AnchorBoxLayer2D | Anchor box layer for SSD architecture (2-D). |
AnchorBoxLayer3D | Anchor box layer for SSD architecture (3-D). |
applyDeepBackProjectionModel | Apply a pretrained deep back projection model for super... |
applySuperResolutionModel | applySuperResolutionModel |
applySuperResolutionModelPatch | applySuperResolutionModelPatch |
applySuperResolutionModelToImage | Apply a pretrained model for super resolution. |
arterialLesionSegmentation | Arterial lesion segmentation |
AttentionAugmentationLayer2D | Attention augmentation layer (2-D) |
AttentionLayer2D | Attention layer (2-D) |
AttentionLayer3D | Attention layer (3-D) |
basisWarp | Generate a deformable map from basis |
binary_dice_coefficient | Dice function for binary segmentation problems |
binary_surface_loss | Function for surface loss |
brainAge | BrainAGE |
brainExtraction | Brain extraction |
brainMraVesselSegmentation | MRA-TOF vessel segmentation. |
brainTumorSegmentation | Brain tumor probabilistic segmentation |
categorical_focal_gain | Function for categorical focal gain |
categorical_focal_loss | Function for categorical focal loss |
cerebellumMorphology | Cerebellum tissue segmentation, Schmahmann parcellation, and... |
checkXrayLungOrientation | Check x-ray lung orientation. |
chexnet | CheXNet: Radiologist-Level Pneumonia Detection on Chest... |
claustrumSegmentation | Claustrum segmentation |
ClusteringLayer | Clustering layer for Deep Embedded Clustering |
ContextualAttentionLayer2D | Contextual attention layer (2-D) |
ContextualAttentionLayer3D | Contextual attention layer (3-D) |
convertCoordinates | Convert coordinates to/from min/max representation from/to... |
convOutputLength | Compute output length in single dimension for convolution... |
corticalThickness | Cortical thickness using deep learning |
createAlexNetModel2D | 2-D implementation of the AlexNet deep learning architecture. |
createAlexNetModel3D | 3-D implementation of the AlexNet deep learning architecture. |
createAutoencoderModel | Function for creating a symmetric autoencoder model. |
createConvolutionalAutoencoderModel2D | Function for creating a 2-D symmetric convolutional... |
createConvolutionalAutoencoderModel3D | Function for creating a 3-D symmetric convolutional... |
createDeepBackProjectionNetworkModel2D | 2-D implementation of the deep back-projection network. |
createDeepBackProjectionNetworkModel3D | 3-D implementation of the deep back-projection network. |
createDeepDenoiseSuperResolutionModel2D | 2-D implementation of the deep denoise image super resolution... |
createDeepDenoiseSuperResolutionModel3D | 3-D implementation of the deep denoise image super resolution... |
createDenoisingAutoEncoderSuperResolutionModel2D | 2-D implementation of the denoising autoencoder image super... |
createDenoisingAutoEncoderSuperResolutionModel3D | 3-D implementation of the denoising autoencoder image super... |
createDenseModel | Simple multilayer dense network. |
createDenseNetModel2D | 2-D implementation of the DenseNet deep learning... |
createDenseNetModel3D | 3-D implementation of the DenseNet deep learning... |
createDenseUnetModel2D | 2-D implementation of the dense U-net deep learning... |
createDenseUnetModel3D | 3-D implementation of the dense U-net deep learning... |
createEnhancedDeepSuperResolutionModel2D | 2-D implementation of the EDSR super resolution architecture. |
createExpandedSuperResolutionModel2D | 2-D implementation of the expanded image super resolution... |
createExpandedSuperResolutionModel3D | 3-D implementation of the expanded image super resolution... |
createFullyConvolutionalVggModel2D | 2-D implementation of the VGG deep learning architecture... |
createFullyConvolutionalVggModel3D | 3-D implementation of the VGG deep learning architecture... |
createGoogLeNetModel2D | 2-D implementation of the GoogLeNet deep learning... |
createHippMapp3rUnetModel3D | Implementation of the "HippMapp3r" U-net architecture |
createHyperMapp3rUnetModel3D | Implementation of the "HyperMapp3r" U-net architecture |
createHypothalamusUnetModel3D | 3-D u-net architecture for hypothalamus segmentation |
createImageSuperResolutionModel2D | 2-D implementation of the image super resolution deep... |
createImageSuperResolutionModel3D | 3-D implementation of the image super resolution deep... |
createNoBrainerUnetModel3D | Implementation of the "NoBrainer" U-net architecture |
createPartialConvolutionUnetModel2D | 2-D implementation of the U-net architecture for inpainting... |
createPartialConvolutionUnetModel3D | 3-D implementation of the U-net architecture for inpainting... |
createResNetModel2D | 2-D implementation of the ResNet deep learning architecture. |
createResNetModel3D | 3-D implementation of the ResNet deep learning architecture. |
createResNetSuperResolutionModel2D | 2-D implementation of the ResNet image super resolution... |
createResNetSuperResolutionModel3D | 3-D implementation of the ResNet image super resolution... |
createResNetWithSpatialTransformerNetworkModel2D | 2-D implementation of the ResNet deep learning architecture... |
createResNetWithSpatialTransformerNetworkModel3D | 3-D implementation of the ResNet deep learning architecture... |
createResUnetModel2D | 2-D implementation of the Resnet + U-net deep learning... |
createResUnetModel3D | 3-D implementation of the Resnet + U-net deep learning... |
createRmnetGenerator | Implementation of the "RMNet" generator architecture for... |
createShivaUnetModel3D | Implementation of the "shiva" u-net architecture for PVS and... |
createSimpleClassificationWithSpatialTransformerNetworkModel2D | 2-D implementation of the spatial transformer network. |
createSimpleClassificationWithSpatialTransformerNetworkModel3D | 3-D implementation of the spatial transformer network. |
createSimpleFullyConvolutionalNeuralNetworkModel3D | Implementation of the "SCFN" architecture for Brain/Gender... |
createSsd7Model2D | 2-D implementation of the SSD 7 deep learning architecture. |
createSsd7Model3D | 3-D implementation of the SSD 7 deep learning architecture. |
createSsdModel2D | 2-D implementation of the SSD deep learning architecture. |
createSsdModel3D | 3-D implementation of the SSD deep learning architecture. |
createSysuMediaUnetModel2D | Implementation of the sysu_media U-net architecture |
createSysuMediaUnetModel3D | 3-D variant of the sysu_media U-net architecture |
createUnetModel2D | 2-D implementation of the U-net deep learning architecture. |
createUnetModel3D | 3-D image segmentation implementation of the U-net deep... |
createVggModel2D | 2-D implementation of the VGG deep learning architecture. |
createVggModel3D | 3-D implementation of the VGG deep learning architecture. |
createWideResNetModel2D | 2-D implementation of the Wide ResNet deep learning... |
createWideResNetModel3D | 3-D implementation of the Wide ResNet deep learning... |
cropImageCenter | Crop the center of an image. |
CycleGanModel | Cycle GAN model |
dataAugmentation | Randomly transform image data. |
decodeSsd2D | Decoding function for 2-D Y_train |
decodeSsd3D | Decoding function for 3-D Y_train |
decodeUnet | Decoding function for the u-net prediction outcome |
deepAtropos | Six tissue segmentation |
DeepConvolutionalGanModel | Deep convolutional GAN (DCGAN) model |
DeepEmbeddedClusteringModel | Deep embedded clustering (DEC) model class |
deepFlash | Hippocampal/Enthorhinal segmentation using "Deep Flash" |
desikanKillianyTourvilleLabeling | Cortical and deep gray matter labeling using... |
drawRectangles | Plotting function for 2-D object detection visualization. |
EfficientAttentionLayer2D | Efficient attention layer (2-D) |
EfficientAttentionLayer3D | Efficient attention layer (3-D) |
elBicho | Functional lung segmentation. |
encodeSsd2D | Encoding function for 2-D Y_train |
encodeSsd3D | Encoding function for 3-D Y_train |
encodeUnet | One-hot encoding function |
extractImagePatchCoordinates | Extract 2-D or 3-D image patch coordinates. |
extractImagePatches | Extract 2-D or 3-D image patches. |
GaussianDiffusion | Custom Gaussian Diffusion |
getAntsxnetCacheDirectory | Get the ANTsXNet Cache Directory |
getANTsXNetData | getANTsXNetData |
getMixtureDensityLossFunction | Returns a loss function for the mixture density. |
getMixtureDensityMseAccuracyFunction | Returns a MSE accuracy function for the mixture density. |
getMixtureDensitySamplingFunction | Returns a sampling function for the mixture density. |
getPretrainedNetwork | getPretrainedNetwork |
GMSD | Gradient Magnitude Similarity Deviation |
harvardOxfordAtlasLabeling | Subcortical and cerebellar labeling from a T1 image. |
hippMapp3rSegmentation | hippMapp3rSegmentation |
histogramWarpImageIntensities | Transform image intensities based on histogram mapping. |
hyperMapp3rSegmentation | hyperMapp3rSegmentation |
hypothalamusSegmentation | Hypothalamus segmentation |
ImprovedWassersteinGanModel | Improved Wasserstein GAN model |
InpaintingDeepFillModel | In-painting with contextual attention |
InstanceNormalizationLayer | Creates an instance normalization layer |
jaccardSimilarity | Jaccard similarity between two sets of boxes. |
L2NormalizationLayer2D | L2 2-D normalization layer for SSD300/512 architecture. |
L2NormalizationLayer3D | L2 3-D normalization layer for SSD300/512 architecture. |
layer_activation_log_softmax | Log softmax layer |
layer_anchor_box_2d | Anchor box layer (2-D and 3-D) |
layer_attention_2d | Attention layer (2-D) |
layer_attention_3d | Attention layer (3-D) |
layer_attention_augmentation_2d | Attention augmentation layer (2-D) |
layer_attention_augmented_convolution_block_2d | Creates a 2-D attention augmented convolutional block |
layer_contextual_attention_2d | Contextual attention layer (2-D and 3-D) |
layer_efficient_attention_2d | Efficient attention layer (2-D) |
layer_efficient_attention_3d | Efficient attention layer (3-D) |
layer_instance_normalization | Instance normalization layer |
layer_l2_normalization_2d | Normalization layer (2-D and 3-D) |
layer_mixture_density | Mixture density layer |
layer_partial_conv_2d | Partial convolution layer 2D |
layer_partial_conv_3d | Partial convolution layer 3D |
layer_resample_tensor_2d | Creates a resampled tensor (to fixed size) layer (2-D) |
layer_resample_tensor_3d | Resampling a spatial tensor (3-D). |
layer_resample_tensor_to_target_tensor_2d | Resampling a spatial tensor to a target tensor (2-D). |
layer_resample_tensor_to_target_tensor_3d | Resampling a spatial tensor (3-D). |
layer_spatial_transformer_2d | spatial transformer layer (2-D and 3-D) |
lesionSegmentation | wholeHeadInpainting |
linMatchIntensity | linMatchIntensity |
LogSoftmaxLayer | Creates a log softmax layer |
longitudinalCorticalThickness | Longitudinal cortical thickness using deep learning |
LossSSD | Loss function for the SSD deep learning architecture. |
lungAirwaySegmentation | Lung airway segmentation. |
lungExtraction | Lung extraction |
lungPulmonaryArterySegmentation | Pulmonary artery segmentation. |
MAE | Mean absolute error of a single image or between two images. |
masked_mse_error | Function for masked mean-squared error |
maximum_mean_discrepancy | Function for maximum-mean discrepancy |
MixtureDensityNetworkLayer | Mixture density network layer |
mixture_density_network_softmax | Softmax function for mixture density with temperature... |
mouseBrainExtraction | Mouse brain extraction |
mouseBrainParcellation | Mouse brain parcellation |
mouseCorticalThickness | Mouse brain cortical thickness using deep learning |
mriModalityClassification | MRI modality classification |
mriSuperResolution | Super-resolution for MRI |
MSE | Mean square error of a single image or between two images. |
multilabel_dice_coefficient | Dice function for multilabel segmentation problems |
neuralStyleTransfer | Neural transfer style |
padImageByFactor | Pad an image based on a factor. |
padOrCropImageToSize | Pad or crop image to a specified size |
PartialConv2DLayer | Creates 2D partial convolution layer |
PartialConv3DLayer | Creates 3D partial convolution layer |
peak_signal_to_noise_ratio | Function to calculate peak-signal-to-noise ratio. |
pearson_correlation_coefficient | Function for Pearson correlation coefficient. |
pipe | Pipe operator |
preprocessBrainImage | Basic preprocessing pipeline for T1-weighted brain MRI |
PSNR | Peak signal-to-noise ratio between two images. |
randomImageTransformAugmentation | Apply random transforms to a predictor / outcome training... |
randomImageTransformBatchGenerator | Random image transformation batch generator |
randomImageTransformParametersAugmentation | Generate transform parameters and transformed images |
randomImageTransformParametersBatchGenerator | Random image transform parameters batch generator |
randomlyTransformImageData | Randomly transform image data (optional: with corresponding... |
reconstructImageFromPatches | Reconstruct image from a list of patches. |
regressionMatchImage | Image intensity normalization using linear regression. |
ResampleTensorLayer2D | Creates a resample tensor layer (2-D) |
ResampleTensorLayer3D | Creates a resampled tensor (to fixed size) layer (3-D) |
ResampleTensorToTargetTensorLayer2D | Creates a resampled tensor (to target tensor) layer (2-D) |
ResampleTensorToTargetTensorLayer3D | Creates a resampled tensor (to target tensor) layer (3-D) |
sampleFromCategoricalDistribution | Sample from a categorical distribution |
sampleFromOutput | Sample from a distribution |
ScaleLayer | Custom scale layer |
setAntsxnetCacheDirectory | Set the ANTsXNet Cache Directory |
shivaPvsSegmentation | SHIVA PVS/VRS segmentation. |
shivaWmhSegmentation | SHIVA WMH segmentation. |
simulateBiasField | Simulate random bias field |
SpatialTransformerLayer2D | Spatial transformer layer (2-D) |
SpatialTransformerLayer3D | Spatial transfomer layer (3-D) |
splitMixtureParameters | Splits the mixture parameters. |
SSIM | Structural similarity index (SSI) between two images. |
SuperResolutionGanModel | Super resolution GAN model |
sysuMediaWmhSegmentation | White matter hyperintensity segmentation |
tidNeuralImageAssessment | Perform MOS-based assessment of an image. |
uvaSeg | Unsupervised variational autoencoder segmentation |
uvaSegTrain | Unsupervised variational autoencoder training |
VanillaGanModel | Vanilla GAN model |
WassersteinGanModel | Wasserstein GAN model |
weighted_categorical_crossentropy | Function for weighted categorical cross entropy |
wholeHeadInpainting | wholeHeadInpainting |
wmhSegmentation | White matter hyperintensity probabilistic segmentation |
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