsList$min), 2, 3),
substr(format(100 + hmsList$sec), 2, 3),
sep = ":")
if(any(naSpots <- ymds[naSpots] <- as.character(NA)
names(ymds) <- names(x)
print(ymds, quote = F, ...)
cat("class: jul\n")
rep.jul <- function(x, times, ...) asJul(NextMethod())
seq.jul <- function(...) asJul(NextMethod())
xtfrm.jul <- function(x) as.numeric(x)
"[.jul" <- function(x, ...) asJul(NextMethod())
Ops.jul <- function (e1, e2){
if(nargs() == 1){
if(.Generic == "+") return(e1)
else stop("operation not defined for jul")
isJul1 <- is.jul(e1)
isJul2 <- is.jul(e2)
if(isJul1 && isJul2){
validOp <- switch(.Generic, "-" =, "<" = , ">" =, "==" =,
"!=" =, "<=" =, ">=" = TRUE, FALSE)
return(, list(unclass(e1), unclass(e2))))
else stop("operation not defined for two juls")
else {
if(isJul1) z <-, list(unclass(e1), e2))
else z <-, list(e1, unclass(e2)))
if(is.numeric(z)) class(z) <- "jul"
## 'constructors' for ymd's. Actually, since there isn't a ymd class, it
## doesn't have constructors. But you can act as if it did. Or something....
ymd <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("ymd")
ymd.jul <- function(x, ...) jul2ymd(x)
ymd.ssDate <- function(x, ...) ymd(jul(x))
ymd.ti <- function(x, offset = 1, ...){
if(!between(offset, 0, 1)) stop("offset must be in [0,1]")
if(offset == 1) ti2ymd(x)
else ymd(jul(x, offset))
ymd.default <- function(x, ...){
if(missing(x)) jul <- jul()
else jul <- jul(x, ...)
ymdList <- function(x){
z <- ymd(x)
list( year = z %/% 10000,
month = (z %% 10000) %/% 100,
day = floor(z %% 100))
hms <- function(x){
seconds <- round((unclass(jul(x)) %% 1)*86400)
hour <- seconds %/% 3600
seconds <- seconds %% 3600
min <- seconds %/% 60
sec <- seconds %% 60
list(hour = hour, min = min, sec = sec)
ymdhms <- function(x) c(ymdList(x), hms(x))
## ssDate (spreadsheet date) class
is.ssDate <- function(x) inherits(x, "ssDate")
as.ssDate <- function(x) structure(x, class = "ssDate")
ssDate <- function(x, ...){
if(missing(x)) return(ssDate(jul()))
as.ssDate(jul(x, ...) - jul(18991230))
c.ssDate <- function(..., recursive = F)
structure(c(unlist(lapply(list(...), unclass))), class = "ssDate")
min.ssDate <- function(..., na.rm = F)
structure(min(unlist(lapply(list(...), unclass)), na.rm = na.rm), class = "ssDate")
max.ssDate <- function(..., na.rm = F)
structure(max(unlist(lapply(list(...), unclass)), na.rm = na.rm), class = "ssDate")
print.ssDate <- function(x, ...){
print(ymd(x), ...)
cat("class: ssDate\n")
rep.ssDate <- function(x, times, ...) as.ssDate(NextMethod())
seq.ssDate <- function(...) as.ssDate(NextMethod())
xtfrm.ssDate <- function(x) as.numeric(x)
"[.ssDate" <- function(x, ...) as.ssDate(NextMethod())
Ops.ssDate <- function(e1, e2){
if(nargs() == 1){
if(.Generic == "+") return(e1)
else stop("operation not defined for ssDate")
is.ssDate1 <- is.ssDate(e1)
is.ssDate2 <- is.ssDate(e2)
if(is.ssDate1 && is.ssDate2){
validOp <- switch(.Generic, "-" =, "<" = , ">" =, "==" =,
"!=" =, "<=" =, ">=" = TRUE, FALSE)
return(, list(unclass(e1), unclass(e2))))
else stop("operation not defined for two ssDates")
else {
if(is.ssDate1) z <-, list(unclass(e1), e2))
else z <-, list(e1, unclass(e2)))
if(is.numeric(z)) class(z) <- "ssDate"
## ti class
is.ti <- function(x) inherits(x, "ti")
ti <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("ti")
ti.jul <- function(x, tif = NULL, freq = NULL,
hour = 0, minute = 0, second = 0, ...){
stop("'tif' and 'freq' cannot both be NULL if 'x' is not a ti")
else tif <- freq2tif(freq)
intraday <- isIntradayTif(tif)
if(!(missing(hour) && missing(minute) && missing(second)))
x[intraday] <- (floor(x + .5/86400) + (3600*hour + 60*minute + second)/86400)[intraday]
return(jul2ti(x, tif,...))
ti.POSIXlt <- function(x, tif, ...){
nTif <- tif(tif)
j <- jul(10000*(x$year + 1900) + 100*(x$mon + 1) + x$mday)
intraday <- isIntradayTif(nTif)
j <- j + (x$hour/24) + (x$min/1440) + (x$sec/86400)
j[intraday] <- (j + (x$hour/24) + (x$min/1440) + (x$sec/86400))[intraday]
ti(j, nTif)
ti.POSIXct <- function(x, tif, ...) ti(POSIXlt(x), tif, ...)
ti.ssDate <- function(x, ...) ti(jul(x), ...)
ti.ti <- function(x, tif = NULL, freq = NULL, ...){
if(is.null(freq)) return(x)
else tif <- freq2tif(freq)
return(ti(jul(x), tif, ...))
ti.Date <- function(x, ...) ti(jul(x), ...)
ti.default <- function(x, tif = NULL, freq = NULL, ...){
stop("'tif' and 'freq' cannot both be NULL if 'x' is not a ti")
else tif <- freq2tif(freq)
if(missing(x)) return(ti(jul(Sys.Date()), tif, ...))
if(is.null(x)) stop("NULL argument to ti function")
if(is.character(x)) return(ti(as.Date(x, ...), tif = tif))
if(couldBeTi(x, tif = tif)) return(ti(asTi(x), tif = tif, ...))
if(isIntradayTif(tif)) return(ti(asJul(ymd2jul(x)), tif, ...))
else return(ymd2ti(round(x), tif))
if(isIntradayTif(tif)) return(ti(asJul(time2jul(x)), tif, ...))
else return(ti(asJul(floor(time2jul(x))), tif))
if(length(x) == 2 && is.time(x[1]) && between(x[2],1,1e10 - 1)){
firstTi <- ti(ISOdatetime(year = floor(x[1]), 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), tif = tif)
return(firstTi + x[2] - 1)
else return(ti(as.Date(x, ...), tif))
couldBeTi <- function(x, tif = NULL){
if(inherits(x, "ti")) return(TRUE)
perhaps <- all(is.numeric(x)) && all(is.finite(x)) && all(between(x, 1e13, 5e13))
if(!perhaps) return(FALSE)
if(is.null(tif)) return(TRUE)
else {
nTif <- tif(tif)
return(all(between(x, 1e10*nTif, 1e10*(nTif + 1))))
period <- function(z){
if(is.ti(z) || couldBeTi(z))
stripClass(z, "ti") %% 1e10
else NULL
basePeriod <- function(x){
nTif <- tif(x)
asTi(nTif * 1e10)
as.character.ti <- function(x, ...){
j <- jul(x)
ymds <- as.character(ymd(floor(j)))
intraday <- isIntradayTif(tif(x))
hmsList <- hms(j[intraday])
ymds[intraday] <- paste(ymds[intraday],
substr(format(100 + hmsList$hour), 2, 3),
substr(format(100 + hmsList$min), 2, 3),
substr(format(100 + hmsList$sec), 2, 3),
sep = ":")
names(ymds) <- names(x)
as.list.ti <- function(x, ...){
asClassyList(x, ...)
c.ti <- function(..., recursive = F)
structure(c(unlist(lapply(list(...), unclass))), class = "ti")
is.numeric.ti <- function(x) FALSE
min.ti <- function(..., na.rm = F)
structure(min(unlist(lapply(list(...), unclass)), na.rm = na.rm), class = "ti")
max.ti <- function(..., na.rm = F)
structure(max(unlist(lapply(list(...), unclass)), na.rm = na.rm), class = "ti")
diff.ti <- function(x, ...) diff(stripClass(x, "ti"), ...)
cycle.ti <- function(x, ...){
firstTi <- ti(ISOdatetime(year(x),1,1,0,0,0), tif = tif(x))
x - firstTi + 1
frequency.ti <- function(x, ...){
f <- round(200/(time(x+100) - time(x-100)))
if(any(index <- f > 100)) ## handle leap years
f[index] <- round(2000/(time(x[index]+1000) - time(x[index]-1000)))
deltat.ti <- function(x, ...) 1/frequency(x)
format.ti <- function(x, ..., tz = ""){
z <- stripClass(x, "ti")
intraday <- isIntradayTif(tif(x))
z[intraday] <- format(POSIXct(x[intraday]), tz = tz, ...)
z[!intraday] <- format(POSIXlt(x[!intraday]), ...)
print.ti <- function(x, class = TRUE, ...){
print(as.character(x), quote = FALSE, ...)
if(class) cat("class: ti\n")
rep.ti <- function(x, times, ...) asTi(NextMethod())
seq.ti <- function(...) asTi(NextMethod())
xtfrm.ti <- function(x) as.numeric(x)
"[.ti" <- function(x, ...) asTi(NextMethod())
Ops.ti <- function (e1, e2){
if(nargs() == 1){
if(.Generic == "+") return(e1)
else stop("operation not defined for ti")
isTi1 <- is.ti(e1)
isTi2 <- is.ti(e2)
if(isTi1 && isTi2){
n <- max(length(e1), length(e2))
tif1 <- rep(tif(e1), length.out = n)
tif2 <- rep(tif(e2), length.out = n)
if(any(tif1 != tif2) && .Generic != "==") stop("different tif\'s")
validOp <- switch(.Generic, "-" =, "<" = , ">" =, "==" =,
"!=" =, "<=" =, ">=" = TRUE, FALSE)
return(, list(unclass(e1), unclass(e2))))
stop("operation not defined for two ti\'s")
else {
if(isTi1) ti <-, list(unclass(e1), e2))
else ti <-, list(e1, unclass(e2)))
class(ti) <- "ti"
## compatibility with R date classes
format.POSIXlt <- function (x, format = "", usetz = FALSE, ...){
## added formats:
## "%N" first letter of month name
## "%q" quarter number
if(!inherits(x, "POSIXlt")) stop("wrong class")
if(format == ""){
times <- unlist(unclass(x)[1:3])
format <- if(all(times[!] == 0)) "%Y-%m-%d"
else "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
format <- gsub("%N", "@N", gsub("%q", "@q", format))
tmp <- base::format.POSIXlt(x, format, usetz)
if(length(grep("@q", format))){
qtr <- (as.numeric(base::format.POSIXlt(x, "%m", usetz)) + 2) %/% 3
for(i in 1:length(tmp))
tmp[i] <- gsub("@q", qtr[i], tmp[i])
if(length(grep("@N", format))){
month <- as.numeric(base::format.POSIXlt(x, "%m", usetz))
for(i in 1:length(tmp))
tmp[i] <- gsub("@N", substring([month[i]], 1, 1), tmp[i])
format.POSIXct <- function (x, format = "", tz = "", usetz = FALSE, ...){
if(!inherits(x, "POSIXct")) stop("wrong class")
if(missing(tz) && !is.null(tzone <- attr(x, "tzone"))) tz <- tzone
structure(format(POSIXlt(x, tz), format, usetz, ...),
names = names(x))
weekdays.default <- function(x, ...) weekdays(as.Date(x), ...)
months.default <- function(x, ...) months(as.Date(x), ...)
quarters.default <- function(x, ...) quarters(as.Date(x), ...)
as.Date.jul <- function(x, origin = "1970-01-01", ...){
as.Date(x = x - jul(origin), origin = origin, ...)
as.Date.ti <- function(x, offset = 1, ...) as.Date(jul(x, offset), ...)
as.POSIXct.jul <- function(x, tz = "", ...){"ISOdatetime", c(ymdhms(x), tz = tz))
as.POSIXct.ti <- function(x, tz = "", offset = 1, ...){
if(!between(offset, 0, 1)) stop("offset must be in [0,1]")
tiToPOSIXct <- function(x, hour = 23, min = 59, sec = 59){
argList <- ymdList(x)
intra <- isIntradayTif(tif(x))
hmsList <- list(hour = hour, min = min, sec = sec)
hmsList <- hms(x)
notIntra <- !intra
hmsList$hour[notIntra] <- hour
hmsList$min[notIntra] <- min
hmsList$sec[notIntra] <- sec
}"ISOdatetime", c(ymdList(x), hmsList, tz = tz))
z <- stripClass(x, "ti")
ct1 <- unclass(tiToPOSIXct(x))
if(offset == 1) z[] <- ct1
else {
ct0 <- unclass(tiToPOSIXct(x - 1) + 1)
z[] <- floor(offset*(ct1 + 1) + (1 - offset)*ct0)
attr(z, "tzone") <- attr(ct1, "tzone")
class(z) <- c("POSIXt", "POSIXct", oldClass(z))
POSIXct <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("POSIXct")
POSIXct.jul <- function(x, ...) as.POSIXct(x, ...)
POSIXct.ti <- function(x, offset = 1, ...) as.POSIXct(x, offset = offset, ...)
POSIXct.POSIXt <- function(x, ...) as.POSIXct(x, ...)
POSIXct.numeric <- function (x, tz = "", origin, ...){
jd <- NULL
if(couldBeTi(x)) jd <- jul(asTi(x), ...)
if(is.ymd(x)) jd <- asJul(ymd2jul(x))
if(is.time(x)) jd <- asJul(time2jul(x))
if(!is.null(jd)) as.POSIXct(jd, tz = tz)
else stop("'origin' must be supplied")
else as.POSIXct(origin, tz = tz, ...) + x
POSIXct.default <- function(x, ...) POSIXct(jul(x), ...)
POSIXlt <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("POSIXlt")
POSIXlt.jul <- function(x, ...) as.POSIXlt(POSIXct(x, ...))
POSIXlt.ti <- function(x, ...) as.POSIXlt(POSIXct(x, ...))
POSIXlt.POSIXt <- function(x, ...) as.POSIXlt(x, ...)
POSIXlt.default <- function(x, ...) POSIXlt(jul(x), ...)
as.POSIXlt.jul <- function(x, ...) POSIXlt(x, ...)
as.POSIXlt.ti <- function(x, ...) POSIXlt(x, ...)
baseYmd <- function(tif){
nTif <- tif(tif)
if(between(nTif, 1001, 1050)){
c(## daily, business day
18991230, 18991229,
## wsunday thru wsaturday
## tenday
## reserves
## biweekly1Sunday thru biweekly2Saturday
## semimonthly and monthly
18991215, 17991201,
## bimonth1 and bimonth2
rep(17991101, 2),
## quarterly
rep(17991001, 3),
## annjanuary thru annnovember
100*(159802:159812) + 1,
## anndecember
## sannjuly thru sannnovember
rep(15990701, 6))[nTif - 1000]
else {
if(between(nTif, 2000, 4900)) 19800101
else stop(paste("unknown nTif:", nTif))
#add in check to make sure tif is a whole number
if(!as.integer(nTif)==nTif) {
stop(paste("Tif must be whole number:", nTif))
## workhorse functions that convert ti's back and forth to ymd and jul
julToTi <- function(jul, tif, must.handle=F, businessMonday=TRUE){
nTif <- tif(tif)
j <- unclass(jul)
if(any(jul2ymd(jul) < baseYmd(nTif)))
stop("jul date too early for tif")
halfSecond <- 1/(86400*2)
j <- floor(j + halfSecond)
if(between(nTif, 1001, 1009) || between(nTif, 1011, 1025)){
period <- switch(nTif - 1e3, ## handle day-based freqs
## 1 = daily
j - 2415019,
## 2 = business day
dow <- julToWeekday(j)
if(businessMonday==TRUE) {
j <- j + (dow==1) + 2*(dow==7)
} else {
j <- j - (dow==7) - 2*(dow==1)
((j - 2415021)%/%7)*5 + (j - 2415020)%%7
## 3 - 9 = weeklySunday thru weeklySaturday
(j - 2415007)%/%7,
(j - 2415008)%/%7,
(j - 2415009)%/%7,
(j - 2415010)%/%7,
(j - 2415011)%/%7,
(j - 2415012)%/%7,
(j - 2415013)%/%7,
## 10 is tenday, diverted by the if statement above
## 11 (reserves) is weekly Wednesday until 19840201 and
## biweekly Wednesday afterwards. firstCrrDay is 19840202.
firstCrrDay <- 2445733
preCrr <- j < firstCrrDay
prePeriods <- (j - 2415010)%/%7
postPeriods <- 4389 + (j - firstCrrDay)%/%14
prePeriods*preCrr + postPeriods*(!preCrr)
## 12 - 25 = biweekly1Sunday thru biweekly2Saturday
(j - 2415000)%/%14,
(j - 2415001)%/%14,
(j - 2415002)%/%14,
(j - 2415003)%/%14,
(j - 2415004)%/%14,
(j - 2415005)%/%14,
(j - 2415006)%/%14,
(j - 2415007)%/%14,
(j - 2415008)%/%14,
(j - 2415009)%/%14,
(j - 2415010)%/%14,
(j - 2415011)%/%14,
(j - 2415012)%/%14,
(j - 2415013)%/%14)
ans <- asTi(1e10*nTif + period)
names(ans) <- names(jul)
j19800101 <- 2444240 ## julian date for Jan 1, 1980
if(any(j < j19800101)) stop("Intraday ti cannot be earlier than 19800101")
hms <- nTif %/% 1e3
nUnits <- nTif %% 1e3
if(nUnits == 0) nUnits <- 1
period <- switch(hms - 1, ## 1 = hourly, 2 = minutely, 3 = secondly
1 + floor((j + halfSecond - j19800101)*(24/nUnits)),
1 + floor((j + halfSecond - j19800101)*(1440/nUnits)),
1 + floor((j + halfSecond - j19800101)*(86400/nUnits)))
ans <- asTi(1e10*nTif + period)
names(ans) <- names(jul)
else { ## call ymdToTi for other frequencies
stop(paste(tif, "is an unknown frequency"))
list(ymd = jul2ymd(j), tif = tif, must.handle=T)))
ymdToTi <- function(ymd, tif, must.handle=F){
rawYmd <- unclass(ymd)
year <- rawYmd %/% 10000
month <- (rawYmd - year*10000) %/% 100
day <- rawYmd %% 100
nTif <- tif(tif)
if(any(rawYmd < baseYmd(nTif)))
stop("ymd too early for tif")
if(nTif == 1010){ ## tenday
period <- 1 + 36*(year-1900) + 3*(month-1) + (day>10) + (day>20)
ans <- asTi(1e10*nTif + period)
names(ans) <- names(ymd)
if(between(nTif, 1026, 1050)){
period <- switch(nTif - 1e3 - 25,
## 26 = twicemonthly
1 + 24*(year-1900) + 2*(month-1) + (day>15),
## 27 = monthly
12*(year-1800) + month,
## 28 and 29 are bimonthly (nov and dec)
6*(year-1800) + (month+2) %/% 2,
6*(year-1800) + (month+1) %/% 2,
## 30 - 32 are quarterly (oct, nov and dec)
4*(year-1800) + (month+4) %/% 3,
4*(year-1800) + (month+3) %/% 3,
4*(year-1800) + (month+2) %/% 3,
## 33 - 44 are annual (jan, feb, ..., dec)
1 + (year-1600) + (month > 1),
1 + (year-1600) + (month > 2),
1 + (year-1600) + (month > 3),
1 + (year-1600) + (month > 4),
1 + (year-1600) + (month > 5),
1 + (year-1600) + (month > 6),
1 + (year-1600) + (month > 7),
1 + (year-1600) + (month > 8),
1 + (year-1600) + (month > 9),
1 + (year-1600) + (month > 10),
1 + (year-1600) + (month > 11),
1 + (year-1600),
## 45 - 50 are semi-annual (jul, aug, ..., dec)
1 + 2*(year-1600) + (month > 6) + ((month %% 6) > 1),
1 + 2*(year-1600) + (month > 6) + ((month %% 6) > 2),
1 + 2*(year-1600) + (month > 6) + ((month %% 6) > 3),
1 + 2*(year-1600) + (month > 6) + ((month %% 6) > 4),
1 + 2*(year-1600) + (month > 6) + ((month %% 6) > 5),
1 + 2*(year-1600) + (month > 6))
ans <- asTi(1e10*nTif + period)
names(ans) <- names(ymd)
else { ## call ti.jul for other frequencies
stop(paste(tif, "is an unknown frequency"))
list(jul = ymd2jul(ymd),tif = tif, must.handle=T)))
tiToJul <- function(ti, must.handle=F){
uti <- as.vector(unclass(ti))
nTif <- uti[1] %/% 1e10
periods <- (uti %% 1e10) - 1
if(between(nTif, 1001, 1009) || between(nTif, 1011, 1025)){
j <- switch(nTif - 1e3, ## handle day-based freqs
## 1 = daily
2415020 + periods,
## 2 = business day
2415021 + 7*(periods %/% 5) + periods %% 5,
## 3 - 9 = weeklySunday thru weeklySaturday
2415020 + periods*7,
2415021 + periods*7,
2415022 + periods*7,
2415023 + periods*7,
2415024 + periods*7,
2415025 + periods*7,
2415026 + periods*7,
## Use placeholder for 10 (= tenday)
## need code for 11 (= reserves)
preCrr <- periods < 4388
preJul <- 2415023 + periods*7
postJul <- 2445732 + (periods - 4387)*14
preJul*preCrr + postJul*(!preCrr)
## 12 - 25 = biweekly1Sunday thru biweekly2Saturday
2415027 + periods*14,
2415028 + periods*14,
2415029 + periods*14,
2415030 + periods*14,
2415031 + periods*14,
2415032 + periods*14,
2415033 + periods*14,
2415034 + periods*14,
2415035 + periods*14,
2415036 + periods*14,
2415037 + periods*14,
2415038 + periods*14,
2415039 + periods*14,
2415040 + periods*14)
names(j) <- names(ti)
j19800101 <- 2444240 ## julian date for Jan 1, 1980
hms <- nTif %/% 1e3
nUnits <- nTif %% 1e3
if(nUnits == 0) nUnits <- 1
j <- switch(hms - 1, ## 1 = hourly, 2 = minutely, 3 = secondly
j19800101 + nUnits*periods/24,
j19800101 + nUnits*periods/1440,
j19800101 + nUnits*periods/86400)
names(j) <- names(ti)
else { ## pass other frequencies to tiToYmd
if(must.handle) stop(paste(nTif, "is an unknown frequency"))
return(ymd2jul(tiToYmd(ti, must.handle=T)))
tiToYmd <- function(ti, must.handle=F){
uti <- as.vector(unclass(ti))
nTif <- uti[1] %/% 1e10
periods <- (uti %% 1e10) - 1
mdays <- c(31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31)
if(nTif == 1010){ ## tenday
y <- 1900 + periods %/% 36
m <- 1 + (periods %% 36) %/% 3
d <- mdays[m]
third <- periods %% 3
d[third == 0] <- 10
d[third == 1] <- 20
d <- d + (isLeapYear(y) & m == 2 & d > 27)
ymd <- y*10000 + m*100 + d
names(ymd) <- names(ti)
else {
if(between(nTif, 1026, 1050)){
switch(nTif - 1e3 - 25,
## 26 = twicemonthly
{ y <- 1900 + periods %/% 24
m <- 1 + (periods %% 24) %/% 2
half <- periods %% 2
d <- 15*(half==0) + mdays[m]*(half==1)
## 27 = monthly
{ y <- 1800 + periods %/% 12
m <- 1 + periods %% 12
d <- mdays[m]
## 28 and 29 are bimonthly (nov and dec)
{ y <- 1800 + periods %/% 6
m <- 1 + 2*(periods %% 6)
d <- mdays[m]
{ y <- 1800 + periods %/% 6
m <- 2 + 2*(periods %% 6)
d <- mdays[m]
## 30 - 32 are quarterly (oct, nov and dec)
{ y <- 1800 + periods %/% 4
m <- 1 + 3*(periods %% 4)
d <- mdays[m]
{ y <- 1800 + periods %/% 4
m <- 2 + 3*(periods %% 4)
d <- mdays[m]
{ y <- 1800 + periods %/% 4
m <- 3 + 3*(periods %% 4)
d <- mdays[m]
## 33 - 44 are annual (jan, feb, ..., dec)
{ y <- 1600 + periods
m <- 1
d <- mdays[m]
{ y <- 1600 + periods
m <- 2
d <- mdays[m]
{ y <- 1600 + periods
m <- 3
d <- mdays[m]
{ y <- 1600 + periods
m <- 4
d <- mdays[m]
{ y <- 1600 + periods
m <- 5
d <- mdays[m]
{ y <- 1600 + periods
m <- 6
d <- mdays[m]
{ y <- 1600 + periods
m <- 7
d <- mdays[m]
{ y <- 1600 + periods
m <- 8
d <- mdays[m]
{ y <- 1600 + periods
m <- 9
d <- mdays[m]
{ y <- 1600 + periods
m <- 10
d <- mdays[m]
{ y <- 1600 + periods
m <- 11
d <- mdays[m]
{ y <- 1600 + periods
m <- 12
d <- mdays[m]
## 45 - 50 are semi-annual (jul, aug, ..., dec)
{ y <- 1600 + periods %/% 2
m <- 1 + 6*(periods %% 2)
d <- mdays[m]
{ y <- 1600 + periods %/% 2
m <- 2 + 6*(periods %% 2)
d <- mdays[m]
{ y <- 1600 + periods %/% 2
m <- 3 + 6*(periods %% 2)
d <- mdays[m]
{ y <- 1600 + periods %/% 2
m <- 4 + 6*(periods %% 2)
d <- mdays[m]
{ y <- 1600 + periods %/% 2
m <- 5 + 6*(periods %% 2)
d <- mdays[m]
{ y <- 1600 + periods %/% 2
m <- 6 + 6*(periods %% 2)
d <- mdays[m]
else { ## pass other frequencies to tiToJul
stop(paste(tif, "is an unknown frequency"))
return(jul2ymd(tiToJul(ti, must.handle=T)))
d <- d + (isLeapYear(y) & m == 2 & d > 27)
ymd <- y*10000 + m*100 + d
names(ymd) <- names(ti)
tif <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("tif")
tif.ti <- function(x, ...) unclass(x) %/% 1e10
tif.tis <- function(x, ...) tif(start(x))
tif.ts <- function(x, ...) tif(as.tis(x))
tif.default <- function(x, freq = NULL, ...){
## freq ignored unless missing(x), ... is always ignored
if(is.null(freq)) return(tifList())
else return(freq2tif(freq))
if(is.numeric(x) && between(x, 1001, 4900))
else {
xlen <- length(x)
ans <- numeric(xlen) + NA
intraday <- substr(x, 1, 6) %in% c("hourly", "minute", "second")
spots <- (1:xlen)[intraday]
for(spot in spots) ans[spot] <- eval(parse(text = x[spot]))
ans[!intraday] <- as.vector(tifList()[x[!intraday]])
if(any( stop("no such tif")
else return(ans)
else stop("arg must be ti, tis, ts, tif, or tifName")
## Intraday frequencies
isIntradayTif <- function(tif){
if(is.character(tif)) tif <- tif(tif)
z <- between(tif, 2000, 4900)
z[] <- F
hourly <- function(n = 0){
if(n == 0) return(2000)
if(!between(n, 0, 24)) stop("n out of range")
if(!(24 %% n == 0)) stop("n not a factor of 24")
return(2000 + n)
minutely <- function(n = 0){
if(n == 0) return(3000)
if(!between(n, 0, 1024)) stop("n out of range")
if((n %% 60) == 0) return(hourly(n %/% 60))
if(!(1440 %% n == 0)) stop("n not a factor of 1440")
return(3000 + n)
secondly <- function(n = 0){
if(n == 0) return(4000)
if(!between(n, 0, 1024)) stop("n out of range")
if((n %% 60) == 0) return(minutely(n %/% 60))
if(!(86400 %% n == 0)) stop("n not a factor of 86400")
return(4000 + n)
## Support functions
isLeapYear <- function(y){
y %% 4 == 0 & (y %% 100 != 0 | y %% 400 == 0)
is.ymd <- function(x){
year <- x %/% 10000
mon <- (x - year*10000) %/% 100
day <- x %% 100
all((between(year, 1583, 9999) &
between(mon, 1, 12) &
between(day, 1, 31)), na.rm = T)
julToWeekday <- function(jul){
## Sun = 1, Sat = 7. 2415020 = Sunday, 12/31/1899
((unclass(jul) - 2415020) %% 7) + 1
freq2tif <- function(freq){
if(is.null(freq)) stop("NULL freq")
if(!is.numeric(freq)) stop("freq must be numeric")
tif <- switch((freq >= 1) + (freq >= 2) + (freq >= 4) +
(freq >= 6) + (freq >= 12) + (freq >= 24) +
(freq >= 26) + (freq >= 36) + (freq >= 52) +
(freq >= 261) + (freq >= 365),
44, 50, 32, 29, 27, 26, 22, 10, 4, 2, 1)
if(is.null(tif)) stop("can't convert freq to tif")
else return(1e3 + tif)
tif2freq <- function(tif) frequency(ti(tif = tif))
tifName <- function(s) UseMethod("tifName")
tifName.tis <- function(s) tifName(start(s))
tifName.ti <- function(s){
nTif <- tif(s)
cTif <- stripClass(s, "ti")
mode(cTif) <- "character"
intraday <- isIntradayTif(nTif)
base <- c("hourly", "minutely", "secondly")[(nTif[intraday] %/% 1000) -1]
nUnits <- as.character(nTif[intraday] %% 1000)
nUnits[nUnits == "0"] <- ""
cTif[intraday] <- paste(base, "(", nUnits, ")", sep = "")
if(any(notIntraday <- !intraday)){
tl <- tifList()
cTif[notIntraday] <- names(tl)[match(nTif[notIntraday], tl)]
tifName.default <- function(s){
tl <- tifList()
if(missing(s)) return(tl)
if(all((s %in% names(tl)) |
(substr(s, 1, 6) %in% c("hourly", "minute", "second"))))
else stop("unknown tifName")
if(!is.numeric(s)) stop("non-numeric, non-character arg s")
cTif <- character(length(s))
intraday <- isIntradayTif(s)
base <- c("hourly", "minutely", "secondly")[(s[intraday] %/% 1000) - 1]
nUnits <- as.character(s[intraday] %% 1000)
nUnits[nUnits == "0"] <- ""
cTif[intraday] <- paste(base, "(", nUnits, ")", sep = "")
if(any(notIntraday <- !intraday))
cTif[notIntraday] <- names(tl)[match(s[notIntraday], tl)]
initialTifList <- function(){
c(daily = 1001,
business = 1002,
wsunday = 1003,
wmonday = 1004,
wtuesday = 1005,
wwednesday = 1006,
wthursday = 1007,
wfriday = 1008,
wsaturday = 1009,
tenday = 1010,
reserves = 1011,
bw1sunday = 1012,
bw1monday = 1013,
bw1tuesday = 1014,
bw1wednesday = 1015,
bw1thursday = 1016,
bw1friday = 1017,
bw1saturday = 1018,
bw2sunday = 1019,
bw2monday = 1020,
bw2tuesday = 1021,
bw2wednesday = 1022,
bw2thursday = 1023,
bw2friday = 1024,
bw2saturday = 1025,
twicemonth = 1026,
semimonthly = 1026,
monthly = 1027,
bimonth1 = 1028,
bmnovember = 1028,
bimonthnovember = 1028,
bimonth2 = 1029,
bmdecember = 1029,
bimonthdecember = 1029,
bimonth = 1029,
quarterlyoctoctober = 1030,
qoctober = 1030,
quarterlynovember = 1031,
qnovember = 1031,
quarterlydecember = 1032,
qdecember = 1032,
annjanuary = 1033,
annfebruary = 1034,
annmarch = 1035,
annapril = 1036,
annmay = 1037,
annjune = 1038,
annjuly = 1039,
annaugust = 1040,
annseptember = 1041,
annoctober = 1042,
annnovember = 1043,
anndecember = 1044,
sannjuly = 1045,
sannaugust = 1046,
sannseptember = 1047,
sannoctober = 1048,
sannnovember = 1049,
sanndecember = 1050,
unknown = 0)
tifList <- function(){
if(!exists(".tifList", envir = .tiEnv))
tl <- setDefaultFrequencies(setup = TRUE)
tl <- get(".tifList", envir = .tiEnv)
tl <- setDefaultFrequencies(setup = FALSE)
setDefaultFrequencies <- function(weekly = "wmonday",
biweekly = "bw1wednesday",
bimonthly = "bimonthdecember",
quarterly = "qdecember",
annual = "anndecember",
semiannual = "sanndecember",
setup = FALSE){
if(setup) tl <- initialTifList()
else {
if(!exists(".tifList", envir = .tiEnv))
assign(".tifList", initialTifList(), envir = .tiEnv)
tl <- get(".tifList", envir = .tiEnv)
if(!missing(weekly) || setup)
tl["weekly"] <- tl[weekly]
if(!missing(biweekly) || setup)
tl["biweekly"] <- tl[biweekly]
if(!missing(bimonthly) || setup)
tl[c("bimonth", "bimonthly")] <- tl[bimonthly]
if(!missing(quarterly) || setup)
tl[c("quarterly", "q")] <- tl[quarterly]
if(!missing(annual) || setup)
tl[c("annual", "a")] <- tl[annual]
if(!missing(semiannual) || setup)
tl[c("sann", "semiannual")] <- tl[semiannual]
assign(".tifList", tl, envir = .tiEnv)
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