
Defines functions tail.tis head.tis mergeSeries cbind.tis t.tis print.tis points.tis Ops.tis xtfrm.tis as.matrix.tis window.tis diff.tis lines.tis lag.tis dateRange time.tis cycle.tis deltat.tis frequency.tis cumsum.tis cumprod.tis cummin.tis cummax.tis as.ts.tis as.tis.default as.tis.ts as.tis.tis as.tis stripTis end.tis start.tis tif.tis ti.tis tis is.tis

Documented in as.matrix.tis as.tis as.tis.default as.tis.tis as.tis.ts as.ts.tis cbind.tis cummax.tis cummin.tis cumprod.tis cumsum.tis dateRange end.tis is.tis lag.tis lines.tis mergeSeries points.tis print.tis start.tis stripTis tif.tis tis ti.tis t.tis window.tis

## Time Indexed Series
is.tis <- function(x) inherits(x, "tis")

tis <- function(data, start = 1, tif = NULL, frequency = NULL, 
                end = NULL){
  n <- NROW(data)
    if(missing(end)) stop("start or end must be given \n")
    else {
      endTi   <- ti(end, tif = tif, freq = frequency)
      startTi <- endTi - n + 1
  else {
    startTi <- ti(start, tif = tif, freq = frequency)
      endTi <- startTi + n - 1
    else {
      endTi <- ti(end, tif = tif, freq = frequency)
      n <- endTi + 1 - startTi
    data <- as.matrix(data)
  x <- unclass(data)
  if(NROW(x) != n){
    if(is.matrix(x)) x <- apply(x, 2, rep, length.out = n)
    else x <- rep(x, length.out = n)
  if(!is.null(dnx <- dimnames(x))) 
    dimnames(x) <- list(character(0), dnx[[2]])
  start(x) <- startTi
  class(x) <- "tis"

ti.tis <- function(x, ...) start(x) + 0:(NROW(x)-1)

tif.tis <- function(x, ...) tif(start(x), ...)

start.tis <- function(x, ...) attr(x, "start")

"start<-" <- function(x, value){
  attr(x, "start") <- value

end.tis <- function(x, ...){
  n <- NROW(x)
  if(n > 0) start(x) + n - 1
  else start(x)

stripTis <- function(x){
  z <- stripClass(x, "tis")
  attr(z, "start") <- NULL
  attr(z, "observed") <- NULL
  attr(z, "basis") <- NULL

as.tis <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("as.tis")
as.tis.tis <- function(x, ...) x
as.tis.ts <- function(x, ...){
  sti <- ti(start(x), freq = frequency(x))
  tsp(x) <- NULL
  tis(x, start = sti)

as.tis.default <- function(x, ...){
  tis(x, ...)

as.ts.tis <- function(x, ...){
  xstart <- start(x)
  ts(stripTis(x), start = c(year(xstart), cycle(xstart)), frequency = frequency(x))

aggregate.tis <- function (x, FUN = sum, ...){
  argList <- list(...)
  if (missing(FUN) && !is.null(argList$fun)) 
    argList$FUN <- argList$fun
    argList$FUN <- FUN
  argList$fun <- NULL
  argList$x <- as.ts(x)
  ## substitute local version of aggregate.ts if there is one
  if(exists("aggregate.ts", envir = globalenv()))
    aggregate.ts <- get("aggregate.ts", envir = globalenv())
  as.tis(do.call("aggregate.ts", argList))

cummax.tis <- function(x){
  xs <- stripTis(x)
  if(is.matrix(xs)) xs <- apply(xs, 2, cummax)
  else              xs <- cummax(xs)
  tis(xs, start = start(x))

cummin.tis <- function(x){
  xs <- stripTis(x)
  if(is.matrix(xs)) xs <- apply(xs, 2, cummin)
  else              xs <- cummin(xs)
  tis(xs, start = start(x))

cumprod.tis <- function(x){
  xs <- stripTis(x)
  if(is.matrix(xs)) xs <- apply(xs, 2, cumprod)
  else              xs <- cumprod(xs)
  tis(xs, start = start(x))

cumsum.tis <- function(x){
  xs <- stripTis(x)
  if(is.matrix(xs)) xs <- apply(xs, 2, cumsum)
  else              xs <- cumsum(xs)
  tis(xs, start = start(x))

frequency.tis <- function(x, ...) frequency(start(x))
deltat.tis <- function(x, ...) 1/frequency(x)
cycle.tis <- function(x, ...) cycle(ti(x))
time.tis <- function(x, ...)  time(ti(x), ...)

dateRange <- function(x){
  if(is.tis(x)) start(x) + c(0, NROW(x) - 1)
  else ti(start(x), freq = frequency(x)) + c(0, NROW(x) - 1)

lag.tis <- function(x, k = 1, ...){
  start(x) <- start(x) - round(k)

lines.tis <- function(x, offset = 0.5, dropNA = FALSE, ...){
  xcts    <- POSIXct(ti(x), offset = offset)
  xtimes  <- time(xcts)
  xrange  <- par("usr")[1:2]
  ctSum   <- sum(between(unclass(xcts), xrange[1], xrange[2]))
  timeSum <- sum(between(xtimes, xrange[1], xrange[2]))
  xt <- if(ctSum > timeSum) xcts else xtimes
    naSpots <- is.na(x)
    xt <- xt[!naSpots]
    x  <- x[!naSpots]
  lines.default(xt, x, ...)

diff.tis <- function(x, lag = 1, differences = 1, ...){
  if(lag < 1 || lag != round(lag))
    stop("lag must be a positive integer")
  if(differences < 1 || differences != round(differences))
    stop("differences must be a positive integer")
  dimx <- dim(x)
  n <- if(is.null(dimx)) length(x) else dimx[1]
  j <- lag * differences
  if(j >= n) return(x[0])
  zStart <- start(x) + j
  z <- stripTis(x)
  l <- 1:lag
  m <- n - l + 1
  if(length(dimx) < 2)
    for(i in 1:differences) {
      z <- z[ - l] - z[ - m]
      m <- m - lag
  else for(i in 1:differences) {
    z <- z[ - l,  , drop = F] - z[ - m,  , drop = F]
    m <- m - lag
  tis(z, start = zStart)

window.tis <- function(x, start = NULL, end = NULL, extend = FALSE, noWarn = FALSE, ...){
  xStart <- start(x)
  xEnd   <- end(x)
  xDim   <- dim(x)
  isMat <- is.matrix(x)
  tif <- tif(x)

  ## figure yStart
  if(missing(start) || is.null(start)) 
    yStart <- xStart
    yStart <- ti(start, tif = tif)
  if(yStart < xStart && !extend){
    yStart <- xStart
    if(!noWarn) warning("start value of series not changed")
  ## figure yEnd
  if(missing(end) || is.null(end)) 
    yEnd <- xEnd
    yEnd <- ti(end, tif = tif)

  if(yEnd > xEnd && !extend){
    yEnd <- xEnd
    if(!noWarn) warning("end value of series not changed")

  if(yStart > yEnd) stop("start cannot be after end")

    lo.index <- 1 + yStart - xStart
    hi.index <- lo.index + yEnd - yStart
      z <- x[lo.index:hi.index, , drop=F]
      z <- x[lo.index:hi.index]
  else{ ## extend 
      z<- matrix(NA, nrow = (yEnd - yStart + 1), ncol = dim(x)[2])
      z<- rep(NA, yEnd - yStart + 1)

    if(yStart <= xStart){
      lox.index <- 1
      loz.index <- xStart - yStart+1
      lox.index <- 1 + yStart - xStart
      loz.index <- 1
    if (yEnd >= xEnd) 
      hix.index <- NROW(x)
      hix.index <- 1 + yEnd - xStart #change per Luke Van Cleve
    hiz.index <- loz.index + (hix.index - lox.index + 1) - 1
      z[loz.index:hiz.index,]<- x[lox.index:hix.index, , drop = F]
      z[loz.index:hiz.index]<- x[lox.index:hix.index]
  y <- tis(z, start = yStart)
  if(!is.null(xbasis <- attr(x, "basis")))
     attr(y, "basis") <- xbasis
  if(!is.null(xobserved <- attr(x, "observed")))
     attr(y, "observed") <- xobserved
  if(is.null(xDim)) dim(y) <- NULL
  class(y) <- "tis"

as.matrix.tis <- function(x, ...){
  if(length(dim(x)) != 2)
    dim(x) <- c(length(x), 1)

as.data.frame.tis <- function (x, ...){
  if (is.matrix(x)) 
    as.data.frame.matrix(x, ...)
  else as.data.frame.vector(x, ...)

xtfrm.tis <- function(x) as.numeric(x)

Ops.tis <- function(e1, e2){ 
  if(nargs() == 1) { ## unary operators
    val <- switch(.Generic,
                  "-" = -1 * e1,
                  "+" = e1,
                  "!" = !as.logical(e1))
  tisArg <- nchar(.Method) > 0
  if(!all(tisArg)){  ## one of e1,e2 is not a tis object
    if(tisArg[1]){ ## e2 is not tis
        e2 <- as.tis(e2)
      else return(NextMethod(.Generic))
    if(tisArg[2]){ ## e1 is not tis
        e1 <- as.tis(e1)
      else return(NextMethod(.Generic))
  ## if we've gotten this far, e1 and e2 are both tis
  start1 <- start(e1)
  start2 <- start(e2)
  start3 <- max(start1, start2)
  end1 <- end(e1)
  end2 <- end(e2)
  end3 <- min(end1, end2)
  if(start3 > end3) stop("non-overlapping tis series")
  ## still here? Window the series and proceed
  if(!((start1 == start3)&&(end1 == end3)))
    e1 <- window(e1, start = start3, end = end3)
  if(!((start2 == start3)&&(end2 == end3)))
    e2 <- window(e2, start = start3, end = end3)
  result <- NextMethod(.Generic)
  if(!is.tis(result)) result <- tis(result, start = start3)

points.tis <- function(x, offset = 0.5, dropNA = FALSE, ...){
  xcts    <- POSIXct(ti(x), offset = offset)
  xtimes  <- time(xcts)
  xrange  <- par("usr")[1:2]
  ctSum   <- sum(between(unclass(xcts), xrange[1], xrange[2]))
  timeSum <- sum(between(xtimes, xrange[1], xrange[2]))
  xt <- if(ctSum > timeSum) xcts else xtimes
    naSpots <- is.na(x)
    xt <- xt[!naSpots]
    x  <- x[!naSpots]
  points.default(xt, x, ...)

print.tis <- function(x, format = "%Y%m%d", matrix.format = FALSE, class = TRUE, ...){
  f <- frequency(x)
  nc <- NCOL(x)
  if((nc == 1) && ((f == 4) || (f == 12)) && !matrix.format)
    print(as.ts(x), ...)
  else {
    xtif <- tif(x)
    if(missing(format) && isIntradayTif(xtif)){
      if(between(xtif, 2000, 2900)) format <- "%Y%m%d:%H"
      if(between(xtif, 3000, 3900)) format <- "%Y%m%d:%H:%M"
      if(between(xtif, 4000, 4900)) format <- "%Y%m%d:%H:%M:%S"
    if(NROW(x) > 0) rNames <- format(ti(x), format = format)
    else            rNames <- character(0)
    if(is.null(cNames <- dimnames(x)[[2]])){
      if(nc == 1) cNames <- ""
      else        cNames <- character(0)
    print(matrix(unclass(x), ncol = nc, dimnames = list(rNames, cNames)))
  if(class) cat("class: tis\n")

t.tis <- function(x) t(stripTis(x))

cbind.tis <- function(..., union = F){
  object <- substitute(list(...))[-1]
  x <- list(...)[sapply(list(...), length) > 0]
  ## x <- list(...)
  nx <- length(x)
  if(nx < 1) stop("No data")
  tisArg <- sapply(x, is.tis)
  tisX <- x[tisArg]
  starts <- asTi(sapply(tisX, start))
  ends   <- asTi(sapply(tisX, end))
  tifs   <- sapply(tisX, tif)
  if(any(tifs != tifs[1]))
    stop("time series have different frequencies")
    start <- min(starts)
    end   <- max(ends)
    start <- max(starts)
    end   <- min(ends)
  if(start > end) stop("Non-intersecting series")
  for(i in seq(x)){
    x[[i]] <- tis(x[[i]], start = start, end = end)
  z <- NULL
  argnames <- names(x)	## were names given?
  if(length(argnames) != nx)
    argnames <- character(nx)
  no.argname <- nchar(argnames) == 0
  argnames <- as.list(argnames)
  for(i in seq(x)){
    ser <- x[[i]]
      labels <- dimnames(ser)[[2]]
      ncol <- dim(ser)[2]
      cols <- 1:ncol
      if(length(labels) != ncol){
        if(no.argname[i])  argnames[[i]] <- deparse(object[[i]])
        labels <- if(ncol > 1) paste(argnames[[i]], cols, sep = ".") 
        else argnames[[i]]
          labels <- paste(argnames[[i]], labels, sep = ".")
      argnames[[i]] <- labels
      ## Univariate case
      if(no.argname[i]) argnames[[i]] <- deparse(object[[i]])
      start.i <- starts[i]
      end.i <- ends[i]
        if(start.i > start) ser[start,] <- NA
        if(end.i < end) ser[end,] <- NA
        if(start.i > start) ser[start] <- NA
        if(end.i < end) ser[end] <- NA
      ans <- ser
      ans <- window(ser, start = start, end = end)
    z <- cbind(z, stripTis(ans))
  colnames <- unlist(argnames)
  noname <- nchar(colnames) == 0
    colnames[noname] <- paste("Ser", 1:length(colnames), sep = ".")[noname]
  start(z) <- start
  class(z) <- "tis"
  dimnames(z) <- list(character(0), colnames)

mergeSeries <- function(x, y, differences=FALSE, naLoses = FALSE){
  ## where x and y overlap, y values are used, unless naLoses
  ## is TRUE and there are NA values in y with corresponding
  ## non-NA values in x.
  ## if diff == T, the first differences are merged, and then
  ## cumulatively summed.  If start(y) <= start(x), the first
  ## obs will be from y, else it is from x.  Column names of x
  ## are updated by column names from y, if any.
  x <- as.tis(x)
  y <- as.tis(y)
  if(tif(x) != tif(y)) stop("incompatible tifs")
  xCols <- if(is.matrix(x)) dim(x)[2] else 1
  yCols <- if(is.matrix(y)) dim(y)[2] else 1
  if(xCols != yCols) stop("incompatible number of columns")

  xStart <- start(x) 
  yStart <- start(y)
  xRows  <- NROW(x)
  yRows  <- NROW(y)
  zStart <- min(xStart, yStart)
  zRows  <- max(xStart + xRows, yStart + yRows) - zStart
  ix <- (1:xRows) + xStart - zStart
  iy <- (1:yRows) + yStart - zStart
  if(xCols == 1){
    z <- numeric(zRows) + NA
      if(zStart == yStart){
        firstval <- y[1]
        if(naLoses && is.na(y[1]) && zStart == xStart)
          firstval <- x[1]
      else firstval <- x[1]
      za <- c(firstval, unclass(mergeSeries(diff(x), diff(y))))
      z <- cumsum(za)
      z[ix] <- x[]
        notNA <- !is.na(y)
        z[iy[notNA]] <- y[notNA]
      else z[iy] <- y[]
    z <- matrix(NA, zRows, xCols)
      if(zStart == yStart){
        firstval <- y[1,]
        if(naLoses && zStart == xStart){
          naSpots <- is.na(y[1,])
          firstval[naSpots] <- x[1, naSpots]
      else firstval <- x[1,]
      za <- rbind(firstval, unclass(mergeSeries(diff(x), diff(y)))) 
      for(j in 1:xCols) z[,j] <- cumsum(za[,j])
      for(j in 1:xCols){
        z[ix, j] <- x[,j]
          notNA <- !is.na(y[,j])
          z[iy[notNA], j] <- y[notNA, j]
          z[iy, j] <- y[,j]
    xDn <- dimnames(x)
    yDn <- dimnames(y)
    zColnames <- character(0)
    if(!is.null(xDn[[2]])) zColnames <- xDn[[2]]
    if(!is.null(yDn[[2]])) zColnames <- yDn[[2]]
    dimnames(z) <- list(character(0), zColnames)
  tis(z, start = zStart)

"[.tis" <- function(x, i, j, drop = T){
  if(is.null(dim(x))) dim(x) <- length(x)
  if(missing(i) && missing(j)) 
    z <- unclass(x)[, j, drop = drop]
    start(z) <- start(x)
    class(z) <- class(x)
  tif <- tif(x)
    i <- seq(i)[i]
  if(is.numeric(i)|| is.ti(i)){
    if(couldBeTi(i, tif = tif)) i <- asTi(i)
      i <- i + 1 - start(x)
      i[i<=0] <- NA ## Can only happen if i is before start(x), which can't be right
  else stop("non-numeric row index")
  z <- stripTis(x)
      sc <- sys.call()
      if(length(sc) > 3 && as.character(sc[[4]]) == "")
        return(z[i, , drop = drop])
        return(z[i, drop=drop])
      return(z[i, j, drop=drop])

"[<-.tis" <- function(x, i, j, ..., value){
  tif <- tif(x)
  xStart <- start(x)
  x <- stripTis(x)
    if(missing(j)) x[]   <- value
    else           x[,j] <- value
  else {
    naSpots <- is.na(i)
    someNA <- any(naSpots)
      alli <- i
      i <- i[!naSpots]
    if(is.numeric(i) || is.ti(i)){
      if(!is.ti(i) && couldBeTi(i, tif = tif))
        i <- asTi(i)
        i <- i + 1 - xStart
        if(any(i < 1)){
          newRows <- 1 - min(i)
          xStart <- xStart - newRows
          if(is.null(m <- ncol(x)))  m <- 1
          i <- i + newRows
            x <- rbind(matrix(NA, newRows, m), x)
            x <- c(rep(NA, newRows), x)
    else if(!is.logical(i)) stop("non-numeric, non-logical row index")
      alli[!naSpots] <- i
      i <- alli
      ## if j is missing and the call had the form
      ## x[i]  <- value    rather than
      ## x[i,] <- value
      ## then set singleIndex to TRUE
      singleIndex <- missing(j) && (length(sys.call()) == length(match.call()))
      if((!singleIndex) && any(i > nrow(x))){
        newRows <- max(i) - nrow(x)
        x <- rbind(x, matrix(NA, newRows, ncol(x)))
        if(is.matrix(i))  x[i] <- value
        else {
            if(is.logical(i)) x[i] <- rep(value, length.out = sum(i))
            else              x[i] <- rep(value, length.out = length(i))
          else {
            if(is.logical(i)) x[i,] <- rep(value, length.out = sum(i)*ncol(x))
            else              x[i,] <- rep(value, length.out = length(i)*ncol(x))
      else x[i,j] <- value
    else x[i] <- value
  start(x) <- xStart
  class(x) <- c("tis", oldClass(x))

head.tis <- function(x, n = 6, ...){
  if(n == 0) stop("head() with n = 0 makes no sense")
  if(n > 0) window(x, end = start(x) + n - 1)
  else      window(x, end = end(x) + n)

tail.tis <- function(x, n = 6, ...){
  if(n == 0) stop("tail() with n = 0 makes no sense")
  if(n > 0) window(x, start = end(x) - n + 1)
  else      window(x, start = start(x) - n)

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tis documentation built on Sept. 29, 2021, 1:06 a.m.