
# Set up test data
# create an sce with cellhash data
sce <- sim_sce(n_cells = 100, n_genes = 200, n_empty = 0)
metadata(sce)$sample_id <- paste0("sample", 1:4)
# create barcode and sample ids
hashsample_table <- data.frame(
  barcode_id = paste0("tag", 1:4),
  sample_id = paste0("sample", 1:4)
# create hash reads matrix (random order for barcodes)
hash_reads <- matrix(
  ncol = 100, nrow = 4,
  dimnames = list(sample(hashsample_table$barcode_id), colnames(sce)),
  rpois(400, 10)
) # random background
hash_reads[cbind(1:4, 1:100)] <- 1000 # one barcode higher for each column
# add an altExp
hash_sce <- SingleCellExperiment(list(counts = hash_reads))
altExp(sce, "cellhash") <- hash_sce

test_that("adding cellhash ids works", {
  # add barcode table to sce
  sce_hashtable <- add_cellhash_ids(sce, hashsample_table, altexp_id = "cellhash")
  # pull out barcodes and sort to match original
  extracted_barcodes <- rowData(altExp(sce_hashtable, "cellhash")) |>
    as.data.frame() |>
    tibble::remove_rownames() |>
  expect_equal(hashsample_table, extracted_barcodes)

  # test when not all barcodes are present
  expect_warning(add_cellhash_ids(sce, hashsample_table[1:2, ], remove_unlabeled = FALSE))
  reduced_sce <- add_cellhash_ids(sce, hashsample_table[1:2, ], remove_unlabeled = TRUE)
  expect_equal(sort(rownames(altExp(reduced_sce))), sort(hashsample_table$barcode_id[1:2]))

  # test with the wrong altexp_id
  expect_error(add_cellhash_ids(sce, hashsample_table, altexp_id = "foo"))
  # test with bad barcode tables
  expect_error(add_cellhash_ids(sce, data.frame(a = 1:4, b = 1:4)))
  expect_error(add_cellhash_ids(sce, rbind(hashsample_table, c("tag1", "sample5"))))
  expect_error(add_cellhash_ids(sce, hashsample_table[, 1]))
  # test with different sample_ids
  wrong_table <- data.frame(
    barcode_id = paste0("tag", 1:4),
    sample_id = paste0("other", 1:4)
  expect_warning(add_cellhash_ids(sce, wrong_table))

test_that("hashedDrops functions work", {
  ## test hasheddrops functions
  sce_hashtable <- add_cellhash_ids(sce, hashsample_table, altexp_id = "cellhash")
  hashdrops_sce <- add_demux_hashedDrops(sce_hashtable)
  hash_cols <- c(
  ) # a subset of the expected columns for the altExp rowData
  expect_true(all(hash_cols %in% colnames(colData(altExp(hashdrops_sce)))))
  # check the results are by sample_id
  expect_true(all(hashdrops_sce$hashedDrops_sampleid[!is.na(hash_sce$hashedDrops_sampleid)] %in% hashsample_table$sample_id))

  # results with no sample table present
    hashdrops_sce_nosample <- add_demux_hashedDrops(sce)
  expect_true(all(hashdrops_sce_nosample$hashedDrops_sampleid[!is.na(hashdrops_sce_nosample$hashedDrops_sampleid)] %in% rownames(altExp(hashdrops_sce_nosample))))

test_that("seurat functions work", {
  # test seurat functions
  sce_hashtable <- add_cellhash_ids(sce, hashsample_table, altexp_id = "cellhash")
  hto_sce <- add_demux_seurat(sce_hashtable)
  hto_cols <- c(
  ) # a subset of the expected columns for the altExp rowData
  expect_true(all(hto_cols %in% colnames(colData(altExp(hto_sce)))))
  # check the results are by sample_id
  expect_true(all(hto_sce$HTODemux_sampleid[!is.na(hto_sce$HTODemux_sampleid)] %in% hashsample_table$sample_id))
  # results with no sample table present
    hto_sce_nosample <- add_demux_seurat(sce)
  expect_true(all(hto_sce_nosample$hashedDrops_sampleid[!is.na(hto_sce_nosample$hashedDrops_sampleid)] %in% rownames(altExp(hto_sce_nosample))))
AlexsLemonade/scpcaTools documentation built on July 12, 2024, 8:34 a.m.