
Defines functions wgaim.default envFix constructCM tr qtlSelect cross2int addiag linkMap linkMap.cross

Documented in addiag constructCM cross2int envFix linkMap linkMap.cross qtlSelect tr wgaim.default

wgaim <- function (baseModel, ...)

wgaim.default <- function(baseModel, ...)
  stop("Currently the only supported method is \"asreml\"")

wgaim.asreml <- function (baseModel, intervalObj, merge.by = NULL, fix.lines = TRUE, gen.type = "interval", method = "fixed", selection = "interval", exclusion.window = 20, breakout = -1, TypeI = 0.05, trace = TRUE, verboseLev = 0, ...)
    if (!baseModel$converge) {
        cat("Warning: Base model has not converged. Updating base model\n")
        baseModel <- update(baseModel)
            stop("Base model not converged: Check base model before proceeding with QTL analysis.")
    asremlEnv <- lapply(baseModel$formulae, function(el) attr(el, ".Environment"))
    phenoData <- eval(baseModel$call$data)
    if (missing(phenoData))
        stop("phenoData is a required argument.")
    if (missing(intervalObj))
        stop("intervalObj is a required argument.")
    if (!inherits(intervalObj, "interval"))
        stop("intervalObj is not of class \"interval\"")
    if (is.null(merge.by))
        stop("Need name of matching column to merge datasets.")
    if (is.null(glines <- intervalObj$pheno[, merge.by]))
        stop("Genotypic data does not contain column \"", merge.by,
    if (is.null(plines <- phenoData[, merge.by]))
        stop("Phenotypic data does not contain column \"", merge.by,
    if (all(is.na(match(glines, plines))))
        stop("Names in genotypic \"", merge.by, "\" column do not match any names in phenotypic \"",
             merge.by, "\" column.")
    if (!(method %in% c("fixed","random")))
        stop("Method has to be either \"fixed\" or \"random\" (see ?wgaim.asreml).")
    if (!(selection %in% c("interval","chromosome")))
        stop("Selection method has to be either \"interval\" or \"chromosome\" (see ?wgaim.asreml).")
    if(!is.numeric(breakout) | breakout < -1 | breakout == 0)
        stop("breakout argument must be -1 or a positive integer.")
    if (is.character(trace)) {
        ftrace <- file(trace, "w")
        sink(trace, type = "output", append = FALSE)
        on.exit(sink(type = "output"))
        on.exit(close(ftrace), add = TRUE)
    if(gen.type %in% "interval")
        gdat <- lapply(intervalObj$geno, function(el) el$interval.data)
    else gdat <- lapply(intervalObj$geno, function(el) el$imputed.data)
    genoData <- do.call("cbind", gdat)
    nint <- lapply(gdat, function(el) 1:ncol(el))
    lint <- unlist(lapply(nint, length))
    mnams <- paste("Chr", rep(names(intervalObj$geno), times = lint), unlist(nint), sep = ".")
    dimnames(genoData) <- list(as.character(glines), mnams)
    genoData <- genoData[rownames(genoData) %in% as.character(plines),]
    rterms <- unlist(strsplit(deparse(baseModel$call$random[[2]]), " \\+ "))
    rterms <- rterms[-grep(merge.by, rterms)]
    whg <- levels(phenoData[[merge.by]]) %in% rownames(genoData)
    genetic.term <- merge.by
    vm <- FALSE
    if(!all(whg) & fix.lines){
#        !all(whg <- levels(phenoData[[merge.by]]) %in% rownames(genoData)))
        phenoData$Gomit <- phenoData$Gsave <- plines
        levels(phenoData$Gsave)[!whg] <- NA
        levels(phenoData$Gomit)[whg] <- "GEN"
        fix.form <- as.formula(paste(". ~ Gomit + .", sep = ""))
        ran.base <- formula(paste(c("~ Gsave", rterms), collapse = " + "))
        baseModel$call$data <- quote(phenoData)
        cat("\nFixing lines and updating initial base model:\n")
        baseModel <- update(baseModel, fixed. = fix.form, random. = ran.base, ...)
        merge.by <- "Gsave"
    qtlModel <- baseModel
    if(ncol(genoData) > nrow(genoData)){
        cov.env <- constructCM(genoData)
        covObj <- cov.env$relm
        vmterms <- c(paste("vm","(",merge.by,", covObj)", sep = ""), merge.by)
        ran.form <- as.formula(paste(c("~", vmterms, rterms), collapse = " + "))
        attr(intervalObj, "env") <- cov.env
        vm <- TRUE
    } else {
        covObj <- cbind.data.frame(rownames(genoData), genoData)
        names(covObj)[1] <- merge.by
        qtlModel$call$mbf$ints$key <- rep(merge.by, 2)
        qtlModel$call$mbf$ints$cov <- "covObj"
        ran.form <- as.formula(paste(c("~ mbf('ints')", merge.by, rterms), collapse = " + "))
    assign("covObj", covObj, envir = parent.frame())
    cat("\nRandom Effects Interval/Marker Model Iteration (1):\n")
    qtlModel$call$data <- quote(phenoData)
    qtlModel <- update(qtlModel, random. = ran.form, ...)
    ldiag <- coef.list <- vcoef.list <- list()
    qtl <- c(); iter <- 1
    state <- rep(1, ncol(genoData))
    names(state) <- mnams
    repeat {
        selq <- qtlSelect(qtlModel, phenoData, intervalObj, gen.type, selection, exclusion.window, state, verboseLev)
        state <- selq$state
        ldiag$oint[[iter]] <- selq$oint
        ldiag$ochr[[iter]] <- selq$ochr
        ldiag$blups[[iter]] <- selq$blups
        baseLogL <- baseModel$loglik
        stat <- 2 * (qtlModel$loglik - baseLogL)
        ldiag$lik[[iter]] <- c(baseLogL, qtlModel$loglik, stat, (1 - pchisq(stat, 1))/2)
        if ((stat < qchisq(1 - 2 * TypeI, 1)) | (breakout == iter))
        qtl[iter] <- selq$qtl
        cqtl <- strsplit(qtl[iter], "\\.")
        wchr <- sapply(cqtl, "[", 2)
        wint <- sapply(cqtl, "[", 3)
        message("Found QTL on chromosome ", wchr, " ", gen.type, " ", wint)
        tmp <- cbind.data.frame(rownames(genoData), genoData[, qtl[iter]])
        qtl.x <- gsub("Chr\\.", "X.", qtl[iter])
        names(tmp) <- c(merge.by, qtl.x)
        phenoData <- cbind.data.frame(ord = 1:nrow(phenoData), phenoData)
        phenoData <- merge(phenoData, tmp, by = merge.by, all.x = TRUE, all.y = FALSE)
        phenoData <- phenoData[order(phenoData$ord), ]
        phenoData <- phenoData[, -2]
        mout <- (1:ncol(genoData))[!as.logical(state)]
        genoSub <- genoData[, -mout]
        if(ncol(genoSub) > nrow(genoSub)){
            cov.env <- constructCM(genoSub)
            covObj <- cov.env$relm
            attr(intervalObj, "env") <- cov.env
        else {
            covObj <- cbind.data.frame(rownames(genoSub), genoSub)
            names(covObj)[1] <- merge.by
            if(is.null(qtlModel$call$mbf$ints) & vm){
                rterms <- unlist(strsplit(deparse(qtlModel$call$random[[2]]), " \\+ "))
                rterms <- rterms[!(vmterms %in% rterms)]
                qtlModel$call$mbf$ints$key <- rep(merge.by, 2)
                qtlModel$call$mbf$ints$cov <- "covObj"
                ran.form <- as.formula(paste(c("~ mbf('ints')", merge.by, rterms), collapse = " + "))
        assign("covObj", covObj, envir = parent.frame())
        qtlModel$call$data <- baseModel$call$data <- quote(phenoData)
        if(method == "random"){
            ran.form <- formula(paste("~ . +", qtl.x, sep = ""))
            cat("\nRandom Effects QTL Model Iteration (", iter, "):\n")
            baseModel <- vModify(baseModel, merge.by)
            baseModel <- update(baseModel, random. = ran.form, ...)
            cat("\nRandom Effects QTL plus Interval/Marker Model Iteration (", iter,"):\n")
            qtlModel <- vModify(qtlModel, merge.by)
            qtlModel <- update(qtlModel, random. = ran.form, ...)
            list.coefs <- qtlModel$coefficients$random
            zind <- grep("X\\.", rownames(list.coefs))
            sub.list <- list.coefs[zind, 1]
            names(sub.list) <- rownames(list.coefs)[zind]
            coef.list[[iter]] <- sub.list
            vcoef.list[[iter]] <- qtlModel$vcoeff$random[zind]
        else {
            fix.form <- as.formula(paste(". ~ . +", qtl.x, sep = ""))
            cat("\nFixed Effects QTL Model Iteration (", iter, "):\n")
            baseModel <- update(baseModel, fixed. = fix.form, ...)
            cat("\nFixed Effects QTL plus Interval/Marker Model Iteration (", iter, "):\n")
            qtlModel <- update(qtlModel, fixed. = fix.form, ...)
            list.coefs <- qtlModel$coefficients$fixed
            zind <- grep("X\\.", rownames(list.coefs))
            sub.list <- rev(list.coefs[zind, 1])
            names(sub.list) <- rev(rownames(list.coefs)[zind])
            coef.list[[iter]] <- sub.list
            vcoef.list[[iter]] <- rev(qtlModel$vcoeff$fixed[zind])
        iter <- iter + 1
    qtl.list <- list()
    qtl.list$selection <- selection
    qtl.list$method <- method
    qtl.list$type <- gen.type
    qtl.list$diag <- ldiag
    if (length(qtl)) {
        qtl.list$diag$coef.list <- coef.list
        qtl.list$diag$vcoef.list <- vcoef.list
        qtl.list$diag$lik.mat <- matrix(unlist(ldiag$lik), ncol = 4, byrow = TRUE)
        dimnames(qtl.list$diag$lik.mat)[[2]] <- c("L0","L1","Statistic","Pvalue")
        qtl.list$diag$state <- state
        qtl.list$diag$genetic.term <- genetic.term
        qtl.list$diag$rel.scale <- cov.env$scale
        qtl.list$iterations <- iter - 1
        qtl.list$breakout <- ifelse(breakout != -1, TRUE, FALSE)
        qtl.list$qtl <- qtl
        qtl.list$effects <- coef.list[[iter - 1]]
        qtl.list$veffects <- vcoef.list[[iter - 1]]
    data.name <- paste(as.character(baseModel$call$fixed[2]), "data", sep = ".")
    assign(data.name, phenoData, envir = parent.frame())
    qtlModel <- envFix(qtlModel, asremlEnv)
    ## baseModel$call$data <- as.name(data.name)
    qtlModel$QTL <- qtl.list
    class(qtlModel) <- c("wgaim", "asreml")

vModify <- function (model, merge.by){
    namg <- names(model$G.param)
    terms <- paste("mbf*.ints*", paste("vm\\(", merge.by, "*", sep = ""), "X\\.", sep = "|")
    nterm <- grep(terms, namg)
        for (i in nterm){
            con.term <- model$G.param[[i]][[1]]$con == "B"
            if (any(con.term)) {
                model$G.param[[i]][[1]]$con[con.term] <- "P"
                model$G.param[[i]][[1]]$initial[con.term] <- 0.1

envFix <- function(model, asremlEnv){
    for(i in names(asremlEnv)){
        attr(model$formulae[[i]], ".Environment") <- asremlEnv[[i]]
        if(i %in% names(model$call))
            environment(model$call[[i]]) <- asremlEnv[[i]]
    for(i in names(attributes(model$mf)$model.terms))
        attr(attributes(model$mf)$model.terms[[i]]$Terms.obj, ".Environment") <- NULL
    attributes(model$mf)$mbf.env <- attributes(model$mf)$points.env <- NULL

constructCM <- function(genoData, scale.method = "diag") {
        tg <- t(genoData)
        relm <- crossprod(tg)
        scale <- mean(diag(relm))
        relm <- relm/scale
        attr(relm, "rowNames") <- dimnames(relm)[[2]] <- rownames(genoData)
        ch <- chol(relm)
        chol.inv <- chol2inv(ch)
        rm.env <- new.env()
        rm.env$trans <- (tg %*% chol.inv)/scale
        rm.env$relm <- relm
        rm.env$scale <- scale

getQTL <- function (object, intervalObj)
  spe <- strsplit(names(object$QTL$effects),"\\.")
  wchr <- sapply(spe, "[", 2)
  wint <- as.numeric(sapply(spe, "[", 3))
  qtlm <- matrix(ncol = 6, nrow = length(wchr))
  for (i in 1:length(wchr)) {
    lhmark <- intervalObj$geno[[wchr[i]]]$map[wint[i]]
    qtlm[i, 1:4] <-  c(wchr[i], wint[i], names(lhmark), round(lhmark, 2))
    if(object$QTL$type == "interval"){
        if(length(intervalObj$geno[[wchr[i]]]$map) > 1)
            rhmark <- intervalObj$geno[[wchr[i]]]$map[wint[i] + 1]
        else rhmark <- intervalObj$geno[[wchr[i]]]$map[wint[i]]
        qtlm[i, 5:6] <- c(names(rhmark), round(rhmark, 2))
   else qtlm <- qtlm[,-c(5:6)]

summary.wgaim <- function (object, intervalObj, LOD = TRUE, ...)
    if (missing(intervalObj))
        stop("intervalObj is a required argument")
    if (!inherits(intervalObj, "cross"))
        stop("intervalObj is not of class \"cross\"")
    if (is.null(qtle <- object$QTL$effects)) {
        cat("There are no significant putative QTL's\n")
    sigma2 <- object$sigma2
    if(object$vparameters.con[length(object$vparameters.con)] == 4)
        sigma2 <- 1
    if (object$QTL$type == "interval")
        gdat <- lapply(intervalObj$geno, function(el) el$interval.data)
    else gdat <- lapply(intervalObj$geno, function(el) el$imputed.data)
    genoData <- do.call("cbind", gdat)
    gterm <- object$QTL$diag$genetic.term
    scale <- object$QTL$diag$rel.scale
    dimnames(genoData) <- list(as.character(intervalObj$pheno[[gterm]]), names(object$QTL$diag$state))
    genoSub <- genoData[,as.logical(object$QTL$diag$state)]
    if("Gsave" %in% names(object$mf))
        gterm <- "Gsave"
    genoSub <- genoSub[rownames(genoSub) %in% levels(object$mf[[gterm]]),]
    coef.mark <- c(mean(apply(genoSub,1,function(el) sum(el*el)), na.rm=TRUE))
    mark.terms <- paste("mbf*.*ints*", paste("vm\\(", gterm, "*", sep = ""), sep = "|")
    oth.terms <- object$vparameters[-grep(mark.terms, names(object$vparameters))]
    var.mark <- sigma2*object$vparameters[grep(mark.terms, names(object$vparameters))]/scale
    var.res <- sigma2*oth.terms[grep(gterm, names(oth.terms))]
    if(object$QTL$method == "random"){
        var.est <- sigma2*object$vparameters[grep("X\\.", names(object$vparameters))]
        coef.est <- apply(genoData[,object$QTL$qtl, drop = FALSE]^2, 2, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
    } else {
        var.est <- qtle^2
        coef.est <- rep(1, length(qtle))
    var.all <- sum(c(coef.est, coef.mark, 1)*c(var.est, var.mark, var.res))
    perc.var <- round(100*(coef.est*var.est)/var.all, 1)
    zrat <- qtle/sqrt(object$QTL$veffects * sigma2)
    if (object$QTL$method == "random") {
        pvalue <- round((1 - pchisq(zrat^2, df=1))/2, 4)
        pname <- "Prob"
    else {
        pvalue <- round(2 * (1 - pnorm(abs(zrat))), 4)
        pname <- "Pvalue"
    qtlmat <- as.data.frame(matrix(getQTL(object, intervalObj), nrow = length(qtle)))
    qtlmat <- cbind.data.frame(qtlmat[, c(1, 3:ncol(qtlmat))], round(qtle, 4), pvalue, perc.var)
    add.lab <- c("Size", pname, "% Var")
    if (object$QTL$type == "interval")
        collab <- c("Chromosome", "Left Marker", "dist(cM)","Right Marker", "dist(cM)")
    else collab <- c("Chromosome", "Marker", "dist(cM)")
    names(qtlmat) <- c(collab, add.lab)
    if (LOD){
        lod <- round(0.5 * log(exp(zrat^2), base = 10), 4)
        qtlmat <- cbind.data.frame(qtlmat, LOD = lod)
    qtlmat <- qtlmat[order(qtlmat[, 1], as.numeric(as.character(qtlmat[,3]))), ]
    rownames(qtlmat) <- as.character(1:length(qtle))

qtlTable <- function (..., intervalObj = NULL, labels = NULL, columns = "all")
    dots <- list(...)
    if (is.null(intervalObj))
        stop("Argument intervalObj cannot be NULL")
    nams <- unlist(lapply(dots, function(el) el$QTL$type))
    if (length(unique(nams)) > 1)
        stop("Models must have been analysed with the same genetic type (see ?wgaim.asreml).")
    mnams <- unlist(lapply(dots, function(el) el$QTL$method))
    if(length(unique(mnams)) > 1)
        stop("Models must have been analysed using the same method (see ?wgaim.asreml).")
    if (!is.null(labels)) {
        if (length(labels) != length(dots))
            stop("Length of labels is not equal to the number of models.")
    else labels <- unlist(lapply(dots, function(el) deparse(el$call$fixed[[2]])))
    olist <- unlist(lapply(dots, function(el) if(!is.null(el$QTL$effects)) TRUE else FALSE))
    dots <- dots[olist]
    labels <- labels[olist]
    qlist <- lapply(dots, function(el, intervalObj, columns) {
        summ <- summary(el, intervalObj)
        if (is.numeric(columns))
            summ <- summ[, columns]
    }, intervalObj, columns)
    qr <- sapply(qlist, nrow)
    qt <- do.call("rbind.data.frame", qlist)
    qt <- cbind.data.frame(Trait = rep(labels, times = qr), qt)

print.wgaim <- function (x, intervalObj, ...)
    if (missing(intervalObj))
        stop("intervalObj is a required argument")
    if (!inherits(intervalObj, "interval"))
        stop("intervalObj is not of class \"interval\"")
    if (is.null(x$QTL$effects))
        cat("There are no significant putative QTL's\n")
    else {
        qtlm <- getQTL(x, intervalObj)
        for (z in 1:nrow(qtlm)) {
            int <- paste(qtlm[z, 1], qtlm[z, 2], sep = ".")
            if(x$QTL$type == "interval")
                cat("\nPutative QTL found on the interval", int,
                    "\nLeft-hand marker is", qtlm[z, 3], "\nRight-hand marker is",
                    qtlm[z, 5], "\n")
            else cat("\nPutative QTL found close to marker", int,
                    "\nMarker is", qtlm[z, 3], "\n")

tr <- function(object, ...)

tr.wgaim <- function (object, iter = 1:length(object$QTL$effects), lik.out = TRUE, ...)
    dots <- list(...)
    if (!is.na(pmatch("digits", names(dots))))
        dig <- dots$digits
    else dig <- options()$digits
    cl <- object$QTL$diag$coef.list
    vl <- object$QTL$diag$vcoef.list
    sigma2 <- object$sigma2
    if(object$vparameters.con[length(object$vparameters.con)] == 4)
        sigma2 <- 1
    zrl <- lapply(1:length(cl), function(i, cl, vl, sigma2)
                  cl[[i]]/(sqrt(vl[[i]]*sigma2)), cl = cl, vl = vl, sigma2 = sigma2)
    if (any(ret <- is.na(pmatch(iter, 1:length(zrl))))) {
        warning("\"iter\" values outside expected range .. using ones that are in iteration range.")
        iter <- iter[!ret]
    if(object$QTL$method == "random")
        pvals <- lapply(zrl, function(el, len, dig) {
            pv <- (1 - pchisq(el^2, df=1))/2
            pv <- round(pv, dig)
            c(pv, rep(NA, len - length(pv)))
    }, len = length(zrl), dig = dig)
        pvals <- lapply(zrl, function(el, len, dig) {
            pv <- round(2 * (1 - pnorm(abs(el))), dig)
            c(pv, rep(NA, len - length(pv)))
        }, len = length(zrl), dig = dig)
    qtlmat <- do.call("rbind", pvals)
    qnams <- gsub("X\\.", "", names(cl))
    dimnames(qtlmat) <- list(paste("Iter", 1:length(zrl), sep = "."),
    cat("\nIncremental QTL P-value Matrix.\n")
    qtlmat[qtlmat < 0.001] <- "<0.001"
    qtlmat[is.na(qtlmat)] <- ""
    print.default(qtlmat[iter, 1:iter[length(iter)]], quote = FALSE,
        right = TRUE, ...)
    if (lik.out) {
        cat("\nLikelihood Ratio Test of Additive Variance Parameter.\n")
        dmat <- round(as.matrix(object$QTL$diag$lik.mat), dig)
        dimnames(dmat)[[1]] <- paste("Iter", 1:(length(zrl) +
            1), sep = ".")
        dmat[, 4][dmat[, 4] < 0.001] <- "<0.001"
        print.default(dmat, quote = FALSE, right = TRUE, ...)

qtlSelect <- function(asm, phenoData, intervalObj, gen.type, selection, exclusion.window, state, verboseLev) {
    sigma2 <- asm$sigma2
    if(asm$vparameters.con[length(asm$vparameters.con)] == 4)
        sigma2 <- 1
    if(!is.null(cov.env <- attr(intervalObj, "env"))) {
        cat(" Predict step for outlier statistics \n")
        rterms <- attr(terms.formula(asm$call$random), "term.labels")
        vmterm <- rterms[grep("vm.*covObj", rterms)]
        pv <- predict(asm, classify = vmterm, only = vmterm, vcov=TRUE, data = phenoData)
        avar <- asm$vparameters[grep("vm.*covObj", names(asm$vparameters))]*sigma2
        atilde <- pv$pvals[, 'predicted.value']
        qtilde <- as.vector(cov.env$trans %*% atilde)
        vatilde <- avar * cov.env$relm - as.matrix(pv$vcov)
        qhalf <- cov.env$trans %*% vatilde
        vqtilde <- colSums(t(qhalf)*t(cov.env$trans))
    else {
        avar <- asm$vparameters[grep("mbf.*ints", names(asm$vparameters))]*sigma2
        mbf <- grep("mbf", rownames(asm$coefficients$random))
        qtilde <- asm$coefficients$random[mbf, 1]
        pevar <- sigma2*asm$vcoeff$random[mbf]
        vqtilde <- avar - pevar
    gnams <- names(state)[as.logical(state)]
    names(qtilde) <- names(vqtilde) <- gnams
    oint <- ifelse(!is.na(qtilde^2/vqtilde), qtilde^2/vqtilde, 0)
    names(oint) <- gnams
    ochr <- NULL
    if(selection == "chromosome"){
        chr.names <- names(intervalObj$geno)
        nochr <- length(chr.names)
        allc <- sapply(strsplit(gnams, '\\.'), "[", 2)
        ochr <- c()
        for(c in 1:nochr){
            whc <- allc %in% chr.names[c]
            cqtilde <- qtilde[whc]
            nums <- cqtilde * cqtilde
            dens <- vqtilde[whc]
            ochr[c] <- ifelse(!is.na(sum(nums)/sum(dens)),sum(nums)/sum(dens),0)
        names(ochr) <- chr.names
        mchr <- chr.names[ochr == max(ochr)]
        cint <- allc %in% mchr
        chri <- oint[cint]
        mint <- (1:length(chri))[chri == max(chri)]
        qtl <- names(chri)[mint]
        if(verboseLev > 0) {
            cat("\n Selection of chromosome using the AOM statistic\n")
            cat("=============================================== \n")
            for(i in 1:nochr)
                cat(" Chromosome ", chr.names[i], "Outlier Statistic ", ochr[i], "\n")
            cat("============================================= \n\n")
            cgen <- "Interval"
            if(gen.type == "marker") cgen <- "Marker"
            cat(cgen, "outlier statistics \n")
            cat("=============================================== \n")
            for(i in 1:length(chri))
                cat(cgen, names(chri)[i], "Outlier Statistic ", chri[i],"\n")
            cat("=============================================== \n\n")
    } else {
        qtl <- names(oint)[oint == max(oint)]
        qsp <- unlist(strsplit(qtl, split="\\."))
        mint <- as.numeric(qsp[3]); mchr <- qsp[2]
        if(verboseLev > 0) {
            cgen <- "Interval"
            if(gen.type == "marker") cgen <- "Marker"
            cat(cgen, "outlier statistics \n")
            cat("=============================================== \n")
            for(i in 1:length(oint))
                cat(cgen, names(oint)[i], "Outlier Statistic ", oint[i],"\n")
            cat("=============================================== \n\n")

    ## fill out interval stats and update state
    qtl <- qtl[1]
    blups <- tint <- state
    tint[as.logical(state)] <- oint
    blups[as.logical(state)] <- qtilde/sqrt(abs(vqtilde))
    oint <- tint
    ## exclusion window
    schr <- sapply(strsplit(names(state), "\\."), "[", 2)
    wnams <- names(state)[schr %in% mchr]
    inums <- as.numeric(sapply(strsplit(wnams, "\\."),"[", 3))
    dists <- intervalObj$geno[[mchr]]$map
    if(gen.type == "interval")
        dists <- dists[2:length(dists)] - diff(dists)/2
    dists <- dists[inums]
    exc <- wnams[abs(dists - dists[mint]) <= exclusion.window]
    state[exc] <- 0
    list(state = state, qtl = qtl, ochr = ochr, oint = oint, blups = blups)

cross2int <- function(object, impute = "MartinezCurnow", consensus.mark = TRUE, id = "id",
                      subset = NULL){
  cls <- class(object)[1]
  if(!(cls %in% c("bc","dh","f2","riself")))
    stop("This function is restricted to populations inheriting from classes \"bc\",\"dh\",\"f2\",\"riself\".")
  object <- drop.nullmarkers(object)
  if(!(id %in% names(object$pheno)))
    stop("The unique identifier for the genotypic rows, ", deparse(substitute(id)), ",cannot be found in genotypic data")
    object <- subset(object, chr = subset)
  if(consensus.mark) {
    tpheno <- object$pheno
    object <- fixMap(object, rd = 3)
    object$pheno <- tpheno
  lid <- as.character(object$pheno[[id]])
  mtype <- c("Broman", "MartinezCurnow")
  if(is.na(type <- pmatch(impute, mtype)))
      stop("Missing marker type must be one of \"Broman\" or \"MartinezCurnow\". Partial matching is allowed.")
  impute <- mtype[type]
  if(impute == "Broman")
      object <- argmax.geno(object)
  object$geno <- lapply(object$geno, function(el, impute, lid, cls){
      row.names(el$data) <- as.character(lid)
          el$imputed.data <- el$argmax
      else el$imputed.data <- el$data
      if(cls %in% "f2"){
          el$imputed.data[el$imputed.data == 3] <- -1
          el$imputed.data[el$imputed.data == 2] <- 0
      } else
          el$imputed.data[el$imputed.data == 2] <- - 1
      if(length(el$map) == 1){
          el$dist <- 0; el$theta <- 0; elambda <- 1/2
          names(el$dist) <- names(el$map)
          el$imputed.data[is.na(el$imputed.data)] <- 0
          el$interval.data <- as.matrix(el$imputed.data/2, ncol = 1)
          dimnames(el$interval.data)[[2]] <- names(el$map)
      else {
          el$dist <- diff(el$map)/100
          el$theta <- 0.5*(1-exp(-2*el$dist))
          if(cls %in% "riself")
              el$theta <- (el$theta/2)/(1 - el$theta)
          elambda <- el$theta/(2*el$dist*(1-el$theta))
          if(impute == "MartinezCurnow")
              el$imputed.data <- imputeGen(el$theta, el$imputed.data, dom = FALSE)$add
          dimnames(el$imputed.data)[[1]] <- dimnames(el$data)[[1]]
          lambda <- addiag(elambda,-1) + addiag(c(elambda,0),0)
          lambda <- lambda[,-dim(lambda)[2]]
          el$interval.data <- el$imputed.data %*% lambda
          dimnames(el$interval.data)[[2]] <- names(el$dist)
  }, impute, lid, cls)
  if(length(grep("\\.", names(object$geno)))){
      warning("Removing \".\" from linkage group names.")
      names(object$geno) <- gsub("\\.", "", names(object$geno))
  class(object) <- c(class(object), "interval")

fixMap <- function (full.data, rd = 3)
    drop.mark <- lapply(full.data$geno, function(el) {
        emap <- round(el$map, rd)
        um <- unique(emap)
        dmark <- clist <- NA
        if(length(um) != length(emap)){
            pm <-  pmatch(emap, um, duplicates.ok = TRUE)
            pmt <- table(pm)
            nums <- as.numeric(names(table(pm))[pmt > 1])
            pm[!(pm %in% nums)] <- nums[length(nums)] + 1
            clist <- split(emap, pm)
            if(any(pmt == 1)) len <- length(clist) - 1
            else len <- length(clist)
            combl <- lapply(clist[1:len], function(cl){
                names(cl)[1] <- paste(names(cl)[1], "(C)", sep = "")
                cbind.data.frame(marker = names(cl), dist = cl)
            clist <- do.call("rbind", combl)
            clist$bin <- rep(1:length(combl), times = sapply(combl, nrow))
            dlist <- split.data.frame(t(el$data), pm)
            dmark <- lapply(dlist[1:len], function(dl) {
                con <- apply(dl, 2, function(ell){
                    ell <- ell[!is.na(ell)]
                    if(length(ellu <- unique(ell)) > 1 | !length(ellu))
                       NA else ellu
                dn <- dimnames(dl)[[1]]
                con <- matrix(con, nrow = 1, dimnames = list(dn[1]))
                dm <- dn[-1]
                list(con = con, dm = dm)
            cond <- t(do.call("rbind", lapply(dmark, function(el) el$con)))
            dind <- pmatch(dimnames(cond)[[2]], dimnames(el$data)[[2]])
            cnam <- paste(dimnames(cond)[[2]], "(C)", sep = "")
            el$data[,dind] <- cond
            dimnames(el$data)[[2]][dind] <- names(el$map)[dind] <- cnam
            dmark <- unlist(lapply(dmark, function(el) el$dm))
        list(chr = el, dmark = dmark, clist = clist)
    full.data$geno <- lapply(drop.mark, function(dm) dm$chr)
    dmarkl <- unlist(lapply(drop.mark, function(dm) dm$dmark))
    newmap <- drop.markers(full.data, dmarkl[!is.na(dmarkl)])
    chre <- unlist(lapply(drop.mark, function(cm) any(is.na(cm))))
    cor.mark <- as.data.frame(do.call("rbind", lapply(drop.mark[!chre], function(cm) cm$clist)))
    chrn <- unlist(lapply(drop.mark[!chre], function(cm) nrow(cm$clist)))
    cor.mark$chr <- rep(names(nmar(full.data))[!chre], times = chrn)
    cor.mark$bin <- paste(cor.mark$chr, cor.mark$bin, sep = ".")
    rownames(cor.mark) <- NULL
    newmap$colocated.markers <- cor.mark

addiag <- function(x = 1, di = 0, nrow.arg, ncol.arg = n)
    if(is.matrix(x)) {
        k <- ifelse(col(x) == (row(x) + di), TRUE, FALSE)
        n <- nrow.arg
    else if(length(x) == 1 && missing(di) && missing(nrow.arg) && missing(ncol.arg)) {
        n <- as.integer(x)
        x <- 1
    else n <- length(x)
        n <- nrow.arg
    k <- abs(di)
    p <- ncol.arg + k
    n <- n + k
    m <- matrix(0, n, p)
    k <- ifelse(col(m) == (row(m) + di), TRUE, FALSE)
    m[k] <- x

imputeGen <-  function (theta, chr, dom = TRUE){
    th.f <- function(the, ind){
        th <- 0
        for(i in ind)
            th <- th + the[i - 1] - 2*th*the[i - 1]
    dom.gen <- function(thL, thR, thLR, wh){
        switch(wh, a = (2*thL*(1 - thL)*thR*(1 - thR))/(1 - thLR)^2,
               b = (2*thL*(1 - thL)*thR*(1 - thR))/(thLR)^2,
               c = (thL*(1- thL)*(1 - 2*thR*(1 - thR)))/(thLR*(1 - thLR)),
               d = (thR*(1- thR)*(1 - 2*thL*(1 - thL)))/(thLR*(1 - thLR)),
               e = ((thL^2 + (1- thL)^2)*(thR^2 + (1 - thR)^2))/(thLR^2 + (1 - thLR)^2)
    chrd <- NULL
        chrd <- chr + 1
        chrd[chrd %in% 2] <- 0
    wh <- which(is.na(chr), arr.ind = TRUE)
    if(dim(wh)[1] != 0){
        wh <- wh[order(wh[,"row"], wh[,"col"]),,drop = FALSE]
        sp <- split(wh[,"col"], wh[,"row"])
        lr <- lapply(sp, function(el, n){
            left <- el - 1; right <- el + 1
            while(any(c(left,right) %in% el)){
                left[left %in% el] <- left[left %in% el] - 1
                right[right %in% el] <- right[right %in% el] + 1
            left[left == 0] <- right[right == n+1] <- NA
        }, n = ncol(chr))
        left <- unlist(sapply(lr, "[", 1))
        right <- unlist(sapply(lr, "[", 2))
        xL <- chr[cbind(wh[,"row"], left)]
        xR <- chr[cbind(wh[,"row"], right)]
        whc <- wh[,"col"]
        filld <- filla <- c()
        for(i in 1:nrow(wh)){
            if(is.na(left[i]) & is.na(right[i]))
                filld[i] <- filla[i] <- 0
            else if(!is.na(left[i]) & is.na(right[i])){
                tl <- th.f(theta, whc[i]:(left[i] + 1))
                filla[i] <- xL[i]*(1 - 2*tl)
                    if(abs(xL[i]) == 1)
                        filld[i] <- 2*tl*(1 - tl)
                    else filld[i] <- 1 - 2*tl*(1 - tl)
            } else if(is.na(left[i]) & !is.na(right[i])){
                tr <- th.f(theta, (whc[i] + 1):(right[i]))
                filla[i] <- xR[i]*(1 - 2*tr)
                    if(abs(xR[i]) == 1)
                        filld[i] <- 2*tr*(1 - tr)
                    else filld[i] <- 1 - 2*tr*(1 - tr)
            } else {
                tl <- th.f(theta, whc[i]:(left[i] + 1))
                tr <- th.f(theta, (whc[i] + 1):right[i])
                tlr <- tl + tr - 2*tl*tr
                if(tlr == 0)
                    filla[i] <- xL[i]
                else {
                    lambda <- (tr*(1 - tr)*(1 - 2*tl))/(tlr*(1 - tlr))
                    rho <- (tl*(1 - tl)*(1 - 2*tr))/(tlr*(1 - tlr))
                    filla[i] <- xL[i]*lambda + xR[i]*rho
                    if(abs(xL[i]*xR[i]) > 0){
                        if(xL[i] == xR[i])
                            filld[i] <- dom.gen(tl, tr, tlr, "a")
                        else filld[i] <- dom.gen(tl, tr, tlr, "b")
                    else {
                        if(abs(xL[i]) == 1)
                            filld[i] <- dom.gen(tl, tr, tlr, "c")
                        else {
                            if(abs(xR[i]) == 1)
                                filld[i] <- dom.gen(tl, tr, tlr, "d")
                            else filld[i] <- dom.gen(tl, tr, tlr, "e")
        chr[wh] <- filla
            chrd[wh] <- filld
    list(add = chr, dom = chrd)

linkMap <- function(object, ...)

linkMap.cross <- function(object, chr, chr.dist, marker.names = "markers", tick = FALSE, squash = TRUE, m.cex = 0.6, ...){
  circ <- function(x, y, shiftx = 0, shifty = 0, ely = 1, elx = 1)
    ((x - shiftx)^2)/elx + ((y - shifty)^2)/ely
  dots <- list(...)
  old.xpd <- par("xpd")
  par(xpd = TRUE)
  on.exit(par(xpd = old.xpd))
  map <- pull.map(object)
  if(!missing(chr)) {
    if(any(is.na(pmatch(chr, names(map)))))
      stop("Some names of chromosome(s) subset do not match names of map.")
    map <- map[chr]
  n.chr <- length(map)
  mt <- list()
  if(!missing(chr.dist)) {
    if(!all(names(chr.dist) %in% c("start","end")))
        stop("names of chr.dist must be \"start\" and/or \"end\"")
    dname <- names(chr.dist)
     if(!is.null(chr.dist$start)) {
        if(length(chr.dist$start) == 1)
            chr.dist$start <- rep(chr.dist$start, length(map))
        if(length(chr.dist$start) != length(map))
            stop("Length of user specified chromosome starting distances need to be 1 or equal to the number of chromosomes")
    } else chr.dist$start <- 0
    if(!is.null(chr.dist$end)) {
        if(length(chr.dist$end) == 1)
            chr.dist$end <- rep(chr.dist$end, length(map))
        if(length(chr.dist$end) != length(map))
            stop("Length of user specified chromosome ending distances need to be 1 or equal to the number of chromosomes")
    } else chr.dist$end <- unlist(lapply(map, max))
    chr.dist <- do.call("cbind.data.frame", chr.dist)
    nm <- names(map)
    map <- lapply(1:nrow(chr.dist), function(el, map, chr.dist){
        tmap <- map[[el]]
        if(max(tmap) < chr.dist$start[el]) NULL
        else tmap[(tmap >= chr.dist$start[el]) & (tmap <= chr.dist$end[el])]
    }, map, chr.dist)
    names(map) <- nm
    map <- map[!sapply(map, is.null)]
    n.chr <- length(map)
  maxlen <- max(unlist(lapply(map, max)))
  minlen <- min(unlist(lapply(map, min)))
  omap <- map
  if(is.null(marker.names)) {
    chrpos <- 1:n.chr
    thelim <- range(chrpos) + c(-0.5, 0.5)
  else {
    if(!is.null(fmark <- attr(object, "flanking"))){
        map <- lapply(map, function(el, fmark){
            el <- el[names(el) %in% fmark]
            if(length(el) == 0) NULL
            else el
        }, fmark)
        omap <- omap[!sapply(map, is.null)]
        map <- map[!sapply(map, is.null)]
        n.chr <- length(map)
    if(all(is.na(pmatch(marker.names, c("markers","dist")))))
      stop("marker.names argument must be either \"dist\", or \"markers\".")
    if(!is.na(pmatch("cex", names(dots))))
      dots$cex <- NULL
#    else cex <- par("cex")
      chrpos <- seq(1, n.chr * 3, by = 3)
      chrpos <- seq(1, n.chr * 2, by = 2)
    thelim <- range(chrpos) + c(-1.6, 1.35)
    for(i in 1:n.chr){
        mt[[i]] <- map[[i]]
        if(length(mt[[i]]) > 1){
            conv <- par("pin")[2]/maxlen
            for(j in 1:(length(mt[[i]]) - 1)){
                ch <- mt[[i]][j + 1]*conv - (mt[[i]][j]*conv + 10*par("csi")*m.cex/9)
                if(ch < 0){
                    temp <- mt[[i]][j + 1]*conv + abs(ch)
                    mt[[i]][j + 1] <- temp/conv
    maxlen <- max(c(unlist(lapply(omap, max)),unlist(lapply(mt, max))))
    names(mt) <- names(map)
  plot(0, 0, type = "n", ylim = c(maxlen, minlen), xlim = thelim,
       xaxs = "i", ylab = "Location (cM)", xlab = "Chromosome",
       axes = FALSE, ...)
  axis(side = 2,  ylim = c(maxlen, minlen))
  pins <- par()$plt
  for(i in 1:n.chr) {
      if(!is.null(marker.names)) {
          if(marker.names == "dist")
              alis <- list(x = chrpos[i] + 0.50, y =  mt[[i]], labels = as.character(round(map[[i]], 2)),
                           adj = c(0, 0.5), cex = m.cex)
              alis <- list(x = chrpos[i] + 0.50, y = mt[[i]], labels = names(map[[i]]), adj = c(0, 0.5), cex = m.cex)
          do.call("text", c(alis, dots))
          segments(chrpos[i] + 0.25, map[[i]], chrpos[i] + 0.3, map[[i]])
          segments(chrpos[i] + 0.3, map[[i]], chrpos[i] + 0.4, mt[[i]])
          segments(chrpos[i] + 0.40, mt[[i]], chrpos[i] + 0.45, mt[[i]])
    map[[i]] <- omap[[i]]
    barl <- chrpos[i]- 0.03
    barr <- chrpos[i]+ 0.03
    segments(barl, min(map[[i]]), barl, max(map[[i]]), lwd = 1)
    segments(barr, min(map[[i]]), barr, max(map[[i]]), lwd = 1)
    segments(barl - 0.17, map[[i]], barr + 0.17, map[[i]])
    # attempt to put curves at ends of chromosomes
    xseq <- seq(barl, barr, length = 20) - chrpos[i]
    yseq <- circ(xseq, xseq, ely = 1, elx = 0.07/maxlen)
    yseq <- yseq - max(yseq)
    lines(xseq + chrpos[i], min(map[[i]]) + yseq)
    lines(xseq + chrpos[i], max(map[[i]]) - yseq)
  axis(side = 1, at = chrpos, labels = names(map), tick = FALSE)
  if(is.na(pmatch("main", names(dots))) & !as.logical(sys.parent()))
    title("Genetic Map")
  invisible(list(mt = mt, map = map, chrpos = chrpos))

linkMap.wgaim <- function (object, intervalObj, chr, chr.dist, marker.names = "markers", flanking = TRUE, list.col = list(q.col = "light blue", m.col = "red", t.col = "light blue"), list.cex = list(t.cex = 0.6, m.cex = 0.6), trait.labels = NULL, tick = FALSE, ...)
    dots <- list(...)
    if (missing(intervalObj))
        stop("intervalObj is a required argument")
    if (!inherits(intervalObj, "cross"))
        stop("intervalObj is not of class \"cross\"")
    if (!length(wchr <- object$QTL$effects)) {
        warning("There are no significant QTL's. Plotting map only...")
        linkMap(intervalObj, chr, chr.dist, marker.names = marker.names,
            tick = tick, squash = FALSE, ...)
    qtlm <- getQTL(object, intervalObj)
    wchr <- qtlm[,1]
    if(object$QTL$type == "interval")
        qtlm <- qtlm[,3:6]
        qtlm <- cbind(qtlm[,3:4],qtlm[,3:4])
    if (is.null(list.col$q.col))
        list.col$q.col <- "light blue"
    if (is.null(list.col$t.col))
        list.col$t.col <- list.col$q.col
    if (missing(chr))
        chr <- unique(wchr)[order(unique(wchr))]
        list.cex$m.cex <- 0.6
        list.cex$t.cex <- 0.6
        attr(intervalObj, "flanking") <- unique(c(qtlm[,1],qtlm[,3]))
    lmap <- linkMap(intervalObj, chr, chr.dist, marker.names = marker.names,
        tick = tick, squash = TRUE, m.cex = list.cex$m.cex, ...)
    map <- lmap$map
    if (is.null(trait <- trait.labels))
        trait <- rep(as.character(object$call$fixed[[2]]), length(wchr))
    if (length(trait.labels) == 1)
        trait <- rep(trait.labels, length(wchr))
    qtrait <- unique(trait)
    qtlm <- cbind.data.frame(qtlm, trait = factor(trait, levels = unique(trait)))
    qtlm[, 2] <- as.numeric(as.character(qtlm[, 2]))
    qtlm[, 4] <- as.numeric(as.character(qtlm[, 4]))
    qtlList <- lapply(split(qtlm, wchr), function(el) el[order(el[,
        2]), ])
    qtlm <- do.call("rbind", qtlList)
    wchr <- wchr[order(wchr)]
    chr <- names(map)
    if (!missing(chr)) {
        oc <- wchr %in% chr
        if(!all(oc)) {
            warning("Some QTL's exist outside chromosome(s) subset, Omitting QTL's....")
            qtlm <- qtlm[oc,]
            wchr <- wchr[oc]
    if (!missing(chr.dist)) {
        mins <- unlist(lapply(map, min))
        maxs <- unlist(lapply(map, max))
        mins <- mins[wchr]; maxs <- maxs[wchr]
        om <- qtlm[, 4] < maxs & qtlm[,2] > mins
        if (!all(om)) {
            warning("Some QTL regions outside distances specified. Omitting QTL's....")
            qtlm <- qtlm[om, ]
            wchr <- wchr[om]
    n.chr <- length(map)
    maxlen <- max(unlist(lapply(map, max)))
    chrpos <- lmap$chrpos
    mt <- lmap$mt
    if (!is.na(cind <- pmatch("col", names(dots))))
        dots <- dots[-cind]
    if (is.null(dim(qtlm)))
        qtlm <- matrix(qtlm, nrow = 1, byrow = FALSE)
    tlis <- list()
    if (!is.na(pmatch("cex", names(dots))))
        p.cex <- dots$cex
    else p.cex <- par("cex")
    dots$cex <- NULL
    for (i in 1:n.chr) {
        conv <- par("pin")[2]/maxlen
        ind <- wchr %in% names(map)[i]
#        if (as.logical(length(ind <- wchr %in% names(map)[i]))) {
            tlis[[i]] <- as.vector(qtlm[ind, 2] + qtlm[ind, 4])/2
            names(tlis[[i]]) <- as.character(qtlm[ind, 5])
            if (length(tlis[[i]]) > 1) {
                for (j in 1:(length(tlis[[i]]) - 1)) {
                  ch <- tlis[[i]][j + 1] * conv - (tlis[[i]][j] *
                    conv + 10 * par("csi") * list.cex$t.cex/9)
                  if (ch < 0) {
                    temp <- tlis[[i]][j + 1] * conv + abs(ch)
                    tlis[[i]][j + 1] <- temp/conv
    qtld <- qtlm[, 1:4]
    nodup <- !duplicated(do.call("paste", qtld))
    qtls <- qtld[nodup, ]
    whd <- pmatch(do.call("paste", qtld), do.call("paste", qtls),
        duplicates.ok = TRUE)
    dlis <- split(as.character(qtlm[, 5]), whd)
    qtlm <- qtls
    wchr <- wchr[nodup]
    for (i in 1:n.chr) {
        ind <- wchr %in% names(map)[i]
            ind <- (1:length(wchr))[ind]
            for (j in ind) {
                if (!is.null(marker.names)) {
                    wh <- mt[[i]][c(as.character(qtlm[j, 1]), as.character(qtlm[j, 3]))]
                  if (marker.names == "dist") {
                    dist <- map[[i]][c(as.character(qtlm[j, 1]), as.character(qtlm[j, 3]))]
                    dlabs <- as.character(round(as.numeric(unlist(dist)), 2))
                    alis <- list(x = chrpos[i] + 0.5, y = wh,
                      labels = dlabs, adj = c(0, 0.5), col = list.col$m.col, cex = list.cex$m.cex)
                  else alis <- list(x = chrpos[i] + 0.5, y = wh,
                    labels = names(wh), adj = c(0, 0.5), col = list.col$m.col, cex = list.cex$m.cex)
                  do.call("text", c(alis, dots))
                yv <- c(qtlm[j, 2], qtlm[j, 4])
                yv <- c(yv, rev(yv))
                dind <- dlis[[j]]
                q.cols <- list.col$q.col[pmatch(dind, qtrait)]
                qind <- 1:length(dind)
                if (length(dlis[[j]]) > 1) {
                  int <- seq(chrpos[i] - 0.2, chrpos[i] + 0.2,
                    length = length(dind) + 1)
                  for (k in 1:length(dind)) {
                    xv <- c(rep(int[k], 2), rep(int[k + 1], 2))
                    if(object$QTL$type == "interval")
                        polygon(xv, y = yv, border = NA, col = q.cols[k])
                    else {
                        plis <- list(x = (xv[1] + xv[3])/2,y = yv[1], col = q.cols[k], cex = p.cex)
                        do.call("points", c(plis, dots))
                else {
                  xv <- c(rep(chrpos[i] - 0.2, 2), rep(chrpos[i] +
                    0.2, 2))
                  if(object$QTL$type == "interval")
                      polygon(xv, y = yv, border = NA, col = q.cols)
                  else {
                      plis <- list(x = chrpos[i], y = yv[1], col = q.cols, cex = p.cex)
                      do.call("points", c(plis,dots))
                segments(chrpos[i] - 0.25, yv[1], chrpos[i] -
                  0.25, yv[2])
                segments(chrpos[i] - 0.25, sum(yv[1:2])/2, chrpos[i] -
                  0.3, sum(yv[1:2])/2)
                segments(chrpos[i] - 0.3, sum(yv[1:2])/2, chrpos[i] -
                  0.4, tlis[[i]][qind])
                segments(chrpos[i] - 0.4, tlis[[i]][qind], chrpos[i] -
                  0.45, tlis[[i]][qind])
                if (length(list.col$t.col) > 1)
                  t.cols <- list.col$t.col[pmatch(dind, qtrait)]
                else t.cols <- list.col$t.col
                text(chrpos[i] - 0.5, tlis[[i]][qind], names(tlis[[i]][qind]),
                  adj = c(1, 0.3), col = t.cols, cex = list.cex$t.cex)
                tlis[[i]] <- tlis[[i]][-qind]
        segments(chrpos[i] - 0.2, map[[i]], chrpos[i] + 0.2,
    if (is.na(pmatch("main", names(dots))))
        title("Genetic Map with QTL")

linkMap.default <- function (object, intervalObj, chr, chr.dist, marker.names = "markers", flanking = TRUE, list.col = list(q.col = rainbow(length(object)), m.col = "red", t.col = rainbow(length(object))),
    list.cex = list(m.cex = 0.6, t.cex = 0.6), trait.labels = NULL, tick = FALSE, ...)
    old.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
    par(mar = c(5, 4, 5, 2) + 0.1)
    par(xpd = TRUE)
    dlist <- list()
    lclass <- lapply(object, function(el) {
        if (!inherits(el, "wgaim"))
            stop("list objects need to inherit from class \"wgaim\"")
    lclass <- unique(unlist(lclass))
    if (any(is.na(pmatch(lclass, "wgaim"))))
        stop("link.map method is only for list objects of class \"wgaim\"")
    type <- unique(unlist(lapply(object, function(el) el$QTL$type)))
    if(length(type) > 1)
        stop("Models need to have same analyses \"type\".")
    dlist$QTL$type <- type
    effects <- lapply(object, function(el) el$QTL$effects)
    len <- lapply(effects, length)
    if (!is.null(trait.labels)) {
        if (length(trait.labels) != length(object))
            stop("Length of trait labels does not equal number of models specified.")
    else trait.labels <- unlist(lapply(object, function(el) as.character(el$call$fixed[[2]])))
    tt <- table(trait.labels)
    tt <- tt[tt > 1]
        tn <- names(tt)
        for(i in length(tt)) {
            whl <- trait.labels %in% tn[i]
            trait.labels[whl] <- paste(trait.labels[whl], 1:tt[i], sep = "")
    trait <- rep(trait.labels, times = len)
    dlist$QTL$effects <- unlist(effects)
    class(dlist) <- "wgaim"
    if (length(list.col$q.col) != length(object)) {
        warning("QTL colours not of the same length as the number of traits,\n Choosing \"q.col = rainbow(",
            length(object), ")\".")
        list.col$q.col <- rainbow(length(object))
    if (length(list.col$t.col) != length(object)) {
        if (length(list.col$t.col) != 1) {
            warning("Inappropriate length for trait name colours, using QTL colours")
            list.col$t.col <- list.col$q.col
    linkMap(dlist, intervalObj, chr, chr.dist, marker.names = marker.names,
        list.col = list.col, list.cex = list.cex, trait.labels = trait, tick = tick, flanking = flanking, ...)

theme_scatter <- function (base_size = 11, base_family = "") {
    theme_bw(base_size = base_size, base_family = base_family) %+replace%
        legend.position = "none",
        panel.grid.minor = element_line(colour = "grey90", size = 0.4),
        panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "grey90", size = 0.8),
        panel.grid.minor.x = element_blank(),
        panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
        panel.background = element_blank(),
        axis.text.x = element_text(size = base_size),
        axis.text.y = element_text(size = base_size),
        strip.text = element_text(size = base_size))

outStat <- function (object, intervalObj, iter = NULL, chr = NULL, statistic = "outlier", plot.chr = FALSE, chr.lines = FALSE)
    if (missing(object))
        stop("model object is a required argument.")
    if (missing(intervalObj))
        stop("intervalObj is a required argument.")
    if(plot.chr & is.null(object$QTL$diag$ochr[[1]]))
        stop("There are no chromosome outlier statistics to display.")
    if(plot.chr & !(statistic == "outlier"))
        warning("Ignoring statistic argument and plotting chromosome outlier statistics.")
        if(any(iter > length(object$QTL$diag$oint)))
            stop("iter argument contains integers greater than number of analysis iterations.")
    } else iter <- 1:length(object$QTL$diag$oint)
    c.iter <- paste("Iteration: ", iter, sep = "")
        if(!all(chr %in% names(nmar(intervalObj))))
            stop("Some chromosome names do not exist in intervalobj.")
        intervalObj <- subset(intervalObj, chr = chr)
    } else chr <- names(nmar(intervalObj))
    ann.labels <- TRUE
        ochr <- object$QTL$diag$ochr[iter]
        names(ochr) <- c.iter
        ochrl <- lapply(ochr, function(el, chr){
            values <- el[names(el) %in% chr]
            cbind.data.frame(values = values, chr = names(values))
        }, chr)
        char.iter <- rep(c.iter, times = sapply(ochrl, nrow))
        char.iter <- factor(char.iter, levels = unique(char.iter))
        ochrd <- cbind(do.call("rbind.data.frame", ochrl), iteration = char.iter)
        gp <- ggplot(ochrd, aes_string(x = "chr", y = "values")) +
            facet_wrap( ~ iteration, ncol = 1) + geom_col(fill = "light blue", colour = "grey50") +
            scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0,0)) + ylab("Outlier Statistic") + xlab("Chromosome") +
        ann.labels <- FALSE
    } else {
        if(statistic == "outlier"){
            y.lab <- "Outlier Statistic"
            oint <- object$QTL$diag$oint[iter]
        } else {
            oint <- object$QTL$diag$blups[iter]
            y.lab <- "Scaled BLUPs"
        names(oint) <- c.iter
        ointl <- lapply(oint, function(el, chr){
            echr <- sapply(strsplit(names(el), "\\."), "[", 2)
            whc <- echr %in% chr
            values <- el[whc]
            cbind.data.frame(values = values, chr = echr[whc])
        }, chr)
        char.iter <- rep(c.iter, times = sapply(ointl, nrow))
        char.iter <- factor(char.iter, levels = unique(char.iter))
        distl <- lapply(intervalObj$geno, function(el, type){
            if(length(el$map) == 1) return(0.05)
            if(type %in% "interval")
            else c(0.05, el$dist)
        }, type = object$QTL$type)
        dist <- cumsum(unlist(distl))
        if(object$QTL$type == "interval")
            dist <- dist - unlist(distl)/2
        dist <- rep(dist, length(iter))
        ointd <- cbind(do.call("rbind.data.frame", ointl), dist = dist, iteration = char.iter)
        gp <- ggplot(ointd, aes_string(x = "dist", y = "values", colour = "chr")) +
            facet_wrap( ~ iteration, ncol = 1) + geom_line() +
            scale_x_continuous(breaks = dist, labels = rep("", length(dist))) +
            ylab(y.lab) + xlab("") + theme_scatter()
            if(length(chr) > 1){
                ci <- sapply(distl, length)[1:(length(chr) - 1)]
                ci <- c(ci[1], cumsum(ci))
        gp <- gp + geom_vline(xintercept = dist[ci], colour = "grey80", size = 1)
 #       gp <- gp + coord_cartesian(ylim = c(yl, yr[2] + diff(yr)/12), clip="off")
    if(!is.null(qtl <- object$QTL$qtl)){
        iterq <- iter[iter < (length(qtl) + 1)]
        qtls <- gsub("Chr.", "", qtl[iterq])
        qchr <- sapply(strsplit(qtls, "\\."),"[", 1)
        if(any(wchr <- qchr %in% chr)){
            iterq <- iterq[wchr]
            char.iter <- paste("Iteration: ", iterq, sep = "")
            qlabel <- qtls[wchr]
            chrd <- cbind.data.frame(chr = qchr[wchr], qlabel = qlabel, iteration = char.iter)
            valq <- c()
                for(i in 1:nrow(chrd)){
                    it <- as.character(chrd$iteration[i])
                    valq[i] <- ochr[[it]][names(ochr[[it]]) %in% chrd$chr[i]]
            } else {
                wint <- sapply(strsplit(as.character(chrd$qlabel), "\\."),"[", 2)
                distq <- c()
                cmar <- cumsum(sapply(distl, length))
                for(i in 1:nrow(chrd)){
                    it <- as.character(chrd$iteration[i])
                    valq[i] <- oint[[it]][names(oint[[it]]) %in% qtl[iterq[i]]]
                    cint <- (1:length(cmar))[names(cmar) %in% chrd$chr[i]]
                    cint <- ifelse(cint > 1, cmar[cint - 1], 0)
                    iint <- (i - 1)*cmar[length(cmar)]
                    distq[i] <- dist[iint + cint + as.numeric(wint[i])]
                chrd$dist <- distq
            yrc <- ggplot_build(gp)$layout$panel_scales_y[[1]]$range$range
            ylc <- ifelse(statistic == "outlier", 0, yrc[1] - abs(diff(yrc))/12)
            chrd$values <- valq + sign(valq)*(diff(yrc)/15)
            mx <- max(chrd$values)
            gp <- gp + geom_text(data = chrd, aes_string(label = "qlabel"))
    if(length(iter) == 1){
        if(iter == object$QTL$iterations + 1){
            yrc <- ggplot_build(gp)$layout$panel_scales_y[[1]]$range$range
            ylc <- ifelse(statistic == "outlier", 0, yrc[1] + abs(diff(yrc))/40)
        chrl <- chrlen(intervalObj)/100
        dist.label <- cumsum(chrl) - chrl/2
        ann.iter <- paste("Iteration: ", iter[length(iter)], sep = "")
        gb <- ggplot_build(gp)$layout
        mr <- diff(gb$panel_params[[1]]$y.minor_source[1:2])
        nudge <- mr*(11/20 + length(iter)/10)
        yl <- ifelse(statistic == "outlier", - nudge, (gb$panel_scales_y[[1]]$range$range*1.01 - nudge))
        ann <- cbind.data.frame(values = rep(yl, length(chr)), dist = dist.label, iteration = ann.iter)
        ann$chr <- chr
        gp <- gp + geom_text(data = ann, aes_string(label = "chr"), size = 3.5, colour = "grey40") +
            coord_cartesian(ylim = c(ylc, yrc[2] + diff(yrc)/12), clip="off")

######################## end functions

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wgaim documentation built on Oct. 3, 2019, 9:03 a.m.