
Defines functions setDefaultFrequencies tifList initialTifList tifName.default tifName.ti tifName.tis tifName tif2freq freq2tif julToWeekday is.ymd isLeapYear secondly minutely hourly isIntradayTif tif.default tif.ts tif.tis tif.ti tif tiToYmd tiToJul ymdToTi julToTi baseYmd as.POSIXlt.ti as.POSIXlt.jul POSIXlt.default POSIXlt.POSIXt POSIXlt.ti POSIXlt.jul POSIXlt POSIXct.default POSIXct.POSIXt POSIXct.ti POSIXct.jul POSIXct as.POSIXct.ti as.POSIXct.jul as.Date.ti as.Date.jul quarters.default months.default weekdays.default xtfrm.ti seq.ti rep.ti print.ti format.ti deltat.ti frequency.ti cycle.ti diff.ti max.ti min.ti is.numeric.ti c.ti as.list.ti as.character.ti basePeriod period couldBeTi ti.default ti.Date ti.ti ti.ssDate ti.POSIXct ti.POSIXlt ti.jul ti is.ti Ops.ssDate xtfrm.ssDate seq.ssDate rep.ssDate print.ssDate max.ssDate min.ssDate c.ssDate ssDate as.ssDate is.ssDate ymdhms hms ymdList ymd.default ymd.ti ymd.ssDate ymd.jul ymd xtfrm.jul seq.jul rep.jul print.jul format.jul max.jul min.jul diff.jul c.jul as.list.jul jul.default jul.IDate jul.Date jul.ti jul.ssDate jul.POSIXlt jul.POSIXct jul.jul jul is.jul ymd2ti ymd2jul ti2ymd ti2jul jul2ymd jul2ti quarter day month year as.ti as.jul asJul asTi

Documented in as.character.ti as.Date.jul as.Date.ti as.jul asJul as.list.jul as.list.ti as.POSIXct.jul as.POSIXct.ti as.ssDate as.ti asTi basePeriod couldBeTi day format.jul format.ti hms hourly isIntradayTif is.jul isLeapYear is.ssDate is.ti jul jul.Date jul.default jul.IDate jul.ti minutely month period POSIXct POSIXct.default POSIXct.jul POSIXct.ti POSIXlt POSIXlt.default POSIXlt.jul POSIXlt.ti print.ti quarter secondly setDefaultFrequencies ssDate ti ti.Date ti.default tif tif2freq tif.default tifList tifName tifName.default tifName.ti tifName.tis tif.ti tif.tis tif.ts ti.jul ti.ssDate ti.ti year ymd ymd.default ymd.jul ymd.ssDate ymd.ti

## An not-exported environment used to hold list of frequencies
.tiEnv <- new.env()

## Date representations:
## A ymd is always an integer: year*10000 + month *100 + day
## For jul, c(julianDay, hour, minute, second) is encoded as
##    day + (3600*hour + 60*minute + second)/86400
## For ti (Time Index), c(tif, period) is encoded as tif*1e10 + period
## TIFs (Time Index Frequency)
## A tif can be a number between 1001 and 4900, or a string giving the
## frequency name.  tifList() returns a list of the non-intraday frequencies.
## Non-intraday frequency numbers are in the 1001 - 1050 range.
## Intraday frequencies like hourly(3) (every third hour) or secondly(15)
## (every 15'th second) can also be used.  They are encoded as follows:
##      hourly(n)   -->  2000 + n
##      minutely(n) -->  3000 + n
##      secondly(n) -->  4000 + n

asTi  <- function(x) structure(x, class = "ti")
asJul <- function(x) structure(x, class = "jul")

as.jul <- function(x, ...) jul(x, ...)
as.ti  <- function(x, ...) ti(x, ...)

year   <- function(x, ...) ymd(x, ...) %/% 10000
month  <- function(x, ...) (ymd(x, ...) %/% 100) %% 100
day    <- function(x, ...) floor(ymd(x, ...) %% 100)
quarter <- function(x, ...) (month(x, ...) + 2) %/% 3

##From julian date to others
jul2ti <- function(jul, tif,...){
  tifLen <- length(tif)
  if(tifLen > 1 && length(uniq <- unique(tif)) > 1){
    n <- max(length(jul), tifLen)
    juln <- rep(jul, length.out = n)
    tifn <- rep(tif, length.out = n)
    ans <- asTi(unclass(juln))
    for(u in uniq){
      index <- tifn == u
      ans[index] <- julToTi(juln[index], u,...)
  else return(julToTi(jul, tif[1],...))

jul2ymd <- function(jul){
  jul <- unclass(jul)
  rjul <- jul %/% 1
  j <- as.vector(rjul) - 1721119
  y <- (4*j - 1) %/% 146097
  j <- 4*j - 1 - 146097*y
  d <- j %/% 4
  j <- (4*d + 3) %/% 1461
  d <- 4*d + 3 - 1461*j
  d <- (d + 4) %/% 4
  m <- (5*d - 3) %/% 153
  d <- 5*d - 3 - 153*m
  d <- (d + 5) %/% 5
  y <- 100*y + j
  y <- y + as.numeric(m > 9)
  m <- m + ifelse(m < 10, 3, -9)
  ans <- 10000*y + 100*m + d 
  attributes(ans) <- attributes(jul)

## From ti to others
ti2jul <- function(ti){
  tif <- tif(ti)
  if(length(uniq <- unique(tif)) > 1 || any(is.na(ti))){
    ans <- asJul(unclass(ti))
    for(u in uniq){
        index <- tif == u & !is.na(tif)
        ans[index] <- tiToJul(ti[index])
  else return(tiToJul(ti))

ti2ymd <- function(ti){
  tif <- tif(ti)
  if(length(uniq <- unique(tif)) > 1 || any(is.na(ti))){
    ans <- unclass(ti)
    for(u in uniq){
        index <- tif == u & !is.na(tif)
        ans[index] <- tiToYmd(ti[index])
  else return(tiToYmd(ti))

##From ymd to others
ymd2jul <- function(ymd){
  ucymd <- unclass(ymd)
  seconds <- round(86400 * (ucymd %% 1))
  rYmd <- floor(ucymd + 0.5/86400)
  y <- rYmd %/% 10000
  m <- (rYmd - y*10000) %/% 100
  d <- rYmd %% 100
  y  <- y + (y < 0)
  jy <- y - (m <= 2)
  jm <- m + 1 + 12*(m <= 2)
  jul <- floor(365.25*jy) + floor(30.6001*jm) + d + 1720995;
  addfac <- (2 - floor(0.01*jy) + floor(0.0025*jy))
  i <- (( + 31*(m + 12*y)) >= 588829) & (!is.na(ucymd))
  jul[i] <- jul[i] + addfac[i]
  return(jul + seconds/86400)

ymd2ti <- function(ymd, tif){
  tifLen <- length(tif)
  if(length(uniq <- unique(tif)) > 1){
    n <- max(length(ymd), tifLen)
    ymdn <- rep(ymd, length.out = n)
    tifn <- rep(tif, length.out = n)
    ans <- asTi(unclass(ymdn))
    for(u in uniq){
      index <- tifn == u
      ans[index] <- ymdToTi(ymdn[index], u)
  else return(ymdToTi(ymd, tif[1]))

## Object oriented wrappers
## constructors for class 'jul'
is.jul <- function(x) inherits(x, "jul")

jul <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("jul")

jul.jul <- function(x, ...) x

jul.POSIXct <- function(x, ...) jul(POSIXlt(x), ...)

jul.POSIXlt <- function(x, ...){
  j <- (jul(10000*(x$year + 1900) + 100*(x$mon + 1) + x$mday) +
        (x$hour/24) + (x$min/1440) + (x$sec/86400))
  class(j) <- "jul"

jul.ssDate <- function(x, ...) jul(18991230) + unclass(x)

jul.ti <- function(x, offset = 1, ...){
  z <- stripClass(x, "ti")
  rx <- x
  oneSecond <- 1/86400
  j1 <- unclass(ti2jul(rx))
  if(!between(offset, 0, 1)) stop("offset must be in [0,1]")
  if(offset == 1)
    z[] <- j1
  else {
    j0 <- unclass(ti2jul(rx - 1))
    if(offset < oneSecond)
      z[] <- j0 + oneSecond
      z[] <- round((offset*j1 + (1 - offset)*j0)*86400)/86400
  class(z) <- c("jul", oldClass(z))

jul.Date <- function(x, ...)
  asJul(unclass(as.vector(x + 2440588)))

jul.IDate <- function(x, ...)
  asJul(unclass(as.vector(x + 2440588)))

jul.default <- function(x, ...){
  if(missing(x))       return(jul.Date(Sys.Date()))
  if(is.character(x))  return(jul.Date(as.Date(x, ...)))
  if(couldBeTi(x))     return(jul(asTi(x), ...))
  if(is.ymd(x))        return(asJul(ymd2jul(x)))
  if(is.time(x))       return(asJul(time2jul(x)))
  else                 return(jul.Date(as.Date(x, ...)))

as.character.jul <- function (x, ...) format(x, ...)

as.list.jul <- function(x, ...){
  asClassyList(x, ...)

c.jul <- function(..., recursive = F)
  structure(c(unlist(lapply(list(...), unclass))), class = "jul")

diff.jul <- function(x, ...) diff(stripClass(x, "jul"), ...)

min.jul <- function(..., na.rm = F)
  structure(min(unlist(lapply(list(...), unclass)), na.rm = na.rm), class = "jul")

max.jul <- function(..., na.rm = F)
  structure(max(unlist(lapply(list(...), unclass)), na.rm = na.rm), class = "jul")

format.jul <- function(x, ...) format(POSIXlt(x), ...)

print.jul <- function(x, ...){
  ymds <- as.character(floor(ymd(x)))
  hmsList <- hms(x)
  if(sum(unlist(hmsList), na.rm = T) > 0){
    ymds <- paste(ymds,
                  substr(format(100 + hmsList$hour), 2, 3),
                  substr(format(100 + hmsList$min), 2, 3),
                  substr(format(100 + hmsList$sec), 2, 3),
                  sep = ":")
    if(any(naSpots <- is.na(x))) ymds[naSpots] <- as.character(NA)
  names(ymds) <- names(x)
  print(ymds, quote = F, ...)
  cat("class: jul\n")

rep.jul <- function(x, times, ...) asJul(NextMethod())

seq.jul <- function(...) asJul(NextMethod())

xtfrm.jul <- function(x) as.numeric(x)

"[.jul" <- function(x, ...) asJul(NextMethod())

Ops.jul <- function (e1, e2){
  if(nargs() == 1){
    if(.Generic == "+") return(e1)
    else stop("operation not defined for jul")
  isJul1 <- is.jul(e1)
  isJul2 <- is.jul(e2)
  if(isJul1 && isJul2){
    validOp <- switch(.Generic, "-" =, "<" = , ">" =, "==" =,
                      "!=" =, "<=" =, ">=" = TRUE, FALSE)
      return(do.call(.Generic, list(unclass(e1), unclass(e2))))
    else stop("operation not defined for two juls")
  else {
    if(isJul1) z <- do.call(.Generic, list(unclass(e1), e2))
    else       z <- do.call(.Generic, list(e1, unclass(e2)))
    if(is.numeric(z)) class(z) <- "jul"

## 'constructors' for ymd's.  Actually, since there isn't a ymd class, it
## doesn't have constructors.  But you can act as if it did. Or something....
ymd         <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("ymd")
ymd.jul     <- function(x, ...) jul2ymd(x)
ymd.ssDate  <- function(x, ...) ymd(jul(x))

ymd.ti      <- function(x, offset = 1, ...){
  if(!between(offset, 0, 1)) stop("offset must be in [0,1]")
  if(offset == 1)  ti2ymd(x)
  else             ymd(jul(x, offset))

ymd.default <- function(x, ...){
  if(missing(x)) jul <- jul()
  else           jul <- jul(x, ...)

ymdList <- function(x){
  z <- ymd(x)
  list( year = z %/% 10000,
       month = (z %% 10000) %/% 100,
         day = floor(z %% 100))

hms <- function(x){
  seconds <- round((unclass(jul(x)) %% 1)*86400)
  hour    <- seconds %/% 3600
  seconds <- seconds %% 3600
  min     <- seconds %/% 60
  sec     <- seconds %% 60
  list(hour = hour, min = min, sec = sec)

ymdhms <- function(x) c(ymdList(x), hms(x))

## ssDate (spreadsheet date) class
is.ssDate <- function(x) inherits(x, "ssDate")
as.ssDate <- function(x) structure(x, class = "ssDate")
ssDate <- function(x, ...){
  if(missing(x)) return(ssDate(jul()))
  as.ssDate(jul(x, ...) - jul(18991230))
c.ssDate <- function(..., recursive = F)
  structure(c(unlist(lapply(list(...), unclass))), class = "ssDate")

min.ssDate <- function(..., na.rm = F)
  structure(min(unlist(lapply(list(...), unclass)), na.rm = na.rm), class = "ssDate")

max.ssDate <- function(..., na.rm = F)
  structure(max(unlist(lapply(list(...), unclass)), na.rm = na.rm), class = "ssDate")

print.ssDate <- function(x, ...){
  print(ymd(x), ...)
  cat("class: ssDate\n")

rep.ssDate   <- function(x, times, ...) as.ssDate(NextMethod())
seq.ssDate   <- function(...) as.ssDate(NextMethod())
xtfrm.ssDate <- function(x) as.numeric(x)
"[.ssDate"   <- function(x, ...) as.ssDate(NextMethod())

Ops.ssDate <- function(e1, e2){
  if(nargs() == 1){
    if(.Generic == "+") return(e1)
    else stop("operation not defined for ssDate")
  is.ssDate1 <- is.ssDate(e1)
  is.ssDate2 <- is.ssDate(e2)
  if(is.ssDate1 && is.ssDate2){
    validOp <- switch(.Generic, "-" =, "<" = , ">" =, "==" =,
                      "!=" =, "<=" =, ">=" = TRUE, FALSE)
      return(do.call(.Generic, list(unclass(e1), unclass(e2))))
    else stop("operation not defined for two ssDates")
  else {
    if(is.ssDate1) z <- do.call(.Generic, list(unclass(e1), e2))
    else           z <- do.call(.Generic, list(e1, unclass(e2)))
    if(is.numeric(z)) class(z) <- "ssDate"

## ti class
is.ti <- function(x) inherits(x, "ti")

ti <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("ti")
ti.jul <- function(x, tif = NULL, freq = NULL,
                   hour = 0, minute = 0, second = 0, ...){
      stop("'tif' and 'freq' cannot both be NULL if 'x' is not a ti")
    else tif <- freq2tif(freq)
  intraday <- isIntradayTif(tif)
    if(!(missing(hour) && missing(minute) && missing(second)))
      x[intraday] <- (floor(x + .5/86400) + (3600*hour + 60*minute + second)/86400)[intraday]
  return(jul2ti(x, tif,...))

ti.POSIXlt <- function(x, tif, ...){
  nTif <- tif(tif)
  j <- jul(10000*(x$year + 1900) + 100*(x$mon + 1) + x$mday)
  intraday <- isIntradayTif(nTif)
      j <- j + (x$hour/24) + (x$min/1440) + (x$sec/86400)
      j[intraday] <- (j + (x$hour/24) + (x$min/1440) + (x$sec/86400))[intraday]
  ti(j, nTif)

ti.POSIXct <- function(x, tif, ...) ti(POSIXlt(x), tif, ...)

ti.ssDate <- function(x, ...) ti(jul(x), ...)

ti.ti <- function(x, tif = NULL, freq = NULL, ...){
    if(is.null(freq)) return(x)
    else tif <- freq2tif(freq)
  return(ti(jul(x), tif, ...))

ti.Date <- function(x, ...) ti(jul(x), ...)

ti.default <- function(x, tif = NULL, freq = NULL, ...){
      stop("'tif' and 'freq' cannot both be NULL if 'x' is not a ti")
    else tif <- freq2tif(freq)
  if(missing(x))              return(ti(jul(Sys.Date()), tif, ...))
  if(is.null(x))              stop("NULL argument to ti function")
  if(is.character(x))         return(ti(as.Date(x, ...), tif = tif))
  if(couldBeTi(x, tif = tif)) return(ti(asTi(x), tif = tif, ...))
    if(isIntradayTif(tif)) return(ti(asJul(ymd2jul(x)), tif, ...))
    else                   return(ymd2ti(round(x), tif))
    if(isIntradayTif(tif)) return(ti(asJul(time2jul(x)), tif, ...))
    else                   return(ti(asJul(floor(time2jul(x))), tif))
  if(length(x) == 2 && is.time(x[1]) && between(x[2],1,1e10 - 1)){
    firstTi <- ti(ISOdatetime(year = floor(x[1]), 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), tif = tif)
    return(firstTi + x[2] - 1)
  else return(ti(as.Date(x, ...), tif))

couldBeTi <- function(x, tif = NULL){
  if(inherits(x, "ti")) return(TRUE)
  perhaps <- all(is.numeric(x)) && all(is.finite(x)) && all(between(x, 1e13, 5e13))
  if(!perhaps) return(FALSE)
  if(is.null(tif)) return(TRUE)
  else {
    nTif <- tif(tif)
    return(all(between(x, 1e10*nTif, 1e10*(nTif + 1))))

period <- function(z){
  if(is.ti(z) || couldBeTi(z))
    stripClass(z, "ti") %% 1e10
  else NULL

basePeriod <- function(x){
  nTif <- tif(x)
  asTi(nTif * 1e10)

as.character.ti <- function(x, ...){
  j <- jul(x)
  ymds <- as.character(ymd(floor(j)))
  intraday <- isIntradayTif(tif(x))
    hmsList <- hms(j[intraday])
    ymds[intraday] <- paste(ymds[intraday],
                            substr(format(100 + hmsList$hour), 2, 3),
                            substr(format(100 + hmsList$min), 2, 3),
                            substr(format(100 + hmsList$sec), 2, 3),
                            sep = ":")
  names(ymds) <- names(x)

as.list.ti <- function(x, ...){
  asClassyList(x, ...)
c.ti <- function(..., recursive = F)
  structure(c(unlist(lapply(list(...), unclass))), class = "ti")

is.numeric.ti <- function(x) FALSE

min.ti <- function(..., na.rm = F)
  structure(min(unlist(lapply(list(...), unclass)), na.rm = na.rm), class = "ti")

max.ti <- function(..., na.rm = F)
  structure(max(unlist(lapply(list(...), unclass)), na.rm = na.rm), class = "ti")

diff.ti <- function(x, ...) diff(stripClass(x, "ti"), ...)

cycle.ti <- function(x, ...){
  firstTi <- ti(ISOdatetime(year(x),1,1,0,0,0), tif = tif(x))
  x - firstTi + 1

frequency.ti <- function(x, ...){
  f <- round(200/(time(x+100) - time(x-100)))
  if(any(index <- f > 100)) ## handle leap years 
    f[index] <- round(2000/(time(x[index]+1000) - time(x[index]-1000)))

deltat.ti <- function(x, ...) 1/frequency(x)

format.ti <- function(x, ..., tz = ""){
  z <- stripClass(x, "ti")
  intraday <- isIntradayTif(tif(x))
    z[intraday] <- format(POSIXct(x[intraday]), tz = tz, ...)
    z[!intraday] <- format(POSIXlt(x[!intraday]), ...)

print.ti <- function(x, class = TRUE, ...){
  print(as.character(x), quote = FALSE, ...)
  if(class) cat("class: ti\n")

rep.ti <- function(x, times, ...) asTi(NextMethod())

seq.ti <- function(...) asTi(NextMethod())

xtfrm.ti <- function(x) as.numeric(x)

"[.ti" <- function(x, ...) asTi(NextMethod())

Ops.ti <- function (e1, e2){
  if(nargs() == 1){
    if(.Generic == "+") return(e1)
    else stop("operation not defined for ti")
  isTi1 <- is.ti(e1)
  isTi2 <- is.ti(e2)
  if(isTi1 && isTi2){
    n <- max(length(e1), length(e2))
    tif1 <- rep(tif(e1), length.out = n)
    tif2 <- rep(tif(e2), length.out = n)
    if(any(tif1 != tif2) && .Generic != "==") stop("different tif\'s")
    validOp <- switch(.Generic, "-" =, "<" = , ">" =, "==" =,
                      "!=" =, "<=" =, ">=" = TRUE, FALSE)
      return(do.call(.Generic, list(unclass(e1), unclass(e2))))
      stop("operation not defined for two ti\'s")
  else {
    if(isTi1) ti <- do.call(.Generic, list(unclass(e1), e2))
    else      ti <- do.call(.Generic, list(e1, unclass(e2)))
    class(ti) <- "ti"

## compatibility with R date classes
format.POSIXlt <- function (x, format = "", usetz = FALSE, ...){
  ## added formats:
  ##    "%N"    first letter of month name
  ##    "%q"    quarter number
  if(!inherits(x, "POSIXlt"))  stop("wrong class")
  if(format == ""){
    times <- unlist(unclass(x)[1:3])
    format <- if(all(times[!is.na(times)] == 0)) "%Y-%m-%d"
    else "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
  format <- gsub("%N", "@N", gsub("%q", "@q", format))
  tmp <- base::format.POSIXlt(x, format, usetz)
  if(length(grep("@q", format))){
    qtr <- (as.numeric(base::format.POSIXlt(x, "%m", usetz)) + 2) %/% 3
    for(i in 1:length(tmp))
    tmp[i] <- gsub("@q", qtr[i], tmp[i])
  if(length(grep("@N", format))){
    month <- as.numeric(base::format.POSIXlt(x, "%m", usetz))
    for(i in 1:length(tmp))
      tmp[i] <- gsub("@N", substring(month.abb[month[i]], 1, 1), tmp[i])

format.POSIXct <- function (x, format = "", tz = "", usetz = FALSE, ...){
  if(!inherits(x, "POSIXct")) stop("wrong class")
  if(missing(tz) && !is.null(tzone <- attr(x, "tzone"))) tz <- tzone
  structure(format(POSIXlt(x, tz), format, usetz, ...),
            names = names(x))

weekdays.default <- function(x, ...) weekdays(as.Date(x), ...)
months.default   <- function(x, ...) months(as.Date(x), ...)
quarters.default <- function(x, ...) quarters(as.Date(x), ...)

as.Date.jul <- function(x, origin = "1970-01-01", ...){
  as.Date(x = x - jul(origin), origin = origin, ...)
as.Date.ti  <- function(x, offset = 1, ...) as.Date(jul(x, offset), ...)

as.POSIXct.jul <- function(x, tz = "", ...){
  do.call("ISOdatetime", c(ymdhms(x), tz = tz))

as.POSIXct.ti <- function(x, tz = "", offset = 1, ...){
  if(!between(offset, 0, 1)) stop("offset must be in [0,1]")
  tiToPOSIXct <- function(x, hour = 23, min = 59, sec = 59){
    argList <- ymdList(x)
    intra <- isIntradayTif(tif(x))
    hmsList <- list(hour = hour, min = min, sec = sec)
      hmsList <- hms(x)
        notIntra <- !intra
        hmsList$hour[notIntra] <- hour
        hmsList$min[notIntra]  <- min
        hmsList$sec[notIntra]  <- sec
    do.call("ISOdatetime", c(ymdList(x), hmsList, tz = tz))
  z <- stripClass(x, "ti")
  ct1 <- unclass(tiToPOSIXct(x))
  if(offset == 1) z[] <- ct1
  else {
    ct0 <- unclass(tiToPOSIXct(x - 1) + 1)
    z[] <- floor(offset*(ct1 + 1) + (1 - offset)*ct0)
  attr(z, "tzone") <- attr(ct1, "tzone")
  class(z) <- c("POSIXt", "POSIXct", oldClass(z))

POSIXct         <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("POSIXct")
POSIXct.jul     <- function(x, ...) as.POSIXct(x, ...)
POSIXct.ti      <- function(x, offset = 1, ...) as.POSIXct(x, offset = offset, ...)
POSIXct.POSIXt  <- function(x, ...) as.POSIXct(x, ...)
POSIXct.numeric <- function (x, tz = "", origin, ...){
    jd <- NULL
    if(couldBeTi(x)) jd <- jul(asTi(x), ...)
    if(is.ymd(x))    jd <- asJul(ymd2jul(x))
    if(is.time(x))   jd <- asJul(time2jul(x))
    if(!is.null(jd)) as.POSIXct(jd, tz = tz)
    else             stop("'origin' must be supplied")
  else as.POSIXct(origin, tz = tz, ...) + x
POSIXct.default <- function(x, ...) POSIXct(jul(x), ...)

POSIXlt         <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("POSIXlt")
POSIXlt.jul     <- function(x, ...) as.POSIXlt(POSIXct(x, ...))
POSIXlt.ti      <- function(x, ...) as.POSIXlt(POSIXct(x, ...))
POSIXlt.POSIXt  <- function(x, ...) as.POSIXlt(x, ...)
POSIXlt.default <- function(x, ...) POSIXlt(jul(x), ...)

as.POSIXlt.jul  <- function(x, ...) POSIXlt(x, ...)
as.POSIXlt.ti   <- function(x, ...) POSIXlt(x, ...)

baseYmd <- function(tif){
  nTif <- tif(tif)
  if(between(nTif, 1001, 1050)){
    c(## daily, business day
      18991230, 18991229,
      ## wsunday thru wsaturday
      ## tenday
      ## reserves
      ## biweekly1Sunday thru biweekly2Saturday
      ## semimonthly and monthly
      18991215, 17991201,
      ## bimonth1 and bimonth2
      rep(17991101, 2),
      ## quarterly
      rep(17991001, 3),
      ## annjanuary thru annnovember
      100*(159802:159812) + 1,
      ## anndecember
      ## sannjuly thru sannnovember
      rep(15990701, 6))[nTif - 1000]      
  else {
    if(between(nTif, 2000, 4900)) 19800101
    else stop(paste("unknown nTif:", nTif))
    #add in check to make sure tif is a whole number
    if(!as.integer(nTif)==nTif) {
      stop(paste("Tif must be whole number:", nTif))

## workhorse functions that convert ti's back and forth to ymd and jul
julToTi <- function(jul, tif, must.handle=F, businessMonday=TRUE){
  nTif <- tif(tif)
  j <- unclass(jul)
  if(any(jul2ymd(jul) < baseYmd(nTif)))
    stop("jul date too early for tif")
  halfSecond <- 1/(86400*2)
    j <- floor(j + halfSecond)

  if(between(nTif, 1001, 1009) || between(nTif, 1011, 1025)){
    period <- switch(nTif - 1e3,  ## handle day-based freqs
                     ## 1 = daily
                     j - 2415019,
                     ## 2 = business day
                       dow <- julToWeekday(j)
                       if(businessMonday==TRUE) {
                          j <- j + (dow==1) + 2*(dow==7)
                       } else {
                          j <- j - (dow==7) - 2*(dow==1)
                       ((j - 2415021)%/%7)*5 + (j - 2415020)%%7
                     ## 3 - 9 = weeklySunday thru weeklySaturday
                     (j - 2415007)%/%7,
                     (j - 2415008)%/%7,
                     (j - 2415009)%/%7,
                     (j - 2415010)%/%7,
                     (j - 2415011)%/%7,
                     (j - 2415012)%/%7,
                     (j - 2415013)%/%7,
                     ## 10 is tenday, diverted by the if statement above 
                     ## 11 (reserves) is weekly Wednesday until 19840201 and
                     ## biweekly Wednesday afterwards. firstCrrDay is 19840202.
                        firstCrrDay <- 2445733
                        preCrr <- j < firstCrrDay
                        prePeriods  <-  (j - 2415010)%/%7
                        postPeriods <- 4389 + (j - firstCrrDay)%/%14
                        prePeriods*preCrr + postPeriods*(!preCrr)
                     ## 12 - 25 = biweekly1Sunday thru biweekly2Saturday
                     (j - 2415000)%/%14,
                     (j - 2415001)%/%14,
                     (j - 2415002)%/%14,
                     (j - 2415003)%/%14,
                     (j - 2415004)%/%14,
                     (j - 2415005)%/%14,
                     (j - 2415006)%/%14,
                     (j - 2415007)%/%14,
                     (j - 2415008)%/%14,
                     (j - 2415009)%/%14,
                     (j - 2415010)%/%14,
                     (j - 2415011)%/%14,
                     (j - 2415012)%/%14,
                     (j - 2415013)%/%14)
    ans <- asTi(1e10*nTif + period)
    names(ans) <- names(jul)
    j19800101 <- 2444240    ## julian date for Jan 1, 1980
    if(any(j < j19800101)) stop("Intraday ti cannot be earlier than 19800101")
    hms <- nTif %/% 1e3
    nUnits <- nTif %% 1e3
    if(nUnits == 0) nUnits <- 1
    period <- switch(hms - 1, ## 1 = hourly, 2 = minutely, 3 = secondly
                     1 + floor((j + halfSecond - j19800101)*(24/nUnits)),
                     1 + floor((j + halfSecond - j19800101)*(1440/nUnits)),
                     1 + floor((j + halfSecond - j19800101)*(86400/nUnits)))
    ans <- asTi(1e10*nTif + period)
    names(ans) <- names(jul)
  else { ## call ymdToTi for other frequencies
      stop(paste(tif, "is an unknown frequency"))
                     list(ymd = jul2ymd(j), tif = tif, must.handle=T)))

ymdToTi <- function(ymd, tif, must.handle=F){
  rawYmd <- unclass(ymd)
  year   <- rawYmd %/% 10000
  month  <- (rawYmd - year*10000) %/% 100
  day    <- rawYmd %% 100
  nTif <- tif(tif)
  if(any(rawYmd < baseYmd(nTif)))
    stop("ymd too early for tif")
  if(nTif == 1010){ ## tenday
    period <- 1 + 36*(year-1900) + 3*(month-1) + (day>10) + (day>20)
    ans <- asTi(1e10*nTif + period)
    names(ans) <- names(ymd)
  if(between(nTif, 1026, 1050)){
    period <- switch(nTif - 1e3 - 25,
                     ## 26 = twicemonthly
                     1 + 24*(year-1900) + 2*(month-1) + (day>15),
                     ## 27 = monthly
                     12*(year-1800) + month,
                     ## 28 and 29 are bimonthly (nov and dec)
                     6*(year-1800) + (month+2) %/% 2, 
                     6*(year-1800) + (month+1) %/% 2,
                     ## 30 - 32 are quarterly (oct, nov and dec)
                     4*(year-1800) + (month+4) %/% 3, 
                     4*(year-1800) + (month+3) %/% 3, 
                     4*(year-1800) + (month+2) %/% 3,
                     ## 33 - 44 are annual (jan, feb, ..., dec)
                     1 + (year-1600) + (month > 1),
                     1 + (year-1600) + (month > 2),
                     1 + (year-1600) + (month > 3),
                     1 + (year-1600) + (month > 4),
                     1 + (year-1600) + (month > 5),
                     1 + (year-1600) + (month > 6),
                     1 + (year-1600) + (month > 7),
                     1 + (year-1600) + (month > 8),
                     1 + (year-1600) + (month > 9),
                     1 + (year-1600) + (month > 10),
                     1 + (year-1600) + (month > 11),
                     1 + (year-1600),
                     ## 45 - 50 are semi-annual (jul, aug, ..., dec)
                     1 + 2*(year-1600) + (month > 6) + ((month %% 6) > 1),
                     1 + 2*(year-1600) + (month > 6) + ((month %% 6) > 2),
                     1 + 2*(year-1600) + (month > 6) + ((month %% 6) > 3),
                     1 + 2*(year-1600) + (month > 6) + ((month %% 6) > 4),
                     1 + 2*(year-1600) + (month > 6) + ((month %% 6) > 5),
                     1 + 2*(year-1600) + (month > 6))
    ans <- asTi(1e10*nTif + period)
    names(ans) <- names(ymd)
  else { ## call ti.jul for other frequencies
      stop(paste(tif, "is an unknown frequency"))
                     list(jul = ymd2jul(ymd),tif = tif, must.handle=T)))

tiToJul <- function(ti, must.handle=F){
  uti <- as.vector(unclass(ti))
  nTif <- uti[1] %/% 1e10
  periods <- (uti %% 1e10) - 1
  if(between(nTif, 1001, 1009) || between(nTif, 1011, 1025)){
    j <- switch(nTif - 1e3,  ## handle day-based freqs
                ## 1 = daily
                2415020 + periods,
                ## 2 = business day
                2415021 + 7*(periods %/% 5) + periods %% 5,
                ## 3 - 9 = weeklySunday thru weeklySaturday
                2415020 + periods*7,
                2415021 + periods*7,
                2415022 + periods*7,
                2415023 + periods*7,
                2415024 + periods*7,
                2415025 + periods*7,
                2415026 + periods*7,
                ## Use placeholder for 10 (= tenday)
                ## need code for 11 (= reserves)
                  preCrr  <- periods < 4388
                  preJul  <- 2415023 + periods*7
                  postJul <- 2445732 + (periods - 4387)*14
                  preJul*preCrr + postJul*(!preCrr)
                ## 12 - 25 = biweekly1Sunday thru biweekly2Saturday
                2415027 + periods*14,
                2415028 + periods*14,
                2415029 + periods*14,
                2415030 + periods*14,
                2415031 + periods*14,
                2415032 + periods*14,
                2415033 + periods*14,
                2415034 + periods*14,
                2415035 + periods*14,
                2415036 + periods*14,
                2415037 + periods*14,
                2415038 + periods*14,
                2415039 + periods*14,
                2415040 + periods*14)
    names(j) <- names(ti)
      j19800101 <- 2444240    ## julian date for Jan 1, 1980
      hms <- nTif %/% 1e3
      nUnits <- nTif %% 1e3
      if(nUnits == 0) nUnits <- 1
      j <- switch(hms - 1, ## 1 = hourly, 2 = minutely, 3 = secondly
                  j19800101 + nUnits*periods/24,
                  j19800101 + nUnits*periods/1440,
                  j19800101 + nUnits*periods/86400)
      names(j) <- names(ti)
    else { ## pass other frequencies to tiToYmd
      if(must.handle)  stop(paste(nTif, "is an unknown frequency"))
        return(ymd2jul(tiToYmd(ti, must.handle=T)))

tiToYmd <- function(ti, must.handle=F){
  uti <- as.vector(unclass(ti))
  nTif <- uti[1] %/% 1e10
  periods <- (uti %% 1e10) - 1
  mdays <- c(31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31)
  if(nTif == 1010){ ## tenday
    y <- 1900 + periods %/% 36
    m <- 1 + (periods %% 36) %/% 3
    d <- mdays[m]
    third <- periods %% 3
    d[third == 0] <- 10
    d[third == 1] <- 20
    d <- d + (isLeapYear(y) & m == 2 & d > 27)
    ymd <- y*10000 + m*100 + d
    names(ymd) <- names(ti)
  else {
    if(between(nTif, 1026, 1050)){
      switch(nTif - 1e3 - 25, 
             ## 26 = twicemonthly
             { y <- 1900 + periods %/% 24
               m <- 1 + (periods %% 24) %/% 2
               half <- periods %% 2
               d <- 15*(half==0) + mdays[m]*(half==1)
             ## 27 = monthly
             { y <- 1800 + periods %/% 12
               m <- 1 + periods %% 12
               d <- mdays[m]
             ## 28 and 29 are bimonthly (nov and dec)
             { y <- 1800 + periods %/% 6
               m <- 1 + 2*(periods %% 6)
               d <- mdays[m]
             { y <- 1800 + periods %/% 6
               m <- 2 + 2*(periods %% 6)
               d <- mdays[m]
             ## 30 - 32 are quarterly (oct, nov and dec)
             { y <- 1800 + periods %/% 4
               m <- 1 + 3*(periods %% 4)
               d <- mdays[m]
             { y <- 1800 + periods %/% 4
               m <- 2 + 3*(periods %% 4)
               d <- mdays[m]
             { y <- 1800 + periods %/% 4
               m <- 3 + 3*(periods %% 4)
               d <- mdays[m]
             ## 33 - 44 are annual (jan, feb, ..., dec)
             { y <- 1600 + periods
               m <- 1
               d <- mdays[m]
             { y <- 1600 + periods
               m <- 2
               d <- mdays[m]
             { y <- 1600 + periods
               m <- 3
               d <- mdays[m]
             { y <- 1600 + periods
               m <- 4
               d <- mdays[m]
             { y <- 1600 + periods
               m <- 5
               d <- mdays[m]
             { y <- 1600 + periods
               m <- 6
               d <- mdays[m]
             { y <- 1600 + periods
               m <- 7
               d <- mdays[m]
             { y <- 1600 + periods
               m <- 8
               d <- mdays[m]
             { y <- 1600 + periods
               m <- 9
               d <- mdays[m]
             { y <- 1600 + periods
               m <- 10
               d <- mdays[m]
             { y <- 1600 + periods
               m <- 11
               d <- mdays[m]
             { y <- 1600 + periods
               m <- 12
               d <- mdays[m]
             ## 45 - 50 are semi-annual (jul, aug, ..., dec)
             { y <- 1600 + periods %/% 2
               m <- 1 + 6*(periods %% 2)
               d <- mdays[m]
             { y <- 1600 + periods %/% 2
               m <- 2 + 6*(periods %% 2)
               d <- mdays[m]
             { y <- 1600 + periods %/% 2
               m <- 3 + 6*(periods %% 2)
               d <- mdays[m]
             { y <- 1600 + periods %/% 2
               m <- 4 + 6*(periods %% 2)
               d <- mdays[m]
             { y <- 1600 + periods %/% 2
               m <- 5 + 6*(periods %% 2)
               d <- mdays[m]
             { y <- 1600 + periods %/% 2
               m <- 6 + 6*(periods %% 2)
               d <- mdays[m]
    else { ## pass other frequencies to tiToJul
        stop(paste(tif, "is an unknown frequency"))
        return(jul2ymd(tiToJul(ti, must.handle=T)))
  d <- d + (isLeapYear(y) & m == 2 & d > 27)
  ymd <- y*10000 + m*100 + d
  names(ymd) <- names(ti)

tif <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("tif")
tif.ti  <- function(x, ...) unclass(x) %/% 1e10
tif.tis <- function(x, ...) tif(start(x))
tif.ts  <- function(x, ...) tif(as.tis(x))
tif.default <- function(x, freq = NULL, ...){
  ## freq ignored unless missing(x), ... is always ignored
    if(is.null(freq)) return(tifList())
    else return(freq2tif(freq))
  if(is.numeric(x) && between(x, 1001, 4900))
  else {
      xlen <- length(x)
      ans <- numeric(xlen) + NA
      intraday <- substr(x, 1, 6) %in% c("hourly", "minute", "second")
        spots <- (1:xlen)[intraday]
        for(spot in spots) ans[spot] <- eval(parse(text = x[spot]))
        ans[!intraday] <- as.vector(tifList()[x[!intraday]])
      if(any(is.na(ans))) stop("no such tif")
      else return(ans)
    else stop("arg must be ti, tis, ts, tif, or tifName")

## Intraday frequencies
isIntradayTif <- function(tif){
  if(is.character(tif)) tif <- tif(tif)
  z <- between(tif, 2000, 4900)
  z[is.na(z)] <- F
hourly <- function(n = 0){
  if(n == 0) return(2000)
  if(!between(n, 0, 24)) stop("n out of range")
  if(!(24 %% n == 0)) stop("n not a factor of 24")
  return(2000 + n)
minutely <- function(n = 0){
  if(n == 0) return(3000)
  if(!between(n, 0, 1024)) stop("n out of range")
  if((n %% 60) == 0) return(hourly(n %/% 60))
  if(!(1440 %% n == 0)) stop("n not a factor of 1440")
  return(3000 + n)
secondly <- function(n = 0){
  if(n == 0) return(4000)
  if(!between(n, 0, 1024)) stop("n out of range")
  if((n %% 60) == 0) return(minutely(n %/% 60))
  if(!(86400 %% n == 0)) stop("n not a factor of 86400")
  return(4000 + n)

## Support functions
isLeapYear <- function(y){
  y %% 4 == 0 & (y %% 100 != 0 | y %% 400 == 0)

is.ymd <- function(x){
  year <- x %/% 10000
  mon  <- (x - year*10000) %/% 100
  day  <- x %% 100
  all((between(year, 1583, 9999) &
       between(mon, 1, 12) &
       between(day, 1, 31)), na.rm = T)

julToWeekday <- function(jul){
  ## Sun = 1, Sat = 7.  2415020 = Sunday, 12/31/1899
  ((unclass(jul) - 2415020) %% 7) + 1

freq2tif <- function(freq){
  if(is.null(freq)) stop("NULL freq")
  if(!is.numeric(freq)) stop("freq must be numeric")
  tif <- switch((freq >= 1) + (freq >= 2) + (freq >= 4) + 
                (freq >= 6) + (freq >= 12) + (freq >= 24) + 
                (freq >= 26) + (freq >= 36) + (freq >= 52) + 
                (freq >= 261) + (freq >= 365), 
                44, 50, 32, 29, 27, 26, 22, 10, 4, 2, 1)
  if(is.null(tif)) stop("can't convert freq to tif")
  else             return(1e3 + tif)

tif2freq <- function(tif)  frequency(ti(tif = tif))

tifName <- function(s) UseMethod("tifName")
tifName.tis <- function(s) tifName(start(s))
tifName.ti <- function(s){
  nTif <- tif(s)
  cTif <- stripClass(s, "ti")
  mode(cTif) <- "character"
  intraday <- isIntradayTif(nTif)
    base <- c("hourly", "minutely", "secondly")[(nTif[intraday] %/% 1000) -1]
    nUnits <- as.character(nTif[intraday] %% 1000)
    nUnits[nUnits == "0"] <- ""
    cTif[intraday] <- paste(base, "(", nUnits, ")", sep = "")
  if(any(notIntraday <- !intraday)){
    tl <- tifList()
    cTif[notIntraday] <- names(tl)[match(nTif[notIntraday], tl)]

tifName.default <- function(s){
  tl <- tifList()
  if(missing(s)) return(tl)
    if(all((s %in% names(tl)) |
           (substr(s, 1, 6) %in% c("hourly", "minute", "second"))))
    else stop("unknown tifName")
    if(!is.numeric(s)) stop("non-numeric, non-character arg s")
    cTif <- character(length(s))
    intraday <- isIntradayTif(s)
      base <- c("hourly", "minutely", "secondly")[(s[intraday] %/% 1000) - 1]
      nUnits <- as.character(s[intraday] %% 1000)
      nUnits[nUnits == "0"] <- ""
      cTif[intraday] <- paste(base, "(", nUnits, ")", sep = "")
    if(any(notIntraday <- !intraday))
      cTif[notIntraday] <- names(tl)[match(s[notIntraday], tl)]

initialTifList <- function(){
  c(daily               = 1001,
    business            = 1002,
    wsunday             = 1003,
    wmonday             = 1004,
    wtuesday            = 1005,
    wwednesday          = 1006,
    wthursday           = 1007,
    wfriday             = 1008,
    wsaturday           = 1009,
    tenday              = 1010,
    reserves            = 1011,
    bw1sunday           = 1012,
    bw1monday           = 1013,
    bw1tuesday          = 1014,
    bw1wednesday        = 1015,
    bw1thursday         = 1016,
    bw1friday           = 1017,
    bw1saturday         = 1018,
    bw2sunday           = 1019,
    bw2monday           = 1020,
    bw2tuesday          = 1021,
    bw2wednesday        = 1022,
    bw2thursday         = 1023,
    bw2friday           = 1024,
    bw2saturday         = 1025,
    twicemonth          = 1026,
    semimonthly         = 1026,
    monthly             = 1027,
    bimonth1            = 1028,
    bmnovember          = 1028,
    bimonthnovember     = 1028,
    bimonth2            = 1029,
    bmdecember          = 1029,
    bimonthdecember     = 1029, 
    bimonth             = 1029,
    quarterlyoctoctober = 1030,
    qoctober            = 1030,
    quarterlynovember   = 1031,
    qnovember           = 1031,
    quarterlydecember   = 1032,
    qdecember           = 1032,
    annjanuary          = 1033,
    annfebruary         = 1034,
    annmarch            = 1035,
    annapril            = 1036,
    annmay              = 1037,
    annjune             = 1038,
    annjuly             = 1039,
    annaugust           = 1040,
    annseptember        = 1041,
    annoctober          = 1042,
    annnovember         = 1043,
    anndecember         = 1044,
    sannjuly            = 1045,
    sannaugust          = 1046,
    sannseptember       = 1047,
    sannoctober         = 1048,
    sannnovember        = 1049,
    sanndecember        = 1050,
    unknown             =    0)

tifList <- function(){
  if(!exists(".tifList", envir = .tiEnv))
    tl <- setDefaultFrequencies(setup = TRUE)
    tl <- get(".tifList", envir = .tiEnv)
      tl <- setDefaultFrequencies(setup = FALSE)

setDefaultFrequencies <- function(weekly     = "wmonday",
                                  biweekly   = "bw1wednesday",
                                  bimonthly  = "bimonthdecember",
                                  quarterly  = "qdecember",
                                  annual     = "anndecember",
                                  semiannual = "sanndecember",
                                  setup = FALSE){
  if(setup) tl <- initialTifList()
  else {
    if(!exists(".tifList", envir = .tiEnv))
      assign(".tifList", initialTifList(), envir = .tiEnv)
    tl <- get(".tifList", envir = .tiEnv)
  if(!missing(weekly) || setup)
    tl["weekly"] <- tl[weekly]
  if(!missing(biweekly) || setup)
    tl["biweekly"] <- tl[biweekly]
  if(!missing(bimonthly) || setup)
    tl[c("bimonth", "bimonthly")] <- tl[bimonthly]
  if(!missing(quarterly) || setup)
    tl[c("quarterly", "q")] <- tl[quarterly]
  if(!missing(annual) || setup)
    tl[c("annual", "a")] <- tl[annual]
  if(!missing(semiannual) || setup)
    tl[c("sann", "semiannual")]  <- tl[semiannual]
  assign(".tifList", tl, envir = .tiEnv)

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