merged_ewce: Multiple EWCE results from multiple studies

View source: R/merged_ewce.r

merged_ewceR Documentation

Multiple EWCE results from multiple studies


merged_ewce combines enrichment results from multiple studies targetting the same scientific problem


merged_ewce(results, reps = 100)



a list of EWCE results generated using add_res_to_merging_list.


Number of random gene lists to generate (Default=100 but should be >=10,000 for publication-quality results).


dataframe in which each row gives the statistics (p-value, fold change and number of standard deviations from the mean) associated with the enrichment of the stated cell type in the gene list.


# Load the single cell data
ctd <- ewceData::ctd()

# Use 3 bootstrap lists for speed, for publishable analysis use >10000
reps <- 3
# Use 5 up/down regulated genes (thresh) for speed, default is 250
thresh <- 5

# Load the data
tt_alzh_BA36 <- ewceData::tt_alzh_BA36()
tt_alzh_BA44 <- ewceData::tt_alzh_BA44()

# Run EWCE analysis
tt_results_36 <- EWCE::ewce_expression_data(
    sct_data = ctd,
    tt = tt_alzh_BA36,
    thresh = thresh,
    annotLevel = 1,
    reps = reps,
    ttSpecies = "human",
    sctSpecies = "mouse"
tt_results_44 <- EWCE::ewce_expression_data(
    sct_data = ctd,
    tt = tt_alzh_BA44,
    thresh = thresh,
    annotLevel = 1,
    reps = reps,
    ttSpecies = "human",
    sctSpecies = "mouse"

# Fill a list with the results
results <- EWCE::add_res_to_merging_list(tt_results_36)
results <- EWCE::add_res_to_merging_list(tt_results_44, results)

# Perform the merged analysis
# For publication reps should be higher
merged_res <- EWCE::merged_ewce(
    results = results,
    reps = 2

NathanSkene/EWCE documentation built on Feb. 17, 2025, 7:52 a.m.