
########################### model_manipulation.R ###########################
# Functions to change and visualise the model

#' Print the value of the parameters of the model
#' Print the value of each path from the model, with the profile likelihood infos if they are provided.
#' @param model_description An MRAmodel object
#' @param precision Number of significant digits to print
#' @return Nothing
#' @details The print function is 'message' and thus produces an output in stderr
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{message}}
#' @author Mathurin Dorel \email{dorel@@horus.ens.fr}
printParameters <- function(model_description, precision=2) {
  model = model_description$model
  parameters = model_description$parameters
  message("Parameters :")
  paths = model$getParametersLinks()
  if (length(model_description$lower_values) > 0) {
    for (i in 1:length(paths)) {
      text = paste(simplify_path_name(paths[i]), "=", signif(parameters[i],precision))
      if (is.na(model_description$lower_values[i])) {
        if (is.na(model_description$upper_values[i])) {
          text = paste(text, "(non identifiable)")
        } else {
          text = paste(text, "( ni - ", signif(model_description$upper_values[i], precision), ")")
      } else {
        text = paste(text, "(", signif(model_description$lower_values[i], precision))
        if (is.na(model_description$upper_values[i])) {
          text = paste(text, "- ni )")
        } else {
          text = paste(text, "-", signif(model_description$upper_values[i], precision), ")")
  } else {
    for (i in 1:length(paths)) {
      message (paste( simplify_path_name(paths[i]), ":", signif(parameters[i], precision) ))

#' Plot heatmaps of the model simulation against the data weighted by the error, as well as the log fold change for the data and the prediction
#' @param model_description An MRAmodel object
#' @param limit An integer to force the limit of the heatmaps
#' @param show_values Whether the values should be printed in the heatmap boxes or not.
#' @return Nothing
#' @export
#' @seealso createModel, importModel
#' @family Model plots
#' @author Mathurin Dorel \email{dorel@@horus.ens.fr}
plotModelAccuracy <- function(model_description, limit=Inf, show_values=TRUE) {
  # Calculate the mismatch
  model = model_description$model
  data = model_description$data
  error = data$error
  cv = model_description$cv
  stim_data = data$stim_data
  init_params = model_description$parameter
  simulation = model$simulateWithOffset(data, init_params)$prediction
  prediction = log2(model$simulate(data, init_params)$prediction / data$unstim_data)
  mismatch = (stim_data - simulation) / error
  simulation = log2(simulation / data$unstim_data)
  stim_data = log2(stim_data / data$unstim_data)
  # Rebuild the conditions from the design
  nodes = model_description$structure$names
  design = model_description$design
  treatments = c()
  for (row in 1:nrow(mismatch)) {
    stim_names = nodes[design$stim_nodes[which(design$stimuli[row,]==1)]+1]
    inhib_names = nodes[design$inhib_nodes[which(design$inhibitor[row,]==1)]+1]
    if (length(inhib_names) > 0) {
      inhib_names = paste(inhib_names, "i", sep="")
    treatments = c(treatments, paste(c(stim_names, inhib_names), collapse="+", sep="") )

  message("Treatments : ")
  message(paste(treatments, collapse=" "))
  colnames(mismatch) = colnames(stim_data) = colnames(simulation) = colnames(prediction) = nodes[design$measured_nodes + 1]
  rownames(mismatch) = rownames(stim_data) = rownames(simulation) = rownames(prediction) = treatments

# Comparison of the data and the stimulation in term of error fold change and log fold change
  plotHeatmap(mismatch,"(data - simulation) / error", show_values=show_values)
  plotHeatmap(stim_data-simulation,"log2(data/simulation)", show_values=show_values)
# Log fold changes for the data and the stimulation with comparable color code
  lim=min(10, max(abs( range(quantile(stim_data,0.05, na.rm=TRUE),
                       quantile(simulation,0.05, na.rm=TRUE),
                       quantile(stim_data,0.95, na.rm=TRUE),
                       quantile(simulation,0.95, na.rm=TRUE)) )))
  if (!is.infinite(limit)) { lim = limit }
  plotHeatmap(stim_data, "Log-fold change Experimental data",lim,TRUE, show_values=show_values)
  plotHeatmap(simulation, "Log-fold change Simulated data",lim,TRUE, show_values=show_values)
  plotHeatmap(prediction, "Log-fold change Prediction",lim,TRUE, show_values=show_values)

  invisible(list(mismatch=mismatch, stim_data=stim_data, simulation=simulation))

#' Compute the error of the model
#' @param mra_model An MRAmodel object
#' @return A list with the simulation, the mismatch between the simulation and the data, and the residual of the fit
getModelError <- function(mra_model) {
    simulation = simulateModel(mra_model)
    mismatch = (mra_model$data$stim_data - simulation) / mra_model$data$error
    residual = sum(mismatch^2, na.rm=T)
    return(list(simulation=simulation, mismatch=mismatch, residual=residual))

#' Plot the scores of each antibody
#' Plot the scores of the fit for each antibody, which is how much
#' of the variation in the data is explained by the model
#' @param mra_model An MRAmodel object
#' @param ... Extra barplot parameters
#' @export
#' @family Model plots
#' @author Mathurin Dorel \email{dorel@@horus.ens.fr}
plotModelScores.MRAmodel <- function(mra_model, ...) {
    bb=barplot(mra_model$Rscores, xaxt="n", ylim=c(low_lim,1), las=1,ylab = "R²", ...)
    lablist = names(mra_model$Rscores)
    text(bb, par("usr")[3] - 0.05, labels=lablist, srt=45, pos=1, xpd=TRUE)


#' @rdname selectMinimalModel
reduceModel <- function(original_model, accuracy=0.95) {
    selectMinimalModel(original_model, accuracy)

#' Selection of a minimal model by the removal of non significant links with an Chi^2 test
#' @param original_model An MRAmodel object, as the one produced by createModel or importModel
#' @param accuracy Probability threshold, the type I error for each link will be 1-accuracy. Multiple testing is not taken into account.
#' @return An MRAmodel object of the reduced model with the data
#' @export
#' @author Mathurin Dorel \email{dorel@@horus.ens.fr} 
#' @author Bertram Klinger \email{bertram.klinger@@charite.de}
selectMinimalModel <- function(original_model, accuracy=0.95,verbose=F) {
  # Clone model object to not change original model specifications
  model_description = cloneModel(original_model)
  # Extra fitting informations from the model description
  model = model_description$model
  init_params = model_description$parameters
  expdes = model_description$design
  model_structure = model_description$structure
  adj = model_structure$adjacencyMatrix
  data = model_description$data
  if ("MRAmodelSet" %in% class(model_description)) {
    models = modelgroup$models
    initial_response = lapply(1:length(models), function(x) models[[x]]$model$getLocalResponseFromParameter( init_params[(1+(x-1)*n_par):(x*n_par)] ))
    rank = model$modelRank()/model_description$nb_models + length(model_description$variable_parameters)*(model_description$nb_models-1)
    if (length(model_description$variable_parameters)>0){
      variable_links = model$getParametersLinks()[model_description$variable_parameters]
  } else {
    initial_response = model$getLocalResponseFromParameter( init_params )
    rank = model$modelRank()
  if (is.na(model_description$bestfit)) {stop("A prior best fitting step is required to reduce the model from")}
  real_data = model_description$data$stim_data
  message("Performing model reduction...")
  init_residual = model_description$bestfit
  while (reduce) {
    # Each link is removed and the best of those networks is compared to the previous model
    for (ii in links.to.test) {
      model_structure$setAdjacencyMatrix( newadj )
      model$setModel ( expdes, model_structure )
      if (class(model)== "Rcpp_ModelSet"){
        paramstmp = unlist(lapply(1:length(models), function(x) model$getParameterFromLocalResponse(initial_response[[x]]$local_response, initial_response[[x]]$inhibitors)))
        # detect the parameter values that are fixed in the new network by having the exact same value in all following parameters
        leftVar = which( apply(matrix(paramstmp,ncol=model_description$nb_models,byrow=F), 1, not_duplicated) )
        result = model$fitmodelset(data, paramstmp) 
        response.matrix = lapply(1:model_description$nb_models, function(x) model$getLocalResponseFromParameter( rep(result$parameter[(1+(x-1)*n_par):(x*n_par)], model_description$nb_models) ))
        params[[c]] = c(response.matrix)
        new_rank = model$modelRank()/model_description$nb_models + length(leftVar)*(model_description$nb_models-1)
        paramstmp = model$getParameterFromLocalResponse(initial_response$local_response, initial_response$inhibitors)  
        result = model$fitmodel(data, paramstmp)
        response.matrix = model$getLocalResponseFromParameter( result$parameter )
        params[[c]] = c(response.matrix)
        new_rank = model$modelRank()
      residuals = c(residuals, result$residuals)   
      ranks = c(ranks, new_rank)
      if (verbose) {
        dr = rank - new_rank
        message(paste("old :", rank, ", new : ", new_rank))
        new_residual = residuals[length(residuals)]
        deltares = new_residual - init_residual
        message(paste(model_structure$names[(ii-1) %/% dim(adj)[1]+1], "->", model_structure$names[(ii-1) %% dim(adj)[1]+1], ": Delta residual = ", trim_num(deltares), "; Delta rank = ", dr, ", p-value = ", pchisq(deltares, df=dr) ))
      newadj[ii]=1 ## Slightly accelerate the computation
    # The loss of degree of freedom is equal to the difference in the ranks of the matrices
    new_rank = ranks[order.res[1]]
    new_residual = residuals[order.res[1]]
    dr = rank - new_rank
    if (dr==0) {
      warning(paste0("Link ",
                             model_structure$names[((links.to.test[order.res[1]]-1) %/% (dim(adj)[1])) +1], "->",
                             model_structure$names[((links.to.test[order.res[1]]-1) %% (dim(adj)[1])) +1], " belongs to a non-identifiable combination, setting df to 1."))
    deltares = new_residual - init_residual
    chi_score =qchisq(accuracy,df=dr)
    if (deltares < 0) { warning(paste("Negative delta residual :", deltares)) ; deltares = -deltares  }
    if (deltares < chi_score) {
      rank = new_rank
      message(paste0("Remove ",
                   model_structure$names[((links.to.test[order.res[1]]-1) %/% (dim(adj)[1])) +1], "->", # Line
                   model_structure$names[((links.to.test[order.res[1]]-1) %% (dim(adj)[1])) +1])); # Column (+1 because of the modulo and the R matrices starting by 1 instead of 0)
      message(paste( "New residual = ", residuals[order.res[1]], ", Delta residual = ", trim_num(deltares), ",  p-value = ", trim_num(pchisq(deltares, df=dr)) ))

      other_best = which((abs(residuals[order.res] - residuals[order.res[1]])) < 1e-4)[-1]
      if (length(other_best) > 0) {
          message("--- Other best links ---")
          for (lid in other_best) {
              deltares = residuals[order.res[lid]] - init_residual
              tmp_rank = ranks[order.res[lid]]
              tmp_dr = rank-tmp_rank
              if (tmp_dr==0) {
                warning(paste0("    Link ",
                               model_structure$names[((links.to.test[order.res[lid]]-1) %/% (dim(adj)[1])) +1], "->",
                               model_structure$names[((links.to.test[order.res[lid]]-1) %% (dim(adj)[1])) +1], " belongs to a non-identifiable combination, setting df to 1."))
              message(paste0("    Could remove ",
                           model_structure$names[((links.to.test[order.res[lid]]-1) %/% (dim(adj)[1])) +1], "->", 
                           model_structure$names[((links.to.test[order.res[lid]]-1) %% (dim(adj)[1])) +1])); 
              message(paste( "    New residual = ", residuals[order.res[lid]], ", Delta residual = ", trim_num(deltares), ",  p-value = ", trim_num(pchisq(deltares, df=tmp_dr)) ))
      init_residual = residuals[order.res[1]]
      model_description$bestfit = sort(residuals)[1]
    } else {
  message("Reduction complete")
  # We recover the final model
  ## Basal activity and data do not change
  model_description$model$setModel(expdes, model_description$structure)
  if ("MRAmodelSet" %in% class(model_description)) {
    model_description$parameters = unlist(lapply(1:length(models), function(x) model_description$model$getParameterFromLocalResponse(initial_response[[x]]$local_response, initial_response[[x]]$inhibitors)))
    # detect the parameter values that are fixed in the new network by having the exact same value in all following parameters
    leftVar = which( apply(matrix(model_description$parameters,ncol=model_description$nb_models,byrow=F), 1, not_duplicated) )
    model_description = setVariableParameters(model_description, leftVar) 
  } else {
    model_description$parameters = model_description$model$getParameterFromLocalResponse(initial_response$local_response, initial_response$inhibitors)
  model_description$infos = c(model_description$infos, "Reduced model")
  model_description$param_range = list()
  model_description$lower_values = c()
  model_description$upper_values = c()

  if ("MRAmodelSet" %in% class(model_description)){
  } else{

#' Tries to locally add one link each and returns a list of links ordered by their chi-squared differences to the original model
#' A new link found to be suitable by the modeller can then added by re-running the createModel function with the altered adjacency information.
#' Note that valöues assigned to be exactly 1 inidicate almost always an non-identifiable link, whose combined value is assigned to another node in the combination!
#' @param original_model MRAmodel or MRAmodelSet object describing the model and its best fit, containing the data
#' @param parallel Boolean number indicating whether addition is executed in a parallel fashion
#' @param mc Number of cores that should be used for the computation
#' @param sample_range Numeric vector containing all starting values for the new link (DEFAULT: c(10^(2:-1),0,-10^(-1:2)))
#' @param print Boolean indicating whether the result should be printed in a text file "Additional_link_suggestion.txt"
#' @param padjust_method The method to use for the adjusted p-value, as defined in p.adjust. 'BY' by default which provides the FDR under general dependence assumption (conservative)
#' @export
#' @seealso selectMinimalModel, createModel
#' @author Bertram Klinger \email{bertram.klinger@@charite.de}
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' ext_list = suggestExtension(mramodel)
#' }
suggestExtension <- function(original_model,parallel = F, mc = 1, sample_range=c(10^(2:-1),0,-10^(-1:2)), print = F, padjust_method="bonferroni"){
  # Clone model object to not change original model specifications
  model_description = cloneModel(original_model)
  expdes = model_description$design
  model_structure = model_description$structure
  adj = model_structure$adjacencyMatrix
  data = model_description$data
  model = model_description$model
  if ("MRAmodelSet" %in% class(model_description)) {
    models = modelgroup$models
    initial_response = lapply(1:length(models), function(x) models[[x]]$model$getLocalResponseFromParameter( model_description$parameters[(1+(x-1)*n_par):(x*n_par)] ))
    rank = model$modelRank()/model_description$nb_models + length(model_description$variable_parameters)*(model_description$nb_models-1)
    variable_links = model_description$variable_parameters
    if (length(variable_links)>0){
      variable_links = model$getParametersLinks()[variable_links]
  } else {
    initial_response = model$getLocalResponseFromParameter( model_description$parameters )
    rank = model$modelRank()
    variable_links = c()

  if (is.na(model_description$bestfit)) {
    stop("A prior fit is required to reduce the model")
  if (length(sample_range)==0){
    stop("'sample_range' should have at least one numeric value") 
  message("Performing model extension...")
  init_residual = model_description$bestfit
  # determine the links that should be added, exclude self links and links acting on a stimulus (if not measured)
  if (length(setdiff(expdes$stim_nodes,expdes$measured_nodes))>0){
  links_to_test=which( adj==0 & exclude==0)
  message(paste0(length(links_to_test)," links will be tested..."))
  # Each link is added and compared to the previous model
  if (parallel == T){
    for (ii in 1:length(links_to_test))
  colnames(extension_mat) <- cnames  
  message("Extension tests completed!")
  sig_res = sum(as.numeric(as.matrix(extension_mat$adj_pval))<=0.05)
  if (sig_res > 0){
    message(paste0(sig_res ," significant link extension",ifelse(sig_res>1,"s",""),"found"))
    message(paste0("printing the first ",sig_res," :\n"))
    for (ii in 1:sig_res){
    tmp = as.matrix(extension_mat[as.numeric(as.matrix(extension_mat$adj_pval))<=0.05,][ii,select])  
    tmp[,c("value","Res_delta","adj_pval")] = trim_num(tmp[,c("value","Res_delta","adj_pval")])  
    write.table(extension_mat,"Additional_link_suggestion.txt",quote = F,row.names = F,sep="\t")
  #TODO so far only locally explores extension by assuming the starting values of all previously fitted parameters and a range of different starting values for the candidate link

#' add Link routine
#' @param new_link Integer link whose addition is to be tested
#' @param adj integer Matrix original adjacency matrix excluding the new_link 
#' @param rank Rank of the input model
#' @param init_residual Numeric sum-squared error of original network
#' @param model MRAmodel or MRAmodelSet object of original network
#' @param initial_response List containing the local_response matrix and inhibitor strength of original network
#' @param expdes Design object of MRAmodel object 
#' @param data data Object of MRAmodel object
#' @param model_structure Structure object of MRAmodel object
#' @param sample_range Numeric vector containing all starting values for new_link
#' @param verbose Whether the function should be verbose or not
#' @author Bertram Klinger \email{bertram.klinger@@charite.de}
addLink <-  function(new_link,adj,rank,init_residual,model,initial_response,expdes,data,model_structure,sample_range,variable_links=c(),verbose=F){
  adj[new_link] = 1
  model_structure$setAdjacencyMatrix( adj )
  model$setModel ( expdes, model_structure )
  if (class(model) == "Rcpp_ModelSet"){
    if (length(variable_links)>0) {  
      for (ii in 1:length(initial_response)){ initial_response[[ii]]$local_response[new_link]=1} # set new link to one to preserve constant verus variable links
      paramstmp = unlist(lapply(1:length(initial_response), function(x) model$getParameterFromLocalResponse(initial_response[[x]]$local_response, initial_response[[x]]$inhibitors)))
      leftVar = which( apply(matrix(paramstmp,ncol=length(initial_response),byrow=F), 1, not_duplicated) )
  best_res = Inf
  for (jj in sample_range){
    if (class(model)== "Rcpp_ModelSet"){
      paramstmp = c()
      for (ii in 1:length(initial_response)){
      paramstmp = c(paramstmp, model$getParameterFromLocalResponse(initial_response[[ii]]$local_response, initial_response[[ii]]$inhibitors)) 
      tmp_result = model$fitmodelset( data,paramstmp )  
    paramstmp = model$getParameterFromLocalResponse(initial_response$local_response, initial_response$inhibitors)  
    tmp_result = model$fitmodel( data,paramstmp )
    if ( verbose == T )
    message( paste0( "for ", jj ," : ",tmp_result$residuals ) )
    if ( tmp_result$residuals < best_res ){
      best_res = tmp_result$residuals
      result = tmp_result
  response_matrix = model$getLocalResponseFromParameter( result$parameter )
  if (class(model) == "Rcpp_ModelSet"){
    new_rank = model$modelRank()/length(initial_response)+length(leftVar)*(length(initial_response)-1)
  new_rank = model$modelRank()
  dr = new_rank-rank
  deltares = init_residual-result$residuals
  extension_mat = matrix(c(new_link,
                           model_structure$names[(new_link-1) %/% dim(adj)[1]+1],
                           model_structure$names[(new_link-1) %% dim(adj)[1]+1],
                           1-pchisq(deltares, df=dr)),nrow=1)   
  colnames(extension_mat) <- c("adj_idx","from","to","value","residual","df","Res_delta","df_delta","pval")
  adj[new_link] = 0
  model_structure$setAdjacencyMatrix( adj )
  model$setModel ( expdes, model_structure )
  if (class(model)== "Rcpp_ModelSet"){
    if (length(variable_links)>0) { model$setVariableParameters(match(variable_links,model$getParametersNames()$names))}
    for (ii in 1:length(initial_response)){
    if ( verbose == T ){
    message(paste("[",extension_mat[1], "]" ,
                     ", new : ", new_rank,
                     ": Delta residual = ",
                     "; Delta rank = ",
                     ", p-value = ",
                     trim_num(extension_mat[9]) ))  

#' Computes the fitting scores for a new parameter set
#' Test the model with the provided parameter set and returns the fit, the scores and the (possibly updated) parameter set
#' @inheritParams computeFitScore
#' @param new_parameters A vector of parameters to use for the new fit
#' @return An objet of class MRAmodel
#' @export
# TODO specialisation of update ??
testModel <- function(mra_model, new_parameters, refit_model=FALSE) {
    if (length(new_parameters) != length(mra_model$parameters)) {
        stop("The number of parameters is incorrect")
    tmp_model = mra_model
    tmp_model$parameters = new_parameters
    tmp_model = computeFitScore(tmp_model, refit_model)
    tmp_model$bestfit = getModelError(tmp_model)$residual


#' Refit the model
#' Refit the model with a specified parameter set while keeping parameters constant
#' @param mra_model A MRAmodel object
#' @param parameter_set A vector of values used as parameters for the model. There must be a many values as there are parameters, or one that will be used for all parameters.
#' @param vary_param A vector of index or name of the parameters to refit, the others will be kept constant. Repetitions or redundant information (index and name designating the same parameter) are removed.
#' @param inits Number of random initialisations for the variable parameters
#' @param nb_cores Number of processes to use for the refitting. 0 to use all cores of the machines but one.
#' @param method Method to use for the sample generation for the random initialisations
#' @param fit_name Name of the refit for the title of the plots
#' @return The refitted model as an MRAmodel object.
#' @seealso printParametersNames
#' @name refit
#' @export
#' @author Mathurin Dorel \email{dorel@@horus.ens.fr} 
refitModel <- function(mra_model, parameter_set=c(), vary_param=c(), inits=100, nb_cores=1, method="randomlhs", fit_name="") {
    if (length(parameter_set) == 0) {
        stop("No 'parameter_set' provided in 'refitModel'")
    } else if (length(parameter_set) == 1) {
        parameter_set = rep(parameter_set, length(mra_model$parameters))
    } else if (length(parameter_set) != length(mra_model$parameters)) {
        stop("Incompatible 'parameter_set', wrong number of parameters in 'refitModel'")
    if (length(vary_param) == 0) {
        return(computeFitScore(mra_model, TRUE))
    if (nb_cores == 0) {
        nb_cores = detectCores()-1

    pnames = getParametersNames(mra_model)
    keep_constant = 1:length(mra_model$parameters)
    for (ii in 1:length(vary_param)) {
        if (!is.numeric(suppressWarnings(as.numeric(vary_param[ii])))) {
            if (!vary_param[ii] %in% pnames) {
                stop(paste0(vary_param[ii], " is not a valid parameter name"))
            vary_param[ii] = which(pnames==vary_param[ii])
        } else if (!vary_param[ii] %in% keep_constant) {
            stop(paste0(vary_param[ii], " is not a valid index for the model"))
    vary_param = unique(as.numeric(vary_param))
    samples = getSamples(length(vary_param), inits-1, method, nb_cores)
    init_pset = matrix(rep(parameter_set, inits), byrow=TRUE, nrow=inits)
    for (ii in 1:length(vary_param)) {
        init_pset[2:inits,vary_param[ii]] = samples[,ii]
        keep_constant = keep_constant[-which( keep_constant==vary_param[ii] )]
    results = parallel_initialisation(mra_model$model, mra_model$data, init_pset, nb_cores, keep_constant)
    order_id = order(results$residuals)
    plot(1:length(order_id), results$residuals[order_id], ylab="Likelihood", xlab="rank", main=paste0("Residuals ", fit_name), log="y")

    new_model = cloneModel(mra_model) 
    new_model$parameters = results$params[order_id[1],]
    new_model$infos = c(new_model$infos, paste0("Refitted with variable parameters c(", pastecoma(vary_param), ")") )
    if (fit_name != "") { new_model$name = fit_name }
    return( computeFitScore(new_model, FALSE) )

#' Fit a model using the parameter set from another model
#' @rdname refit
#' @export
fitFromModel <- function(mra_model, parameters_model, vary_param=c(), inits=100, nb_cores=1, method="randomlhs", fit_name="") {
# Add controls
    plp = parameters_model$model$getLocalResponseFromParameter(parameters_model$parameters)
    new_pset = mra_model$model$getParameterFromLocalResponse(plp$local_response, plp$inhibitors)

    return( refitModel(mra_model, new_pset, vary_param, inits, nb_cores, method, fit_name) )
MathurinD/STASNet documentation built on May 28, 2019, 1:50 p.m.