
Defines functions PlotBehaviorProportionLine ExtractTransitionProbabilities ExtractFlightSpeed AddNestConDist AddNestBehavior AddHomeRangeKernelsBAEA AddHomeConEdgeDistanceBAEA AddFlightBehavior AddCruiseBehavior

Documented in AddCruiseBehavior AddFlightBehavior AddHomeConEdgeDistanceBAEA AddHomeRangeKernelsBAEA AddNestBehavior AddNestConDist ExtractFlightSpeed ExtractTransitionProbabilities PlotBehaviorProportionLine

#' Adds cruise behavior
#' Finds cruise behavior that meet given threshold parameters
#' @usage AddCruiseBehavior(df, min_agl, min_speed, threshold_agl)
#' @param df dataframe
#' @param min_agl distance (in meters) above ground
#' @param min_speed minimum speed of bird
#' @param threshold_agl any locations above this threshold of agl ('above ground
#'     level') are labeled "cruise"
#' @return dataframe with behavior column that has "cruise"
#' @export
#' @details should run AddNestBehavior, AddRoostBehavior, and AddCruiseBehavior
#'   prior to this function
AddCruiseBehavior <- function(df = df,
                              min_agl = 200,
                              min_speed = 5,
                              threshold_agl = 250) {
  df_cruise <- df %>%
    dplyr::mutate(bh_cruise = as.character(NA) ) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(bh_cruise = dplyr::if_else(agl >= min_agl &
        speed >= min_speed, "Cruise", bh_cruise)) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(bh_cruise = dplyr::if_else(agl >= threshold_agl, "Cruise",
      bh_cruise)) %>%
      bh_cruise_tf = dplyr::if_else(!is.na(bh_cruise), TRUE, FALSE),
      bh_cruise_seq = sequence(rle(bh_cruise_tf)$lengths) * bh_cruise_tf) %>%

#' Adds flight behavior
#' Finds location data that meet given threshold parameters for flights, which
#'   include the start point, mid-flight, and final location of a flight.
#' @usage AddFlightBehavior(df, min_speed, min_step_length, max_step_time,
#'     threshold_agl)
#' @param df dataframe
#' @param min_speed minimum speed of bird
#' @param min_step_length distance (in meters) between locations
#' @param max_step_time maximum time between locations
#' @param threshold_agl any locations above this threshold of agl ('above ground
#'     level') are labeled "cruise"
#' @return dataframe with columns for flight_index, flight_step, and
#'  flight_length
#' @export
#' @details adds 'bh_flight' to dataframe
AddFlightBehavior <- function(df,
                              min_speed = 5,
                              min_step_length = 50,
                              max_step_time = 20,
                              threshold_agl = 100){
  df_flight <- df %>%
    plyr::mutate(bh_flight = as.character(NA)) %>%
    plyr::mutate(bh_flight = dplyr::if_else(speed >= min_speed &
        step_time < max_step_time & step_length > min_step_length, "Flight",
        bh_flight)) %>%
    plyr::mutate(bh_flight = dplyr::if_else(agl >= threshold_agl, "Flight",

#' Adds home and conspecific edge distances to 'baea' dataframe
#' Creates Raster Layers of homerange kernels based on home centroids
#' @param baea dataframe of baea locations
#' @param nest_set dataframe of nests
#' @param base base Raster that sets the projection, extent, and dimensions of
#'   the study area
#' @param output_dir directory for output files (distance, homerange)
#' @param max_r maximum radius to calculate the homerange raster from each
#'   df_home centroid
#' @param write_home_dist logical, write home nest distance raster to file.
#'   Default is FALSE.
#' @param write_con_dist logical, write conspecific nest distance raster to
#'   file. Default is FALSE.
#' @param write_con_dist_nest logical, write conspecific nest distance with all
#'   values centered on zero at the nest as raster to file. Default is FALSE.
#' @param write_edge_dist logical, write territorial edge distance raster to
#'   file. Default is FALSE.
#' @param write_terr_edge logical, write territorial edge raster to file.
#'   Default is FALSE.
#' @return baea
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @export
#' @details Creates folders for every year in output directory

AddHomeConEdgeDistanceBAEA <- function(baea,
                                       output_dir = getwd(),
                                       write_home_dist = FALSE,
                                       write_con_dist = FALSE,
                                       write_con_dist_nest = FALSE,
                                       write_edge_dist = FALSE,
                                       write_terr_edge = FALSE){
  id <- "nest_site"
  name <- "name"
#  if (output_dir != getwd()) unlink(output_dir, recursive=TRUE)
  if (!dir.exists(output_dir)) dir.create(output_dir)
  if (write_home_dist | write_edge_dist | write_edge_dist | write_terr_edge){
    for (k in sort(unique(baea$year))) dir.create(file.path(output_dir, k),
      showWarnings = FALSE)
  distance_df <- data.frame(year = numeric(), id=character(),
    home_dist_min=numeric(), home_dist_max=numeric(), con_dist_min=numeric(),
    con_dist_max=numeric(), edge_dist_min=numeric(), edge_dist_max=numeric())
  cellsize <- res(base)[1]
  max_r_cells <- ceiling(max_r/cellsize)
  xmin <- xmin(base)
  ymin <- ymin(base)
  for (i in 1:nrow(nest_set)){
    nest_set[i, "x"] <- CenterXYInCell(nest_set[i,"long_utm"],
      nest_set[i,"lat_utm"], xmin, ymin, cellsize)[1]
    nest_set[i, "y"] <- CenterXYInCell(nest_set[i,"long_utm"],
      nest_set[i,"lat_utm"], xmin, ymin, cellsize)[2]
  for (i in sort(unique(baea$year))){
    baea_year <- baea %>% dplyr::filter(year == i)
    active_year <- paste0("active_", i)
    col <- which(colnames(nest_set) == active_year)
    df_all <- nest_set[which(nest_set[,col] == TRUE), ]
    year_nest <- unique(baea_year$nest_site)
    df_home <- df_all %>% dplyr::filter(nest_site %in% year_nest)
    df_all_sp <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(df_all[,c("x","y")], df_all,
    homerange_ids <- df_home[,id]
    total <- length(homerange_ids)
    for (j in 1:nrow(df_home)) {
      hr_nest_site <- df_home[j,] %>% dplyr::select(id) %>% dplyr::pull()
      id_year_xy <- baea %>%
        dplyr::filter(nest_site == hr_nest_site) %>%
        dplyr::filter(year == i) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(x = long_utm) %>%
        dplyr::mutate (y = lat_utm) %>%
      sv <- baea$nest_site == hr_nest_site & baea$year == i
      sv <- ifelse(is.na(sv), FALSE, sv)
      home <- df_home[j,]
      ifelse(is.null(name), home_name <- j, home_name <- home[,name])
      writeLines(noquote(paste0("Calculating nest and edge distances for ",
        i, ": ", home_name, " (", j, " of ", total, ").")))
      home_sp <- sp::SpatialPointsDataFrame(home[,c("x","y")], home,
      xy <- c(home_sp@coords[,"x"], home_sp@coords[,"y"])
      cell_extent <- raster::extent(xy[1]-(cellsize/2), xy[1]+(cellsize/2),
        xy[2]-(cellsize/2), xy[2]+(cellsize/2))
      cell <- setValues(raster(cell_extent,crs=projection(base),res=cellsize),j)
      home_ext <- raster::extend(cell, c(max_r_cells, max_r_cells), value=NA)
      home_dist <- raster::distanceFromPoints(home_ext, home[,c("x","y")])
      if (write_home_dist == TRUE) {
        filename <- file.path(output_dir, i, paste0("HomeDist_", home_name,
        raster::writeRaster(home_dist, filename=filename, format="GTiff",
        writeLines(noquote(paste("Writing:", filename)))
      base_crop <- raster::raster(raster::extent(home_ext), resolution=30,
      base_crop <- raster::setValues(base_crop, runif(ncell(base_crop), 1, 10))
      con_dist <- raster::distanceFromPoints(base_crop,
        df_all_sp[which(df_all_sp$nest_area != home$nest_area),])
      # raster::plot(con_dist)
      if (write_con_dist == TRUE) {
        filename <- file.path(output_dir, i, paste0("ConDist_", home_name,
        writeLines(noquote(paste0("Writing: ", filename)))
        writeRaster(con_dist, filename=filename, format="GTiff",
      fun <- function(x){ raster::extract(con_dist, home_sp) - x  }
      con_dist_nest <- calc(con_dist, fun)
      if (write_con_dist_nest == TRUE) {
        filename <- file.path(output_dir, i, paste0("ConDistNest_", home_name,
        writeLines(noquote(paste0("Writing: ", filename)))
        writeRaster(con_dist_nest, filename=filename, format="GTiff",
      baea[sv, "con_dist"] <- raster::extract(con_dist, id_year_xy)
      baea[sv, "con_dist_min"] <- cellStats(con_dist, min)
      baea[sv, "con_dist_nest"] <- raster::extract(con_dist, home_sp)
      k <- nrow(distance_df) + 1
      distance_df[k, "con_dist_min"] <- cellStats(con_dist, min)
      distance_df[k, "con_dist_max"] <- cellStats(con_dist, max)
      distance_df[k, "con_dist_max"] <- raster::extract(con_dist, home_sp)
      global_dist_crop <- distanceFromPoints(base_crop, df_all_sp)
      cent_dist <- overlay(home_dist, global_dist_crop, fun = function(x,y){
        ifelse(x != y, NA, x)})
      baea[sv, "home_dist"] <- raster::extract(home_dist, id_year_xy)
      distance_df[k, "home_dist_min"] <- cellStats(home_dist, min)
      distance_df[k, "home_dist_max"] <- cellStats(home_dist, max)
      cent_bounds <- boundaries(cent_dist)
      if (write_terr_edge == TRUE) {
        terr_edge <- cent_bounds
        terr_edge[terr_edge == 0] <- NA
        terr_edge_poly <- rasterToPolygons(terr_edge, n=4, # fun=function(x){x==1},
          digits = 8, dissolve=FALSE)
        file_dir <- file.path(output_dir, i, "TerrEdge_Shapefiles")
        if(!dir.exists(file_dir)) dir.create(file_dir)
        writeLines(noquote(paste0("Writing: ", file.path(file_dir, paste0(
          "TerrEdge_", home_name)))))
        rgdal::writeOGR(terr_edge_poly, dsn = file_dir, layer = paste0(
          "TerrEdge_", home_name), driver = "ESRI Shapefile", overwrite_layer =
      cent_bounds <- subs(cent_bounds, data.frame(from=c(0,1), to=c(NA,1)))
      edge_dist_abs <- distance(cent_bounds)
      rm(cent_bounds) # new
      edge_dist <- overlay(cent_dist, edge_dist_abs, fun=function(x,y)
        {ifelse(!is.na(x), y*-1, y*1)})
      rm(cent_dist, edge_dist_abs)
      if (write_edge_dist == TRUE) {
        filename <- file.path(output_dir, i, paste0("EdgeDist_", home_name,
        writeLines(noquote(paste0("Writing: ", filename)))
        writeRaster(edge_dist, filename=filename, format="GTiff",
        edge_dist_shift <- calc(edge_dist, function(x) x - cellStats(edge_dist,
        filename <- file.path(output_dir, i, paste0("EdgeDistShift_", home_name,
        writeLines(noquote(paste0("Writing: ", filename)))
        writeRaster(edge_dist_shift, filename=filename, format="GTiff",
      baea[sv, "edge_dist"] <- raster::extract(edge_dist, id_year_xy)
      baea[sv, "edge_dist_min"] <- cellStats(edge_dist, min)
      rm(sv, id_year_xy)
      distance_df[k, "year"] <- i
      distance_df[k, "id"] <- home_name
      distance_df[k, "edge_dist_min"] <- cellStats(edge_dist, min)
      distance_df[k, "edge_dist_max"] <- cellStats(edge_dist, max)
  filepath <- file.path(output_dir, "Raster_Distance_Metrics.csv")
  writeLines(noquote(paste0("Writing: ", filepath)))
  write.csv(distance_df, filepath)
  baea$con_dist_shift <- baea$con_dist - baea$con_dist_min
  baea$edge_dist_shift <- baea$edge_dist - baea$edge_dist_min

#' Creates and exports homerange kernels
#' Creates RasterLayers of homerange kernels based on home centroids
#' @usage AddHomeRangeKernelsBAEA(baea, nest_set, set_name, base, output_dir,
#'   max_r, home_inflection, home_scale, avoid_inflection, avoid_scale,
#'   min_prob, write_distance, write_homerange)
#' @param baea dataframe of all homerange centroids
#' @param nest_set dataframe of nests
#' @param set_name character, name of nest set
#' @param base base Raster that sets the projection, extent, and dimensions of
#'   the study area
#' @param output_dir directory for output files (distance, homerange)
#' @param max_r maximum radius to calculate the homerange raster from each
#'   df_home centroid
#' @param home_inflection inflection point of the Logistic function that governs
#'   the home kernel
#' @param home_scale scale parameter of the Logistic function that governs the
#'   scale parameter
#' @param avoid_inflection inflection point of the Logistic function that
#'   governs the conspecific avoidance kernel
#' @param avoid_scale scale parameter of the Logistic function that governs
#'   the conspecific avoidance kernel
#' @param min_prob numeric, minimum probablity threshold; all probabilities
#'   below this value will be rounded to zero. Default is 0.
#' @param write_distance logical, write distance raster to file. Default is
#'   FALSE.
#' @param write_homerange logical, write home range raster to file. Default is
#'   FALSE.
#' @return A list containing homerange kernel Rasters for all the df_home
#'   centroids
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @export
#' @details Create a folder for every year in the output directory
AddHomeRangeKernelsBAEA <- function(baea,
                                    output_dir = getwd(),
                                    min_prob = 0,
                                    write_distance = TRUE,
                                    write_homerange = TRUE){
  id <- "nest_site"
  name <- "name"
#  unlink(output_dir, recursive=TRUE)
  if(!dir.exists(output_dir)) {
    for (k in sort(unique(baea$year))) dir.create(file.path(output_dir, k))
  for (i in sort(unique(baea$year))){
    baea_year <- baea %>% filter(year == i)
    active_year <- paste0("active_", i)
    col <- which(colnames(nest_set) == active_year)
    df_all <- nest_set[which(nest_set[,col] == TRUE), ] %>%
      mutate(x = long_utm) %>%
      mutate(y = lat_utm)
    year_nest <- unique(baea_year$nest_site)
    df_home <- df_all %>% dplyr::filter(nest_site %in% year_nest)
    homeranges_year <- CreateHomeRangeKernelsBAEA(df_all, df_home, base, max_r,
      home_inflection, home_scale, avoid_inflection, avoid_scale, min_prob,
      id, name, output_dir=file.path(output_dir, i), write_distance,
    for (j in 1:length(homeranges_year)){
      homerange_year <- homeranges_year[[j]]
      hr_nest_site <- gsub("X", "", names(homerange_year))
      id_year_xy <- baea %>%
        filter(nest_site == hr_nest_site) %>%
        filter(year == i) %>%
        mutate(x = long_utm) %>%
        mutate (y = lat_utm) %>%
      baea_name <- unique(baea %>%
        filter(nest_site == hr_nest_site) %>%
      ExportKMLRasterOverlay(raster = homerange_year,
        color_pal = rev(jet2.col(255)), alpha=0.75, zip=TRUE,
        method="ngb", overwrite=TRUE, maxpixels = 300000, blur=10,
        colNA="transparent", outfile=paste0("HomeRange_", baea_name),
        output_dir=file.path(output_dir, i))
      id_year_xy_extract <- extract(homerange_year, id_year_xy)
      sv <- baea$nest_site == hr_nest_site & baea$year == i
      sv <- ifelse(is.na(sv), FALSE, sv)
      baea[sv, set_name] <- id_year_xy_extract

#' Adds nest behavior to baea dataframe
#' Finds nest attendance behavior that meet given threshold parameters
#' @param df dataframe
#' @param distance_threshold distance (in meters) from location to nest to assign
#'   a location as "nest" behavior
#' @return dataframe with 'bh_nest' column that has "nest"
#' @export
#' @details need to run AddNestData() prior to running this
AddNestBehavior <- function(df = df,
                            distance_threshold = 50) {
  df <- df
  df <- df %>%
    mutate(bh_nest = ifelse(nest_dist <= distance_threshold, "Nest", NA))

#' Adds nest and conspecific distances
#' Adds nest and conspecific distances to dataframe
#' @usage AddNestConDist(df, nests_con_dist)
#' @param df dataframe of locations, must have coordinate columns
#' @return dataframe with "nest_dist" and "con_dist" columns
#' @export
#' @details The nest_con_dist has to have structure of list[[year]][[nest_id]]
AddNestConDist<- function(df,
                          nest_con_dist = nest_con_dist) {
  df <- df
  nest_con_dist <- nest_con_dist
  AddDistances <- function(df){
    df <- df
    coordinates(df) <- cbind(df$long_utm, df$lat_utm)
    proj4string(df) <- sp::CRS("+proj=utm +zone=19 +datum=NAD83")
    nest_id <- unique(df$nest_id)
    year <- unique(df$year)
    dists <- nest_con_dist[[as.character(year)]][[nest_id]]
    df$nest_dist <- round(as.vector(unlist(raster::extract(dists, df, layer=1,
    df$con_dist <- round(as.vector(unlist(raster::extract(dists, df, layer=2,
    output <- as.data.frame(df)
  output <- ddply(df, .(year, id), AddDistances)
  output$x <- NULL
  output$y <- NULL

#' Add perch behavior
#' Finds perch behavior that meets given threshold parameters
#' @usage AddPerchBehavior(df, max_speed)
#' @param df dataframe
#' @param max_speed numeric, speed over which behavior is no longer considered
#'   perch.
#' @return dataframe with behavior column that has "perch"
#' @export
AddPerchBehavior <- function(df = df,
                             max_speed = 5) {
  df <- df
  df$bh_perch <- ifelse(df$speed < max_speed, "perch", df$behavior)

#' Adds roost behavior to dataframe
#' Finds roost arrivals and departures that meet given threshold parameters
#' @usage AddRoostBehavior(df, at_roost_distance_threshold, depart_timediff_max,
#'   arrive_timediff_max)
#' @param df dataframe
#' @param at_roost_distance_threshold  numeric max distance away from roost
#' @param depart_timediff_max max diff between start of day and depart
#' @param arrive_timediff_max max diff between end of day and arrival
#' @return dataframe with 'bh_roost' column that has arrive, depart, and roost
#' @export
#' @details Adds 'bh_roost' column
AddRoostBehavior <- function(df,
                             at_roost_distance_threshold = 50,
                             depart_timediff_max = 1000,
                             arrive_timediff_max = 1000){
  df <- df
  df_departure <- df %>% filter(datetime < solarnoon)
  df_arrival <- df %>% filter(datetime > solarnoon)
  depart <- df_departure %>%
    group_by(date, id) %>%
    mutate(away_from_roost =
        if_else(dist_first > at_roost_distance_threshold | bh_nest == "Nest",
      1, 0)) %>%
    mutate(depart_roost = away_from_roost == 1 &
      !duplicated(away_from_roost == 1)) %>%
    mutate(lead_depart = lead(depart_roost, 1)) %>%
    mutate(roost = ifelse(lead_depart == 1, "Depart", NA)) %>%
    mutate(pos_depart = which(roost == "Depart")[1]) %>%
    mutate(pos_all = 1) %>%
    mutate(pos_cumsum = cumsum(pos_all)) %>%
    mutate(roost = ifelse(pos_cumsum < pos_depart, "Roost", roost)) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    dplyr::select(id, datetime, roost) %>%
    mutate(roost_depart = TRUE)
  arrive <- df_arrival %>%
    group_by(date, id) %>%
    arrange(desc(datetime)) %>%
    mutate(away_from_roost =
        if_else(dist_last > at_roost_distance_threshold | bh_nest == "Nest",
      1, 0)) %>%
    mutate(arrive_roost = away_from_roost == 1 &
      !duplicated(away_from_roost == 1)) %>%
    mutate(lead_arrive = lead(arrive_roost, 1)) %>%
    mutate(roost = ifelse(lead_arrive == 1, "Arrive", NA)) %>%
    mutate(pos_arrive = which(roost == "Arrive")[1]) %>%
    mutate(pos_all = 1) %>%
    mutate(pos_cumsum = cumsum(pos_all)) %>%
    mutate(roost = ifelse(pos_cumsum < pos_arrive, "Roost", roost)) %>%
    arrange(id, datetime) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    dplyr::select(id, datetime, roost) %>%
    mutate(roost_arrive = TRUE)
  df_roost <- full_join(arrive, depart, by = c("id", "datetime")) %>%
    arrange(id, datetime) %>%
    mutate(bh_roost = coalesce(roost.x, roost.y)) %>%
    dplyr::select(id, datetime, bh_roost)
  df_final <- left_join(df, df_roost, by = c("id", "datetime"))

#' Adds 'season' to dataframe
#' Adds 'season' column to original dataframe. Seasons start at 3-19, 6-20,
#'   9-21, and 12-20 for "Spring", "Summer", "Fall", and "Winter", respectively.
#' @usage AddSeason(df, date_col)
#' @param df dataframe
#' @param by date column. Default is "date".
#' @return dataframe with 'season' column
#' @export
AddSeason <- function(df,
                      date_col = "date"){
  df <- df
  df$date <- df[,date_col]
  numeric_date <- 100*month(df$date) + day(df$date)
  cuts <- base::cut(numeric_date, breaks = c(0, 0319, 0620, 0921, 1220, 1231))
  levels(cuts) <- c("winter", "spring", "summer", "fall", "winter")
  cuts <- as.character(cuts)
  df$season <- cuts

#' Adds time step proportions
#' Adds time_steps, day_min, time_after_start, and time_proportion data
#' @param df dataframe
#' @param by grouping column. Default is "id"
#' @param time_step time step length, based on lubriate times. Default is
#'   "15 min".
#' @param tz timezone for dataset. Default is "Etc/GMT+5"
#' @return dataframe with time_steps, day_min, time_after_start, and
#'   time_proportion data
#' @export
#' @details  need to run AddSolarTimes() prior to running this function
AddTimeStepProportion <- function(df = df,
                                  by = "id",
                                  time_step = "15 min",
                                  tz = "Etc/GMT+5") {
  df <- df
  df$by <- df[,by]
  DailyTimeStepCount <- function (df=df){
    days <- subset(df, select=c("id", "date", "hr_before_sunrise",
    days <- plyr::ddply(days, plyr::.(date), function(x) x[1, ]) # first records
    days$time_steps <- NA
    days$day_min <- NA
    for (i in 1:nrow(days)) {
      day <- days[i,]
      days[i,"time_steps"] <- length(seq(day[,"hr_before_sunrise"],
        day[,"hr_after_sunset"], time_step))
      days[i,"day_min"] <- as.integer(difftime(day[,"hr_after_sunset"],
        day[,"hr_before_sunrise"],tz=tz, units = ("mins")))
  df2 <- plyr::ddply(df, plyr::.(by), DailyTimeStepCount)
  df2 <- merge(df, df2, all.x=TRUE)
  df2$time_after_start <- as.integer(difftime(df2$datetime,
    df2$hr_before_sunrise, tz=tz, units = ("mins")))
  df2$time_proportion <- df2$time_after_start/df2$day_min
  df2$by <- NULL

#' Analyses overlap of homeranges in paired nest locations
#' Analyzes pair locations to determine mid-way point betweeen nests and
#'   proportion of overlapping locations
#' @usage AnalyzePairLocation(pair, nests, points, mid_length, zoom)
#' @param pair pair to be analyzed, first nest is analyzed
#' @param nests nest locations
#' @param points baea locations
#' @param mid_length length of mid-line.
#' @param zoom  integer (2-22) of google map zoom, default = 10.
#' @return Multiple output: writes .csv, plots, and dataframe
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @export
AnalyzePairLocations <- function(pair,
                                 zoom = 12){
  crs_utm <- "+proj=utm +zone=19 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"
  crs_proj <- "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"
  nests_pair <- nests[nests$name %in% pair,]
  nests_pair_df <- as.data.frame(nests_pair)
  pair_dist <- round(sqrt(sum((c(nests_pair$long_utm[1], nests_pair$lat_utm[1])-
      c(nests_pair$long_utm[2], nests_pair$lat_utm[2]))^2)))/1000
  points1 <- points[points$id == pair[1], ]
  mid_pt_df <- cbind.data.frame(long_utm = (sum(nests_pair$long_utm))/2,
    lat_utm = (sum(nests_pair$lat_utm))/2)
  mid_pt <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(mid_pt_df[c("long_utm", "lat_utm")],
    bbox=NULL, data=mid_pt_df, proj4string=CRS(crs_utm))
  angle1 <- ConvertAngle(CalculateAngleToPoint(nests_pair$long_utm[1],
    nests_pair$lat_utm[1], nests_pair$long_utm[2], nests_pair$lat_utm[2]) +
  angle2 <- ConvertAngle(CalculateAngleToPoint(nests_pair$long_utm[1],
    nests_pair$lat_utm[1], nests_pair$long_utm[2], nests_pair$lat_utm[2]) -
  mid_ends_df <- data.frame(long_utm=NA, lat_utm=NA)
  mid_ends_df[1,]<- CoordinatesFromAngleLength(mid_pt_df[1,], angle1,mid_length)
  mid_ends_df[2,]<- CoordinatesFromAngleLength(mid_pt_df[1,], angle2,mid_length)
  mid_ends <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(mid_ends_df[c("long_utm", "lat_utm")],
    bbox=NULL, data=mid_ends_df, proj4string=CRS(crs_utm))
  mid_line <- CreateSpatialLines(df=mid_ends_df, long="long_utm", lat="lat_utm",
  nests_pair_df <- as.data.frame(nests_pair) %>% dplyr::select(long_utm,lat_utm)
  poly_df <- rbind(nests_pair_df[1,], mid_ends_df[1,], nests_pair_df[2,],
  poly_sp <- CreateSpatialPolygons(poly_df, long="long_utm", lat="lat_utm",
  points1_inside <- as.data.frame(points1[poly_sp, "home_dist"])
  points1_inside_count <- nrow(points1_inside)
  points1_inside$home_nest <- pair[1]
  points1_inside$con_nest <- pair[2]
  points1_inside$pair_dist <- pair_dist
  points1_inside$mid_length <- mid_length
  points1_inside <- points1_inside %>% dplyr::select(home_nest, pair_dist,
    everything(), con_nest)
  out_folder <- file.path(getwd(), "Points_Inside", mid_length)
  ifelse(!dir.exists(out_folder), dir.create(out_folder), FALSE)
  write.csv(points1_inside, file=file.path(out_folder, paste0(pair[1], "_",
    pair[2], ".csv")), row.names = FALSE)
  poly_sp_df <- tidy(poly_sp)
  centroids <- coordinates(poly_sp)
  x <- centroids[,1]
  y <- centroids[,2]
  poly_spdf <- SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(poly_sp, data=data.frame(x=x, y=y,
  rgdal::writeOGR(obj=poly_spdf,  dsn = file.path(getwd(), "Polys"),
    layer=paste0(pair[1], "_", pair[2]), driver = "ESRI Shapefile",
    overwrite_layer = TRUE)

  out_folder <- file.path(image_output, "Pair Maps", mid_length)
  ifelse(!dir.exists(out_folder), dir.create(out_folder), FALSE)

  out_folder <- file.path(image_output, "Pair Locations", mid_length)
  ifelse(!dir.exists(out_folder), dir.create(out_folder), FALSE)

  # Location Graphs
  gg <- ggplot() + theme_no_legend +
    geom_polygon(data=poly_sp_df, aes(x=long, y=lat), fill="dodgerblue1",
      colour="black", size=1) +
    geom_path(data=as.data.frame(coordinates(mid_line)), aes(x=long_utm,
      y=lat_utm), colour="grey80", size=1, linetype=2)
  x_diff <- diff(range(poly_sp_df$long))
  y_diff <- diff(range(poly_sp_df$lat))
  axis_max <- which.max(c(x_diff, y_diff))
  if (axis_max == 1) {
    y_mean <- mean(range(poly_sp_df$lat))
    y_add <- diff(range(poly_sp_df$long)/2)
    gg <- gg + coord_fixed(ratio=1, ylim=c(y_mean - y_add, y_mean + y_add),
      xlim = range(poly_sp_df$long))
  } else {
    x_mean <- mean(range(poly_sp_df$long))
    x_add <- diff(range(poly_sp_df$lat)/2)
    gg <- gg + coord_fixed(ratio=1, xlim=c(x_mean - x_add, x_mean + x_add),
      ylim = range(poly_sp_df$lat))
  gg <- gg + geom_point(data=as.data.frame(points1), aes(x=long_utm,y=lat_utm),
      colour="red", size=1) +
    geom_point(data=points1_inside, aes(x=long_utm,y=lat_utm),
      colour="yellow", size=1.25) +
    ggtitle(paste0(pair[1], " - ", pair[2], " (n=", points1_inside_count,
  SaveGGPlot(paste0(pair[1], "_", pair[2], ".jpeg"), file.path(image_output,
    "Pair Locations", mid_length))

  # GG Maps
  points1_inside_sp <- points1[poly_sp, "home_dist"]
  points1_inside_wgs84 <- as.data.frame(spTransform(points1_inside_sp,
  points1_wgs84 <- as.data.frame(spTransform(points1, CRS(crs_proj)))
  mid_pt_wgs84 <- as.data.frame(spTransform(mid_pt, CRS(crs_proj)))
  mid_ends_wgs84 <- spTransform(mid_ends, CRS(crs_proj))
  poly_wgs84 <- tidy(spTransform(poly_sp, CRS(crs_proj)))
  points1_inside_count <- nrow(points1_inside_wgs84)
  ptspermm <- 2.83464567
  title_text <- paste0(pair[1], " - ", pair[2], " (n=", points1_inside_count,
  nest_map <- get_map(location = c(lon=mid_pt_wgs84[1,3],
    lat=mid_pt_wgs84[1,4]), color="color", source="google",
    maptype="hybrid", zoom=zoom)
  nest_ggmap <- ggmap(nest_map, extent="device", ylab="Latitude",
    xlab="Longitude", legend="right")
#  Sys.sleep(2)
  bb <- attr(nest_map, "bb")
#  bb_diag <- bb$ll.lat - bb$ur.lat
  scalebar.length = 5
  sbar <- data.frame(long_start = c(bb$ll.lon + 0.1*(bb$ur.lon - bb$ll.lon)),
                     long_end = c(bb$ll.lon + 0.25*(bb$ur.lon - bb$ll.lon)),
                     lat_start = c(bb$ll.lat + 0.1*(bb$ur.lat - bb$ll.lat)),
                     lat_end = c(bb$ll.lat + 0.1*(bb$ur.lat - bb$ll.lat)),
                     bb_diag = bb$ur.lat - bb$ll.lat,
                     scalebar.length = scalebar.length)
  map_title <- cbind.data.frame(name=title_text, x = (bb$ll.lon + bb$ur.lon)/2,
    y = bb$ur.lat - 0.01)
  sbar$distance <- geosphere::distVincentyEllipsoid(c(sbar$long_start,
    sbar$lat_start), c(sbar$long_end,sbar$lat_end))
  sbar$long_end <- sbar$long_start +
    ((sbar$long_end-sbar$long_start)/sbar$distance) * scalebar.length*1000
  gg <-
    nest_ggmap +
    geom_polygon(data=poly_wgs84, aes(x=long, y=lat), alpha=0.8,
      fill="dodgerblue1", color="black", size=0.2) +
    geom_path(data=as.data.frame(coordinates(mid_ends_wgs84)), aes(x=long_utm,
      y=lat_utm), colour="grey80", size=1, linetype=2) +
    geom_point(data=points1_wgs84, aes(x=long, y=lat), shape=19, alpha=.9,
      color="red", size=.75, stroke=1, na.rm=TRUE) +
    geom_point(data=points1_inside_wgs84, aes(x=long_utm,y=lat_utm), shape=19,
      alpha=.75, color="yellow", size=2, stroke=1, na.rm=TRUE) +
   geom_segment(data = sbar, aes(x=long_start, xend=long_end, y=lat_start,
      yend=lat_end), size=1.25, arrow=arrow(angle=90, length=unit(0.2, "cm"),
      ends="both", type="open"), color="white") +
    geom_text(data = sbar, aes(x = (long_start + long_end)/2, y = lat_start +
      0.025*(bb_diag), label=paste(format(scalebar.length),'km')),
      hjust=0.5, vjust=.7, size=18/ptspermm, color="white")  +
    geom_text(data = map_title, aes(x=x, y=y, label=name), size=24/ptspermm,
      color="white") +
    theme(legend.justification=c(1,1), legend.position=c(1,1))
  SaveGGPlot(paste0(pair[1], "_", pair[2], ".jpeg"), file.path(image_output,
    "Pair Maps", mid_length), bg = "black")

#' Converts nest alphanumeric id to nest numeric id
#' Converts alphanumeric "nest_id" column to a numeric "nest_id_num" column,
#'   useful for creating RasterLayers associated with nests
#' @usage ConvertNestIdToNum(df)
#' @param df input dataframe with "nest_id" column
#' @return A dataframe with a numberic "nest_id_num" column
#' @export
#' @details  If a "nest_id_num" column doesn't exist, the function
#'   automatically creates one.
ConvertNestIdToNum <- function(df){
  df <- df
  if(!"nest_id" %in% colnames(df)) {
    df$nest_id <- df$nest_site
  if(!"nest_id_num" %in% colnames(df)) {
    df$nest_id_num <- NA
  nest_id <- df$nest_id
  territory_number <- sapply(strsplit(nest_id, "[A-Z]"), "[", 1)
  nest_letter <- stringr::str_extract(nest_id, "[A-Z]")
  nest_number <- sapply(strsplit(nest_id, "[A-Z]"), "[", 2)
  nest_number[is.na(nest_number)] <- ""
  letters <- LETTERS[1:26]  # had only gone to "k" in 2012
  numbers <- formatC(1:26, width = 2, format = "d", flag = "0")
  for (i in 1:length(letters)){
    nest_letter <- gsub(letters[i], numbers[i], nest_letter)
  df$nest_id_num <- as.numeric(sprintf("%s%s%s", territory_number, nest_letter,

#' Converts nest numeric id to nest alphanumeric id
#' Converts a numeric "nest_id_num" column to an alphanumeric "nest_id" column
#' @usage ConvertNestIdToNum(df)
#' @param df input dataframe with "nest_id_num" column
#' @return A dataframe with a numberic "nest_id" column
#' @export
#' @details If a "nest_id" column doesn't exist, the function automatically
#'   creates one
ConvertNestNumToId <- function(df){
  df <- df
  if(!"nest_id" %in% colnames(df)) {
    df$nest_id <- NA
  nest_id_num <- df$nest_id_num
  letters <- LETTERS[1:26]  # had only gone to "k" in 2012
  numbers <- formatC(1:26, width = 2, format = "d", flag = "0")
  for (i in 1:length(nest_id_num)){
    if (nchar(nest_id_num[i]) == 3){
      territory_number<- sprintf("%03d", as.numeric(substr(nest_id_num[i],1,1)))
      nest_letter <- substr(nest_id_num[i], 2, 3)
      for (j in 1:length(letters)){
        nest_letter <- gsub(numbers[j], letters[j], nest_letter)
      df$nest_id[i] <- paste(territory_number, nest_letter, sep="")
    if (nchar(nest_id_num[i]) == 4){
      territory_number<- sprintf("%03d", as.numeric(substr(nest_id_num[i],1,2)))
      nest_letter <- substr(nest_id_num[i], 3, 4)
      for (j in 1:length(letters)){
        nest_letter <- gsub(numbers[j], letters[j], nest_letter)
      df$nest_id[i] <- paste(territory_number, nest_letter, sep="")
    if (nchar(nest_id_num[i]) == 5){
      territory_number <- substr(nest_id_num[i], 1, 3)
      nest_letter <- substr(nest_id_num[i], 4, 5)
      for (j in 1:length(letters)){
        nest_letter <- gsub(numbers[j], letters[j], nest_letter)
      df$nest_id[i] <- paste(territory_number, nest_letter, sep="")
    if (nchar(nest_id_num[i]) == 7){
      territory_number <- substr(nest_id_num[i], 1, 3)
      nest_letter <- substr(nest_id_num[i], 4, 5)
      nest_number <- substr(nest_id_num[i], 6, 7)
      for (j in 1:length(letters)){
        nest_letter <- gsub(numbers[j], letters[j], nest_letter)
      df$nest_id[i] <- paste(territory_number, nest_letter, nest_number,
    if (nchar(nest_id_num[i]) == 8){
      territory_number <- substr(nest_id_num[i], 1, 4)
      nest_letter <- substr(nest_id_num[i], 5, 6)
      nest_number <- substr(nest_id_num[i], 7, 8)
      for (j in 1:length(letters)){
        nest_letter <- gsub(numbers[j], letters[j], nest_letter)
      df$nest_id[i] <- paste(territory_number, nest_letter, nest_number,

#' Convert step data coordinates to WGS84
#' Converts "x", "y" columns to coordinates to lat/long WGS84 (for Google)
#' @usage ConvertStepDataCoordinates(df)
#' @param df input dataframe with "x", "y" columns
#' @param crs string of projection for "x", "y" columns, default is for Maine
#'   BAEA GPS data (UTM Zone 19N).
#' @return  A dataframe with added "long", "lat" columns
#' @export
#' @details
ConvertStepDataCoordinates <- function(df,
                                       crs = "+proj=utm +zone=19 ellps=WGS84"){

  df <- df
  sp::coordinates(df) <- c("x", "y")
  sp::proj4string(df) <- sp::CRS(crs)
  res <- sp::spTransform(df, CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))
  long_lat <- sp::coordinates(res)
  colnames(long_lat) <- c("long", "lat")
  output <- cbind.data.frame(df, long_lat)
  output$optional <- NULL

#' Creates colors based on any factor in the dataframe
#' Creates and/or displays dataframe of "by" variable and associated colors#'
#' @usage CreateColorsByAny(by, df, r_pal, b_pal, output, plot, ...)
#' @param by variable to determine colors. Specific outcomes for: "behavior",
#'   "id", or "sex"
#' @param df dataframe with "by" variable - only required if "by" is not
#'   "behavior", "id", or "sex"
#' @param pal dataframe with "by" variable - only required if "by" is not
#'   "behavior", "id", or "sex"
#' @param r_pal color palette for CreateVarsColors(), default is NULL
#' @param b_pal color palette from RColorBrewer for CreateVarsColors(), default
#'   is "Set1".
#' @param output color palette from RColorBrewer for CreateVarsColors(),
#'   default is "Set1"
#' @param plot logical, whether or not to display names and colors, default is
#'   FALSE
#' @param ... additional parameters for CreateColorsByMetadata()
#' @return df with "by" variable and hexidecimal colors
#' @export
#' @details Used in several other functions. Color palettes determined
#'   automatically for "behavior", "id", and "sex". Others set by pal or b_pal.
#'   Requires 'kml' associated functions.
CreateColorsByAny <- function (by,
                               pal = NULL,
                               r_pal = NULL,
                               b_pal = "Set1",
                               output = TRUE,
                               plot = FALSE,
                               ...) {
  if (!is.null(by)){
  if (by == "behavior" || by == "id" || by == "sex") {
    if (by == "behavior") by_colors <- CreateColorsByMetadata(file=
      "Data/Assets/behavior_colors.csv", metadata_id="behavior")
    if (by == "id") by_colors <- CreateColorsByMetadata(file=
      "Data/GPS/GPS_Deployments.csv", metadata_id="deploy_location")
    if (by == "sex") by_colors <- CreateColorsByMetadata(file=
      "Data/Assets/behavior_colors.csv", metadata_id="sex")
  } else {
    by_colors <- CreateColorsByVar(df=df, by=by, pal=pal, r_pal = r_pal, b_pal =
  } else {
    by_colors <- CreateColorsByVar(df=df, by=by, pal=pal, r_pal = r_pal, b_pal =
  if (plot == TRUE) PlotColorPie(by_colors)
  if (output == TRUE) return(by_colors)

#' Creates conspecific and nest distance raster for each baea in data
#' @param baea dataframe of baea locations
#' @param nest_set dataframe of nests
#' @param base base Raster that sets the projection, extent, and dimensions of
#'   the study area
#' @param output_dir directory for output files (distance, homerange)
#' @param max_r maximum radius to calculate the homerange raster from each
#'   df_home centroid
#' @param write_con_nest_all logical, write con_nest_all raster to file.
#'   Default is TRUE
#' @return RasterLayer
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @export
#' @details Creates folders for every year in output directory
CreateConNestDistRasters <- function(baea,
                                     base = base,
                                     output_dir = "Output/Analysis/Territorial",
                                     max_r = 30000,
                                     write_con_nest_all = TRUE){
  if (!dir.exists(output_dir)) dir.create(output_dir)
  for (k in sort(unique(baea$year))) dir.create(file.path(output_dir, k),
    showWarnings = FALSE)
  raster_files <- vector()
  cellsize <- raster::res(base)[1]
  max_r_cells <- ceiling(max_r/cellsize)
  xmin <- xmin(base)
  ymin <- ymin(base)
  for (i in 1:nrow(nest_set)){
    nest_set[i, "x"] <- CenterXYInCell(nest_set[i, "long_utm"],
      nest_set[i, "lat_utm"], xmin, ymin, cellsize)[1]
    nest_set[i, "y"] <- CenterXYInCell(nest_set[i, "long_utm"],
      nest_set[i, "lat_utm"], xmin, ymin, cellsize)[2]
  nest_set_sf <- sf::st_as_sf(x = nest_set, coords = c("x", "y"), crs = 32619)
  for (i in unique(baea$id)){
    baea_i <- baea %>% dplyr::filter(id == i)
    for (j in sort(unique(baea_i$year))){
      baea_k <- baea_i %>% dplyr::filter(year == j)
      nest_k_xy <- baea_k %>% dplyr::slice(1) %>% dplyr::select(nest_long_utm,
        nest_lat_utm) %>% as.vector()
      nest_k_id <- baea_k %>% dplyr::slice(1) %>% dplyr::select(nest_site) %>%
      home_k_x <- CenterXYInCell(nest_k_xy[1], nest_k_xy[2], xmin, ymin,
        cellsize)[[1]] # home nest long
      home_k_y <- CenterXYInCell(nest_k_xy[1], nest_k_xy[2], xmin, ymin,
        cellsize)[[2]] # home nest lat
      home_k_xy <- tibble::tibble(x = home_k_x, y = home_k_y)
      home_k_sf <- sf::st_as_sf(x = home_k_xy, coords = c("x", "y"), crs=32619)
      cell_extent <- raster::extent(home_k_x - (cellsize/2),
        home_k_x + (cellsize/2), home_k_y - (cellsize/2),
        home_k_y + (cellsize/2))
      cell <- raster::setValues(raster(cell_extent, crs = projection(base),
        res = cellsize), j)
      home_ext <- raster::extend(cell, c(max_r_cells, max_r_cells), value = NA)
      home_dist <- raster::distance(home_ext)
      home_dist[home_dist > max_r] <- NA
      filter_quo <- paste0("active_", j, " == TRUE")
      nest_set_sf_j <- nest_set_sf %>%
        seplyr::filter_se(filter_quo) %>%
        dplyr::filter(nest_site != nest_k_id) # conspecific nests
      home_k_buff <- sf::st_buffer(home_k_sf, max_r)
      nests_k <- sf::st_contains(home_k_buff, nest_set_sf_j)
      nest_set_sf_k <- nest_set_sf_j %>% dplyr::slice(unlist(nests_k))
      con_dist <- raster::distanceFromPoints(home_ext,
        sf::st_coordinates(nest_set_sf_k)) # raster of nests
      # Nearest neighbor nest distance at home nest
      home_con_dist <- raster::extract(con_dist, home_k_xy)
      con_dist_home <- raster::calc(con_dist, function(x){home_con_dist - x})
      con_dist_zero <- raster::calc(con_dist_home, function(x){if_else(x >= 0,
        x, 0)}) # created to compare to con_dist_home, but not used)
      con_nest_k <- raster::overlay(home_dist, con_dist_home,
        fun = function(x,y){round(x + y)})
      filename_k <- file.path(output_dir, j, paste0("ConNest_", i, ".tif"))
      raster::writeRaster(con_nest_k, filename = filename_k, format = "GTiff",
        overwrite = TRUE)
      writeLines(noquote(paste("Writing:", filename_k)))
      raster_files <- append(raster_files, filename_k)
  con_nest <- list()
  for(i in 1:length(raster_files)){con_nest[[i]] <- raster(raster_files[i])}
  con_nest_all <- do.call(raster::merge, con_nest)
  filename <- "Output/Analysis/Territorial/ConNest_All.tif"
    raster::writeRaster(con_nest_all, filename = filename, format = "GTiff",
      overwrite = TRUE)
  writeLines(noquote(paste("Writing:", filename)))

#' Create homerange kernels for the BAEA nests
#' Creates RasterLayers of homerange kernels based on home centroids
#' @usage CreateHomeRangeKernelsBAEA(df_all, df_home, base, max_r,
#'   home_inflection, home_scale, avoid_inflection, avoid_scale, output_dir,
#'   id, write_distance, write_homerange)
#' @param df_all dataframe of all homerange centroids
#' @param df_home dataframe of homerange centroids to calculate homerange
#'   kernels (these must be a subset of the df_all dataframe), Default is to
#'   use 'df_all' dataframe
#' @param base base Raster that sets the projection, extent, and dimensions of
#'   the study area
#' @param max_r maximum radius to calculate the homerange raster from each
#'   df_home centroid
#' @param home_inflection inflection point of the Logistic function that
#'   governs the home kernel
#' @param home_scale scale parameter of the Logistic function that governs the
#'   scale parameter
#' @param avoid_inflection inflection point of the Logistic function that
#'   governs the conspecific avoidance kernel
#' @param avoid_scale scale parameter of the Logistic function that governs the
#'   conspecific avoidance kernel
#' @param min_prob numeric, minimum probablity threshold; all probabilities
#'   below this value will be rounded to zero. Default is 0.
#' @param id column name of df_home that identifies the homerange. Default is
#'   NULL, which sets the names to df_home row number.
#' @param name column name of df_home that identifies the name of the homerange
#'   and is used to write the file name of the .tif Default is 'id', which sets
#'  the names to df_home row number if 'id' is NULL.
#' @param output_dir directory for output files (distance, homerange)
#' @param write_distance logical, write distance raster to file. Default is
#'   FALSE.
#' @param write_homerange logical, write home range raster to file. Default is
#'   FALSE.
#' @return A list containing homerange kernel Rasters for all the df_home
#'   centroids.
#' @export
CreateHomeRangeKernelsBAEA <- function(df_all,
                                       df_home = df_all,
                                       id = NULL,
                                       name = id,
                                       write_distance = FALSE,
                                       write_homerange = FALSE) {
  cellsize <- raster::res(base)[1]
  max_r_cells <- ceiling(max_r/cellsize)
  xmin <- raster::xmin(base)
  ymin <- raster::ymin(base)
  df_all_sp <- sp::SpatialPointsDataFrame(df_all[,c("x","y")], df_all,
  homerange_ids <- df_home[,id]
  total <- length(homerange_ids)
  homerange_kernels <- as.list(setNames(rep(NA,length(homerange_ids)),
    homerange_ids), homerange_ids)
  for (j in 1:nrow(df_home)) {
    home <- df_home[j,]
    ifelse(is.null(name), home_name <- j, home_name <- home[,name])
    writeLines(noquote(paste0("Calculating homerange for: ", home_name,
      " (", j, " of ", total, ").")))
    home_sp <- sp::SpatialPointsDataFrame(home[,c("x","y")], home,
    xy <- CenterXYInCell(home_sp@coords[,"x"], home_sp@coords[,"y"],
      xmin, ymin, cellsize)
    cell_extent <- raster::extent(xy[1]-(cellsize/2), xy[1]+(cellsize/2), xy[2]-
      (cellsize/2), xy[2]+(cellsize/2))
    cell <- raster::setValues(raster::raster(cell_extent,
      crs=raster::projection(base), res=cellsize), j)
    home_ext <- raster::extend(cell, c(max_r_cells, max_r_cells), value=NA)
    home_dist <- raster::distanceFromPoints(home_ext, home[,c("x","y")])
    home_kern <- raster::calc(home_dist, fun = function(x){(1/(exp((-(x -
      home_inflection)) / home_scale) + 1))})
    base_crop <- raster::crop(base, extent(home_ext))
    global_dist_crop <- raster::distanceFromPoints(base_crop, df_all_sp)
    if (write_distance == TRUE) {
      filename <- paste0(output_dir,"/ConDist_", home_name, ".tif")
      global_dist_crop <- raster::distanceFromPoints(base_crop, df_all_sp)
      raster::writeRaster(global_dist_crop, filename=filename, format="GTiff",
      writeLines(noquote(paste("Writing:", filename)))
    } else {
      global_dist_crop <- raster::distanceFromPoints(base_crop, df_all_sp)
    cent_dist <- raster::overlay(home_dist, global_dist_crop, fun=function (x,y)
      {ifelse(x != y, NA, x)})
    cent_bounds <- raster::boundaries(cent_dist)
    cent_bounds <- raster::subs(cent_bounds, data.frame(from=c(0,1),
    edge_dist_abs <- raster::distance(cent_bounds)
    edge_dist <- raster::overlay(cent_dist, edge_dist_abs, fun=function(x,y)
      {ifelse(!is.na(x), y*-1, y*1)})
    avoid_kern <- raster::calc(edge_dist, fun = function(x){(1/(exp((-(x -
      avoid_inflection)) / avoid_scale) + 1))})
    homerange_kern <- raster::overlay(avoid_kern, home_kern, fun=function(x,y){
      p <- y*x
    homerange_kern[homerange_kern < min_prob] <- 0
    if (write_homerange == TRUE) {
      filename <- paste0(output_dir,"/HomeRange_",home_name, ".tif")
      writeLines(noquote(paste0("Writing: ", filename)))
      raster::writeRaster(homerange_kern, filename=filename, format="GTiff",
    homerange_kernels[[j]] <- homerange_kern
    names(homerange_kernels[[j]]) <- df_home[j, id]

#' Create homerange kernels based on interpolating empiricial x,y location data
#' Creates RasterLayers of homerange kernels based on home centroids
#' @usage CreateHomeRangeKernelsInterpolate(df_all, df_home, base, max_r, id,
#'   name, min_prob, output_dir, write_homerange)
#' @param df_all dataframe of all homerange centroids
#' @param df_home dataframe of homerange centroids to calculate homerange
#'   kernels (these must be a subset of the df_all dataframe), Default is to
#'   use 'df_all' dataframe
#' @param base base Raster that sets the projection, extent, and dimensions of
#'   the study area
#' @param max_r maximum radius to calculate the homerange raster from each
#'   df_home centroid
#' @param id column name of df_home that identifies the homerange.
#' @param name column name of df_home that identifies the name of the homerange
#'   and is used to write the name of the .tif file.  Default is 'id', which
#'   sets the names to df_home row number if 'id' is NULL.
#' @param min_prob numeric, minimum probablity threshold; all probabilities
#'   below this value will be rounded to zero.  Default is 0.
#' @param output_dir directory for output files (distance, homerange)
#' @param write_distance logical, write distance range raster to file. Default
#'   is FALSE
#' @param write_homerange logical, write home range raster to file. Default is
#'   FALSE
#' @return A list containing homerange kernel Rasters for all the df_home
#'   centroids
#' @export
#' @details Used inside AddHomeRangeKernelsBAEA()
CreateHomeRangeKernelsInterpolate <- function(df_all,
                                              df_home = df_all,
                                              name = NULL,
                                              min_prob = 0,
                                              write_distance = FALSE,
                                              write_homerange = FALSE) {
  cellsize <- raster::res(base)[1]
  max_r_cells <- ceiling(max_r/cellsize)
  xmin <- raster::xmin(base)
  ymin <- raster::ymin(base)
  df_all_sp <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(df_all[,c("x","y")], df_all,
  homerange_ids <- df_home[,id]
  total <- length(homerange_ids)
  homerange_kernels <- as.list(setNames(rep(NA,length(homerange_ids)),
    homerange_ids), homerange_ids)
  for (j in 1:nrow(df_home)) {
    home <- df_home[j,]
    ifelse(is.null(name), home_name <- j, home_name <- home[,name])
    writeLines(noquote(paste0("Calculating homerange for: ", home_name,
      " (", j, " of ", total, ").")))
    home_sp <- sp::SpatialPointsDataFrame(home[,c("x","y")], home,
    xy <- CenterXYInCell(home_sp@coords[,"x"], home_sp@coords[,"y"],
      xmin, ymin, cellsize)
    cell_extent <- raster::extent(xy[1]-(cellsize/2), xy[1]+(cellsize/2), xy[2]-
      (cellsize/2), xy[2]+(cellsize/2))
    cell <- setValues(raster::raster(cell_extent, crs=raster::projection(base),
    home_ext <- raster::extend(cell, c(max_r_cells, max_r_cells), value=NA)
    df_all$r_value <- 0
    df_all[df_all[,id] == home[1,id], "r_value"] <- 1
    all <- CreateRasterFromPointsAndBase(df_all, "r_value", "x", "y",
    xy <- data.frame(xyFromCell(all, 1:ncell(all)))
    xy_values <- raster::getValues(all)
    # thin plate spline model
    tps_model <- fields::Tps(xy, xy_values)
    # use model to predict values at all locations
    homerange_kern <- raster::interpolate(home_ext, tps_model)
    homerange_kern[homerange_kern < min_prob] <- 0
    if (write_homerange == TRUE) {
      filename <- paste0(output_dir,"/HomeRange_",home_name, ".tif")
      writeLines(noquote(paste0("Writing: ", filename)))
      writeRaster(homerange_kern, filename=filename, format="GTiff",
      ExportKMLRasterOverlay(homerange_kern, alpha =.8, outfile=paste0(name,
        "_Interpolate"), output_dir=getwd())
    homerange_kernels[[j]] <- homerange_kern
    names(homerange_kernels[[j]]) <- df_home[j, name]

#' Create home range kernels using a Pareto distribution
#' Creates RasterLayers of homerange kernels based on home centroids
#' @usage CreateHomeRangeKernelsParetoGamma(df_all, df_home, base, max_r,
#'   home_shape, home_scale, min_prob, id, name, output_dir, write_homerange)
#' @param df_all dataframe of all homerange centroids
#' @param df_home dataframe of homerange centroids to calculate homerange
#'   kernels (these must be a subset of the df_all dataframe), Default is to
#'   use 'df_all' dataframe.
#' @param base base Raster that sets the projection, extent, and dimensions of
#'   the study area
#' @param max_r maximum radius to calculate the homerange raster from each
#'   df_home centroid
#' @param home_shape inflection point of the Logistic function that governs the
#'   home kernel
#' @param home_scale scale parameter of the Logistic function that governs the
#'   scale parameter
#' @param id column name of df_home that identifies the homerange. Default is
#'   NULL, which sets the names to df_home row number.
#' @param name column name of df_home that identifies the name of the homerange
#'   and is used to write the name of the .tif file. Default is 'id', which
#'   sets the names to df_home row number if'id' is NULL.
#' @param min_prob numeric, minimum probablity threshold; all probabilities
#'   below this value will be rounded to zero.  Default is 0.
#' @param output_dir directory for output files (distance, homerange)
#' @param write_homerange logical, write home range raster to file. Default is
#'   FALSE
#' @return A list containing homerange kernel Raster for all the df_home
#'   centroids
#' @export
CreateHomeRangeKernelsPareto <- function(df_all,
                                         df_home = df_all,
                                         base = base,
                                         id = "nest_site",
                                         name ="nest_id",
                                         min_prob = 0,
                                         output_dir = getwd(),
                                         write_homerange = TRUE){
  cellsize <- res(base)[1]
  max_r_cells <- ceiling(max_r/cellsize)
  xmin <- xmin(base)
  ymin <- ymin(base)
  df_sp <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(df_all[,c("x","y")], df_all,
#  base <- crop(base, df_sp, snap='out')
#  base <- extend(base, c(max_r_cells/2, max_r_cells/2), value=11)
  homerange_ids <- df_home$nest_id
  total <- length(homerange_ids)
  homerange_kernels <- as.list(setNames(rep(NA,length(homerange_ids)),
    homerange_ids), homerange_ids)
  for (j in 1:nrow(df_home)) {
    writeLines(noquote(paste("Calculating homerange", j, "of", total)))
    home <- df_home[j,]
    home_sp <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(home[,c("x","y")], home,
    xy <- CenterXYInCell(home_sp@coords[,"x"], home_sp@coords[,"y"],
      xmin, ymin, cellsize)
    cell_extent <- extent(xy[1]-(cellsize/2), xy[1]+(cellsize/2), xy[2]-
      (cellsize/2), xy[2]+(cellsize/2))
    cell <- setValues(raster(cell_extent, crs=projection(base), res=cellsize),j)
    home_ext <- extend(cell, c(max_r_cells, max_r_cells), value=NA)
    home_dist <- distanceFromPoints(home_ext, home[,c("x","y")])
    homerange_kern <- calc(home_dist, fun = function(x){texmex::dgpd(x/1000,
      sigma=scale, xi=shape, u=0)})
    homerange_kern[homerange_kern < min_prob] <- 0
    if (write_homerange == TRUE) {
      k <- home[,id]
      filename <- paste0(output_dir,"/homerange_", k, ".tif")
      writeLines(noquote(paste0("Writing: ", filename)))
      writeRaster(homerange_kern, filename=filename, overwrite=TRUE)
    homerange_kernels[[j]] <- homerange_kern
    names(homerange_kernels[[j]]) <- df_home[j, name]

#' Create home range kernels based on Pareto and Gamma functions
#' Creates RasterLayers of homerange kernels based on home centroids
#' @param df_all dataframe of all homerange centroids
#' @param df_home dataframe of homerange centroids to calculate homerange
#'   kernels (these must be a subset of the df_all dataframe), Default is to
#'   use 'df_all' dataframe
#' @param base base Raster that sets the projection, extent, and dimensions of
#'   the study area
#' @param max_r maximum radius to calculate the homerange raster from each
#'   df_home centroid
#' @param pareto_shape shape parameter of the Logistic function that governs
#'   the home kernel
#' @param pareto_scale scale parameter of the Logistic function that governs
#'   the home kernel
#' @param gamma_shape shape parameter of the Gamma function that governs the
#'   conspecific avoidance kernel
#' @param gamma_scale scale parameter of the Gamma function that governs the
#'   conspecific avoidance kernel
#' @param id column name of df_home that identifies the homerange. Default is
#'   NULL, which sets the names to df_home row number.
#' @param output_dir directory for output files (distance, homerange)
#' @param write_distance logical, write distance raster to file. Default is
#'   FALSE.
#' @param write_homerange logical, write home range raster to file. Default is
#'   FALSE
#' @return A list containing homerange kernel Rasters for all the df_home
#'   centroids
#' @export
CreateHomeRangeKernelsParetoGamma <- function(df_all,
                                              df_home = df_all,
                                              base = base,
                                              id = "nest_id",
                                              output_dir = getwd(),
                                              write_distance = TRUE,
                                              write_homerange = TRUE){
  cellsize <- raster::res(base)[1]
  max_r_cells <- ceiling(max_r/cellsize)
  xmin <- xmin(base)
  ymin <- ymin(base)
  df_sp <- sp::SpatialPointsDataFrame(df_all[,c("x","y")], df_all,
  base <- raster::crop(base, df_sp, snap='out')
  base <- raster::extend(base, c(max_r_cells/2, max_r_cells/2), value=11)
  writeLines(noquote(paste("Calculating global distance")))
  if (write_distance == TRUE) {
    ifelse(exists("i"), i <- i , i <- 1)
    filename <- paste0(output_dir,"/global_dist_", sprintf("%03d", i), ".tif")
    global_dist <- raster::distanceFromPoints(base, df_sp, filename=filename,
    writeLines(noquote(paste("Writing:", filename)))
  } else {
    global_dist <- raster::distanceFromPoints(base, df_sp)
  homerange_ids <- df_home$nest_id
  total <- length(homerange_ids)
  homerange_kernels <- as.list(setNames(rep(NA,length(homerange_ids)),
    homerange_ids), homerange_ids)
  for (j in 1:nrow(df_home)) {
    writeLines(noquote(paste("Calculating homerange", j, "of", total)))
    home <- df_home[j,]
    home_sp <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(home[,c("x","y")], home,
    xy <- CenterXYInCell(home_sp@coords[,"x"], home_sp@coords[,"y"],
      xmin, ymin, cellsize)
    cell_extent <- extent(xy[1]-(cellsize/2), xy[1]+(cellsize/2), xy[2]-
      (cellsize/2), xy[2]+(cellsize/2))
    cell <- setValues(raster(cell_extent, crs=projection(base), res=cellsize),j)
    home_ext <- extend(cell, c(max_r_cells, max_r_cells), value=NA)
    home_dist <- distanceFromPoints(home_ext, home[,c("x","y")])
    home_kern <- calc(home_dist, fun = function(x){VGAM::dgpd(x/1000, 0,
      scale=pareto_scale, shape=pareto_shape)})
    global_dist_crop <- crop(global_dist, home_dist)
    cent_dist <- overlay(home_dist, global_dist_crop, fun=function (x,y)
      {ifelse(x != y, NA, x)})
    cent_bounds <- boundaries(cent_dist)
    cent_bounds <- subs(cent_bounds, data.frame(from=c(0,1), to=c(NA,1)))
    edge_dist_abs <- distance(cent_bounds)
    edge_dist <- overlay(cent_dist, edge_dist_abs, fun=function(x,y)
      {ifelse(!is.na(x), y*-1, y*1)})
    edge_dist_shift <- calc(edge_dist, function(x) x - cellStats(edge_dist,
    avoid_kern <- calc(edge_dist_shift, fun = function(x){dgamma(x/1000, scale =
      gamma_scale, shape = gamma_shape)})
    homerange_kern <- overlay(avoid_kern, home_kern, fun=function(x,y){
      p <- y*x})
    if (write_homerange == TRUE) {
      k <- home[,id]
      filename <- paste0(output_dir,"/homerange_", k, "_",sprintf("%03d",
        i), ".tif")
      writeLines(noquote(paste0("Writing: ", filename)))
      writeRaster(homerange_kern, filename=filename, overwrite=TRUE)
    homerange_kernels[[j]] <- homerange_kern
    names(homerange_kernels[[j]]) <- df_home[j,"nest_id"]

#' Create a dataframe of flight path segments
#' Adds flight path segments, which includes locations before and after "flight"
#' behavior. Segments are sequentially numbered for each individual. Used for
#' visualization and analysis of flight paths. Some locations may be represented
#' twice because they are both the start and end of a path.
#' @param df dataframe
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @return dataframe with columns for 'id', 'behavior', and 'path_seg'.
#' @export
#' @details adds 'path_seg' to dataframe
CreateFlightPathSegments <- function(df){
 df_split <- df %>%
    as.data.frame(.) %>%
    group_by(id) %>%
    mutate(datetime_lead = lead(datetime, 1)) %>%
    mutate(step_time2 = as.integer(difftime(datetime_lead, datetime,
      units = "mins"))) %>%
    mutate(step_time_prev = lag(step_time2, 1, default = 0)) %>%
    mutate(split_time = if_else(step_time_prev > 20, 1, 0)) %>%
    mutate(split_time_grp = cumsum(split_time)) %>%
    group_by(split_time_grp) %>%
    mutate(behavior_lead = lead(behavior, 1)) %>%
    mutate(start_flight = if_else(behavior_lead == "Flight" &
        behavior != "Flight", 1, 0)) %>%
    mutate(behavior_lag = lag(behavior, 1)) %>%
    mutate(end_flight = if_else(behavior_lag == "Flight" &
        behavior != "Flight", 1, 0))  %>%
    mutate(bh_flight_tf = if_else(behavior == "Flight", TRUE, FALSE),
      bh_flight_seq = (sequence(rle(bh_flight_tf)$lengths) * bh_flight_tf)) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    dplyr::select(-c(datetime_lead, step_time2, split_time, split_time_grp,
      step_time_prev, behavior_lead, behavior_lag, bh_flight_tf))
  df_path <- df_split %>%
    group_by(id) %>%
    filter(start_flight != 0 | end_flight != 0 | bh_flight_seq != 0) %>%
    mutate(datetime_lead = lead(datetime, 1)) %>%
    mutate(step_time2 = as.integer(difftime(datetime_lead, datetime,
      units = "mins"))) %>%
    mutate(step_time_prev = lag(step_time2, 1, default = 0)) %>%
    mutate(split_time = if_else(step_time_prev > 20, 1, 0)) %>%
    mutate(split_time_grp = cumsum(split_time)) %>%
    group_by(id, split_time_grp) %>%
    mutate(first_loc = ifelse(row_number()==1, 1, 0)) %>%
    ungroup(.) %>%
    dplyr::select(-c(datetime_lead, step_time2, split_time, step_time_prev))
  df_dup <- df_path %>%
    filter(start_flight == 1 & end_flight == 1) %>%
    mutate(first_loc = 1)
  df_out <- rbind(df_path, df_dup) %>%
    arrange(id, datetime, first) %>%
    group_by(id) %>%
    mutate(path_seg = cumsum(first_loc)) %>%
    ungroup(.) %>%
    dplyr::select(-c(start_flight, end_flight, first_loc))

#' Extracts flight data
#' Extracts the data associated with 'flight' for each bird, based on speed
#'   data.
#' @usage ExtractFlightData(df)
#' @param df String, dataframe with locations.
#' @param min_speed Numeric, minimum speed to be classified as flight.
#' @return A dataframe of "flight" data
#' @export
#' @examples
ExtractFlightSpeed <- function(df,
                               min_speed = 2) {
  df <- df
  # get data that only fits the "flight" criteria
  flight <- df[which(df$speed>min_speed),]

#' Extract 'momentuHMM' transition matrix probabilities
#' @usage ExtractTransitionProbabilities(model, alpha = 0.95)
#' @param model =  object
#' @param alpha = p-value for CI
#' @details This function is based on momentuHMM:::plotStationary function.
#'    There may be some extraneous code because it was difficult to extract only
#'    the necessary code for creating the transition matrix.
#' @return a tibble
#' @export
ExtractTransitionProbabilities <- function(model,
                                           alpha = 0.95){
    model <- momentuHMM:::delta_bc(model)
    data <- model$data
    nbStates <- length(model$stateNames)
    beta <- model$mle$beta
    plotCI <- TRUE

      stop("No covariate effect to plot")

    if(!is.null(model$mod$hessian) & plotCI){
      Sigma <- model$mod$Sigma
    } else {
      Sigma <- NULL
      plotCI <- FALSE

    formula <- model$conditions$formula
    newForm <- momentuHMM:::newFormulas(formula, nbStates,
      model$conditions$betaRef, hierarchical = TRUE)
    newformula <- newForm$newformula
    recharge <- hierRecharge <- newForm$recharge

    covs <- momentuHMM:::getCovs(model, covs = NULL, unique(model$data$ID))

    nbG0covs <- 0
    nbRecovs <- 0
    g0covs <- NULL
    recovs <- NULL
    rawCovs <- model$rawCovs

    covIndex <- 1:ncol(rawCovs)

    nbCovs <- ncol(stats::model.matrix(newformula,data))-1 # drop intercept col
    mixtures <- model$conditions$mixtures

    gamInd <- (length(model$mod$estimate)-(nbCovs+1)*nbStates*(nbStates-1)*

    # loop over covariates
    for(cov in covIndex) {

      gridLength <- 101
      hGridLength <- gridLength
      inf <- min(rawCovs[,cov],na.rm=TRUE)
      sup <- max(rawCovs[,cov],na.rm=TRUE)

      # set all covariates to their mean, except for "cov"
      # (which takes a grid of values from inf to sup)
      tempCovs <- data.frame(matrix(covs[names(rawCovs)][[1]],
        nrow = hGridLength, ncol = 1))
        for(i in 2:ncol(rawCovs)){
          tempCovs <- cbind(tempCovs,rep(covs[names(rawCovs)][[i]],gridLength))
        tempCovs[,cov] <- rep(seq(inf,sup,length=gridLength),
      names(tempCovs) <- names(rawCovs)
      tmpcovs <- covs[names(rawCovs)]
      for(i in which(!unlist(lapply(rawCovs, is.factor)))){
        tmpcovs[i] <- round(covs[names(rawCovs)][i],2)
      quantSup <- qnorm(1 - (1 - alpha)/2)
      tmpSplineInputs <- momentuHMM:::getSplineFormula(newformula, m$data,
      desMat <- model.matrix(tmpSplineInputs$formula,
        data = tmpSplineInputs$covs)
      trMat <- momentuHMM:::trMatrix_rcpp(nbStates, beta, desMat,
      for (i in 1:nbStates) {
        for (j in 1:nbStates) {
          if (cov == 1 && i == 1 && j == 1){
            covars <- tempCovs %>% slice(0)
            df_trans <- bind_cols(covars, tibble(start_st = integer(),
              end_st = integer(), prob = numeric(), lci = numeric(),
              uci = numeric()))
          covars <- tempCovs
          prob <- trMat[i, j, ]
          start_st <- rep(i, nrow(covars))
          end_st <- rep(j, nrow(covars))
          print(paste0("Start ", "cov: ", cov, " i: ", i, " j: ", j))
          dN <- t(apply(desMat, 1, function(x)
              covs = matrix(x, nrow = 1), nbStates = nbStates,
              i = i, j = j, betaRef = model$conditions$betaRef,
              betaCons = model$conditions$betaCons,
              workBounds = model$conditions$workBounds$beta),
              error = function(e) NA)))
          se <- t(apply(dN, 1, function(x)
            tryCatch(suppressWarnings(sqrt(x %*%
              gamInd[unique(c(model$conditions$betaCons))]] %*% x)),
              error = function(e) NA)))
          if (!all(is.na(se))) {
            lci <- 1/(1 + exp(-(log(trMat[i, j, ]/(1 -
              trMat[i, j, ])) - quantSup * (1/(trMat[i,
              j, ] - trMat[i, j, ]^2)) * se)))
            uci <- 1/(1 + exp(-(log(trMat[i, j, ]/(1 -
              trMat[i, j, ])) + quantSup * (1/(trMat[i,
              j, ] - trMat[i, j, ]^2)) * se)))
            lci <- as.vector(lci)
            uci <- as.vector(uci)
          } else {
            lci <- rep(NA, nrow(covars))
            uci <- rep(NA, nrow(covars))
          trans_probs <- tibble(start_st, end_st, prob, lci, uci)
          df_trans_ij <- bind_cols(covars, trans_probs) %>%
          df_trans <- bind_rows(df_trans, df_trans_ij)
          print(paste0("End cov: ", cov, "i: ", i, " j: ", j))
    df_trans_final <- dplyr::as_tibble(df_trans)

#' Extract movement data
#' Extracts detected movements (non-stationary between locations) data for each
#'   bird.
#' @usage ExtractMovements(df, by, min_step_length, max_step_length)
#' @param df Dataframe with location data which includes "step_length" and
#'   "step_time" columns.
#' @param by String, column name of unique identifier to split data, default is
#'   "id".
#' @param min_step_length Numeric, threshold distance for movement
#'   classification. Default is 50.
#' @param max_step_time Numeric, threshold difference in time for movement
#'   classification. Default is 20.
#' @return A dataframe of selected movements
#' @export
ExtractMovements <- function(df,
                             by = "id",
                             min_step_length = 50,
                             max_step_time = 20){
  df <- df
  movements <- plyr::ddply(df, by, function(df){
    movements <- df[which(df$step_length >= min_step_length &
    df$step_time <= max_step_time), ]})

#' Extracts roost data
#' Extracts dataframe of sex, arr_diff_min, and dep_diff_min
#' @usage ExtractRoostData(df)
#' @param df Dataframe of location data with "sex", "datetime", "behavior",
#'   "hr_after_sunset", and "hr_before_sunrise" columns.
#' @return a dataframe
#' @details Used in other functions.
ExtractRoostData <- function(df = df){
  arrive <- subset(df, behavior=="arrive")
  arrive$arr_diff_min <- as.integer(difftime(arrive$hr_after_sunset,
  arrive <- subset(arrive, select=c("sex", "arr_diff_min"))
  arrive$dep_diff_min <- NA
  arrive$roost <- "arrive"
  depart <- subset(df, behavior=="depart")
  depart$dep_diff_min <- as.integer(difftime(depart$datetime,
  depart <- subset(depart, select=c("sex", "dep_diff_min"))
  depart$arr_diff_min <- NA
  depart$roost <- "depart"
  output <- rbind(arrive, depart)
  output$diff_min <- NA
  output$diff_min <- ifelse(!is.na(output$arr_diff_min), output$arr_diff_min,

#' Filter Locations by Nest Behavior Criteria
#' @usage FilterByNestCriteria(df, min_daily_nest_dist, roll_days,
#'   min_roll_days_nest_dist, seasons)
#' @param df dataframe of locations
#' @param min_daily_nest_dist numeric, bird's daily minimum distance from nest
#'   to meet the criteria
#' @param roll_days numberic, number of days for rolling mean calculation of
#'   nest distance
#' @param min_roll_days_nest_dist numeric, bird's daily minimum distance from
#'   nest to meet the criteria
#' @param seasons seasons to keep (e.g., c("spring","summer")).
#' @return dataframe
#' @export
#' @import dplyr
FilterByNestCriteria <- function(df,
                                 min_daily_nest_dist = 100,
                                 roll_days = NA,
                                 min_roll_days_nest_dist = NA,
                                 seasons = c("spring", "summer")){
  df <- df
  df <- df %>% filter(season %in% seasons)
  df_sum <- df %>%
    group_by(id, date) %>%
    summarize(nest_dist_dy_mean = mean(nest_dist),
      nest_dist_min = min(nest_dist)) %>%
    mutate(nest_dist_met = if_else(nest_dist_min <  min_daily_nest_dist, TRUE,
      FALSE)) %>%
  if(!is.na(roll_days) && !is.na(min_roll_days_nest_dist)) {
    df_sum <- df %>%
      group_by(id, date) %>%
        nest_dist_run = zoo::rollmean(nest_dist_dy_mean, roll_days, fill=NA,
          na.pad=TRUE, align="left"),
        roll_dist_met = if_else(nest_dist_run <  min_roll_days_nest_dist,
          TRUE, FALSE)) %>%
  }  else {
    df_sum <- df_sum %>% mutate(roll_dist_met = TRUE)
  df_final <- left_join(df, df_sum, by = c("id", "date")) %>%
      filter(!is.na(nest_dist_met) && !is.na(roll_dist_met)) %>%
      filter(nest_dist_met == TRUE, roll_dist_met == TRUE) #%>%
     # dplyr::select(-c(nest_dist_dy_mean, nest_dist_min, nest_dist_met,
    #    roll_dist_met))

#' Filter Locations by Roost Criteria
#' @usage FilterByRoostBehavior(df, min_daily_nest_dist, roll_days,
#'   min_roll_days_nest_dist, seasons)
#' @param df dataframe of locations
#' @param overnight_distance_threshold numeric, distance that last PM location
#'   and first AM location must be less than for it to be considered a
#'   confirmed roost location
#' @param number_am_loc numeric, number of GPS locations needed for AM window,
#'   default is 7.
#' @param number_pm_loc numeric, number of GPS locations needed for PM window,
#'   default is 7.
#' @param tz timezone, default is "Etc/GMT+5"
#' @return dataframe
#' @export
#' @import dplyr
FilterByRoostCriteria <- function(df = df,
                                  overnight_distance_threshold = 100,
                                  number_pm_loc = 7,
                                  number_am_loc = 7,
                                  tz = "Etc/GMT+5"){
  df <- df
  df$time_after_start <- as.integer(difftime(df$datetime,
    df$hr_before_sunrise, tz=tz, units = ("mins")))
  df$time_before_end <- as.integer(difftime(df$hr_after_sunset, df$datetime,
    tz=tz, units = ("mins")))
  df$two_hr_after_sunrise <- df$hr_before_sunrise + hours(2)
  df$two_hr_before_sunset <- df$hr_after_sunset - hours(2)
  df$sunrise_window_loc <- df$datetime <= df$two_hr_after_sunrise
  df$sunset_window_loc <- df$datetime >= df$two_hr_before_sunset
  sumstats <- df %>%
    group_by(id, date) %>%
      total_loc = n(),
      am_loc = sum(sunrise_window_loc, na.rm=TRUE),
      pm_loc = sum(sunset_window_loc, na.rm=TRUE)) %>%
    mutate(next_date = lead(date, 1),
      next_day_GPS = (next_date - date),
      next_am_loc = lead(am_loc, 1)) %>%
    df_sum <- left_join(df, sumstats, by = c("id","date"))
  roost_arrival_confirmed  <- df_sum %>%
    filter(last == "Last" &
        step_length <= overnight_distance_threshold &
        next_day_GPS == 1 &
        pm_loc >= 7 &
        next_am_loc >= 7) %>%
    dplyr::select(id, date)
  roost_departure_confirmed <- roost_arrival_confirmed %>%
    mutate(date = date + 1) # the mornings after "last_roost_confirmed" dates
  roost_arrival_intervals <- inner_join(df, roost_arrival_confirmed,
    by = c("date", "id")) %>% filter(datetime > solarnoon)
    # to "confirm" arrival based on overnight distance
  roost_departure_intervals <- inner_join(df, roost_departure_confirmed,
    by = c("date", "id")) %>% filter(datetime < solarnoon)
  roost_final <- rbind(roost_arrival_intervals, roost_departure_intervals) %>%
    arrange(id, datetime) %>%
    dplyr::select(-c(time_before_end, two_hr_after_sunrise,
      two_hr_before_sunset, sunrise_window_loc, sunset_window_loc))

#' Filter locations by individual and dates
#' Used to filter full dataset to individual(s) within a specified date range.
#' @param df Dataframe with locations.
#' @param id Column name of unique identifier. Default is "id".
#' @param individual String, individual/s (from id column) to keep, format
#'   should be c(id, id), default is to keep all.
#' @param start Start date filter, default is 1970-01-01.
#' @param end End date filter, default is current date.
#' @param behavior String of specific behaviors to maintain. Default is all.
#' @return A dataframe with subsetted rows
#' @export
#' @details Defaults are specific to my file directories and locations
FilterLocations <- function(df = df,
                            id = "id",
                            individual = NULL,
                            start = NULL,
                            end = NULL,
                            behavior = NULL){
  if (is.null(start) || start == ""){
    start <- "2013-01-01"
  if (is.null(end) || end == ""){
    today <- Sys.Date()
    end <- format(today, format="%Y-%m-%d")
  starts <- paste("Start date: ", start, sep="")
  ends <- paste("End date: ", end, sep="")
  end <- as.POSIXct(end)
  end <- trunc(end, "days") + 60*60*24
  df <- df[df$datetime >= as.POSIXct(start) & df$datetime <= end,]
  row.names(df) <- NULL
  if(all(is.null(individual)) || individual == ""){
    writeLines(noquote ("All individuals included"))
  } else {
    writeLines(noquote(paste("Filtered to individual(s):", individual, sep="")))
    df <- df[df[,id] %in% individual,]
    row.names(df) <- NULL
    writeLines(noquote ("All behaviors included"))
  } else {
    writeLines(noquote(paste("Filtered to behavior(s):", behavior, sep="")))
    df <- df[df[,"behavior"] %in% behavior,]
    row.names(df) <- NULL

#' Compares two times and returns greater or lesser value
#' Examines two time columns, returns the greater or lesser value and inserts
#'   that value in a result column
#' @usage IfElseTimedateCompare(df, col1, col2, result, default_tz, tz)
#' @param df Dataframe of location data.
#' @param col1 Column name, col1 is compared to col2
#' @param sign String, either ">" or "<" for returning greater than or less than
#'   values, respectively. Default is ">".
#' @param col2 Column name, col2 is compared to col1.
#' @param result String, name of column to insert results. Default is "result".
#' @param default_tz String, timezone that timedate reverts to, based on OS
#'   time.
#' @param tz String, timezone of original data (may be different from
#'   default_tz).
#' @return Original dataframe with a new "result" column
#' @details  Used in RoostArrivalDeparture(). Ensures that result is in the
#'   correct timezone.
IfElseTimedateCompare <- function(df = df,
                                  col1 = "col1",
                                  sign = ">",
                                  col2 = "col2",
                                  result = "result",
                                  default_tz = default_tz,
                                  tz = tz) {
  safe.ifelse <- function(cond, yes, no) {
    structure(ifelse(cond, yes, no), class = class(yes))
  df$result <- NA
  if (sign == ">"){
    df$result <- safe.ifelse(df$col1 >= df$col2, df$col1, df$col2)
  if (sign == "<"){
    df$result <- safe.ifelse(df$col1 <= df$col2, df$col1, df$col2)
  df$result <- force_tz(df$result, tzone = default_tz)
  df$result <- with_tz(df$result, tzone=tz)
  df$col1 <- NULL
  df$col2 <- NULL
  df_length <- length(df)
  colnames(df)[df_length] <- result

#' Finds time value that is not NA
#' Examines two time columns, if one is NA, the other time is returned.
#' @usage IfElseTimedateNA(df, col1, col2, result, default_tz, tz)
#' @param df Dataframe of location data.
#' @param col1 Column name, column checked to if is NA. If not NA, then col1 is
#'   returned.
#' @param col2 Column name, if col1 is NA, then col2 is returned.
#' @param result String, name of column to insert results. Default is "result".
#' @param default_tz String, timezone that timedate reverts to, based on OS
#'   time.
#' @param tz string, timezone of original data (may be different from
#'   default_tz).
#' @return A dataframe with a new 'result' column.
#' @export
#' @details Ensure that result is in the correct timezone. Used in
#'   RoostArrivalDeparture().
IfElseTimedateNA <- function(df = df,
                             col1 = "col1",
                             col2 = "col2",
                             result = "result",
                             default_tz = default_tz,
                             tz = tz) {
  safe.ifelse <- function(cond, yes, no) {
    structure(ifelse(cond, yes, no), class = class(yes))
  df$result <- NA
  df$result <- safe.ifelse(is.na(df$col1), df$col2, df$col1)
  df$result <- force_tz(df$result, tzone = default_tz)
  df$result <- with_tz(df$result, tzone=tz)
  df$col1 <- NULL
  df$col2 <- NULL
  df_length <- length(df)
  colnames(df)[df_length] <- result

#' Plots daily behavior proportions as bars
#' Plots proportion of behavioral states during a day as a bar graph, with
#'   adjustable number of breaks.
#' @usage PlotBehaviorProportionBar(df, breaks, title)
#' @param df Dataframe with "sex", "behavior", and "time_proportion" columns.
#' @param breaks Numeric, number of breaks in daily period.
#' @param title Character, main title of plot. Default is "Daily Behavior
#'   Distributions".
#' @return Facetted plot of behavior proportion over daily period.
#' @export
#' @details Behavioral colors come from:
#'   "Data/Assets/behavior_colors.csv".
PlotBehaviorProportionBar <- function(df = df,
                                      breaks = 20,
                                      title = NA){
  if(is.na(title)) title <- "Daily Behavior Distributions"
  behavior_colors <- CreateColorsByMetadata(file=
      "Data/Assets/behavior_colors.csv", metadata_id="behavior")
  df$behavior <- factor(df$behavior)
  CutProportion <- function(data, breaks = breaks) {
    b <- seq(0, 1, length=2*breaks+1)
    brk <- b[0:breaks*2+1]
    k <- cut(data, breaks=brk)
  CutProportionMid <- function(data,breaks=breaks) {
    b <- seq(0, 1, length=2*breaks+1)
    brk <- b[0:breaks*2+1]
    mid <- b[1:breaks*2]
    k <- cut(data, breaks=brk)
  Capitalize <- function(string) {
    substr(string, 1, 1) <- toupper(substr(string, 1, 1))
  sex_names <- list('female'="Female", 'male'="Male")
  sex_labeller <- function(variable, value){
  df$bins <- CutProportion(df$time_proportion, breaks)
  df$bins_mid <- factor(CutProportionMid(df$time_proportion, breaks))
  melted <- reshape::melt(plyr::ddply(df, plyr::.(sex, bins_mid),
  names(melted)[names(melted) == 'variable'] <- 'behavior'
  melted$bins_mid <- as.numeric(as.character(melted$bins_mid))
  ggplot(melted, aes(x = bins_mid, y=value, ymax=1, fill= behavior)) +
    facet_grid(~ sex, labeller = labeller(sex = Capitalize)) +
    geom_bar(stat="identity") +
    scale_fill_manual(values = behavior_colors, name = "Behavior") +
    scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(0, 1, .1)) +
    theme(panel.spacing = unit(1, "lines")) +
    theme(plot.title=element_text(size=20)) +
    theme(text=element_text(size=18, colour="black")) +
    theme(axis.text=element_text(colour="black")) +
    labs(x="Daily Period",
      y="Behavior Proportion",
      title=title) +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) +
  theme(panel.grid.major.y = element_blank(),
    panel.grid.minor.y = element_blank())  +
  theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white", color = "black")) +
  theme(strip.background = element_rect(colour = "black", fill = "white"))

#' Plots daily behavior proportions as lines
#' Plots proportion of behavioral states during a day as a line, with
#'   adjustable number of breaks.
#' @usage PlotBehaviorProportionLine(df, breaks, title)
#' @param df Dataframe with "sex", "behavior", and "time_proportion" columns.
#' @param breaks Numeric, number of breaks in daily period.
#' @param title Character, main title of plot. Default is "Daily Behavior
#'   Distributions".
#' @return Facetted plot of behavior proportion over daily period.
#' @export
PlotBehaviorProportionLine <- function(df = df,
                                       breaks = 20,
                                       title = NA){
  if(is.na(title)) title <- "Daily Behavior Distributions"
  df$behavior <- factor(df$behavior)
  behavior_colors <- CreateColorsByMetadata(file=
      "Data/Assets/behavior_colors.csv", metadata_id="behavior")
  CutProportion <- function(data,breaks=breaks) {
    b <- seq(0, 1, length=2*breaks+1)
    brk <- b[0:breaks*2+1]
    k <- cut(data, breaks=brk)
  CutProportionMid <- function(data,breaks=breaks) {
    b <- seq(0, 1, length=2*breaks+1)
    brk <- b[0:breaks*2+1]
    mid <- b[1:breaks*2]
    k <- cut(data, breaks=brk)
  Capitalize <- function(string) {
    substr(string, 1, 1) <- toupper(substr(string, 1, 1))
  df$bins <- CutProportion(df$time_proportion, breaks)
  df$bins_mid <- factor(CutProportionMid(df$time_proportion, breaks))
  melted <- reshape::melt(plyr::ddply(df, plyr::.(sex, bins_mid),
  names(melted)[names(melted) == 'variable'] <- 'behavior'
  melted$bins_mid <- as.numeric(as.character(melted$bins_mid))
  ggplot(melted, aes(x = bins_mid, y=value, ymax=1, group= behavior, color=
    behavior)) + geom_line(stat="identity", size=1.5) +
    facet_grid(~ sex, labeller = labeller(sex = Capitalize)) +
    theme(panel.spacing=unit(1, "lines")) +
    scale_color_manual(values=behavior_colors) +
    scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(0,1, .1)) +
    theme(plot.title=element_text(size=20)) +
    theme(text=element_text(size=18, colour="black")) +
    theme(axis.text=element_text(colour="black")) + labs(x="Daily Period",
    y="Behavior Proportion", title=title) +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) +
  theme(panel.grid.major.y = element_blank(),
    panel.grid.minor.y = element_blank())  +
  theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white", color = "black")) +
  theme(strip.background = element_rect(colour = "black", fill = "white"))

#' Plot 3D raster of selected cells given a probability raster and sample size
#' @param prob_raster Raster
#' @param sample_n integer sample size of selected cells from probability raster
#' @return Raster
#' @export
PlotProbabilityRaster <- function(prob_raster,
                                  sample_n = 5000){
  #IMPORTANT - Process to plot probability plot
  destination_xy <- tibble(x = vector(mode = "numeric", sample_n),
    y = vector(mode = "numeric", sample_n))
  for (i in seq_len(sample_n)){
    destination_cell <- suppressWarnings(sampling::strata(data = data.frame(
        cell = 1:raster::ncell(prob_raster)), stratanames = NULL, size = 1,
      method = "systematic", pik = prob_raster@data@values))
      while(is.na(destination_cell[1,1])) {
        destination_cell <- suppressWarnings(sampling::strata(data=data.frame(
          cell = 1:raster::ncell(prob_raster)), stratanames = NULL, size = 1,
          method="systematic", pik = prob_raster@data@values))
    destination_xy[i, ] <- raster::xyFromCell(prob_raster, destination_cell[,1])
  destination_raster <- rasterize(destination_xy, prob_raster, field = 1,
    fun = 'sum', background = NA, mask = FALSE, update = FALSE,
    updateValue = 'all', filename = "", na.rm = TRUE)
  if(FALSE) plot(prob_raster)
  if(FALSE) plot(destination_raster)
  Plot3DRaster(destination_raster, col = viridis::viridis(20),
    main = "Probability Plot")

#' Plot step lengths histogram
#' Plots a histogram of the step-lengths for each bird
#' @param df Dataframe with flights.
#' @param id String, column name of unique identifier. Default = "id".
#' @param xlim Numeric, x-value limit. Default is NULL.
#' @param bin_width Numeric, bin size. Default is: x-value range/30
#' @return A plot of step-length distances
#' @export
PlotStepLengths <- function(df,
                            id = "id",
                            xlim = NULL,
                            bin_width = NULL){
  df <- df
  sum_move <- SummarizeSE(df, "step_length", "id", na_rm=TRUE)
  id_colors <- CreateColorsByID(output=TRUE)
  grid <- seq(min(df$step_length, na.rm=TRUE), max(df$step_length, na.rm=TRUE),
    length = 100)
  probs = c(0.5, 0.75, 0.95)
  sumstats <- ddply(df, id, function(df){
    quantile(df$step_length, probs = probs, na.rm=TRUE)
  q_probs<-paste("q",probs, sep="")
  colnames(sumstats)[2:(length(probs)+1)] <- q_probs
  if (is.null(xlim)) xlim <- max(df$step_length, na.rm=TRUE)
  g <- ggplot(df, aes(x=step_length, fill=id)) + facet_wrap( ~ id)  +
    scale_fill_manual(values=id_colors) +
    theme(legend.position="none") +
    theme(plot.title=element_text(size=22)) +
    theme(text=element_text(size=20, colour="black")) +
    theme(axis.text=element_text(colour="black")) +
    xlab("Step length") + ylab("Density") + scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0,xlim))
  if (is.null(bin_width)) bin_width = xlim/30
  g <- g + geom_bar(aes(y = ..density.., fill=id), colour="black",
  build <- ggplot_build(g)
  sumstats$xmax <- max(build$panel$ranges[[1]]$x.range)
  sumstats$ymax <- max(build$panel$ranges[[1]]$y.range)
  g + geom_vline(data=sumstats, aes(xintercept=q0.5), linetype="longdash",
    size=1, colour="black")  +
  geom_vline(data=sumstats, aes(xintercept=q0.75), linetype="dashed",
    size=1, colour="grey20") +
  geom_vline(data=sumstats, aes(xintercept=q0.95), linetype="dashed",
    size=1, colour="grey30") +
  geom_text(data=sumstats, aes(x=q0.5 + (xmax*0.02), y=ymax*.75,
    label=paste("Median:", "\n", signif(q0.5,3), sep="")),
    color="black", hjust=0) +
  geom_text(data=sumstats, aes(x=q0.75+(xmax*0.02), y=ymax*.5,
    label=paste("75%:", "\n", signif(q0.75,3), sep="")),
    color = "grey20", hjust=0) +
  geom_text(data=sumstats, aes(x=q0.95+(xmax*0.02), y=ymax*.25,
    label=paste("95%:", "\n", signif(q0.95,3), sep="")),
    color = "grey30", hjust=0)

#' Plot roost behavior ECDF
#' Plots roost empirical distribution funtion and fitted Weibull cumulative
#'   distribution function
#' @usage PlotRoostECDF(df, pars)
#' @param df Dataframe of location data.
#' @param pars List of simulation parameters with male/female, arrive/depart,
#'  shape/scale.
#' @return Facetted plot with roost data and fitted Weibull distributions
#' @import ggplot2
#' @export
#' @details Empirical distribution function extends to 15 min past the end of
#'   last time.
PlotRoostECDF <- function(df = baea,
                          pars = baea_pars) {
  df <- ExtractRoostData(df)
  df2 <- ExtractRoostPars(pars)
  df2$lab<-paste("shape: ",round(df2$shape,2))
  df2$lab2<-paste("scale: ", round(df2$scale,2))
  vec <- with(df, seq(0, max(diff_min)+15, length=max(diff_min)+16))
  weibull <- ddply(df2, .(sex,roost), function(df) {
    density = pweibull(vec, shape=df$shape, scale=df$scale))
  ggplot(df,aes(x=diff_min)) +
  stat_ecdf(aes(colour=sex), size=1) +
  geom_line(aes(x=diff_min, y=density), data=weibull,
            colour="orange", size=1) +
  geom_text(aes(x=diff_min, y=density, label=lab),
    data=df2) +
  geom_text(aes(x=diff_min, y=density2, label=lab2),
    data=df2) +
  facet_grid(roost ~ sex) +
  theme(plot.title=element_text(size=22)) +
  theme(text=element_text(size=20, colour="black")) +
  theme(axis.text=element_text(colour="black")) +
  labs(x='Time Difference from Start/End of Sim Day',
   y='Cumulative Probability Density',
   title="Roost Data with Fitted Weibull Distributions",
   colour= "Sex")

#' Plots roost behavior probability distribution
#' Plots roost times and fitted Weibull probability distributions
#' @usage PlotRoostHistogram(df, pars)
#' @param df Dataframe of location data
#' @param pars List of simulation parameters with male/female, arrive/depart,
#'   shape/scale
#' @param binwidth Numeric, bin size. Default is 15.
#' @return Facetted plot with roost data and fitted weibull distributions
#' @export
#' @details Weibull probability function extends 15 min past last time.
PlotRoostHistogram <- function(df,
                               binwidth = 15) {
  df <- ExtractRoostData(df)
  df2 <- ExtractRoostPars(pars)
  df[df=="m"] <- "male"
  df2[df2=="m"] <- "male"
  df[df=="f"] <- "female"
  df2[df2=="f"] <- "female"
  df2$diff_min <- .85*max(df$diff_min)+15
  df2$lab <- paste("shape: ", round(df2$shape,2))
  df2$lab2 <- paste("scale: ", round(df2$scale,2))
  grid <- with(df, seq(0, max(diff_min)+15, length=max(diff_min)+16))
  weibull <- ddply(df2, .(sex,roost), function(df) {
    density = dweibull(grid, shape=df$shape, scale=df$scale))
  df2$density <- max(weibull$density)
  df2$density2 <- .85*df2$density
  ggplot(df) +
  geom_histogram(aes(x=diff_min, y=..density..), binwidth=binwidth) +
  geom_line(aes(x=diff_min, y=density), data=weibull,
    colour = "orange", size=1) +
  geom_text(aes(x=diff_min, y=density, label=lab),
    data=df2) +
  geom_text(aes(x=diff_min, y=density2, label=lab2),
    data=df2) +
  facet_grid(roost ~ sex) +
  theme(plot.title=element_text(size=22)) +
  theme(text=element_text(size=20, colour="black")) +
  theme(axis.text=element_text(colour="black")) +
  labs(x='Time Difference from Start/End of Sim Day',
   y='Probability Density',
   title="Histogram of Roost Data with Fitted Weibull Distributions")

################################ OLD CODE ######################################

#' ExtractTransitionProbabilitiesOLD <- function(x,
#'                                            alpha = 0.95){
#'     animals = NULL
#'     covs = NULL
#'     breaks = "Sturges"
#'     hist.ylim = NULL
#'     sepAnimals = FALSE
#'     sepStates = FALSE
#'     col = NULL
#'     cumul = TRUE
#'     plotTracks = TRUE
#'     plotCI = FALSE
#'     plotStationary = FALSE
#'     m <- x
#'     m <- momentuHMM:::delta_bc(m)
#'     nbAnimals <- length(unique(m$data$ID))
#'     nbStates <- length(m$stateNames)
#'     distnames <- names(m$conditions$dist)
#'     if (is.null(hist.ylim)) {
#'       hist.ylim <- vector("list", length(distnames))
#'       names(hist.ylim) <- distnames
#'     }
#'     for (i in distnames) {
#'         if (!is.null(hist.ylim[[i]]) & length(hist.ylim[[i]]) != 2){
#'             stop("hist.ylim$", i,
#'               " needs to be a vector of two values (ymin,ymax)")
#'         }
#'     }
#'     if (!is.null(col) & length(col) >= nbStates) {
#'         col <- col[1:nbStates]
#'     }
#'     if (!is.null(col) & length(col) < nbStates) {
#'         warning(paste0("Length of 'col' should be at least number of states - ",
#'           "argument ignored"))
#'         if (nbStates < 8) {
#'             pal <- c("#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#009E73",  "#F0E442", "#0072B2",
#'               "#D55E00", "#CC79A7")
#'             col <- pal[1:nbStates]
#'         } else {
#'             hues <- seq(15, 375, length = nbStates + 1)
#'             col <- hcl(h = hues, l = 65, c = 100)[1:nbStates]
#'         }
#'     }
#'     if (is.null(col) & nbStates < 8) {
#'         pal <- c("#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#009E73", "#F0E442", "#0072B2",
#'           "#D55E00", "#CC79A7")
#'         col <- pal[1:nbStates]
#'     }
#'     if (is.null(col) & nbStates >= 8) {
#'         hues <- seq(15, 375, length = nbStates + 1)
#'         col <- hcl(h = hues, l = 65, c = 100)[1:nbStates]
#'     }
#'     if (sepStates | nbStates < 2) {
#'         cumul <- FALSE
#'     }
#'     if (inherits(x, "miSum")) {
#'         plotEllipse <- m$plotEllipse
#'     } else {
#'       plotEllipse <- FALSE
#'     }
#'     muffWarn <- function(w) {
#'         if (any(grepl(
#'           "zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped", w)))
#'           invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
#'     }
#'     if (is.null(animals)) {
#'         animalsInd <- 1:nbAnimals
#'     } else {
#'         if (is.character(animals)) {
#'             animalsInd <- NULL
#'             for (zoo in 1:length(animals)) {
#'                 if (length(which(unique(m$data$ID) == animals[zoo])) ==
#'                   0)
#'                   stop("Check 'animals' argument, ID not found")
#'                 animalsInd <- c(animalsInd, which(unique(m$data$ID) ==
#'                   animals[zoo]))
#'             }
#'         }
#'         if (is.numeric(animals)) {
#'             if (length(which(animals < 1)) > 0 | length(which(animals >
#'                 nbAnimals)) > 0)
#'                 stop("Check 'animals' argument, index out of bounds")
#'             animalsInd <- animals
#'         }
#'     }
#'     nbAnimals <- length(animalsInd)
#'     ID <- unique(m$data$ID)[animalsInd]
#'     if (nbStates > 1) {
#'         if (inherits(x, "miSum")){
#'             states <- m$Par$states
#'         } else {
#'             cat("Decoding state sequence... ")
#'             states <- momentuHMM:::viterbi(m)
#'             cat("DONE\n")
#'         }
#'     } else {
#'       states <- rep(1, nrow(m$data))
#'     }
#'     if (sepStates | nbStates == 1) {
#'         w <- rep(1, nbStates)
#'     } else {
#'         w <- rep(NA, nbStates)
#'         for (state in 1:nbStates) w[state] <- length(which(states ==
#'             state))/length(states)
#'     }
#'     if (all(c("x", "y") %in% names(m$data))) {
#'         x <- list()
#'         y <- list()
#'         if (plotEllipse)
#'             errorEllipse <- list()
#'         for (zoo in 1:nbAnimals) {
#'             ind <- which(m$data$ID == ID[zoo])
#'             x[[zoo]] <- m$data$x[ind]
#'             y[[zoo]] <- m$data$y[ind]
#'             if (plotEllipse)
#'                 errorEllipse[[zoo]] <- m$errorEllipse[ind]
#'         }
#'     }
#'     if (is.null(covs)) {
#'         covs <- m$data[which(m$data$ID %in% ID), ][1, ]
#'         for (j in names(m$data)[which(unlist(lapply(m$data, function(x)
#'           any(class(x) %in% momentuHMM:::meansList))))]) {
#'             if (inherits(m$data[[j]], "angle")){
#'                 covs[[j]] <-
#'                   CircStats::circ.mean(m$data[[j]][which(m$data$ID %in%
#'                   ID)][!is.na(m$data[[j]][which(m$data$ID %in% ID)])])
#'             } else {
#'               covs[[j]] <- mean(m$data[[j]][which(m$data$ID %in% ID)],
#'                 na.rm = TRUE)
#'             }
#'         }
#'     } else {
#'         if (!is.data.frame(covs)) {
#'           stop("covs must be a data frame")
#'         }
#'         if (nrow(covs) > 1){
#'             stop("covs must consist of a single row")
#'         }
#'         if (!all(names(covs) %in% names(m$data))){
#'             stop("invalid covs specified")
#'         }
#'         if (any(names(covs) %in% "ID")) {
#'             covs$ID <- factor(covs$ID, levels = unique(m$data$ID))
#'         }
#'         for (j in names(m$data)[which(names(m$data) %in% names(covs))]) {
#'             if (inherits(m$data[[j]], "factor")) {
#'                 covs[[j]] <- factor(covs[[j]], levels = levels(m$data[[j]]))
#'             }
#'             if (is.na(covs[[j]])){
#'                 stop("check value for ", j)
#'             }
#'         }
#'         for (j in names(m$data)[which(!(names(m$data) %in% names(covs)))]) {
#'             if (inherits(m$data[[j]], "factor")) {
#'                 covs[[j]] <- m$data[[j]][which(m$data$ID %in% ID)][1]
#'             } else if (inherits(m$data[[j]], "angle")) {
#'                 covs[[j]] <-
#'                   CircStats::circ.mean(m$data[[j]][which(m$data$ID %in%
#'                   ID)][!is.na(m$data[[j]][which(m$data$ID %in%
#'                   ID)])])
#'             } else if (any(class(m$data[[j]]) %in% meansList)) {
#'                 covs[[j]] <- mean(m$data[[j]][which(m$data$ID %in%
#'                   ID)], na.rm = TRUE)
#'             }
#'         }
#'     }
#'     formula <- m$conditions$formula
#'     newForm <- momentuHMM:::newFormulas(formula, nbStates)
#'     formulaStates <- newForm$formulaStates
#'     formterms <- newForm$formterms
#'     newformula <- newForm$newformula
#'     nbCovs <- ncol(model.matrix(newformula, m$data)) - 1
#'     Par <- m$mle[distnames]
#'     nc <- meanind <- vector("list", length(distnames))
#'     names(nc) <- names(meanind) <- distnames
#'     for (i in distnames) {
#'         nc[[i]] <- apply(m$conditions$fullDM[[i]], 1:2,
#'           function(x) !all(unlist(x) == 0))
#'         if (m$conditions$circularAngleMean[[i]]) {
#'             meanind[[i]] <- which((apply(m$conditions$fullDM[[i]][1:nbStates,
#'                 , drop = FALSE], 1, function(x) !all(unlist(x) ==
#'                 0))))
#'             if (length(meanind[[i]])) {
#'                 angInd <- which(is.na(match(gsub("cos",
#'                   "", gsub("sin", "", colnames(nc[[i]]))),
#'                   colnames(nc[[i]]), nomatch = NA)))
#'                 sinInd <- colnames(nc[[i]])[which(grepl("sin",
#'                   colnames(nc[[i]])[angInd]))]
#'                 nc[[i]][meanind[[i]], sinInd] <- ifelse(nc[[i]][meanind[[i]],
#'                   sinInd], nc[[i]][meanind[[i]], sinInd], nc[[i]][meanind[[i]],
#'                   gsub("sin", "cos", sinInd)])
#'                 nc[[i]][meanind[[i]], gsub("sin", "cos",
#'                   sinInd)] <- ifelse(nc[[i]][meanind[[i]], gsub("sin",
#'                   "cos", sinInd)], nc[[i]][meanind[[i]],
#'                   gsub("sin", "cos", sinInd)], nc[[i]][meanind[[i]],
#'                   sinInd])
#'             }
#'         }
#'     }
#'     tmPar <- lapply(Par, function(x) c(t(x)))
#'     parCount <- lapply(m$conditions$fullDM, ncol)
#'     for (i in distnames[unlist(m$conditions$circularAngleMean)]) {
#'         parCount[[i]] <- length(unique(gsub("cos", "",
#'             gsub("sin", "", colnames(m$conditions$fullDM[[i]])))))
#'     }
#'     parindex <- c(0, cumsum(unlist(parCount))[-length(m$conditions$fullDM)])
#'     names(parindex) <- distnames
#'     for (i in distnames) {
#'         if (!is.null(m$conditions$DM[[i]])) {
#'             Par[[i]] <- m$mod$estimate[parindex[[i]] + 1:parCount[[i]]]
#'             if (m$conditions$circularAngleMean[[i]]) {
#'                 names(Par[[i]]) <- unique(gsub("cos", "",
#'                   gsub("sin", "", colnames(m$conditions$fullDM[[i]]))))
#'             }
#'             else names(Par[[i]]) <- colnames(m$conditions$fullDM[[i]])
#'         }
#'     }
#'     Par <- lapply(Par, function(x) c(t(x)))
#'     beta <- m$mle$beta
#'     nbCovsDelta <- ncol(m$covsDelta) - 1
#'     foo <- length(m$mod$estimate) - (nbCovsDelta + 1) * (nbStates - 1) + 1
#'     delta <- m$mod$estimate[foo:length(m$mod$estimate)]
#'     tmpPar <- Par
#'     tmpConditions <- m$conditions
#'     for (i in distnames[which(m$conditions$dist %in% momentuHMM:::angledists)]){
#'       if (!m$conditions$estAngleMean[[i]]) {
#'         tmpConditions$estAngleMean[[i]] <- TRUE
#'         tmpConditions$userBounds[[i]] <- rbind(matrix(rep(c(-pi,
#'           pi), nbStates), nbStates, 2, byrow = TRUE), m$conditions$bounds[[i]])
#'         tmpConditions$workBounds[[i]] <- rbind(matrix(rep(c(-Inf,
#'           Inf), nbStates), nbStates, 2, byrow = TRUE),
#'           m$conditions$workBounds[[i]])
#'           tmpConditions$cons[[i]] <- c(rep(1, nbStates), m$conditions$cons[[i]])
#'           tmpConditions$workcons[[i]] <- c(rep(0, nbStates),
#'           m$conditions$workcons[[i]])
#'         if (!is.null(m$conditions$DM[[i]])) {
#'           tmpPar[[i]] <- c(rep(0, nbStates), Par[[i]])
#'             if (is.list(m$conditions$DM[[i]])) {
#'               tmpConditions$DM[[i]]$mean <- ~1
#'             } else {
#'               tmpDM <- matrix(0, nrow(tmpConditions$DM[[i]]) +
#'                 nbStates, ncol(tmpConditions$DM[[i]]) + nbStates)
#'               tmpDM[nbStates + 1:nrow(tmpConditions$DM[[i]]),
#'               nbStates + 1:ncol(tmpConditions$DM[[i]])] <- tmpConditions$DM[[i]]
#'               diag(tmpDM)[1:nbStates] <- 1
#'               tmpConditions$DM[[i]] <- tmpDM
#'             }
#'         } else {
#'           Par[[i]] <- Par[[i]][-(1:nbStates)]
#'         }
#'       }
#'     }
#'     tmpInputs <- momentuHMM:::checkInputs(nbStates, tmpConditions$dist, tmpPar,
#'       tmpConditions$estAngleMean, tmpConditions$circularAngleMean,
#'       tmpConditions$zeroInflation, tmpConditions$oneInflation,
#'       tmpConditions$DM, tmpConditions$userBounds, tmpConditions$cons,
#'       tmpConditions$workcons, m$stateNames)
#'     tmpp <- tmpInputs$p
#'     splineInputs <- momentuHMM:::getSplineDM(distnames, tmpInputs$DM, m, covs)
#'     covs <- splineInputs$covs
#'     DMinputs <- momentuHMM:::getDM(covs, splineInputs$DM, tmpInputs$dist,
#'       nbStates, tmpp$parNames, tmpp$bounds, tmpPar, tmpConditions$cons,
#'       tmpConditions$workcons, tmpConditions$zeroInflation,
#'       tmpConditions$oneInflation, tmpConditions$circularAngleMean)
#'     fullDM <- DMinputs$fullDM
#'     DMind <- DMinputs$DMind
#'     wpar <- momentuHMM:::n2w(tmpPar, tmpp$bounds, beta, delta, nbStates,
#'       tmpInputs$estAngleMean, tmpInputs$DM, DMinputs$cons, DMinputs$workcons,
#'       tmpp$Bndind)
#'     nc <- meanind <- vector("list", length(distnames))
#'     names(nc) <- names(meanind) <- distnames
#'     for (i in distnames) {
#'       nc[[i]] <- apply(fullDM[[i]], 1:2, function(x) !all(unlist(x) == 0))
#'       if (tmpInputs$circularAngleMean[[i]]) {
#'         meanind[[i]] <- which((apply(fullDM[[i]][1:nbStates, ,drop = FALSE], 1,
#'           function(x) !all(unlist(x) == 0))))
#'         if (length(meanind[[i]])) {
#'           angInd <- which(is.na(match(gsub("cos", "", gsub("sin", "",
#'             colnames(nc[[i]]))), colnames(nc[[i]]), nomatch = NA)))
#'           sinInd <- colnames(nc[[i]])[which(grepl("sin",
#'             colnames(nc[[i]])[angInd]))]
#'             nc[[i]][meanind[[i]], sinInd] <- ifelse(nc[[i]][meanind[[i]],
#'             sinInd], nc[[i]][meanind[[i]], sinInd], nc[[i]][meanind[[i]],
#'             gsub("sin", "cos", sinInd)])
#'           nc[[i]][meanind[[i]], gsub("sin", "cos", sinInd)] <-
#'             ifelse(nc[[i]][meanind[[i]], gsub("sin",
#'             "cos", sinInd)], nc[[i]][meanind[[i]], gsub("sin", "cos", sinInd)],
#'             nc[[i]][meanind[[i]], sinInd])
#'         }
#'       }
#'     }
#'     par <- momentuHMM:::w2n(wpar, tmpp$bounds, tmpp$parSize, nbStates, nbCovs,
#'       tmpInputs$estAngleMean, tmpInputs$circularAngleMean,
#'       tmpInputs$consensus, stationary = FALSE, DMinputs$cons,
#'       fullDM, DMind, DMinputs$workcons, 1, tmpInputs$dist,
#'       tmpp$Bndind, nc, meanind, m$covsDelta, tmpConditions$workBounds)
#'     inputs <- momentuHMM:::checkInputs(nbStates, m$conditions$dist, Par,
#'       m$conditions$estAngleMean,
#'       m$conditions$circularAngleMean, m$conditions$zeroInflation,
#'       m$conditions$oneInflation, m$conditions$DM, m$conditions$userBounds,
#'       m$conditions$cons, m$conditions$workcons, m$stateNames)
#'     p <- inputs$p
#'     Fun <- lapply(inputs$dist, function(x) paste("d", x,
#'         sep = ""))
#'     zeroMass <- oneMass <- vector("list", length(inputs$dist))
#'     names(zeroMass) <- names(oneMass) <- distnames
#'     stateNames <- m$stateNames
#'     if (is.null(stateNames)) {
#'       stateNames <- NULL
#'       for (i in 1:nbStates) stateNames <- c(stateNames, paste("state",i))
#'     }
#'     legText <- stateNames
#'     tmpcovs <- covs
#'     for (i in which(mapply(is.numeric, covs))) {
#'       tmpcovs[i] <- round(covs[i], 2)
#'     }
#'     for (i in which(mapply(is.factor, covs))) {
#'       tmpcovs[i] <- as.character(covs[[i]])
#'     }
#'     if (inherits(m, "miSum")) {
#'       if (length(m$conditions$optInd)) {
#'         Sigma <- matrix(0, length(m$mod$estimate), length(m$mod$estimate))
#'         Sigma[(1:length(m$mod$estimate))[-m$conditions$optInd],
#'           (1:length(m$mod$estimate))[-m$conditions$optInd]] <-
#'             m$MIcombine$variance
#'       } else {
#'         Sigma <- m$MIcombine$variance
#'       }
#'     } else if (!is.null(m$mod$hessian)) {
#'       Sigma <- m$mod$Sigma
#'     } else {
#'       Sigma <- NULL
#'       plotCI <- FALSE
#'     }
#'     for (i in distnames) {
#'       if (sepAnimals) {
#'         genData <- list()
#'         for (zoo in 1:nbAnimals) {
#'           ind <- which(m$data$ID == ID[zoo])
#'           genData[[zoo]] <- m$data[[i]][ind]
#'         }
#'       } else {
#'         ind <- which(m$data$ID %in% ID)
#'         genData <- m$data[[i]][ind]
#'       }
#'       zeroMass[[i]] <- rep(0, nbStates)
#'       oneMass[[i]] <- rep(0, nbStates)
#'       if (m$conditions$zeroInflation[[i]] | m$conditions$oneInflation[[i]]) {
#'         if (m$conditions$zeroInflation[[i]]){
#'           zeroMass[[i]] <- par[[i]][nrow(par[[i]]) - nbStates *
#'             m$conditions$oneInflation[[i]] - (nbStates -  1):0, ]
#'         }
#'         if (m$conditions$oneInflation[[i]]){
#'           oneMass[[i]] <- par[[i]][nrow(par[[i]]) - (nbStates - 1):0, ]
#'           par[[i]] <- par[[i]][-(nrow(par[[i]]) - (nbStates *
#'             m$conditions$oneInflation[[i]] -
#'               nbStates * m$conditions$zeroInflation[[i]] -
#'             1):0), , drop = FALSE]
#'         }
#'       }
#'       infInd <- FALSE
#'       if (inputs$dist[[i]] %in% momentuHMM:::angledists) {
#'         if (i == "angle" & ("step" %in% distnames)){
#'           if (inputs$dist$step %in%
#'               momentuHMM:::stepdists & m$conditions$zeroInflation$step){
#'             if (all(c("x", "y") %in% names(m$data))){
#'               infInd <- TRUE
#'             }
#'           }
#'         }
#'       }
#'       covNames <- momentuHMM:::getCovNames(m, p, i)
#'       DMterms <- covNames$DMterms
#'       DMparterms <- covNames$DMparterms
#'       if (inputs$consensus[[i]]) {
#'         for (jj in 1:nbStates) {
#'           if (!is.null(DMparterms$mean[[jj]])){
#'             DMparterms$kappa[[jj]] <- c(DMparterms$mean[[jj]],
#'               DMparterms$kappa[[jj]])
#'           }
#'         }
#'       }
#'       factorterms <- names(m$data)[unlist(lapply(m$data, is.factor))]
#'       factorcovs <- paste0(rep(factorterms,
#'         times = unlist(lapply(m$data[factorterms], nlevels))),
#'         unlist(lapply(m$data[factorterms], levels)))
#'       if (length(DMterms)) {
#'         for (jj in 1:length(DMterms)) {
#'           cov <- DMterms[jj]
#'           form <- formula(paste("~", cov))
#'           varform <- all.vars(form)
#'           if (any(varform %in% factorcovs)) {
#'             factorvar <- factorcovs %in% varform
#'             DMterms[jj] <- rep(factorterms,
#'             times = unlist(lapply(m$data[factorterms],
#'               nlevels)))[which(factorvar)]
#'           }
#'         }
#'       }
#'       DMterms <- unique(DMterms)
#'       if (length(DMparterms)) {
#'         for (ii in 1:length(DMparterms)){
#'           for (state in 1:nbStates){
#'             if (length(DMparterms[[ii]][[state]])) {
#'               for (jj in 1:length(DMparterms[[ii]][[state]])) {
#'                 cov <- DMparterms[[ii]][[state]][jj]
#'                 form <- formula(paste("~", cov))
#'                 varform <- all.vars(form)
#'                 if (any(varform %in% factorcovs)) {
#'                   factorvar <- factorcovs %in% varform
#'                   DMparterms[[ii]][[state]][jj] <- rep(factorterms,
#'                   times = unlist(lapply(m$data[factorterms],
#'                     nlevels)))[which(factorvar)]
#'                 }
#'               }
#'             DMparterms[[ii]][[state]] <- unique(DMparterms[[ii]][[state]])
#'             }
#'           }
#'         }
#'       }
#'       covmess <- ifelse(!m$conditions$DMind[[i]], paste0(": ",
#'         paste0(DMterms, " = ", tmpcovs[DMterms], collapse = ", ")),  "")
#'       genDensities <- list()
#'       genFun <- Fun[[i]]
#'       if (inputs$dist[[i]] %in% momentuHMM:::angledists) {
#'         grid <- seq(-pi, pi, length = 1000)
#'       } else if (inputs$dist[[i]] %in% momentuHMM:::integerdists) {
#'         grid <- seq(0, max(m$data[[i]], na.rm = TRUE))
#'       } else if (inputs$dist[[i]] %in% momentuHMM:::stepdists) {
#'         grid <- seq(0, max(m$data[[i]], na.rm = TRUE), length = 10000)
#'       } else {
#'         grid <- seq(min(m$data[[i]], na.rm = TRUE), max(m$data[[i]],
#'           na.rm = TRUE), length = 10000)
#'       }
#'       for (state in 1:nbStates) {
#'         genArgs <- list(grid)
#'         for (j in 1:(nrow(par[[i]])/nbStates)) {
#'           genArgs[[j + 1]] <- par[[i]][(j - 1) * nbStates + state, ]
#'         }
#'         if (inputs$dist[[i]] == "gamma") {
#'           shape <- genArgs[[2]]^2/genArgs[[3]]^2
#'           scale <- genArgs[[3]]^2/genArgs[[2]]
#'           genArgs[[2]] <- shape
#'           genArgs[[3]] <- 1/scale
#'         }
#'         if (m$conditions$zeroInflation[[i]] | m$conditions$oneInflation[[i]]) {
#'           genDensities[[state]] <- cbind(grid, (1 - zeroMass[[i]][state] -
#'           oneMass[[i]][state]) * w[state] * do.call(genFun, genArgs))
#'         } else if (infInd) {
#'           genDensities[[state]] <- cbind(grid, (1 - zeroMass$step[state]) *
#'           w[state] * do.call(genFun, genArgs))
#'         } else {
#'           genDensities[[state]] <- cbind(grid, w[state] * do.call(genFun,
#'             genArgs))
#'         }
#'         for (j in p$parNames[[i]]) {
#'           for (jj in DMparterms[[j]][[state]]) {
#'             if (!is.factor(m$data[, jj])) {
#'               gridLength <- 101
#'               inf <- min(m$data[, jj], na.rm = T)
#'               sup <- max(m$data[, jj], na.rm = T)
#'               tempCovs <- data.frame(matrix(covs[jj][[1]],
#'                 nrow = gridLength, ncol = 1))
#'               if (length(DMterms) > 1){
#'                 for (ii in DMterms[which(!(DMterms %in% jj))]){
#'                   tempCovs <- cbind(tempCovs, rep(covs[[ii]], gridLength))
#'                 }
#'                 names(tempCovs) <- c(jj, DMterms[which(!(DMterms %in% jj))])
#'                   tempCovs[, jj] <- seq(inf, sup, length = gridLength)
#'               }
#'             } else {
#'               gridLength <- nlevels(m$data[, jj])
#'               tempCovs <- data.frame(matrix(covs[jj][[1]],
#'                 nrow = gridLength, ncol = 1))
#'               if (length(DMterms) > 1){
#'                 for (ii in DMterms[which(!(DMterms %in% jj))]){
#'                   tempCovs <- cbind(tempCovs, rep(covs[[ii]], gridLength))
#'                 }
#'                 names(tempCovs) <- c(jj, DMterms[which(!(DMterms %in% jj))])
#'                 tempCovs[, jj] <- as.factor(levels(m$data[, jj]))
#'               }
#'             }
#'             for (ii in DMterms[which(unlist(lapply(m$data[DMterms],
#'               is.factor)))]) {
#'                 tempCovs[[ii]] <- factor(tempCovs[[ii]],
#'                   levels = levels(m$data[[ii]]))
#'             }
#'             tmpSplineInputs <- momentuHMM::getSplineDM(i, inputs$DM, m,tempCovs)
#'             tempCovs <- tmpSplineInputs$covs
#'             DMinputs <- getDM(tempCovs, tmpSplineInputs$DM[i],
#'               inputs$dist[i], nbStates, p$parNames[i],
#'               p$bounds[i], Par[i], m$conditions$cons[i],
#'               m$conditions$workcons[i], m$conditions$zeroInflation[i],
#'               m$conditions$oneInflation[i],
#'               m$conditions$circularAngleMean[i])
#'             fullDM <- DMinputs$fullDM
#'             DMind <- DMinputs$DMind
#'             nc[[i]] <- apply(fullDM[[i]], 1:2, function(x) !all(unlist(x) == 0))
#'             if (inputs$circularAngleMean[[i]]) {
#'               meanind[[i]] <- which((apply(fullDM[[i]][1:nbStates, ,
#'                 drop = FALSE], 1, function(x) !all(unlist(x) == 0))))
#'               if (length(meanind[[i]])) {
#'                 angInd <- which(is.na(match(gsub("cos",  "", gsub("sin", "",
#'                   colnames(nc[[i]]))), colnames(nc[[i]]), nomatch = NA)))
#'                 sinInd <- colnames(nc[[i]])[which(grepl("sin",
#'                   colnames(nc[[i]])[angInd]))]
#'                 nc[[i]][meanind[[i]], sinInd] <- ifelse(nc[[i]][meanind[[i]],
#'                   sinInd], nc[[i]][meanind[[i]], sinInd],
#'                   nc[[i]][meanind[[i]], gsub("sin",  "cos", sinInd)])
#'                 nc[[i]][meanind[[i]], gsub("sin", "cos", sinInd)] <-
#'                   ifelse(nc[[i]][meanind[[i]],
#'                   gsub("sin", "cos", sinInd)],
#'                   nc[[i]][meanind[[i]], gsub("sin", "cos", sinInd)],
#'                   nc[[i]][meanind[[i]], sinInd])
#'               }
#'             }
#'             gradfun <- function(wpar, k) {
#'               momentuHMM:::w2n(wpar, p$bounds[i], p$parSize[i], nbStates,
#'               nbCovs, inputs$estAngleMean[i], inputs$circularAngleMean[i],
#'               inputs$consensus[i], stationary = TRUE, DMinputs$cons[i],
#'               fullDM, DMind, DMinputs$workcons[i], gridLength,
#'               inputs$dist[i], p$Bndind[i], nc[i], meanind[i], m$covsDelta,
#'               m$conditions$workBounds[i])[[i]][(which(tmpp$parNames[[i]] ==
#'               j) - 1) * nbStates + state, k]
#'             }
#'             est <- momentuHMM:::w2n(c(m$mod$estimate[parindex[[i]] +
#'               1:parCount[[i]]], beta), p$bounds[i], p$parSize[i],
#'               nbStates, nbCovs, inputs$estAngleMean[i],
#'               inputs$circularAngleMean[i], inputs$consensus[i],
#'               stationary = TRUE, DMinputs$cons[i], fullDM,
#'               DMind, DMinputs$workcons[i], gridLength,
#'               inputs$dist[i], p$Bndind[i], nc[i], meanind[i],
#'               m$covsDelta,
#'               m$conditions$workBounds[i])[[i]][(which(tmpp$parNames[[i]] ==
#'               j) - 1) * nbStates + state, ]
#'             if (plotCI) {
#'               dN <- t(mapply(function(x) tryCatch(numDeriv::grad(gradfun,
#'                 c(m$mod$estimate[parindex[[i]] + 1:parCount[[i]]],
#'                 beta), k = x), error = function(e) NA), 1:gridLength))
#'               se <- t(apply(dN[, 1:parCount[[i]]], 1,
#'                 function(x) tryCatch(suppressWarnings(sqrt(x %*%
#'                 Sigma[parindex[[i]] + 1:parCount[[i]],
#'                 parindex[[i]] + 1:parCount[[i]]] %*% x)),
#'                 error = function(e) NA)))
#'               uci <- est + qnorm(1 - (1 - alpha)/2) * se
#'               lci <- est - qnorm(1 - (1 - alpha)/2) * se
#'               do.call(plot, c(list(tempCovs[, jj], est,
#'                 ylim = range(c(lci, est, uci), na.rm = TRUE),
#'                 xaxt = "n", xlab = jj, ylab = paste(i,
#'               ifelse(j == "kappa", "concentration",
#'                 j), "parameter"), main = paste0(stateNames[state],
#'                 ifelse(length(tempCovs[,
#'                   DMparterms[[j]][[state]][-which(DMparterms[[j]][[state]] == jj)]]),
#'                 paste0(": ",
#'                   paste(DMparterms[[j]][[state]][-which(DMparterms[[j]][[state]] == jj)], "=",
#'                 tmpcovs[,
#'                   DMparterms[[j]][[state]][-which(DMparterms[[j]][[state]] == jj)]],
#'                     collapse = ", ")), "")), type = "l", lwd = lwd,
#'                   cex.main = cex.main), arg))
#'               if (!all(is.na(se))) {
#'                 ciInd <- which(!is.na(se))
#'                 withCallingHandlers(do.call(arrows, c(list(as.numeric(tempCovs[ciInd,
#'                 jj]), lci[ciInd], as.numeric(tempCovs[ciInd,
#'                 jj]), uci[ciInd], length = 0.025, angle = 90,
#'                 code = 3, col = gray(0.5), lwd = lwd),
#'                 arg)), warning = muffWarn)
#'               }
#'             } else {
#'               do.call(plot, c(list(tempCovs[, jj], est,
#'                 xaxt = "n", xlab = jj, ylab = paste(i,
#'                 ifelse(j == "kappa", "concentration", j), "parameter"),
#'                 main = paste0(stateNames[state],
#'                 ifelse(length(tempCovs[,
#'                   DMparterms[[j]][[state]][-which(DMparterms[[j]][[state]] ==
#'                   jj)]]), paste0(": ",
#'                   paste(DMparterms[[j]][[state]][-which(DMparterms[[j]][[state]] ==
#'                   jj)], "=",
#'                   tmpcovs[, DMparterms[[j]][[state]][-which(DMparterms[[j]][[state]] ==
#'                   jj)]], collapse = ", ")), "")), type = "l", lwd = lwd,
#'                   cex.main = cex.main), arg))
#'             }
#'             if (is.factor(tempCovs[, jj])){
#'               do.call(axis, c(list(1, at = tempCovs[, jj],
#'               labels = tempCovs[, jj]), arg))
#'             } else {
#'               do.call(axis, c(list(1), arg))
#'             }
#'           }
#'         }
#'       }
#'     } # FINISHED (and working) distnames loop
#'     # This is the section that plots the transition probabilities
#'     if (nbStates > 1) {
#'       gamInd <- (length(m$mod$estimate) - (nbCovs + 1) * nbStates *
#'         (nbStates - 1) + 1):(length(m$mod$estimate)) - ncol(m$covsDelta) *
#'         (nbStates - 1) * (!m$conditions$stationary)
#'       quantSup <- qnorm(1 - (1 - alpha)/2)
#'       if (nrow(beta) > 1) {
#'         rawCovs <- m$rawCovs[which(m$data$ID %in% ID), ,
#'           drop = FALSE]
#'         for (cov in 1:ncol(rawCovs)) {   #THIS IS TRUE START OF LOOP,
#'           if (!is.factor(rawCovs[, cov])) {
#'             gridLength <- 101
#'             inf <- min(rawCovs[, cov], na.rm = T)
#'             sup <- max(rawCovs[, cov], na.rm = T)
#'             tempCovs <- data.frame(matrix(covs[names(rawCovs)][[1]],
#'               nrow = gridLength, ncol = 1))
#'             if (ncol(rawCovs) > 1) {
#'               for (i in 2:ncol(rawCovs)) {
#'                 tempCovs <- cbind(tempCovs,
#'                   rep(covs[names(rawCovs)][[i]], gridLength))
#'                   tempCovs[, cov] <- seq(inf, sup, length = gridLength)
#'               }
#'             }
#'           } else {
#'             gridLength <- nlevels(rawCovs[, cov])
#'             tempCovs <- data.frame(matrix(covs[names(rawCovs)][[1]],
#'               nrow = gridLength, ncol = 1))
#'             if (ncol(rawCovs) > 1)
#'               for (i in 2:ncol(rawCovs)) {
#'                 tempCovs <- cbind(tempCovs, rep(covs[names(rawCovs)][[i]],
#'                   gridLength))
#'                 tempCovs[, cov] <- as.factor(levels(rawCovs[, cov]))
#'               }
#'           }
#'           names(tempCovs) <- names(rawCovs)
#'           tmpcovs <- covs[names(rawCovs)]
#'           for (i in which(unlist(lapply(rawCovs, is.factor)))) {
#'             tempCovs[[i]] <- factor(tempCovs[[i]], levels = levels(rawCovs[,i]))
#'             tmpcovs[i] <- as.character(tmpcovs[[i]])
#'           }
#'           for (i in which(!unlist(lapply(rawCovs, is.factor)))) {
#'             tmpcovs[i] <- round(covs[names(rawCovs)][i], 2)
#'           }
#'           tmpSplineInputs <- momentuHMM:::getSplineFormula(newformula, m$data,
#'             tempCovs)
#'           desMat <- model.matrix(tmpSplineInputs$formula,
#'             data = tmpSplineInputs$covs)
#'           trMat <- momentuHMM:::trMatrix_rcpp(nbStates, beta, desMat,
#'             m$conditions$betaRef)
#'           for (i in 1:nbStates) {
#'             for (j in 1:nbStates) {
#'               if (cov == 1 && i == 1 && j == 1){
#'                 covars <- tempCovs %>% slice(0)
#'                 df_trans <- bind_cols(covars, tibble(start_st = integer(),
#'                   end_st = integer(), prob = numeric(), lci = numeric(),
#'                   uci = numeric()))
#'                 }
#'               covars <- tempCovs
#'               prob <- trMat[i, j, ]
#'               start_st <- rep(i, nrow(covars))
#'               end_st <- rep(j, nrow(covars))
#'               print(paste0("Start ", "cov: ", cov, " i: ", i, " j: ", j))
#'               dN <- t(apply(desMat, 1, function(x)
#'                 tryCatch(numDeriv::grad(momentuHMM:::get_gamma,
#'                   m$mod$estimate[gamInd][unique(c(m$conditions$betaCons))],
#'                   covs = matrix(x, nrow = 1), nbStates = nbStates,
#'                   i = i, j = j, betaRef = m$conditions$betaRef,
#'                   betaCons = m$conditions$betaCons,
#'                   workBounds = m$conditions$workBounds$beta),
#'                   error = function(e) NA)))
#'               se <- t(apply(dN, 1, function(x)
#'                 tryCatch(suppressWarnings(sqrt(x %*%
#'                   Sigma[gamInd[unique(c(m$conditions$betaCons))],
#'                   gamInd[unique(c(m$conditions$betaCons))]] %*% x)),
#'                   error = function(e) NA)))
#'               if (!all(is.na(se))) {
#'                 lci <- 1/(1 + exp(-(log(trMat[i, j, ]/(1 -
#'                   trMat[i, j, ])) - quantSup * (1/(trMat[i,
#'                   j, ] - trMat[i, j, ]^2)) * se)))
#'                 uci <- 1/(1 + exp(-(log(trMat[i, j, ]/(1 -
#'                   trMat[i, j, ])) + quantSup * (1/(trMat[i,
#'                   j, ] - trMat[i, j, ]^2)) * se)))
#'                 lci <- as.vector(lci)
#'                 uci <- as.vector(uci)
#'               } else {
#'                 lci <- rep(NA, nrow(covars))
#'                 uci <- rep(NA, nrow(covars))
#'               }
#'               trans_probs <- tibble(start_st, end_st, prob, lci, uci)
#'               df_trans_ij <- bind_cols(covars, trans_probs) %>%
#'                 as_tibble(.)
#'               df_trans <- bind_rows(df_trans, df_trans_ij)
#'               print(paste0("End cov: ", cov, "i: ", i, " j: ", j))
#'             }
#'           }
#'         }
#'       }
#'     }
#'     df_trans_final <- dplyr::as_tibble(df_trans)
#'   return(df_trans_final)
#' }
Blakemassey/baear documentation built on Dec. 25, 2021, 9:48 a.m.